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TN 03 A L P O 3 6 5 0 2 0 2 0












eh: Di
eh: Di
af2150 LeaderWP2100 Gr
II.B.4.a. But
II.B.4.b. But

T. Tsani
Pemakaian Persamaan Bernoulli
 Statika Fluida
Persamaan dalam statika fluida merupakan hal khusus dari persamaan Bernoulli,
dimana kecepatan fluida = nol.

p1 + ρ gz1 = p 2 + ρ gz 2 → p1 = p 2
p1 = p0 + ρ g ( z 2 − z1 )
p1 = p0 + ρ gh

 Menghitung kecepatan aliran pada lubang di bagian bawah bejana

ρ v1 2 ρ v2 2
1 p 0 + ρ gz1 + = p 0 + ρ gz 2 +
2 2
z2 = 0 ; jika A1 〉〉 A2 ; dan v1 ≈ 0

2 ρ v2 2
p0 + ρ gz = p 0 +

v 2 = 2 gh

 Alat ukur venturi

Alat ini dipergunakan untuk mengukur besarnya kecepatan aliran fluida dalam suatu
Titik 1 dan 2 mempunyai ketinggian sama (satu garis aliran).

ρ v12 ρ v2 2
p1 + = p2 +
h 2 2
ρ v1 2
ρ v2 2
A2 ( p1 − p 2 ) + =
A1 V2 2 2
ρ v1 2
ρ v2 2
ρ gh + =
2 2
Persamaan kontinuitas A1 V1 = A2 V2 → V2 =
ρ v1 2 ρ  A1V1 
ρ gh + =  
2 2  A2 
 AV 
2 gh + V1 =  1 1 

 A2 

 A 
2 gh =  1  − 1V12
 A2  
2 2 gh 2 gh A2
V1 = 2 = 2
A1 − A2 A1 − A2
2 2

2 gh
V1 = A2
A1 − A2
2 2

 Tabung Pitot
Alat ini dipergunakan untuk mengukur kecepatan angin atau aliran gas, atau juga
aliran cairan. Misalnya gas mengalir dengan kecepatan V, rapat massa gas ρ. V1
mendekati sama dengan V, dan V2 = 0

1 2

p2 = p1 + ρ gh → ρ 0 = rapat massa zat cair

p1 + ρ v1 2 = p 2
p1 + ρ v1 = p1 + ρ 0 gh

2 ρ 0 gh
v1 =

2 ρ 0 gh
v1 =
Tentang Persamaan Bernoulli
Dalam persamaan Bernoulli dinyatakan bahwa energi aliran terdiri dari :
 energi tekanan (P)
 energi kecepatan/kinetik (V)
 energi potensial (Z)
Hukum kekekalan energi tetap berlaku dalam persamaan Bernoulli tersebut.

E1 = E2 ; besarnya masing-masing komponen

berbeda, dititik 1 energi potensial lebih
dominan. Di titik 2 energi kecepatan lebih
Air terjun dominan, dst.

Seperti yang sudah ditunjukkan sebelumnya, anda mungkin menemukan ekspresi persamaan
Bernoulli yang berbeda seperti diatas di beberapa buku yang berbeda. Persamaan persamaan
tersebut hanya berbeda cara menyatakannya saja.
Persamaan Bernoulli dengan input energi, output dan losses energi :
P1 v1 2 P2 v 2 2
+ + Z1 + Ein = + + Z 2 + Eout + Eloss
ρ1g 2g ρ 2 g 2g
Ein = misal input energi dari pompa
Eout = misal energi output karena pemasangan turbin

 Persamaan Energi
Aplikasi persamaan energi untuk volume kontrol dilakukan dengan mensubstuitusikan N =
E dan η = e ; maka persamaan  menjadi :
dE ∂
dt ∂t va∫
= ρ e d∀ + ∫ ρ eV dA
• • dE ∂
dt ∂t va∫
Q− W = = ρ ed∀ + ∫ ρ eV dA

Dimana e = u + +gz
Kerja yang dilakukan oleh volume kontrol dikelompo
dikelompokkan dalam 4 klasifikasi:
• • • • •
W = W s + W normal + W shear + W other
→ Kerja poros
Ws adalah kerja poros yang ditransfer melalui permukaan atur dari putaran poros
dalam sistem.
→ Kerja oleh tegangan normal pada permukaan
permukaan atur
Kerja membutuhkan gaya yang digerakkan dalam jarak tertentu. Kerja yang dilakukan
r r
dinyatakan: δW = F ⋅ ds
Untuk mendapatkan laju kerja yang dilakukan oleh gaya:
r r
• δW F ⋅ ds • r r
W = lim = lim atau W = F ⋅ V
∆t → 0 ∆t ∆t
∆t → 0

Laju kerja yang dilakukan terhadap luasan dA permukaan volume kontrol oleh
r r r r
tegangan normal: dF ⋅ V = σ nn dA ⋅ V

Karena kerja melintasi batas volume kontrol adalah negatif (kerja dilakukan terhadap
volume kontrol) :
• r r r r
W normal = − ∫ σ nn dA ⋅ V = ∫ σ nnV ⋅ dA
va va

→ Kerja oleh tegangan geser pada volume kontrol

Gaya geser yang bekerja pada elemen area permukaan atur dinyatakan sebagai:
r r r
F = τ ⋅ dA dimana τ adalah tegangan geser pda bidang dA. Selanjutnya:
• r r r r r r
W shear = ∫ τ dA ⋅ V = ∫ τ ⋅ V dA = − ∫ τ ⋅ V dA
pa pa pa

Tanda negatif harus diberikan karena kerja ini dilakukan terhadap volume kontrol.
Integral ini secara lebih lengkap dinyatakan dalam 3 suku:
• r r r r r r r r
W shear = − ∫ τ ⋅ V dA = − ∫ τ ⋅ V dA − ∫ τ ⋅ V dA − ∫ τ ⋅ V dA
pa A ( shaft ) A ( solidsurface ) A( ports )

Suku pertama sudah diperhitungkan pada bagian sebelumnya (Wshaft). Pada permukaan
padat, V = 0, sehingga suku kedua bernilai nol (untuk volume kontrol yang tetap).
• r r
W shear = − ∫τ ⋅ V dA
A ( ports )

Suku yang terakhir ini dapat dibuat nol dengan memilih permukaan atur yang tepat.
Jika kita memilih sebuah permukaan atur yang memotong melintang sisi tegak lurus
r r r
terhadap aliran, sehinggga dA paralel terhadap V . Karena τ berada dalam bidang dA,
r r
τ tegak lurus terhadap V . Dengan demikian untuk permukaan atur yang tegak lurus
V berlaku:
r r •
τ ⋅V = 0 dan W shear = 0
→ Kerja lain-
Energi listrik dapat ditambahkan pada volume kontrol, juga energi elektromagnetik,
misalnya dalam radar atau sinar laser, dapat diserap. Dalam kebanyakan situasi
kontribusi energi ini tidak terjadi, tapi kita bisa mencatatnya dalam formulasi umum.
Dengan seluruh kerja yang telah dievaluasi diperoleh:
• • r r • •
W = W s − ∫ σ nnV ⋅ dA + W shear + W other

Selanjutnya persamaan volume kontrol untuk energi menjadi;

• • r r • • ∂
Q − W s + ∫ σ nnV ⋅ dA − W shear − W other = ∫ ρ e d∀ + ∫ ρ eV dA
∂t va pa

• • • • ∂ r r r r
Q − W s − W shear − W other = ∫
∂t pa
e ρ d∀ + ∫ e ρ V ⋅ dA − ∫ σ nn V ⋅ dA
pa pa

Karena ρ = 1/υ dimana υ = volume spesifik, persamaan di atas dapat ditulis:

• • • • ∂ r r r r
Q − W s − W shear − W other = ∫
∂t pa
e ρ d∀ + ∫
e ρ V ⋅ dA − ∫ nn
σ υ ρ V ⋅ dA

• • • • ∂ r r
Q − W s − W shear − W other = ∫
∂t pa
e ρ d∀ + ∫
( e − σ nn υ ) ρ V ⋅ dA

Efek viskos dapat membuat tegangan normal σ nn berbeda dari nilai negatif tekanan

termodinamik, - p. Akan tetapi dalam kebanyakan kasus engineering, σ nn ≅ − p ; sehingga:

• • • • ∂ r r
Q − W s − W shear − W other = ∫
∂t pa
e ρ d∀ + ∫
( e + pυ ) ρ V ⋅ dA

Akhirnya dengan mensubstitusikan e = u + + g z ; kita memperoleh persamaan hukum
termodinamika pertama untuk volume kontrol:
• • • • ∂ V2 r r
Q − W s − W shear − W other = ∫
∂t pa
e ρ d ∀ + ∫
( u + p υ +
+ gz ) ρ V ⋅ dA
Soal. Udara pada 101 kPa (abs), 21oC, memasuki kompresor dengan kecepatan yang dapat
diabaikan, kemudian dibuang pada tekanan 350 kPa (abs), 38oC, melalui pipa dengan luas
penampang 0.09m2. Laju alir massanya 10 kg/s. Daya input kompresor 450 kW. Tentukan
laju perpindahan panas yang terjadi.

Solusi. p1=101 kPa (abs) p2 = 101 kPa (abs)

V1 = 0 0 .09 m2
A2 = 0.09
T1=21oC T1 = 38oC
≈ 0, steady state

0 = ∫ ρ d∀ + ∫ ρ V dA
∂t va pa
≈ 0, steady state
≈ 0• ≈0
• • • ∂ V2 r r
Q − W s − W shear − W other = ∫
∂t pa
e ρ d ∀ + ∫
( u + p υ +
+ gz ) ρ V ⋅ dA

Asumsi-asumsi: 1. Steady flow

2. Aliran dan sifat-sifat seragam
3. Udara sebagai gas ideal
4. Tegangan geser tegak lurus terhadap kecepatan
5. z1 = z2
6. Energi kinetik sisi masuk diabaikan.
• • V2 r r
Q − W s = ∫ ( u + pυ + + gz ) ρ V ⋅ dA → h ≡ u + pυ

• • V2 r r
Q = W s + ∫ (h + + gz ) ρ V ⋅ dA , selanjutnya
• • V12   V22 

Q = W s +  h1 + + gz1 {- ρ1V1 A1 } +  h 2 +
  + gz 2 {ρ 2V2 A2 }
 2   2 
Dari persamaan kontinuitas diperoleh:

{- ρ V A } + {ρ V
1 1 1 2 2 A2 } = 0 atau ρ 1V1 A1 = ρ 2V2 A2 = m selanjutnya
• •  • V22 ≈0

Q = W s + m (h2 − h1 ) + + g ( z 2 − z1 ) 
 2 
Kemudian dengan asumsi bahwa udara bertindak sebagai gas ideal, maka h2 – h1 = Cp (T2-
T1) →
• • • V2 
Q = W s + m Cp (T2 − T1 ) + 2 
 2 

Dari persamaan kontinuitas: V2 = m

ρ 2 A2 dan p 2 = ρ 2 RT2 →

m RT2 kg 1 J m2
V2 = = 10 x x 287 x 311K x = 28.3 m/s
A2 p 2 s 0.09m 2 kg ⋅ K 350kN
Diketahui daya input terhadap CV 450 kW; nilai ini harus bertanda negatif karena berupa
kerja terhadap volume kontrol.
• • • V2 
Q = W s + m Cp (T2 − T1 ) + 2 
 2 
kg J kg 28.3 2 m 2 J ⋅ s2
= 450kW + 10 x 1000 x 17 K + 10 x x
s kg ⋅ K s 2 s 2 kg ⋅ m 2
= -276 kJ/s
Jadi laju perpindahan panas yang terjadi adalah pembuangan panas ke lingkungan sebesar
276 kJ/s atau 276 kW.

Contoh-Contoh Soal.

Sebuah tangki 0.5 m3 berisi udara bertekanan. Sebuah katup digunakan untuk
mengeluarkan udara tersebut dengan kecepatan 300 m/s melalui suatu saluran output
dengan luas area 130 mm2. Temperatur udara yang melalui katup tersebut -150C, tekanan
350 kPa(abs). Hitung perubahan densitas udara dalam tangki tersebut.
Data: υ = 0.5 m3
V = 300 m/s
Aout = 130 mm2 = 130x10-6 m2
T = -150 C = 258 K
P = 350 kPa
ρ= p = 350x103 Pa
T = 258 K
R = 287 N.m/Kg.K
(Hati hati dalam memilih R, sesuaikan dengan sistem satuan yang
ρ = 4.73 kg/m3
∂ Dalam kasus ini yang ditanyakan adalah
∫ ρ .dv + pA∫ ρ.VdA = 0
∂t VA perubahan densitas terhadap waktu, jadi, ini
adalah persoalan unsteady sehingga suku
∂   pertama persamaan dasar tidak bisa
 ρ ∫ dv  + ∫ ρ .VdA = 0 dihilangkan.
∂t  VA  pA
∀ + ρ 1 A1V1 = 0 → aliran keluar ber tan da +
∂ρ ρ1V1 A1 4.73 ⋅ 300 ⋅ 130 ⋅ 10 −6
=− =−
∂t ∀ 0.5
= −0.369 m3
Jadi setiap detik pelepasan udara mengakibatkan pengurangan jumlah udara dalam tangki
sehingga menyebabkan terjadinya penurunan densitas sebesar 0.369 kg/m3.

Dalam gambar di bawah ini, sebuah beban 700 N secara sempurna diimbangi oleh jet air
secara steady. Berapa kecepatan jet yang diperlukan untuk mengimbangi beban tersebut?

W = 700 N W = 700 N
Djet = 5 cm

Ditanya: Vjet = ?

Djet = 5 cm

= 0 (steady)

∑ Fy =
∂t ∫ ρ.V.∂ϑ + ∫ ρ.V.V.∂A

∑ F = ∫ ρ.V.V.∂A →
y W = ρ.Vj.Vj.Aj (jet ke arah kiri dan kanan saling meniadakan)
W = ρ.(Vj)2.Aj
W 700
Vj = = = 18.9 m/s
ρ.A j 1000. π4 .0.05 2
Vj = 18.9 m/s
3.6. Soal-Soal
Salah satu bagian dari suatu sistem perpipaan seperti gambar di bawah ini. Luas sisi inlet
dan outlet masing-masing 1 m2, sedangkan luas permukaan bebas yang terbuka terhadap
atmosfer 2 m2. pada suatu saat tertentu V1 = 3 m/s, dan air mengalir keluar 4 m3/s. Hitung
laju perubahan ketinggian air pada permukaan bebas.

1 2

Sebuah bidang pengarah membelokkan jet air seperti tampak pada gambar di bawah ini.
Jika Djet = 10 cm dan Vjet = 8 m/s, hitunglah gaya F yang dibutuhkan untuk menahan
dorongan akibat jet tersebut!

Djet , Vjet

Udara pada kondisi standar memasuki kompresor dengan kecepatan 75 m/s dan
meninggalkan sisi buang pada kecepatan 125 m/s, 200 kPa (abs) dan 345 K. Laju alir massa
udara 1 kg/s. Air pendingin di selubung kompresor membuang panas sebesar 18 kJ/s.
Hitung daya yang dibutuhkan oleh kompresor.

Sebuah pompa horisontal memompa air dengan kapasitas 57 m3/jam. Abaikan losses energi,
berapa daya yang dibutuhkan pompa (kW) untuk mengalirkan air tersebut ? (Petunjuk:
hitung Vin dan Vout dalam m/s; hitung hpompa; Daya pompa P = γ Q hpompa)

Pin = 120 kPa

Pout = 400 kPa

Din = 9 cm Pompa Dout = 3 cm

 @g 

Yulius Prayitno¹, Rozeff Pramana, ST., MT.², Eko Prayetno, ST., M.Eng.³
Jurusan Teknik Elektro
Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji
Email: yuliusprayitno@gmail.com¹,²,³

Sistem ballast merupakan sistem yang digunakan untuk mengendalikan pompa ballast
dan bebarapa komponen lainnya untuk mengisi dan membuang air pada tangki ballast.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat sistem kontrol ballast pada kapal kontainer dengan
teknologi yang sederhana dan ekonomis tetapi mampu menyeimbangkan kapal seperti
teknologi canggih yang sudah ada sebelumnya. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut membutuhkan
perhitungan khusus pada kapal yang akan dipasang sistem kontrol ini. Sistem ini akan
diaplikasikan pada kapal prototipe terlebih dahulu, namun dengan perhitungan lebih lanjut
akan mampu diaplikasikan ke kapal sebenarnya. Penelitian ini menggunakan Arduino
Mega2560 sebagai mikrokontrolernya dan gyroscope GY-521 MPU-6050 sebagai sensor
utama untuk mendeteksi sudut kemiringan kapal yang akan digunakan sebagai acuan untuk
menghidupkan pompa ballast dan solenoid valve.
Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan sistem ballast yang telah dilakukan oleh penulis maka
dapat diketahui kapasitas tangki ballast, head dan kapasistas pompa ballast, dan diameter pipa
ballast yang akan digunakan pada kapal prototipe. Sistem ini mampu mengendalikan pompa
ballast dan solenoid valve dengan baik sesuai dengan besar sudut yang sudah ditentukan dalam
program, yaitu pada kemiringan melebihi 5° untuk memulai proses ballasting dan pada
kemiringan dibawah 5° untuk menghentikan proses ballasting. Sistem ini juga mampu
memberikan peringatan jika kemiringan kapal melebihi 20° yang diakibatkan oleh kelebihan
muatan atau bocor.

Kata kunci: Kapal Kontainer, Sistem ballast, GY-521 MPU-6050

1. Latar Belakang Banyaknya jumlah kontainer yang

Transportasi merupakan salah satu dipindahkan saat bongkar muat akan
sarana yang sangat penting bagi manusia membuat banyak pergerakan diatas kapal
baik dari segi ekonomi ataupun sosial. sehingga menyebabkan perpindahan titik
Salah satu moda transportasi yang berperan beban yang tidak seimbang dan
penting dalam memperluas cakupan menyebabkan kapal tersebut mengalami
distribusi barang atau jasa adalah kemiringan perlahan yang mengakibatkan
transportasi laut, kapal kontainer adalah kapal tenggelam sehingga mengganggu
salah satunya. Kapal kontainer merupakan proses bongkar muat. Seiring
kapal kargo yang khusus digunakan untuk berkembangnya zaman, teknologi-
mengangkut kontainer berukuran standar. teknologi canggih banyak diciptakan dan
Seiring berjalannya waktu kapal kontainer dikembangkan oleh beberapa perusahaan
semakin banyak dijadikan pilihan sebagai untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, terutama
sarana angkutan barang, baik antar pulau di pada sistem kontrol ballast-nya.
suatu negara atau pun dalam jangkauan Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut
internasional karena alasan ekonomis, penulis akan merancang sebuah prototipe
aman dan kecepatan bongkar muat lebih sistem kontrol ballast otomatis untuk kapal
cepat. kontainer yang sederhana dan mampu

Teknik Elektro UMRAH - 2017 | 1

meningkatkan kesetabilan kapal atau perpipaan, pompa ballast, tangki ballast,
mencegah terjadinya kemiringan kapal jumlah dan jenis katup serta fitting, dan
yang mengakibatkan kapal tenggelam. outboard (Mohammad S.A., dkk, 2016).
Penelitian yang sudah dilakukan
terkait dengan perangkat yang dirancang b. Mikrokontroler Arduino Mega2560
penulis dilakukan oleh Dzulkarnain dan Arduino Mega2560 adalah papan
Rozeff Pramana (2015) dengan judul pengembangan mikrokontroler OSH (Open
penelitian Rancang Bangun Sistem Source Hardware) berbasis Arduino
Monitoring Kecepatan Angin dan Arah dengan menggunakan chip ATmega2560.
Angin Untuk Sistem Kepelabuhan dengan Modul ini memiliki 54 pin digital I/O
menggunakan sistem kontrol Arduino dimana 14 digunakan untuk PWM output
Mega2560. dan 16 digunakan sebagai analog input.
Penelitian terkait selanjutnya Arduino Mega2560 memiliki flash memory
dilakukan oleh Aprizal dan Rozeff Pramana sebesar 256KB sehingga cukup untuk
(2015) dengan judul penelitian Rancang menampung jumlah program yang banyak
Bangun Sistem Monitoring Kecepatan Arus (
dan Arah Arus Untuk Sistem Kepelabuhan
dengan menggunakan sistem kontrol
Arduino Mega2560.
2. Landasan Teori Gambar 2. Arduino Mega2560
a. Sistem Ballast c. GY-521 MPU-6050 3 Axis
Sistem ballast merupakan sistem Accelerometer Gyroscope Sensor
untuk dapat memposisikan kapal dalam GY-521 MPU-6050 Module adalah
keadaan seimbang, baik dalam keadaan sebuah sensor yang berfungsi untuk
trim depan maupun belakang atau dalam mendeteksi perubahan dan percepatan
keadaan oleng. Dalam perencanaannya sudut. Modul ini berinti MPU-6050 yang
adalah dengan memasukkan air sebagai merupakan 6 axis Motion Processing Unit
bahan ballast agar posisi kapal dapat dengan penambahan regulator tegangan
kembali pada posisi yang sempurna. dan beberapa komponen pelengkap lainnya
yang membuat modul ini siap dipakai
dengan tegangan supply sebesar 3-5VDC.

Gambar 3. Sensor Gyroscope MPU-6050

Modul ini memiliki interface I²C

yang dapat disambungkan langsung ke
MCU yang memiliki fasilitas I²C. Sensor
Gambar 1. Cara kerja sistem ballast MPU-6050 berisi sebuah MEMS
Accelerometer dan sebuah MEMS Gyro
Cara kerja sistem ballast secara
yang saling terintegrasi. Sensor ini sangat
umum adalah untuk mengisi tangki ballast
akurat dengan fasilitas hardware internal
yang berada di double bottom dengan air
16 bit ADC untuk setiap kanalnya. Sensor
laut yang diambil dari seachest melalui
ini akan menangkap nilai kanal axis X, Y
pompa ballast dan saluran pipa utama dan
dan Z bersamaan dalam satu waktu.
pipa cabang. Adapun komponen-komponen
sistem ballast meliputi, sea chest, jalur pipa
ballast, pipa yang melalui tangki, sistem

Teknik Elektro UMRAH - 2017 | 2

d. Relay (fluida) dari suatu tempat ke tempat yang
Relay adalah saklar yang lain melalui media pipa (saluran) dengan
dikendalikan secara elektro-mekanik cara menambahkan energi pada cairan yang
(electromechanical switch). Arus listrik dipindahkan dan berlangsung terus
yang mengalir pada kumparan relay akan menerus (Prihadi, N.T.B.S dan Irfan, S.A,
menciptakan medan magnet yang 2015).
kemudian akan menarik lengan relay dan
mengubah posisi saklar yang sebelumnya
terbuka menjadi terhubung (Christopher
T.K, 1996).
Gambar 6. Water Pump

g. LCD (Liquid Cristal Display)

LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)
adalah suatu jenis media tampil yang
menggunakan kristal cair sebagai penampil
utama. LCD dapat berfungsi untuk
menampilkan suatu nilai hasil sensor,
menampilkan teks, atau menampilkan
menu pada aplikasi mikrokontroler (Irwan,
Gambar 4. Relay
D. dan Wahri, S., 2015).
Relay memiliki tiga jenis kutub
yaitu common berati kutub acuan, NC
(Normally Close) adalah kutub yang dalam
keadaan awal terhubung pada common, dan Gambar 7. LCD 16x2
NO (Normally Open) adalah kutub yang
pada awalnya terbuka akan terhubung 3. Perancangan dan Cara Kerja Sistem
dengan common saat kumparan relay diberi a. Perancangan Sistem
arus listrik (Christopher T.K, 1996). Perancangan prototipe sistem
kontrol ballast otomatis pada kapal
e. Solenoid Valve kontainer ini terdiri dari 3 bagian utama,
Solenoid valve merupakan katup yaitu input yang terdiri dari sensor
yang dikendalikan dengan arus listrik baik gyroscope GY-521 MPU-6050 sebagai
AC maupun DC melalui sensor perubahan sudut kapal dan fault
kumparan/selenoida. Solenoid valve ini simulator untuk mensimulasikan kerusakan
merupakan elemen kontrol yang paling pompa ballast, bagian proses yang terdiri
sering digunakan dalam sistem fluida. dari Arduino Mega2560 yang berfungsi
Seperti pada sistem pneumatik, sistem untuk mengolah data hasil dari bagian
hidrolik ataupun pada sistem kontrol mesin input, dan bagian output yang terdiri dari
yang membutuhkan elemen kontrol modul relay sebagai pengendali pompa
otomatis (Asco, Enginering Information). ballast, solenoid valve dan mesin pada
kapal, LCD sebagai penampil besaran sudut
dan buzzer sebagai alarm saat kondisi kapal
dalam bahaya. Perancangan sistem kontrol
ballast otomatis pada kapal kontainer dapat
Gambar 5. Solenoid Valve digambarkan dalam diagram blog seperti
f. Water Pump pada gambar 8.
Water pump atau pompa adalah alat
yang digunakan untuk memindahkan cairan

Teknik Elektro UMRAH - 2017 | 3

fault simulator yang berfungsi untuk
membuat kondisi dimana sistem
mengalami kerusakan sehingga kapal tidak
dapat menyeimbangkan posisinya. Apabila
kapal mengalami kemiringan yang
melewati batas toleransi maka buzzer akan
menyala sebagai peringatan bahwa kapal
dalam kondisi berbahaya dan mesin kapal
otomatis tidak akan bisa dinyalakan.
Berdasarkan cara kerja sistem tersebut
Gambar 8. Perancangan Sistem Secara Umum
maka penulis menggambarkan sistem kerja
b. Perancangan sistem Ballast perangkat dalam bentuk flowchart seperti
Dalam perancangan sebuah sistem yang ditunjukkan pada gambar 9.
ballast pada kapal diperlukan perhitungan-
perhitungan khusus agar mendapatkan hasil
yang maksimal. Adapun hal-hal yang harus
diperhitungkan yaitu:
1) Perhitungan Volume Displacement
2) Perhitungan Displacement
3) Perhitungan Berat Air Ballast
4) Perhitungan Volume Air Ballast
5) Perhitungan Kapasitas Tangki
6) Perhitungan Kapasitas Pompa
7) Perhitungan Diameter Pipa Utama
8) Perhitungan Head Pompa Ballast
dan Bilga
c. Cara Kerja Sistem Gambar 9. Flowchart Cara Kerja Sistem
Sistem kontrol ballast otomatis 4. Pengujian Sistem, dan Analisis
pada kapal kontaier bekerja dimulai dari
a. Pengujian Sensor Gyroscope
pembacaan sensor gyroscope GY-521
MPU6050 yang merupakan sumber input Sensor yang digunakan dalam
data pertama kali dan kemudian hasil penelitian ini adalah GY-521 MPU6050
sensor tersebut diolah oleh mikrokontroler yang berfungsi untuk mengukur
Arduino Mega2560 yang akan digunakan kemiringan kapal. Pengujian pertama
sebagai referensi untuk mengendalikan adalah membuat program untuk
keseluruhan sistem. Data yang telah diolah menampilkan nilai sensor yang terbaca.
oleh mikrokontroler akan menghasilkan Hasil pembacaan akan ditampilkan pada
sebuah output sudut kemiringan kapal yang serial monitor dan dicatat dalam program
akan digunakan sebagai perintah untuk utama untuk menghasilkan output besaran
menggerakkan relay pada kondisi open atau sudut. Hasil pembacaan sensor berupa nilai
close yang terhubung dengan water pump, dari percepatan (ax, ay, az) dan gyro (gx,
solenoid valve dan mesin kapal, selain itu gy, gz) seperti pada gambar 10.
hasil pembacaan sensor juga akan
ditampilkan pada LCD yang berguna untuk
mengetahui posisi sudut kemiringan kapal.
Pada perancangan alat ini ditambahkan

Teknik Elektro UMRAH - 2017 | 4

Tabel 1. Hasil Pengujian Sensor
Sudut Busur Sensor Error
0° 0° 0° 0%
10° 10° 13,4° 34%
20° 20° 24,3° 21.5%
30° 30° 35,3° 17,66%
40° 40° 44,9° 12,25%
50° 50° 54,2° 8,4%
60° 60° 63,3° 5,5%
70° 70° 75,2° 7,43%
Gambar 10. Hasil Pembacaan Sensor
80° 80° 84,3° 5,3%
Pada umumnya nilai maksimum 90° 90° 90,5° 0,56%
yang dihasilkan dari pembacaan sensor
tersebut adalah -17000 sampai +17000 dan Berdasarkan hasil pengujian
pada setiap produk akan berbeda – beda tersebut dapat diketahui error rata – rata
hasil pembacaannya. Adapun nilai hasil sebesar 11,26% dan tingkat ketelitiannya
pembacaan sensor yang digunakan penulis sebesar 88,74%. Sensor tersebut memiliki
adalah -16720 sampai +16100 dalam error pembacaan lebih dari 3° pada sudut
kalibrasi 90º. Hasil tersebut dimasukkan ke 10° - 80° dikarenakan titik kalibrasi adalah
dalam program utama untuk dirubah ke pada sudut 0° dan 90° sehingga pembacaan
dalam besaran sudut seperti yang pada sudut 0° dan 90° sangat akurat.
ditunjukkan pada gambar 11.
b. Pengujian Fault Simulator
Fault simulator berfungsi untuk
mensimulasikan kerusakan pada pompa
ballast yang membuat pompa tidak dapat
bekerja secara normal. Fault simulator ini
dipasang pada kabel sumber 12V yang
tersambung ke common relay yang
Gambar 11. Hasil Sensor pada Program Utama terhubung dengan pompa ballast.
Pengujian dilakukan dengan cara menekan
Pengujian kedua adalah tombol fault dan menekan tombol reset
membandingkan hasil sensor dengan busur untuk mengembalikan kondisi normal.
derajat seperti pada gambar 12.

Indikator Fault
Gambar 13. Pengujian Fault Simulator
Gambar 12. Membandingkan Sensor

Adapun hasil pengujian ditunjukkan pada Pada gambar 13 menunjukkan

tabel 1. ketika tombol fault ditekan maka fault relay
akan aktif dan memutus sambungan kabel
yang menuju ke relay pompa ballast dan
ketika tombol reset ditekan fault relay akan
kembali seperti semula. Adapun hasil
pengujian ditunjukkan pada tabel 2.

Teknik Elektro UMRAH - 2017 | 5

Tabel 2. Pengujian Fault Simulator maka sistem kontrol akan mengaktifkan
Kondisi Pompa komponen-komponen yang digunakan.
Normal Fault
Tersambung Terputus 1). Saat Miring Kekanan (Roll)
(12 V) (0V) Tabel 4. Saat Miring ke kanan
c.Pengujian Tombol Starter Arus
No Nama Komponen Status ngan
Tombol starter pada penelitian ini
Solenoid Tangki 1
merupakan sistem keamanan yang 1 Close 0V 0,44
dirancang untuk mencegah tindakan dari 2 Solenoid Tangki 1 (isi) Close 0V 0
awak-awak kapal yang tidak Solenoid Tangki 2
3 Close 0V 0
bertanggungjawab dalam melaksanakan (buang)
tugasnya, sebagai contoh memaksa kapal 4 Solenoid Tangki 2 (isi) Open 12V 0,44
Solenoid Tangki 3 dan
untuk berlayar dalam keadaan miring atau 5 Close 0V 0
4 (buang)
bermasalah pada kestabilannya. Pengujian Solenoid Tangki 3 dan
dilakukan dengan cara menekan tombol 6 Open 12V 0,44
starter pada saat posisi kapal dalam 7
Solenoid Tangki 5
Open 12V 0,44
keadaan seimbang (<5º) dan tidak (buang)
seimbang (>5º) seperti pada gambar 14. 8 Solenoid Tangki 5 (isi) Close 0V 0
Solenoid Tangki 6 dan
9 Open 12V 0,44
7 (buang)
Solenoid Tangki 6 dan
10 Close 0V 0
7 (isi)
11 Solenoid OUT Close 0V 0
12 Solenoid Sv_Out Open 12V 0,44
13 Sea Chest Open 12V 0,44
Gambar 14. Pengujian Tombol Starter 14 Pompa Ballast Hidup 12V 0,89

Adapun hasil pengujian ditunjukkan pada 2). Saat Miring ke Kiri (Roll)
tabel 3.
Tabel 5. Saat Miring ke Kiri
Tabel 3. Hasil Pengujian Tombol Starter Nama Tegang- Arus
No Status
Komponen an (V) (A)
Status Starter Mesin Kapal Solenoid Tangki
1 Close 0V 0
Posisi Kapal Tidak 1 (buang)
Mati Solenoid Tangki
>5º Berfungsi 2 Close 0V 0
1 (isi)
Posisi Kapal
Berfungsi Hidup
<5º 3 Solenoid Tangki Open 12V 0,44
2 (buang)
Hasil pada tabel 3 menunjukkan 4
Solenoid Tangki
Close 0V 0, 0
bahwa ketika posisi kapal dalam keadaan 2 (isi)
Solenoid Tangki
seimbang (<5º) maka tombol starter dapat 5 Open 12V 0,44
3 dan 4 (buang)
berfungsi dengan baik, tetap jika posisi Solenoid Tangki
kapal dalam keadaan miring (>5º) maka 6 Close 0V 0
3 dan 4(isi)
tombol starter tidak dapat berfungsi 7
Solenoid Tangki
Close 0V 0
sehingga mesin kapal tidak dapat 5 (buang)
dihidupkan. Solenoid Tangki
8 Open 12V 0,44
5 (isi)
d. Pengujian Saat Sudut kemiringan >5º Solenoid Tangki
9 Close 0V 0
6 dan 7 (buang)
Pengujian dilakukan dengan Solenoid Tangki
menambahkan beban diatas kapal untuk 10 Open 12V 0,44
6 dan 7 (isi)
mencapai kemiringan lebih dari 5º. Ketika 11 Solenoid OUT Close 0V 0
kapal mencapai kemiringan lebih dari 5º

Teknik Elektro UMRAH - 2017 | 6

Lanjutan Tabel 5.
No Nama Komponen Status ngan
Gambar 15. Pengosongan dan pengisian
12 Solenoid Sv_Out Open 12V 0,44 tangki ballast
13 Sea Chest Open 12V 0,44
Ketika sistem berada dalam mode
14 Pompa Ballast Hidup 12V 0,89 pengisian atau pengosongan seluruh tangki
ballast, maka seluruh solenoid valve yang
3). Saat Miring Kedepan (Pitch) berfungsi untuk mengisi atau
mengosongkan tangki akan aktif seperti
Tabel 6. Saat Miring Ke Depan yang ditunjukkan pada LED sebagai
Nama Tegangan Arus
(V) (A)
indikator. Waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk
Solenoid Tangki mengisi seluruh tangki ballast adalah 1,37
1 Open 12V 0,44 detik yang ditandai keluarnya air dari
1 (buang)
Solenoid Tangki
Close 0V 0 lubang udara tiap tangki ballast pada kapal
1 (isi) seperti yang ditunjukkan pada gambar 16.
Solenoid Tangki
3 Open 12V 0,44
2 (buang)
Solenoid Tangki
4 Close 0V 0
2 (isi)
Solenoid Tangki
5 Close 0V 0
3 dan 4 (buang)
Solenoid Tangki
6 Close 0V 0
3 dan 4(isi) Gambar 16. Pengisian seluruh tangki ballast
Solenoid Tangki
7 Open 12V 0,44
5 (buang) Berbeda dari pengisian,
Solenoid Tangki
8 Close 0V 0 pengosongan seluruh tangki ballast
5 (isi)
Solenoid Tangki membutuhkan waktu lebih sedikit yaitu
9 Close 0V 0 sekitar 1,11 detik, namun masih ada tersisa
6 dan 7 (buang)
Solenoid Tangki
Close 0V 0 sedikit air pada tangki ballast. Gambar 17
6 dan 7 (isi) menunjukkan ketika pengosongan tangkki
11 Solenoid OUT Open 12V 0,44
12 Solenoid Sv_Out Open 12V 0,44
13 Sea Chest Close 0V 0
14 Pompa Ballast Hidup 12V 0,89

e. Pengujian Pengisian dan Pengosongan

Seluruh Tangki Ballast
Pengujian dengan cara mengisi dan Gambar 17. Pengosongan seluruh tangki
menguras seluruh tangki ballast bertujuan ballast
untuk membandingkan hasil pengujian
dengan hasil perhitungan, dimana pada 5. Penutup
perhitungan dibutuhkan waktu 1 menit a. Kesimpulan
untuk mengisi dan mengosongkan seluruh Hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan
tangki ballast dengan volume 1451 cm³. dapat disimpulkan sebagai berikut:
Pengujian ini dilakukan dengan cara 1. Sistem mampu mengukur kemiringan
manual yaitu dengan menekan tombol kapal dan menyeimbangkannya ketika
pengisian dan pengosongan yang terdapat terjadi penambahan beban diatas kapal.
pada kapal seperti yang ditunjukkan pada 2. Sistem ballast pada kapal kontainer
gambar 15. dapat dirancang berdasarkan regulasi
dari badan klasifikasi yang akan

Teknik Elektro UMRAH - 2017 | 7

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Teknik Elektro UMRAH - 2017 | 9


Electrochemical Cell Applications

for Ballast Water Treatment
Ceren Bilgin Güney The transportation of exotic species in ballast tanks is one of the most important
Fatma Yonsel global environmental problems facing the shipping industry. Electrochemical tech-
Faculty of Naval Architecture and niques offer one of the most viable solutions for ballast water problems. This work
Ocean Engineering, Department of reports laboratory experiments conducted by Istanbul Technical University (ITU) for
Shipbuilding and Ocean Engineering, the best and optimal electrochemical cell design for EU Project BaWaPla (Contract
Istanbul Technical University 031529), in which a new hybrid ballast water treatment system has been developed.
The capability of an electrochemical system to effectively eliminate these organisms
depends on various internal and external parameters. Five different electrochemical
Introduction cells were assessed for the BaWaPla system. The variable parameters of the cell

B allast water is vital for the ship design were the geometry and dimensions of the electrodes. In additional to cell
safety for reasons such as increasing design, the effects of Ca2+ and Mg2+ concentrations, along with ammonia, were
the draft, changing the trim, regulat- also investigated as external parameters for system capability. The results show
ing the stability, or maintaining stress that the enlargement of electrode surfaces result in increased chlorine concentra-
loads within an acceptable limit. Ships tions in the disinfectant. On the other hand, suitable electrode and coating materials
with maximum cargo and minimum are essential for “reverse polarity” operation in order to avoid scaling of Ca2+ and
ballast are preferred for commercial Mg2+ ions on electrodes and clogging the membrane. Ammonia, if present in ballast
reasons. However, as a result of the water, has a negative effect on disinfection quality. Experiments show that presence
great variety in world trade, ships per- of 7.8 mg/L ammonia in electrolyte may cause up to 73% loss of free available chlo-
form most of their cruises in ballast rine and 38% loss of total available chlorine concentrations. Measures should be
condition. This fact leads to the translo- considered, both in the design stage and during the disinfection process, to reduce
cation of billions of tons of ballast water the negative effect of ammonia.
annually, and at any given moment, Keywords: electrochemical cell, chlorine generation, ballast water treatment
thousands of various species are also
translocated between biogeograph-
ical regions via ballast tanks (Medcof,
ASW: NaCl solution with tap water (Artificial seawater)
1975; Carlton, 1979; Lavoie et al.,
FAC: free available chlorine
1999; Olenin et al., 2000; Gollasch,
SW: seawater
TRC: total residual chlorine
The threats posed by invasive ma-
rine species extend from environmental
and public health concerns to eco- ards of these species may increase over ratification of the convention, all ships
nomic impacts, because of the time to irreversible levels, even more will be required to manage their ballast
variety of organisms that can pass than other pollutants. water within a designated timetable
through ballast intake and ballast In February 2004, the Interna- in compliance with the convention’s
pumps (Hallegraeff, 1998; van den tional Maritime Organization (IMO) standards (IMO, 2004).
Berghl, 2002; Occhipinti-Ambrogi adopted the International Convention There are a number of techniques
& Savini, 2003; Joachimsthal, 2004; for the Control and Management of taken into consideration for ballast
Knowler, 2005; Ma et al., 2009). Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediment. water treatment (Tsolaki & Evan
The main concern about ballast water The convention is now open to signa- Diamadopoulos, 2009; Gonçalves
organisms is that the effects and haz- tures of the member states. After the & Gagnon 2012). However, it is

134 Marine Technology Society Journal

generally agreed that a single treat- trations (Stocks, 2004; Zhang et al., of BaWaPla produces a chlorine-rich
ment method would not be sufficient 2004; Derek et al., 2006). Safety disinfection solution through electro-
to achieve IMO standards for all types risks during handling and onboard lyzing the side stream of ballast water.
of seawater and ships. Consequently, storage of chlorine gas or HOCl solu- This study emphasizes certain points
various projects focused on hybrid tions are raising concerns about the that should be taken into consideration
systems and some of them are already employment of chlorine disinfection for electrochemical applications of a
on the market with IMO approval methods for ballast water organisms. ballast water treatment process.
(Kim & Lee, 2009). These systems Electrochemical techniques offer a
generally include one primary treatment viable option to eliminate this prob-
and one or more secondary treatment lem. Also, lower energy consumption Background
techniques. (Kim et al., 2010) and smaller foot- The electrolysis of sodium chloride
Primary treatment is achieved by prints possess considerable advantages is also referred as the chlor-alkali pro-
mechanical methods, such as filters in electrochemical techniques com- cess. As a result of this process, chlorine,
and hydrocyclonic treatment for the pared to other disinfection technolo- sodium hydroxide, and hydrogen are
removal of particles, sediment and larger gies. There are a number of studies formed simultaneously (Rajeshwar &
size organisms (Mackey et al., 2000; highlighting the use of electrochemi- Ibanez, 1997; Srinivasan, 2006).
Cangelosi et al., 2003; Matheickal cal systems for ballast water treatment.
et al., 2003; Abu-Khader, 2011). Sec- Some of these studies are focused on ElectricEnergy
ondary treatment is used to eradicate the direct electrolytic disinfection of 2NaCl þ H2 O →2NaOH
smaller organisms and bacteria that re- ballast water (Dang et al., 2004; Kim þ H2 þ Cl2 ð1Þ
main after the primary treatment. Sec- et al., 2006; Tsolaki et al., 2010),
ondary treatment may consist of while the others rely on the produc- Within the chlor-alkali process, brine
physical, chemical, and some other tion of a concentrated chlorine solu- passes through the first chamber of
techniques. Physical options may tion by electrolyzing a side stream of the electrochemical cell and chloride
employ heat treatment, UV, and seawater or brackish water and inject- ion (Cl−) is oxidized at anode:
ultrasound (Mackey & Wright, ing it into a main stream (Aliotta et al.,
2002; Sassi et al., 2002; Waite 2003; Lefler et al., 2004; Matousek 2Cl → Cl2 þ 2e ð2Þ
et al., 2003; Zhou et al., 2005; Holm et al., 2006). On the other hand, chlo-
et al., 2008). Chemical options may rine disinfection may also be one of
In the membrane cell, the anode and
employ oxidizing biocides and non- the important mechanisms for direct
cathode are separated by an ion-permeable
oxidizing biocides (Stocks, 2004; electrolysis of seawater (Kim et al.,
membrane, and this membrane in the
Zhang et al., 2004; Oemcke & 2006; Nanayakkara et al., 2012).
center of the cell only allows the liberated
van Leeuwen, 2005; Raikow et al., The efficiency of an electrochemi-
sodium ions (Na+) to pass through the
2006; Gregg & Hallegraeff, 2007; cal system depends on various inter-
second chamber. The unreacted sodium
de Lafontaine et al., 2008). Other nal parameters (e.g., cell design) and
chloride (NaCl) and the other ions are not
techniques include many options such external parameters (e.g., characteris-
allowed to pass through the membrane.
as deoxygenation, pulsed discharge, tics of seawater or operating condi-
At the cathode, hydrogen in water
and electrochemical methods (Aliotta tions such as flow rate and electrical
is reduced to hydrogen gas, releasing
et al., 2003; Dang et al., 2004; Husain current applied to the electrodes).
hydroxide ions into the solution (Eq. 3).
et al., 2004; Lefler et al., 2004; This paper reports on laboratory ex-
Simultaneously, the chlorine gas (which
Tamburri et al., 2004; Matousek periments conducted by Istanbul
is formed by oxidation of Cl−) reacts
et al., 2006; McCollin et al., 2007; Technical University (ITU) to achieve
with water in the first chamber. Hypo-
Kim et al., 2006; Sun et al., 2009). the best and optimal electrochemical
chlorous acid (HOCl) and hydrochloric
Chlorine is a well known and cell design for BaWaPla—the Sustain-
acid are thus formed (Eq. 4) [Abdul-
widely used disinfectant around the able Ballast Water Management Plant
Wahab & Al-Wesbahi, 2009]
world. It is also proven to be effective project, in which a new hybrid ballast
for the disinfection of many ballast water treatment system has been devel-
water organisms at different concen- oped. The electrochemical component 2H2 O þ 2e
o → H2 þ 2OH


January/February 2013 Volume 47 Number 1 135

Cl2 þ H2 O → HOCl þ HCl ð4Þ needed for combined available chlorine ■ Natural seawater (SW) with ∼18 Psu
compared to the same amount needed is used as the electrolyte for further
The proteolysis of HOCl yields to hypo- for free available chlorine (Oğur et al., experiments. Seawater was collected
chlorite ion (OCl−) depending upon pH 2004). from the Yeniköy at Bosporus
and temperature: (Istanbul, Turkey).

HOCl þ H2 O ↔ H3 Oþ þ OCl ð5Þ

Materials and Methods Electrochemical Cells
Experimental Design Five different electrochemical cells
and Test System were employed for the experiments. The
½H3 Oþ ½OCl  A laboratory system was provided
Ka ¼ cells are referred to as “standard cell,
½HOCl to ITU by one of its BaWaPla project FTEC 100, FTEC 500, EC 100 Nr.
¼ 2; 5 × 108 at 20°C ð6Þ partners, LVPG GmbH (Germany). 201, EC 100 Nr. 240” and were
This system was used for various test supplied from Fuma Tech GmbH
assumptions and proposals for the best (Germany). The variable parameters
%½HOCl ¼ ð7Þ and optimal cell design.
½H3 Oþ
of the cell design were the geometry
Saline water/seawater was intro- and dimensions of the electrodes and
duced into the electrochemical cell in the materials that were used for the
½H3 Oþ  ¼ 10pH ð8Þ the heart of the test system and electric electrodes and their coatings.1
voltage was applied at the electrodes. The standard cell had already been
The system was able to run both stan- used for chlorine production for dis-
The product at the first compartment dard and reverse current directions. infection at land-based plants. DSA
[such as elemental chlorine (Cl2), hypo- While the system was running, chlo- mixed metal oxides were used as ma-
chlorous acid (HOCl), and hypochlorite rine was generated under the force of terial for the anode and stainless steel
ion] constitutes “free available chlorine an electric current at the anode. Oxygen was used for the cathode within the
(FAC),” which is the first concept of was also cogenerated by the decompo- standard cell. The dimensions of the
chlorine disinfection. If ammonia is in sition of water, a process that results electrodes were 88 × 42 mm.
water, chlorine reacts with the ammonia in hydronium ions being produced. The properties of the FTEC 100
and forms chloramines (Hammer & A couple of secondary reactions took were similar to the properties of the stan-
Hammer, 2004; Vijayaraghavan et al., place and were responsible for the dard cell. Improved DSA mixed metal
1999; Weber, 1972). The chloramines formation of a highly effective “hypo- oxides were used as anode, and stainless
are referred to as “combined available chlorous acid-rich” disinfectant, which steel was used as cathode material. The
chlorine,” which is the second concept was produced as a result. dimensions of electrodes were the same
of chlorine disinfection. Finally, the as standard cell (88 × 42 mm). The main
sum of free available chlorine with Water for the Experiments exception concerns the geometry of the
the combined available chlorine consti- Different types of electrolytes were anode. The standard cell had an expanded
tutes the “total residual chlorine (TRC)” used, depending on the experiments: grid anode and cathode while the FTEC
in the chlorine disinfection process. ■ NaCl (Norm: EN 973) solution with
100 had a compact planar anode and
The disinfection effect of the com- deionized water was used to produce an expanded grid cathode.
bined available chlorine is dramatically disinfectant for the preliminary ex- FTEC 500 had the same properties
less than the free available chlorine. For periments with the Standard Cell. and geometry of anodes and cathodes
the disinfection of cysts of E. hisytolica, ■ Artificial seawater (ASW) was used
as the FTEC 100. However, the dimen-
dichloramines (NHCl2) were found for the preliminary investigations of sions of electrodes (175 mm × 175 mm)
60% as efficient as HOCl and mono- all cell types before natural seawater were larger than other cells.
chloramines (NH2Cl) were found 22% was investigated. ASW was prepared
as efficient as HOCl under comparable with tap water and NaCl. This elec- 1
Construction and technical details about the
conditions (Weber, 1972). Consider- trolyte was used as test media and
cells come from personal communications and
ing the contact time for bactericidal preferred to avoid any uncontrolled correspondences and from unpublished docu-
effect, 100 times more contact time is effects of natural seawater. ments created during the BaWaPla Project.

136 Marine Technology Society Journal

The electrodes of EC 100 Nr. 201 Standard cell experiments were values may go up to 16 A with a 30 Psu
and EC 100 Nr. 240 had the same carried out with three different electro- salinity rate. Higher conductivity of
electrode dimensions as the FTEC 100. lyte salinities (9 Psu, 20 Psu, 35 Psu) 30 Psu electrolytes provides relatively
The major difference in the design of under three different current stresses lower solution resistance between elec-
EC 100 Nr. 201 and EC 100 Nr. 240 (8 A, 12 A, 16 A). Disinfectant was pro- trodes compared to 10 Psu and 20 Psu
was the coating of the electrodes. The duced with 100 L/h flow rate and the electrolytes. This enables higher cur-
electrodes were designed to be resistant samples were taken at the 10th minute rent flow through the electrolyte due
to seawater content, and stability was of the production. to imposition of the same potential
achieved by optimizing the mixture of The results with this cell have difference. Depending on these initial
ruthenium and iridium as well as of shown that the chlorine concentrations experiments, basically two different
the tempering process. Both anode rise with the salinity and the current salinities (20 Psu, 30 Psu) were tested
types were equipped with a polarity re- (Figure 1), also expected due to princi- under two different maximal current
versal finish and an additional protective ples of the electrochemical cells. The settings. Disinfectant was produced
layer between the coating and metal temperature of the produced disinfec- with three different electrolyte flow
electrode surfaces. This protective layer tant was between 22.5°C and 23°C rates (50 L/h, 60 L/h, and 75 L/h).
allowed for working with a reverse cur- and pH between 3 and 3.5. The initial The cell operation was run for 120 min.
rent direction so that self-cleaning of pH values of electrolytes were between The samples of the disinfectant were
the cell can be maintained as disinfec- 6.15 and 6.35 at 22–23°C. The calcu- taken at the 30th and 120th min. The
tant was simultaneously produced. lations reveal that more than 99.99% results with FTEC 100 underline the
of FAC is in the form of hypochlorous importance of the flow rate. The higher
Measured Parameters acid (HOCl). chlorine contents were obtained with a
and Instruments Several sets of tests are carried out lower disinfectant flow rate (Figure 2),
Total residual chlorine (TRC) and to develop specifications for regular and the highest chlorine concentrations
free available chlorine (FAC) concen- operation of FTEC 100. The system were obtained when the flow rate was
trations were the main parameters to was found to be stable at currents 50 L/h as the electrolytes retained
investigate the effectiveness of the dis- above 10 A (Yonsel & Bilgin Güney, a longer span of time in the reaction
infectant. They were measured by 2010), and investigations were carried zone. The figure also shows that higher
Hach DR 2000 Spectrophotometer out with two maximal current settings chlorine concentrations are obtained
using the DPD method. Redox po- (10 A and 16 A). It was also observed with higher salinity of electrolytes at
tential, pH, temperature and salinity that the maximum current stress can- constant current. Salinity of the electro-
were also measured as control param- not go beyond 10 A when salinity is lyte depends on the NaCl concentration.
eters. Redox potential was measured at 10 Psu and 20 Psu, whereas current The rise in the NaCl concentration leads
with a Hach Sension1 pH/mV meter,
while temperature and pH was simul-
taneously measured with a WTW FIGURE 1
720 InoLab series-pH meter. The Disinfectant produced under different conditions.
WTW LF 196-Microprocessor Con-
ductivity meter was used for salinity

Results and Discussion

Cell Performances
Performance experiment proce-
dures varied for each electrochemical
cell due to different design parameters
of the cell and the phase reached with
the previous cell.

January/February 2013 Volume 47 Number 1 137

FIGURE 2 and current stresses even during the
time span of each experiment. Lower
The effect of flow rate.
salinity provides higher resistance in the
electrolyte phase compared to 30 Psu.
The voltage drops across the electro-
lyte phase caused by higher resistance
leads to system irregularity. However,
the differences between two samples
of each sequence are negligible when
salinity is 30 Psu. Higher conductivity
of the electrolyte minimizes the voltage
drops across the electrolyte phase and
maintains system stability. Higher
to liberation of higher amount of Cl2 seawater. The annual average concen- conductivity also enables higher cur-
after oxidation at the anode. The rapid tration of Ca2+ and Mg2+ present in rent flow through the electrolyte and
hydrolysis of Cl2 after oxidation yields tap water are respectively 49 mg/L obtained current stress levels approach
to the formation of higher amount of and 11 mg/L (ISKI, 2008), whereas the maximal current setting. Thus, the
HOCl and OCl− during electrolysis 400 mg/L Ca2+ and 1,300 mg/L Mg2+ salinity will improve the conformity of
process. are present in typical 35 Psu seawater the application of electrochemical pro-
The TRC concentrations of the (Riley & Skirrow, 1975). The figure cess as Li et al. (2002) mentioned. It is
experiments when the flow rate was consists of three replicates of the ex- also determined that seawater experi-
50 L/h are shown in Figure 3. Each periments with artificial seawater. Each ments result in far lower FAC and
experiment is represented by two points replicate is indicated in the legends TRC concentrations than artificial sea-
in the figure. These points are the chlo- with the sequence number. water experiments under comparable
rine concentrations of the samples The results of the experiments un- conditions. A monitoring program
taken at the 30th and 120th minutes; derline the importance of the salinity carried out by Okus et al. (2008) over
however, the sampling time is not indi- for the electrochemical system stability. 10 years in 28 marine stations with crit-
cated on the figure as the experiments The primer effect of electrolyte salinity ical quality parameters (DO, TOC,
did not exhibit any direct effect of the is seen on the chlorine concentrations POC, Total-N, Total-P, NO3−, etc.)
production duration on the disinfectant of the disinfectant, as the TRC rises shows that the Marmara sea and the
quality under experimental conditions. with increasing salinity. But another Bosporus is subject to pollution caused
The effect of the hardness forming ion important effect is on the system sta- by marine outfall, surface water dis-
(which may cause a decrease in cell bility. The experiments with 20 Psu charges from Istanbul’s major waste-
performance) content of the electro- electrolyte salinity exhibit irregularity water treatment plants, along with
lyte (ASW) is negligible compared to both in terms of chlorine concentrations transboundary pollution sourced by
the Black Sea. Considering that the sea-
water is collected from the Bosporus,
the pollution appears to be the main
TRC with 16 A maximum current setting. cause of the decrease in FAC and
TRC concentrations, as chlorine reacts
with both organic and inorganic matter
in seawater.
Experiments with FTEC 500 are
carried out with both artificial seawater
and natural seawater as electrolytes.
Three different artificial seawater salin-
ities of water were tested under four
different maximal current stress settings

138 Marine Technology Society Journal

(30 A, 40 A, 50 A, and 60 A) at a FIGURE 5
100 L/h flow rate. Operation of the
Obtained current values with FTEC 500 using ASW and SW.
cell lasted 10 min after the flow rate be-
came stable at 100 L/h to avoid heat
excess to the cell. The readings from
test rig screen were recorded at the be-
ginning of the operation and at the
10th minute. Samples of disinfectant
were also taken at these precise times.
Chlorine concentrations explicitly
raise with FTEC 500 compared to
FTEC 100 (Figure 4), even with the
lowest salinity (10Psu). Another re-
markable observation is the chlorine the same voltage is applied (10 V). The The seawater was collected from the
concentrations of electrolyte with obtained currents with natural seawater same location but on three different
20 Psu approach rates of chlorine generally remain below 30 A, whereas dates. However, the pollutant content
concentrations of electrolyte with set values coincide with artificial sea- of seawater from the Bosporus, such
30 Psu. Meanwhile, chlorine concen- water. The conductivity values of the as NH4+, changes over short periods
trations of electrolyte with 10 Psu lie electrolytes (both ASW and SW) are (Yonsel et al., 2000). Changes in the
far below the others and the voltage 25.5 ± 0.3 mS/cm. However, hardness content of the seawater used as the elec-
drops across the electrolyte phase due formers available in the seawater seem to trolyte appear to be the cause of differ-
to higher resistance causes to irregular- be the reason for the lower current val- ence in TRC and FAC concentrations
ity. It is also observed that maximum ues, as they cause scaling on the cathode as chlorine reacts with organic matter
current settings of 50 A and 60 A and decrease the cell performance. Po- and other reducers available in seawater.
were not reached with the 10 Psu arti- larity reverse operations are conducted Seawater experiments with EC
ficial seawater, since lower conductiv- at various times to enable self-cleaning 100 Nr. 201 and EC 100 Nr. 240
ity leads to lower current flow through of the cell, and relatively higher currents lasted 90 min. Two maximal voltage
the electrolyte due to imposition of the are obtained after these operations. settings were tested (10 V and 20 V)
same potential difference. The difference among seawater at a 50 L/h flow rate. Experiments are
The results with FTEC 500 show experiment results, under the same replicated for each voltage. The chlo-
that the properties of the electrolyte operational conditions, is also remark- rine concentrations with EC 100 Nr.
have direct effects on the disinfectant able. Both TRC and FAC concentra- 201 under 20 V are considerably higher
content. Figure 5 represents the ob- tions of the disinfectant differ not only than the chlorine concentrations with
tained current values for each maximal depending on amperage but also the EC 100 Nr. 240 under the same volt-
current setting of the experiments when used seawater as electrolyte (Figure 6). age (Figure 7). Also, the stability of the
result with EC 100 Nr. 201 along the
FIGURE 4 production with 20-V maximal volt-
age is remarkable, whereas the results
TRC concentrations with FTEC 500 using ASW. of EC 100 Nr. 240 had some irregular-
ities for both maximal voltage settings.
Still, the results also reveal that chlo-
rine contents decrease along the pro-
duction duration when lower voltage
is applied. Accumulation of the hard-
ness formers in the seawater appears to
be the main cause for the decrease
of chlorine content. Each experiment
began after the reverse polarity operation.

January/February 2013 Volume 47 Number 1 139

FIGURE 6 also match the average compounds of
seawater (Riley & Skirrow, 1975).
TRC with FTEC 500 using SW.
Three sets of experiments were
conducted with different electrolytes.
Within the first set, the effect of only
one parameter was investigated. Three
different Ca2+ concentrations (150 mg/L,
300 mg/L, and 400 mg/L) were used in
the absence of Mg2+, while two differ-
ent Mg2+ concentrations are were used
in the absence of Ca2+ within this first
The Ca2+ concentration kept con-
stant at 400 mg/L, and three dif-
FIGURE 7 ferent Mg2+concentrations were used
(500 mg/L, 100 mg/L and 1300 mg/L)
Disinfectant production with EC 100 Nr. 201 and EC 100 Nr. 240.
in the second set. The amount of added
NaCl was adjusted so that the salinity
of the electrolyte was kept at 30 Psu for
the all experiments.
Disinfectant production lasted
120 minutes for both sets. The first
sample was taken after 10 minutes of
production and the control experiment
was conducted at the same operational
conditions in the absence of Ca2+ and
Higher chlorine concentrations were have a direct effect on the capability of The results of the first set show that
obtained at the very beginning of the an electrochemical system. Ca2+ and the TRC concentration decreases in
experiment, whereas chlorine concen- Mg2+ are the most common constit- the existence of Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions
trations decreased through the end of uents that define the hardness of sea- in the electrolyte (Figure 8). However,
the experiment. water. Within the BaWaPla Project, the decrease of TRC concentration is
the effect of Ca2+ and Mg2+ on electro- higher within the Mg2+ experiments,
chemical chlorine production was in- as the implemented concentration of
Effect of Seawater vestigated (Bilgin Güney & Yonsel, Mg2+ is higher in accordance with the
Characteristics 2009). FTEC 100 is used as an electro- natural seawater content. The second
Seawater has varying physical and lyzing cell. The maximal current setting set of experiments demonstrates the
chemical characteristics, depending on is 16 A and maximal voltage setting is combined effect of Ca 2+ and Mg 2+
the locational and temporal conditions. 22 V for the experiments. Disinfectant marks a decrease that is more than
Within this study, the effect of seawater is produced at a 50 L/h rate. The elec- only one ion. The disinfectant quality
hardness and ammonia concentration trolyte used to produce disinfectant decreases with the increasing Mg2+ in
on an electrochemical system’s capabil- is prepared artificially with deionized the presence of Ca2+.
ity is also investigated along with the water and varying NaCl, CaCl2, and Within the last set, the effect of
internal parameters of the electrochem- MgCl2 concentrations. The experimen- scaling in a longer time span is inves-
ical cells. tal limitations selected for Ca2+ concen- tigated with maximal Ca2+ and Mg2+
Raw seawater contains a wide range tration is at a maximum of 400 mg/L, concentrations. The production lasted
of salts at various concentrations and and the Mg2+ concentration is at a max- for 8 h. Figure 9 demonstrates the results
combinations. These characteristics imum of 1300 mg/L. These limitations of the long-term disinfectant production

140 Marine Technology Society Journal

FIGURE 8 ically produced disinfectant, which
means the disinfection effect is de-
The effect of Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions.
creased. The figures show that TRC
and FAC concentrations decrease dra-
matically after the addition of ammo-
nia even for the minimal ammonia
concentration (2.6 mg/L) of the ex-
periments. The presence of 2.6 mg/L
ammonia in the electrolyte may cause
up to 34% loss of FAC and 15% loss
of TRC concentrations while the pres-
ence of 7.8 mg/L ammonia may cause
up to 73% loss of FAC and 38% loss of
FIGURE 9 TRC concentrations. The decrease of
Long-term binary effect of Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions. these values slows down after ammonia
reaches up to 13 mg/L in the electro-
lyte. The figure indicates that duration
of production does not affect the disin-
fectant quality contrary to other hard-
ness experiments and ammonia does
not accumulate in the electrochemical
cell along the duration of production
at the experimental conditions.
The experiments show that am-
monia, as an impurity, has a negative
with electrolyte contains 400 mg/L Ca2+ 100. The maximal current setting is effect on disinfection quality. If present
and 1300 mg/L of Mg2+. The results 16 A and maximal voltage setting is in water, ammonia causes a decrease in
show that the disinfectant quality dra- 22 V in the experiments. Disinfectant both TRC and FAC values of the pro-
matically decreases as the production is produced with a 50 L/h rate. duced disinfectant. Moreover, as the
duration gets longer. The accumulation Ammonia concentration of the elec- disinfectant added to the ballast water
of Ca2+ and Mg2+ on electrodes and trolyte started from 2.6 mg/L and grad- stream for treatment, the residual FAC
membrane causes the loss in disinfectant ually rose to 39 mg/L with FTEC 100. will react rapidly with the ammonia
quality. It is also observed that waste The control experiment was conducted in the ballast water. This will lead to
generation increases with the rising in the absence of ammonia. Disinfec- another loss of the disinfection effect.
Ca2+ and Mg2+ on cathode side. tant production lasted 120 min for each These double losses of disinfection
In addition to the wide range of ammonia concentration. The first sam- performance will increase the volume
salt, coastal seawater may also contain ple is taken after 10 min of production, of disinfectant needed to disinfect the
ammonia as well as domestic-based and the following samples are taken at same biomass in the absence of ammo-
organic pollutants. The ammonia con- the 30th, 60th, 90th, and 120th minute. nia. Ammonia undergoes different
tent of the intake ballast water would Figure 10 includes chlorine concentra- processes other than the reactions with
have a direct effect on the seawater tions for each ammonia concentration, HOCl in electrochemical cells (Liu
generated disinfectant. The effect of depending on the sampling time. As et al., 2009; Li & Lui, 2009; Xiao
ammonia content of the electrolyte, the active chlorine produced at the et al., 2009; Kapałka et al., 2010).
which would be part of the electro- electrode reacts rapidly with ammonia The resultant product of the electro-
chemical process during the disinfectant in the reaction zone, chloramines are chemical process is not only dependent
production, is investigated (Bilgin formed. The formation of chloramines on active chlorine, but on several dif-
Güney & Yonsel, 2011). The experi- causes a decrease in both the TRC and ferent parameters. If the ballasting pro-
ments were conducted with FTEC FAC concentration of the electrochem- cess is with seawater that has been

January/February 2013 Volume 47 Number 1 141

FIGURE 10 option to avoid the accumulation (and
crust-like formations) of hardness for-
The effect of ammonia concentration on TRC and FAC.
mers of seawater on electrodes. Working
with reverse current direction provides
the cell with the ability to work with
reversed polarity so that self-cleaning
of the cell can be maintained while
high-quality disinfectant is produced.
Such cells will present substantial ad-
vantages considering the operations
onboard, although EC 100 Nr. 201
has proven to be more convenient than
EC 100 Nr. for seawater usage. The
subjected to domestic waste, current rials used for the electrodes and their overall results show that EC 100 Nr.
density and pH are the parameters coatings. 201 had the best electrode coating
which should be considered at the pro- The results showed that the com- and geometry. The enlargement of
duction stage (Liu et al., 2009; Li & pact planar anode of FTEC 100 leads EC 100 Nr. 201 would lead to higher
Lui, 2009; Xiao et al., 2009). The se- to higher chlorine concentrations at chlorine concentration at higher flow
lection of electrodes is (Liu et al., 2009; the same current compared to the rates like the FTEC 500.
Kapałka et al., 2010) another parame- expanded grid anode of the Standard Ammonia has a negative effect on
ter that can be taken into consideration Cell. The chlorine concentration de- disinfectant quality. Experiments with
at the design stage of the electrochem- creases with increasing flow rate of FTEC 100 show that presence of
ical cells, depending on the cell opti- disinfectant as the electrolyte retains 7.8 mg/L ammonia in an electrolyte
mization. The disinfectant effect of a shorter span of time in the reaction may cause up to 73% loss of free avail-
combined available chlorine is dramat- zone. However, larger dimensions of able chlorine and 38% loss of total
ically less than free available chlorine FTEC 500 provide larger electrode available chlorine concentrations. More
(Weber, 1972). Attention should be surface area to increase the electrolyte comprehensive works are needed to
paid to the ammonia concentration of conductivity. That leads to higher eliminate the adverse effect of ammo-
the ballast water to adjust the disinfec- production rate of disinfectant with nia on the design stage. However, mea-
tant volume that will be needed. Atten- considerably higher chlorine content. sures can be considered during the
tion should also be paid to byproduct It is also stated that the chlorine onboard disinfection process. Adjust-
formation in the presence of ammonia concentrations decrease as the Ca2+ ment of current density and disinfec-
as a side effect of disinfection (Echardt and Mg2+ concentrations of the elec- tant volume may offer a viable option
& Kornmueller 2009; Oh et al., 2010). trolyte rise to the typical seawater levels. if ballasting will be with seawater sub-
Additionally, combined available chlo- Long-term disinfection production jected to domestic waste.
rine formation may affect the approval causes the accumulation of Ca2+ and Higher salinity is quite important
process of the ballast water system nega- Mg 2+ on electrodes and membrane for all types of electrochemical cells
tively as the chloramines persist in water when Ca2+ and Mg2+ concentrations that are tested. It has been determined
for a longer period (MEPC, 2005). rise to seawater levels. The accumulation that the primer effect of electrolyte sa-
leads to a dramatic loss in the disinfec- linity is on the chlorine concentration
tant quality over time. Additionally, of the disinfectant, as the availability
Conclusion the waste generation increases with the of the chloride ions rises at constant
Five different electrochemical cells rising Ca 2+ and Mg 2+ with the cell current. However, the rise in the con-
were assessed for the BaWaPla Project FTEC 100; the characteristic of this ductivity, as a result of salinity, also
between December 2006 and May waste makes onboard handling diffi- enables higher current flow through
2010. The variable parameters of the cult. The coating and polarity reversal the electrolyte due to imposition of the
cell design were the geometry and di- finish of the electrodes of EC 100 Nr. same potential difference. Besides, low
mensions of the electrodes; the mate- 201 and EC 200 Nr. 240 offer a viable resistance of the electrolyte solution

142 Marine Technology Society Journal

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