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Cabang Lomba : Story Telling

Nama Siswa : Nazwarahma Hannum Prasetya
NISN : 0054656760
Nomor Registrasi :
Form ST 01/ Kreativitas Berbahasa Inggris
Story telling 2019
A. Artikel
Story telling atau bercerita dalam pemikiran penulis adalah suatu kebiasaan
yang sudah ada pada masyarakat dunia sejak dahulu kala. Mendongeng adalah
kegiatan yang dilakukan ibu penulis saat akan tidur dan menasehati penulis saat masih
kecil. Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, kegiatan bercerita pun tidak lepas dari kehidupan.
Tetapi, sekarang ini bercerita atau mendongeng berubah menjadi kegiatan budaya.
Maksudnya, sekarang kita sering mendengar istilah lomba story telling, atau festival
story telling dalam berbagai bahasa. Dalam pemikiran penulis, karena story telling ini
menjadi sebuah lomba atau festival maka hendaknya harus memenuhi syarat-syarat
tertentu agar story telling ini berhasil yakni untuk menghibur penonton dan
menyampaikan pesan moral.
Pertama, cerita yang disampaikan harus menarik, sesuai dengan tema dan
mengandung pesan moral yang penting. Dengan membawakan cerita yang menarik,
maka penonton akan terhibur. Dengan pesan moral yang tepat, harapannya kita dapat
menginpirasi penonton untuk menjadi pribadi yang lebih baik.
Kedua, pendongeng hendaknya memiliki ekspresi/ mimik yang
menyenangkan, gesture yang tepat dan rasa percaya diri yang tinggi.
Selanjutnya, kemampuan bahasa Inggris dan penguasaan cerita pendongeng
harus bagus, karena ketepatan kosa kata, pengucapan, struktur dan unsur kemampuan
bahasa inggris yang lain akan mempengaruhi ketersampaian cerita yang disampaikan.
Jika seorang pendongeng menguasai cerita, maka dia akan mampu menyelesaikan
cerita dengan baik hingga akhir. Yang terpenting adalah menguasai cerita, bukan
menghafal. Jika dihafalkan maka pendongeng bisa saja macet dalam mmenyampaikan
Selanjutnya, bercerita tidak sama dengan drama. Oleh karena itu, hendaknya
pendongeng tidak terlalu banyak akting yang dibuat-buat seperti dalam drama.
Terakhir, seorang pendongeng harus kreatif dalam mengembangkan cerita
dengan sentuhan baru agar penonton mendapatkan sesuatu yang beda dari cerita
dengan judul yang sama yang pernah mereka dengar sebelumnya.
B. Ringkasan cerita lokal
The Legend of Tegal Arum
Once upon a time, there was a kingdom in Pasuruan where its people lived
peacefully and never found difficulty to fulfill their daily needs because the king, Jati
Pati, governed his people with care and wisdom.
It was told that the king had two daughters with similar characters. That
was wise , hospitable, and helpful. The older one was Demi Padmi and the younger
one was Dewi Arum.
Dewi Padmi was an unfortunate girl because she was sick. The disease
was hard to be healed. Her parents did everything, but failed. The diseases wa given
by Mak Bayong, an ugly evil witch. Dewi Padmi would be healthy if the king gave
Dewi Arum to the witch. She wanted her because Dewi Arum was protected by the
power of God and could killed her.
The witch went to the palace and asked the King to give Dewi Arum to
the witch the next full moon. The king was upset thinking of how he would solve the
problem, but Dewi Arum was a great princess. She was ready to sacrifice for her sister
and country.
The full moon came and Dewi Arum met the witch.The witch killed
stabbed her with her dagger. Blood splashed everywhere. Suddenly some fragrant
flowers sprang all over the garden. The witch could not stand the fragrance and then
she died. White smoke engulfed the place. From the fragrance and the white smoke
came out Dewi arum. She was saved by the God. She went back to the palace. They
lived happily together in the palace.
Because of that happening , the place was named “ Tegal Arum” Tegal is
garden, arum is a javenese term for fragrant. So Tegal Arum which is located at
Panggung rejo district means fragrant garden.

C. Ringkasan cerita mancanegara

The Boy and His One-Eyed-Mother
Once, there lived a young boy and his well-settled family in Singapore. They lived in
a happy and sufficient life.
One day there was a guest, a middle age man whom he recognized as his former
neighbour his his hometown. He told him that his mother was severely sick and missed him.
However,the young boy said that he had no relationship with that woman anymore.
The young boy recalled his childlyhood when he was so embarrased of her mother,
She only had one eye. Her friends mocked him because of it. Almost 12 years he was
embarrased living with her mother. He shouted at her to stay away from him and just die.
When he finished high school, he got scholarship and had to move to Singapore. He
was happy because that was the time he could dissapear from her mother. He was succesful
in his study and career. He was too happy until that man came to his house.
The man told him a story about the secret that her mother gave her eyes to her son and
asked everyone to keep it secret.
The boy was shocked. He realized that the kid was him. He rushed taking the man
home to meet his mother. Arriving home, in a terible hut, he saw her mother lying on the bed,
sick, thin, and sad. He hugged and begged her to forgive him. He was regretful and struggled
hard to make her mother recover. At last, he could get a donnor for his mother and she was
healhty again. He said, “ I wished you had told me the truth since the begginning mom, I am
sorry but you were wrong, you have made me sinful all those years to hate and treated you

D. Alasan pemilihan cerita

Saya memilih cerita “The legend of Tegal Arum” untuk memperkenalkan kekayaan
cerita dari kota saya, Pasuruan. Cerita ini mengandung pesan moral untuk selalu berbuat baik
dan rela berkorban. Cerita kedua”The Young man and his one-eyed-mother “ saya pilih
karena mengandung pesan untuk kita selalu menghargai orang lain terutama orang tua. Dari
cerita ini saya berharap penonton akan menangkap pesan moral dan saya mampu
mempengaruhi mereka untuk menjadi orang yang lebih baik untuk mewujudkan manusia
Indonesia berkarakter lebih baik.

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