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Kelompok 11

Mega Marya Ulfah 1610913220009

Prinandita Syafira 1810913220017

Novita Sari 1610913320032

Nuarita dewi lestari 1810913320011

Ni Made Dwi Armawati 1810913320013

Nur khalisah hayati 1810913220011

Tio Yulia Margaretha 1810913320012



Puji dan syukur kami panjatkan kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, Syukur Alhamdulillah,
merupakan satu kata yang sangat pantas penulis ucakan kepada Allah Swt, yang karena bimbingan-Nya lah
maka penulis bisa menyelesaikan sebuah analisis jurnal berjudul "HIDROSEFALUS”
Sholawat bernada salam kami sanjung sajikan kepada kepangkuan Nabi besar Muhammad SWT,
dengan adanya rasulullah, Alhamdulillah sampai saat ini kami dapat menyusun makalah ini. Saya
menyadari bahwa masih sangat banyak kekurangan yang mendasar pada makalah ini.
Oleh karna itu saya mengundang pembaca untuk memberikan kritik dan saran yangbersifat
membangun untuk kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan ini.

Banjarbaru, 23 maret 2020



A. Judul Artikel Jurnal

Prevention of infection by antibiotic-impregnated shunts after pediatric hydrocephalus
treatment: A single center, retrospective study in China
B. Pengarang
Bo Yang (MD, PhD), Yunhai Song (MD), Pingping Gao (MD), Nan Bao (MD, PhD)
C. Sumber
Journal Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery
D. Tanggal Publikasi

17 Oktober 2016


Analisis PICO


 Infeksi berkembang sekitar 0,3% -12,9% pada pasien pasca operasi biasanya dalam
rentang 6 bulan setelah implantasi / operasi shunt. Pada penelitian ini tahun 2001
hingga 2013, tingkat infeksi dengan jangka waktu 6 bulan secara keseluruhan 3,47%
ini konsisten dengan pengalaman penelitian lain yang dipublikasikan rata-rata sekitar
11%, dan dapat mencapai setinggi 15-25% pada bayi dibawah dari 6 bulan.
 Hydrocephalus, salah satu penyakit neurologis pediatrik yang paling umum, paling
sering diobati dengan operasi shunt. Pasca bedah atau operasi, infeksi tetap menjadi
komplikasi umum dan penyebab utama kecacatan dan kematian. Sebagian besar
infeksi bakteri timbul dari kulit normal, yang paling sering stafilokokus koagulase
negatif (Staphylococcus epidermidis dan aureus), dan bakteri Gram-negatif (E. coli),
yang masuk dalam kateter shunt atau kompartemen cairan serebrospinal diwaktu
pemasangan kateter atau melalui kontaminasi selama prosedur bedah. Selain itu,
tingkat infeksi shunt bisa dipengaruhi oleh kondisi fisik anak, keberadaan kulit
masalah, dan teknik bedah, waktu, komplikasi termasuk pendarahan.
 Penelitian dilakukan pada tahun 2001 hingga 2013 dengan 807 kasus anak mengalami
hydrocephalus dengan operasi shunt yang dilakukan oleh ahli bedah yang sama di
Departemen Neurosurgery di Medikal Center Anak Shanghai berafiliasi ke Shanghai
Jiaotong University School of Medicine. . Sebagian besar kasus (736/807) adalah bayi
berusia dibawah 1 tahun. Berdasarkan 807 kasus operasi shunt, 28 anak positif
terinfeksi mikroorganisme selama rentang waktu 6 bulan pasca operasi.


 Protokol penelitian telah disetujui oleh Institutional Review Board dari Medikal
Center Anak Shanghai, dan mematuhi prinsip-prinsip yang ditetapkan dalam US Code
of Federal Regulations tentang Perlindungan Subyek Manusia, direvisi 15 Januari
2009 serta mematuhi Dunia Medical Association Deklarasi Helsinki.
 Pemilihan katup shunt diputuskan berdasarkan status ekonomi keluarga dan
keparahan hidrosefalus dengan konsultasi antara pasien keluarga dan ahli bedah. 303
kasus menerima kateter konvensional dan 504 kasus menerima AIS.
 Satu hari sebelum operasi, pasien harus mandi dan keramas terlebih dahulu. Lalu
mereka diberi sefalosin secara intravena sebanyak 50 mg/kg 30 menit sebelum operasi
(apabila alergi dengan sefalosprin maka diganti dengan makrolida atau penisilin).
Rambut anak di cukur di bagian bawah yang akan di bedah dan mereka diposisikan
secara telentang dengan kepala dimiringkan. Ahli bedah membuat sayatan sebagai
lubang untuk memasukkan kateter yang hendak ditanam pada ventrikel (tepatnya pada
ujung posterior lateral kiri ventrikel di lobus oksipital)
 Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dari 28 anak yang terkena infeksi mikroorganisme. 10
anak menggunakan kateter Antibiotik-impragnated shunts (AIS) dan 18 orang
menggunakan kateter konvensional. Di dapatkan hasil bahwa tingkat kemunculan
infeksi lebih rendah atau lamban waktunya untuk AIS daripada kateter konvensional.
Karena Secara umum, AIS dilapisi dengan rifampisin dan klindamisin yang efektif
terhadap patogen. Eksperimen in vitro ini menunjukkan bahwa kateter AIS dapat
membunuh semua bakteri dalam waktu 48-52 jam dengan efek farmakologis yang
bertahan selama 2 bulan. Bahkan jika efeknya menghilang kemungkinan infeksi
sebelumnya tidak meningkat yang mengindikasikan efek bakterisidal dari AIS kateter
lebih kuat dari efek penghambatannya. Selain lebih relatif rendah terhadap
pencegahan infeksi, kateter AIS relatif lebih murah. Di Cina (yang digunakan dalam
penelitian ini), ketika katup shunt yang sama digunakan, harga kateter AIS setara
dengan sekitar 200 dolar AS dan harga kateter konvensional berkisar 40 dolar AS.
Total biaya terkait dengan operasi kateter AIS adalah sekitar RMB 50.000 yuan, RMB
12.000 yuan lebih dari untuk kateter konvensional. Namun, penghematannya
diperoleh melalui pencegahan infeksi dari kateter AIS karena resiko kateter
konventional shunt harus diangkat setelah infeksi, ditempatkan untuk drainase, dan di
setidaknya 2 minggu untuk diberi antibiotik sensitif atau desinfeksi dan kemudian
dimasukkan dengan perangkat shunt baru. Jika hal ini terjadi, untuk pemasangan
kembali kateter melebihi RMB 150.000 yuan, jauh lebih tinggi daripada biaya
tambahan kateter AIS.


Jurnal : Prevention of infection by antibiotic-impregnated shunts after pediatric

hydrocephalus treatment: A single center, retrospective study in China

 Protokol penelitian telah disetujui oleh Institutional Review Board dari Medikal
Center Anak Shanghai, dan mematuhi prinsip-prinsip yang ditetapkan dalam US Code
of Federal Regulations tentang Perlindungan Subyek Manusia. Pemilihan katup shunt
diputuskan berdasarkan status ekonomi keluarga dan keparahan hidrosefalus dengan
konsultasi antara pasien keluarga dan ahli bedah. 303 kasus menerima kateter
konvensional dan 504 kasus menerima AIS.
 Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dari 28 anak yang terkena infeksi mikroorganisme, di
dapatkan hasil bahwa tingkat kemunculan infeksi lebih rendah atau lamban waktunya
untuk AIS daripada kateter konvensional. Karena Secara umum, AIS dilapisi dengan
rifampisin dan klindamisin yang efektif terhadap patogen. Eksperimen in vitro ini
menunjukkan bahwa kateter AIS dapat membunuh semua bakteri dalam waktu 48-52
jam dengan efek farmakologis yang bertahan selama 2 bulan. Bahkan jika efeknya
menghilang kemungkinan infeksi sebelumnya tidak meningkat yang mengindikasikan
efek bakterisidal dari AIS kateter lebih kuat dari efek penghambatannya.

Jurnal : Antimicrobial-impregnated and - coated shunt catheters for prevention of

infections in patients with hydrocephalus: a systematic review and meta-analysis

 Dalam penelitian ini digunakan metode strategi pencarian, pilihan studi, dan ekstraksi
data. Dua peneliti melakukan pencarian sistematis terhadap database elektronik
PubMed dan Scopus menggunakan istilah pencarian yaitu antibiotik atau antimikroba
dan cairan serebrospinal atau ventrikuloperitoneal serta drainase ventrikel eksternal
dan juga shunt atau kateter dan infeksi. Kedua penyelidik melakukan pencarian
literatur yang terpisah dan independen dan mengekstraksi data yang relevan. Jika
perbedaan terjadi, mereka diselesaikan dalam pertemuan dengan simpatisan ketiga.
Akhir pencarian dilakukan pada Januari 2014. Tidak ada batasan tahun publikasi.
Data yang diekstraksi termasuk desain penelitian, wilayah geografis, jeni kateter,
durasi tindak lanjut periode, pendanaan, karakteristik populasi, jenis prosedur bedah
saraf, dan hasil (infeksi, kematian).
 Berdasarkan penelitian, risiko lebih rendah untuk infeksi diamati ketika AIC berada
dibandingkan dengan Silver-coated (CCs) untuk semua jenis implantasi kateter CSF
Analisis subkelompok menunjukkan bahwa AIC dikaitkan dengan risiko lebih rendah
untuk operasi shunt atau ventrikel drainase, infeksi dini pada operasi shunt permanen,
atau infeksi muncul dalam jangka waktu yang lambat pada operasi shunt permanen.
Perkembangan infeksi shunt CSF juga lebih rendah dengan AIC daripada dengan
Silver-coated (CCs). Akhirnya, tidak ada perbedaan yang diamati ketika kateter
dilapisi rifampin-minocyclin dibandingkan dengan rifampin-klindamisin dah tidak
ada pula perbedaan yang diamati pada risiko infeksi karena Staphylococcusspp.
(terlepas dari jenis shunting), CoNS, S. aureus, atau bakteri gram positif, tetapi
risikonya lebih tinggi untuk infeksi karena bakteri gram negatif, nonstaphylococcal
spesies, dan MRSA


 Berdasarkan hasil penelitian pada jurnal ini, terbukti dalam pengalaman pusat tunggal
bahwa penggunaan kateter Antibiotik-impragnated Shunt, relatif murah dan dapat
mengurangi tingkat infeksi dibandingkan dengan kateter shunt konvesional, untuk
pengobatan hidrosefalus pediatrik dikaitkan dengan tingkat infeksi secara signifikan
lebih rendah dengan tindak lanjut 6 bulan, terutama dalam 1 bulan tindak lanjut, yang
berarti dapat mengurangi biaya.

Kekurangan dan Kelebihan Jurnal

 Kelebihan jurnal:

1. Dalam jurnal sudah di jelaskan Prosedur dan Perawatan Bedah pada Anak
2. Di dalam jurnal sudah dijelaskan Penilaian Infeksi Shunt secara jelas
 Kekurangan jurnal:
1. Tidak ada metode secara jelas
2. Tidak ada analisis dan perbandingan jenis hidrosefalus komplikasi dengan pusat lainnya.
Implementasi keperawatan

Hydrocephalus, salah satu penyakit neurologis pediatrik yang paling umum, paling sering diobati
dengan operasi shunt. infeksi shunt pasca operasi tetap menjadi komplikasi utama yang tidak hanya secara
serius mempengaruhi kelangsungan hidup dan kualitas hidup tetapi juga merupakan beban ekonomi yang
berat untuk keluarga pasien. Dalam analisis retrospektif pusat tunggal anak-anak dengan hidrosefalus, AIS
relatif terhadap penggunaan kateter konvensional untuk operasi shunt yang dikaitkan dengan tingkat infeksi
yang secara signifikan lebih rendah selama 6 bulan tindak lanjut, yang terutama ditentukan oleh tingkat
signifikan lebih rendah pada tindak lanjut 1 bulan.

Sebagian besar infeksi shunt bakteri timbul dari kulit normal, Yang paling sering stafilokokus
koagulase negatif (Staphylococcus epidermidis dan aureus), dan bakteri Gram-negatif (E. coli), yang masuk
dalam kateter shunt atau kompartemen cairan serebrospinal diwaktu pemasangan kateter atau melalui
kontaminasi selama prosedur bedah.Kebanyakan shunt terinfeksi secara intraoperatif, dengan infeksi
bermanifestasi dalam waktu satu tahun pada lebih dari 90% pasien, sebagian besar di dalam 6 bulan. Oleh
karena itu pendekatan lain untuk mencegah dan mengobati infeksi shunt melibatkan penggunaan bahan
antibakteri pada shunt untuk membunuh bakteri idealnya dalam waktu satu bulan. Disinfeksi bedah yang
ketat dan lingkungan ruang operasi yang dioptimalkan mengurangi tingkat infeksi shunt hingga 1% atau

Saat ini, kateter shunt diresapi dengan antibiotik adalah kateter shunt yang paling banyak
digunakan; mereka yang ada di masa sekarang. Secara umum, antibiotik diresapi dengan rifampisin dan
klindamisin yang efektif terhadap stafilokokus patogen. Eksperimen in vitro menunjukkan bahwa kateter
AIS dapat membunuh semua bakteri dalam waktu 48-52 jam dengan efek farmakologis yang bertahan
selama 2 bulan. Bahkan jika efeknya menghilang kemungkinan infeksi sebelumnya tidak meningkat yang
mengindikasikan efek bakterisidal dari AIS kateter lebih kuat dari efek penghambatannya.

Dalam pengalaman pusat tunggal ini, penggunaan Antibiotik-impragnated shunts relatif murah dan
mengurangi tingkat infeksi dibandingkan kateter shunt konvensional, untuk pengobatan hidrosefalus
pediatrik dikaitkan dengan tingkat infeksi secara signifikan lebih rendah pada 6 bulan masa tindak lanjut,
terutama dalam 1 bulan tindak lanjut, yang berarti pengurangan biaya



Hydrocephalus, salah satu penyakit neurologis pediatrik yang paling umum, paling sering diobati dengan
operasi shunt. Pasca bedah atau operasi, infeksi tetap menjadi komplikasi umum dan penyebab utama
kecacatan dan kematian, berkembang pada 0,3% -12,9% dari pasien biasanya dalam 6 bulan setelah
implantasi / operasi shunt.

Dalam pengalaman pusat tunggal ini, penggunaan Antibiotik-impragnated shunts relatif murah dan
mengurangi tingkat infeksi dibandingkan kateter shunt konvensional, untuk pengobatan hidrosefalus
pediatrik dikaitkan dengan tingkat infeksi secara signifikan lebih rendah pada 6 bulan masa tindak lanjut,
terutama dalam 1 bulan tindak lanjut, yang berarti pengurangan biaya


Penilitian lebih lanjut di perlukan untuk memperkecil kemungkinan infeksi yang mungkin terjadi akibat
prosedur yang dilakukan (implantasi atau operasi shunt), dan di harapkan agar harganya dapat lebih murah
lagi agar dapat di pakai oleh kalangan menengah kebawah.

Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery 151 (2016) 92–95

Contents lists available at ScienceDirect

Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery

Prevention of infection by antibiotic-impregnated shunts after pediatric

hydrocephalus treatment: A single center, retrospective study in China

Bo Yang (MD, PhD), Yunhai Song (MD), Pingping Gao (MD), Nan Bao (MD, PhD)


Objective: To investigate infection prevention by antibiotic-impregnated shunts (AIS) relative to conven-tional ones after pediatric hydrocephalus treatment.

Methods: This single center, retrospective analysis comprised 807 consecutive pediatric cases of hydro-cephalus shunting performed by the same neurosurgeon between January 2001
and February 2013. Conventional and AIS catheters were used in 303 and 504 cases, respectively. Study outcomes were infection rates at 6 months (primary), and at 1 month and
between 1 and 6 months (secondary). An infant (<1 year) subgroup was also analyzed.

Results: The AIS relative to the conventional catheter group had significantly lower infection rates at

6 months (1.98% [10/504] vs. 5.95% [18/303], two-tailed p = 0.0046; central nervous system: 60% and

55.56%; abdominal: 20% and 27.77%; wound: 20% and 16.67%, respectively) and 1 month (0.19% [1/504] vs. 2.65% [8/303], p = 0.0023, respectively), but statistically similar rates
between 1 and 6 months (1.79% [9/504] vs. 3.30% [10/303], p = 0.2296, respectively). In the infant subgroup, AIS application was also associated with reduction in shunt infection
(1.49% [7/470] vs. 3.76% [10/266], p = 0.0489, respectively). Conclusion: AIS as compared to conventional catheter use appears to lower infection risk at 6 months, mainly during the
first month, after hydrocephalus therapy in children.

© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

1. Introduction

Hydrocephalus, one of the most common pediatric neurolog-ical diseases, is most often treated with shunt surgery. Infection, which remains a common
complication and the main cause of postsurgical disability and mortality, develops in 0.3%–12.9% of patients [1,12], usually within 6 months after shunt
implanta-tion. Antibiotic-impregnated shunt (AIS) catheters with in vitro antimicrobial activity for up to 2 months were introduced to min-imize postoperative
infection, however, reported clinical results have been inconsistent [14,15]. The present retrospective analysis of data gathered at our hospital over 12 years
therefore com-pared infection rates at the highest risk window of up to 6 months follow-up between 504 and 303 children with hydrocephalus who underwent
treatment with AIS and conventional shunt catheters, respectively.

2. Materials and methods

2.1. General information

The study protocol was approved by the Institutional Review Board of Shanghai Children’s Medical Center, and adheres to the principles set forth in the US Code
of Federal Regulations, Title 45, Part 46, Protection of Human Subjects, revised January 15, 2009 and the World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki. All
patient’s parents provided written informed consent before the procedures.

Between January 2001 and February 2013, 807 consecutive children with hydrocephalus were treated with shunt surgery performed by the same neurosurgeon at
the Department of Neuro-surgery of Shanghai Children’s Medical Center affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine. Shunt valve choice was
decided mainly based on the family’s economic status and on hydrocephalus severity and in consultation between the patient’s family and the surgeon: 303 cases
received conventional catheters (from Aesculap and Johnson & Johnson), and 504 cases received AIS (Johnson & Johnson AIS catheters, and including Johnson
& John-
B. Yang et al. / Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery 151 (2016) 92–95 93

son or Aesculap valves). The follow-up period extended to at least 6 months. In the subgroup of infants(<1 year), AIS application was also asso-ciated with
reduction in shunt infection (1.49% [7/470] vs. 3.76% [10/266], p = 0.0489,
2.2. Surgical procedure and treatment respectively).

One day before surgery, children were bathed and their hair washed, and 4. Discussion
30 min before surgery, 50 mg/kg body weight of a second-generation
cephalosporin was administered intra-venously; macrolides or penicillins In this single center retrospective analysis of children with hydrocephalus,
were used in those allergic to cephalosporins. Children’s hair was shaved off AIS relative to conventional catheter use for shunt surgery was associated
under surgical field, and they were placed in the supine position, with head with significantly lower rates of infection throughout 6 months follow-up,
tilted and neck and shoulder padded. The posterior horn of the left lateral which was mainly determined by significantly lower rates at 1 month follow-
ventricle at the occipital lobe was punctured. For children with non- up.
symmetric expansion of one lateral ventricle, the expanded side was
punctured. Before use, the shunt was rinsed and soaked in antibiotic solution, Even after five decades of experience treating hydrocephalus with shunt
the shunt valve was placed at the subcuta-neous pedicle of the postauricular surgery, postsurgical shunt infection remains a major complication that not
flap, and the remote catheter was led though a small incision below the only seriously affects survival and qual-ity of life but also represents a heavy
xiphoid using a subcu-taneous tunneler sheath. After surgery, antibiotics that economic burden for the patient’s family. The overall 6-month infection rate
had been used before surgery were administered routinely for 3 days, and the of 3.47% in the present study is consistent with published experience which
patient was discharged 7 days later after suture removal. averages around 11%, and can reach as high as 15–25% in infants younger
than 6 months [1]. Beyond age, shunt infection rate can be influenced by the
2.3. Assessment of shunt infection child’s physical condition, presence of skin problems, and surgical techniques,
time, complications including hemorrhage, and number of staff present,
All parents were advised to bring back their children to the same hospital among others [2]. In the present study, the age and infection location
for any complications and follow-up. Children were diagnosed with shunt distributions were similar among children who developed infections in the two
infection if they developed: 1. symptoms of acute bacterial meningitis or groups studied, and all procedures were performed by the same neurosur-
abdominal infection, such as fever, vomiting, lethargy, abdominal distension, geon.
abdominal pain, loss of appetite, and difficulty feeding; 2. signs of local
infection in the shunt catheter region, such as skin irritation and ulceration; Most bacterial shunt infections arise from normal skin flora, most
and/or at least one of the following cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) findings: routine commonly coagulase-negative staphylococci (Staphylococcus epidermidis and
6 aureus), and Gram-negative bacteria (E. coli), which enter the shunt catheter
CSF white blood cell (WBC) count >20 × 10 /L or red blood cell (RBC)-to-
WBC ratio <500/1; decreased CSF glucose concentra-tion and increased or cerebrospinal fluid compartment at the time of catheter insertion or through
protein concentration; and positive CSF bacterial cultures. contamination during the sur-gical procedure. The bacteria colonize the
catheter’s inner wall or surface and produce an extracellular mucus biofilm
2.4. Statistical analysis that acts as a protective barrier against the body’s immune defenses and
antibi-otics. Over decades, several measures have been implemented to
Continuous data are expressed as mean ± standard deviation and were prevent shunt infection. Rigorous surgical disinfection and an opti-mized
compared using the Student’s t-test, while categorical data are expressed as operating room environment reduced shunt infection rate to 1% or less [3].
number and percentage and were compared using the chi-square test (SPSS Wide use of intravenous antibiotics was also advo-cated; however,
v22, IBM, USA). A two-tailed p value < 0.05 was considered statistically prophylactic antibiotic use remains controversial. For instance, second
significant. generation cephalosporins have limited effect on infection prevention because
they cannot cross the blood-brain barrier and achieve an effective
3. Results concentration in the CSF compart-ment.

Mean age was 17.1 months (range 3 months-4 years), and 13.7 months Most shunts are infected intraoperatively, with infection man-ifesting
(range, 1 month-3.2 years) for AIS and conven-tional shunt catheter groups, within one year in over 90% of patients, most within 6 months. Another
respectively. Most of the cases (736/807) were infants younger than 1 year approach to prevent and treat shunt infec-tion therefore involves use of
old. Overall, of the 807 children with hydrocephalus who underwent shunt antibacterial materials on shunts to kill bacteria ideally within one month. Izci
surgery, 28 (3.47%) developed shunt infection during 6-month follow-up. et al. [4] employed silver coated catheters in patients with shunt infection and
Clinical data of infected cases were included in Tables 1 and 2. Infection rate signifi-cantly increased CSF protein level; three months later, CSF bacterial
was significantly lower in the AIS than conven-tional shunt catheter group at cultures were negative and the protein level had dramatically decreased.
6 months (1.98% [10/504] vs. 5.95% [18/303]; p < 0.0001), which also was Currently, shunt catheters impregnated with antibiotics are the most widely
the case at 1 month (0.19% [1/504] vs. 2.65% [8/303]; p = 0.0014); however, used shunt catheters; those in the present study were impregnated with
infection rates were statistically similar between 1 and 6 months (1.79% rifampicin and clindamycin which are effective against the most common
[9/504] vs. 3.30% [10/303]; p = 0.2296) follow-up. Age distribu-tion was pathogenic staphylococci. In vitro experiments have shown that AIS catheters
similar (ranges, 3–48 and 2–38 months) but weight was lower (6.06 ± 1.84% can kill all bac-teria within 48–52 h with pharmacological effect maintained
vs. 9.34 + 4.18%, p = 0.004) among children who developed infections for 2 months [5,6]. Even if the effect disappeared earlier chance of infec-tion
(central nervous system: 60% and 55.56%; abdominal: 20% and 27.77%; is not increased indicating that the bactericidal effect of AIS catheters is
wound: 20% and 16.67%, respectively) in the AIS group as compared to the stronger than their inhibitory effect [7].
conventional catheter group.
Despite the strong bactericidal effect of AIS catheters, clinical study
results are inconsistent. In a review of 353 cases of chil-dren undergoing shunt
surgery, Sciubba et al. [8] reported a 2.4 fold lower infection rate for AIS than
conventional catheters (1.4% vs. 12%, respectively). A British multicenter,
retrospective study
94 B. Yang et al. / Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery 151 (2016) 92–95

Table 1

Clinical and laboratory data of infected patients in AIS group.

Case Age/Sex Post-op Location CSF test Microorganism


WBC Glu Protein

1 8 m/M 3m CNS H N H –

2 3 m/M 1m CNS H L H Staphylococcus aureus

3 5 m/M 3m CNS H L H Pseudomonas aeruginosa

4 10 m/F 4m CNS H N N –

5 4 m/M 2m CNS H L H Staphylococcus aureus

6 17 m/M 5m CNS H N H –

7 17 m/F 6m Abdomen N N N Staphylococcus epidermidis

8 24 m/M 3m Abdomen N N H –

9 9 m/M 2m Wounds H L H Staphylococcus aureus

10 19 m/F 5m Wounds H N H Staphylococcus epidermidis

m,months; H,high; L,low; N,normal

Table 2

Clinical and laboratory data of infected patients in conventional group.

Case Age/Sex Post-op Location CSF test Microorganism


WBC Glu Protein

1 24 m/F 6m CNS H L H Staphylococcus epidermidis

2 4 m/M 1m CNS H L H –

3 2 m/F 1m CNS N L H Pseudomonas aeruginosa

4 3 m/M 1m CNS H L H –

5 12 m/M 3m CNS H N H Staphylococcus aureus

6 5 m/M 1m CNS H L H Escherichia coli

7 13 m/M 4m CNS H L H –

8 30 m/M 3m CNS H L H –

9 9 m/F 2m CNS H L H Staphylococcus aureus

10 2 m/F 1m CNS H N H –

11 1 m/M 1m Abdomen N N H Escherichia coli

12 16 m/M 3m Abdomen N L H –

13 9 m/F 5m Abdomen H N N Staphylococcus epidermidis

14 29 m/M 2m Abdomen N L N –

15 8 m/M 1m Abdomen H N H –
16 24 m/F 4m Wounds N L H Staphylococcus aureus

17 12 m/M 1m Wounds N N H –

18 14 m/F 2m Wounds H N H Staphylococcus epidermidis

m,months; H,high; L,low; N,normal.

treatment regimens of a multicenter study. However, a large, prospective,

double-blind, randomized, controlled study is warranted to confirm the
findings. In addition, no analysis and com-parison of type of hydrocephalus,
of 581 cases showed that AIS catheters significantly reduced the infection rate
complication with other central nervous system disorders, cerebral
after shunt surgery in children [9]. However, a sin-gle center study in
hemorrhage, or history of infec-tion were performed in this study, which
Germany including adult and pediatric patients reported similar postoperative
infection rate for AIS and conven-tional catheters, and AIS catheters had no possibly also limits result reliability.
preventive effect on infection caused by skin ulceration or cerebrospinal fluid
5. Conclusions
leak-age [2]. Another retrospective analysis of pediatric hydrocephalus
performed in US reached similar conclusions [10]. A random-ized controlled
In this single center experience, use of antibiotic-impregnated shunt
study recently performed in developing countries showed that although the
catheters, relative to that of conventional shunt catheters, for the treatment of
infection rate of AIS was numerically lower than that of ordinary catheters
pediatric hydrocephalus was associated with significantly lower rates of
(5% vs. 13.8%, respectively), the difference did not reach statistical
infection by 6 months follow-up, mainly within 1 month follow-up, which
significance, which probably is a consequence of the small sample size.
translates into reduced costs.
However, cultured bacte-ria from the AIS catheters group were Gram-
negative strains, while those from the conventional catheters group were
Conflict of interest
Gram-positive Staphylococci, suggesting that AIS catheters presented
obvious antibacterial effect on staphylococci [11]. In a systematic review of The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
12 controlled studies on AIS and conventional catheters, includ-ing 5
pediatric studies with a total of 5613 shunt surgery cases, Parker et al. found Acknowledgement
that AIS catheters yielded significantly reduced infection rates after shunt
surgery for both children (5.0% vs. 11.2%) and adults (3.3% vs. 7.2%; p < The authors thank Dr. Roberto Patarca for critical review and language
0.0001) [12], coinciding with the con-clusions from another paper [13]. modification of the manuscript
However, the authors pointed out that a prospective, randomized, large-scale
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