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UKMBM Sastra Inggris ‐


1. Identitas
a. Nama Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA SASTRA INGGRIS
b. Semester 3
c. KompetensiDasar :

3.1. Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan teks interaksi interpersonal lisan dan tulis yang
melibatskan tindakan menyarankan untuk melakukan atau
tidak melakukan sesuatu dengan penjelasan, serta
meresponsnya, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya

4.1. Menyusun teks interaksi interpersonal lisan dan tulis yang

melibatkan tindakan menyarankan untuk melakukan atau
tidak melakukan sesuatu dengan penjelasan, dan
meresponsnya dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur
teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks

d. Materi Pokok : Suggestions

e. Alokasi Waktu : 2 X 4 JP

f. Tujuan Pembelajaran :
Pertemuan 1
Melalui proses membaca, menonton, menanya, mencoba dan
menalar, peserta didik, mampu:
1. Mengidentifikasi struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan pada
teks lisan dan tulis memberi saran serta responnya.
2. Menyimpulkan fungsi sosial ungkapan-ungkapan
untuk memberi saran
3. Menghasilkan teks untuk memberi saran dan meresponnnya,
dengan menggunakan struktur dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar
sehingga peserta didik dapat menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran
agama yang dianutnya, mengembangkan sikap sabar, tekun, dan
bertanggungjawab, serta dapat mengembangkan kemampuan
berpikir kritis, berkomunikasi, berkolaborasi, berkreasi (4C).

Pertemuan 2
Melalui proses membaca, menonton, menanya, mencoba dan
menalar, peserta didik, mampu:
1. Melakukan monolog dan dialog yang memberi saran sesuai kontek.
Kalian juga diharapkan dapat menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang
dianut, mengembangkan sikap jujur, peduli, dan bertanggungjawab, serta
dapat mengembangkan kemampuan berpikir kritis,
berkomunikasi, berkolaborasi, berkreasi.

g. Materi Pembelajaran


I think…

I suppose …

In my opinion … I believe that

I should say that ….

dan semacamnya Konseptual:

- Menjaga hubungan interpersonal dengan guru, teman, dan orang lain

- Terbiasa menggunakan ungkapan memberi saran dan meresponnya


Unsur kebahasaan:
‐ Ungkapan yang sesuai untuk menyarankan.( I believe ..., I think ..., I suppose
..., In my opinion ...)
‐ Penggunaan nominal singular dan plural secara tepat, dengan atau tanpa a,
the, this, those, my, their, dsb secara tepat dalam frasa
‐ Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan, tanda baca, dan tulisan tangan

Berbagai kegiatan yang terkait dengan peserta didik sebagai remaja

dan pelajar SMA, yang dapat menumbuhkan perilaku yang termuat

dalam KI.

2. Peta Konsep

3. Kegiatan Pembelajaran a) Read and learn the materials about
suggestions from different sources
BAGAIMANA b) Completeallthe tasks inthis
CARA “UKB” on your own book.
BELAJARNYA c) You can work individually or with
your friend(s), and if you have
UKB ini? finished with all the tasks, you may
take the formative test and continue
to the next“UKB.”

Sebelum mempelajari materi, cermati gambar berikut dan
jawab pertanyaannya.
Observe the picture and answer the
following questions.

 Have you ever given

suggestion or opinions? Yes.

 Whatexpressions do you usually

use to make suggestions or
How about + simple present,
ex : How about this dress? You look so
beautiful with it.

 How about the respons?

They will answer "Sure,
thanks for your suggestions"
if they are agree, and they
will answer "I think this one
is more beautiful." if they are
disagree and have their own
 Do the people decline or accept
the suggestions or offers?
Sometimes my
suggestions accepted, and
sometimes not.

After answering the questions

WHAT’S above, learn some vocabularies

related to the topic.
Untuk memahami materi, silahkan Kalian pelajari dahulu kosakata berikut.

Read and learn some vocabularies that are used in this section.
Suggest means to present a suggestion that is to introduce or propose an idea
or a for consideration
Suggestion is about say or write our ideas about what people should do

To check your understanding on the words, write whether the

following expressions are suggestions or offers.

1. Let’s not go to beach. Let’s stay home instead. (suggestions)

2.Why don’t you come around seven? (suggestions)

3.Can I get you ice tea to drink? (offers)

4.Would you like me to get you some food? (offers)

a. Main Activity
Read the conversation below.
Ruby : Assalamualaikum Oka, would you like to do something with me this
Oka : waalaikumussalam .Sure.What shall we do?
Ruby : I do not know .Do you have any ideas?
Oka : Why do not we go to the
Ruby : That sounds good to me.
Oka : Let's watch “Action Man 4 “.
Ruby : I’d rather not.I do not like violent movie .How about "Mad
Doctor Brown"? I hear it's quite a funny

Oka : OK. Let’s go see that. When?

Ruby :It’sat8o'clockattheRex.Shallwehaveabitetoeatbeforethe
Oka : Sure, that sounds great.What about going to that new Italian restaurant '
Michetti’s ‘?
Ruby : Great idea! Let’s meet there at six.
Oka : OK. I'll see you at there at six. Bye. Assalamualaikum

Ruby : Bye. Waalaikumussalam

What kind of interpersonal transaction is going on in
the conversation above? Write your answer here!

Ruby invites Oka to enjoy the weekend with her. Oka offered
Ruby to enjoy the "action man 4" movie at the cinema. But Ruby
disagreed and suggested to watching the "mad doctor brown"
movie and Oka agreed. Ruby choose the time, Oka offers Ruby
to go to Michetti's new italian restaurant first before they're going
to the cinema, and Ruby agrees.

Read the conversation below.

Rina : Are you up for some dinner?

Avis : Hey, thanks. What‟s on the
Rina : What about something to
Avis : Sure.What about some coffe?
Rina : I‟d like it very much.
What kind of interpersonal transaction is going on in
the conversation above? Write your answer here!

Avis asked to Rina what was on the menu. Rina offered Avis
to order something to drink. Avis agree, and he order some coffe
on the menu.

Answer the following questions.

 Are all of those conversations are suggestions? Why?
Yes, because there is just a sentence that suggest something, not offered.

 Whatdoyou thinkthepurposeofthetwoconversations?
At first conversation the suggestion sentences have a purpose to suggest someone
opinion or idea to another, and the offer sentences have a purpose to offered something
that someone might want/need. At the second conversation, there is just two
suggestion sentences to suggest a thing to another.

 What kinds of expressions are they used?

first conversation
would you like to do something with me this weekend? (offer)
Why do not we go to the cinema? (suggestion)
Let's watch "Action Man 4" (offer)
How about "Mad Doctor Brown"? (offer)
Shall we have a bite to eat before the movie? (offer)
What about going to that new Italian restaurant Michetti's? (suggestion)
second conversation
What about something to drink? (suggestion)
What about some coffe? (suggestion)

 Do you find the difference on the conversations above?

 Ifyouransweris‘yes’,answerthesequestions:howcantheybedefferent?In what way they are different?

At the first conversation, there are some of suggestions and offers sentences. but at the
second conversation there is just two suggestion sentences.

Jika kalian mengalami kesulitan dalam menjawab pertanyaandiatas,

bacalah panduan berikut.

In order to help you answer the questions above, read these following
1. Read the definition of suggestion and offer.
2. Find thepurpose.
3. Read the expressions used.
4. Note the respons used.

Okay, let’s follow the steps.


1. What is suggestion?
Suggest meanstopresentasuggestionthatistointroduceorproposean idea or a
plan forconsideration.
Suggest means to propose a plan. It can beaccepted or refused.




Do you have any suggestions for me?

Would you mind giving me yoursuggestion? Can you
tell me what I should do?
What should I do?

You should + V1

You had better + V1

You oughtto+V1


What about + Ving How

about + Ving Let’s +V1


Couldn’t you +V1

Giving suggestion with “could”

• “could” can be used to give suggestion to others

SUGGESTION: We could go on a picnic.
We could go to Andhika‟s party.

• “could” can be used to give offer or possibility to others

CASE: I‟m having trouble in math class
SUGGESTION: You could talk to your teacher.
You could ask Ruby to help you with your math lessons.

Giving suggestion with let’s

Let's comes from the word
Let us,whichmeans:"Ihaveasuggestionforus"(sayapunyasuatusaran
untuk kita)
Let’s +
Let’s + not + V1
CASE: I‟m boring.

SUGGESTION: Let’s go to a movie
Let’s not go to beach. Let’s stay home

Giving suggestion with “why don‟t”

Why don’t is the most important phrase inEnglish to provide
• Why don’twegotoamovie?(Inthecontextofthatsentence,"Whydonot
we go = let’s go")
• Why don’tyou come around

Giving suggestion with shall

When shall used in the subject "I" and "We" in aquestion word, the speaker
usually gives suggestion andasks other people if they agree or disagree with the
suggestion that given.
Sometimes "shall we?" used in question tags after said let's. For more
details,pleaseseethe examplesentencesbelow.Example:

ShallIopenthewindow?Isthatokaywithyou? Shall we
leave at two? Is that okay?
Let's go, Shallwe?




Ok.Yes,let's.Yes, I'd
liketo.Yes,I'd love
to. What a good
idea!Why not?
Yes, with pleasure.
That sounds like a good idea. That's a

good/nice/wonderful idea.

No, let's not.
No, I'd rather not. I don't feel
like it.
Idislikeyoursuggestion. What
an awful / bad idea!
Sorry. That‟s boring. Let‟s do something else. It‟s a
bad idea.
No, let‟s not. Let‟s … I‟m
afraid, we/ I can‟t. No, I
don‟t think so.

Unscramble the words and add you to write sentences that give advice.
Sometimes more than one answer is possible.
1. decide what you want from a job / should / really / .
You really should decide what you want from a job. / You should
really decide what you want from a job.
2. had better / think about the hours you prefer / really / .
You had better really think about the hours you prefer. / You really had better think
about the hours you prefer.
3. ought to / decide if you want to be on call 24‐7 /perhaps / .
You ought to decide if you want to be on call 24-7 perhaps.

4. maybe/look for job advertisements online/should

You maybe should look for job advertisements online.
5. tell your family about your plans / ought to / probably /
You probably ought to tell your family about your plans.
6. really / shouldn’t / get discouraged / .
You really shouldn't get discouraged.
7. should /ask for advice from a career counselor /I think / .
I think you should ask for advice from a career counselor.
8. really / take a job you don’t like / had better not / !
You really had better not take a job you don't like.

Complete the conversations. Circle the correct words.

(the blue one is the correct answer)
1. A: I sent my résumé in for a job a few weeks ago, but I
haven’t had any response.
B: You could / Why don’t you call the company.

2. A: I have an interview next week, and I’m worried about getting there on
time. Traffi c is so bad.
B:You might / Why not scheduletheinterviewforthemiddleoftheday,
when traffi c isn’t as bad?
3. A: I can’t fi nd a job in my fi eld. I really need some work, any work!
B: You why not / might want to look for temporary work. Th at’s
often easier to fi nd.
4. A:Ihaveaninterviewtomorrow,butIdon’tknowalotaboutthecompany.
B:You might want to / Why don’t you do some research
online.I’ll help you.
5. A:I’m nervous about my interview on Monday.I don’tknow what they’ll askme.
B:Well, we could / why not practicetogether.Icanaskyouquestions.
6. A: I’m going to dress casually for my interview tomorrow.
It’s a very Informal company.
B: You could not / might not want to dress too casually. It’s still a
job interview.
7. A: Ihavetodriveto myinterview tomorrow,andIalways getlost when Idrive.
B:You might want to / Why don’t you print out directions or use a
8. A: Ijusthad a goodinterview, and I’m reallyinterested in thejob.
B:Why don’t / Why not you followup with a thank‐you note? It’salways agood idea

Exercise: Answer the following questions!

(the blue one is the answer)
MrBean:Hello,MissSmith.Would you like a cup of coffee? I'mjust making some.
Miss Smith : Oh, yes please, that would be lovely. Mr
Bean : How do you take it?
Miss Smith : With milk and sugar please. Mr
Bean: Here you are.
Miss Smith: Thank you.

1. The underlined expression expresses ...

A. Offeringsomething
B.Offering help
C. Accepting anoffer
D. Declining an offer

Dany: Good morning Jane, do you want an ice cream? Jane:

Oh, great! , I'd love one.
Dany: Chocolate or Strawberry? Jane:
Chocolate, please.

2. The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is

A. Yesplease
B. No Thanks
C. Don'tbother
D. Never mind
E. Not forme

Andy: Shall I carry your luggage to your apartmen?

Boby: Yes, please!
3. The underlined word has similar meaning with
A. Borrow
B. Bring
C. Drop
D. Dodge
E. Leave

Indry:The box you brought looks very heavy.

Putry : Sure. It’s very kind of you. Thanks.
4. The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is
… A. Would you like me to help you?
C. Wouldyouliketohelpme?
D.Wouldyouliketobringitfor me?
E. Couldyoubringitforme?
Andry:Some ofour friends will join the concert tomorrow.Would you like to go
with me?
Sintya: It will very interesting.I need to refresh my mind this
5. The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is
… A. I’d love to but I don’t think I can come
B. I’m really sorry. I already have my
own plan
C. Well, I’m not sure
D. What a great idea!
E. Not for me, thanks


Check your understanding by answering the following questions.

1. Explain using your ownword:what is suggestion? Whatis offer?

suggestion is a sentence that having a purpose to suggesting an idea or opinion to
someone. offer is a sentence that having a purpose to offering things that someone might
want /need.

2. From the reading as well as the examples of suggestion and offer identify
the expressions and responses used in the conversation!

expressions of suggestion
 Why do not we go to the cinema?
 What about going to that new Italian restaurant Michetti's?
 What about something to drink?
 What about some coffee?

expressions of offer
 Let's watch "Action Man 4".
 How about "Mad Doctor Brown"?
 Shall we have a bite to eat before the movie?
 would you like to do something with me this weekend?

responses of suggestions
 That sounds good to me.
 Great idea!
 Sure
 I'd like it very much.

responses of offer
 I'd rather not.
 Sure.
 OK. Let’s go see that.
 Sure, that sounds great.

3. From the reading as well as the examples of the conversation, identify the function
of suggestion and offer.
The function of suggestion is for suggesting and idea or opinion to
someone. The function of offer is for offering things to someone that
might want/need.

4. From the reading as well as the examples of the conversation

provided, analyze the tenses used in a written conversation.
 What about something to drink? (What about + Ving How)
 Why do not we go to the cinema? (Whydon’tyou+V1)

5. From the reading as well as the examples of the advertisement

provided, identifythedifferentofsuggestionandoffer.
They are have different purposes, like suggestion is for giving
our opinion or idea, and offer is for offering things.

If you have done with the evaluation for UKB1 task 1&2 above, you may continue to UKB1
task 3.


Whatdoyouunderstandaboutsuggestionandoffersofar? What expressions do
you usually used in suggestion and offer?

Write a conversation of suggestion and offer.

Withapartner,practicemakingsuggestions inthefollowingsituations:
1. Help your partner decide which item to buy.
A : Which dress is more beautiful?
B : Hmm... what about this one? You look so beautiful with it.
A : Yeah, that looks great. Thanks.
2. Warn your partner against doing something.
A : Hey, what are you doing?
B : Iam making some food for dinner.
A : Would you like me to help you?
B : Sure, that's a very kind of you.
3. Suggest that your partner change his/her plans.
A : I having a plan for lunch with Olive tomorrow, but my mom ask me for bothering her
at the hospital tomorrow too.
B : You should change your plan to having a lunch with Olive.
A : Yeah you're right.
4. Help your partner make up his/her mind.
A : All of this task makes me crazy, i can't do it anymore.
B : Hey, calm down. You really should taking a break for a while.
A : Hmm... yeah, thanks for your suggestion.
5. Suggest doing an
A : Hey, do you have a plan for the
B : I think no. Why don't we are
going to the mall? I have to buy
some stuff.
A : That is a great idea.

Sample conversations:
A:Should I buy the Porsche or the Ferrari?

B:I think you should buy the Ferrari.

A: Why is that?
B: Because I'd like to borrow it.

A: Why don't you give Daphne a call?

B: Good idea. I haven't seen her for a while. A:
Maybe you should ask her out.
B: Hmmm. I'll think about it. Group

Work Activity!
Aim: Building reading comprehension and advice giving skills / focus onmodalverb'should and modal verbs of deduction
Activity: Reading about teenage problems followed by group work

1. Start off the lesson by asking students to suggest what type of problems teenagers typically
may have.
2. Use one of the problems mentioned and inductively review modal verbs of deduction by asking questions
such as, "What must have happened to theboy?","Doyouthinkhemighthaveliedtohisparents?",etc.
3. Askstudentsforadviceonwhatthepersonshoulddo(reviewing the modal verb 'should').
4. Have students get into small groups (four or five students).
5. Distribute the handout with the various teen problems taken from real life. Assign one (or two) situations to
each group.
6. Have the students answer the questions as a group. Ask students to use the same forms as given in the
questions (i.e. "What might he have thought? ‐ ANSWER: He might have thought it was too difficult.")
7. Studentsshouldthenusethesheettoreportbacktotheclass activelyusingthemodalverb'should'
8. As a follow‐up exercise or homework:

‐ ‐ Ask students to write about a problem they have had.

Studentsshouldnotwritetheirnamesontheirshort problem description

‐‐ Distribute the problems to other students

Have students answer the questions about the situation described by on of their classmates

‐ Ask students to verbally give recommendations

Teenage Problems ‐ Giving Advice

Questionnaire: Read your situation and then answer the following questions
Whatmighttherelationshipbebetweenthepersonandhis/ her parents?
How must he / she feel?
What can't have
happened? Where might
he / she live?
Why might he / she have this problem? Whatshouldhe/shedo?
(Giveatleast5suggestions) Teenage Problems: Texts Should I Marry Him?
I have been with my Fiance foralmost four years, We are going to get married nextyearbut,there are a
couple of concerns Ihave:oneis the fact that he never talks abouthisfeelings, hekeeps everythinginside of
sometimes has trouble with expressinghis excitement about things also.He never buys me flowers or takes
me out to dinner.He says that he doesn'tknow why,but he never thinks of things likethat.
Idon'tknowifthisisa sideefect ofdepressionor,maybe,he is sickof me. He says that he loves me and that he
wants to marry me. If t his is true, what is his problem?
Female, 19

For Friendship or Love?

I'm one of those guys who have "the quite normal" problem: I'm in love with a girl, but Idon'tknow what to
do.Ihave already had a crush on some girls, never with any success, but this is something different. My problem is
actuallythatI'm toocowardlytotellheranything.Iknowthatshelikesme and we're very, very good friends.
We've known each other for about three years, and our friendship has constantly become better.
Weoftengetintoquarrels,butwealwaysmake up.Anotherproblemis that we often talk aboutproblems with each
other, and so I know she is having problems with her boyfriend (who I think is no good for her). We meet almost
every day. We always have very much fun together, but isitreallyso difficultto love someone who hasbeena
goodchumto you untilnow?

Male, 15
Please help me and My Family
Myfamilydon'tget along.It'slike we all hate eachother. It'smymom, me, my two brothers and a sister. I am the
oldest. We all have certain problems:Mymom wants to quit smoking so she is really stressed out.I
amreallyselfish(Ijust can'thelpit).Oneofmybrothersistoobossy.He
thinksheisbetterthantherestofusandthatheistheonlyonewho helpsmymom.Myotherbrother iskind
ofabusiveand depressed.He alwaysstartsfightsandhe'sreallyspoiled(my momdoesn'tyellathim
fordoingthingswrongandwhenshedoes,helaughsather);Mysister (who's7)makesmesses
tohelp becauseIdon'tlikebeingupsetallofthetimeandhavingeveryonehate everyoneelse.Evenwhenwestarttoget
along,someonewillsay something
to upset someone else.Please help
meandmyfamily. Female, 15

Hates School
Ihateschool.IcannotstandmyschoolsoIskipitalmosteveryday. Luckily, Iam a smartpersonand I'm in
allofthe advanced classes and don't have reputation as a rebel. Only the people who really know me
feelings.Myparentsdon'tcare‐theydon'teven mention it if I don't go to school. What Iend up doingis sleeping all day
andthenstayingupallnighttalkingto mygirlfriend.Igetbehindin my work and when I try to go back to school I get a
bunch of crap from my teachers and friends. I just get so depressed when I think about it.I havegiven
upontryingtogo backandnowamconsideringdropping out altogether, but I really don't want to do that because
I realize it would ruin my life. Idon't want to go back at allbut I also don't wantit to ruin my life. I am so
confused and I have really tried to go back and just can't take it. What should I do? Please help.
Male, 16

Refenrences: ‐ lesson‐ advice.php

Writing Checklist.
Setelah menyusun sebuah teks conversation di kegiatan belajar 3, silahkan
cek tulisan Kalian menggunakan checklist di bawah ini.

Mention suggestion.

Use correct construction of the sentences (present dan/atau future

tense). All of the words are spelled correctly (correct spelling).

Useappropriate punctuation(comma,full‐stop,etc.)andcapitalization.
Have neat writing.

Semua poin di atas harus tercentang. Jika ada yang belum, revisi kembali
tulisan Kalian dan lakukan pengecekan ulang.
Check your understanding by answering the following questions.
1. How can you asking and giving suggestion?

2. How can you write the expressions and the responses?

3. Why do people asking and giving suggestion?

6. How is the language used?

b. Closing
Bagaimana Kalian sekarang?
Setelah Kalian belajar bertahap dan berlanjut melalui kegiatan belajar 1, 2, dan 3,

berikut diberikan Tabel untuk mengukur diri Kalian terhadap materi yang sudah

Kalian pelajari. Jawablah sejujurnya terkait dengan penguasaan materi pada

UKB ini di Tabel berikut.

Tabel Refleksi Diri Pemahaman Materi

No Pertanyaan Ya Tidak
1. Apakah Kalian telah memahami definisi
suggestion offer?
2. Dapatkah Kalian menjelaskan fungsi suggestion?
3. Dapatkah Kalian menyusun sendiri dialog
Jika menjawab “TIDAK” pada salah satu pertanyaan di atas, maka pelajarilah kembali
materi tersebut dalam sumber belajar yang disarankan di “Materi Pembelajaran” serta
sumber lain yang relevan, pelajari ulang kegiatan belajar 1, 2, atau 3 yang sekiranya perlu
Kalian ulang dengan bimbingan Guru atau teman sejawat. Jangan putus asa untuk
mengulang lagi! Dan apabila Kalian menjawab “YA” pada semua
job!” maka lanjutkan berikut.

Dimana posisimu?
Ukurlah diri Kalian dalam menguasaimaterisuggestiondalamrentang 0
– 100, tuliskan ke dalam kotak yang tersedia.

Setelah Kalian menuliskan penguasaanmu terhadap materi suggestion lanjutkan kegiatan berikut untuk
mengevaluasi penguasaan Kalian!
Ini adalah bagian akhir dari UKB materi suggestion, mintalah tes formatif kepada Guru Kalian
sebelum belajar ke UKB berikutnya. Sukses untuk Kalian!!!

Anda mungkin juga menyukai