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Pertemuan V

Kompetensi Dasar:
4.2.2 Menyusun teks khusus dalam bentuk teks caption terkait
gambar/foto/tabel/ grafik/bagan, dengan memperhatikan fungsi
sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan
sesuai konteks

Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi: Menulis caption berdasarkan tabel/ grafik/bagan , dengan
memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai konteks Mempresentasikan deskripsi tabel/grafik/bagan secara live
ATAU dalam bentuk rekaman video.
In this lesson you will learn:

1. Verbs used in describing table/graph/chart

2. Adverbs used in describing table/graph/chart
3. Prepositions used in describing table/graph/chart
4. Sentence structure used in describing table/graph/chart
5. To write a description of table/graph/chart
6. To present the description of table/graph/chart before the
You will be assessed based on:

1. Your attitude during the lesson

2. Your ability to use the verbs in describing table/graph/chart
3. Your ability to use the adverbs in describing table/graph/chart
4. Your ability to use prepositions in describing table/graph/chart
5. Your ability to write sentences in describing table/graph/chart
6. Your ability to write a description of table/graph/chart
7. Your ability to present a description of table/graph/chart
Bahasa yang Digunakan dalam Grafik
Past tense
Ungkapan bahasa yang berisikan trend kenaikan dan penurunan
Periode waktu (time period)
Subject (subyek kalimat)
Verb to describe change (kata kerja untuk menggambarkan perubahan
naik atau turun)
Adverb to describe how much change (kata keterangan untuk
menggambarkan berapa besar perubahannya)
Write a description for the following graph. Include the Introduction, General Statement,
Description, and Conclusion. Apply all the language features that you have learned.

Figure 1. English Course Participants, 2006-2011. The

numbers are in hundreds.

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