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Putri Azwannur Sinaga 062001800531

Soal Latihan

1. Jika bentuk pesan yang ingin dikirim dalam bentuk bit stream D=1010001101
menggunakan CRC dengan polinomial p=x6+x5+x3+1, maka tuliskan bentuk data
stream yang dikirimkan.
(Jawab : 101000110101110).
Penyelesaian :
2. Lakukan sama seperti soal diatas untuk D=10010011011 dengan p=x4+x3+1.
Soal Latihan

1. If P=0,001 and n=100, what is probability of no error? (ans exp - 1/10)

Probability No error = (1-p)n
= (1-0,001)100
= 0,904 = e-1/10
2. If p=0,001 and n=100, what is probability of an undetected error?

P (Undetected Error) = m1 C (n,2m) P2m(1-p)n-2m


P (m=1) = C(100,2(1))(0,001)2(1)(1-0,001)100-2(1)
= (100!/2!98!) (0.001)2(0,999)98
= (2475) (10-6) (0,91) = 0.0022
3. If p=0,01 and you want the probability of an undetected error to be 0,005. What is
the max.lenght and that you can use. (ans n=10 but almost n=11)

P (Undetected Error) = m1 C (n,2m) P2m(1-p)n-2m


0,005 = C (n,2(1)(0,01)2(1)(1-0,01)n-2(1)
0,005 = (n!/2!(n-2)!) (0,01)2(1)(1-0,01)n-2(1)
0,005 = (n!/4!(n-2)!) (10-4)) (0,99)n-2 dimana : ≈(1)n-2 ≈1
(n!/(n-2)!) = ( (0,005)(4)/10-4)
1x 2 x...x(n  2) x(n  1) xn
 200
1x2 x...x(n  2
(n-1) n = 200
n2 - n - 200 = 0
(n-14,64) (n+13,64)
Maximum length of n would be 14,64
Soal Latihan

1. Check the ISBN 0-13165332-6.

Penyelesaian :

2. Check the ISBN 0-1391-4101-4

Penyelesaian :

3. Consider the ISBN 07-028761-4. Does it make sense?

Penyelesaian : No make sense

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