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Workbook 5



Workbook 5 Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas XII

Tim Penyusun : Chapter 1 :Bonaventura Dono Wiratmo

Chapter 2 :Theresia Mega
Chapter 3 :Nelly Pardede
Chapter 4 :Azaria Devina & Alfred Yohanes
Chapter 5 :Widanti Septiyani &
Yohannes de Britto Rudiantoro
Chapter 6 : Septian Bonardo
Chapter 7 : Putu Rizki Saputra
Chapter 8 : Onna Hartati
Chapter 9 : Andreas S. P. & Dimas Andhika
Chapter 10 : Yustina Atik Suswanti

Tim Desain Grafis : Bagian Desain Multimedia

Copyright @ 2020 BPK PENABUR Jakarta

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Kami bersyukur kepada Tuhan Yesus Kristus yang telah

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Jakarta, April 2020

Enche Wijaya

Kepala Jenjang SLTA

Daftar Isi

Kata Pengantar ……………………………………………………………………………. i

Daftar Isi ……………………………………………………………………………………… ii

Chapter 1………………………………………………………………………………………. 1

Chapter 2………………………………………………………………………………………. 15

Chapter 3………………………………………………………………………………………. 27

Chapter 4………………………………………………………………………………………. 39

Chapter 5………………………………………………………………………………………. 47

Chapter 6 ……………………………………………………………………………………… 57

Chapter 7………………………………………………………………………………………. 67

Chapter 8………………………………………………………………………………………. 77

Chapter 9………………………………………………………………………………………. 89

Chapter 10 ……………………………………………………………………………………. 101

Kompetensi Dasar Indikator

Memahami makna 1. Merespon makna dalam 1. Disajikan sebuah kuesioner,

dalam teks percakapan transaksional (to siswa mampu mengisi
percakapan get things done) dan kuesioner dengan jawaban
transaksional dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) yang berkaitan dengan
interpersonal resmi secara akurat, lancar dan kesehatan.
dan berlanjut berterima yang 2. Diperdengarkan sebuah
(sustained) dalam menggunakan ragam bahasa dialog, siswa mampu
konteks kehidupan lisan dan melibatkan tindak mengisi tabel, soal isian
sehari-hari tutur: menyesali, singkat dan mempelajari
(mendengarkan) mengungkapkan/ ekspresi menawarkan
menanyakan rencana, tujuan, barang atau jasa.
maksud, memprediksi, 3. Diperdengarkan lima
berspekulasi dan memberikan monolog sederhana, siswa
penilaian. mampu menjodohkan
setiap monolog dengan
gambar yang disediakan.
4. Diperdengarkan dialog
mengenai memesan
makanan di restoran, siswa
2. Merespon makna dalam
mampu melengkapi kalimat
percakapan transaksional (to
rumpang dengan tepat.
get things done) dan
5. Diperdengarkan sebuah
interpersonal (bersosialisasi)
monolog, siswa dapat
resmi dan berlanjut
menentukan benar/salah
(sustained) secara akurat,
dari setiap pernyataan yang
lancer dan berterima dalam
konteks kehidupan sehari-
6. Diperdengarkan sebuah
hari dan melibatkan tindak
wawancara, siswa dapat
tutur: mengungkapkan rasa
menempatkan pilihan kata
pada kategori yang tepat.
7. Diperdengarkan beberapa
dialog/monolog dalam tes
IELTS, siswa dapat
memberikan jawaban yang
8. Diperdengarkan sebuah
lagu, siswa dapat
melengkapi lirik yang

WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 1


TASK 1:How Healthy Are You Really? Let’s get to know how healthy you
are by choosing one of the options below.

What is your go-to breakfast item?

1. Oatmeal with fruit
2. Eggs and toast
3. Who eats breakfast? Wait, I think it’s a cup of coffee for me.

How much do you move around daily?

1. I work out daily
2. I try to bike or walk whenever I can
3. Does walking to the fridge count?

Choose a pizza.
1. Pass. Pizza is the enemy.
2. Veggie
3. Meat lovers

How often do you eat fast food?

1. Never
2. Once a week
3. Every day

What would you ideal workout be like?

1. A good 5-mile run, gym, zumba
2. Power walking through the park
3. Clicking the TV remote and cuddling with a bag of
potato chips

Which item do you think has the highest calories?

1, One oz of dark chocolate
2. Eight pieces of chicken tenders
3. One large serving of french fries

How many times a year do you visit the doctor?

1.’s been a few years.
2. Two or three times a year.
3. I’m always sick, so, on the regular.

WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 3

How often do you take vitamins?
1. Everyday
2. Sometimes
3. Never

What’s your choice of drink?

1. Water. I must keep hydrated!
2. Juice. That’s how I get my daily servings of fruit.
3. Regular soda, because it’s the good stuff.

Are you a smoker?

1. Not at all! / No, I quit smoking.
2. Kind of. I am more of a social smoker.
3. Yes, I smoke regularly.

There’s a cookie on the floor. How do you respond?

1. Who cares? Maybe someone’s dog ate it.
2. I feel deeply sad because the cookie was wasted.
3. Brush off the dirt and eat it.

What is your day-to-day level of stress?

1. None. Nothing I can’t handle.
2. I get regular panic attacks.
3. Life is pain.

What’s your score? _________

What does your score tell you?

12–20: You’re VERY HEALTHY.

Congrats, you scream health!
Although life can get hectic, you
always make the time to be active
and make healthy food choices.
Some people may think you’re a bit
too restrictive, but you know your
body better than anyone else. You
like being fit, but you also indulge a
little on special occasions. There’s no
shame in your health game.

4 WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta

You may watch what you eat, but
you also prefer to lounge around all
day. Being dormant is not good for
your muscles, so it’s time to get
serious and hit the gym. Make a
playlist and toss those excuses out
the window because your lifestyle
needs a healthier adjustment. Focus
on the bigger picture regarding your
fitness and avoid that sweet tooth
whtn you can!


You are a notorious couch potato who loves Netflix and hates working out. It’s
time to put on your running shoes and start paying more attention to your food
choices. Learning how to cook and easing into a daily workout routine is the best
way to go. You can do it! Just remember not to get in your own way.

Adapted from:

WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 55

TASK 2: Ordering Burger!

A. Do this exercise before you listen. Write the words in the correct

Banana cake Cola Ice cream Water

Apple tart Apple juice Four cheeses pizza Cheese burger
Chicken curry and rice Orange juice Chocolate cake Seafood salad with bread


B. Now listen to the recording. Do this exercise while you listen.

1. For his main course, Andi chooses _______________

2. For dessert, Andi chooses _______________
3. To drink, Andi chooses _______________
4. Andi sits at table _______________
5. How much does Andi’s meal cost? _______________
6. How much change will Andy get back? _______________

C. Study the expressions of offering things/services.

Listen to the recording again and write a number (1-5) to put the questions
in the order you hear them.
…………. Anything else?
…………. A cheese burger or double cheese burger?
…………. What would you like?
…………. Would you like a drink?
…………. What’s your table number?

TASK 3: WHERE TO EAT. Listen to these people deciding where to eat.

Match the person(s) with their chosen place by writing a letter
in the box below each picture.

6 WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta


4 5

TASK 4: IN A RESTAURANT. Listen to the recording and fill the gaps.

1. Before the meal, Philip has ____________ to drink, and Anne has
2. A Greek salad is made of cucumber, ____________, ____________ and
3. Wiener Schnitzel is a thin piece of ____________ coated in egg and
____________, fried in oil.
4. A Spanish omelette is made of eggs, ____________, and ____________.
5. Lasagne al forno is thin ____________ of ____________ and
____________ sauce with a béchamel sauce, baked in the ____________
with ____________ on top.
6. Moules mariniere are mussels cooked in ____________ with onions and a
little ____________. You can have it as a ____________ or as a
7. Rosti is ____________ potatoes, ____________ and onions fried together.
You can have it with two ____________ on top as a main course.
8. Anne orders ____________ as a starter and ____________ as a main
course with a ____________ salad.
9. Philip orders ____________ as a starter and ____________ as a main
10. With the meal, Anne has ____________ to drink.

WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 7

TASK 5: TRUE, FALSE, OR NOT MENTIONED? Listen to the recording and
decide whether each statement below is True (T), False (F), or
Not Mentioned (NM)

1. The speaker likes to eat steak.

2. Ice cream is also considered as a dairy product.
3. The speaker hates some kinds of vegetables.
4. Orange is an example of seasonal fruits.
5. The speaker’s mom loves to make a peach pie every day.
6. Fresh fruit and vegetables do not grow well in Canada.
7. In United States, meat and fish are pretty plentiful.
8. The speaker’s parents love to eat spaghetti and lasagna.
9. The speaker loves to travel around the world to taste foods from different
10. Potato chips and candies are actually nutritious.


A. Match the activity with the person who talks about it. Two sports are
not mentioned by either speaker.

table tennis modern dance football cricket

tennis skateboarding kick scooter marathon running
BMX biking Parkour


B. Choose the best answer to these questions.

1. Liam says that Parkour is …

A. a type of military training.
B. a means of jumping off high buildings.
C. a way of overcoming obstacles.
D. a kind of video.

88 WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta

2. Liam’s main job is …
A. to check the bikes are safe.
B. to clean the ramps.
C. to do demonstrations.
D. to teach young people about BMX.

3. Which area did Liam not have training in?

A. giving medical attention.
B. cooking hamburgers.
C. food hygiene.
D. basic accounting.

4. Why did Debbie volunteer the second time?

A. to be more competitive in the job market.
B. to help other people.
C. to complete her degree course.
D. to learn how to train volunteers.

5. Which sport did Debbie not volunteer to help with?

A. cricket
B. swimming
C. table tennis
D. football

6. Debbie and Liam both say that …

A. it’s important to pay people to work in sport.
B. volunteers are often exploited.
C. they love volunteering.
D. volunteers are essential for sport.


SECTION 1 (Questions 1 to 10)

Questions 1 and 2
Complete the notes below.

Example Answer

Type of job required: Part-time

Student is studying ______________________
Student is in the ______________________ year of the course.

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Questions 3 to 5
Complete the table below.
Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

Position Available Where Problem

(3) evening
Receptionist in the ____________________
___________________ in the Child Care Centre too early

(5) evening
Clerical Assistant in the ____________________

Questions 6 to 10
Complete the form below.


Name: Anita Newman

Address: ________________________
Room no. _______________________

Other skills: Speaks some Japanese

Position available: ________________________ at the English
Language Centre

Position available: Respond to enquiries and

Time of interview: Friday at ________________________ a.m.

10 WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta
SECTION 2 (Questions 11 to 20)

Questions 11 and 16
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.


11. On the holiday, you wil be walking for...
A. 6 days.
B. 8 days.
C. 10 days.

12. What proportion of the sponsorship money goes to charity?

Money going to


13. Each walker’s sponsorship money goes to one...

A. student.
B. teacher.
C. school.

14. When you start the trek, you must be...

A. interested in getting fit.
B. already quite fit.
C. already very fit.

15. As you walk, you will carry...

A. all of your belongings.
B. some of your belongings.
C. none of your belongings.

16. The Semira Region has a long tradition of...

A. making carpets.
B. weaving blankets.
C. carving wood.

WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 11

Questions 17 to 20
Complete the form below.
Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.


Day 1 arrive in Kishba

Day 2 rest day

Day 3 spend all day in a _____________________________________

Day 4 visit a school

Day 5 rest day

see a _____________________________________ with old
Day 6

Day 7 rest day

Day 8 swim in a ____________________________

Day 9 visit a _______________________________

Day 10 depart from Kishba

"Stand By Me"
By Oasis

Made a _____________ and threw it up on Sunday
I've got a lot of things to _____________
Said I would and I'll be _____________ one day
Before my heart starts to _____________.

So what's the _____________ with you?
Sing me something _____________.
Don't you know
The cold and _____________ and rain don't know
They only _____________ to come and go away

Times are hard when things have got no _____________
I've found a _____________ upon the floor

12 WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta
Maybe you and I will not _____________ in the things we find behind the

So what's the _____________ with you?
Sing me something _____________.
Don't you know
The cold and _____________ and rain don't know
They only _____________ to come and go away

Stand by me. Nobody knows the way it's gonna be

Stand by me. Nobody knows the way it's gonna be
Stand by me. Nobody knows the way it's gonna be
Stand by me. Nobody knows, yeah, nobody knows the way it's gonna be

If you're _____________ will you take me with you
I'm tired of talking on my _____________
There is one thing I can never _____________ you
My heart will never be your _____________


Maybe I can see, yeah.

Don't you know
The cold and wind and rain don't know
They only seem to come and go away

Hey, hey

WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 13

Kompetensi Dasar Indikator

Memahami makna 1. Merespon makna dalam 1. Diperdengarkan sebuah

dalam teks percakapan transaksional wawancara, siswa
percakapan (to get things done) dan mampu menentukan
transaksional dan interpersonal benar atau salah
interpersonal resmi (bersosialisasi) secara kalimat yang diberikan.
dan berlanjut akurat, lancar dan
2. Diperdengarkan sebuah
(sustained) dalam berterima yang
wawancara, siswa
konteks kehidupan menggunakan ragam
mampu megisi kata
sehari-hari bahasa lisan dan
yang tepat menurut
(mendengarkan) melibatkan tindak tutur:
mengungkapkan/ 3. Siswa mengurutkan
menanyakan rencana, jawaban yang benar
tujuan, maksud, sesuai dialog.
memprediksi, berspekulasi 4. Siswa diperdengarkan
dan memberikan beberapa dialog, siswa
penilaian. menjawab quiz dengan
2. Merespon makna dalam benar.
percakapan transaksional 5. Diperdengarkan sebuah
(to get things done) dan lagu, siswa mampu
interpersonal melengkapi lagu dengan
(bersosialisasi) resmi dan lirik yang benar.
berlanjut (sustained)
6. Siswa mengisi teka teki
secara akurat, lancer dan
silang tentang berbagai
berterima dalam konteks
nama pekerjaan dengan
kehidupan sehari-hari dan
melibatkan tindak tutur:
mengungkapkan rasa

WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 15



Listen to a job interiew tips and decide whether these statements are
True or False.

1. Linda Raynier is a career strategist from

2. Linda is going to interview a hiring managers and ask for a job interview
3. The goal of the talking is that we can get many jobs offers.
4. It is important to talk about your personal and family life during an
5. You should not talk about your life choices in a formal job interview.
6. You can tell to the interviewer why you’re fit to the job and your professional
7. A good work story needs to be attractive, persuasive and complete.
8. There are 4 tips on how to answer “tell me about yourself” interview
9. You should not tell your work history thoroughly to the interviewer.
10. Tell your work history from the first professional job you’ve ever done.
11. Describe your company name, your title, how many years in that role and
your major responsibilities.
12. Accomplishment is something you’ve done to improve your company.


Listen to the job interview between a woman and a man below and fill in
the blanks with the correct words.

Woman : Hi. Thanks for coming to the interview today. It's nice to meet you.

Man : Well, thank you.

Woman : To begin with, why don't you tell us a little about yourself?

Man : Okay. Um, yeah. I've always been interested in teaching in a

language program like this, and uh, I graduated with a degree in
English and _________ eight years ago, [ Oh, really, both? ].
Yeah, and uh then I ________ my first job ________ in Japan.

Woman : Oh, wow. That's _____ __________ . What did you do there?
What kind of work?

Man : Well, I _____ full time, um, for a _____ language _____ in Tokyo
for the first two years, and then I found a job at a ________

WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 17

Woman : Oh really? So, _____ what did you do in your work there then?

Man : Well, I taught English and, uh, _____ _____ .

Woman : You taught _____ classes?

Man : Well, well, I know it sounds like an _____ combination, but I

_____ a program in _____ _____ before I got my, uh, English
and psychology degrees.

Woman : Oh, Wow. You've done a lot, haven't you? [ Yeah. ] So, what
exactly, um, how did you teach and what exactly did you do?

Man : Well, um, many of my students wanted to become _____ in

restaurants, or they wanted to start their own restaurants, uh, and
in our _____, there were many, uh, tourists tourist spots. A lot of
tourists came to that particular area, and so with English, they
would be able to __________ not only with ________ , you know
things that they need for __________ food and _____ _____ , but
also with their customers, and so I taught them English and
cooking at the same time.

Woman : Wow. That's, that's pretty impressive. That's interesting. [ . . . and

_____. ] Oh, I bet. So, why did you return to the United States?
How long have you been back?

Man : I've been back for, uh, probably about a year now.

Woman : Okay, so what _____ you back then?

Man : Well, one of my _____ _____ opened a _____ restaurant, uh, in

town, and he asked me to work with him.

Woman : Really? What's the name of the restaurant?

Man : Well, it's called _____ _____ . Have you ever heard of it?

Woman : Yes, I've been there. Their food is ________ ; it's _____ - _____ .
It's really hard just to get a __________ there.

Man : I know, and uh, well, I work there _____ __________ , and uh,
and then . . .

Woman : So, _____ _____ _____ _____ you're working there still?

Man : Right, right, but then, but . . . I want to return to teaching. I've
also been working as a __________ at a treatment center for
teenagers __________ with __________ and other mental health

Woman : Oh, wow, that would be a really interesting job.

18 WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta
Man : It is, it is.

Woman : Wow. You have such a _____ _____ of experience. Uh, you know,
to be honest, we have fifteen people who are applying for this
position. You've got _____ _____ __________ , but why don't
you tell me three _____ why you would be the best person for this

Man : Um, well, first of all, uh, I understand that different students have
different learning styles, and for that reason, I have used iPads,
_____, _____ , cooking, drama, _____ _____ , and _____ to
reach every student. [That's good.] And second, I have a
background in ________ and __________ __________ and
advising [ Uh, huh ] . . . skills that are often needed, you know, in
working with __________ __________ .

Woman : Yeah, that could be really useful.

Man : Yeah, so you know, many of them ________ with, uh, ________
________, you know, home sickness . . . .

Woman : Yeah, coming to a new place . . .

Man : Right, so making _____ ________ can be very ________ , and uh


Woman : Good. So, what would you say would be a third reason?

Man : And finally, I speak four different languages . . . .

Woman : Four? Wow! What languages do you speak?

Man : Well, I speak Spanish, __________ , and Japanese at an advanced

level. [ At an advanced level? Wow. ] And I also speak Arabic at a
_____ - __________ level.

Woman : That's very, very impressive. You do have an impressive resume.

Man : Thank you.

Woman : Uh, what we're doing . . . we're going to have two _____ of
interviews, and we will contact you on Friday and let you know
_____ or not you'll be coming back for the second round of

Man : Okay.

Woman : It's been really nice meeting you, and thank you for your time.

WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 19



Questions 1 – 4

Which hotel matches each description?

Choose your answers from the box and write the correct letter A-E next to
questions 1-4.

A. The Bridge Hotel

B. Carlton House

C. The Imperial

D. The Majestic

E. The Royal Oak

1. is in a rural area ……………….

2. only opened recently ……………….

3. offers facilities for business functions ……………….

4. has an indoor swimming pool ………………


Questions 21 - 25

What does Jack tell his tutor about each of the following course options?

A. He'll definitely do it.

B. He may or may not do it.
C. He won't do it.

Write the correct letter, A, B or C next to questions 21- 25.

You may choose any letter more than once.

21. Media Studies

22. Women and Power

23. Culture and Society

24. Identity and Popular Culture

25. Introduction to Cultural Theory

20 WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta
Question 1 – 5

Complete the notes below.

Write no more than two words and/or a number for each answer.

Questions: transport from Bayswater

1. Express train leaves at (1) …………………….

2. Nearest station is (2) …………………….

3. Number 706 bus goes to (3) …………………….

4. Number (4) ……………………. bus goes to station

5. Earlier bus leaves at (5) …………………….

Question 6 - 10

Complete the table below.

Write no more than one word and/or a number for each answer.

Transport Cash fare Card fare

Bus (6) $ ………… $1.50

Train (peak) $10 $10

Train (off-peak)
– before 5pm or after (7) ……… pm) $10 (8) $ …………

(9) ………… ferry $4.50 $3.55

Tourist ferry ((10) …………) $35 –

Tourist ferry (whole day) $65 –

WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 21


Read the dialog below. Complete the gaps with these phrases:

Why did you decide to leave?

Where have you been working?

What was your greatest strength in your last job?

How about your greatest weakness?

Why do you want to work here?

What was your greatest achievement in your last job?

Interviewer : So, tell me a bit about yourself, Sam. __________________? (1)

Sam : Sure! I’ve been working at Ryan’s Sporting Goods in Orlando. I’m
an assistant store manager.

Interviewer : Ok, that’s interesting. _______________________________? (2)

Sam : Well, I enjoy my work but I feel that it’s time for a change. I’ve
got so much experience now, and Ithink I’m ready for the next
level of responsibility.

Interviewer : I understand. _____________________________________? (3)

Sam : My colleagues describe me as a people’s person. I just love

connecting with the public and making their day by giving them
the best experience that I can.

Interviewer : That’s great! ______________________________________? (4)

Sam : It has been said that I can be too enthusiastic sometimes! I’ve
been told that sometimes I need to give people a bit more time
and space.

Interviewer : OK, thank you. ____________________________________? (5)

Sam : As I mentioned, I feel like I’m ready to manage my own store

now. I’m familiar with your company and its excellent products,
and I think I could do a great job for you.

Interviewer : Thanks, Sam! One more question. ____________________ ? (6)

Sam : I was responsible for changing the layout of the store to showcase
some products that weren’t getting the attention they deserved.
Our sales went up 20% in the next quarter!

22 WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta

The Rembrandts – I’ll be there for you

The Rembrandts – I’ll be there for you

So no one told you life was gonna be this way
Your job's a __________ , you're __________
Your __________ __________ D.O.A
It's like you're always stuck in __________ __________
When it hasn't been your __________, your __________, your __________
Or even your __________, but

I'll be there for you

(When the rain __________ ___ __________ )
I'll be there for you
(Like I've been __________ __________ )
I'll be there for you
('Cause you're there _____ _____ _____ )

You're still in _____ at _____

And _____ began at _____
You've burned your __________, so far
Things are going great
Your mother __________ you there'd be __________ __________
But she didn't tell you when the world has __________
You down to your __________ and


No one could ever __________ _____

No one could ever _____ _____
Seems you're the only one who knows
What it's like to be me _____ _____
Make it through all the _____ _____
Someone I'll always _____ _____
Even at my _____ , I'm _____ _____ you, yeah

It's like you're always stuck in __________ _____

When it hasn't been your _____ , your _____ , your _____
Or even your _____

WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 23


Jobs Crossword:

1 2

3 4

5 6

8 9




13 14 15

16 17 18 19


21 22






24 WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta
1. Somebody who catches fish.
2. Someone who digs for metal ore in the ground.
7. A person who paints pictures.
8. A person who makes computer games.
10. A person who helps a doctor.
11. Somebody who fixes teeth.
14. A person who goes to outer space.
16. Somebody who helps sick animals.
20. Someone who builds houses.
22. Someone who cooks food.
24. A person who protects a country.
25. A person who tells us the news.
26. A person who plays sports.
27. Someone who grows crops.

1. Somebody who puts out fires.
2. Somebody who plays an instrument.
3. Somebody who helps sick people.
4. Somebody who catches criminals.
5. A person who fixes toilets.
6. A person who does research.
9. A person who raises cattle.
12. Someone who cleans buildings.
13. Someone who stars in a movie.
15. A person who drives a truck.
17. Someone who fixes cars.
18. Someone who delivers mail.
19. A person who sings songs.
21. Somebody who flies airplanes.
23. A person who serves food.

WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 25



3. Memahami, 3.1 Menganalisis fungsi 1. Siswa mendengarkan

menerapkan, sosial, struktur teks, rekaman yang berupa
menganalisis, dan dan unsur percakapan dari beberapa
mengevaluasi kebahasaan dari teks orang mengenai sebuah
pengetahuan penyerta gambar deskripsi fisik seseorang.
faktual, konseptual, (caption), sesuai
2. Siswa mampu menjawab
prosedural, dan dengan konteks
pertanyaan berdasarkan
metakognitif penggunaannya.
rekaman yang
berdasarkan rasa
ingin tahunya
tentang ilmu 2. Siswa mampu melengkapi
pengetahuan, monologue mengenai
teknologi, seni, deskripsi seseorang.
budaya, dan 3. Siswa mampu melatih
humaniora dengan pemahamannya dalam
wawasan listening comprehension
kemanusiaan, melalui soal latihan IELTS.
4. Siswa mampu
kenegaraan, dan
membunyikan kata-kata
peradaban terkait
yang tepat sesuai dengan
penyebab fenomena
pronunciation yang
dan kejadian, serta
didengarkan (tongue
prosedural pada 5. Siswa mampu melengkapi
bidang kajian yang lagu dengan tepat.
spesifik sesuai 6. Siswa mampu menentukan
dengan bakat dan padanan kata dengan
minatnya untuk melengkapi TTS yang
memecahkan tersedia.

WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 27



Preparation: matching Match the person with the correct description

and write a–d next to the numbers 1–4.

1…….. a. She’s got straight, ginger hair

2…….. b. He’s older and he’s wearing glasses.

3…….. c. She’s got black, curly hair.

4…….. d. He’s got short, brown hair.

WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 29

Do this exercise while you listen. Circle the best word to complete these

1. Aurelia is asking about Hannah’s boyfriend / brother / friend .

2. Hannah’s brother, Jem, has long, brown hair / a girlfriend / a twin sister .
3. Hannah has one brother / two brothers / a brother and a sister .
4. Alex and Jem look different / look the same / have the same hair but
different eyes .


Do this exercise while you listen. Complete the gaps with the correct

1. That? Er, that’s my _______, Jem.

2. And that’s his girlfriend, Lucy. The ______girl with the ________, ________

3. Alex and Jem are ____________. They’re both _______.

4. They’re exactly the same! They’re both ____________ and ____________.

5. They’ve both got ________, ________hair, _________ eyes and________


6. They’re not big. I think they’re __________________!

7. And, has Alex got a ______________?


Now begin work on the questions.

1. (A) The food was so good.
(B) The man didn’t like the food.
(C) The woman got stomachache.
(D) The enjoyed the food very much.

2. (A) The woman is willing to help him.

(B) The woman ignores to help him.
(C) The woman feels not sure about him.
(D) The woman doesn’t have leisure time.

3. (A) She is able to visit the man’s house at 4.

(B) She must come at his house at 4.
(C) She is afraid of the man.
(D) She is not willing to visit his house at 4.

3030 WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta
4. (A) The man wants to go with John.
(B) John asks the woman to drive his car.
(C) The man agrees with woman’s opinion about John.
(D) The man disagrees with the woman.

5. (A) She is angry.

(B) She is happy.
(C) She is fine.
(D) She wants to study with the man.

6. (A) Martha has three children.

(B) Martha has five children.
(C) Martha has one child.
(D) Martha has nine children.

7. (A) The man is fine.

(B) The man ignores the woman .
(C) The man feels sad.
(D) The man feels angry.

8. (A) The man should be killed.

(B) The man should not take cigarette anymore.
(C) The man has bad habit.
(D) The woman doesn’t want to hurt him.

9. (A) The man doesn’t know about the woman.

(B) The man can’t answer the woman’s question.
(C) The man doesn’t want to answer it.
(D) The man doesn’t agree with the woman.

10. (A) The man prefers dolphins to chimpanzees.

(B) The chimpanzees are cleverer than the dolphins.
(C) The man doesn’t agree with the woman.
(D) The man has the same opinion as the woman

11. (A) The woman has seen the movie.

(B) The woman has not seen the movie yet.
(C) The movie is not wonderful enough.
(D) The woman is not sure about the movie.

WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 31

12. (A) The man will tell about it in another time.
(B) The man cannot tell the accident.
(C) The man asks forgiveness to the woman.
(D) The man says thank you.

13. (A) The man wants to buy a ring for the woman.
(B) The man has some problems and then call the woman.
(C) The man will not call the woman if there are not any problems.
(D) The man will see the woman at five.

14. (A) The woman has invited Cavin by phone.

(B) The woman will not call Cavin because he has come.
(C) The woman has not invited Cavin yet.
(D) The woman didn’t invite Cavin.

15. (A) The man missess the woman.

(B) The man will go by bus.
(C) When the man arrived at home, he will see the woman.
(D) The man doesn’t know the woman home.

16. (A) He is angry.

(B) He doesn’t like strawberries and meals.
(C) He will go to the supermarket with the woman.
(D) He is very happy.

17. (A) The woman disagrees with the man’s opinion.

(B) The woman says the same opinion as the man.
(C) The woman thinks like the man too.
(D) The woman thinks so many things today.

18. (A) He will go there by plane.

(B) He will go there by car.
(C) He will go there by bus.
(D) He will go there by his wings.

19. (A) The woman should do nothing.

(B) The woman should go down.
(C) The woman should not be there and go home.
(D) The woman should not be panic.

32 WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta
20. (A) The man stay there for a moment.
(B) The man and the woman see the strange men.
(C) The man asks the woman to do nothing.
(D) The man asks the woman to go from that place.

21. (A) She is abusing the man.

(B) She is praising the man.
(C) She is mocking the man.
(D) She is angry to the man.

22. (A) The project cannot be decided by the headmaster only.

(B) The man agrees with the headmaster’s plan.
(C) The project should not be done.
(D) The man and the woman agree to add more classes.

23. (A) The woman stayed there nearly a week.

(B) The woman stayed there for two days.
(C) The woman stayed there for eight days.
(D) The woman stayed there during April.

24. (A) She was not able to speak French.

(B) She was practising French.
(C) She often spoke French when she was in France.
(D) She spoke French rarely.

25. (A) He probably goes the canteen.

(B) He probably leaves the class.
(C) He probably goes to the woman’s house.
(D) He probably go to the class with the woman.

26. (A) She is not taking a computer course anymore.

(B) She is teaching a computer course in that place.
(C) She has finished the course.
(D) She has not finished the course yet.

27. (A) The man agrees with the woman’s opinion.

(B) The man has very much party.
(C) The man doesn’t like the party.
(D) The man enjoys the food at the party very much.

WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 33

28. (A) She is bad now.
(B) She is on bed.
(C) She founds a bat.
(D) She is fine.

29. (A) The man doesn’t know who Olive is.

(B) Olive is his kids’ friend.
(C) The man knows Olive very well.
(D) Olive has kids.

30. (A) The man doesn’t agree with the woman.

(B) The man buys a rose.
(C) The man has the similar opinion with the woman.
(D) The man gives the woman a lovely rose.


1. Give papa a cup of proper coffe in a copper coffe cup.

2. Black background, brown background
3. Seventy-seven benevolent elephants
4. A loyal warrior will rarely worry why we rule.
5. Which witch switched the Swiss wristwatches?
6. A skunk sat on a stump and thunk the stump stunk, but the stump thunk
the skunk stunk
7. Of all the vids I’ve ever viewed, I’ve never viewed a vid as valued as Alex’s
engVid vid
8. You know New York, you need New York, you know you need unique New
9. I have got a date at a quarter to eight; I’ll see you at the gate, so don’t be
10. Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear. Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair. Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn’t
fuzzy, was he?

34 WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta
I Don't Love You"
My Chemical Romance
Well, when you go
So never think, I'll make you try to (1) ____________
And maybe when you (2)_______________ back
I'll be off to find (3)____________ way

Well, after all this time that you still (4)____________
You're still a good-for-(5)______________ I don't know
So take your (6)__________________ and get out
Better get out
While you can

When you go
Would you even (7)______________ to say,
"I don't love you
Like I (8)______________ yesterday."

Sometimes I cry so hard from (9) ____________

So sick and tired of all the needless (10)_______________
But baby when they knock you
Down and (11) ______________
Is where you ought to stay

Well, after all the blood that you still owe

Another (12)_______________'s just another blow
So fix your (13) _______________ and get up
Better get up
While you can
Whoa, whoa

When you go
Would you even (14)____________ to say,
"I don't love you
Like I did

Well, come on, come on

When you go

WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 35

Would you have the (15)_____________ to say
"I don't love you
Like I loved you
I don't love you
Like I loved you
Yesterday (2)


Directions: Complete the crossword about Banking below.

36 WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta
2. This is a debt that will be subtracted from the balance of your account.
3. The sum total of credits minus debits. Basically, this is how much money you
have in your account.
4. Any medium of exchange. Typically in the form of coins and paper currency.
6. This is a sum of money from which a person may withdraw.
7. A written note that directs a bank to pay money to another person or
company. You use a ________ when you want to buy something without a
credit card or cash.

1. Money lent on the condition that it must be returned in the future.
2. Money placed in a bank account.
3. An institution for receiving, lending, exchanging, and safeguarding money
and, in some cases, issuing notes and transacting other financial business.
5. A person employed by the bank to receive or pay out money over the
7. Loose paper currency.

WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 37

38 WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta
Kompetensi Dasar Indikator

Memahami makna 1. Merespon makna dalam 1. Disajikan sebuah

dalam teks percakapan transaksional kuesioner, siswa mampu
percakapan (to get things done) dan mengisi kuesioner
transaksional dan interpersonal dengan jawaban yang
interpersonal resmi (bersosialisasi) secara berkaitan dengan berita.
dan berlanjut akurat, lancar dan 2. Diperdengarkan sebuah
(sustained) dalam berterima yang berita, siswa mampu
konteks kehidupan menggunakan ragam menjawab soal isian
sehari-hari bahasa lisan dan singkat mengenai berita
(mendengarkan) melibatkan tindak tutur: tersebut.
menyesali, 3. Diperdengarkan sebuah
mengungkapkan/ berita, siswa mampu
menanyakan rencana, melengkapi kalimat
tujuan, maksud, rumpang.
memprediksi, berspekulasi 4. Diperdengarkan sebuah
dan memberikan penilaian. berita, siswa dapat
menjawab pertanyaan
pilihan ganda.
2. Merespon makna dalam 5. Disajikan sebuah
percakapan transaksional aktivitas pencarian kata,
(to get things done) dan siswa mampu
interpersonal menemukan 20 kata
(bersosialisasi) resmi dan tersembunyi.
berlanjut (sustained) 6. Diperdengarkan sebuah
secara akurat, lancer dan wawancara, siswa dapat
berterima dalam konteks menempatkan pilihan
kehidupan sehari-hari dan kata pada kategori yang
melibatkan tindak tutur: tepat.
mengungkapkan rasa 7. Diperdengarkan sebuah
suka. lagu, siswa dapat
melengkapi lirik yang

WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 39

40 WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta


Discuss these questions in groups.

• What type of news do you read or listen to most frequently?



• What media do normally people get the source of the news from?
• How do you call a person whose job is reading the news to the audience?


You will hear news read by Carl Azuz. Answer these following questions based
on the information you hear.

1. Where does Mr. Azuz work? Whereabouts in America is the office located?


2. What is the first topic of the news?


3. What were people concerned about in Indiana and Illinois last night?

4. What happened on Tuesday?


5. How many tornadoes were reported?


6. How many people were killed and injured by the tornadoes?


7. How was the condition like when the tornadoes hit in Florida? (at least 2


8. Mention 5 name of the States you heard from this news.

________________ , ______________ ,________________ ,
_________________ and __________________ .

WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 41



Sometimes, in order to get a better investigation of the news, a field reporter is
assigned to report directly from the area where the particular event is going on.
Here, reporter Jennifer Gray is reporting live. Complete the blanks in order to
find out what she’s trying to report.

In the Pensacola area, _____________ has been on the minds of the
_______________ here and they have been busy doing that. Look behind me,
3 4 5 6
_______ ________ _______ ________ in this neighborhood. 7_______
8 9 10
_________ are completely __________ _______, other roofs partially
11 12 13
__________, but a lot of __________ __________. Power
14 15
_________ have been in here. People have been removing ________,
16 17
___________, everything that has gotten in the way that _________
18 19
__________ about by this __________. And then, look behind me. You
20 21 22
can see the _________ ____________ in this one _______________
neighborhood. A lot of roofs looking like this. People busy today,23
____________ ________ over their houses as well, trying to
25 26 27
___________ what is _________ from this ______________ tornado.
28 29 30
This morning, when we saw the first _______ of __________, it was
31 32
_________ ____________ for __________ areas in this
33 34
____________ and they have a long way to ________ before the
___________ is finished.


In news, it is common to get an expert’s comment about the related topic. CNN
invited Chad Myers, a meteorologist to explain about tornado. For the following
questions, choose the best answer A, B, or C.

1. According to the meteorologist, a tornado is …………..

A. A massive and long thunderstorms with excessive rain
B. A violent, rotating column of air coming out of the bottom of a
C. An angry thunders that likes to blow houses

2. What is not needed to cause a tornado?

A. Thunderstorms
B. A jet stream
C. Upper stream
42 WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta
3. Based on the news, what is the most dangerous threat from a tornado?
A. Tornado can damage your house and other properties
B. We can get hit by something that tornado is moving
C. The fact that a tornado can blow you away to the sky

4. What is suggested to do if we see a tornado approaching our way?

A. Going to a vast field, avoid being inside a building
B. Going to the middle part of the house away from the window
C. Going inside a moving vehicle and driving far away from the location

5. What does the word “WARNING” mean?

A. You need to take cover
B. Something might happen today
C. You need to keep your eyes on the weather today



Schwa is the most common sound in the English language. It occurs only in
unstressed syllables and getting it correct helps spoken English to sound more
natural and fluent. Any vowel letter can be pronounced as schwa and the
pronunciation of a vowel letter can change depending on whether the syllable in
which it occurs is stressed or not. The phonemic symbol for schwa is:


Look at the words below and decide where in the word the schwa sound occurs.
Underline and/or write the schwa symbol over the correct part of the word. The
first one has been done for you.

Hint: One word has two examples of schwa. All the others have only one.

d o c t or

t o m o r r o w

s u m m e r

p r o t e c t

WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 43

p u p i l

m e a s u r e

b a n a n a

d i f f i c u l t

l e v e l

s u r v i v e

t h e a t r e

w i z a r d


Please complete these missing lyrics.


by New Found Glory

All along, we follow __________,

________ ________ prime time, printed nightly,
Why would anybody leave the _________ of their home?

I wonder why,
I wonder why,
Only ___________ flood the _____________,
Other people's __________________,
You're up for the next three hours,

And I can't take much more of this,

We're all so ___________ up, in it,
Nothing will change, but the ____________,
So I turn it off.

I see ____________ on the horizon,

I can't imagine what they'll tell me,
What to wear,
What to drink,
Where to eat,
It's so easy not to think for yourself anymore,
So ____________,
You don't do anything anymore.

44 WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta

Find words that are related to NEWS ITEM and mentioned in the news you have
just heard earlier. Define the meaning of the words with your friends and
teachers later.

You may go:

left  right diagonal down bottom up

right left diagonal up down up.

WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 45


Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Menangkap makna • Fungsi sosial 1. Membaca dan

terkait fungsi sosial dan menyimak teks
Mengembangkan nilai-
unsur kebahasaan secara pengandaian tentang
nilai kehidupan dan
kontekstual dari sebuah “Flying Car” dan juga
karakter yang positif
teks pengandaian (If “Life on Mars” yang
Conditional) bentuk 0 / mungkin direalisasikan
pengandaian bentuk 1 / • Unsur kebahasaan
2. Menangkap makna dari
pengandaian bentuk 2 /
- Kosa kata dan tata sebuah dialog yang
pengandaian bentuk 3
bahasa dalam kalimat berisi kalimat
yang terkait kehidupan
pengandaian pengandaian.
remaja SMA/MA/SMK/
MAK - Ucapan, tekanan 3. Menulis kalimat
kata, intonasi, ejaan, pengandaian yang
tanda baca, dan terdapat dalam sebuah
tulisan tangan dialog.

• Topik 4. Menyimak sebuah

dialog yang berisi
Hal-hal yang dapat
tentang “Hotel
keteladanan dan
menumbuhkan perilaku 5. Melafalkan nama-
yang termuat di KI nama kota yang
mungkin dikunjungi
pada saat liburan

6. Mengambil pesan-
pesan yang
terkandung dalam lagu

WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 47



I. Discussion

FLYING CARS: What do you think are the

advantages of a flying car? Rank the following in
order based on your personal opinion.

___ reduce traffic jams on roads ___ fun

___ increase personal mobility ___ good for urgent needs (ambulance,
___ reduce travelling time etc.)
___ reduce need for airplanes ___ good for those in rural areas
___ help to revive the car industry

II. Listening Sections

Listen to the recording and decide whether these sentences are true (T) or
false (F):

a) The world’s first flying car will soon make its debut flight. T/F
b) The “roadable aircraft” is produced by a Massachusetts-based T/F
c) The name of the company that made the car means “free in the T/F
d) The designer has spent 10 years developing the flying car. T/F
e) The designer wanted to ease congestion on roads and in T/F
f) The flying car can accommodate two pilots and four T/F
g) America’s government classified the flying car as a small T/F
h) The flying car’s wings cannot be folded. T/F
i) There are less than 40 orders for the flying car. T/F
j) Air traffic controllers will be responsible for regulating the flying T/F

WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 49


Match the following synonyms from the recording you’ve just listened:

1. transition a. motivation
2 look like b. deal with
3. inspiration c. problem
4. enthusiasts d. legally
5. striving e. collapse
6. officially f. change
7. fold up g. fans
8. breakthrough h. resemble
9. hassle i. discovery
10. handle j. aiming


Listen to the recording and complete the following text.

Life on Mars

I (1.) ____________ you to take a look at the sky tonight. Between now and
sunrise, you’ll be able to see five planets with your naked eye. I was (2.)
____________ up at the red planet last night, thinking to myself, whenever
comes for me the (3.) ____________ to live on Mars. I will go in a heartbeat,
and I can tell you three (4.) ____________ why.

Imagine that you live on an island, in the middle of ocean, and that on your
island there’s a (5.) ____________, a legend, that every so many generations, a
giant wave arrives, tall as the moon, and wipes out your civilization. Also
imagine, that on the (6.) ____________ horizon, and perhaps only on the
clearest of days, you can see a second island, but you have no way to get there,
and then someone (7.) ____________ a boat. Would you (8.) ____________
that boat and go to the second island? You might go out of pure curiosity. You
might go as a means to safeguard to your civilization from the next cataclysmic
wave. These are good (9.) ____________ but perhaps the most (10.)
____________ reason for you to go to that second island, or for me to go to
Mars, is what we might learn.

50 WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta
Despite its firey (11.) ____________, Mars is much much colder than earth, you
can’t wander around in bare feet – no. To live on Mars, we would have to
terraform it. We’d have to change the (12.) ____________ to make it a little
more like Switzerland [laughter] and this is not this is not science-fiction. It’s
(13.) ____________ on Mars because there are huge reserves of carbon
dioxide, frozen at the polar caps and (14.) ____________ on the (15.)
____________. And if we could add just a little heat, we could (16.)
____________ so much CO2 through a run-away greenhouse effect, that the
pressure and the temperature on Mars would be thick enough and hot enough,
that liquid water could (17.) ____________.

Scientists (18.) ____________ that we could do this by smashing asteroids into

the planet or by (19.) ____________ hydrogen bombs, or even with super
space mirrors that would redirect sunlight onto the polar caps. But probably, the
most practical (20.) ____________, would be for people living on Mars to
release hydrocarbons. We already know a little bit about how that (21.)
____________ here on Earth.

And then, after a few thousand years of (22.) ____________ more and more
complex plants and animals, there’d be enough oxygen on Mars that my great
great great grandchildren could run around (23.) ____________ , and without
any (24.) ____________ gear. So, in addition to satisfying our (25.)
____________ and helping protecting the community of life from events that,
for example, killed the (26.) ____________, going to Mars could teach us things
that we cannot yet (27.) ____________. We even learn how to (28.)
____________ the climate back here on Earth. So, tonight, please when you
(29.) ____________ here, take a look up at the sky and find your second (30.)


You are going to hear a conversation between a hotel receptionist and a

customer who has come to make a booking.

An example has been done for you.

Before starting the IELTS listening test part 1 practice, take 30 seconds to look
at questions 1-6.

When you have done that, listen to the recording and answer questions 1-6:

Question 1-6

WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 51

Hotel Information
Example answer
Name of accommodation: (0) Carlton Hotel
Length of stay: 3 nights

Ages of children: (1)

Rooms available: Two en-suites at £270

Total payment: (2)

Payment method: credit card

Name: Michael (3)

Date of birth: (4) 1968

Address: 273, Stanton Court, London.

Post code: (5)

Telephone: 08773 (6)


You have 30 seconds to look at questions 7-10.

Questions 7-10

Transport Options
Mode of Travel time to
Cost Arrangements
Transport town
Taxi Pick up from the hotel 10 minutes
(7) £

Walk down Oak

Bus £2 per person 15 minutes
Tree (8)

Walk through
Walking -------- (10)

52 WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta

Holiday is a good time to spend your time with your families or friends. Having
fun on vacation in either United Kingdom or America will be a perfect plan. If
you have a long holiday, which cities or states will you visit?
Read the following phonetic transcriptions and write the name of these cities.
After you finish, check your answers by listening to the recording.

Name these following cities in The United Kingdom (UK)

Read the following phonetic transcriptions and write the name of these states.
After you finish, check your answers by listening to the recording.

WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 53

Name these following states in The United State of America (USA)


If I Die Young
The Band Perry
Rearrange the following song lyrics

1. Sink me in the river at dawn
2. Lay me down on a bed of roses
3. Send me away with the words of a love song
4. If I die young, bury me in satin

Complete the following song lyrics

Uh oh uh oh

Lord make me a rainbow, I'll (5.) ____________ down on my mother

She'll know I'm (6.) ____________ with you when
She stands under my colours, oh and
Life ain't always what you think it oughta be, no
Ain't even grey, but she (7.) ____________ her baby
The sharp knife of a short life,
Well, I've had just enough time

54 WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta
Back to Refrain

The sharp knife of a short life,

Well I've had just enough time

And I'll be (8.) ____________ white when I come into your kingdom
I'm as green as the ring on my little (9.) ____________ finger
I've never (10.) ____________ the lovin' of a man
But it sure felt nice when he was holding my hand
There's a boy here in (11.) ____________ says he'll love me forever
Who would have thought forever could be (12.) ____________ by

The sharp knife of a short life,

Well I've had just enough time

So put on your best boys and I'll wear my pearls

What I never did is done

A (13.) ____________ for my (14.) ____________,

oh no I'll sell them for a dollar
They're worth so much more after I'm a (15.) ____________
And maybe then you'll hear the (16.) ____________ I been singin'
Funny when you're dead how people (17.) ____________ listenin'

Back to Refrain

Uh oh (uh oh)
The (18.) ____________ of a dove
Go with peace and love
(19.) ____________ up your tears, keep 'em in your (20.) ____________
Save 'em for a time when your really gonna need 'em oh

The sharp knife of a short life,

Well I've had just enough time
So put on your best boys, and I'll wear my pearls

© Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC

WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 55


Bird Watch

By changing one letter at a time, change

(definitions are provided for each transitional


___ ___ ___ ___ to tie or fasten; to bandage

___ ___ ___ ___ people who play music together

___ ___ ___ ___ a place where money is kept for safekeeping

___ ___ ___ ___ loud noise of a dog; outer covering of a tree



___ ___ ___ ___ poet, William Shakespeare

___ ___ ___ ___ naked; not covered by anything

___ ___ ___ ___ to act in a way that loses someone’s interest

___ ___ ___ ___ skeleton

___ ___ ___ ___ finished; accomplished (past participle)


56 WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta

✔ Memahami ⮚ Menangkap makna 1. Siswa memilih jawaban yang

makna secara kontekstual tepat dan mengucapkan
dalam terkait fungsi sosial, kalimat yang tertulis dengan
percakapan struktur teks, dan benar berdasarkan rekaman
transaksion unsur kebahasaan teks yang diperdengarkan
al dan teks eksposisi
2. Siswa melengkapi teks
interpersona analitis lisan dan
berdasarkan rekaman yang
l dalam tulis, terkait isu
konteks aktual
kehidupan 3. Siswa memilih jawaban yang
⮚ Menyusun teks
sehari-hari tepat berdasarkan rekaman
eksposisi analitis
teks / percakapan yang
tulis, terkait isu
aktual, dengan
memperhatikan 4. Siswa memilih jawaban yang
fungsi sosial, tepat dan mengucapkan
struktur teks, dan kalimat yang tertulis dengan
unsur kebahasaan, benar berdasarkan rekaman
secara benar dan teks yang diperdengarkan.
sesuai konteks 5. Siswa melengkapi lirik lagu
berdasarkan rekaman lagu
yang diperdengarkan

6. Siswa melengkapi teak-teki

silang dengan jawaban yang

WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 57


Part A. Listening Comprehension

Listen to the dialogue and choose the correct answer.
1. Aurelia is asking about Hannah’s …
A. Brother
B. Boyfriend
C. Friend
D. Girlfriend
E. Twin sibling

2. Hannah’s brother, Jem, has …

A. Long, brown hair
B. A twin sister
C. More age than Alex
D. A girlfriend
E. Less age than Alex

3. Hannah has …
A. One brother
B. A brother and a sister
C. A boyfriend
D. A twin brother
E. Two brothers

4. From the conversation, we know that Alex and Jem …

A. Have different personality
B. Have similar personality
C. Look alike
D. Have girlfriend
E. Have different appearance

5. From the conversation, we know that …

A. There is no information about Jem’s girlfriend.
B. There is no information about Alex’s girlfriend.
C. Alex is older than Jem.
D. Jem is older than Alex.
E. Aurelia likes Alex.

WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 59

Part B. Completion
Anna is chatting with 1) __________. He asks Anna to describe herself. Anna
thinks that she has average 2) __________. She is not 3) __________ because
she is not tall and curvy. She has 4) __________ face. When she 5) __________,
she has wrinkles in the corners of her eyes. Her eyes are big, round , and 6)
__________. She has a straight dark blonde hair with a 7) __________ haircut.
After that, she is waiting for 8) __________ to depict himself.

Part C. TOEFL Test

Choose the best answer based on the information from the conversations!
Questions 50-52 refer to the following conversation.
50. What is the purpose of the man’s call?
A. To inquire about newspaper subscription rates.
B. To renew a newspaper subscription
C. To inquire about newspaper delivery rates
D. To become a subscriber to a newspaper

51. How much will the man pay as a month subscription charge?

52. Who must pay an extra delivery charge?

A. People living outside the city
B. All monthly subscribers
C. City residents
D. New monthly subscribers

Questions 53-55 refer to the following conversation.

53. Where does this conversation most likely take place?
A. At parking lot
B. At a grocery store
C. At a car dealership
D. At a shoe store

54. What is the problem?

A. They are understaffed and pressed for time
B. The products they ordered are out of stock.
C. Half of the products are in bad condition
D. They can’t unload the truck by themselves.

60 WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta

55. What will the woman probably do next?
A. Try to find someone to help them
B. Help the man make sale signs
C. Start unloading the truck
D. Stock the dairy shelves.

Questions 56-58 refer to the following conversation.

56. What are the speakers discussing?
A. Their new jobs
B. How to invest in the company
C. The company’s viewpoint
D. The company’s market share

57. What isn’t the president doing?

A. Concentrating on short-range profits
B. Getting new supporters
C. Being conservative
D. Maintaining established investors.

58. What does the woman suggest?

A. Their company should pursue only short-term profits.
B. Their company needs a long term strategy.
C. Their company should launch a big advertising campaign
D. Their company should ignore short term profit

Questions 59-61 refer to the following conversation.

59. What is the woman’s problem?
A. She is a slow worker
B. She has to explain herself to the team members
C. Management will not supply her with enough time
D. The management is slowing down her progress

60. What does the man suggest to the woman?

A. Presenting her complaint to the management
B. Doing her best
C. Refusing to let her team members be ‘borrowed’
D. Finishing the presentation on time

WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 61

61. What promise has the management made to the woman?
A. To ensure the presentation is finished in timely fashion
B. Not to ‘borrow’ her team members
C. To supply her with additional team members
D. To extend the deadline

Questions 62-64 refer to the following conversation.

62. Why hasn’t the man been updated?
A. He has been sick
B. Things on his schedule keep changing
C. He can’t remember where to go
D. The woman isn’t very helpful

63.When will the staff meeting be held?

A. Tomorrow
B. This weekend
C. On Thursday
D. Next Tuesday

64. Where will the next staff meeting be held?

A. In conference room 202B
B. In conference room 202C
C. In conference room 201C
D. In conference room 203B

Questions 65-67 refer to the following conversation.

65. What is the purpose of the man ‘s call?
A. To confirm a reservation
B. To inquire about the menu
C. To arrange a party
D. To cancel a reservation

66. What does the man decide to do?

A. Have a special meal prepared
B. Order from the regular menu
C. Have seafood instead of meat
D. Have meat instead of seafood

62 WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta

67. When will the man’s party dine in the restaurant?
A. This evening at 5:00 P.M
B. Tomorrow evening at 7:00 P.M
C. Tomorrow evening at 8:00 P.M
D. Tomorrow afternoon at 2:00 P.M

Questions 68-70 refer to the following conversation.

68. When will the woman attend the opera?
A. Tomorrow
B. This evening
C. On Monday
D. On Saturday

69. What does the woman imply?

A. The man can attend the opera, too
B. The man should sell his ticket to her
C. The man would never enjoy the opera
D. The man should find a different place to go

70. What does the man want to do?

A. Get tickets from the woman
B. Purchase Mr.Chen’s ticket
C. Buy tickets for Mr.Chen
D. Sell his tickets to the woman

Part D Pronunciation
1. Which word do you hear?
 Thorough  Through  Throw

2. Which word do you hear?

 Throw  Thorough  Through

3. Which word do you hear?

 Thorough  Throw  Through

4. Which word do you hear?

 Tripe  Trip  Trap

5. Which word do you hear?

 Trip  Trap  Tripe

WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 63

6. Which word do you hear?
 Trap  Trip  Tipe

7. Which word do you hear?

 Mail  Meal  Mall

8. Which word do you hear?

 Mail  Mall  Meal

9. Which word do you hear?

 Mail  Meal  Mall

10. Which word do you hear?

 Skim  Scheme  Scam

Part E. Song
Isn’t She Lovely
Stevie Wonder
Isn't she _________?
Isn't she _________?
Isn't she _________?
Less than one minute old
I never thought _________ love
We'd be making one as lovely as she
But isn't she lovely made from _________?
Isn't she _________?
Truly the Angel's _________
Boy, I'm so _________,
We have been Heaven _________
I can't believe what _________ has done
Through us He's given _________ to one
But isn't she lovely made from _________?
Isn't she lovely?
Life and love are the _________
Life is _________
The meaning of her name
_________, it could have not been done
Without you who _________ the one
That's so very lovely, made from _________

64 WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta

Part F. Crossword Puzzle
1. Move slightly
5. Finnish bath
10. Mineral springs
14. Skin
15. Writing
16. Tranquil
17. Guinness of "Star
18. Motif
19. Vietnam's
20. List of choices
21. Pulled apart
22. Tailor
23. More factual
25. Set in from the
26. ____ Beta Kappa
28. Most timid
31. Summarize
33. Biased (hyph.)
38. Unwritten
39. Norwegian
41. Make over
42. Seclusion
44. Satan Down
45. FDR's wife 1. Counterfeit 24. Strike caller 44. Arid
48. Chowed down 2. Ceramic piece 25. "___ dead people!" (2 46. Italian seaport
49. Of the mind 3. Exactly alike wds.) 47. Become fixated
53. Chasm
4. Happen again 26. Experts 49. Lady's title
55. Warning signal
5. Small sofa 27. Superman, e.g. 50. Marry secretly
56. Facial features
6. On dry land 29. Seoul's country 51. Neck areas
58. Nevada neighbor
61. Idiot 7. Consumer 30. Naval rank (abbr.) 52. Lock of hair
62. Bride's walkway 8. Appoint 32. Boxing great 54. Actress ____
63. Mall event 9. "Yes" vote 34. Intense anger Sarandon
64. Chimpanzees 10. Burn with hot 35. Destroy 56. Fibber
65. Valleys water 36. Correct copy 57. Capri or Man
66. Potent particle 11. Glue 37. Mete (out) 59. Very much (2 wds.)
67. Untidy state 12. E.T., e.g. 39. ____ and void 60. Skirt edges
68. Clothe 13. Intelligent 40. Keats work 62. Find a sum
69. Seines 22. Picnic pests 43. Group of players

WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 65

Kompetensi Dasar Indikator

Memahami makna 1. Merespon makna dalam 1. Diperdengarkan sebuah

dalam teks percakapan transaksional dialog rumpang, siswa
percakapan (to get things done) dan melengkapi kalimat
transaksional dan interpersonal rumpang dalam dialog.
interpersonal resmi (bersosialisasi) secara
2. Siswa melafalkan kata
dan berlanjut akurat, lancar dan
dan menjodohkan
(sustained) dalam berterima yang
dengan makna yang
konteks kehidupan menggunakan ragam
sesuai dengan konteks.
sehari-hari bahasa lisan dan
(mendengarkan) melibatkan tindak tutur: 3. Diperdengarkan sebuah
menyesali, dialog rumpang, siswa
mengungkapkan/ melengkapi kalimat
menanyakan rencana, rumpang dalam dialog.
tujuan, maksud, 4. Siswa menjawab
memprediksi, berspekulasi pertanyaan berdasarkan
dan memberikan dialog yang
penilaian. diperdengarkan.
2. Merespon makna dalam 5. Diperdengarkan sebuah
percakapan transaksional lagu, siswa mampu
(to get things done) dan melengkapi lagu dengan
interpersonal lirik yang benar.
(bersosialisasi) resmi dan
6. Siswa menjawab teka-
berlanjut (sustained)
teki yang disediakan.
secara akurat, lancer dan
berterima dalam konteks
kehidupan sehari-hari dan
melibatkan tindak tutur:
mengungkapkan rasa

WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 67



Complete the text based on the audio.

You will hear a guide introducing tourists to the Red River Festival.

The Red River Festival

Now, as I’m sure you know, the Red River _____________________ –

that is, the Red River International Music and Arts Festival, to give it its full
name – is on while you are here, and I’m sure I speak for all
the _____________________ of Red River in inviting you
most _____________________ to attend. The festival takes place over a
long weekend – that is, it starts on the Friday afternoon and runs until Sunday
evening. Normally the festival would take place
on _____________________, the same day as
American _____________________Day, but this year we
have _____________________it for the fourth of August.

Now, you can buy _____________________ for this festival either by

the day or for the whole festival. The second option is cheaper, although of
course not everyone can _____________________ for the whole time. A
day’s ticket is _____________________, and
it’s _____________________ for the whole festival. That’s very good value.
If you want tickets, you are _____________________ to get them early,
because there are always more visitors than tickets. Space is limited, so buy
early! You can get them direct from the festival
organisers’ _____________________, the festival office, and I’ll give you
that address later, or you can get them from any of our three post offices or one
of the many _____________________ in the town. Last year
we _____________________ them from tourist advice centres and the Town
Hall, but this year it was decided to limit the number of outlets to cut down
on _____________________ costs.

The weather is looking good. The _____________________ expect it

to be one of the hottest and _____________________ weekends of the year,
so it’s perfect for the festival, although I would remind you to cover up and be
aware of the dangers of too much _____________________. If it gets too

WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 69

hot for you, you could always stay inside for some of the indoor events. And of
course you’ll be able to get food – from _____________________ and
snacks to barbecues, as well as _____________________ fast food – from
several stands. There will be a bar this year, but after last year we will only be
selling soft drinks, beer and wine. We have decided not to bother with
a _____________________, there won’t be
any _____________________ on sale.

So, what’s on? Well, I can only give you a flavour of the
many _____________________ we have coming this year, but if I can name
one of my personal favourites, you must see Petie’s Dozen, a traditional New
Orleans jazz band. They were here last year, and were so popular that we’ve
invited them back. If you like classical music, we’ve got a
string _____________________ from Poland, _____________________
called Strings, playing classical favourites. We’ve also got rock bands, a blues
band from the UK, a group of traditional _____________________ beer hall
singers, and another of my favourites, The Fiddlers, who come from Ireland.
Their special brand of folk music is popular all over the world.


Listen to a dialogue about boy bands and complete the blanks below.

Presenter : The internet is full of ________ about what makes a good boy
band. But many bands appear and disappear without a trace.
Alana, it can’t be as easy as following a formula, can it?

Alana : No, I don’t think so. The traditional ________is that you have four
or five good- looking young guys with some ________ ________
and the ability to dance – the choreographed dancing was very
important to boy bands in the past. They _______ ________
________the same, or ________ ________ ________ when
they performed, so you had to decide on a ‘look’ for the group.
The most important ________, however, was said to be that the
band members ________ ________ and ________ _______

Presenter : Right, the cute one, the rebel, the joker, the shy one, ________
one ...

74 WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta
Alana : Yeah, although sometimes they all just seem to like the cute one!
The idea is that different boys ________ to different girls, so you
can have a bigger fan base. There’s someone in the band for

Presenter : So, do you think this all still ________ ________? Or have things
changed in the 21st century?

Alana : Yeah, I guess things have changed for several reasons – partly just
because we needed a change – but mainly because of ________
________ ________ ________ and ________ ________
________. Take One Direction …

Presenter : Ah, I’ve been counting the seconds before you mentioned One

Alana : Well, we have to talk about them because they’re the biggest thing
at the moment, ________ who knows how long they will

Presenter : Oh, ages and ages ...

Alana : We’ll see. Anyway, One Direction, as you know, came to fame
through the X Factor, ________ ________ ________, and that
was a great way to start. You had ________ ________
________ ________ them every week and wanting them to win.
They felt as if they had a ________ ________ in their story
as they voted for them every week.

Presenter : What age group does One Direction appeal to exactly?

Alana : That’s another clever thing, they seem very ________, so they
appeal to very young girls, they are cute so teenage girls really like
them, but they also have a ________, ________ ________
________ to appeal to the mums! The teenage girls and the
mums are the ones who will spend money. The lyrics to the songs
are calculated to ________ ________ ________ who feel a bit
________ about themselves, like most teenage girls."You don't
know you're beautiful, that's what makes you beautiful", that kind
of thing. Lots of girls want to feel wanted, but not scared, and
that’s traditionally what boy bands do. They present this image of a
________, reliable boyfriend. Actually, One Direction’s clothes also
help here: ________ and ________ ________ ________ and
________ ________. You’ll have noticed that they don’t wear the
same clothes. Their stylists have been instructed to keep them
looking individual, but despite that they all have this ________

WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 71

but ________ ________. No tattoos, or ________, or black
leather, or make-up or anything.

Presenter : You make them seem very cold and ________. Remember
that they’ve been nominated for loads of music awards and
they’ve won dozens, so they’re regarded as serious musicians.

Alana : OK, if you don’t want to believe they’re ________ you can blame
their management. They’re nice boys who are ________

Presenter : They are! And they ________ ________ their critics wrong. A lot
of people said they wouldn’t make the leap from the UK to the US
market, but they did very quickly.

Alana : Yes, and that’s all down to their clever use of social media, or rather
their management’s clever use of social media. One Direction are
all over Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Tumblr. That’s how they
made it in the States so quickly. In the past it was a lot more
difficult and took a lot longer. ________ had to try and get air-
time on ________ ________ ________ and that was really
hard. But they’ve by- passed all that. Social media has become the
new radio, as their manager said.

Presenter : Their first record, Up All Night, went to number one in the US,
didn’t it?

Alana : Sure did! They achieved a ________ ________ as the

________ ________ ________ in history to reach number
one in America with a ________ ________. It sold 176,000
copies in the US in a single week.

Presenter : Amazing. And the boys are all rich from the ________ too.

Alana : Yes, well, the boys and their management company. There are One
Direction ________, ________ and ________. Dolls, even. I
think that’s another 21st-century thing – companies are ________
in on success in all possible ways as quickly as possible.

Presenter : May they all enjoy it while it lasts.

76 WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta
Answer the following questions based on the dialogue Boy Bands.

1. What was the most important thing for boy bands in the past?


2. What were the reasons of the change in the twenty first century boy bands?


3. Why starting on a reality show is great for bands?


4. What is the purpose of One Direction’s lyric writings?


5. How do One Direction make money outside their album selling and concert?



Read and match the words on the left with the meanings on the right.

No. Words Meaning

1. Concert /ˈkɒnsət/ a. recorded music at a concert

2. Album /ˈalbəm/ b. the music of a song
3. Lyrics /ˈlɪrɪk/ c. the singing in a song
4. Single /ˈsɪŋɡ(ə)l/ d. a collection of songs
5. Airplay /ˈɛːpleɪ/ e. easy to remember and sing
6. Backing track /ˈbakɪŋ f. the music for a film
7. Soundtrack g. a classification of the most popular songs
8. Record /ˈrɛkɔːd/ h. a public performance
9. Melody /ˈmɛlədi/ i. not recorded
10 Live /lʌɪv/ j. one song from a collection
11. Vocals /ˈvəʊk(ə)ls/ k. a song with no words
12. Instrumental l. the words of a song
13. Top ten /tɒp tɛn/ m. most recent
14. Catchy /ˈkatʃi/ n. number of times a radio station plays a song
15. Latest /ˈleɪt.ɪst/ o. copy music to disc or cassette

WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 73


Listen to the song and complete the song lyric below.

Isn’t It a Wonder

It's a _______ of the times girl

Sad songs on the radio
It's a _______ of the times girl
As the _______ begin to go
But all these _______ now
_______ on my face
Proving me wrong taking its place

And I pray to God

That there's more that we can do yeah
And I pray to God
That there's more we can _______
More than we can do yeah.

Isn't it a wonder as _______ cries

And isn't it a wonder with the _______ in my eyes
Isn't it a wonder, on the _______of my life
Isn't it a wonder, isn't it a wonder to me?

Oh oh, yeah oh

It's the way of _______ when

_______ takes hold of right
It's the way of _______
In which we've all lost sight
But isn't _______ too simple to be true
_______ to memories of you.

And I pray to god

That there's more that we can do, yeah
And I pray to God
That there's more we can _______
More than we can do, yeah.

Isn't it a wonder, as _______ cries

And isn't it a wonder with the _______ in my eyes
Isn't it a wonder, at the _______ of my life
Isn't it a wonder, isn't it a wonder

78 WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta
That I can see a change in me
But I won't go back 'cause that's behind me
And after all strong _______ are spoken
My heart will never be, never be, never be

Isn't it a wonder, as _______ cries

And isn't it a wonder with the _______ in my eyes
Isn't it a wonder, at the _______ of my life
Isn't it a wonder, isn't it a wonder

That I can see a change in me

But I won't go back, 'cause that's behind me
And after all strong _______ are spoken
My heart will never be, never be, never be.

Write down an interpretation of the song “Isn’t It a Wonder”.

WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 75


Find all of the types of music hidden in the grid below.



80 WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta


Memahami makna 1. Menganalisis fungsi 1. Siswa melengkapi

dalam teks sosial, struktur teks berdasarkan
percakapan teks, dan unsur teks / percakapan
transaksional dan kebahasaan pada yang
interpersonal resmi teks naratif diperdengarkan
dan berlanjut sederhana 2. Siswa melengkapi
(sustained) dalam berbentuk cerita percakapan
konteks kehidupan misteri, sesuai berdasarkan
sehari-hari dengan konteks rekaman yang
(mendengarkan) penggunaannya. diperdengarkan
3. Siswa menjawab
2. Menangkap makna
teks naratif lisan
dan tulis berbentuk
rekaman yang
cerita misteri
4. Siswa menjawab
pertanyaan TOIEC
test berdasarkan
rekaman yang
diperdengarkan .
5. Siswa menemukan
kata-kata yang
tesembunyi dalam
teka-teki silang /
6. Siswa
gagasan mengenai
topic yang telah
7. Siswa melengkapi
kata berdasarkan
lagu yang

WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 77



Listen to the mystery story and answer the questions!

1. Where was the man when he fell asleep?
2. What did he hear when he started to get up?
3. What was coming out of the water?
4. Why was the man warned not to fall asleep by the river when there’s a full
5. Who was the strange man?


Listen to the mystery story and fill in the gaps!

Last night I (1)_________________ home next to the river Thames, when

something strange (2)_________________ to me. It was late at night and I
(3)_________________ a long and difficult day at work. There was a large full
moon in the sky and everything was quiet. I was tired and lonely and I
(4)_________________ a few pints of beer in my local pub, so I decided to
stop by the riverside and look at the moon for a while.

I (5) _________________ on some steps very close to the water’s edge and
looked up at the big yellow moon and wondered if it really was made of cheese.
I felt very tired so I (6) _________________ my eyes and after a few minutes, I
(7)_________________ asleep. When I woke up, the moon
(8)_________________ behind a cloud and it was very dark and cold. The wind
(9)_________________ and an owl (10) _________________ in a tree above
me. I rubbed my eyes and started to get up, when suddenly I
(11)_________________ a splash. I (12)_________________ down at the
water and saw something. Something terrible and frightening, and unlike
anything I’d ever seen before. Something (13)_________________ out of the
water and (14)_________________ towards me. Something green and strange
and ugly. It was a long green arm and it (15)_________________ out from the
water to grab my leg. I was so scared that I couldn’t move. I
(16)_________________ so scared in my whole life. The cold green hand
(17)_________________ closer and closer when suddenly there was a blue
flash and a strange noise from behind me. Someone (18)_________________
onto the stairs next to me. He (19)_________________ strange clothes and he
had a crazy look in his eyes. He shouted “Get Back!” and
(20)_________________ something at the monster in the water. There was a
bright flash and the monster hissed and disappeared.

WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 79

I looked up at the man. He looked strange, but kind. “Don’t fall asleep by the
river when there’s a full moon”, he said “The Moon Goblins will get you.” I (21)
_________________ of moon goblins before. I didn’t know what to do. “Who…
who are you?” I asked him. “You can call me… The Doctor.” He said. I
(22)_________________ to think of something else to say when he turned
around and said, “Watch the stars at night, and be careful of the full moon”. I
was trying to understand what he meant, when there was another blue flash and
I closed my eyes. When I opened them again, he (23)_________________ .

I couldn’t believe what (24)_________________. What on earth were Moon

Goblins, and who was the mysterious Doctor? And why had he saved me? I was
determined to find the answers to these strange questions. I stood up, looked at
the moon and quickly walked home.


Choose the best answer based on the information from the


Questions 50-52 refer to the following conversation.

50. What is the purpose of the man’s call?

A. To inquire about newspaper subscription rates.
B. To renew a newspaper subscription
C. To inquire about newspaper delivery rates
D. To become a subscriber to a newspaper

51. How much will the man pay as a month subscription charge?

52. Who must pay an extra delivery charge?

A. People living outside the city
B. All monthly subscribers
C. City residents
D. New monthly subscribers

84 WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta
Questions 53-55 refer to the following conversation.

53. Where does this conversation most likely take place?

A. At parking lot
B. At a grocery store
C. At a car dealership
D. At a shoe store

54. What is the problem?

A. They are understaffed and pressed for time
B. The products they ordered are out of stock.
C. Half of the products are in bad condition
D. They can’t unload the truck by themselves.

55. What will the woman probably do next?

A. Try to find someone to help them
B. Help the man make sale signs
C. Start unloading the truck
D. Stock the dairy shelves.

Questions 56-58 refer to the following conversation.

56. What are the speakers discussing?

A. Their new jobs
B. How to invest in the company
C. The company’s viewpoint
D. The company’s market share

57. What isn’t the president doing?

A. Concentrating on short-range profits
B. Getting new supporters
C. Being conservative
D. Maintaining established investors.

58. What does the woman suggest?

A. Their company should pursue only short-term profits.
B. Their company needs a long term strategy.
C. Their company should launch a big advertising campaign
D. Their company should ignore short term profit

WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 81

Questions 59-61 refer to the following conversation.

59. What is the woman’s problem?

A. She is a slow worker
B. She has to explain herself to the team members
C. Management will not supply her with enough time
D. The management is slowing down her progress

60. What does the man suggest to the woman?

A. Presenting her complaint to the management
B. Doing her best
C. Refusing to let her team members be ‘borrowed’
D. Finishing the presentation on time

61. What promise has the management made to the woman?

A. To ensure the presentation is finished in timely fashion
B. Not to ‘borrow’ her team members
C. To supply her with additional team members
D. To extend the deadline

Questions 62-64 refer to the following conversation.

62. Why hasn’t the man been updated?

A. He has been sick
B. Things on his schedule keep changing
C. He can’t remember where to go
D. The woman isn’t very helpful

63.When will the staff meeting be held?

A. Tomorrow
B. This weekend
C. On Thursday
D. Next Tuesday

64. Where will the next staff meeting be held?

A. In conference room 202B
B. In conference room 202C
C. In conference room 201C
D. In conference room 203B

86 WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta
Questions 65-67 refer to the following conversation.

65. What is the purpose of the man ‘s call?

A. To confirm a reservation
B. To inquire about the menu
C. To arrange a party
D. To cancel a reservation

66. What does the man decide to do?

A. Have a special meal prepared
B. Order from the regular menu
C. Have seafood instead of meat
D. Have meat instead of seafood

67. When will the man’s party dine in the restaurant?

A. This evening at 5:00 P.M
B. Tomorrow evening at 7:00 P.M
C. Tomorrow evening at 8:00 P.M
D. Tomorrow afternoon at 2:00 P.M

Questions 68-70 refer to the following conversation.

68. When will the woman attend the opera?

A. Tomorrow
B. This evening
C. On Monday
D. On Saturday

69. What does the woman imply?

A. The man can attend the opera, too
B. The man should sell his ticket to her
C. The man would never enjoy the opera
D. The man should find a different place to go

70. What does the man want to do?

A. Get tickets from the woman
B. Purchase Mr.Chen’s ticket
C. Buy tickets for Mr.Chen
D. Sell his tickets to the woman

WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 83


1. Which word do you hear?

 Thorough  Through  Throw

2. Which word do you hear?

 Throw  Thorough  Through

3. Which word do you hear?

 Thorough  Throw  Through

4. Which word do you hear?

 Tripe  Trip  Trap

5. Which word do you hear?

 Trip  Trap  Tripe

6. Which word do you hear?

 Trap  Trip  Tipe

7. Which word do you hear?

 Mail  Meal  Mall

8. Which word do you hear?

 Mail  Mall  Meal

9. Which word do you hear?

 Mail  Meal  Mall

10. Which word do you hear?

 Skim  Scheme  Scam

Silent Letters

Read each word and choose which letter is silent.

Example: hour - silent letter is H.

1. Receipt

C I P T

2. Doubt

U B T

3. Gnome

G N M

88 WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta
4. Halves

H L V S

5. Whale

W H L

6. Wrong

W R N G

7. Ballet

B L T

8. Excerpt

X C P T

" I Wanna Grow Old With You "
( Westlife )
Another day
Without your smile

Another day just (1 ) ______________ (2) ________

But now I (3) _______________

How much it (4) _______________
For you to stay
(5) ________________ (6) ___________________ with me

The time we (7) ____________ (8) _________________ will make our love
grow stronger
But it hurts so bad I (9) ________ (10) ___________ (11) ___________ any

I wanna grow old with you
I wanna (12) __________ (13) ___________ in your arms
I wanna grow old with you
I wanna (14) ________ (15) __________________ in your eyes
I wanna be there for you
(16) ________________ (17) ______ (18 ) __________________ you do
I wanna grow old with you

WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 85

A (19) _________________ (20) ________________ between us now
It (21) ______________ me to wonder how
Our love tonight (22 ) _________________ so strong
It makes our risk (23) ______________ (24) _________ (25)

The time we spend apart will make our love grow stronger
But it hurts so bad I can't take it any longer

I wanna grow old with you
I wanna die lying in your arms
I wanna grow old with you
I wanna be looking in your eyes
I wanna be there for you
Sharing in everything you do
I wanna grow old with you

Things can (26) _____________ (27) _________ (28 ) _________ I know but
Baby I believe
Something's (29) ___________________ (30) _______________ between us
Makes it (31) _____________ to me

Back to Reff:

90 WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta

Across Down

1. Move slightly 1. Counterfeit

5. Finnish bath 2. Ceramic piece
10. Mineral springs 3. Exactly alike
14. Skin 4. Happen again
15. Writing assignment 5. Small sofa
16. Tranquil 6. On dry land
17. Guinness of "Star Wars" 7. Consumer
18. Motif 8. Appoint
19. Vietnam's continent 9. "Yes" vote
20. List of choices 10. Burn with hot water
21. Pulled apart 11. Glue
22. Tailor 12. E.T., e.g.
23. More factual 13. Intelligent

WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 87

25. Set in from the margin 22. Picnic pests
26. ____ Beta Kappa 24. Strike caller
28. Most timid 25. "____ dead people!" (2 wds.)
31. Summarize 26. Experts
33. Biased (hyph.) 27. Superman, e.g.
38. Unwritten 29. Seoul's country
39. Norwegian 30. Naval rank (abbr.)
41. Make over 32. Boxing great
42. Seclusion 34. Intense anger
44. Satan 35. Destroy
45. FDR's wife 36. Correct copy
48. Chowed down 37. Mete (out)
49. Of the mind 39. ____ and void
53. Chasm 40. Keats work
55. Warning signal 43. Group of players
56. Facial features 44. Arid
58. Nevada neighbor 46. Italian seaport
61. Idiot 47. Become fixated
62. Bride's walkway 49. Lady's title
63. Mall event 50. Marry secretly
64. Chimpanzees 51. Neck areas
65. Valleys 52. Lock of hair
66. Potent particle 54. Actress ____ Sarandon
67. Untidy state 56. Fibber
68. Clothe 57. Capri or Man
69. Seines 59. Very much (2 wds.)
60. Skirt edges
62. Find a sum

92 WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta


4. Mengolah, menalar, 4.6.1 Menangkap makna 1. Siswa mendengarkan

menyaji, dan secara kontekstual rekaman yang berupa
mencipta dalam terkait fungsi diskusi dari beberapa
ranah konkret dan sosial, struktur orang mengenai
ranah abstrak teks, dan unsur sebuah topic. Siswa
terkait dengan kebahasaan teks mampu menjawab
pengembangan pembahasan pertanyaan
dari yang ilmiah (discussion) berdasarkan rekaman
dipelajarinya di lisan dan tulis, yang diperdengarkan.
sekolah secara terkait isu
2. Siswa mampu
mandiri serta kontroversial dan
melengkapi dialogue
bertindak secara aktual
yang berisi diskusi
efektif dan kreatif,
ilmiah (discussion)
dan mampu
mengenai global
metoda sesuai
kaidah keilmuan 3. Siswa mampu melatih
pemahamannya dalam
comprehension melalui
soal latihan IELTS.

4. Siswa mampu
menentukan kata-kata
yang tepat sesuai
dengan pronunciation
yang didengarkan.

5. Siswa mampu
melengkapi lagu
dengan tepat.

6. Siswa mampu
menentukan padanan
kata dengan
melengkapi TTS yang

WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 89



1. Pre Listening

Before listening, find the meaning of these words by matching them to the
appropiate meaning in the box.

1. Lecture A. height above sea level

2. Failure B. something needing great mental or physical effort in
3. Conventionally order to be done successfully
4. Flight C. to have control over a place or a person
5. Altitude D. in a traditionall and ordinary way
6. Dominate E. when someone or something does not succeed
7. hallenge F. a journey in an aircraft
G. to give a formal talk to a group of people, often at a

2. Listening Comprehension

A. While you are listening to the recording, decide which is the correct
answer to each of the 7 questions below!

1. What was Amelia interested in as a child?

A. Engineering
B. Successful women
C. Planes

2. When did Amelia’s life change?

A. When she flew in a plane
B. When she worked in a hospital
C. When she started university

3. When did Amelia break her first record?

A. 1922
B. 1928
C. 1932

4. Who piloted the plane that crossed the Atlantic in 1928?

A. Amelia Earhart
B. George Putnam
C. Wilmer Stultz

WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 91

5. What was important about Amelia’s 1932 solo Atlantic crossing?
A. She was the first person to do it
B. She was the first woman to do it
C. She landed in Ireland

6. What happened in 1937?

A. Amelia flew around the world
B. Amelia disappeared
C. Amelia’s plane crashed on Howland Island

7. What did the rescue search find?

A. Nothing
B. Amelia’s plane
C. Amelia’s body

B. Decide whether these statements below are true or false. Write TRUE or
FALSE! If the statements are wrong, then please try to correct the

No Statements TRUE/FALSE

1 Amelia Earheart was very feminine as a common girl in

her childhood.
2 When Amelia was young, she worked as a nurse in a
hospital, before she fell in love with aviation fair.
3 ‘Canary’ was her second plane which Amelia bought
and flew up to a height of 40,000 feet.
4 In 1931,Amelia got married to her manager, Wilmer
Stultz, who was also an American publisher.
5 Because of bad weather, she unfortunately had to land
in the middle of a field in Iceland.
6 Amelia Earheart was also talented in designing clothes
for women.
7 Everybody liked Amelia when she broke many records
during her life and decided to live a life like in an
unusual way.
8 In her last journey, Amelia landed smoothly in New
Guinea in June.
9 Amelia and Fred successfully landed in Howland Island.
Since that time, a lighthouse was built on Howland
Island to celebrate that success.
10 Amelia left her husband a letter telling that she was
very determined to do her last flight and to be the first
woman to fly around the world.

96 WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta
3. Post Listening Activity (Speaking)
Instructions: Make a draft of your favourite public figures. Do the research
about them and write down any important events about them
chronologically. Have some minutes for preparation before you share your
inspirational person in front of the class. (minimum 2 minutes).

WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 93


Exercise 4 : Dialogues-Reversals

Choose the best answer

1. How will the woman get to the hospital?

A. She will get a ride with the man.
B. She will ride the airport shuttle.
C. She will drive her car.
D. She will rent a car.

2. What does the woman want to eat?

A. She would like eggs and potatoes.
B. She wants eggs and pancakes.
C. She wants to eat potato pancakes.
D. Pancake is what she would like to eat.

3. How many boxes of cookies did the man order?

A. The bought one box of cookies.
B. The man ordered four boxes of cookies.
C. He purchased five boxes of cookies.
D. He did not order any cookies this year.

4. What is the correct area code for the woman?

A. The number is 6-9-1.
B. The area code is 1-9-6.
C. 9-1-6 is the area code.
D. 6-1-9 is the correct number.

5. How much per copy will the woman pay?

A. She will pay five cents per page.
B. The price is ten cents a copy.
C. She owes fifteen cents per copy.
D. Twenty cents per page is the price.

6. How much will the woman pay?

A. One dollar a minute.
B. One dollar a page.
C. Two dollars and fifty cents a minute.
D. Two dollars and fifty cents a page.
7. What does he woman want to do?
A. See a documentary.
B. Change the channel.
C. Watch television.
D. Go to a movie.

98 WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta
8. What does the man want the woman to do?
A. He wants all twenty-dollar bills.
B. He wants all fifty-dollar bills.
C. He wants all large bills.
D. He wants some twenty-and some fifty-dollar bills.
9. Where will the man and woman eat lunch?
A. The Country Kitchen.
B. The Country Home.
C. The Old House.
D. The Old Kitchen.
10.When will the man at home?
A. He will be home at six o’clock.
B. He will not be home late.
C. He will be home a little after seven o’ clock.
D. He will be home earlier than usual.

Exercise 5 : Dialogues – Idioms

Choose The Best Answer.

1. What does the woman mean?

A. She does not think that the man is serious
B. She thinks that the man is going to take her to Florida
C. She thinks that the man has a good idea
D. She thinks that the man does not have any money
2. What does the woman mean?
A. She needs one more semester
B. She needs a hundred dollar
C. The increase will be difficult for her
D. The paper is not dependable
3. What did the man do?
A. He has left the lecture
B. He has used his past piece of paper
C. He has said good-bye to the woman
D. He has finished giving the lecture
4. How does the man fell about the test?
A. He feels that the test was fair
B. He agrees with the woman about the test
C. He does not want the woman to tease him about the test
D. He is not worried about the test

WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 95

5. What does the woman mean?
A. The man does not pay attention
B. The man is very honest
C. The man has gone away
D. The man needs to repeat

6. On what do the speakers agree?

A. The sign has the Mickey Mouse on it
B. They do not believe the sign
C. The course is very easy
D. They did not register for the course

7. What does the woman mean?

A. She does not want the man to come for her
B. She thinks that the man is a bother
C. She does not want to go to class
D. She accepts the man’s offer
E. The man will get some ice cream for the woman

8. What does the man mean?

A. The man likes ice cream
B. The man will tell the woman later whether he wants the ice cream
C. The man does not want to tell whether he likes ice cream
D. The man will get some ice cream for the woman

9. What does the woman mean?

A. She is glad Joan is moving
B. She does not believe that Joan will move
C. She saw Joan move
D. She believes Joan moving because she saw her

10.What does the man mean?

A. He is angry with the woman
B. He wants to talk with the woman
C. It was a bad day for the man
D. He does not know what day it is

100 WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta


Activity 1: Put the words into the correct columns. Look at the examples first.

( = 2 s y lla b le s , = 3 s y lla b le s )

attached connected answered borrowed corrected created decided discussed

divided finished invented ordered presented produced promised pronounced

protected relaxed reported respected returned succeeded translated travelled

Column 1 Column 2

 

attached connected

Activity 2: Practise saying the wordsin Column 1, then Column 2.

Activity 3: Practise saying thesephrases.

1. attached and connected 8. ordered and returned

2. answered and corrected 9. relaxed and discussed

3. created and translated 10. reported and pronounced

4. travelledand succeeded 11. decided and promised

5. invented and created 12. borrowed and divided

6. produced and presented 13. answered and promised

7. respected and protected 14. finished and relaxed

WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 97


Nobody wants to be lonely – Christina Aguilera and Ricky Martin

Why, why, why

Oh ooh ohh

There you are, in a ___________ room

And you're all alone, ___________ out the ___________
Your heart is ___________ and ___________ the will to love
Like a ___________ ___________
___________ I stand in the ___________
In the shadows
Come to come, come to me
___________ you see that

Nobody wants to be ___________

Nobody wants to ___________
My body's ___________ to ___________ you
So bad it ___________ inside
Time is ___________ and it's ___________ away
And I've been ___________ for you all of my ___________ (ohh)
___________ wants to be lonely
So why (why), why don't you ___________ me ___________ you

Why (ooh ohh yeah), why (oh why), why

Ooh ooh, yeah

Can you ___________ my voice, do you ___________ my song
It's a ___________, so your heart can ___________ me, ohh
And ___________ you're flying down the ___________
Into my ___________, baby, ohh

___________ I start going___________

Going ___________, ohh
Run to me
Run to me
Cause I'm ___________...

Nobody wants to be ___________

Nobody wants to ___________ (I don't wanna cry)
My body's ___________ to ___________ you (I'm ___________ to hold you)
So bad it hurts inside
102 WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta
Time is ___________ and it's ___________ away
And I've been ___________ for you all of my ___________ (ohh)
Nobody ___________ to be ___________
So why

Why, why don't you let me love you

I ___________ feel you need me
Feel you ___________ me
Just like the ___________you're ___________
___________, I need you here in my___________

Don't walk ___________, don't ___________ away

Don't walk alway, don't walk away
No, no, no, no...


1. What is harder to catch the faster you run?

2. You can see me in water, but I never get wet. What am I?
3. A man is trapped in a room. The room has only two possible exits: two
doors. Through the first door there is a room constructed from magnifying
glass. The blazing hot sun instantly fries anything or anyone that enters.
Through the second door there is a fire-breathing dragon. How does the man
4. Two in a corner, 1 in a room, 0 in a house, but 1 in a shelter. What am I?
5. I have many teeth and sometimes they’re fine, First I’m by your head, then
I’m down your spine. What am I? What am I?
6. I pass before the sun, yet make no shadow. What am I?
7. I don’t have eyes, but once I did see. Once I had thoughts, but now I’m
white and empty.
8. What belongs to you but others use it more than you do?
9. What is it that goes up and goes down but does not move?
10. A young woman was found dead in her California apartment. There were
traces of a powerful, deadly neurotoxin in her blood and an empty bottle of
the poison was found on the bedside table beside her bed. She was found
sprawled across her bed, nearby the bottle of poison. Beside her bed were a
fully packed suitcase and plane ticket for a flight later in the day she died.
The coroner ruled the death suicide, but one detective pointed out how this
death had to have been murder. From what did he draw this conclusion?

WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 99



4. Mengolah, 4.6.1 Menangkap makna 1. Siswa mendengarkan

menalar, menyaji, secara kontekstual rekaman yang berupa
dan mencipta terkait fungsi diskusi dari beberapa
dalam ranah sosial, struktur orang mengenai sebuah
konkret dan ranah teks, dan unsur topic. Siswa mampu
abstrak terkait kebahasaan teks menjawab pertanyaan
dengan pembahasan berdasarkan rekaman
pengembangan ilmiah (discussion) yang diperdengarkan.
dari yang lisan dan tulis,
2. Siswa mampu
dipelajarinya di terkait isu
melengkapi dialogue
sekolah secara kontroversial dan
yang berisi diskusi
mandiri serta aktual
ilmiah (discussion)
bertindak secara
mengenai global
efektif dan kreatif,
dan mampu
menggunakan 3. Siswa mampu melatih
metoda sesuai pemahamannya dalam
kaidah keilmuan listening
comprehension melalui
soal latihan IELTS.

4. Siswa mampu
menentukan kata-kata
yang tepat sesuai
dengan pronunciation
yang didengarkan.

5. Siswa mampu
melengkapi lagu
dengan tepat.

6. Siswa mampu
menentukan padanan
kata dengan
melengkapi TTS yang

WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 101


Listen to a conversation among Win, Michael and Goron. They talk about social
issues and problems of their cities.
While listening to the recording, try to find out the answer of the questions

1. Michael says his city has … problem.

A. no
B. the same
C. a different
D. many
E. much

2. They think … makes people do bad things.

A. poverty
B. peer pressure
C. the police
D. society
E. community

3. Win says most people are born … .

A. in the city
B. outside the city
C. in the summer
D. in the winter
E. at night

4. People flock to the city for … .

A. family
B. jobs
C. fun
D. relatives
E. siblings

WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 103
5. They all discuss … in their city.
A. crime
B. homelessness
C. corruption
D. prosperity
E. togetherness


Listen to a conversation between two friends, Matt and Kate, about the

Matt: Hey, Kate, did you read this article in the National Geographic? I can't
believe how much man is 1______________ the planet.

Kate: Yeah, I had a look at it. Quite interesting I suppose if you believe that sort
of thing.

Matt: What? What do you mean, "if you believe that sort of thing"? Are you
saying you don't believe that we are 2______________ the planet?

Kate: To be honest, Matt, not really.

Matt: What are you saying? Are you saying global warming isn't a fact,
______________ isn't a fact, the greenhouse effect isn't actually

Kate: Hey, calm down Matt. I just think too many people take these things as
being definitely true without 4______________ all the facts.

Matt: You really don't think global warming is 5______________. You know
they've said sea levels are going to rise by quite a few meters over the
next fifty to a hundred years. Weather conditions are getting
______________ all over the world. Can you remember how many big
______________ there have been in the United States over the last
few years? I think 8______________ is all around us.

Kate: I don't think we have enough 9______________ to be honest. We've

only been measuring these things for around two or three
______________ years. We have no idea what was happening 50,000
years ago. For all we know, this is just a ______________ blip in the
whole climate cycle. I don't think we should change how we're living just
because of twenty years of ______________ measurements.

108 WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta
Matt: And don't you think all the other effects we're having on the planet are

Kate: What do you mean?

Matt: I mean, like, deforestation, ______________, threatening the
existence of many endangered animals, pollution of the air and the
seas...I mean, I could go on if you want!

Kate: No, no...I understand what you're saying and, yes, it's true that there are
several problems worldwide caused by human ______________. I
think the destruction of the Amazon rainforest is really dangerous and it's
something we could live to ______________. I read somewhere that
they were considered to be the "lungs of the planet" and there we are
happily ______________ it all down. And it would be a shame to lose
some of those animals that may become ______________, you know,
like the rhino or the panda. But I think we shouldn't ______________
with nature. If they are going to become extinct, then we have to allow
______________ to take its course.
Matt: You've just ______________ yourself in two sentences, Kate. First
you said it's bad that we're interfering with nature by destroying the
______________ and then...

Kate: That's not the same thing!

Matt: Well, of course it is! The only reason 99% of these animals are
endangered is precisely because WE are threatening their
______________, either by chopping it down as you say or by
expanding towns and farming into areas where these animals normally
live and hunt. You can't ______________ an animal's habitat and
then turn around and say we can't interfere with nature to
______________ it.
Kate: I don't think having twenty panda ______________ in zoos around
the world is a very smart way to save an animal. It's totally
______________ and is cruel to the animals involved.

Matt: I would go along with that, yes. The real solution is to save the animal's
______________ habitat. So, does this mean you don't really agree
with ______________ energy sources either? Don't you see the sense
in trying to lessen man's ______________ on the planet?
Kate: I think we need to start looking for ______________ sources of oil.
Matt: You mean alternative sources of ______________?
Kate: No, of oil. This country imports too much oil from ______________
and we need to become more self-sufficient.

WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 105
Matt: But that's crazy, Kate. There will be no more oil left in 50 to 70 years'
time. We have to start looking seriously at alternative energy sources
such as solar and ______________.
Kate: Look, I don't see it as being very ______________ to expect people
to go back to using windmills and the like. It's ______________ to
think we could do that. Are all automobiles going to have
______________ panels in the roof or a little windmill on top?
Matt: It would be highly ______________ of this country to move towards
an oil-free future without having planned for where energy is going to
come from. I worry that we will all have to start building
______________ power stations again.

Kate: If there's no more oil left, then I can't see any alternative. I'm not really
worried...we always seem to find a solution to most things but there are
always ______________ like yourself telling the rest of us that the
world's going to end, etcetera etcetera. I won't be fooled into
Matt: Fooled? I simply don't understand your blasé ______________
towards all this, Kate. Your father works in the power plant too. I would
have thought you would have had a real interest in all this.

Kate: My father? My father is the biggest skeptic of all. He thinks everyone is

just trying to force up the ______________ of gas and oil to make a
quick buck. And, to be honest, I tend to believe him. Take the ozone hole,
for example. You don't hear about that anymore. I ______________
ten years ago, you couldn't switch on the TV or pick up a newspaper or
magazine without seeing satellite images of the ______________ hole
and how we were all going to burn and get skin cancer.
Matt: Kate, that was ______________ years ago and you know why we
don't talk about it anymore, don't you?
Kate: Because we've got some new scary stories to ______________

Matt: Not at all! That was and still is a serious issue, which is why the world
______________ got together, in Montreal I think it was, and banned
immediately all the chemicals that were causing that ozone hole.

Kate: The CFC's?

Matt: Exactly. That was a perfect example of ______________ actually
working together and achieving great results when the need arises. I fear
we will have to do the same for all these other issues, such as global
warming, and I just hope we won't ______________ up too late.

110 WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta

Section 1. Questions 1 -10

Complete the form below.
Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.
Example: Name : Robert Goddard
Destination: Melbourne
Total number of visits: (1).
Best thing about the city: (2).
Favorite attraction: (3).
Best thing about the destination's
dining options: (4).
Method of transport to destination: By (5).
Age group: (6).
Income level: (7).
- on business
Purpose of visit: - (8).
- (9).
Occupation: - writer for a travel magazine
Opinion of cost of accommodation: - (10).

Questions 11 – 15
Label the map below.
Write the correct letter, A-E, next to questions 11-15.

WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 107
11. Science Museum

12. National History Museum

13. Car Park

14. Shopping Mall

15. Primary School

Questions 16 – 20
What is the improvement of each main point of interest in the area?
Choose FIVE answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-G, next to
questions 16-20.
A New entrance
B Free lunch provided
C Free information provided
D Increase in size
E Additional signs
F New exhibitions
G New structure

16. Car Park

17. Primary School

18. Science Museum

19. National History Museum

20. Shopping Mall

Questions 21-23
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
21. The proposal will …
A. be reviewed by two examiners.
B. be added to the final grade.
C. be returned with feedback.
22. The proposal will consist mostly of …
A. topics
B. methods
C. results
23. For the practice paper, the tutor has directed the students to make sure to …
A. pay attention to time limits.
B. write at least 6,000 words.
C. keep on topic.

112 WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta
Questions 24-30
Complete the sentences below.
Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

24. There is no need to __________________ lots of people.

25. Pay attention to the __________________of the final report.

26. Prepare __________________ one for the teachers, another for the
students themselves.

27. The deadline of the final paper is __________________ .

28. The students can __________________ their topics before the beginning of

29. Students deciding to change topics must deliver a __________________ to

the research in advance.

30. At the beginning of the report, the hypothesis and an outline of the
__________________ are needed.


Complete the notes below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.


The important factor to consider

• The 31. __________________ customers must travel affects the probability
that they will buy the product.

Methods of communication
• Advertising slogans are easier to remember if there is a 32.
__________________ played with them.
• Mandy's Candy Store appeals to people's sense of 33. __________________
to draw in customers.
• To an ad campaign for digital products, it is 34. __________________ that
is extremely important.

Effect on your product sales

• The customer's 35. __________________ after he or she experiences the ad
is most important.

Marketing strategies
• On international flights, it is wise for the advertisement to be displayed in the
common 36. __________________ of most passengers.
• Very few young people buy 37. __________________.

WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 109
• The UNESCO website would be a good place to advertise for companies
aiming to improve the 38. __________________.
• One good location to place ads for sunscreen is the 39.
• A good scene for a water purification commercial would be 40.


Instruction: Decide the word you hear.

1. thorough / through / throw

2. trap / trip / tripe
3. meal / mail / mall
4. scam / scheme / skim
5. sky / skew / ski
6. mere / mar / mayor
7. though / thought / that
8. though / that / thought
9. medal / middle / model
10. legend / legion / latent
11. tall / tool / toil
12. towel / toil / tail
13. hall / howl / hole
14. forced / forest / first
15. paper / piper / pauper
16. piper / paper / pauper
17. thrill / trail / trial
18. thrill / trail / trial
19. scenes / sense / sins
20. met her / mother / matter
21. went there / wonder / wander
22. dairy / diary / dowry
23. dairy /dowry / diary
24. water / waiter / weather
25. knife / navy / naïve

114 WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta

Complete the song lyrics below.

She can ___ you
___ far away
But she can't see ___
What you do not ___
Take a ___ back
Don't lose your ___
Remember how you ___ before
And if you ___ about her
___ her that you're sure

If I were you
My prized ___
Would be the ones I'd ___ so close
'Cause when you ___ your love
You lose what ___ the most
If I ___ you
I'd hold ___
Higher than any star in ___
Take this to ___
And you'll never ___
These are the ___ that I would do
If I ___ you

Simple ___
The ___ to be found
Can't be ___
'Till they're not ___
Maybe she'll ___
Maybe she'll ___

But she'd rather go than ___ away
Sometimes the sweetest ___
Is the saddest ___

Take a step ___
Don't lose your ___

WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 111
Remember how you ___ before
And if you ___ about her
___ her that you're sure

If I were you
I'd hold ___
Higher than any star in ___
Take this to ___
And you'll never ___
These are the things that I would ___
If I ___ you


116 WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta
1. unwilling 2. defeat
6. reliever 3. accurate
7. change 4. lack
11. take care of 5. rubbish
12. cruel 8. skillful
15. very busy 9. gigantic
17. finally 10. interference
18. proof 13. important
20. famous 14. worry
23. unemployment 16. odd
24. bossy 19. meet
25. dangerous 21. attack
28. outstanding 22. behavior
31. essential 26. threat
33. delay 27. prestige
34. disaster 29. obtain
35. height 30. adequate
36. famine 32. clear
37. sadness

WORKBOOK 5 - Bahasa Inggris SMA - Kelas XII - BPK PENABUR Jakarta 113

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