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Unit 1

Kompetensi Inti

3. Memahami dan menerapkan pengetahuan ( faktual, konseptual dan prosedural)

berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang pengetahuan , teknologi, seni budaya terkait
fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata .

4. Mengolah, menyaji, dan menalar dalam ranah kongkrit ( menggunakan mengurai,

merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat ) dan ranah abstrak ( menulis, membaca,
menghitung, mengpicture , dan mengarang ) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan
sumber lain yang sama sudut pandang / teori..

Kompetensi Dasar :

3.1 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi interpersonal
lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan meminta perhatian, mengecek pemahaman,
menghargai kinerja, meminta dan mengungkapkan pendapat, serta menanggapinya,
sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya
4.1 Menyusun teks interaksi interpersonal lisan dan tulis sangat pendek dan sederhana yang
melibatkan tindakan meminta perhatian, mengecek pemahaman, menghargai kinerja, serta
meminta dan mengungkapkan pendapat, dan menanggapinya dengan memperhatikan fungsi
sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks


1. Siswa dapat mengungkapkan dan merespon kalimat sederhana untuk meminta

2. Siswa dapat mengungkapkan dan merespon kalimat sederhana tentang mengecek
3. Siswa dapat mengungkapkan dan merespon kalimat sederhana tentang memberikan
kinerja yang baik.
4. Siswa dapat mengungkapkan dan merespon kalimat sederhana tentang pendapat.

Ringkasan Materi

A. Expression of getting and showing Attention.

Gambar contoh meminta perhatian :
1. Look at the picture above.

This picture shows you the expreesion that ussually used to get

and show attention.

2. Here are the other expression on getting and giving attentions:

Getting attention Giving attention / respons

Excuse me! Yes sir/ mam/ madam
Attention please! Really
May I have your attention ,please? OK, Sir / Mam.
Can I get your attention please. OK.
Be queite please! How its interestitng
Shh Whats next?
Look that!

3. Dialogue
1. Mr. Roni : Attention please !
Students : Yes, Sir

Mr.Roni : I want to give you test today.

Students : What kind of test sir?

Mr. Roni : It is oral test or speaking.

Be ready for this.

Students : Okay Sir.

A. Fungsi sosial teks: Untuk menjaga hubungan interpersonal dengan guru dan teman.
B. Unsur Kebahasaan
 Ungkapan a.l. Excuse me, Is it clear?, great, dan I think so.
 Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan, tanda baca, dan tulisan tangan.

C. Struktur teks
Getting Some0ne’s Attention

 Excuse me. Attention, please. Yes, please. Alright., No problem

 Can you hear me ?, Yes Miss/Sir/Ma’am

 Can you give your attention to me,please?, Yes Miss/Sir/Ma’am

 Listen to me, please !, Yes Miss/Sir/Ma’am

 Excuse me, please look at me, attention please !, No problem

 Attention, please! Yes Miss/Sir/Ma’am

 Pay attention now! Yes Miss/Sir/Ma’am

 Look over here. Yes Miss/Sir/Ma’am

 Look at me. Yes Miss/Sir/Ma’am

 Can I have your attention, please? Yes Miss/Sir/Ma’am

 Try to concentrate now. Yes Miss/Sir/Ma’am

Checking for someone;s understanding

Expressions Responses
Is everything clear? Yes, Ma’am/ No,/ Not really/
Do you understand everything? Not yet Miss/Sir/Ma’am
Is there anything you don’t understand
Do you know the meaning of the word … ?
Are there any words you don’t know
Are there any strange words or expressions?
Are there any phrases you don’t know the
meaning of?
Are there any questions on this text?
Is there anything else you would like to ask about?
Are there any words you’re unfamiliar with?
Has anybody got anything to ask about this text?

Asking for Opinion

Expressions Respon
 What do you think....?  I think....
 What is your opinion about....?  I must say....
 How do you feel about?  From my point of view..

Showing someone’s appreciation

Expressions Responses
 Excellent  Thanks.
 It’s so beautiful
 You look great
 It’s very interesting
 How beautiful
A. Materi Pembelajaran
Materi Reguler

D. Teks lisan dan tulis yang menggunakan ungkapan meminta perhatian, mengecek
pemahaman, meminta/ mengungkapkan pendapat serta meresponnya sesuai dengan
konteks penggunaannya.
E. Fungsi sosial teks: Untuk menjaga hubungan interpersonal dengan guru dan teman.
F. Unsur Kebahasaan
 Ungkapan a.l. Excuse me, Is it clear?, great, dan I think so.
 Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan, tanda baca, dan tulisan tangan.
G. Struktur teks
Getting Some0ne’s Attention

 Excuse me. Attention, please. Yes, please. Alright., No problem

 Can you hear me ?, Yes Miss/Sir/Ma’am

 Can you give your attention to me,please?, Yes Miss/Sir/Ma’am

 Listen to me, please !, Yes Miss/Sir/Ma’am

 Excuse me, please look at me, attention please !, No problem

 Attention, please! Yes Miss/Sir/Ma’am

 Pay attention now! Yes Miss/Sir/Ma’am

 Look over here. Yes Miss/Sir/Ma’am

 Look at me. Yes Miss/Sir/Ma’am

 Can I have your attention, please? Yes Miss/Sir/Ma’am

 Try to concentrate now. Yes Miss/Sir/Ma’am

Checking for someone;s understanding

Expressions Responses

Is everything clear? Yes, Ma’am/ No,/ Not really/

Do you understand everything? Not yet Miss/Sir/Ma’am
Is there anything you don’t understand
Do you know the meaning of the word … ?
Are there any words you don’t know
Are there any strange words or expressions?
Are there any phrases you don’t know the
meaning of?
Are there any questions on this text?
Is there anything else you would like to ask about?
Are there any words you’re unfamiliar with?
Has anybody got anything to ask about this text?

Asking for Opinion

Expressions Respon
 What do you think....?  I think....
 What is your opinion about....?  I must say....
 How do you feel about?  From my point of view..

Showing someone’s appreciation

Expressions Responses
 Excellent  Thanks.
 It’s so beautiful
 You look great
 It’s very interesting
 How beautiful


1. ........................, may I have your attention, please?
A. Any one
B. Students
C. Everybody
D. b and c are correct
2. Attention please! Are we ................ready to learn English
A. are C.all D .is

3. Molly : Do you understand of what she said?

George : Yes, she ......that we should speak English in our English class.
A. Saying
B. says
C. said
D. say
4. Teacher : What do you think if we use English in our English class?
Students : ......................................
A. That is a good idea
B. I agree with him
C. I have no idea
D. I don’t think so
5. Teacher : Dayu, please look at me! Would you stop doing that please? Are
you ............ to learn?
A. ready
B. happy
C. feel
D. all
6. Rangga : What do you think about our english teacher?
Sania : ... I like her very much.
A. She’s great
B. I don’t know
C. I think it’s easy.
D. She is our teacher
7. Teacher : It’s so beautiful picture, Seno.
Seno : ....

A. Yes, it is
B. Yes, I do
C. I don’t think so
D. Thank you Ma’am
8. Wati : ..., Sir. May I wash my hands?
Teacher : Sure.Please do. :
A. Look at me please
B. Excuse me
C. Look
D. Yes
9. Teacher : You had read the novel. Do you understand the story?
Siti :Yes, I do. The story is exciting.
The underlined sentence is an expression of ....
A. Asking opinion
B. Getting attention
C. Showing appreciation
D. Checking someone’s understanding

10. Teacher : Everbody, ... I will explain the material.

Students : Yes, Ma’am.

A. Do you understand?
B. Attention, please.
C. What about you?
D. Are you okay?

Complete the sentences below.

1. To get get her students’

attention in picture 1, Mrs. Ina
says ....

2. To get Siti’ attention in picture

2, Mrs. ina says ....

3. To get her students’ attention in

picture 3, Mrs. Ina says ....

4. To get Edo’s attention in

picture 4, Mrs ina says ....
5. To get her students’ attention in
picture 5, Mrs. Ina says ....

6. To get her students’ attention in

picture 6, Mrs ina says ....

7. To get Dayu’s attention in

picture 7, Mrs. Ina says ....

8. To get Edo’s attention in

picture 8, Mrs. Ina says ....
9. To get Mrs. Ina’s attention in
picture 9, Dayu says ....

10. To get his friends’ attention,

Edo says ....

Choose A, B, C, or D as the best answer.

1. Alan : Did you know ? Jack got 10 for his English.

Bill : Wow ! ......................
a. I’m sorry to hear that. b. How are you ? c. Yes, he is. d. How intelligent.
2. Peter : Look at the preety girl over there.
John : .........................
a. Wow. How beautiful she is.
b. How old are you ?
c. Are you very tired ?
d. Did you come here yesterday ?

3. Anna : Are you doing your homework tommorow ?

Nisa : No, I’m not. I did it two days ago.
Anna : Really ? ........................
a. How nice it is.
b. How quickly you did it !
c. How are you today ?
d. Let’s go to the canteen.
4. Ratih : How often does Steven practise his English ?
Tony : He practise English every day.
Ratih : Oh, really ? .............................
a. What do you do ?
b. You are dilligent.
c. What a diligent student !
d. I like English.
5. Nadia : What are you doing this weekend ?
Linda : I’m going to the beach with my friends.
Nadia : ............................
a. How tall you are.
b. How beautiful she is.
c. What did they do ?
d. What an interesting plan.
6. Linda : I’m very hungry.
Mila : Why don’t you eat this bread ?
Nadia : ..............................
a. What delicious bread.
b. It is bread.
c. How much is the cake ?
d. Do you always buy the food ?
7. Lissa : The students always arrive early in the morning at school eevery day.
Bella : They are never late.
Aulia : Do they ? ..............................
a. How nice you are.
b. What dilligent students.
c. The students are very tall.
d. Our English teacher is very smart.
8. Look at the baby .................
a. My friend has got a baby boy.
b. It is very hot outside.
c. He is so cute.
d. Does she have a baby ?
9. Paul : Have you read this novel ?
Eric : Yes, I have. I’d love it. ..................
a. How diligent you are.
b. Do you have any money ?
c. How often do you go to the bookstore ?
d. It is such an interesting novel !
10. Anton : How was the food ?
Lina : .............................
a. I was such delicious food.
b. No, I don’t.
c. Yes, of course.
d. I’m afraid I can’t.

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