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Nama: Rachel Oktaviani Solihin

NIM: 2892150055

Prodi: Manajemen Reguler Plus A1 (weekend)

Mata kuliah: Bahasa Inggris

e. Sering digunakan dengan keterangan berikut:

Recently = baru-baru ini

Lately = akhir-akhir ini

Not…yet = belum


1. What have you read recently?

2. She hasn’t finised the work yet.

3. What has she done lately?

4. He has recently come out of the hospital.

Apabila dalam sebuah kalimat predikatnya berupa selain kata kerja (verb), yang biasanya dissebut
kalimat nominal, maka kita harus menambahkan auxiliary verb sebagai berikut:

She has been…… I have been……

He has been……. You have been……

It has been……. They hve been……

We have been ……


1. I have been in this office since I Left school.

2. He has never been here since the last ten years.

3. She has been a teacher for 15 years.

Present Perfect Continuous (Progressive) Tense

Subyek + has/have + been + verb ing

a. Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan yang telah mulai dilakukan pada waktu lampau
(waktunya tidak tertentu), dan sekarang masih akan dilakukan atau hanya untuk menyelesaikan


1. We have been listening to the radio for two hours.

2. She has been learing English for 4 years.

3. Maryam has been living in Solo since 1967.

4. How llong have you been waiting for the bus.

5. The professor has been lecturing for over an hour.


1. Kita telah mendengarkan radio selama 2 jam, dan sekarang hinggga nanti kita masih
mendengarkan. (Atau kita hanya akan mendengarkan sampai acara selesai).

2. Maryam tinggal di Solo sejak tahun 1967,dan sekarang dia masih tinggal di Solo.

b. Digunakan untuk menyatakan perbuatan yang diulang-ulang dalam Present Perfect Tense,
biasanya selalu memakai a time phrase (keterangan waktu) seperti:



1. I have written six letters breakfast.

*** I have been writing letters since breakfast.

2. she has knocked at the door for there minutes.

*** She has beeeeen knoking the door for three minutes.


1. I have written a letter for an hour.

(Saya telah menulis sebuah surat selama 1 jam; … dan sekarang telah selesai).

2. I have been writing a letter for an hour. (Sekarang masih sedang menulis sebuah surat).

3. I have been reading your book. (maksudnya: I haven’t finished it).

4. I have read your book. (artinya = I have finished it)

2. Past Tense
5 Past Indefinite Tense /Simple Past Tense

Subyek + Verb II + (kata kerja bentuk II)

a. Digunakan untuk menyatakan perbuatan / peristiwa yang dilakukan atau yang terjadi pada waktu
masa lampau (waktunya tertentu).


1. I met her two days a go.

2. Mary played tennis last week.

3. Ali went to Yogyakarta yesterday.

b. Digunakan untuk menyatakan kebiasaan yang dilakukan pada waktu lampau.


1. He always carried an umbrella.

2. They never drank wine.

3. We usually spoken English.

4. Las year it rained Frequently in this area.

5. When I was young, I went swimming every day.

c. Digunkan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan yang jelas dilakukan pada waktu lampau (waktunya
tertentu) tetapi tidak disebutkan keterangan waktunya.


1. I bought this car in jakarta .

(Mobil ini jelas dibeli pada waktu yang lampau di Jakarta pada waktu tertentu).

2. When did you see me ?

(berarti you telah melihat saya, ……kapan?)

3. The train was ten minute late.

Keterangan waktu yang biasa dipakai antara lain:

Yesterday = kemarin the other day = dulu

Last……. = ……yang lalu in 1982. = pada tahun 1982

Last week = minggu yang lalu

Last year. = tahun yang lalu dan sebagainya.

……ago = ……yang lalu

2days ago = 2 hari yang lalu

Di dalam Simple Tense, bentuk interrogative (kalimat Tanya) dan kalimat negative
(menyangkal), selalu menggunakan kata kerja bantu (auxiliary verb) DID untuk semua jenis subyek,
apabila predikatnya kata kerja.


1. Did you play tennis yesterday?

2. We did not study last night.

3. Did the dog bark this morning?

Dengan memperhatikan contoh-contoh tersebut dapat kita ketahui bahwa dalam kalimat
negative (menyangkal) dan kalimat tanya, kata kerja (predikat) dalam kalimat Simple Tense selalu
kembali pada bentuk I (Simple Present).

Apabila predikatnya berupa selain kata kerja, sehingga boleh jadi noun seperti: teacher,
postman, doctor, house, building, dan sebagainya ; atau adjective, seperti: busy, lazy, happy, tired,
dan sebagainya; atau dapat juga berupa adverbn (kata keterangan), seperti: here, there, at home, at
the station dan sebagainya, yang dalm bahasa Indonesia dinamakan kalimat nominal, maka kita
harus menggunakan kata kerja bantu (auxiliary), To Be yaitu Was atau Were.


1. Was john tired yesterday?

2. We were very busy last night.

3. Ali was here this afternoon.


Untuk membentuk verb I menjadi bentuk II, perlu diperhatikan aturan aturan sebagai berikut:

1. Kata kerja beraturan (reguler verb) akhirnya ditambah dengan ed.

Miasalnya :. to work ……. Worked

To play ……. Played

To happen ……. Happened

To finish ……. Finised, etc

2. Verb yang berakhiran dengan Y dan sebelumnya konsonan (huruf mati), diubah dulu dari Y
menjadi I kemudian ditambah ed.

Misalnya: to carry …… carried

To cry …… cried

To apply …… applied, etc

Verb yang berakhiran dengan Y tetapi sebelumnya vokal, tidak ada perubahan, dan langsung
ditambah dengan ed.

Misalnya:. to obey …… obeyed

To play …… played

3. Verb satu suku kata dan hanya berakhiran dengan sebuah

konsonan, maka konsonan tersebut didobelkan dalam bentuk ing

maupun dalam bentuk II dan ditambah ed.

Misalnya:. to hit …… hitting …… hitted

To stop …… stoping…… stopped

To spel …… speling …… spelled.

6 Past Continous / Progresive Tense

Subyek + was/were + Verb ing

a. Digunakan untuk menyatakan perbuatan yang sedang terjadi / berlangsung pada waktu yang
lampau ketika perbuatan lain terjadi.


1. My mother was cooking when it began to rain.

2. We were studying English while the bell rang.

3. When the teacher came, the boys were playing chess.

4. Betty was sleeping when I visited her.

5. When I was crossing the street, I saw an accident.

C. Modal Verbs

1. Linking (copulation) verbs1

Adalah kata kerja bantu yang befungsi untuk menghubungkan antara subyek dan predikat. Adapun
kata kerja bantu yang dapat berfungsi sebagai linking (copulative) verb yaitu:

To Be = (am, is, are, was, were, be, being, dan been).


1. I am a student 5. Pleasebe here tomorrow

2. We are happy 6. She is well

3. She was here yesterday 7. He has been here for 2 days

4. I am sorry for being late


Dalam kalimat tersebut di atas, misalnya nomor 1 dan 2, “am” dan “are” dipakai sebagai kata kerja
biasa yang berfungsi sebagai linking verb (copulative), yaitu kata kerja penghubung antara subyek
dan predikat. Demikian pula dengan to be yang lain dalam kalimat di atas. Dan To Be dipandang
sebagai “auxiliary verb” ilaa untuk :

1. Membentuk tense (dilihat bab tense).


1. I am studying English Now.

2. She is reading a newspaper.

3. He has been working here for 2 months.

2. Membuat kalimat pasif (lihat bab kalimat pasif)


1. The car is being repaired.

2. She will be promoted soon.

3. Ali was called by his teacher.

2. To do, does, did dan done

1. Dapat berfungsi sebagai kata kerja biasa yang berarti mengerjakan.


1. She didi her homework yesterday.

2. I do my homework every day.

3. Sebagai kata kerja bantu dalam membentuk kalimat tanya, kalimat menyakangkal
(negative), atau jawaban singkat.


1. Did you go to school yesterday?

2. Does he come here?

3. Do you know about her? Yes, I do.

4. They didn’t go to the party last night.

5. Did you see my sister? No, I didn’t

3. Have – has dan had

1. Berfungsi sebagai kata kerja biasa yang berarti “mempunyai”.

Contoh :

1. I have a new motorcyle.

2. She has no money.

3. He had a car last year.

2. Sebagai kata kerja bantu dalam membentuk Tense, misalnya present perfect tense, Past perfect
tense, dan sebagainya.


1. She has bought a new book.

2. He had studies English.

3. She has been working here for 2 years.

4. I have sent a postcard to her.

Penggunaan Modal Auxiliary


1. Dalam sebuah kalimat tidak boleh ada dua buah modal auxiliary.

2. Verb sesudah modal auxiliary selalu dalam bentuk asal (I).

4.1. CAN dipakai untuk menyataka:

1. kesanggupan atau kemahiran seseorang.


1. She ca sing Beautifully.

2. I can speak English.

3. You can drive a car.

2. Minta izin.


1. Can I borrow your book?

2. Can I come to your house?

3. Kemungkinan.


1. She can be at home at noon.

2. He can be ill. (mungkin dia sakit).

4.2. COULD adalah bentuk past tense dari CAN dan bentuknya sama ntuk semua subyek. Namun
dalam penggunaannya tidak selamanya berarti past time (masa lalu).

COULD dipakai untuk menyatakan:

1. Bentuk lampau dari Can.


1. Mary could sing a song when she was young.

She could not come here yesterday because she was ill.

2. Permintaan dengan sopan.


1. Could you help me now?

2. Could you take that book for me?

3. Kemungkinan.


1. She could be at home now, but she usually plays volleyball.

2. He could be very busy at that time.

5.1. SHALL digunkan untuk menyatakan:

1. Bearti “ akan” dalam bentuk future tense.


1. I Shall go to Londan tomorrow. (Saya akan pergi ke London besok).

2. We shall buy a new motorclye next week.

Catatan :

Dalam British English, untuk subyek “I” dan “WE” dipakai “shall”,dan untuk selainya
yaituYou, She, He, dan They digunakan “ Will”.

2. Menawarkan bantuan.


1. Shall I open the window?

2. Shall I make coffee for you?

3. Janji (perjanjian).


1. You shall have a motorcycle.

2. I shall meet her tomorrow.

5.2. SHOULD digunakan untuk menyatakan:

1. Bentuk lampau dari shall.


1. When he come to my house I should go

2. I should visit to your house before you came to myt house.

2. Anjuran –sebaiknya.


1. You are ill, you should go to the doctor soon.

2. She is tired, she should take a rest.

3. Keharusan atau yang seharusnya dilakukan.2

Dalam hal ini SHOULD = Ought to.


1. You should (or ought to) do your homework every day.

2. He should (or ought to) study hard.

3. She sould (or ought to) be here soon.

4. Dalam bentuk lampaunya (masa lampau), berarti menunjukan suatub

kegiatan yang seharusnya dikerjakan tetapi kenyataannya tidak



1. You should (or ought to) have studied hard before take an exam.

Anda seharusnya belajar dengan keras sebelum mengikuti ujian.

(Dalam kenyataannya Anda tidak belajar dengan keras, tetapi

tetap mengikuti ujian)

4. Tomi would rather stay at home. = Tomi would prefer to stay at

home. (Tomi lebih suka tinggal di rumah).

6. 1. MAY adalah kata kerja bantu yang berarti “boleh/mungkin” yang digunakan untuk
menyatakan :

1. Permohonan izin.

Contoh :

1. May I borrow your car ? Yes, you may. (Bolehkah aku pinjam mobilmu ?)

2. May I go home now ? No, you may not. (Bolehkah aku pulang sekarang ?)

3. She may be late .(Mungkin dia terlambat)

2. Permohonan atau harapan.

Contoh :

1. May you both the happy. (Mudah-mudahan anda berdua bahagia)

2. May God bless you. (Mudah-mudahan Allah memberi rahmat kepada Anda).

6.2. MIGHT adalah bentuk lampau (past tense) dari MAY, namun pemakaiannya juga dapat untuk
masa kini atau masa datang.

Contoh :

1. She might be late yesterday. (Mungkin dia terlambat kemarin).

2. Please take an umbrella with you, It might rain. (Bawalah payung, hari mungkin hujan).

3. I told him that he might go home. (Saya beritahukan kepadanya bahwa ia boleh pulang)

4. You might try to be more careful.

8. MUST adalah kata kerja bantu yang berarti harus atau wajib, digunakan

untuk menyatakan :

1. Keharusan/mesti.

Contoh :

1. You must go now. (Anda harus pergi sekarang !)

2. I must do my homework soon (Saya harus segera mengejakan pekerjaan rumahku).

3. She must study hard. (Dia harus belajar keras)

2. Dalam kalimat menyangkal (negative) dan membuat jawaban dari kalimat tanya, selalu
digunakan NEED NOT atau Needn’t bukan musn’t (must not).

Contoh :

1. Must I go now ? Yes, you must atau yes, you need.

2. Must she pay it ? No, she needn’t.

3. You needn’t go now. (Anda tidak perlu pergi sekarang) bukan musn’t.

4. She need not come here again. (Dia tak perlu lagi datang ke sini).

3. Must not (musn’t) menunjukkan (berarti) larangan atau tidak boleh.

Contoh :

1. You must not smoke in the class. (Anda dilarang merokok di dalam kelas).

2. He mustn’t go there alone. (Dia tidak boleh (dilarang) pergi ke sama sendirian).

4. Must = Have to (she/he has to) berarti harus.

Contoh :

1. You must (or have to) read this book. (Anda harus membaca buku ini).

2. She must (or has to) go to school today.

3. They must (or have to) work hard. (Mereka harus bekerja keras).

5. Must tidak mempunyai bentuk past tense. BentukBentuk lampau yang berarti “harus/mesti”
adalah HAD TO, dan bentuknya sama untuk semua obyek.

Contoh :

1. I had to meet my sister yesterday. (Saya kemarin harus berjumpa saudara perempuanku).

2. She had to leave for Jakarta last week. (Dia harus meninggalkan Jakarta pekan lalu).

1. Adalah kata kerja bantu yang berarti sebaiknya, seyogyanya, sewajarnya dan bahkan
seharusnya (yang agak lunak).

Contoh :

1. She ought to be here now (Dia seharusnya ada di sini sekarang).

2. Ought she to come here again? (Haruskah dia dating ke sini lagi?)

3. She asked me what ought to be typed. (Dia bertanya kepadaku apa yang harus diketik).

2. Menyatakan tugas/pekerjaan yang tidak terselesaikan/terpenuhi atau

terabaikan.⁴ Ought and the perfect infinitive. 5

Contoh :

1. The work ought to have been finished last week. (Pekerjaan itu seharusnya sudah
diselesaikan pekan lalu).

2. Your ought not (oughtn’t) to have crossed the road when the lights were red. (Anda
seharusnya tidak menyeberang jalan ketika lampu berwarna merah).

3. You ought to have told him that the paint on that seat is wet. (Anda seharusnya sudah
memberi tahu dia bahwa cat pada tempat duduk itu masih basah).

10.USED TO adalah kata kerja bantu yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu pengertian kebiasaan
atau perbuatan yang dilakukan berulangulang pada masa lampau, tetapi kebiasaan itu kini tidak lagi

Contoh :

1. She used to sing when she was young. (Dia biasa menyanyi ketika dia muda).

2. He used to cry when he was a child. (Dia biasa menangis ketika dia masih kecil).

3. She used to come here every week. (Dia biasa dating ke sini setiap pekan)

The hottest topic in the IT industry is Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) which is the first
technology to provide a common format for high-speed data as well as for the typical voice phone
call. In addition, the format it uses, the cell, is equally at home in any network: public or private, the
Local Area Network (LAN) or the Wide Area Network (WAN). ATM provides a means for integrating
voice, video and data as well as knitting local and wide area networks and services into a seamless
whole. It is the first communications technological "vision" that has not only managed to unite the
communication and computer worlds, but also North America, Europe and Japan. Under ATM,
networks need no longer be optimized for one particular service, unable to accommodate the
parameters required by another. ThisThis breakthrough does more than just make the world a tidier
place. It provides a potentially huge market for ATM equipment. A large market attracts high,
upfront investment, which translates into highly-integrated silicon, mass-produced components, low
prices and even larger markets, as the law of supply and demand suggests.In the long term, ATM will
play a crucial role in the information superhighway in which It is likely to provide the link between
the networkresident servers supplying information or video-streams to the local exchanges. In this
field, ATM should link up efficiently with another technology called "Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber
Loop" (ADSL) which will turn the boring old "slow lane" telephone line to the domestic home into, at
lean, a fast lane.Huge transmission rates can be sent over one single optical fibre, but ATM provides
the key to unlocking the contents of that stream of' bits and processing each individual one. Thus,
the total flow of cells arriving at a switch-port divides into hundreds or thousands of separate
connections, each one separately routed through the switch and beyond. Each connection may
include characteristics like "bursty" (sudden irregular) flows or steady flows at different rates. ATM
provides the switching and traffic control functions to support this complex problem.ATM is clearly a
sophisticated, well-designed technology. But, if it is to be successful, it has to fill a genuine need.
Who needs it today, and for what? ATM fans reel off lists of exotic applications best served by ATM:
Multimedia, teleradiology, distance-learning, desktop videoconferencing, imagearchiving, the
paperless office, video electronic mail, global workshop collaboration. All of these applications need
either the speed of ATM or its flexibility in handling mixtures of data, video and such timing-sensitive
traffic as voice. ATM technology is certainly attractive, but a number of obstacles are holding users
back. Among their reasons:

 ATM applications and related software that support them are not ready.
 Standards are not mature.
 Prices are still too high
 ATM lacks a single application to drive mass-market demand.


- provide. : menyediakan

- breakthrough : terobosan

- tidier : lebih rapi

- upfront : di depan sekali

- crucial : penting

- switching : pengubah

- sophisticated. : canggih

- genuine : asli, dasar



a. the type of communication for which ATM provides a common format.

b. what ATM has united.

c. what investment in a large ATM market leads to.

d. 8 ATM applications.

e. 4 reasons which hold potential users back.

Now answer true or false (T/F):

f. ATM software is ready.

g. standards have been agreed world wide.

h. users see the price of ATM as being exorbitant.

i. ATM applications arc obviously here.



Some book are to be tasted, others to be swallowed and some few to be chewed and digested.
(Francis Bacon)

Sebuah kalimat dapat berbentuk dalam kalimat aktif yang subyeknya melakukan pekerjaan
atau kalimat pasif yang subyeknya dikenai pekerjaan.

Untuk membuat kalimat aktif menjadi kalimat pasif, perhatikan beberapa langkah berikut ini :

1. Letakkan obyek dari kalimat aktif di awal kalimat pasif, perhatikan beberapa langkah
berikut ini :
2. Jika dalam kalimat aktif tidak ada auxiliary (to be), maka tambahkanlah To Be yang
sesuai dengan subyek dalam kalimat pasif tersebut, dan yang sesuai dengan bentuk
3. Letakkanlah kata kerja utama dari kalimat aktif sesudah auxiliary (to be) dalam
bentuk Past Participle.
4. Letakkanlah preposition By sesudah kata kerja utama dalam kalimat pasif sebelum
subyek. (Dalam beberapa keadaan tertentu, By dapat dihilangkan karena dianggap
sudah dimengerti maksudnya) Pedoman Pemakaian BE dalam Kalimat Pasif

1. Present Tense am, is, are

2. Present Continuous Tense am, is, are + being

3. Present Perfect Tense has, have + been

4. Past Tense was, were

5. Past Perfect Tense had been

6. Past Continuous Tense was, were + being

7. Future Tense shall, will + be

8. Future Perfect Tense shall/will + have been

9. Modal modal + be

10.Modal + Perfect modal + have been

Berikut ini uraian selengkapnya mengenai kalimat pasif.

1. Present Tense

Contoh :

1. Aktif : Ahmad writes a letter.

a. S P O
Pasif : A letter is written by Ahmad
Aktif : Ahmad menulis sepucuk surat.
Pasif : Sepucuk surat ditulis oleh Ahmad
Aktif : Ali writes three letters.
Pasif : Three letters are written by Ali.
2. Aktif : Ahmad doesn’t write a letter.
Pasif : A letter isn’t written by Ahmad. (Sepucuk surat tidak ditulis
oleh Ahmad)
3. Aktif : Does Ahmad write a letter ?
Pasif : Is a letter written by Ahmad.
4. Aktif : Who writes a letter ?
Pasif : Who is a letter written by ?
5. Aktif : What does Ahmad write ?
Pasif : What is written by Ahmad? (Apa yang ditulis oleh Ahmad ?)
6. Aktif : Who beats Ali ? (Siapa memukul Ali ?)
Pasif : Who is Ali beaten by ? ( Ali dipukul oleh siapa ?)
7. Aktif : Who does Ali beat ? (Siapa Ali pukul ?) / (Ali memukul siapa?)
Pasif : Who is beaten by Ali ? (Siapa dipukul oleh Ali ?)

2 Present Continuous Tense

Contoh :

1. Aktif : Ahmad is writing a letter.

Pasif : A letter is being written by Ahmad.
2. Aktif : Ahmad isn’t writing a letter.
Pasif : A letter isn’t being written by Ahmad.
3. Aktif : Is Ahmad writing a letter ?
Pasif : Is a letter being written by Ahmad ?
4. Aktif : Who is writing a letter ?
Pasif : Who is a letter being written by ?
5. Aktif : What is Ahmad writing ?
Pasif : What is being written by Ahmad ?
6. Aktif : Who is beating Ali ?
Pasif : Who is Ali being beaten by ?
7. Aktif : Who is Ali beating ?
Pasif : Who is being beaten by Ali ?
3. Present Perfect Tense

Contoh :

1. Aktif : Ahmad has written a letter.

Pasif : A letter has been written by Ahmad.
2. Aktif : Ahmad hasn’t written a letter.
Pasif : A letter hasn’t been written by Ahmad.
3. Aktif : Has Ahmad written a letter ?
Pasif : Has a letter been written by Ahmad ?
4. Aktif : Who has written a letter ?
Pasif : Who has a letter been written by ?
5. Aktif : What has written by Ahmad ?
Pasif : What has been written by Ahmad ?
6. Aktif : Who has beaten Ali ?
Pasif : Whi has Ali beaten ?
7. Aktif : Who has Ali beaten ?
Pasif : Who has been beaten by Ali ?

4. Past Tense

Contoh :

1. Aktif : Ahmad wrote a letter.

Pasif : A letter was written by Ahmad.
2. Aktif : Ahmad didn’t write a letter.
Pasif : A letter wasn’t written by Ahmad.
3. Aktif : Did Ahmad write a lette ?
Pasif : Was a letter written by Ahmad ?
4. Aktif : Who wrote a letter ?
Pasif : Who was a letter written by ?
5. Aktif : What did Ahmad write ?
Pasif : What was written by Ahmad ?
6. Aktif : Who beat Ali ?
Pasif : Who was Ali beaten by ?
7. Aktif : Who did Ali beat ?
Pasif : Who was beaten by Ali ?

5. Past Continuous Tense

Contoh :

1. Aktif : Ahmad was writin g

Pasif : Ahmad was being written by Ahmad.
2. Aktif : Ahmad wasn’t writing a letter.
Pasif : A letter wasn’t being written by Ahmad.
3. Aktif : Was Ahmad writing a letter ?
Pasif : Was a letter being written by Ahmad ?
4. Aktif : Who was writing a letter ?
Pasif : Who was a letter being written by ?
5. Aktif : What was Ahmad writing ?
Pasif : What was being written by Ahmad ?
6. Aktif : Who was beating Ali ?
Pasif : Who was Ali being beaten beaten by ?
7. Aktif : Who was Ali beating ?
Pasif : Who was being beaten by Ali ?

6. Past Perfect Tense

Contoh :

1. Aktif : Ahmad had written a letter.

Pasif : A letter had been written by Ahmad.
2. Aktif : Ahmad hadn’t written a letter.
Pasif : A letter hadn’t been written by Ahmad.
3. Aktif : Had Ahmad written a letter ?
Pasif : Had a letter been written by Ahmad ?
4. Aktif : Who had written a letter ?
Pasif : Who had a letter been written by ?
5. Aktif : What had Ahmad written ?
Pasif : What had been written by Ahmad ?
6. Aktif : Who had beaten Ali ?
Pasif : Who had Ali been beaten by ?
7. Aktif : Who had Ali beaten ?
Pasif : Who had been beaten by Ali ?

7. Future Tense

Contoh :

1. Aktif : Ahmad will write a letter.

Pasif : Ahmad will be written by Ahmad.
2. Aktif : Ahmad will not write a letter.
Pasif : A letter will not be written by Ahmad.
3. Aktif : Will Ahmad write a letter ?
Pasif : Will a letter be written by Ahmad ?
4. Aktif : Who will write a letter ?
Pasif : Who will a letter be written by ?
5. Aktif : What will Ahmad write ?
Pasif : What will be written by Ahmad ?
6. Aktif : Who will beat Ali ?
Pasif : Who will Ali be beaten by ?
7. Aktif : Who will Ali beat ?
Pasif : Who will be beaten by Ali ?
8. Future Perfect Tense

Contoh :

1. Aktif : Ahmad will have written a letter.

Pasif : A letter will have been written by Ahmad.
2. Aktif : Ahmad will not have written by Ahmad.
Pasif : A letter will not have been written by Ahmad.
3. Aktif : Will Ahmad have written a letter ?
Pasif : Will a letter have been written by Ahmad ?
4. Aktif : Who will have written a letter ?
Pasif : Who will a letter have been written by ?
5. Aktif : What will have Ahmad written ?
Pasif : What will have been written by Ahmad ?
6. Aktif : Who will have beaten Ali ?
Pasif : Who will Ali have been beaten by ?
7. Aktif : Who will Ali have beaten ?
Pasif : Who will have been beaten by Ali ?

9. Modal. Modal + be + Verb III (Past Participle)

Contoh :

1. Aktif : We can solve this problem.

Pasif : This problem can be solved by us.
2. Aktif : We can’t solve this problem.
Pasif : This problem can’t be solved by us.
3. Aktif : Can we solve this problem ?
Pasif : Can this problem be solved by us ?
4. Aktif : Who can solve this problem ?
Pasif : Who can this problem be solved by ?
5. Aktif : What can we do ?
Pasif : What can be done by us ?

Sebagai latihan, gantilah Can dengan Must dalam kalimat-kalimat tersebut di atas.

10.Modal Perfect. Modal Perfect + been + Verb III.

Contoh :


1. Aktif : Somebody should have waited Amir this morning.

Pasif : Amir should have been waited this morning.
2. Aktif : Somebody shouldn’t have waited Amir this morning.
Pasif : Amir shouldn’t have been waited this morning.
3. Aktif : Who should have waited Amir ?
Pasif : Who should Amir have been waited by ?
4. Aktif : Where should we have waited Amir ?
Pasif : Where should Amir have been waited by us ?


1. Aktif : He could have written two books.

Pasif : Two books could have been written by him.
2. Aktif : Who could have written two books ?
Pasif : Who could two books have been written by ?
3. Aktif : When could he have written two books ?
Pasif : When could two books have been written by him.

Catatan :

1. Bentuk pasif biasanya juga dapat digunakan untuk

menyatakan/mengungkapkan perbuatan yang dilakukan tidak dengan

sengaja, atau dalam bahasa Indonesia sepadan dengan arti ter dalam

kalimat berikut ini :

1. Saya terbangunkan oleh suara gaduh itu. I was wake up by that noise.

2. Saya heran (terkejut) melihat dia.

I was surprised to see him.

3. He was interested in foreign language. [Dia tertarik (berminat) dalam

bahasa asing].

4. He was accustomed to cold weather. (Kita terbiasa dengan musim


2. Kadang-kadang bentuk aktif (terutama infinitive) sering mempunyai arti

atau dimaksudkan untuk menyatakan keadaan pasif.

Contoh :

1. This book is easy to understand. (Buku ini mudah untuk dipahami).

2. He has a large family to support. (which he must support).

(Dia mempunyai keluarga besar yang harus dibantu).

3. I have bought a new book to read.

(Saya telah membeli sebuah buku baru untuk dibaca).

4. There are many problems to solve.

5. There are many difficulties to overcome.

3. Jika dalam kalimat aktif terdapa dua object, maka kedua-duanya dapat

dijadikan subject dalam kalimat pasif.

Contoh :

1. Aktif : He gave me a book.

Pasif : a. I was given a book by him.
b. A book was given to me by him.
2. Aktif : She is bringing them a parcel.
Pasif : a. They were being brought a parcel by her.
b. A parcel was being brought to them by her.

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