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MATERI : Menawarkan jasa

Semester : ganjil
Kelas : XII semua jurusan
Tapel : 2019/2020

KD :
3.1 menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi interpersonal lisan dan
tulis yang melibatkan tindakan menawarkan jasa, serta menanggapinya, sesuai dengan konteks
penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan May I help you?, What can I do for you? What if ...?)

4.1 menyusun teks interaksi interpersonal lisan dan tulis sederhana yang melibatkan tindakan
menawarkan jasa, dan menanggapinya dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks

Bahan ini merupakan bahan ajar teori dan atau praktikum yang membahas tentang
pemelajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk SMK Kelas XII semester 1.
Bahan ajar ini terdiri dari 3 (tiga) kegiatan belajar, kegiatan belajar 1 berisi tentang ungkapan-
ungkapan dasar pada interaksi sosial untuk kepentingan kehidupan (dalam hal ini adalah
seputar tentang menawarkan jasa
Dengan bahan ajar ini peserta didik diharapkan mampu memahami dan menjelaskan ungkapan
dasar tentang menawarkan jasa dan sesuatu hal yang berhubungan dengan hal tersebut
B. Prasyarat
Sebelum menggunakan bahan ajar ini, siswa paling tidak sudah mengetahui banyak kosa kata
tentang kegiatan sehari-hari dan ungkapan-ungkapan sehari-hari dan peserta didik mengetahui
pengetahuan dasar tentang pola kalimat, karena hal ini telah dipelajari sebelumnya waktu di
SMP walaupun masih sederhana.
C. Petunjuk penggunaan bahan ajar
1. petunjuk untuk peserta didik
Peserta didik diharapkan dapat berperan aktif dan berinteraksi dengan sumber belajar yang
mendukung, karena itu harus memperhatikan hal-hal sebagai berikut :
a. Langkah –langkah yang harus ditempuh :
 Persiapkan alat dan bahan
 Membaca /membaca dengan seksama materi yang diberikan.
 Tanyakan kepada guru bila ada hal yang tidak dimengerti .
b. Perlengkapan yang disiapkan :
Guna menunjang keselamatan dan kelancaran tugas yang harus dilakukan, maka
persiapkanlah seluruh perlengkapan yang diperlukan.
 Alat tulis, buku pelajaran , kamus dan buku-buku yang relevan lainnya.
2. Hasil yang diharapkan
Peserta didik diharapkan mengetahui dan mampu memahami dan menjelaskan
ungkapan dasar, menyebutkan serta mendeskripsikan ungkapan –ungkapan tentang
newarkan jasa kepada orang lain dan berbagai tuturan sederhana dalam kehidupan sehari-
3. Peran guru dalam pembelajaran ini
Instruktur/guru yang akan mengajarkan bahan ajar ini hendaknya mempersiapkan diri
sebaik-baiknya yaitu mencakup aspek strategi pemelajaran, penguasaan materi, pemilihan
metode, alat bantu media pemelajaran dan perangkat evaluasi. Instruktur/guru harus
menyiapkan rancangan strategi pemelajaran yang mampu mewujudkan peserta didik
terlibat aktif dalam proses pencapaian/penguasaan kompetensi yang telah diprogramkan

D. Tujuan Akhir
1. peserta didik mampu memahami dan menjelaskan ungkapan dasar pada interaksi social
yang berhubungan dengan kehidupan sehari-hari dalam hal menawarkan jasa kepda orang
2. peserta didik mampu mengungkapkan berbagai tuturan sederhana yang cukup untuk
fungsi-fungsi dasar.
Menawarkan jasa / bantuan (offering service /help/things )

Offering help or things adalah ungkapan menawarkan bantuan atau sesuatu kepada
1. Ungkapan penawaran jasa/bantuan (offering service/help) digunakan untuk
menawarkan jasa atau bantuan kepada orang lain.

 What can I do for you?

 Can I help you?
 Can I do something for you?
 Do you want something to eat?
 Shall I get you something to read?
2. Ungkapan untuk merespon pemberian jasa/bantuan adalah menerima atau

Menerima Jasa/Bantuan
 Thank you.
 That's very kind of you.
 (Oh,) yes, please.
 Thanks (very much).
 Lovely.
Menolak Jasa/Bantuan
 No, thank you.
 That's very kind of you, but .....
 Thank you for offering, but .....
 No, it's all right, really.
 No, really, I can manage myself (thanks).
3. Simaklah dan praktekkanlah beberapa dialog berikut ini :

Lana: I don’t think I will pass chemistry this semester.
Mia: What? Why?
Lana: I got C- for my last assignment. As well as for my other assignments.
Mia: Well, there will still be a final test, right? What did you get for the midterm test?
Lana: B-. (B minus.)
Mia: Well, that’s a start. Don’t give up just yet. We still have three weeks before finals.
Can I help you with anything?
Lana: I suppose I could have a little tutoring with chemistry.
Mia: I can help you with that! Would you like me to tutor you?
Lana: If you could, and if you don’t mind…
Mia: Of course, I don’t mind! I would love to! Let’s start with three days a week, just an
hour each after school. You pick the days. How about that?
Lana: Thank you so much, Mia!

Rosi: Gar, I don’t feel so good today. I think I’m going pass on the futsal game, I’ll stay
at the dorm instead.
Tegar: Are you sick?
Rosi: Not really, just a bit under the weather. I’ve been coming home very late these
past few days. I think that’s the culprit.
Tegar: Are you sure? I can take you to the doctor if you want.
Rosi: No, I’ll just take high dose of Vitamin C and take some rest.
Tegar: Okay, then. Would you like me to bring you anything when I come back?
Rosi : Hmm… pizza would be nice, Gar.
Tegar: All right. We’ll have pizza for dinner. Are you sure you’re okay? Because if you
need any help, I will stay at the dorm, too.
Rosi: Don’t worry, I’ll be fine. I can help myself for now. I’d just like to sleep.
Tegar: Okay, take care. I’ll be home right away after the game.
Rosi: Don’t forget the pizza.
Tegar: I won’t.
Dialogue 3 :
Anita : Hello Ms. Ratu you looks so busy, may I help you?
Ms. Ratu : Yes I am. Could you please bring students' homework books in my table?
Anita : Sure, and where should I bring it to?
Ms Ratu : Please bring the books to your class, and say sorry to your friends that I may
coming late to the class.
Anita : Okay Miss Ratu. Is there anything else?
Ms Ratu : No it's enough. Thank you very much for your help Anita.
Anita : Your welcome.

Dialogue 4 :
Mr. Jack : Hello waiter, can you come here for a second?
Waiter : Sure. What can I help you sir?
Mr Jack : Could you bring me some salt?
Waiter : Yes sir. and would you like to try some coffee? We have the best quality in this
Mr. Jack : Wow it would be really lovely to try it.
Waiter : Ok sir, is there anything can i help you with?
Mr. Jack : No thanks, I think it's enough.
Waiter : Okay I will bring it to you now.

4. Pelajarilah beberapa ungkapan offering help berikut ini dan bacalah dengan intonasi
yang benar .

No. Kalimat Arti

Apakah kamu tidak keberatan jika aku
1. Would you mind if I take you home?
mengantarmu pulang?
Bisakah aku membantumu
2. Can I help you to bring your books?
membawakan bukumu?
May I offer you assistance to write you a Bolehkah aku membantumu menuliskan
poem? puisi?
Apakah kamu butuh bantuan untuk
4. Would you like some help to close the door?
menutupkan pintu?
Apakah kamu butuh bantuan
5. Do you need any help finding your lost key?
mencarikan kuncimu yang hilang?
Bolehkah aku membantumu
6. May I help you to bring your laptop?
membawakan laptopmu?
Apakah kamu tidak keberatan jika aku
7. Would you mind if I buy you orange juice?
membelikanmu jus jeruk?
Apakah kamu tidak keberatan jika aku
8. Would you mind if I join you?
bergabung denganmu?
May I offer you assistance to teach you Bolehkah aku membantumu
mathematic? mengajarimu matematika?
Apakah kamu ingin bantuan untuk
10. Do you want any help to find Michelle?
menemukan Michelle?

A. Read the dialog and then answer the questions below!

Clerk : Good morning. What can I do for you?
Arman : Good morning. Yes please. I’d like to change Rupiah to Thai Baht, please. Could you
tell me what the exchange rate is?
Clerk : OK., lt me check. Umm…1 Baht equals to 393,3 Rupiah.
Arman : I see.
Clerk : So, how much do you like to change?
Arman : I’d like to chane 2 million Rupiah, please
Clerk : OK. Here’s the money.
Arman : Thank you.
Clerk : You’re welcome.

1. Where do you think the dialog take please? Give the reason to support your answer!
2. What is Arman doing?
3. According to the dialog, how many Rupiah should you change for 1000 Baht?
4. In your opinion, why does Arman look for baht?
5. How much Baht will Arman receive?

B. Arrange the following sentences to form sequential dialogs.!

1. Miko : OK., first, pick your destination station. Where would you like to go?
2. Miko : You’re welcome
3. Miko : Yes. Then, the tickets will come out the machine.
4. Miko : OK., press number 2. Then, the monitor will show you how much you should pay.
5. Miko : I see. So, may I help you?
6. Miko : Yes. Then, for how many people.
7. Miko : What’s roubling you?
8. Santi : Id like to Purwosari Yogya Station. So, I need to press the name of the station like this.
9. Santi : You’re right. It’s very simple. Thank you so much for your help.
10. Santi : You’re right. Then should I insert the amount of coins as shown on the monitor now?
11. Santi : Frankly, I don’t know how to us this ticketing machine.
12. Santi :Two
13. Santi : Certainly, I’d be very grateful

C. Complete the following dialogs using suitable expressions of offering help and their
response based on the right situation given!

1. Desta : Excuse me. You look confused. (1) ….?

Fifi : (2) …. I’ve been searching for this address for an hour, but I haven’t found it yet. Could
you tell me where it is?
Desta : Oh, fortunately, it’s near my house. (3) …. Please follow me.
Fifi : (4) …! (5) ….
Desta : You’re welcome
2. Lisa : What’s wrong with you, Dian? You look gloomy.
Dian : I’d like to go to the supermarket, but my motorcycle’s tire is flat.
Lisa : (6) ….. I am going to the supermarket too.
Dian : (7) …! (8) ….

6. Pilihlah jawaban yang benar soal pilihan ganda berikut in :

1. John: Hello, Jean. Where have you been?
Jean: Hi, John. I just bought few kilograms of apples in the market.
John: Do you need some help to carry the apples?
Jean: _______
The suitable respond to complete the dialogue is ….
A. I don’t know
B. Why?
C. Of course, that’s very kind of you
D. I will help you
E. Good bye
2. Ronald: You look so busy. _______
Marry: No, thank you. I can handle them.
The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is ….
A. I will leave you alone
B. Would you like some help?
C. Do you want to help me?
D. Sure, I would like to
E. Yes, please
3. Andy: I heard there will be a concert tonight. Would you like to go with me?
Sam: I’m afraid I cannot.
Andy: Why? I think you really love the band.
Sam: Yes, I do. But I have many works at home.
Andy: Let me help you, then.
Sam: ___________
Andy: Never mind. That’s what friend should do.
What should Sam say?
A. I really appreciate your help
B. I don’t need your help
C. I am fine, thank you
D. I will go, too
E. Don’t worry
Complete the dialogue below (question 4 and 5)
Judy: Good morning, Sir. Do you have science book about animal anatomy?
Shopkeeper: Of course, dear. We have the book that you want. ______ (4) to show the
Judy: I am fine, Sir. I can find by myself. I have other books to find, too.
Shopkeeper: ________(5). Take your time.
Judy: Thank you, Sir.
4. The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …..
A. I would like
B. Can you
C. Do not go
D. Would you like me
E. May I
5. What should the shopkeeper say?
A. I am busy
B. Sorry
C. Thank you
D. Will you go?
E. That’s okay
6. Romy : Sir, would you like me to close the window for you?
Mr. Arthur: Yes, please. It’s very cold inside.
The underlined sentence express:
A. Asking help
B. Offering help
C. Refusing something
D. Accepting an offer
E. Suggestion
7. Ela: Mom, do you need some help? You look so busy this morning.
Mom: Of course, dear.
I need another pair of hands to wash the dish.
The underlined sentence expresses ….
A. Accepting help
B. Offering help
C. Refusing help
D. Looking for something
E. Apologizing
8. Bob: Sony, will you join me to build a birdhouse?
Sony: Sure, _______. I am really excited.
Complete the dialogue above with right expression ….
A. I don’t want to.
B. I am busy today
C. I will
D. I will not
E. I have to go

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