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Part I

Oleh : Djohan Gunawan

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Djohan Gunawan penulis PSIKOTRONIKA . COM , dengan segala kemampuan,
pengalaman, jerih payah, serta usaha yang maksimal dan terbaiknya, telah berhasil
menyusun sebuah tulisan yang bermutu tinggi dan menciptakan suatu produk informasi,
yang sangat berguna bagi para netter ( melalui internet ), baik pemula maupun tingkat
lanjut, terutama bagi yang ingin mengetahui dan mempelajari hubungan antara bidang
psikologi, kedokteran, elektronika, fisika maupun bidang metafisika (supranatural).

Ebook ini juga dipublikasi secara resmi melalui sistim reseller PSIKOTRONIKA –
COM dan semua teks, grafis, gambar dan data yang ada didalamnya merupakan hak
cipta Psikotronika-Com

Tidak ada satupun dalam tulisan ini boleh digandakan, disebarluaskan atau direproduksi,
dicetak ulang dengan cara apapun juga, tanpa ijin tertulis dari penulis.

P S I K O T R O N I K A – COM 2005
Hak Cipta dilindungi undang – undang

Anda juga dapat menghasilkan keuntungan dari produk kami, dengan mengikuti program
reseller bagi hasil untuk setiap anggota baru Psikotronika –com atas rekomendasi anda ,
tanpa perlu banyak modal yang harus anda keluarkan, diharapkan bahwa anda dapat
menjadi partner kami dalam usaha bisnis ONLINE.

PENGUMUMAN : Jika anda menemukan atau ada oknum dari situs tertentu, yang
menawarkan, menjual, mereproduksi tulisan ini, tanpa melalui yang kami anjurkan, harap
anda dapat membantu memberi informasi kepada kami, kami akan memberikan imbalan
menarik atas laporan anda

Melalui email :

Djohan Gunawan

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Berkat anugerah, kasih serta kuasa TUHAN yang maha BESAR, maka saya

berhasil menulis suatu karya besar dalam bentuk ebook ini, saya sangat

mengharapkan agar tulisan ini bermanfaat untuk mereka yang benar-benar


Terima kasih kepada kekasihku tercinta, yang juga sebagai istri, serta anak-
anak tercinta, seorang putri, 2 putra kembar, yang telah banyak membantu,
mendukung saya sehingga tulisan ini selesai dibuat.

Djohan Gunawan, Ir. M Sc. MBA.

Jakarta, 5 Oktober 2005

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1. Pendahuluan
- Mengapa tulisan dalam bentuk ebook ini dibuat
- Saat pertama menghadapi masalah.
- Latar belakang penulis.
- Cara-cara mempergunakan ebook ini.

2. Sejarah perkembangan ilmu Psikotronika

- Sejarah perkembangan energi gelombang elektromaknetik
- Nikola Tesla sebagai Bapak gelombang elektromaknetik
- Sejarah perkembangan ilmu-ilmu psikologi.
- Sigmund Freud adalah sebagai Bapak Psikologi dengan teori
Psikologinya yang terkenal (id, ego dan superego)
3. Getaran otak dan Gelombang Elektromaknet
- Getaran, Gelombang dan Elektromaknet.
- Neuron sebagai electron pada pusat syaraf (otak)
- Resonansi dan Beat pada getaran gelombang pusat syaraf (otak)
4. Penyembuhan dengan gelombang suara dan musik
- Resonansi Schumann ( Schumann Resonance )
- Binaural Beat Frekuensi ( Beat pada suara dan musik )
- Hypnotis, telehipnotis dan tenaga gelombang pikiran.
5. Physio-Energy, Bio-Energy dan Psychic-Energy
- Energi Dalam Tubuh – “ Inner Energy “
- Psycho Energy ( Psychics )-Tingkat Dasar

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- Qi, Chi, Reiki adalah tenaga getaran dalam bentuk

infrasonic .
- Qigong Machine, Chi Machine, Reiki Machine sebagai
Alat penyembuh pengganti manusia.
- Latihan Latihan Qikung, Chi dan Reiki secara Alami
5. IQ (Intelligence Quotient ), EQ (Emotional Quotient)
dan SQ (Spiritual Quotient).
( Cara meningkatkan IQ dan ESQ )

6. Biofeedback, Neurofeedback, Bio-Energi

dan Psicho-energi (energi psikologi )
- Bio Energi versus Psycho Energi
- Cara-cara melakukan pelatihan dan memanfaatkan
peralatan ( tools stimulation )

7. Brain Respiration ( Pernapasan Pusat Syaraf - Otak )

8. Sekali lagi mengenai META-FISIKA, SUPRA

NATURAL, serta hubungannya dengan Ilmu-ilmu
Fisika – Mekanika QUANTUMN

9. Gelombang ALPHA, BETA, THETA, DELTA dan

GAMA pada getaran pusat syaraf dan otak


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eBook ini ditulis 2 bagian, yaitu bagian 1 ( part 1), dan bagian 2 ( part 2), agar
memudahkan pada saat download di internet.
Bagain 1 (part 1) lebih banyak membahas Psikotronikanya, sedangkan bagian 2
(part 2) lebih menjurus kecara-cara “Reselling” eBook ini.

Pernahkah terbayangkan dengan kemajuan teknologi saat ini, dalam bidang

telekomunikasi, walaupun kita tidak dapat bertemu tapi tetap dapat
berkomunikasi dengan baik, hal ini bukan karena kita malas, atau enggan
bertemu dengan seseorang, karena masing-masing mempunyai kesibukannya
sendiri-sendiri artinya bahwa waktu kita yang tersedia juga amat terbatas untuk
bertemu dengan seseorang, namun dengan bantuan alat yang bernama
“PERANGKAT TELEKOMUNIKASI” seperti handphone, telepon, internet dan
alat sejenisnya, maka kita masih dapat berkomunikasi dengan baik, bahkan
dengan alat yang bernama “ VideoPhone “, kita dapat berkomunikasi, serta
dapat saling bertatap muka, walaupun itu hanya berupa gambar “video”.
Bagaimana jika suatu hari kita tidak memiliki lagi “alat telekomunikasi“ tersebut,
apakah masih dapat berkomunikasi ? Ternyata jawabannya “bisa” karena sejak
dahulu, mereka yang mempunyai kepandaian “supranatural” masih dapat
berkomunikasi, walaupun kadang-kadang komunikasi tersebut kurang akurat
(telepati, telehipnotis, chaivoyance, remote viewing ).
Dalam tulisan ini akan dibahas, bahwa kemungkinan itu ada dan masih mungkin
dilakukan, namun karena keterbatasan tulisan dan juga keterbatasan kita
sebagai manusia, yang sampai saat ini masih harus terus belajar dan belajar,
sehingga hanya sedikit sekali hal-hal yang nyata dan pernah terjadi

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PSIKOTRONIKA berasal dari bahasa Inggris “ PSYCHOTRONICS “, yaitu “ MIND

ELECTRONIKA” dapat juga diartikan sebagai pengendalian “ energi “ pikiran
dengan mempergunakan metode-metode elektronika, yaitu perambatan
gelombang, energi listrik yang dapat dikendalikan “HANYA” dengan
mempergunakan kendali pusat syaraf (otak ), untuk mencapai keadaan tertentu
(kesembuhan dari penyakit, peningkatan diri, berkemampuan meta-fisika dan
lain-lain )

Mengapa tulisan dalam bentuk eBook ini dibuat ?

Pada saat ini banyak sekali buku dan catatan yang dibuat oleh baik ahli fisika
dan maupun non fisika dibidangnya masing-masing, yaitu ahli fisika,
matematika, kesehatan (dokter), psikiater, psikolog, ahli filsafat bahkan oleh
pakar meta-fisika, tanpa mereka melihat dan menyadari bahwa ada keterkaitan
antara fisik dan non fisik seseorang. Sehingga perlu diketahui bahwa sedikit
banyak ada keterkaitan dan hubungan antara kondisi fisik dan non fisik, baik
langsung maupun tidak langsung.

Penulis dalam hal ini, sudah lebih dari 20 tahun menggeluti ilmu-ilmu yang
berhubungan dengan fisika, elektronika, telekomunikasi, terutama dalam
transfer energi tenaga listrik, transfer data, transfer informasi dan juga penulis
sudah lebih dari 10 tahun mendalami bidang-bidang psikologi. Apa salahnya,
penulis dengan senang hati membagi pengetahuan dan informasi ini kepada
pembaca, dalam bentuk eBOOK, agar bermanfaat bagi masyarakat luas.

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Saat pertama menghadapi masalah

Penulis telah berkeluarga dan mempunyai 3 orang anak yang sekarang sudah
remaja dan dewasa, namun salah seorang anak penulis mempunyai kekurangan,
yaitu menderita dan gejala autism, sehingga penulis banyak belajar mengenai
psikologi khususnya mengenai autism ( ASD-Autism Spectrum Disorder ) dan
ADHD ( Attention Defisit Hyperactivity Disorder ).

Untuk menambah wawasan dalam bidang psikologi, penulis banyak mengikuti

seminar, surving di internet, baca buku-buku mengenai hal yang berhubungan
dengan syaraf dan kejiwaan, konsultasi dengan beberapa ahli jiwa (psikoloq)
hanya untuk dapat mengobati anak sendiri, agar anak penulis dapat mandiri dan
terjun kemasyarakat umum dengan baik.
Banyak hal yang menarik dalam tulisan ini, cara-cara penyembuhan yang non
spesifik, misalnya pengembuhan dengan nada, suara, atau yang dikenal dengan
nama “musics healing”, atau “auto hypnotherapy”, “ Neuro Modulation
Technique – NMT “ lainnya “ Brain Wave Therapy “ dan masih banyak lagi
therapy yang mungkin dapat dijadikan sebagai pengobatan alternatip.
Mengapa hal ini dapat dilakukan ? karena kemungkinan sembuh sangat besar,
dengan mempergunakan apa yang dinamakan “ ENERGI PSIKOLOGI “.

Latar belakang penulis.

Penulis telah menyelesaikan pendidikan formal dalam bidang Elektronika dan
Teknik Tenaga Listrik ( S 1 ) pada tahun 1981 di Jakarta, setelah itu bekerja di
perusahaan asing ( Perancis – Compagnie Francais ‘pour l’ Indonesie) di
Jakarta, mendapat beasiswa dari perusahaan tersebut dari kedutaan Perancis
tahun 1983, untuk menyelesaikan pendidikan ( S2 – Master of Science in
Industrial Engineering ), di Perancis. dalam bidang penelitian dan aplikasi

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gelombang electromaknetik ( inframerah, suara dan sinar X), pengolahan data

(komputer) untuk aplikasi sistim tenaga listrik. Penulis juga telah menyelesaikan
pendidikan dibidang marketing dan management tahun 1995 (MBA-CBM ) di
Jakarta .
Penulis banyak pengalaman dan bekerja ( th 1985 s/d 1994) dibidang“gelombang
elektromaknetik” yang sangat luas pemakaiannya ( sinar/cahaya, suara ,
inframerah, sinar-x), untuk peralatan kapal laut, niaga dan kapal perang buatan
Perancis, (1994-1997) komputer dan data transfer, energi tenaga listrik ( projek
PLN bantuan pemerintah Perancis dan USA ), proyek-proyek robotic keperluan
industri, ( Australia ) di tahun 1999-2000 sampai masa pensiun sekarang.
Penulis juga pernah memberikan kuliah penuh ( 1982 – 1985), paruh waktu (1987
– 1995) dibeberapa perguruan tinggi swasta serta banyak menerbitkan buku-
buku untuk konsumsi kampus, seperti teknik Radio dan Telekomunikasi,
Penangkal Petir , Ozonisasi, Strategi Bisnis dan lain2.
Penulis sudah banyak membawakan seminar-seminar aplikasi peralatan
kedokteran, yang mempergunakan perangkat2 elektronik, computer dsb.
Penulis juga pernah membawakan beberapa seminar dibidang penjualan dan
pemasaran, dimana salah satu yang menarik adalah bagaimana mempengaruhi
pembeli yang erat hubungannya dengan “psikologi”
Walaupun demikian dalam hal ini, dalam ebook ini, penulis “hanya” melakukan
dan bertugas sebagai “FASILISATOR”, artinya penulis membantu mencarikan
atau menunjukan Link khusus di-internet, software yang biasa dipakai. Bagi
mereka yang mempunyai latar belakang bukan “sarjana”, ebook ini masih tetap
diperlukan dan enak dibaca untuk “dipraktekan”

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Cara-cara mempergunakan eBook ini :

Ebook ini adalah sebuah tulisan yang tidak dapat berdiri sendiri, seharusnya
mereka yang membeli ebook ini juga dapat mengakses ke-internet, untuk men-
“download” beberapa data penting dari internet baik link-link yang ada sebagai
“BONUS” Psikotronika – com maupun diluar ebook ini, dalam bahasa Indonesia
dan Inggris, ataupun membeli CD dan VCD yang dibuat oleh penulis, agar hasil
yang dicapai oleh pembaca akan optimal.
Bagi mereka yang hanya tertarik dan sekedar ingin tahu, masih dapat membaca
dan kemudian menjual kembali sebagai “ reseller “ kami, termasuk juga yang
ingin mempraktikan cara-cara “ psikotronika “ ini dengan sungguh-sungguh,
jangan kecewa, perlu dicatat bahwa ebook ini memiliki nilai jual yang tinggi.


Psikotronika dalam bahasa Ingris adalah PSYCHOTRONICS atau “ Electronics

Mind Control”, seperti penjelasan diatas. Sehingga ada keterkaitan antara
PSYCHO ( Mind) = Tenaga Pikiran dengan TRONICS ( Electronics = Fisika )
Link di

Sudah sejak dari abad ke 18 dikenal luas dengan diketemukannya teknik radio,
seseorang dapat berkomunikasi ( dengan media udara - fisik ) melalui
gelombang radio, dalam jarak puluhan, ratusan bahkan ribuan kilometer.
Psychotronics dahulu lebih dikenal dengan nama RADIONICS, seperti keterangan
diatas pada saat berkomunikasi, mereka masih mempergunakan gelombang
radio, sehingga nama “RADIONICS” yang dipilih oleh paranormal untuk
berkomunikasi seorang dengan orang lainnya cukup dengan mempergunakan
gelombang pikiran (Brain Wave Communication ).

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Badan dan Asosiasi dunia dalam bidang Psikotronika berada di Amerika dengan
nama USPA ( United States of Psikotronics Association ) di Link
Lihat juga di pilih edisi “English”

Namun sekarang mereka sudah mempergunakan fasilitas komputer, untuk

berkomunikasi seorang dengan orang lainnya “secara mental” dengan alat bantu
computer, dengan program-program khusus yang dikenal dengan “META-
Psikotronika sendiri mempunyai 2 arti dengan versi yang hampir sama, yaitu
versi Rusia “ transfer energi mental “ sedangkan versi Amerika artinya “ aktifitas
mental dengan mempergunakan getaran gelombang pikiran”.
Jadi dalam ilmu-ilmu “Psikotronika” diperlukan 3 hal penting, yaitu
1. Benda, Barang atau manusia ( Matter )
2. Aliran Energi Pikiran ( Mind- Brain Wave – subtle energy field)
3. Alam sadar , Kesadaran ( Consciusness )
“ Psychotronics is a system of measurement to determine the status of the subtle
energy fields surrounding a particular object in consciousness”

Psikotronika sekarang sudah begitu “hebat”nya karena hanya dengan tenaga

pikiran , anda mampu bermain Games pada computer hanya dengan tenaga
pikiran atau memilah-milah saluran TV juga hanya dengan tenaga pikiran
Lihat di link -
Jika anda tertarik untuk membuka link-link kelas dunia dalam bidang metafisika
maka dapat anda brows di

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Sejarah perkembangan energi gelombang elektromanet

NIKOLA TESLA, adalah bapak ilmu pengetahuan dalam bidang gelombang

elektromaknetik, lahir tahun 9 Juli 1856 dan meninggal 7 Januari 1943, kelahiran
Serbia-Croasia, setelah itu menetap di Amerika, sampai akhir hayatnya. Nikola
Tesla adalah seorang sarjana Fisika, Listrik dan Radio ( pada masa itu, ilmu
pengetahuan eksakta belum dibagi secara jelas seperti sekarang ), bahkan beliau
juga yang memulai dan membuat konsep mesin-mesin listrik yang berputar,
seperti motor arus searah dan arus bolak-balik ( th 1882 ), sistim transmisi energi
listrik ( th 1888 ), sehingga mendapatkan hak patent “ prinsip dasar sistim tenaga
listrik “.
Nikola Tesla belajar sistim tenaga listrik semula di sekolah politeknik Graz,
Austria (th 1875), dimana disana Tesla mempelajari kemungkinan pemakaian
arus bolak balik pada sistim transmisi tenaga listrik.
Tahun 1881 Tesla memulai pekerjaannya yang pertama, pada perusahaan
telegrafi “American Telephone Company” di Austria setelah itu Tesla cepat sekali
berpindah pindah dibeberapa perusahaan, antara lain perusahaan “Continental
Edison Company” di Paris.
Tahun 1884 Tesla berimigrasi ke Amerika dan bekerja pada perusahaan yang
sama “Continental Edison Company” di New York.

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Tahun 1886 Tesla membangun perusahaannya sendiri “Tesla Electric Light &
Manufacturing”. Pada saat itu investor perusahaan tersebut tidak menyetujui
Tesla untuk memproduksi motor arus bolak balik ( AC motor pada saat itu masih
memakai sistim sikat karbon-carbon brush, seperti DC motor ), akhirnya Tesla
dibebas tugaskan dari pekerjaannya.
Tahun 1887-1888, membangun projek dan memperkenalkan AC motor tanpa sikat
arang ( induction AC motor – carbon brushless) kepada American Institue
Electrical Engineering ( sekarang dikenal dengan IEEE – standard Listrik
internasional )
Setahun sebelumnya (1887), mendapatkan hak patent untuk sinar X-Ray ( patent
no 514170 ), Tesla membuat dengan metode “tabung anode tunggal “, yang
berlainan metodenya dengan metode x-ray yang ditemukan sebelumnya oleh
Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen (1845-1923).
30 Juli, 1891 secara resmi dengan naturalisai, Tesla menjadi dan
berkewarganegaan Amerika, pada usianya yang ke-36 Tesla terus mengadakan
percobaan-percobaan dengan mengembangkan sistim transmisi frekuensi tinggi
( HF, VHF ), serta pada potential listrik tegangan tinggi, yang masih
memungkinkan dengan tabung hampa udara.
1892-1894 diangkat sebagai wakil direktur dari AIEE ( sekarang IEEE ) dan
ditahun yang sama ( 1893-1895), Tesla masih terus melakukan penyelidikan dan
percobaan frekuensi tinggi arus bolak balik tegangan tinggi.

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Tesla berhasil menemukan dan mengembangkan, pemuatan arus listrik ketabung

hampa tanpa penghantar. Akhirnya berhasil menciptakan arus bolak balik (AC)
tegangan tinggi pada frekuensi yang sangat tinggi, serta melakukan pengamatan
pada sistim effek permukaan pengantar listrik ( skin effect ), menciptakan
penalaan gelombang radio (tuning circuit), pengiriman energi gelombang
elektromaknetik tanpa kabel, efektifnya adalah tahun-tahun dimana dimulainya
transmisi gelombang radio.
Siapakah penemu pertama “ teknik radio “ didunia ? Kebanyakan dari kita akan
menjawab “Guglielmo Marconi” (1874 – 1937 ), juga para pakar radio maupun ahli
akan menjawab hal yang sama .
Ternyata dugaan itu salah, karena yang pertama menemukan teknik radio adalah
Nikola Tesla
Namun kenyataannya demikian :
1893 >> Tesla memulai percobaannya dengan transmisi frekuensi tinggi
pada tegangn tinggi.
1895 >> Marconi menunjukan teknik transmisi gelombang Radio, yang
seluruh artikel pembuatannya diambil dari artikel Tesla,
namun Marconi menyangkalnya

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1897 >> Patent pertama didaftarkan oleh Tesla ( patent no 645576 )

1898 >> Patent mengenai Radio remote control ( no 613809 )
1899 >> Tesla membuat station Radio yang terbesar di Colorado-USA
1900 >> Marconi mulai menjual pesawat penerima Radio kesegala
penjuru dunia, Tesla secara resmi menuntutnya.
Dan masih banyak lagi pertentangan antara Tesla dan Marconi,
dipersidangan internasional, perdagangan Radio dst.
Nikola Tesla adalah seorang yang genius dan ahli pikir, memiliki ide-ide
cemerlang pada jamannya, namun memiliki keinginan-keinginan yang kuat
yang penuh yang masih misteri, banyak percobaan-percobaan yang
mengundang masalah-masalah kontroversial.
Dalam percobaan di laboratorium Colorado , telah mencatat dan membuat
laporan secara resmi, bahwa Tesla merekam sinyal gelombang radio dari
makluk luar angkasa ( ET – Extraterrestial ), karena sinyal ini sangat berlainan
denga sinyal-sinyal radio yang biasa diterima dari angin topan, petir atau
gelombang bumi ( noise earth ). Namun data dan laporan ini ditolak oleh para
ahli, karena mereka tidak mempercayainya.
Tesla juga yakin bahwa disamping gelombang frekuensi tinggi dan frekuensi
suara ( 20 Hz ~ 20.000 Hz ), masih ada suatu bagian dibawah frekuensi suara
yang masih penuh misteri yang masih perlu diselidiki, yang dikenal dengan
nama “Shumann Resonance” ( 7.8 Hz ).
Tesla juga memelopori suatu percobaan mengenai ruang dan waktu (time
travel technology), yang pada saat itu juga diselidiki oleh Albert Einstein
(1879 – 1955) dengan teori relativitasnya mengenai kekekalan energi dan
kecepatan cahaya.

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Tesla juga menyatakan bahwa ada hubungan yang erat antara bidang-bidang
fisika dengan “meta-fisika”.
Sejarah perkembangan ilmu-ulmu Psikologi
Bapak psikologi yang cukup terkenal adalah Sigmund Freud ( lahir 6 Mei
1856, meninggal 1939 ) berasal dari kota kecil Freigberg di Moravia.
Dibawah bimbingan seorang professor psikologi, Ernst Brucke, kelak Freud
menjadi sangat terkenal.
Freud juga yang pertama kali memperkenalkan teorinya yang sangat popular
yaitu, karakter dan sifat manusia itu seperti gunung es yang ada ditengah
lautan, yang tampak dipermukaannya, hanyalah sebagian kecil saja yang
tampak dipermukaan, sehingga kita tak akan mengetahui isi hati, sifat-sifat
yang sebagian besar tertutup itu, dengan teori : Psycho-Analisanya, ID , EGO
dan SUPEREGO. dan

Dimulai dengan makluk dan organisme yang paling kecil atau sel, mempunyai
sifat dasar (emosi) yaitu,
1. memecah diri ( berkembang biak – sex )
2. keinginan untuk mempertahankan hidup ( makan-minum )
3. keinginan untuk menghindari bahaya.

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Dari ketiga sifat ini, maka yang melakukan dan mengirim informasi dalam
sistim tubuh itu dilakukan oleh susunan syaraf secara terkoordinasi, yang
berpusat di otak.
Freud dengan teori nya membagi jiwa manusia menjadi ketiga bagian yaitu Id,
Ego dan SuperEgo, dimana ketiga bagian ini saling pengaruh mempengaruhi
tapi juga berkorordinasi menjadi kesatuan yang utuh, dimana pada keadaan
sadar ( conscious ), maka ego-nya serta sedikit superego-nya yang berperan
hanya sedikit muncul dan kelihatan dipermukaan, sedangkan superegonya
sebagian besar berada pada garis ambang sadar ( preconscious ) hampir
semua id-nya berada jauh dibawah ambang sadar (unconscious )

Apakah yang dimaksud dengan “ EMOSI “ ?

Emosi dari bahasa Inggris “ EMOTION = Energy in Motion “

Albert Einstein
(14 maret 1879 – 18 April 1955 )

Einstein adalah juga seorang genius yang tidak dapat dikesampingkan, jika
kita membicarakan mengenai “ENERGI”, karena Einstein terkenal dengan
teori “ Relativitas”nya, disamping juga rajin memperhitungkan, kecepatan
perambatan cahaya sama dengan gelombang elektromaknet, yaitu 300.000
km/det. Satu lagi teorinya yaitu mengenai “ ke-kekalan energi “ , bahwa energi
tidak dapat dimusnakan atau dibuat, hanya dapat berubah bentuk Dari energi
yang satu ke yang lainnya .
Pada umur 26 th, Einstein sudah menemukan teori relativitasnya, mengenai
ruang dan waktu, pada saat itu, Einstein juga membuktikan bahwa cahaya
merupakan suatu partikel yang disebut photon, dengan perhitungan dan
penjelasan mengenai effek foto ( gambar ).

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Juga masalah gravitasi, sebagai kuat medan ( g ) ketimbang daya ( F ), dan

Suatu hal yang controversial adalah, bahwa jika kita dapat berlari melebihi
kecepatan cahaya ( yang 300.000,- ), maka kita akan keluar dari ruang dan
waktu, ( TIME TRAVEL ), yaitu kita dapat menikmati “kehidupan” masa lalu
atau masa mendatang ( mirip reinkarnasi ).
Ya Albert Einstein adalah seorang genius, matematikawan, fisikawan, ahli
filsafat, seniman, dan seorang “Spiritual” .

APAKAH yang dimaksud dengan PSIKOANALISA ?

Psikoanalisa adalah ilmu yang mempelajari segala sesuatu mengenai
kejiwaan manusia, yang terdiri dari ketiga unsur, id, ego dan superego,
dengan menganalisa, melihat dan mempelajari keseimbangan dari ketiga
unsur itu sehingga keseimbangan ini terganggu, maka dicarikan jalan keluar
untuk mennyembuhkannya, baik secara fisik maupun non fisik.
Hidup merupakan perputaran yang tidak putus-putusnya dari pada
penyimpanan dan penggunaan energi. Energi harus digunakan dan diganti
dengan teratur dan hal ini memerlukan persedian yang baru dari lingkungan.
Pada binatang yang tinggi tingkatnya, fungsi utama daripada otak dan
sumsum tulang belakang serta susunan syaraf adalah untuk membina
keseimbangan dinamika ini, sedangkan seperti telah digambarkan diatas
keseimbangan ini digoncangkan oleh rangsangan dari luar dan juga dari
proses kehidupannya sendiri.
Gangguan gangguan yang dialami oleh keseimbangan ini secara psikologi
menyatakan dirinya sebagai hasrat dan keinginan yang mencari pemuasan
dan merupakan alas an dari perbuatan-perbuatan yang dilakukan organisme.
Kecenderungan yang mendasar adalah untuk memelihara ketegangan
psikologi pada taraf yang tetap.

______________________________________________________ 18



Freud meminjam prinsip ini dari Fechner dan menyebutnya “prinsip

keseimbangan” . Prinsip yang sama yang berlaku dalam fisiologi (kedokteran)
ditemukan oleh Dr. Claude Bernarde (1813 – 1878) Physiology Division
School of Biosciences, University of Westminster dan dijelmakan oleh
Cannon dalam “Homeostatis”
Kedua prinsip diatas yang dibuat oleh mereka diatas, yaitu kecendrungan
organisme ( termasuk manusia ) yang hidup untuk memelihara
keseimbangan, misalnya suhu-badan dan pemusatan cairan tubuh pada taraf
yang tetap dan seimbang. Sehingga baik ( jiwa ), maupun (raga) berada dalam
keadaan “seimbang”
Teori psichoanalisa tentang ego ini menerangkan bahwa “ego” merupakan
alat keseimbangan, “ego” berlaku sebagai kepala yang menguasai
organisme, yang mempunyai kepekaan dikedua arah, dengan daya
pengindraan ( internal sensory perceptions ), akan menyadari adanya
gangguan-gangguan terhadap keseimbangan psichokimiawi-nya, serta
menganggap gangguan ini sebagai kebutuhannya .
Jelas bahwa prinsip keseimbangan inilah tidak lain adalah apa yang disebut
“pemeliharaan diri” (self preservation).
Kesimpulan : apabila terjadi ketidak seimbangan ini, maka dikatakan bahwa
organisme ini dalam keadaan tidak seimbang atau “sakit” yang kemungkinan
akan “cedera” bahkan “mati”.
Keinginan untuk hidup dan keinginan untuk mati :
Freud melihat bahwa setiap individu manusia, memiliki keinginan untuk
mempertahankan hidupnya, mencari makan dan minum, meneruskan
kehidupan keturunannya – sex, inilah yang disebut “libido” dan dari semua

______________________________________________________ 19



“libido” inilah yang paling tinggi pengaruhnya pada jiwa seseorang, bahkan
memiliki energi emosi tertinggi.

Akhir dari kehidupan ini adalah kematian, Freud juga dengan pengalaman-
pengalaman klinisnya, mendapatkan bahwa jauh dibawah alam sadarnya,
seseorang mempunyai keinginan untuk mati, memang aneh kedengarannya,
bahkan “emosi” ini banyak ditentang oleh murid-muridnya, tapi itulah
kenyataan, karena jika seseorang yang merasa hidup adalah derita, akan
merasa bahagia jika secepatnya hidup ini akan berakhir.
Kecemasan – realistis, moralis dan neurotis ( anxiety )
Menurut teori Freud, hidup adalah tidak mudah sehingga secara naluri,
manusia dihinggapi, stres , cemas dan kuatir, ada tiga jenis kecemasan yang
biasanya terjadi pada diri manusia, yaitu,
1. kecemasan yang realistis, yaitu jika seseorang merasa takut, akan
bahaya yang nyata, misalnya takut naik pesawat terbang, takut bahaya,
reaksi dan cara mengatasinya dari kecemasan ini adalah “
2. kecemasan moralis, yaitu jika seseorang yang tidak biasa tampil
dimuka umum harus “berpidato”, cemas tidak dapat “jodoh” dst. Yang
berperanan dalam hal ini adalah “superego”
Reaksi dan cara menghindarinya dari kecemasan ini adalah “ LATIHAN “
3. kecemasan neurotis, yaitu jika seseorang kuatir tidak dapat
mengatasi masalah, atau takut kehilangan uang, barang berharga, atau
tidak dapat mengontrol diri–sendiri, kehilangan pikiran2 yang rasional,
biasa juga disebut “ NERVOUS”

______________________________________________________ 20



Mekanisme pertahaan diri

Ego berhubungan dengan kecemasan realitas, tapi apabila kecemasan itu
menjadi berlebihan, maka ego harus mempertahankan diri dengan beberapa
cara yang umumnya terjadi antara lain :
1. Pengingkaran ( deniel )
2. Penindasan ( repression )
3. Penolakan ( ascertism )
4. Menutup atau melindungi diri ( isolation )
5. Mengganti
6. Menyesuaikan diri
7. Menyerah
8. Merubah – membuat formasi baru
9. Tidak melakukan apa-apa – menunggu.
10. Mundur teratur
11. Mengalihkan kepada hal yang lain.
Apabila cara-cara tersebut tidak dapat dilakukan oleh diri seseorang, maka
akan terjadi apa yang disebut ( kesakitan atau kerusakan mental ) “ Mental
Breakdown “, mulai dari yang paling ringan sampai yang terberat.
Sehingga diperlukan langkah-langkah, pencegahan dan pengobatan yang
harus dilakukan baik secara fisik maupun psikis.
Secara fisik misalnya diberikan obat-obatan penenang, vitamin perangsang
nafsu makan, pijatan .
Pengobatan secara psikis, misalnya konseling, hipnoterapi, ritual agama
Menurut Freud, salah satu cara yang paling mujarab, untuk mengobati
penyakit “ Psikis” dengan bantuan ahli ( psycholog ), adalah dengan
mengangkat “ sesuatu “ yang sebelumnya berada dibawah ambang

______________________________________________________ 21



kesadaran ( unconscious ) keatas sehingga diatas ambang sadar, yaitu

dengan membiarkan si “ pasien “ bercerita semua hal atau masalah yang
sedang dihadapinya, sehingga tekanan yang ada pada sang “ pasien”
menjadi lebih ringan, serta berangsur-angsur menjadi sembuh.


Getaran adalah suatu gerakan yang terus dan berulang ditempat yang sama
dengan perioda waktu tertentu ( cepat atau lambat ), apabila media
disekelingnya juga turut bergerak karena gesekan oleh getaran tersebut
(padat, cair atau gas), maka akan timbul suatu “gelombang” ( gelombang air
Apabila getaran yang menyebabkan terjadinya gelombang tersebut
bermuatan listrik ( negatip atau positip ), maka akan timbul gelombang
Devinisi : apabila terjadi perpindahan muatan listrik dari suatu tempat
ketempat lainnya, akan diikuti gelombang elektromaknetik.
Artinya ada 2 gelombang yang mengalir, yaitu gelombang listrik dan
gelombang maknet, yang keduanya saling tegak lurus ( 900 )

______________________________________________________ 22



Dalam teori listrik mengenai “ atom “, maka aliran “ electron “ akan mengalir
dari titik “negatip” ketitik yang lebih “positip”, sebaliknya aliran listrik akan
mengalir dari kutub “ positip” ke “ negatip”.
Sedangkan daya listrik adalah tegangan ( V ) dikalikan arus ( I ), untuk arus
bolak balik dikalikan secara vektoris, sehingga “ENERGI” listrik adalah
“daya” dikalikan waktu ( t ).
Rumusnya adalah
“ ENERGI “ = tegangan ( V ) vek X Arus ( I ) vek X waktu ( t )
Bagaimana hubungan antara “ energi “ listrik dengan “ energi” getaran atau
gelombang otak manusia ??

NEURON sebagai electron yang terdapat pada pusat syaraf.

Jika kita mencoba mengukur getaran otak dengan suatu alat kedokteran
yang disebut EEG ( Electro EncephaloGraph ), yaitu alat untuk merekam
otak, jika terjadi sesuatu kelainan otak biasanya dipakai di klinik atau rumah
sakit, kadang-kadang juga pemakiannya digabungkan dengan CT scanning.
Maka dari hasil rekaman tersebut dapat diambil beberapa kesimpulan, bahwa
ada getaran otak yang menimbulkan suatu energi tertentu sesuai dengan
frekuensi dan bentuk gelombangnya.
Terjadinya aliran energi dipusat syaraf ( otak ) keseluruh tubuh dan
sebaliknya, karena adanya aliran “ NEURON”, yang identik dengan aliran “
electron” pada suatu aliran listrik.
Link : >>
Installasi software Neuron dan Demo :

______________________________________________________ 23



Link dibawah ini yang paling menarik menceritakan susunan syaraf dan
aliran Neuron, lihat gambar dibawah.


Suatu gelombang elektromaknet, memiliki satuan dan besaran yang tertentu,
yaitu, tegangan ( v ), arus ( I ) phase ( ), waktu ( t ) dan frekuensi ( f ).
Lihat gambar ini :

Spektrum gelombang electromaknet ( lihat lampiran dihalaman terakhir )

Gelombang Gelombang Gelombang Infra Cahaya Ultra Sinar Sinar
SUARA RADIO Mikro Merah Tampak Ungu X-Ray Gama-Ray
9 9 12 14 14 17
Freq ( Hz ) 20 ~ 20.000 < 3 x 10 3 x 10 3 x 10 4.3 x 10 7.5 x 10 3 x 10 > 3 x 1019
s/d s/d s/d s/d s/d
3 x 1012 4.3 x 1014 7.5 x 1014 3 x 1017 3 x 1019
Panjang Gel (nm) > 109 109 - 106 106 - 700 700 - 400 400 - 10 10 - 0.1 < 0.1

______________________________________________________ 24


-5 -5 3 3 5
Energy Level (eV) < 10 10 - 0.01 0.01 - 2 2~3 3 - 10 10 - 10 > 105

Frekuensi = Herz
Panjang Gelombang = nm = nano meter = 10-9 m
Energy Level = tingkat energi untuk setiap atom ( electron Volt ).

PENULIS pernah menulis mengenai Sinar – Cahaya infra merah pada Kamera
Tembus Pandang dan Kamera pendeteksi awal penyebaran penyakit flu burung dan

Batas frekuensi suara adalah 20 Hz s/d 20.000 Hz, namun demikian tiap orang
(individu), mempunyai kemampuan berbicara, bernyanyi dan berteriak, pada
batas frekuensi yang berlainan ( tinggi – rendah ), serta memiliki batas
pendengaran yang berbeda, secara umum batas itu menjadi bertambah sempit,
yaitu antara 200 Hz s/d 800 Hz, sedangkan batas toleransi frekuensi bicara pada
anak dan wanita 800 Hz, laki2 dewasa dibawah 250 Hz, alat-alat musik memiliki
batas frekuensi yang lebih luas, bahkan tak terbatas.
Untuk lebih mengetahui lebih jauh mengenai, nada, musik, irama dan warna nada
dan seterusnya silahkan klik :
Lalu ada apa dengan frekuensi yang ada dibawah frekuensi rendah kurang dari 50
Hz ( ingat frekuensi arus bolak bali PLN di Indonesia 50 Hz ), atau apa yang dapat
diamati frekuensi dari 0 Hz s/d 50 Hz ? ? ?
Untuk berkomunikasi melalui udara, dari suatu tempat ketempat lainnya, maka
batas frekuensinya adalah pada frekuensi Radio dan mikro ( 100 Mhz s/d 5 Ghz )
sedangkan berkomunikasi melalui air ( kapal selam ), maka frekuensi yang
dipakai adalah frekuensi sonar ( ultra-sound – 2 Khz s/d 100 Khz ).
Sedangkan untuk berkomunikasi dan transfer energi melalui jaringan syaraf,
maka frekuensinya akan mengikuti getaran atau frekuensi dari pusat syarat
(otak) yaitu antara 0 Hz s/d 50 Hz

______________________________________________________ 25




Mari kita perhatikan mengenai “ Neuron “ dan bagaimana pusat syaraf ( otak ) ini
dapat menimbulkan getaran listrik dan dapat dimonitor dengan baik oleh alat
perekam EEG ( Electro EnchephaloGraph ) dan pada frekuensi berapa getaran ini
Normal :
Penderita epilepsy
Ternyata bahwa rekaman getaran gelombang Pusat syaraf (otak) yang direkam
oleh tersebut dapat diuraikan secara matematis menjadi 4 kelompok jenis
gelombang, yaitu BETA (14~30 Hz), ALPHA (8~13.9 Hz), THETA (4~7.9 Hz) dan
DELTA (0.1~3.9 Hz)
Gelombang theta :

______________________________________________________ 26



Pengkondisian setiap tingkatan getaran pusat syaraf ( otak )

Gelombang - BETA (14~30 Hz)
Pada saat sadar, konsentrasi penuh dan serius, dalam kehidupan sehari-hari,
berjalan, berlari, tertawa, makan minum dan seterusnya.
Gelombang - ALPHA (8~13.9 Hz)
Pada keadaan rileks dan santai, antara sadar-taksadar, mulai merasa mengantuk,
yang biasanya tubuh mulai mengeluarkan hormone “serotonin” dan “endorphin”,
yaitu hormon yang biasanya membuat mengantuk, pada saat mulai mau tidur.

Gelombang - THETA (4~7.9 Hz)

Masuk kedalam keadaan “ tidur REM” ( Repeat Eye Movement – kelopak mata
bergetar ), mudah menerima suara2 – saran2 yang mempengaruhi ( mudah
dihipnotis ), dalam keadaan trance, meditasi, kreatifitas tinggi, mulai mengalami
mimpi, dst.

______________________________________________________ 27



Gelombang - DELTA (0.1~3.9 Hz)

Tidur paling lelap atau tidur dalam, hormon ditubuh bekerja paling minimal,
hilang kesadaran secara total, berada dalam ketaksadaran.
Jika ingin memperdalam mengenai mimpi dan manfaatnya dapat dilihat link
dibawah ini.

Dari data tersebut diatas, apa yang paling menarik untuk dipelajari dan ditelusuri
1. kondisi ini memungkinkan seorang terapis, melakukan metode penyembuhan untuk orang
yang sakit ( terutama penyakit yang berhubungan pusat syaraf-otak).
2. Terapis, dokter atau psikolog dapat memberikan konseling yang tepat kepada seorang
yang kesulitan, misalnya sulit tidur, mimpi buruk,
kesulitan belajar ( daya tangkap lemah )
3. Terapis, dokter atau psikolog dapat mempergunakan alat yang tepat untuk mengobati
pasien ( brain wave generator, alat musik – musics therapy, games ) dst.
4. Pembaca dari eBook inipun akan mampu melakukannya sendiri, untuk kebaikan,
kemajuan diri sendiri dan orang lain.

______________________________________________________ 28



Dengan memperhatikan gambar grafik yang berwarna diatas, warna merah adalah
bagian diatas beta ( super beta atau high beta ), kuning = beta, hijau = alpha, biru
muda = theta dan biru tua=delta. Apabila dalam waktu 1 periode waktu tidur,
(REM dan NREM ) maka manusia akan memasuki, getaran ke-delta, kembali ke-
alpha balik ke delta dan seterusnya ( 30 ~ 60 menit ) , sampai memasuki periode
theta yng cukup lama ( 90 menit), tidur lelap ( delta-30 ~ 60 menit ).
BONUS : Penulis telah menyertakan bonus dalam bentuk “ software “ yang dapat
di-“download”, dibagian member area untuk pembeli ebook ini, atau reseller
area, sedangkan bagi mereka yang ingin memiliki dalam bentuk CD atau Video
CD dapat membelinya langsung kepada penulis, dengan harga sesuai seperti
yang tercantum di
Isi dari CD atau VCD tersebut antara lain :
Brain Wave Generator,
Audio Record Wizard,
Brainwave Binaural Beat,
Autism dan ADHD treatment,
Tele-Hipnotis Pro,
Self Hipnotis Engineering Studio,
Ultra Spiritual Protection,
Orgone Condensation unit
Chaos Magics Spell Caster

______________________________________________________ 29



RESONANSI dan BEAT pada getaran suara

1. Jika terdapat 2 garpu tala yang mempunyai frekuensi nada dasar yang
sama, garpu tala A dan garpu B, dipilih dengan jenis atau nada yang sama (
nada C ), apabila salah satu garpu tala diketuk ( garpu A digetarkan ), maka
dengan mendekatkan garpu B pada garpu A, maka garpu B akan turut
bergetar dengan mengeluarkan bunyi dengan nada yang sama ( nada C ).
Maka garpu disebut ber-“RESONANSI” dengan garpu A.
2. Jika terdapat 2 garpu tala yang mempunyai frekuensi nada dasar yang
berbeda, garpu A dan garpu B, ( garpu A pada nada C, garpu B pada nada
F), maka akan timbul selisih getaran frekuensi suara antara B dan A, yang
disebut “BEAT” getaran frekuensi
261.6 hz 293.7 hz 329.6 hz 370 hz

Dua garpu tala dengan nada dasar yang

berbeda, jika kedua garpu tersebut diketuk
akan timbul “Beat”, pada contoh diatas nada C
dengan F akan timbul beat = pelayangan = 370-
261.6=109.4 hz


______________________________________________________ 30



Dengan adanya beat ( pelayangan ) frekuensi, maka ada kemungkinan untuk

membentuk atau membuat (generate) getaran sesuai dengan yang kita
rencanakan menjadi mungkin, yaitu menggabungkan 2 atau lebih beberapa
getaran dengan bantuan alat ( tools, equipment, brainwave generator, musics,
tone dll ). Berapa “ beat = pelayangan “ yang akan dihasilkan, tergantung dengan
apa yang akan menjadi tujuannya.
Dengan menyesuaikan keperluan dan kebutuhan yaitu agar pusat syaraf ( otak )
mencapai getaran “ resonansinya “, maka dapat dibuat getaran tersebut.
Oh ya ada kesulitan untuk membuat getaran frekuensi yang sangat rendah (4 hz).
Sehingga dengan membentuk “beat” masalah tersebut teratasi.
Satu lagi yang penting adalah, jika seorang dapat dan mampu mengirim getaran
pikirannya dari jarak jauh dan ber”resonansi” dengan sipenerima “getaran”
tersebut, maka sipenerima akan dapat menterjemahkan isyarat tersebut ( tele-
hypnotis ).


Tidak ada suatu kesembuhanpun akan terjadi, jika bukan karena kehendak
TUHAN, Gelombang suara dan musik hanya merupakan alat dan sarana, yang
dibuat manusia, sedangkan dokter, psikolog, para terapis, juga karena atas
kehendak Tuhan untuk melakukan penyembuhan ini.
Resonansi Schumann ( Bumi ) dan getaran energi pusat syaraf (otak )
1. Jika kecepatan merambatnya gelombang elektromaknetik adalah sama
dengan kecepatan cahaya yaitu 300.000 km/det.
2. Jika garpu tala mempunyai getaran frekuensi dasar, maka “bumi”pun akan
mempunyai frekuensi dasar, dengan panjang gelombang = keliling bumi,
yaitu = 40.000 km. maka frekuensi = 300.000/40.000 = 7.5 Hz

______________________________________________________ 31



Kesimpulannya : frekuensi dasar bumi = 7.5 Hz = gel theta (otak).

Frekuensi bumi disebut resonansi Shumann ( penemu )
Resonansi Schumann : 7,5 7.8, 14, 20, 26, 33, 39 dan 45 Hertz
pemakaian besaran2 resonansi Schumann untuk perhitungan gempa, petir,
badai dsb.

Pusat syaraf di otak, jika mendapatkan rangsangan atau stimulus dari luar,
baik melalui kulit, mata maupun suara-suara ( atau musik ), dengan tingkatan -
tingkatan yang sesuai getaran frekuensi ( alpha, beta, theta, delta), maka
getaran pusat syaraf otak akan mengikuti irama ( resonansi ) dengan
rangsangan (stimulus) dari luar tersebut.
Misalnya jika pusat sayaraf (otak ) , sedang berada pada tingkatan sadar
(alert ), jika dirangsang dengan stimulus 10 hz, maka akan menjadi relex dan
santai, ini yang disebut “ frequency following response “ (FFR)
Itulah sebabnya ada beberapa musik yang dapat membuat kita relek.
Tapi ingat bahwa membentuk frekuensi stimulus yang sangat rendah sulit
sekali ( 4 s/d 30 hz ), sehingga harus dilakukan semacam trik, yaitu dengan “
BINAURAL BEAT “ frekuensi.

______________________________________________________ 32




Jika suara ( tone generator ), atau musics stereo didengar oleh telinga kanan
dan kiri dengan frekuensi 500 dan 510 hz, maka pusat syaraf akan merekam
sebagai 500, 510 dan 10 hz , pada beat 10 hz tersebut inilah yang akan
beresonansi dengan otak, sedangkan frekuensi

Dengan adanya “beat”, atau “pelayangan” ini, yang tidak dapat didengar oleh
telinga, tapi dapat direspon oleh pusat syaraf di-otak, melalui telinga kanan
dan kiri, yang disebut “FFR” (Following Freqwency Response), akan
mengakibatkan, pusat syaraf (otak) akan meresonansi ( mengikuti ) frekwensi
ini, ( dapat dimonitor oleh alat EEG dengan ukuran 25 uV ~ 125 uV ) sehingga
kita akan relex, tenang, namun demikian masih tergantung frekwensi “beat”
yang ingin dicapai, apakah beat pada “ alpha, beta, theta atau delta”
Bagaimana dengan musik “rock” atau yang “hot”, biasanya ini terjadi pada
beat “alpha”, atau musik2 ritual yang “hot” dipedalaman ?
Sehingga dengan “suara” “tone” atau musik, biasanya yang ingin dicapai

______________________________________________________ 33



antara lain, Relaksasi, Meditasi, mengurangi ketegangan, menambah kwalitas

tidur nyenyak, menambah kwalitas “belajar” dan masih banyak manfaat yang
dapat dicapai.
Apa yang terjadi, jika seseorang berada dalam keadaan ketidaksadaran
(TRANCE ), serta berada dalam keadaan SUPRA-NATURAL ( dalam bidang
Meta-Fisika ). Link


Ilmu Hipnotis dimulai sejak abad ke-18 oleh seorang ahli terkenal “ MESMER” , lalu dilanjutkan oleh James
Braid pada abad ke-19, tahun 1960 barulah pengaruh-pengaruh hipnotis
terhadap seseorang dapat dimonitor oleh peralatan ( EEG ), terutama kondisi
orang yang dihipnotis itu dapat dimonitor yang ternyata bahwa getaran
frekwensi berada pada getaran gelombang “ theta “
Anda ingin belajar Hipnotis ?? >> link :
Hipnotis adalah suatu proses yang melibatkan seorang juru hipnotis dengan
seorang yang dihipnotis ( sujek ), untuk melakukan suatu langkah/perbuatan
atas perintah juru hipnotis tersebut.
Persyaratan : Juru hipnotis harus memiliki kekuatan daya pikir dan metal yang
kuat dan lebih tinggi dari pada “sujek”, serta seorang “sujek” harus rela dan
menyetujui setiap perintah “apapun” dari juru hipnotis, sehingga jika perintah
itu bertentangan dengan sifat-karakter “bawah sadar – unconciousness”
sujek, biasanya juru hipnotis tersebut gagal.

______________________________________________________ 34



Hipnoterapi adalah cara-cara pengobatan dengan mempergunakan hipnotis.

Tele-hipnotis adalah cara-cara hipnotis jarak jauh yang biasanya dilakukan
tanpa ( melalui utara ) atau dengan mempergunakan telepon, computer, atau
Link bagus untuk belajar HIPNOTIS
BONUS : Download dari

Telepati -
Telepati adalah kemampuan untuk mengirimkan dan menerima informasi
melalui pikiran, tanpa kontak phisik.
Link penting bagi anda yang menyukai dan ingin mempelajarinya

______________________________________________________ 35



Physio-Energy, Bio-Energy dan Psycho-Energy (psychics)

Badan atau tubuh manusia dibentuk dari sel-sel dalam kesatuan molekul, cair dan
padat, dimana molekul ini juga terbentuk dari bermilyard-milyard atom, yang
netral dan bermuatan listrik, secara teratur dan terkontrol dengan baik
Dalam tubuh ada kurang lebih 92 jenis atom, untuk atom yang seimbang, maka
inti atom berupa “nucleus’ yang bermuatan positip (proton) yang dikelilingi
Jika terjadi ketidakseimbangan, maka akan terjadi aliran electron dari nucleus
yang satu ke nucleus yang lainnya, inilah yang disebut energi listrik.

Perspektif medan maknet

Lintasan electron mengelilingi nucleus, serta perpindahannya kenucleus lainnya
yang menyebabkan aliran listrik, akan menimbulkan medan maknet, jia
sekelompok molekul bersama-sama menimbulkan medan maknet, dengan arah
yang sama, maka akan menimbulkan medan maknet yang cukup kuat.

Perspektif bio-kimia dan respon cairan elektrolit

Tubuh manusia terdiri dari 80 % cairan, yang merupakan cairan netral (air)
maupun elektrolit (garam, basa, asam ), sehingga tubuh dapat di-identifikasi
sebagai “ battere”.
Kesimpulannya adalah, jika ada aliran listrik (batere), yang disebabkan oleh
cairan elektrolit yang berdekatan dengan medan maknet, maka akan timbul suatu
energi (daya ).
Sedangkan adanya “ enzim” didalam tubuh merupakan katalisator, yang tidak
ikut bereaksi dalam proses kimia, namun hanya sebagai “perantara” dalam
proses itu.

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Agar tidak mengurangi arti yang sebenarnya, maka dibawah ini dijelaskan, dalam
bahasa aslinya ( bah Inggris ) apa yang dimaksud BIO-ENERGY dan PSYCHO-
ENERGY, sedangkan PHYSIO-ENERGY tidak perlu dijelaskan secara detail,
karena energi ini adalah energi yang biasa saja, misalnya berlari, berjalan dan
mengangkat barang dsb.

Bio-Energy Health and Healing

Everything in the universe consists of energy - special or universal energy. Everything is
interconnected energetically. This energy as White Light penetrates everything even material or
live. There is a great supply of this energy everywhere in the air. People may receive it at will. The
energy comes from Great Unknown - Higher Source - and enters our energy systems to keep our
physical bodies alive and vital.
All our thoughts and mental states are energy as well. Our emotions and beliefs are energy. As
parts of a cosmic organism, we are energy beings. The most amazing fact is that we have
electromagnetic fields around us. These energy fields are both nonmaterial and material, and they
are associated with human emotions or thoughts as forms of energy. Any live organism has a
special structure - a biological field or bio-energy system.
Many views and hypotheses about bio-energy exist nowadays. The bio-energy system of a human
consists of subtle bodies with their energetic potentials, which give strength and power to the
biological field, and chakras - energetic centers.
Energetic potential depends on the conditions of physical and psychic health, and, perhaps,
astrological factors. For example, experienced psychics can feel human energy fields with their
hands without touching a body, and, sometimes, even see a glowing aura around individuals.
As a ray of light is refracted into the spectrum's colors passing through the prism, the energy is
refracted into colors of rainbow entering the energy systems and chakras (energy centers). The
energy feeds our bio-energy systems. Energy flows from the higher subtle bodies to the lower -
physical body. Thereafter, outworked energy passes through the energy system out. With mental
activities the energy waves change with speed of thought: the thought is followed by energy.
Electric charges in the human's head change on different levels of consciousness. We may
control the energy and the process of its work in the energy systems as we may control thoughts.

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Our thoughts may be positive and healing through intention and inner growth as well as negative
and destructive through negative attitudes. We may program our thoughts into actions and
accomplishments and healing of our subtle and physical bodies using our bio-energy. Energy
work may be described as mental work when specially trained to perform. Energy work is a
science and art of mind, and depends on our inner-selves and minds' discipline. Mind's abilities
are boundless. We may open and develop our sixth sense - feeling and control energy. We may
perform bio-energy healing.
Bio-energy can be explained as bio-electromagnetic energy surrounding us. You may hear about
terms of positive and negative energy in bio-energy healing. The term of bio-positive energy
means pure healing energy coming from God. Positive energy flows freely in energy systems
bringing vitality and health.
Whereas definition of bio-negative energy is trapped, disharmonious, stale, or stagnant energy
that blocking pathways and prevent vital energy from freely flowing in energy systems.
Negative energy brings imbalances into energetic systems, and it is connected to illnesses and
emotional trauma. In order to be healthy, we need to remove energy imbalances and maintain
energetic balance in our bio-energy systems. Energetic balance and constant freely flowing of
energy are important factors in our health and well-being.
There is an undiscovered ability of bio-energy flowing through your hands and mind. Your hands
may be "energetic" and your thoughts may be healing, and you may make everyday use of it. You
can develop an ability to feel bio-energy fields
with your hands and comprehend the bio-energy with your mind. You can also develop an ability
to "regulate" and modulate energy fields around you or other people with your hands and mind,
thus influence your physical and subtle energetic bodies with healing energy relieving imbalances
in energy fields and bringing health and energetic balance.
Everyone possesses a more or less powerful bio-energy field, which interacts with fields of
others. Human energy fields of different people may interact with each other also bringing
energetic imbalance or discomfort. Never the less, you may fix any imbalance energetically. You
may also learn how to manage life situations with your bio-energy. The vital energy can be
transferred from person to person. With developed bio-energetic ability, you will be able to
perform bio-energy healing, chakra healing and energetic management, control any condition,
event, or situation in your life energetically.

______________________________________________________ 38



If you choose to help yourself, your loved ones and your pets with the life-supporting energy
directed by you, you will maintain the energetic balance in their energy fields which bring them
health and vitality.
The idea of human energy transfer for healing is not new. People performed healing by human
energy for thousands of years. The knowledge of the energetic method of healing came from
ancient India to Egypt, Greece, China, Israel and
other countries. Jesus Christ used laying-on of hands as a method of healing.
Some healers name the method "ethereal healing," and consider it healing of the ether body,
which penetrates the physical body. And some healers consider it as pranic healing because a
vital energy is Prana. Vital cosmic energy is called Prana in Sanskrit, and it acts in the transfer of
human energy. Prana is a breath of life. Healthy people have this energy in abundance. Freely
flowing Prana in the human energy systems brings vitality and vivacity into their organisms.
However, ill people have deficits in this energy. They have gray constricted energy fields
with blocked and stagnant energy.
Such a condition of the energy fields affects people's health, bringing energetic imbalances and
illnesses on the physical level. Old people have deficits of Prana. We cannot see Prana, only its
manifestations. This vital energy penetrates everywhere coming from Great Unknown. Prana
submits to human consciousness, and it can be creative as well. Once you learn how to
accumulate this energy, manipulate it, control, and transfer it, you will become an energy healer or
bio-energy master. You will enjoy using creative prana for all purposes in your life.
Healing with bio-energy requires spending some bio-energy at an act of healing.
As an open energetic system, you may receive the energy from the cosmos, not only with food or
sleep. You will especially need to receive extra energy from cosmos, if you perform bio-energetic
work. You may refill your bio-energy receiving it from cosmos, and accumulate it in an energetic
reservoir - your bio-energy field.
We think bio-energy of healer's hands and mind to bring healing and benefits to the whole energy
system - the physical body, the ether body and other human
subtle energetic bodies. Reading the books "Health by Bio-Energy and Mind" and "21st Century's
New Chakra Healing," you will learn about discoveries in energy work and healing, and unique
techniques and exercises. The proposed methods will allow you to possess techniques of bio-
energy and chakra healing in order to maintain health and widely use them in everyday life for all

______________________________________________________ 39



You'll find a valuable information about how to develop abilities of energetic healing and energy
management for yourself, your relatives, pets, and your environment on the energetic level.
Human health is a summary of physical, psychic (mental), emotional, spiritual and energetic
conditions of a person. And people have to live in balance and in energetic unity with all things
around. You'll find classical forms
of energy transfer, hands-on healing and chakra healing. Moreover, you'll discover new methods
of Bio-Energy Healing and Chakra Healing which may be used as methods of energetic
management and balancing in everyday life.
Sensitive people with healthy energetic systems can feel biological fields of others. They
"activate" their hands energetically, bring their hands close to the body surface at a certain
distance, examine the field, and feel all characteristics of a person's energetic field. They may
experience heat, cold, some density, pressure, shock, tingling, or pulsation. To recognize an
illness or an energetic imbalance of a healee, healers use their knowledge of all these sensational
feelings, strong memory and their mastery of the art. And, by their bio-energy and mind, healers
can normalize energetic imbalances or free stagnant energy from the healee's energy field.
Thereafter, they can prevent an illness on the physical level, comfort ill persons, eliminate pain,
accelerate the physical body's healing,
heal an illness, improve a physical condition, and maintain a positive emotional and mental state
of a healee. Everyone can perform healing by energy, not just people with extrasensory
perceptions (ESP).
Healing by energy requires from healers the development of abilities to control their own energy
consciously, calm the mind at will, breathe correctly, gather energy by breathing exercises, have a
strong bio-energy field, high level of energy in energetic centers (chakras), have strong and
capacious memory, visualize, feel and estimate work of own body, listen to the inner-self, estimate
own feeling, and be practically healthy. People become energy healers when they change the
consciousness, a world view, and mental and physical attitude of themselves. To open your bio-
energetic ability to feel energy fields and "activate" of healing energy in your hands, you may
perform the following exercises, fully described in the book "Health by Bio-energy and Mind":

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1. Put your fingers apart. Bend them as if you had a ball. Start to bounce your palms so one thumb
enters the space between a thumb and fingers of another hand.

2. Concentrate attention on the left hand. Feel warmth, weight and sensation. Mentally move a ball
of the concentrated energy from the left to the right hand throughout the shoulders transferring
energy with eyes. Then do this in an opposite way.

3. Spin one hand clockwise around the other hand motionless without touching. After "activating"
your hand, pass it over some objects (for example, table) and feel some sensations (warmth,
"weight", and fullness). Pass empty space following after the object and feel the difference (cold,

4. Place your hands apart about 6 inches with palms facing to each other. Start "bouncing" of
hands bringing them close to each other and far (without touching). Keep moving them like as you
would play catch, and feel your energy flowing between hands.

5. Rotate one finger of one hand around each finger accordingly of the other hand without
touching. Change the finger and follow with the same procedure. Repeat until you finish the
exercise with all fingers and both hands.
We possess incredible strength - our bio-energy. If we employ it consciously, it gives us
tremendous power, and ability to heal ourselves and others from physical, emotional, spiritual
and mental imbalances and problems.
It is possible to learn how to control energy consciously and perform energy healing. With power
of your own bio-energetic field, energy in your hands, and mind control you can become a healer.
Even if you use the bio-energetic ability for yourself and your loved ones, you will see how your
life will be happier, energetic, and fulfilling.
©Michael Nudel and Eva Nudel, Ph.D.,
Energy Healing Specialists and Authors of "Health by Bio-Energy
and Mind" and "21st Century's New Chakra Healing"

______________________________________________________ 41



Psycho Energy – Psychics Energy

Para ahli fisika dan ilmu pengetahuan fisika-matematika-moderen yang sekuler,
kini setuju dengan para ahli spiritual ( mistik ), bahwa setiap getaran benda-
benda yang bermuatan listrik dan terlihat, akan menimbulkan energi yang dapat
diinterpretasikan sebagai gelombang elektromaknet, gelombang ini tidak dapat
dilihat, namun dapat dirasakan keberadaan dan alirannya.
Sehingga perhitungan perhitungan energi gelombang elektromaknetik dapat
dipakai dan dirumuskan dari perhitungan2 matematis yang biasa digunakan.
7 ketentuan-ketentuan yang penting mengenai energi (energi psikologi )
Lihat juga lampiran 3 pada akhir tulisan ini.

1. Benda –benda yang tidak bergerak memiliki getaran-energi tetap, atau

total energy = 0 (atom walaupun diam, tapi elektronnya tetap
mengelilingi neutronnya )
2. Pusat syaraf (otak ) mampu dan dapat memancarkan atau menerima
getaran energi ( catatan EEG 25 uV ~ 125 uV )
3. Tubuh secara keseluruhan dan dibawah kontrol pusat syaraf (otak) juga
mampu untuk mengeluarkan getaran energi.
4. Semakin tinggi derajat ( uV ) energi tersebut, semakin kuat energi ini,
tiap kondisi memiliki energinya sendiri ( besar-kecilnya )
5. Energi tubuh dan pusat syaraf (otak) juga dapat dilihat oleh mata
mereka yang peka ( juga dengan foto “ KIRLIAN” )yang disebut
“AURA”. Tiap orang memiliki “ AURA” besar-kecil serta warna yang
6. Dengan menurunkan-menaikan derajat (tingkatan) energi, akan
menyebabkan manusia menjadi “ materialisasi” (tampak) dan
“dematerialisasi” (tidak tampak).

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7. Energi seperti “boomerang”, jika dilemparkan akan kembali kepada kita

Terutama jika dipakai untuk hal-hal yang negatip.
Jadi energi psikologi ( Psycho-Energy), adalah suatu keadaan dimana kita
memanfaatkan sistim energi tubuh kita, yang salah satunya disamping untuk hal-
hal yang bersifat “spiritual”, juga untuk pengobatan dan penyembuhan, yang
antara lain :
1. Depresi, kecemasan, kesedihan, ketakutan dan amarah, dsb.
2. Trauma akibat peristiwa saat ini atau masa lampau.
3. Rasa takut (phobia), seperti berbicara didepan umum, bertemu orang baru,
naik pesawat terbang, ketinggian.
4. Ketergantungan ( narkoba), merokok, alcohol
5. Stress beban hidup, pekerjaan, persoalan RT, keluarga, mau ujian.
6. Autism-ASD, ADD, ADHD, down syndrome, cerebral palsy.
7. masih banyak lagi, akan disusulkan tulisan selanjutnya.
Disini penulis akan menurunkan sebuah tulisan “ENERGI PSIKOLOGI “ dari
seorang pakar dalam bidang psikologi DR. JOSEPH GUAN
Joseph Guan holds a Ph. D in Education from Texas A & M University, Texas, USA and a Master's
degree in Music Education from the University of Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA.

Dr. Guan has been involved in training, counseling and therapy for the last fifteen years
specializing in the areas of psychology, emotional intelligence, stress management, learning
strategies, personal effectiveness, team building and creative thinking skills.

He is a certified hypnotherapist from the American Board of Hypnotherapy and is a Master

Practitioner in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and has conducted workshops/seminars in
United States, Guatemala, Indonesia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, India, Singapore and presented
international papers on educational and human development in Italy, United states and India.

He is also the the Regional Coordinator of the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology
(Pacific Rim/Australia) which is a new emerging field of counseling and therapy that utilizes the
alignment of the energy pathways of the body to treat emotional, cognitive and physical distress.

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Dr. Guan was featured in the International Who's Who of Entrepreneurs in 1999 and 2000 and was
initiated into the Kappa Delta Phi, an International Honour Society in Education for his high
professional, intellectual and outstanding contributions to education while pursuing his doctoral

Joseph Guan adalah alumnus Umversitas Texas A & M, Texas USA. Selama 15 tahun terakhir ia
berkecimpung di bidang pelatihan khususnya EQ, manajemen stres, strategi belajar, pembentukan
tim, membaca cepat, manajemen waktu dan kernampuan berpikir kreatif la adalah pelatih
internasional di perusahaan-perusahaan dan memiliki pengalaman luas, di bidang terapi, konseling
serta pelatihan eksekutif Saat ini ia menjabat sebagai koordinator Wilayah Pasific & Australia untuk
Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology.

Terapi BrainMaster Neurofeedback

Yayasan Relawan Sosial Voluntir Purnabakti (RSVP)
Jl. R.S. Fatmawati no 15, Jakarta 12420, Komplek Golden Plaza D11-14
Phone : 62 - 21–75817751 – 70633471
Fax : 021-7507861

Dr. Joseph Guan


Tiga Prinsip yang menguasai kesehatan Psikologi

Daya Batin (Mind)
Daya batin merupakan kemampuan murni kemanusiaan. Ia merupakan energi tak berbentuk yang
menyediakan kemampuan kepada seluruh manusia untuk berfikir, berkreasi dan mengalami
hidup mereka. Daya batin, kesadaran dan fikiran berinteraksi untuk menghasilkan bentuk yang
diambil kenyataan lewat kehendak bebas kita. Kenyataan itu selalu, pada setiap saat,
diciptakan, dibentuk dan dibentuk ulang dari dalam keluar.

______________________________________________________ 44


Kesadaran adalah prinsip yang memungkinkan kita menyadari kenyataan dan bagaimana
kenyataan kita diciptakan. Bertambah dalam kita mengerti kesadaran, bertambah pula
pemahaman kita perihal kwalitas yang dimiliki intelegensi daya batin. Kita senantiasa berfikir
dan memiliki kesadaran akan sesuatu, selama kita hidup. Kesadaran adalah kemampuan yang
menghidupkan pemikiran kita lewat indera-indera kita.

Umat manusia memperoleh anugerah indah : kemampuan berpikir, Kita mempergunakan
kemampuan ini untuk melukiskan gambaran kehidupan kita, namun kebanyakan diantara kita tak
menyadari bagaimana proses pikiran bekerja. Sebagian besar pikiran kita tidak nampak pada kita
seperti pikiran itu sendiri. Berfikir merupakan sesuatu yang dilakukan tiap orang setiap waktu.
Acapkah kita tidak sadar akan arus pemikiran kita sebagaimana kita tak menyadari kita bernafas.
Yang kita sadari adalah hasil persepsi (bagaimana hal tersebut tampak), perasaan (emosi kita)
dan tingkah laku kita (apa yang kita bedakan). Bagaimana sesuatu tampak, bagaimana kita
merasa dan apa yanq kita lakukan adalah akibat dari pikiran.

Otak Mammalia, emosi atau

otak limbic- pusat emosi
Otak Reptilia atau tangkai otak
Mengatur semua sistim autonomic

Belahan otak kiri dan kanan (tampak samping)

Bersama otak limbic dan otak reptilia

______________________________________________________ 45


pikiran adalah energi yang terbentuk oleh kesadaran. Tiada bentuk terjadi tanpa kesadaran.

"Perbedaan antara kebijakan dan kebodohan ialah bahwa orang bodoh hanya mengetahui apa
yang dipikirkannya, namun orang bijak mengetahui bahwa mereka adalah pemikirnya”.
Syclney Banks

"Orang tidak khawatir akan sesuatu namun oleh pemikiran mereka akan sesuatu Apabila kita
menemui kesulitan, mendjadi takut atau tergangggu, hendaknya kta tidak menyalahkan orang
lain namun diri kita sendiri tegasnya pemikiran /ide kita perihal sesuatu “ -Epictetus

"Yang kukhawatiri bukan bagaimana sesuatu itu, namun lebih kearah bagaimana orang berpikir
bagaimana sesuatu tu... "-Epictetus (Pandangan kita)

“Energi menjadi arus pemikiran. Kamu sebenamya menjadi apa yang kamu pikirkan
-Lynne Namka

"tidak ada hal baik atau buruk, tetapi pemikiran yang membuatnya demikian ..”.
William Shakespeare
Memahami siklus Pikiran, Perasaan dan Tingkah laku


Energy Psychology - suatu cabang baru dari ilmu psikologi yang mempelajari aklbat pelbagal
sistern energi tubuh kita terhadap perasaan dan kelakuan / tingkah laku.

Pengobatan energi merupakan ilmu pengetahuan yang baru muncul yang memanfaatkan pelbagai
bidang energi tubuh dan pelbagai alat-alat elektromagnetik untuk membantu penyernbuhan batin
dan tubuh.

______________________________________________________ 46


Pengobatan energi didasarkan prinsip bahwa kesehatan tubuh, daya batin dan roh berakar pada
sistern energi tubuh. Persoalan-persoalan kesehatan dapat dikurangi, dan acap kali diatasi,
melalui penggeseran yang pandai dari energi-energi yang memeliharanya. Dengan memelihara
keseimbangan dan kemampuan energi-energi kita, kamu dapat meningkatkan vitalitas, keefektifan
serta kegembiraan dalam hidup!

Energi kehidupan ini dikenal dengan pelbagai sebutan : Chi – Cina, Prana – India, Ki - -Jepang
Mana – Hawaii, Bioplasma - Rusia

Paradigma energi - Energi berdiam di tingkat paling mendasar dari keberadaan (materi itu
terutama adalah energi yang dibekukan dalam waktu)

Ervergi terdapat dalam pelbagai keadaan dan bentuk.

Energi dapat dibagi secara garis besar dalarn energi physik dan energi tak sadar (subtle energy)

Energi Physik - benda padat, benda cair, gas dan plasma (misainya; gas alam, listrik, hidrogen,
minyak bumi, gas, panas, cahaya, gaya magnet, gaya elektro magnetik, suara, gravitasi,
getaran/vibrasi, energi kinetik dari gerak dan energi elastik).

Energi Tak Sadar (istilah yang diperkenalkan Albert Einstein) atau energi bioplasmik - keadaan
kelima dari suatu zat dan dapat diukur dengan pelbagai alat-alat pengukutr energi seperti EQ4,
PIP dsb Ini adalah energi yang melintasi titik-titik meridian, cakra dan bergerak sekitar lapangan
kehidupan (biofield). Kita semua memiliki kemampuan dan tenaga untuk mengarahkan,
mentransfer dan melepaskan energi tak sadar ini.

Energi psikologi memungkinkan intervensi pada bidang energi di tubuh manusia.

“Sekali kita membuka diri terhadap arus energi dalam tubuh kita, kita juga membuka diri terhadap
arus energi di jagad raya ..." -William Reich

Pada pokoknya, tubuh manusia merupakan bidang energi yang terdiri dari, pelbaga, jalan energy

Bidang adalah struktur kasat mata di angkasa yang mempengaruhi materi atau suatu zona

Bidang pemikiran itu diakibatkan oleh gangguan atau gelombang tak teratur (hal-hal paling
mendasar penyebab energi negatif)

Gangguan atau gelombang tak teratur mengakibatkan gangguan terhadap arus energ! dalam
bidang energi manusia.

Pikiran berada di bidang-bidang dan emosi-emosi negatif berakar dalam pola-pola energi.

Sebab semua emosi negatif terletak di gangguan sistem energi tubuh.

______________________________________________________ 47


"Kehendak baik darl hukum alam terletak dalam memastikan bahwa keajaiban –keajaiban itu
terbuka bagi kita, namun tidak menjelaskan kita bagaimana mencapainya; tergantung pada kita
untuk menemukan kuncinya, kode-kode serta pemecahan kodenya yang memungkinkan mereka
ditemukan. --Robert Rosen (Life Itseff - 1991)

Mengukur Qi ( sumber )

Qi atau Chi atau Ki mudah diukur, dalam perjalanan ke Cina, kami melakukan beberapa
percobaan dengan mempergunakan Kamera Kirlian, kepada 25 peserta yang sudah berlatih
tenaga Qi, Reiki, Chi, Qikung. Mereka melakukan metode penyembuhan tanpa melakukan
sentuhan, dengan mempergunakan tenaga Qi yang biasa mereka lakukan .
Sebagian besar peserta, baik dari Chiropatic, ahli fisika-matematika, Reiki , pemijat maupun
para pasien yang akan diuji coba, dilakukan pemotretan “Kirlian”, sebelum dilakukan
penyembuhan dan 2 (dua) menit setelah dilakukan penyembuhan. Maka hasiknya dapat
dilihat seperti dibawah ini

*** *** ***Hasil foto “ Kirlian “ pada pengobatan tanpa sentuhan.

Sidik jari Sidik jari, pasien 2

Pasien, sebelum menit sesudah
dilakukan dilakukan
penyembuhan tanpa penyembuhan
sentuhan tanpa sentuhan

Mekanisme penyembuhan tanpa kontak badan

Seperti yang anda dapat lihat gambar dibawah ini, secara elektrostatika, maknetik dan
gelombang cahaya, memungkinkan untuk dimonitor pada penyembuhan dengan tenaga Qi
tanpa menyentuh tubuh.

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Mekanisme penyembuhan tanpa sentuhan

Cahaya Magnetik Electrik

Gelombang Electrostatik, yang dipantau dalam hal ini dapat diukur dengan alat
EEG maupun EMG, berdasarkan hasil tersebut diatas, maka akan terbukti bahwa
tekanna listrik yang dihasilkan kira-kira 20 Volt, 1000 X lebih tinggi dari sebelum
dilakukan penyembuhan.

Gelombang Maknetik, dapat diukur diseluruh tubuh dengan mempergunakan

“superconducting magnetometers” , dengan pusat syaraf (otak) menghasilkan
kuat maknet yang sangat lemah yaitu
-9 -6
10 gauss, sedangkan jantung lebih kuat yaitu 10 gauss, setelah
penyembuhan maka meningkat 1000 X juga yaitu 10 gauss dan
10 gauss

Cahaya Coherent juga dihasilkan oleh tubuh pasien ( mirip dengan AURA, tapi
bukan AURA )


Suara infrasonik adalah suara dengan frekwensi dibawah suara normal ( 20 hz ~ 20.000
hz, subsonic berada diantara 20 hz ~ 50 hz, ultrasonic pada 50.000 hz ~ 100.000 hz, )
Seorang Reiki master atau penyembuh Qi atau Chi, pada umumnya kedua telapak
tangannya dapat mengeluarkan getaran “INFRASONIK” (4 hz ~ 8 hz –Theta wave

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yang dapat dimonitor dan diukur dengan mempergunakan mikropon khusus, pada saat
aktip melakukan penyembuhan, maka dengan teknologi masa kini dapat diukur aliran
dan pancaran getaran infrasonic tersebut, apabila sebuah “mesin” dapat mengeluarkan-
memproduksi sinyal yang sama (infrasonic), secara psikologi dapat membantu dan
mempercepat serta menyembuhkan berbagai penyakit.
Mekanisme penyelikan Infrasonik
Prof. Liu Guolong, MD., PhD, ahli EEG memulai penyelidikannya dengan
mempergunakan perangkat yang mampu menghasilkan getaran “infrasonic”
beliau dengan keahliannya dibidang EEG, mencoba memproduksi getaran
“infrasonic” dari sebuah mesin pembangkit “infrasonic” , sehingga suatu saat
kita dapat menggantikan energi manusia dengan energi yang dibangkitkan dari
“mesin pembangkit infrasonic “. Dengan bantuan EEG yang terus dimonitor
pada jaringan pusat syaraf ( otak ). Dari data tersebut dibawah terlihat hasil
rekaman “ Mesin Qikung ” tersebut.

Pelatihan getaran Infrasonik

Suatu penyelidikan dan percobaan dilakukan oleh sekelompok relawan yang akan
berlatih Ki, qikung ataupun Reiki, pada telapak tangannya didekatkan dengan
microphone khusus, pada saat sebelum latihan dan sesudah latihan dimonitor
dan diukur, ternyata bahwa terjadi peningkatan getaran sampai 5 X (lihat gambar)

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Ternyata bahwa dalam waktu latihan yang relative singkat, mampu

meningkatkan tenaga Ki sampai sedemikian besar, sehingga mampu
menyalurkan tenaga Ki ini untuk penyembuhan.
Apa yang terjadi dengan pusat syaraf anda ?
Seseorang yang berada dalam keadaan labil, karena stress, depresi atau bingung,
jika diperiksa dengan EEG, akan termonitor getaran pusat syarafnya (otak)
berada pada gelombang alpha ( 8 hz ~ 13.9 hz ) yang terdistorsi, sehingga dengan
bantuan alat pembangkit ( Ki Generator – BrainWave Generator ), akan dapat
diperbaiki, agar meresonansi pada getaran theta ( 4 hz ~ 7.9 hz ).
Hasilnya adalah lebih tenang, relex dan menikmati hidup lebih baik (lihat hasil
test laboratorium dibawah ini ( dalam bahasa Inggris ).

Laboratory Testing
Dale Patterson, a board certified EEG technician trained in biofeedback became
intrigued with the Infratonic when one of his patients brought one in. He recorded
EEG brain maps first with an early model of the Infratonic which produced a
clinically significant 18% increase in Alpha. (11) He then used the Q4 with chaos
which was 8 times more effective! (see graph below)

Infrasonics test

______________________________________________________ 51



QIGONG Machine, CHI Machine, PRANA dan REIKI

Mesin-mesin ini sudah banyak beredar di EROPAH, AMERIKA dan bahkan di CHINA
sudah dibuat secara produksi masal dengan harga antara US $ 200 ~ $ 1000, dengan
beberapa maanfaat yang mempergunakan teknologi getaran2 INFRASONIK .
Antara lainnya ::>

Q001 Qigong Master Energy Simulator $495.00

The QiGong Master Energy Simulator is the medical device resulting from the integration of the
modern electronical technology and traditional Chinese medicine. The machine simulates
outgoing energy of Qigong masters--the Low-frequency sonic signal which has intense
penetrating power thus is able to penetrate to the deeper layer of the muscles in human body. It
is the Yin energy feedback machine to simulate the information irradiated from human body and
send it to human body. The machine is devoted to regulating the Qi ( or Chi )flow in meridians
and collaterals, promoting the circulation of Qi and blood, easing pain and dispersing stagnation,
improving organic functions, and accelerating the vascular circulation and the metabolism, so
can achieve the aim of preventing and treating diseases and strengthening the body constitution.
It is also an instrument for aiding the research of Qigong.

It can cease metamorphosis of the isolated cancer cells, so as to inhibit their growth, Scientific
experiments proved that it is able to improve the microcirculation of nail fold. bring more fresh
nutrients to your cells so as to enchance your physical strength, and raise your immune

If you're senile and debilitative with insufficinecy of energy the long-time employment of the
machine can replenish your physical ability and the energy.

If you are an amature Qigong practitioner the machine can assist you in getting into the
marvelous status of meditation during your practice. By utilizing the machine, you'll be relaxed
from the fatigue after work, The muscular soreness or mental stress will go away from you.

Use the machine before going to bed, you'll soon fall into sound sleep. So the professionals have

______________________________________________________ 52


no need to worry about suffering from sleeplessness, and thus achieve a well-balanced mind.

The invention of the machine has opened up another avenue to the feedback remedy for human
body. The noninvasive route of self-balancing.

A large number of clinical case reports proved that the machine has satisfactory effect in treating
disorders of the cadiovascular system, the respiratory system, and the motor system and it also
helps infantile indigestion and anorexia.

Size of the machine is 205 X 175 X 90mm and the weight is 1.7kg.

Clinical Data

The fundamental research department in Beijing College of Traditional Chinese Medicine found
the mean power spectra in the tested cases of normal people prior to and after the action of the
Qigong Machine. They used a real time recording of EEG curve (human cerebral spontaneous
electric potential with a Japanese made photoelectric multiple physiological recorder. They made
magnetic recordings onto tapes and fed the data back to a data processing system.
Tests showed that among the 20 tested, 13 were P < 0,05, 7 were P < 0,01, so the change was
notable, and compared with 20 cases of the control group, the difference was marked (P<
Picture 1, is the EEG power spectral diagram mean power spectrum (Bl and T test of a tested
case alter receiving the action of ultrasonic sound, From the comparison of 10 power spectra in
the spectral diagram before and alter the action,it can be evidently seen that the peak value of
EEGQ power frequency before the action tends to be synchronous with the ultrasonic frequency
of being 10Hz alter the action of the ultrasonic sound,

The research proved for the first time that the action of outgoing energy emitted from Qigong
masters on healthy people can induce the EEGG power spectrum amplified, the effect of
outgoing energy and that of ultrasonic sound were observed and compared at the same time as
studying the physiological effect of the out-going energy and the striking similarity was found
between the two. The ultrasonic sound can also induce the amplification of EEG 0 power
spectrum in the tested people,and the amplified spectrum is synchronous with the peak of the
primary frequency of the Qigong Machine, This outcome reveals that ultrasonic sound exerts
remarkable influence on the activities of the central nerve system, and improves the functional
status of the cerebral cortex, what is worth the stress is the identity of the ultrasonic effect with
that of the outgoing energy,

Therefore, it can he inferred that the hypnotic, fatigue relieving and rehabilitating effects of weak
ultrasonic sound are acquired by means functional changes of the nerve system. It can be
ascertained that ultrasonic sound is the biological message, which can be accepted by the
human body so as to generate biological effect, Qigong Energy Machine in large extent simulates
the energy output from Qigong masters and it can be regarded as playing a role of energy output
from the Qigong masters,This is the most efficient way. In order to obtain the optimum effect
you'd better be instructed by the qualified doctors.however, in case no apt doctors availableyou
may consult the following charts and select also attained.

Acupuncturit your good effect . The length and dosage of employing the machine all depend on
the comfortable you feel during the employment and patients can make their own decision in
terms of the differentiation of traditional Chinese medicine because of the various in the
constitution, age, and sex.To be certain, the length and dosage designed for this machine are all

______________________________________________________ 53


in the limit of safety. It is essential for bettering the therapeutic effect that the body and mind
should be kept in the status of relaxation. Quieseence, spontaneousness and harmony when
using the machine.
Name of Ailements

Name of Ailements Area of Treatment

periarthritis Pain Area, SI9, G21, SI14, TE14

Arthritis Pain Area. Select points of Sowe areas
Sprain and contusion Injury Area, Select acupoints of Same area Sciatica, ischias ,
Trouble Area G30, G37, G31,
Spondylopathy Trouble Area, Select points of same areas .
Sweell Bleeding due to IUD, 1015 , CV3,CV4,SPlO,CV6
dysmenorrhea , M7e , 1015 , CV3,CV4,SP10,SP9
Pelvic inflammation, Pelvic Area, CV3,CV4,B23
Pharyngitis and CV22,CV23,CV17
laryngitis CV 22,B13,EX 1
Infantile Bronchitis Chest Area
postoperative S36, S25
Chronic Castritis CV13,CVl2,S21
Coronary heart , CV 17, P6,B15, B14
Sudden Deafness TE 21, SI 19,
Hemarrhoids GVl
hypertension point of Blood pressure U11
Insommia Insommia 1 and Insommia 2

______________________________________________________ 54



Qi Gong Machine - Infrasound Pro- Massager £349

Low Frequency Sound Pain Management System

The Infrasound Pro-Massager is a low frequency, electro-acoustical therapeutic
massager designed for effective treatment of pain and accelerated recovery.

Based on Qi-Gong Technology, it works by increasing the local circulation of blood, lymph and nervous
system activity. The low frequency sonic stimulation of the Infrasound Pro-Massager activates local
tissue, moving stagnant fluids out of painful areas thereby drawing in fresh, oxygenated fluids to enhance
the healing process, reducing swelling and relaxing tense muscles.

History of Qi Gong Technology and the Infrasound Pro-Massager

The Infrasound Pro-Massager was developed after research originating in China showed that natural
healers who practiced Qi Gong energy work actually emitted low frequency sound waves from their
hands. Infrasonic refers to the range of sound waves below what humans can hear (below 20 Hz). The
frequency of these sonic waves varied in the range between 8 and 14 Hz (cycles per second) and
fluctuated with every pulse (randomly generated). The Infrasound Pro-Massager uses this Qi-Gong
Technology and emits sonic waves in this fashion.

Testing in hospitals and research facilities has shown that low frequency sound was indeed
effective at increasing vitality, accelerating healing, and strengthening immune function.

Benefits from clinical studies:

Reduces pain in joints, muscles and bones
Decreases painful edema
Relaxes muscle armoring and spasms
Improves circulation

______________________________________________________ 55


The Infrasound Pro-Massager is FDA 501K listed for safe in home use and reimbursable (by many
insurance companies) if recommended by your doctor.
--Amazing versatility
--Increase local circulation
--Relieve minor aches and pains
--Relax Muscles
--Promote the body function
--Energetic bodywork Acupressure
--Chi Kung (Qi Gong) exercise
--Deep tissue massage
--Low heat treatment
WARNING: This massager is not to be substituted for the treatment of a physician. The safety of the
massager for use during pregnancy or birth has not been established. Pregnant women are urged to
consult with their physician before use. Keep out of reach of children. The machine is forbidden for use
by patients with fever or body temperature over 100°F. It should not used with unexplained calf pain.
The machine is not recommended for patients with heart diseases. Do not place it over the
pacemaker and over any implanted apparatus. Do not place it over the eyes.

Advanced randomized natural wave form Sturdy hand piece features a 12 foot cord Refined waveform
and randomized frequencies to more closely reproduce the Qi vital energy generated by Qi-Gong
Upgraded circuit board, newer technology for better performance and durability

FDA 510k Listed

Frequency range (approximate): 8-14Hz
Size: 8" x 7" x 3"
Weight: 4 lbs.
220-240v European version
Two year parts and labor warranty

What to Expect:
When you use the QiGong II Pro Massager wand, expect to feel a gentle pulses accompanied by deep,
soothing warmth. The slow vibrational waves with random spectrum and low heat promote alpha-waves,
which penetrate deep tissues and spread throughout the treated area . The low heat will increase local
blood circulation.
The healing waves penetrate clothing.

Suggested use: 1-2 times a day for the first five-seven days continuously. The rugged construction of
this device allows you to sit or lay on it with no fear of damaging the transducer.

______________________________________________________ 56


Developed by Dr. Simon Wang, famous Author of many books pertaining to Qi Gong.
The Si WANG Plus, developed by Dr. Simon Wang (M.D., Ph.D.), is based on the knowledge of
traditional Chinese medicine, Qi or Chi, the life energy, known as Ki (Japanese), Prana (Indian),
Bioplasm (Russian) and Orgone (Reichian) (see the books: Qi Gong For Health & Longevity, 1994, by
Dr. Simon Wang & Dr. Julius Liu; Ancient Chinese Secret For Relaxation and Better Health, p432-433,
by Dr. Simon Wang, The Worlds Greatest Treasury of Health Secrets, Bottom Line Publications, 2002).
This is a new and improved home model of professional therapeutic vibrator with Qi Gong (Chi Kung)
technology. The machine consists of two parts: one is a low frequency electronic signal generator with
an built-in acoustic transducer, which transmits a low frequency vibrational wave; the other is the built-in
heaters, which give off a low heat.
The machine has been known to release low frequency vibrations in a randomized order. In China , it
has been tested under different names for promoting the body function. It is an alternative for pain and
stress management in the conditions, such as, Chronic Pains, Arthritis, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Back
Pains, Neck Pains, Shoulder Pains, Body Stress and Fatigue, Muscle Spasms and Cramps, Tennis
Elbow, Sciatica, Sports Injuries, Prostate Massage, Deep Tissue Inflammation, and other chronic
The Si Wang Pro-Massager is an alternative to drug therapy for those who suffer from chronic pain,
fatigue, and injuries. Thousands of units have been sold in the USA.
The Si Wang Pro-Massager is easy to use, requiring no assistance. It can be used in conjunction with
other therapy or medical treatment and will not cause any side effects.
The Si Wang Pro-Massager with Qi-Gong technology has been designed for the treatment of pain and
the relief of stress and fatigue. It uses low frequency sound so there is no danger of deep tissue burns
that are sometimes possible with ultrasound therapy.
This therapeutic massager increases blood circulation and the activity of the nervous system. It
stimulates local tissue, causing old fluids to move out of the area of pain. Fresh oxygenated fluids flow
into the area, improving the healing process and resulting in reduced swelling and relaxed muscles.
The Si Wang Pro-Massager is portable and can be applied directly to the skin and through clothing.
There are no messy ointments to apply and no fear of electrical burns or irritation. The Si Wang Pro-
Massager employs randomized low-frequency acoustic signals in the approximate range of 8 to 14Hz.
(Alpha brainwave) that are transmitted to the body by means of a hand-held acoustic transducer. The Si
Wang Pro Therapeutic Massager has been listed with the FDA and the treatments are reimbursable by
most insurance companies.

Customer Testimonials
My husband and I have been delighted with the benefits we each have experienced since buying our
own Qi Gong Machine. My husband has had chronic pain in one of his shoulders for years. He has used
the machine for 10 to 20 minutes a session on his shoulder with excellent results. He felt relief from pain
and increased mobility after the first treatment. He continues to use the instrument three to four times a
weekto keep his shoulder and neck flexible and pain free.

I have used the machine successfully to relieve pain in my neck, trapezius muscles, and lower back. I
also used it on my chest for a respiratory infection and felt immediate opening and increased energy
flowing through my chest. I use the machine daily on either my neck, chest, belly, or back to keep my
aging body flexible and open. I love the results.
Sincerely, Linda Smarrella, MA, LPCC

______________________________________________________ 57



Regarding the Qi Gong Therapeutic Vibration Machine:

We have been using this instrument in our office for about 5 years now with great success. It is
particulary beneficial in sub-acute and chronic conditions. Many times we use it in combination with
interferrential electrical stimulation. Ther has been virtually no problem with insurance company
acceptance of this modality when we used 97139 billing code.

Sincerely, Ronald P. Georgie, DC


Chi Machines
Potential Benefits
Help in combating the ageing process

Here are a few of the signs of ageing that many of us experience - and the potential
benefits from using the Chi Machine exercisers for just 5-15 minutes a day

Symptom Benefit

Stiffness Suppleness

Low energy Energetic and alert

Feeling stressed Calm and relaxed
Tired skin A healthy glow
A strong immune system that fights off colds
Prone to colds
and other bugs

Many people start to see the beneficial effects of the Chi Machine exercisers within a few days of starting

______________________________________________________ 58


to use it. Nature intended that regular exercise of the body – as we go about our daily routines - would
stimulate the nervous system and all bodily functions so that we could stay in good health. Similarly the
greatest benefits will be seen if use of the Exerciser becomes a regular part of your daily routine - as the
body will be able to take most advantage if the extra energy stimulated by the Exerciser is being made
available every day.

What are the possible health benefits from regular use of the Chi Exerciser?

It is well known these days that good health cannot be expected if we fail to pay attention
to the following:

• balanced nutrition
• appropriate exercise
• relief from stress
• adequate sleep

Many are now taking more care to eat healthy food. The Chi Exerciser provides in-the-home
support for the other three of these crucial aspects of staying healthy:

• Exercise that provides a workout for the whole body without risk of injury or over-exertion
• Relaxation of body and mind with potentially immediate results after use for just a few
minutes, in the comfort of home

As a bonus, many users report enjoying deeper sleep if they use the Chi Exerciser for just a few minutes
at night, and improved energy levels.
While everyone responds differently, reports from research upon and use of this type of passive exerciser
worldwide over more than 12 years indicates that many benefits can be enjoyed from its stimulation of the
body’s fundamental systems for staying healthy. The following parts of the body are among those that
need regular exercise to perform well:

• spinal column (release of tension in muscles associated with the back and shoulders)
• autonomic nervous system – located within the spinal cord - the key to regulation of all
ongoing bodily functions
• blood system (improved oxygenation and circulation)
• the digestive system and intestines, particularly for sufferers from constipation and/or poor
• lymph system - especially sufferers from lymph oedema, venous oedema & ‘fluid retention’
• the immune system - relief for auto-immune system disorders such as allergies and chronic
• oxygen exchange at the lungs (including relief for asthma sufferers)
• oxygen exchange at cell level - for healthy cellular activity
• metabolism – reductions in body fat and weight
• 'chi’ or life-force energy flow – an immediate and usually perceptible stimulation of the flow of
this subtle and life-giving energy
• support for detoxification – perceptible changes are experienced by many users within a few
days of use
• the triggering of cellular memory – helping the body to rediscover some of the suppleness lost
beneath the layers of tension and stress brought about by poor posture and other bad habits

______________________________________________________ 59


of body use

As well as the benefits resulting from the unique motion of the Exerciser, the elevation of
the feet on the cradle is known to be efficacious in relieving the symptoms of common
ailments such as fluid retention, poor circulation and varicose veins.

How to use it
Your first session
Always start with a short time span. If you are reasonably healthy, start at 3 - 4 minutes,
and then build up gradually to a comfortable time over a period of a week or more. If your
health is delicate, start with just 1 or 2 minutes, and build up very gradually.

• Drink a glass of water before and after using the exerciser. One of the effects of using the
exerciser is to release toxins from your blood system, as well as the lymphatic system. These
toxins need to be moved out of your body fast, otherwise you may feel discomfort. Once this
initial detoxification process has happened (possibly over several days after starting regular
use) you will feel much better. But keep drinking plenty of water, as the exerciser will continue
to help the body flush out the toxins before they build up again. Another reason for drinking
water is to help reinforce the Exerciser’s action of clearing the body’s memory of ‘bad use’
(postural and other ‘habits’), held by the body at cellular level. The best practice is to drink a
glass of water before and after using the exerciser.
• Start at a slow speed. As you turn the dial, the speed increases. It’s good to monitor your
physical feeling as your body responds to the oscillation of the ankle rests. This will allow you
to discover the speed which sets up a good rhythm for your body. Everyone is a little different,
and the adjustable speed control allows you to find what suits you best.
• Lie still afterwards. The most important time is actually after the movement stops. Lie there
for at least 2 or 3 more minutes, or optimally 5 minutes after a 15-minute session.Enjoy the
afterglow of ‘chi’ energy (often felt as a tingling sensation) while it continues to flow through
the body. This is where the most benefits occur. The body will usually continue to release
tension in this period, especially if you focus on lengthening areas of habitual tension.
• 15 minutes is the maximum. The timer automatically cuts out the motor after 15 minutes.
Never do more than 15 minutes in one session. On the other hand, it is fine to have several
short sessions during the course of one day. Two or three sessions of 3 to 5 minutes each day
is better than one of 15 minutes! One session after getting up in the morning and one in the
evening is ideal. If you have sleep problems, use the exerciser before you go to bed – or even
if you wake up in the middle of the night.

General guidelines

• RELAX: Enjoy the ride! Your body will move rhythmically, responding to the movement of
your feet. If you are fairly relaxed, you will experience a wave from your feet all the way to
the top of your head, especially from the hips upwards. If you contract your muscles, your
body may stay rigid in places and not join the wave. This is not what should be happening! A
good way to relax is to focus quietly on your breath as it comes in and out. No need to
breathe forcefully, just watch the breath coming in and out in its natural rhythm. Focus ‘inside’
but not on your thoughts! Playing some relaxing music sets a nice tone and may help to make
it a nice, pleasurable experience – which is how you will get the most benefits! You can also
focus your attention on parts of the anatomy where you feel aches or discomfort, which will
help to bring relaxation there.
• Drink lots of water. One of the effects of using the exerciser is to release toxins from your
blood system, as well as the lymphatic system. These toxins need to be moved out of your
body fast, otherwise you may feel discomfort. Once the initial detoxification process has

______________________________________________________ 60


happened (possibly over several days after starting regular use) you will feel much better. But
keep drinking plenty of water, as the exerciser will continue to help the body flush out the
toxins before they build up again. Another reason for drinking water is to help clear the body’s
memory of ‘bad use’ (postural and other ‘habits’), held by the body at cellular level. The best
practice is to drink a glass of water before and after using the exerciser.
• Weight Considerations: The more you weigh, the slower the unit will oscillate. The Exerciser
has a heavy-duty motor designed to bear any body weight, but you may need to move the
dial closer to full speed if you are relatively heavy.
• Do not run it too fast, until you know what speed is comfortable for you. Most people will
find that the optimum speed for achieving a rhythmic movement and deep but undisturbed
breathing is several notches less than full speed. We recommend that only those with a heavy
build and strong constitution should run it close to full speed. Please take the time to
experiment and feel out what speed is best for you.
• BODY POSITION: Always lie on your back. If you have back or hip problems, make yourself
as comfortable as possible. Use a wrapped towel or pillow or bolster under your knees if this
helps. Place a pillow under your neck if you wish. Place your arms at your sides, with hands up
to 1 foot away from your body.
• OTHER BODY POSITIONS: Once you are familiar with the exerciser, you can experiment
with where you place your arms. There are different beneficial effects if you place your hands
behind your head, or with arms extended beyond the head, on the floor (stretching the
muscles, not too tense, a soft feeling is better). These alternative positions can be done for 2
– 3 minutes each midway during your regular session, and are illustrated below. Make sure
you stay relaxed in these positions even though it’s a little more challenging for the back.

Please note that the Chi Machine exercisers should NOT be used in the following situations:

• for one hour after eating (this applies to everyone)

• within three months of surgery
• within three months of bone fractures (or before they have fully healed)
• during the first three months of pregnancy
• when suffering from open wounds, serious infections or undiagnosed injuries
• if you suffer from epilepsy (except with doctor’s consent*)
• if you have heart disease or other heart conditions, consult your Doctor for advice*


Qi Gong Machine II with new and advanced transducer and 2 year warranty.
Combines Ancient Chinese Wisdom and Modern Technology for treatment of chronic,
deep muscle pain and inflammation. Promotes healing rapidly and dramatically.

______________________________________________________ 61



Infrasound Pro-Massager

Low Frequency Sound Pain Management System

]The Infrasound Pro-Massager is a low frequency, electro-acoustical therapeutic massager designed for
effective treatment of pain and accelerated recovery. Based on Qi-Gong Technology, it works by
increasing the local circulation of blood, lymph and nervous system activity. The low frequency sonic
stimulation of the Infrasound Pro-Massager activates local tissue, moving stagnant fluids out of painful
areas thereby drawing in fresh, oxygenated fluids to enhance the healing process, reducing swelling and
relaxing tense muscles.

History of Qi Gong Technology and the Infrasound Pro-Massager

The Infrasound Pro-Massager was developed after research originating in China showed that natural
healers who practiced Qi Gong energy work actually emitted low frequency sound waves from their
hands. Infrasonic refers to the range of sound waves below what humans can hear (below 20 Hz). The
frequency of these sonic waves varied in the range between 8 and 14 Hz (cycles per second) and
fluctuated with every pulse (randomly generated). The Infrasound Pro-Massager uses this Qi-Gong
Technology and emits sonic waves in this fashion.
Testing in hospitals and research facilities has shown that low frequency sound was indeed effective at
increasing vitality, accelerating healing, and strengthening immune function.

Benefits from clinical studies:

Reduces pain in joints, muscles and bones
Decreases painful edema Relaxes muscle armoring and spasms Improves circulation
The Infrasound Pro-Massager is FDA 501K listed for safe in home use and reimbursable (by many
insurance companies) if recommended by your doctor.
--Amazing versatility
--Increase local circulation
--Relieve minor aches and pains
--Relax Muscles
--Promote the body function

______________________________________________________ 62


--Energetic bodywork Acupressure
--Chi Kung (Qi Gong) exercise
--Deep tissue massage
--Low heat treatment

WARNING: This massager is not to be substituted for the treatment of a physician. The safety of
the massager for use during pregnancy or birth has not been established. Pregnant women are
urged to consult with their physician before use. Keep out of reach of children. The machine is
forbidden for use by patients with fever or body temperature over 100°F. It should not used with
unexplained calf pain.

The machine is not recommended for patients with heart diseases. Do not place it over the
pacemaker and over any implanted apparatus. Do not place it over the eyes.

Advanced randomized natural wave form
Sturdy hand piece features a 12 foot cord
Refined waveform and randomized frequencies to more closely reproduce the Qi vital energy generated
by Qi-Gong Master-Practitioners.
Upgraded circuit board, newer technology for better performance and durability
FDA 510k Listed
Frequency range (approximate): 8-14Hz
Size: 8" x 7" x 3"
Weight: 4 lbs.
110 volts AC (220-240v European version)
Two year parts and labor warranty

What to Expect:
When you use the QiGong II Pro Massager wand, expect to feel a gentle pulses accompanied by deep,
soothing warmth. The slow vibrational waves with random spectrum and low heat promote alpha-waves,
which penetrate deep tissues and spread throughout the treated area . The low heat will increase local
blood circulation.

The healing waves penetrate clothing. Suggested use: 1-2 times a day for the first five-seven days
continuously. The rugged construction of this device allows you to sit or lay on it with no fear of damaging
the transducer.

Developed by Dr. Simon Wang, famous Author of many books pertaining to Qi


The Si WANG Plus, developed by Dr. Simon Wang (M.D., Ph.D.), is based on the knowledge of
traditional Chinese medicine, Qi or Chi, the life energy, known as Ki (Japanese), Prana (Indian), Bioplasm
(Russian) and Orgone (Reichian) (see the books: Qi Gong For Health & Longevity, 1994, by Dr. Simon
Wang & Dr. Julius Liu; Ancient Chinese Secret For Relaxation and Better Health, p432-433, by Dr. Simon
Wang, The Worlds Greatest Treasury of Health Secrets, Bottom Line Publications, 2002).

______________________________________________________ 63


This is a new and improved home model of professional therapeutic vibrator with Qi Gong (Chi Kung)
technology. The machine consists of two parts: one is a low frequency electronic signal generator with an
built-in acoustic transducer, which transmits a low frequency vibrational wave; the other is the built-in
heaters, which give off a low heat.

The machine has been known to release low frequency vibrations in a randomized order. In China , it has
been tested under different names for promoting the body function. It is an alternative for pain and stress
management in the conditions, such as, Chronic Pains, Arthritis, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Back Pains,
Neck Pains, Shoulder Pains, Body Stress and Fatigue, Muscle Spasms and Cramps, Tennis Elbow,
Sciatica, Sports Injuries, Prostate Massage, Deep Tissue Inflammation, and other chronic conditions.

The Si Wang Pro-Massager is an alternative to drug therapy for those who suffer from chronic pain,
fatigue, and injuries. Thousands of units have been sold in the USA.

The Si Wang Pro-Massager is easy to use, requiring no assistance. It can be used in conjunction with
other therapy or medical treatment and will not cause any side effects.

The Si Wang Pro-Massager with Qi-Gong technology has been designed for the treatment of pain and
the relief of stress and fatigue. It uses low frequency sound so there is no danger of deep tissue burns
that are sometimes possible with ultrasound therapy.

This therapeutic massager increases blood circulation and the activity of the nervous system. It stimulates
local tissue, causing old fluids to move out of the area of pain. Fresh oxygenated fluids flow into the area,
improving the healing process and resulting in reduced swelling and relaxed muscles.

The Si Wang Pro-Massager is portable and can be applied directly to the skin and through clothing. There
are no messy ointments to apply and no fear of electrical burns or irritation. The Si Wang Pro-Massager
employs randomized low-frequency acoustic signals in the approximate range of 8 to 14Hz. (Alpha
brainwave) that are transmitted to the body by means of a hand-held acoustic transducer. The Si Wang
Pro Therapeutic Massager has been listed with the FDA and the treatments are reimbursable by most
insurance companies.

What is Qigong (Chi Kung)?

'Qi' or 'Chi' means energy. In Yoga, it is called 'Prana'. 'Gong' or 'Kung' means work. Therefore, Qigong
means the exercise of your internal energy. It is a 5,000-year-old Chinese healthcare modality that has
both endured the test of time and is making a tremendous resurgence at the threshold of the 21st
Century. The benefits of Qigong are increasingly recognized for enhancing fitness in mind and body,
developing vitality for sports and sex, and helping in the cure of stress as well as degenerative and
chronic diseases. Literally millions practice Qigong in China and around the world each day to
successfully treat diseases ranging from hypertension to cancer.

Is Tai Chi Chuan (Taijiquan) a form of Qigong?

Tai Chi Chuan commonly known as Tai Chi is an internal martial art. However, the majority of Tai Chi
practitioners just treat it as a slow dance. Without a solid Qigong foundation, it is just a slow and gentle
exercise. At best, you just feel more relaxed and flexible by practicing it that way. Proper breathing and
meditative techniques as well as the use of 'qi' are the keys to maximize the health benefits of Tai Chi.

______________________________________________________ 64



People generally experience the health benefits when practicing Qigong faster than when they practice
Tai Chi. Even the world famous Tai Chi grandmaster Feng Zhiqiang recommends that people practice
Qigong instead of Tai Chi to gain health benefits if time is an issue. However, practicing Tai Chi and
Qigong at the same time is most beneficial.

Introduction to Tai Chi Qigong Shibashi

Whether you call it Taiji Chi Kung Shibashi (shibashi means 18 movements in Chinese), Taiji Qigong in
18 Movements or Eighteen Forms of Tai Chi Chi Kung, it is one of the most popular Qigong in the world.

Tai Chi Qigong Shibashi was developed by Professor Lin Hou-Sheng in 1979. Professor Lin is a
renowned Qigong Master, scientist and Master Healer. His remarkable credentials include Professor of
the College of Chinese Medicine in Shanghai, Director of Qigong Research Institute in China and
Honorary President of the International Society of Natural Cures.

People practicing Tai Chi Qigong Shibashi in China Above: Master Lin demonstrates Shaolin kung fu

Master Lin is well known in China and has published more than ten books. In 1980 he developed a
technique for successfully using Qigong as the only anesthesia needed in surgical operations: no
anesthetics, no acupuncture needles just "qi" energy. His scientific studies on Qigong healing have been
published in the prestigious journal Nature (Vol. 275,1978). Master Lin has also personally given qigong
healing treatments to high-ranking Chinese officials such as president Jiang Zemin

Tai Chi Qigong Shibashi is a Qigong which based on the philosophy of Tai Chi and extracts some of the
best movements from the Yang style Tai Chi Chuan. It places emphasis on synchronizing the 18
movements with proper breathing techniques. It is a gentle, beautiful and flowing Qigong exercise routine
that is both a joy to do and deeply relaxing.

Tai Chi Qigong Shibashi is designed to improve the general health and wellbeing of the practitioner. The
gentle rocking motions and stretching movements improve circulation and digestion. The chest exercises
and controlled breathing are good for lung conditions and asthma.

And the overall effect of the exercise is to reduce mental stress and physical tension carried in the
muscles of the body. This Qigong is very effective and easy to learn. It is practiced around the world by
over 10 million people, and is considered a national health exercise in Malaysia and Indonesia.

______________________________________________________ 65



Some benefits of Tai Chi Qigong Shibashi:

• Improves Health • Reduces Stress
• Increases Energy, Agility and Flexibility • Improves Concentration and Intuitive
• Loosens and Strengthens Joints and Abilities
Muscles • Controls Emotions
• Controls Weight • Easy to Learn
• Rejuvenates Body, Mind and Spirit

Tens of thousands practicing Tai Chi Qigong Shibashi together at a stadium in Malaysia

A Word from Sifu (Master) Wing Cheung

"I have learned more than 10 different styles of Qigong. Tai Chi Qigong Shibashi is one of the most
effective and easiest to learn. Most of my students are able to master it in just a few lessons. And many of
them can feel the presence of 'Qi' traveling in their bodies after practicing for just 3 months.

My sifu (master) constantly reminds me that 'fame and fortune' are what prevent most qigong masters
from advancing to a higher level. After immigrating to North America, I am very upset to find so many so-
called Qigong masters charging outrageous prices for their Qigong workshops.

Qigong should not be only available to those who can afford to learn it. Everyone should have an
opportunity to learn it! That's why I have created this free qigong video so that all can have a chance to
study it.

______________________________________________________ 66



Hubungan antara PSIKOTRONIKA dengan IQ, EQ dan SQ

Kecerdasan Intelektual ( IQ ), Kematangan Emosional ( EQ ) dan Penguasaan
spiritual ke-Tuhanan ( SQ ) sekarang merupakan tolok ukur tingkat keberhasilan
seseorang dalam mencapai jenjang, puncak karier, serta kesuksesan, baik dalam
bidang materi maupun non materi ( kedewasaan, kematangan serta ke-Tuhanan ).

IQ adalah kemampuan seseorang secara intelektual dibanding dengan kemampuan

rata-rata yang sebaya ( seumurnya ).

IQ juga dapat diukur/dihitung berdasarkan mental seseorang, yaitu

IQ = M A/CA X 100 %

Dimana M A = Mental age (usia mental) dan CA = Chronological Age, artinya

seseorang atau anak yang berusia 15 th yang sudah memiliki kemampuan seperti
anak umur 18 th, M A=18 dan CA=15, IQ nya dapat dihitung yaitu 18/15 X 100 % = 120

Untuk lebih jelasnya apakah IQ itu dapat dilihat di lampiran 2 pada eBOOK ini
(halaman terakhir)

Prestasi belajar di sekolah sangat dipengaruhi oleh kemampuan umum kita yang
diukur oleh IQ, IQ yang tinggi meramalkan sukses terhadap prestasi belajar. Namun
IQ yang tinggi ternyata tidak menjamin kesuksesan di masyarakat

Seseorang secara genetis telah lahir dengan suatu organisme yang disebut
inteligensi yang bersumber dari otaknya. Struktur otak telah ditentukan secara
genetis, namun berfungsinya otak tersebut menjadi kemampuan umum yang disebut
inteligensi, sangat dipengaruhi oleh interaksi dengan lingkungannya (Semiawan, C,

Perkembangan dan Pengukuran Otak

Cara pengukuran yang akurat dan cukup lengkap dari proses pengelolaan otak
sebenarnya sangat berguna untuk memonitor inteligensi maupun kepribadian dan
kualitas kehidupan yang dialami seorang manusia, serta kualitas manusia itu sendiri.
Untuk meningkatkan kecerdasan anak maka produksi sel neuroglial, yaitu sel khusus
yang mengelilingi sel neuron yang merupakan unit dasar otak, dapat ditingkatkan
melalui berbagai stimulus yang menambah aktivitas antara sel neuron (synaptic
activity), dan memungkinkan kecepatan dan ketepatan akselerasi proses
berfikir(Thompsn, Berger, dan Berry, 1980 dalam Clark, 1986). Dengan demikian
inteligensi manusia dapat ditingkatkan, meskipun dalam batas-batas tertentu sesuia
dengan inteligensinya .

______________________________________________________ 67



Secara biokimia neuron-neuron tersebut menjadi lebih kaya dengan memungkinkan

berkembangnya pola pikir kompleks. Juga banyak digunakan berkembangnya
aktivitas "Prefrontal cortex" otak, sehingga terjadi perencanaan masa depan, berfikir
berdasarkan pemahaman dan pengalaman intuitif, Prefrontal cortex yang terutama
tumbuh pada ketika anak berumur duabelas sampai enambelas tahun mencakup juga
kemampuan melihat perubahan pola ekstrapolasi kecendrungan hari ini ke masa
depan; regulasi diri serta strategi "biofeedback" dan meditasi; berfikir sistem
analisis;yang merupakan aspek-aspek bentuk tertinggi kreativitas serta memiliki
kepekaan sosial, emosional maupun rasional (Goodman, 1978, dalam Clark, 1986).
Sifat-sifat manusia ini banyak terkait dengan sifat-sifat inisiatif dan dorongan
mencapai kemandirian dan keunggulan.

Otak dewasa manusia tidak lebih dari 1,5 kg, namun otak tersebut adalah pusat
erfikir, perilaku serta emosi manusia mencerminkan seluruh dirinya (selfhood),
kebudayaan, kejiwaan serta bahasa dan ingatannya. Descartes pusat kesadaran
orang, ibarat saisnya, sedangkan badan manusia adalah kudanya. Meskipun
kemudian ternyata, bahwa perilaku manusia juga dipengaruhi oleh
ketidaksadarannya (freud dalam Zohar, 2000:39), kesadaran manusia yang oleh
Freud disebut rasionya merupakan kemampuan umum yang mengontrol seluruh
perilaku manusia. Berbagai penelitian kemudian membuktikan bahwa kemampuan
rasional tersebut biasa diukur dengan IQ (Intelligence Quetient).

Meskipun kini terbukti bahwa orang memiliki lebih dari satu inteligensi menurut teori
Gardner ada 8 (teori Multiple Intelligence), ukuran yang disebut IQ mengukur
kemampuan umum yang bersifat tunggal masih sering dipakai untuk menandai
kemampuan intelektual dan prestasi belajar. Ternyata bahwa otak tersebut masih
menyimpan berbagai kemungkinan lain .

Rating IQ Klasifikasi
140 < Genius atau mendekati genius
120-140 Sangat Superior
110-120 Superior
90-110 Normal atau rata2
80-90 Kurang
70-80 Batas defisiensi
< 70 Minimum


Kematangan dan kecerdasan (Inteligensi) Emosional

Prestasi belajar di sekolah sangat dipengaruhi oleh kemampuan umum kita yang
diukur oleh IQ, IQ yang tinggi meramalkan sukses terhadap prestasi belajar. Namun
IQ yang tinggi ternyata tidak menjamin sukses di masyarakat (Segal, 1997:14).

______________________________________________________ 68



Pada permulaan tahun sembilan puluhan berbagai penelitian menunjukkan (Segal,

1997:5) bahwa diinspirasi oleh berbagai psikolog humanis seperti Maslow, Rollo
May, Carl Rogers yang sangat memperhatikan segi-segi subyektif (perasaan) dalam
perkembangan psikolog, eksplorasi tentang emosi telah menunjuk pada sumber-
sumber emosi (Segal, 1997, Goleman, 1995).

Ternyata bahwa emosi selain mengandung persaan yang dihayati seseorang, juga
mengandung kemampuan mengetahui (Menyadari) tentang perasaan yang dihayati
dan kemampuan bertindak terhadap perasaan itu. Bahkan pada hakekatnya emosi itu
adalah impuls untuk bertindak.

Goleman menyatakan bahwa selain rational mind, seorang memiliki an emotional

mind yang masing-masing diukur oleh IQ dan EQ dan bersumber masing-masing dari
head dan heart. kedua kehidupan mental tersebut, meskipun berfungsi dengan cara-
caranya sendiri, bekerjasama secara sinergis dan harmonis.

Homo sapiens yang memiliki neocortex(otak depan) yang merupakan sumber rasio,
yaitu otak depan, terdiri dari pusat-pusat yang memahami dan mendudukan apa yang
diamati oleh alat dria kita.

Dalam evolusi tentang pengtahuan kemampuan organisma, ternyata bahwa

penanjakan kehidupan manusia dalam peradaban dan kebudayaan adalah kerja
neocortex yang ternyata juga menjadi sumber kemampuan seseorang untuk
perencanaan dan strategi jangka panjang dalam mempertahankan hidup (Goleman,

Perkembangan ini menjadi otak memiliki nuansa terhadap kehidupan emosional

seseorang. Struktur lymbic (sumsum tulang belakang) menghidupkan perasaan
tentang kesenangan dan keinginan seksual, yaitu emosi yang mewujudkan sexual
passion. Namun keterkaitan sistem lymbic tersebut dengan neocortex menumbuhkan
hubungan dasar ibu-anak, yang menjadi landasan untuk unit keluarga dan
commitment jangka panjang untuk membesarkan anak (spesi yang tidak dimiliki
organisma ini seperti binatang melata, tidak memiliki kasih sayang) dan sering
membunuh dan /atau menghancurkan anaknya sendiri.

Masa anak dan masa belajar panjang (long childhood) bersumber dari saling
keterhubungan neuron-neuron dalam 'pabrik' otak ini.

Amygdala adalah neuron yang mewujudkan struktur keterhubungan di atas

brainstem dekat dasar dari limbic ring(cincin sumsum tulang belakang antara emosi
dan rasio). Amygdala adalah tempat penyimpanan memori emosi.

Joseph Le Doux, neoroscientist dari Center for Neural Scince New York University
menemukan peran penting amygdala dalam otak emosional. Amygdala menerima
input langsung melalui alat dria dan memberikan signal kepada neocortex, namun
juga dapat memberikan respons sebelum tercatat di neocortex. Jadi ada
kemungkinan respons manusia sebelum ia berfikir.

______________________________________________________ 69



Apakah S Q ( Spiritual Quetient ) ?

Spiritual Quetient adalah kemampuan atau kecerdasan seseorang secara spiritual dan rohani
serta percaya bahwa Tuhan itu ada serta memiliki kekuasaan yang mutlak, sehingga bersama
dengan IQ dan EQ yang baik, diharapkan akan menjadi pemimpin yang berguna bagi masyarakat

Sedangkan jika digabung antara EQ dan SQ akan menjadi ESQ.

ESQ adalah suatu konsep baru yang mensinergikan kedua kekuatan tersebut untuk menciptakan
manusia paripurna yang memiliki kecemerlangan spiritual secara dahsyat. Inilah yang menjadikan
“ HEAD “ dan “HEART” yaitu HEAD dikendalikan oleh “ IQ” sedangkan “HEART” dikendalikan
oleh “ESQ”



Berdasarkan penyelidikan, EQ (Emotional Quetient) berperan 80 persen dalam keberhasilan, tetapi
kenyataanya banyak di antaranya yang menderita "kekeringan", karena SQ terpisah. Padahal di
Jepang spiritualitas terbukti mengantarkan kesuksesan berbagai perusahaan kelas dunia.

ESQ adalah pengembangan kepribadian yang bertujuan membentuk karakter tangguh yang
memadukan konsep Kecerdasan Intelektual (IQ), Kecerdasan Emosional (EQ) dan Kecerdasan
Spritual (SQ), secara terintegrasi dan transcendental.

IQ sangat sulit ditingkatkan, karena sejak kecil kecerdasan intelektual sudah
menetap ( Genetika ) andaikata terjadi perubahan, maka perubahan tersebut
sangat sedikit sekali, namun EQ dan SQ ( atau ESQ ) dapat ditingkatkan, baik
dengan latihan maupun terapis.
Psikotronika ( Psychotronics – Electronics main control ) dapat membantu untuk
meningkatkan kecerdasan emosional maupun spiritual,

eBook yang dapat meningkatkan IQ , EQ maupun SQ ( GRATIS ) dapat di

download di
Develop Your Child GENIUS >> IQ
- Heart Inteligent >> ESQ
- Smart & Fast are not enough >> EQ

______________________________________________________ 70



Link bagus dan menarik untuk meningkatkan IQ anda atau putra-putri anda >> Meningkatkan IQ
Nuro programmer 2 >>> Software dapat didownload >> Meningkatkan IQ bagi mereka yang berusia diatas 40 th

BRAIN BUILDER meningkatkan IQ untuk penyandang ADD dan ADHD >> pengobatan untuk ADD dan ADHD >> idem dito


Biofeedback adalah suatu keadaan umpan balik psycho-biology, atau suatu
proses umpan (sinyal ) balik yang dilakukan ke tubuh-otot dan syaraf tubuh,
sehingga diharapkan menghasilkan ( output) peningkatan yang lebih baik.
Neurofeedback adalah suatu keadaan umpan balik Physics-psychology, atau
suatu proses umpan ( sinyal balik yang dilakukan ke –“syaraf” dan “pusat-
syaraf”, sehingga diharafkan menghasilkan (output) peningkatan yang lebih baik,
terutama pada syaraf2 nya.
Biasanya diharapkan akan meningkatkan IQ ( Intelligence Quetient ) seseorang
pada pelatihan ( neurofeedback), misalnya dengan permainan “video games”
yang dimonitor dan terarah dengan baik, pada seorang anak.
NEUROFEEDBACK is a specific form of biofeedback.

BIOFEEDBACK refers to the process of feeding physiological signals from the

body back to the organism generating the output. A realtime feedback loop
can alter the underlying production of many biological processes.
Biofeedback is like a mirror that links bio-measures to the autonomic or
central nervous system. Your can increase your hand temperature by holding a
thermometer and intending to raise the numbers. Any realtime bio-monitoring
technology is a candidate for biofeedback applications from hearing heart
rate to watching magnetic imaging. Computer processing of the signals and
mediation of the feedback has magnified the power of all forms of

______________________________________________________ 71


NEUROFEEDBACK uses signals based on neural activity and displays these to the
signal creator in order to bring neural processes under control. Since 1970
neurofeedback has used microvolt brainwaves detected at the scalp with an
EEG. Hemoencephalography feeds back thermal brain emissions in the near
infrared spectrum.

Neurofeedback has broad and numerous applications from raising IQ in anyone,

performance enhancement and to provide relief for numerous physical and
psychological disorders. Typical applications range from improving
attention, cognitive processes and sleep to reducing anxiety, depression and

The mechanisms of action are unknown, but the bioelectrical perspective to

mental health has shown remarkable promise in improving the efficiency and
effectiveness of the central nervous system. Neurofeedback has proven
significant success rates in resolving many intractable disorders such as
ADHD, epilepsy, and migraine headaches. Scientific research has established
efficacy to all but the most stringent medical criteria.

The safety of neurofeedback and the general absence of deleterious side

effects of these methods is remarkable. The power of neurofeedback is a
testament to the beneficial effects of continuous direct self-information in
order to improve functioning.

BIofeedback : PerIpheral Nervous System

Neurofeedback : Central Nervous System


Dr Joseph Guan

Alternative Counter

Dalam setiap budaya dan penyembuhan tradisional, penyembuhan diselesaikan dengan

memindahkan energi. Sekali kita membuka arus energi dalam tubuh, kita juga membuka dirl
pada arus energi di alam raya.

Sutadi Martodihardjo (65th) mengetukkan tangannya secara perlahan-lahan dan

berulang-ulang di ujung alis matanya. Sembari melakukan hal itu, ia mengucapkan kata-kata
"Walaupun saya masih punya rasa sakit pada bahu kanan saya, akan aman sekali buat saya
kalau saya sernbuh, sebanyak tiga kali.

______________________________________________________ 72



Setelah itu, ia mengetukkan tangannya kembali secara perlahan-lahan, tetapi kali ini di
bagian pelipis dan mengucapkan kata-kata "Sekalipun saya masih punya sisa rasa sakit pada
bahu kanan, saya menerima dan mengampuni diri saya sepenuhnya," juga sebanyak tiga

Hal itu ia lakukan berulang-ulang namun dengan wilayah tubuh yang diketuk berpindah-
pindah. Pertama kali yang diketuk adalah alis mata, selanjutnya pelipis, di bawah mata, di
bawah hidung, di bawah bibir, tulang selangka, di bawah lengan, di bawah tulang rusuk, dan
terakhir puncak kepala.

Chairman Lions. Indonesia Foundation (Distrik 307 The International Association of Lions Club)
ini beberapa waktu sebelumnya mengangkat beban terlalu berat. Akibatnya, bahu kanannya
terasa sakit se'kali kalau digerakkan, hingga tangan kanannya tersebut tidak bisa diangkat.
Melalui kenalannya, ia mencoba penyembuhan dengan energy psychology, sebuah teknik
pengobatan alternatif yang tergolong masih baru di Indonesia, namun sudah. mulai berkembang
di luar negeri.

Menurut aktivis WULAN (Warga Usia Lanjut) ini, setiap selesai melakukan tahapan-tahapan
pengobatan, ia merasakan bahu kanannya yang sakit sedikit demi sedikit sembuh. "Baru sampai
tahap ketiga, tangan kanan saya sudah bisa saya angkat sampai kepala, padahal sebelelumnya
susah diangkat karena sakit sekali, kata pensiunan PT Sunlife Finance ini

Memanfaatkan sistem energi tubuh

Pengobatan energy psychology memanfaatkan pelbagai sistem energi dalam tubuh manusia,
antara lain titik-titik meridian, akupunktur, chakra, biofield, arus Strange, anyaman Celtic dsb.
Hal itu diakui oleh Joseph Guan Ph.D, seorang terapis energy psychology. "Energy psychology
ini merupakan perpaduan dari berbagai jenis terapi yang sudah ada sebelumnya, seperti yoga,
akupunktur, psikologi, permograman bahasa-syaraf, terapi fisik dan kinesiology,"

Menurut ahli energy psychology di Asia Tenggara ini, energy psychology merupakan cabang
dari ilmu psikologi yang memanfaatkan sistern energi dari tubuh kita, seperti titik-titik
akupunktur, pusat cakra dan medan biofield. "Fungsinya untuk menghilangkan
gangguan-gangguan emosi dan psikologi secara efektif" tambahnya.

Dengan terapi energy Psychology sistern tubuh menjadi teratur sebagaimana mestinya dan
akhirnya berbagai ganguan atau kelainan pun akan hilang.

Energy Psychology diciptakan pertama kali oleh Dr. Roger Callahan, seorang psikolog yang
menggeluti metode Brain Gym, pada tahun 1980. Suatu saat Callahan mengobati seorang wanita
bernama Mary yang selama 18 bulan menderita phobia air (merasa takut terhadap air).

______________________________________________________ 73



Kebetulan ketika itu, Callahan sedang mempelajari tentang energi 'chi' dan cakra. Olehnya, Mary
disuruh menggosok-gosokkan titik akupunktur pada cekungan di bawah mata yang merupakan
titik akupunktur untuk. perut. Setelah beberapa kali melakukan hal itu, ternyata phobianya
terhadap air sembuh.

Link >> copy pdf di >>

Callahan kemudian mengembangkan teknik ini dan diberi narna The Callahan Techniques
(tahun 1980), yang juga kerapkati dinamakan TFT atau Thought Field Therapy ( terapi medan
pikiran). Tapas Fleming, salah seorang yang mempelajari terapi ini kemudian
mengembangkannya lagi dan memberi nama Energy Pscychology.

Sampai saat ini, penemuan-penemuan di bidang energy psychology terus berkembang, terutama
perkembangan modul-modul barunya.

Tapas Fleming >>

dan ebook dan video
Creator TFT >>
Video and Audio >>

Di Indonesia, energy psychology ini dipraktekan oleh Relawan Sosial Volunteer Purnabakti
(RSVP) di Kawasan Golden Plaza, blok D 11-14, J1. RS. Fatmawati no 15, Jakarta Selatan .
ph : 62-21-75817751 - 70633471 .

Jenis pengobatan lain yang termasuk dengan energy psychology selain pengobatan Thought
Field Therapy (TFT), yaitu Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Releasing Technique
(RT), Be Set Free Fast, Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT) dan beberapa terapi lainnya.

EFT Link >> >> Video Download

RT Link >>

TAT Link >>

______________________________________________________ 74



Masing masing jenis pengobatan tersebut memanfaatkan secara intensif salah satu sistim energi
manusia apakah itu sistem meridian, sistim chakra atau aura sampai pengobatan psikologi.

Ada juga terapi-terapi psikologi lainnya seperti EMDR (Eye-Movement Desensitization and
Re-Processing) dan beberapa terapi jenis lainnya yang memanfaatkan materi bawah sadar

EMDR Link >> >> Video Tape

Terapi-terapi tersebut memanfaatkan energi sama baiknya. Artinya, terapi-terapi tersebut

menyebabkan lepasnya energi untuk pengobatan. Walaupun beberapa terapi, tidak secara intensif
memanfaatkan salah satu sistem energi tubuh, tetapi bisa disebut terapi energy psychology, sebab
memanfaatkan pengobatan psikologi bersamaan dengan terapi akupunktur.

Selain itu, ada beberapa jenis pengobatan energi yang tidak memanfaatkan. proses psikologi
seperti chi gong, akupunktur, aromaterapi, refleksologi, sentuhan therapeutic dan lainnya.
Namun keunggulan-keunggulan jenis pengobatan ini diserap kedalam Energy Psychology.

Istilah. ini hanya. dipakai untuk terapi yang memanfaatkan intervensi psikologis dan intervensi.
energi secara bersamaan dalam bentuk pengobatan yang khusus.

Prinsip dasar dari terapi ini adalah bahwa tubuh manusia tidak semata-mata terdiri dari daging,
darah dan tulang, tetapi juga adanya sistem energi. Berbagai penelitian membuktikan adanya
"biophoton', yang artinya bahwa akar dari semua gangguan emosi, psikologi, dan fisik berada
pada ketidak-aturan sistem energi dalam tubuh kita.

Energi itu sendiri berada di sekeliling manusia, mulai dari sistem galaksi sampai atom dan
sebagai pertanda bahwa kehidupan itu ada. Menurut fisikawan David Bohm, energi menyerap
dan diserap pada setiap tempat secara universal. "Energilah yang menghubungkan manusia
dengan manusia lain dan dengan segala hal yang terdapat di alam semesta ini," kata Joseph
Guan yang kini menjabat sebagai Koordinator wilayah Pasifik dan Australia perhimpunan ahli
energy Psychology.

______________________________________________________ 75


Terapi dilakukan dengan
mengaktifkan titik-titik
akupunktur tertentu dan waktu bersamaan
melakukan “affirmasi” atau
penegasan yang diucapkan
mengenai masalah yang
dihadapi. "Dengan terapi
energy psychology, sistem
tubuh menjadi teratur
sebagaimana mestinya yang
akhirnya berbagai gangguan
atau kelainanpun akan
menghilang, kata Joseph

Cara kerja Energy Psychology ini adalah dengan melakukan intervensi. terhadap tubuh dan jiwa,
dengan tujuan menghilangkan gangguan emosi dan psikologi, yang pada akhirnya juga akan
menyembuhkan gangguan pada fisik.

Sebelum terapis melakukan pengobatan Energy psychology, dilakukan tes kadar air pada tubuh
pasien melalui test otot. "Jika terdapat kekurangan air dalam pasien, proses tidak akan bekerja
sebab kecukupan air sangat esensial dalam pengobatan yang berdasarkan energi, kata Joseph

Agar pasien dapat segera melakukan pengobatan energy psychology, biasanya terapis akan
memberikan segelas air. Kemudian pasien diminta untuk membuat suatu skala intensitas mental
dalam menghadapi suatu masalah, atau Subjective Units of Discomfort (SUD), dimana nilai 0
menyatakan tidak ada gejala dan nilai 10 menyatakan suatu. intensitas yang ekstrim.

Langkah selanjutnya, pasien menyusun suatu kalimat yang merupakan gambaran terbaik
mengenai masalahnya, seperti " saya merasa sangat depresi, saya punya banyak pikiran, saya
benci pimpinan saya", d1l.

Kemudian pasien melakukan pengetukan pada titik-titik akupunktur dengan tangannya sendiri.
Saat melakukan pengetukan itu, pasien secara berulang--ulang mengucapkan kalimat yang sudah
disusun. Selama proses ini terapis bertindak sebagai fasilitator. Sesudah satu putaran pengetukan
pada titik-titik akupunktur, pasien diajak untuk mengecek SUD-nya kembali.

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Bila proses itu berjalan normal, maka akan ada pengurangan intensitas tingkat SUD. Misalnya
bila di awal pengobatan intensitasnya 10, maka setelah pengobatan putaran pertama,
intensitasnya tinggal 9 atau 8. Kemudian pasien akan mengulangi kembali proses pengobatan
secara kontinyu hingga intensitas SUD-nya sampai ke titik 0.

Jika dalam pengobatan tidak bekerja atau intensitasnya tidak ada penurunan, berarti
menunjukkan adanya alergi atau racun dalam tubuh pasien. Bila itu yang terjadi, terapis akan
metakukan tes otot dan proses menyingkirkan reaksi alergi dengan mempergunakan berma-
cam-macam teknik penyingkiran alergi, contohnya pelepasan tulang belakang (spinal release,
teknik Holloway atau mempergunakan laser dingin.

Penyakit kejiwaan dan fisik

Terapi energy psychology dapat membantu menghilangkan berbagai penyakit
fisik dan kejiwaan, antara lain:

1 Emosi-emosi negatif, seperti depresi, kecemasan, kesedihan, ketakutan,

amarah dan sebagainya.

2 Trauma akibat peristiwa saat ini atau masa lampau, seperti saat
melahirkan, pelecehan seksual, kecelakaan, dan sebagainya.

3 Takut berbicara di depan umum, takut ketinggian, takut terbang, takut

bertemu orang yang baru ditemuinya, takut terhadap serangga
serangga, ular, dan sebagainya.

4 Ketergantungan, seperti merokok, alkohol, atau narkotika.

5 Menghadapi beban hidup seperti ujian, perceraian, beban pekerjaan,
persoalan keluarga penyakit kronis, dan sebagainya.

6 Persoalan yang sering dihadapi anak-anak, seperti takut menghadapi meningkatkan kemampuan belajar, mengurangi ketidak
mampuan belajar, menghilangkan hambatan mental, rasa rendah diri,
serta menibangkitkan motivasi dan konsentrasi.

7 Mengatasi sakit fisik seperti jaringan tubuh yang rusak akibat

kecelakaan, alergi, asma, disleksia, gangguan makan, sakit kepala,
hidung tersumbat, sakit persendian, sakit tulang, keracunan serta
beberapa penyakit degeneratif.

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Miliki Ketrampilan “Mengobati” dengan Teknik “Energi Psikologi”

Energy Psychology adalah cabang baru dari ilmu psikologi yang memanfalatkan sistem
energi tubuh (titik-titik meredian dan akupuntur), untuk melenyapkan sebagian besar
gangguan-ganguan emosi dan kejiwaan (psikologi) secara cepat, efektif dan permanent.

Belajar teknik yang mujarab dan efektif di abad 21 untuk melenyapkan depresi, ketakutan,
kesedihan, fobia, kekhawatiran serta berbagai kepercayaan pembatas yang menghalangi
Anda untuk menikmati hidup optimal.

Melengkapi diri Anda dengan suatu teknik agar mampu memahami dan selanjutnya dapat
membebaskan Anda dari beban mental dan emosi, sehingga hidup menjadi lebih produktif
dan bermakna.

Membantu anak-anak Anda membebaskan diri dari ketakutan fobia dan berbagai
emosi-emosi negatif yang menghalangi mereka mencapai kemampuan akademis dan sosial
yang optimal.

program terapi Energy Psychology ini kami jadikan sebagai salah satu program terapi dalam
proses rehabilitasi. Saya memberikan senarn Brain Gym dan beberapa tehnik modeletis dari
Energy Psychology. Dan memang ternyata ada hasilnya, kata Dr. Joseph Guan

In every culture and in every medical tradition before ours, healing was accomplished by moving
energy Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Nobel Laureate in Medicine

Tubuh manusia terdiri atas triliunan sel. Setialp sel hanya memilliki usia 120 hari. Sell dapat
berregenerasi dengan asupan nutrisi yang seimbang dan bermutu. Nutrisi yang kita peroleh
melalui makanan dan minuman acapkali belum seimbang.

didalam tubuh yang sehat terdapat jiwa yang sehat

Pernapasan pusat syaraf
Coba anda bernapas dengan “sangat teratur” dan “berirama”, artinya ,
1. Tarik napas 10 ketukan (denyutan nadi ),
2. Tahan napas 5 ketukan (denyutan nadi)
3. Buang napas 10 ketukan dan akhiri dengan
4. 5 ketukan tahan napas, sehingga ini disebut 1 (satu ) periode.
5. Ulangi lagi dengan periode yang sama, sehingga napas anda menjadi teratur
dan seirama dengan ketukan-ketukan tersebut.

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Pada saat anda mengatur napas anda sendiri, maka syaraf (pernapasan ), serta pusat
syaraf (otak) anda memerintahkan sistim pernapasan yang teratur dan berirama,
sehingga secara sadar dan tak sadar, pada pusat syaraf (otak) akan menimbulkan getaran-
getaran gelombang “THETA”, ( lihat kembali tulisan diatas pada getaran2 “alpha, beta,
theta, delta dan gama ).

Kesimpulannya adalah bahwa dengan mengatur pernapasan kita sesuai dengan irama
yang kita kehendaki, berarti bahwa kita melakukan pernapasan pusat syaraf ( BRAIN

Dengan mengatur pusat syaraf, akan timbul hal-hal yang dapat meningkatkan
kemampuan supranatural dan metafisika.


Apalagi jika anda dalam melakukan pernapasan yang berirama, kemudian anda juga
berkomunikasi dengan Sang Pencipta ( TUHAN ), maka hal-hal mujijat akan terjadi.

How are your Heart and Brain connected to God ?

Before exploring the brain's unique role in connecting a human being to what many call
God, it is essential to honor new scientific information about the human heart that identifies
it as the very first connection point between the physical body and its Creator source.

Amazing recent evidence indicates that the heart begins to beat in the unborn fetus even
before the brain is formed so it appears that the heart truly holds primary status as the
initiator of human life. Even so, scientists have yet to discover what causes the human
heart to automatically begin this essential "auto-rhythmic" beating function that grants us
physical existence.

Although previously unknown, neuroscientists have now discovered that there are over 40,000 nerve
cells (neurons) in the heart alone, indicating that the heart has its own independent nervous system
sometimes called "the brain in the heart." In addition, the heart has an electromagnetic energy field
5,000 times greater than that of the brain and this field can be measured with magnetometers up to
10 feet beyond the physical body.

This provides support for the spiritual teachings that indicate we humans have energy fields that
constantly intermingle with each other, enabling healing (or negative) thoughts to be extended and

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Since the heart's energy field is greater than that of the brain's, we presume that feelings and
information sent from the heart to the brain can have a profound effect on the brain's functions,
introducing heightened intuitive clarity and increased feelings of well being. Gratefully, this welcomed
state of balance or coherence between the heart and the brain eliminates stress and permits the
personal condition we have called creativity as well as peace of mind!

Because this powerful coherence starts in each individual's heart rhythms, the heart may be
considered the conduit or vessel through which soulfulness, higher consciousness, or spiritual energies
enter the human being at birth. This scientifically identified condition of heart coherence supports the
teachings of many world religions that state the human heart is the seat of the soul. Spiritual
teachings also suggest that it is humanity's task to join together their individual coherent heart
energies into one unified peaceful heart, one spiritually inspired healing intention.

To begin appreciating more about the brain's role in supporting the heart energy intentions of love,
imagine you are standing in a laboratory where scientists are showing you pictures of a human brain
flashing on and off with speeding neuron impulses lighting up its many regions and innumerable
activities. As you actually observe those uncountable neural light activities in the various brain areas
are you wondering how this human brain was designed to function? Can you imagine that this brain
cooperates with the heart in providing a light link with your Creator? How do you feel as you watch
this mysterious light activity in the brain? Is any part of you wanting to deny and disbelieve what you
are seeing? Or do you feel a growing curiosity to know more about this brain and how it really works?

Do you feel willing to explore the idea that both the heart and the brain were actually created so
humans could always know "their Maker?" Would you want your loving heart and fantastic brain to be
healthy and connected with your Creator during physical life for essential spiritual guidance and

Fortunately, among the many scientific and technical discoveries recently made, there are several
which have helped us identify the major purpose of the brain as a spiritual receptor of light, of God
energy. Newly developing medical fields such as neurobiology, neurochemistry, and neuropsychology
are using technical "imaging" equipment such as PET (positive emission tomography) and SPECT
(single photon emission computed tomography) to identify various regions of the brain, their
activities, and especially those frontal parts of the brain which must develop "God capacity." And must
immediately develop that spiritual capacity during the first critical months and years of childhood
growth! At last science can join spiritual teachings in proving that humans have the capacity through
coherent hearts and proper brain development to attain the mystical expression of feeling love, of
knowing God.

What is absolutely vital to remember is that the soul's energy connection with physical life is not fully
formed at birth and is not fully accessible during the first few years thereafter. When a baby is born,
its brain has just about 50% of the neurological connections it must have as an adult, and this rapid
growth must occur in the next several years. This spiritual capacity must be developed by the
constant infusion of light (heart love) from the mother and family if the brain's normal physical growth
is to be attained. Should this essential "growth fuel" be missing during its early months and years, the
infant's brain development will likely be curtailed by lack of this essential light, or love energy, causing
a variety of serious repercussions.

Scientific reports are announcing that if the frontal lobes of a person's brain are not properly
developed by light and love at a young age then the resulting lack of light will probably cause a
dysfunctional brain with a variety of possible physical, emotional and behavioral problems. This
apparently occurs because the brain contains both more primitive regions from earlier evolutionary
development and more modern additions in the frontal lobes and cortex regions designed to operate
on light. Indeed it is this lack of light that causes disruptions and imbalances in one or many regions
of brain area activity. In recent years, newly created PET and SPECT brain scan equipment have
helped those enlightened doctors dedicated to healing the brain assist individuals with epilepsy,

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Attention Deficit Disorder, injuries, innumerable emotional conditions and much more. Their work also
discourages alcohol and drug abuse in teens and adults by showing images of their negative effects on
the brain. It is also believed that an increased amount of stress, from the chaotic nature of modern
living, creates a toxic brain hormone called cortisol. It is deduced that if high cortisol levels are
maintained in the brain over an extended period, certain critical brain areas can become totally devoid
of neural activity. When neural activity falters, the brain's light activity darkens in the frontal lobes
and there is a decreased ability by the person to control aggression and regulate negative thoughts
and feelings.

It is vital to grasp that the purpose of learning this information about the heart and human brain's
needs for light & love is not to focus on blaming mothers and families whose children are exhibiting
negative behavior and suffering from a lack of connection to their higher consciousness. Rather it is to
finally understand that both the heart and the brain require light & love to attain spiritual connection
to God. This is critically true during a human's infancy phase of physical growth - but also throughout
its adult years thereafter.

Then, with this knowledge that we human beings were created to live with the constant fuel of
light/love during physical life in both our hearts and our brains, we must educate ourselves and do
everything in our power to fulfill our heart's and brains' ability to function properly. Health will be seen
in a different way once scans of the brain's interior condition and functioning reveal any damaged or
unbalanced areas, and new approaches for rehabilitation can be applied. The long-standing question
about whether heredity or environment is the most essential ingredient in human behavior can be
better understood through use of recent discoveries about the heart as well as new tomography scans
and available brain imaging information not known in earlier decades.

Now is the time to profoundly understand what causes the human species to maintain heartfelt ethical
attitudes and positive emotional behaviors and to discern what vital role both play in humanity's
spiritual development. We need to know the pattern from which we human beings were created, our
present evolutionary status, and how we can best express that pattern in physical life. This may be
the designated moment when we can be empowered to improve our loving behavior toward all people,
but especially babies and children. Many creative hearts and minds are needed to discover how we can
correct our present negative personal and societal problems and develop a brighter future in which
every person gains expression of the spiritual nature that is the human hallmark.

In the meantime, those of us with relationships to babies and children can read broadly about the
heart and brain connection, discuss ways of parenting and teaching based on love and on what PET
and SPECT photographs reveal about the brain's incredible design. We can agree to implement
deliberate changes for the good of all. Parents, day care individuals and centers, educators of public
and private schools, home teachers, and every adult who relates to a child, represent an important
link in the sharing of 21st century information about the heart and brain in human life.

We will also be drawn to explore the ways adults who have not had a light enriched heart and brain
experience, themselves, can recover from various neural and electrical imbalances and even the
stress-induced cortisol damage they may have endured. Surely this is the exciting threshold of a new
era in natural healing, at the least, and an enormous spiritual expansion of human consciousness as
we birth new generations of heart centered and brain-healthy children with telepathic and other
unusual abilities.

Yes, this is an incredibly hopeful time! For we already have tools such as meditation and prayer, music
and sound, nature and her innumerable health-giving products from the earth, and the current
positive scientific and technical equipment to assist us. Our challenge now is not merely to stay
informed about these many developments that can aid us, but to use them! And to implement them
both individually and in our local and global community relationships. Peace is the prize. The challenge
is whether we will accept our responsibility and earn this heart-sought prize both for ourselves and for
our children.

______________________________________________________ 81


As names like the Indigo children, the Crystal children, the children of Oz, etc., suggest, our human
evolution is being upgraded by wise and loving souls returning to earth. While heart and brain
exploration continues to enrich our understanding of ourselves as creations of God's design, perhaps
we will finally understand how identical we humans really are in our basic essence and then begin
applying our extraordinary hearts and brains to accept each other as one family.


Association for Prenatal & Perinatal Psychology & Health. has many
books, videos and teaching materials explaining how the baby's brain forms in its early years in
response to the quality of interaction with the mother and other caregivers.

The Biology of Transcendence. Joseph Chilton Pearce, Park Street Press, 2002. (also other titles such
as Crack in the Cosmic Egg and The Magical Child)
Brain Respiration. Dr. Ilchi Lee, Hamptons Road Pub., 2001(?). (peacemaker has 17 books including
Healing Society; online Brain Respiration class,
EMDR: The Breakthrough Therapy for Overcoming Anxiety, Stress and Trauma. Francine Shapiro,
Ph.D. and Margaret Silk Forrest, Basic Books, 1997. The Feeling of What Happens: Body and Emotion
in the Making of Consciousness. Antonio Damasio, Harcourt, 1999.
The First Three Years of Life. Nina R. Lief and others, Southmark Publ., 1997. (Early Childhood
Development Center - N.Y. University - College of Medicine.)
Healing the Hardware of the Soul. Daniel Amen, M.D., Free Press, 2002. … also Healing ADD, the
Breakthrough Program That Allows You to See and Heal the 6 Types of Attention Deficit Disorders,
Putnam, 2001. …also Change Your Brain, Change Your Life: The Breakthrough Program for Conquering
Anxiety, Depression, Obsessiveness, Anger and Impulsiveness, Random House, 1998. *** see for an online video introduction ….. also

The Healing Mind: The Vital Links between Brain & Behavior, Immunity and Disease. Paul Martin,
Ph.D., St. Martin's Press, 1997.

The Heart Math Solution. Doc Childre, Howard Martin, et al, Harper, S.F., CA, 1999.
How to Know God: The Soul's Journey into the Mystery of Mysteries. Deepak Chopra, M.D., Random
House, 2000. (& many other titles about spiritual topics.)
Molecules of Emotion: Why You Feel the Way You Feel. Candace B. Pert, Ph.D. Scribner, 1997.
Pioneering research on how chemicals inside our body link mind/body.
The Power of Light. Joel Achenbach & photographer Joe McNally, National Geographic Magazine,
october, 2001, pages 7-29.

The Soul of the Child: Nurturing the Divine Identity of Our Children. Michael Gurian, Atria Books,
002. (& other titles.) A Symphony in the Brain: The Evolution of the New Brainwave Biofeedback. Jim
Robbins, Atlantic Monthly Press, 2000.
What's Going on in There? How the Brain and Mind Develop in the First Five Years of Life. Lise Eliot,
Ph.D., Bantam Books, 1999.
Why God Won't Go Away: Brain Science & the Biology of Belief. Andrew Newberg, M.D., Eugene
D'Aquili, M.D., and Vince Rause, Ballentine Publishing Co., 2001.

______________________________________________________ 82




Kembali ketulisan sebelumnya, mengenai gelombang-gelombang atau getaran pusat syaraf

(otak), maka dapat disimpulkan sebagai berikut :

Ada 5 tingkatan gelombang pusat syaraf (otak) yaitu :

1. Delta ( 0.1 ~ 3 hz )
2. Theta ( 4 ~ 8 hz )
3. Alpha ( 8 ~ 12 Hz )
4. Beta ( diatas 12 Hz ) yang dapat dibagi menjadi
- Low beta ( 12 ~ 15 Hz )
- Midrange Beta ( 15 ~ 18 Hz )
- High Beta ( diatas 18 Hz )
5. Gamma ( 36 ~ 44 Hz )


Brain Wave Entrainement Frequencies

Beta - 12hz to 38hz

Wide awake. This is the state you are normally in from the moment you wake up to the
time you go to sleep at night. Usually, this state in itself is uneventful, but don't
underestimate its importance. Entraining SMR and Beta 1 in particular can be extremely
beneficial to people with mental or emotional disorders such as insomnia, depression or
ADD. This band can also be used for increasing focus or even IQ!

SMR (sensorimotor rhythm) (12 - 15Hz): Related to body motion. Increasing this can result
in relaxed focus, improved attentive abilities. Generally a good thing to increase.
Beta 1 (15 - 20 Hz) - Can increase mental abilities, IQ, focus
Beta 2 (20 - 38Hz) - Highly alert, but also anxious

Alpha - 8hz to 12hz

Awake but relaxed and not processing much information. When you get up in the morning
and just before sleep, you are naturally in this state. When you close your eyes your brain
automatically starts producing more Alpha waves.

Alpha is usually the goal of experienced mediators, but to enter it using this program is
incredibly easy. You can also use this state for effective self-hypnosis and mental re-

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Theta - 3hz to 8hz

REM sleep or extreme relaxation. Lucid dreaming and OBEs can also occur at this state.
Other "weird" and often "paranormal" experiences have been reported while in or very near
the Theta state.

Theta can also be used for hypnosis, accelerated learning and mental programming (using
pre-recorded suggestions).

Theta 1 - (3 - 5 Hz) If suppressed, can improve concentration and ability to focus attention.
Generally not a good thing to increase. Theta 2 - (5 - 8 Hz) Very relaxed and dreamful
sleep. Life-Transforming, paranormal, and spiritual experiences are most common at this

Delta - 0.2hz to 3hz

Deep, dreamless sleep. Delta is the slowest band of brainwaves. When your dominant
brainwave is Delta, your body is healing itself and "resetting" its internal clocks. You do not
dream in this state and are completely unconscious. Entrainment of the brain at this level is
all but impossible. Most of the time, people wishing to enter Delta will have to settle for
deep Theta and hope than their mind "drifts" down into Delta on its own.

deep sleep, lucid dreaming, increased immune

Delta 0.1 - 3 Hz
functions, hypnosis
deep relaxation, meditation, increased memory,
Theta 3 - 8 Hz focus, creativity, lucid dreaming, hypnagogic
Alpha 8 - 12 Hz light relaxation, "super learning", positive thinking
Low Beta 12 - 15 Hz relaxed focus, improved attentive abilities
Midrange Beta 15 - 18 Hz increase mental ability, focus, alertness, IQ
fully awake, normal state of alertness, stress and
High Beta above 18 Hz
associated with information-rich task processing
Gamma 40 Hz
and high-level information processing

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Some Suggested Uses

Relaxation between 5hz and 10hz for different levels of relaxation

between 4hz and 7hz, either cycle between a few, or stay at a
particular frequency for different results
between 4hz and 6hz for starters, then go into frequencies below
Induce Sleep
3.5hz, settling on about 1.5hz to 2.5hz for sleep
Creative Visualization about 6hz for a while, then up to 10hz works well
Stress Reduction any use of frequencies below 11hz will reduce stress
about 8hz to 10hz while playing any self-hypnosis tape, or guided
Self Hypnosis
about 7hz to 9hz while playing any learning tapes, like foreign
Super Learning
language tapes, etc. to increase comprehension
Subliminal Programming 5hz to 7hz while playing your favorite subliminal tapes
Improve ESP / Intuition Theta frequencies help in this area, 4hz to 7hz
Reaching Higher States of
Theta again, with daily half hour sessions
Quick Refresher on long
low Alpha 8hz to 10hz for 15 minutes works well

______________________________________________________ 85



LAMPIRAN 1. Gelombang – gelombang elektromaknetik
Electronics : Frequency Spectrum Properties of Waves
• A wave is an oscillation that looks like a sine wave. The peak is the high point of the wave. Amplitude is
the height of the peak. The difference between two peaks is a wavelength. Period is the time it takes a
wavelength to pass by a point in space. Frequency is the number of waves that pass by in a second.

• Black bodies - A cavity that absorbs all radiation and emits radiation at a specific frequency.

• Resonant cavities - A cavity that allows standing waves of a specific frequency.

Focus on the bandwidth involved in sound and how well sound travels across the earth. Since people can relate to
sound it makes understanding light much easier,sound waves are affected by temperature, in water sound waves
travel faster due to particles being more compressed.

dB scale
Pressure based measured in dB
A Bel means ten times as much. A deciBel (dB) is a tenth of a Bel. 3 dB is about doubling of intensity.
dB sound
30 whisper

120 jet engine

Infrasound: < 20 Hz
sound travels the earth so it can be used to detect nuclear blasts and allows whales to communicate for 10,000 miles
(sound channel).
can be greater than >120 dB is intensity but not heard by people. associated with avalanches, earthquakes,
volcanoes, meteors, the earth groansing, rock concerts, and pipe organs. Intensifies emotions. Infrasound has some
really warped effects on society. sound that travels the earth often >120 dB is intensity.
If heard would be a large rumble as loud as a jet engine or gunfire. associated with avalanches, earthquakes,
volcanoes, and meteors.
At rock concerts they play infrasound. This intensifies emotions. This is one possible reason why people play loud
Attraction of pipe organs.
In addition the earth groans. Anyone know the mythological significance of the cry of the earth?
used by whales to communicate as the waves can travel 10,000 miles.
Infrasound appears to heighten emotions and make people nervous and thus has an association with the supernatural
such as haunted houses. Since people are emotionally attached to the deceased and go to where they died, when you
combine it with infrasound which is associated with chills, is this an explaination for ghosts?
One of the stranger uses of infrasound involves combining an ancient chamber that resonates infrasound with mind
altering drugs to induce visions and out of body experiences.

______________________________________________________ 86



sound: 20-20,000 Hz
opera singer speech Normal human hearing (20-100)-20,000 Hz Older human hearing 20-15,000 Hz
sound formats MP3 up to 16 kHz Ogg, AAC up to 20 kHz
As people age they lose the ability to hear high frequencies. From 20 kHz to 15 kHz. sonar 50 kHz, 192-200 kHz
dolphins 1-164 kHz bats 20 - 115 kHz whale 30-8000 Hz music 55 Hz - 3500 Hz phone 30-3000 Hz

Ultrasound: > 20 kHz

Unable to be heard by people, but can be heard by dogs and dolphins. Used to clean, shatter glass, and scan
expectant mothers 20-40 kHz: supersonic cleaners

photons are emitted by a black body. Talk about energy of photons and how far they penetrate regulated by ITU In
the US, the allocation of these bands is managed by the FCC Federal Standard 1037C and MIL-STD-188. The VLA
telescope array can resolve a &lambda of 8,xxx Hz

Radio Waves < 3 GHz

(ELF) Extremely low frequency: < 300 Hz

ELF is used by the US Navy to communicate with submerged submarines. The extremely high electrical
conductivity of seawater shields submarines from most electromagnetic communications. Signals in the ELF
frequency range, however, can penetrate much more deeply. The low transmission rate of most ELF
communications limits their use as communications channels; generally an ELF signal serves to request that a
submarine surface and initiate some other form of contact.
One of the difficulties posed when broadcasting in the ELF frequency range is antenna size. In order to transmit
internationally using ELF frequencies, an extremely large antenna is required. The US maintains two sites, in
Wisconsin and Michigan. Both sites use long power lines as antennae, in multiple strands ranging from 14 to 28
miles long. Considerable amounts of power are generated and emitted by ELF, and there have been some concerns
over the possible ecological impact of such signals.
See also: TACAMO, HAARP, List of initialisms,
Starting at 7.8 Hz there is the Schumann resonance, which is due to the space between the surface of the Earth and
the ionosphere. It acts as a resonant cavity fueled by energy from lightning strikes. Serial Experiments Lain had the
idea that the Schumann resonance could be a carrier for a collective consciousness.

(VF) Voice frequency: 300-3000 Hz

voice band. Used to transmit speech. Allocated for telephone. Voice frequency varies from 300-3400 Hz. 4 kHz
allocated for for a single voice-frequency including guard bands.

(VLF) Very Low Frequency: 3-30 kHz

Very Low Frequency or VLF refers to Radio Frequencies (RF) in the range of 3 - 30 kHz. Since there is not much
space in this band of the spectrum, only the very simplest signals are used, such as for radionavigation. Many natural
radio emissions, such as whistlers, can be heard in this band.
Because VLF can penetrate water to a depth of 20 meters, they are used to communicate with submarines.
Lightning generates low frequency radio waves called whistlers. Whistlers have been recieved from Jupiter showing
the presence of lightning there.
The dawn chorus is an unexplained electromagnetic phenomenon that occurs most often at sunrise or shortly after,
that (with the proper radio equipment) resembles the sound of a massive flock of birds. It is thought to be caused by
high-energy electrons that get caught in the Van Allen radiation belts of the Earth's magnetosphere and fall to the
Earth's surface in the form of audible radio waves. Dawn choruses occur more frequently during magnetic storms.
This phenomenon also occurs during aurorae, when it is termed an auroral chorus.

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(LF) Low Frequency: 30-300 kHz
Low Frequency or LF (sometimes called longwave) refers to Radio Frequencies (RF) in the range of 30-300 kHz. In
Europe, part of the LF spectrum is used for AM broadcast service. In the western hemisphere, its main use is for
aircraft beacon, navigation, information, and weather systems pass through ionosphere can penetrate oceans to 200
meters, Long wave is 144 - 351 kHz in Europe, Africa, and Asia. In the Americas, this band is reserved for
aeronautical navigation. Longwave radio frequencies are those below 500 kHz, which correspond to wavelengths
longer than 600 meters. They have the property of following the curvature of the earth, making them ideal for
continuous, continental communications. Unlike shortwave radio, longwave signals do not reflect nor refract using
the ionosphere, so there are fewer phase-caused fadeouts.

In Europe, North Africa and Asia, longwave radio frequencies between 153 and 281 kHz are used for domestic and
international broadcasting. In the Americas, frequencies between 200 and 430 kHz are used for non-directional radio

The frequency of 60 kHz is used by several nations, such as the United States, Germany, England, and Japan, for
extremely accurate time and precision frequency signals. Many commercial appliances sold since approximately
2000 have a VLF receiver capable of receiving these signals, which penetrate indoors more effectively than
mediumwave or shortwave signals.
Radio signals below 50 kHz are capable of penetrating ocean depths to approximately 200 meters. The United
States, Russian, British, Swedish, and Indian navies communicate with submarines on these frequencies.
Longwave transmitting antennas take up large amounts of space, and have been the cause of controversy in the
United States and Europe due to fears over proximity to high-power radio waves.

(MF) Medium Frequency: 300-3000 kHz

(AM) Amplitude Modulation radio if from 530 - 1,700 kHz. Also known as medium wave. Was big from 1900's-
AM radio technology is simpler than other types of radio, such as FM radio and DAB. An AM receiver detects the
power of the radio wave, and amplifies changes in the power measurement to drive a speaker or earphones. The
earliest crystal radio receivers used this principle.
AM radio was used for small scale voice and music broadcasts before World War I. The great increase in the use of
AM radio came the following decade. The first commercial radio services began on AM in the 1920s. Radio
programming boomed during the "Golden Age of Radio." Dramas, comedy and all other forms of
entertainment were produced, as well as broadcasts of news and music.
Medium wave is by far the most used for commercial radio broadcasting; this is the "AM radio" that most people are
familiar with.
For the long and medium wave bands, the wavelength is long enough that the wave diffracts around the curve of the
Earth by ground wave propagation, giving AM radio, in particular long wave and medium wave at night, a long
Short wave is used by radio services intended to be heard great distances away from the transmitting station; the far
range of short wave broadcasts comes at the expense of lower audio fidelity. The mode of propagation for short
wave is different, see High frequency. AM is used mostly for broadcast uses - other shortwave users may use a
modified version of AM such as SSB or an AM-compatible version of SSB such as SSB with carrier reinserted.
Frequencies between the broadcast bands are used for other forms of radio communication, such as baby monitors,
walkie talkies, cordless telephones, radio control, amateur radio etc.

(HF) High Frequency: 3-30 MHz

High frequency (HF) radio frequencies are between 3 and 30 MHz. This range is often called shortwave.
Short wave is 1,700 - 30,000 kHz, divided into 14/15 "broadcast bands".
Since the ionosphere often reflects HF radio waves quite well, this range is extensively used for medium and long
range terrestrial radio communication. However, suitability of this portion of the spectrum for such communication
varies greatly with a complex combination of factors:

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* Sunlight/darkness at site of transmission and reception
* Transmitter/receiver proximity to terminator
* Season
* Sunspot cycle
* Solar activity
* Polar aurora
* Maximum usable frequency
* Lowest usable frequency
* Frequency of operation within the HF range
HF is often used for continuous wave morse code transmissions.
See also: VHF, AM radio, Radio propagation
Shortwave radio operates between the frequencies of 3000 kHz and 30 MHz (30,000 kHz) and came to be referred
to as such in the early days of radio because the wavelengths associated with this frequency range were shorter than
those commonly in use at that time. An alternate name is HF, or high frequency.
Short wavelengths are associated with high frequencies because there is an inverse relationship between frequency
and wavelength.
Shortwave frequencies are capable of reaching the other side of the planet by bouncing a signal off the ionosphere.
The selection of a frequency to use to reach a target area depends on several factors:
* The distance from the transmitter to the target receiver
* Time of day. During the day, higher shortwave frequencies (> 10 MHz) can travel longer distances than lower;
at night, this property is reversed.
* Season of the year.
* Solar conditions, including the number of sunspots, solar flares, and overall solar activity. Solar flares can
prevent the ionosphere from reflecting or refracting radio waves.
Some major users of the shortwave radio band include:
* Domestic broadcasting in countries with a widely-dispersed population with few longwave, mediumwave or FM
stations serving them
* International broadcasting to foreign audiences
* Utility stations transmitting messages not intended for a general public, such as aircraft flying between
continents, encoded or ciphered diplomatic messages, weather reporting, or ships at sea
* Amateur radio operators
* Time signal stations
The Asia-Pacific Telecommunity estimates that there are approximately 600,000,000 shortwave radio receivers in
use in 2002.
The World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC), organized under the auspices of the International
Telecommunications Union, allocates bands for various services in conferences every few years. The next WRC is
scheduled to take place in 2007. At the World Administrative Radio Conference (WARC) in 1997, the following
bands were allocated to international broadcasters:

5,900-5,950 kHz
7,300-7,350 kHz (7,100-7,350 kHz outside of the Americas)
9,400-9,500 kHz
11,600-11,650 kHz
12,050-12,100 kHz
13,570-13,600 kHz
13,800-13,870 kHz
15,600-15,800 kHz
17,480-17,550 kHz
18,900-19,020 kHz

Shortwave broadcasting channels are allocated with a 5 kHz separation. International broadcasters, however, may
operate outside the normal WARC-allocated bands or use off-channel frequencies to attract attention in crowded

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The power used by shortwave transmitters ranges from less than one watt for some experimental transmissions to
500 kilowatts and highter for intercontinental broadcasters. Shortwave transmitting centers often use specialized
antenna designs to concentrate radio energy on a bearing aimed at the target area.
Table of contents [showhide] 1 International broadcasting 2 Amateur radio 3 Shortwave listening 4 Numbers
5 Shortwave radio: the future 1 Shortwave Broadcasts and Music
International broadcasting
See International broadcasting for details on the history and practice of broadcasting to foreign audiences.
Amateur radio
The privilege of operating shortwave radio transmitters for non-commercial purposes is open to licensed amateurs.
In the USA, they are licensed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). U.S. citizens do not need
licenses to own or operate shortwave receivers. Recently the FCC has added an amateur radio license which requires
no knowledge of Morse code, making it easier for beginners to get involved; however, a working knowledge of
Morse code is required to operate on shortwave bands.
Amateur radio operators have made numerous technical advancements in the field of radio and make themselves
available to transmit emergency communications when normal communications channels fail. Some amateurs
practice operating off the power grid so as to be prepared for power loss.
Shortwave listening
Many hobbyists listen to shortwave broadcasters without operating transmitters. In many cases, the goal is to obtain
as many stations from as many countries as possible (DXing); others listen to specialized shortwave utility, or "ute",
transmissions such as maritime, naval, aviation, or military signals. Others focus on intelligence signals.
Shortwave listeners, or SWLs, can obtain "QSL" cards from broadcasters or utility stations as trophies of the hobby.
Numbers Stations
Numbers stations are shortwave radio stations of uncertain origin that broadcast streams of numbers, words, or
phonetic sounds. Although officially there is no indication of their origin, radio hobbyists have determined that
many of them are used by intelligence services as one-way communication to agents in other countries.
Shortwave radio: the future
The development of direct broadcasts from satellites has reduced the demand for shortwave receivers, but there are
still a great number of shortwave broadcasters. A new digital radio technology, Digital Radio Mondiale, is expected
to improve the quality of shortwave audio from very poor to standards comparable to the FM broadcast band. The
future of shortwave radio is threatened by the uprise of power line communication (PLC), where a data stream is
transmitted over unshielded power lines. As the frequencies used overlap with the shortwave bands severe
distortions make listening to shortwave radio near power lines difficult or impossible.
Shortwave Broadcasts and Music
Some musicians have been attracted to the unique aural qualities of shortwave radio. John Cage employed
shortwave radios as live instruments in a number of pieces, and other musicians have sampled broadcasts, used tape
loops of broadcasts, or drawn inspiration from the unusual sounds on some frequencies. Karlheinz Stockhausen used
shortwave radio in works including Telemusik (1966), Hymnen (1966-67) and Spiral (1968), and Holger Czukay,
Pat Metheny, Aphex Twin, Meat Beat Manifesto, and Wilco have also used broadcasts.

(VHF) Very High Frequency: 30-300 MHz/10-1 m

Common uses for VHF are FM radio broadcast at 88-108 MHz and television broadcast (together with UHF). VHF
is also commonly used for terrestrial navigation systems (VOR in particular) and aircraft communications.
UHF and VHF are the most common frequency bands for television.
VHF frequencies' propagation characteristics are ideal for short-distance terrestrial communication. Unlike HF
frequencies, the ionosphere does not usually reflect VHF radio and thus transmissions are restricted to the local area
(and can't interfere with transmissions thousands of kilometres away) It is also less affected by atmospheric noise
and interference from electrical equipment than low frequencies. Whilst it is more easily blocked by land features
than HF and lower frequencies, it is less bothered by buildings and other less substantial objects than higher
frequencies. It was also easier to construct efficient transmitters, receivers, and antennas for it in the earlier days of
radio. In most countries, the VHF spectrum is used for broadcast audio and television, as well as commercial two-
way radios (such as that operated by taxis and police), marine two-way audio communications, and aircraft radios.

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The large slice of technically and commercially valuable slice of the VHF spectrum taken up by television
transmission has attracted the attention of many companies and governments recently, with the development of more
efficient digital television broadcasting standards. In some countries much of this spectrum will likely become
available (probably for sale) in the next decade or so (currently scheduled for 2008 in the United States).
In the United Kingdom, the authorities chose to develop colour television exclusively on UHF, beginning in the late
1960s. The last British VHF TV transmitters closed down in 1986. VHF band III is now used in the UK for digital
audio broadcasting.
FM been around since 1940
42-50 MHz Pre WWII allocation of FM 1940 88-106 MHz Post WWII allocation of FM 1945
FM stereo technology
New technology was added to FM radio in the early 1960s to allow FM stereo transmissions, where the frequency
modulated radio signal is used to carry stereophonic sound, using the pilot-tone multiplex system.
This multiplexes the left and right audio signal channels in a manner that is compatible with mono sound, using a
sum-and-difference technique to produce a single "mono-compatible" signal, which has a baseband part that is equal
to the sum of the left and right channels (L+R), and a higher-frequency part that is the difference of the left and right
channels (L-R) amplitude modulated on a 38 kHz subcarrier. A 19 kHz pilot tone is then added, to allow allow
receivers to detect the presence of a stereo-encoded signal.
This signal can then be passed through the FM modulation and demodulation process as if it was a monophonic
signal, and the stereo signals extracted from the demodulated FM signal by reversing the multiplexing process.
Simple mono FM receivers will not extract the left and right signals, but simply reproduce the baseband part of the
"mono-compatible" signal. (This relies on the fact that the subcarrier-modulated part of the mono-compatible signal
is in a part of the audio spectrum that is inaudible to people, and the pilot tone is a low-intensity tone in a part of the
audio spectrum that is inaudible to most people).
This backwards compatibility was important, as when the FM stereo system was introduced in the U.S. in the 1960s,
mono FM transmissions had been in service since the 1940s, and there was a large installed base of mono receivers
that needed to be able to receive stereo broadcasts without any modification.
Stereo receivers could automatically switch between "mono" and "stereo" modes based on the presence of the pilot
tone. They were also equipped with a notch filter to remove the pilot tone. In poor signal conditions, stereo receivers
could also fall back to mono mode, even on a stereo signal, allowing improved signal-to-noise performance in these
The stereo multiplexing system has been further extended to add an extra, even higher frequency, 57 kHz subcarrier,
which is used to carry low-bandwidth digital Radio Data System information, allowing digitally controlled radios to
provide extra features.
FM radio channel assignments in the US
In the United States, frequency-modulated broadcasting stations operate in a frequency band extending from 87.8
MHz to 108.0 MHz, for a total of 20.2 MHz. It is divided into 100 channels, each 0.2 MHz wide, designated
"channel 200" through "channel 300."
To receive a station, an FM receiver is tuned to the center frequency of the station's channel. The lowest channel,
channel 200, extends from 87.8 MHz to 88.0 MHz; thus its center frequency is 87.9 MHz. Channel 201 has a center
frequency of 88.1 MHz, and so on, up to channel 300, which extends from 107.8 to 108.0 MHz and has a center
frequency of 107.9 MHz.
Because each channel is 0.2 MHz wide, the center frequencies of adjacent channels differ by 0.2 MHz. Because the
lowest channel is centered on 87.9 MHz the tenths digit of the center frequency of any FM station in the United
States is always an odd number. FM audio for television channel 6 is broadcast at a carrier frequency of 87.75 MHz,
and many radios can tune down this low; a few low-power television stations licensed for channel 6 are operated
solely for their right to use this frequency and broadcast only nominal video programming. For the same reason,
assignment restrictions between TV stations on channel 6 and nearby FM stations are stringent: there are only two
stations in the United States (KSFH and translator K200AA) licensed to operate on 87.9 MHz.

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FM stations in a market are generally spaced four channels (800 kHz) apart. This spacing was developed in response
to problems perceived on the original FM band, mostly due to deficiencies in receiver technology of the time. With
modern equipment, this is widely understood to be unnecessary, and in many countries shorter spacings are used.
Other spacing restrictions relate to mixing products with nearby television, air-traffic control, and two-way radio
systems as well as other FM broadcast stations. The most significant such taboo restricts the allocation of stations
10.6 and 10.8 MHz apart, to protect against mixing products which will interfere with an FM receiver's standard
10.7 MHz intermediate frequency stage.
Commercial broadcasting is licensed only on channels 221 through 300, with 200 through 220 being reserved for
noncommercial educational broadcasting. In some markets close to the Canadian or Mexican border, such as
Detroit, Michigan and San Diego, California, commercial stations operating from those countries target U.S.
audiences on "reserved band" channels, as neither Canada nor Mexico has such a reservation.
Mazer = microwave

(UHF) Ultra High Frequency: 300-3000 MHz/100-10 cm

UHF and VHF are the most common frequency bands for television.
UHF frequencies have higher attenuation from atmospheric moisture and benefit less from 'bounce', or the reflection
of signals off the ionosphere back to earth, when compared to VHF frequencies. The frequencies of 300-3000 MHz
are always at least an order of magnitude above the MUF (Maximum Useable Frequency). The MUF for most of the
earth is generally between 25-35 MHz. Higher frequencies also benefit less from ground mode transmission.
However, the short wavelengths of UHF frequencies allow compact receiving antennas with narrow elements; many
people consider them less ugly than VHF-receiving models
In the United States, UHF stations (broadcast channels above 13) originally gained a reputation for being more
locally owned, less polished, less professional, less popular, and for having a weaker signal than their VHF
counterparts (channels 2-13). The movie UHF, starring Weird Al Yankovic, parodies this phenomenon. Recently,
with the emergence of eight major broadcast television networks, that notion has changed as bigger and bigger
media companies seek a bigger slice of the television pie. Many Fox, UPN, WB, and Pax network affiliates
broadcast in the UHF band.
As cable television, digital television, and DSS have penetrated the television market, the distinction between VHF
and UHF stations has dissipated.
In Australia, UHF was first anticipated in the mid 1970's with channels 28 to 69. The first UHF TV broadcasts in
Australia were operated by Special Broadcasting Service (SBS) on channel 28 in Sydney and Melbourne starting in
1980, and translator stations for the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC). The UHF band is now used
extensively as ABC, SBS, commercial and community (public access) television services have expanded
particularly through regional areas.
Ultra High Frequency A band reserved for television.

Microwave 3-300 GHz/100-1 mm

(SHF) Super High Frequency: 3-30 GHz/10-1 cm

Note: above 300 GHz, the absorption of electromagnetic radiation by Earth's atmosphere is so great that the
atmosphere is effectively opaque to higher frequencies of electromagnetic radiation, until the atmosphere becomes
transparent again in the so-called infrared and optical window frequency ranges.
A microwave oven uses a magnetron microwave generator to produce microwaves at a frequency of approximately
2.4 GHz for the purpose of cooking food. Microwaves cook food by causing molecules of water and other
compounds to vibrate. The vibration creates heat which warms the food. Since organic matter is made up primarily
of water, food is easily cooked by this method.

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A maser is a device similar to a laser, except that it works at microwave frequencies. Microwaves are also used in
satellite transmissions because this frequency passes easily through the earth's atmosphere with less interference
than higher wavelengths.
Radar also uses microwave radiation to detect the range, speed, and other characteristics of remote objects.
Wireless LAN communication protocols such as IEEE 802.11 and bluetooth also use microwaves in the 2.4 GHz
ISM band, although some variants use a 5 GHz band for communication.
Cable TV and Internet access on coax cable as well as broadcast television use some of the lower microwave
Microwaves can be used to transmit power over long distances, create a solar array to beam power to earth.
The microwave spectrum is defined as electromagnetic energy ranging from approximately 300 MHz to 1000 GHz
in frequency. Most common applications are within the 1 to 40 GHz range.
Microwave Frequency Bands are defined in the table below:
L Band 1 to 2 GHz S Band 2 to 4 GHz C Band 4 to 8 GHz X Band 8 to 12 GHz Ku Band 12 to 18 GHz K Band 18
to 26 GHz Ka Band 26 to 40 GHz Q Band 30 to 50 GHz U Band 40 to 60 GHz V Band 46 to 56 GHz W Band 56 to
100 GHz
For some of the history in the development of electromagnetic theory applicable to modern microwave applications
see the following figures:
* Michael Faraday.
* James Clerk Maxwell.
* Heinrich Hertz.
* Nikola Tesla.
* Guglielmo Marconi.
* Samuel Morse.
* Sir William Thomson, later Lord Kelvin.
* Oliver Heaviside.
* Lord Rayleigh.
* Oliver Lodge.
Specific significant areas of research and work developing microwaves and their applications:
Specific work on microwaves Work carried out by Area of work Barkhausen and Kurz Positive grid oscillators Hull
Smooth bore magnetron Varian Brothers Velocity modulated electron beam V klystron tube Randall and Boot
Cavity magnetron
See also:
* Home appliances.
* Microwave auditory effect.
* Radio.
* Optics.
The Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation that fills the whole of the
universe. It has the characteristics of black body radiation at a temperature of 2.726 kelvins. It has a frequency in the
microwave range.
CMR and the Big Bang
This radiation is regarded as the best available evidence of the Big Bang (BB) theory and its discovery in the mid-
1960s marked the end of general interest for alternatives such as the steady state theory. The CMR gives a snapshot
of the Universe when, according to standard cosmology, the temperature dropped enough to allow electrons and
protons to form hydrogen atoms, thus making the universe transparent to radiation. When it originated some 300,000
years after the Big Bang -- this point in time is generally known as the "last scattering surface" -- the temperature of
the Universe was about 6000 K. Since then it has dropped because of the expansion of the Universe, which cools
radiation inversely proportional to the fourth power of the Universe's scale length.

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One of the microwave background's most salient features is a high degree of isotropy. There are some anisotropies,
the most pronounced of which is the dipole anisotropy at a level of about 10-4 at a scale of 180 degrees of arc. It is
due to the motion of the observer against the CBR, which is some 700 km/s for the Earth.
Variations due to external physics also exist; the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect is one of the major factors here, in
which an cloud of high energy electrons scatters the radiation transferring some energy to the CMB photons.
Even more interesting are anisotropies at a level of roughly 1/100000 and on a scale of a few arc minutes. Those
very small variations correspond to the density fluctuations at the last scattering surface and give valuable
information about the seeds for the large scale structures we observe now. These density fluctations arise because
different parts of the universe are not in contact with each other.
In addition, the Sachs-Wolfe effect causes photons from the Cosmic microwave background to be gravitationally
redshifted. These small-scale variations give observational constraints on the properties of universe, and are
therefore one important test for cosmological models.
Detection, Prediction and Discovery
The CBR was predicted by George Gamow, Ralph Alpher, and Robert Hermann in the 1940s and was accidentally
discovered in 1964 by Penzias and Wilson, who received a Nobel Prize for this discovery. The CBR had, however,
been detected and its temperature deduced in 1941, seven years before Gamow's prediction. Based on the study of
narrow absorption line features in the spectra of stars, the astronomer Andrew McKellar wrote: "It can be calculated
that the 'rotational' temperature of interstellar space is 2 K."
Because water absorbs microwave radiation, a fact that is used to build microwave ovens, it is rather difficult to
observe the CMB with ground-based instruments. CMB research therefore makes increasing use of air and space-
borne experiments.
Of these experiments, the Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE) satellite that was flown in 1989-1996 is probably
the most famous and which made the first detection of the large scale anisotropies (other than the dipole). In June
2001, NASA launched a second CBR space mission, WMAP, to make detailed measurements of the anisotropies
over the full sky. Results from this mission provide a detailed measurement of the angular power spectrum down to
degree scales, giving detailed constraints on various cosmological parameters. The results are broadly consistent
with those expected from cosmic inflation as well as various other competing theories, and are available in detail at
NASA's data center for Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) [ed. see links below],
A third space mission, Planck, is to be launched in 2007. Unlike the previous two space missions, Planck is a
collaboration between NASA and ESA (the European Space Agency).
CBR and Non-Standard Cosmologies
During the mid-1990's, the lack of detection of anisotropies in the CBR led to some interest in nonstandard
cosmologies (such as plasma cosmology) mostly as a backup in case detectors failed to find anisotropy in the CBR.
The discovery of these anisotropies combined with a large amount of new data coming in has greatly reduced
interest in these alternative theories.
Some supporters of non-standard cosmology argue that the primodorial background radiation is uniform (which is
inconsistent with the big bang) and that the variations in the CBR are due to the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect
mentioned above (among other effects).

(EHF) Extremely High Frequency: 30-300 GHz/10-1 mm

(IR) Infared 1 mm-700 nm

Note: above 300 GHz, the absorption of electromagnetic radiation by Earth's atmosphere is so great that the
atmosphere is effectively opaque to higher frequencies of electromagnetic radiation, until the atmosphere becomes
transparent again in the so-called infrared and optical window frequency ranges.
Infra-red means below red, where red is the color with the longest wavelength.
(FIR) far-IR (30-1000 Xm)

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(MIR/IIR) mid-IR (5-30 Xm) - Infrared radiation is often linked to heat, since objects at room temperature or above
will emit radiation mostly concentrated in the mid-infrared band (see black body).
(NIR) near-IR (0.7-5 Xm)
However, these terms are not precise, and are used differently in various studies.
Uses Infrared is used in night-vision equipment, when there is insufficient visible light to see an object. The
radiation is detected and turned into an image on a screen, hotter objects showing up brighter, enabling the police
and military to chase targets. "Night vision"
Smoke is more transparent to infrared than to visible light, so fire fighters use infrared imaging equipment when
working in smoke-filled areas. Fire fighters also use this equipment in wood-frame buildings after a fire has been
extinguished to look for hot spots behind the walls, where a fire can break out again.
A more common use of IR is in television remote controls. In this case it is used in preference to radio waves
because it does not interfere with the television signal. IR data transmission is also employed in short-range
communication among computer peripherals and personal digital assistants. These devices usually conform to
standards published by IrDA, the Infrared Data Association. Remote controls and IrDA devices use infrared light-
emitting diodes (LEDs) to emit infrared radiation which is focused by a plastic lens into a narrow beam. The beam is
modulated, i.e. switched on and off, to encode the data. The receiver uses a silicon photodiode to convert the
infrared radiation to an electric current. It responds only to the rapidly pulsing signal created by the transmitter, and
filters out slowly changing infrared radiation from sunlight, people and other warm objects.
The light used in fiber optic communication is typically infrared.
heat based
not really. EM waves are constantly being emitted by objects, black-body radiation, but the frequency depends on
temperature. for room temperature objects and humans, it is mostly below light in the infrared, but for things like
fires and red hot iron, it is in the light spectrum more, and for colder and hotter objects it is at different frequencies.
how about this, anything that has at least as much energy as infared will warm things up. Anything that has less will
not warm atoms up.
Global Warming Carbon Dioxide absorbs certain wavlengths of infared light. This is thought to cause global
1 PetaHz 1015 Hz
Visible light exists on the tip end of infared and just below it is UV. Basically you can almost get a sunburn from
visible light.
The optical spectrum (visible light or visible spectrum) is the portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that is visible
to the human eye. The optical spectrum is a composite, or mixture, of the various colors.
There are no exact bounds to the optical spectrum ; a light-adapted eye typically has a maximum sensitivity of ~555
nm (in the green). Commonly the response of the eye is considered to cover 380 nm to 780 nm although a range of
400 nm to 700 nm range is more common. The eye may, however, have some visual response at even wider
wavelength ranges.
Wavelengths in the range visible to the eye occupy most of the "optical window", a range of wavelengths that are
easily transmitted through the Earth's atmosphere.
Note: Ultraviolet and Infrared are often considered to be "light" but are generally not visible to the human eye.
Visible Light
Visible light is electromagnetic radiation that is made of colors of light that the eye can see. This light has
wavelengths that are generally expressed in nanometers.
See Rydberg formula.
Vision Rods and cones
People see red, yellow, green, blue and purple
People don't notice the difference because red and purple both have a low intensity.
purple is cut off because the atmosphere absorbs it.
light bulbs

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(UV) UltraViolet
Ultra-Violet means beyond violet, where violet is the color with the shortest wavelength.
It is colloquially called black light, as it is invisible to the human eye.
The sun emits ultraviolet light in the UV-A, UV-B, and UV-C bands
380-200 nm near UV
380-315 nm UV-A 99% of the UV light that reaches the Earth's surface.
315-280 nm UV-B Associated with skin cancer.
280-10 nm UV-C Absorbed by ozone layer, creates ozone layer.
200-10 nm vacuum/extreme UV
Ordinary glass is transparent to UV-A but is opaque to shorter wavelengths. This is why people don't get sunburns in
cars. During the first nuclear blast, Feynman was the only person who saw it because he looked through a window.
Quartz glass, depending on quality, can be transparent even to vacuum UV wavelengths.

Table of contents [showhide] 1 Health effects 2 Astronomy 3 Uses 3.1 Fluorescent lamps 3.2 Disinfecting drinking
water 3.3 Analyzing minerals 3.4 Sterilization 3.5 Resolution 3.6 Spectroscopy 3.7 Photolithography 3.8 Other 4
Health effects
In general, UV-A is the least harmful, but can contribute to the aging of skin, DNA damage and possibly skin
cancer. It penetrates deeply and does not cause sun burn. Because it does not cause reddenning of the skin
(erythema) it can not be measured in the SPF testing. There is no good clinical measurement of the blocking of UVA
radiation, but it is important that your sunscreen block both UVA and UVB.
High intensities of UV-B light are hazardous to the eyes, and exposure can cause welder's flash (photokeratitis or arc
UVA, UV-B and UV-C all can damage collagen fibers and thereby accelerate aging of the skin.
Tungsten-Halogen lamps have bulbs made of quartz, not of ordinary glass. Tungsten-Halogen lamps that are not
filtered by an additional layer of ordinary glass are a common, useful, and possibly dangerous, source of UV-B light.
UV-A light is known as "dark-light" and, because of its longer wavelength, can penetrate most windows. It also
penetrates deeper into the skin than UV-B light and is thought to be a prime cause of wrinkles.
UV-B light in particular has been linked to skin cancers such as melanoma. The radiation ionizes DNA molecules in
skin cells, causing covalent bonds to form between adjacent thymine bases, producing thymidine dimers. Thymidine
dimers do not base pair normally, which can cause distortion of the DNA helix, stalled replication, gaps, and
misincorporation. These can lead to mutations, which can result in cancerous growths. The mutagenicity of UV
radiation can be easily observed in bacteria cultures.
This cancer connection is the reason for concern about ozone depletion and the ozone hole.
UV-C rays are the strongest, most dangerous type of ultraviolet light. Little attention has been given to UV-C rays in
the past since they are normally filtered out by the ozone layer and do not reach the Earth. Thinning of the ozone
layer and holes in the ozone layer are causing increased concern about the potential for UVC light exposure,
As a defense against UV light, the body tans when exposed to moderate (depending on skin type) levels of radiation
by releasing the brown pigment melanin. This helps to block UV penetration and prevent damage to the vulnerable
skin tissues deeper down. Suntan lotion that partly blocks UV is widely available (often referred to as "sun block" or
"sunscreen"). Most of these products contain an "SPF rating" that describes the amount of protection given. This
protection applies only to UV-B light. In any case, most dermatologists recommend against prolonged sunbathing.
A positive effect of UV light is that it induces the production of vitamin D in the skin. Grant (2002) claims tens of
thousands of premature deaths occur in the U.S. annually from cancer due to insufficient UV-B exposures
(apparently via vitamin D deficiency).

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In astronomy, very hot objects preferentially emit UV light (see Wien's law). However, the same ozone layer that
protects us causes difficulties for astronomers observing from the earth, so most UV observations are made from
space. (See UV astronomy, space observatory).
Uses UV light has many various uses:
Fluorescent lamps Fluorescent lamps produce UV light by the emission of low-pressure mercury gas. A
phosphorescent coating on the inside of the tubes absorbs the UV and turns it into visible light.
The main mercury emission wavelength is in the UV-C range. Unshielded exposure of the skin or eyes to mercury
arc lamps that do not have a conversion phosphor is quite dangerous.
The light from a mercury lamp is predominantly at discrete wavelengths. Other practical UV light sources with more
continuous emission spectra include xenon arc lamps (commonly used as sunlight simulators), deuterium arc lamps,
mercury-xenon arc lamps, metal-halide arc lamps, and tungsten-halogen incandescent lamps.
Disinfecting drinking water Ultraviolet light is increasingly being used to disinfect drinking water and in waste
water treatment plants. Dr. James R. Bolton discovered that ultraviolet light could treat Cryptosporidium, previously
unknown. The findings resulted in two US patents and the use of UV light as a viable method to treat drinking
Analyzing minerals Ultraviolet lamps are also used in analyzing minerals, gems, and in other detective work
including authentication of various collectibles. Materials may look the same under visible light, but fluoresce to
different degrees under ultraviolet light; or may fluoresce differently under short wave ultraviolet versus long wave
ultra violet. UV fluorescent dyes are used in many applications (for example, biochemistry and forensics). The
fluorescent protein Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) is often used in genetics as a marker. Many substances,
proteins for instance, have significant light absorption bands in the ultraviolet that are of use and interest in
biochemistry and related fields. UV-capable spectrophotometers are common in such laboratories.
Sterilization Ultraviolet lamps are used to sterilize workspaces and tools used in biology laboratories and medical
facilities. Since microorganisms can be shielded from ultraviolet light in small cracks and other shaded areas,
however, these lamps are used only as a supplement to other sterilization techniques.
Resolution Ultraviolet light is used for very fine resolution photolithography, as required for manufacture of
Spectroscopy UV light is often used in UV-visible spectroscopy
Photolithography UV light is used extensively in the electronics industry in a procedure known as photolithography,
where a chemical known as a photoresist is exposed to UV light which has passed through a mask. The light allows
chemical reactions to take place in the photoresist, and after development (a step that either removes the exposed or
unexposed photoresist), a geometric pattern which is determined by the mask remains on the sample. Further steps
may then be taken to "etch" away parts of the sample with no photoresist remaining.
It is photolithography which is primarily used to create integrated circuit components and printed circuit boards.
Other The onset of vacuum UV, 200 nm, is defined by the fact that ordinary air is opaque below this wavelength.
This opacity is due to the strong absorption of light of these wavelengths by oxygen in the air. Pure nitrogen (less
than about 10 ppm oxygen) is transparent to wavelengths in the range of about 150-200 nm. This has wide practical
significance now that semiconductor manufacturing processes are using wavelengths shorter than 200 nm. By
working in oxygen-free gas, the equipment does not have to be built to withstand the pressure differences required to
work in a vacuum. Some other scientific instruments, such as Circular Dichroism spectrometers, are also commonly
nitrogen purged and operate in this spectral region.
It is advisable to use protective eyewear when working with ultraviolet light, especially short wave ultraviolet.
Ordinary eyeglasses give some protection. Most plastic lenses give more protection than glass lenses. Some plastic
lens materials, such as polycarbonate, block most UV. There are protective treatments available for eyeglass lenses
that need it to give better protection. The most important reason that ordinary eyeglasses only give limited
protection, however, is that light can reach the eye without going through the lens. Full coverage is important if the
risk from exposure is high. Full coverage eye protection is usually recommeded for high altitude mountaineering, for
instance. Mountaineers are exposed to higher than ordinary levels of UV light, both because there is less
atmospheric filtering and because of reflection from snow and ice.

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Some insects, such as bees, can see into the near ultraviolet, and flowers often have markings visible to such
UV catastrophe
at wavelengths just below visible is where people get sunburns.
sun burn rating UV-A UV-B UV-C
UV bulbs
X-Ray: 30 PetaHz - 60 ExaHz/10 nanometer - 5 picometer
(German: Röntgenstrahlen)
Soft X-ray: (10-0.1 nm)
Hard X-ray: (100-5 pm)Low energy gamma rays
X-rays are generated by electron collisons.
X-rays are primarily used for diagnostic medical imaging and crystallography.

Physicist Johann Hittorf observed tubes with energy rays extending from a negative electrode. These rays produced
a fluorescence when they hit the glass walls of the tubes. In 1876 the effect was named "cathode rays" by Eugene
Goldstein. Later, English physicist William Crookes investigated the effects of energy discharges on rare gases. He
constructed what is called the Crookes tube. It is a glass vacuum cylinder, containing electrodes for discharges of a
high voltage electric current. He found, when he placed unexposed photographic plates near the tube, that some of
them were flawed by shadows, though he did not investigate this effect. In 1892, Heinrich Hertz began
experimenting and demonstrated that cathode rays could penetrate very thin metal foil (such as aluminum). Philip
Lenard, a student of Heinrich Hertz, further researched this effect. He developed a version of the cathode tube and
studied the penetration of X-rays through various materials. Philip Lenard, though, did not realize that he was
producing X-rays.
In April 1887, Nikola Tesla began to investigate X-rays using his own devices as well as Crookes tubes. Tesla did
this by experimenting with high voltages and vacuum tubes. From Nikola Tesla's technical publications, it is
indicated that he invented and developed a special single-electrode X-ray tube. Tesla's tubes differ from other X-ray
tubes in that they have no target electrode. He stated these facts in his 1897 X-ray lecture before the New York
Academy of Sciences. The modern term for this process is the bremsstrahlung process, in which a high-energy
secondary X-ray emission is produced when charged particles (such as electrons) pass through matter. By 1892,
Tesla performed several such experiments; however, he did not categorize the emissions as what was later called X-
rays (generalizing the phenonomena as radiant energy). Tesla did not publicly declare his findings nor did he make
them widely known. His subsequent X-ray experimentation by vacuum high field emissions led him to alert the
scientific community to the biological hazards associated with X-ray exposure.
Hermann von Helmholtz formulated mathematical equations for X-rays. He postulated a dispersion theory before
Roentgen made his discovery and announcement. It was formed on the basis of the electromagnetic theory of light
(Wiedmann's Annalen, Vol. XLVIII); however, he did not work with actual X-rays.
On November 8, 1895, Wilhelm Röntgen, a German scientist, began observing and further documenting X-rays
while experimenting with vacuum tubes. Röntgen, on December 28, 1895, wrote a preliminary report "On a new
kind of ray: A preliminary communication". He submitted it to the Würzburg's Physical-Medical Society journal.
This was the first formal and public recognition of the categorization of X-rays. Röntgen referred to the radiation as
"X", to indicate that it was an unknown type of radiation. The name stuck, although (over Röntgen's great
objections), many of his colleagues suggested calling them Röntgen rays. They are still referred to as Röntgen rays
in some countries. Roentgen received the first Nobel Prize in Physics for his discovery.
In 1895, Thomas Edison investigated materials' ability to fluoresce when exposed to X-rays. He found that calcium
tungstate was the most effective substance. Around March 1896, the fluoroscope he developed became the standard
for medical X-ray examinations. Nevertheless, Edison dropped x-ray research around 1903 after the death of
Clarence Madison Dally, one of his glassblowers. Dally had a habit of testing X-ray tubes on his hands, and
acquired a cancer in them so tenacious that both arms were amputated in a futile attempt to save his life.[1]

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In 1906, physicist Charles Barkla discovered that X-rays could be scattered by gases, and that each element had a
characteristic X-ray. He won the 1917 Nobel prize for this discovery.
The use of X-rays for medical purposes was pioneered by Major John Hall-Edwards in Birmingham, England. In
1908, he had to have his left arm amputated owing to the spread of X-ray dermatitis.
The detection of X-rays is based on various methods. Most commenly known is the photographic plate as we know
them from hospitals. Initially, most common detection was based on the ionisation of gasses. One of the most simple
examples is the Geiger counter. Since the 1990-ies, new detectors were developed based on semiconductors. In the
semiconductor, the X-ray photon was converted to electron-hole pairs which were collected to detect the X-ray
See also
* X-ray crystallography
* X-ray Astronomy
* X-ray machine
* Geiger counter
Used to take photographs.
Gamma: Above 60 exahertz/Below 5 picometers
Gamma rays (often denoted by the Greek letter gamma, ]) are an energetic form of electromagnetic radiation (see
Electromagnetic spectrum) produced by radioactivity or other nuclear or subatomic processes such as electron-
positron annihilation. Gamma rays are more penetrating than either alpha or beta radiation, but less ionizing.
Gamma rays are distinguished from X rays by their origin. Gamma rays are produced by nuclear transitions while
X-rays are produced by energy transitions due to accelerating electrons. Because it is possible for some electron
transitions to be of higher energy than nuclear transition, there is an overlap between low energy gamma rays and
high energy X-rays.
Nuclear processes Radioactive decay processes
* Alpha decay
* Beta decay
* Electron capture
* Gamma radiation
* Neutron emission
* Positron emission
* Proton emission
* Spontaneous fission
* Neutron Capture
o The R-process
o The S-process
* Proton capture:
o The P-process
Shielding for ] rays requires large amounts of mass. Shields that reduce gamma ray intensity by 50% include 1 cm
(0.4 inches) of lead, 6 cm (2.4 inches) of concrete or 9 cm (3.6 inches) of packed dirt.
Gamma rays from nuclear fallout would probably cause the largest number of casualties in the event of the use of
nuclear weapons in a nuclear war. An effective fallout shelter reduces human exposure at least 1000 times.
Gamma rays are less ionising than either alpha or beta rays. However, reducing human danger requires thicker
shielding. They produce damage similar to that caused by X-rays such as burns, cancer, and genetic mutations.
In terms of ionization, gamma radiation interacts with matter via three main processes: the photoelectric effect,
Compton scattering, and pair production.

______________________________________________________ 99


Photoelectric Effect: This describes the case in which a gamma photon interacts with and transfers all of its energy
to an orbital electron, ejecting that electron from the atom. The kinetic energy of the resulting photoelectron is equal
to the energy of the incident gamma photon minus the binding energy of the electron. The photoelectric effect is
thought to be the dominant energy transfer mechanism for x-ray and gamma ray photons with energies below 50
keV (thousand electronvolts), but it is much less important at higher energies.
Compton Scattering: This is an interaction in which an incident gamma photon loses enough energy to an orbital
electron to cause its ejection, with the remainder of the original photon's energy being emitted as a new, lower
energy gamma photon with an emission direction different from that of the incident gamma photon. The probability
of Compton scatter decreases with increasing photon energy. Compton scattering is thought to be the principal
absorption mechanism for gamma rays in the intermediate energy range 100 keV to 10 MeV (million electronvolts),
an energy spectrum which includes most gamma radiation present in a nuclear explosion. Compton scattering is
relatively independent of the atomic number of the absorbing material.
Pair Production: By interaction in the vicinity of the coulomb force of the nucleus, the energy of the incident photon
is spontaneously converted into the mass of an electron-positron pair. A positron is a positively charged electron.
Energy in excess of the equivalent rest mass of the two particles (1.02 MeV) appears as the kinetic energy of the pair
and the recoil nucleus. The electron of the pair, frequently referred to as the secondary electron, is densely ionizing.
The positron has a very short lifetime. It combines within 10^8 second with a free electron. The entire mass of these
two particles is then converted into two gamma photons of 0.51 MeV energy each.
Gamma rays are often produced alongside other forms of radiation such as alpha or beta. When a nucleus emits an _
or ` particle, the daughter nucleus is sometimes left in an excited state. It can then jump down to a lower level by
emitting a gamma ray in much the same way that an atomic electron can jump to a lower level by emitting
ultraviolet radiation.
Gamma rays, x-rays, visible light, and UV rays are all forms of electromagnetic radiation. The only difference is the
frequency and hence the energy of the photons. Gamma rays are the most energetic. An example of gamma ray
production follows.
First cobalt-60 decays to excited nickel-60 by beta decay:
Then the nickel-60 drops down to the ground state (see nuclear shell model) by emitting a gamma ray:
The powerful nature of gamma-rays have made them useful in the sterilising of medical equipment by killing
bacteria. They are also used to kill bacteria in foodstuffs to keep them fresher for longer.
In spite of their cancer-causing properties, gamma rays are also used to treat some types of cancer. In the procedure
called gamma-knife surgery, multiple concentrated beams of gamma rays are directed on the growth in order to kill
the cancerous cells. The beams are aimed from different angles to focus the radiation on the growth while
minimising damage to the surrounding tissues.

See also: physics, gamma-ray astronomy, gamma ray bursters, radiation therapy anything above
Highly energetic photons associated with blackholes and galaxies also emitted by nuclear blasts causes cellular
Black holes are known to emit gamma ray bursts throught their poles.
A large enough gamma ray burst could sterilize all life on earth.
Retrieved from ""



What Does "IQ" Stand For, and What Does It Mean?
"Mental Age"
It's a matter of everyday experience that some people are smarter than others. But how do we measure "smartness"?
In 1905, a French psychologist by the name of Alfred Binet, working with a physician-associate, Theodore
Simon, developed the Binet Simon Test designed to measure the intelligence of retarded children, based upon their
observations that.
(1) Just as children grow taller as they grow older, they grow more mentally capable as they grow older; and
(2) Some children can perform at age and equivalent-grade levels above their chronological ages, while other
children perform at age and equivalent-grade levels below their chronological ages. For example, a few 6-year-
olds could perform as well on the Binet Simon mental tests as the average 8-year-old, while a few 6-year-olds
could only perform as well as the average 4-year-old.
In 1911, the concept of "mental age" (as distinguished from "chronological age")
was introduced. The 6-year-old who performed as well as the average 8-year-old was assigned a mental age of 8,
while the 6-year-old who performed only as well as a 4-year-old was assigned a mental age of 4.

What Is "IQ"?

It was also observed that the gaps between children's mental ages and their chronological ages widened as the
children got older. The 6-year-old with the mental age of 8 had a mental age of 12 by the time he was 9 and a mental
age of 16 by the time he was12. Similarly, the 6-year-old with a mental age of 4 had a mental age of 6 when he was
9 and a mental age of 8 when he was 12. In 1912, the German psychologist, William Stern, noticed that even though
the gap between mental age and chronological age widens as a child matures, the ratio of mental age to
chronological age remains constant (and, as we will see, remains essentially constant throughout life). This constant
ratio of mental age divided by chronological age was given the name "Intelligence Quotient". Actually, the
intelligence quotient is defined as 100 times the Mental Age (MA) divided by the Chronological Age (CA).

IQ = 100 MA/CA.
Mental Age for Adults

At approximately. the age of 16, mental age, like height, stops increasing. Until 1960, it was customary to use 16 as
the divisor for mental age among adults. Actually, certain mental functions increase slowly and slightly after the age
of 16, peaking in the 20's, with others remaining stable or even rising slightly up to the age of 60 or so. With some
individuals, vocabulary may increase over time.

The Practical Significance of IQ

The average IQ of the population as a whole is, by definition, 100. IQs range from 0 to above 200, and among
children, to above 250. However, about 50% of the population have IQs between 89 and 111, and about 80% of the
population have IQs ranging between 80 and 120, with 10% lying below 80, and 10% falling above 120.
For IQs below 120, IQ is the best predictor of socioeconomic status of any psychometric measurement. In more
complex jobs, IQ is better than even education or experience at predicting job performance. In her article "The
General Intelligence Factor", Scientific American Presents "Exploring Intelligence", pg. 24, 1999, Linda
Gottfredson states,

"Adults in the bottom 5% of the IQ distribution (below 75) are very difficult to train and are not competitive for any
occupation on the basis of ability. Serious problems in training low-IQ military recruits during World War II led
Congress to ban enlistment from the lowest 10% (below 80) of the population, and no civilian occupation in modern
economies routinely recruits its workers from that below-80 range. Current military enlistment standards exclude
any individual whose IQ is below about 85."

"Persons of average IQ (between 90 and 100) are not competitive for most professional and executive-level work
but are easily trained for the bulk of jobs in the American economy. By contrast, individuals in the top 5 percent of
the adult population can essentially train themselves, and few occupations are beyond their reach mentally."

"People with IQs between 75 and 90 are 88 times more likely to drop out of high school, seven times more likely to
be jailed, and five times more likely as adults to live in poverty than people with IQs between 110 and 125. The 75-
to-90 IQ woman is eight times more likely to become a chronic welfare recipient, and four times as likely to bear an
illegitimate child than the 110-to-125-IQ woman."

In his book, "Straight Talk About Mental Tests", The Free Press, A Division of the Macmillan Publishing Co.,
Inc., New York, 1981, pg. 12, Dr. Arthur Jensen cites the following four IQ thresholds:

(1) An IQ of 50 or below. This is the threshold below which most adults cannot cope outside of an institution. They
can typically be taught to read at a 3rd or 4th grade level. However, they cannot normally function in the
customary classroom setting, and they require special training programs.

(2) An IQ between 50 and 75. At this level of intelligence, they generally cannot complete elementary school. Most
adults will need smarter help in coping with the world.

(3) An IQ between 75 and 105. Children in this IQ range are not generally able to complete a college prep course in
high school.

(4) An IQ between 105 and 115. May graduate from college but generally, not with grades that would qualify them
for graduate school.

(5) An IQ above 115. No restrictions.

For IQs in these ranges, the influence of IQ upon socioeconomic sttus is dramatic. 31% of those with IQs below 75
were on welfare, compared with 8% of those in the 90 to 110 IQ interval, and 0% in those with IQs above 125. 55%
of mothers with IQs below 75 went on welfare after the birth of the first child, compared with 12% of those with IQs
between 90 and 110, and 1% of those with IQs above 125. Income is highly dependent upon IQ up to an IQ-level of
about 125.

How Is IQ Measured?

There are a number of IQ tests available. Some IQ tests are untimed, individually administered tests such as the
Stanford-Binet and the Wechsler tests. (The five Wechsler Performance subtests are timed.) Other tests are timed,
proctored group tests, such as the Raven Progressive Matrices, the California Test of Mental Maturity (CTMM) and
the Cattell Culture-Fair Test, which are easier to administer but are narrower in scope. (Included in this group would
be the Scholastic Aptitude Test, the Graduate Record Exam, the Miller Analogies.) Still a third class of test is the
power test, such as the Mega Test, the Titan Test, and the Test for Genius. These are unproctored, open-book tests in
which the test-taker lays protracted siege to difficult problems that emulate the kinds of problems encountered in
actual research. These tests are not universally recognized as true IQ tests because it is felt that they are susceptible
to cheating. and that their scores depend upon collatoral factors such as persistance and library skills as well as sheer

IQ tests have been under attack since their inception. It is, perhaps, counter-intuitive and unpopular that a test
requiring an hour or two can establish the upper bounds of one's intellect for a lifetime. However, although they're
not infallible they do a remarkably good job of generating a score that will remain more or less constant throughout

Can Intelligence Be Measured With a Single Number?

Yes and no. One of the most serious criticisms of using a single number to assess intelligence is that people may be
stronger in certain areas such as verbal skills, logical aptitude or spatial visualization than in others. Drs. Richard
Feynmann and Albert Einstein would be examples of geniuses who were extremely strong mathematically while
being relatively weak verbally. More commonly, though, purely intellectual abilities tend to be uniformly high or
uniformly low in a given individual, leading to the concept of an underlying "g" or "general intelligence" that
powers all the specialized intellectual aptitudes. Still, this doesn't happen with everyone, and the exceptions, like
Richard Feynmann and Albert Einstein, are very important. Tests like the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS)
consist of a number of subtests that are scored separately and can measure the profile for an individual. (Dr. Howard
Gardner has defined seven types of intelligence, while Dr. Robert Sternberg has identified three.)
It's also easier to make an IQ score that's lower than your true IQ than it is to make a score that's higher. Taking a
test on a bad day, or spending too much time on a few difficult items could artificially lower one's score. The best
results are obtained when more than one test is administered.

What Does Adult IQ Mean?

Generally, one's mental age stops rising rapidly when one reaches the latter teens--e. g., 16. Consequently, on some
IQ tests, "16" was taken as the chronological-age divisor in an IQ calculation for adults. The Wechsler Adult
Intelligence Scale is calibrated for all ages up to 70, with chronological-age divisors appropriate to every age 70 or
The average IQ is, by definition, 100. To get an idea what this means, someone with an IQ of 80 or below is
considered to be marginally able to cope with the adult world. People with IQ's of 80 or below typically work as
unskilled laborers such as lawn maintenance and trash pickup. They generally need help from friends or family to
manage life's complications. About 10% of the population has an IQ of 80 or below

People with IQ's of 80-90 are a little on the slow side but may be found in fast-food restaurants, day-care centers,
etc. They may also be found in unskilled jobs. About 16% of the population has IQ's in this range.
People with IQ's of 90-110 generally occupy semi-skilled positions, including typists, receptionists, assembly line
workers, and checkout clerks. They are able to keep up with the world, and comprise about 46% of the public.

People with IQ's in the 110 to 120 range fill the skilled trades and include some tool and die makers, teachers, and
Ph. D.'s among their ranks. They also make up 16% of the population.

People with IQ's of 120 and above tend to staff the professions as doctors, dentists, lawyers, teachers, and college
professors. They fall in the upper 10% of the population.
The average IQ of all college professors is 130, which lies within the upper 3% of the general public.



The 7 ( seven ) Laws of Psychic Energy

Whilst more than half of the people of the world to-day will readily attest to the validity of
these laws of energy it may take some decades for these laws to be universally accepted.

First Law of psychic energy:

All 'solid' objects are vibrating energy. Unseen waves are also vibrating energy- sound,
radio, electricity, light, television waves, microwaves, x-rays, gamma rays and psychic
energy waves.

Second law of psychic energy:

The mind is an 'energy station' which creates transmits and receives energy.
The will (of the mind) can change the form of energy. Thoughts, which are waves of energy,
can be transmitted to and from human minds within the earthplane and to human and
other entities in the afterlife in a process called telepathy.

Third law of psychic energy:

All living humans have a body made up of vibrationary energy which is a duplicate of the
physical body and will survive physical death.
This vibrationary energy body invisible to physical eyes can change form but can never be
destroyed and retains consciousness.
At the time of physical death, the duplicate body will have reached a certain vibrational
level and will go to an energy sphere that can accommodate those vibrations.
Selfless spiritual service increases the vibrational energy of the duplicate body.

Fourth law of psychic energy:

The afterlife has different levels of energy which form different spheres according to the
speed of vibration.
The faster the vibrations of a sphere the higher and more spiritually evolved are the
entities which reside there.

Fifth law of psychic energy:

The more spiritually evolved a being is the brighter the energy of the aura.


Sixth law of psychic energy:

Slowing down the speed of the atomic vortices of the energy will result in materialisation.
Speeding up the vortices will result in de-materialisation

Seventh law of psychic energy:

Energy is a 'boomerang' - the energy you give out will return to you.
Victor Zammit (May 2001)


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