Anda di halaman 1dari 23



1. [Mahasiswa n profesor ] Mahasiswa konsultasi kalau dia udah selesai baca artikel chomsky dan
mau bikin presentasi tapi sepertinya tidak sempat utk baca artikel lain , profesor jawab tidak apa-
apa, dari chomsky aja udah cukup. (Cari yang ado tulisan : Chomsky)

2. [cowok n cewek persiapan party] cowok bilang siapa sih yang kasih ide utk buat sandwich dengan
potongan kecil, kita sudah satu jam bikin ini yapi baru 1 loyang yg jadi, cewek jawab bukan ide aku
pastinya, aku ga tau apa yang dipikir laura sampai dia punya ide seperti itu. Jawaban : kalau
cewek yg buat dia ga bakal buat sandwich n buat makanan lain (other food)

3. [coffee shop] intinya lagi ada promo gratis refil kopi selama satu jam kalau beli sandwich, dijawab
cowok kalau dia sudah minum kopi sebelumnya, tapi sandwichnya keliatan enak. Pertanyaan: apa
yang dilakukan cowok itu (order sandwich)

4. [cowok nanyain cewek dmn perpus kedokteran] dijawab cewek itu ada di sebrang health center.
Jawaban : perpus di dekat health center (library near health care)

5. [ state universitas] aku terkejut liat kau

disini, ku pikir kau jadi pindah ke state university, dijawab cewek: huhhh seandainya aja bisa, aku
juga berharap begitu. Jawabannya : (disappointed university)

6. [pergi ke konser] cewek bilang aku bakal bawa sweather ke konser, cowok bilang aku liat ramalan
cuaca nanti bakal panas. Jawaban: cewek ga usah bawa sweather (leave the sweater at

7. [masalah balikin buku sosiologi] cewek terima kasih ke cowok krn udah dititipin bukunya ke teman
sekamarnya si cewek, cowoknya bilang aku sengaja krn takutnya ga ketemu sebelum kelas dimulai
: (he borrow her book)

8. [kerja di lab] mahasiswa bilang sampai minggu ini its okay, tapi minggu depan harus skip krn ada
ujian, profesor bilang ga papa kapan kamu bisanya aja, jangan lupa kabari setiap hari senin jdwal
kamu ( tell the proff schedule every week)

9. Tentang cowok dateng ke toko yang hampir tutup, dijawab cewek penjaga toko ga papa, kita
perpanjang waktunya (toko buka sedikit lama)

10. Cewek bilang ke cowo kalau dia ditelpon oleh janet tentang paper presentation, dia pengen
kamu datang jam tiga, cowok bilang, aku pengennya dateng tpi jam 3 nanti ada meeting. Jawaban :
(professor cant comes janet presentation)

11. [Butuh bantuan] sue, butuh bantuan ga untuk nyiapin peralatan nonton nanti? Cewek jawab
“sudah disiapkan semua oleh profesor tadi siang”

12. [balikin buku perpustakaan] cowok bilang”hey, aku mau balikin buku, tapi maaf aku baru ingat
sekarang buat balikin, udah telat banget, maaf yaa” di jawab oleh petugas perpus “ iya terlambat,
berhubung ini pelanggaran pertamamu, jadi kamu ga dikasih sanksi/denda apa-apa. No fine,
don’t need pay

13. [tentang cari apartemen murah] cewek bilang aku udah liat koran terus, susah ya nemu
apartemen kampus yang murah, cowok bilang aku pernah loh liat di mading student center,
biasanya disana ditempel apartemen yang tidak terlalu mahal.
Jawaban: ceweknya disuruh liat mading di
student center

14. [tentang minjam perkakas] cowok nanya ke cewek “ kamu punya kotak perkakas?
Boleh pinjam ga?? Aku mau benerin sesuatu” cewek jawab “okedeh, entar aku antar setelah makan
siang, kalau kamu butuh aku juga bisa banu, hal seperti ini lebih ringan kalau dikerjakan bersama”
Jawaban: cewek bakal bantu si cowok

15. [tentang lukisan terbaru] cowok bilang “ hey, lihat nih, lukisanku yang baru, gimana
menurutmu?” . cewek jawab “ waahhhh ini lebih bagus dari lukisanmu yang sebelumnya, lukisanmu
yang ini bener-bener memperlihatkan bakatmu dalam mengekspresikan perasaanmu”
Jawaban : lukisan ini lenih bagus karena
memperlihatkan talent si cowok

16. [tentang minjam buku intro to economic] cowok bilang “boleh ga aku pinjam buku intro to
economic punyamu, aku tahu semester kemaren kamu ngambil mata kuliah ini kan?”. Cewek
jawab “ boleh, senang hati, aku tahu pasti prof itu udah banyak ngasih tugas kan” Jawaban :
omongan cewek (prof udah kasih bnyk tugas)

17. [tentang exhibition photografi/ pameran prof. Jhonson ] mahasiswa bilang “hello prof, tadi
aku lihat foto-foto prof yang ditempel di lobby student hall, prof emang selalu ambil foto
arsitektur ya?”. Prof jawab “ ga itu aja sih, sekarang aku lagi nyiapin exhibition tentang
perjalanan aku ke nevada kemarin” Jawaban : exhibition to Nevada/ Dio memfoto
Different object

18. [ tentang email dan komputer yang rusak] cewek bilang “ hey, inget ga email yang mau kamu
kirim kae aku itu? Kayaknya ga pernah ku terima deh”. Dijawab cowok “ maaf banget ya, aku lagi
ada masalah sama komputerku, lagi ga bisa dipake seharian ini”

19. [tentang batalnya konser, ifo dari radio] cewek bilang “ hey, tadi aku denger radio, katanya
konser band yang kamu suka lagu-lagunya itu bakal dibatalin”. Cowok jawab “ huhh iya ada
refund sihh, tapi jujur aku kecewa banget” Jawaban : Cari yang ado tulisan “.... take place”

20. [ tentang ngasih copy film biar bisa ditonton di tv ] ceweknya bilang “heyy, karena kamu ga bisa
ikutan nonton film di bioskop yang hari ini, nihhh aku kasih copy-an filmnya, supaya kamu
isa nonton di tv, tapi kamu tahu kan pendapatku nonton ilm di tv?” cowok jawab “ hmmm, maksih
ya, aku hargain pemberianmu, kalau ada satu hal yang aku pelajarin di kelasmu bahwa film itu
memang seharusnya ditonton di layar”. Jawabannyo : Cari yang ado tulisan “ ”

21. [nonton teater] cowok bilang “gimana tadi teaternya? Keren? Aku denger kamu tadi beli
tiketnya on the spot” cewek bilang “ iya, aku berharapnya masih ada tiket tapi ternyata sudah
Jawaban : cewek tidak berhasil nonton

22. [tentang meja antik] cowok bilang “wiiih, meja ini kelihatan antik, pasti mahal kan” cewek
jawab “tidak mahal sama sekali, aku beli di toko furnitur bekas, harganya hampir seperti ga ada
harga gilssss”
Jawaban : barang antiknya sangat murah
23. [tentang olahraga] cewek bilang “capek nian siang ini gilsss, tadi pagi aku olahraga setelah
beberapa lama ga olahraga”. Cowok bilang “aku ngerti, aku juga capek nian waktu awal-awal

24. [mark graduation party] cewek bilang “ huhh aku denger pesta kelulusannya mark sangat seru
yaa, aku nyesel ga bisa datang soalnya aku kena flu parah”. Cowok jawab “iya ceu, aku juga ga
dateng soalnya ngaterin adek gue, tenaangg masih ada banyak party di desember ini”
Jawaban : mereka berdua ga ikut party nya si mark

25. [tentang buku psikologi yang dipinjam si cewek] cowok bilang “hey ceww, ini nah buku psikologi
yang kamu butuh untuk pertemuan nanti”. Cewek jawab “huhhh untunglah, soalnya buku yang
pesen baru minggu depan datengnyaa”
Cowok minjemin buku sosiologi ke cewek

26. [carrier fair] cwek “hey, aku akan pergi ke carrier fair nanti siang soalnya mau liat peluang
kerja di industri farmasi, mau ikut ga?”. Cowok jawab “ menarik tuh, aku penasaran kira-kira ada ga
yang bisa ngasih tau tentang karir dalam mengajar”.
Mereka berdua pergi ke carier fair /cari job

27. [laptop baru si cewek] cowok bilang “gilss, keren nian laptopmu cee, pasti banyak fitur yang
canggih kan ?. cewek jawab “ayyy, dak terlalu banyak beguno untuk aku, tapi satu yang aku
seneng, itu jauh lebih cepet dari laptop lamo aku” Jwbn : Cari yang ado tulisan “features”

28. [numpang ngeprint] cewek bilang “jokk, boleh numpang ngeprint bentar dak?” cowok jawab “
sorry nian ceeuu lagi abis tinta, coba numpang di perpus be, santuyy”

29. [bantui jemput adek si cowok] cowok bilang “cee besok adekku balek dari denver tapi aku dak
pacak jemputnyo di bandara oleh ado kuliah, galak dak dirimu bantui aku?” cewek jawab
“hemmmmmm, cak mano yoo aku full nian besok, dari pagi full kuliah, malemnyo aku begawe di
lab”. Apa makna kata2 si cewek? dio dak biso bantu jemput adek si cowok

30. [tentang nyari apartemen bareng utk lisa n temennya] cowok julid nanyo “ heyy ceww, apa
yang terjadi antara kau n lisa?, kemaren aku lihat lisa nyari-nyari apartemen bareng jesica palmer,
ngapolah yo?. Dijawab cewek “aku sama lisa tuh beneran temen deket, cuman masalah serumah tu
agak susah, soalnyo jam kerja kami beda nian, jadi sekarang aku lagi nyari orang yang
semasukan untuk ceka apartemen, ado saran dak?”

31. A. She will be able to join the economics C. Traditional notions of respect for elected
seminar. leaders.
B. She has a new printer for her computer. D. Traditional forms of classical architecture.
C. She finished paying back her loan.
D. She got an A on her term paper. 39. A. They are examples of the usual sequence
of observation and explanation.
32. A. The importance of paying back loans B. They provide evidence of inaccurate scientific
promptly. observation.
B. A way to help people improve their C. Their discovery was similar to that of the
economic conditions. neutrino.
C. Using computers to increase business D. They were subjects of 1995 experiments at
efficiency. Los Alamos.
D. The expansion of international business.
40. A. Its mass had previously been measured.
33. A. It is the topic of his term paper. B. Its existence had been reported by Los
B. He would like to find a job there. Alamos National Laboratory.
C. His economics professor did research work C. Scientists were looking for a particle with no
there. mass.
D. Microcredit programs have been very D. Scientists were unable to balance equations
successful there. of energy without it.
41. A. That it carries a large amount of energy.
34. A. Cancel her credit card. B. That it is a type of electron.
B. Sign up for the economics seminar. C. That it is smaller in size than previously
C. Do research on banks in Asia. thought.
D. Type the man's term paper. D. That it has a tiny amount of mass.

35. A. The life of a well-known Canadian 42. A. The clearing of New England forests.
architect. B. The role of New England trees in British
B. The architectural design of a new museum. shipbuilding.
C. The variety of museums in Washington, D.C. C. The development of the shipbuilding industry
D. The changing function of the modern in New England.
museum. D. The role of the British surveyor general in
colonizing New England.
36. A. Both were designed by the same
architect. 43. A. Law.
B. Both are located in Washington, D.C. B. Mathematics.
C. Both feature similar exhibits. C. History.
D. Both were built around a central square. D. Engineering.

37. A. A classical temple. 44. A. Sugar maple.

B. A well-known museum. B. Oak.
C. A modern office building. C. White pine.
D. A natural landscape. D. Birch.

38. A. Traditional views on the purpose of a 45. A. Its width.

museum. B. Its height.
B. Traditional values of Native Americans. C. Its straightness.
D. Its location.
D. By imitating insects caught in a web.
46. A. M
B. % 49. A. Avoid attacks by other spiders.
C. K B. Cross some water.
D. -> C. Jump to the edge of the tray.
D. Spin a long thread.
47. A. How they swim long distances.
B. How they got their name. 50. A. It would keep trying to reach the rock the
C. How they hunt. same way.
D. How they solve problems. B. It would try to reach the rock a different
48. A. By changing its appearance. C. The scientists would move the spider to the
B. By imitating signals that the other spiders rock.
send. D. The scientists would place another spider in
C. By spinning a large web. the tray.

Glaciers cultivate
1. Mainly : Cultivate
2. Absolute: total
3. Dwindled: decreased
4. It: .....
5. Them : grassland
6. pernyataan terkait paragraf kayaknya: .... replanted
7. Best yield
8. Advantage seed apa gitu: kayaknya raisin nah terus dia tetep dalam bungkusnya
9. raisin seed masih perlu manusia: kaena seednya harus di scratch
10. Secure: fixed, closed, attach, bond, fresh (terjamin, tertutup, pasti)
11. Strength

Inuit art
1. Main : the subject of inuit art
2. paragraf satu menggambarkan: keseluruhan kehidupan
3. most artist: realistic atau drama
4. object sculpture: animal
5. inuit art yang ditampilin least: modern art
6. exaggerate: enlarge
7. tracking: follow
8. intimately: closely


The languages spoken by early Europeans are still shrouded in mystery. There is no linguistic continuity
between the languages of Old Europe (a term sometimes used for Europe between 7000 and 3000 B.C.) and
the languages of the modem world, and we cannot yet translate the Old European script, Scholars have
deciphered other ancient languages, such as Sumerian, Akkadian, and Babylonian, which used the cuneiform
script, because of the fortuitous discovery of bilingual inscriptions, When cuneiform tablets were first
discovered in the eighteenth century, scholars could not decipher them. Then inscriptions found in baa at the
end of the eighteenth century provided a link: these inscriptions were written in cuneiform and in two other
ancient languages, Old Persian and New Elamite--languages that had already been deciphered. It took several
decades, but scholars eventually translated the ancient cuneiform script via the more familiar Old Persian

Similarly, the hieroglyphic writing of the Egyptians remained a mystery until French troops unearthed the
famous Rosetta stone in the late eighteenth century. The stone carried the same message written in ancient
Greek, Egyptian hieroglyphs, and Egyptian hieratic, a simplified form of hieroglyphs. The Rosetta stone
thwarted scholars' efforts for several decades until the early nineteenth century when several key hieroglyphic
phrases were decoded using the Greek inscriptions. Unfortunately, we have no Old European Rosetta stone to
chart correspondences between Old European script and the languages that replaced it.

Tim incursions of Indo-European tribes into Old Europe from the late fifth to the early third millennia B.C.
caused a linguistic and cultural discontinuity. These incursions disrupted the Old European sedentary farming
lifestyle that had existed for 3,000 years As the Indo-Europeans encroached on Old Europe from the east, the
continent underwent upheavals. These severely affected the Balkans, where the Old European cultures
abundantly employed script. The Old European way of life deteriorated rapidly, although pockets of Old
European culture remained for several millennia, ~ new peoples spoke completely different languages
belonging to the Indo-European linguistic family. The Old European language or languages, and the script used
to write them, declined and eventually vanished.

22. What does the passage mainly discuss? (D) a language that was understood by the late
(A) Reasons for the failure to understand the written eighteenth century
records of Old European culture
(B) Influences on the development of Old European 24. According to the passage, scholarswere able to
script decipher cuneiform script with the help of
(C) Similarities between Old European script and (A) the Sumerian, Akkadian, and Babylonian
other ancient writing systems languages
(D) Events leading to the discovery of Old European (B) Old Persian
script (C) tablets written in Old European
(D) a language spoken in eighteenth century Iran
23. According to the passage, New Elamite is
(A) a language that was written in the cuneiform 25. The word “fortuitous” in line 5 is closet in
script meaning to
(B) a modem language that came from Old Persian (A) important
(C) one of the languages spoken by the Old (B) sudden
Europeans (C) early
(D) lucky decoded.

26. The word "them" in line 6 refers to 29. The word "thwarted" in line 14 is closest in
(A) Sumerian, Akkadian, and Babylonian meaning to
(B) bilingual inscriptions (A) continued
(C) cuneiform tablets (B) influenced
(D) scholars (C) encouraged
(D) frustrated
27. When does the passage suggest that ancient
Egyptian hieroglypttic script was finally deciphered? 30. According to the passage, Indo-European
(A) At around the same time as cuneiform script was incursions caused Old European populations to
deciphered (A) separate into different tribes
(B) Shortly before the Rosetta stone was unearthed (B) move eastward
(C) As soon as additional bilingual inscriptions (C) change their ways of living obtaining food
became available to scholars (D) start recording historical events in Writing
(D) A few decades after the hieratic script was
decoded 31. The author mentions the Balkans in the passage
in order to explain why
28. According to the passage, which of the following (A) Indo-European languages were slow to spread in
is true of the Rosetta stone? Old Europe
(A) It was found by scholars trying to decode ancient (B) the inhabitants of Old Europe were not able to
languages. prevent Indo-European incursions
(B) It contains two versions of hieroglyphic script. (C) the use of the Old European script declined
(C) Several of its inscriptions were decoded within a (D) the Old European culture survived for a time after
few months of its discovery. the Indo-European incursions
(D) Most of its inscriptions have still not been


Lichens, probably the hardiest of all plants, live where virtually nothing else can---not just on rugged mountain
peaks but also on sunbaked desert rocks. They are usually the first life to appear on a mountainside that has
been scraped bare by an avalanche. Unlike other members of the plant kingdom, lichens are actually a
partnership between two plants. The framework of a lichen is usually a network of minute hairlike fungus that
anchors the plant. The other component is an alga (similar to the green film of plant life that grows on
stagnant pools) that is distributed throughout the fungus. Being green plants, algae are capable of
photosynthesis--that is, using energy from the Sun to manufacture their own food. The fungi are believed to
supply water, minerals, and physical support to the partnership.

Lichens are famous for their ability to survive ~ water shortage. When water is scarce (as is often the case on a
mountain), lichens may become dormant and remain in that condition for prolonged periods of time. Some
lichens can even grow where there is no rain at all, surviving on only occasional dew--the moisture that
condenses on the surface of the plants at night. And unlike most other plants, lichens are little affected by the
strong ultraviolet rays in the mountains.

Lichens use little energy, for they grow slowly. Some grow so slowly and are so old that they are called "time
stains." You may find lichens that are centuries old; certain of these lichen colonies have been established for
an estimated 2,000 years. For decades, scientists wondered how the offspring of an alga and a fungus got
together to form a new lichen, it seemed unlikely that they would just happen to encounter one another. It
was finally discovered that in many cases the two partners have never been separated. Stalklike "buds" that
form on certain lichens are broken off by the wind or by animals; these toll or are blown to a new location

1. Which of the following questions does the passage (B) How long does it take for lichens to establish
answer? themselves?
(A) Where can the oldest lichen be found?
(C) How large can lichens he?
(D) Where do lichens usually occur? Kunci Jawaban: (D) what algae are
Tipe soal: Factual Information Question (learner
Kunci Jawaban: (D) Where do lichens usually occur? diminta u/ mengidentifikasi informasi spesifik yg
Tipe soal: Main Idea Question secara explicit ditampilkan dalam passage)
Cara Jawab: Cukup lihat baris pertama setiap Cara Jawab: Temukan kalimat yang berisi informasi
paragraf (juga biasa di kalimat terakhir paragraf spesifik sesuai yang dinyatakan pada pertanyaan.
pertama) --> 
--> he other component is an alga (similar to the green
Paragraf 1: Lichens live where virtually nothing else film of plant life that grows on stagnant pools) that is
can distributed throughout the fungus.
Paragraf 2: Lichens are famous for their ability to
survive 5. It can be inferred from the passage that lichens use
Paragraf 3: Lichens use little energy less energy and grow more slowly when
(A) the environment is polluted
2. The word "hardiest" in line 1 is closest in meaning (B) they are exposed to ultraviolet rays
to (C) they are very old
(A) most unusual (D) the supply of water is inadequate
(B) most basic Kunci Jawaban: (D) the supply of water is inadequate
(C) most abundant
(D) most vigorous Tipe Soal: Inference Question (learner diminta u/
mengidentifikasi informasi spesifik yg TIDAK secara
Kunci Jawaban: (D) most vigorous explicit ditampilkan dalam passage)
Tipe Soal: Vocabulary in Context Question Cara Jawab: (1) Jika sebuah effect dinyatakan dl
(Pertanyaan ini menginginkan Anda mengidentifikasi passage, maka yg diujikan ialah cause. (2) Jika sebuah
arti dari kata yang digunakan dalam passage) comparison dl passage, pertanyaan yg diujikan basis
Cara Jawab: (1)Temukan sinonim dari kata yang of the comparison. (3) Jika deskripsi dari new
dipertanyakan; (2) Jika dalam pilihan jawaban phenomenon, yg diujikan karakteristik dari old
terdapat lebih dari 1 sinonim, sesuaikan makna phenomenon.
jawaban dengan konteks kalimat -->
-> hardiest = most vigorous = strongest Lichens are famous for their ability to survive ~ water
shortage. When water is scarce (as is often the case
3. The word "framework" in line 4 is closest in on a mountain), lichens may become dormant and
meaning to remain in that condition for prolonged periods of
(A) structure time.
(B) fragment
(C) condition 6. Which of the following term is defined in the
(D)environment passage?
(A) "anchors" (line 5)
Kunci Jawaban: (A) structure (B) "stagnant" (line 6)
Tipe Soal: Vocabulary in Context Question (C) "dew" (line 11)
(Pertanyaan ini menginginkan Anda mengidentifikasi (D) "ultraviolet" (line 13)
arti dari kata yang digunakan dalam passage)
Cara Jawab: (1)Temukan sinonim dari kata yang --> dew--the moisture that condenses on the surface
dipertanyakan; (2) Jika dalam pilihan jawaban of the plants at night
terdapat lebih dari 1 sinonim, sesuaikan makna
jawaban dengan konteks kalimat 7. The word "prolonged" in line 10 is closest in
-> framework = structure meaning to
(A) precise
4, The author mentions "the green film of plant life (B) extended
that grows on stagnant pools" (lines 5-6) in order to (C) approximate
explain (D) regular
(A) how the sun affects lichens
(B) why plants depend on water Kunci Jawaban: (B) extended
(C) where fungi become algae Tipe Soal: Vocabulary in Context Question
(D) what algae are (Pertanyaan ini menginginkan Anda mengidentifikasi
arti dari kata yang digunakan dalam passage)
Cara Jawab: (1)Temukan sinonim dari kata yang Kunci Jawaban: (B) Many lichens live together in one
dipertanyakan; (2) Jika dalam pilihan jawaban area.
terdapat lebih dari 1 sinonim, sesuaikan makna Tipe Soal: Vocabulary in Context Question
jawaban dengan konteks kalimat (Pertanyaan ini menginginkan Anda mengidentifikasi
-> prolonged = extended = panjang (lama) arti dari kata yang digunakan dalam passage)
Cara Jawab: (1)Temukan sinonim dari kata yang
8. All of the following are mentioned in the discussion dipertanyakan; (2) Jika dalam pilihan jawaban
of lichens EXCEPT terdapat lebih dari 1 sinonim, sesuaikan makna
(A) They are capable of producing their own food. jawaban dengan konteks kalimat
(B) They require large amounts of minerals to -> colony = a group of animals, insects or plants of
prosper. the same type that live together
(C) They are a union of two separate plants.
(D) They can live thousands of years. 10. The word "encounter" in line 17 is closest in
meaning to
Kunci Jawaban: (B) They require large amounts of (A) lose
minerals lo prosper. (B) support
Tipe soal: Factual Information Question (learner (C) meet
diminta u/ mengidentifikasi informasi spesifik yg (D) create
secara explicit ditampilkan dalam passage)
Cara Jawab: Temukan kalimat yang berisi informasi Kunci Jawaban: (B) Many lichens live together in one
spesifik sesuai yang dinyatakan pada pertanyaan. area.
-->  Tipe Soal: Vocabulary in Context Question
(paragraph 1) --> ... lichens are actually a partnership (Pertanyaan ini menginginkan Anda mengidentifikasi
between two plants. The framework of a lichen is arti dari kata yang digunakan dalam passage)
usually a network of minute hairlike fungus that Cara Jawab: (1)Temukan sinonim dari kata yang
anchors the plant. The other component is an alga dipertanyakan; (2) Jika dalam pilihan jawaban
(similar to the green film of plant life that grows on terdapat lebih dari 1 sinonim, sesuaikan makna
stagnant pools) that is distributed throughout the jawaban dengan konteks kalimat
fungus. Being green plants, algae are capable of -> encounter = meet = bertemu
photosynthesis--that is, using energy from the Sun to
manufacture their own food. The fungi are believed 11. The word "these" in line 19 refers to
to supply water, minerals, and physical support to (A) partners
the partnership. (B) buds
(paragraph 2) --> Some lichens can even grow where (C) lichens
there is no rain at all, surviving on only occasional (D) animals
dew--the moisture that condenses on the surface of
the plants at night. And unlike most other plants, Kunci Jawaban:  (B) buds
lichens are little affected by the strong ultraviolet Tipe Soal: Reference Question (Pertanyaan ini
rays in the mountains. menginginkan Anda untuk mengidentifikasi noun
(Paragrah 3) You may find lichens that are centuries yang diganti menjadi sebuah pronoun / siapa atau
old; apa yang dirujuk oleh kata ganti tertentu)
Cara Jawab: Idetifikasi pronoun (kata ganti) -letak
9. What does the phrase "lichen colonies (line 15) jawabannya sebelum pronoun.
suggest? -->
(A) Nothing but lichens live in some locations. Stalklike "buds" that form on certain lichens are
(B) Many lichens live together in one area. broken off by the wind or by animals; these toll or are
(C) Lichens displace the plants that surround them. blown to a new location
(D)Certain groups of lichens have never been

After 1785, the production of children's books in the United States increased but remained largely reprints of
British books, often those published by John Newbery, the first publisher to produce books aimed primarily at
diverting a child audience. Ultimately, however, it was not the cheerful, commercial-minded Newbery, but
Anglo-Irish author Maria Edgeworth who had the strongest influence on this period of American children's
literature. The eighteenth century had seen a gradual shift away from the spiritual intensity of earlier American
religious writings for children, toward a more generalized moralism. Newbery notwithstanding, Americans still
looked on children's books as vehicles for instruction, not amusement, though they would accept a moderate
amount of fictional entertainment for the sake of more successful instruction. As the children's book market
expanded, then, what both public and publishers wanted was the kind of fiction Maria Edgeworth wrote:
stories interesting enough to attract children and morally instructive enough to allay adult distrust of fiction.

American reaction against imported books for children set in after the War of 1812 with the British. A wave of
nationalism permeated everything, and the self-conscious new nation found foreign writings (particularly
those from the British monarchy) unsuitable for the children of a democratic republic, a slate of self-governing,
equal citizens. Publishers of children's books began to encourage American writers to write for American
children. When they responded, the pattern established by Maria Edgeworth was at hand, attractive to most
of them for both its rationalism and its high moral tone. Early in the 1820's, stories of willful children learning
to obey, of careless children learning to take care, of selfish children learning to "tire for others," started to
flow from American presses, successfully achieving Edgeworth's tone, though rarely her lively style. Imitative
as they were, these early American stories were quite distinguishable from their British counterparts. Few
servants appeared in them, and if class distinctions had by no means disappeared, there was much democratic
insistence on the worthiness of every level of birth and work. The characters of children in this fiction were
serious, conscientious, self-reflective, and independent-testimony to the continuing influence of the earlier
American moralistic tradition in children's books.

 1. What does the passage mainly discuss? children's literature than any other publisher
(A) The career of Maria Edgeworth as an author of (C) He published books aimed at amusing children
children's books rather than instructing them.
(B) The development of children's literature in the (D) He was commercially minded and cheerful.
United States
(C) Successful publishers of children's books in Britain Kunci & Pembahasan:
and North America Kunci Jawaban: (D) He was commercially minded and
(D) Basic differences between British and American cheerful.
Tipe soal: Factual Information Question (learner
Kunci & Pembahasan: diminta u/ mengidentifikasi informasi spesifik yg
Kunci Jawaban: (B) The development of children's secara explicit ditampilkan dalam passage)
literature in the United States Cara Jawab: Temukan kalimat yang berisi informasi
Tipe soal: Main Idea Question spesifik sesuai yang dinyatakan pada pertanyaan
Cara Jawab: Cukup lihat baris pertama setiap -keyword: John Newbery is principally known
paragraf -->
--> 1. ... often those published by John Newbery, the first
Paragraf 1: After 1785, the production of children's publisher to produce books aimed primarily
books in the Untied States increased but remained at diverting a child audience.
largely reprints of British books .... 2. it was not the cheerful, commercial-
Paragraf 2: American reaction against imported minded Newbery, but Anglo-Irish author Maria
books for children set in after the War of 1812 with Edgeworth who had the strongest influence on this
the British. period of American children's literature.
2. The publisher John Newbery is principally known
for which of the following reasons? 3. The word "notwithstanding" in line 8 is closest in
(A) He produced and sold books written by Maria meaning to
Edgeworth. (A) in spite of
(B) He had more influence on children American (B) in addition to
(C) as a result of (B) attractive and interesting to children
(D) as a part of (C) written by American authors
(D) intended only for religious and moral instruction
Kunci & Pembahasan:
(A) in spite of Kunci & Pembahasan:
Tipe Soal: Vocabulary in Context Question Kunci Jawaban: (D) intended only for religious and
(Pertanyaan ini menginginkan Anda mengidentifikasi moral instruction
arti dari kata yang digunakan dalam passage) Tipe Soal: Inference Question (learner diminta u/
Cara Jawab: (1)Temukan sinonim dari kata yang mengidentifikasi informasi spesifik yg TIDAK secara
dipertanyakan; (2) Jika dalam pilihan jawaban explicit ditampilkan dalam passage)
terdapat lebih dari 1 sinonim, sesuaikan makna Cara Jawab: (1) Jika sebuah effect dinyatakan dl
jawaban dengan konteks kalimat passage, maka yg diujikan ialah cause. (2) Jika sebuah
--> notwithstanding = in spite of = despite (walaupun comparison dl passage, pertanyaan yg diujikan basis
->kontrast) of the comparison. (3) Jika deskripsi dari new
phenomenon, yg diujikan karakteristik dari old
4. The word "they" in line 9 refers to phenomenon.
(A) children -->
(B) Americans The eighteenth century had seen a gradual shift away
(C) books from the spiritual intensity of earlier American
(D) vehicles religious writings for children, toward a more
generalized moralism.
Kunci & Pembahasan:
Kunci Jawaban:  (B) Americans 7. By the end of the eighteenth century, the
Tipe Soal: Reference Question (Pertanyaan ini publishers of children’s looks in the United States
menginginkan Anda untuk mengidentifikasi noun were most concerned about which of the following?
yang diganti menjadi sebuah pronoun / siapa atau (A) Attracting children with entertaining stories that
apa yang dirujuk oleh kata ganti tertentu) provided lessons of correct behavior
Cara Jawab: Idetifikasi pronoun (kata ganti) -letak (B) Publishing literature consisting of exciting stories
jawabannya sebelum pronoun. that would appeal to both children and adults
--> (C) Expanding markets for books in both Britain and
Newbery notwithstanding, Americans still looked on the United States
children's books as vehicles for instruction, not (D) Reprinting fictional books from earlier in the
amusement, though they would accept a moderate century
amount of fictional entertainment for the sake of
more successful instruction. Kunci & Pembahasan:
Kunci Jawaban: (B) Publishing literature consisting of
5. The word "allay" in line 11 is closest in meaning to exciting stories that would appeal to both children
(A) clarify and adults
(B) attack Tipe soal: Factual Information Question (learner
(C) reduce diminta u/ mengidentifikasi informasi spesifik yg
(D) confirm secara explicit ditampilkan dalam passage)
Cara Jawab: Temukan kalimat yang berisi informasi
Kunci & Pembahasan: spesifik sesuai yang dinyatakan pada pertanyaan
Kunci Jawaban: (C) reduce -keyword: the end of   eighteenth century -publishers
Tipe Soal: Vocabulary in Context Question (USA) most concerned
(Pertanyaan ini menginginkan Anda mengidentifikasi --> 
arti dari kata yang digunakan dalam passage) As the children's book market expanded, then,
Cara Jawab: (1)Temukan sinonim dari kata yang what both public and publishers wanted was the kind
dipertanyakan; (2) Jika dalam pilihan jawaban of fiction Maria Edgeworth wrote: stories interesting
terdapat lebih dari 1 sinonim, sesuaikan makna enough to attract children and morally instructive
jawaban dengan konteks kalimat enough to allay adult distrust of fiction.
--> allay = reduce (mengurangi)
8. The word "permeated" in line 15
6. It can be inferred from the passage that American (A) opposed
children's books sold before 1785 were almost (B) improved
always (C) competed with
(A) written by Maria Edgeworth (D) spread through
Cara Jawab: Temukan kalimat yang berisi informasi
Kunci & Pembahasan: spesifik sesuai yang dinyatakan pada pertanyaan
Kunci Jawaban: (D) spread through -keyword: differed from
Tipe Soal: Vocabulary in Context Question --> 
(Pertanyaan ini menginginkan Anda mengidentifikasi Imitative as they were, these early American stories
arti dari kata yang digunakan dalam passage) were quite distinguishable from their British
Cara Jawab: (1)Temukan sinonim dari kata yang counterparts. Few servants appeared in them ....
dipertanyakan; (2) Jika dalam pilihan jawaban Few berarti hampir tidak ada atau jarang (rarely)
terdapat lebih dari 1 sinonim, sesuaikan makna
jawaban dengan konteks kalimat 10. The word" testimony to" in line 28 is closest in
--> permeated = spread trough (menyebar ke meaning to
seluruh) (A) inspiration for
(B) evidence of
9. According to the passage, American children's (C) requirement for
stories differed from their British equivalents in that (D) development of
the characters in American stories were
(A) children who showed a change of behavior Kunci & Pembahasan:
(B) children who were well behaved Kunci Jawaban: (B) evidence of
(C) rarely servants Tipe Soal: Vocabulary in Context Question
(D) generally not from a variety of social classes (Pertanyaan ini menginginkan Anda mengidentifikasi
arti dari kata yang digunakan dalam passage)
Kunci & Pembahasan: Cara Jawab: (1)Temukan sinonim dari kata yang
Kunci Jawaban: (C) rarely servants dipertanyakan; (2) Jika dalam pilihan jawaban
Tipe soal: Factual Information Question (learner terdapat lebih dari 1 sinonim, sesuaikan makna
diminta u/ mengidentifikasi informasi spesifik yg jawaban dengan konteks kalimat
secara explicit ditampilkan dalam passage) --> testimony to (kesasksian) = evidence of (bukti)


There are two main hypotheses when it comes to explaining the emergence of modern humans. The ‘Out of
Africa’ theory holds that homo sapiens burst onto the scene as a new species around 150,000 to 200,000 years
ago in Africa and subsequently replaced archaic humans such as the Neandertals. The other model, known as
multi-regional evolution or regional continuity, posits far more ancient and diverse roots for our kind.
Proponents of this view believe that homo sapiens arose in Africa some 2 million years ago and evolved as a
single species spread across the Old World, with populations in different regions linked through genetic and
cultural exchange.

Of these two models, Out of Africa, which was originally developed based on fossil evidence, and supported by
much genetic research, has been favored by the majority of evolution scholars. The vast majority of these
genetic studies have focused on DNA from living populations, and although some small progress has been
made in recovering DNA from Neandertal that appears to support multi-regionalism, the chance of recovering
nuclear DNA from early human fossils is quite slim at present. Fossils thus remain very much a part of the
human origins debate. Another means of gathering theoretical evidence is through bones. Examinations of
early modern human

skulls from Central Europe and Australia dated to between 20,000 and 30,000 years old have suggested that
both groups apparently exhibit traits seen in their Middle Eastern and African predecessors. But the early
modern specimens from Central Europe also display Neandertal traits, and the early modern Australians
showed affinities to archaic Homo from Indonesia. Meanwhile, the debate among paleoanthropologists
continues , as supporters of the two hypotheses challenge the evidence and conclusions of each other.

30. The passage primarily discusses which of the (b) Two hypotheses and some evidence on
following the human origins debate
(a) Evidence that supports the “Out of Africa” (c) The difficulties in obtaining agreement
theory among theorists on the human origins debate
(d) That fossils remain very much a part of the
human origins debate 36. In line 18, the word “their ” refers to which of the
31. The word “emergence” in line 1 is closest in (a) Middle Easterners and Africans
meaning to (b) skulls
(a) complexity (c) central Europeans and Australians
(b) development (d) traits
(c) appearance
(d) decline 37. Which of the following is NOT true about the two
32. The word “proponents” in line 6 is closet in (a) Both hypotheses regard Neandertals to be
meaning to the predecessors of modern humans
(a) experts (b) Genetic studies have supported both
(b) advocates hypotheses
(c) inspectors (c) Both hypotheses cite Africa as an originating
(d) historians location.
(d) One hypothesis dates the emergence of homo
33. All of the following are true except sapiens much earlier than the other.
(a) three methods of gathering evidence are
mentioned in the passage 38. It can be inferred from the passage that
(b) the multi-regional model goes back further in (a) there is likely to be an end to the debate in the
history. near future
(c) the Out of Africa model has had more support (b) the debate will interest historians to take part
from scholars in
(d) DNA studies offer one of the best ways in (c) the debate is likely to be less important in
future to provide clear evidence. future
(d) there is little likelihood that the debate will
34. The word “slim” in line 14 is closest in meaning to die down
(a) small
(b) narrow 39. According to the passage, the multi-regional
(c) thin evolution model posits far more diverse roots for our
(d) difficult kind becausE
(a) Evidence from examinations of early modern
35. Which of the following is not true human skulls has come from a number of different
(a) the vast majority of genetic studies have parts of the world
focused on living populations (b) DNA from Neandertal appears to support multi-
(b) early modern human skulls all support the regionalis
same conclusions (c) Populations in different regions were linked
(c) both hypotheses focus on Africa as a location through genetic and cultural exchang
for the new species. (d) This has been supported by fossil evidence
(d) early modern Australian skulls have similarities
to those from Indonesia.


Although management principles have been implemented since ancient times, most management scholars
trace the beginning of modern management thought back to the early 1900s, beginning with thepioneering
work of Frederick Taylor (1856-1915). Taylor was the first person to study work scientifically. He is most
famous for introducing techniques of time and motion study, differential piece rate systems, and for
systematically specializing the work of operating employees and managers. Along with other pioneers such as
Frank and Lillian Gilbreth, Taylor set the stage, labeling his philosophy and methods “scientific management’.
At that time, his philosophy, which was concerned with productivity, but which was often misinterpreted as
promoting worker interests at the expense of management, was in marked contrast to the prevailing industrial
norms of worker exploitation. The time and motion study concepts were popularized by Frank and Lillian
Gilbreth. The Gilbreths had 12 children. By analyzing his children’s dishwashing and bedmaking chores, this
pioneer efficiency expert, Frank Gilbreth, hit on principles whereby workers could eliminate waste motion. He
was memorialized by two of his children in their 1949 book called “Cheaper by the Dozen”. The Gilbreth
methods included using stop watches to time worker movements and special tools (cameras and special
clocks) to monitor and study worker performance, and also involved identification of“therbligs” (Gilbreth
spelled backwards) – basic motions used in production jobs. Many of these motions and accompanying times
have been used to determine how long it should take a skilled worker to perform a given job. In this way an
industrial engineer can get a handle on the approximate time it should take to produce a product or provide a
service. However, use of work analysis in this way is unlikely to lead to useful results unless all five work
dimensions are considered: physical, psychological, social, cultural, and power.

40. What is the passage primarily about? (a) dimensions

(a) The limitations of pioneering studies in (b) gilreths
understanding human behavior (c) therbligs
(b) How time and motion studies were first (d) monitors
(c) The first applications of a scientific approach to 46. According to the passage, the time it takes a
understanding human behavior skilled worker to perform the motion of a given job
(d) The beginnings of modern management can be measured by using:
theory (a) stop watches
(b) all 5 work dimensions
41. The word “ which” in line 9 refers to (c) special tools
(a) scientific management (d) therbligs
(b) philosophy
(c) productivity 47. The word “motions” in line 20 is closest in
(d) time and motion study meaning to
(a) stop watches
42. It can be inferred from the first paragraph that (b) habits
(a) workers welcomed the application of scientific (c) actions
management (d) special tools
(b) Talor’s philosophy is different from the
industrial norms 48. Where in the passage does the author comment
(c) by the early 1900s science had reached a stage that the principles of scientific management were
where it could be applied to the workplace often misunderstood?
(d) workers were no longer exploited after the (a) Lines 1-5
introduction of scientific management. (b) Lines 6-10
(c) Lines 11-15
43. The word “prevailing” in line 10 is closest in (d) Lines 16-20
meaning to
(a) predominant 49. The word “dimensions” in line 24 is
(b) broadly accepted closest in meaning to
(c) prevalent (a) sizes
(d) common (b) extents
(c) aspects
44. According to the passage, Frank Gilbreth (d) standards
discovered how workers could eliminate waste
motion by 50. All of the following are true except
(a) using special tools such as cameras and clocks (a) scientific management was concerned with
(b) using stop watches productivity.
(c) applying scientific management principles (b) the beginnings of modern management
(d) watching his children do their chores thought commenced in the 19th century.
(c) Frank Gilbreth’s fame was enhanced by two of
45. The basic motions used in production jobs were his children writing a book.
given which one of following names by Frank (d) analyzing work to increase productivity is not
Gilbreth? likely to be useful unless all of the dimensions are

Next to its sheer size, the profound isolation of its many small islands is the most distinctive feature of the
Pacific Ocean. Over 25,000 islands are scattered across the surface of the Pacific, more than in all the other
oceans combined, but their land area adds up to little more than 125,000 square kilometers, about the size of
New York State, and their inhabitants total less than two million people, about a quarter of the number that
live in New York City. The oceanic islands of the Pacific are some of the most isolated places on Earth. Many
are uninhabitable, by virtue of their small size and particular characteristics, but even the most favored are
very isolated fragments of land, strictly circumscribed by the ocean, strictly limited in terms of the numbers of
people they can support. This basic fact of environmental circumstance has been the most pervasive influence
in determining the social arrangements, and cultural practices of the people that settled in the Pacific Islands.

The peopling of the Pacific Islands has been described as the greatest feat of maritime colonization in human
history. Contrary to the conclusions of Thor Heyerdahl's Kon-Tiki expedition of 1946, the evidence of plant
dispersal, archaeology, linguistics, and genetics now shows quite conclusively that the Pacific Islands were not
populated from tile east by South Americans who drifted on balsa-wood rafts and the prevailing wind and
current, but from the west, by groups from mainland Asia who gradually spread from island to island out into
the Pacific. The process began over 40,000 years ago and reached Easter Island the most isolated place on
Earth-about 1.500 years ago. It ended about 1,000 years ago, when people first settled in Hawaii and New

Simply surviving those ocean crossings of indeterminate length, in open canoes, to arrive on the shores of
uninhabited and hitherto unknown islands, was a formidable achievement. But having found an oasis of land in
a watery wilderness, crossed its reef, and landed, on its shores, the survivors then faced a series of pressing
problems for which solutions had to be found quickly if the small group was to become a vigorous, self-
sustaining island population.

32. The word "scattered" in line 2 is closest in (C) restricted

meaning toD (D) pushed
(A) widely known
(B) usually estimated 36. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as
(C) rarely inhabited evidence used to determine the origins of Pacific
(D) irregularly distributed Islands people?
(A) Oral histories
33. Why does the author mention New population of (B) Plant dispersal
the Pacific York City in line 5? (C) Linguistics
(A) To emphasize how small the Islands is (D) Archaeology
(B) To emphasize the extreme distances between the
Pacific Islands and other regions 37. According to the-passage, where did the original
(C) To note the economic ties of the Pacific Islands to inhabitants of the Pacific Islands come from?
other regions (A) South America
(D) To note the lack of urban environments on the (B) Hawaii
Pacific Islands (C) New Zealand
(D) Asia
34.The phrase "by virtue of" in line 6 is closest in
meaning to 38.The word "It” in line 16 refers to
(A) regarding (A) Pacific
(B) because of (B) process
(C) taking advantage of (C) isolated place
(D) in place of (D) Earth

35. The word "circumscribed" in line 7 is closest in 39. The word "indeterminate" in line 18 is closest in
meaning to meaning to
(A) located (A) undecided
(B) flooded (B) uncertain
(C) unacceptable (B) the design and construction of canoes used in the
(D) increasing Pacific Islands
(C) the characteristics sties of reefs in the Pacific
40. The passage is most likely followed by a Islands
discussion of (D) how early explorers of the Pacific Ocean found
(A) how settlers adapted to newly discovered Pacific their way from island to island
Ocean Islands


The earth’s winds are caused primaly the enequal heating...............wind machine. visual polution........
1 ) the passage discus: D. Future energy needs
2) apa maksud dari 25 of 30: A. there are strong enough
3) sinonim drive: A. manufacture /C. power
4) sinonim familiar: A. common
5) the author compares a part of wind machine to: C. an airplane propeller
6) word them is closet meaning to: B. machines
7) which of the following is one way that wind machines cause visual pollution: B. they are large strusture.
8) penyebab peningkatan penggunaan wind energy: B. a sharp rise fossil prices
9) sinonim chosen: A. selected
10) sinonim replacement: D. subtitute


1. In an area first explored by Samuel de 6. The photoperiodic response of algae actually

Champlain, ______ . depends on the duration of darkness,
(A) establishment of the city of Halifax in 1749 ______ .
(B) in 1749 the city of Halifax established (A) the light is not on
(C) in 1749, establishing the city of Halifax (B) and not on light
(D) the city of Halifax was established in 1749 (C) but is not on the light
(D) is not on light
2. ______ Nat Turner who led a revolt against
slavery in Virginia in 1831. 7. The annual worth of Utah's manufacturing is
(A) Where was greater than ______ .
(B) It was (A) that of its mining and farming combined
(C) He was (B) mining and farming combination
(D) That he was (C) that mining and farming combined
(D) of its combination mining and farming
3. The most elaborate of all bird nests ______ ,
domed communal structure built by 8. The wallflower ______ because its weak
social weaverbirds. stems often grow on walls and along stony
(A) larger cliffs for support.
(B) largely is (A) so called is
(C) the large (B) so is called
(D) is the large (C) is so called
(D) called is so
4. William Walker's mural, "Wall of Respect,"
______ an outdoor wall in Chicago, deals 9. According to some critics, the novels of
with social issues. William Burroughs demonstrate the major
(A) covers hazard of absurd literature, _____ tendency
(B) covers it toward overembellishment and incoherence.
(C) which covers (A) notwithstanding
(D) which it covers (B) besides
(C) is a
5. The columbine flower, ______ to nearly all of (D) its
the United States, can be raised from
seed in almost any garden. 10. Most of _____ archaeologists know about
(A) native prehistoric cultures is based on studies of
(B) how native is material remains.
(C) how native is it (A) these
(D) is native (B) what
(C) which
(D) their 13. Despite its wide range of styles and
instrumentation, country music has certain
11. In her time, Isadora Duncan was _____ today common features _____ its own special
a liberated woman. character.
(A) calling what we would (A) give it that
(B) who would be calling (B) that give it
(C) what we would call (C) give that
(D) she would call it (D) that gives it to

12. _____ around stones that are sun warmed, 14. Coinciding with the development of jazz in
even the smallest of stones creates tiny currents New Orleans in the 1920's _____ in blues
of warm air. music.
(A) The cool air (A) was one of the greatest periods
(B) If the air is cool (B) one of the greatest periods
(C) That the air cools (C) was of the greatest periods
(D) The cooler the air (D) the greatest periods





20. The tongue can move and play a vital role in chewing, …..…, and

speaking. a. to b. swallowing c. for d. of

21. Instead of being housed in one central bank, the Federal Reserve System is ….. into
twelve districts.
a. dividing b. divided c. division d. divides

22. Those species are cultivated for their…….follage.

a. beautifully b. beau c. beauty d. beautiful

23. Kiwi birds mainly eat insects, worms, and snails and……. For their food by probing the
ground with their long bills.
a. searching b. searches c. searched d. search

24. most tree frogs change color to harmonize…………

a. to their background b. with their background
c. on their background d. in background of them

25. One of the most difficult queatioons in difining sleep is “What .... the functions of sleep?”
a. is b. has c. have d. are

26. Fewer people reside in Newfoundland than in……Canadian province except Prince Edward Island.
a. other b. one another
c. any other d. others

27. Sapphires wighing as much as two pounds have on occasion mined. ( have on occasion been mined)

28. It is proving less cost and more profit for drug makers to market directly to patients. (kalau pakaicostly itu
adj. maka pakai profitable yg adj. juga setara) (cost itu noun jadi harus profit) (profitably itu adverb)

29. Like snakes, lizard can be found on all other continents except Antartica (biasanya kalau pakai others itu
kan utk menerangkan harusnya ga perlu ada all, pakainya other saja karena noun)

30. According to some critics, the novels of William Burroughs demonstrate the major hazard of absurd
literature, _____ tendency toward overembellishment and incoherence.
(A) notwithstanding
(B) besides
(C) is a
(D) its

31. Most of _____ archaeologists know about prehistoric cultures is based on studies of material remains.
(A) these
(B) what
(C) which
(D) their

32. In her time, Isadora Duncan was _____ today a liberated woman.
(A) calling what we would
(B) who would be calling
(C) what we would call
(D) she would call it

33. Some snakes have hoolw teeth are called fangs that they use to poison ther victims

34. all rainwater falling from a cloud reaches the ground; some of it is lost through

a. Nowhere b. Not c. No d. None

40. tentang wolf?

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