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Submitted in Fulfill the Requirement for Degree of

Sarjana Pendidikan

Sunita Indira
Bilingual Mathematics Education Study Program


The Development of Android-Based Augmented Reality Learning Media for

Three Dimensional Curved Surface

Name : Sunita Indira

IDN : 4173111076
Study Program : Bilingual Mathematics Education
Department : Mathematics

Approved by:
Thesis Supervisor,

Mangaratua M. Simanjorang, M.Pd., Ph.D.

NIP. 19800521 200801 1 011

Acknowledge by:
Mathematics Department Bilingual Program
Head, Coordinator,

Dr. Pardomuan Sitompul, M.Si. Dr. Ely Djulia, M.Pd.

NIP. 19691126 199702 1 001 NIP. 19660724 199103 2 012

Faculty of Mathematics and Science


Prof. Dr. Fauziyah Harahap, M.Si.

NIP. 19660728 199103 2 002

Date of graduate: 21st October 2021


Saya menyatakan dengan sebenarnya bahwa naskah skripsi ini adalah hasil
karya saya sendiri, dan semua sumber, baik yang dikutip maupun dirujuk dalam
naskah telah saya nyatakan dengan benar dalam sumber kutipan dan daftar
Apabila di kemudian hari diketahui dan dapat dibuktikan bahwa ternyata
di dalam naskah skripsi ini terdapat unsur-unsur jiplakan atau plagiasi maka saya
bersedia jika skripsi ini dibatalkan serta diproses sesuai dengan peraturan
perundang-undangan yang berlaku (UU No. 20 Tahun 2003, pasal 25 ayat 2 dan
pasal 70).
Medan, 24 Januari 2022
Yang menyatakan,

Sunita Indira

Sebagai sivitas akademik Universitas Negeri Medan, saya yang bertanda
tangan di bawah ini:

Nama : Sunita Indira

NIM : 4173111076
Program Studi : Pendidikan Matematika Bilingual
Fakultas : Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam
Jenis Karya : Skripsi

demi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, menyetujui untuk memberikan kepada

Universitas Negeri Medan Hak Bebas Royalti Noneksklusif (Non-exclusive
Royalty-Free Right) atas karya ilmiah saya yang berjudul:

The Development of Android-based Augmented Reality Learning Media for

Three Dimensional Curved Surface.

beserta perangkat yang ada (jika diperlukan). Dengan Hak Bebas

RoyaltiNoneksklusif ini Universitas Negeri Medan berhak menyimpan,
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Demikian pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya untuk dapat

dipergunakan semestinya.
Dibuat di : Medan
Pada Tanggal : 24 Januari 2022
Yang menyatakan,

Sunita Indira


Sunita Indira was born in Tebing Tinggi on April 9th,

1999, the second of three children from Surya Jaya and

Eliyanita Panjaitan. Graduated from SMA Negeri 1 Tebing

Tinggi in 2017. And continued the study in State University

of Medan from 2017 until now as a Bilingual Mathematics

Education colleger in Mathematics Department, Faculty of Mathematics and


Sunita Indira, IDN.4173111076 (2021), The Development of Android-Based
Augmented Reality Learning Media for Three Dimensional Curved Surface.
The objective of this study are developing the valid Augmented Reality
(AR) learning media in Android platform for three dimensional curved surface
and getting the students responses. This study was using the type of Research and
Development (R&D) with the ADDIE model ( Analysis, Design, Development,
Implementation, Evaluation). The data collection technique was using the
questionnaire, which used to validating the media and getting the students
responses. The validation was obtained from lecturer in State University of Medan
as the material experts and media experts. The media have been implement to the
students in the 3rd grade of SMP Negeri 35 Medan. The result of this study show
that the AR learning media is the very valid learning media in accordance to the
total score percentage of material experts (81,25%) and media experts (82,14%).
The students was responsing that the AR learning media in excelent category in
accordance to the total score percentage of students responses (85,88%).
Therefore, based on the validation, the validity of the android-based augmented
reality learning media for three dimensional curved surface has been tested.

Keyword: Development, Learning Media, Android, Augmented Reality.

Alhamdulillahirabbil’alamin, praise and gratitude toward the almighty God
for the abundance of grace and guidance, so that the thesis which about ― The
Development of Android-based Augmented Reality learning media for Three
Dimensional Curved Surface‖ can be complete.
This thesis is submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the Bachelor
Degree of Education (S1) in Mathematics Department at State University of
Medan. To finish this thesis, the author recognize has obstacles and difficulties
encountered but assistance, encouragement and guidance from many, this task can
be completed in time.
The author give thanks to the followings for every valuable time was that
was dedicate to help author during the data gathering, processing and writing of
this thesis
1. My father, alm. Ir. H. Surya Jaya who always give the author motivation,
advices and love till the end of his life; My mother, Eliyanita Panjaitan S.H.
who always supporting, loving, and praying for the author; My lovely
brother Muhammad Rizki Utama S.E. and Muhammad Rafa.
2. Mr. Dr. Syamsul Gultom, S.KM., M.Kes., as a rector of Universitas Negeri
3. Mrs. Prof. Dr. Fauziyah Harahap, M.Si., as the dean of faculty of
mathematics and science, Universitas Negeri Medan.
4. Mr. Dr. Pardomuan Sitompul, M.Sc., as the head of the mathematics
department and Mr. Lasker Pangarapen Sinaga, M.Sc., as the secretary of
the mathematics department.
5. Mrs. Dr. Ely Djulia, M.Pd., as the bilingual program coordinator.
6. Mrs. Dr. Nurhasanah Siregar, S.Pd., M.Pd., as the lead of mathematics
education study program.
7. My Thesis Supervisor, Mr. Mangaratua M. Simanjorang M.Pd., P.hD. and
my Academic Supervisor Dr. E. Elvis Napitupulu, M.S.
8. My Thesis Examiner Mr. Prof. Dr. Asmin, M.Pd., Mr. Dr. Edy Surya, M.Si.
and Ms. Glory Indira D. Purba, S.Si., M.Pd.
9. My validator Ms. Elfitra, S.Pd., M.Si. and Mr. Kairuddin, S.Si., M.Pd.
10. Mr. Drs. Bowonaso Lahagu, M.M. and Mr. Walhinson Saragih S.Pd as a
headmaster and mathematics teacher of SMP Negeri 35 Medan. and
students in class IX-8 class of SMP Negeri 35 Medan.
11. My gang of Telur Gulung Putar 2.0 that is Rizkia Putri Aditia Pohan,
Zilmiah Adnan and Hadijah Nur Islami Siregar who always support, loving
and helping the author during college and until the completion of the thesis.
12. My bestfriend Muhammad Azizan Faturrahman who always supporting,
accompanying and loving the author and his parents Mr. Abdul Aziz and
Ms. Eleonara Sri Agustina who has helped author’s family a lot
13. My classmates of Bilingual Mathematics Education that is Kevin, Ezra,
Vira, Ica, Apit, Enok, Sri, Pero, Paula, Tiffany, Safira, Kiran, Etha and Adil.
14. My boarding house friends that are Dita, Faizri, Anggi, Dinda, Diah, Indah,
Ica, Putri and Bulek who always help and loving the author.
15. Senior, sister Atikah Zikry and brother Latif Irfan who has helped the author
in doing the thesis.
16. Author’s friends that are Sara, Wulan, Puput, Nia, Nicky, Husna, Titi, Zul,
Sindi, Syafrina, Veronika, Anastasya, Januarizkah, Egi, Eunike, Ashal,
Affan, Hawari, Daffa, Husni who has motivating the author to finishing the
17. The member of HMJ-MAT in 2019-2020 period, the member of
Matematika Fair 2020 Organizing commitee, and the member of HMI who
have been give a lot of knowledge and experience to the author.

The researcher have been try to do the best in completing this thesis, but
realizing there are some imperfections. Therefore, the researcher asks for the
building comments and suggestions in order to reach the perfection of this thesis.
The researcher wishes that this thesis would be use to be a basis for developing
better learning media.
Medan, 24th January 2022

Sunita Indira

APPROVAL SHEET ................................................................................ i
HALAMAN PERNYATAAN ORISINALITAS .................................... ii
HALAMAN PERSETUJUAN PUBLIKASI .......................................... iii
BIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................ iv
ABSTRACT ............................................................................................... v
PREFACE .................................................................................................. vi
LIST OF CONTENT ................................................................................ ix
LIST OF FIGURE .................................................................................... xii
LIST OF TABLE ...................................................................................... xv
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ........................................................ 1
1.1 Background of Study ............................................... 1
1.2 Problem Identification ............................................. 3
1.3 Scope of study.......................................................... 4
1.4 Research Question ................................................... 4
1.5 Research Objective .................................................. 4
1.6 Research Benefit ...................................................... 4
1.7 Operational Definition ............................................. 5
CHAPTER IILITERATURE REVIEW ................................................. 7
2.1 Theoritical Framework ............................................ 7
2.1.1 Learning Media ..................................................... 7 Benefits and Function of Learning Media .......... 8 Types of Learning Media .................................... 10
2.1.2 Augmented Reality ................................................ 11 The Component of Augmented Reality .............. 13 The History of Augmented Reality ..................... 14 Augmented Reality Methods .............................. 15 Augmented Reality in Education ........................ 16
2.1.3 Android.................................................................. 17
2.1.4 Geometry ............................................................... 19
ix Plane Shape / 2-Dimensional Shape ................... 19 Solid Shape / 3-Dimensional Shape .................... 24
2.1.5 The Development of Learning Media Based
Augmented Reality ................................................ 32
2.1.6 The Development of Learning Media ................... 35
2.1.7 Validation .............................................................. 37
2.1.8 Student’s Responses Questionnaire ...................... 38
2.2 Relevant Research ................................................... 38
2.3 Conceptual Framework ............................................ 42
CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ................................ 44
3.1 Location and Time Research ................................... 44
3.2 Type of Research ..................................................... 44
3.3 Subject and Object of Research ............................... 44
3.4 Research Design ...................................................... 44
3.5 Data Collection Technique ...................................... 45
3.6 Research Instrument ................................................ 45
3.7 Research Procedure ................................................. 47
3.8 Data Analysis Technique ......................................... 49
CHAPTER IV RESULT AND DISCUSSION ..................................... 52
4.1 Result ........................................................................ 52
4.1.1 Analysis Phase ....................................................... 52
4.1.2 Design Phase .......................................................... 53 Goal Formulation of Developing Learning
Media .................................................................. 53 Flowchart Making ............................................... 54 Collecting Design Objects .................................. 55
4.1.3 Development Phase ............................................... 56 Learning Media Creation .................................... 56 Validation of Learning Media ............................ 76
4.1.4 Implementation Phase ............................................ 79
4.1.5 Evaluation Phase .................................................... 81
x The Result of Media Experts’ Validation ........... 81 The Result of Material Experts’ Validation........ 83
4.2 Discussion ................................................................. 87
4.2.1 The Development of Android-based Augmented
Reality Learning Media for Three Dimensional
Curved Surface ...................................................... 87
4.2.2 Students response of Android-based Augmented
Reality Learning Media for Three Dimensional
Curved Surface ...................................................... 88
CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ........................ 89
5.1 Conclusion ................................................................ 89
5.2 Suggestion................................................................. 89
BIBLIOGRAPHY ..................................................................................... 90
Appendix 1.Instrument Validation for Media Expert ................................ 94
Appendix 2.Instrument Validation for Material Expert ............................. 97
Appendix 3.Instrument for Students response ........................................... 100
Appendix 4.Flowchart ................................................................................ 103
Appendix 5.Validation of Material Expert I .............................................. 104
Appendix 6.Validation of Material Expert II ............................................. 107
Appendix 7.Validation of Media Expert I.................................................. 110
Appendix 8.Validation of Media Expert II ................................................ 114
Appendix 9.Response Letter ...................................................................... 118

Figure 2.1 Dale’s Cone of Experience 8
Figure 2.2 Diagram Types of Teaching and Learning Media 10
Figure 2.3 The one most populer recent example of AR 11
Figure 2.4 Microsoft Hololens Headset Hardware 12
Figure 2.5 Paul Milgram’s reality–virtuality continuum 13
Figure 2.6 Depict of major layer and application module of an AR 14
Figure 2.7 Sample of Android Marker 16
Figure 2.8 Students using AR to explore a digital hologram of a
volcano via Google Expeditions 17
Figure 2.9 Equilateral triangle 20
Figure 2.10 Isosceles triangle 20
Figure 2.11 Right angled triangle 20
Figure 2.12 Scalene triangle 21
Figure 2.13 Square 21
Figure 2.14 Rectangle 21
Figure 2.15 Rhombus 22
Figure 2.16 Parallelogram 22
Figure 2.17 Kite 22
Figure 2.18 Trapezoid 23
Figure 2.19 Isosceles Trapezoid 23
Figure 2.20 Circle 23
Figure 2.21 Ellipse 24
Figure 2.22 Example of Prism 25
Figure 2.23 Example of Pyramid 25
Figure 2.24 Cylinder 26
Figure 2.25 Cylinder and surfaces plane of the cylinder 26
Figure 2.26 Coordinate of the function ( ) 27
Figure 2.27 Rotation of the function ( ) to the y-axis 27
Figure 2.28 Cone 28
Figure 2.29 Net of cone 29
Figure 2.30 Cone’s curved with height and radius 29
Figure 2.31 Sphere 30
Figure 2.32 Sphere diagram 31
Figure 2.33 Make the 3D object 32
Figure 2.34 Saving the 3D object file into the library 33
Figure 2.35 Rating for marker in vuforia 33
Figure 2.36 Saving the marker from vuforia 34
Figure 2.37 Input marker and object in unity 34
Figure 2.38 The steps to rendering the virtual object in the real life 35
Figure 3.1 Procedure of ADDIE models 48
Figure 4.1 Making cone in Blender 3D 56
Figure 4.2 Making net’s of cone in Blender 3D 57
Figure 4.3 Making cylinder in Blender 3D 57
Figure 4.4 Making net’s of cylinder in Blender 3D 58
Figure 4.5 Making 3D object of sphere 59
Figure 4.6 Export into 3D model 59
Figure 4.7 Triangular prism inside cylinder 60
Figure 4.8 Import object triangular prism inside cylinder into 3D 60
Figure 4.9 Marker in vuforia 61
Figure 4.10 Lisence 61
Figure 4.11 Imported component into unity 62
Figure 4.12 Main menu scene 62
Figure 4.13 AR menu scene 63
Figure 4.14 Cylinder menu scene 63
Figure 4.15 Cylinder volume scene 64
Figure 4.16 Cone menu scene 64
Figure 4.17 Cone’s volume scene 65
Figure 4.18 Sphere menu scene 65
Figure 4.19 Sphere’s volume scene 66
Figure 4.20 Animation coding I 66
Figure 4.21 Animation coding II 66
Figure 4.22 Coding button playback video 67
Figure 4.23 Codding move scene button 68
Figure 4.24 Main menu 69
Figure 4.25 Basic competence/competence indicator 69
Figure 4.26 Material 70
Figure 4.27 Sub menu of material 70
Figure 4.28 About 71
Figure 4.29 Instruction 71
Figure 4.30 AR camera sub menu 72
Figure 4.31 Sub menu of cone 72
Figure 4.32 Animation of cone 73
Figure 4.33 Animation of cylinder 73
Figure 4.34 Video of cone 74
Figure 4.35 Cylinder volume approachment 74
Figure 4.36 Surface area of sphere animation 75
Figure 4.37 Volume of sphere animation 75
Figure 4.38 Material display before revision 76
Figure 4.39 Material display after revision 77
Figure 4.40 Volume of sphere before revision 77
Figure 4.41 Volume of sphere after revision page 1 78
Figure 4.42 Volume of sphere after revision page 2 78
Figure 4.43 Text before revision 79
Figure 4.44 Text after revision 79

Table 2.1 Android version 18
Table 3.1 Indicators of instrument for media expert 46
Table 3.2 Indicators of instrument for material expert 46
Table 3.3 Indicators of instrument for student’s responses 47
Table 3.4 Convertion of validation data percentage into qualitative 50
Table 3.5 Convertion of student’s responses data percentage into
qualitative 51
Table 4.1 Menu structure of AR learning media 54
Table 4.2 Students comments and suggests 80
Table 4.3 The result of media experts’ validation 81
Table 4.4 The result of material experts’ validation 83
Table 4.5 The result of student responses 85



1.1 Background of the Study

The coronavirus disease (Covid-19) pandemic or plague has hit more than
200 countries in the world and has brought challenges to educational institutions,
especially higher education institutions. Anticipating the spread of the virus, the
government has issued various policies, ranging from isolation, social and
physical distance to large-scale social restrictions (PSBB). This situation requires
peoples to stay at home, worship, study and work at home (Jamaluddin et al.,
2020:2). Where possible, traditional courses are being replaced by books and
materials taken away from the school. Various e-learning platforms support the
interaction between teachers and students, and in some cases, national television
programs or social media platforms are used for education (Gonzalez et al.,
2020:1). This situation forces educational institutions to make breakthroughs in
the learning methods and models that must be selected in order to continue
learning. Even if it is done virtual (online), it will be subject to the consequences
of all restrictions, including teacher skills that have not yet been fully learned
online. And students with limited carrying capacity of existing infrastructure in
the place of residence (Hamid et al., 2020: 1-2).
Teachers and educators as important elements in education are required to
migrate from face-to-face learning to online learning. Where this causes problems
in the world of education. As the results of observations in SMP Negeri 35
Medan, where teachers deliver the online learning through Whatsapp and Google
Classroom by giving assignments that must be done by students without giving
explanations to students, so that the material is not conveyed properly and there is
less interaction between students and teachers. Handayani (2020:17) also stated
that during online learning, the delivery of material was not very clear and the
monotonous class causes students to feel bored.
Apart from these new problems, previously there have been problems in
the world of education, especially in mathematics geometry material. Based on

Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) in 2011 which

said the dimension of Indonesian students' lowest content is geometry. And this
condition still exists as emphasized by fitriani (2018:2) which said geometry
becomes one part of the school's mathematical subject that is difficult to learn in
Indonesia. The results of student interviews at SMP Negeri 35 Medan also
showed that students had difficulty understanding geometry, especially space and
shape, because the teacher only provided material from books without using the
other media so that students had difficulty in construct these spaces, especially in
three dimensional curved surface. This is in line with the research conducted by
Kariadinata (in Suganda, 2020:51) that in general students have difficulty in
visualizing and constructing geometric spatial shapes. Therefore, it is necessary to
design a learning experience to assist students in visualizing and constructing
geometric spatial shapes. This is also emphasized by Suganda (2020:51) that
learning media are needed to help students understand the material and to
visualize the shape of a mathematical space.
Learning media are inseparable things from learning process. This is
because the success of the material delivered by the teacher is also effected by the
learning media that used (Mustaqim, 2017:47). Along with the development of
technology, the development of learning media is also growing rapidly. The
combination between education and technology can be an alternative in the world
of education. One of the technologies currently developing is Augmented Reality
(AR) technology. Augmented Reality is a technology that combines virtual
objects into a real three-dimensional environment and displays them in real time,
so that the object seems alive and real in front of us (Affandi, 2014:4). Augmented
reality technology can overcome the limitations of space, time and senses such as
props that are too large and impossible to use in online or face-to-face learning. So
that Augmented Reality technology can be used as a complement to existing
learning media (Affandi, 2014:4). The reason that Augmented Reality technology
can be used as a learning medium is because the use of AR can make learning

more interactive and fun (Mustaqim, 2016:9). But until now, people's knowledge
about Augmented Reality technology are still very low (Mustaqim, 2017:37).
Based on the results of observations already done, SMP Negeri 35 Medan
is trying to improve the quality of learning, especially in the form of learning
media that can be used during online learning and so on. One of the things that
has been done is to start using smartphones in the learning process, for example
Android phone, where smartphones can be a medium for delivering learning
material during the online learning process, such as through the Whatsapp and
Google Classroom applications. However, this is not optimal, because students
are not very interested in the applications used and students feel lazy and bored
during online learning. So we need a media development that can help students
during the online learning process.
Based on the background above, this study will develop valid learning
media using Augmented Reality technology on the Android Platform for
geometric materials, especially for three dimensional curved surface. The final
objective of this research is to find out how students respond to the learning media
that has been developed.
1.2 Problem Identification
Based on the explanation above, below are the list of problems that are
identified in this research:
1. Lack of teacher in online learning skills and the limited carrying capacity
of existing infrastructure in students domicile
2. The delivery of material was not very clear and the monotonous class
causes students to feel bored during the online learning
3. Students have difficulty in visualizing and constructing geometric spatial
4. Needed the learning media to help students understand the material and to
visualize the shape of a mathematical space
5. People's knowledge about Augmented Reality technology are still very

6. Needed the development of a valid Android-based Augmented Reality

learning media for three dimensional curved surface
7. The students response to the Android-based Augmented Reality learning
media for three dimensional curved surface developed is not yet known.
1.3 Scope of Study
Based on the problem identification above, below are scope of study that
will discussed in this research:
1. Needed the development of a valid Android-based Augmented Reality
learning media for three dimensional curved surface
2. The students response to the Android-based Augmented Reality learning
media for three dimensional curved surface developed is not yet known.
1.4 Research Question
Based on scope of study above, below are the problem in this research:
1. How may researcher develop a valid Android-Based Augmented Reality
learning media for three dimensional curved surface?
2. How do students respond to the Android-based Augmented Reality
learning media in three dimensional curved surface?
1.5 Research Objectives
The objectives of this research are:
1. To develop a valid Android-Based Augmented Reality learning media for
three dimensional curved surface
2. To know the student’s responses about Android-Based Augmented Reality
learning media for three dimensional curved surface.
1.6 Research Benefit
The research is expected to have a positive impact to all parties involved,
namely researcher, mathematics teacher and students. Below are the expected
benefit for all parties involved:
1. Reseacher
For the reseacher, this research may increase the creativity and inovation
in developing the learning media

2. Mathematics teacher
For mathematics teacher, this research may help delivering the material to
improve the student’s knowledge of three dimensional curved surface
3. Student
For student, this research may help in learning process with the
constructivism approachment in three dimensional curved surface
4. The other reseacher
For the other researcher, this research may be the reference fot the similar
research and be the motivation to develop the better learning media.
1.7 Operational Definition
Operational definition in this research refers to a detailed explanation of
terminology used in this research. Defining the terms is intended to reduce the risk
of inconsistency and might provide a different understanding for the reader.
Below are the definition of the terms used in this research, namely:
1. Learning media is the media are tools, methods, and techniques used to
streamline communication and interest between teachers and students in
the education and learning process at school
2. Augmented Reality (AR) is a way of viewing the real world (either
directly or via a device such as a camera creating a visual of the real
world) and ―augmenting‖ that realworld visual with computer-generated
input such as still graphics, audio, or videos.
3. Android is a mobile technology platform that provides phone, tablets, and
other handheld and mobile device (even netbooks) with the power and
portability of the Linux operating system,the reliability and portability of
standard high level languages and APIs and a broad ecosystem of useful
4. Development of Learning Media is a series of process or activity which is
done to produce a learning devices based on existing development theory

5. Valid learning media is the learning media that it’s material should be
based on state of the art knowledge (content validity) and all components
consistently linked to each other (construct validity).


2.1 Theoritical Framework

In this framework will be presented about the learning media, augmented
reality, android, geometry shape, and development of learning media completely.
2.1.1 Learning Media
According to Heinich (2002:6), learning is the development of new
knowledge, skills, or attitudes as an individual interacts with information includes
the physical facilities, the psychological atmosphere, instructional methods,
media, and technology. Learning takes place all the time, like when walking down
the street, watching TV, surfing the Net, conversing with other people, or just by
observing what goes around us. Thus, learning process involves the selection,
arrangement, and delivery of information in appropriate environment and the way
learners interact with the information.
The medium (plural, media) is a communication channel. The term is
derived from Latin and means "between" and refers to anything that conveys
information between a source and a receiver (Heinich et al., 2002: 9-10). The
example of medium, like video, television, diagrams, printed materials,
computers, and instructors. The purpose of the media is to promote
Since the turn of the century, teachers have used various types of audio
and visual aids to help them teach. And teacher also expanded their repertoire of
materials and procedures to include the new technologis for learning.
Media can be used effectively in formal education situations where a
teacher is not available or is working with other student. Media are often
―package‖ for this purpose: objectives are listed, guidance in achieving objectives
is given, materials are assembled, and self-evalution guidelines are provided
(Heinich et al.,2002:12).
Therefore, learning media can be interpreted as a hardware or software
tool used by teachers to deliver materials to students in the learning process. In


learning, media is expected to make a more effective and efficient learning

process in accordance with the purpose of learning (Puspitarini et al., 2019:54). Benefits and Functions of Learning Media
The base theory of media that use in learning process by Dale’s cone of
experience (1946;Davis et al.,2015:2; Buhun et al.,2019:145) is:

Figure 2.1. Dale’s cone of experience

According to Dale’s Cone of Experience, the base of the cone is
characterized by more concrete experiences, such as direct experiences (real-life
experiences), contrived experiences (interactive models), and dramatic
participation (role plays). Direct and purposeful experience represents reality or
closet things in daily life. The common theme of these levels is that the learner is
"doing". The middle of the cone is a little more abstract, and its characteristic is
that the learner truly "observed" the experience. These levels are different from
the lower levels of the cone because students do not directly interact with
phenomena. Levels in this section of the cone include demonstrations, field trips,
exhibits, motion pictures, and audio recordings or still pictures. The peak of the
cone is the most abstract, where the experience is unrealistically represented by
visual or verbal symbols, that is, listening to spoken language (Davis et al.,
2015:3). So from that Dale’s Cone of Experience, the best learning is by the

experience, like doing the learning process directly in real life or with the media
that close to the real life.
McKown (in Miftah, 2013:100) in his book "Audio Visual Aids To
Instruction" suggests four functions of media. The four functions are as follows.
(a) changing the focus of formal education, which means that with learning
media that was previously abstract to be concrete, learning from
theoretical to practical functions.
(b) to generate learning motivation, in this case the media becomes extrinsic
motivation for students, because the use of learning media becomes more
attractive and focuses the students' attention.
(c) provide clarity, so that the learners' knowledge and experience can be
clearer and easier to understand, the media can clarify this.
(d) To stimulate learning, especially the curiosity of students. Curiosity needs
to be stimulated so that there is always a sense of curiosity which must be
fulfilled through the provision of the media.
In line with those function, learning media may function as a tool of
delivering material from the teacher to the student in learning process. Base on
such function, the usage of learning media in teaching and learning process may
provide some benefit such as:
(a) Media that are attractive to students can help teachers get attention and
maintain student interest in the theories and concepts discussed. In
electronic media such as youtube, films, and music, students can see
theories and concepts in action. In a more than figurative sense, theories
and concepts leap from the screen.
(b) The use of media can hone students' skills in analyzing the media using the
theories and concepts being learned,
(c) The use of media in the classroom allows students to see new concepts and
examples while watching television, listening to music, or being in the
cinema with friends,

(d) Media can provide new experiences to students, especially if the media is
very different from the local environment ( Types of Learning Media
There are several types of learning media that is used in learning process.
According to Precious Dube (2019:410), below are the classification of learning
(a). Visual, include illustrated books, pictures, photographs, flashcards, charts,
maps, posters, displays, self-instruction elements, flip books, bulletins,
magnetic panels, flannel graphs, dioramas, drawings, mock-ups, film
strips, slides, transparencies, silent films, chalkboards and drawings.
(b). Audio, include radio, language laboratories, tape and disk recording,
telephone, telereading and sound distribution system
(c). Audio-Visual, include television, films, video recordings, sound movie
strips, recorded sound printed materials, study journeys and demonstration.
(d). Printed materials, include textbooks, fiction and non fiction books,
booklets, pamphlets, study guides, manuals and worksheets, as well as
word processed document prepared by students and teacher.

Figure 2.2. Diagram of type in teaching and learning media


2.1.2 Augmented Reality

Virtual reality is often used as an umbrella term for all manner of
immersive experiences, including many related terms such as augmented reality,
mixed reality, and extended reality. Augmented reality is a way of viewing the
real world (either directly or via a device such as a camera creating a visual of the
real world) and ―augmenting‖ that real-world visual effects with computer-
generated input (such as still graphics, audio, or video). The difference between
AR and VR is that AR augments (adds to) the real world or existing scenes, rather
than creating new things from scratch.
According to a strict definition, in AR, computer-generated content is a
superposition of real-world content. These two environments cannot communicate
or respond to each other. However, in recent years, the definition of AR has been
adopted, which also includes a more hybrid hybrid called mixed reality, in which
interactions between the real world and digital augmented content can occur
(Mealy,2018:8-9). Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality are often used
synonymously within the industry as well, with mixed reality rapidly gaining
favor as the more descriptive term for the combination of analog and digital
The example of one of the most popular recent examples of AR is
Pokémon Go. It places digital Pokémon characters in your real environment.

Figure 2.3. The one most populer recent example of AR


Mixed reality (MR) may take your view of the real world and integrate
computergenerated content that can interact with that view of the real world. Or it
may take a fully digital environment and connect it to real-world objects. In this
way, MR can sometimes be similar to VR and sometimes similar to AR.
In AR-based MR, the content of the digital world is no longer passively
laid on top of the real world; instead, it can act as if it were a part of the real
world. Digital objects appear as if they existed in the physical space, and you can
even interact with some digital objects as if they were actually there. For example,
you can put a digital rocket on a coffee table and watch it explode, or bounce a
digital football off the walls and floor of the real world.
Although Apple's ARKit and Google's ARCore are described as AR, they
actually cross the boundaries between AR and MR and reveal the naming
differences that occur in the industry. Although they project a digital layer on top
of the physical world, they’re also able to scan the environment and track surfaces
within the real world. This enables users to place digital objects in the real world,
cast digital shadows on real-world items, affect digital lighting according to the
real world’s lighting conditions, and so on — all things that lean more toward the
definition of MR.
Another example of a current AR-based MR headset is the Microsoft
HoloLens (shown in Figure 2.4), a headset that scans the physical environment to
mix in digital objects. This technology, which is also found in Microsoft’s Meta 2,
takes things a step further than the current tablet-based offerings from Apple and
Google. It projects the digital environment onto translucent visors and enables
your hands to interact with those digital objects as if they were physically there

Figure 2.4. Microsoft hololens headset hardware

Extended reality (XR) is the umbrella term for the entire spectrum of
technologies discussed thus far (including VR, AR, and AV). The virtual
continuum is a scale used to measure the authenticity or virtuality of technology.
On one end of the scale is the completely virtual, and on the other end is the
completely real. XR spans the full spectrum of this scale, from end to end.

Figure 2.5. Paul Milgram’s reality–virtuality continuum.

Show in figure 2.5 is the terms fall on the scale developed by technology
researcher Paul Milgram in the 1990s. Though, that MR and AR, while separated
in this chart for definition’s sake, are often used synonymously to refer to the
spectrum that MR is shown covering here (Mealy,2018:14). The Component of Augmented Reality

There are necessary components to make the Augmented reality working
as well as the process. Below is the component that needed :
(a) Augmented Reality hardware component
 Computer , such as PC or mobile device
(b) Augmented Reality software component
An AR application can be structured in three layers: the application layer,
the AR layer, and the OS/Third Party layer.
 The application layer
 The AR layer
 The OS/Third Party layer

Figure 2.6 Depict of major layer and application module of an AR application

(Grubert et al., 2013:12). The History of Augmented Reality

In 1990, Tom Caudell, an employee at Boeing Computer Services
Research, was asked to create a replacement for Boeing’s current system of large
plywood boards with wiring instructions for each aircraft being built. Caudell and
his colleague David Mizell proposed a head-mounted display for construction
workers, superimposing the position of the cables through glasses, and projecting
them onto a multi-purpose, reusable board. It is not necessary to use a different
circuit board for each aircraft, and custom wiring instructions can be worn by the
workers themselves. Caudell and Mizell coined the term augmented reality for
this technology.
Tom Caudell and David Mizell not only coined the term augmented
reality, but also kicked off the use of AR in an industrial setting. Industrial
manufacturing is poised to be one of the most significant areas of AR expansion
in the near future. Although companies developing consumer-oriented AR
applications have to deal with many complex issues (including unknown user
groups and unknown execution environments), these variables can be managed or
even eliminated in the strictly controlled environment of the industrial
manufacturing workspace. Manufacturers can develop targeted hardware and
applications that can help their workforce train more quickly, work faster, access
data more easily, and help avoid errors. All these benefits can lead to massive

improvements in a company’s bottom line, making AR usage within industrial

settings a match made in heaven.
AR was treated to a surprise surge in popularity from a rather unexpected
source: the mobile phone. Similar to VR, AR had trudged along in relative
obscurity for a few decades since its inception. In recent years, with the rise of
VR, people's interest has increased slightly. The new developments of companies
such as Microsoft, Meta, and Magic Leap have shown promise, but there is
nothing for the masses to consume, and it is not clear when it will. In 2017, AR
experienced the biggest increase in public awareness since its inception, because
both Apple and Google released their own AR for various handheld mobile
devices running iOS or Android. Though neither has released exact numbers,
estimates place the number of users with ARKit- or ARCore-capable devices to
have reached over a quarter billion by the end of 2017.
AR, which has been in obscurity for a long time, suddenly has a huge
consumer market for which content can be created, and developers are starting to
race to create content for that market. Some examples include AR gaming
applications, utilities that place 3D objects within a real room for interior
decorating planning, map utility applications that overlay the real world with turn-
by-turn directions or points of interest, and apps that can translate foreign
language signs simply by pointing a mobile device camera at them (Mealy,
2018:19). Augmented Reality Methods
According to Dianrizkita (2018:122) there are two methods usually used in
Augmented Reality that is marker based and markless based .
(a) Marker Based , is a method that uses marker as a indicator on the camera
feature so that the application can display objects.

Figure 2.7. Sample of Android marker

(b) Markless Based, is the method that does not use the marker as a indicator
on the camera. This method only need the angle in the real to display the
object of the application. Augmented Reality in Education
Educators are constantly on the lookout for methods to help engage
students. The more engaged students are with the material, the more likely that
they will retain the information presented. AR can help facilitate learning by
helping students with that engagement. Professional environments can also benefit
from increasing engagement when training employees and technicians.
One example of experience using AR in education is the use of Google
Expeditions. Google Expeditions is an immersive education platform released in
2015 as a way for Google to deliver low-cost virtual field trips for classrooms.
Google Expeditions already has a VR component powered by Google Cardboard.
Expeditions AR looks to expand Google Expeditions VR into the AR world via
smartphone-powered AR experiences.
Expeditions AR maps the physical classroom and uses that digital
mapping to place 3D holograms around the environment. Mobile devices that
provide students with support can then walk around the digital holograms, explore
them up close to see details, or walk away to get an overall view of the hologram.
The teachers leading the Expedition can walk the students through what to look
for within each digital hologram or allow the students to explore at their own
Where Expeditions shines is when it enables children to explore in ways
they wouldn’t otherwise be able to. Not every student learns the same way, and
letting students walk around and explore a volcano or a DNA strand at their own

pace is far different from lecturing them on the subject or even showing them a
video. Expeditions AR hopes to help trigger those engaging moments for students.

Figure 2.8 Students using AR to explore a digital hologram of a volcano via

Google Expeditions (Mealy,2018:232).
2.1.3 Android
Android is a mobile technology platform that can provide mobile phones,
tablets and other handheld and mobile devices (even netbooks) with the powerful
functions and portability of the Linux operating system, the reliability and
portability of standard high-level languages and APIs, and a wide range of Useful
apps for the ecosystem (Darwin, 2017). Android applications are written
predominantly in the Java language (using tools such as Eclipse and Android
Studio), compiled based on the Android API, and translated into bytecode for
Android-only VMs.
Therefore, the operating system family associates Android with other
Linux-based mobile phone projects. Android is also related to BlackBerry’s older
Java ME phones, Java, and the wider Java Enterprise application domain through
programming languages.
It is now generally believed that Android occupies almost three-quarters of
the global smartphone market, although it has not replaced Apple's iPad in the
tablet market.Sales numbers are always changing, but it is clear that Android is
and will continue to be one of the major players in the mobile space.
Android can also be used on multiple dedicated platforms. Android Wear
introduces the programming model of Android into smart watches and wearable
environments for fitness trackers and other purposes. Android Auto is designed to
control entertainment devices in cars. Android TV runs in the controller of smart

TVs and non-smart TVs. Finally, Android Things was designed for the embedded
market and is now called the "Internet of Things" (IoT).
Android has gone through many versions in its life cycle. Each version has
a version number, a code name, and an API level. The version number is the
traditional version control system, such as 2.1, 2.3.3, 3.0, 4.0, 4.1, 5.0, 6.0 and so
on. When the first digit of the version changes, that's a big problem with many
new APIs; when the second digit changes, it's more of an evolution than a
revolution (and sometimes a new codename); and if only the third digit changes,
it's a minor change. The API levels are numbered monotonically. The code names
are using the alphabetical and always refer to sweet foods. API levels 1 and 2 did
not officially have code names. Below is the table of Android Version:
Table 2.1 Android Version (Darwin,2017:6).

2.1.4 Geometry
According to Heinbochel (2017:3), Geometry is the investigation of the
properties associated with points, lines, planes, and various shaped objects in one,
two and three dimensions. Furthermore, Geometry is the science which treats of
position, form, and magnitude (Wentworth,2010:3).In geometry there are two
types of object, namely plane Geometry and solid geometry. According to
Wentworth(2010:3), plane geometry treats of figures all points of which are in the
same plane, while solid geometry treats of figures all points of which are not in
the same plane. Plane geometry restricts itself to two-dimensional objects and
their properties, while solid geometry investigates objects in a three-dimensional
space (Heinbockel,2017:3). The geometrical object in two-dimensional space is
called the plane shape, include square, rectangle, circle, polygon, triangle, and so
on. While the geometrical object in three-dimensional space is called the solid
shape, include cube, cone, pyramid, cylinder, cuboid, prism and sphere. Plane shape / 2-dimensional shape
2-Dimensional shape or plane shape is the geometry shape in the 2-
dimensional space. 2-Dimensional shape devided into two, namely rectilinear
shape and curvilinear shape. Rectilinear shape is the 2-dimensional shape which is
bounded by straight line, while the curvilinear shape is the 2-dimensional shape
which is bounded by curved line (Wentworth,2010:7). The example of Rectilinear
shape are triangle and quadrilateral. And the example of curvilinear shape are
circle and ellipse.
4.1.1 Rectilinear shape
Rectilinear is a shape composed of straight lines and angular corners.
Rectilinear shapes can also called the geometric shapes, though geometric shapes
often refer to ―geometry‖ such as rectangles, triangles, hexagons, etc. whereas
rectilinear shapes may refer to virtually any shape composed of straight lines
 Triangle

Triangle is the 2-dimensional shape that have three sides and three angle.
Triangle devided into four types, below is the explanation about the types of
(a) Equilateral triangle
Equilateral triangle is the triangle which the sides and the angles are equal.
The third angle of equilateral triangle is 60 .

Figure 2.9. Equilateral triangle

(b) Isosceles triangle
Isosceles triangle is the triangle which have two opposites equal angles
and two equal sides.

Figure 2.10. Isosceles triangle

(c) Right angled triangle
Right angled triangle is the triangle that have one right angle . the right
angle is 90 .

Figure 2.11. Right angled triangle


(d) Scalene triangle

Scalene triangle is the triangle which no have two equal sides and two
equal angles.

Figure 2.12. Scalene triangle

 Quadrilateral
Quadilateral is the 2-dimensional shape that have four side and four angle.
Quadrilateral devided into some types, below is the types of quadrilateral:
(a) Square
Square is the quadrilateral that have four sides equal and four angles equal.
Each angle of the square is 90 .

Figure 2.13. Square

(b) Rectangle
Rectangle is the quadrilateral that have two opposites side and four right

Figure 2.14. Rectangle

(c) Rhombus

Rhombus is the quadrilateral that Has four equal sides. Opposite sides are
parallel to each other and opposite angles are equal. Diagonally opposite angles
are equal. The diagonals bisect each other at 90°.

Figure 2.15. Rhombus

(d) Parallelogram
Parallelogram is the quadrilateral that has two pairs of opposite equal
sides. Opposite sides are parallel to each other and opposite angles are equal. The
diagonals bisect each other.

Figure 2.16. Parallelogram

(e) Kite
Kite is the quadrilateral that has two pairs of equal sides next to each other.
Has no parallel lines. One pair of diagonally opposite angles is equal. Only one
diagonal is bisected by the other. The diagonals cross at 90°.

Figure 2.17. Kite


(f) Trapezoid
Trapezoid is the quadrilateral that has at least one pair of parallel sides.

Figure 2.18. Trapezoid

(g) Isosceles trapezoid
Isosceles trapezoid is the trapezoid that has a pair of base angles equal in

Figure 2.19. Isosceles Trapezoid

2. Curvilinear shape
Curvilinear is the 2-dimensional shape that have the curve side.
Curvilinear consist of two shapes, that is circle and ellipse. Below is the
explanation of each shapes:
 Circle
Circle is a 2-dimensional round shape with no corners or straight edges.
Made by drawing a curve that is always the same distance from a centre.

Figure 2.20. Circle


 Ellipse
Ellipse is curvilinear shape which the sum of the distances from two points
(focus) to each point on the curved line is constant. An ellipse is defined by two
points, each of which is called focus. The size of an ellipse is determined by the
sum of the two distances. The sum of these distances is equal to the length of the
principal axis (diameter of the longest ellipse).

Figure 2.21. Ellipse Solid shape / 3-dimensional shape
3-Dimensional shape or solid shape is the geometry shape in the 3-
dimensional space. According to Cao (2018:1), Three-dimensional (3-D)
geometry is geometry with three dimensions: length, width and height, i.e. a
geometry which requires three values to determine the position of an element. 3-
Dimensional shape devided into two, namely polyhedron surface and curve
1. Polyhedron surface
Polyhedron is the 3-dimensional space that have the flat surface. Below the
example of the polyhedron:
 Prism
According to Heinbockel (2017:460), if there are two congruent polygons,
called bases, that lie in parallel planes directly over one another and their vertices
are properly aligned and are connected by straight lines, then the resulting
polyhedron is called a prism. Below are the example of the prism:

Figure 2.22. Example of Prism

 Pyramid
A regular pyramid is a pyramid whose base is a regular polygon and
whose lateral edges are all congruent (Alexander et al.,2011:414). The name of
the Pyramid is based on the base of the pyramid. If the base of pyramid is triangle,
then the pyramid is called triangular pyramid, and so on. Below is the example of
the pyramid:

Figure 2.23. Example of Pyramid


2. Curve surface
Curve surface is the types of the 3-dimensional space which the surface of
the space is curve and does not have the angle. Below the example of the curve
 Cylinder
Cylinder is a 3-dimensional object with a curved face joined by two
circular faces at each end. The curved face is made of a rectangle. Cylinder have
two flat faces but no vertices.

Figure 2.24. Cylinder

Cylinder have the surface area and the volume, below are the formula:
(a) Surface area
Surface area is the sum of the planes that form the cylinder. The cylinder is
consist of 2 circle and 1 rectangle. Figure 2.25 show the surface of the cylinder

Figure 2.25. Cylinder and surfaces plane of the cylinder

The figure above, show the cylinder with height h and radius r. After
opened the cylinder, the figure 2.25 show that there are two circle and one

rectangle that form the cylinder. From figure 2.25, below is the formula of the
surface area of the cylinder:

( )

(b) Volume
Volume of the cylinder is the multiplying of the base area with the height
of cylinder. To get the derivative of cylinder volume, can be obtained by using the
integral formula of a rotary object. Let the funcion ( ) .

Figure 2.26. coordinate of the function ( )

The function for ( ) for then the curve will rotated the y-
axis. The rotate will form the cylinder like below:

Figure 2.27. Rotation of the function ( ) to the y-axis



∫ [ ( )]

( )
( )

From the integration above, can be conclude that:

 Cone
Cone is the 3-dimensional figure that tappers smoothly from the circular
base to the point that called apex or vertex. The height of the cone is connecting
the apex or vertex into the center point of circular base. Cone has the slant height
that is the distance in the lateral face that connecting the vertex into the base.

Figure 2.28. Cone

(a). Surface Area
Surface area of cone is equal to the sum of plane area of cone’s net. The
net of cone consist of cirle shape and the segment that called lateral surface. The

area of the base is r2. And to get the lateral surface area, we can use the
comparing formula like below.

Figure 2.29. Net of Cone

Base on the explanation above, area of segment CBB’ equal to the lateral surface
area. So we get that:
Surface area of cone = circular base area + lateral surface area
= r2 + rs
= r ( r + s)
(b). Volume

Figure 2.30. Cone’s Curved with height and radius


Considering the a right circular cone with radius and height . The
equation of the slant height is .
To get the formula of volume, we can use the integrate formula

∫ ( )

So, it conclude that the volume of the cone is .

 Sphere
Sphere is a 3-dimensional figure that have the curved surface and the equal
distance from the center to every point in the surface or called radius.. A curved
surface is a surface no part of which is plane (Wentworth,2010:7). Sphere does
not have the vertices and edges.

Figure 2.31. Sphere


(a). Surface Area

Figure 2.32. Sphere Diagram

From the figure 2.32, it show that when sphere was cutting, will getting the
pyramid figure. By using the pyramid formula, we will get the surface area of the

( )

If the volume of sphere = , then

( )

Because are the sum of the base area of pyramid, and it

is equal to the surface area of sphere, then we get the formula of surface area of
sphere = .
(b). Volume
From the figure 2.32, it show that the sum of base pyramid equal to the
surface area of the sphere. Then to get the volume, it also can use the relation
between the area of base pyramid and the volume of sphere.

( )

Because of are the surface area of the sphere,

then is is equal to . Then we get that

2.1.5 The Development of Learning Media Based Augmented Reality

Mustaqim (2016:6) states that Augmented Reality learning media really
helps the student in learning process, especially in increasing student interested in
learning. The function of Augmented Reality is almost the same as learning
media, that is deliver the information between the educators and students. Besides
that, Augmented Reality learning media has a great attractiveness because it can
involve the interaction of all the five sense of students with Augmented Reality
The developing of Augmented Reality need to pass the steps. The steps to
do are:
(a). Make the object that will be showing in the application. Its like the
animation, 3D object, Picture, or the video that can be made in software
like Blender 3D, 3DMax, or Google Sketchup

Figure 2.33 Make the 3D object


(b). After make the object, save that object to the library

Figure 2.34 Saving the 3D object file into the library

(c). Make or choose the marker from the Google that have the unique pattern.
That marker must be detected of the camera to show the object.

Figure 2.35 Rating for marker in vuforia


(d). Use the Vuforia software to save the marker that already choosen.

Figure 2.36 Saving the marker from vuforia

(e). Use the Unity software to input the marker and the object. In Unity
software also can build the application.

Figure 2.37 Input marker and object in unity

(f). Then the application of Augmented Reality learning media can be opened
in the Android.

Figure 2.33. The steps to rendering the virtual object in the real life
2.1.6 The Development of Learning Media
The development of learning media is included in the type of development
research. Development research (Developmental research) is oriented towards
product development in which the development process is described as thoroughly
as possible and the final product is evaluated(Armanto et al., 2019:5). In the
implementation of research and development (R&D) there are several steps that
must be taken, for that the researcher refers to the steps according to ADDIE
models. According to Muruganantham (2015:53), ADDIE models have five phase
that is analysis, design, development, implementation, and Evaluation.
1. Analysis
The Analyze phase is the base for all other phases of instructional design.
Along this phase, the researcher defines the problem, identifies the source of the
problem and determines the possible solutions. In this phase may include the
specific research techniques such as need analysis, goal analysis and task analysis.
The output of this phase often include the instructional goals, and a list of tasks to
be instructed. These outputs will become the inputs of the design phase.
2. Design
The Design phase involves using the outputs from the Analysis phase to
plan a strategy for developing the instruction. During this phase, the investigator
outline how to reach the instructional goals determined during the Analysis phase

and expand the instructional foundation. Some elements of the design phase may
include writing the target population, describing, performing learning analysis,
writing goals and test items, choosing a delivery system, and ordering
instructions. The output of the design phase will become the input of the
development phase.
3. Development
The Development phase builds on both the Analyze and Design phases.
The purpose of this stage is to generate lesson plans and lesson materials. At this
stage, the researchers built and developed the package with the help of media
software and supporting documentation. This may include hardware and software.
4. Implementation
The implementation phase refers to the actual delivery of instructions,
whether it is classroom-based, laboratory-based, or computer-based. The purpose
of this stage is to provide teaching effectively and efficiently. This phase must
promote the students' understanding of material, support the students' mastery of
objectives, and ensure the students' transfer of knowledge from the learning to
setting the goals.
5. Evaluation
This stage measures the effectiveness and efficiency of teaching.
Evaluation should actually run through the entire instructional design process-
within, between stages, and after implementation. Evaluation may be Formative or
Summative. Formative assessment is carried out during and between phases. The
purpose of this type of evaluation is to improve the directive before implementing
the final version. Summative evaluation usually occurs after the final version of
the directive is implemented. This type of assessment assesses the overall
effectiveness of teaching. Data from the Summative Evaluation is often used to
make a decision about the instruction (such as whether to purchase an
instructional package or continue/discontinue instruction).

2.1.7 Validation
According to Messick (in Taylor,2013:147), Validity is an integrative,
evaluative judgment of the degree to which empirical evidence and theoretical
rationales support the adequacy and appropriateness of inferences and actions
based on test scores and modes of assessment. Validation in assessment requires a
clearly defined construct or criterion performance and a clear articulation of the
intended score interpretations and uses (Taylor,2013:19). According to Cohen
(2018:162-163), the validity of the learning media is viewed from two indicators,
namely content validity and construct validity.
a. Content Validity
Content validity is achieved by ensuring that the content of the test is a fair
sample of the category or area of the situation or topic being discussed. Content
validity is achieved by making professional judgments on the relevance and
sampling of test content and specific fields. It is concerned with coverage and
representativeness rather than with patterns of response or scores. It is a matter of
judgement rather than measurement. Content validity will need to ensure several
features of a test : (a) test coverage (the extent to which the test covers the
relevant field); (b) test relevance (the extent to which the test items are taught
through, or are relevant to, a particular programme); (c) programme coverage (the
extent to which the programme covers the overall field in question);
b. Construct Validity
Construct validity is achieved by ensuring that performance on the test is
fairly explained by particular appropriate constructs or concepts. As with content
validity, it is not based on test scores, but is rather a matter of whether the test
items are indicators of the underlying latent construct. In this case, construct
validity also includes validity related to content and criteria. Construct validity is
threatened by (a) under-representation of the construct, i.e. the test is too narrow
and ignores significant aspects of a construct, and (b) inclusion of irrelevance –
excess variance.

2.1.8 Student’s Responses Questionnaire

The usage of learning media will get a response from students. The
response is a person's tendency to take a certain attitude, both positive and
negative. The response is said to be positive if the student gives a good reaction to
the object, while the response is said to be negative if the student gives a bad
reaction to the object. This response arises because there are objects that are
observed by students and can be in the form of opinions that are considered good
if they meet rational requirements (Khairiyah et al.,2020:2).

2.2 Relevant Research

This part will be explain about the related research with this research and
the development of the learning media based Augmented Reality.
a. Research was conducted by Wulansari, Zaini and Bahri (2013) entitled
―Penerapan Teknologi Augmented Reality pada Media Pembelajaran‖.
This research explain about the technology of Augmented Reality and the
developing of learning media. The method that using in this research is
waterfall method, that is a method in software engineering. This research
states that the technology of Augmented Reality can improve the
motivation of student in learning based of the polling result to the student.
According to the polling result to the lecture in this research, the
researchers state that all of the respondent was getting the easier in
delivering the material in learning process. The using of the animation was
too representative than the text. The researchers also state that AR
technology was more interactive and interesting. This research success to
develop the learning media using the AR technology in architecture and
computer learning. the researcher hope that the next researcher can
develop the other learning media by using the Augmented Reality

b. Research was conducted by Mustaqim and Kurniawan (2017) entitled

―Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Augmented Reality‖. This
research explain about the Augmented Reality and learning media. The
researcher states that Augmented Reality is the mix application of the real
life and the cyberspace in two dimensional or three dimensional that
projected to the real time in the same time. The advantages of the
Augmented Reality are (1) more interactive, (2) Effective, (3) can be more
implemented in various media, (4) simple modelling object, (5) cost
effective in production. Beside it, there are the disadvantage of the
Augmented reality, namely (1) sensitive of the angle, (2) limited maker,
(3) need more memory. The problem of this research is the limited
availability of the practicym module, then to solve the problem by
producting the virtual module. The researchers suggest that in the future
the teacher could be more inovative to produce the learning media to make
the student more interesting to follow the learning process.
c. Research was conducted by Affandi, Suwarna and Hertanti (2014) entitled
―Pengaruh Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Augmented Reality Terhadap
Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas X pada Konsep Dinamika Partikel‖. This
research explain about Augmented Reality learning media and the effect of
Augmented Reality learning media in learning outcomes. The method that
using in this research is quasi experimental. The researchers states that the
Augmented Reality learning media is the technology development that
combining the print technology with the computer. This research produce
the learning media in the card with the marker inside. Then when the
camera steering to the marker side of card, will be show the 3D object.
According to the research, the researchers states that the learning process
more interesting and motivating with Augmented Reality learning media
and the effect of that condition was increasing the learning outcomes of
students. The researchers said that the Augmented Reality learning media
also increasing the focus of student in learning process. Besides it, the

Augmented Reality learning media give the new experience for student in
learning process. In this research, the researchers suggest to next
developing of learning media based Augmented Reality by adding the
audio, increase the interactivity, and make the media into the ARbook.
d. Research was conducted by Mubarok (2019) entitled ―Perancangan dan
Pembuatan Aplikasi Pembelajaran Bangun Ruang 3D Berbasis Android
dengan Memanfaatkan Augmented Reality‖. This research using the
Research and Development (R&D) method. This research explain about
the steps to developing the learning media based Augmented Reality. The
researcher state that the steps to produce the Augmented Reality learning
media are (1) designing the system that is the menu, marker, marker
detection, the android application, (2) designing the layout menu that is
main menu, characteristic menu and formula menu, (3) doing the AR
simulation. After produce the AR learning media, the researcher was
testing the application by giving the questionnaire to the student in SDN
Sawotratap 1 Sidoarjo. The result of the research is getting the positive
respons from students. The researcher suggest to the next research to
developing the Augmented Reality learning media with the moving
animation so that the learning process will be more interactive and
interesting, then produce the application that can be saving in cloud
(online) so it will be decreasing the memory consume.
e. Research was conducted by Budiman (2016) entitled ―Developing
Learning Media Based on Augmented Reality (AR) to Improve Learning
Motivation”. The objective of this research to developing the learning
media based Augmented Reality that will help student learn actively to
improve motivation to learn on materials the assembly of the computer.
The researcher was doing the data collection by interview and give the
questionnaire to the student and teachers. This research using the Research
and Development (R&D) model. The researcher state that there are six the
use of the structure of the questionnaire, namely (1) questionnaires to

measure the feasibility according to the experts of matter, (b) questionnaire

to measure the feasibility according to media expert, (3) questionnaires to
measure the feasibility of media according to the teachers, (4)
questionnaire to measure the feasibility according to user (student), (5) the
pretest questionnaire measuring student motivation to learn, (6) the
posttest questionnaire measuring student motivation with media AR, (7)
the posttest questionnaire measuring student motivation with books media.
The result of this research is produce the learning media assembly of the
computer based on Augmented Reality in android system and the module
as supported. Where the learning media based Augmented Reality more
motivating than the book media. The researcher give the suggestion to
develop the media for the other subject and the other school.
f. Research was conducted by Suganda and Fahmi (2020) entitled
―Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Augmented Reality pada
Materi Bangun Ruang Sisi Datar‖. The objective of this research to
developing the learning media based Augmented Reality that can operated
by using smartphone and android system so that it can help student to learn
the geometri object especially in 3D flat shapes. This research using the
ADDIE development model that have the steps, namely analysist, design,
development, implementation and evaluation. The data collecting
technique are (1) observation, (2) interview and (3) questionnaire.
According to the result of media expert, material expert and students
questionnaire was getting 86.9%, and it means that the learning media
development is very worthy to use.

2.3 Conceptual Framework

Lack of teacher in online learning skills Needed the learning media to hel students
and limited carrying capacity of existing understad the material and to visualize the
infrastructure in students domicile shape of a mathematical shape

The delivery of material was not very

clear and the monotonous class causes
students to feel bored during the online

Students have difficulty People’s knowledge

in visualizing and about Augmented
constructing geometric Reality technology are
spatial shapes still low

The development of Android based

Augmenter Reality learning media for
three dimensional curved surface

Developing media:
Analysis → design → development →
implementation → evaluation

The result is the Android based

Augmented Reality learning media for
three dimensional curved surface

Validation test and get the student’s


Android-based Augmented
Reality learning media

During the online learning, existing the problem in learning process

namely the lack of teacher skills and also the limited carrying capacity of
insfrastructure in students domicile which hinder the process of learning. Beside
that, the delivery of material is not clearly and the classes was monotonous, so it
causes the student feel bored during the learning process. Students also have the
difficulty in visualizing and constructing geometric spatial shapes, then they need
the media to help them to understand about that material. In this era, the
development of technology is very fast. Then the researcher taken one example of
technology that developing that is Augmented Reality. Because of the people’s
knowledge about Augmented reality are still very low, so the researcher intending
to developing the learning media based Android using the Augmented reality

To development of the learning media will be passing 5 phase, namely

analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation. In the phase of
analysis into development will produce the Android-based Augmented Reality
learning media. Then in implementation and evalution phase, will be get the result
of students respon about the development of learning media.


3.1 Location and Time Research

The research will be conducted in April 2021 until June 2021. The
android-based Augmented Reality learning media will try in SMP Negeri 35
Medan at Jl. William Iskandar Ps.V, Kenangan Baru, Kec. Percut Sei Tuan, Kab.
Deli Serdang, Sumatera Utara,20232.
3.2 Type of Research
Type of this research is development research. According to Borg and
Gall in (Saputro, 2011:8), educational Research and Development (R&D) is the
process used to develop and validate educational product. This research is called
Research and Development (R&D) because this research will be produce the
developing of product in the form of android-based Augmented Reality Learning
media in geometry. Development model uses in this research is ADDIE model
that have 5 steps namely analysis, design, development, implementation and
evalution. The usage of ADDIE model because of it is clear and easy to
3.3 Subject and Object of Research
In this research, the subject are the students in SMP Negeri 35 Medan, at
Jl. William Iskandar Ps. V, Kenangan Baru, Kec. Percut Sei Tuan, Kab. Deli
Serdang, Sumatera Utara, 20232 and the lecturer as the material expert and media
expert who will validate the research instruments, while, object of this research is
android-based Augmented Reality learning media in geometry.
3.4 Research Design
This research is development research which aim of developing a learning
media and testing the validity. The planning of this research to developing the
Android-based Augmented Reality learning media. By the usage of Augmented
Reality technology then the learning process more interesting and interactive
because the Augmented Reality technology can showing the sound, explanation,


picture and especially the real 3D object. This media will be using the marker
which as the signal for the camera to showing the object in the smartphone.
3.5 Data Collection Technique
The data collection technique was carried out through interviews and
questionaire. Interview as a preliminary observation for research and to designing
media development. Questionaire used to assess the validity of media
development and to take the respons of students. Respondents involved in data
collection were students, material experts, media experts. The results of the study
were then analyzed and described.
3.6 Research Instrument
Research instruments are scientific and systematic tools such as
questionaires and interviews which are used to collect data from respondents.
Wilkinson (2003:3) states that research instruments are devices for obtaining
information relevant to the research project. To test the validation of learning
media, we had to collect the data by using the research instrument namely
validation sheet. Validation sheet used to get the data quality of three dimensional
curved surface material and the lesson delivering aspect system which contained
in the Android-based Augmented Reality learning media. This measurement of
research using the likert scale from 1 to 4. The form of the Likert scale answer
consists of very agree, agree, disagree, and very disagree (Taluke,2019:534).
The instrument will be given to the media expert, material expert and students.
a. Indicators of instrument for media expert
Indicators of instrument for media expert is indicators of the questionaire
validity assesment of media expert about the quality of media which the
researcher develop in mathematics lesson. The assesment reviewed from the
media design, software, and benefit aspects. Below are the indicators instrument
for media expert:

Table 3.1. Indicators of instrument for media expert (modificated from

No. Aspect Indicator Item
1 Media Design Display design 1,2
Text 3
Picture quality 4,5,6,7
Navigation button 8,9,10
Usage istruction 11
2 Software Smoothy operating 12
Easily operating 13,14
communicative 15
Interactive 16
3 Benefit The usage of AR 17
Benefit for student 18,19,20
Benefit for teacher 21

b. Indicators of instrument for material expert

Indicators of instrument for material expert is indicators of the questionaire
assesment of material expert in correctness material which contained in learning
media. The assesment is reviewed by learning design, material, and benefit aspect.
Below is the indicators of instrument for material expert:
Table 3.2. Indicators of instrument for material expert (modificated from

No. Aspect Indicator Item

1 Learning Design
Objective 1
flexibility 2
Suitability of marker and AR Application 3
Grammar 4
2 Material
Contents of material 5,6,7,8
Suitability of material 9
Completeness of material 10
3 Benefit
Introducing of AR 11
Benefit for teacher 12
Benefit for student 13,14

c. Indicators of instrument for Student’s responses

Indicators of instrument for student respons is indicators of the
questionaire which aims to the students of SMP Negeri 35 Medan. The instrument
contain of assessment namely learning design, display media, software, material
and benefit. Below is the indicators of instrument for student respons:
Table 3.3. Indicators of instrument for students’ respons (modificated
from Burhanudin,2017:69)
No. Aspect Indicator Item
1 Learning Design Interactive 1
Flexibility media 2
grammar 3
2 Display media Display design 4
Text 5
Picture quality 6,7,8,9
Navigation button 10
Usage instruction 11
3 Software Smoothy operating 12
Easily operate the AR 13
4 Material Material content 14,15,16
5 Benefit Benefit for student 17,18

3.7 Research Procedure

In developing the Augmented Reality learning media was using the
ADDIE development model. The choosen of ADDIE model because of simple
but still systematic to produce the product that feasible to used. According to
Muruganantham (2015:53) , ADDIE models have five phase that is analysis,
design, development, implementation, and evaluation.

Analysis Design


Evaluation Implementation

Figure 3.1 Procedure of ADDIE models

a. Analysis
The objective of analysis is to find out the need for development of
learning media. This phase is the preliminary research that is observation of the
condition of school, teacher, and student. In this step will identified the the
problem that faced by learners when study mathematics, especially in three
dimensional curved surface so that needed the development of learning media in
mathematics. And also identified the condition of school during the pandemic
b. Design
Design phase is the step of the developing design. The product design in
this phase will corresponding to the result of analysis. In this phase, the researcher
will arrange the instrument to assess the media developed. The instrument contain
validity aspect and construct aspect. The instrument is the validation sheet of the
material and media that will be given to the material expert and media expert.
c. Development
In development phase, the design will realized by create the supporting
media like text, audio, picture and 3D object. Software used in this phase is
Blender 3D, Unity, and Vuforia.
Validation test will be done after the media finished. Validator is consist of
several expert that is mathematics lecturer and teacher. The suggestion of expert

will be the reference in revise the media. The validation will be done until produce
the valid learning media. After the learning media is valid then field trials.
d. Implementation
In this phase, implementation will be doing in school that choose to be
research location that is SMP Negeri 35 Medan. The AR learning media will be
given to the students. After trying the media, students will gave the questionaire
of student respons to get the assess and suggest of learning media. After getting
the result of student respon, then interpret.
e. Evaluation
Evaluation phase is the phase to look for the result of media development.
In this phase the researcher will be know the learning media is success or not.
3.8 Data Analysis Technique
Data analysis technique to knowing the feasibility of learning media is
descriptive statistic analysis. Descriptive statistic is one of statistic branch by
summarize data so that data is easy to understand. Descriptive statistics are
statistics that are used to analyze data by describing the data that has been
collected as is without intending to make general conclusions (Sugiyono,
2016:207-208). The results obtained from data analysis are used as a reference for
revising the developed learning media application.
a. Analysis of validation
The result of validation questionnaire analyzed by using scale 4 criteria to
interpret the result measurement or called assesment. The score from material
expert and media expert will calculate to get the percentage. The formula to
calculate the percentage of validation is as follows:

P = Percentage
K = Total Score
Nk = Total Maximum Score

The percentage obtained from the calculation will be interpret the result
measurement of the validation questionnaire from the material expert and media
expert which converted to be qualitative in table 3.4.
Table 3.4. Convertion of validation data percentage into qualitative
(Arikunto, 2018:39)

Percentage Interpretation
Very valid
Quite valid
Less valid

The validity degree can be seen from the table 3.4. That percentage can be
reference to show the validity degree of the application Augmented Reality
learning media.

b. Analysis of student’s responses

The result of student’s responses questionnaire analyzed by using scale 4
criteria to interpret the result measurement or called assesment. The score from
respondents will calculate to get the percentage. The formula to calculate the
percentage of validation is as follows:

P = Percentage
K = Total Score
Nk = Total Maximum Score
The percentage obtained from the calculation will be interpret the result
measurement of the student’s responses which categorized in table 3.5.
Table 3.5. Convertion of student’s responses data percentage into
qualitative (Arikunto, 2018:39)

Percentage Interpretation
Very good
Very bad

Statement of student’s responses can be seen from the table 3.5. That
percentage can be reference to the result of student’s responses. The percentage
that obtained from the questionaire will show the predicate of the application
Augmented Reality learning media.


4.1 Result
The research and development was carried out in the 3rd grade of SMP
Negeri 35 Medan. The output product of the research is Android-based
Augmented Reality learning media for tree dimensional curved surface. The
product is made in the form of an android application that is given to students to
be used in the learning process both online and face-to-face.
This research and development was using the Research and Development
(R&D) methods and ADDIE model. Below is the phase that using in this research.
4.1.1 Analysis Phase
In analysis phase, the activity was carried out by collecting the information
about the condition of learning process in the 3rd grade of SMP Negeri 35 Medan.
The information was getting by interviewing the teachers and students in SMP
Negeri 35 Medan. Below are the lists of data by the observation activity:
(a) The teacher conveys online learning through Whatsapp and Google
Classroom by giving assignments that must be done by students without
giving explanations to students, so that the learning material is not
conveyed properly and interaction between students and teachers is
(b) Students had difficulty understanding geometry, especially space and
shape, because the teacher only provided learning material from books
without using the other media so that students had difficulty in construct
these spaces, especially in three dimensional curved surface.
(c) The teacher is trying to improve the quality of learning, especially in the
form of learning media that can be used during online learning and so on.

Based on the observation, was doing the development of learning media by

using the technology of Augmented Reality in Android platform as a learning
tools for the 3rd grade of SMP Negeri 35 Medan. The next activity is collecting


the reference like curriculum, syllabus, and books that related to the material
needed in developing the learning media. The result of this analysis activity is
selected the basic competence that being the goal of development.

4.1.2 Design Phase

Design phase is the phase of media design that involve the goal
formulation of developing learning media, flowchart making and collecting design
objects. Below is the explanation of the step in design phase: Goal Formulation of Developing Learning Media
The first step in desinging the learning media is determine the knowledge
and attitude that will be obtained by students after using the learning media. the
technique of goal formulation that using is ABCD (Audience, Behavior,
Condition, Degree):
(a) Audience, is the target as a learner that needs to be explained specifically
so that it is clear for whom the goal is given.
(b) Behavior, is a specific behavior that is expected to be carried out or raised
by students after learning takes place. This behavior is formulated in the
form of an operational verb.
(c) Condition, is a condition that must be met or done by students when
learning is carried out.
(d) Degree, is the minimum level of the lowest success rate that must be met
in achieving the expected behavior.
After knowing the ABCD technique, then arranged the goal formulation
result of AR learning media. Below are the Goal formulation result of developing
AR learning media:
(a) Students in the 3rd grade of SMP Negeri 35 Medan can understanding
about the material of three dimensional curved surface by using the
Android-based Augmented Reality learning media for three dimensional
curved surface
(b) Students in the 3rd grade of SMP Negeri 35 Medan can increase interest
and enthusiasm in learning material three dimensional curved surface by

using the Android-based Augmented Reality learning media for three

dimensional curved surface,
(c) Students in the 3rd grade of SMP Negeri 35 Medan can study whenever
and wherever by using the Android-based Augmented Reality learning
media for three dimensional curved surface, Flowchart Making
Flowchart is used to describe the flow of the learning media process.
Flowchart of AR learning media can be seen in appendix 4. The flow of learning
media starting by main menu. In main menu displaying 5 menu that is basic
competence/competence indicator, material, about, instruction, AR camera, and
Close. If clicking the material menu, will show the cone, cylinder, and sphere
material menu. In AR camera menu, there are cone, cylinder, and sphere menu. In
every AR menu will show up the 3D object. And some of 3D object have the
animation or explanation. Based on the flowchart, the menu structure of the
application can be describe as shows in table 4.1.
Table 4.1 Menu structure of AR learning media
Program Content Description
Main menu - Basic competence / Displaying the starting
competence indicator menu
- material
- about
- instruction
- AR camera
Basic competence / - Basic competence Displaying basic
competence indicator - Competence indicator competence and
menu competence indicator
of the material
Material menu - Cylinder material Displaying the meterial
- Cone material menu, that can bring
- Sphere material user to get the

explanation of three
dimensional curved
About menu Bio of the creator Introduce the creator
Instruction menu - Instruction Instruction to user
- Link to get marker
AR camera - AR of cone Provides a camera
- AR of cylinder view to detect markers
- AR of sphere and show up 3d objects Collecting Design Objects

The collecting objects based on the concept and design that have been
made. Below are the steps of objects’ collection:
(a) Collect the material from the book’s reference and make it coherently.
(b) Collect the picture, 3D object, animation, video, audio, button, and others.
The picture would be obtained from some sources and then imported to the
application learning media to support the material. The 3D object would be
created using the sketchup and Blender 3D application to give a real
experience for student in the learning process. The animation would be
created using visual studio in unity to increase student interest. The video
need for the AR learning media would be created by researcher. In order to
increase the students interest in learning, the AR learning media would be
equipped by inspiring background sound. Button would be made in
accordance with the multimedia aesthetics and ethics. All the objects
would be processed by using Unity and Vuforia software to make the AR
learning media.

4.1.3 Development Phase

There are two steps in development phase, that is learning media creation
and validation. Below is the explanation of each steps:
56 Learning Media Creation

Learning media creation is the step of assembling all the components such
as material, picture, 3D object, animation, video, and music to be the learning
media by using software Unity and Vuforia. Learning media design accordance to
the Flowchart and program table that have been made before. The result of
learning media is an application that can installed in Android mobile phone. In
learning media creation there are three step, namely:
(a) Learning media development
There are five software that used in this learning media development
namely Blender 3D, Sketchup, Vuforia, Unity and Visual Studio. Below are the
steps that have been did in learning media development.
 Blender 3D
To make the 3D object of cone and cylinder the researcher using the
Blender 3D software. Figure 4.1 and 4.2 showing the display of blender 3D in
making the cone object and the net of cone.

Figure 4.1 Making cone in Blender 3D


Figure 4.2 Making net’s of cone in Blender 3D

Blender 3D also used to make the 3D object of cylinder that will shown in figure
4.3. For the Net’s of cylinder can be shown in figure 4.4.

Figure 4.3 Making cylinder in Blender 3D


Figure 4.4 Making net’s of cylinder in Blender 3D

After the object 3D have been done, the file will be exported into the Fbx.
file. The fbx. file is needed to avoid of the deformity and discoloration when
imported to the Unity.
 Sketchup
Sketchup software is using to make the the sphere 3D object and the
epproximation of the cylinder object to the prism. Figure 4.5 will shown the
sphere 3D object and figure 4.6 shown how to export the object 3D in the
sketchup. The 3D model of Sphere was export with the kind of FBX file.

Figure 4.5 Making 3D object of Sphere

Figure 4.6 Export into 3D model

In making the approximation of cylinder object to the prism, the researcher

put the triangular prism until octagonal prism in the center of cylinder. Figure 4.7
shown the triangular prism inside the cylinder.

Figure 4.7 Triangular prism inside cylinder

The prism was made until octagonal prism. Then all the object will export
to be 3D model as shown in figure 4.8. The 3D objects are imported into FBX

Figure 4.8 import object triangul prism inside cylinder into 3D model

 Vuforia
Vuforia is the software to import the marker and to get the license that will
be need to build the application in unity. The marker that inputed into the vuforia
was shown in figure 4.9 and the lisence was in figure 4.10.

Figure 4.9 marker in Vuforia

Figure 4.10 lisence


 Unity
In the unity, all the component of AR learning media was imported such as
object, music, animation, text and other. Figure 4.11 will show the component that
imported into the unity.

figure 4.11 Imported component into unity

In unity the display of the AR application can be seen in the scene. Below
is the display of every scene.

Figure 4.12 Main menu scene


Figure 4.13 AR menu scene

Figure 4.14 Cylinder menu scene


Figure 4.15 Cylinder volume scene

Figure 4.16 cone menu scene


Figure 4.17 cone’s volume scene

Figure 4.18 sphere menu scene


Figure 4.19 sphere’s volume scene

 Visual Studio
In visual studio, the coding of the animation are made. The coding that
made would be imported into the unity to make the 3D object get the animation.
Figure 4.20 and 4.21 will shown the animation coding of 3D object.

Figure 4.20 Animation coding I


Figure 4.21 Animation coding II

Figure 4.22 will shown the coding button playback video. This coding will
be used to make the button function to be the playback button.

Figure 4.22 coding button playback video

Figure 4.23 will shown the coding button move scene. This coding will be
used to make the button function to be the move scene button.

Figure 4.23 Codding move scene button

(b) Learning Media Testing
Testing is the step to check the learning media whether the media is
running well before published to be an application that will be used by student.
This step is carried out when the process of making the learning media in Unity
(c) Learning Media Publishing
Publishing is the last step in creating the learning media. If the media felt
running well, so the next step is publishing or exporting to be an application.
Publishing is needed to do so that the media can easier to transfer by using the
phone, student easier to get and using the learning media. Below is the displaying
of AR learning media that have been developed by researcher:
 Main menu design
Main menu is the main view of learning media. Main menu containing the
menu of basic competence/ competence indicator, material, about, instruction, and
AR camera as showing in figure 4.24.

Figure 4.24 Main menu

 Basic competence / competence indicator

Figure 4.25 is the view of page basic competence/ competence indicator
from the main menu.

Figure 4.25 Basic Competence/competence indicator

 Material
In material page, there are three sub menu namely cone, cylinder and
sphere menu. Figure 4.26 is the view of material page.

Figure 4.26 Material

In the sub menu, there is the material that have been made as the reference
that already collected before. The view of sub menu is like the figure 4.27.

Figure 4.27 Sub menu of material

 About
In about page, there is the data of creator. Figure 4.28 is the view of about

Figure 4.28 About

 Instruction
In instruction page, there is the directions for the user of learning media.
this page also give the link to get the marker and handbook of learning media.

Figure 4.29 Instruction

 AR camera
In AR camera menu, there are three sub menu that showing after clicking
the AR camera menu. It’s shown in figure 4.30.

Figure 4.30 AR camera sub menu

For each sub menu, will showing each sub menu that is net, surface area,
and volume menu. Figure 4.31 showing the view of each sub menu in AR camera.
The explanation of each menu can be in the form of animation, text and video.

Figure 4.31 Sub menu of cone

In net and surface area 3D object of cone and cylinder was used the
animation that shows objects view in 360 . The purpose of the animation is
students can cunstruct their knowledge by connecting the shape of the net, the
surface area, and the real object of cone and cylinder. The screenshot of the
animation can be seen in the figure 4.32 ( cone ) and figure 4.33 ( cylinder ).

Figure 4.32 Animation of cone

Figure 4.33 Animation of cylinder

For the volume of cone was used the proof video. The purpose of video is
to show concrete proof to students through a practicum video about the volume of
cone using the cylinder approach. The screenshot of the video can be seen in
figure 4.34

Figure 4.34 Video of cone

For the volume of cylinder was used the prism approachment. The purpose
of prism approachment is to help students construct their knowledge by relating it
to the existing knowledge. Figure 4.35 shows the cylinder approachment to the

Figure 4.35 Cylinder volume approachment

For surface area of sphere was used the animation that show the surface
area of sphere is equal to the four times of circle. The purpose of the animation is

to make the media more interesting. For the explanation was using the proof
video. The video is about proof practicum of sphere’s surface area.

Figure 4.36 Surface area of sphere animation

For the volume of sphere was using the animation that shows the particle
of sphere as a pyramid. It was using the pyramid approachment to proving the
volume of sphere.

Figure 4.37 volume of sphere animation

76 Validation of Learning Media

Validation is the step to validating the learning media. Validation of
learning media was did by 2 lecturer in State University of Medan as material
expert and media expert, that are Ms. Elfitra, S.Pd., M.Si. and Mr. Kairuddin,
S.Si., M.Pd. The result of validation in the questionnaire will be correcting in
accordance with the suggestion of the experts.
Below are the suggests of material experts:
1. In the display of the contents of the material menu, the use of the side
scroll function is better replaced by separating it into material sub menus
for each three dimensional curved surface. The revision can be seen in
figure 4.38 and 4.39.

Figure 4.38 Material display before revision


Figure 4.39 Material display after revision

2. Improve the explanation of the volume of the sphere to make it more

coherent and structured. The revision can be seen in figure 4.40, 4.41 and

Figure 4.40 Volume of sphere before revision


Figure 4.41 Volume of sphere after revision page 1

Figure 4.42 Volume of sphere after revision page 2

3. Use print media as the students aid in learning process.

Below are the suggests of media experts:

1. Make the handbook to make student easier in using the AR learning

media. The handbook can be seen in .
2. Writing consistent and the text ― keterangan‖ made in different colour. The
revision can be seen in figure 4.43 and 4.44.

Figure 4.43 Text before revision

Figure 4.44 Text after revision

4.1.4 Implementation Phase
In implementation phase, learning media that finish to developed was
implemented to the 3rd grade students of SMP Negeri 35 Medan on September
2021. The implementation of the media test was carried out for the class IX-8 at
SMP Negeri 35 Medan. The implementation was doing by online. The researcher
asked all students in the group class to download the application of learning media
and then trying to use the learning media. After trying the learning media,
researcher ask student to fill the student responses questionnaire about learning
media and give the comment in the space that available. The comment of students
can be seen in table 4.2.

Table 4.2 Students comments and suggests

No Comments and Suggests

1 Pembelajaran yg Augmented Reality pada bangun ruang sisi lengkung bisa

di pahamin tanpa bantuan objek tif
Saran saya bahwa belajar dengan menggunakan ANDROID BERBASIS
2 AR ( AUGMENTED REALITY ) sangat jelas/ menarik karena selain dapat
membantu siswa belajar ttg bangun ruang , juga AR memiliki kelebihan
karena bisa belajar tanpa membawa objek aslinya .
3 Sangat bagus,kita dapat belajar dengan menggunakan HP saja
4 Bagus
5 Media pembelajaran yang menarik
6 Sangat membantu dalam belajar online saat ini
7 Diharapkan lebih inovatif dann kreatif lagi
8 Aplikasinya bagus
9 Aplikasi augmented reality dapat membuat belajar online lebih menarik
10 Media nya tidak membosan kan
11 Sudah bagus
12 Kalo bisa ukuran file aplikasinya lebih kecil biar tidak penuh memori HP
13 Tidak membosankan, karena belajar nya tidak hanya menggunakan buku
dan terasa seperti asli
14 Sangat menarik
Media belajarnya berbeda dari biasanya, karena bisa menampilkan objek
15 yang nyata tanpa harus menggunakan objek asli. sangat membantu dalam
belajar bangun ruang
16 Aplikasi yang seru untuk belajar
17 Medianya bagus, menarik, dan interaktif
Sangat membantu siswa dalam masa belajar online, karena tanpa di
18 jelaskan guru tetapi bisa di pahami dengan adanya penjelasan bergerak dan
video di dalam aplikasi
19 Sangat bagus, bisa belajar dengan menggunakan teknologi AUGMENTED
REALITY yang membuat suasana belajar tidak membosankan
20 Saran saya masukkan ke google playstore agar semua orang bisa
mendownload nya
21 Menurut saya aplikasi nya udah bagus
22 Aplikasi Augmented Reality ini sangat bagus dan menarik
23 Aplikasi augmented reality untuk materi bangun ruang sisi lengkung ini

dapat membantu siswa memahami bentuk bangun ruang karena dapat

menampilkan objek nya dalam bentuk 360 derajat
24 Saran saya media tersebut dapat di kembangkan lebih baik lagi
26 Aplikasi nya lebih bagus dari pada hanya belajar menggunakan buku saja
27 Aplikasinya mudah di gunakan dan bisa digunakan di mana saja
28 Bisa di buat untuk materi matematika yang lain nya
29 Sangat bagus untuk mengembangkan aplikasi sebagai media belajar selama
pandemi covid-19
Aplikasi nya bagus karena terdapat objek 3d yang dapat di lihat
30 keseluruhannya, terdapat juga video penjelasan. saran saya agar
ditingkatkan lagi inovasi untuk selanjutnya
4.1.5 Evalution Phase
Evaluation phase is the last phase in ADDIE model. In this phase, the
researcher analyze the validation and student response data of learning media.
Validation data analysis of learning media was obtained from the result of media
expert and material expert to knowing the feasibility of the learning media. The
result of material expert validation can be shown in appendix 5 and appendix 6.
The result of media expert validation can be shown in appendix 7 and appendix 8.
The following is a table of results from the assessment of media experts and
material experts. The Results of Media Experts’ Validation
Table 4.3 The result of media experts’ validation
Assessment Score
Media Media
No Statement / Assesment Aspects
Expert Expert Total
Media Design
1 Display media design is interesting with
3 3 6
the good color choosen
2 Component location in AR application was
3 4 7
appropriate and presentable to see

3 Text in AR application is easily to read 3 3 6

4 Displayed of 3D object in scanning marker
is clear and representating the real form of 3 4 7
the object
5 Determination size of 3D object is good 3 4 7
6 Camera can display the 3D object when
3 3 6
scanning the marker in short duration
7 Marker design can intruduce the form of
3 4 7
geometry object
8 Menu design is clear with the usage of
3 4 7
contrast color
9 The arrangement of menu is good and
3 4 7
10 Navigation button easily accessed 3 4 7
11 Media usage instruction is displaying
3 4 7
12 Learning media is streamlined without
3 3 6
hang, crash, and lag
13 Easily to operate the scanning marker to
display 3D object of three dimensional 2 4 6
curved surface
14 Three dimensional curved surface AR
2 4 6
learning media is easily to use
15 Three dimensional curved surface AR
3 4 7
learning media is comunicative
16 Three dimensional curved surface AR
2 4 6
learning media is interactive
17 Android platform of Augmented Reality 3 4 7

can be use as learning media

18 The usage of three dimensional curved
surface AR learning media will increasing 3 4 7
the students motivation
19 The usage of three dimensional curved
surface AR learning media will appearing 3 3 6
the spirit of students
20 Three dimensional curved surface AR
learning media can increase student
3 3 6
understanding about the three dimensional
curved surface
21 Three dimensional curved surface AR
learning media makes the teacher easier in
3 4 7
delivering material to the student without
bring the real object
TOTAL SCORE 60 78 138
PERCENTAGE 71.43% 92.86% 82.14%

Based on the table 4.3, the percentage of media expert I is 71.43% and
media expert II is 92.86%. The percentage of total score from media expert I and
II are 82.14%. For the further analysis will be explained in the discussion section. The Result of Material Experts’ Validation
Table 4.4 the result of material experts’ validation
Material Material
No Statement / Assesment Aspects
Expert Expert Total
Learning design
1 The material in learning media can 3 4 7

representing the three dimensional curved

surface to the student
2 AR learning media can be use whenever
1 4 5
and wherever
3 The marker corresponding to the AR
3 4 7
application material
4 The usage of language is comunicative
3 3 6
and easy to understand
5 The material in learning media is easy to
3 4 7
6 The picture of three dimensional curved
3 3 6
surface is clearly displaying
7 3D object is representing the real form of
3 3 6
three dimensional curved surface
8 3D object is introducing to the student
about the form of three dimensional 3 4 7
curved surface
9 The material in AR learning media
3 2 5
delivered coherently
10 3D object that displayed is cover the three
3 4 7
dimensional curved surface
11 Three dimensional curved surface AR
learning media can give new knowledge 3 4 7
about Augmented Reality technology
12 The usage of AR learning media makes
3 4 7
teacher easily to deliver the material
13 Three dimensional curved surface AR
3 4 7
learning media can give new experience in

learning process
14 The usage of AR learning media can
3 4 7
increase student interest
TOTAL SCORE 40 50 91
PERCENTAGE 71.43% 89.29% 81.25%

From the table 4.4, the percentage of validation from material expert I is
71.43% and material expert II is 89.29%. The percentage of total score from
material expert I and material expert II are 81.25%. For the further analysis will
be explained in the discussion section.

Data of student respon was obtained from the student in SMP Negeri 35
Medan, using google form. The result of students responses can be found in . Table 4.5 shows the result for student responses:
Table 4.5 The result of student responses
No Statement/Assessment Aspects
1 2 3 4
1 Learning media is interactive 0 2 14 14
2 Learning media can be use wherever and
0 0 10 20
3 The language is comunicative and easy to
0 0 15 15
4 Display design of three dimensional curved
0 0 12 18
surface AR learning media is interesting
5 Text in AR application easy to read 0 0 17 13
6 Showing of 3D object when scanning is clear 0 0 18 12
7 Showing of 3D object give the explanation of
0 3 15 12
three dimensional curved surface
8 Size of 3D object is normal 0 3 19 8

9 The quickness of showing 3D object when

0 0 15 15
scanning is good
10 Menu and navigation button display is clear
0 1 20 9
and good color choosen
11 Instruction the usage of three dimensional
0 0 12 18
curved surface AR learning media is clear
12 Learning media easy to operate without lag 0 3 18 9
13 Scanning marker easy to operate 0 2 18 10
14 AR learning media can increase students
understanding of three dimensional curved 0 0 13 17
15 Picture of marker is clear 0 0 16 14
16 Form of three dimensional curved surface in
0 0 20 10
AR application is clear
17 AR learning media can help student in learning
about three dimensional curved surface without 0 0 12 18
bring the real object
18 AR learning media is interesting and
increasing student motivation in learning three 0 2 9 19
dimensional curved surface
Total Frequency 0 16 273 251
Total each Score 32 819 1,004

From the table 4.5, the percentage of student responses is 85.88%. Total
score is the total score of 30 respondents. Maximum score is the highest score
times with the total respondents. For the further analysis of students responses
will be explained in the discussion section.

4.2 Discussion
Based on the research question, there are two points that should be the goal
of this research:
4.2.1 The development of a valid Android-based Augmented Reality
learning media for Three Dimensional Curved Surface
This research produce the learning media that using the Augmented
Reality technology in Android platform for the geometry specificly three
dimensional curved surface topic. In the development process, this research use
five phases, which are analysis, design, development, implementation and
a) Analysis phase is the step to find the information or condition from school
in order to be able to collect enough information for formulating the goal
of the development purpose. The results of this analysis phase showed that
(i) the process of delivering learning material and interaction between
students and teacher in the school still lacking because it only uses Google
Classroom and Whatsapp as a place to give assignments that must be
completed by students , (iii) students feel difficult to understand the
material from books because the books can not show the shape of the real
object, and (iv) teacher also want to improve the quality of learning by
using the learning media.
b) Design phase is the step to make the plan of the development. The result of
design phase are goal formulation, flowchart in appendix 4, menu structure
as shown in table 4.1 and objects design as explained in the collecting
design objects section (
c) Development phase is the step to developing the learning media by using
the unity and vuforia software as development support and validation the
media until it is suitable to use. The development of media using
Augmented Reality technology that can bring students to learn in a digital
world but like real. AR learning media was developed so that students can
more easily construct their knowledge with 3D object, animations, proof

video, and approachment that have been displayed in the learning media.
The AR learning media has been tested before published and has been
tested by the validator. Based on the result of validation process, the
validity percentage score from material experts was 81.25% which means
that the material used in the AR learning media was very valid.
Furthermore, the validity percentage score from media experts was 82.4%
which means that the AR learning media was very valid.
d) The implementation phase is a step for the learning media to be trialed by
allowing the students to use the AR learning media. Based on the result of
students responses, the total percentage was 85.88% which means that the
AR learning media was excelent category.
e) Evaluation phase is the step to evaluate the result of implementation by
analyze the result from student response in implementation phase.
4.2.2 Students response of Android-based Augmented Reality learning
media for Three Dimensional Curved Surface
According to the responses of 30 students in the 3rd grade of SMP Negeri
35 Medan, it was obtained that the total score was 1,855 while the total expected
score was 2,160. So that the percentage of students responses total score is:

which means that the AR learning media belongs to the excelent media category.
5.1 Conclusion
The development of Android-based Augmented Reality learning media for
three dimensional curved surface have been done by implementing the ADDIE
model. The development process has five phases that are analysis, design,
development, implementation and evaluation. In analysis phase, the researcher
find out the information or condition from school in order to be able to collect
enough information to formulating the goal of the development purpose. Then
continued by the design phase, to get the goal formulation, making the flowchart,
menu structure and objects design. After finished the design, then development
phase. In development phase, the researcher developing the AR learning media by
using Blender 3D, Sketchup, Vuforia, Unity and Visual Studio software. The
software are used to built the application of AR learning media. After finished to
built the AR learning media, then validated by validator. The developed AR
learning media in this study was validated by the media and material experts. The
result of this validation stage show that the learning material used in the
developed AR learning media belongs to very valid category (82.42%), while the
AR learning media itself belongs to very valid category (81.25%). After the AR
learning media already validate, it would be implementing to the students to get
the students responses. And at last, the researcher will get the evaluation from the
result of students responses about the AR learning media.
The analysis of students responses for the Android-based Augmented
Reality learning media for three dimensional curved surface show that the AR
learning media belongs to excelent category (85.88%).
5.2 Suggestion
Based on the result of this research, the important thing to consider that the
researcher suggest is to develop the other material by using the technology
Augmented Reality and reducing file size of application. And also hope the next
researcher to input the AR learning media into Google Playstore for easier

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Appendix 1. Instrument validation for Media Expert


Subject Matter : Three Dimensional Curved Surface

Maker : Sunita Indira
Date :

a. Asked Mr/Ms to provide an assessment of The Development of Android-
based Augmented Reality Learning Media for Three Dimensional Curved
Surface that has been made in accordance with the criteria contained in
the research instrument.
b. Put a check mark ( ) in column that has been provided, by selecting the
alternative answers available. There are four alternative answers, namely:
4 = very agree
3 = agree
2 = disagree
1 = very disagree
c. If you think it is not suitable or there are several things that need to be
corrected, please give the suggestion on the page provided.
d. Thank you for your help.

No Statement / Assesment Aspects
1 2 3 4
1 Display media design is interesting with the good
color choosen
2 Component location in AR application was
appropriate and presentable to see
3 Text in AR application is easily to read
4 Displayed of 3D object in scanning marker is clear
and representating the real form of the object
5 Determination size of 3D object is good
6 Camera can display the 3D object when scanning
the marker in short duration
7 Marker design can intruduce the form of geometry
8 Menu design is clear with the usage of contrast
9 The arrangement of menu is good and appropriate
10 Navigation button easily accessed
11 Media usage instruction is displaying clearly
12 Learning media is streamlined without hang, crash,
and lag
13 Easily to operate the scanning marker to display
3D object of three dimensional curved surface
14 Three dimensional curved surface AR learning
media is easily to use
15 Three dimensional curved surface AR learning
media is comunicative
16 Three dimensional curved surface AR learning
media is interactive

17 Android platform of Augmented Reality can be use

as learning media
18 The usage of three dimensional curved surface AR
learning media will increasing the students
19 The usage of three dimensional curved surface AR
learning media will appearing the spirit of students
20 Three dimensional curved surface AR learning
media can increase student understanding about
the three dimensional curved surface
21 Three dimensional curved surface AR learning
media makes the teacher easier in delivering
material to the student without bring the real object

According to me, this Android based Augmented Reality learning media is:
a. Feasible to used without revision
b. Feasible to used with revision
c. Not feasible
Comment and Suggest:

NIP. ............................................

Appendix 2. Instrument Validation for Material Expert


Subject Matter : Three Dimensional Curved Surface

Maker : Sunita Indira
Date :

a. Asked Mr/Ms to provide an assessment of The Development of Android-
based Augmented Reality Learning Media for Three Dimensional Curved
Surface that has been made in accordance with the criteria contained in
the research instrument.
b. Put a check mark ( ) in column that has been provided, by selecting the
alternative answers available. There are four alternative answers, namely:
4 = very agree
3 = agree
2 = disagree
1 = very disagree
c. If you think it is not suitable or there are several things that need to be
corrected, please give the suggestion on the page provided.
d. Thank you for your help.

No Statement / Assesment Aspects
1 2 3 4
Learning design
1 The material in learning media can representing the
three dimensional curved surface to the student
2 AR learning media can be use whenever and
3 The marker corresponding to the AR application
4 The usage of language is comunicative and easy to
5 The material in learning media is easy to understand
6 The picture of three dimensional curved surface is
clearly displaying
7 3D object is representing the real form of three
dimensional curved surface
8 3D object is introducing to the student about the
form of three dimensional curved surface
9 The material in AR learning media delivered
10 3D object that displayed is cover the three
dimensional curved surface
11 Three dimensional curved surface AR learning
media can give new knowledge about Augmented
Reality technology
12 The usage of AR learning media makes teacher
easily to deliver the material

13 Three dimensional curved surface AR learning

media can give new experience in learning process
14 The usage of AR learning media can increase
student interest

According to me, this Android based Augmented Reality learning media is:
d. Feasible to used without revision
e. Feasible to used with revision
f. Not feasible
Comment and Suggest:

NIP. ............................................

Appendix 3. Instrument for student’s response


Name :
Class :
Date :

This questionnaire contains statemnet items that are intended to find out
student’s response about the Android-based Augmented Reality Learning
Media for Three Dimensional Curved Surface. Therefore, please provide a
response or opinion on this questionnaire in accordance with the instructions
a. Write down your personal data in the space provided
b. Read the research questionnaire carefully
c. Put a check mark ( ) on the available column, by selecting the available
alternative answer. There are four alternative answer, namely:
4 = very agree
3 = agree
2 = disagree
1 = very disagree
d. Thank you for you participation in completing this research

No Statement / Assesment Aspects
1 2 3 4
Learning design
1 Learning media is interactive
2 Learning media can be use wherever and whenever
3 The language is comunicative and easy to
4 Display design of three dimensional curved surface
AR learning media is interesting
5 Text in AR application easy to read
6 Showing of 3D object when scanning is clear
7 Showing of 3D object give the explanation of three
dimensional curved surface
8 Size of 3D object is normal
9 The quickness of showing 3D object when scanning
is good
10 Menu and navigation button display is clear and
good color choosen
11 Instruction the usage of three dimensional curved
surface AR learning media is clear
12 Learning media easy to operate without lag
13 Scanning marker easy to operate
14 AR learning media can increase students
understanding of three dimensional curved surface
15 Picture of marker is clear
16 Form of three dimensional curved surface in AR
application is clear
17 AR learning media can help student in learning
about three dimensional curved surface without

bring the real object

18 AR learning media is interesting and increasing
student motivation in learning three dimensional
curved surface

Comment and Suggest:


Appendix 4. Flowchart

Appendix 5. Validation of Material expert I


Materi Pelajaran : Bangun ruang sisi lengkung

Pembuat : Sunita Indira
Tanggal : 02 Agustus 2021

a. Dimohon untuk Bapak/Ibu untuk memberikan penilaian terhadap media
pembelajaran Android berbasis Augmented Reality pada materi bangun
ruang sisi lengkung yang telah dibuat sesuai dengan kriteria yang telah
termuat dalam instrument penelitian.
b. Berilah tanda check ( ) pada kolom yang telah tersedia, dengan
memilih alternatif jawaban yang tersedia. Terdapat empat alternatif
jawaban, yaitu:
4 = Sangat Setuju
3 = Setuju
2 = Kurang Setuju
1 = Tidak Setuju
c. Apabila Bapak/Ibu menilai kurang sesuai atau terdapat beberapa hal yang
perlu di perbaiki, mohon untuk memberikan saran pada halaman yang
telah disediakan.
d. Atas bantuan Bapak/Ibu, saya ucapkan terima kasih.

No Pernyataan/ Aspek Penilaian
1 2 3 4
1 Materi dalam media pembelajaran AR dapat
mengenalkan siswa terhadap bangun ruang sisi
2 Media pembelajaran AR bangun ruang sisi lengkung
dapat digunakan dimana saja dan kapan saja
3 Pemilihan marker berhubungan dengan materi dalam
media pembelajaran AR bangun ruang sisi lengkung
4 Penggunaan bahasa yang komunikatif dan mudah
5 Materi dalam media pembelajaran mudah dipahami
6 Object bangun ruang sisi lengkung ditampilkan
dengan jelas
7 Objek 3D merepresentasikan bentuk asli dari bangun
ruang sisi lengkung
8 Object 3D mengenalkan siswa terhadap bentuk dari
bangun ruang sisi lengkung
9 Materi di dalam media pembelajaran AR bangun
ruang sisi lengkung disampaikan secara runtut
10 Objek 3D yang ditampilkan adalah permukaan dari
bangun ruang sisi lengkung
11 Media pembelajaran AR bangun ruang sisi lengkung
dapat memberikan pengetahuan baru tentang
teknologi Augmented Reality
12 Penggunaan media pembelajaran AR bangun ruang

sisi lengkung dapat mempermudah guru dalam

menyampaikan materi
13 Media pembelajaran AR bangun ruang sisi lengkung
dapat memberikan pengalaman baru dalam proses
14 Penggunaan media pembelajaran AR bangun ruang
sisi lengkung dapat meningkatkan minat belajar

Menurut saya, media pembelajaran Augmented Reality pada materi bangun ruang
sisi lengkung ini dinyatakan:
a. Layak digunakan tanpa revisi
b. Layak digunakan dengan revisi
c. Tidak layak
Komentar dan saran perbaikan:
Isi materi sudah layak di gunakan. Tampilan visual bangun sisi lengkung juga
sudah jelas. Pada bagian materi yang hrs scroll ke kanan terlalu jauh bisa
menyebabkan materi tidak terbuka semua dan kesulitan kembali ke menu awal.
Baiknya dipisahkan per jenis bangun ruang
Medan, 02 Agustus 2021

Elfitra, S.Pd., M.Si.

NIP.19820626 200812 2 003

Appendix 6. Validation of material expert II


Appendix 7. Validation of media expert I


Materi Pelajaran : Bangun ruang sisi lengkung

Pembuat : Sunita Indira
Tanggal : 02 Agustus 2021

e. Dimohon untuk Bapak/Ibu untuk memberikan penilaian terhadap media
pembelajaran Android berbasis Augmented Reality pada materi bangun
ruang sisi lengkung yang telah dibuat sesuai dengan kriteria yang telah
termuat dalam instrument penelitian.
f. Berilah tanda check ( ) pada kolom yang telah tersedia, dengan
memilih alternatif jawaban yang tersedia. Terdapat empat alternatif
jawaban, yaitu:
4 = Sangat Setuju
3 = Setuju
2 = Kurang Setuju
1 = Tidak Setuju
g. Apabila Bapak/Ibu menilai kurang sesuai atau terdapat beberapa hal yang
perlu di perbaiki, mohon untuk memberikan saran pada halaman yang
telah disediakan.
h. Atas bantuan Bapak/Ibu, saya ucapkan terima kasih.

No Pernyataan/ Aspek Penilaian
1 2 3 4
1 Desain media pembelajaran menarik dengan
pemilihan warna yang tepat
2 Tata letak komponen pada aplikasi AR bangun
ruang sisi lengkung sudah tepat dan rapi sehingga
nyaman dilihat
3 Teks di dalam aplikasi AR bangun ruang sisi
lengkung mudah dibaca
4 Gambar 3D yang ditampilkan saat scan marker
terlihat dengan jelas dan dapat merepresentasikan
wujud benda aslinya
5 Penentuan ukuran gambar 3D dengan baik
6 Kamera dapat menampilkan gambar 3D saat scan
marker dengan durasi waktu yang pendek
7 Design marker sesuai dengan bentuk object
8 Tampilan menu jelas dengan menggunakan warna
yang kontras
9 Penataan tombol menu baik dan rapi
10 Tombol navigasi mudah diakses
11 Petunjuk penggunaan media ditampilkan secara
12 Media pembelajaran digunakan dengan lancar
tanpa adanya hang, crash, atau lag

13 Scan marker untuk menampilkan gambar 3D

bangun ruang sisi lengkung dapat dioperasikan
dengan mudah
14 Media pembelajaran AR bangun ruang sisi
lengkung mudah digunakan
15 Media pembelajaran AR bangun ruang sisi
lengkung komunikatif
16 Media pembelajaran AR bangun ruang sisi
lengkung interaktif
17 Teknologi Augmented Reality pada platform
Android dapat digunakan sebagai media
18 Penggunaan media pembelajaran aplikasi AR
bangun ruang sisi lengkung dapat meningkatkan
motivasi siswa
19 Penggunaan media pembelajaran AR bangun ruang
sisi lengkung menumbuhkan semangat belajar
20 Penggunaan media pembelajaran AR bangun ruang
sisi lengkung dapat meningkatkan pemahaman
siswa terhadap materi bangun ruang sisi lengkung
21 Media pembelajaran AR bangun ruang sisi
lengkung memudahkan guru menyampaikan
materi kepada siswa tanpa membawa objek asli

Menurut saya, media pembelajaran Augmented Reality pada materi bangun ruang
sisi lengkung ini dinyatakan:
d. Layak digunakan tanpa revisi
e. Layak digunakan dengan revisi
f. Tidak layak
Komentar dan saran perbaikan:
Secara keseluruhan media AR sudah bagus .. akan tetapi dalam penggunaanya utk
marker lebih bagus di berikan diawal sebelum pembelajaran berupa buku
pegangan ( handbook) . Jangan di download saat akan digunakan, berakibat jika
siswa tidak memiliki 2 alat (HP)/ atau tidak pny alat utk mengeprint gambar
marker disaat pemakaian AR, maka kesulitan melakukan scan marker
Medan, 02 Agustus 2021

Elfitra, S.Pd., M.Si.

NIP.19820626 200812 2 003

Appendix 8. Validation of media expert II


Appendix 9. Response Letter

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