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Established in 1988, Persatuan Pengurusan Rumah Jagaan Titian Kaseh or better known
as RUMAH TITIAN KASEH (RTK), is an NGO that provides shelter and safety to single
mothers, the elderly, persons with disability (PWDs), youths and orphans (children and
babies). These old and young people have either been abandoned, abused or poverty
stricken. RTK is located near Taman Tasik Titiwangsa, Kuala Lumpur.

Currently, RTK accommodates about 80 children, 14 disabled, 20 single mothers

and 4 elderly. This number will vary from time to time, under the circumstances
and situations.

Persatuan Pengurusan Rumah Jagaan Titian Kaseh or RUMAH TITIAN KASEH, was
founded by Puan Hajjah Sharifah Adlan. She was from the FELDA settler families. An
experienced midwife of 15 years, Puan Sharifah was also the confidant to the
womenfolk who would confide in her of their personal problems. This seemed to be the
norm and the role of the midwife. Puan Sharifah also began to discover deeper issues,
especially with regards to single mothers and their children. Being a compassionate
person and looking at the various predicaments these women face, Puan Sharifah felt
the need to help these women and children, and look for ways to alleviate their dire
situations. She would gather the single mothers she knew and place them and their
children under one roof, so as to give them safety and security. Thus, that was the
beginning of realizing her dream to help these women in need and their children.
Eventually, Puan Sharifah extended her benevolent outreach to other deprived and
disabled individuals.

• To provide a stable, safe and secure one stop centre in Kuala Lumpur, for all Muslims
in need of protection, security, self-reliance and education.
• To ensure all residents have their self-confidence and self-esteem.

• To acquire a house / one-stop center in Kuala Lumpur for all residents in need of
shelter and guidance.
• To empower the single mothers and ensure they can develop their skill level in their
respective fields, so as to build their confidence and become financially independent.
• To strengthen and remain steadfast in faith in God, to build their self-confidence and
self-worth and enable them to face the outside world and its challenges.

Shelter Homes
There are now 3 shelter homes under Rumah Titian Kaseh, premises rented out for:

Female Residents:
Rumah Titian Kaseh Asputri
15, Persiaran Titiwangsa
Off Jalan Kuantan
Tasik Titiwangsa
53200 Kuala Lumpur

Male Residents:
Rumah Titian Kaseh Asputra
44, Jalan Ledang
50480 Kuala Lumpur

PWDs & Elderly:

Rumah Titian Kaseh OKU
17 Jalan Kuantan
Sek. 86, Taman Tasik Titiwangsa
53200 Kuala Lumpur

RTK’s Needs:
 Funds for cost of administrative expenses & maintenance of all 3 homes.
 Skill trainings (entrepreneurial; tailoring; cooking) for the single mothers.
 Educational & hands-on activities for children.
 Motivation & self-development exposures for the children.
 Counselling for all residents.

Puan Hjh Sharifah Adlan

Persatuan Pengurusan Rumah Jagaan Titian Kaseh (0733-06-WKL)
15, Persiaran Titiwangsa
Off Jalan Kuantan
Kuala Lumpur

Telephone: 03-4025 -5246 / 03-4023 - 5769

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