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Indonesia Opens Regional Recycling


Petrus Riski

February 25, 2014 01:44 PM

SURABAYA, INDONESIA – (A) Indonesia has opened a regional recycling conference aimed at
increasing awareness of waste management for economic and environmental benefits.

(B) The Fifth Regional 3R Forum in Asia and the Pacific, which opened in Surabaya Tuesday, is
being attended by 300 participants from nearly 40 Asia and Pacific countries.

The city was chosen to host the event because of its success in managing municipal waste
through the 3Rs, Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle.

Mayor Tri Rismaharini said waste transportation is expensive and that the best way to
address the problem is at its sources, with every household involved in recycling activities.
"We can see that every year there is a reduction in the volume of trash that ends up in the
landfill. When I was the head of Sanitation and Parks, it was 2,300 cubic meters per day.
Currently it’s 1,200 cubic meters," he explained. "So you can see the reduction, which goes to
composting centers, also in the community, and waste management centers."

The mayor said the city also runs a program for children called eco school.

"The school does not only teach about the environment but also introduces environmental-
friendly practices, such as the eco school program where they bring their own plates and
cups to reduce plastic waste. They even don’t use drinking straws," added Tri Rismaharini.

The conference will continue until Thursday.

(C) (


SURABAYA, INDONESIA – Indonesia telah membuka sebuah konferensi daur ulang wilayah
yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran pengelolaan sampah untuk keuntungan
ekonomi dan lingkungan.

Forum wilayah 3R ke-5 se-Asia dan Pasifik yang buka di Surabaya selasa, dihadiri oleh 300
peserta dari hampir 40 negara Asia dan Pasifik.

Kota terssebut untuk tuan rumah karena kesuseksannya dalam mengelola sampah kota
melalu 3R, mengurangi, pengunaan kembali, dan mendaur ulang.

Walikota Tri Rismaharini mengakatan bahwa pengangkutan sampah yang mahal dan jalan
terbaik untuk masalahnya adalah pada sumbernya, dengan setiap rumah tangga terlibat
dalam aktivitas. “Kita bisa lihat itu setiap tahunnya ada sebuah pengurangan jumlah sampah
yang berakhir di TPA. Ketika saya seorang kepala sanitasi dan taman, itu 2,300 m3 per hari.
Baru baru ini itu ada 1,200 m3,” jelas dia. “Jadi kalian bisa lihat pengurangannya, yang masuk
ke pusat pengomposan, juga dalam komunitas, dan pusat pengelolaan sampah.”

Walikota mengakatan bahwa kota tersebut juga menjalankan sebuah program untuk anak-
anak bernama sekolah lingkungan.

“Sekolah tidak hanya mengajarkan tentang lingkungan tapi juga mengenalkan praktek
ramah lingkungan, seperti program sekolah lingkungan dimana mereka membawa gelas dan
wadah milik mereka untuk mengurangi sampah plastik, Mereka bahkan tidak menggunakan
sedotan,” tambah Tri Rismaharini.

Konferensi tersebut akan berlanjut sampai hari Kamis.

Analisa Teks

1. Purpose : To inform the readers that Indonesia has opened a regional recycling

2. Generic Structure:

1. Newsworthy event(s);
2. Background event(s);
3. Source

3. Languange Focus:

1. Use noun and pronoun

2. Use action verbs
3. Use past tense
4. Use time conjunction

Task 3

1. What was the main agenda of the conference?

2. What was probably the main reason for holding the conference?

3. Why was Surabaya selected to be the conference venue?

4. How important was the conference for Indonesia?

5. Has Indonesia implemented the three Rs so far?

6. What did Rismaharini believe to be the best municipal waste management?

7. What made the mayor very convinced about her waste management?
8. How did the mayor educate students to live a zero waste life style?

9. What do you think the mayor’s concept on municipal waste management?


1. The main agenda of the conference is to increase people’s awareness of waste

management for economic and environmental benefits.

2. The main reason for holding the conference was awareness about waste management has
not been good.

3. Surabaya was selected to be the conference venue because Surabaya has been successful
in managing municipal waste through the 3Rs (reduce, reuse, and recycle).

4. The conference was important for Indonesia because could attract people’s attention in
Indonesia, especially Surabaya and increase their awareness about waste management.

5. Yes, it has.

6. Risma Harini believed all households should participate in recycling waste activities.

7. There was reduction of trash that was taken to landfills made the mayor very convinced
about her waste management. From 2,300 meter cubic per day, the volume trash into 1,200
meter cubic.

8. The major educated student to live a zero waste life by launched a program which was
called eco schools.

9. I think it is very good because the waste management involve households so that it can
grow people’s awareness about waste management.
 containers
 treasure
 masterpiece
 tiny
 landfill
 sculptures
 awareness
 break down
 municipal
 incorporate
 compost
 reduce
 braid
 trash
 loop
 replicate
 secure
 unravel
 braids

1. In the art class, the art teacher told us to make sculptures of animals or tress from clay
that later can be donated to a kindergarten next to our school.

2. Every household in our city should think of how to reduce the amount of trash taken to
the landfill the three Rs should be in the mind of all people.

3. My mother told me that in the old time it was difficult to buy soupy kinds of food. We had
to bring our own container from home because plastic container were not as popular as
they are now.

4. It takes years for plastic waste to breakdown. Therefore, live a zero waste life style by
bringing your own (plastic) bags or containers wherever you go.
5. This box is full of tiny little seeds that can turn into organic green leafy vegetables that
have significantly large contribution to your health. Let’s grow our own vegetables.

6. As a little girl, I enjoyed wearing my hair in braids and now I enjoy weaving and twisting to
braid my friend’s long hair.

7. Could you help me loop this rope over these sacks? We need three strings more to secure
the knots of these three sacks of rice.

8. What is the nation’s most precious treasure that can guarantee this country’s welfare? It is
the high-spirited and environmentally concerned young generation like you.

9. Environmentally concerned city architects will incorporate environment-friendly features

in their design of the city planning.

10. Do you agree if I say that Andrea Hirata’s “Laskar Pelangi” is a masterpiece ? It has been
translated into many languanges and we should be proud of that.

11. As the last assignment, you need to do a research project. If you want to replicate your
senior’s research you need to explaine why it is important to do that again and in what way
your own research will be different from your senior’s.

12. The hair stylist loop the ribbon over the braids then tightened them so that braids will
not unreavel .

13. The municipal government provides free compost as free fertilizers for our plants.

14. School should have eco programs that aim at developing students’ awareness about
their environment.



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