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Bapak burik, anak burik.

"Speckled father, speckled son."

Bersusah-susah dahulu, bersenang-senang kemudian.

"First make every effort, then have a good time."

Tak ada gading yang tak retak.

"There's no tusk which isn't cracked."

Air susu dibalas dengan air tuba.

"Milk repaid with poison."

Sediakan payung sebelum hujan.

"Have an umbrella ready before it rains."

Dusta adalah pangkal/akar segala kejahatan.

"A lie/Deceit is the beginning/root of all crimes/sin."

Hati-hati adalah pangkal kebijaksanaan.

"Caution is the beginning of wisdom."

Percaya pada diri sendiri adalah pangkal keberhasilan.

"Belief in self is the beginning of success."

Lempar batu sembunyi tangan.

"Stone thrown, hand hidden."

Setiap permulaan itu adalah sulit.

"The beginning of anything is difficult."

Tak ada rotan akarpun berguna.

"Half a loaf is better than no bread."

Kekayaan tidak selamanya membawa kebahagian.

"Wealth does not always bring happiness."

Waktu terbang bagai anak panah.

"Time flies like an arrow (child of a bow)."

Tetangga yang baik lebih berharga dari teman yang jauh.

"A good neighbor is more valuable than a distant friend."

Jika anda bekerja dengan kesungguhan tentu ands akan berhasil.

"If you work seriously, you will succeed."

Kesehatan lebih berharga dari pada kekayaan.

"Health is more valuable than riches."

Tidak ada orang terlalu tua untuk belajar.

"There is no person who is too old to learn."

Segala usahanmu, usahakan dengan segenap kemampuanmu.

"All that you do, do it with all your might (complete ability)."

Kejujuran adalah siasat yang paling baik.

"Honesty is the best policy."

Nilai dari kebijaksanaan adalah lebih tinggi daripada emas.

"The value of wisdom is higher than gold."

Kebiasaan membuat semuanya mudah.

"Habit makes everything easy."

Jangan tunda sampai besok apa yang bisa kamu kerjakan hari ini.
"Don't postpone until tomorrow, what you can do today."

Jika kamu harap orang lain menyimpan rahasiamu, pertama simpanlah untuk dirimu.
"If you expect another person to keep your secret, first, keep it yourself."

Cepat tidur dan cepat bangun, menjadikan orang sehat, kaya dan bijaksana.
"Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise."

Segala yang berkilauan belum tentu emas.

"All that sparkles is not gold."

Darah lebih kental daripada air.

"Blood is thicker than water."

Contoh teladan lebih baik daripada ajaran.

"An example/model is better than teachings/lectures."

Tertawalah, dunia akn tertawa bersamamu; menangislah, kau akan menangis sendiri.
"Laugh and the world will laugh with you, weep and you weep alone."

Lihatlah sebelum engkau melompat.

"Look before you leap."

Lebih berharga telur satu butir yang sudah ada di tangan daripada seekor burung yang ada
di udara.
"Better a small egg in your hand, than a bird in the sky."

Biarpun putih tulang, jangan putih mata.

"Although white bones, not white eyes."
(Better death than disgrace.)

Tidak ada mawar yang tak berduri.

"There are no roses without thorns."

Biar lambat asal selamat, tak lari gunung dikejar.

(Slow and sure.)

Besar pasak daripada tiang.

"The nail/pin is bigger than the pole."

Cubit paha sendiri dulu, baru dicubit paha orang lain.

"Pinch your own thigh first, then another's thigh."
(Do unto others as you want done unto you.)

Dimana ada jalan, disitu ada kemauan.

"Where there is a way, there is a will."

Mauk telinga kiri, keluar ditelinga kanan.

"In the left ear, out the right ear."

Belajarlah selagi keadaan anda masih mudah.

"Learn while you are still in young condition."

Kebahagiaan tidak dapat dibeli dengan uang.

"Happiness cannot be bought by money."

Pertahankanlah kesederhanaan hidup sekalipun dalam kemakmuran.

"Maintain a simple life even in prosperity."

Jangan sedih dikuasai/diperbudak hawa nafsu.

"Don't be overcome by your passions."

Ayam bertelur di atas padi, mati kelaparan.

"Chicken lays an egg on the rice plants, then dies of hunger."
(One who always lacks money even though his income is great."

Bahasa menunjukan bangsa.

"Language reveals country."

Hujan emas di negeri orang lain, hujan batu di negeri sendiri, lebih baik di negeri sendiri.
"Rains gold in another man's land, rains stones in your own, but your own is better."
(Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home.)

Utang emas dapat dibayar, utang budi dibawah mati.

"A debt of gold can be repaid, a debt of character is under death."

Mencegah adalah lebih baik daripada menyembuhkan.

"Prevention is better than a cure."

Bahaya berlalu, Tuhan dilupakan.

"Danger past, God is forgotten."

Dahulukan kerja dan kemudian kesenangan.

"First work and then pleasure."

Manusia merencanakan, Tuhan menentukan.

"Man proposes, God disposes."

Ilmu sama dengan kekuasaan.

"Knowledge is power."

Setelah hujan datang sinar matahari.

"After rain comes sunshine."

Berjalan sampai ke bata, berlayar sampai ke pulau.

"Walking reaches the border, sailing reaches the island."

Menantikan kucing bertanduk.

"To wait for a cat with horns."
(Hoping for the impossible.)

Tak akan 2 kali orang tua kehilangan tongkat.

"The old man won't lose his cane twice."
(We won't get in trouble for the same thing.)

Jikalan kasih akan padi, buanglah rumputnya.

"If you love rice, throw away the grass."
(If someone wants to be a good man, he'll do away with bad habits.)

Banyak jalan menuju Roma.

"There are many roads to Rome."
(More than one way to skin a cat.)

Sepandai2 tupat melompat, suatu waktu akan jatuh juga.

"Although the squirrel is clever at jumping, someday he'll also fall."
(Nobody's perfect.)

Di mana ada pertemuan, di situ ada perpisahan.

"Where there is meeting, there is leave-taking."

Yang manis jangan langsung ditelan, yang pahit jangan langsung dibuang.
"Don't immediately swallow that which is sweet, don't immediately dispose of that which
is bitter."

Jangan mengganggu anjing yang sedang tidur.

"Don't bother a sleeping dog."

Aur ditanam betung tumbuh.

"Aur (bamboo pole) is planted, bamboo grows."
(To get more than you hope for.)

Seperti anjing dan kucing.

"Like dog and cat."

Api padam, puntung berasap.

"Fire extinguished, stump will smoke."

Seperti rusa masuk kampung.

"Like a deer entering a village."
(A hick going into a big city.)

Seperti air di daun keladi.

"Like water in a taro leaf."
(One without a home.)

Harimau mati meninggalkan belang, manusia mati meninggalkan nama.

"Tiger dies, leaves its stain, people die and leave their name."

Bagai karak di dalam tempurung.

"Like a frog in a coconut shell."
(Someone who is narrowminded.)

Dimana ada gula, disitu ada semut.

"Where there is sugar there are ants."

Barang siapa menggali lubang dia sendiri akan terperosok ke dalamnya.

Whoever digs a hole will himself fall into it.

Melihat semut di severang laut tapi tak melihat gajah di hadapannya.

Sees the ant across the ocean but not the elephant in front of him.

Sambil menyelam, minum air.

While diving, drinking water.
(Doing two things at once.)

Seekor kerbau berkubang semuanya kena lumpur.

All who touch/contact a wallowing caribou become muddy.
(One bad apple can spoil the barrel.)

Ular berkepala dua.

Snake with two heads.
(Speaking with forked tongue.)

Tak ada gunung yang tinggi yang tidak dapat didaki, tak ada lembah yang curam yang tak
dapat dituruni, asal ada kemauan.
There isn't a mountain so high it cannot be climbed; there isn't a valley so deep it cannot
be descended, provided there is a will.

Pikir itu pelita hati.

The thought enlightens the heart.

Bagai membuang garam ke laut.

Throwing away salt to the sea.
(To do something useless.)

Bila hari panas, lupa kacang akan kulitnya.

When the day is hot, peanuts forget their skin.
(One who forgets his race or family.)

Banyak uang, banyak kawan.

Much money, many friends.

Setengah jam terdahulu lebih baik daripada setengah menit terlambat.

Half an hour too soon is better than half a minute too late.

Menghina orang lain berarti anda menghina diri sendiri.

Insult another person means you insult yourself.

Turuanan harimau tidak akan menjadi anak kambing.

The descendant of a tiger will not be a lamb.

Tak ada rotan akarpun berguna.

Half a loaf is better than no bread.

Bersakit2 dahulu, bersenang2 kemudian.

Suffer first, then enjoy.

Bersuluh menjemput api.

Use a torch to fetch the fire.

Berani mandi, berani basah.

Brave to bathe, brave to get wet.
(Being willing to take the risks for our actions)

Mengharap burung terbang tinggi, punai di tangan dilepaskan.

To expect the bird to fly high, the pigeon which is in hand must be released.

Dalam laut dapat diduga, tetapi dalam hati siapa tahu?

The sea's depth can be fathomed, but the depths of the heart who can know?

Tong kosong nyaring bunyinya.

The empty drum makes the most noise.

Layu sebelum berkembang.

Withered before blossomed.

Buah jatuh tidak jauh dari pohonnya.

The fruit falls down not far from the tree.
(Like father, like son)

Harapkan guruh di langit, air di tempayan ditumpahkan.

Hoping for thunder in the sky, water in the jar is spilled.
(Don't count your chicks before they hatch.)

Garam di laut, asam di gunung, dalam belanga bertemu juga.

Salt in the sea, sour on the mountain, in the cooking pot they meet.
(Two people meeting from distant places)

Seperti bulan kesiangan.

Like the moon in the daylight.
(One who is pale)

Bagai pinang dibelah dua.

Like an areca nut divided in two.
(Two people from different families with similar physical features)

Main air basah, main api terbakar.

Play with water, get wet; play with fire, burned.

Menepuk air di dulang memeruk ke muka sendiri.

He who slaps water on a pan/tray, he himself will get wet.
(To embarrass ourselves or our family by telling our own secrets)

Berat semua dipukul, ringan semua dijinjing.

That which is heavy we carry on our shoulders, that which is light we carry in our hand.
(Sharing heavy loads)

Tak ada bahagia tanpa derita.

There is no happiness without suffering.

Malu bertanya, sesat di jalan.

Afraid to ask, miss the road.

Kemana angin bertiup kesitu condongnya.

Wherever the wind blows there (he) leans.
(Tumbleweed existence.)

Seperti api dalam sekam.

Like fire in the chaff.
(One whose evilness is hidden)

Senjata makan tuan.

Weapons eat its owner.
(Evil intentions backfire.)

Cinta kasih itu tertutupi aleh jamur atau lumut yang paling lijau.
Love is enclosed by the greenest moss.

Perbuatlah cintamu bertahan dalam segala cuaca.

Love endures all climates.

Tiada jalan yang sulit bila dihadapi dengan kesabaran dan ketenangan hati.
There is no way which is difficult when faced with a patient and calm hearts.

Waktu yang sudah hilang tidak dapat dikejar lagi.

Time which is lost cannot be sought again.

Panas setahun dihapuskan oleh hujan sehari.

A warm year can be wiped out by a rainy day.
(A year's goodness can be wiped out by a moment's mistake)

Ada udang dibalik batu.

There's a shrimp behind the stone.
(Hidden motives behind an act of kindness)

Berdiang di abu dingin.

To warm cold ashes.
(To give assistance to someone in need)

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