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The Handbook of TOEFL

(Test of English As
Foreign Language)
UU No 28 tahun 2014 tentang Hak Cipta

Fungsi dan sifat hak cipta Pasal 4

Hak Cipta sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 3 huruf a merupakan hak
eksklusif yang terdiri atas hak moral dan hak ekonomi.

Pembatasan Pelindungan Pasal 26

Ketentuan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 23, Pasal 24, dan Pasal 25 tidak
berlaku terhadap:
i. penggunaan kutipan singkat Ciptaan dan/atau produk Hak Terkait untuk
pelaporan peristiwa aktual yang ditujukan hanya untuk keperluan
penyediaan informasi aktual;
ii. Penggandaan Ciptaan dan/atau produk Hak Terkait hanya untuk
kepentingan penelitian ilmu pengetahuan;
iii. Penggandaan Ciptaan dan/atau produk Hak Terkait hanya untuk keperluan
pengajaran, kecuali pertunjukan dan Fonogram yang telah dilakukan
Pengumuman sebagai bahan ajar; dan
iv. penggunaan untuk kepentingan pendidikan dan pengembangan ilmu
pengetahuan yang memungkinkan suatu Ciptaan dan/atau produk Hak
Terkait dapat digunakan tanpa izin Pelaku Pertunjukan, Produser
Fonogram, atau Lembaga Penyiaran.

Sanksi Pelanggaran Pasal 113

1. Setiap Orang yang dengan tanpa hak melakukan pelanggaran hak ekonomi
sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 9 ayat (1) huruf i untuk Penggunaan
Secara Komersial dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 1 (satu)
tahun dan/atau pidana denda paling banyak Rp100.000.000 (seratus juta
2. Setiap Orang yang dengan tanpa hak dan/atau tanpa izin Pencipta atau
pemegang Hak Cipta melakukan pelanggaran hak ekonomi Pencipta
sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 9 ayat (1) huruf c, huruf d, huruf f,
dan/atau huruf h untuk Penggunaan Secara Komersial dipidana dengan
pidana penjara paling lama 3 (tiga) tahun dan/atau pidana denda paling
banyak Rp500.000.000,00 (lima ratus juta rupiah).
The Handbook of TOEFL
(Test of English As Foreign

Riyen Permata, S.Pd., M.Pd.

Marsika Sepyanda, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Fitri Handayani, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Risza Dwiputri, S.S., MA.
Yuli Herman, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Dra. Zulfariati, M.Pd.
The Handbook of TOEFL
(Test of English Foreign Language)

Riyen Permata, S.Pd., M.Pd.

Marsika Sepyanda, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Fitri Handayani, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Risza Dwiputri, S.S., MA.
Yuli Herman, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Dra. Zulfariati, M.Pd.

Ainoya Septya, S.Pd.

Fenildra Junica Mutiara

Sumber Gambar Kover:

Penata Letak:
Sisi Febria Agami


viii, 68 hlm, 15,5x23 cm


Cetakan Pertama:
Januari 2023

Hak Cipta 2023, pada Riyen Permata, S.Pd., M.Pd., Marsika Sepyanda, S.Pd., M.Pd.,
Fitri Handayani, S.Pd., M.Pd., Risza Dwiputri, S.S., MA., Yuli Herman, S.Pd., M.Pd.,
Dra. Zulfariati, M.Pd.

Hak cipta dilindungi undang-undang

Dilarang keras menerjemahkan, memfotokopi, atau
memperbanyak sebagian atau seluruh isi buku ini
tanpa izin tertulis dari Penerbit.

Anggota IKAPI : 020/SBA/20



Perumahan Gardena Maisa 2, Blok F03, Nagari Koto Baru, Kecamatan Kubung,
Kabupaten Solok, Provinsi Sumatra Barat – Indonesia 27361
HP/WA: 0813-7272-5118
Daftar Isi
Prakata ...................................................................................... vii

Prolog ................................................................................................. 1

Chapter 1: Mengenal TOEFL ................................................... 3

Apa itu TOEFL? ................................................................................ 3
Jenis-jenis TOEFL Test (Berdasarkan ETS) .......................... 4
Persyaratan Skor TOEFL ............................................................. 5

Chapter 2: Listening Comprehension ................................. 7

Section A atau Short Conversation (30 Soal) ........................ 8
Section B atau Longer Conversation (7-8 Soal) ................... 9
Section C atau Short Talks (11-13 Soal) ................................. 11
Latihan Pemahaman ...................................................................... 14
Question and Discussion ................................................................ 15
Exercise Part A................................................................................. 19
Exercise Part B................................................................................. 21
Exercise Part C ................................................................................. 24

Chapter 3: Structure and Written Expression ................ 27

Skil 1: Subject dan Verb ................................................................ 28
Skill 2: Object and Preperation................................................... 31
Skill 3: Present Participle ............................................................. 33
Skill 4: Past Participle.................................................................... 35
Skill 5: Coordinate and Connectors ........................................... 37

Skill 6: Adverb Clause Connectors ..............................................39

Chapter 4: Reading Comprehension ....................................51

Exercise 1 ...........................................................................................57
Exercise 2 ...........................................................................................60
Exercise 3 ...........................................................................................63

References ........................................................................................67

vi The Handbook TOEFL (Test of English Foreign....)

Puji dan syukur penulis ucapkan atas ke hadirat Allah Swt.
yang telah melimpahkan seluruh rahmat dan karunianya
dengan izin-Nya penulis dapat menyelesaikan buku ini.
Selawat serta salam penulis kirimkan kepada nabi
Muhammad saw. yang membawa umat manusia dari zaman
jahiliyah kepada zaman yang penuh ilmu pengetahuan
seperti yang saat ini kita rasakan. Adapun buku yang penulis
buat ini berjudul The Handbook of TOEFL (Test of English as
Foreign Language).
Besar harapan penulis semoga buku ini bermanfaat
bagi penulis khususnya pembaca semua pada umumnya.
Akhir kata, tidak ada manusia yang sempurna, penulis
menyadari buku ini masih jauh dari kesempurnaan. Untuk itu
kritik dan saran dari pembaca sangat penting bagi penulis
demi kesempurnaan buku ini di masa mendatang.


viii The Handbook TOEFL (Test of English Foreign....)
TOEFL (Test of English As Foreign Language) adalah tes
standar bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa asing untuk menguji
kemampuan seseorang dalam hal penguasaan bahasa Inggris.
Ada beberapa kemampuan yang diujikan dalam tes model ini,
yaitu kemampuan dalam memahami teks lisam (Listening
Comprehension), kemampuan memahami struktur dan
ungkapan model tulis (Structure and Written Expression)
yang berkaitan dengan tata bahasa Inggris, kemampuan
dalam memahami bacaan (Reading Comprehension), dan
kemampuan menulis (Writing).
TOEFL digunakan sebagai salah satu prasyarat untuk
studi di luar negeri, terutama Negara-negara yang
menggunakan bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar.
TOEFL biasanya juga menjadi persyaratan untuk
melanjutkan studi S-2, dan S-3 di dalam negeri. Bahkan saat
ini mahasiswa pada berbagai bidang di berbagai universitas
di Indonesia juga diharuskan untuk memiliki Skor TOEFL
tertentu sebagai salah satu syarat kelulusannya. TOEFL juga
sudah mulai digunakan dalam dunia kerja sebagai salah satu
mekanisme perekrutan atau jenjang kenaikan karier.

Dengan memahami TOEFL, strategi menghadapi soal,
serta memahami berbagai bentuk tipe soal tes, diharapkan
seseorang lebih siap dalam menghadapi tes TOEFL.

2 The Handbook TOEFL (Test of English Foreign....)

Chapter11 Mengenal TOEFL

Apa itu TOEFL?

TOEFL adalah singkatan dari Test of English as Foreign
Language atau Tes Bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa asing yang
diorganisir oleh sebuah lembaga di New Jersey, Amerika
Serikat yang bernama ETS (Educational Testing Service) sejak
tahun 1963. TOEFL diperlukan untuk mengukur kecakapan
(proficiency) bahasa inggris seseorang dalam konteks
Pada awalnya, TOEFL diperlukan bagi para pelajar di
negara-negara yang bahasa utamanya bukan bahasa Inggris,
tetapi ingin melanjutkan studi ke negara-negara yang bahasa
resminya adalah bahasa Inggris, seperti Amerika Serikat,
Kanada, dan negara-negara Eropa Barat. Ini diperlukan untuk
memastikan bahwa siswa-siswa dari negara berbahasa non-
bahasa Inggris tersebut dapat mengikuti perkuliahan di
negara berbahasa Inggris dengan baik.

Di Indonesia, TOEFL Score atau score dari TOEFL itu
sendiri digunakan juga sebagai prasyarat untuk
1. Mendaftar di Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) unggulan;
2. Mendaftar di perguruan tinggi dalam dan luar negeri;
3. Mendapatkan beasiswa;
4. Melamar pekerjaan di perusahaan swasta atau negeri di
dalam dan luar negeri;
5. Kenaikan jabatan atau promosi.

Jenis-jenis TOEFL Test (Berdasarkan ETS)

1. PBT (Paper Based Test)
PBT TOEFL adalah bentuk TOEFL tes yang pertama kali
dikeluarkan oleh ETS. Sistem tes pada PBT TOEFL
menggunakan paper atau lembaran kertas soal dan lembar
jawaban yang diisi harus menggunakan pensil 2B.
Materi yang diujikan adalah
a. Listening Comprehension;
b. Structure & Written Expression;
c. Reading Comprehension.
Dengan nilai TOEFL setelah di konversi adalah 216 – 677
2. CBT (Computer Based Test)
CBT TOEFL adalah bentuk kedua pengganti PBT TOEFL.
Sistemnya tidak lagi menggunakan paper atau lembaran,
tetapi langsung dengan komputer. Semua soal
menggunakan software dan setiap soal langsung dijawab
dan dikerjakan dikomputer. Di beberapa negara Asia,

4 The Handbook TOEFL (Test of English Foreign....)

khususnya Indonesia masih diperkenankan menggunakan
PBT TOEFL sebagai standar Internasional TOEFL Test.
Materi yang diujikan adalah
a. Listening,
b. Structure,
c. Reading ,
d. Writing .
Dengan nilai TOEFL setelah dikonversi adalah 0-300
3. IBT (Internet Based Test)
IBT TOEFL merupakan bentuk TOEFL terbaru yang
dikeluarkan ETS, diperkenalkan sejak tahun 2005. Di
Indonesia diberlakukan sejak tahun 2006 sebagai standar
International TOEFL Test yang diakui di dunia. Peserta test
IBT TOEFL langsung Online dengan ETS dan menjawab
soal-soal tes secara online.
Materi yang diujikan adalah
a. Listening,
b. Speaking,
c. Writing,
d. Reading.
Dengan nilai TOEFL setelah di konversi adalah 0-120.

Persyaratan Skor TOEFL

Tingkat penguasaan bahasa Inggris seseorang dilihat dari
skor sebagai berikut

Mengenal TOEFL 5
1. Tingkat Dasar (Elementary)
310 sampai 420
2. Tingkat Menengah Bawah (Low Intermediate)
420 sampai 480
3. Tingkat Menengah Atas (High Intermediate)
480 sampai 520
4. Tingkat Mahir (Advanced)
525 sampai 677

6 The Handbook TOEFL (Test of English Foreign....)

Chapter 12 Listening Comprehension

Listening comprehension bertujuan melihat, menguji

kemampuan seseorang dalam bahasa lisan. Selain harus
membiasakan diri mendengarkan bahasa Inggris lisan, anda
juga harus memiliki pengetahuan struktur (tata bahasa)
Inggris yang memadai.
Untuk menjawab pertanyaan listening comprehension
test dengan baik, anda harus memahami:
1. Tekanan dan nada;
2. Perbedaan bunyi;
3. Idiom;
4. Ungkapan-ungkapan percakapan;
5. Kelompok atau frasa kata kerja;
6. Informasi yang tersirat (tidak dinyatakan secara jelas);
7. Makna atau isi percakapan.

a. Pahami bentuk perintah (direction) pada masing - masing
bagian (part).
b. Bacalah pilihan pada masing-masing soal dengan teliti
ketika narator sedang membacakan direction atau contoh
soal (example).
c. Dengarkan dengan baik dan fokuskan perhatian anda
pada percakapan yang sedang dibaca narator.
d. Maksimalkan memampuan listening pada soal pertama
di masing-masing part.

Listening comprehension test memiliki 50 soal yang dibagi

menjadi 3 bagian, yaitu :

A. Section A atau Short Conversation (30 Soal)

Pada section A ini anda akan di dengarkan 30 percakapan
atau dialogue pendek antara 2 orang, dan setiap satu
percakapan akan diikuti oleh satu pertanyaan. Anda harus
fokus dan cermat memerhatikan ungkapan yang
diucapkan oleh pembicara kedua, karena biasanya kata
kunci terdapat pada kalimat terakhir (last line) yang
diungkapkan oleh pembicara kedua, yang kemudian
diikuti dengan pertanyaan.
Setiap pertanyaan, dimulai dengan Question Words
What (apa/apa yang/berapa)
Where (di mana/ke mana)

8 The Handbook TOEFL (Test of English Foreign....)

When (kapan)
Question Words yang jarang sekali digunakan :
Why (kenapa/mengapa)
Which (yang mana)
How (bagaimana/berapa)


a. Fokuskan pendengaran pada orang kedua (second line).

b. Jika tidak memahami kata demi kata, anda hanya perlu
menangkap ide atau isi percakapan.
c. Pahami bentuk functional expression seperti
persetujuan (agreement), ketidakpastian (uncertainty),
sugesti (suggestion), keterkejutan (surprise) dan situasi
ketika pembicaraan dilakukan.

Contoh Kata Tanya yang sering muncul pada TOEFL listening

comprehension section A :
1) What does the (man/ woman) mean?
2) What will the speakers do?
3) What will the (man/ woman) probably do (next)?
4) What is the (man/ woman) going to do?
5) What does the (man/ woman) say about?

B. Section B atau Longer Conversation (7-8 soal)

Pada section B, anda akan mendengar sebuah percakapan
panjang (a long conversation/dialogue) antara 2 orang dan

Listening Comprehension 9
setiap satu percakapan panjang akan diikuti beberapa
pertanyaan. Percakapan panjang terdiri atas 140 sampai
290 kata dan berlangsung sekitar 40-80 detik. Topiknya
lebih bersifat akademis dibanding dengan section A.
seperti seputar sejarah, ilmu pengetahuan, organisasi
universitas, dan kadang juga berkaitan dengan angka.
Setiap pertanyaan, dimulai dengan Question Words
What ( apa/ apa yang/ berapa)
How (bagaimana/ berapa)
Where (di mana/ ke mana)
Why (mengapa)
Who (siapa)
Whom (kepada/ dengan siapa)


a. Ketika narator membacakan direction section b,

sebaiknya anda membaca pilihan jawaban secara
sekilas, dan menyimak tema apa yang menjadi
b. Cermati kondisi dan situasi yang terjadi selama
percakapan berlangsung, yang menyangkut tempat
atau waktu pembicaraan, apa dan siapa yang

10 The Handbook TOEFL (Test of English Foreign....)

Contoh Kata Tanya yang sering muncul pada TOEFL
Listening Comprehension section B :
1. What is the main idea of this conversation ?
2. Where does the conversation take place ?
3. How is the (man/woman) decide to buy a …?
4. When did it occur?
5. What will the (man/woman) probably do next?

C. Section C atau Short Talks (11-13 soal)

Pada section C/Short Talks, anda akan mendengarkan
ceramah pendek dan setiap satu ceramah pendek akan
diikuti oleh beberapa pertanyaan. Teks lisan setiap
ceramah terdiri atas 140 sampai 290 kata dan berlangsung
sekitar 40 sampai 80 detik. Topiknya lebih bersifat
akademis dibanding dengan Section A. seperti seputar
sejarah, ilmu pengetahuan, organisasi universitas, dan
kadang juga berkaitan dengan angka yang terdapat dalam
percakapan. Anda memiliki waktu 12 detik untuk
menjawab beberapa pertanyaan dalam satu ceramah
(Short Talks).
Setiap pertanyaan, dimulai dengan Question Words
terutama :
What ( apa/ apa yang/ berapa)
How (bagaimana/ berapa)
Where (di mana/ ke mana)

Listening Comprehension 11
Why (mengapa)
Who (siapa)
Whom (kepada/ dengan siapa)


a. Cermati pilihan jawaban yang tertera pada lembar soal

dan temukan kata kuncinya.
b. Waspadai pembicaraan pada kalimat pertama karena
biasanya akan menjadi topik kalimat selanjutnya.
c. Fokus pada hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan pertanyaan
5W (what, who, when, where, when, why) dan how.

Contoh Kata Tanya yang sering muncul pada TOEFL Listening

Comprehension section C :
1. Main idea questions may include
→ What is the talk mainly about ?
What are speakers discussing ?
What is main idea of the talk ?
2. Detail question may include
→ What does the (man/woman) say about ?
What does the (man/woman) want ?
What does the (man/woman) suggest about?
3. Purpose question may include
→ Why did …… ?
Why is …….. ?
Why does the (man/woman) think?

12 The Handbook TOEFL (Test of English Foreign....)

4. Implication question may include
→ What does the speaker imply about ?
What does the (man/woman) infer about?
5. Other questions in this part will ask you to choose a
drawing, match questions, and organize or categorize
answer choices, for example
→ You may be asked to pick out the correct drawing from
what was described in words.
You may be asked to determine the sequence of events.
You may be asked to match two concepts together.
You may be asked to categorize certain concepts.

Listening Comprehension 13
Latihan Pemahaman
Section 1
Listening Comprehension

In this section of the test, you will demonstrate you ability to
understand conversations and talks in English. There are
three parts to this section, with different directions for each
part. Answer all the questions according to what the speakers
say or imply. When you take the actual TOEFL test, you will
not be allowed to take notes or write in your rest book. Try to
work on this sample test in the same way

Part A
In part A, you will hear two people having short conversation.
After each conversation you will hear a question. The
conversation and questions will not be repeated. After you
hear a questions, read the four possible answers and choose
the best answer. Then, on the answer sheet provided, find the
number of the questions and fill in the space that corresponds
to the letter of the answer you have chosen.

14 The Handbook TOEFL (Test of English Foreign....)

For example :
On the recording, you hear: Listen to sample conversation
on audi
What does the man say ?
(a) He is too tired to walk in the park
(b) He agrees to go walking in the park with her
(c) He is not Jim. His name is Pete
(d) He doesn’t know what to do

Sample Answer = A

You learn from the conversation that the man is “beat”, an

idiomatic expression meaning “very tired”. Therefore, the best
answer to question. “what does the man say?” is (A).

Questions and Discussion

Part A
1. (A) It was nicer when she moved in
(B) It was hard to find
(C) It was not a nice place at first
(D) The man has seen it before

Man : You’ve got a wonderful apartment

Woman : That’s what you’re saying now. But should
have been it when we moved in

Listening Comprehension 15
Narrator : What does the woman imply about the
apartment ?
Answer : (A) It was nicer when she moved in
Keyword : Modal perfect should have (V3) yang artinya
seharusnya (lampau).

Jadi si wanita ingin agar laki – laki tersebut seharusnya

melihat terlebih dahulu apartemennya.

2. (A) He won’t hire anyone

(B) The woman won’t get the job
(C) The job application was incomplete
(D) He can’t tell her anything

Woman : I was calling about the job application I

submitted on Monday.
Man : Yes, will, I’m sorry. We are looking for
someone with more experience.
Narrator : What did the man say ?
Answer : (B) The woman won’t get the job
Keyword : Frasa “looking for someone with more
experience”. Memiliki arti mencari seseorang
dengan lebih banyak pengalaman yang
mengindikasikan bahwa wanita tersebut tidak
diterima di tempat laki-laki tersebut.

16 The Handbook TOEFL (Test of English Foreign....)

3. (A) The man should talk to his mother
(B) The man should call his mother later
(C) The man’s mother will not be in
(D) Anyone could call his mother

Man : If anyone calls for me, tell them I’m not in

Woman : Even if it’s your mother?
Narrator : What does the woman imply?
Answer : (A) The man should talk to his mother
Keyword : Ungkapan “even ig it’s you mother?” artinya
bahkan, jika orang yang menelpon adalah
ibumu? mengimplikasikan bahwa laki-laki
tersebut seharusnya berbicara kepada orang
lain terutama ibunya.

4. (A) He doesn’t like rain

(B) He likes soccer very much
(C) The game isn’t important
(D) He doesn’t like to watch soccer

Woman : The soccer game was rained out today

Man : Well, I’m not much for watching sports
Narrator : What does the man mean?

Listening Comprehension 17
Answer : (D) He doesn’t like to watch soccer
Keyword : frasa “not much” memiliki arti “tidak banyak”
yang mempunyai implikasi bahwa laki – laki
tersebut tidak terlalu suka

5. (A) She looks old enough

(B) She looks younger than 21
(C) The man looks older than she does
(D) She looks older than 21

Man : If you want to buy beer, you’ll need to prove

that you’re 21
Woman : I guess I must look younger than I Am.
Narrator : What does the woman say about her
Answer : (B) She looks younger than 21
Keyword : kata “must” berarti “pasti”, wanita
mengindikasikan bahwa dia terlihat lebih muda
dari usianya 21 tahun.

18 The Handbook TOEFL (Test of English Foreign....)

Part A
6. (a) He enjoys sports
(b) She doesn’t like his team
(c) He doesn’t want to lose
(d) He is not athletic
7. (a) Wait for better weather
(b) Don’t skate so early
(c) Skate with a fiend
(d) Buy a new pair of skates

8. (a) Wait for better weather

(b) Don’t skate so early
(c) Skate with a fiend
(d) Buy a new pair of skates

9. (a) She has never seen the man

(b) She doesn’t know any European history
(c) She and the man were classmate
(d) She doesn’t remember the man

10. (a) Jeremy’s brother

(b) Jeremy
(c) The woman
(d) The man

Listening Comprehension 19
11. (a) She’s glad he called
(b) She thought he would call
(c) She angry because he didn’t call
(d) She doesn’t mind that he didn’t call

12. (a) In an airplane

(b) In a truck
(c) At a sporting event
(d) In a department store

13. (a) He is very unhappy with the test

(b) He doesn’t have another chance to take the test
(c) He plans on taking the test again
(d) He is satisfied with the score

14. (a) In the woods

(b) At a library
(c) At a soccer game
(d) In a restaurant

15. (a) She found a great parking place

(b) The park was wonderful
(c) She didn’t enjoy the trip
(d) She could not find the place

20 The Handbook TOEFL (Test of English Foreign....)

Part B
On this part of the test you will hear slightly longer
conversation. After each conversation, you will hear several
questions. Neither the conversation nor the questions will be
After you hear a questions, read the four possible
answers in this book and choose the best one. Then, your
answer sheet, find the number of the questions and fill in the
space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have
Remember that you cannot take notes or write on the test
pages in any way.
(noted : soal 16-23 pada audio nomer soalnya 31-38)

16. (a) the man’s wife

(b) the woman’s sons
(c) the man’s daughter
(d) the woman’s driver

17. (a) the still don’t know for certain

(b) just some scratches and bruises
(c) a broken leg
(d) serious injuries

Listening Comprehension 21
18. (a) a car ran a red light
(b) a bicyclist ran into a car
(c) a car ran into a bicyclist
(d) a parked car coasted down a hill

19. (a) the condition of the driver

(b) possible damage to the car
(c) the cost of the X-rays
(d) the woman’s poor attitude

20. (a) a rock star

(b) a teacher
(c) a horse trainer
(d) an opera singer

21. (a) he strained himself

(b) he is sick
(c) he can’t sing
(d) he hurt it when he ate

22. (a) she liked it

(b) she didn’t like it
(c) she didn’t notice it
(d) it was more trouble than it was worth

22 The Handbook TOEFL (Test of English Foreign....)

23. (a) all of it
(b) all of it. Except for the man’s solo
(c) none of it
(d) some of it, including the man’s solo

Listening Comprehension 23
Part C
On this of the test, you will hear several talks. After each talk,
you will hear some questions. Neither the talks nor the
questions will be repeated.
After you hear a question, read the four possible
answer in this book and choose the best one. Then, your
answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the
space that corresponds to the letter the answer you have
(noted : soal 24-35 pada audio nomer soalnya 39-50)
Ada 3 dialogue yang berbeda, mohon lebih teliti

24. (a) her large body of work

(b) the novel uncle tom’s cabin
(c) the work she did in the antislavery movement
(d) her novels, which describe nineteenth century New
England life

25. (a) immediately after publishing Uncle tom’s cabin

(b) after the liberation of the slaves
(c) before the liberation of the slaves
(d) when she joined the antislavery movement

24 The Handbook TOEFL (Test of English Foreign....)

26. (a) prejudiced
(b) charming
(c) dedicated
(d) wealthy

27. (a) it was not abolitionist propaganda

(b) the characters were real
(c) it would be her last work
(d) it was a very risky venture

28. (a) a pound of lobster for $12.95

(b) a pound of spaghetti for $5.95
(c) a pound of lobster for $5.95
(d) a pound of spaghetti for $12.95

29. (a) seafood

(b) vegetarian dishes
(c) Italian food
(d) Chinese dishes

30. (a) elegant

(b) informal
(c) low class
(d) foreign

Listening Comprehension 25
31. (a) imported wines
(b) vegetarian dishes
(c) large servings of beer
(d) meals for kids

32. (a) the different places where American folk can be found
(b) community parades and what they tell us about
(c ) the convergence of cultures in New York City
(d ) the many forms of modern-day American folklore

33. (a) history class

(b) a sociology class
(c) a Spanish class
(d) a psychology class

34. (a) West Indies

(b) New York
(c) Puerto Rico
(d) on a farm

35. (a) reggae

(b) New York
(c) a spirit of independence
(d) cardboard

26 The Handbook TOEFL (Test of English Foreign....)

Chapter 13 Structure and Written

Structure and written expression terdiri dari 2 bagian dengan

jumlah soal sebanyak 40 soal. Untuk bagian A merupakan
bagian Structure yang memiliki 15 soal. Sedang bagian B
adalah bagian Written Expression terdiri dari 25 soal.
Bagian A (Structure).
↳ Anda harus melengkapi sebuah kalimat dengan “ benar”
dari pilihan yang ada.
Bagian B (written Expression)
↳ Anda akan menemukan satu kalimat lengkap dengan 4
pilihan kata atau frasa yang di “garisbawahi”, tugas anda
adalah menemukan kata atau frasa yang “salah”.
Tips dalam mengerjakan bagian Structure and Written
1. Baca dan pahami perintah (Direction) dalam soal;
2. Banyak latihan soal Written Expression ataupun structure,
untuk dapat lebih memahami alasan mengapa pilihan
frasa/ kata tersebut salah, dan bentuknnya benar

3. Kerjakan soal yang menurut anda paling mudah untuk
4. Jangan terlalu lama memikirkan jawaban pada satu nomor.
Karna waktu untuk bagian Structure and Written
Expression hanya 25 menit;
5. Ingatlah bahwa dalam bahasa Inggris sebuah kalimat
HARUS memiliki subjek (noun/ kata benda, pronoun/ kata
ganti) dan predikat (verb/ kata kerja;
6. Pada saat mengerjakan soal, anda harus konsentrasi pada
noun/ kata benda, verb/ kata kerja, adjective/ kata sifat,
preposition/ preposisi, adverb/ kata keterangan, articles,
subordinate clause/ klausa subordinasi.

Skill 1 : Subject dan Verbs

Contoh kalimat pada bahasa Inggris:

I teach TOEFL every Monday

S Verb

Dalam soal TOEFL, biasanya masalah yang sering muncul

1. Subject is missing (subjek yang hilang)
↳ Biasanya fill the blank/titik yang kosong di depan.
2. Verb is missing (predikat yang hilang)
↳ Biasanya fill the blank/titik yang kosong di tengah.
3. Subject and Verb is missing (subjek dan predikat yang

28 The Handbook TOEFL (Test of English Foreign....)

a) Noun (kata benda) a) To be
Car, house, boy, Am, is, are, was, were, be, been,
student being
b) Noun Phrase (frasa b) Modals
kata benda) Will, would, can, could, shall, should,
A small car, the big may, might, must
house c) Kata kerja (V.1, V.2, Vs/es)
c) Pronoun (kata ganti) Play, played, plays
I, You, We, They, She, d) Have/ Has + V.3
He, It

Contoh soal (Example)

1. ____ was ringing continuously for hours.
(a) Loudly
(b) In the morning
(c) The phone
(d) The bells
Answer : (c) the phone

2. Newspapers ____ every morning and every evening

(a) Delivery
(b) Are delivered
(c) On time
(d) Regularly
Answer : (b) are delivered

3. The plane ____ landing at the airport in five minutes

(a) It is
(b) It really is

Structure and Written Expression 29

(c) Is descending
(d) Will be
Answer : (d) will be

Exercise 1
Jawablah pernyataan di bawah dengan menggunakan kata
Correct (benar), dan Incorrect (salah).

__I__ 1) My best friend always helpful with problems

S Adj
__C__2) The bus schedule has changed since last week
____ 3) Accidentally dropped the glass on the floor

____ 4) The customer paying the clerk for the clothes

____ 5) The professor handed the syllabus to the students

____ 6) Each day practiced the piano for hours

____ 7) The basketball player tossed the ball into the hoop

____ 8) The new student in the class very talkative and


30 The Handbook TOEFL (Test of English Foreign....)

____ 9) Walking with the children to School

____ 10) The whales headed south for the winter

Skill 2 : Object and Preperation

Preposition (kata depan) seperti : in, on, under, behind, ij
front of, below, above, across from.
An object of preposition is a noun or a pronoun that comes
after a preposition such as in, at, to by, behind, and on to
from a prepositional phrase.


Kata benda yang ada Preposition di

depan (object preposition) tidak
dapat disebut sebagai subject

Contoh :
The price (of the books) (in the stores) is very cheap.
S Obj Pre Obj Pre V

The trip (to the Island) (on Saturday) will last (for three
S Obj Pre Obj Pre V Obj Pre

Structure and Written Expression 31

Jadi, preposition yang diikuti oleh kata beda atau kata
ganti maka di sebut “Object Preposition”, jika sebuah kata
adalah object preposition, maka kata tersebut bukan Subject.
Berikut contoh beberapa Preposition yang sering
muncul dalam soal TOEFL :

About Before For In Under

Across Behind Form Outside Unlike
After Beside In Over Until
Against Between Inside Past Up
Along Beyond Into Since Upon
Among By Like Through Versus
Around Despite Near Throughout With
As Down Of To Within
At During Off Toward Without

Exercise 2
Jawablah pernyataan di bawah dengan menggunakan kata
Correct (benar), dan Incorrect (salah).
1. The name of the baby in the crib is Jack
2. By the next meeting of the class need to turn in the
3. The directions to the exercise on page twenty unclear
4. Because of the heavy rain throughout the night , the
walkways are muddy
5. During the week eat lunch in the school cafeteria
6. In the morning after the concert was fired
7. In the summer the trip to the mountain is our favorite

32 The Handbook TOEFL (Test of English Foreign....)

8. In a box on the top shelf of the cabinet in the hallway of
the house
9. With her purse in her hand ran through the door
10. At 1:00 in the in the morning the alarms clock on the
table beside the bed rang

Skill 3: Present Participle

Istilah lain dari Present Participle adalah kata kerja
diikuti/ditambah dengan “ing”

Verb + ing

Contoh: studying, teaching, reading,

It can function as (berfungsi sebagai)
↳ a part of the verb ( bagian dari verb)
↳ An adjective (kata sifat)

1. A part of the Verb → if present participle is accompanied

by BE/ TO BE (am, is, are)
it’s a part of the VERB
For Example
The train is arriving at station on time
S Part of verb
The students are speaking English with the teacher
S Part of verb

Structure and Written Expression 33

2. As an Adjective → if present participle is NOT accompanied
by BE/ TO BE it’s an
For example
The rain arriving at station is now a hour late
S Adj V

The students speaking with the teachers are from class 10

S Adj V

Exercise 3
Jawablah pernyataan di bawah dengan menggunakan kata
Correct (benar), dan Incorrect (salah).
1. The crying baby needs to be picked up
2. The clothes are lying on the floor should go into the
washing machine
3. The waitress bringing the steaming soup to the waiting
4. Most of the striking workers are walking the picket line
5. For line birthday, the child is getting a talking boy
6. The setting sun creating a rainbow of colors in the sky
7. The ship is sailing to Mexico is leaving tonight
8. The letters needing immediate answers are on the desk
9. The boring class just ending a few minutes a go

34 The Handbook TOEFL (Test of English Foreign....)

10. The fast-moving clouds are bringing freezing rain to the

Skill 4: Past Participle

Past participle: Regular verb (kata kerja beraturan) and
Irreguler verb (kata kerja tidak
Regular verb
Play → played → played = bermain
Open → opened → opened = membuka
Prepare → prepared → prepared = mempersiapkan
Need → needed → needed = butuh
Hunt → hunted → hunted = memburu
Employ → employed → employed = mempekerjakan

Irreguler verb
Become → became → become = menjadi
Begin → began → begun = mulai
Come → came → come = datang
Cut → cut → cut = memotong
Draw → drew → drawn = menggambar
Drink → drank → drunk = minum
It can function as (berfungsi sebagai)
↳ a part of the verb ( bagian dari verb)
↳ An adjective (kata sifat)

Structure and Written Expression 35

1. A part of the verb → a part of verb if it accompanied by or
with HAVE/HAS or BE
For example
the mailman has left a letter in the mailbox
The classes were taught by Professor Smith

2. As an Adjective → an adjective if it is NOT accompanied by

or with HAVE/HAS or BE
For example
the letter left in the mailbox was for me
S V.3 Adj V
The classes taught by Professor Smith were interesting
S V.3 V

Exercise 4
Jawablah pernyataan di bawah dengan menggunakan kata
Correct (benar), dan Incorrect (salah)
1. The food is served in this restaurant is delicious
2. The plane landed on the deserted runway
3. The unexpected guest arrived just a dinnertime
4. The courses are listed in the catalogue are required

36 The Handbook TOEFL (Test of English Foreign....)

5. The teacher found the lost exam
6. The small apartment very crowded and disorganized
7. The photographs developed yesterday showed San and
his friends
8. The locked drawer contained the unworn jewels
9. The tree was blown over in the storm was cut into logs
10. The students registered in this course are listed in that
sheet of paper

Skill 5: Coordinate and Connectors

Dalam bahasa inggris ada kalimat tunggal dan kalimat
majemuk. Jika kalimat tunggal memiliki satu Subjek dan satu
Verb, sedangkan kalimat majemuk memiliki 2 atau 3 klausa
Coordinate connectors / kata penghubung : and, but, or so, dll.
For example
the sun was shining, and the sky was blue
The sky was blue, but it was very cold

Coordinate Connector
And but or so
S V Co.connector S V
It was raining but Bill went

Structure and Written Expression 37

Exercise 5
Jawablah pernyataan di bawah dengan menggunakan kata
Correct (benar), dan Incorrect (salah)
1. The lawn needs water everyday, or it will turn brown
2. The book was not long, but it difficult to read
3. It was raining, so decided not to go camping
4. The material has been cut, and the pieces have been sewn
5. The patient took all the medicine, he did not feel much
6. The bull must be paid immediately, or the electricity will
turned off
7. The furnace broke so the house got quite cold
8. The dress did not cost too much, but the quality it seemed
9. The leaves kept falling off the tress, and the boys kept
raking the up, but the yard was still covered
10. The postman has already delivered the mall, so the letter
is not going to arrive today, it probably will arrive

38 The Handbook TOEFL (Test of English Foreign....)

Skill 6: Adverb Clause Connectors

• Because • Even though

• After • Though
• Before • While
• When • If
• Until • Whether
• Since • As
• Although

Look at the sentences below :

He is tired because he has been working hard or
Because he has been working hard , he is tired

*jika co.connectornya di depan harus ada tanda koma antara

subject dan verb yang pertama dengan subject dan verb

Exercise 6
Jawablah pernyataan di bawah dengan menggunakan kata
Correct (benar), dan Incorrect (salah)
1. After the plane circled the airport, it landed on the main

Structure and Written Expression 39

2. The registration process took many hours since the lines
so long
3. This type of medicine can be helpful, it can also have some
bad side effects
4. The waves were amazingly high when the storm hit the
coastal town
5. We need to get a new car whether is on sale or not
6. Just as the bread came out of the oven, while a wonderful
aroma filled the kitchen
7. Everyone has spent time unpacking boxes since the
family moved Into the new house
8. Although the area is desert many plants bloom there in
the springtime
9. The drivers on the freeway drove slowly and carefully
while the rain was Falling heavily because they did not
want to have an accident
10. If you plan carefully before you take a trip, will have a
much better time because the small details will not cause

Exercise 7
Question 1-15 are incomplete sentences. Beneath each
sentence you will see four words or phrases, marked (a), (b),

40 The Handbook TOEFL (Test of English Foreign....)

(c), and (d). Choose the one word or phrases that best
completes the sentences. Then, on your answer sheet, find the
number of the question and fill in space that corresponds to
the letter of the answer you have chosen. Fill in the space so
that the letter inside the oval cannot answer you have chosen.
Fill in the space so that the letter inside the oval cannot be
For example
there . . . . antique furniture available in this gallery three
days ago.
(a) Was not
(b) Was no
(c) Is not
(d) Is no
Answer : (b) Was no,
Karena setelah kata yang kosong ada kata benda, maka yang
dibutuhkan to be + no, karena kalimatnya merupakan
kejadian dimasa lampau “ three days ago”

1. . . . . Jane has an excellent resume, she hasn’t found a job

(a) However
(b) Yet
(c) That
(d) Although

Structure and Written Expression 41

2. . . . . several Universities that have excellent engineering
(a) There are
(b) The
(c) There is a lot of
(d) Some of

3. Many Middle Eastern diplomats stills feel that the United

States in intent . . . .
(a) To being
(b) Being
(c) Be
(d) On being

4. Woodrow Wilson believed the United States entry into

World War I would put a . . . . to the war in months.
(a) To stop
(b) Stop
(c) Stopping
(d) Will had stopped

5. . . . . of New Yorks’s Eries Canal greatly enhanced trade in

the upstate region
(a) The complete

42 The Handbook TOEFL (Test of English Foreign....)

(b) Completing
(c) A completing
(d) The completion

6. A leach, after . . . . the skin, is best removed by the

application of either salt or heat.
(a) It attaches itself to
(b) Attaching it
(c) Its attaching to
(d) Where it attaches to

7. . . . . east of the Mississippi River

(a) Indigo was grown usually
(b) Usually grown was Indigo
(c) Indigo usually grown
(d) Indigo was usually grown

8. . . . . wrote the operetta Babes in Toyland, drawn from the

childhood characters of Mother goose.
(a) That was victor Herbert who
(b) Victor Herbert who
(c) Since it was Victor Herbert
(d) It was Victor Herbert who

Structure and Written Expression 43

9. Some of the oldest and most widespread creation myths
are . . . . involving the all-giving “Earth Mother”
(a) Those
(b) Them
(c) They
(d) Their

10. In . . . . disk technology has made record albums almost

(a) The decade from
(b) The decade since
(c) The past decade
(d) Decade ago the

11. In the first few months of life, an infant learns how to lift
its head, smile, and . . . .
(a) Parents to recognize
(b) Recognize its parents
(c) Recognize its parents
(d) The recognizing of its parents

12. Juana Inez de la Cruz . . . Mexico’s greatest female poet

(a) Considered
(b) Considered to be

44 The Handbook TOEFL (Test of English Foreign....)

(c) Is considered to be
(d) Is consideration

13. Because the metal mercury . . . in direct proportion to

temperature, it was once used as the indicator in
common thermometers
(a) Is expanding
(b) Expands
(c) Is expanded
(d) Expanded

14. . . . . what is now San Salvador, Christopher, Columbus

believed that he had found Japan
(a) He reached
(b) When did he reach
(c) Having reached
(d) Whether he reached

15. The principal purpose of aviation medicine is . . . by

people aboard an air craft in flight
(a) To study the stress experienced
(b) Study the experienced stress
(c) To study stress experiencing
(d) Study the stress experience

Structure and Written Expression 45

Written Expression
In questions 16-30 each sentence has four underlined words
or phrases. The four underlined parts of the sentences are
marked (a), (b), (c), and (d). Identify the one underlined word
or phrases that must be changed in order for the sentence to
be correct. Then, you answer sheet, find the number of the
question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of
the answer you have chosen.

For example
The brain is composed of a mass of softly gray matter in the
(a) (b) (c)
skull that controls our Intelligence

Answer : (b) softly

Frasa benda pada kalimat tersebut seharusnya soft (opinion)
gray (color) matter (noun)

16. By 1899 Ransom olds had establish in Detroit, Michigan,

(a) (b)
the first of reform in the United States for the
(c) (d)
manufacture of automobiles

46 The Handbook TOEFL (Test of English Foreign....)

17. The progressive Movement is an umbrella term refer to
a number of reform efforts that emerged in the early
(b) (c) (d)
18. The pelican is a water bird with a large pouch attached
to its bill, which it uses as a scoop for catch small fish
(b) (c) (d)

19. The invention of reinforced concrete, plate glass, and

steel in the mid-1800’s was enabled architects to design
(a) (b)
and build extremely tall construction, or “skyscrapers”
(c) (d)

20. Acoustic, the study of sounds, is one of the oldest of the

(a) (b) (c)
physically sciences

21. Each of functions of the body, even thinking, requires

(a) (b)
the expenditure of energy
(c) (d)

Structure and Written Expression 47

22. Gourd were introduced to what is now the southwestern
United States by earliest people who migrated North
(b) (c)
from Mesoamerica about 7000 years ago

23. The economic heart of Canada, Ontario accounts for more

(a) (b)
than 40 percentage of the nation’s productive capacity
(c) (d)

24. Virtually all parts moving of an automobile need to be

(a) (b)
lubricated because without lubrication, friction
would increase power consumption and damage the

25. Rarely has a technological development had as great an

(a) (b)
impact on society as the rapid grow of electronics
(c) (d)

48 The Handbook TOEFL (Test of English Foreign....)

26. The North American Review, a magazine was first
published in 1815, was one of the leading literary
(b) (c)
journals of the past woe centuries.

27. Fuel is any substance or material that reacts chemically

(a) (b)
with another substance of material to produce hot
(c) (d)

28. Glint was a favored material of prehistoric humans, which

(a) (b)

used it to make tools and weapons, because it would chip

into shapes with sharp edges

29. Munity of a ship’s crew against the captain signifies the

breakdown of the obedience and discipline required to
(b) (c)
deal effectively to perils at eat

Structure and Written Expression 49

30. Of all the art-related reference and research library in
North America, that of the Metropolitan Museum of a Art
New York City is among the largest and most complete
(c) (d)

50 The Handbook TOEFL (Test of English Foreign....)

Chapter 14 Reading Comprehensional

Pada Reading Comprehension biasanya terdiri dari 4 sampai

bacaan yang memiliki total pertanyaan sebanyak 50 soal,
masing-masing bacaan diikuti dengan 7-12 pertanyaan.
Topik-topik yang biasanya digunakan dalam TOEFL adalah
topik yang di ambil dari buku teks bidang studi seperti
biologi, geografi, sejarah, biografi, ekonomi sosial dan lainnya.


1. Baca dan pahami perintah (direction) soal bagian ini

2. Tingkatakan kecepatan membaca anda dan berlatih teknik-
teknik membaca seperti skimming (membaca cepat untuk
mendapatkan inti bacaan) dan scanning (membaca cepat
untuk mencari informasi detail)
3. Jangan memilih lebih dari satu jawaban untuk satu nomor
karena akan dianggap tidak valid
4. Untuk Reading Comprehension, anda tidak perlu membaca
bacaan terlebih dahulu. Langsung baca pertanyaan pertama.
Jika pertanyaan pertama menanyakan mengenai ide utama
(main idea/ topic), dan judul terbaik dari bacaan (best title)
kerjakan soal ini paling akhir. Kerjakan soal lain dahulu
karena begitu anda dapat menyelesaikan soal yang lain, anda
sudah memiliki ide dalam jawaban pertanyaan mengenai ide
utama atau judul terbaik tadi
5. Jika anda bingung mencari jawaban pada teks, lihatlah nomor
terdekat dari pertanyaan tersebut yang menyebutkan “line. . .
. (baris). . . jika nomor tersebut SETELAH pertanyaan yang
anda kerjakan, berarti jawaban yang anda cari berada
SEBELUM baris tersebut, begitu sebaliknya.


(1) According to the passage, the first map in Pennycooke’s World

Atlas shows . . . . .
(2) In line 5, the word “invaluable” is closest in meaning to . . . . .
(3) Which of the following in NOT mentioned in the passage?

Karena pertanyaan no. 2 mengenai kata pada baris ke 5 (line 5),

biasanya jawaban untuk soal no.1 berada pada baris sebelum baris
ke 5, dan jawaban no. 3 berada pada baris setelah baris ke 5

Kelompok pertanyaan yang sering ditemukan pada

Reading Comprehension

Fakta atau sesuai dengan Bacaan

1. According to the passage, . . . . .

2. According to the author, . . . . .

Sinonim atau arti dari sebuah kosakata (Vocabulary)

1. The word . . . . . “is closest in meaning to. . . .

2. The word . . . . . “is best replaced by . . . . .

Simpulan (inference )

1. It can be inferred from the passage that . . . .

2. The author implied that . . . . .
3. What can be inferred from the passage?

Rujukan kata pengganti (Pronoun)

1. Pronoun “it” in line . . . . refers to . . .

2. The word “. . . . “ refers to . . . .

52 The Handbook TOEFL (Test of English Foreign....)

Organisasi bacaan

The author describes “something” according to . . . .

Ide utama / topik bacaan

What is the main idea of the passage ?

Pernyataan ulang (restatement)

What does the author say about ?

Sudut pandang penulis (Author’s Point of View)

1. What is the author’s attitude about ?

2. The author would probably agree with which of following

For example
Question number 1 to 5
The Lewis and Clark expedition, sponsored by President Jefferson,
was the most important official examination of the high plains and
the Northwest before the War of 1812. The President’s secretary,

Line 5 Captain Meriwether Lewis, had been instructed to “ explore the

Missouri River, and such principal streams of it as, by its course and
communication with the waters of the Pacific Ocean … may offer
her most direct, and practicable water communication across the
continent, for the purposes of commerce”. Captain William Clark,
the younger brother of famed George Rogers Clerk, was invited to
share the command of the exploring party.
Amid rumors that there were prehistoric mammoths
10 wandering around the unknown region and that somewhere in its
wilds was a mountain of rock salt 80 by 45 miles in extent, the two

Reading Comprehension 53
captains set out. The date was May 14, 1804. Their point of
departure was the mouth of the Wood River, just across the
15 Mississippi from the entrance of the Missouri River. After tiling up
the Missouri all summer, the group wintered near the Mandan
villages in the center of what is now North Dakota.
Resuming their journey in the spring of 1805, the men
worked their way along the Missouri to its source and then crossed
the mountains of western Montana and Idaho. Picking up a
tributary of the Columbia River, they continued westward until
they reached the Pacific Ocean, where they stayed until the
following spring.
Lewis and Clark brought back much new information,

20 including the knowledge that the continent was wider than

originally supposes. More specifically, they learned a good deal
about river drainages and mountain barriers. They ended
speculation that an easy coast-to-coast route existed via the
Missouri –Columbia River systems, and their reports of the climate,
the animals and birds, the trees and plants, and the Indians of the
West – though not immediately published – were made available to

1. With what topic is the passage primarily concerned?

(a) The river systems of portions of North America
(b) Certain geological features to the North American
(c) An exploratory trip sponsored by the United State
(d) The discovery of natural resources
Answer: (c) an exploratory trip sponsored by the United
State government

54 The Handbook TOEFL (Test of English Foreign....)

Keyword: line pertama, yang maksudnya ekspedisi Lewis
and Clark yang disponsori Presiden Jefferson
adalah pemeriksaan resmi yang paling penting
sebelum perang tahun 1812.

2. According to the passage, the primary purpose of finding a

water route across the continent was to. . .
(a) Gain easy access to the gold and other riches of the
(b) Become acquainted with the inhabitants of the West
(c) Investigate the possibility of improved farmland in the
(d) Facilitate the movement of commerce across the
Answer: (d) facilitate the possibility of improved farmland
in West
Keyword: “the purpose of commerce” tujuan utama untuk
menemukan rute air di seluruh benua ini
adalah untuk mencari jalur air yang paling
langsung dan praktis melintasi benua, untuk
tujuan perdagangan.

3. The river Meriwether Lewis was instructed to explore was

the . . .
(a) Wood

Reading Comprehension 55
(b) Missouri
(c) Columbia
(d) Mississippi
Answer: (b) Missouri
Keyword: (line 3) yang mana kapten Meriwether
diperintahkan untuk menjelajahi sungai

4. According to the passage, the explores spent their first

winter in what would become . . .
(a) North Dakota
(b) Missouri
(c) Montana
(d) Idaho
Answer : (a) North Dakota
Keyword : (line 14) “the group wintered near the Mandan
villages in the center of what is now North
Dakota” maksudnya kelompok menghabiskan
musim dingin di dekat desa Mandan yang
sekarang dikenal sebagai North Dakota

5. The author states that Lewis and Clark studied all of the
following characteristics of the explored territories
EXCEPT. . . .

56 The Handbook TOEFL (Test of English Foreign....)

(a) Mineral deposits
(b) The weather
(c) Animal life
(d) Native vegetation
Answer : (mineral deposits)
Keyword : (line 23) “ the repots of the climate, the animals
and birds the trees and plants, and the Indians
of the West” yang artinya mereka melaporkan
tentang iklim, hewan dan burung, pohon-
pohon dan tanaman, dan Indian di Barat.

Exercise 1 :
Question 1-9
For a century and half the piano has been one of the most popular
solo instruments for Western music. Unlike string and wind

Line 4 instrument, the piano is completely self-sufficient, as it is able to

play both the melody and its accompanying harmony at the same
time. For this reason, it became the favorite household instrument
if the nineteenth century.
The ancestry of the piano can be traced to the early
keyboard instruments of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries – the
spinet, the dulcimer, and the virginal. In the seventeenth century
Line 9
the organ , the clavichord, and the harpsichord became the chief
instruments of the keyboard group, a supremacy they maintained
until the piano supplanted them at the end of the eighteenth

Line 14 century. The clavichord’s tone was metallic and never powerful,
nevertheless, because of the variety of tone possible to it, many
composers found the clavichord a sympathetic instrument for
concert use, but the character of the tone could not be varied save
by mechanical or structural devices.

Reading Comprehension 57
The piano was perfected in the early eighteenth century
by a harpsichord maker in Italy (though musicologists point but out
several previous instances of the instrument). This instrument was
Line 18 called a piano e forte (soft and loud), to indicate its dynamic
versatility, its strings were struck by a recoiling hammer with a felt-
padded head. The wires were much heavier in the earlier
instruments. A series of introduction of pedals to sustain tone or to
soften it, the perfection of a metal frame and steel wire of the
quality, finally produced an instrument capable of myriad tonal
effects from the most delicate harmonies to an almost orchestral
fullness of sound, from a liquid, singing tone to a sharp, percussive

1. What does the passage mainly discuss?

(a) The historical development of the piano
(b) The quality of tone produced by various keyboard
(c) The uses of keyboard instruments in various types of
(d) The popularity of the piano with composers

2. Which of the following instruments was widely used

before the seventeenth century?
(a) The harpsichord
(b) The spinet
(c) The clavichord
(d) The organ

58 The Handbook TOEFL (Test of English Foreign....)

3. The words “ supremacy” in line 9 are closest in meaning
to . . . .
(a) A suggestion
(b) An improvement
(c) A dominance
(d) A development

4. The words “supplanted” in line 10 is closest in meaning to

(a) Supported
(b) Promoted
(c) Replaced
(d) Dominated

5. The words “it” in line 11 refers to the . . . .

(a) Variety
(b) Music
(c) Harpsichord
(d) Clavichord

6. According to the passage, what deficiency did the

harpsichord have?
(a) It was fragile
(b) It lacked variety in tone
(c) It sounded metallic

Reading Comprehension 59
(d) It could not produce a strong sound

7. According to the information in the third paragraph, which

of the following improvements made it possible to
lengthen the tone produced by the piano?
(a) The introduction of pedals
(b) The use of heavy wires
(c) The use of felt – padded hammerheads
(d) The metal frame construction

8. The word “myriad” in line 19 is closest in meaning to . . . .

(a) Noticeable
(b) Many
(c) Loud
(d) Unusual

Exercise 2 :
Questions number 1-7
Joyce and Oates published her first collection of short stories. By
The Gate, in 1963, two years after she had received her master’s
degree from the University of Wisconsin and become and

Line 5 instructor of English at the University of Detroit. Her productivity

since then has been prodigious, accumulating in less and verse,
plays, to nearly thirty titles, including novels, collections of short
stories and verse, plays, and literary criticism. In the meantime, she
has continued to teach, moving in 1967 from the University of
Line 10
Detroit to the University of Windsor, in Ontario and, in 1978, to

60 The Handbook TOEFL (Test of English Foreign....)

Princeton University. Reviewers have admired her enormous
energy, but find a productivity of such magnitude difficult to assess.
In a period characterized by the abandonment of so much
of the realistic tradition by authors such as John Barth, Donald
Barthelme, and Thomas Pynchon, Joyce Carol Oates has seemed at

Line 15 times determinedly old-fashioned in her insistence on the

essentially mimetic quality of her fiction. Hers is a world of
violence, insanity, fractured love, and hopeless loneliness. Although
some of it appears to come from her own direct observations, her
dreams, and her fears, much more is clearly from the experiences
Line 20
of others. Her first novel, with Shuddering Fall (1964), dealt with
Detroit car racing, though she had never seen a race. In them (1969)
she focused on Detroit from the Depression though the notes of
1967, drawing much of her material from the deep impression
made on her by the problems of one of her students. Whatever the
source and however shocking the events of or the motivations,
however her fictive world remains strikingly akin to that real one
reflected in the daily newspapers, the television news and talk
shows, and the popular magazines of our day.

1. What is the main purpose of the passage?

(a) To review Oates’s By the North Gate
(b) To compare some modern writers
(c) To describe Oates’s childhood
(d) To outline Oates’s career

2. Which of the following does the passage indicate about

Joyce Carol Qate’s first publication?
(a) It was part of her master’s thesis
(b) It was a volume of short fiction
(c) It was not successful

Reading Comprehension 61
(d) It was about an English instructor in Detroit

3. Which of the following passage suggest about Joyce Carol

Oates in terms of her writing career?
(a) She has experienced long non productive periods in
her writing
(b) Her style is imitative of other contemporary authors
(c) She has produced a surprising amount of fictions in a
relative short time
(d) Most of her work is based on personal experience

4. The word “characterized” in line 10 can best by which of

the following?
(a) Shocked
(b) Impressed
(c) Distinguished
(d) Helped

5. What was the subject of Joyce Carol Oates’s first novel?

(a) Loneliness
(b) Inanity
(c) Teaching
(d) Racing

62 The Handbook TOEFL (Test of English Foreign....)

6. Why does the author mention Oates’s book then ?
(a) It is a typical novel of the 1960’s
(b) It is her best piece of nonfiction
(c) It is a fictional work bases on the experiences of
another person
(d) It is an autobiography

7. Which of the following would Joyce Carol Oates be most

likely to write?
(a) A story with a unhappy ending
(b) A romancer novel set in the nineteenth century
(c) A science fiction novel
(d) A dialogue for a talk show

Exercise 3 :
Questions 1-7
Perhaps the most obvious way artistic creation reflects how people
live by mirroring the environment, the materials and technologies
Line 3
available to a culture. Stone, wood, tree, clay and sand are generally
available materials. In addition, depending on the locality, copper,
Line 6 and silver. The different uses to which societies put these materials
are of interest to anthropologists who may ask, for example, why
people choose to use clay and not copper when both items are
Line 9 available. Although there are no conclusive answers yet, the way in
which a society views its environment is sometimes apparent in its
choice and use of artistic materials. The use of certain metals, for
example may be reserved for ceremonial objects of special
importance. Or the belief in the supernatural powers of a stone or
tree may cause a sculptor to be sensitive to that material.

Reading Comprehension 63
What is particularly meaningful to anthropologist is the
Line 12 realization that although the materials available to a society may to
some extent limit or influence what it can do artistically, the
materials b no means determine what is done. Why does the artist
Line 15 in Japanese society rake sand into patterns; and the artist in Roman
society melt sand to form glass? Moreover, even when the same
materials is used in the same way by members if different societies,
Line 18
the form or style of the work varies enormously from culture to
culture. A society may simply choose to represent objects or
phenomena that are important to its population. An examination of
the art of the Middle Ages tells us something about the medieval
preoccupation with theological doctrine. In addition to revealing
the primary concerns of a society, the content of that society’s art
may also reflect the culture’s social stratification.

1. According to the passage, gold, copper, and silver are . . .

(a) More difficult to handle than wood and
(b) Of their stable social conditions
(c) Of the unique stylistic features of their art
(d) They uses the same artistic material in very difficult

2. The word “conclusive” in line 6is closest in meaning to . . .

(a) Definitive
(b) Controversial
(c) Concurrent
(d) Realistic

3. The word “ apparent” in line 7 is closest in meaning to . . .

(a) Attractive

64 The Handbook TOEFL (Test of English Foreign....)

(b) Logical
(c) Evident
(d) Distinct

4. Why does the author mention “ supernatural powers of a

stone or tree” in line 9-10?
(a) To show that some sculptors working with specific
(b) To emphasize the usual properties of certain materials
(c) As an example of how art can be influenced by cultural
(d) As an illustration of the impact of the environment on
religious beliefs

5. The word “ it” in line 12 refers to . . .

(a) Realization
(b) Society
(c) Extent
(d) Influence

6. It can be inferred that the author mentions the Japanese

and Roman societies because. . .
(a) They influenced each other stone
(b) Commonly used by artists in all societies
(c) Essential to create ceremonial object

Reading Comprehension 65
(d) Available only in specific locations

7. According to the passage, all of the following statements

about sand are true, EXCEPT . . .
(a) It is used to create glass
(b) Roman artist mix it into their paints
(c) Its use varies from culture to culture
(d) Japanese artists use it to create artistic patterns

66 The Handbook TOEFL (Test of English Foreign....)


Educational testing service. 2001. TOEFL Institutional Testing

Program- examine Handbook

ETS. 2019. Bank soal & Strategi TOEFL edisi lengkap

Yanto Tanjung. 2020. Media mudah belajar bahasa inggris

sebagai bahasa asing

Ria Anggreani. 2017. Master TOEFL tembus skor 600+

TIM PRESIDEN EDUKA. 2016. Best Score TOEFL 600+

68 The Handbook TOEFL (Test of English Foreign....)

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