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Pada hari ini, Kamis, 18 Mei 2022 telahdibuat dan ditandatanganiPerjanjianKerjasama

Penjualan Sayur dan Buah (selanjutnyadisebutsebagai “Perjanjian”), oleh dan antara:
On this day, Thursday, May 18, 2022 a Cooperation Agreement for Sales of Vegetables and
Fruits (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") was made and signed, by and between:


Nama Perusahaan : Yeni Kurniyati

Company Name
Alamat : Jl. Aquamarine utara 2 no.9 PHG, Gading Serpong
NIB :8120116050791
NPWP :83.240.989.0-452.000

(selanjutnya disebut sebagai “YENI KURNIYATI”); dan

(hereinafter referred to as " YENI KURNIYATI "); And

Nama Perusahaan :PT Polyplex Films Indonesia
Company Name
Alamat : Jl Modern Industri XVIII Blok AN 07 Kawasan Industri Modern, DesaNamb
Address KabupatenSerang, Banten 42186
NIB :8120116062566
NamaPenanggungJawab : Wawan Sugiawan
PIC Name
JabatanPenanggungJawab : HRGA Executive
PIC Position
HP / Mobile Number :082124885588

(selanjutnyadisebutsebagai “Polyplex”)
(hereinafter referred to as “Polyplex”)

YENI KURNIYATI dan Polyplex masing-masing disebut sebagai “Pihak” dan secarabersama-
sama disebutsebagai “Para Pihak”.
YENI KURNIYATI and Polyplex are each referred to as a "Party" and collectively referred to as
the "Parties".
Dengan ini, Para Pihakmenyatakanpersetujuan untuk melakukan kerjasama Penjualan Produk
yang diproduksiatau didistribusikanoleh YENI KURNIYATI (selanjutnyadisebutsebagai “Produk”)
dengan Syarat dan Ketentuan(“Syarat dan KetentuanPerdagangan”) sebagaimanaditentukan
dibawah ini.
Hereby, the Parties agree to cooperate in the sale of products produced or distributed by YENI
KURNIYATI (hereinafter referred to as "Products") with the Terms and Conditions ("Trade Terms
and Conditions") as specified below.

Nama Customer
Guest House Polyplex
Customer Name

LingkupKebutuhanProduk Kebutuhansegar dan kebutuhankering

Scope of Product Needs Fresh needs and dry needs

Customer’s Data

Alamat pengiriman JlDanau Toba 16, Taman Beverly Golf

Shipping address

Nama Finance
Achmad Marjunianto
Financial name
Nomor Telepon & Email Finance
Phone Number & Email Finance

Pembayaran dilakukan dengan jangka

waktu pembayaran7 (Tujuh) hari kalender
Jangka Waktu Pembayaran / Term of dari hari tukar faktur.
Payment Payments are made with a payment term
of 7 (seven) calendar days from the invoice
exchange day.

Status Perusahaan ____________________

Company Status

Nama Bank : BCA

Pembayaran ditransfer ke rekening YENI
KURNIYATI Payment is transferred to No.Rekening : 7615041955
Nama Akun Rekening : Yeni Kurniyati
*JikaPolyplex mengalamiketerlambatan
atau ketidaksesuaian nominal
pembayaran, maka YENI KURNIYATI
berhak untuk
menyesuaikansistempembayaran atau
Late Payment Terms
* If Polyplex experiences delays or
discrepancies in payment nominal, YENI
KURNIYATI has the right to adjust the
payment system or stop shipping to

Periode :
PARA PIHAK sepakatbahwaPerjanjian ini akanberlakudari1805 2023sampai
THE PARTIES agree that this Agreement will apply from 18 05 2023 to 17 05 2024.
KetentuanUmum / ProsedurPemesananBarang :
General Provisions / Procedures for Ordering Goods:
1. Orderanpembelian/ PO dilakukan H-1, maksimal order sebelum jam 15.00 di hari
tersebut yang kemudianakan diproses untuk pengirimanbesok.
2. Proses pengaduan dan penolakanpesanandiinformasikankepada YENI KURNIYATI
di haripengiriman (same-day).
3. Hargaakandiperbarui per 1 minggu oleh YENI KURNIYATI di setiapharirabu,
tetapitidakmenutupkemungkinan YENI KURNIYATI untuk melakukan perubahan harga
di luarjadwalperbaruanharga.
4. Surat Jalan yang ditandatangani oleh penerimaakan menjadi buktibahwapesanan
sudah diterima oleh Guest House Polyplexyang memesan.
1. Purchase orders / POs are made H-1, maximum orders before 15.00 on that day
which will then be processed for delivery tomorrow.
2. The process of complaining and rejecting orders is notified to YENI KURNIYATI on
the day of delivery (same-day).
3. Prices will be updated once a week by YENI KURNIYATI every Wednesday, but it is
possible for YENI KURNIYATI to make price changes outside of the price update
4. A travel document signed by the recipient will serve as proof that the order has been
received by the Guest House Polyplex who made the order.
DEMIKIANLAH Perjanjian ini dibuat dan ditandatangani oleh Para Pihak pada tanggal
sebagaimanadisebutkan di atas, dalamrangkap 2 (dua) bermeteraicukup dan
keduanyamempunyaikekuatanhukum yang sama bagimasing-masingPihak.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF this Agreement was drawn up and signed by the Parties on the date
mentioned above, in 2 (two) copies sufficiently stamped and both have the same legal force for
each Party.


(PT Polyplex Films Indonesia)

___________ (Santosh Kumar Singh)

Direktur Operations Director

(Nipun Shah)
Finance Director

Mengetahui / Acknowledge

(Herizon Jasmaraputra)
Syarat dan Ketentuan
Terms and Conditions

YENI KURNIYATI dan Polyplex dengan ini menyetujuisyarat dan ketentuansebagaiberikut :

YENI KURNIYATI and Polyplex hereby agree to the following terms and conditions:

1. Polyplexmerupakanpihak yang memilikiwewenangmelakukan pemesanan

Produk kepada YENI KURNIYATI.
Polyplex is the party that has the authority to order Products from YENI

2. YENI KURNIYATI merupakanpihakberkewajiban melakukan

penjualanProduksebagaimana yang dipesan oleh Polyplex.
YENI KURNIYATI is an obligated party to sell Products as ordered by Polyplex.

3. PersyaratanPerdagangandanseluruhsyarat dan ketentuansehubungan dengan

pelaksanaanPerjanjian ini besertasetiaplampiran dan proseduroperasistandar
(apabilaada) merupakansatukesatuan dan bagian yang
tidakterpisahkandariPerjanjian ini.
Trade Terms and all terms and conditions related to the implementation of this
Agreement along with any attachments and standard operating procedures (if
any) are an integral and inseparable part of this Agreement.

4. YENI KURNIYATI memberikan harga penawaran kepada Polyplex atas setiap

Produk yang selanjutnya dijadikan acuan untuk pembuatanPesananPembelian /
Purchase Order yang diberikan oleh Polyplexkepada YENI KURNIYATI.
YENI KURNIYATI provides an offer price to Polyplex for each product which is
then used as a reference for making Purchase Orders / Purchase Orders given
by Polyplex to YENI KURNIYATI.

5. PolyplexakanmenerimaProdukdan menandatanganisuratjalan / Delivery Order

yang diberikan saatpenerimaanbarang. Produk yang tidak sesuai
jumlahnyaakandituliskan di suratjalan / Delivery order. PenagihanFaktur/Invoice
akanditerbitkan sesuai dengan Surat Jalan yang sudah ditandatangani.
Polyplex will receive the Product and sign a Delivery Order given at the time of
receipt of the goods. Products that do not match the number will be written on
the delivery order. Invoice/Invoice Billing will be issued in accordance with the
signed Travel Letter.

6. YENI KURNIYATI menyatakanbahwasetiap informasi yang disampaikan atau

dinyatakan di dalam Perjanjian ini adalah didasarkan oleh fakta dan
kebenaransejauhpengetahuan YENI KURNIYATI.
YENI KURNIYATI declares that any information conveyed or stated in this
Agreement is based on facts and truth to the best of YENI KURNIYATI’S

7. Produk akan dikembalikan jika pada saat penerimaan Produk mengalami

kerusakan, atau tidak sesuai dengan spesifikasi Produk. YENI KURNIYATI
dapat mengganti produk yang dikembalikan dan seluruh biaya pengembalian
produk akan ditanggung oleh YENI KURNIYATI apabila terbukti kerusakan, atau
tidak sesuai dengan spesifikasi Produk merupakan kelalaian dari YENI
The product will be returned if the product is damaged upon receipt, or does not
comply with the product specifications. YENI KURNIYATI can replace the
product that is returned and all costs for returning the product will be borne by
YENI KURNIYATI if it is proven that damage, or if it is not in accordance with the
product specifications, is YENI KURNIYATI 's negligence.

8. Semua jenispajak, biaya atau pungutanlainnya, termasukpotonganpajak, baik

yang ada pada saat ini maupun yang ada di kemudianhari, yang wajibdibayarkan
ke pemerintahsehubungan dengan Perjanjian ini, akanditanggung oleh masing-
masingPihak sesuai ketentuan perpajakan dan peraturanperundang-undangan
yang berlaku, kecuali yang ditentukan lain dalamPerjanjian ini atau disepakati
oleh Para Pihak.
All types of taxes, fees or other levies, including tax deductions, both current and
future, that must be paid to the government in connection with this Agreement,
will be borne by each Party in accordance with tax provisions and regulations.
applicable laws and regulations, unless otherwise specified in this Agreement or
agreed by the Parties.

9. PengecualianterhadapisiketentuanPerjanjiandiatashanyaterjadijika YENI
KURNIYATI dan/atau Polyplexberada dalamkeadaanforce majeureyang
tidakmemungkinkan YENI KURNIYATI dan/atau Polyplexuntuk
memenuhikewajibanmasing-masing. Contohkeadaanforce majeureini:
bencanaalamsepertigempabumi, gunungmeletus, banjir, kekeringan, angintopan,
tanahlongsor, bencana non-alamsepertigagalteknologi, epidemi dan
wabahpenyakit, konfliksosial, terorisme, pemogokan, kebakaran, dan
gangguanlainnya yang tidak dapat diprediksiterlebihdahulu. Dalamhal terdapat
keadaanforce majeure, maka YENI KURNIYATI
dan/atauPolyplexakanmemberitahusatu sama
lainnyamengenaiterjadinyakeadaanforce majeureyang tidakmemungkinkan YENI
KURNIYATI dan/atau Polyplex
Exceptions to the contents of the provisions of the Agreement above only occur
if YENI KURNIYATI and/or Polyplex are in a force majeure situation that does
not allow YENI KURNIYATI and/or Polyplex to fulfill their respective obligations.
Examples of these force majeure circumstances: natural disasters such as
earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods, droughts, hurricanes, landslides, non-
natural disasters such as technological failures, epidemics and disease
outbreaks, social conflicts, terrorism, strikes, fires and other disturbances which
cannot be predicted in advance. In the event of a force majeure event, YENI
KURNIYATI and/or Polyplex will notify each other regarding the occurrence of a
force majeure situation which will prevent YENI KURNIYATI and/or Polyplex
from fulfilling their obligations in writing as soon as possible.

10. Perselisihan yang timbulsebagaiakibatdaripelaksanaanPerjanjianini

akandiselesaikansecaramusyawarah dan mufakatantara YENI KURNIYATI dan
Polyplex. Apabilaperselisihantidak dapat diselesaikan dengan baik, maka YENI
KURNIYATI dan Polyplexbersepakatmemilih dan menyelesaikanperselisihan
pada kedudukanhukum yang tetap di Pengadilan Negeri Tangerang.
Disputes that arise as a result of the implementation of this Agreement will be
resolved by deliberation and consensus between YENI KURNIYATI and
Polyplex. If the dispute cannot be resolved properly, YENI KURNIYATI and
Polyplex agree to choose and settle the dispute in a permanent legal position at
the Tangerang District Court.

11. Hal-hal yang tidakada dan/atau belum diaturdalamPerjanjianini akanditerapkan

oleh YENI KURNIYATI dan Polyplexsecaramusyawarah dan mufakat, dan
apabiladianggapperlu dapat dituangkandalamsuatu addendum yang
merupakanbagian yang tidakterpisahkandariPerjanjianini.
Matters that do not exist and/or have not been regulated in this Agreement will
be implemented by YENI KURNIYATI and Polyplex in deliberation and
consensus, and if deemed necessary can be stated in an addendum which is an
integral part of this Agreement.

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