Anda di halaman 1dari 6


1. Sebelum mengerjakan soal, telitilah kelengkapan 8. Selama ujian berlangsung, Anda tidak
nomor dalam berkas soal ini! Tes Potensi diperkenankan keluar-masuk ruang ujian.
Skolastik terdiri atas 75 soal yang terdiri dari
Penalaran umum 15 soal, Pemahaman Bacaan 9. Waktu ujian yang disediakan adalah 105 menit
dan Menulis 15 soal, Pengetahuan dan yang terdiri dari Penalaran umum 22,5 menit,
Pemahaman Umum 15 soal, Pengetahuan Pemahaman Bacaan dan Menulis 15 menit,
Kuantitatif 15 soal dan bahasa Inggris 15 soal. Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman Umum 15 menit,
dan Pengetahuan Kuantitatif 30 menit dan B.
2. Untuk setiap soal, pilihlah jawaban yang paling Inggris 22,5 menit. Tiap komponen tes
benar (A), (B), (C), (D) atau (E) sesuai petunjuk dikerjakan dalam rentang waktu yang telah
khusus menjawab soal. ditentukan.

3. Tulislah jawaban Anda pada lembar jawaban 10. Harap diperhatikan agar lembar jawaban ujian
ujian yang tersedia sesuai denga petunjuk yang tidak kotor, tidak terlipat, tidak basah, dan tidak
diberikan! robek.

4. Anda dapat menggunakan bagian yang kosong 11. Setelah ujian selesai, Anda diminta tetap duduk
dalam berkas soal untuk keperluan coret- sampai pengawas selesai mengumpulkan lebar
mencoret. Jangan menggunakan lembar jawaban jawaban ujian. Anda dipersilakan keluar ruang
ujian untuk keperluan coret-mencoret. setelah mendapat isyarat dari pengawas untuk
meninggalkan ruang.
5. Selama ujian berlangsung, Anda tidak
diperkenankan menggunakan segala bentuk alat 12. Jawaban yang benar diberi skor +1, jawaban yang
hitung. kosong diberi skor 0, dan jawaban yang salah
diberi skor 0.
6. Selama ujian berlangsung, Anda tidak
diperkenankan menggunakan segala bentuk alat
komunikasi. 13. Kode naskah ujian ini: 341
7. Selama ujian berlangsung, Anda tidak
diperkenakan bertanya atau meminta penjelasan
kepada siapa pun tentang soal-soal ujian,
termasuk kepada pengawas ujian.


PETUNJUK A Pilih satu jawaban yang paling tepat.

PETUNJUK B Soal terdiri dari tiga bagian, yaitu: PERNYATAAN, kata SEBAB dan ALASAN yang disusun
(A) jika pernyataan betul, alasan betul, dan keduanya menunjukkan hubungan sebab akibat
(B) jika pernyataan betul, alasan betul, tetapi keduanya tidak menunjukkan hubungan sebab akibat
(C) jika pernyataan betul dan alasan salah
(D) jika pernyataan salah dan alasan betul
(E) jika pernyataan dan alasan, keduanya salah

PETUNJUK C Pilihlah:
(A) jika (1), (2), dan (3) yang betul
(B) jika (1) dan (3) yang betul
(C) jika (2) dan (4) yang betul
(D) jika hanya (4) yang betul
(E) jika semuanya betul

Subtes : Bahasa Inggris

Texs 10
Questions 61 to 64 are based on the following passage.
Though some foods, such as rice, wheat and other cereals, can be ripened and then stored for years
before they deteriorate, other foods, such as meat and fish, normally deteriorate quickly. Generally, if food
is to be eaten weeks or months after it has been killed or harvested, the processes of decay must be halted
by treating the food in a way which does not make it unpalatable. But no single method of preservation is
suitable for all types of food.
The traditional methods of drying, smoking, salting or pickling foods were widely used long before it
was known why these methods were effective. It is now known that the processes of decay are accelerated
by enzymes already present in the food cell and by bacteria or other micro-organisms which may be already
present or may come from external sources. To preserve food from decay, it is necessary either to destroy
the bacteria or to create an environment in which bacteria cannot multiply and enzymes are inactivated.
Bacteria can be destroyed by heat and be inactivated by depriving them of moisture. Enzymes can be
inactivated by cold or by reducing the moisture content.
The moisture content of food can be reduced by drying it in the sun or by other means. Meat of fish
suspended over a smoking fire is partly dried and the smoke also has bactericidal properties. But to
understand why salt and vinegar are effective preservatives, it is necessary to consider some physical

61. What is the main idea of the passage above? 63. The following statements are true about
(A) Food preservation is necessary to prevent methods of preservation, EXCEPT ....
food from spoiling. (A) our ancestors knew how to preserve food
(B) Drying, smoking, salting and pickling have (B) pickling foods is an old way of
been used widely today. preservation
(C) Different food preservation methods have (C) drying was one of the first methods for
different impacts on the quality of food. preserving food
(D) Food preservation is used to prevent (D) preventing the growth of bacteria
bacterial growth and inactivate enzymes. preserves food from decay
(E) Physical principles are very important in (E) the best method of preservation for meat
food preservation. of fish is smoking

62. How does smoking preserve food? 64. The information in the text above is mainly
(A) By killing enzymes present in food important for ....
(B) By soaking food in water with salt (A) epicures
(C) By removing moisture and bacteria from (B) housewives
food (C) teenage readers
(D) By preserving raw or cooked food in acid (D) food manufacturers
(E) By boiling and blanching food (E) waitresses


Text 10
Questions 65 to 68 are based on the following passage.
Nearly a third of all adults in the U.S. experience insomnia. What’s more, the ongoing coronavirus
pandemic is causing higher stress levels, loss of employment, and social isolation. As a result, experts are
finding the number of people experiencing mental health problems like insomnia is rising. Sleeplessness
caused by stress over the coronavirus even has its own term: coronasomnia. And it has millions of people
asking how they can get some sleep.
Insomnia is one of the most common sleep complaints. About 1 in 3 adults has bouts of insomnia that
last a few days at a time. This is acute insomnia. But 1 in 10 adults suffers ongoing difficulty sleeping, known
as chronic insomnia. This is defined as insomnia that occurs more than 3 nights a week for over a month.
Insomnia affects people in different ways. If you suffer from it, you may not be able to go to sleep or
you may not be able to stay asleep. You might constantly wake up earlier than you would like, perhaps in
the wee hours of the morning, and find yourself unable to go back to sleep.
Women are more likely to have insomnia than men. It is also more common among shift workers who
don't have consistent sleep schedules; people with low incomes, people who have a history of depression,
and those who don't get much physical activity.
Recent studies of patients at sleep clinics have revealed significant facts about the causes of insomnia .
It’s no surprise that stress and depression (over family, health, job, or other problems) are linked to insomnia.
Also, insomnia may be caused by physical illness: itching, aches, asthma, arthritis, ulcers, and heart problems
that involve shortness of breath or difficulty in breathing.
Millions of Americans turn to drugs - both over - the - counter drugs and prescription drugs in order to
overcome insomnia. As a matter of fact, no pill will produce normal sleep. They reach no proper levels of
sleep through a pill; they are merely sedated.
In order to make sure you get adequate sleep and to combat insomnia, you should avoid alcohol and
caffeine late at night, get into a regular routine by going to bed at the same time every day, not exercise close
to bed time, avoid TV and blue light at night, avoid eating a lot before bed since it can make you feel bloated,
and not fight sleep. These simple steps can help you get back on the right track to la la land.

65. What is the author’s purpose in writing the 67. The author’s attitude regarding the tips to
passage? beat insomnia is ....
(A) To explain studies that have found the (A) critical
cure for insomnia (B) impartial
(B) To show that insomnia may lead to (C) concerned
mental health issues (D) persuasive
(C) To raise public awareness about the (E) assertive
danger of insomnia
(D) To provide the best solution to insomnia 68. What most likely motivates the writer in
(E) To explain the facts about insomnia. writing the passage?
(A) The recent studies on insomnia are still in
66. The word ‘significant’ in paragraph 5 is best progress.
replaced by .... (B) Not many people understand the facts
(A) special about insomnia.
(B) important (C) The number of people experiencing
(C) enormous insomnia is unknown.
(D) momentous (D) Information on the side effects of
(E) considerable insomnia is not available.
(E) Insomnia cannot be cured by any drugs.

Text 11
Questions 69 to 72 are based on the following passage.
Amid growing concerns about hospital infections and a rise in drug-resistant bacteria, the attire of
doctors, nurses and other health care workers worn both inside and outside the hospital is getting more
attention. While infection control experts have published extensive research on the benefits of hand washing
and equipment sterilization in hospitals, little is known about the role that ties, white coats, long sleeves and
soiled scrubs play in the spread of bacteria.
A recent New York Times article highlighted growing concerns in the US about the role that doctor’s
garments play in the spread of bacteria. According to the newspaper, the discussion was repeated this year
in the US when the British National Health Service imposed a rule barring doctors from wearing ties and
long sleeves, both of which are known to accumulate germs as doctors move from patient to patient. The
article reported a study from the New York Hospital Medical Centre of Queens that compared the ties of 40
doctors and medical students with those of 10 security guards. It found that about half the ties worn by
medical personnel were a reservoir for germs, compared with just one in 10 of the ties taken from security
When asked about the subject of doctors’ clothes and their possible role in the spread of infection, most
local doctors, and some hospitals, declined to comment. Associate Professor Dale Fisher, the Chairman of
invection control said that ties and other pieces of clothes are sometimes referred to as reservoirs for
microorganism that may cause nosocomial infection (infection caught while staying in a hospital) but he
added that the risk of infection from contaminated clothes needed to be put in perspective.

69. The sentence “It found that about half the ties 71. The author’s idea of the relationship between
worn by medical personnel were a reservoir the doctor’s clothes and bacteria is analogous
for germs, ...” in paragraph 3 can best be with ....
restated as …. (A) refrigerator - vegetables
(A) all the ties worn by medical personnel are (B) human body – tapeworm
reservoirs for germs (C) digital camera – pocket
(B) the doctors’ clothes are considered to be (D) irrigation – harvest
the source of bacteria (E) cave – fossils
(C) the researchers found that bacteria can
live on any parts of doctors’ clothes 72. The passage can be best summarized as
(D) long sleeves are to be the most suitable follows ....
wear for protecting hospital personnel (A) the New York Times’ article has helped
(E) 50% of medical personnel’s ties have socialize the legally recognized findings of
been proven to be a reservoir of bacteria the New York Hospital’s research
(B) generally doctors and hospitals do not
70. The word ‘it in paragraf 2 refers to .... know that they are accused of spreading
(A) the newspaper bacteria to people
(B) A recent New York Times article (C) Professor Dale Fisher is sure that what
(C) the British National Health Service doctors wear are reservoirs of germs that
(D) a study cause people to get a certain disease
(E) a rule (D) the findings that doctor’s clothes can be a
means of spreading a disease have not yet
been accepted by most doctors
(E) hospitals in the US have adopted the
policy of ‘bare below the elbow’s for all
medical doctors

Text 12
Questions 73 to 75 are based on the following passage.
The increase in mortality risk tied to the higher levels of meat consumption was described as “modest,”
ranging from about 20 percent to nearly 40 percent. But the number of excess deaths that could be attributed
to high meat consumption is quite large given the size of the American population.
Extrapolated to all Americans in the age group studied, the new findings suggest that over the course
of a decade, the deaths of one million men and perhaps half a million women could be prevented just by
eating more red and processed meats, according to estimates prepared by Dr. Barry Popkin, who wrote an
editorial accompanying the report.
To prevent premature deaths related to red and processed meats, Dr. Popkin suggested in an interview
that people should eat a hamburger only once or twice a week instead of every day, a small steak once a
week instead of every other day, and a hot dog every month and a half instead of once a week.
In place of red meat, nonvegetarians might consider poultry and fish. In the study, the largest consumers
of “white” meat from poultry and fish had a slight survival advantage. Likewise, those who ate the most fruits
and vegetables also tended to live longer.

73. In which paragraph does the writer 75. What does the phrase ‘attributed to’ in
emphasize the alternative food that people paragraph 1 mean?
can consume instead of red and processed (A) Caused by
meat? (B) Combined with
(A) 1 (C) Established in
(B) 1 and 2 (D) Accused of
(C) 2 and 3 (E) Charged with
(D) 3 and 4
(E) 4

74. Which of the following obviously shows the

author's false idea in the passage?
(A) The number of excess deaths that could
be attributed to high meat consumption is
quite large.
(B) The deaths of one million men and
perhaps half a million women could be
prevented just by eating
more red and processed meats.
(C) People should eat a hamburger only once
or twice a week instead of every day.
(D) Likewise, those who ate the most fruits and
vegetables also tended to live longer.
(E) nonvegetarians might consider poultry and


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