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TOEFL is a standardized English test held by any countries use English as their native or second

The function of this test is to measure the English skills of people come from the non-English countries.

There are three types of TOEFL;

1. PBT (Paper Based Test),
2. CBT (Computer Based Test),
3. IBT (Internet Based Test).

The levels of difficulties are quite same. And the skills that will be measured are structure and written
expression, listening and reading.

There are some the additional tests:

- a writing test in CBT TOEFL,
- a speaking test in IBT TOEFL,

The type of TOEFL in this course is PBT.

There are three materials that would be discussed in this test:
- Listening comprehension,
- Structure,
- Written expression,
- Reading comprehension.
Section 1

Bagian pertama adalah kemampuan memahami percakapan dan monolog dalam bahasa Inggris.
Terdapat 50 butir soal yang dibagi ke dalam tiga kelompok pertanyaan.

Part A
Short Conversation
Pada part A (short conversation), akan diperdengarkan 30 percakapan pendek antara dua orang yang
kemudian pertanyaannya akan dilontarkan oleh pembicara ketiga. Pertanyaan yang lazim dimunculkan
dalam Part A adalah; maksud suatu respon/ujaran, makna terimplisit dari suatu respon/ujaran,
kemungkinan tindakan yang akan dilakukan sebagai tindak lanjut percakapan, topik/permasalahan yang
sedang diperbincangkan, anjuran yang sebaiknya dilakukan, pendapat pembicara tentang suatu perkara,
dugaan pembicara tentang suatu situasi, tempat terjadinya percakapan, identitas/pekerjaan

Strategi 1.
Opsi berupa kalimat
Cara 1.1
Biasanya opsi yang salah adalah opsi yang mengandung kata-kata berhomograf (beda tulisan tapi
pembacaan [hampir] sama). Hindari dan jangan pilih opsi yang memiliki kata yang pembacaannya
[nyaris] sama dengan kata pada opsi lainnya.

Di Audio kita mendengar.

(man) I'm tired of just sitting here!

(woman) Relax. I'm sure the flight will depart within a few minutes.
(narrator) What does the woman mean?

(A) A few minutes ago the flights departed.

(B) The fight will start in a while.
(C) They are frightened about the departure.
(D) The plane is going to take off soon.

Jawab: (D)
Kata flight pada opsi (A), fight pada opsi (B), dan frightened pada opsi (C) pembacaannya nyaris sama;
maka opsi-opsi ini kita singkirkan.

Cara 1.2
Jawaban yang dikehendaki umumnya berupa maksud dari pembicara; “Maksud” paling sering dinyatakan
dengan ungkapan lain yang semakna dengan ujaran di Audio. Ungkapan lain lazimnya bukan dengan
kata-kata yang sama seperti yang diucapkan pembicara kedua; bila di pilihan jawaban terdapat kata-kata
yang merupakan penulisan dari apa yang terucap dari Audio, pilihan tersebut akan menjadi pilihan
jebakan yang dianggap salah. Hindari opsi dengan kata-kata yang memiliki bunyi sama/mirip/atau serupa
(homofon) dengan apa yang terucap pada Audio.

Di Audio kita mendengar.
(woman) Can you tell me how often the philosophy class meets?
(man) It meets twice a week, for an hour and a half each time.
(narrator) What does the man mean?

(A) The two classes meet an hour and a half.

(B) The class meets three hours per week.
(C) Each half of the class is an hour long.
(D) Two times a week the class meets for an hour.

Jawab: (B)
Perhatikan ungkapan an hour pada opsi (A), (C), dan (D) merupakan pengulangan dari ujaran pembicara
kedua; maka opsi-opsi ini kita singkirkan.

Ungkapan lain dari It meets twice a week, for half an hour and a half each time (pertemuan kelas dua kali
dalam satu minggu, yang masing-masing 1 jam 30 menit) adalah The class meets three hours per week
(pertemuan kelas per minggunya tiga jam).

Cara 1.3
Perhatikan verb atau adjective (predikat) pada ucapan pembicara kedua. Pilihan jawaban yang
merupakan sinonim dari verb atau adjective bersangkutan.

Di Audio diperdengarkan:
(woman) Have you been able to find an apartment yet?
(man) It is difficult to find affordable housing in New York.
(narrator) What does the man mean?

(A) Housing within his budget is hard to locate.

(B) It's hard to find his house in New York.
(C) He can't afford to move his house to New York.
(D) Housing in New York is unavailable.

Jawab: (A)

Kata lain dari difficult adalah hard, dan dari find adalah locate. Perhatikan juga Cara 1.2, jawaban
lazimnya tidak dinyatakan dengan kata yang sama, melainkan ungkapan lain. Kata find pada opsi (B) dan
kata afford pada opsi (C) merupakan pengulangan ujaran pembicara kedua. Begitu juga sufiks-able pada
kata unavailable dalam opsi (D) sama dengan sufiks ujaran pembicara kedua pada kata affordable.

Cara 1.4
Bila terdapat dua opsi yang memiliki informasi saling berkontradiksi. Konsentrasi pada kedua opsi
tersebut dan singkirkan opsi yang lain, lalu gunakan langkah Cara 1.2 dan 1.3.

(A) It's rained unusually hard this year.
(B) There hasn't been any rain for many years.
(C) It's been many years since it rained.
(D) He doesn't like rain

Jawab: (A)
Opsi (A) memiliki informasi yang kontradiksi dengan opsi (B) dan (C), maka opsi (D) kita singkirkan. Opsi
(C) dan (D) memiliki maksud yang sama; maka kita singkirkan.

Di Audio kita mendengar:

(woman) I don't like this weather very much.
(man) We haven't seen rain like this for many years.
(narrator) What does the man mean?

Cara 1.5
Bila pembicara kedua mengujarkan ungkapan "So do l", "Me too", "I'l say", "Isn't it", "You can say that
again", "Neither do I" atau "I don't either", pilih opsi yang menyatakan ungkapan persetujuan: he/she
agree with, he/she shares the same opinion, dll.

Di Audio diperdengarkan:
(woman) The prices at this store are really outrageous!
(man) You can say that again.
(narrator) What does the man mean?

(A) The prices are reasonable.

(B) The store is too far out of town.
(C) He would like the woman to repeat what she said.
(D) He agrees with the woman.

Jawab: (D)

Ungkapan You can say that again menunjukkan persetujuan (agree).

Cara 1.6
Bila pembicara kedua mengujarkan ungkapan "as far as I know", "as far as I can tell". Atau suatu
question tag-kalimat dengan berakhiran auxiliary S? seperti ".isn't it?, "...,aren't they?", "doesn't it?", "don't
they? Dan sejenisnya; pilihlah opsi yang menunjukkan suatu keraguan (uncertainty), pendapat (think),
atau menaruh perhatian khusus (concern).

Di Audio diperdengarkan:
(woman) Do you know when the papers for Professor Jenkins' history class are due?
(man) They are due next week, aren't they?
(narrator) What does the man mean?

(A) The history class begins next week.

(B) He thinks the papers should be turned in next week.
(C) He has already done the paper for next week.
(D) The papers are not due next week.
Jawab: (B)

Ujaran dengan bentuk question tag: 'aren't they?" mengungkapkan suatu pendapat (think) atau keraguan

Cara 1.7
Ungkapan pembicara kedua yang dinyatakan dalam double negative, biasanya bermakna positif, maka
carilah jawaban yang dalam bentuk positif. Diantara ciri ungkapan negative adalah: not, n't, no...(nobody,
no one, none) never, dan prefik: un-, in-, im-, dis-, il-.

Di Audio diperdengarkan:
(woman) I think it's impossible for me to pass the class.
(man) You should never say "impossible"
(narrator) What does the man mean?

(A) It is not possible to pass the class.

(B) She'll definitely fail.
(C) t's always possible.
(D) She shouldn't say anything about the class.
Jawaban: (C)

Ungkapan double negative memiliki makna positif, never impossible (tidak pernah mungkin) mengandung
pengertian 'mungkin' (possible).

Cara 1.8
Bila pembicara kedua mengawali ujarannya dengan ungkapan so yang diikuti auxiliary atau adverb yang
mendapat penekanan (dibaca agak keras dan diberi jeda/pause), ini menunjukkan suatu surprise, dan
manakala yang ditanyakan narator adalah asumsi (assume); maka carilah opsi yang menyatakan hal
yang sebaliknya dari yang diucapkan pembicara kedua.

Di Audio diperdengarkan:
(man) Let me just get these last plates put away. Then, I'il be ready to go.
(woman) So you did do the dishes.
(Narrator) What had the woman assumed?

(A) The man would do the dishes.

(B) The plates did not need to be dishes.
(C) The man would not be ready to go.
(D) The dishes would not be done.

Jawaban: (D)

Ungkapan so, you did do the dishes (jadi, kamu mengerjakan pencucian piring-piring) diucapkan dengan
nada agak keras, ini menunjukkan suatu surprise; yang berarti si wanita sebenarnya menduga piring-
piring tidak dicuci.

Cara 2.1

Bila semua opsi jawaban diawali kata di (in, at, on), pasti pertanyaan akan berkisar tempat
berlangsungnya percakapan. Konsentrasi pada jargon yang dimunculkan.

Di Audio diperdengarkan:
(woman) l'd like to order a dozen roses. Do you deliver?
(man) Yes. We can deliver anywhere in the city by this afternoon.
(narrator) Where does this conversation probably take place?

(A) At the post office

(B) In the florist shop
(C) In a restaurant
(D) In a hospital delivery room

Jawab: (B)

Kata roses (bunga mawar) member indikasi pada tempat toko bunga (florist shop).

Cara 2.2
Bila seluruh pilihan jawaban diawali dengan verb-1, umumnya pertanyaannya berkisar apa yang akan
dilakukan kemudian, atau apa yang disarankan untuk dilakukan.

Di Audio diperdengarkan:
(man) I heard that Professor Wilson will let you do a project for extra credit.
(woman) That's great! 1 could use some.
(narrator) What is the woman probably going to do?

(A) Take a class from Professor Wilson.

(B) Help the man with his celass.
(C) Take an extra class.
(D) Do a project for her class.

Jawab: (D)

Kegiatan yang terujar pembicara pertama adalah: do a project for extra credit; inilah kegiatan yang
sangat mungkin dilakukan the woman (pembicara kedua).

Cara 2.3
Bila seluruh opsi berupa sebutan, umumnya pernyataan berkisar topik pembicaraan. Perhatikan apa
yang ditanyakan atau apa yang dikeluhkan pembicara pertama.

Di Audio diperdengarkan:
(man) Have you seen the headline yet?
(woman) I haven't had a chance yet today.
(narrator) What are they probably discussing?

(A) The headings for today's reading assignment

(B) The chance to make the headline
(C) Her reading ability
(D) The daily newspaper

Jawab: (D)

Yang ditanyakan pembicara pertama adalah headline yang berkonotasi dengan surat kabar.
Part B
Pada part B (longer conversation), akan diperdengarkan 2 hingga 3 percakapan yang agak panjang.
Untuk setiap percakapan, 4 hingga 5 soal tentang informasi dalam percakapan akan dilontarkan oleh

Cara 2.1
Dengarkan dan perhatikan betul kalimat pertama (atau baris pertama) dari percakapan. Pada kalimat
pertama (atau baris pertama) sering sekali berisi pikiran utama atau topik / masalah dari percakapan dan
topik / masalah percakapan ini sering dipertanyakan.

Di Audio diperdengarkan:
(narrator) Listen to the following conversation between an instructor and student:
(woman) Hi, Jack. Come in. As you know, I'm meeting with all the students to talk about their class
research projects. Can you tell me what you're planning to write?
(man) Yes. At this point I'm thinking about investigating the Anasazi Indian civilization in the
Southwest desert states. When I traveled there last summer, I got really interested in these
people, and I've found some good resources of information about them. Maybe I will focus on
why their civilization suddenly ended in about the year 1400.
(woman) This sounds very interesting, and it looks like you've got a good start. I think Eddy in our class
is also writing about Anasazi, but he's taking a different focus. Maybe you could call him to see
if you could share some information. Are you finding (man) enough books and articles?
(man) Yes, I think l'm OK so far.
(woman) Good. If you need any help, come in and let's talk about it. At any rate, l'm going to make
appointments with everyone again in three weeks to look at your rough draft.
(man) All right, Dr. Fisher. Thanks.
(woman) What is this conversation mainly about?

(A) Finding books in the library.

(B) An Exam in a class.
(C) A student's research project.
(D) Asking directions to class.

Jawab: (C)

Amati bagian awal percakapan pada Audio , ungkapan awal pada percakapan adalah...I'm meeting with
all the students to talk about their class research projects; jelas yang menjadi kisaran percakapan adalah
'rencana penelitian mahasiswa' (a student's research project).

Cara 2.2
Ikuti secara berturut pertanyaan yang ada pada lembar soal, dan coba terka kemungkinan jawabannya;
pertanyaan-pertanyaan tentang hal yang detil umumnya akan terjawab secara berturut dari kronologis
percakapan; dengan kata lain, tidak ada pertanyaan yang jig-jag (lompat-lompat). Jawaban sering
dinyatakan dengan bunyi dan kata yang sama antara apa yang tertulis apada lembar soal dengan apa
yang terucap pada percakapan di Audio.

Di Audio diperdengarkan:
(narrator) Listen as a man and woman discuss a haricut.
(woman) Hi, Bob. Your hair looks nice. It's a bit shorter than usual, isn't it?
(man) A bit shorter? I don't think so. It's a lot shorter. When I look in the mirror, I don'teven know who
is looking back at me.
(woman) So you got your hair cut, but you didn't get the hair cut that you wanted.
(man) This is not even close to the haircut that I wanted. I asked to have hair trimmed just a little bit,
and the hair stylist really went to town. When I looked down at the floor, there are piles of hair,
my hair on the floor 1 couldn't believe it!
(woman) Well, what did you say to the hairstylist?
(man) What could I say? The hair was already cut off. I couldn't exactly say "Please put it back on",
although that's exactly what I did want to say.
(woman) Well, at least you hair will grow back soon.
(man) That's what everyone is saying to me. "It'll grow back, it'll grow back," but it won't grow fast
enough to make me happy.

(A) The haircut in unusually short.

(B) This is Bob's first haircut.
(C) Bob doesn't know who gave him the haircut.
(D) After the haircut, Bob's hair still touches the floor.

Jawab: (A)
Pada bagian awal percakapan kita mendengar ujaran si wanita: opsi (A) memiliki kata yang
pembacaannya nyaris sama dengan apa yang ujaran tadi-yakni unusually It's a bit shorter than usual ...
.... dan short.
Part C

Pada part C (short text), akan diperdengarkan 3 monolog. Untuk setiap monolog, sekitar 4 soal tentang
informasi dalam monolog akan dilontarkan oleh narator. Lingkup Tema Part C lazimnya mengkisarkan
masalah perkuliahan, dunia kampus, atau isu-isu hangat.

Cara 3.1
Dengarkan pengantar dari narator dan bagian awal monolog. Pengantar dan bagian awal ini sering kali
berisi pikiran utama atau topik atau masalah dari monolog, dan ini sering dipertanyakan (biasanya pada
nomor-nomor awal setiap monolog).

Di Audio diperdengarkan:
(narrator) Listen to a lecture by a history professor.
(woman) I know that this is probably a digression from the topic of today's lecture, but it is worth noting
that although England no longer ruled her former colonies after the eighteenth century, she
controlled trade with them by selling products so cheaply that it was not possible for the new
countries to manufacture and compete with English prices. To maintain this favorable balance
of trade, England went to fantastic lengths to keep secret the advanced manufacturing
processes upon which such a monopoly depended. Enterprising Americans made all kinds of
ingenious attempts to smuggle drawings for the most modem machines out of England, but it
was an Englishman, Samuel Slater, who finally succeeded. Although textile workers were
forbidden to emigrate, Slater travels to the United States in secret. Determined to take nothing
in writing he memorized the intricate designs for all the machines in an English textile mill, and
in partnership with Moses Brown, a Quaker merchant, recreated the mill in Rhole Island.
Forty-five years later, in part as a result of the initial model by Slater and Brown, America had
changed from a country of small farmers and craftsmen to an industrial nation in competition
with England
(narrator) Who is the speaker?

(A) A preacher of religion.

(B) A professor of history.
(C) A guest lecturer in a drama class.
(D) A guest lecturer in a writing class.

Jawab: (B)
Kita mendengar bagian awal dari monolog terdapat kata A History Professor

Cara 3.2
Bila kata-kata pada opsi tertentu disebutkan secara berulang-ulang dalam monolog, opsi tersebut sangat
mungkin menjadi jawaban yang harus dipilih (terutama bila yang dinyakan adalah topik atau inti masalah
dari monolog bersangkutan).

Di Audio diperdengarkan:
(man) Community College understands that everyone who wants to attend college will not be able to
come to campus. So, as part of the Distance Learning Program, Community College offers a
series of video telecourses to meet the needs of students who prefer to complete coursework
in their homes, at their conveniences. These telecourses are regular college credit classes
taught on video cassette tapes by a Community College professor. To use the materials for
the course, you will need your own VHS type VCR player. Some telecourses will also be
broadcast on KCC7-TV's "Sun-Up Semester". This program airs from six o'clock in the
morning to seven-thirty, Monday through Friday, and a complete tisting of courses is printed in
your regular television guide.
To register for a telecourse, phone the Community College Distance Learning Program at 782-
6394. The course syllabus, books, and videotapes will be available at the Community College
bookstore. During the first week of classes, your instructor will contact you to discuss the
course requirement. Then, throughout the rest of the semester, you can use either an 800
telephone number or an e-mail address to contact your instructor.
(narrator) What is this announcement mainly about?

(A) The "Sun-Up Semester" program.

(B) The Community College campus.
(C) Video telecourses.
(D) Technology for distance learning.

Jawab: C
Kata-kata pada opsi (C) telecourses diulang-ulang dalam monologue.
Section 2

Bagian kedua dalam TOEFL adalah structure and written expression. Ini yang dibagi kedalam dua
kelompok pertanyaan,

Subject-Verb Rules
Cara 1.1

Bila dalam soal belum ada unsur subjek, lengkapilah dengan fungsi predikat, bila belum ada unsur baik
subjek dan predikat, carilah opsi yang memiliki unsur subjek dan predikat, Fungsi subjek dapat terbentuk
dari: person/noun, pronoun, gerund, noun clause, Fungsi predikat dapat terbentuk dari: to be, modal +
Verb-1/be, Verb-1/Verb-2,


The sun ___ vast amounts of gases.

(A) Gives off
(B) With
(C) Which
(D) From

Jawaban: (A) Kalimat soal belum memiliki unsur predikat, Dari opsi yang tersedia, yang dapat bertindak
sebagai predikat adalah gives (Verb-1).

Cara 1.2

Untuk subjek: hindari pemakaian awalan preposition (with, in, at, dll), relative pronoun (who, whom,
whose, which, that), serta conjunction (when, but, dll).

was backed up for miles on the freeway.
(A) Yesterday
(B) In the morning
(C) Tramc
(D) Which car

Jawaban: (C). was merupakan verb; ini berarti yang hilang pada kalimat soal adalalah fungsi subjek,
Hindari subjek yang berawalan preposition dan relative pronoun; maka opsi (B) dan (D) Kita singkirkan.
Subjek terbentuk dari salah satu person/noun, pronoun, gerund, atau noun clause; dipenuhi oleh opsi (C).

Cara 1.3

Untuk predikat: hindari pemakaian pronoun yang mengulang subjeknya, hindari pemakaian awalan
preposition (with, in, at, dll), relative pronoun (who, whom, whose, which, that), conjunction (when, but,
dll), Verb-1ng, bila tidak diawali to be, dan Verb-3, bila tidak diawali to be atau have/has/had.

The president ___ the election by a landslide.
(A) Won
(B) He won
(C) Yesterday
(D) Fortunately
Jawaban: (A). Kalimat dalam soal belum memiliki predikat. Predikat harus terbentuK dari satu be/Verb-
l/Verb-2/modal+Verb-l (opsi (A) dan (B)). Hindari pemakaion pronoun yang mengulaog subjeknya; maka
opsi (B) kita singkirkan.

Cara 1.4

Bila unsur subjek dan unsur predikat sudah hadir, jangan memilih kata yang bertindak sebagai unsur
subjek dan predikat lagi.

The child ___ playing in the yard is my son.
(A) Now
(B) Is
(C) He
(D) was

Jawaban (A). Kalimat soal sudah memiliki unsur subjek (the child) dan unsur predikat (is). Maka jangan
pilih kata yang bertindak sebagai subjek “He”(opsi C) dan jangan pilih kata yang bertindak sebagai
predikat “Is” dan “Was” (opsi B dan D).

Cara 1.5

Frasa atau klausa yang diapit koma umumnya hanya berfungsi sebagai informasi tambahan/penjelasan
(appositive). Yang menjadi subjek adalah kata yang hadir sebelum frasa yang diapit koma, dan
predikatnya adalah kata setelah frasa yang diapit koma.

The Adriatic Sea, which lies between the coasts of Italy and Yugoslavia, ___ the Mediteranian Sea.
(A) Part of
(B) Belonging to
(C) An arm is
(D) Is an arm of

Jawaban (D). Klausa “which lies ...” hadir diantara koma, maka abaikan saja. Yang menjadi subjek
adalah “The Adriatic Sea”, dengan demikian kalimat soal belum memiliki predikat, fungsi predikat
dipenuhi oleh opsi (D) to be “is”.

Cara 1.6

Menentukan subjek tunggal danjamak.

Each of the radioisotopes produced artificially ___ its own district structure.
(A) Have
(B) Has
(C) Having
(D) Have had

Jawaban (B). Yang hilang pada kalimat adalah fungsi predikat. Subjek yang diawali “each of” dianggap
tunggal. Bentuk predikat untuk subjek tunggal dipenuhi oleh has; sementara have untuk subjekjamak.

Sentence and Conjunction
Cara 2.1

Bila kalimat memiliki dua unsur S-P, hubungkanlah dengan konjungsi. Kalimat adalah rangkaian kata
yang terdapat unsur predikat (to be, modal + Verb-1/be, Verb-1/Verb-2). Frasa adalah rangkaian kata
yang tidak terdapat unsur predikat.

___ James Buchanan was a bachelor, his niece served as hostess of the White House during his
(A) It was
(B) During
(C) Because of
(D) Since


Jawaban (D). Kalimat soal memiliki dua unsur S-P: “James Buchaman was” dan “his niece served”, maka
harus dirangkai oleh konjungsi. Yang merupakan konjungsi adalah opsi (C) dan (D). Dalam rangkaian
“James ..” .. terdapat unsur predikat “was”.

Cara 2.2

Bila kalimat soal memiliki dua unsur Predikat, carilah opsi yang memiliki unsur Subjek yang diawali

___ was late, I missed the appointment.
(A) I
(B) Because
(C) The train
(D) Since he
Jawaban Rangkaian “I missed” merupakan S-P, dan “was” merupakan P; kalimat soal memiliki dua unsur
“P”. Maka kita harus mencari opsi yang berupa unsur “S” yang diawali konjungsi, ini dipenuhi o!eh opsi
(D) Since he.

Cara. 2.3

Bila terdapat konjungsi, kalimat soal harus memiliki dua unsur S-P.

The prisoners were prevented from speaking to reports because ___
(A) Not wanting the story in the papers.
(B) The story in the papers the superintendent.
(C) The public to hear the story.
(D) The superintendent did not want the story in the papers.

Jawaban (D). Konjungsi “because” mengharuskan rangkaian kata yang mengikutinya terdiri dari S-P, ini
dipenuhi oleh opsi (D) the superintendent (S) did not want (P).

Cara 2.4

Bila dalam kalimat soal hanya terdapat satu unsur S-P, dan keseluruhan pilihan jawaban menyodorkan
kata kerja; maka, kata kerja tersebut harus diungkapkan dalam Verb-1ng(untuk pengertian aktif: yang
me-) atau Verb-3 (untuk pengertian pasif yang di-/ter-).

Modern industrial methods-have supplanted individual crafts, ___ stone carvers, coopers, and cobblers

(A) Make blacksmiths,

(B) Made blacksmiths,
(C) Making blacksmiths,
(D) Makes blacksmiths

Jawaban (C). Yang hilang dari kalimat soal adalah “O”, dan semua opsi memiliki unsur S-P. Subjek +
Verb yang diawali that/whether/question word dipenuhi oleh opsi (D).

Cara 2.5

Berikut adalah pasangan kata: either … or; neither … nor; not only … but also; both … and; so atau such
… that; not until … that.

Fainting can result from either a lack of oxygen ___ a loss of blood.

(A) Or
(B) Also
(C) nor
(D) and

Jawaban (A). Kata “either” harus dipasangkan dengan kata “or”.

Cara 3.1

Pronoun yang hadir sebelum V/P (V-l, V-2, to be, modal) harus dalam bentuk subjek.


When Barrack Hussein Obama ran for US presidency, his wife took a very active role in preparing for his
campaigns, and many people believed that ___ and his wife were harmonious soul mates.

(A) he
(B) hers
(C) himself
(D) his

Jawaban (A). To be “were” mengindikasikan yang hadir sebelumnya harus berfungi sebagai subjek;
bentuk subjek di penuhi oleh “he”
Cara 3.2

Pronoun yang hadir setelah fungsi VfP”. V-l, V-2, to be, modal harus dalam bentuk objek dan setelah
preposisi harus dalam bentuk objek.

The earthquakes frequently occur in Japan, earthquake detectors are settled under 100 000 feet of rock
under soil layer 10 record vibration wave ___
(A) in it
(B) in itself
(C) in its
(D) in it’s

Jawaban (A), Preposisi “in” mcngharuskan pronoun-nya dajam bentuk objek.

Cara 3.3

Pronoun yang mengawali suatu kata benda atau Verb-1ng harus dalam bentuk dependent
possessiveness; di Iain pihak, independent possessiveness ditempatkan setelah suatu verbs, atau tidak
diikuti kata benda.

The properly of solid atoms is that ___ attaching ability to one another.
(A) They
(B) Them
(C) theirs
(D) their

Jawaban (D). Pronoun yang mengawali suatu Verb-1ng harus dalam bentuk dependent possessiveness;
ini dipenuhi oleh “their”,


1. Parallel Structure with Coordinate Conjunction

Tugas coordinate conjunctions (and, but, or) adalah menghubungkan ungkapan-ungkapan yang setara.
- We may enjoy swimming and lying on the beach.
- The meeting will take place not in the morning but in the afternoon.
- Did you come here because you wanted or because you had to?

2. Parallel Structure with Paired Conjunction

Paired conjunctions mengharuskan kata/frasa/klausa yang terangkai olehnya dalam bentuk yang setara
atau parallel.

- I have been observing both what you eat and what you drink
- Either Prabu or Ratu likes eating Bakso

3. Parallel structure with comparison

Suato perbandingan, baik persamaan atau perbedaan dari dua benda atau hal yang dianggap sama atau
berbeda harus dalam bentuk yang parallel atau setara.

My school is bigger than your school

Cara 4.1

Ungkapan yang hadir sebelum and, but, or harus memiliki bentuk dan jenis yang sama dengan yang
hadir sesudahnya.

The earth spins on its axis and ___ 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4.09 seconds for one complete rotation.
(A) Need
(B) Needed
(C) Needing
(D) Needs

Jawaban (D). Kata “and” menghubungkan kata yang hadir sebelum dan sesudahnya dalam bentuk dan
jenis yang sama. Semua opsi dalam bentuk verb, verb yang hadir sebelum and adalah spins: Verb- 1+s.
Bentuk yang sama dipenuhi oleh needs: V-l+s.

Cara 4.2

Hal yang sedang dibandingkan harus memiliki bentuk dan jenis yang sama dengan yang hadir

Hiring outsourcing workers is more efficient than ___
(A) Employing steady staffs
(B) Staffs are steadily employed
(C) Steady staff employment
(D) To employ steady staffs

Jawaban (A). “Hiring outsourcing workers” merupakan frasa yang diawali V-ing, ini dipenuhi oleh opsi
employing (V-ing) steady staffs.

Tense and Aspect

Cara 5.1

Bila dalam soal muncul kata last, ago atau keterangan waktu lampau, pilih jawaban yang dalam bentuk
past: Verb-2, was/were, atau had.

Napoleon ___ the West Indian island of Santo Dominggo in 1801.
(A) Attacked
(B) Is attacking
(C) Has attacked
(D) Attacking

Jawaban (A). Keterangan waktu in 1810 menunjukkan keterangan waktu lampau; satu-satunya opsi yang
menunjukkan waktu lampau adalah attacked (V-2).

Cara 5.2
Bila dalam soal muncul kalimat dalam bentuk past (Verb-2, was/were, atau had), pilih jawaban yang juga
dalam bentuk past: (Verb-2, was/were, atau had).

___ discussed by the board of directors when it was proposed again by the supervisors.
(A) The problem is already
(B) The problem has already
(C) The problem will already be
(D) The problem had already been

Jawaban (D). Kalimat when it was menunjukkan keterangan waktu lampau, jadi yang paling tepat adalah
“had already been”.

Cara 5.3

Bila terjadi keterangan by + waktu, pilih jawaban dalam bentuk have+Verb-3.

By the twenty-first century, the computer ___ a necessity in every home.
(A) To become
(B) Has became
(C) Becoming
(D) Will have become

Jawaban (D). Keterangan waktu yang diawali by mengharuskan kita menggunakan future perfect tense:
will have+Verb-3.

Cara 5.4

Kata kerja yang mengikuti auxiliary: have/has/had harus dalam Verb-3/been.

People who have very little technical background have to understand computer language.

(A) Learn
(B) Learned
(C) Learning
(D) Learns

Jawaban (B). Kata kerja yang mengikuti have harus dalam bentuk Verb-3.

Relative Pronoun

Cara 6.1

a) Bila kata yang hadir berupa orang atau Tuhan, who, whom, whose yang harus digunakan.

b) Bila kata yang hadir berupa benda atau binatang, which yang harus digunakan.

Charlie Chaplin was a comedian ___ was best known for his work in silent movies.
(A) Who
(B) Which
(C) Whose
(D) What

Jawaban (A). Comedian (pelawak) adalah orang, dan kata sesudah titik-titik: was merupakan fungsi
predikat, maka relative pronoun yang tepat adalah who.

Conditional Sentence

Cara 7.1

a) If/unless+Verb-l atau to be (present) will + Verb-1/be.

b) If/unless+Verb-2 atau to be (past) would/could/might + V-l/be.
c) If/unless+had Verb-3/been (past perfect) would/could/might have+verb 3/%een.
d) Will+Verb-l/be if unless+Verb-l atau is/am/are (present).
e) Would/could/might+Verb-l/be if/unless+Verb-2 atau were (past).
f) Would/could/might have+Verb-3/been if/unless + had ver-3/been atau had + S + Verb-3/been (past

If water is heated to 212 degrees F, ___ as steam.

(A) It will boil and escape

(B) It is boiling and escaping
(C) It boil and escape
(D) It would boil and escape


Jawaban (A). Pasangan dari if + is adalah will + Verb-1.


Cara 8.1

Bila terdapat titik-titik sebelum kata than, istilah dengan opsi yang memiliki pengertian lebih dari (bentuk

According to recent survey, the incumbent president is now ___ than he was three months ago.

(A) Popular
(B) More popular
(C) Most popular
(D) Populist

Jawaban (B). Kata than (daripada) yang hadir setelah titik-titik mengharuskan kata yang hadir
sebelumnya memiliki pengertian lebih (more popular).
Cara 8.2

Bila hanya dua hal yang sedang diperbandingkan, pilih opsi yang menyatakan lebih.


The speed of light is ___ the speed of sound.

(A) Faster
(B) A fast
(C) The fastest
(D) Much faster than

Jawaban (D). Opsi (A) salah-faster seharusnya dirangkai dengan kata than; opsi (B) salah-as fast (as +
adjective) harus dirangkai dengan as, opsi (C) salah-the fastest (paling cepat) digunakan untuk
membandingkan lebih dari dua hal; maka harus dipergunakan faster than.

Cara 8.3

Kata as+adjective/adverb harus dirangkai dengan as dalam menyatakan makna se-; dan juga, bila
terdapat titik-titik sebelum as, maka harus diisi oleh as + adjective/adverb.

Generally speaking, people should have ___ as their desires will allow.
(A) Much education.
(B) More education.
(C) As much education.
(D) For education.

Jawaban (C). Bila terdapat titik-titik sebelum as, maka harus diisi oleh as + adjective/adverb; ini dipenuhi
oleh as much education.

Cara 8.4

Bila terdapat the + bentuk “comparatuve”, cari opsi yang juga dalam pola the + bentuk “comparative” —
untuk menyatakan pengertian “semakin . .. semakin .

___ in Stevenson’s landscape, the more vitality and character the paintings seems to possess.

(A) The brushwork is loose

(B) The looser brushwork
(C) the loose brushwork is
(D) the looser the brushwork is

pola seperti ini harus merupakan pola the + bentuk “comparative” Jawaban (D). The more .

dipasangan dengan pola the + bentuk “comparative” juga, ini dipenuhi oleh opsi (B) dan (D). Suatu

kalimat harus terdiri atas subjek dan predikat; dengan demikian jawaban yang tepat adalah (D).
Gerund, To infinitive, Bare Infinitive

Cara 9.1

Gerund digunakan manakala:

1. Verb bertindak sebagai subjek atau sebagai objek/complement.

2. Verb hadir setelah suatu preposition, setelah possessive adjective, setelah ungkapan.
3. Verb hadir setelah kata kerja berikut:

Can “t help

Strauss finished ___ two of his published compositions before his tenth birthday.

(A) Written
(B) write
(C) to write
(D) writing

Jawaban (D). Kata kerja finish mengharuskan kata kerja yang mengikutinya dalam bentuk gerund; Verb-
1ng, ini dipenuhi oleh opsi (D) writing.

Cara 9.2

To infinitive digunakan manakala:

1. Verb hadir setelah kata tanya/question word atau objek pelaku (accusative object).
2. Verb hadir sebagai pelengkap dari pola 'it + to be + adjective'
3. Verb hadir sebagai object complement dalam causative 'get' aktif

One of the least effective ways if storing information is learning

(A) To repeat
(B) Repeating
(C) how do we repeat
(D) repeat

Jawaban (A). Verb 'learn' dapat diikuti to infinitive atau noun clause; maka opsi yang memungkinkan
adalah (A) dan (C). Noun clause selalu dalam pola affirmative — pertanyaan, dengan demikian opsi (C)
tidak tepat.

Cara 9.3

Bare infinitive digunakan manakala:

1. Kata kerja hadir setelah modal atau kata help dan setelah kata make dan let.
2. Kata kerja hadir sebagai predikat dalam klausa setelah ungkapan yang menyatakan anjuran, saran,
permintaan, tuntutan.
3. Kata kerja hadir sebagai object complement dalam causative 'have' aktif

"What did the doctor tell Mrs. Nunik about her health?"
"He recommended ___ less

(A) That she worked

(B) That she work
(C) her work
(D) that she working

Jawaban (B). Verb sebagai predikat dalam klausa setelah anjuran (recommend) harus dalam bentuk bare
infinitive (Verb-1 tanpa ditambah apapun)


Causative adalah suatu pola kalimat yang menyatakan bahwa seseorang/subyek menyebabkan orang
lain melakukan sesuatu atau menyebabkan sesuatu dikerjakan untuknya oleh orang lain dengan
menggunakan kata tertentu: have/make/let/get.

Cara 10.1

Verb yang hadir setelah kata have dalam Verb-3 atau have infinitive (Verb-1 tanpa to):

I'll have my assistant ___ for an appointment

(A) Called
(B) Calling

(C) will call

(D) call

Jawaban (D). Kata bare yang diikuti objek mengharuskan Verb yang mengikutinya dalam bentuk V-3 atau
bare infinitive (V-l tanpa to); opsi (A) called dan (D) call.

Cara 10.2

Verb yang hadir setelah kata get dalam Verb-3 atau to infinitive (Verb-1 yang diawali to):


Lobbysists who represent special interest groups get

the benefits their groups.

(A) Congress to pass the legislation

(B) Congress passed the legislation
(C) The legislation to pass by s=congress
(D) The legislation that congress passing.

Jawaban (A). Kata get yang diikuti objek mengharuskan kata kerja yang mengikutinya dalam bentuk
Verb-3 atau to infinitive (Verb-1 yang diawali to); ini dipenuhi oleh opsi (A) dan (B). Dan pengertian aktif
(me-) mengharuskan penggunaan to infinitive.

Cara 10.3

Verb hadir setelah kata make/let harus dalam bare infinitive (Verb-1 tanpa to).


Psychologists suggest that motivation ___ what they want.

(A) Make people achieve

(B) Make people to achieve
(C) making people in achieving
(D) makes people achieving

Jawaban (A). Kata make yang diikuti suatu bentuk objek mengharuskan kata kerja yang mengikutinya
dalam bentuk bare infinitive (Verb-1 tanpa to); opsi (A).


Subjunctive adalah pemakaian kata kerja (verb) sebagai predikat yang tidak mematuhi aturan tenses

Cara 11.1
Kata kerja yang hadir sebagai P dalam klausa setelah anjuran, saran, permintaan, tuntutan harus
dinyatakan dalam bare infinitive (Verb-libe tanpa penambahan apapun).

___ less moderate members of Congress are insisting that changes in the Social Security System made.

(A) Will
(B) Are
(C) Being
(D) Be

Jawaban (D). Kata kerja sebagai predikat dalam klausa setelah ungkapan yang menyatakan permintaan /
tuntutan (insist) harus dinyatakan dalam bare infinitive (Verb-1/be tanpa penambahan apapun), ini
dipenuhi oleh opsi (D) be.

Cara 11.2
Kata kerja hadir sebagai predikat dalam klausa yang hadir setelah ungkapan wish/as, if/as, though/would
rather selalu dinyatakan dalam bentuk past.

The students wish they ___ to go to class today.

(A) Don’t have

(B) Didn’t have
(C) Will not have
(D) Haven’t had

Jawaban (B) kerja hadir sebagai predikat dalam klausa yang hadir setelah ungkapan wish selalu
dinyatakan dalam bentuk past. Keterangan waktu today (hari ini) mengindikasikan yang diangan -
angankan terjadi pada waktu kini. Dengan demikian kita harus menggunakan simple past yang dipenuhi
oleh opsi didn't have.


Inversion arau inverse, merupakan sttuktur kalimat yang menaruh kata kerja auxiliary sebelum fungsi

Cara 12.1

Bila diawali negative expressions: no, not, hardly, seldom, rarely, barely, never, few, little, neither, nor, no
sooner, scarcely, gunakanlah kalimat inversion.

Never ___ so much snow.

(A) I have seen

(B) Have I seen
(C) Having seen
(D) Seen I have

Jawaban (B). Kalimat yang diawali negative adverb: never, harus dalam bentuk inversion-auxiliary dan
dihadirkan sebelum subjek, ini dipenuhi oleh opsi (B) have I seen.

Cara 12.2

Bila terdapat kata only yang mengawali suatu kalimat, kalimat tersebut harus dinyatakan dalam inversion.


Only after a baby seal is pushed into the sea by its mother ___ to swim.

(A) How will it learn

(B) Will it learn how
(C) It will learn how
(D) and it learns how

Jawaban (B). Kalirnat yang diawali kata only harus dinyatakan dalam inversion. Bentuk inversion-auxiliary
dihadirkan sebelum subjek, ini dipenuhi oleh opsi (B) will it learn how.

Cara 12.3

Manakala ungkapan keterangan tempat di taruh di awal kalimat, bentuk inversion harus digunakan.
Dalam pola ini, keseluruhan kata kerja di tempatkan sebelum subjek.


On a hill in front of them ___

(A) Stood a great castle

(B) A great castle stood
(C) A great castle did stand
(D) A castle was standing greatly

Jawaban (A). Kalimat yang menempatkan keterangan waktu di bagian awal harus berpola iversion
dengan menaruh keseluruhan kata kerja sebelum subjek. Ini dipenuhi oleh opsi (A) stood a great castle.

Cara 12.4

Manakala kata “here” atau “there” ditaruh diawal kalimat, bentuk inversion harus digunakan. Dalam pola
ini, keseluruhan kata kerja ditempatkan sebelum subjek.


There ___

(A) The vicar goes

(B) The vicar will go
(C) Goes the vicar
(D) The goes vicar

Jawaban (C). Kata there ditaruh diawal kalimat mengharuskan kalimat dinyatakan dalam bentuk
inversion. Dalam pola ini, keseluruhan kata kerja ditempatkan sebelum subjek; ini dipenuhi oleh opsi (C)
goes the vicar.

Cara 12.5

Inversion digunakan untuk bentuk pertanyaan langsung-umumnya bila kata tanya ditempatkan di muka,
tapi tidak untuk pertanyaan tidak langsung ditempatkannya kata tanya di tengah kalimat.


What type of security ___

(A) He prefers for his investments

(B) Does he prefer for his investments?
(C) He does prefer for his investments?
(D) He prefers for his investments?

Jawaban (B). Ini merupakan kalimat pertanyaan langsung. Bentuk ini harus dinyatakan dalam bentuk
inversion-auxiliary dihadirkan sebelum subjek; ini dipenuhi oleh opsi (B).

Part of Speech
A. Articles
Cara 15.1

Bila terdapat suatu noun phrase digaris bawahi, dan inti noun-nya merupakan countable, phrase tersebut
harus diawali suatu article (a/an/the); bila tidak, harus dianggap salah.

Teacher has many students during a semester.


Jawaban (A) Countable noun, harus diawali article (a).

Cara 15.2

a/an hanya dapat mengawali suatu countable noun dalam bentuk singular; bila terdapat a/an dengan
uncountable noun / plural countable noun harus dianggap salah.

The child and his friends are having a milk and cookies.

Milk merupakan suatu plural countable noun (kata benda dalam dapat dihitung). Kata benda seperti ini
seharusnya tidak mendapat awalan article: “a”

Cara 15.3

“a” digunakan untuk kata yang berawalan bunyi konsonan; sementara, “an” untuk kata yang berawalan
bunyi vocal.

The dishwasher quit his job because he was making only four dollars a hour.

Jawaban Kata hour dibaca /aUÜ(r)/-memiliki bunyi awal vocal; article “a” seharusnya “an”.

B. Quantifiers
Cara 15.4

- Quantifiers harus diikuti suatu singular noun: each, every, single, one, a.
- Quantifiers harus diikuti plural noun: both, two/three/four, many, several, various.
- Quantifiers harus diikuti suatu plural countable noun: many, number, few.
- Quantifiers harus diikuti suatu uncountable noun: much, amount, little. Less
- Ungkapan one of, many of, any of lazimnya diikuti plural noun.

Contoh :
She wanted to serve some coffee to her guests, however ___

(A) She hadn't many sugar

(B) There was not a great amount of the sugar
(C) She did not have much sugar
(D) She was lacking in amount of the sugar
Jawabian (C), Sugar merupakan uncountable noun maka pemakaian kata many pada opsi (A) salah.
Redaksi pada opsi (B) dan (D) tidak efektif.

C. Adjective/adverb/noun
Cara 15.7

- Karena penjelas verb adalah adverb, maka bila terdapat adjective digaris bawahi dan kata yang
hadir sesudahnya merupakan verb, adiective ini harus dianggap salah.
- Karena penjelas noun adalah adjective, maka bila terdapat adverb digarisbawani dengan kata
yang hadir sesudahnya merupakan noun, adverb ini harus dianggap salah.
- Yang hadir setelah linking verbs: appear, be, become, feel, look, prove, seem, smell, taste harus
dalam bentuk adjective: bila tidak, harus dianggap salah.
- Kata yang berperan sebagai penjelas suatu noun tidak dinyatakan dalam bentuk plural.

Several people have apparent tried to change the man's mind, but he refuses to listen

Jawaban (B). Tried merupakan verb vang seharusnya dijelaskan oleh adverb, “apparent” scharusnya

Active-Passive Voice
Cara 16.1

- Bila konteks predikat lebih tepat diungkapkan deengan di-/ter-/ke-, pilih opsi dalam to be + V-3;
bila lebih tepat dengan me-, ber-, hindari opsi to be + V-3.
- Bila terdapat by + pelaku, pilih opsi dalam bentuk to be + V-3.
- Bila opsi berupa kata kerja transitif dan pada konteks soal tidak terdapat fungsi object, pilih opsi
yang berpola pasif: to be + V-3.

The foundation should ___ by the construction workers before they left the construction site,
(A) Have finished
(B) Have been finishing
(C) Have been finished
(D) Has finished

Jawaban (C). Pernyataan “by the construction workers”, mengidentifikasikan predikat yang hadir
sebelumnya harus dalam pola pasif (to be + V-3): dipenuhi oleh opsi (C).

Word Order
Cara 17.1

- Keterangan waktu harus diletakkan paling awal atau paling akhir dalam kalimat.
- Subject diikuti verb, kemudian object, adverb of manner, lantas adverb of place. Adverbs of
indefinite frequency (always, sometimes, etc) diletakkan sebelum kata kerja, dan bila memiliki
auxiliary letaknya adalah setelah auxiliary. Sedang adverbs of definite frequency (every, three
times, etc) diletakkan diawal, akhir pernyataan, atau setelah Verb
- Indirect object akan hadir sebelum direct object. Akan tetapi bila direct object diletakkan
mendahului indirect object, kita harus sisipkan preposisi to atau for diantaranya.

The local tribe community ___
(A) Proposed auspiciously a petition president
(B) Proposed to the president last year a etition auspiciously
(C) Proposed a petition auspiciously to the president last year
(D) Pembahasan: Proposed last year auspiciously to the president

Jawaban (C). Ungkapan “in the previous year” pada opsi (A) dan “last year” pada opsi (B), (C) dan (D)
merupakan keterangan waktu. Keterangan waktu harus diletakkan paling awal atau paling akhir dalam ini
penuhi oleh opsi (C).
Section 3
Reading Comprehension umumnya terdiri atas 5 buah teks yang menyodorkan 50 butir soal. Terdapat 10
buah butir soal dalam tiap teks. Alokasi waktunya adalah 55 menit.

Pertanyaan yang sering muncul


Gagasan utama merupakan gambaran umum, topik, atau tema dari bacaan.
Cotoh :
- What is the topic [of the text/of the paragraph]?
- What is the main/primary idea?
- What is the subject?
- What is the main information/point of the text?

Tips 1
- Untuk teks yang hanya memiliki satu paragraf, bacalah kalimat pertama dan terakhir: kemudian
cari opsi yang idenya identik dengan dua kalimat tersebut
- Untuk teks yang terdiri atas lebih dari 1 paragraf, bacalah kalimat pertama dari setiap paragraf
dan kalimat terakhir dari paragraf pertama dan terakhir, kemudian cari opsi rangkuman informasi
dari kalimat-kalimat tersebut.

Text 1

Tampa, Florida, owes a great deal of its growth and prosperity to a Cuban cigar manufacturer named
Vicente Martinez Ybor. When civil war broke out in 1869, he was forced to flee his country. and he moved
his business to (5) south Florida. Sixteen years later, labor union problems in Key West caused him to
seek a better location along the west coast of the state. He bought a forty-acre iract of land and made
plans to set up his cigar factory on the site. This original sixteen-block stretch of land later expanded to
one (10) hundred acres near Tampa. This newly developed area was called Ybor City in his honor.
Spanish, Italian, and Cuban immigrants flocked to the area as the demand for workers in the cigar factory
increased. One fifth of the city's twenty thousand residents enjoyed the high-paying jobs there. At (15) the
end of the 1800's, Jose Marti, a Cuban poet and freedom fighter, organized a revolution from Ybor City
and managed to get considerable a support for his movement. Teddy Roosevelt's "Rough Riders" were
stätioned there during the Spanish- American War-in 1898. Much of the prosperity of this region is due to
Ybor's cigar factory established more than one hundred years ago.
(Pyle, 1995)

What is the best title for the passage?

(A) The Spanish-American War

(B) Cuban Contributions in the Development of Ybor City
(C) Ybor's Contibutions to Developing Part of the Tampa Area
(D) The process of Cigar manufacturing

Jawaban (C). Kalimat pertama menyatakan Tampa sangat berhutang pada tokoh Ybor atas pertumbuhan
dan kemakmuran yang dicapai, kalimat terakhir menyatakan banyak kemakmuran di daerah ini berkat
perusahaan yang didirikan Ybor. Jadi, judul yang tepat untuk teks tersebut adalah kontribusi Ybor pada
kemajuan daerah Tampa (Ybor's Contribution to Developing Part of the Tampa Area).

Inferensi adalah suatu proses dimana kita menggunakan tanda-tanda atau isyarat-isyarat dalam teks
untuk dihubungkan satu sama lainnya, dan kemudian ditarik benang praduga logis tentang suatu hal atau

- It can be inferred from the passuge that ..
- It is implied in the passage that ...
- It is most likely that..

Tips 2

Pertama, ambil kata kunci kalimat soal, lalu cari kalimat dalam teks yang mengandung kata kunci
tersebut. Kemudian baca kalimat-kalimat yang mengandung kata kunci tadi dan hubungkan keterkaitan
gagasan-gagasannya, dan tarik suatu praduga.


Text I

It was the first photograph that I had ever seen, and it fascinated me. I can remember holding it at every
angle in order to catch the flickering light from the oil lamp on the dresser. The man in the pphotograph
was unsmiling but his eyes were kind. I had never met him, but I felt that I knew him. One evening when I
was looking at the photograph, as I always did before I went to sleep, I noticed a shadow across the
man's thin face. I moved the photograph so that the shadow lay perfectly around his hollow cheeks. How
different he looked!
That night I could not sleep, thinking about the letter that I would write. First, I would tell him that I was
eleven years old, and that if he had a little girl my age, she could write to me instead of him. I knew that
he was very busy man. Then I would explain to him the real purpose of my letter. I would tell him how,
wonderful he looked with the shadow that I had seen across his photograph, and I would most carefully
suggest that he grow whiskers.
Four months later when I met him at the train station near my home in Westfield, New York, he was
wearing a full beard. He was so much taller than I had imagined from my tiny photograph. "Ladies and
gentlemen," he said, 1 have no speech to make and no time to make it in. I appear before you that may
see you and that you may see me. "Then he picked me right up and kissed me on both cheeks. The
whiskers scratched. "Do you think I look better, my little friend?" he asked me. My name is Grace Bedell.
And the man in the photograph was Abraham Lincoln.
(Sharpe, 2000)

From this passage, it may be inferred that?

(A) Grace Bedell'ovas the only one at the train station when Lincoln stopped at Westfield
(B) There were many people waiting for Lincoln to arrive on the train
(C) Lincoln made a long speech at the station in Westfield
(D) Lincoln was.offended by the latter

Jawaban (B). Kata kunci opsi (A). (B), dan (C) adalah train dan station, dan kata-kata ini kita dapatkan
pada paragraf 3. Sapaan, "Ladies and gentlemen." mengisyaratkan banyak orang,
Opsi (B) yang menyatakan "banyak orang menunggu kedatangan Lincoln di stasiun kereta merupakan
interfensi yang tepat;
Sementara opsi (A) yang menyatakan hanya Grace Bedell yang berada di stasiun saat Lincoln tiba',
adalah inferensi yang keliru.
Pernyataan opsi (C) berkontradiksi dengan maksud ujaran Lincoln "I have no speech to make and no
time to make it in" Lincoln tidak berpidato panjang.
Bila kita hubungkan isi surat Grace Bedell untuk Lincoln pada paragraf 2 dan reaksi Lincoln kepada
Grace Bedell pada paragraph 3 yang menyapanya dengan " little friend", memberi indikasi Lincoln
tidak tersinggung dengan surat itu; pada opsi (D), oleh karena, itu tidak tepat.


Pertanyaan yang mengikuti suatu teks akan mempertanyakan informasi atau data tertentu dari ana vang
dinyatakan teks itu. Jawaban pertanyuan ini disuguhkan dalam teks, dan jawaban yang benar seringnya
merupakan pengungkapan kembali dari apa yang dinyatakan.

- According to the passage…
- It is stated in the passage...
- The passage indicates that...
- Which of the following is true?

Tips 3

Pertama, ambil kata kunci dari redaksi kalimat soal, lalu cari kalimat di teks yang mengandung kata kunci
tersebut. Baca kalimat yang mengandung kata kunci tadi. Pilih opsi jawaban yang memiliki gagasan yang
sama seperti apa yang tertulis dalam teks, namun kata-katanya tidak sama dengan redaksi pada teks


Text 1

Although speech is the most advance form of communication, there are many ways of". Communicating
without using speech. Signals, signs, symbols, and gestures may be found in every known culture. The
basic function of a signal is to impinge upon the environment in such a way thut It attracts attention, as,
for example, the dots and dashes of a telegraph circuit. Coded to refer to speech, the potential for
communication is very great. Less adaptable to the codification of words, signs also contain meaning in
and of themselves. A stop sign of bar-ber pole conveys meaning quickly and conveniently. Symbols are
more difficult to describe than either signals or signs because of their intricate relationship with the
receiver's cultural perceptions. In some cultures, applauding in theater provides performers with an
auditory a symbol of approval. Gestures such as waving and handshaking also communicate certain
cultural messages.
Although signals, signs, symbols, and gestures are very useful, they do have a major disadvantage. They
usually do not allow ideas to be shared without the sender being directly adjacent to the receiver. As a
result, means of communication intended to be used for long distances and extended periods are based
upon speech. Radio, television, and the telephone are only a few.

(Sharpe, 2000)

According to the passage, what is a signal?

(A) The most beautiful form of communication to describe
(B) A form of communication which may be used across long distances
(C) A form of communication that interrupts the environment
(D) The form of communication most related to cultural perceptions

Jawaban (C). Penjelasan tentang signal ada pada kalimat ke-3 paragraf 1: The basic function of a signal
is to is to impinge upon the environment in such a way. Ungkapan lain dari impinge adalah interrupt. Di
lain pihak, opsi (A) dan (D) mengacu pada simbol [kalimat ke-7 paragraf 1]; opsi (B) mengacu pada
komunikasi berdasarkan pada speech.


Soal kosa kata biasanya menguji pengetahuan kita akan sinonim (persamaan arti) dari kata atau frasa
tertentu yang digunakan dalam teks:
What is the meaning of ... in line...
The word ... in line... is closest meaning to...
The word ... in line .. could best be replaced by…

Kita tidak perlu membuka kamus untuk mengetahui arti kata baru jika kita dapat menerka (guess) kata itu
lewat petunjuk konteks (context clue).

Tips 4

Cari kata yang sedang ditanyakan dalam teks. Baca kalimat dimana kata itu berada.
- Tanda baca: koma, dalam kurung, tanda pisah.
- Pengungkapan kembali: or, that, is, in other words.

One goal of many Americans and Canadians is to move out of a busy urban area such as New Yark Los
Angeles, or Toronto. They want to escape from pollution (for example, smog and noise pollution. They
are tired of the crowds of people each day on the mass transmit system such as buses, commuter trains
and subways.

The word "urban area" in line 1 could best be replaced by…

(A) Community
(B) Authority
(C) Territory
(D) City

Jawaban (D), Dengan melihat contoh New York, Los Angeles, dan Toronto, kita dapat mengira- ngira arti
urban area merupukan kota besar atau perkotaan (city).


Soal yang menghendaki pilihan informasi lazimnya dinyatakan dengan redaksi:
Which of the following is not stated?
Which of the following is not discussed?
All the followings are true except?

Tips 5

Pertama-tama ambil kata kunci dari redaksi kalimat soal, kemudian cari kälimat di teka yang
mengandung kata kunci tersebutu. Lantas baca kalimat yang mengandung kata kunci tadi dengan
seksama, Tentukan opsi jawaban yang benar menurut teks, dan tentukan opsi yang menyimpang dari
informasi menurut teks.


Text 1
It has long been known that when exposed to light under suitable conditions of temperature and moisture,
the green parts of plants use carbondioxide from the atmosphere and release oxygen to it. These
exchanges are the opposite of those that occur in respiration. The process is called photosynthesis.

In the photosynthesis, carbohydrates are synthesized from carbon dioxide and water by the chloroplasts
of plants cells in the presence of light. In most plants, the water used in photosynthesis is absorbed from
the soil by the roots and translocated through the xylem of the root and stem to the leaves. Except for the
usually small percentage used in respiration, the oxygen released in the process diffuses out of the leaf
into the atmosphere through the stomates. Oxygen is the product of the reaction. For each molecule of
carbon dioxide used, ofie molecul of oxygen is released. A summary chemical equation for
photosynthesis is:

6CO2 + 6H2O + C6H1206 + 602

As a result of this process, radiant energy from the sun is stored as chemical energy. In turn. the chemical
energy is used to decompose carbon dioxide and water. The products of their decomposition are
recombined into a new compound, which is successively built up into more and morecomplex substance.
Agter many intermediate steps, sugar is produced. At the same time, a balance of gases is preserved in
the atmosphere.
(sharpe, 2000)

Which of the following is NOT true of the oxygen used in photosynthesis?

(A) Oxygen is absorbed by the roots
(B) Oxygen is the product of photosynthesis
(C) Oxygen is used in respiration
(D) Oxygen is released into the atmosphere through the leaves.

Jawaban (A). Pertanyaan opsi (B) senada dengan informasi baris 3-4 pada teks. Opsi (C) diinformasikan
baris 8. Opsi (D) diinformasikan baris 7-8. Sementara pernyataan opsi (A) tidak sejalan dengan informasi
baris 6-7, yang diserap akar adalah air (water) - bukan oksigen.


Soal rujukan kata mengharuskan kita mencari kata benda atau gagasan yang dirujuk oleh suatu pronoun
(kata ganti).
- The pronoun “..." in line ... refers to
- In line .., what does the word ... refer to?

Tips 6
Cari di teks kalimat yang memiliki pronoun bersangkutan, lalu perhatikan pernyataan sebelum pronoun


Text 1

Glands manufacture and secrete necessary substance. Exocrine glands secrete their product through
ducts, but endocrine glands, or ductless elands, release their products dirccty b bloodstream. One
important endocrine eland is the thyroid gland. It is in the neck and and lobels, one on cach side of the
windnines The thyroid, eland collects iodine from the oho the produces thyroxine, an important hormone,
which it stores in an inactive form. When thyroxine is needed by the body, the thyroid gland secretes it
directly into the bloodstream. Thyroxine is combined in the body cells with other chemicals and affects
many functions of the body.
The thyroid gland may be underactive or overactive resulting in problems. An underactive thyrola causes
hypothyroidism, while an overactive one causes hyperthyroidism. The former problem, called myxedema
in adults and cretinism in children, causes the growth process to slow down. A cretin's body and mind do
not grow to their full potential. Hyperthyroidism, on the other hand, results in extreme nervousness, an
increase in heart action, and other problem.
Either hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism may result in goiter, or an enlarged thyroid gland. A goiter will
appear when the body is not getting enough jodine. Goiter is less common today, since most people used
iodized salt.
(Pyle, 1995)

The word "it" in line 5 refers to…

(A) Thyroxine
(B) Blood
(C) lodine
(D) Thyroid gland

Jawaban (D). Pernyataan yang hadir sebelum kalimat tersebut adalah The thyroid gland collects iodine
from the blood and produces thyroine, an important hormone'. Yang tergolong singular noun pada
pernyataan tersebut adalah the thyroid gland, iodine, the blood dan thyroxine. Karena yang menjadi
pokok pembicaraan pada kalimat tadi adalah the thyroid gland; maka inilah yang dirujuk oleh pronoun 'it'.


TOEFL umumnya menyodorkan teks ilmiah yang lazimnya bersifat faktual, informatif, eksplanatif. serta
deskriptif. Sifat-sifat tadi yang harus dipilih sebagai jawaban. Akan tetapi bila tidak terdapat sifat-sifat
seperti tadi, carilah dalam teks yang menunjukkan suatu bentuk emosional.


Text 1
A cartoon originally was and still is a drawing: a full size pattern of execution in painting, tapestry, mosaic,
or other form. The cartoon was the final stage in the series of drawn preparations for painting in traditional
Renaissance studio practice, In the early 1840's when that studio practice was rapidly decaying, cartoons
rather suddenly acquired a new meaning that of pictorial parody, almost invariably a multiply reproduced
drawing, which by the devices of caricature, analogy, and ludicrous juxtaposition (frequently high-lighted
by written dialogue or commentary) sharpens the publie view of a contemporary event, folkway, or
political or social trend. It is normally humorous but may be positively savage. Just as the personal
caricature was for audience that knew the original, so the cartoon was and is based on wide
acquaintance with the subject. It serves as a capsule version of editorial opinion when it makes political
satire, and it is a running commentary on social change, sometimes intended as a corrective to social

Which of the following best describes the author's attitude toward cartoon?
(A) Critical
(B) Persuasive
(C) Humorous
(D) Neutral

Jawahan (D), Penulis menyodorkan fakta-fakta tentang kartun secara objektif, apa adanya, tanpa
member opini pribadi yang judgemental. Oleh karena itu, opsi (A). (B), dan (C) tidak menggambarkan
objektifitas karena bernuansa judgemental. Opsi (D) neutral dapat mewakili maksud dari objektif.
Soal kebertalian gagasan (organization of ideas) meminta kita menelaah bagaimana hubungan antara
gagasan pada satu paragraf dengan paragraf lain. Soal yang mempertanyakan kebertalian gagasan
lazimnya dinyatakan dengan redaksi:
- How is the information in the passage organized?
- Which of the following best describes the organization, of the passage?
- The above passage is divided into … paragraphs in order to...
- Which statement best describes the organization of this passage?

Tips 8

Baca kalimat pertama dari setiap paragraph, Kemudian perhatikan kata/ungkapan yang menunjukkan
keterhubungan antar paragraf. Misalnya:
- On the other hand → perbandingan/pertentangan
- In addition → menguatkan ide sebelumnya, dsb.

Conflict within an organization is not always viewed as undesirable, In fact, various managers have
divergent ideas on the value that conflict can have.
According to the traditional view of conflict, conflict is harmful to an organization. Managers with this
traditional view of conflict see it as their role in an organization to rid the organization of any possible
source of conflict.
The interactionist view of conflict, on the other hand, holds that conflict can serve an important function in
an organization by reducing complacency among workers and causing positive changes to occur.
Managers who hold an interactionist view of conflict may actually take steps to stimulate conflict within the
(Philips, 2001)

How is the information in the passage organized?

(A) The origin of idea about conflict is presented
(B) Contrasting view of conflict are presented
(C) Two theories discuss the strengths and weakness of their views on conflict
(D) Examples of conflict within organizations are presented.

Jawaban (B), Paragraf pertama memiliki gagasan utama bahwa konflik dipandang secara berbeda.
Paragraf 2 memaparkan pandangan kelompok tradisional; dan paragraf 3 membahas pandangan
kelompok interaksionis. Ungkapan “on the other hand” (sebaliknya) pada kalimat 1 paragraf 3
mengindikasikan bahwa pendapat-pendapat yang disodorkan memang berbeda (contrast)


Pertanyaan jenis ini memaparkan koherensi antar paragraf dalam suatu essay. Suatu paragraf boleh jadi
dimulai dengan gagasan dari paragraf sebelumnya sebagai cara untuk menghubungkan gagasan dalam
kedua paragraf bersangkutan. Suatu paragraf juga dapat diakhiri dengan suatu gagasan yang akan
dikembangkan lebih jauh pada paragraf yang mengikutinya. Soal seperti ini biasanya dinyatakan dengan:
- Which of the following would most likely be the topic of the next paragraph in this passage?
- The paragraph preceding this extract probably dealt with…
- What is most likely in the paragraph following the passage?

Tips 9

- Untuk pertanyaan preceding topic, baca kalimat pertama paragraf pertama; cari opsi yang
berkaitan dengan gagasan pada kalimat pertama tadi.
- Untuk pertanyaan following topic, baca kalimat terakhir paragraf terakhir; cari opsi yang berkaitan
dengan gagasan pada kalimat terakhir tadi.


Text 1

Another common blues instrument that flourished in the rural South during the 1920s and 1930s was
blues harp or harmonica. It was played mainly in bands called jug bands that commonly performed on
street cormers, in saloons, and at country stores. Jug bands used a variety of instruments including the
banjo, guitar, washboard, kazoo, fiddle, jugs, and blues harp. In these bands, the blues harp was used
primarly for melodic and rhythmic support. The earliest evidence of the harp used as a solo or lead
instrument in the jug bands was in the late 1920s, as heard in the recordings of George "Bullet" William.

Other good harpman, such as Sony Terry, Little Water, and Sony Boy Williamson, followed Williams,
revolutionizing the harp's role as a lead instrument.

Which of the following would, most likely be the topic of the previous paragraph?
(A) The use instruments for rhythmic support in rural southern music in 1920s
(B) Lead instruments in rural southern music of the 1920s
(C) Music in the American rural South before 1920
(D) Jug bands and their role in 1920s southern music.

Jawaban (B). Kalimat pertama menyatakan “Another common blues instrument that flourished in the rural
South during the 1920s and 1930s was blues harp or harmonica”. Kata "another common blues
instrument" mengimplikasikan bahwa topic sebelumnya juga tentang common blues instrument, (B) lead


Pertanyaan analogi menghendaki kita memahami keterhubungan dua hal yang disebutkan dalam teks
dan dua hal lainnya. Bentuk soal:
- The relationship between .. and . is most similar to the relationship between … and ...

Tips 10

Walaupun semua pernyataan pada opsi nampak benar, carilah opsi yang paling banyak dibahas dalam


Alzheimer's disease impairs a person's ability to recall memories, both distant and as recent as a few
hours before. Although there is not yet a cure for the illness, there may be hope for a cure with a protein
called nerve growth factor.
The protein is produced by nerve cells in the same region of the brain where Alzhemeir's occurs Based
on this relationship, scientists from the University of Lund in Sweden and the University of California at
San Diego designed an experiment to test whether does of nerve growth factor could reverse the effects
of memory loss caused by Alzheimer s. Using a group of rats with impaired memory, the scientist gave
half of the rats' doses of nerve growth factor while giving the other half of blood protein as a placebo, thus
creating a control group. At the end of the four week test, the rats given the nerve growth factor
performed equally to rats with normal memory abilities, While the experiments do not show that nerve
growth factor can stop the general process of deterioration caused by Alzheimer's, they do show potential
as a means to slowing the process significally.

The relationship between nerve growth factor and a protein is similar to the relationship between
Alzheimer's and…

(A) Forgetfulness
(B) A disease
(C) A cure
(D) A cancer

Jawaban (B). Nerve growth factor merupakan contoh dari protein, sama halnya dengan Alzheimer yang
merupakan contoh dari a disease.

Azar, Betty Schrampfer. 1989. Understanding and Using English Grammar. Prentice Hall Regents: New

Echols, John M and Hasan Shhadily. 1976. Kamus Inggris Indonesia. PT Gramedia: Jakarta

Hornby, AS. 1995. Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Oxford University Press: UK

Kasmini, Mien; at all. 2009. Soal-soal untuk Meningkatkan Score TOEFL. Kawan Pustaka: Jakarta

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