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Workbook 3

SMA Kelas XI


Workbook 3 Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas XI

Tim Penyusun : Chapter 1 : Megawati Tanuwidjaja

Chapter 2 : Adesia Kusuma Wardani
Chapter 3 : Melina Agustina
Chapter 4 : Anna Endang Budiutami & Suhasto
Chapter 5 : Michael Ayub
Chapter 6 : Martha Yuli & Rizki S.
Chapter 7 : Bartholomeus Diaz
Chapter 8 : Fitri Handayani & Roy Altur Robinson
Chapter 9 : Rianita Simanjutak & Desmita Sinaga
Chapter 10 : Anggun Wahyu Purnomo Sidi Subagyo &
Paulus Gentur Utomo

Tim Desain Grafis : Bagian Desain Multimedia

Copyright @ 2020 BPK PENABUR Jakarta

Diterbitkan oleh BPK PENABUR Jakarta
Jln. Tanjung Duren Raya no.4
Jakarta 11470

Revisi 2020

Dilarang memperbanyak sebagian atau seluruh isi buku ini dengan cara apapun
tanpa izin penerbit.

Untuk kalangan sendiri

Daftar Isi

Kata Pengantar ……………………………………………………………………………. i

Daftar Isi ……………………………………………………………………………………… ii

Chapter 1………………………………………………………………………………………. 1

Chapter 2………………………………………………………………………………………. 13

Chapter 3………………………………………………………………………………………. 23

Chapter 4………………………………………………………………………………………. 35

Chapter 5………………………………………………………………………………………. 43

Chapter 6 ……………………………………………………………………………………… 51

Chapter 7………………………………………………………………………………………. 65

Chapter 8………………………………………………………………………………………. 73

Chapter 9………………………………………………………………………………………. 85

Chapter 10………………………………………………………………………………………. 97


Kami bersyukur kepada Tuhan Yesus Kristus yang telah

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Diharapkan WORKBOOK Siswa ini dapat menambah ketrampilan
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Jakarta, April 2020

Enche Wijaya

Kepala Jenjang SLTA

NO Kompetensi Dasar Indikator

C Memahami makna 1. Merespon makna dalam 1. Diperdengarkan sebuah

dalam teks percakapan wawancara, siswa mampu
percakapan transaksional (to get melengkapi text
A transaksional dan things done) dan wawancara tentang giving
P interpersonal resmi interpersonal opinion.
dan berlanjut (bersosialisasi) secara
T 2. Diperdengarkan sebuah
(sustained) dalam akurat, lancar dan
wawancara, siswa mampu
E konteks kehidupan berterima yang
menjawab pertanyaan
R sehari-hari menggunakan ragam
dengan benar.
(mendengarkan) bahasa lisan dan
melibatkan tindak tutur: 3. Siswa mengidentifikasi
1 menyesali, language expression
mengungkapkan/ tentang giving opinion .
menanyakan rencana, 4. Siswa mendengarkan
tujuan, maksud, contoh pelafalan language
memprediksi, expression tentang giving
berspekulasi dan opinion dan dilanjutkan
memberikan penilaian. dengan pengucapan

2. Merespon makna dalam 5. Siswa mampu melengkapi

percakapan dialog dengan language
transaksional (to get expression yang tepat
things done) dan tentang giving opinion .
interpersonal 6. Diperdengarkan beberapa
(bersosialisasi) resmi audio, siswa menjawab
dan berlanjut (sustained) quiz dengan benar.
secara akurat, lancer
7. Siswa mampu menjawab
dan berterima dalam
pertanyaan kosa kata yang
konteks kehidupan
berhubungan dengan
sehari-hari dan
melibatkan tindak tutur:
mengungkapkan rasa 8. Diperdengarkan sebuah
suka. lagu, siswa mampu
melengkapi lirik lagu

WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 1



Complete the following text.

MARTIN : Hi there. (1) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _?

My name’s Martin.
TEREZA : Yes, please. Just a moment.
MARTIN : (2) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ with your luggage?
Those rucksacks look a bit heavy.
TEREZA : It’s okay, thanks.
KATERINA : Thanks a lot. I’ve got too much things. I mean too much luggage.
TEREZA : Right. We’ve got a reserve, sorry, (3) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ people for three nights.
Here are our passports. (4) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
you my credit card, too?
MARTIN : Okay, thanks. I’m afraid you have to pay (5) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the rooms.
So it’s Tereza and Katerina Novotna. Like the tennis player.
KATERINA : That’s right.
MARTIN : You’ve got a reservation for two beds in the female-only
That’s fifteen pounds a night each. Okay?
TEREZA : Mm, how much is a double room with bath?
MARTIN : Sorry?
TEREZA : I mean how much is a double room with an en-suite bathroom?
MARTIN : It’s (6) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a night. But they’re
all booked, I am afraid.
TEREZA : Okay. Just two beds in the women’s dormitory then.
What about washing place? Is that correct?
MARTIN : Well, washing facilities. Well there are single-sex showers (7) _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
TEREZA : What about the internet? How much does it cost?
MARTIN : There’s Wi-Fi in most of the hostel. (8) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _.
TEREZA : And breakfast? Is breakfast included in the price?
MARTIN : No, it’s (9) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and it’s served in
the café from (10) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _in the morning.
But we’ve got kitchen, so you can make your own breakfast.
KATERINA : Is there anywhere we can sit and relax?

WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 3

MARTIN : Yes, there’s (11) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ with TV lounge
and (12) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
(13) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to show you around
the hostel?
KATERINA : That’s kind of you, thanks.
TEREZA : No, thanks. Katerina, we’ve got lots to do. Come on.
KATERINA : Okay, Tereza. See you later.
MARTIN : See you. Welcome to the hostel.

TERZA : What time do we have to be back in the hostel?

MARTIN : The reception’s open twenty-four hours a day.
(14) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a map of the area, (15)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
KATERINA : Yes, please.
MARTIN : (16) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ show you some good
places to go on the map.
KATERINA : Okay, great.
MARTIN : There’s a good café here and a fantastic night club in this street.
KATERINA : Brilliant!
TEREZA : We won’t have time for that. We need an early night. Come on,
KATERINA : All right. See you around Martin.
MARTIN : See you, Katerina.


Answer these following questions based on the dialog.

1. What kind of accommodation do Tereza and Katerina choose?
2. How much does the accommodation choosen by Tereza and Katerina cost?
3. Where is the location of single-sex showers?
4. How much does the breakfast cost?
5. When is the breakfast served?
6. At what place in the hostel can Katerina and Tereza sit and relax?
7. Which of the sisters wants to see round the hostel?
8. Which of them wants to get bed early?
9. Which of them is friendly to the receptionist?
10. Which of them is a bit bossy?

4 WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta

In this section, you will hear short conversations. Listen to a student at
the accommodation office. Then answer the questions.
1. When is this conversation taking
A) July
B) before term starts
C) at the beginning of term
D) midway through a term

2. Whose mistake was it that led

to the problem?
A) The student’s
B) The warden’s
C) Godfrey White’s
D) The accommodation office

3. Where is the YMCA on the map?

A) A
B) B
C) C
D) D

4. Which of the following TWO things does the accommodation officer provide for
the student?
A) A telephone
B) A map
C) Information about bus routes
D) A pen

5. Match the information to the type of accommodation.

A) University Dormitories a. you can buy meals cheaply.
B) Private Houses b. Meals are not included in the price.
C) YMCA c. Meals are included in the rent.

WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 5

In this section, you will hear academic lectures. Listen to the lecture
about the poet Sylvia Plath. Take notes while you listen. Then answer
the questions.

6. The Bell Jar was _ _ _ _

A) about her father
B) her first novel
C) a very successful collection of poems
D) her last poem

7. Sylvia Plath’s ‘Collected poems’ _ _ _ _

A) won the Pulitzer Prize twenty years after it was
B) were written during the last year of her life
C) won the Pulitzer Prize in 1982
D) were never published

8. Sylvia’s husband _ _ _ _
A) made movies
B) died in 2003
C) was also a poet
D) had a movie made about him

9. Susan Bassnett thought Sylvia’s work _ _ _ _

A) was about her husband
B) wasn’t very good
C) was about work life
D) was of great interest to women

10. Sylvia’s brother _ _ _ _

A) was two years older than her
B) was born two years after her
C) was a professor at Boston University
D) was a highly educated academic

11. Sylvia Plath’s time at college was difficult because _ _ _ _

A) she got bad grades
B) she won a scholarship
C) boys didn’t like her
D) she was short of money

6 WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta

12.In 1953 Sylvia _ _ _ _
A) left New York to get a job as an editor
B) rejected an offer to teach creative writing
C) worked as a guest editor in New York
D) returned to new York because she was depressed

13.What does the lecturer imply when she says “Very few modern poets have
captured the popular imagination as much as Plath”?
A) Plath was able to understand the hopes of ordinary people.
B) Plath has become very popular
C) It is unusual for a modern poet to become popular with ordinary people.
D) Plath’s writing was about modern people and their imagination.

14.What does the lecturer imply when she says “This domineering father figure
became a common theme that recurred throughout Plath’s writing.”?
A) The image of her father appears in many of her poems.
B) Plath often wrote of her love for her father.
C) Plath writings were dominated by the image of her father.
D) Plath’s father often told her what to write about.

15.Which THREE sentences best summarize the passage?

A) What's remarkable about Plath's work is that it addresses many women's
issues that were ahead of her time.
B) Plath's father was one of her guiding influences and he supported and
mentored her until he died in 1940.
C) Plath's early life was spent living happily by the sea with her mother who
had a part time job to support the family.
D) The real significance and the greatness of work was never recognised
within in her lifetime.
E) Plath's academic path to success was secured by winning an early
scholarship. After this she never looked back.
F) Plath's work reflects the many of the personal difficulties that she had
whilst growing up and later as a wife and mother.

WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 7

PART D. Pronunciation.

Listen and repeat the offers and replies.

Accept Refuse
1. Can I help you? Yes, please. I’m okay, thanks.
2. Do you want a hand with your Thanks a lot. It’s okay, thanks.
luggage? I’ll manage.
3. Shall I give you my credit card? Okay. Thanks. No, it’s okay.
4. Would you like me to show you That’s kind of you, No, thanks.
around the hostel? thanks.
5. I’ll give you a map, if you like. Yes, please. No, thanks.
6. Let me show you some places to go. Okay, great. It’s all right, thanks.

A. Complete the conversation with the phrases below. Then listen to


Can I help you? Do you want a hand with It’s okay, thanks.
Great Let me show you We’ll manage
If you like That’s kind of you Shall I phone them
Would you like me to

TED : Hello, are you moving in to number six?

TED : I’m your new neighbor. My name’s Ted. (1) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _?
MR. DAVIES : We’re okay, thanks.
TED : (2) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ carrying boxes or
MR. DAVIES : It’s okay, thanks. (3) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
TED : (4) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ make you a cup of
MR. DAVIES : (5) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, thanks. I hope the
people who are helping us arrive soon.
TED : (6) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for you?
MR. DAVIES : (7) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I’ve got my
mobile. I’ll phone them after I’ve finished my tea.
TED : I’ll make some more (8) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
MR. DAVIES : No, thanks. Time to do some work. It’s going to be a busy day.
Is there a pizzeria near here?
TED : Yes. (9) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ where it is.
I’ve got a map.
MR. DAVIES : Okay, (10) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

8 WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta

PART E. Song

a. Choose the correct word.

I found a girl / love for me
Darling just dive / jump right in
And follow my lead / trail
Well I found a girl / love beautiful and
I never / always knew you were one /
someone waiting for me

b. Complete with the correct verb tense.

‘Cause we (be) ______ just kids when we (fall) ______ in love
Not knowing what it (be) ______
I will not (give) ______ you up this time
But darling, just (kiss) ______ me slow, your heart (be) ______ all I own
And in your eyes you’re (hold) ______ mine

c. Put the chorus in the correct order.

(_____) But you heard it, darling, you look perfect
(_____) When you said you looked a mess, I whispered underneath my
(_____) Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song
(_____) Baby, I’m dancing in the dark with you between my arms

d. Complete the lyrics with the suitable word from the box.

children darling fighting I’ll secrets

shares stronger we’ll woman

Well I found a ______, ______ than anyone I know

She ______ my dreams, I hope that someday ______ share her home
I ______ a love, to carry more than just my ______
To carry love, to carry ______ of
our own
We are still kids, but we’re so in
love ______ against all odds
I know ______ be alright this time
______, just hold my hand
Be my girl, I’ll be your man
I see my future in your eyes

WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 9

e. Put the chorus in the correct order.
(_____) You look perfect tonight
(_____) Now I know I have met an angel in person
(_____) Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song
(_____) And she looks perfect
(_____) Baby, I’m dancing in the dark, with you between my arms
(_____) When I saw you in that dress, looking so beautiful
(_____) I don’t deserve this, darling, you look perfect tonight
(_____) Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song
(_____) I have faith in what I see
(_____) I don’t deserve this

PART F. Word Search

Word search about type of homes and their features from around the world
o c j i b k w h
g f z w o q q o r h d n
p t f g z a j x c o t t a g e z
n r a k u t w o b e d r o o m f l a t x
j o w c q v z l h e m o h d e c a r r e t m
r a i o j t a o b e s u o h b d z s w h g x m d
f w t l c q n t v s p z p d c o f j s u k p s l
w m a a e u f i i u t s e u m e o t n t n x s a
u d t g c p e r t o o b q j q n a t w e h w y f
i e s n a b g u c h l r z i w i z j d i e t m j
h s e u l z a u a d i u y t r i q r o i w r v m
t b b p s l x p e l b n c f t a v v c q e w
q u x e t l p a h q u a c t g y r e n x k d
t q r l i q r c o s f i e l e i e t i x
v i v v f t a e f h l q v s o g l m
f j y u m t b a t i i s x i i j
s v t e e v t b r a h j m f
a t n d i s v r y p h n
f t l x a v u y n g
z s o y j z m a
u t g n n u
o q s z
v b

10 WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta

1. b–l–o–w–a–n–g–u = _____________________
This type of house, is originally developed in the Bengal region in South
Asia. The common features of this house includes verandas and being

2. a–g–e–t–c–o–t = _____________________
It originally referred to a house which is typically small and may carry the
connotation of being an old or old-fashioned building with ground floor
living space and an upper floor of one or more bedrooms fitting under the
eaves. In modern usage, the house is usually a modest, often cozy
dwelling, typically in a rural or semi-rural location.

3. d–a–c–h–e–d–e–t h–e–u–s–o = ________________

It is a free-standing residential building that sometimes referred to as a
single-family home, as opposed to a multi-family residential dwelling.

4. t–a–m–e–r–t–a–p-n = ________________
Australian call it unit or British say flat to refer a self-contained housing
unit that occupies only part of a building, generally on a single level.

5. r- a – c – e – d – r – e – t h–e–o–m = ________________
In architecture and city planning, this kind of building exhibits a style of
medium-density housing that originated in Europe in the 16th century,
where a row of identical or mirror-image houses share side walls. They
are also known in some areas as row houses (specifically Philadelphia,
Washington and Baltimore) or linked houses.

6. s–u –r–b–s–u–b = ________________

An area of a town or city, a little away from the main part, where there
are fewer big buildings and mainly houses, schools and shops

7. a–g–e–l–v–i–l = ________________
A group of houses and associated buildings, larger than a hamlet and
smaller than a town, situated in a rural area.

8. h–e–u–s–o a–b–o–t = ________________

a boat that has been designed or modified to be used primarily as a
home. Some are not motorized, because they are usually moored, kept
stationary at a fixed point and often tethered to land to provide utilities.

WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 11

9. o–t–w d–e–b o–r–o–m t – l – a – f = ________________
A type of apartment and residential property that has two bedrooms and
the fundamental, necessary and vital other space, storage and rooms as
part of the property to live in, some with a balcony or garden.

10. t – u – h = _____________________
A small single-story building of simple or crude construction, serving as a
poor, rough, or temporary house or shelter.

11. b – e – u – t n–a–t–i–o–t–s = _____________________

A British underground station where underground trains depart and leave.

12. e – l – l – i – t – t g–e–n- a–r–d = _____________________

A small planned space, usually outdoors, set aside for the display,
cultivation and enjoyment of plants and other forms of nature.

13. r – i – f – e a–c–p–e–l = _____________________

A place for a domestic fire, especially a grate or hearth at the base of a

14. s – e – a – s –i – r – a – c - t = _____________________
A set of stairs and its surrounding walls or structure.

15. i – v – r – e – r w–v–i–e–s = _____________________

Outside scenery that offers a large amount of fresh water flowing
continuously in a long line across the land.

12 WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta

NO Kompetensi Dasar Indikator
1. Diperdengarkan sebuah
C Memahami makna 1. Merespon makna dalam
wawancara, siswa
dalam teks percakapan transaksional
H mampu melengkapi text
percakapan (to get things done) dan
A wawancara tentang
transaksional dan interpersonal
giving opinion .
P interpersonal resmi (bersosialisasi) secara
dan berlanjut akurat, lancar dan
T 2. Diperdengarkan sebuah
(sustained) dalam berterima yang
wawancara, siswa
E konteks kehidupan menggunakan ragam
mampu menjawab
sehari-hari bahasa lisan dan
R pertanyaan dengan
(mendengarkan) melibatkan tindak tutur:
2 3. Siswa mengidentifikasi
menanyakan rencana,
language expression
tujuan, maksud,
tentang giving opinion .
berspekulasi dan
4. Siswa mendengarkan
memberikan penilaian.
contoh pelafalan
language expression
2. Merespon makna dalam tentang giving opinion
percakapan transaksional dan dilanjutkan dengan
(to get things done) dan pengucapan bersama-
interpersonal sama.
(bersosialisasi) resmi dan
berlanjut (sustained) 5. Siswa mampu
secara akurat, lancer dan melengkapi dialog
berterima dalam konteks dengan language
kehidupan sehari-hari dan expression yang tepat
melibatkan tindak tutur: tentang giving opinion .
mengungkapkan rasa
suka. 6. Diperdengarkan
beberapa audio, siswa
menjawab quiz dengan
7. Siswa mampu
menjawab pertanyaan
kosa kata yang
berhubungan dengan
8. Diperdengarkan sebuah
lagu, siswa mampu
melengkapi lirik lagu

WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 13



A. Look at the picture (a-b) and guess the order. Then listen to the story
carefully to check the correct order.

B. Listen again to the story and order the sentences (a-j).

The order
a It was the weirdest thing that’s ever happened to me. _____
b So the next thing I did was to use my judo. _____
c I’d just finished classes. _____
d I was riding my bike. _____
e It happened the other day. __1__
f So anyway, then I went towards the mugger. _____
g Eventually, everything was fine. _____
h But then, the old guy was angry. _____
i After that, the director came over. _____
j Suddenly, I saw these two guys. _____

WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 15

C. Listen to a news item. While you listen, put the events in the order
that they happened.

The order
1. A match was played in August. _____
2. They played Red Star Belgrade. __1__
3. There was a minute’s silence to remember the crash. _____
4. They flew to Munich. _____
5. Manchester United lost 2 – 1. _____
6. They crashed. _____
7. They beat Benfica. _____

PART B. Pronunciation.

Listen to the listener’s reaction (1-4). Match them with their meanings
(a-d). Then listen again and repeat them.

1. And then? What? And? a. a bit worried

2. No! Wow! Amazing! b. surprised about something bad
3. Oh no! c. surprised / excited
4. Really? d. wanting to know more

Complete the following text based on the recording.

The Cricket World Cup takes place every (1) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ years. The
first one was in (2) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. The West Indies won that and the (3) _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ one four years later. In the third World Cup, India won (4) _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the West Indies. I’m Irish and I’ve always loved cricket. When I
was young, Ireland didn’t play in the Cricket World Cup. We haven’t got a very
good (5) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , but I remember the 1999 finals. They were played
in England and some of the matches were played in Ireland. I didn’t go to see
them because I was only ten years old and tickets were (6) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. I
wanted to watch Ireland or England play, but Ireland weren’t in (7) _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ and England’s matches were all played in England.
In 2007 Ireland were (8) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _to play in the World Cup for
the first time. It was played in the West Indies, so I couldn’t go, but it was all on
(9) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. The first match was on March the fifteenth, my
eighteenth (10) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. We played Zimbabwe and scored 221.
Amazingly, Zimbabwe also scored 221, so we got one point each. The next game
is my greatest sporting (11) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. We had to play Pakistan, one
of the (12) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in the world. I invited some friends round for

16 WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta

dinner and then we watched the game. It was played in the West Indies, and
because of the time (13) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, the match didn’t start until the
evening. Pakistan scored 132, which isn’t very good. We laughed, but we were
still worried. Then it was Ireland’s turn. Could they do it? When they got to 133
and won the game, we all went (14) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. We (15) _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ each other and started (16) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. That’s when we realised it
was 3 a.m. and the neighbours were angry!
Ireland played (17) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ matches and we only won one of
them, against Bangladesh. But it didn’t (18) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. It was a great
time. My dad says his (19) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ memory is even better than
mine. It was 1994 and Ireland’s football team beat Italy 1–0 in the World Cup in
the USA. I don’t (20) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ that, however, because I was only five
years old.

Listen to the conversation and choose the best answer.

Part 1

1. Why does the man go to see the registrar?

A. To find out why he is not on the list of graduating students
B. To explain why he has not fulfilled his graduation requirements
C. To find out the exact requirements for graduation
D. To submit a document required for graduation

2. According to the registrar, what step is currently taken to ensure that

students fulfill their graduation requirements?
A. Academic records are regularly checked by the registrar’s office.
B. Students meet with a department chairperson to plan their course work.
C. Students receive letters listing the courses that they still need to take.
D. Warning letters are sent to students who have fallen behind in their
course work.

3. Why does the man mention his classmates?

A. To explain how he obtained information about field research
B. To point out that many students like to do field research
C. To show that it is difficult to get intermediate-level credits
D. To emphasize his motivation to do field research in two of his courses

4. Why does the registrar tell the man to contact his chairperson immediately?
A. A deadline has already passed.
B. The man has a limited time to resolve his problem.
C. The man first needs to find out if the chairperson will help him.
D. Issuing a new grade may take longer than expected.

WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 17

5. Listen to the instruction from the audio recording.
A. She is uncertain about the reliability of the computer.
B. She will approve the man’s form despite her doubts about it.
C. She needs more information about the man’s credits.
D. She needs to call someone to help her fix computer errors.

Part 2

6. What is the lecture mainly about?

A. How animals emit ultrasonic pulses
B. How bats use acoustical signals
C. A comparison of echolocation and radar
D. Variations among bats in the use of ultrasound

7. Why does the professor decide NOT to add more information to the diagram
on the board?
A. She wants students to complete the diagram themselves as an
B. She needs to look up some information in order to complete the diagram
C. The additional information is not relevant to the topic that she wants to
discuss next.
D. Students already have the additional information in their textbook.

8. According to the professor, what are two ways in which a moth might react
when it detects the presence of a bat? Choose 2 answers.
A. The moth might stop beating its wings.
B. The moth might emit high-frequency sounds.
C. The moth might leave the area.
D. The moth might change its color to match its surroundings.

9. What surprising information did a recent experiment reveal about lesser

spear-nosed bats?
A. They filter out echoes from some types of trees.
B. They can analyze echoes from stationary objects with complex surfaces.
C. They cannot analyze “jagged” echoes.
D. They cannot analyze echoes from certain types of small moving objects.

10.According to the professor, why does a pine tree produce a “smooth” echo?
A. Because it has a smooth trunk
B. Because it has large branches spaced at regular intervals
C. Because it has many small, densely packed needles
D. Because it remains stationary in all types of weather

18 WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta

11.Listen to the instruction from the audio recording.
A. To answer a question that Carol asked
B. To correct a statement that Carol made
C. To praise Carol for an example that she gave
D. To give an example of a principle that Carol stated

Part 3
12.What is the lecture mainly about?
A. Political events that led to the invention of eyeglasses
B. A comparison of attitudes toward vision correction in Europe and China
C. The relationship between the printing press and literacy
D. An overview of vision correction over time

13.According to the professor, what was an advantage of using clear glass

instead of quartz to make reading stones?
A. Clear glass was easier to find than quartz.
B. Clear glass was easier to cut to the appropriate size.
C. Clear glass magnified the letters more than quartz did.
D. Clear glass was less expensive than quartz.

14.What does the professor imply about the invention of eyeglasses?

A. Its historical records are more detailed than those of other inventions.
B. It had little impact on social attitudes toward vision correction.
C. Its occurrence in different places at approximately the same time is not
D. It contributed to a substantial increase in the number of literate people.

15.Which sentence best describes eyeglasses before the invention of the printing
A. They were available to everyone.
B. They were a symbol of wealth and wisdom.
C. They could not correct vision accurately.
D. They could be bought only from traveling peddlers.

WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 19

Complete the following song lyric, entitled Live High by Jason Mraz.

I try to (1) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the girl, Through a looking (2) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

And see her as a (3) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, See her eyes and (4) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
back at them
See that girl, As her own (5) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Though a home is on the (6) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, she is still a (7) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Glory God, oh God is (8) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ through the (9) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Are we all here standing (10) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Taking (11) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ at the actual date and time
Oh my, (12) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ reasons why
Is an absolutely insane (13) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to live by

Live high, live mighty

Live (14) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Takin' it easy
Live high, live mighty
Live (15) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

I try to (16) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the man, To always have an open (17) _ _ _ _

And see him as a (18) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, See him as matter
Matter fact he's not a (19) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, Oh no not the devil either
Always a good (20) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, And it's (21) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ that
we're making after all

The (22) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of the wild is still an (23) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ wide

And the (24) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of the primates, All our (25) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ are too late
Oh my, the (26) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in my mind, Is this (27) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
singing of gratitude
(28) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ their lovin' for you

Live high, live mighty

Live (29) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Takin' it easy
Live high, live mighty
Oo. live (30) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

20 WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta

And sing it (31) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, And just take it (32) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
And celebrate the (33) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
You see (34) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is ever as it seems
Yeah, this life is but a (35) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Live high, live high, live mighty mighty mighty, oo.

Live righteously, And takin' it easy
Live high, live mighty
Ooh. live righteously
Just take, just just, take it easy
Live high, live mighty mighty
Live righteously
Takin' it easy
Live high, live mighty
Live righteously
Let's take it easy

Solve the crossword puzzle below by naming the description of such an
event on each question.

WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 21

2 Four days after my grandfather died, thirty people came to ‘say goodbye’.
4 We are voting for the first ever woman President.
8 Two bombs ripped through the Kuta area of the Indonesian tourist island
of Bali on 12 October 2002, leaving 202 people dead.
10 I watched the running and swimming but nothing else.

1 We got married in church and fifty people were there to watch us.
3 My parents celebrated twenty years together with a trip to Paris.
5 It was an exciting match which Liverpool won 2 – 0.
6 I remember when Michael Jackson died.
7 I invited ten friends to my house for my birthday.
9 My sister was born on 29 February 2005.

22 WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta

NO Kompetensi Dasar Indikator

C Memahami makna 1. Merespon makna dalam 1. Diperdengarkan sebuah

dalam teks percakapan transaksional wawancara, siswa
percakapan (to get things done) dan mampu melengkapi text
A transaksional dan interpersonal wawancara tentang
P interpersonal resmi (bersosialisasi) secara giving opinion .
dan berlanjut akurat, lancar dan
T 2. Diperdengarkan sebuah
(sustained) dalam berterima yang
wawancara, siswa
E konteks kehidupan menggunakan ragam
mampu menjawab
sehari-hari bahasa lisan dan
R pertanyaan dengan
(mendengarkan) melibatkan tindak tutur:
mengungkapkan/ 3. Siswa mengidentifikasi
3 menanyakan rencana, language expression
tujuan, maksud, tentang giving opinion .
memprediksi, berspekulasi 4. Siswa mendengarkan
dan memberikan contoh pelafalan
penilaian. language expression
tentang giving opinion
dan dilanjutkan dengan
pengucapan bersama-
2. Merespon makna dalam 5. Siswa mampu
percakapan transaksional melengkapi dialog
(to get things done) dan dengan language
interpersonal expression yang tepat
(bersosialisasi) resmi dan tentang giving opinion .
berlanjut (sustained)
6. Diperdengarkan
secara akurat, lancer dan
beberapa audio, siswa
berterima dalam konteks
menjawab quiz dengan
kehidupan sehari-hari dan
melibatkan tindak tutur:
mengungkapkan rasa 7. Siswa mampu
suka. menjawab pertanyaan
kosa kata yang
berhubungan dengan
8. Diperdengarkan sebuah
lagu, siswa mampu
melengkapi lirik lagu

WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 23



Complete the following text.

TEACHER : Okay. Katie, could you come out to the front of the class now
please, and can you tell us about the (1)__________________ you
chose from your trip to Bristol last Saturday?
KATIE : I’ve chosen an (2)___________________ by the Danish artist
Jeppe Hein. It’s called Follow Me, and it’s a (3)
___________________ of 76 mirrors made of (4) ___________,
and it’s in the gardens of Bristol University.
(5)_________________ it’s really interesting (6)
_________________ all the different you can see. (7)
_____________________there are reflections of trees and plants,
and sunlight too. That’s really lovely.
(8 )______________________ I like it is that you can see the
reflections of other people and your own reflections too when you
walk around ( 9 ) _______________ the (10)
___________________you see other people , and everybody
(11)_________________and talks to each other. (12)
_________________that’s so cool.
TEACHER : That was great, Katie. Okay. Jamie, it’s your turn. Which (13)
________________ did you choose?
JAMIE : Well I’ve chosen a statue of the actor Cary Grant. I love his films,
and I didn’t know he came from Bristol, or that his real name was
Archibald Leach. (14) ______________I like the statue is that it’s
so natural. I mean, that’s Cary Grant. And he’s walking along the
street and he looks really relaxed. The (15) ________________are
great too. (16) ______________ the lines on his face and his
(17) _________________is the book he’s carrying. It’s a script of a
film by Alfred Hitchcock.
TEACHER : Thank you Jamie. What did you think of the mirrors?
JAMIE : (18 ) _________________, I didn’t like the mirror (19)
(20) _________________ that I’m not really into modern art. I
prefer traditional art as it’s more natural. I mean a lot of modern
art, like Follow Me, is a bit (21) ______________ and difficult to
understand. In my opinion anyway.

WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 25

KATIE : (22)_________________. Take Jeppe Hein’s (23)
____________________, for example.
You don’t have to understand anything. You just walk around it and
enjoy it. It’s fun!
TEACHER : So what did you think of the Cary Grant (24)
KATIE : (25) _________________________________it wasn’t very
interesting. It was just a copy of him.
JAMIE : Well, I may not know much about modern art but I know what I like.
TEACHER : Fantastic. Thanks very much both of you.


Opinions: Reason and examples.

When we give such an opinion, we may support our opinion with
reasons and examples
Look at the picture of Van Gogh picture entitled Starry Night below and
opinion about it.

In my opinion, Starry Night by Van Gogh is very

interesting because of the way it is painted.

The main reason I like it is that the colors are


For example, I like the contrast between the yellow

and stars with the blue sky and the black tree on the
left of the picture.

26 WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta

Based on the dialog in Part I. Which of these things (a-b) do the
expressions (1-10) do?

a. Give examples to support an opinion.

b. Give reasons to support an opinion.

1. In my opinion, it’s really interesting because of all the ______
2. For example, you can see reflections. ______
3. The main reason I like the statue is that it’s so natural. ______
4. Another reason I like it is that you can also see reflections of ______
5. The details are great, I like the lines on his face. ______
6. Another example is his book. ______
7. The reason for that is that I’m not really into modern art. ______
8. I prefer traditional art as it’s more natural. ______
9. Take Jeppe Hein’s labyrinth, for example. ______
10. I didn’t like it because it’s not very imaginative. ______

A. Complete the opinions with the words and phrases below.

another example is another reason because main reason

because of for example like

my opinion take the reason for that

A: Why do you like Van Gogh?

B: In (1) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ he’s the best artist who ever lived (2) _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ his use of color and his amazing way of seeing things.
His best paintings, (3) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sunflowers and his Café
Terrace At Night, are very realistic but also very different to a photo. (4) _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is that he could see things that other people
couldn’t see.
A: What’s so good about Hollywood action films?
B: The (5) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I like them is that they are great fun. You
can forget all about your worries for two hours.(6) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
why I like them is that you never know what is going to happen next. (7) _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Speed, (8) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. You know
Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock will live but it’s a shock when his friend
dies. (9) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the Indiana Jones films. They’re quite old
but they are brilliant (10) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the action never stops.

WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 27


You will hear people talking in 8 different situations. For questions 1-8,
choose the best answer ( A, B or C)

1. You overhear a woman recommending a campsite. Why does she

recommend it ?
A. It’s close to tourist attractions
B. It’s an area of natural beauty
C. It has a wide range of facilities

2. You overhear two friends talking about global warming. How does the girl
feel about it ?
A. Pessimistic about the future
B. Surprised at the effects it’s having
C. Unconvinced that there’s a problem

3. You overhear a young couple talking about moving to the country . Why
does the man object to the idea?
A. He wouldn’t be able to work there
B. He’d miss the facilities of the city
C. He wouldn’t be near to his friends

4. You hear a part of a radio programme about food. Why should listeners
call the programme ?
A. To take part in a recipe competition
B. To find out about a cookery course
C. To ask questions about cooking

5. You hear the beginning of a programme about college canteens. What

point is being made about them ?
A. The choice of food has improved
B. Students like the food on offer there
C. Teachers complain about the quality of the food

6. You hear a young woman talking about her career . Why did she accept a
job in a bookshop ?
A. She needed a steady income
B. She thought it would be enjoyable
C. She hoped to improved certain skills

7. You hear part of a programme about a clothes designer. What does the
woman like about the clothes he design ?
A. They are practical
B. They are colourful
C. They are original

28 WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta
8. You overhear a discussion about the sport of snow-kiting. What does the
man say about it ?
A. It’s easier to learn than other winter sports
B. It’s more dangerous than other winter sports
C. It requires less equipment than other winter sports

You will hear five different people talking about cookery courses. Choose
from the list (A-F) what each speaker says about the courses they took. Use
the letter only once.

A. It helped me to renew my enthusiasm for cooking

B. It taught me how to use the latest kitchen equipment
C. It took into account the fact that I Wasn’t a beginner
D. It required me to do things rather than just watch
E. It gave me skills I wish I’d acquired earlier in life
It included an unexpected search for ingredients

B. You will hear five different people talking about cookery courses.
Choose from the list (A-F) what each speaker says about the
courses they took. Use the letter only once. Thereo use is one extra
letter which you don’t need to use

F. It helped me to renew my enthusiasm for cooking Speaker________

G. It taught me how to use the latest kitchen equipment Speaker________
H. It took into account the fact that I wasn’t a beginner Speaker________
I. It required me to do things rather than just watch Speaker________
J. It gave me skills I wish I’d acquired earlier in life Speaker________
K. It included an unexpected search for ingredients Speaker________

PART D. Pronunciation

I. Look at the pairs of words. Listen and underline the one you hear
1. Three - Free
2. Ten - Then
3. Sink - Think
4. Clothes - Close
5. Dirty - Thirty
6. Worth - Worse
7. Van - Than
8. Thank - Sank
9. Mouth - Mouse

WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 29

10.Bread - Breath
11.Debt - Death
12.Thick - sick
13.Those - Toes
14.Dare - There
15.Fought - Thought

Listen again and repeat the pairs of words

II. Look at the underlined sounds below .Listen to the sounds and the
1. ea : healthy / heart / pleased / hear / wear / heard
2. ai : air / bargain / rain
3. ia : brilliant / reliable / marriage
4. ie : friend / believe
5. ei : receipt / either
6. ou : colourful / course / found / couple
7. ue : value / unique / guess
8. ua : quality / guarantee / sensual / gradually / language
9. ui : suitable / suite / tuition / building

Listen again and repeat the words

PART E. Song

A New Day Has Come

Celine Dion

A new day
A new day

I was waiting for so long

For a ____________ to _____________
Everyone told me to be strong
_______________ _________ and don't ___________ a ____________

___________the _____________ and good times

I knew I'd ____________ it ________________
And the world _____________ I had it all
But I was waiting for you

30 WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta
Reff : Hush now
I see a light in the sky
Oh, it's almost_____________ ____________
I can't believe
I've been ______________by an _____________ with love

Let the rain come down and __________ _______ my

Let it ____________my ___________ and ____________ my
Let it ____________ the ____________ for a new, new sun

A new day has come

Where it was dark now there's ____________
Where there was ____________ now there's _____________
Where there was ______________, I found my _____________
All in the eyes of a boy

A new day has come

Let the rain come down and wash away my tears
Let it fill my _____________ and _____________ my fears
Let it _______________ the ____________ for a new, new sun

A new day has come

Ohhh, a _____________
Hush now
I see a ___________ in your eyes
All in the eyes of the boy

I can't believe
I've been ______________ by an angel with love

I can't believe
I've been _______________ by an _____________ with love

Hush now
Hush now

WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 31

PART F. Vocabulary

1 not confident, escepially about meeting or talking to new people
4 making you smile or laugh
6 feeling very pleased and happy about something
7 having patience; not becoming angry or frustrated
9 an attractive ma
10 giving other people a lot of money, present, or time in a kind way
13 making sure that people behave well and not allowing them to break any
14 making you feel uncomfortable or angry
15 useful, good to have or know

32 WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta

2 telling the truth, not likely to cheat or steal

3 someone who does things to help others
5 showing not fear of dangerous or difficult situations
8 strong, healthy, and good at sports
11 intelligent
12 always liking and supporting someone or something

WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 33

Kompetensi Dasar Indikator

Memahami makna 1. Merespon makna dalam 1. Siswa menjawab

dalam teks percakapan pertanyaan dengan
percakapan transaksional (to get singkat berdasarkan
transaksional dan things done) dan rekaman yang
interpersonal resmi interpersonal diperdengarkan.
dan berlanjut berosialisasi secara
(sustained) dalam akurat dan lancar dan 2. Siswa melengkapi
konteks kehidupan berterima yang informasi dalam teks
sehari-hari menggunakan ragam rumpang sebuah teks
(listening) bahasa lisan dan monolog, berdasarkan
melibatkan tindak tutur : rekaman yang
menyesali, diperdengarkan.
menanyakan rencana, 3. Siswa menjawab
tujuan, maksud, pertanyaan dengan
memprediksi, lengkap berdasarkan
berspekulasi dan rekaman yang
memberikan penilaian. diperdengarkan.

4. Siswa mengucapkan
2. Merespon makna dalam kata-kata dengan
percakapan pelafalan yang tepat.
transaksional (to get
things done) dan 5. Siswa melengkapi lagu
interpersonal berdasarkan rekaman
bersosialisasi resmi dan lagu yang
berlanjut (sustained) diperdengarkan.
secara akurat, lancar
dan berterima dalam 6. Siswa melengkapi TTS.
konteks kehidupan
sehari-hari dan
melibatkan tidak tutur:
menggunakan rasa suka.

WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 35





1. Who make the invitation letter?

2. How is the format of the invitation letter?
3. What certain elements should be included for the person inviting?
4. Why it’s not a good idea that the person inviting you states that they will pay
for everything?
5. What is the speaker’s advice at the end of the speech?



(In 2014, Watson was named a U.N. Women Goodwill Ambassador by the United
Nations. Her role is to serve as an advocate for U.N. Women's gender equality
campaign known as HeForShe.

HeForShe is a program dedicated to improving the status of women and

’inviting’ men and boys around the world to stand in solidarity with
women and girls as they make that make gender equality a reality.)

I was ___________________ as Goodwill Ambassador for UN Women

six months ago. And, the more I spoke about _________________, the more I
realized that fighting for women’s rights has too often become
____________________ with __________________. If there is one thing I
know for certain, it is that this ________ ____ ________.

How can we affect change in the world when only half of it is invited or feel
welcome to _______________________ in the conversation?

Men, I would like to take this opportunity to _______________ your

____________ __________________. _________________
_______________ is your _______________, too. Men don’t have the
__________________ of equality, either.

WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 37

We don’t often talk about men being ________________ by gender
________________, but I can see that they are, and that when they are free,
things will change for women as a natural consequence. Both men and women
should feel free to be ________________. Both men and women should feel
free to be ____________. It is time that we all _______________ gender on a
spectrum, ____________ of two sets of __________________ ideals

____________________________________________, to be __________ and

to ask yourself, “If not me, who? If not now, when?”

Thank you very, very much.


Directions: Mark your answers!

1. Why does the man go to see the professor?

A. To borrow some charts and graphs from her
B. To ask her to explain some statistical procedures
C. To talk about report he is writing
D. To discuss a grade he got on a paper

2. Listen again to part of the conversation!

Then answer the question.
Why does the professor say this?
A. To question the length of the paper
B. To offer encouragement
C. To dispute the data sources
D. To explain a theory

3. What information will the man include in his report?

For each phrase below, place a check mark in the ‘Include’ column or the
“Not include’ column
Not include in
Include in Report
Climate charts
Interview with
Journal notes
Statistical tests

38 WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta
4. Why does the professor tell the man about the appointment at the doctor’s
A. To demonstrate a way of remembering things
B. To explain why she needs to leave soon
C. To illustrate a point that appears in his report
D. To emphasize the importance of good health

5. What does the professor offer to do for the man?

A. Help him collect more data in other areas of the state
B. Submit his research findings for publication
C. Give him the doctor’s telephone number
D. Review the first version of his report

Directions: Mark your answers!

6. Why does the students go to see the professor?

A. To prepare for her graduate school interview
B. To get advice about her graduate school application
C. To give the professor her graduate school application
D. To find out if she was accepted into graduate school

7. According to the professor, what information should the students include in

her statement purpose?
Choose 2 answers.
A. Her academic motivation
B. Her back ground in medicine
C. Some personal information
D. The way her teachers have influenced her

8. What does the professor consider unusual about the student’s background?
A. Her work experience
B. Her creative writing experience
C. Her athletic achievements
D. Her music training

9. Why does the professor tell a story about his friend who went to medical
A. To warn the student about how difficult graduate school can be
B. To illustrate a point he is making
C. To help the student relax
D. To change the subject

WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 39

10.What does the professor imply about the people who admit students to
graduate school?
A. They often lack expertise in the fields of the applicants
B. They do not usually read the statement of purpose
C. They are influenced by the appearance of an application
D. They remember most of the applications they receive


Consonant words
Look at the pairs of words. Try to pronounce them.
Listen and underline the one you hear.
1. three/free
2. ten/then
3. sink/think
4. clothes/close
5. dirty/thirty
6. worth/worse
7. van/than
8. thank/sank
9. mouth/mouse
10. bread/breath
11. debt/death
12. thick/sick
13. those/toes
14. dare/there
15. fought/thought



INVITATION (Why don’t we)

I need a little ______________ _____________________, girl, with you

And you ___________ ______________ worry 'bout a thing no more
'Cause baby, I got the keys for us
How about I ____________ you up at 9?
______________ me outside, baby, it's a _________

40 WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta
____________ ____________ the windows, we can fly
I can see the stars, baby, in your eyes

And I can't wait no more

Baby, 'cause I like you, you like me

Let's just get together
I like you, you like me
You don't need ___ ____________________ 'cause
I like you, you like me
__________ _______ __________ _______________
I like you, you like me
You don't need _____ __________________ , girl
( back to # )

UNINVITED (Alanis Morissette)

Like anyone would be

I am flattered by your ________________ with me
Like any hot-blooded woman
I have simply wanted an ______________ to crave

But you, you're not allowed

You're uninvited
An unfortunate slight

Must be __________________ exciting

To watch the stoic squirm
Must be somewhat __________________
To watch shepherd meet shepherd

But you you're not allowed

You're uninvited
An unfortunate slight

Like any ________________ territory

I must seem ______________ intriguing
You speak of my love like
You have experienced love like mine before
But this is not allowed
You're uninvited
An unfortunate slight

I don't think you ___________________

I need a ________________ to deliberate.

WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 41



Across 19. What mum is

3. What horse eat
5. Like yes
6. Popular dessert on this day 1. Holiday of this puzzle
8. Season of Thanksgiving 2. Vegetable of the harvest
9. Topper 4. Sweet potatoes' other name
10. What you listen with 6. One of the first group of people
11. Month of this holiday to celebrate thanksgiving
13. A group working together 7. What you do to Thanksgiving
14. Adam dinner
15. Fruit of the day 12. Purpose of this day
16. Leaf sweeper 13. Bird of the day
17. Odd shaped fruit 18. How we talk to God

42 WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta

Kompetensi Inti Kompensi Dasar Indikator

Memahami, menerapkan, 3.11. Menganalisis fungsi Siswa dapat

menganalisis pengetahuan sosial, struktur teks, menganalisis fungsi
faktual, konseptual, dan unsur sosial, struktur teks,
prosedural berdasarkan kebahasaan dari teks dan unsur
rasa ingin tahunya tentang biografi pendek dan kebahasaan dari teks
ilmu pengetahuan, sederhana tentang biografi pendek dan
teknologi, seni, budaya, tokoh terkenal, sederhana tentang
dan humaniora dengan sesuai dengan tokoh terkenal,
wawasan kemanusiaan, konteks sesuai dengan
kebangsaan, kenegaraan, penggunaannya. konteks
dan peradaban terkait penggunaannya.
penyebab fenomena dan
kejadian, serta
menerapkan pengetahuan
prosedural pada bidang
kajian yang spesifik sesuai
dengan bakat dan
minatnya untuk
memecahkan masalah.

Mengolah, menalar, dan 4.11. Menangkap makna Siswa dapat

menyaji dalam ranah teks biografi pendek menangkap makna
konkret dan ranah abstrak dan sederhana teks biografi pendek
terkait dengan tentang tokoh dan sederhana
pengembangan dari yang terkenal tentang tokoh
dipelajarinya di sekolah terkenal
secara mandiri, dan
mampu menggunakan
metoda sesuai kaidah

WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 43



You are going to listen to four speakers talking about their heroes or
heroines. You have to decide which speaker (A, B, C, or D) talks about
the following statements.

1. Someone who was dedicated to world peace

2. Someone who has been the victim of violence as a result of their
3. Someone who left a more conventional job to help young people in their
4. Someone who was excluded from the professional community of the time
5. Someone who she wishes she could meet
6. Someone who wrote a book about the effect humans could have on nature
7. Someone who made an important scientific discovery while still a child
8. Someone who faced strong criticism from big business


Listen to the monologues again and complete the statements below…

1. Mary Anning's discovery was important because it showed that …

2. Mary Anning's dog died because …
3. Mary Anning didn't write a famous book because …
4. Kailash Satyarthi first saw the problems of child slavery when he was…
5. Kailash Satyarthi has saved over … children from enforced labour.
6. Rachel Carson first specialised in …
7. Rachel Carson's book made people realise that …
8. These days, more and more people are buying …
9. The speaker is apologetic about John Lennon because …
10. It's amazing that Lennon’s song Imagine …

WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 45


Complete the table below. Write one word only for each answer.

Time Perspectives

Outlook Features & Consequences

Past Positive Remember good times, e.g. birthdays.

Keep family records, photo albums, etc.

(1) …………….. Focus on disappointments, failures, bad decisions.

Present Hedonistic Live for (2) …………….. ; seek sensation; avoid


Fatalistic Life is governed by (3) …………….. , religious

beliefs, social conditions. Life’s path can’t be

Future (4) …………….. Prefer work to play. Don’t give in to temptation.

Fatalistic Have a strong belief in life after death and

importance of (5) …………….. in life.

6. We are all present hedonists

A. at school
B. at birth
C. while eating and drinking

7. American boys drop out of school at a higher rate than girls because
A. they need to be in control of the way they learn
B. they play video games instead of doing school work
C. they are not as intelligent as girls

8. Present-orientated children
A. do not realise present actions can have negative future effects
B. are unable to learn lessons from past mistakes
C. know what could happen if they do something bad, but do it anyway

46 WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta
9. If Americans had an extra day per week, they would spend it
A. working harder
B. building relationships
C. sharing family meals

10.Understanding how people think about time can help us

A. become more virtuous
B. work together better
C. identify careless or ambitious people


Sound discrimination exercise: repeat after the speaker.

bit beat mill meal

bitch beach pick peek

itch each piss piece

gin gene pitch peach

grid greed risen reason

hid heed shit sheet

hill he’ll sick seek

ill eel sin scene

kip keep sin seen

knit neat still steel

lick leak tin teen

lip leap

WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 47


By John Winston Lennon

Imagine there's no heaven

It's easy if you try
No (1)_____ below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people (2) _____ for today

Imagine there's no countries

It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or (3) ______
And no (4) _____ too
Imagine all the people living life in peace, you…

You may say I'm a (5) ______

But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be (6)______

Imagine no (7)________
I wonder if you can
No need for (8)______ or hunger
A (9) _______ of man
Imagine all the people (10) _______ all the world, you….

You may say I'm a dreamer

But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

48 WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta

WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 49

Kompetensi Dasar Indikator

Memahami makna 1. Menganalisis fungsi 1. Diperdengarkan sebuah

dalam teks sosial, struktur teks, dialog, siswa mampu
percakapan dan unsur kebahasaan melengkapi dialog ten-
transaksional dan dari teks eksposisi tang hidup sehat.
interpersonal resmi analitis tentang topik
2. Diperdengarkan sebuah
dan berlanjut yang hangat
wawancara, siswa mam-
(sustained) dalam dibicarakan umum,
pu melengkapi teks
konteks kehidupan sesuai dengan konteks
wawancara dengan
sehari-hari penggunaannya.
2. Menangkap makna 3. Diperdengarkan bebe-
dalam teks eksposisi rapa audio, siswa
analitis tentang topik mampu memilih respon
yang hangat yang tepat pada setiap
dibicarakan umum dialog yang diberikan

4. Siswa mendengarkan
contoh pelafalan bebe-
rapa kata dan mengikuti
pelafalan kata tersebut.

5. Siswa mampu meleng-

kapi teka teki silang
berdasarkan topic yang
telah diberikan.

6. Siswa mampu meleng-

kapi lagu dengan kata
yang telah didengar
dengan benar.

WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 51


Listen to the recording and fill in the blanks

Healthy and Junk Food

In this lesson, Anna goes shopping. She thinks about the foods that are good for
her and the ones that are not so good. What do you think about when you shop
for food? Do you sometimes fight with yourself as Anna does in this lesson?

Anna : Hi __________, Ashley!

Ashley : Anna! Hi! __________ __________ __________ __________?
(Anna’s stomach growls loudly)
Ashley : __________ __________ __________?
Anna : I’m hungry. When I’m hungry, I only want to
eat ____________________! But I know I should eat __________
food. So, I __________ with myself. One side says, ‘You should
__________ __________ __________.’ The other side says, ‘But I
want to eat junk food!’
Ashley : Well, Anna, go to the Giant __________. You should be able to
___________________ __________ __________ __________ there
- for all of you.
Anna : Good idea, Ashley. See you later!
Ashley : __________, Anna.
Anna : Wow! This supermarket is __________! Look at all of
these __________ and __________! I __________
eat more vegetables.
Healthy : Good idea, Anna. You __________ eat more vegetables …
like __________!
Junky : Celery?! Do you know what the __________ says about celery?
Anna : No, what?
Junky : “Celery is 95 __________ water - 100 percent NOT ice cream. I love
the web!”
Healthy*: Anna, you __________ eat junk food. Junk food will __________ you.
Junky* : You are being __________.
Healthy : No, __________ __________!
Junky : __________, you are.
Anna : __________ you two please be nice to __________ other? It is
__________ to eat healthy __________. But, a little junk food will
not kill me. Hmm ____________________. Ice cream does sound

WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 53

Junky : Take this __________ to the __________ food __________!
Healthy : No wait, __________ __________! Go back! We __________ fruit.
Go back!!
Anna : Okay, we are in the __________ food __________!
Junky : Mmm, ice cream!
Healthy : Mmm, __________ __________!
Junky : Nobody says, ‘Mmm, __________ peas. They say, ‘Mmm, ice cream!
Healthy : Mmm, frozen peas!!
Junky : Mmm, ice cream!!
Anna : I am not going to tell you __________ again! Stop __________!
Anna : I smell __________ __________! I love the __________ of a
Healthy : Oh, Anna, let’s buy a fresh __________
of ___________, _____________!
Junky : You don’t have to __________ bread. Buy some __________, Anna!
Healthy : You __________ buy donuts. They are only __________
and __________.
Junky : __________! You know, you are really __________ __________ at
Healthy : And you must think __________ __________ __________ is fun.
Junky : __________ likes donuts! That is __________ you don’t have
Healthy : And that is why your __________ __________ __________
Junky : My cholesterol is __________ __________ __________
Healthy : And I have lots of friends!!
Anna : Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! I am __________ and __________ of the
both of you!!
Anna : I __________ what you two __________!
Junky : Anna! What are you doing?
Healthy : __________ __________ __________!
Anna : You two need to __________ __________!
Anna : I am going to go buy my __________ food and my __________ food!
Good bye!
Anna : Until next time …

54 WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta

Listen to the recording and fill in the blanks

Fat or thin?

Jackie: Hello, I'm Jackie Dalton, welcome to _______________! Today we're

going to look at an __________ which often comes up in the __________ of
Entertainment, and that's being fat or thin. It's a big issue in the __________
media at the moment. One __________ says that __________ is the new divide
between people – 'the new divide' – what __________ people. So forget
__________ __________ – how rich you are, where you live: you are being
__________ on how __________ you are! The report says that 8 out of 10
people judge others by their weight. Most people think that thin people are more
__________ to be rich and successful. And poor people are fat and stupid! So
let's hear more of __________ views on all this and look at some of the
__________ they use. The first man will use the word 'culture'. In this context,
it means the __________ or beliefs that are shared by people in a certain
__________ or group. Listen to some __________ of how the word might be
used in different __________.

Voice: There's a culture of __________ in this __________, which is very


Voice: There's a culture of __________ within the __________ when it

comes to security __________.

Jackie: We'll also hear the term 'socially __________. If you're inept, you're
not good at doing something. In this case, being 'socially inept' means
you're bad at personal __________ and don't __________ into society.
So listen out for those two expressions now: 'culture' and 'socially

Entertainment – Fat or thin?


There is this culture, especially in __________, it's a __________ example,

where being fat is seen as being socially inept. And it's __________ by your
__________ …

Jackie: So this man says people are seen as socially inept if they're too fat. He
says this is 'driven' by magazines, which means magazines are
__________ this kind of attitude. Next, he'll go on to talk about how

WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 55

his __________ feels when she goes __________. What __________
does he use to __________ how she feels?


There is this culture, especially in London, it's a prime example, where being fat
is seen as being socially inept. And it's driven by your magazines, __________
only being produced to __________ sizes so only certain people can fit into
them… and only certain people fit into what society's __________ as this
__________ person, this perfect look __________ , yeah. I mean, my mum's
the perfect example, she __________ to go into the shops, she doesn't fit into
the clothes and she's made to feel as __________ she's almost __________
__________ __________ __________ .

Jackie: Did you __________ that expression? He said his mum feels almost as
though she's a second class citizen because she can't find the clothes
she wants in a big enough __________ . A 'second class citizen' is
someone who is seen as __________ important and less __________
than other people – not a very nice feeling to have! Let's hear some
more __________ on the issue. Does this girl think it would be good to
have more fat women __________ on the __________ of magazines?


I think it does matter. I mean, I don't want to be fat. Especially in magazines

and things like that, you never see, like, a big __________ and if I do see a big
girl on a magazine cover I would think

'Why did they __________ her there?'

Jackie: This girl doesn't want to be __________ and says she'd find it
__________ to put someone fat on the __________ a magazine. What
do this girl and this boy __________?


I think it does matter but only, like, on a __________ __________. Like, when
you look at someone, that's the __________ thing, I suppose that you
__________ - what they look like. But after that other things matter. I think it's
important to be __________ . It shouldn't be about weight, it should be about
health and __________ and other issues that are so important than what you
look like.You shouldn't judge a person by his __________ .

Jackie: Phew, so there are some people who think your weight shouldn’t be so
important. The boy said you shouldn't judge someone by their

56 WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta
physique – you shouldn't make __________ about what a person is
like based on their __________ – their physique. The girl said it only
matters on a 'superficial level', it's not really important. Listen again.

(repeat clip)

Jackie: Well, I have to say, I __________ with those last views– __________
is too short to __________ it __________ about what people look like!
Let's finish with a __________ of some of the language that came up.
We talked about 'a culture of…', which means a set of shared
__________ or attitudes __________ something. 'Socially inept' is an
expression to describe someone who doesn't really fit in and is bad at
__________ relationships. 'To be driven by something' means to be
encouraged by or __________ by it. 'A second class citizen' is
__________ who is seen as less __________ than other people. If
something only matters on a 'superficial level', it doesn't really matter
much. 'To judge' someone is to make a __________ about what they
are like. And your 'physique' is the size and __________ of your body.
That's all for now, but keep practising your English and finding out
more about the world around you with!


Listen and choose the correct answer!

1. (A) He doesn’t agree to have a discussion with her.

(B) He agrees to have a discussion with her.
(C) He doesn’t know about his father’s figure.
(D) He is not interested to talk about his father.

2. (A) She doesn’t need his help.

(B) She wants to buy the new one.
(C) She can’t repair it by herself.
(D) She wants to change it.

3. (A) He wants to cut his hand because of her.

(B) He borrows her hands.
(C) He wouldn’t help her.
(D) He would help her.

4. (A) The cloth is not suitable for him.

(B) He should change his cloth.
(C) He is good with his cloth.
(D) She doesn’t like the man’s cloth.

WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 57

5. (A) He likes to be a teller.
(B) He doesn’t like to be a teller.
(C) He likes to be a receptionist.
(D) He wants to be a receptionist.

6. (A) He cannot repair her computer.

(B)He knows everything about computer.
(C) He has already fixed the computer.
(D) He has no time to help her.

7. (A) She has gone abroad.

(B) She has not gone abroad yet.
(C) She has given her dictionary to him.
(D) He has accepted the dictionary because the woman has gone abroad.

8. (A) He lends her his biological book.

(B) He borrows her biological book.
(C) He cannot lend her biological book.
(D) He wants to read the book later.

9. (A) He probably goes away.

(B) He probably leaves the woman alone.
(C) He probably buys her those books.
(D) He probably takes some historical books for her.

10. (A) There’s nobody who saw the collision.

(B) Everybody knew how the collision happened.
(C) Only the man saw the collision.
(D) There’re many witnesses.

11. (A) Alice is smarter than Helen.

(B) Alice is the smartest.
(C) Helen is smarter than Alice.
(D) Helen and Alice have same intelligence.

12. (A) The bears use the fur to protect them from cold.
(B) The bears use the fur as towel.
(C) The fur is used as accessories.
(D) The fur is used for flying.

13. (A) She joins the meeting when she gets stomachache.
(B) She has a meeting with Mr. Jahrling thirty minute later
(C) The meeting is canceled.
(D) She doesn’t come in the meeting.

58 WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta
14. (A) She hopes the man is bitten.
(B) She wishes the man bites the lion.
(C) She asks the man not to disturb the lion.
(D) She warns the man against the lion.

15. (A) She is examining a patient.

(B) She is teaching students.
(C) She is looking for news.
(D) She is directing pedestrians.

16. (A) She is going home right now.

(B) She is going home with the man.
(C) She wants to stay.
(D) She doesn’t want to stay longer there.

17. (A) He supports the woman’s job.

(B) He doesn’t support the woman’s job.
(C) He asks the woman to leave the job.
(D) He asks the woman to find the best job.

18. (A) She goes for one hour.

(B) She goes in hours.
(C) She doesn’t go. She is back home.
(D) She goes for eight hours.

19. (A) She is fine.

(B) She agrees the man’s request.
(C) She has no problem.
(D) She hopes the man can solve the problem well.

20. (A) It’s good for seven days.

(B) The man thinks that it’s not good.
(C) He has to wait for seven days whether it’s good or not.
(D) He doesn’t care about it.
21. (A) The man’ face is wet.
(B) The man’s face is dry.
(C) Splatters is frozen.
(D) Splatters is hard.

22. (A) He knew there is conflict in Bumba.

(B) He didn’t know there is conflict in Bumba.
(C) He probably knew it.
(D) He was trying to find out about it.

WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 59

23. (A) He likes the flowers very much.
(B) He has not a hand in about the flowers.
(C) He asks her to clean the place up.
(D) He wants to do his best.

24. (A) Zaire was getting better.

(B) Zaire was fine.
(C) Zaire was terrible.
(D) Zaire was under control.

25. (A) He didn’t enjoy the place.

(B) He didn’t have any good experience there.
(C) He had similar impression about the experience with the woman.
(D) He didn’t want to go back there.

26. (A) She asks the man to buy paper in the store near their place.
(B) She asks the man to take paper near the door.
(C) She asks the man find paper near the store.
(D) She asks the man to leave his job because the paper is not enough.

27. (A) He is sure with the woman ability.

(B) He wants to swim with the woman.
(C) He doesn’t allow her to swim there.
(D) He doubts the woman’s ability.

28. (A) She is giving the man support.

(B) She asks the man to give up.
(C) She asks the man to find some help.
(D) She thinks the man should stop.

29. (A) Today, he has meeting with the woman.

(B) There is no meeting today.
(C) There will be no meeting tomorrow.
(D) The meeting has been held today.

30. (A) Dr. Murphy is in his house all day long.

(B) Dr. Murphy is taking a rest in his house and doesn’t want to be
(C) Dr. Murphy is not in his home for the day.
(D) Dr. Murphy wants to see the man in his home today.

60 WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta

Minimal Pairs /f/ and /v/

Below is a list of words that vary only by one having the sound /f/ and the other
having /v/ in its place:

TIP : /f/ and /v/ are pronounced with the same mouth position of the top
teeth biting the bottom lip, but with /f/ pronounced with more air and no
use of the voicebox.

I. Listen and repeat the words.

fan - van
ferry - very
leaf - leave
off - of

II. Listen and repeat the words.

fast - vast gift - give

fat - vat half - halve
fee - V life - live
fine - vine proof - prove
foul - vowel safe - save
III. Listen and repeat the words.

belief - believe fender - vendor

fail - veil grief - grieve
fear - veer staff - starve
feel - veal surf - serve
IV. Listen and repeat the words.

calf - carve foal - vole

chaff - chav fox - vox
duff - dove guff - guv
fault - vault reef - reeve
feign - vain serf - serve
feign - vein skiff - skiv
fie - vie strife - strive
file - vile waif - waive
foist - voiced

WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 61


If you're not the one then why does my 1. __________ feel glad today?
If you're not the one then why does my 2. __________ fit yours this way?
If you are not mine then why does your 3. __________ return my call?
If you are not mine would I have the 4. ___________ to stand at all?

I’ll never know what the 5. ___________ brings

But I know you're 6. _________ with me now
We'll make it 7. ____________ and I hope
You are the one I 8. ___________ my life with

I don't want to 9. _________ away but I can't take it, I don't 10.
If I'm not 11. _________ for you, then why does my 12. ___________ tell me
that I am?
Is there any way that I can stay in your 13._________?

If I don't need you, then why am I 14. ___________ on my bed?

If I don't need you then why does your name 15. _____________ in my head?
If you're not for me then why does this 16. _____________ maim my life?
If you're not for me then why do I 17._________ of you as my 18. _________?

I don't know why you're so 19. _______ away

But I know that this much is true
We'll make it 20. __________ and I hope
You are the one I 21. ___________ my life with

And I wish that you could be the one I 22. ______ with
And I pray that you're the one I 23. __________ my home with
I hope I love you all my life

I don't want to 24. _________ away but I can't take it, I don't 25. ___________
If I'm not 26. _________ for you, then why does my 27. ___________ tell me
that I am?
Is there any way that I can stay in your 28._________?

'Cause I miss you, 29.________ and 30.________ so strong that it takes my

breath away
And I 31. ____________ you into my heart and pray for the strength to stand

62 WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta
'Cause I love you whether it's 32._________ or 33._________
And though I can't be with you 34. __________
And you know my heart is by your 35. _________

I don't want to 36. _________ away but I can't take it, I don't 37.
If I'm not 38. _________ for you, then why does my 39. ___________ tell me
that I am?
Is there any way that I can stay in your 40._________?



3 4

7 8

10 11

13 14 15

16 17




WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 63

4 This product chikens are giving to us?
5 Like it was approved, this sweet gives you happiness feeling, if you think
about diet better to choose that one which contains 70% kakao?
7 This vegetable are the most healthy,it hold arround 70% water?
8 Halloween's symbol most popular?
9 Have good/have poison they grow in the wood?
11 Fruit which associated with minions?
13 Vegetable, white big head with loads of leaves arround?
16 Most delicious red berries which grow in the garden, also they grow in the
wood they are smaller and are usually called wild berries?
18 This fruit are like a brother of apple ?
19 Made with lot of nice flavors,can drink in every meal?
20 Healty and the most favorit fruit,also have a simbol of most expensive
phone model?


1 Fish with red meat?

2 Holand is the mother land of this product?
3 Berries which improve vision, if you use them regularly?
6 Product are taken from cow's?
8 From these are maked chips?
10 Favorit British flavor to eat with potatos?
12 Desert one of the pastries?
14 This is the rabbits favorite vegetable?
15 This berries become in raisins when you dry, also do vine from them?
17 From this red vegetable can do a very deliciously juice. Growing mainly
houses , because need high temperature to grow.


64 WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta
Kompetensi Dasar Indikator

Memahami makna 1. Merespon makna dalam 1. Siswa menjawab

dalam teks percakapan pertanyaan dengan
percakapan transaksional (to get singkat berdasarkan
transaksional dan things done) dan rekaman yang
interpersonal resmi interpersonal diperdengarkan.
dan berlanjut berosialisasi secara
(sustained) dalam akurat dan lancar dan 2. Siswa melengkapi
konteks kehidupan berterima yang informasi dalam teks
sehari-hari menggunakan ragam rumpang sebuah
(listening) bahasa lisan dan percakapan,
melibatkan tindak tutur : berdasarkan rekaman
menyesali, yang diperdengarkan.
menanyakan rencana, 3. Siswa menjawab
tujuan, maksud, pertanyaan dengan
memprediksi, lengkap berdasarkan
berspekulasi dan rekaman yang
memberikan penilaian. diperdengarkan.

2. Merespon makna dalam 4. Siswa mengucapkan

percakapan kata-kata dengan
transaksional (to get pelafalan yang tepat
things done) dan sesuai dengan
interpersonal rekaman.
bersosialisasi resmi dan
berlanjut (sustained) 5. Siswa melengkapi lagu
secara akurat, lancar berdasarkan rekaman
dan berterima dalam lagu yang
konteks kehidupan diperdengarkan.
sehari-hari dan
melibatkan tidak tutur: 6. Siswa melengkapi TTS.
menggunakan rasa suka.

WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 65



For Questions 1-6 you will hear a series of short sentences. Answer each
question on the line provided. Your answer should be as brief as
possible. You will hear each item twice.

1. How do the friends decide to save time?

2. What are the two disadvantages of catching a direct train?
3. What should the guests do after visiting the lighthouse, and why is Tuesday
best for the trip?
4. What is the emergency contact number?
5. Which subject does Mark choose for his book review, and where will he find
the book?
6. Which solution does the customer choose, and why?

WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 67


Listen to the following interview with an explorer, and then complete
the details below.
You will hear the interview twice.

Record-breaking Walk : Amazon River

Time taken : (1) .................................... days.

Dates of walk : (2) 2nd .................................... 2008 until (3)
......................................................... 2010.
Amazon River : is world’s second (4) .................................... river.
Length : (5) .................................... kilometres.
Extra distance walked : (6) ................ kilometres added to the journey
because of (7) ................................ .
Real purpose of walk : to provide funds for (8) .................................... and
to raise (9) ................................ of the plight of
Amazonian rainforests.
Website :

• Food : spider (10) ............................. , snakes, fish, eels, scorpions and
(11) ............................................ .
• Health : advice sought via (12) .................................... .
• Cho : local forestry worker, acted as helper and (13)
..........................., he also made great coffee.
Summary of dangers survived : (14) ...................................... by hostile
tribes, mosquito bites and tropical (15) ...................................


Listen to the following interview about a huge crab, and then answer
the questions below. You will hear the interview twice.

1. Give one thing that a visitor can do at a Sea Life Centre.


68 WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta
2. Give two physical details about the centre’s newest creature.
3. Give a reason for the nickname given to the crab.
Where exactly do these crabs usually live?
What is the creature’s diet? Give two details.
4. How does the huge crab disguise itself?


Let’s practice, how to pronounce the following minimal pairs and look up in
your dictionary for their meaning.

1. Dime : /daɪm/ 10. Deem : /diːm/

2. Time : /taɪm/ 11. Team : /tiːm/
3. Mime : /maɪm/ 12. Meme : /miːm/
4. Rhyme : /raɪm/ 13. Leam : /leam/
5. Dame : /deɪm/ 14. Ream : /riːm/
6. Tame : /teɪm/ 15. Doom : /duːm/
7. Maim : /meɪm/ 16. Tomb : /tuːm/
8. Lame : /leɪm/ 17. Loom : /luːm/
9. Rame : /rame/ 18. Room : /ruːm/

WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 69



I got a secret, I gotta keep it
No, I ain't 'bout to 1. .................................... it, though
I'ma 2. .................................... on wood and climb uphill
Looking' out windows, I'm wishing'
I'm seeing' bills, 3. .................................... condition
No, I ain't gonna tell a soul, I'll just make this real, I'll show you

Born in Jakarta, but I live like I'm from Calabasas

Roll seven deep, they make my life feel so much like a movie
I don't really know what I'm watching'
But I know it's Royce that I'm 4. ....................................
Go 'head and dream, take some 5. ...................................., it 'gon help you
Point it at the target, shoot your shot, walk out and 1, 2, 3
No, this ain't a game that we playing'
This is life and boy you better not go 6. .................................... it

Chorus :
Uh, too 7. .................................... for my own good, hoping' I'ma make it
My fans, they are 8. .................................... but that ain't no environment to
live in
Ayy, they just walk around with no direction
Think we got a different destination, man
Too dumb to listen, goals already written
Fire in my soul can't hold no 9. ...................................., I'm going' off
It's my dream and ain't nobody 10. .................................... wake me up
Don't wake me up

A type of language consisting of words and phrases that are regarded as very
informal, are more common in speech than writing, and are typically
restricted to a particular context or group of people.

Ain’t : Am not; are not; is not, has not, have not

Ain’t no : There is/ are no, has/ have no
Gotta : Have got to
I’ma : I'm going to

70 WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta
Gonna : Going to
Gon : Going to
Roll deep : To go anywhere with a large group of people
Calabasas : A city in Southern California. Most people know Calabasas for 2
things: Britney Spears, and the Kardashians. It's filled with
houses that cost more than the GDP of a developing country,
along with spotlessly clean streets completely free of homeless
people and stores where the average price of a t-shirt is $100.


WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 71

4. beautiful, very attractive.
6. a style of music and fashion in the 1970s which was wild, loud, and violent
7. a set of clothes worn together, typically for a particular occasion or purpose.
8. a long warm coat worn over other clothing.
12. a part in a play or film
14. having firm, strong muscles
15. (of a person) large and strong
16. extremely impressive or attractive.
17. refusing to obey rules because you do not like authority

1. known or talked about by many people; famous.
2. beautiful or pleasant to look at
3. too heavy or too fat
4. attractive in an exciting and special way
5. causing a lot of disagreement or argument
6. the first public performance of a film, play
9. clothing which is suitable for everyday wears rather than formal occasions.
10. quite fat
11. a traditional Scottish skirt for men
13. (of a person or part of their body) very thin.

72 WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta
Kompetensi Dasar Indikator

Memahami makna 1. Merespon makna dalam 1. Diperdengarkan sebuah

dalam teks percakapan percakapan transaksional (to wawancara, siswa mampu
transaksional dan get things done) dan menentukan jawaban
interpersonal resmi dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) yang tepat.
berlanjut (sustained) secara akurat, lancar dan 2. Diperdengarkan sebuah
dalam konteks berterima yang wawancara, siswa mampu
kehidupan sehari-hari menggunakan ragam bahasa menjawab melengkapi
(mendengarkan) lisan dan melibatkan tindak kalimat dengan kata atau
tutur: menyesali, frase yang tepat.
mengungkapkan/ 3. Siswa mampu
menanyakan rencana, mengidentifikasi dan
tujuan, maksud, menentukan jawaban
memprediksi, berspekulasi yang tepat berdasarkan
dan memberikan penilaian. TOEFL Practice yang
4. Siswa mampu
2. Merespon makna dalam mengidentifikasi penekana
percakapan transaksional (to pelafalan kata dan
get things done) dan dilanjutkan dengan
interpersonal (bersosialisasi) mendengarkan audio
resmi dan berlanjut pelafalan kata yang benar.
(sustained) secara akurat, 5. Siswa mampu menuliskan
lancer dan berterima dalam kata dari phonetic
konteks kehidupan sehari- transcription yang
hari dan melibatkan tindak diberikan dan kemudian
tutur: mengungkapkan rasa mengucapkannya secara
suka. bersamaan.
6. Siswa mampu menuliskan
proverb dari phonetic
transcription dan
menganalisa makna dari
proverb tersebut.
8. Diperdengarkan sebuah
lagu, siswa mampu
melengkapi lirik lagu
tersebut dan menganalisa
makna dari lagu tersebut.
9. Siswa mampu melengkapi
puzzle dengan kosa kata
yang berkaitan dengan

WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 73



Listen and answer these questions about the interview.

Answer the following questions about the interview.

1) Tom says he _______ long hair.

a) recently had
b) has never had
c) used to have

2) Tom has kept a beard ______

a) only when traveling

b) for work and travel
c) all his life

3) He has a hard time growing _____ .

a) sideburns
b) a mustache
c) a beard

4) He thinks shaved legs are _____ .

a) more comfortable
b) a bad idea
c) not out of the ordinary

5) Cyclists shave to ______

a) reduce wind resistance

b) make massages less painful
c) look faster

WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 75


What makes a good student?

Listen to six people share the qualities that they think make a good student and
complete the gaps.

Nydja / United States

A good student is somebody who has a __________
______________ and a desire to learn and a __________________
to work hard.

Jeff / Canada
I think what makes a good student is ______________ and
______________. I think that ___________ comes easy in life and that
you have to work at it, and that if you really want to learn, you have
to __________to it. You have to work hard, be disciplined, and continue
doing it until you get it, so perseverance and discipline.

Demelza / Australia
I think a good student is somebody that ________________ tries. I
think when students get ____________ up on ideas or previous ways of
learning, it stops them being in the moment, and being
______________ to what the teacher is saying.

Ray / United States

What makes a good student? Somebody who's ______________ to
make mistakes. You have _____________ got to make a lot of mistakes
if you want to learn anything. So if you just sit back and you're
____________ about what you're trying to learn, if you don't take
_____________, if you don't try to use what you've learned, even if it
makes you look a little bit _____________ at times, then you're not
going to be making mistakes that you need to make so that, "Okay, I
didn't get this right. I don't ____________ know this yet, but let me
correct it here." Anytime you learn something, it's __________ and
___________. If you're not making mistakes, you're not learning.

Hoa / Vietnam
I think a good student should be hard -working ____________, and
they should _________, you know, students should be eager to study
which means that they should _____________ their study and then try
to start learning by themselves, not like depending on the teacher, and

76 WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta
you know, just doing what they are told to do. They have to you know
be a _____________, and I think they should have the
_______________ to study, so that would make a good student.

Mauro / Brazil
Well, what makes a good student? First of all, I think what makes a
good student the will to learn what you are studying because if you are
studying just because you need and you don't really learn how to love
what you're studying, I don't think you're going to make much
______________ about what you're doing, so you need the
____________ of what you're studying.



1. (A) His mother was on her lunch break.

(B) His mother can’t talk about her new job.
(C) His mother doesn’t like going to lunch.
(D) His mother’s new job keeps her busy.

2. (A) She thinks the man should drive to town.

(B) she likes to pass cars.
(C) The man should mind his own business.
(D) The traffic won’t be detoured after tomorrow.

3. (A) See his professor about the paper.

(B) Try to get better grades.
(C) Be on time for his appointment.
(D) Pick a different topic for his paper.

4. (A) She doesn’t like fresh vegetables.

(B) She doesn’t have time to go to the market.
(C) She has already been shopping.
(D) She only has enough for herself.

5. (A) She prefers to exercise in the morning.

(B) It’s important to warm up before exercising.
(C) The man should start runnning daily.
(D) The man should continue his exercise program.

WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 77

6. (A) The party doesn’t interest him.
(B) He may already have plans.
(C) He’d like to bring a guest to the party.
(D) He’d rather come another time.

7. (A) She is embarrased.

(B) She had forgotten all about the test.
(C) She just got one question correct.
(D) She is very pleased.

8. (A) He prefers to go to the concert tonight.

(B) He doesn’t like to go to movies at night.
(C) The others should do what they like.
(D) they should go to more movies and concerts this year.

9. (A) The books slipped off the table.

(B) he forgot to get the books.
(C) he reminded Ron about the books.
(D) Ron should pick up the books.

10. (A) She left them at home.

(B) She needs them right now.
(C) They might be hard to read.
(D) They are incomplete.

11. (A) Wait until the sale is now.

(B) Watch for the ad on television.
(C) Return his suit to Conrad’s.
(D) Buy a new suit.

12. (A) The woman should return his tape player by Friday.
(B) The woman should buy him a new player.
(C) By Friday she should be able to borrow a tape player.
(D) he can’t wait until Friday for exams.

13. (A) Start looking forward to her history class.

(B) Mail her letters immediately.
(C) Stop thinking about her exams.
(D) Study instead of writing letters.

14. (A) She ‘s looking forward to her history class.

(B) She’s surprised how long her reading assignment is.
(C) She thinks the book is too expensive.
(D) She’s late for her history class.

78 WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta
15. (A) She is away for a few years.
(B) She recently hurt herself.
(C) She tore her skirt on a book.
(D) She seldom stops studying.

16. (A) Sit further back.

(B) Sit closer together.
(C) Find their reserved seats.
(D) Find seats closer to the screen.

17. (A) His paycheck is late.

(B) The book bag is too expensive.
(C) He can’t lend the woman any money.
(D) The woman doesn’t need a new book bag.

18. (A) Buy an Italian cookbook.

(B) Go to an Italian restaurant.
(C) Take a night flight to Italy instead.
(D) Cook some Italian dishes on Saturday.

19. (A) Move to a cheaper apartment.

(B) Find a person to share their apartment.
(C) Hire a new worker.
(D) Write an accurate description of a friend.

20. (A) The man should buy a watch in a jewelry store.

(B) The jewelry store doesn’t have a good selection of watches.
(C) The man has been looking at poorly made watches.
(D) The watches in the jewelry store are even more expensive.

21. (A) He isn’t ready to work on the next lab experiment.

(B) He’s surprised the woman chose him.
(C) He doesn’t understand why the experiment didn’t work.
(D) Finding a lab partner is difficult.

22. (A) Both games are played worldwide.

(B) Chess is more difficult.
(C) Both games can be learned by children.
(D) He can’t compare the two games.

23. (A) All of the applicants received fellowships.

(B) The dean is waiting to see her.
(C) Her fellowship is being delayed until her grades are available.
(D) Her fellowship was announced first.

WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 79

24. (A) He can’t see very well.
(B) He’s not feeling well.
(C) His eye doesn’t hurt very much.
(D) His eye isn’t healing very quickly.

25. (A) Join an engineering firm.

(B) Start his own company.
(C) Join the woman in graduate school.
(D) Go to business school.

26. (A) He should move the desk back.

(B) He should go to the doctor.
(C) He should have had someone help him.
(D) He should have known the desk was heavy.

27. (A) Buy a new television for the woman.

(B) Check to see if the woman’s television has been repaired.
(C) Fix the woman’s television.
(D) Order parts for the woman’s television.

28. (A) He wants to learn to play the clarinet.

(B) He wants to play in the band.
(C) His hand is performing next week.
(D) He wan’t playing very loudly.

29. (A) She also plans to get a pet.

(B) Dan is allergic to cats.
(C) Animals will soon be allowed in Dan’s building.
(D) Dan will get a lift to his apartment from a relative.

30. (A) He wants to know how the concert was.

(B) He disagrees with the woman.
(C) He likes to play the piano.
(D) He also enjoed the music.

80 WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta
A. Mark the main stress in the words below. Then listen and check the answers.

1. advert/ advertisement
2. popular/ popularity
3. celebrate/ celebrity
4. music/ musician
5. photograph/ photographer
6. organise/ organisation
7. publish/ publicity

B. Write down the words from the phonetic transcription below. Then pronunce
the words and mind the word stress.

1. əˈdɪktɪd :
2. ˈleɪzɪ :
3. ˈfænsɪ :
4. əˈtræktɪv :
5. ˈtɔ:kətɪv :

C. Can you say this proverb? What does the proverb mean?

/n∂Ʊ nju:z Iz gƱd nju:z/


Fill in the empty blanks based on the song that you will hear!

She Will Be Loved

Maroon 5

Beauty queen of only eighteen __________ (1)

__________ (2) some trouble with herself
He was always there to help her, she
Always __________ (3) to someone else

I drove for miles and miles and __________ (4) up

at your door
I've __________ (5) you so many times but somehow I want more


I don't mind __________ (6) everyday

__________ (7) on your corner in the pourin' rain

WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 81

Look __________ (8) the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay __________ (9)
And she will be __________ (10) 2x

__________ (11) on my window, knock on my door, I

Want to make you __________ (12) beautiful
I know I __________ (13) to get so __________ (14)
It doesn't __________ (15) anymore

It's not always rainbows and butterflies

It's __________ (16) that moves __________ (17) along yeah
My heart is __________ (18), and my door's always open
You can come anytime you want yeah


I know where you __________ (19) __________ (20) in your car

__________ (21) all of the things that make you who you are
I know that goodbye means nothing at all
Comes back and makes me __________ (22) her every time she
__________ (23)

Yeah, __________ (24) on my window, knock on my door, I

Want to make you __________ (25) beautiful


Please don't try so hard to say good-bye

I don't mind spendin' everyday, out on your corner in the pourin' rain
Please don't try so hard to say good-bye
Songwriters: Adam Levine / James Valentine / James B. Valentine / Jesse Royal
Carmichael / Michael Allen Madden / Mickey Madden / Ryan Michael

A. Find out the passive sentence and change it into active form from the lyrics!

B. Identify the theme and paraphrase the lyrics!

82 WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta

WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 83

Kompetensi Dasar Indikator

Memahami makna 1. Merespon makna dalam 1. Diperdengarkan sebuah

dalam teks percakapan transaksional percakapan, siswa
percakapan (to get things done) dan mampu memilih
transaksional dan interpersonal jawaban yang benar.
interpersonal resmi (bersosialisasi) secara
dan berlanjut akurat, lancar dan 2. Diperdengarkan sebuah
(sustained) dalam berterima yang percakapan, siswa
konteks kehidupan menggunakan ragam mampu melengkapi
sehari-hari bahasa lisan dan teks dialog rumpang.
(mendengarkan) melibatkan tindak tutur:
menyesali, 3. Siswa menjawab
mengungkapkan/ pertanyaan berdasarkan
menanyakan rencana, monolog yang
tujuan, maksud, diperdengarkan.
memprediksi, berspekulasi
dan memberikan 4. Diberikan beberapa
penilaian. kata, siswa mampu
menemukan salah satu
2. Merespon makna dalam lafal berbeda dari kata-
percakapan transaksional kata yang diberikan.
(to get things done) dan
interpersonal 5. Diperdengarkan sebuah
(bersosialisasi) resmi dan lagu, siswa mampu
berlanjut (sustained) melengkapi lagu dengan
secara akurat, lancer dan lirik yang benar.
berterima dalam konteks
kehidupan sehari-hari dan 6. Diberikan beberapa
melibatkan tindak tutur: pertanyaan quiz, siswa
mengungkapkan rasa mampu menjawab quiz
suka. dengan benar.

WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 85



Answer the following questions about the interview.

1) She does not like it when _____ .

a) computers crash
b) students get distracted
c) the computer is slow

2) He likes computers for _____ .

a) getting info
b) typing papers
c) listening to audio

3) How do he feel about phones in the classroom?

a) He loves it
b) He hates it
c) He has mixed feelings

4) Most of her students use _____ dictionary.

a) their phone's
b) an electronic
c) an internet

5) Who has taken phones away?

a) She has a few times
b) He has once
c) Another teacher has


Peter: So Sarah, tell me, you're teaching right now, could you give me your
opinion on computer use in the classroom, like ______________ it in
your classes, what do you think about that?
Sarah: I think it's good when there's ______________ activities that are
______________ to using computers. But when you're trying to do an
activity that's not on a computer in a classroom that has computers, it's
very difficult to get your students' ______________ because they're

WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 87

often ______________ by doing something else on the internet, they
shouldn't be doing.
Peter: Oh, I totally agree, I often have that problem, it feels like I'm speaking
to a ______________ of ghosts. I have no ______________ that
they're talking to me or looking at me or doing anything that they
should be doing, so it's really hard. I find it really hard. But I agree also,
I think computers can be so ______________ in the classroom,
especially if you have to do a ______________ activity where
students have to find information and listening activities where they can
listen to ______________ listenings and things like that, you know.
Sarah: Yeah. So what do you think about cell phones in the classroom, do you
let your students use them? Because maybe they have an
______________ dictionary of some sort on their mobile phone. So is
that okay, or no cell phones, what do you do?
Peter: Ah, that's a ______________ topic. I think sometimes I find it really
useful if students have their ______________ with them and they can
do a quick online search of something that they want to do, especially
words they want to ______________ ______________. So the
dictionary use I think is quite useful for students. But on the other hand
I always have to kind of keep a ______________ eye and see what
students exactly are up to, you know, they sometimes start playing a
game or they sit on ______________ and sit writing notes to their
friends and messages come and go. So yeah, I'm always not sure
exactly how to ______________ it, but most of the time my students
are pretty good. So they seem to use it mostly for ______________.
Sarah: Oh, that's good, yeah.
Peter: Yeah. How about your students?
Sarah: Yeah, some of my students use it for ... they have a dictionary on there
that they use. But I think though, most of them have a
______________ electronic dictionary that's only a dictionary. And I
much prefer it when they use that because then I know they are really
just looking at a word and not on Facebook or doing something else like
you just ______________, so.
Peter: Have you ever taken cell phones ______________ in class from
Sarah: No, not yet, I haven't had to, usually when I walk around the room they
put it away very ______________ if they are doing something they
are not ______________ to be doing. And if they are using it to look
up a word then they have no problem with me seeing what they are
doing, so, end of class.

88 WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta
Peter: I heard about a teacher the other day, he said he's got a
______________ that he collects cell phones with at the
______________ of class, and he puts them on his front desk and
then at the end of class he gives them back. But I thought, wow, that's
quite ______________ I thought. I don't know if I would do that, how
about you?
Sarah: Yeah. I would be worried that some students would forget their phones
and then the ______________ with trying to get them their phone
back and all of that, it might not be worth the ______________.
Peter: Yeah, I probably would agree with that.


Direction : In this part of the test, you will hear 30 short conversations between
two people. The conversation will not be printed in your test book. You will hear
the conversations only once so you must listen carefully to understand what the
speakers are saying. In your test book, you will read the questions about each
conversation. The question will be followed by four answers. You ought to
choose the best answer to each question and mark it on your answer sheet.

51. Where are they?

A. At a bus stop
B. On a train
C. In a car
D. At a game

52. What does the man want?

A. Imported magazines.
B. Two paperback books
C. Greeting cards
D. A foreign car

53. Where are they?

A. In an engine room
B. In an airplane
C. In a car
D. In a factory

54. What is known about Paul?

A. He can build houses.
B. He is an architect.
C. He teaches
D. He understands blueprints.

WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 89

55. What is known about the new employee?
A. He is often sick
B. He is an asset to the company
C. He knows the manager
D. He rarely returns phone calls

56. Where are they?

A. In an airport
B. In a hotel
C. In an office
D. In a restaurant
57. What do these women do for living?
A. They are office clerks
B. They are architects
C. They are caterers
D. They are printers

58. How did Sam get hurt?

A. He was in the sun too long
B. He was playing sports with friends
C. He tripped while walking on the beach
D. He ran into another car

59. Where is the key?

A. In the closet door.
B. In the key rack.
C. Beside the water fountain
D. On the filing cabinet

60. How will the correct price be determined?

A. By calling the company
B. By asking the sales rep.
C. By looking at the price list
D. By checking Anthony’s invoice

61. What are they doing now?

A. Swimming
B. Hiking
C. Bicycling
D. Running

90 WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta
62. Why is Sue upset?
A. Someone broke into her car
B. She had to pay too much for parking
C. She had and accident downtown
D. Someone stole her concert tickets

63. What is Emily going to do?

A. Join a fishing club
B. Go and eat in a restaurant
C. Cook the swordfish
D. Prepare a report

64. Why are there no labels?

A. The labels were mailed to the wrong address
B. They were emptied out of the cabinet
C. The marketing clerk forgot to order them.
D. They were all used for a large promotion.

65. What is the man considering?

A. Hiring a new director
B. Investing in Shun door
C. Setting a new track record
D. Becoming a broker

66. What are they talking about?

A. What to eat for lunch
B. Whether or not to eat out
C. The time the delivery came
D. The cost of the confidence

67. Where is the house located?

A. In the city Centre
B. In the downtown area
C. In the suburbs
D. In a distant province

68. What happened to Raul?

A. He cut himself with a kitchen knife
B. He wasn’t given any help
C. He hurt himself cutting paper
D. He tripped while hurrying

WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 91

69. What is the problem?
A. The walls need maintenance
B. The carpeting needs to be replaced
C. The volume is too low
D. The office is too noisy

70. What is the purpose of the ads?

A. To increase interest in engineering
B. To expose the condition of the sewer system
C. To promote municipal bonds
D. To support new bridge and tunnel construction

71. What is broken?

A. The computer
B. The air-conditioner
C. The telephone
D. The fax machine

72. Where are they?

A. In a restaurant
B. In an automobile
C. In a hotel
D. In a train car

73. What does the man want to do?

A. Be shown about the islands
B. Buy a guide book
C. Ride in a boat
D. Put up six signs

74. What is the man interest in?

A. The size of the ware house
B. The location of the conveyor belt
C. How many service elevators there are
D. How big the inventory is

75. What does the woman want?

A. A timetable
B. An earlier training session
C. The express mail service
D. The fast train

92 WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta
76. What is Jerry’s job?
A. He is a copier technician
B. He is a sales representative
C. He is a mover
D. He is a lecturer

77. What is Bart concerned about?

A. Preparing the report on time
B. An inspection by the chairman of the board
C. Whether or not he can help Judith
D. Convincing all five people to go to the meeting

78. What is the woman suggesting?

A. That the man reads more
B. That he should take his time
C. That flying is better
D. That Paris is very expensive

79. How many changes were made to win the bid?

A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four

80. Who is the man talking to?

A. A baker’s delivery service
B. An office supply store salesperson
C. A floral designer
D. A bookstore salesperson


Read and sound these words and decide which word has different pronunciation.
1. Church : Match : Technique ; Nature : Teacher
2. Thing ; Author ; Path ; Sunbathe ; Faith
3. Judge ; Dagger ; Age ; Soldier ; Bridge
4. This ; Other ; Smooth ; Mother ; Teaser
5. Strut ; Mud ; Love ; Blood ; Snap
6. Fleece ; Sea ; Machine ; Spill ; Deed
7. Meant ; Face ; Day ; Break ; Pain
8. Near ; Here ; Spread ; Weary ; Beard
9. Choice ; Boy ; Deploy ; Destroy ; Sole
10.Goat ; Show ; Douche ; No ; Plough

WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 93


Creed - With Arms Wide Open

Well I just heard the _____________ today
It seems my life is _____________ to change
I close my eyes, begin to _____________
Then tears of joy _____________down my face

With arms wide open

under the _____________
welcome to this _____________
i'll show you _____________
With arms wide open
With arms wide open

Well I don't know if I'm _____________

To be the _____________I have to be
I'll take a _____________, I'll take her by my side
We stand in _____________, we've created life

With arms wide open

Under the _____________
Welcome to this _____________
I'll show you _____________
With arms wide open
Now everything has _____________
I'll show you _____________
I'll show you _____________
With arms wide open
With arms wide open

I'll show you _____________

Oh yeah
With arms wide open
Wide open

If I had just one _____________

Only one _____________
I _____________he's not like me
I hope he _____________
That he can take this _____________
And hold it by the _____________

94 WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta
And he can _____________the world
With arms wide open

With Arms wide open

Under the _____________
Welcome to this _____________
I'll show you _____________
With arms wide open
Now everything has _____________
I'll show you _____________
I'll show you _____________
With arms wide open

With arms wide open

I'll show you _____________oh yeah
With arms wide open
wide open


1. Who makes it, has no need of it.

Who buys it, has no use for it
Who uses it can neither see nor feel it
What is it?
Answer : _____________________________

2. What can travel around the world while staying in a corner?

Answer: ______________________________

3. I’m tall when I’m young and I’m short when I’m old. What am I?
Answer: ______________________________

4. What has hands but can not clap?

Answer: ______________________________

5. You can drop me from the tallest building and I’ll be fine, but if you drop me
in water I die. What am I?
Answer: ______________________________

6. What has a head and a tail but no body?

Answer: ______________________________

7. What has an eye but can not see?

Answer: ______________________________

WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 95

8. What gets wetter and wetter the more it dries?
Answer: ______________________________

9. Paul’s height is six feet. He’s an assistant at a butcher’s shop, and wears size
9 shoes. What does he weigh?
Answer: ______________________________

10.There was a green house. Inside the green house there was a white house.
Inside the white house there was a red house. Inside the red house there
were lots of babies. What is it?
Answer: ______________________________

11.What kind of room has no doors or windows?

Answer: ______________________________

12.What kind of tree can you carry in your hand?

Answer: ______________________________

96 WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta
 Memahami  Merespon makna dalam 1. Siswa melengkapi
makna dalam percakapan transaksional kalimat rumpang dengan kata
percakapan (to get things done) dan yang tepat sesuai pilihan
transaksional interpersonal jawaban yang disediakan.
dan interpersonal (bersosialsasi) resmi dan
dalam konteks tak resmi secara akurat, 2. Siswa menentukan
kehidupan lancar, dan berterima urutan topic yang dibicarakan
sehari-hari yang menggunakan berdasarkan rekaman yang
ragam bahasa lisan diperdengarkan.
sederhana dalam
berbagai konteks 3. Siswa melengkapi teks
kehidupan sehari-hari berdasarkan rekaman
dan me libatkan tindak teks/percakapan yang
tutur : menyesali, diperdengarkan.
mengungkapkan /
menanyakan rencana, 4. Siswa memilih jawaban
tujuan, maksud, yang tepat berdasarkan
memprediksi, rekaman teks / percakapan (
berspwkulasi dan soal IELTS ) yang
memberikan penilaian diperdengarkan.

 Merespon makna dalam 5. Siswa melengkapi

percakapan transaksional kalimat rumpang dengan kata
( to get things done ) yang sesuai berdasarkan
dan interpersonal ( pilihan jawaban yang
bersosialisasi ) resmi dan disediakan.
tak resmi secara akurat,
lancar, dan berterima 6. Siswa menjawab
yang menggunakan pertanyaan berdasarkan
ragam bahasa lisan pilihan jawaban yang
sederhana dalam disediakan.
berbagai konteks
kehidupan sehari-hari. 7. Siswa melengkapi lirik
lagu berdasarkan rekaman
lagu yang diperdengarkan.

WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 97

A. Preparation
Complete the idioms with a word from the box
done stone worth worth
struck pulse tied door

1. for what it's _______________ (= used when you are not sure that what
you are saying is useful)
2. easier said than
_______________ (= used when you think something is a
good idea but might be difficult to do)
3. to prove your (= to show that you have something
_______________ valuable to contribute)

4. to have your finger on the (= to know about recent changes and

_______________ fashions)

5. to get your foot in the

_______________ (= to enter a business at a low level with
the chance of being successful later)
6. a stepping _______________ (= an event or experience that helps you
achieve something else)
7. to be star-_______________
(= to feel enormous or too much respect
for famous people, especially when meeting
them in person)

8. to be tongue- (= to find it hard to express yourself in

_______________ speech, usually because you are nervous)

B. Check your understanding: ordering

Write a number (1-6) to put these topics in the order that we hear
them in the talk.
…………. Keeping networking as much as possible
…………. Starting to make contacts
…………. How to treat celebrities
…………. Showing music industry bosses that you are worth employing
…………. The different jobs available in the music industry
…………. Using social networks to project the right image to employers

WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 99

C. Check your vocabulary: gap fill
Complete the sentences according to the talk. Use no more than two
words for each answer.
1. In the music industry, qualifications are much less important than
2. When you are starting off in the business, the most important thing is to
3. If you are lucky, you might get work as a paid _______________.
4. You can impress people in the company if you have a _______________.
5. An easy way to network could be to find someone you admire and
6. Make sure that everything you post on social media reflects the
_______________ you want to project.
7. One of the exciting things about the music industry is that things are
changing _______________.
8. When you meet a celebrity you should treat him or her as a client and try
not to be _______________.

D. Completion: How to break into the music industry

Complete the following conversation.
Jeff Seagle: Hi everybody. I’m Jeff Seagle. Good to see so many people here.
As you know, I’ve been asked to come along and give you some
advice about how to break into the music industry. And before I
start, I’d better make it clear that this talk is for people wanting
to work with and for ……………………. (1), not to actually be
……………………. (2), OK?
Right, so I’ve been in the music biz for quite a number of years
now, and I’ve worked with a lot of amazing people. So here are
my tips, for what they’re worth. First of all, I know a lot of you
are thinking about further degrees, but forget the MBA. This
business is much more about experience than ……………………. (3),
so it’s better to start working as soon as you can. Easier said than
done, you might say, but I’m talking about any kind of relevant
work experience.
Don’t panic – you can start small! Go along to your local music
venue or a small music company in your home town and see if
there’s anything you can do. It could just be selling tickets on the
door – you’ll get to meet people and one thing might lead to
another. Obviously ……………………. ……………………. (4) is better
than unpaid, but you have to start somewhere. You need to be in

100 WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta

an environment where you are learning stuff and making
contacts. Ah, a question already – yes?

Girl A: What about being an ……………………. (5)? Are there many

internships available nowadays?

Jeff Seagle: There definitely are some. Not a huge number — as you know,
it’s a very competitive industry, but the bigger companies
certainly do take on people. And if you get your foot in the door
at a big place you’ve really got to prove your ……………………. (6).
Show the ……………………. (7) that you have some kind of unique
skill or knowledge. Maybe something to do with social
networking, or even knowledge of the music scene in the place
you grew up. If you possibly can, let them see that you have
something special to offer, and with any luck, they’ll keep you on.
Remember that ……………………. (8) often want interns because
they’re young and have their ……………………. (9) on the
……………………. (10). Show them that you know what’s going on,
what people are listening to, how to find new acts, and so on.
Find a cool ……………………. (11) that they don’t know about. OK,
another question?

Boy: How important is networking?

Jeff Seagle: Meeting people and making connections is absolutely

……………………. (12). If people see you as an ……………………. (13)
'networker', if they think you’re just using them, that’s not so
good. Nobody wants to feel like a …………………….… ………………….
(14) in someone else’s ……………………. (15). But people are often
willing to give younger people the benefit of their experience and,
of course, we’re all susceptible to a bit of ……………………. (16). So,
my advice is to find people in the business you genuinely admire
and ask them questions. If you’re an intern, start with your boss,
then move on to others in the building, after getting your boss’s
permission. It’s also good to chat to anyone who shares your
passion for music, people on the door in clubs, band members,
fans or music ……………………. (17). You never know what
information might be useful or which contact may help you in the
future. Oh, and one other point about networking, bear in mind
that nowadays the personal and professional lines are sometimes
……………………. (18). That means that anything you post online

WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 101

for your friends to see can also be seen by potential professional
contacts. Make sure that everything people can see about you
……………………. (19) the ……………………. (20) you want to project.
Next question from over there?

Girl B: You’ve talked about the music industry, but I’m not sure what
kind of jobs are available exactly. Could you give some examples?

Jeff Seagle: Sure, and that’s a good point. You need to work out what you’re
best at, and what you feel most ……………………. (21) about, and
let that guide your career path. It could be working in publicity,
promoting artists; working in A&R (that stands for Artists and
Repertoire), discovering new talent and matching artists up with
musical collaborators; booking acts for TV shows; helping a new
band become successful by working with their …………………….
(22) team. And of course, now there are hundreds of jobs
connected to the internet. You could be managing a website or
blogging for a label. Or social media manager for a band –
running their social media channels. Things are changing so fast
– a lot of the music portals we use today have only been in
……………………. (23) a short time. Who knows what’s coming
next and what new jobs will be created?

Girl B: Thanks, that’s really useful. I also wanted to ask how you deal
with celebrities. Have you worked with many?

Jeff Seagle: Yep, quite a few. The main thing is not to be …………………….
(24), just ……………………. (25) them as clients, it’s a business
relationship. If you get tongue-tied and clam up, everyone will
feel awkward. The other thing is that the unknown singer of
today could be the star of tomorrow, so you need to treat
everyone with respect. I remember, right ....

102 WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta

E. IELTS Practice
Questions 11-16
Complete the table below.

Ticket type Ticket cost

(11) _______________
Adult’s ticket

Child’s ticket
(12) _______________
(for children between 5
and 15 years)

*Children under (13)

_______________ years
Reduced tariff
(14) _______________
(for full-time students and
disabled visitors)
(15) _______________
(can be used by up to 2 55 pounds
adults and 3 children)
(16) _______________
Annual membership

Questions 17-20
Complete the information about ordering tickets below. Write NO MORE THAN
TWO WORDS for each answer.
• The easiest way, is to buy your tickets (17) _______________.Make sure
that you receive a (18) _______________ of your booking!
• The second way is to book your tickets (19) _______________.
• If you don’t want to plan your visit in advance, you can simply purchase the
tickets (20) _______________ in ticket kiosks.

F. Vocabulary Quiz
Fill in the blanks with the correct definition.
1. A single sound, either sung or played on an instrument, is a _________ .
2. The sound quality that makes a note seem high or low is called _________ .
3. A series of notes played repeatedly by musicians when they practice is a
_________ .
4. Three or more notes played or sung together is called a _________ .
5. The regular, repeating pulse in music that we tap along to is the _________ .

WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 103

6. The varying pattern of strong and weak beats that drives music forward is the
_________ .
7. A series of notes that sound good when played or sung one after the other is
_________ .
8. The pleasing sound created when notes that go together are played is called
_________ .
9. The quality of a sound, like a flute's breathy sound or a trumpet's brassy
sound, is its _________ .
10. The words of a song are called the _________ .

beat chord harmony lyrics melody note pitch

rhythm scale timbre

Choose the best answer.

1. Popular music genres like the blues, jazz and R&B first developed in _______
A. Europe
B. South America
C. the USA

2. The blues and jazz developed when aspects of European and _______ music
were combined.
A. Asian
B. African
C. Middle Eastern

3. Jazz musicians can create new music spontaneously while playing. This is called
A. improvising
B. harmonizing
C. jazzing up

4. Which style of jazz became the most popular form of dance music in the 1940s?
A. swing
B. bebop
C. modal jazz

5. Rhythm and blues music was mostly played in _______

A. churches
B. bars and clubs
C. concert halls

104 WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta

6. Which is a slow romantic song that tells a story?
A. a hymn
B. a rock'n'roll song
C. a ballad

7. Rock'n'roll was very popular among _______ in the 1950s.

A. classical musicians
B. jazz lovers
C. teenagers

8. What is a best-selling song called?

A. a hit
B. a single
C. a record

9. What do we call an ordered collection of songs released together as a vinyl

record or sound file?
A. a single
B. an album
C. a release

10. Best-selling hits are songs that reach the top of

A. the charts
B. the playlist
C. the mixtape

Fill in the missing lyrics (HANDS BY JEWELL)
If I could tell the world just one thing
It would be that we're all OK
And not to worry 'cause worry is 1._______
And useless in times like these

I won't be made useless

I won't be 2.______ with despair
I will gather myself around my 3._______
For light does the 4.______ most fear

WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 105

My hands are small, I know
But they're not yours, they are my own 2x
And I am never broken

5______ stole your golden shoes

It didn't steal your 6._______
And 7. _________ came to visit me
But I 8._______ it wasn't ever after

We'll fight, not out of 9._______

For someone must 10._______ for what's right
'Cause where there's a man who has no 11.______
There ours shall go singing (back to reff)

In the end only kindness matters 2x

I will get down on my knees, and I will pray 3x (back to reff)

106 WORKBOOK 3 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XI - BPK PENABUR Jakarta

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