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Study Journal (1)

Name : Syifa’ Fauziah

NIM : 1502015197

Date of Sumbmission : Wednesday, 14/03/2018

A. Topic : TE 9-12 & TRE 1-12

B. Question: TE 9-12
1. Dolphins form extremelly complicated allegiance and ..... continually change.

(A) Enmities that

(B) That are enmities
(C) Enmities that are
(D) That enmities

Answer : Di dalam kalimat ini terdapat dua verb, complicated dan change. Maka
kalimat ini terdapat dua clause, untuk menghubungkan dua kalimat tersebut
dibutuhkan adjective clause connector/subject (Skill 12) yaitu that. Di dalam kalimat
ini juga terdapat connector and, tapi allegiance tersebut belum ada pasangannya.
Maka yang pas untuk melengkapinya dengan enmities. Maka jawaban yang saya pilih
adalah (A) enmities that.

Dolphins form extremelly complicated allegiance and enmities that continually


2. Scientiests are now beginning to conduct experiments on ..... trigger different sorts of

health risk

(A) Noise pollution can

(B) That noise pollution
(C) How noise pollution
(D) How noise pollution can

Answer : Di dalam kalimat tersebut terdapat satu subjek, scientiests dan satu verb are
now beginning. Di kata yang rumpang tersebut dibutuhkan noun clause as object
(Skill 9). Maka yang cocok untuk mengisi kata yang rumpang tersebut adalah (D)
how noise pollution can.

Scientiests are now beginning to conduct experiments on how noise pollution can

trigger different sorts of health risk

3. The Apollo 11 astronauts ..... of the Earth’s inhabitants witnessed on the famous first

moon walk on July 20, 1969, were Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin.

(A) Whom
(B) Whom millions
(C) Were some
(D) Whom some were

Answer : Di dalam kalimat tersebut terdapat satu subjek The Apollo 11 astronauts.
Dan dua verb yaitu witnessed dan were. Maka yang dibutuhkan untuk melengkapi
kalimat tersebut dengan adjective clause connector (Skill 11) dan yang digunakan
adalah whom, karena whom disini menjelaskan The Apollo 11 astronauts. Maka yang
dipilih adalah (B) Whom millions.

The Apollo 11 astronauts whom millions of the Earth’s inhabitants witnessed on the

famous first moon walk on July 20, 1969, were Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin.

4. At the end of the nineteenth century, Alfred Binet developed a test for measuring

intelligence ..... served as the basis of modern IQ test.

(A) Has
(B) It has
(C) And
(D) Which has

Answer : Di dalam kalimat tersebut terdapat subjek Alfred Binet dan terdapat dua
verb devloped dan served. Untuk melengkapi kalimat tersebut dibutuhkan noun
clause connector/subject (Skill 10) maka yang saya pilih adalah (D) which has.

At the end of the nineteenth century, Alfred Binet developed a test for measuring

Intelligence which has served as the basis of modern IQ test.

5. ..... have at least four hours of hazardous materials response training is mandated by

federal law.

(A) All police officers

(B) All police officers must
(C) That all police officers
(D) For all police officers

Answer : Di dalam kalimat tersebut terdapat dua verb have dan is mandated. Maka
untuk melengkapi kalimat tersebut dibutuhkan subject dan connector. Maka yang
tepat menurut saya adalah (C) That all police officers.

That all police officers have at least four hours of hazardous materials response

training is mandated by federal law.

6. A cloud’s reservoir of negative charge extends upward from the altitude at ..... the

freezing point.

(A) Temperatures hit

(B) Hit temperatures
(C) Which temperatures hit
(D) Which hit temperatures

Answer : Di dalam kalimat tersebut terdapat subjek A cloud’s dan verb extends. Maka
menurut saya untuk menyambungkan kalimatnya dengan cara menambahkan
adjective clause connectors (Skill 11). Maka yang saya pilih adalah (C) which
temperatures hit.

A cloud’s reservoir of negative charge extends upward from the altitude at which

temperatures hit the freezing point.

7. In 1988 advanced officers’ training program, Sampson developed a plan to

incorporate police in enforcing environmental protection laws whenever ..... feasible.

(A) It is
(B) Is
(C) Has
(D) It has

Answer : Di dalam kalimat tersebut terdapat subjek Sampson dan verb developed. Di
kalimat tersebut juga terdapat whenever, noun clause connector (Skill 9). Maka yang
saya pilih untuk melengkapi kalimatnya adalah (D) It has.

In 1988 advanced officers’ training program, Sampson developed a plan to

incorporate police in enforcing environmental protection laws whenever it has


8. ..... will be cried in the next space shuttle payload has not yet been announced to the


(A) It
(B) What
(C) When
(D) That

Answer : Di dalam kalimat tersebut terdapat verb will be cried dan has not yet been
announced. Menurut saya, dibutuhkan noun clause connector/subject (Skill 10).
Maka yang saya pilih adalah (B) What. Karena jika diterjemahkan makna yang

What will be cried in the next space shuttle payload has not yet been announced to

the public.

9. During free fall, ..... up to a full minute a skydiver will fall at a consistant speed of

120 m.p.h.

(A) it is
(B) which is
(C) being
(D) is

Answer : Di dalam kalimat tersebut terdapat verb up dan will fall. Maka yang saya
pilih untuk melengkapi kalimat tersebut adalah (B) which is. Karena which is itu
sebagai noun connector/subject

During free fall, which is up to a full minute a skydiver will fall at a consistant speed

of 120 m.p.h.

10. The fact ..... the most important ratings period is about to begin has caused all three

networks to shore up their schedules.

(A) is that
(B) of
(C) that
(D) what

Answer : Di dalam kalimat tersebut terdapat subjek fact. Terdapat verb is dan has
caused. Maka yang dibutuhkan dalam kalimat tersebut adalah connector. Connector
yang tepat adalah adjective clause connector/subject (Skill 12). Maka yang saya pilih
adalah (C) that.

The fact that the most important ratings period is about to begin has caused all three

networks to shore up their schedules.

C. Questions : TRE 1-12

1. ..... loom high above the north and northeastern boundaries of the expanding city of


(A) The Santa Catalina mountains

(B) Because the Santa Catalina mountains
(C) The Santa Catalina mountains are
(D) That the Santa Catalina mountains

Answer : Di dalam kalimat tersebut belum terdapat subjek. Maka yang saya pilih
untuk melegkapi kalimat diatas dengan subjek yaitu (A) The Santa Catalina

The Santa Catalina mountains loom high above the north and northeastern

boundaries of the expanding city of Tucson.

2. Radioactive ..... provides a powerful way to measure geologic time.

(A) it
(B) dates
(C) dating
(D) can

Answer : Di dalam kalimat tersebut terdapat subject Radioactive dan verb provides.
Maka menurut saya untuk melengkapi kalimat tersebut dengan modal auxiliary.
Namun saya bingung setahu saya modal auxiliary itu verb nya tanpa s/es. Tapi saya
memilih (D) can

Radioactive can provides a powerful way to measure geologic time.

3. ..... contained in the chromosomes, and they are thought of as the units of heredity
(A) Genes which are
(B) Genes are
(C) When genes
(D) Because of genes

Answer : Di dalam kalimat tersebut terdapat dua clause. Di dalam skill 6, pola dalam
satu kalimat itu s + v, coordinate connector s + v. Maka menurut saya, untuk
melengkapi kalimat tersebut harus ditambah subjek dan to be. Maka saya pilih (B)
Genes are.

Genes are contained in the chromosomes, and they are thought of as the units of

4. The benefit ..... the study is that it provides necessary information to anyone who

needs it.

(A) of
(B) which
(C) that
(D) because

Answer : Di dalam kalimat tersebut sudah terdapat subjek the benefit dan it. Verb is
dan provides. Maka untuk melengkapi kalimat tersebut dengan menempatkan object
of preposition diantara subjek dan verb. Maka saya memilih (A) of.

The benefit of the study is that it provides necessary information to anyone who

needs it.

5. The same symptoms that occur ..... occur with cocaine.

(A) amphetamines can

(B) with amphetamines can
(C) so amphetamines
(D) with amphetamines they

Answer : Di dalam kalimat tersebut terdapat subjek symptoms. Terdapat adjective

clause connector/subject (Skill 12). Maka yang saya pilih (A) amphetamines can

The same symptoms that occur amphetamines can occur with cocaine.
6. Many companies across the country have molded the concepts ..... describes into an

integrated strategy for preventing stress.

(A) and Wolf

(B) that Wolf
(C) what Wolf
(D) so Wolf

Answer : Di dalam kalimat tersebut terdapat dua clause, karena di dalam kalimat
tersebut terdapat subject many companies. Verb have molded dan describes. Maka
untuk melengkapi kalimat tersebut dengan menambahkan adjective clause connector
dan subjek. Maka yang saya pilih adalah (B) that Wolf

Many companies across the country have molded the concepts that Wolf describes

into an integrated strategy for preventing stress.

D. Note
Miss, saya kadang masih bingung dan kesulitan dalam mengidentifikasi dan
menjawab soal di atas. Maka dari itu saya mengerjakan dengan kemampuan yang
saya miliki.

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