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Jakarta - Mual, pusing, atau kaki bengkak bisa jadi keluhan yang umum dirasakan ibu hamil.

tapi tahu nggak, Bun, kalau carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) juga bisa jadi keluhan ibu ketika mengandung

Ini pernah dialami seorang bunda, sebut aja namanya Mella. Dia bercerita beberapa bulan setelah tahu
dirinya hamil Mella mengeluh pergelangan tangannya membengkak. Kemudian, timbul rasa nyeri dan
nggak nyaman ketika beraktivitas menggunakan tangannya terutama tangan yang dominan dipakai.

"Melakukan tugas rumah tangga kemudian menjahit aja rasanya sakit banget. Semakin bertambah usia
kehamilan saya di malam hari keluhan itu makin menjadi. Kadang saya sampai nggak bisa tidur," kata
Mella kepada Pop Sugar.

Baca juga: Induksi Alami untuk Ibu Hamil Menjelang Persalinan

Kebetulan saat rutin jalan kaki Mella selalu pakai gelang pengukur jarak. Nah, pemakaian gelang justru
bikin tangan Mella perih dan kemerahan hingga dia pun menghentikan pemakaian gelang itu sementara.
Mella bercerita dirinya pernah mengatakan hal ini ke dokter dan dokter bilang CTS memang bisa aja
muncul selama wanita mengandung.

"Pergelangan tangan saya membengkak. Ukuran jam tangan pun berubah, mengikuti ukuran sepatu
yang juga berubah karena kaki membengkak. Untungnya setelah melahirkan keluhan ini berkurang,"
kata Mella.

Dia mengaku baru kali ini merasakan keluhan CTS selama hamil. Untuk itu, kalau memang dirinya hamil
lagi Mella bertekad untuk berkonsultasi ke dokternya lebih dulu supaya bisa melakukan upaya preventif
agar kemungkinan dia mengalami CTS bisa dikurangi.

Dikutip dari Baby Center, CTS memang bisa dialami ibu hamil. Salah satu sebabnya karena saat hamil
terjadi penumpukan cairan di pergelangan tangan sehingga menekan saraf median yang menuju ke jari.
Akibatnya, bisa ada keluhan jari kesemutan dan nyeri. Biasanya keluhan terasa makin sakit di pagi hari
karena di malam hari seringnya tangan kita tertekuk pas tidur.

Baca juga: Kisah Ibu Hamil Dokumentasikan Pengalaman Tak Dapat Kursi di Bus

CTS lebih mungkin terjadi ketika di kehamilan sebelumnya ibu juga mengalami CTS. Ada
riwayat keluarga dan kelebihan berat badan juga menambah kemungkinan para bunda
mengalami CTS selama kehamilan.

Dilansir detikHealth, carpal tunnel syndrome adalah kondisi tangan dan lengan yang terasa menyakitkan
disebabkan saraf terjepit di pergelangan tangan. Sejumlah faktor dapat berkontribusi untuk carpal
tunnel syndrome, termasuk anatomi pergelangan tangan, beberapa masalah kesehatan mendasar, dan
mungkin pola penggunaan tangan.

Terikat oleh tulang dan ligamen, terowongan karpal adalah jalan sempit yang terletak pada bagian
telapak dari pergelangan tangan. Terowongan ini melindungi saraf utama untuk tangan dan sembilan
tendon pada jari. Kompresi saraf menghasilkan mati rasa, rasa sakit, dan, akhirnya kelemahan tangan
yang menjadi ciri carpal tunnel syndrome.

Carpal Tunnel
Syndrome Juga Bisa Jadi Keluhan Saat Hamil Lho/ Foto: ilustrasi/thinkstock

Secara umum, apa pun yang mengganggu atau menekan saraf median di ruang terowongan
karpal dapat menyebabkan carpal tunnel syndrome. Gejala CTS antara lain:

1. Kesemutan atau mati rasa di jari atau tangan, terutama ibu jari dan jari telunjuk.
2. Nyeri memancar atau memanjang dari pergelangan tangan sampai lengan dan bahu atau ke
dalam telapak tangan atau jari.
3. Kelemahan di tangan dan kecenderungan untuk menjatuhkan benda. (rdn)

Carpal tunnel syndrome adalah gangguan dari tangan yang disebabkan oleh tekanan pada saraf
median di pergelangan tangan. Carpal tunnel syndrome dapat terjadi karena

gerakan tangan yang berlebihan dan berulang, arthritis atau selama kehamilan. Pada kehamilan
perubahan hormon dapat menyebabkan retensi cairan, yang dapat memampatkan saraf
median. CTS yang dipicu selama kehamilan biasanya sembuh segera setelah lahir. CTS paling
sering terjadi selama trimester ketiga, tapi mungkin terjadi sejak trimester pertama dan kedua.

Apa penyebab dari CTS di kehamilan?

 Bengkak pada pergelangan tangan / disebabkan oleh penumpukan cairan (edema)

yang ,menyebabkan retensi pada saraf median.
 Gejala dapat diperburuk oleh gerakan tangan yang berulang, posisi yang menekan berat
badan atau berat badan tertumpu pada tangan, seperti saat berlutut atau merangkak.

Apa saja tanda dan gejala CTS?

1. Mati rasa
2. Terasa seperti ditusuk jarum terutama pada ibu jari, dan jari tengah
3. Gejala dapat memburuk atau hanya terjadi pada malam
4. nyeri menyebar kelengan bawah atau lengan atas
5. tangan terasa lemah
6. Nyeri dan masalah dengan gerakan ibu jari
7. kecanggungan dan kehilangan koordinasi tangan

Apa saja pilihan pengobatan untuk CTS?

1. Istirahat / Modify actitivities terutama pada malam

2. Pijat
3. Mandi air hangat/rendam tangan pakai air hangat bisa di campur dengan garam mineral
4. latihan pompa otot / latihan menggepalkan jari lalu merilekskan jari
5. Hindari tidur di sisi yang menderita CTS misalnya jika yang kesemutan tangan kiri ya
usahakan tidak miring ke kiri
6. Hindari konsumsi kafein dan rokok
7. Gunakan bantal untuk menopang tangan pada malam hari.
8. Putar pergelangan tangan Anda dan regangkan telapak dan jari tangan
9. Cobalah mengenakan belat pergelangan tangan di malam hari. Splints pergelangan
tangan umumnya tersedia di toko obat atau apotek. Belat harus nyaman tetapi tidak ketat
10. Rajin lakukan yoga, karena beberapa Postur Yoga . Dirancang untuk memperkuat,
peregangan dan menyeimbangkan setiap sendi di tubuh bagian atas, serta tubuh bagian
atas sendiri, dapat membantu mengurangi rasa sakit dan meningkatkan kekuatan
cengkeraman dengan sindrom terowongan karpal.
11. Akupunktur bisa membantu menyelesaikan masalah ini
12. injeksi Cortisone ke pergelangan tangan
13. Bedah sebagai upaya terakhir

Jika Anda merasa gejala ini lebih parah pada malam hari, itu karena cairan yang menumpuk di
bagian bawah tubuh Anda di siang hari yang didistribusikan di tempat lain, termasuk tangan
Anda, ketika Anda berbaring. (gravitasi terbalik.)

Riwayat gejala. Pola tanda-tanda dan gejala mungkin bisa menjadi petunjuk untuk mereka.
Sebagai contoh, karena saraf median tidak memberikan sensasi ke jari kelingking Anda, gejala
pada jari yang mungkin mengindikasikan masalah selain carpal tunnel syndrome. Petunjuk lain
adalah waktu dari gejala. Khas adalah ketika Anda mengalami gejala carpal tunnel syndrome
mungkin ketika sambil memegang telepon atau koran, mencengkeram roda kemudi, atau
terbangun pada malam hari.

Pemeriksaan fisik Dokter akan ingin menguji perasaan di jari dan kekuatan otot-otot di tangan
Anda, karena dapat dipengaruhi oleh Carpal tunnel syndrome. Tekanan pada saraf median pada
pergelangan tangan, dengan menekuk pergelangan tangan, menekan pada saraf atau hanya
menekan pada saraf.

Beberapa dokter merekomendasikan X-ray (tetapi ini sebaiknya dihindari jika Anda sedang
dalam kondisi hamil). Untuk mengetahui penyebab lain dari nyeri pergelangan tangan, seperti
radang sendi atau patah tulang.

Electromyogram. Elektromiografi mengukur muatan listrik kecil yang dihasilkan dalam otot.
Sebuah elektroda berupa jarum tipis dimasukkan ke dalam otot Anda. Alat tersebut akan
mencatat aktivitas listrik dalam otot Anda saat istirahat dan ketika otot Anda berkontraksi Tes ini
dapat membantu menentukan apakah kerusakan otot telah terjadi.

Para elektromiogram dan tes konduksi saraf studi juga berguna dalam memeriksa kondisi lain
yang mungkin meniru carpal tunnel syndrome, seperti saraf terjepit di leher Anda.

Dokter Anda mungkin menyarankan agar Anda melihat rheumatologist, ahli saraf, ahli bedah
atau ahli bedah saraf tangan jika tanda-tanda atau gejala menunjukkan gangguan medis lainnya
atau perlu pengobatan khusus.

Tidak ada strategi yang telah terbukti untuk mencegah sindrom carpal tunnel, namun Anda dapat
meminimalkan stres pada tangan dan pergelangan tangan dengan mengambil tindakan
pencegahan berikut:

Mengurangi kekuatan pada pegangan tangan Anda. Kebanyakan orang menggunakan kekuatan
lebih dari yang diperlukan untuk melakukan banyak tugas yang melibatkan tangan mereka. Jika
pekerjaan Anda seperti kasir, misalnya, tekanlah tombol-tombol dengan lembut. Untuk pekerja
yang menulis menggunakan tangan, gunakan pena besar dengan pegangan yang lembut.

Sering-seringlah beristirahat. Berikan tangan dan pergelangan istirahat dengan peregangan

lembut dan pembengkokan secara berkala.

Memperbaiki postur tubuh Anda. Postur tubuh yang salah dapat menyebabkan bahu Anda untuk
bergulir ke depan.Ketika bahu Anda berada dalam posisi ini, leher dan otot bahutertekan, dan
saraf di leher Anda juga tertekan. ini juga dapat mempengaruhi pergelangan tangan, jari dan

Jaga Tangan Anda tetap hangat.  Jika Anda tidak dapat mengontrol suhu di tempat kerja,
memakai sarung tangan dapat menjaga tangan dan pergelangan tangan hangat.

Semoga Bermanfaat

Salam hangat


Pregnancy changes you physically and emotionally. Some changes are pleasant and the others
are not. One of the common discomforts that will bug you during pregnancy is the carpal tunnel
syndrome, which causes pain and numbness that prevent you from doing any activity.

But what makes you prone to this syndrome and how can you deal with it?

MomJunction answers these questions and more in this post about the carpal tunnel syndrome.

What Is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a painful arm and hand condition in which the median nerve of the
wrist is prone to compression. This nerve runs from the neck to the fingers through the shoulder
and passes through a narrow region called carpal tunnel located in the wrist.

 1

Neck Nerve Pain

 2

Chronic Wrist Pain


 3

Physical Therapy Exercises

 4

Carpal Tunnel Exercises

 5

Self Test for Carpal Tunnel

 6

Carpal Tunnel Braces Online

 7

Home Remedies for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

 8

Fast Relief from Nerve Pain

 9

How to Treat Carpal Tunnel

 10
Carpal Tunnel Wrist Brace

 11

Nerve Pain Treatments

 12

Muscle Pain Relief

The carpal tunnel is made of ligament and tiny carpal bones. If the median nerve is crushed or
squeezed in any way, it causes the carpal tunnel syndrome (1).

Image: Shutterstock
What Are The Causes Of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome During
During pregnancy, your body undergoes many physical and hormonal changes that could lead to
fluid retention. This can cause swelling and build up pressure on the carpal tunnel. The increased
pressure in the narrow tunnel compresses the median nerve, causing painful symptoms of the
condition (2).

You are more likely to experience the condition:

 If you have had it in a previous pregnancy

 There’s a history of this syndrome in the family

 You have problems associated with the neck, shoulders or back such as a whiplash injury
or broken collarbone (3)

 You are gaining excess weight, which can put extra strain on the ribs, shoulders, and
arms. This can happen due to – twin/multiple pregnancies, being overweight before
conception, and bigger breasts during pregnancy

Carpal tunnel syndrome can also develop due to other issues such as a wrist injury, rheumatoid
arthritis, and frequent hand movements while typing or cooking.

Next, learn how to identify this syndrome.

What Are The Symptoms Of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Symptoms of this condition can show up anytime during pregnancy, but they tend to get worse in
the second and third trimesters. The symptoms vary and can affect either one or both of the
hands (4).

 A tingling sensation and numbness in the hands, wrists, and fingers

 A throbbing pain in the forearm, wrists, and fingers
 Pain in the neck, shoulder, and elbow
 Swollen fingers and wrist
 A burning sensation in the arm and hand
 Difficulty in holding objects
 Difficulty in performing tasks that need finger coordination
 Worsening pain at night
If the symptoms are bothersome, consult a doctor to avoid further complications.

When Should You Call Your Doctor?

Contact your doctor if:

 The discomfort and the pain are interfering with your sleep
 The symptoms are constant
 There is a persisting loss of sensation

If not, you may find relief from the condition eventually.

When Will Pregnancy Induced Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Go

For most women, carpal tunnel syndrome will dissipate quickly after giving birth. It usually
resolves within six to 12 weeks postpartum. Most of the time, the pain and numbness are due to
the excess fluids that are given during pregnancy.

Does Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Affect The Unborn Baby?

 No, it will not cause any harm to the developing baby although it creates pain and
discomfort to the pregnant mom.

If you suspect you have developed the condition, go to a doctor for further diagnosis and

How Is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Diagnosed During

The doctor will examine your hands for swelling and other symptoms. A few simple tests may
also be recommended to check for weakness in the muscles of your palms and fingers.

Tests that can be used to diagnose carpal tunnel syndrome include:

 Durkan’s carpal compression test: The doctor uses the thumb to apply direct pressure
on the carpal tunnel and the underlying median nerve to evaluate the pain and tingling
sensations (5).

 Tinel’s test: The doctor lightly taps on the median nerve to check if there is a tingling
sensation in the fingers (6).
 Phalen’s test: The doctor holds your forearm and asks you to bend the elbow, with the
wrists freely falling to maximum flexion. You can also flex down both your wrists by
pressing the back of your hands against each other. Remain in this position for 60
seconds to check if there is tingling, burning or numbness.

If the diagnosis is uncertain with the above test procedures, you may have to take the following
tests (7):

 Nerve conduction test: This test analyzes the speed with which the median nerve
transmits signals. Electric shock treatment is given to the nerve by placing electrodes on
the hand and wrist. The speed and intensity of the response in the muscle are measured to
confirm the diagnosis.

 Electromyography (EMG): A small needle is inserted into the muscle tissue to measure
its electrical activity.

 Imaging tests: Ultrasound, X-ray or MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) are also used to
find physical abnormalities in the median nerve.

Based on the diagnosis, the doctor will recommend an appropriate solution.

How To Ease The Pain Caused By The Carpal Tunnel

Following are a few home remedies to ease the pain (8).

 Ask your doctor to suggest a wrist brace or splint, and wear it at night. Splints prevent you from
curling your hands in sleep and avoiding the stress build-up on the joint.

 Apply an ice pack or a bag of frozen peas on the wrist to relieve the pain. You can also place your
hands in ice-cold water for relief.

 Take frequent breaks between work, especially if it involves moving hands and fingers.

 Move your hand frequently to improve the blood flow and decrease fluid accumulation.

 Perform alternative thermal therapy by keeping your hands in cold water and then in warm
water for about five to six minutes. It helps reduce the irritation of the symptoms.

 While working on a computer, always keep your elbow above your wrists.

 Place white or green cabbage leaves on your affected hands to drain away fluids and relieve the
swelling. Do not wash the leaves, instead wipe them clean, and cool in the fridge before using.
Carpal tunnel exercises will also help relieve the pain (9).
1. Bend your wrist forward and then backward by keeping your fingers straight. Repeat it ten

2. Make a proper fist and then extend all your fingers. Repeat ten times.

3. Using your thumb, touch each finger to make an ‘O’ shape.

Massaging also eases the pain.

1. Massage your wrists by rubbing one side of the wrist firmly with the palm facing up. Do it as
often as possible.

2. Some of the muscles that control the wrists and hands are present in the forearm. Massage both
sides of the forearm, starting from the elbow to 10cm above the wrists.

3. A gentle massage from your wrists and hands towards your armpits, shoulders, neck and upper
back helps too (10).

What Are The Treatment Options For Carpal Tunnel

Syndrome During Pregnancy?
If the symptoms are severe and do not go away with the above measures, your doctor may
suggest the following treatments.

 Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications and pain relievers are prescribed for

treating inflammation and pain (11).

 Surgery is required if the condition is intolerable but it is rare. Also, a surgery will be put
on hold until childbirth.

In the meanwhile, you can try alternative therapies that provide relief.

Complementary And Alternative Therapies For Carpal

Tunnel Syndrome
You can choose from a range of alternative therapies upon discussion with the qualified and
registered therapist.

1. Acupuncture/ acupressure:

Acupuncture helps relieve the pain (12). You can also try acupressure by applying pressure to the
pericardium point 6, which is located inside the wrist. If you are experiencing pain in both the
hands, you can ask your partner or someone else to do it for you.
How to find pericardium point 6?

Measure up to three-finger width from the wrist crease, and you will feel a slight dip where the
buckle of the wristwatch would be. Apply pressure on this point, and massage it for four to five
seconds (13).

2. Aromatherapy:

Essential oils are helpful in reducing the swelling. Cypress, lemon, and eucalyptus are some of
the most useful oils (14). Take about two drops of the essential oil in cold or warm water, and
soak a cloth in it. Place it over the affected area.

3. Herbal remedies:

Chamomile tea is known for its anti-inflammatory properties and helps reduce swelling (15).
You can make an infusion by steeping two teaspoons of dried chamomile flower in a cup of
boiling water for ten minutes. Having it once a day can help ease the pain.

4. Osteopathy:

The holistic approach aims to restore and maintain balance in the muscles, ligaments, bones, and
joints. It also treats carpal tunnel syndrome (16) by alleviating neck and shoulder pain. In turn, it
also lowers pressure in the hands, wrist, and fingers.

5. Reflexology:

A reflexologist uses techniques to open the wrist joints, to give the median nerve some room to
move. They stimulate the blocked energy pathways to stretch out the tendons that are not
working correctly. The beneficial and relaxing treatment helps reverse the pain and prevents it
from recurring (17).

While you may not entirely prevent this condition, you can minimize the risk of developing it.

How To Prevent Carpal Tunnel Syndrome During

You can prevent the risk of developing carpal tunnel syndrome by changing your habits and

 Minimize the time spent on manual tasks such as typing, knitting or sewing.

 Flex or stretch your arms and fingers at frequent intervals between work.

 Avoid activities that put pressure on the wrists.

 If you work on a computer, try having an adjustable table and chair with a wrist rest.

 Eat a balanced diet, drink enough water and eat about five portions every day.

 Include foods rich in vitamin B6 as they promote a healthy nervous system (18). Some of
the sources include dark green vegetables, hazelnuts, avocados, garlic, lean meat and oily
fish (salmon and cod).

 Get a well-fitted maternity bra as it takes off the weight from the rib cage and breastbone
and helps relieve pressure on the median nerve.
 Carpal tunnel syndrome is a painful condition but can be managed. If the condition is
falsely diagnosed and treated, it can lead to permanent damage to the nervous system. So,
talk to your doctor, take a second opinion if needed and get the necessary treatment to
live better.

 Do you have any experiences to share about with carpal tunnel syndrome? Let us know in
the comments section below.


Carpal tunnel syndrome in pregnancy (natural remedies)

What causes finger pain and numbness in pregnancy?

If you have tingling, numb and painful hands during pregnancy, it's likely to be caused by carpal
tunnel syndrome (CTS).

CTS is common in pregnancy. It happens when there is a build-up of fluid (oedema) in the
tissues in your wrist. This swelling squeezes a nerve, called the median nerve, that runs down to
your hand and fingers, causing tingling and numbness. You may also find your grip is weaker
and it's harder to move your fingers.

CTS usually happens in your second trimester or third trimester. If you have CTS in one
pregnancy, you are likely to have it in later pregnancies. CTS can also continue, or develop, in
the days after the birth of your baby.

CTS will be worse in your dominant hand and in the first and middle fingers, though it may
affect your whole hand. It may be particularly painful when you wake up in the morning,
because your hands have been curled up at night.

You're more likely to develop CTS if your family has a history of it, and if you've had any
problems with your back, neck or shoulders. The median nerve passes the top of your ribcage
before travelling down your arm. So a previous problem in this area, such as a broken collar
bone or whiplash injury, increases your likelihood of having CTS.

If you gain too much weight in pregnancy you're more likely to develop CTS. This may happen

 you are expecting more than one baby

 you were overweight before you become pregnant
 your breasts get a lot bigger during pregnancy

This all puts extra strain on your shoulders, ribs and arms.

CTS is uncomfortable, but it's not usually a serious condition. You'll probably find that it eases
off within three months of your baby's birth. By then, your hormone and body fluid levels will
return to normal.
Your body changes in pregnancy

How can I prevent the pain and numbness?

Try to eat a balanced diet so you gain a healthy amount of weight. Aim to cut down on salt, sugar
and fat. Drink plenty of water and eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables every day.

Eating foods high in vitamin B6 can help to promote a healthy nervous system. Good sources

 sunflower and sesame seeds

 dark green vegetables, such as broccoli
 garlic
 hazelnuts
 lean meat, such as pork and lamb
 avocados
 oily and white fish, such as salmon and cod

Check with your midwife or doctor before taking a vitamin B supplement, so you know how
much to take.

Get fitted for a properly supportive maternity bra. This will take the weight off your ribcage and
breastbone, which also relieves pressure on the path taken by the median nerve.

How can I ease the pain of CTS?

Ask your midwife to provide you with hand splints to wear at night. Splints will stop you from
curling your hands while you sleep.

You could place your hands in ice-cold water or use a bag of frozen peas against the painful area
on your wrist. Gently exercise your fingers and wrists to help move the excess fluid, and keep
your hands raised whenever possible.

You could also try placing green or white cabbage leaves on your wrists to draw out excess fluid
and relieve the swelling. The leaves should be wiped clean but not washed, and may be cooled in
the fridge, but not in the freezer.

Wrap the leaves around your wrists to make a compress. Leave them until they become wet, then
repeat with fresh leaves until the pain is reduced.


Clasp one wrist with your other hand and massage it with a circular movement. This may ease
congestion and encourage the movement of fluid.

Gently stretch your hands and arms. Try not to do any movements that are painful, as some
stretches can make CTS pain worse.

It may also help to hang your hands over the edge of your bed during the night to stop you from
curling your hands while you sleep.


Ask your partner to gently massage your hands and wrists, moving up towards your armpits, and
then your shoulders, neck and upper back.

Which complementary therapies can help with CTS?

If you decide to consult a complementary therapist, choose one who's registered, qualified and
experienced in treating pregnant women.

Acupuncture and acupressure

Acupuncture may help to ease the pain of carpal tunnel syndrome. One study suggests that it
reduces pain more than splinting your hands at night.

Or you could try acupressure yourself. Apply pressure at regular intervals to the inside of your
wrist (pericardium point six). If both of your hands are affected you may not be able to press
firmly enough on the point, so ask someone to do this for you.

To find pericardium point six:

 Measure up three finger-widths from the junction between your hand and wrist.
 Feel gently for a slight dip and press this point, which is where the buckle of a wrist
watch might be.
 Press firmly on the dip, which should feel slightly bruised, for 10 seconds.
 Repeat this three times, and do the same on your other wrist.


Essential oils such as cypress and lemon can be used as a compress to reduce swelling. Add two
drops of each essential oil to warm or cool water and soak a cloth in it. Wrap the soaked cloth
around your wrists.

It's not safe to use juniper berry oil in pregnancy, even though it is often used to reduce swelling,
as it may affect your kidneys. Read more about which essential oils are safe in pregnancy.

Herbal remedies

Drinking camomile tea may help to reduce inflammation. However, don't drink more than one
cup in the evening. Although camomile is known to help you sleep, drinking too much can have
the opposite effect and keep you awake.


Osteopathy, and the related practice of chiropractic, aim to re-align your muscles, bones, joints
and ligaments. Osteopathy can help to relieve neck and shoulder pain. The treatments may, in
turn, reduce pressure in your wrists, hands and fingers.


Reflexology works on the principle that your foot represents a map of your body. There's no
strong evidence that it's effective, but it can be a pleasant and relaxing treatment. You'll have to
pay for a session with a reflexologist.

Alternatively, you could try a simple reflexology method yourself:

Try this technique:

 Look at the upper surface of the foot on the same side as the hand affected by carpal
tunnel syndrome.
 Imagine a vertical line coming down from the base of your fourth toe. Feel along this line
for about 2cm (0.8in), until you find the most tender spot.
 Press the centre of this tender spot as firmly as you can bear it with your thumb. If you
can't comfortably reach the point, ask someone to do it for you. Use constant pressure
until the tenderness has dispersed.
 Repeat this process four times or five times until the point you are pressing feels less

Learn more about how to reduce swelling in pregnancy, or get tips on which over-the-counter
medications are safe for you to take.


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