Anda di halaman 1dari 39


Nama Keterangan
1 Ajib Rahman Ahnan Goro Belum mengumpulkan tugas
2 Alfhaadi Eric Pratama Telah mengumpulkan tugas
3 Aljan Fathurachman Telah mengumpulkan tugas
4 Anniza Purnama Dewi Telah mengumpulkan tugas
5 Armilia Septiani Telah mengumpulkan tugas
6 Deni Dwika Gustiandri Telah mengumpulkan tugas
7 Elza Agusten Saputri Telah mengumpulkan tugas
8 Elza Rahman Dania Telah mengumpulkan tugas
9 Evan Sailindra Telah mengumpulkan tugas
10 Fahrur Rafiq Telah mengumpulkan tugas
11 Fiola Dyas Ayuning Telah mengumpulkan tugas
12 Gia Diana Priska Telah mengumpulkan tugas
13 Herry Okta Diansyah Telah mengumpulkan tugas
14 Izzatin Nadya Azulfa Telah mengumpulkan tugas
15 Jansen Helvansah Telah mengumpulkan tugas
16 Keysa Maqfirah Telah mengumpulkan tugas
17 Kholifa Okti Kurnia Lukniani Saogo Telah mengumpulkan tugas
18 Lara Sanju Amnur Telah mengumpulkan tugas
19 Lesta Kurnia Bunhatika Telah mengumpulkan tugas
20 M Alfa Rezzaka Telah mengumpulkan tugas
21 Maya Lestari Telah mengumpulkan tugas
22 Monika Arbaini Telah mengumpulkan tugas
23 Muntia Zahrataini Telah mengumpulkan tugas
24 Murpi Nurhidayat Belum mengumpulkan tugas
25 Naura Rainsyifa Nandra Belummengumpulkan tugas
26 Oriza Yuliassi Telah mengumpulkan tugas
27 Reka Khorisma Telah mengumpulkan tugas
28 Renky P Telah mengumpulkan tugas
29 Rifa Telah mengumpulkan tugas
30 Stevi Rema Deka Asti Telah mengumpulkan tugas
31 Tari Oktafia Telah mengumpulkan tugas
32 Viona Safera Telah mengumpulkan tugas
33 Zhahira Syahwa Hafidza Telah mengumpulkan tugas
34 Anugrah Adha Vebson Telah mengumpulkan tugas

BIRU = Telah mengumpulkan tugas
PINK = Belum mengumpulkan tugas
Yang tidak mengumpulkan tugas :
1. Ajib Rahmansyah
2. Naura Rainsyifa Nandra
3. Murpi Nurhidayat

1.Sebutkan pengertian Recount text (dlm B.Indonesia)

2.Cerita apa saja yang termasuk ke dalam jenis Recount text
3.Sebutkan Generic structure dari recount text
4.Ceritakan sedikit tentang kejadian yang takterlupakan
waktu SMP dalam bahasa inggris
Nama: Alfhadi Eric Pratama

1. recount text adalah jenis text yang menceritakan kembali tentang

pengalaman seseorang di masa lampau.

2. Yang termasuk Recount Text

 Personal recount
 Factual recount
 Imaginative
 Historical recount

3. General Structures Recount Text

 orientation
 Events
 Re orientation

4. An event that will not be forgotten during middle school is when the teacher
is punished standing in front of the class because of noisy class, which makes
the incident unforgettable.
Nama : Aljan Faturachman
1.Recount text adalah jenis text yang menceritakan kembali tentang
pengalaman seseorang di masa lampau.

2.personal recount
Factual recount
Historical recount.

Re orientation

4. events that will not be forgotten at the time

Middle school is when in law the teacher stands in front of the class
Because it was noisy in class, which made the incident unforgettable.
Nama Anniza purnama

Recoun text adalah salah satu jenis teks dalam bahasa inggris yang menceritakan
kembali tentang kejadian-kejadian atau pengalaman-pengalaman dimasa lampau.Tujuan
Recoun Text ini adalah untuk memberikan informasi atau untuk menghibur pembaca
sehingga tidak terdapat konflik.

2.Macam-Macam Recount text

a)Personal Recount
personal Recount menceritakan tentang pengalaman pribadi penulis.
b)Factual Recount
Faktual Recount merupakan laporan pristiwa yang benar-benar terjadi,seperti laporan
hasil percobaan.
Imaginative adalah membuat cerita imaginative kalau menuliskan peristiwa atau kejadian


orientation merupakan bagian pengenalan berupa informasi tentang
Events merupakan bagian rekaman peristiwa yang terjadi biasanya disampaikan dalam
urutan kronologis.
Reorientation merupakan bagian pengulangan dari semua pristiwa(pembahasan) atau
rangkuman .

Cerita sedikit tentang masa-masa MTs

"I am very heppy can studing in Madrasah Tsanawiah country 5 kaur in village Rigangan
.there in my many study about religion islam,and I am stading with teachers patient inside
teacher sciences the rewarding although we often make they feel dejected inside
teach,about they not ever give inside convey science at we".
Nama : Armilia Septiani

1. Recount Text adalah salah satu jenis text dalam bahasa Inggris yang menceritakan
kembali tentang kejadian-kejadian atau pengalaman-pengalaman di masa lampau.
Tujuan dari Recount Text adalah untuk memberikan informasi atau untuk menghibur
pembaca sehingga tidak terdapat konflik.

2. Personal Recount : Recount yang menceritakan pengalaman pribadi di masa lalu.

Factual Recount : merupakan bentuk recount yang menceritakan fakta-fakta yang
telah terjadi di masa lampau.
Imaginative Recount : Yaitu recoun yang berdasarkan hayalan atau imaginasi.

3. 1. Orientation
Menceritakan mengenai latar belakang informasi tentang siapa, di mana, kapan
kejadian atau peristiwa terjadi.
2. Events
Menceritakan serangkaian peristiwa yang terjadi sesuai urutan kronologis.
3. Re-orientation
Merupakan penutup atau kesimpulan cerita. Untuk menutup suatu cerita, kita bisa
memberikan opini kita mengenai cerita tersebut.

4. an experience that might be hard for me to forget is the camping experience. two
years ago, to be exact, I was in the eighth grade of my middle school, and had a
campsite that was attended by only seventh and eighth grade students. Before
starting the teacher and coach's camp program we divided us into how many squads
I finished and 9 others into one team, our team with Sakura. we prepare various
needs there and as needed.
our camp is only in the local school, precisely in our own junior high school. The
coach once told me to set up a tent for each team. After setting up the tents, all the
children who joined the camp worked together to make food for dinner.
dinner had arrived after dinner to spend our nights at this campsite. we made our
bonfires all around the bonfire and sang a song with us ending the program, when
the coach blew his whistle as a sign that we had to sleep. we enjoyed that night And
it was very pleasant.
Nama : Deni Dwika Gustiandri

1.Recount text adalah jenis text yang menceritakan kembali tentang

pengalaman seseorang di masa lampau.

2.personal recount
Factual recount
Historical recount.

3. orientation
Re orientation

4. events that will not be forgotten at the time

Middle school is when in law the teacher stands in front of the class
Because it was noisy in class, which made the incident unforgettable
Nama : Elza Agusten Saputri
1.) Recount text adalah salah satu jenis text dalam bahasa inggris yang
menceritakan kembali tentang kejadian atau pengalaman dimasa lampau.
2.) 1.personal recount
3.factual recount
4.historical recount text

3.) 1.orientation orientation

4.) this is my experience that will not be forgetten until that time I
went to school 13 junior high school precisely in the padang panjang
village,semidang sub district that time I was taking part in the
afternoon activities namely boy scouts.the first time I joined the scout,I already
felt very happy to follow the scout.because you can gather with friends and
can add new friends from various regions.since I was a boy scout,I have been
attending camps from my camping senior high school,junior high
school,dakem,and mts 1 manna.I also follow saka bayangkara where I learned
about the police.I was joined in the TPTKP group.i amy very happy to be able to
join there because I can find out more and explore about the police.saka
bayangkara we are combined from junior high school,senior high school,in the
kaur.when I joined saka bayangkara,I became a disciplined and punctual
person.the time passed more and more beautiful,finally I attended the IV LK2P
camp in Bengkulu.which is held by Bengkulu university,precisely in the park
forest rajalelo.I am very happy because this is the most remote camp for me.I
was also able to meet with friends scouts from various regions and get to know
my brothers from Bengkulu university.the first night on the campsite,we were
there flying lanterns very beautiful views from the dark sky and added to the
sweet voices of our scout songs.
For me scouting is an unforgettable experience.where there is
happy,sadness,and difficult.but all that experience I will make knowledge for
my future later.
Nama : Elza Rahman Dania
1 pengertian recount dlm b.indonesia
Recount adalah jenis texs dalam b.inggris yg menceritakan tentang suatu
cerita,tindakan,atau kegiatan,biasanya recount texs menceritakan tentang
pengalaman seseorang

2.Cerita apa saja yg termasuk ke dalam jenis recount texs?
1).imaginative recon texs
Imaginati recount texs merupakan jenis texs yg menceritakan imajinasi penulis
tentang suatu hal yg di tuliskan dalam bentuk past tense
2).Factual recount texs
Jenis texs yg membahas suatu hal yg benar benar terjadi(fakta)di masa lampau
3).historical recount texs
Merupakan jenis recount texs yg membahas tentang sejarah baik itu tempat
bersejarah mau pun bedah sejarah

3.Sebutkan generic structure dari recount texs
Mencerutakan mengenai latar belakang informasi tentang siapa,dimana,kapan
kejadian atau peristiwa terjadi
Menceritakan serangkai peristiwa sesuai dengan urutan kronologi
3).Re orientation yaitu penutup atau kesimpulan cerita

4).Ceritakan sedikit tentang pengalaman di smp/MTS yg tidak terlupakan?
This is something i cant forget in my junior high school toget her frinds"when
studiying together there is an im pression or togethernes that i cannot forget
and by learning together .
That tasks that me have to make are quckly completed addded to a fun joke
that is not as good as it is today
Nama : Evan Sailindra

1. recount text adalah jenis text yg mnceritakan kembali tentang

pengalaman di masa lampau.

2.- personal recount

- fectual recount
- imagitative
- historical recount.

3. orientation
Re orientation

4. an unforgettable event is when you skip class and get caught with a teacher
Nama : Fahrur Rafhiq

1.recount text adalah jenis text yang menceritakan kembali tentang

pengalaman seseorang di masa lampau

2.personal recount
fectual recount
hisyorical recount

Re orientation

4. unforgettable events when with a friend on the river until the incident is not

1. Sebutkan pengertian recount text!

Recount teks adalah jenis teks yang menceritakan kembali tentang
pengalaman seseorang dimasa lampau

2. Cerita apa saja yang termasuk kedalam jenis recount text?

Jawaban: personal recount,factual recount,imaginative, and historical recount

3. Sebutkan generic structure dari recount text! Jawaban:

orientation, events, and re orientation

4. Ceritakan sedikit tentang kejadian yg takterlupakan waktu smp

dalam bahasa inggris!
the thing that I cannot forget is that I and my friends first sang in the
classroom with a loud voice until it was heard by the teacher then we were
punished and told to sing loudly in front of the foice

Nama: Gia Diana Priska

1. Recout text adalah salah satu jenis text dalam bahasa Inggris Yang
menceritakan kejadian kejadian atau pengalaman Pengalam di masa Lampau
tujuan Dari recout text adalah membrikan informasi atau untuk menghibur
pembaca Sehingga todak Terdapat komplik

2. Cerita yang termasuk kedalam recout adalah:

a. Imaginative
b. Faktual reconut
c. Historical reconut
d. Personal reconut

3. Seteruktur reconut text adalah:

a. Orientation ( pembuka)
b. Even ( isi )
c. Reorientation ( penutup / kesimpulan )

4. The memories mts that I will nevers forget is when we play drum band on
the an teacher. And the memories we who is facing a graduation exam.

Nama : Herry Okta Diansyah

1. Recount Text adalahteks yang menceritakn kembali pengalaman penulis
dimasa lampau.
2. Yang termasuk Recount Text
 Personal Recount
 Imaginative Recount
 Factual Recount
 Historical Recount
3. General structure

1. Orientation
Orientation atau pengenalan yaitu memberikan informasi tentang siapa, di
mana, dan kapan peristiwa atau kegiatan itu terjadi di masa lampau.
2. Events
Events merupakan rekaman peristiwa yang terjadi, yang biasanya
disampaikan dalam urutan kronologis, seperti "In the first day, I ... . And in
the next day ... . And In the last day ... " . Di bagian Events ini juga biasanya
terdapat komentar pribadi tentang peristiwa atau kejadian yang
3. Reorientation
Pada bagian Reorientation , terdapat pengulangan pengenalan yang ada di
Orientation , pengulangan yang merangkum rentetan peristiwa, kejadian
atau kegiatan yang diceritakan.
Nama : Izzatin Nadya Azulfa
1. Sebutkan pengertian Recount Text ( dalam bahasa Indonesia) ?
Answer: Recount Text adalah jenis teks dalam bahasa inggris yang
menceritakan tentang suatu cerita, tindakan, atau kegiatan. Biasanya recount
text menceritakan tentang pengalaman seseorang . Tujuan dari recount text
adalah untuk menghibur pembaca , sehingga tidak terdapat konflik dalam text
ini . Selain itu, teks ini bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi kepada
2. Cerita apa saja yang termasuk ke dalam jenis Recount Text ?
Answer: 1. Personal recount,
2. Factual recount,
3. Imaginative,
4. Historical recount
3. Sebutkan Generic Structure dari Recount Text ?
Answer: a. Orientation
b. Event
c. Reorientation
4. Ceritakan sedikit tentang kejadian yang tak terlupakan waktu SMP/MTS
dalam bahasa inggris !
Answer: When I was still an unforgettable memory at that time that was in
the month of ramadhan, the holding of the day of the isra miraj is the prophet
Muhammad saw in the mosque. At that time my friends and I were in charge
of playing the prayer, breaking the fast together, listening to
recitations,competing in answering questions from the lecturer leaving home
late at night, also in the month of ramadhan we held activities from mosque to
Nama: jansen helvansah
Kelas: X ipa 2

1.recount text adalah jenis text yang menceritakan kembali tentang

pengalaman seseorang di masa lampau.

2.Personal recount
Factual recount
Historical recount

Re orientation

4. An event that will not be forgotten during junior high school, our class
managed to become the champion of inter-class futsal in the framework of
class. What made this incident unforgettable was that we played on a fairly
heavy test day.
Nama : Keysa Maqfirah
1. Pengertian

Recount text adalah salah satu bentuk teks yang menceritakan kisah-kisah di masa lampau baik
pengalaman pribadi, pengalaman kelompok, atau segala event-event tertentu yang ditulis dalam
bahasa inggris.

2. Generic Structure of Recount Text

❖ Orientation
It gives the readers the background information needed to understand the text, such
as who was involved, where it happened, and when it happened.

❖ Events
A series of events ordered in a chronological sequence.
❖ Re-orientation
A personal comment about the event or what happened in the end.

3. Kinds of Recount Text

❖ Personal recount
These usually retell an event that the writer was personally involved in.

❖ Factual recount
Recording an incident, eg. a science experiment, police report.

❖ Imaginative recount
Writing an imaginary role and giving details of events, eg. A day in the life of a pirate; How I

4. Example
Climb fence

On Thursday in 2019,I a student 9C at MTSN 5 Kaur. In the class for Arabic study but the teacher
yet to come and her daughter from Arabic teacher said to me “ my mom can’t come because she
have specific reason, and we are be think to penjas study cause after Arabic study we studied
penjas.So we agreed for sport study and we went to field.

A few minutes, suddenly we saw our Arabic teacher, she aim to school with her motorcycle, and
we are very scared about that. Because our field out there. So, we ran like hell cause we hope
quickly arrived to class before our teacher. And yep…..! not other plain we are climbed fence cause
we can’t imagine if our Arabic teacher angry with us. Although some teacher see our but we are still
santuy but we feel little nervous cause she arrived in our class, however we aren’t scolded but she
just laugh see our behavior.

Nama : Kholifa Okti Lukniani Saogo

1).Recount text adalah

jenis teks dalam bahasa
inggris yang
menceritakan tentang
suatu cerita,tindakan
atau kegiatan.
2).a.Personal recount
b.Factual recount
d.Historical recount text.
4).an unforgettable
incident in middle
school namely "One day
me and some of my
friends were punished
by the homeroom
teacher for singing in
class during class time
but our class had no
teacher. We sang loud
enough so that our
homeroom teacher
listened and told us to
stand in the middle the
field while singing like in
the class earlier, we sing
because one of our
friends is having a
birthday, so to celebrate
it we cheer him up like
that but instead we get
punished (it was indeed
our fault anyway). At
school we often get
punishments like that
because we is a student
who is familiar with our
homeroom teacher, and
we have also been
sentenced again.That
time the bell was ringing
but because one of my
friends did not eat the
noodles we helped him
to finish off the noodles
simultaneously, but it
turns out our teacher
went around to check on
students who not yet
entered and he saw us,
we were punished again
by skotjam up to 50X
(actually funny). But even
though he often
punishes us, we are still
proud of him because he
is our teacher and father
at school who has been
very encouraging to us
until now.
Nama lara sanju Annur
1. Sebutkan pengertian recoun text adalah jenis text dlm bhs Inggris yg
menceritakan tentang suatu cerita, tindakan, atau kegiatan. Biasanya ,
recoun text menceritakan tentang pengalaman seseorang. Tujuan dari
recoun text adalah untuk menghibur pembaca, sehingga tidak terdapat
konflik dlm text ini

2. ceritakan apa saja yg termasuk ke dlm jenis recoun text?

Menceritakan kembali tentang kejadian-kejadian atau pengalaman
pengalaman di masa lampau
3. sebutkan generic structure ke dlm jenis recoun text?
Recoun text tentunya juga memiliki generic structure yg berbeda dengan
lainnya. Begitu juga dengan language features dan jenis ² dari recoun tex

4. Unforgettable events when d law class and class are noisy and always
why wraith my teacher "
And rarely is class picket an unforgettable event
1.Sebutkan pengertian Recount text (dlm B.Indonesia)
2.Cerita apa saja yang termasuk ke dalam jenis Recount text
3.Sebutkan Generic structure dari recount text
4.Ceritakan sedikit tentang kejadian yang takterlupakan waktu SMP dalam
bahasa inggris

1.Recount text adalah salah satu jenis text dalam bahasa inggris yang
menceritakan tentang kejadian-kejadian atau pengalaman-pengalaman dimasa
2.Jenis cerita recount text yaitu:
1.Personal recount
2. Factual recount
4. Historical recount text
3.Generic structure dari recount text yaitu:
1. Orientation
Pengalaman Kemah diBengkulu
At that time my friends and I attended the LK2P campsite in Bengkulu
precisely in the rajalelo forest are with UNIB students.At that time we all
gathered in middle school to wait for the car to come.However,at that time
the car we wanted to ride turned out to have brought passengers first,at that
time we were confused and we were told to wait for the next car.
Around 17:30 the car that we wanted to ride also came and we all got into
the car and immediately walked to the campsite,in the middle of the trip we
were singing in the car,then our car stopped at a restaurant,after finishing
eating we immediately continued the journey.
Aroud 04:50 our car stopped because the car could not enter the camp due
to the narrow road,we were dropped about 200 meters from the camp
center.we are assisted by UNIB studens who are tasked with carrying our
After arriving at the center of the camp we were told to put things into a
tent,after finishing our things we wanted to rest but the base for resting was in
the men’s tent,we were told bay our companion to take the base,in the middle
of our journey scolded by UNIB coach for wanting to go to the men’s tent.
After being scolded we were told to take a break in the committee tent.the
morning arrived we immediately made a tent and cleaned the location of the
tent.the days passed,it didn’t feel like we had been at the camp for three days
and where the highlight of the night was held,the lantern flight where that
moment was truly beautiful and exciting,and that period I will never forget.
1. Pengertian Recount Text
Recount text adalah jenis text dalam Bahasa Inggris yang menceritakan tentang
suatu cerita, tindakan, atau kegiatan. Biasanya, recount text menceritakan
tentang pengalaman seseorang. Tujuan dari recount text adalah untuk
menghibur pembaca, sehingga tidak terdapat konflik dalam text ini.
2. Cerita apa saja yang termasuk kedalam recoun text
Contoh Recount Text
My Day
I had a terrible day yesterday. First, I woke up an hour late because my alarm
clock didn’t go off. Then, I was in such a hurry that I burned my hand when I
was making breakfast. After breakfast, I got dressed so quickly that I forgot to
wear socks.
Next, I ran out of the house trying to get the 9:30 bus, but of course I missed it.
I wanted to take a taxi, but I didn’t have enough money.
Finally, I walked the three miles to my school only to discover that it was
Sunday! I hope I never have a day as the one I had yesterday. (Taken from
Ready to Write, 2003).

3. Generic Structure Recount Text

Sama seperti teks bahasa Inggris lainnya, Recount text juga memiliki susunan
atau struktur. Generic Structure recount text terdiri dari:
1.Orientation: memceritakan mengenai latarbelakang informasi tentang siapa,
di mana, kapan kejadian atau peristiwa terjadi.
2.Events: menceritakan suatu peristiwa yang terjadi setelahnya diceritakan
sesuai urutan kronologis.

3.Reorientation: berisi rangkuman atau conclusion dari semua kejadian. Pada

bagian ini juga berisi pendapat atau kesan penulis tentang kejadian yang
4. Kejadian waktu Mts yang tidak terlupakan dalam bahasa inggris
unforgettable memories is when the where can a lot of problems from the
teacher until the teacher not want to teach to the class,because at that time
there was a chicken go to class and we put it in the drawer of the teacher 😂
until the teacher cried and angry,then at the time of learning the Arabic
language,the teacher is not out out of the class when it was the dressing hour
lesson would become of our classmates run off to the field for sports and up
until in followed by the teacher and in the line-up d the school field but even if
we are naughty we still so useful we often participate in activities at school so
the player plays safari,qira'ah,tatum and others.
Nama : Maya lestari

1.Recount text adalah jenis text yang menceritakan kembali tentang

pengalaman penulis/seseorang di masa lampau.

2.-personal recount
-factual recount
-historical recount

-re orientation

4.unforgettable events of my time,that ia when my friends and i perfomed

drum band attractins very well and we got praise from the teachers and we
also once performed our drum band attractions at the sub-district office and
we got Rp2,000,000 worth of money by the middle dark subdistrict head.that
was an Unforgettable time when i used to be the drum band.
Nama : Monika Arbani

1.pengertian Recount text

Recount text adalah jenis teks yang menceritakan tentang sesuatu
cerita,tindakan,atau kegiatan dan menceritakan tentang pengalaman
seseorang di masa lalu.

2.jenis Recount text

1.Personal Recount
3.Factual Recount
4.historical Recount

3.Generic structure dari Recount


4.ceritakanbsesikit tentang kejadian yang tak terlupakan waktu SMP dalam

bahasa Inggris
Answer: The more or less I years ago,I go to school on tanjung ganti junior
high school of 2 kaur.I have mani memories while on school.All
of my good friend and friendly.I join in one exstrakulikuler at school,namely
the exstra Pramuka,I practice with a friends of every Friday after school,we
practice line Marches,learn in siplin and meaning of unity so we explored
nature,for example exploring the flowers raflesia a waterfall and so forth.
Nama : Muntia Zahrataini

1.Pengertian recount teks.

Recount teks ialah salah satu jenis
teks dalam bahasa inggris yang
menceritakan kembali tentang
Kejadian-kejadian atau pengalaman
di masa lampau.

2.Cerita apa saja yang termasuk dalam jenis recount teks?

-personal recount
-factual recount
-historical recount

3.Sebutkan generatik struktur dari recount teks!


4. My Story
The incident that i didn't forget was when my friends and i were in a class close
to rice that time we were sitting there relaxing,because bored some of
my friends intend to catch small fish in the water near us using nets in the rice
fields.They stood on the edge of the water facing each other while spreading
the net and ready to catch the small fish,but due to the lack of cooperation
between them eventually one of them slipped and entered the water,we burst
out laughing.when he wanted to clean his clothes ,it turns out the motorcycle
key was lost ,maybe it fell in the water earlier, then we were looking for it.
after a long search we also found the incident that i will never forget.
Nama : Oriza Yuliasih
1. Pengertian recount text : Recount text adalah jenis text adalah jenis teks
yang menceritakan kembali tentang pengalaman penulis / seseorang dimasa
lampau .
2. Cerita yang termasuk kedalam recount text Yang termasuk teks recount
tu ini yaitu
 1. Personal Recount
 2. Imaginative
 3. Factual Recount
 4. Historical Recount
3. Generic structure dari Recount text ;
 1 orientation
 2 events
 3 re orientation
4. My story when I was an unforgettable MTS was , at that time I had 3
friends who where very close to me but me , but at that time I was only close
to two friends , and I did not appreciate my other friend, even though she was
the best friend to me than my other friends
Nama Reka Khorisma
1).Recount text adalah jenis text yang menceritakan kembali tentang
pengalaman penulis atau seseorang dimasa lampau.
2). 1.personal Recount
3.factual Recount
4.historial Recount
3). - Orientation
- Events
-Re Orientation

4). 1 tahun yang lalu aku bersekolah di MtsN 5 kaur. Aku memiliki banyak
kenangan saat berada di sekolah,Aku bergabung beberapa kegiatan di sekolah.
Aku bergabung dengan ekstrakurikuler di sekolah. Aku bergabung dengan
marching band,bola volly dan Qoriah. Aku berlatih bola voli dengan teman
teman setiap hari Kamis setelah pulang sekolah. Guru kami sangat galak dan
disiplin. Kamu harus datang tepat waktu, dia akan memberikan hukum jika
kami datang terlambat. Kami selalu berlatih serius karena kami akan mengikuti
kompetisi bola voli bulan bulan berikutnya.
Aku jarang berlatih marching band karena jadwal sering bertabrakan dengan
latihan bola voli. Aku sangat senang bermain bola voli. Itu aktivitas
ekstrakurikuler aku. Dalam kegiatan ini, Aku belajar bagaimana cara bermain
dengan baik. Teman teman aku dan aku sering bertanding dengan anak anak
sekolah lain. Kami merasa terhormat dan bangga untuk bermain untuk sekolah

Bahasa Inggris.
One year Agi, I learned at MtsN 5 kaur, I had numerous vital minutes with my
friends were thoughtful to me and they were keren. I joined some
exstraculicular exercis at school. I joined marching, volly ball, and qiroah. I
cherised music all that much. I like wide loves exspression . I used to practice
customary play volly ball with my friends each Friday after school my teacher
was friends each Friday after school. My teacher was furious and discipline. We
needed to go ahead time. He would give discipline in the event that we came
late. We generally honed Truly in light of the fact that we would join volly ball
competition the accimpanying months.
I from time to working on walking band on the grounds that he calendar
regulary got squashed with volly ball. I preffered to join volly ball. I love volly
ball much. It was my most lover exstraculicular movement. In this action, I
figured out how to play volly ball well my friends and I regulary fight with ball
team fom other school. We get rogorded and pleased to play for our school.
Nama : Renky P

1.Recount text adalah jenis text yang menceritakan kembali tentang

pengalaman seseorang di masa lampau.

2.Personal recount fectual recount imagitiative hisyorical recount.

Re orientation.

4. Unforgettable events with friends on the river until they are not forgotten
Nama : Rifa
1. Rocount text adalah salah satu jenis text dalam bahasa inggris yang
menceritakan kembali tentang kejadian -kejadian atau pengalaman-
pengalaman di masa lampau.

2. a.personal recount
b. imaginative
c. fectual recount
d. Historical recount

b. events
4. story that I cannot forget was when olaragah with friends for example a
volleyball game
Nama Stevi Rema Deka Asti
1. Sebutkan pengertian recount text!
Jawab: Recount teks adalah jenis teks yang menceritakan kembali tentang
pengalaman seseorang dimasa lampau.

2. Cerita apa saja yang termasuk kedalam jenis Recount text?

Jawab: Personal recount, factual recount, imaginative, and historical recount.

3. Sebutkan generic structure dari recount text!

Jawab: Orientation, events, and re orientation.

4. Ceritakan sedikit tentang kejadian yang tak terlupakan waktu SMP dalam
bahasa inggris!
Jawab: The thing that I least forgot about in middle school was that I and my
friends always shared a lot of time and stories. Until now the school had to
part with the aim of achieving goals.
Nama : Tari Oktavia
1.pengertian Recount text
Recount text adalah jenis teks yang menceritakan tentang sesuatu
cerita,tindakan,atau kegiatan dan menceritakan tentang pengalaman
seseorang di masa lalu.

2.jenis Recount text

1.Personal Recount
3.Factual Recount
4.historical Recount

3.Generic structure dari Recount

4. First I entered school at 6 junior high school. I saw many people around me,
then there were people who greeted me. he is Trisqa he is very kind and not
arrogant towards others.Then the father and teacher lined us up at the
volleyball court and we both got room 7C
At that time our room was entered by the homeroom teacher. The teacher
told us to take turns getting to know each other. After the introduction we
were told to sit quietly and neatly and we were given a task that was very easy
to do. Namely cultural art. Eventually we rested. Me and my friend went to the
canteen there we bought fried rice. we both bought it carefully. After finishing
eating we went to the library, we read books or took notes. It was getting late
and finally the bell rang that the next class would start soon. In the class the
teacher bi book is left behind. We both returned the mother's book, which had
taught us our room happily
Nama : Viona Safera
1.Recount text adalah jenis teks yang menceritakan kembali tentang kejadian
atau pengalaman penulis / seseorang dimasa lampau yang bertujuan untuk
memberikan informasi atau untuk menghibur pembaca sehingga tidak
terdapat konflik.
2.cerita yang termasuk kedalam jenis recount teks sebagai berikut:
a).Personal Recount
b). Imaginative
c). Factual Recount
d). Historical Recount
3.structure dari recount teks;
4. "friendship"
         Our friendship begins when we enter junior high school. At that time, we
met when we registered and the class division was begun, at the beginning of
our friendship.
 When we first entered the room we did not know each other but after a long
time we began to get to know each other and we became even more familiar.
      With the familiarity that we have, we are always looking for ways that
friendship can always be remembered one of them by celebrating a birthday
when one of us is having a birthday. We celebrate it in a simple way only with
individual contributions and we use the money to cook together. That moment
is very valuable because it is said that we know how to work with each other,
while joking to talk to each other.
          As time went by day after day until the year of friendship was well
established even though sometimes there were trivial problems that made us
fight a little but it only happened on that day because when the next day we
were like before as if nothing happened. And now we are separated by
distance and time because we have different schools. But despite that our
friendship continued well despite only contact through social media. Now the
day off is the day we always wait because that's when we can gather again
while eating snacks or just chatting casually to release the feeling of longing
with those who have not seen.

Nama : Zhahira Syahwa Hafidza

1).recount text adalah jenis teks yang menceritakan tentang suatu cerita
,tindakan,atau kegiatan.biasanya menceritakan tentang pengalaman

2).-personal recount
-factual recount
-historical recount text


4).at moment smp/mts i'm once experience something creation that is i'm
once distant because of friends cause at moment i'm everage birthday and
friends i'm meditate a certant to make shock and fault ane plan is i'm distant
Nama : Anugrah Adha Vebson
1.Recount text adalah teks yang bertujuan untuk menceritakan kembali
tentang kejadian atau pengalaman penulis / seseorang dimasa lampau
untukuntuk memberikan informasi atau untuk menghibur pembaca .
2.Yang termasuk recount teks sebagai berikut:
 Personal Recount
 Imaginative
 Factual Recount
 Historical Recount
3. General Structure
1. Orientation
Orientation atau pengenalan yaitu memberikan informasi tentang siapa, di
mana, dan kapan peristiwa atau kegiatan itu terjadi di masa lampau.
2. Events
Events merupakan rekaman peristiwa yang terjadi, yang biasanya
disampaikan dalam urutan kronologis, seperti "In the first day, I ... . And in
the next day ... . And In the last day ... " . Di bagian Events ini juga biasanya
terdapat komentar pribadi tentang peristiwa atau kejadian yang
3. Reorientation
Pada bagian Reorientation , terdapat pengulangan pengenalan yang ada di
Orientation , pengulangan yang merangkum rentetan peristiwa, kejadian
atau kegiatan yang diceritakan.
4. I have been shortsighted since I was a child, but I have not dared to be
honest even though many people were suspicious. My day was filled with fear
and anxiety thinking about how to look at the blackboard in front, I was always
afraid to enter higher education like Mts.
After graduating from elementary school in 69 elementary school I continued
my education to MTsN 5 Kaur in Rigangan. the first day and the initial start
coming in is so pleasant. but as time went by I became even more
uncomfortable because most of the assignments were now written on the
blackboard such as Arabic, Qur'anic hadith, IPS, and others. I continued to look
for ways to ask friends to help show questions / notes on the board to me. but
it's not smooth if when we are fighting then he doesn't want to show it again.
That day our SKI (Islamic Cultural History) Study took seriously but in the
middle of our teacher's lesson mam Deka wrote a piece of Surah Al-quraisy and
asked students to read it one by one. I can not read the Koran, but I can not
see the blackboard in front. I was more scared at that time. but apparently I
still fared well when my turn Bel came home from school instead rang. from
then on I told my family that I was shortsighted. a week later the traveling
optician came to my place to make me glasses. after checking it turns out that
at that time I had Minus 8 and Minus 9. Since that day I never felt anxious
anymore because now I can see clearly.

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