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Pernah disuruh bos, mendigitasi peta hardcopy dalam waktu sehari

semalem? Mungkin km bs coba digitasi otomatis pd arcGIS 10.x dg #arcscan

Raden Rahmat Sorani @rahmatsorani24/07/2013 12:01:44 WIB

2. Kamu ga usah mendigit garis demi garis, krn fitur #arcscan yg akan

Raden Rahmat Sorani @rahmatsorani24/07/2013 12:02:51 WIB

3. Syaratnya di arcGIS kamu harus sudah terinstall dan teregister extensions

Raden Rahmat Sorani @rahmatsorani24/07/2013 12:04:03 WIB

4. Langkah pertama, jika file kamu berupa JPEG, convert dulu menjadi BMP atau
TIFF, kemudian lakukan georeferensi

Raden Rahmat Sorani @rahmatsorani24/07/2013 12:05:01 WIB

5. Convert image bisa menggunakan acdsee. Caranya buka aja JPEGnya lalu
save as dalam format TIFF atau BMP #arcscan

Raden Rahmat Sorani @rahmatsorani24/07/2013 12:07:57 WIB

6. Setelah image dibuka di arcGIS rubah band-nya dg cara
properties>symbology dan pada show box pilih unique values lalu OK

Raden Rahmat Sorani @rahmatsorani24/07/2013 12:08:53 WIB

Kemudian bikin feature class polyline dg cara membangun geodatabasenya
terlebih dahulu #arcscan

Raden Rahmat Sorani @rahmatsorani24/07/2013 12:11:40 WIB

8. Nyalakan extension arcscan pada mana menu costumize>extensions lalu
centang ArcScan

Raden Rahmat Sorani @rahmatsorani24/07/2013 12:12:27 WIB

9. Munculkan toolbar arcscan dg cara klik kanan pada toolbar, klik #arcscan

Raden Rahmat Sorani @rahmatsorani24/07/2013 12:14:07 WIB

10. Fitur ini hanya aktif pada mode editor. Klik Editor>start editing lalu pilih layer
line dari geodatabase #arcscan
Raden Rahmat Sorani @rahmatsorani24/07/2013 12:14:59 WIB
11. Jika berhasil semua fungsi pada toolbar arcscan akan aktif semua #arcscan

Raden Rahmat Sorani @rahmatsorani24/07/2013 12:16:18 WIB

12. Hapus line2 ga perlu di peta seperti kolom legenda dan grid dg menselectnya
pake cell selection dan menghapusnya pd raster cleanup

Raden Rahmat Sorani @rahmatsorani24/07/2013 12:17:25 WIB

13. Lalu klik vectorization>generate features, maka peta anda akan terdigitasi
sendiri. Asyik kan #arcscan

Raden Rahmat Sorani @rahmatsorani24/07/2013 12:18:58 WIB

14. Hasil scan akan berupa polyline2, lakukan topology. Baru convert feature to
polygon. BERES !! #arcscan

But first which software packages offer vectorization?

If you have an old map and you want to convert it to vector, you
have several options:

1. Esris ArcScan
2. Autodesk Raster-to-Vector Conversion
3. Trimble Ecognition
4. QGIS Edge Extraction

Each one of these GIS software applications can lend you a

helping hand and do all the work for you. At least most of it.

Here is how to vectorize a scanned image in ArcScan:

Step 1: Turn on ArcScan Extension

Turn on ArcScan by clicking Customize > Extensions .

Step 2: Add ArcScan Toolbar

Add the ArcScan toolbar by selection Customize > Toolbars >

ArcScan .

Step 3: Reclassify Your Image to 0s and 1s

The nit-picky ArcScan doesnt like your 256 color scans. It wants
zeros and ones.

So this means youll have to reclassify your image using

the Reclassify Tool . Admittedly, this will come with a bit of trial
and error.

Heres the contours map we want to vectorize:

To Reclassify, select Spatial Analyst Tools > Reclass > Reclassify .

Here are the settings to convert this image into 0s and 1s:
The result is an image with only zero and one values (binary
raster). The grey has a value of zero. The purple has a value of

Please note: This step will influence how your vectors turn out.
Make sure to experiment with different settings. You will want to
find the happy-medium setting of not too many ones or zeros.

Step 4: Create a blank line shapefile or feature class

Your vectorized image will need a place to reside. This means

youll have to create a shapefile or feature class to store them in

Step 5: Turn on editor

The ArcScan toolbar will be greyed out for now. At least until you
turn on the editor. Click Editor > Start Editing in the Editor

But after you have a binary raster and feature class ready to edit,
your ArcScan toolbar will be activated.
Step 6: Vectorize your image but first with a preview

Its time to see how well your vectorized features will look given
your image. You can see a preview by clicking Vectorization >
Show Preview in the ArcScan Toolbar.

Step 7: Generate features

If youre happy with how your preview looks, its time to generate
the features. You can save these features by
selecting Vectorization > Generate Features in the ArcScan
Toolbar. In the template, choose the line shapefile or feature class
that you have created in step 4.

Heres how our vectors look in red.

If youre unhappy with your vector features, then take a look at

step 8 how to solve your issues.

Step 8: ArcScan options

ArcScan gives you some options to improve your vectorization.

The first option you can look into is by clicking Vectorization >
Vectorization Settings > Styles in the ArcScan Toolbar. When you
tell ArcScan the type of features in the image (contours, parcels,
etc), it will change how features will be vectorized.
You can also experiment with the intersection solution, smoothing
weight, fan angle, etc. But the pre-customized styles are often the
better option.

The next thing to try is to physically alter the original image you
vectorized. To do this, you can use the raster painting tools by
selecting Raster Cleanup > Raster Painting Tools . This is good for
removing labels and connecting contour lines.

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