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Ada dua macam teks exposition, yaitu analytical exposition dan hortatory exposition.

Analytical Exposition

Teks ini merupakan sebuah tulisan yang menunjukkan opini penulis mengenai hal-hal yang mereka
pedulikan atau yang sedang terjadi di sekitarnya, misalnya seperti kejadian, benda, ataupun tempat.

Fungsi dari tulisan ini adalah meyakinkan para pembaca bahwa topik yang diutarakan merupakan
hal penting yang dapat diperdebatkan atau dibahas bersama-sama.

Generic Structure:

 Thesis: pernyataan pendapat penulis atau topik utama yang diutarakan penulis.
 Argument(s): bagian di mana seorang penulis akan bebas mengekspresikan pendapat
mengenai topik yang dibahas.
Hal ini bertujuan agar lebih meyakinkan pembaca bahwa topik yang dibicarakan amatlah
penting dan perlu ditilik lebih lanjut.
 Elaboration: pengembangan yang mendukung tiap-tiap point atau argument.
 Reiteration: penegasan kembali posisi dan pendapat penulis terhadap topik utama.

Hortatory Exposition

Teks ini merupakan sebuah jenis teks bahasa Inggris yang bersifat persuasif.

Biasanya, jenis teks ini digunakan untuk menjelaskan kepada pembaca mengenai sesuatu yang
boleh atau tidak boleh dilakukan.

Generic Structure:

Thesis:  pendapat atau opini yang relevan dan berdasarkan fakta mengenai isu atau tema yang ingin

Argument(s): untuk memperkuat opini atau pendapat dari penulis, diperlukan juga pendapat atau
argumen lainnya untuk membuktikan bahwa opini penulis sesuai fakta.

Recommendation: berisi rekomendasi untuk para pembacanya. Rekomendasi bisa berisi saran apa
yang sebaiknya dilakukan atau tidak dilakukan berdasarkan dari argumen atau opini yang sudah
diberikan oleh penulis.

Characteristic/ language Feature:

 Menggunakan kata benda umum (generic noun)

Contoh: bullying, agriculture.

 Menggunakan kata benda (abstract noun)

Contoh: sorrow, belief, truth, religion

 Menggunakan kata kerja relasi (relating verb)

Contoh: is, are, have

 Menggunakan kata kerja Tindakan (action verb)

Contoh: sweep, lift, kick

 Menggunakan kata kerja yang berhubungan dengan kegiatan pemikiran (thinking verb)

Contoh: think, wonder, understand, worry, believe

 Menggunakan kata kerja bantu (modal verb).

Contoh: can, may, will

 Menggunakan kata hubung (conjunction).

Contoh: first, second, last

 Berisi argumen-argumen.
 Banyak menggunakan kata-kata yang mengandung sebab akibat (cause-effect).
 Menggunakan kosakata yang mampu membangkitkan emosi pembaca, seperti: Amused,
concern, innocent, unreasonable etc.
 Simple present tense (S+to be/ bare infinitive+ complement)

Contoh: bullying is the use of force or coercion to abuse or intimidate others.

The following text is for questions 1-4

Effect of Social-Media on Children

Letting your child dive into the social media world can be scary. Child psychologist Kate Eshleman,
PsyD, discusses the potential danger of kids using social media and—if you are allowing them to use
it—how to talk to them about how to stay safe, not overdo it and take a lot of what they see on
there too seriously.

Most social media apps require users to be at least 13 years old. But in a recent poll. Parents shared
that 50 percent of children 10 to 12 years old and 33 percent of children 7 to 9 years old use social
media apps.

While experts are just beginning to understand social media’s impact on children, one study shows
that children younger than 11 years old who use Instagram and Snapchat are more likely to have
problematic digital behaviors like having online-only friends and visiting sites parents would
disapprove of, as well as a greater chance of taking part in online harassment.

In addition to problematic digital behaviors, there may be changes in children’s daily behavior at
home like: increase irritability, increased anxiety, and lack of self-esteem.

As a parent, it can be hard knowing what your child is doing online. There are dangers to be aware
of, though, including: cyberbullying, online predators, sharing too much information, false
marketing, dangerous viral trends.

Social media can have a positive effect on your child like helping them learn how to communicate
with others, navigate relationships, and how to manage somebody who isn’t being kind to them.

Here are a few tips on how navigate the social media world together. First, determine if your child is
ready. Second, talk to your kids. Third, limit screen time. Then, monitor their usage. Last is model
good behavior. Dr. Eshleman says practicing safe and healthy social media behaviors in front of
children can go a long way.


1. What is the text about?

a. Information on the best social media sites for kids.
b. A piece of writing about children's screen time.
c. An explanation from an expert about social media in general.
d. Explanation of the impact of social media on children.
e. Information on the positive effects of social media.
2. From the text, we know that…
a. For children, the world of social media can be frightening.
b. Parents should not explain social media to their children.
c. Children will understand the importance of social media safety.
d. Only people under the age of 13 have access to social media.
e. Social media does not have a negative impact on problematic digital behavior.

3. What does not arise as a result of social media addiction?

a. Irritability
b. Anxiety
c. Lack of self-esteem
d. Depression
e. Self-love

4. What dangers do children face on social media that are not mentioned?
a. cyberbullying
b. online predators
c. bomb threat
d. false marketing
e. dangerous viral trends

The following text is for questions 5-8

Retirement Without Savings

What would retirement without savings look like? That's not as crazy a question as it may sound. A
2019 research study from Northwestern Mutual found that 22% of adults in the U.S. have less than
$5,000 saved for retirement, while another 15% have no retirement savings at all. The same survey
reported that, on average, people think there's a 45% chance they'll outlive their savings. Clearly,
that's not an ideal scenario.

Retirement means the end of a steady income, which is why having a nest egg is so important. You
may need up to 80% of your pre-retirement income once you stop working.
Without savings, it will be difficult to maintain in retirement the same lifestyle that you had in your
working years. You may need to make adjustments such as moving into a smaller home or
apartment; forgoing extras such as cable television, an iPhone, or a gym membership; or driving a
less expensive car.

If you have not saved money for retirement and are not willing to overhaul your lifestyle, then
retirement might not be an option for you at all, particularly if Social Security isn’t enough to live
on. Many people forego retirement and work for as long as possible, largely because they don’t
have enough saved.

Retiring without savings requires a lot of sacrifices. Social Security does not provide enough money
for most people to maintain their pre-retirement lifestyles, so retiring with that as your sole source
of income will require big changes. For some people, making those changes and even continuing to
work part-time will provide them with enough to survive. For others, a lack of retirement savings
will mean forgoing retirement altogether.


5. The communicative purpose of the text is…

a. Explain the importance of saving for retirement.
b. Give information about pension fund management.
c. Inform people about things to do before retiring.
d. Discuss the issues that will arise following your retirement.
e. Tell the community about the financial benefits of pensions.

6. Which of the following statement is NOT TRUE according to the text?

a. According to a 2019 study, 15% of people have no retirement savings.
b. Most people do not receive enough money from Social Security.
c. Many people postpone retirement to work as long as possible.
d. Retirement heralds the start of a steady income.
e. When you retire, you may need up to 80% of your pre-retirement income.

7. What happens if we don't save for retirement based on the text?

a. The household economy and finances have significantly improved.
b. Convenience in meeting daily food and other basic needs.
c. A new spirit emerges to return to work.
d. It will be difficult to maintain the same lifestyle in retirement.
e. Ease of obtaining government assistance.

8. “Forgoing extras such as cable television.”

The closest meaning of the italic word is…

a. Yielding
b. Keeping
c. Avoiding
d. Fighting
e. Combating

The following text is for questions 9-12

Negative Effects of The Second World War

War is a great disaster for mankind as it leads to numerous deaths. The world is full of different armed
conflicts and local wars which are devastating. Still, looking at the history of mankind, it is possible to
remember the most destructive wars, the First World War and the Second World War. Taking the lives of
people, destroying their homes and the whole country, these two events were very important. 

One of the main negative results of the Second World War is the number of deaths from both sides of the
conflict. There are still no definite numbers on how many people died in that terrible war. Parker R. A. C.
mentions that about 20 million people were killed in the Soviet Union and it was only citizens. This number
includes about 2 million people who were prisoners and died in German camps. Still, it is noticed that
according to some data the number of dead Soviet Union people was about 50 million. There are no
trusted numbers of soldiers who were killed in the war. The number of dead Jews is shocking, about 80
million people. Japanese claim on 1,740,000 men lost in the war. It is impossible to enumerate all losses
suffered during the war.

People’s losses were numerous, still, the material devastations are also magnificent. Taking the USA, the
enemy did not step on its land, but the costs were great. The Soviet Union suffered the most:

In the west of the country quarters of all houses in the countryside had been destroyed. Two thirds of all
wealth disappeared. For mile after mile there were no houses, no roads, no bridges, no telegraph poles.
Most of the livestock were dead. Industry and communications were in ruins”.
The Second World War was the most devastating and ruining. It is impossible to remember any other war
where such people lose can be enumerated and such territory ravages of war may be seen. Still, looking at
the negative effects of the war it is impossible to say that the finish of the war is bad. Otherwise, people
received what they wanted, freedom, and can just watch on the negative results of the war and do not
allow its repetition in the future.


9. The text discusses…

a. History and new information about the Second World War.
b. Profits made during the Second World War.
c. Lessons from war, particularly the Second World War
d. Losses incurred as a result of the Second World War.
e. Analysis of the Second World War's losses and gains

10. What is the main negative effect of the second world war?
a. Government buildings and homes were severely damaged.
b. Defense equipment costs have risen dramatically.
c. The countries involved in the war's economic decline.
d. Soldiers and those directly involved have suffered psychological trauma.
e. The number of people killed on both sides of the conflict.

11. Based on the text, which excludes losses in western Russia?

a. All houses in the countryside had been destroyed.
b. Two thirds of all wealth disappeared.
c. People with affluent backgrounds began to emerge.
d. Most of the livestock were dead.
e. Industry and communications were in ruins.

12. “Most of the livestock were dead.”

The word livestock can be best replaced by…

a. Herd
b. Feral
c. Carnivore
d. Beast
e. Strays

The following text is for questions 13-16

The game of chess is loved all over the world. From Amsterdam to Zhengzhou, people gather in
living rooms, pubs, plazas, and libraries to match wits over the cherished checkered board. Why is it
that people are willing to devote such time to the game? It’s undoubtedly the fact that chess
involves an intense intellectual challenge that’s very good for the health of your mind.

Skilled chess players learn to anticipate an opponent’s next moves. To predict what another person
will do next, a player must develop the ability to adopt another person’s perspective and infer what
action they are likely to take. Behavioral scientists call this this ability to see from another viewpoint
the “theory of mind.” It’s an ability that is essential to exercising empathy and building healthy social

It might not be surprising to learn that expert chess players have strong memory skills. After all, the
game involves memorizing numerous combinations of moves and their potential outcomes. It’s also
interesting to note that experienced chess players show higher performance related to a particular
kind of recollection: auditory memory. This is the ability to remember what you’ve learned through

Chess can also help with the symptoms or severity of several health conditions, including dementia,
ADHD, and panic attacks. In addition, playing this challenging game can help you find a sense of flow
or improve the effectiveness of your therapy sessions.

If you’re considering chess as a hobby, you should know that it can be time-consuming and stressful,
especially if you plan to master the game or compete in tournaments. Whether these drawbacks
outweigh the potential cognitive health benefits is something you’ll have to determine for yourself.
It’s your move.


13. the best title of the text is…

a. The Rule of Chess Games
b. Advantages of Playing Chess
c. Introduction of Chess Games
d. Euphoria of Chess Games
e. Effect of Playing Chess

14. What can be inferred from the text?

a. Chess is becoming less popular around the world.
b. Chess cannot alleviate the symptoms of dementia.
c. Expert chess players have poor memory skills.
d. Chess is an intense intellectual challenge.
e. Experienced chess players do not have auditory memory.

15. The purpose of the text is…

a. To persuade readers to play chess.
b. To inform readers that chess games are enjoyable.
c. To get information about chess rules.
d. To explain readers about the advantages of playing chess.
e. To broadcast the excitement of chess games.

16. The second paragraph is mainly about?

a. A skilled chess player possesses mental theory.
b. Chess players learn to predict their opponents' moves.
c. Chess players must think like their opponents.
d. Theory of mind research by behavioral scientists.
e. Competent chess players must have the following abilities.

The following text is for questions 17-20

Does E-Sports Gives a Good Impact in This Generation?

Video games are games that we usually play when we get bored, but along with the times, video
games become a competition event, generally it called "E-Sports" what does it mean? E-Sports is an
acronym from Electronic Sports that usually a competition with a prize pool up to millions and
billions dollar and generally it's a competition between professional players, and video games
usually played by the young people, because the prize is very tempting, they got the motivation to
play every day and become a professional player and they can get to the pro scene and compete
against other professional players.

We are going to discuss the positive impact, the first positive impact is E-Sports could improve their
cognitive abilities, because playing games could train their decision making, second positive impact
is they could their communication skills, because E-sports competition is not played just by one
person, it needs teamwork and communication, third is they could get opportunities to get
scholarship through achievement from esports, they can get scholarships to foreign universities
such as Ashland University Esports and Brescia University Esports, and the last one is could improve
their strategy skills, because they're playing as a team and it needs strategy to win.


17. The text mainly tells us about…

a. The advantages of E-Sport.
b. E-Sports gaming discussion.
c. Introduction of E-sport competitions.
d. E-sport has a negative impact.
e. A study of e-sport games.

18. From the text, we know that E-sport…

a. Older generations enjoy playing video games.
b. E-Sports had no effect on their cognitive abilities.
c. E-sport helps players improve their communication skills.
d. The competitions have no cash prizes.
e. The players are only interested in winning the championship.

19. Why are e-sports so appealing to young people?

a. The prize is very appealing.
b. The skill is simple and quick to learn.
c. Physical strength is not required.
d. It is a fun and competitive game.
e. The likelihood of becoming a professional player is high.
20. What is the positive impact of E-sport?
a. It may impair their cognitive abilities.
b. It had no impact on communication abilities.
c. Opportunities to get scholarship.
d. People become wealthy in short time.
e. Having a large number of real-life friends.

The following text is for questions 21-24

The Side Effects of Excessive Exercise

If you are putting in too many hours at the gym or training too hard for sports, your body may begin
to respond negatively. Overtraining syndrome is a common condition among athletes and fitness
enthusiasts, one that can manifest itself through a variety of symptoms, both physical and

One person's definition of excessive exercise might differ from another's. However, overtraining
syndrome, or burnout, can affect anyone who participates in high-volume training without adequate

Over exercising effects on the heart include increased resting heart rate. You might also experience
unexplained weight loss and decreased appetite.

Overtraining can cause fatigue, ongoing muscle and joint pain unrelated to a specific injury, difficulty
sleeping or not feeling rested when you wake up. You might also find yourself getting sick more

You might notice frequent mood swings with increased anger or irritability, or you might notice a
lack of enthusiasm you once felt toward your sport. This condition can also cause impaired
performance in other areas of your life, such as school or work.

Overtraining can lead to increased stress and hormonal changes. As a result of this condition, your
levels of cortisol, or stress hormones, tend to increase. 

The best way to help prevent overtraining syndrome is to follow a training schedule that varies your
training load and includes mandatory rest phases. Treatment for both the physical and psychological
symptoms of overtraining requires attention from medical professionals.


21. What is the main idea of the text?

a. The advantages of regular exercise
b. Excessive exercise has negative impacts.
c. Ways to exercise properly.
d. An explanation for a bad exercise habit
e. The state of the body following exercise.

22. The fifth paragraph tells us about?

a. Regular exercisers experience mood swings.
b. A lack of enthusiasm for sports can have an impact on other areas.
c. People who are unable to control their emotions rarely exercise.
d. A heavy workload at work or school diminishes interest in sports.
e. Exercise must be developed in order to balance other activities.

23. What is the writer’s recommendation?

a. If necessary, seek professional help.
b. Schedule practice sessions with professional trainer.
c. Maintain consistent and balanced eating and sleeping habits.
d. Seek the assistance of a professional trainer to make training more consistent.
e. Adhere to a training schedule that varies the training load.

24. “This condition can also cause impaired performance.”

The synonym of the italic word is…

a. Injured
b. Cured
c. Straight
d. Helped
e. Challenged

The following text is for questions 25-28

Homework and its Negative Impact on Students

One of the great, yet often forgotten problems with homework is how it disproportionately affects
students from less affluent families. The American Psychological Association (APA) explained:
“Kids from wealthier homes are more likely to have resources such as computers, internet
connections, dedicated areas to do schoolwork and parents who tend to be more educated and
more available to help them with tricky assignments. Kids from disadvantaged homes are more likely
to work at afterschool jobs, or to be home without supervision in the evenings while their parents
work multiple jobs.”

While students growing up in more affluent areas are likely playing sports, participating in other
recreational activities after school, or receiving additional tutoring, children in disadvantaged areas
are more likely headed to work after school, taking care of siblings while their parents work or
dealing with an unstable home life. Adding homework into the mix is one more thing to deal with —
and if the student is struggling, the task of completing homework can be too much to consider at the
end of an already long school day.

In a study conducted by the OECD it was found that “after around four hours of homework per
week, the additional time invested in homework has a negligible impact on performance.” That
means that by asking our children to put in an hour or more per day of dedicated homework time,
we are not only not helping them, but according to the aforementioned studies — we are hurting
them, both physically and emotionally.

In order to help the students, find the right balance and succeed, teachers and educators must start
the homework conversation, both internally at their school and with parents. For teachers looking
for a more in-depth approach or for educators with a keen interest in educational equity, formal
education may be the best route. If this latter option sounds appealing, there are now many
reputable schools offering online master of education degree programs to help educators balance
the demands of work and family life while furthering their education in the quest to help others.


25. What does the writer tell us about?

a. Homework has a positive impact on students.
b. The advantages of homework for teachers.
c. Homework has a negative impact on students.
d. The Benefits and Drawbacks of Homework.
e. Teachers' and parents' perspectives on homework.

26. What can be inferred from the text?

a. Long hours of homework are beneficial to students.
b. Students from affluent backgrounds do not have access to homework facilities.
c. Parents and teachers should talk about their children's homework.
d. Impoverished children can easily complete their homework.
e. Excessive homework benefits both poor and wealthy students.

27. The fourth paragraph tells us about…

a. To excel, children should devote more time to homework.
b. The OECD conducted research on extra time for homework completion.
c. Extra homework time can be harmful to children's physical and mental health.
d. The explanation for the addition of homework time is 4 hours per week.
e. Children who do not complete their homework suffer from physical and mental

28. The author’s recommendations are as follows, except…

a. Look for a balanced and successful approach to homework.
b. Hold a meeting with teachers and parents.
c. Teachers must seek a more comprehensive approach.
d. A teacher pursues an online master's degree in education.
e. All decisions are returned to the student's parents by the teacher.

The following text is for questions 29-32

Hate Speech on Social-Media: What Schools Need to know

Today’s students are digital natives: they grew up with the internet and modern technology. In other
words, the online world is a very real and integral part of their daily lives. This includes social media
platforms like Instagram and TikTok. 

Meta, the company including Facebook and Instagram, defines hate speech as “a direct attack
against people — rather than concepts or institutions— on the basis of what we call protected
characteristics: race, ethnicity, national origin, disability, religious affiliation, caste, sexual
orientation, sex, gender identity and serious disease.”

Clearly, hate speech on social media is a major problem. However, the damaging effects of hate
speech don’t stay online. According to the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), there’s a direct and
dangerous connection between online hate speech and real-world violence. The CFR connects online
hate speech to “a global increase in violence toward minorities, including mass shootings, lynchings,
and ethnic cleansing.” Furthermore, the CFR notes that “social media can magnify discord” in the
current political climate. In fact, according to the CFR, “rumors and invective disseminated online
have contributed to violence” on “nearly every continent.” 

Hate speech can harm students – and greatly – even if it doesn’t result in violence. In the United
States, three out of five teens report that they’ve experienced online bullying. Cyberbullying often is
or quickly escalates to hate speech. Students face harassment related to gender, race, ethnicity, and
sexuality. Moreover, such harassment can harm a student’s self-esteem. It can also lead
to depression, anxiety, and even self-harm and suicidal ideation. 

Schools have a legal responsibility to maintain a safe learning environment for all students.
Therefore, it is imperative to monitor school computers for hate speech and harassment.


29. The second paragraph mainly tells us about…

a. Facebook and Instagram information
b. Protected characteristic classification.
c. Definition of hate speech.
d. Introduction of hate speech.
e. Explanation of the danger of hate speech.

30. Which is not a crime resulting from hate speech…

a. Massacre
b. Mass shootings
c. Lynchings
d. Ethnic cleansing
e. Robbery

31. The communicative purpose of text is…

a. Persuading readers to discuss about hate speech on social media.
b. Informing readers about the significance of social media.
c. Keeping the readers entertained with social media.
d. Readers are being educated about hate speech and social media.
e. Explaining readers on the dangers of social media.
32. Which includes characteristics protected under Facebook, unless...
a. Ethnicity
b. Religious Affiliation
c. Gender identity
d. Serious Disease
e. Majority people

The following text is for questions 33-36

Catcalling is not a Complement, it is Harassment

Since our center has been promoting the “Meet us on The Street” event all throughout this week,
focusing on the issues of gender-based street harassment, I wanted to turn my attention to one of
my biggest pet peeves; catcalling. Catcalling is when an individual whistles, shouts, or makes sexual
comments toward another individual as they are walking by. Women are often the ones faced with
having to deal with this ridiculous issue. The fact that I get a little nervous when I decide to get
dressed up because I don’t feel like getting harassed, is a problem. Women shouldn’t have to feel
self-conscious or nervous every time they get dressed to head out the door or every time they pass
by men on the street.

The most common defense that men have against this issue is that catcalls are their way of
“complimenting” a woman’s looks. Going up to a woman and telling her she’s beautiful is one thing,
but shouting “damn!” “hey sexy!” or whistling and honking the car horn as a woman walks by is a
different story. Catcalling can even get to the point of being dangerous if women decide defend
themselves or ignore the cat-callers, because often they will get offended causing them to act in an
aggressive or intimidating manner by name calling or going as far as assaulting women. THIS is

What men need to understand is that catcalling is not cute, funny, or complimenting. It’s degrading,
demeaning, and disgusting. It lets women know they are being objectified and looked at as nothing
more than a piece of meat. It makes women feel as though they have no rights or values. Women
are not dogs to be whistled at and they are not sexual objects. Women are more than their looks.
Women have the right to be treated with as much respect and dignity when walking down the street
as any man. Women deserve to feel safe.

33. What is the text written for?
a. To persuade readers that catcalling is a topic worth discussing.
b. To educate the reader on the meaning of catcalling.
c. To learn more about the dangers of catcalling.
d. To explain why readers should stop catcalling.
e. To make readers aware that catcalling is not a compliment.

34. Why isn't catcalling considered a compliment?

a. The men whistled at the ladies.
b. It degrades and dehumanizes women.
c. It upholds women's dignity.
d. It makes women blush and swoon.
e. It increases the value of women.

35. From the text, we know that…

a. Catcalling must be performed by a large number of people.
b. Whistling is not considered catcalling.
c. Catcalling is not something that men are supposed to do.
d. Women take pride in catcalling.
e. Catcalling is not a sexual comment made by another person.

36. “The ones faced with having to deal with this ridiculous issue.”

The underlined word can be replaced by…

a. Reasonable
b. Amusing
c. Serious
d. Tragic
e. Absurd
The following text is for questions 37-40

Negative Effects of Continued Hybrid Learning on Younger Children

Remote and hybrid education plans have become the norm for K-12 grade schools since the
pandemic. While these tools can help children, there are also clear disadvantages, particularly for
younger students. Being away from the classroom all or part of the time can harm kids.

When children are denied access to daily interaction with their classmates and recreational
activities, their mental health can suffer. This was the case in Las Vegas, where suicide rates among
students doubled during the nine months of pandemic school closures, with the youngest victim
only 9 years old.

While mental health is a critical crisis, isolation can also disrupt the social development of young
children. Peer interaction helps preschoolers learn the social skills required for connection with
others. Isolated grade-schoolers are more likely to turn to their devices, risking screen addiction as a
replacement for healthy peer relationships.

Another consequence for younger children, who often lack attention skills, is increased screen time.
This can have adverse health effects, both physical and mental, for kids such as poor sleep habits
and a rise in stress and anxiety. Too much time on social media can even lead to depression for

The first step is for parents to make learning at home easier for their children. Setting up a dedicated
workspace creates an atmosphere where kids can focus on their schoolwork without distractions.

Kids at home need regular breaks from technology. Parents should create familiar and regular
routines for their online learners rather than just enforcing a schedule. Children know what to
expect and when giving them a clear path for academic success.

Teachers need to ensure that any online curriculum is adapted for the academic and emotional age
of the student particularly when they are very young. Zoom meetings may not work well for early
grade school children or kids with learning disabilities. Instead, interactive learning apps may provide
a fun and engaging alternative.


37. The third paragraph is mainly about…

a. Young children's social development can be hampered by isolation.
b. Because of the isolation, children will develop mental health issues.
c. Children will find it difficult to interact with their peers.
d. Many children suffer from poor mental health and social isolation.
e. Children don’t learn social skills that allowed them to connect with others.

38. What happens if kids don't interact with their peers?

a. They feel lonely.
b. They become inactive.
c. They will have much time at home
d. Their mental health can suffer.
e. They will tantrum and sad.

39. What is the writer’s recommendation?

a. Create a forum for parents and teachers.
b. Send the kids to school at least three times a week.
c. Make it easier for their children to learn at home.
d. Explain to the children in a positive way.
e. Allow children to interact with their peers.

40. The word consequence in paragraph for can be best replace by…
a. Outcome
b. Attitude
c. Modesty
d. Consideration
e. Occasion

The following text is for questions 41-44

Generally speaking, fake news is a false narrative that is published and promoted as if it were true.
Historically, fake news was usually propaganda put out by those in power to create a certain belief
or support a certain position, even if it was completely false.

Social media has now created an environment where anyone with an agenda can publish falsehoods
as if they were truths. People can be paid to post fake news on behalf of someone else or automated
programs, often called bots, can publish auto-generated fake news. The motivations as to why
people create and distribute fake news are as numerous as there are individual opinions
While some examples of fake news seem innocent or just an attempt at fun, a lot of  fake news can
be damaging, malicious and even dangerous.

Malinformation’s dangers are blatant. For example, publishing a person’s private address can put
them at risk of physical danger. The potential dangers of misinformation and disinformation are
more subtle.

Fake news is created to change people’s beliefs, attitudes, or perceptions, so they will ultimately
change their behavior. If you believe fake news, then someone else drives your beliefs and decisions.
Also, in some parts of the world, there can be legal consequences for publishing and sharing fake

Misinformation and disinformation can also pose cyber security concerns. Fake news articles can be
entry points for hackers attempting to steal your information. Understanding the risk of fake news
and learning to recognize it is a way to practice identity management and protect your data. A cyber
breach can compromise your virtual banking accounts, so look out for fake news to grow your
financial IQ and establish fiscal security.

Misinformation, disinformation and malinformation are prevalent in online circles, so how should we
respond? The most frustrating part about fake news is that it’s hard for one person to do anything
about it. In many cases, an article with false or harmful information has done its damage by the time
you see it. The best you can do is learn to recognize fake news so that it doesn’t fool you or
compromise your security. Promoting online media literacy in your personal and professional lives is
also important.

When you see fake news, consider blocking the website or source spreading misinformation or
malicious fake articles so that you don’t see them in the future. If you see a friend or loved one share
a fake news article, politely let them know. Navigating information disorder is tricky — the offender
may double down if you approach them with hostility. The best way forward is always a civil
conversation. The people in your life likely have good intentions, even when sharing fake news.


41. Which of the following titles is suitable for the text above?
a. Fake News and Its Propaganda
b. The Positive Effect of Fake News
c. The Danger of Fake News
d. Misinformation of Fake News
e. Dealing with Fake News

42. What is the purpose of fake news based on the text?

a. to persuade readers that the news is true.
b. to deceive the reader that the news is true.
c. to provide readers with up-to-date information.
d. to sway people's opinions, attitudes, or perceptions.
e. to present additional information from a news story.

43. The main idea of sixth paragraph is…

a. Hackers attempt to steal information from others.
b. A method for identifying fake news.
c. Fake news can jeopardize cyber security.
d. A method for practicing identity management.
e. Fake news can provide financial security.
44. “Malinformation’s dangers are blatant.”

The synonym of the word blatant is…

a. Trivial
b. Small
c. Obvious
d. Vocal
e. Plain

The following text is for questions 45-47

Self-Reward: Is It Good or Bad?

There must be times when we are weary, bored, or stressed in the midst of our process and efforts
to accomplish anything. We get bored because we are too concentrated and locked in our everyday
routines at times. If we are exhausted, bored, or trapped, we could get agitated and sad if we let it
like that. As a result, we need a self-reward.

Self-reward can help us to develop our creativity, so it is fine to give yourself a reward. Rewarding
yourself for the hard work you have done can restore your motivation when you feel like giving up.
When you give yourself a reward, your brain produces dopamine, a hormone that makes us feel
good and joyful. This hormone also acts as a stress reliever, restoring mental clarity. Self-reward is
one of self-love action. Other than creativity, it helps us to develop our confidence. Therefore, we
can shine our positive vibe towards others.

Even though self-reward is important, we need to know that not all rewards are giving us positive
effects. For example, after we finish one of the parts in an assignment, then we will do a self-reward,
playing games all day long. Or you give yourself a reward by eating as much as you can, but it spends
all of your money. Too much isn’t it?

We need to know that self-reward does not mean revenge after doing something tiresome. It does
not mean postponing work and leaving it just like that. What will we get? Laziness. We feel too
secure and too lazy to work it again. It will not help us to achieve the best version of ourselves. It
cannot be said self-reward anymore, it can be said as a self-time-bomb.

One way to prevent over self-reward behavior is by self-control. Self-control can be done by holding
back and controlling each action, considering the consequences of each action, focusing on goals,
and setting priorities.

Self-control on self-reward will give us a positive impact, so that self-rewarding will be much more
meaningful and useful for us. If we consume excessively under the pretext of self-reward, it will have
a bad impact on us. So be mindful when giving yourself a reward.


45. When we need a self-reward based on the text?

a. When we are tired of trying to accomplish anything.
b. When we're bored and don't know what to do.
c. When we are subjected to excessive pressure from others.
d. When people ask you to go out and relax.
e. When you come across a difficult task.

46. What is the purpose of self-reward?

a. To ignore negative and bad thought.
b. To become the best possible version of ourselves.
c. To get the body in shape and relax.
d. To improve both mental and physical health.
e. To eliminate unnecessary thought.
47. From the text, we know that…
a. When we are overly focused on our routine, we will relief.
b. Self-reward can help us to lose or deteriorate our creativity.
c. Self-control cannot help people avoid overindulging in self-reward.
d. When we take a break, our brain produces dopamine.
e. The negative effect of self-reward is that you will become more active.

The following text is for questions 48-50

How Society Can Benefit from Gender Equality

Gender equality has been long fought for to be achieved for decades. However, despite the amount
of time and energy spent to reach the equality that everyone deserves, millions of women are still
dealing with discrimination and a huge gap in all professional and informal environments. The
inequality we're currently dealing with in this world affects everyone, including men. Stereotypes or
'rules' about how women and men, girls and boys begin in childhood and follow us through to

When all genders get equal education and job opportunities with men, this could lead to an increase
in economic growth. Why? Studies have revealed that diversity in a workplace could give employees
a better and more productive environment. Based on these findings, several countries have
implemented gender equality for employment in their workplace and it increased by 34 percent in
Egypt, by 12 percent in the United Arab Emirates, by 10 percent in South Africa, and by 9 percent in
Japan. There's also research that shows specifically when businesses put women in the top
leadership roles can do better business than men only in leadership roles, and it's proven that
businesses with at least 30% women in leadership positions are 15% more profitable.

Countries with higher levels of gender equality are shown to have higher levels of life satisfaction for
teens with big support given by both parents' involvement in childcare. In addition, giving the young
generation an understanding of the importance of gender equality can help them to think critically
about gender stereotypes and how they could affect life quality. Additionally, equal rights for
women to be paid equally have children to be provided better healthcare, better food, and better

Violence often relies upon gender inequality. Cases such as human trafficking and a lack of legal
protections for abused women are the impact of gender inequality. Improving the legal constitution
about equality for all genders in all aspects can provide security for those who are vulnerable and
condemn those who are against equality as a human right. As gender equality improves, a country's
peace also improves.


48. The text mainly tells us about…

a. People fought gender equality for decades.
b. Gender inequality is a common source of violence.
c. Countries with higher levels of gender equality.
d. The benefit of gender equality in society.
e. The definition of gender equality.

49. What is the writer’s purpose in writing the text?

a. To explain the readers about the important of gender equality in society.
b. To invite the leaders that to respect gender equality in society.
c. To persuade the leaders that gender equality is important.
d. To tell information about how to apply gender equality.
e. To explain the readers about gender equality and society.

50. What we can conclude from second paragraph?

a. Gender equality has been implemented in several nations.
b. Economic growth is increased by gender equality.
c. Equal educational and employment opportunities for men and women are required.
d. A workplace with more diversity might provide better conditions for workers.
e. Few nations have implemented workplace gender equality.

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