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Capaian Pembelajaran (CP) Mata Kuliah

Mahasiswa dapat melakukan kegiatan berkomunikasi dalam Bahasa Inggris, khususnya

bahasa yang digunakan dalam kegiatan praktik keperawatan ( English in Nursing )
dengan memperhatikan kaidah penggunaaan atau penyusunan bahasa yang benar

A. Deskripsi

Modul ini berisi tentang ungkapan ‘Showing Care’ dan ‘Adjective Clause’ memberikan
manfaat buat mahasiswa dalam memahami ungkapan berbahasa Inggris dan menyusun
kalimat menggunakan adjective clause dalam Bahasa Inggris yang bisa diterapkan
dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, terutama dalam melaksanakan asuhan keperawatan

B. Waktu

Waktu yang dibutuhkan dalam menguasai modul ini selama 4 x 55’

C. Prasyarat

Sebelum mempelajari modul ini, mahasiswa harus sudah selesai mengerjakan seluruh
tugas-tugas pada modul 2.

D. Petunjuk Penggunaan Modul

1. Sebelum menggunakan modul 3 ini, mahasiswa harus menyelesaikan tugas-tugas
pada modul 2.
2. Mahasiswa diharapkan membaca semua petunjuk dalam mengerjakan tugas-tugas
dalam modul ini dengan baik.
3. Mahasiswa melafalkan kata, frase, kalimat dengan akurat

E. Tujuan Akhir
1. Mahasiswa dapat melafalkan ungkapan-ungkapan ‘Showing Care dengan akurat
2. Mahasiwa dapat menyusun dialog yang menggunakan ungkapan Showing Care
3. Mahasiswa dapat mempraktekkan dialog ‘showing care’ di depan kelas
4. Mahasiswa dapat menyusun kalimat dengan menggunakan adjective clause

A. Pembelajaran 1

Sub CP Mata Kuliah:

Mahasiswa mampu menyusun dialog menggunakan ungkapan ‘showing care’
1. Glosarium
Condolences : belasungkawa
Terible : situasi/keadaan yang buruk
Awful : mengerikan
Unfortunate : sial
2. Tujuan
Mahasiswa dapat menyusun dialog tentang ungkapan ‘Showing Care’ dan
mempraktekkannya di depan kelas
3. Uraian Materi


Sympathy expression is an expression or feeling of pity and sorrow when we

know and see people are unlucky, have trouble, or are in bad condition. For
example, our friend is sad because his/her grand father is sick. We can entertain
him/her by showing sympathy. By expressing sympathy, we want to show our
concern or care for other people’s condition.The purpose of expressing sympathy is
to comfort people who have trouble or are in bad conditions. It is also aimed to let
people know that we care for them. We can express sympathy directly to him/her
orally by saying something supportive. In this way, we let our friend know that we
know about his/her sadness and we let our friend know that we care and want to
help him/her. If the person who is in trouble is far from us, we can send him/her a
letter, post card, short messageser vice(sms), or email to show our care/ sympathy.

Showing Care
- Please accept my condolences.
- Please accept my deepest symphaty.
- I know how you must be feeling.
- That’s so sad.
- I am sorry to hear your loss.
- I hope things get better soon.
- I hope you feel better soon.
- I’m awfully sorry that . . .
- I’m sorry to hear that . . .
- I am sorry to hear such terrible news.
- Poor you!
- I do sympathize with you.
- Oh, dear!
- That’s awful/ a pity / unfortunate
- I am extremely sorry to hear that.

Complete these pictures with the following sentences below :

1. Please accept my condolences Thank you so much.

They are so lovely
2. You must be very upset You are truly good friends
3. I’m extremely sorry to hear that Thank you for your
4. I was deeply sorry to hear that you’re sick Thank you
Very much

4. Rangkuman

Sympathy expression is an expression or feeling of pity and sorrow when we
know and see people are unlucky, have trouble, or are in bad condition.

5. Tugas

Re-arrange the following sentences into a good dialogue between Eric and

Eric :....
Nindya : . . . .
Eric :

What a pity! What’s wrong with her?

Maybe he can make a proposal to get a scholarship from the
school. He is a clever student and I think the school will be
willing to consider it.

Not yet. What’s up?

I wonder what has happened to Larry. He hasn’t showed up in the
school for three days.

Oh, that must be difficult for them. But there must be a way for
Larry to keep continuing his study.

Oh! I am really sorry to hear that. How could that be?

Nindya :

Yeah, that’s a good idea.

Don’t you know the latest news about him?

I’m not sure but she has been taken to the hospital several times
just for this last couple of months.

His parents have to spend a lot of money to take care of his little
sister, who is seriously ill.

I don’t know. Any idea?

Poor him. He is thinking about quiltting the school since his
parents can not afford him anymore.

6. Tes

Fill in the blanks with the correct expressions from the box, then practice the
dialogs in pairs.

A. I’m sorry to hear that

B. Oh my God.
C. Is that so?
D. Oh my. What happened?
E. How awful
F. That’s too bad
a) John : Hey Sammy, what happened to your leg?
a. Sammy :I hurt it when I was playing football.
b. John : . . . . How did you do that?
c. Sammy : I fell down as I was running to get the ball.
d. John :....
e. Sammy : Yes. I won’t be able to play for a month.
b) Danny : I’m afraid I can’t come to your party tonight. I have to take my
grandfather to hospital.
a. Jay :....
b. Danny : He had a heart attack.
c. Jay :....
c) Jean : Did you hear that there was a robbery at Susan’s house?
a. Eddy : . . . . What happened?
b. Jean : Well, When they came back from their holiday, nearly all of their
valuable things had been stolen, including their new car!
c. Eddy : . . . .

B. Pembelajaran 2

Sub CP Mata Kuliah:

Mahasiswa mampu membuat kalimat dengan menggunakan adjective clause dengan
1. Glosarium





2. Tujuan
Mahasisw dapat menyusun kalimat dengan menggunakan adjective clause
3. Uraian Materi

Adjective Clause

An adjective clause function, like any-adjective and thus it is used to modify a noun or
pronoun. Adjective clauses are generally introduced by :

Who for person as subject

Whom for person as object

Which for things as subject and object

Whose for possession

Example :

a) Do you know the staff ? He will be promoted as our new division manager.
Do you know the staff who will be promoted as our new division manager ?
b) We are waiting for the guest. We met him yesterday.
We are waiting for the guest whom we met yesterday.
c) Have you typed the letter ? The director asked it this morning ?
Have you typed the letter which the director asked this morning
d) The girl is the new employee in our office. Her house is not far from

The girl whose house is not far from yours is the new employee in our office.

4. Rangkuman

An adjective clause function, like any-adjective and thus it is used to modify a noun or

5. Tugas

Fill in the blanks with who, whom, which or whose.

a. I know the man ……. Is sitting in the lobby.

b. What’s the name of the girl …. You called just now ?
c. Can you show me the photocopier …. Mr.andi bought last week ?
d. Get me the map ….. I put on your desk.
e. Have you met the lady ….. car is parked in the yard ?
f. The woman … children are naughty often loses her temper.
g. The family …… live next door are very friendly.
h. The handsome man ….. you greeted last night is my uncle.
i. The ladder …. You borrowed is Mr.Ali’s
j. That’s Mr.Arief ……. Shop is full of furniture

6. Tes

Identify the wrong words / phrases and correct them.

a) The company, who pays attention to it’s customers will be successful.

b) The person who she has the information is Jane Fennimore.

c) The fax that Mr. Gerard sent it from Toronto is incomplete.


d) The building who wins the award for architecture will become famous.
e) The visitor his car is in front of the entrance did not read the parking sign.

f) Tom said that he is going away for several days
g) Arifah with his father went to Malang the day before yesterday.
h) The students said that they couldn’t came to the museum.



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