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Cara membuat web server lokal yaitu kita install applikasi web server di komputer kita sendiri.

Ada banyak applikasi yang bisa dijadikan sebagai Server Website di komputer kita. Baik itu web
server di Windows XP ataupun OS lain seperti linux ( Ubuntu , Suse , dll). Oo...iya hampir lupa, satu
yang penting web server lokal ini adalah gratis karena kita tidak perlu sewa domain dan hositng.

Software aplikasi web server yang paling populer adalah :



Internet Information Service (IIS). IIS ini biasanya sebagai bawaan dari windows. Pada
umumnya digunakan pada windows 2000 server dan windows 2003. IIS ini menggunakan
bahasa ASP dan banyak dipadukan dengan database MSSQL. Bagi anda yang jago vb script , maka
ASP ini sangat cocok buat anda.
Apache. Ini biasanya untuk website dengan bahasa PHP dan dipadukan dengan
database MySQL. Software yang satu ini gratis.
Karena pertimbangan biaya maka banyak orang memakai Apache , PHP & MySQL untuk
membuat server website lokal. Dan juga di hostingan , rata-rata sudah menyediakan fasilitas PHP
& MySQL tersebut. Karena itu kita fokuskan topik kita ke web server ini saja.
Kita bisa download Apache , PHP dan MySql dari websitenya dan install satu -satu di komputer kita
untuk membuat server website lokal. Tapi ini lebih ribet. Ada beberapa pengembang yang sudah
menyediakan satu installer untuk paket tersebut ( Apache , PHP dan MySql ) , seperti :
Yang pernah saya coba dan saya pakai di komputer saya adalah XAMPP (basic package) version
1.6.7 untuk Windows. XAMPP ini cukup bagus dan fitur juga cukup lengkap. Berikut fitur - fitur dari
Apache 2.2.9
MySQL 5.0.51b
PHP 5.2.6 + PHP 4.4.9 + PEAR
PHP-Switch win32 1.0 (please use the "php-switch.bat")
XAMPP Control Version 2.5 from
XAMPP Security 1.0
SQLite 2.8.15
OpenSSL 0.9.8h
phpMyAdmin 2.11.7
ADOdb 4.98
Mercury Mail Transport System v4.52
FileZilla FTP Server 0.9.25
Webalizer 2.01-10
Zend Optimizer 3.3.0
eAccelerator for PHP 5.2.6 (comment out in the php.ini)
Sebagian fungsi fitur ini saya juga belum begitu paham. Tapi yang penting adalah ada Apache , PHP
dan MySql , dimana ketiga inilah yang paling kita butuhkan untuk membuat lokal web server di
komputer kita.
Cara menginstall XAMPP ini juga mudah. Berikut cara cara install XAMPP menjadi web server di
komputer kita.
Download XAMPP di servernya (
Double klik pada file yang baru dodownload untuk unpack installer. Pilih folder pada level
tertinggi untuk tempat unpack file tersebut seperti E:\xampp atau C:\xampp atau folder yang
lainnya. Ingat jangan gunakan folder flash disk dan sejenisnya.
Buka folder tempat anda unpack sebelumnya.
Double klik setup_xampp.bat untuk install XAMPP
Cari dan double klik file xampp-control.exe untuk membuka setting XAMPP.
Disini anda bisa start dan stop Apache , MySQL server dan fitur lain. Untuk latihan ini saya
kira anda cukup start Apache , MySQL saja.
Buka browser anda dan ketik atau http://localhost maka server website
lokal anda akan terbuka.

Sampai disini anda sudah berhasil membuat komputer kita menjadi web server. Anda bisa
menggunakan phpMyAdmin untuk membuat database.
Copy kan web page anda ke ?:\xampp\htdocs atau buat subfolder dari htdocs untuk website anda.
Contoh : Jika anda buat subfolder "coba" maka dari browser anda akan diakses
dengan http://localhost/coba
Good Luck ;)
Baca Selengkapnya disini :

XAMPP di Windows 7 26 Share "Om Swastiastu" Selamat

malam semua, ada sedikit tips nih buat teman-teman
sekalian. Beberapa hari ini, dan seterusnya, saya dan
seorang teman saya mendapatkan pelatihan mengenai
koneksi database dari PHP ke MySQL. Selain itu juga
diberikan proyek untuk membuat aplikasi web
menggunakan PHP dan MySQL. Tetapi ada satu masalah
yang muncul ketika saya hendak menjalankan XAMPP di
laptop saya. Saya menggunakan operating system
windows 7, dan ketika menjalankan XAMPP, service
XAMPP dan Apache tidak berjalan. Kenapa? Karena port
80 dan ssl 443 sudah digunakan oleh IIS. Setelah
browsing di google, akhirnya saya menemukan solusinya.
Cara menjalankan xampp di windows 7 adalah dengan
merubah port 80 tersebut. Sebelumnya, download dan
install dulu XAMPP disini. Jika sudah, masuk ke folder
C:\xampp\apache\conf\httpd.conf Nah, bukalah file
httpd.conf ini menggunakan notepad, setelah itu cari
kode Listen 80, lalu ubah menjadi Listen 8080. Setelah
itu, cari kode ServerName localhost: 80, lalu ubah

menjadi ServerName localhost: 8080. Jika sudah, simpan,

lalu exit. Kemudian, masuk ke folder
C:\xampp\apache\conf\extra\httpd-ssl.conf Buka file
httpd-ssl.conf dengan notepad, lalu edit. Cari kode Listen
443, kemudian ubah menjadi Listen 4499. Setalah itu,
cari kode VirtualHost _default: 443, kemudian ubah
menjadi VirtualHost _default: 4499. Terakhir, cari kode
ServerName localhost: 443, kemudian ubah menjadi
ServerName localhost: 4499. Setelah ini, xampp kalian
siap digunakan di windows 7. Jika masih tidak mau
berjalan, cobalah tips dari artikel berikut. Menjalankan
Apache Web Server XAMPP di Windows 7. "Om Santhi,
Santhi, Santhi, Om"
Original Source :

Cara Membuat password PHPMyAdmin XAMPP

Posted on Juni 7, 2010 by Adi Abdullah

etelah pusing-pusing googling internet cara untuk mengamankan MySQL lebih khusus pada
software XAMPP yaitu phpmyadmin atau gimana caranya untuk memberi password pada
phpmyadmin, akhirnya ketemu juga. Sebenarnya sangatlah mudah cara untuk secure
phpmyadmin di xampp. Okelah langsung aja saya tunjukkan file-file mana saja yang harus di
edit agar phpmyadmin kita tidak bisa di akses semua orang.
Langkah untuk secure MySQL / phpmyadmin di xampp:

1. Set password ke user root di MySQL XAMPP, akses ajah ke

http://localhost/phpmyadmin dan masuk ke menu Privileges dan cari user
root di situ dan ganti password nya.
2. Cari file bernama , biasanya letaknya di dalam folder hasil
install xampp yaitu C/xampp/phpMyAdmin. sebelum edit ubah permition file
itu dlu dengan cara ketik di terminal sudo chmod 777
3. Search tulisan $cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type']
= config; //
Authentication method (config, http or cookie based) .
4. Setelah ketemu silahkan pilih method yaitu ubah saja tulisan config menjadi
http atau cookie.
5. Kemudian di bagian $cfg['Servers'][$i]['user'] = [isi nama user]; //
MySQL user, isikan username kemauan kamu. Kalau defaultnya tertulis
6. Untuk baign $cfg['Servers'][$i]['password'] = [isi pwd]; // MySQL
password (only needed), tuliskan password kemauan kamu.
7. Jika semua sudah selesai maka ubah lagi permiton dg cara sudo chmod 444
/opt/lampp/phpmyadmin/ dan restart service mysql atau
xampp kamu. sudo chmod 777 /opt/lampp/lampp restart

Hasil akhir yaitu ketika orang mengakses nomer IP / host yang ada service xampp misal
http://localhost/phpmyadmin. Maka dia akan langsung ditanya username dan password.

Gbr. ketika config di ganti cookie

Tapi jika tidak kita berikan username , password dan tulisan config tidak di ubah jadi http /
cookie, Maka orang yang mengakses alamat itu akan langsung bisa masuk ke database kamu
yaitu phpmyadmin milik xampp.
ost name

Cara Membuat password PHPMyAdmin pada XAMPP di OS Windows

dan OS Linux





Date and Time 18:19


Tips And Trick

Action and

Berikut ini saya sharing pengalaman cara mengamankan PHPMyAdmin (MySQL

database management) pada XAMPP running di mesin Windows dan Linux.
XAMPP adalah software gratis untuk yang mau membuat server localhost di
komputer atau laptop, XAMPP sudah terdapat beberapa applikasi pendukung untuk
server diantaranya Apache (Web server), PHP (Web application), MySQL
(Database), FileZilla (FTP server) dan Mercury (SMTP server).
Secara default, setelah XAMPP terinstall, PHPMyAdmin dapat langsung diakses
Untuk komputer yg tidak terhubung ke internet dan tidak sharing dengan orang lain
sih gak perlu mikir panjang untuk buat password, tapi hal ini harus kita pikirkan jika
komputer tersebut terhubung ke internet dgn IP Public atau sharing dengan teman2
Baiklah, langsung aja saya kita bahas "Bagaimana cara membuat password
PHPMyAdmin pada XAMPP" sehingga tidak bisa diakses oleh sembarangan orang

1. Setting password untuk user root di MySQL XAMPP, caranya buka
http://localhost/phpmyadmin kemudian masuk ke Menu Privileges dan cari user

2. Cari file bernama "", biasanya letaknya dalam folder hasil install
4. Setelah ketemu, silahkan pilih metode Authentication yang diinginkan, pilihannya
config = Tidak perlu mengetikkan password pada saat membuka PHPMyAdmiin
http = Keluar dialog box pengisian password untuk membuka PHPMyAdmin
cookie = Keluar kolom pengisian password untuk membuka PHPMyAdmin
5. Ganti username yang kita inginkan, dibagian $cfg['Servers'][$i]['user'] =
6. Sesuaikan password PHPMyAdmin yang sudah kita buat pada poin 1 diatas
7. Sekarang restart mysql pada melalui XAMPP Contol Panel yang disediakan.

1. Setting password untuk user root di MySQL XAMPP, caranya buka
http://localhost/phpmyadmin kemudian masuk ke Menu Privileges dan cari user

2. Cari file bernama "", biasanya

/opt/lampp/phpmyadmin/, kemudian ketik feryza@feryza [~]#

3. Buka file "" dengan perintah feryza@feryza [~]# vi

5. Setelah ketemu, silahkan pilih metode Authentication yang diinginkan, pilihannya
config = Tidak perlu mengetikkan password pada saat membuka PHPMyAdmiin
http = Keluar dialog box pengisian password untuk membuka PHPMyAdmin
cookie = Keluar kolom pengisian password untuk membuka PHPMyAdmin
6. Ganti username yang kita inginkan, dibagian $cfg['Servers'][$i]['user'] =
7. Sesuaikan password PHPMyAdmin yang sudah kita buat pada poin 1 diatas
8. Jika sudah selesai, maka kembalikan CHMOD nya ke semula, ketik
feryza@feryza [~]# CHMOD 444 /opt/lampp/phpmyadmin/,
kemudian restart service mysql atau lampp dengan perintah feryza@feryza
Hasilnya yaitu ketika kita akses IP/host yang sudah terinstall lampp, contoh:
http://localhost/phpmyadmin. Maka akan langsung ada pertanyaan username dan

Gambar Authentication menggunakan metode cookie

Goog Luck

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Complete, Concrete, Concise Joomla Installing Joomla 1.6 Under XAMPP

Installing Joomla 1.6 Under XAMPP

March 26th, 2011 | 20 Comments

Joomla! 1.6 is obsolete. Joomla! 2.5 is the newest release with long term support.
Instructions for installing Joomla! 2.5 can be found here.
This tutorial describes how to install Joomla! version 1.6.0, 1.6.1, 1.6.3, 1.6.4, and 1.6.6 (skip
1.6.2 and 1.6.5 because they broke some things) under XAMPP version 1.7.3 on Windows XP.
The procedure should be the same for other version combinations, but no guarantee is made.
Assumes you have already

installed XAMPP. (Installation instructions can be found here.)

created a MySQL database. (Creation instructions can be found here.)

Instructions for installing Joomla! 1.7 can be found here.

NOTE: Joomla! 1.6 is OBSOLETE support for it end on 19-August-2011.
Joomla! 1.7 is the current version.
Joomla! 1.5 will be supported until at least April 2012.
The next version with long term support will be Joomla! 1.8, which is scheduled for release in
January 2012.
Unless you really need the features provided in 1.6, I advise staying with 1.5.
Click on images for full size versions.

Downloading Joomla!
1) Download the full Joomla 1.6.6 from here. NOTE, Joomla 1.6 is no longer supported.

2) Choose to either save the ZIP file or to open it over the web. Saving the ZIP file makes it
easier to install Joomla again, if you have to.

Extracting Joomla!
3) Open the downloaded file by double-clicking on it. From the File menu, select Extract All.
NOTE: this step assumes Windows provides archiving functionality for you. If you have
installed a different archiving program, the specific steps for extraction will be different.

4) Extract the Joomla! files to a subfolder of htdocs in your XAMPP folder. By default, XAMPP
would be installed to your C:\ drive, so you would enter C:\xampp\htdocs\joomla as the directory
to extract to. (In my case, I installed XAMPP to my D:\ drive).

5) Click Finish when the extraction is complete. You can uncheck the Show extracted
files checkbox because we dont need to see the files.

Setting up Joomla!
6) Launch your browser and type http://localhost/joomla into the address bar. What follows
http://localhost/ is the directory you installed Joomla! into.

7) Select your preferred language, then click on Next.

8) Confirm you meet the minimum installation requirements, then click Next. It is normal for
Display errors to be set to On.

9) Read the GNU license and, if you agree with it, click Next.

10) Fill in the database configuration information:

Database Type: mysql (default setting)

Host Name: localhost (default setting)

Username: if you created a MySql User, enter the name here. Otherwise, use

Password: this is the password associated with the user name entered
above. If you used root as your username, then leave the password blank (the
default XAMPP install does not assign a password to root).

Database Name: this is the name of the database you created. Database
creation instructions are here.

11) Ensure FTP is set to No, then click Next.

12) Enter a site name (for example, Complete, Concrete, Concise or whatever name you want
this site to have).
Enter an Admin Username. This is the username you will use to log into the Joomla! backend.
By default, it is Admin (and I leave it as Admin)
Enter an Admin Email address. Joomla! will send notifications to this email address.
Enter an Admin Password this is the password you will use to log into the Joomla! backend.
Confirm the Admin Password.
Choose if you want to install the sample data. I like to install it, since it saves me the trouble of
populating the site with sample articles.
Click on Next.

13) Confirm you have successfully installed. Note that your user name for logging into the
Joomla! backend is admin (if you accepted the default name, otherwise it is whatever name you
entered into the Admin Username field in Step (12)).

Cleaning Up
As a security precaution, Joomla! requires you to remove the installation directory before the site
becomes functional. In Joomla! 1.6.x, this can be done from the final installation screen.
14) Click on the Remove installation folder to remove the installation folder and complete the

You should now be able to access your Joomla! site by entering http://localhost/joomla into your
web browsers navigation bar.
To access the backend, you would enter http://localhost/joomla/administrator into your web
browsers navigation bar.
NOTE: what follows localhost is the name of the folder you installed Joomla! into (see Step 4
above). In this tutorial, the folder name was joomla.
If you want to access the installed site using a real web address (like www.joomla.16) instead
of localhost/path-name, you can find instructions to do that here.

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Filed under: Joomla Tags: 1.6.0, 1.6.1, 1.6.2, 1.6.3, 1.6.4, 1.6.5, 1.6.6, installation, installing,
installing joomla, joomla, XAMPP
20 Responses to "Installing Joomla 1.6 Under XAMPP"


Purnomo says:
April 7, 2011 at 13:11

i tried to install joomla 1.6.1 on xampp ( localhost )

but i always get a warning that display_error recommended off but my display_error is on
how to set it off?


admin says:
April 7, 2011 at 16:29

Normally, display_errors being on is not a problem. In fact, for a development test bed
like XAMPP, it is desirable to catch any errors.
The setting is not controlled by Joomla!. Joomla! is simply reporting the setting returned
by the PHP running under XAMPP.
To disable the setting you need to:
(1) find the php.ini file (this should be located in C:\xampp\php or wherever you
installed XAMPP).
(2) open the file with a plain text editor, like notepad (a wordprocessor, like Word, will
seriously corrupt the file).
(3) Locate the line display_errors = On (it might also be display_errors = 1
depending on the version of XAMPP you have, with 1.7.3 it is On). In the php.ini file
with XAMPP 1.7.3, it should be located on line 531.

(4) change the line to be display_errors = Off

(5) save the file
(6) restart XAMPP. It should be enough to open the XAMPP control panel and Stop the
Apache service and then restart it.
When you run the Joomla! install, you will find the warning is gone.


Sibangbrang says:
April 12, 2011 at 22:21

What Ever It Is It Work..! Thank Buddy..!



SL Lee says:
April 16, 2011 at 03:19

I have an error 404, Object not found when I tried to open localhost/joomla16.

Object not found!

The requested URL was not found on this server. If you entered the URL manually please
check your spelling and try again.
If you think this is a server error, please contact the webmaster.
Error 404
4/15/2011 11:02:46 AM
Apache/2.2.17 (Win32) mod_ssl/2.2.17 OpenSSL/0.9.8o PHP/5.3.4 mod_perl/2.0.4

I installed xampp 1.7.4, joomla 1.6 on Windows 7.

joomla16 is expanded under xampp/htdocs/
Apache and mysql are running fine.

I can see phpmyadmin and php tested out fine.

But the cpanel shows:
status check failure [3]
This program must be run from your xampp root directory.
The following is the apache error log:
[Fri Apr 15 16:47:43 2011] [error] [client] File does not exist:
[Fri Apr 15 16:51:03 2011] [error] [client] File does not exist:
[Fri Apr 15 16:52:49 2011] [error] [client] File does not exist:
[Fri Apr 15 16:53:08 2011] [error] [client] File does not exist:
I am running xampp under administrator.
I had tried installing joomla with MS webmatrix but it didnt work either. I have deleted
everything related to that installation, except I dont know if the following files are
MS SQL Server 2008 R2
MS SQL Server System CLR Types
MS SQL Server Compact 4.064 ENU
MS SQL Server 2008 R2 Native Client
Well that two days work with no return. Any advice?


admin says:
April 16, 2011 at 08:50

Since I only have Windows XP, there may be something I dont understand about
Windows 7 behaviour.
From your description, it sounds like the folder joomla16 does not exist in your
XAMPP htdocs folder.

joomla16 is the folder I extracted my Joomla! 1.6 files into. Is that the folder you
extracted your Joomla! files into?
What follows localhost is the name of the folder or directory you installed Joomla! into.
For example:
BTW : it has to be the htdocs directory in your XAMPP folder, NOT the htdocs directory
in your xampp/apache directory.
I installed XAMPP 1.7.4 and could only reproduce your results (on Windows XP) if the
joomla16 directory does not exist.
If the joomla16 directory exists but is empty, then I get:
Index of /joomla16
Parent Directory
Apache/2.2.17 (Win32) mod_ssl/2.2.17 OpenSSL/0.9.8o PHP/5.3.4
mod_perl/2.0.4 Perl/v5.10.1 Server at localhost Port 80

If the joomla16 directory exists but everything is installed in a sub-folder, then I get:
Index of /joomla16
Parent Directory
Apache/2.2.17 (Win32) mod_ssl/2.2.17 OpenSSL/0.9.8o PHP/5.3.4
mod_perl/2.0.4 Perl/v5.10.1 Server at localhost Port 80

If the Apache Server is not running, my browser redirects to my default search engine
(but your message from above indicates Apache is running).
Sorry to hear you have spent so much time on this. It can be very frustrating trying to get
things to work too often people know stuff and speak in cryptic code: just sd your
fgrep to the required priviledge of something similar.
Please let me know if my suggestions helped with your troubleshooting.

[updated April 16, 2011 at 12:36]

Thinking about your MS webmatrix install, I am wondering if the IIS server is still up
and running.
Are you absolutely sure the Apache Server is running? Look on the XAMPP control
panel and you should see Running in green next to Apache. If not, then check out the
bottom of this post (Troubleshooting section) on how to disable IIS.
Finally, I would recommend XAMPP 1.7.3 over XAMPP 1.7.4.


SL Lee says:
April 17, 2011 at 06:22

Thanks for your reply. The location of joomla files are correctly placed under
xampp/htdocs/joomla16. apache and mysql are running. I found IISExpress folder/files
buried in Windows My Documents. Just deleted it and tried again. Still failed.
Compared to your cpanel, I found that I dont have some buttons shell, setup, portcheck. instead, I have status. I guess the next thing is to try xampp 1.7.3.
I am not the only one with this problem. A few others have reported the same.
You have the clearest instruction for installing. The pictures are very helpful. Good work.


SL Lee says:
April 17, 2011 at 06:49

I found the problem! I downloaded the files and then moved to xampp/htdocs and then
decompress it there. The files are all there but under a zipped file! not joomla16 folder.
Now I just decompressed it in the download directory and copied everything over to a
self-made folder joomla16. It works. I should have check the nature of the folder.


admin says:
April 17, 2011 at 09:48

Thanks very much for your feedback.

I am glad to hear you finally resolved your problem.
XAMPP 1.7.3 and XAMPP 1.7.4 are a little bit different and I prefer 1.7.3.
The main benefit of 1.7.3 is that you can click on the Port Check button and see
which ports are being used and which application is using that port.
As well, Joomla! 1.5 will not install under XAMPP 1.7.4 you get a bunch of
MySql errors.
In XAMPP 1.7.4 you can run the batch file portcheck.bat (located in
xampp\install), but it only checks a few ports and doesnt tell you which
application is using it.


Mike Adams says:

May 4, 2011 at 03:51

Thank you for such detailed setup (XAMPP, Database, and Joomla 1.6). I went through
all three and it worked perfectly. Excellent instructions. Again thanks!


admin says:
May 4, 2011 at 13:46

Thank you very much for your positive feedback!

Feedback (of any kind) is always helpful and greatly appreciated.


Rick Pawlowski says:

June 8, 2011 at 05:22




admin says:
June 8, 2011 at 12:02

Youre welcome and thanks for the feedback.



Aris Budiman says:

June 17, 2011 at 20:14

Nice tuts ! Clear & easy..Thanks Admin !



admin says:
June 18, 2011 at 13:18

Thank you very much for the compliment and feedback.



creare magazin virtual says:

September 24, 2011 at 04:42

Hello, Neat post. There is an issue with your site in internet explorer, may check this? IE
nonetheless is the market chief and a big portion of other people will leave out your
excellent writing because of this problem.


admin says:
September 24, 2011 at 05:16

Could you be more specific about what problem it has with IE, which version of
I use both IE8 and IE9 on this site with no problems.


Web Design Greece says:

November 1, 2011 at 23:00

Hello there, simply turned into aware of your blog thru Google, and found that it is really
informative. Im gonna watch out for brussels. I will appreciate if you continue this in
future. A lot of other folks will be benefited from your writing. Cheers!


admin says:
November 2, 2011 at 09:52

Thanks for the comment. Not sure what you mean by brussels, but figure it
must be some artefact of translation software.


Web Designer says:

November 8, 2011 at 10:19

I enjoy, cause I found exactly what I was having a look for. Youve ended my four day
long hunt! God Bless you man. Have a great day. Bye


admin says:
November 8, 2011 at 11:08

Youre welcome and thanks for the enthusiastic feedback.

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