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Set 1

Skema markah Sub markah Jumlah

Answer scheme Mark sub Total

Ujian Amali Fizik (4531/3)

1 (a) (i) Panjang bandul, l
Length of pendulum, l 1
(ii) Tempoh ayunan bandul, T ; Masa untuk 10 ayunan lengkap, t10
Period of oscillation, T; Time taken for 10 complete oscillation, t10 1 2
(b) l (cm) t10 (s) T (s) T 2 (s2)
30.0 23.05 2.305 5.313 1
40.0 26.12 2.612 6.823 1
50.0 28.87 2.887 8.335 1
60.0 31.64 3.164 10.011 1
70.0 33.91 3.391 11.499 1
(c) Tempoh ayunan, T2 (s2) 3 3
Period of oscillation, T 2 (s2)








10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Panjang tali, l (cm)
Length of string, l (cm)

(d) T 2 berkadar langsung dengan l

T 2 is directly proportional to l 1 1
(e) 11.2 − 0 1
67 − 0
= 0.1672 s2 cm–1 1 2
(f) Tidak berubah
No change 1 1
Jumlah 15

© Penerbit Mahir Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 183897-P) J1

KM Ujian Amali SBP Answers(5th)13/10/21.indd 1 13/10/2021 10:16 AM

Ujian Amali Kimia (4541/3)
2 (a)
Bilangan pentitratan Kasar
1 2 3
Number of titration Rough
Bacaan akhir buret (cm3)
25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00
Final burette reading (cm3)
Bacaan awal buret (cm3)
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Initial burette reading (cm3)
Isi padu asid nitrik, HNO3 yang
diperlukan (cm3) 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00
Volume of nitric acid, HNO3 needed (cm3)
4 4
(b) (i) Larutan berubah warna daripada merah jambu kepada tidak berwarna
The colour of solution changes from pink to colourless 1
(ii) Larutan menjadi neutral
The solution has been neutralised 1 2
(c) Isi padu purata/Average volume
25 + 25 + 25
= 25 cm3 1 1
(d) (1.0)(25) 1
Mb (25) 1
Mb = 1.0 mol dm–3 3 3
(e) Isi padu asid yang ditambah ke dalam larutan alkali apabila penunjuk
fenolftalein bertukar warna daripada merah jambu kepada tidak berwarna
A volume of acid that is added into alkaline solution when phenolphthalein indicator
changes its colour from pink to colourless. 2 2
(f) 1. 12.5 cm . 3 1
2. Asid sulfurik ialah asid dwibes.
Sulphuric acid is a diprotic acid. 1
3. Asid sulfurik mengandungi dua kali ganda bilangan mol ion hidrogen.
Sulphuric acid has twice the number of mole of hydrogen ions. 1 3
Jumlah 15
Ujian Amali Biologi (4551/3)
3 (a) Dapat merancang eksperimen ini dengan menggunakan radas dan bahan yang
Able to plan experiment by using the apparatus and materials provided.

Contoh Jawapan:
Sample Answers:

1. Masukkan 20 ml sampel air A dan sampel air B ke dalam botol reagen 1

yang berasingan dan labelkan.
Put 20 ml of water sample A and water sample B into separate reagent bottles and
label it.
2. Masukkan 1 ml larutan metilena biru 0.1% ke dalam setiap botol reagen. 1
Put 1 ml of 0.1% methylene blue solution into each bottle of reagent.
3. Tutup botol reagen dengan segera dan ketat. 1
Close the reagent bottle immediately and tightly.
4. Hidupkan jam randik. 1
Start the stopwatch.
5. Pastikan botol reagen tidak digoncang. 1
Make sure the reagent bottle is not shaken.
6. Catatkan masa yang diambil untuk warna larutan metilena biru meluntur 1
bagi kedua-dua sampel air.
Record the time taken for the colour of the methylene blue solution to decolourised
for both water samples.
(Mana-mana 4/Any 4) 4

© Penerbit Mahir Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 183897-P) J2

KM Ujian Amali SBP Answers(5th)13/10/21.indd 2 13/10/2021 10:16 AM

(b) Dapat merekodkan data dengan betul berdasarkan aspek berikut.
Able to record the data according to the following aspect.

Contoh jawapan:
Sample answer:

Masa yang diambil untuk larutan metilena biru

Sampel air 0.1% meluntur
Water sample Time taken for 0.1% methylene blue solution to

Sampel air A 1
15 minit / 15 minutes
Water sample A

Sampel air B
30 minit / 30 minutes
Water sample B

*contoh data sahaja

*sample data only
(c) (i) Dapat menyatakan satu pemerhatian.
Able to state one observation.

Contoh Jawapan:
Sample Answers:
P1: Masa yang diambil untuk larutan metilena biru 0.1% meluntur bagi sampel 1
air A adalah cepat.
The time taken for the 0.1% methylene blue solution to decolourised for water
sample A is fast.
P2: Masa yang diambil untuk larutan metilena biru 0.1% meluntur bagi sampel 1
air B adalah lambat.
The time taken for the 0.1% methylene blue solution to decolourised for water
sample B is slow.
(Mana-mana 1/Any 1) 1
(ii) Dapat menerangkan jawapan di 3(c)(i)
Able to explain the answer in 3(c)(i)

Contoh Jawapan:
Sample Answers:

P1: Kandungan oksigen terlarut di dalam sampel air A/B adalah rendah/tinggi. 1
The dissolved oxygen content in the water sample A/B is low/high.
P2: Mikroorganisma yang banyak/sedikit di dalam sampel air A/B. 1
Many/few microorganisms in water sample A/B.
(Mana-mana 2/Any 2) 2
(d) Dapat melukiskan satu graf bar bagi masa yang diambil untuk larutan metilena
biru 0.1% meluntur melawan sampel air.
Able to draw a bar graph of the time taken for a 0.1% methylene blue solution to
decolourised against a water sample.

Contoh Jawapan:
Sample Answers:

P1: Kedua-dua paksi dilabelkan dengan betul beserta unit dan skala yang 1
Both axes are correctly labelled with units and uniform scales.
P2: Semua titik diplotkan dengan betul. 1
All points correctly plotted.
P3: Bentuk graf yang betul. 1
Correct graph shape.
(Mana-mana 2/Any 2) 2

© Penerbit Mahir Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 183897-P) J3

KM Ujian Amali SBP Answers(5th)13/10/21.indd 3 13/10/2021 10:16 AM

(e) Dapat meramalkan masa yang diambil untuk larutan metilena biru 0.1%
meluntur dan menerangkan jawapan.
Able to predict the time taken for the 0.1% methylene blue solution to decolourise and
explain the answer.

Contoh Jawapan:
Sample Answers:
P1: Masa yang diambil untuk larutan metilena biru 0.1% meluntur lebih cepat. 1
The time taken for the 0.1% methylene blue solution to decolourise is faster.
P2: Kandungan oksigen terlarut berkurangan. 1
The dissolved oxygen content decreases.
P3: Kerana oksigen terbebas semasa proses pendidihan. 1
Because oxygen is released during boiling process.
(Mana-mana 2/Any 2) 2
(f) Kelaskan sampel air berikut mengikut tahap pencemaran sampel air A dan
sampel air B.
Classify the following water samples according to the level of pollution of water sample
A and water sample B.

Tahap pencemaran sampel air A Tahap pencemaran sampel air B

Level of pollution of water sample A Level of pollution of water sample B
Air longkang Air paip 1
Drain water Tap water 1
Jumlah 15

Set 2

Skema markah Sub markah Jumlah

Answer scheme Mark sub Total

Ujian Amali Kimia (4541/3)

1 (a) Pemboleh ubah dimanipulasikan: Suhu larutan Na2S2O3 1
Manipulated variable: Temperature of Na2S2O3 solution
Pemboleh ubah bergerak balas: Masa diambil bagi tanda ‘X’ tidak kelihatan 1
Responding variable: Time taken for ‘X’ mark to not be seen
Pemboleh ubah dimalarkan: Kepekatan asid sulfurik 1
Fixed variable: Concentration of sulphuric acid 3
(b) Berupaya merekod masa yang diambil dan mengira nilai 1 dengan tepat
Able to record the time taken and calculate the value of
accurately 1
1. Bacaan / Readings time 1
2. Masa yang diambil tepat kepada satu tempat perpuluhan / Time taken with
one decimal place 1
3. 1/masa / 1/ time
Contoh jawapan / Sample answer

Suhu larutan natrium Kadar tindak balas

1 / s–1
tiosulfat, Na2S2O3 / °C Masa / s
Temperature of sodium Time / s 1
Rate of reaction, / s−1
thiosulphate, Na2S2O3 / °C time
30.0 33.0 0.030
35.0 24.0 0.042
40.0 19.0 0.053
45.0 16.0 0.063

© Penerbit Mahir Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 183897-P) J4

KM Ujian Amali SBP Answers(5th)13/10/21.indd 4 13/10/2021 10:16 AM

(c) (i) 1. Label paksi-x dan paksi-y dengan unit yang betul 1
Correct headings with unit for both axes
2. Skala yang sekata 1
Uniform scale
3. Pemindahan keempat-empat titik dengan betul 1
All four points are transferred correctly
4. Garis lurus penyuaian terbaik 1
Best fit line
Contoh jawapan / Sample answer
Kadar tindak balas, s–1
Rate of reaction, s–1

(c)(ii) 0.075

Suhu, °C
30 35 40 45 50 55 Temperature, °C

(ii) Semakin tinggi suhu, semakin tinggi kadar tindak balas

The higher the temperature, the higher the rate of reaction
(iii) 1. Ditunjukkan dalam graf (c)(ii) / Shown in the graph drawn in (c)(ii) 1
2. Bacaan yang betul / Correct reading 1
3. Unit yang betul / Correct unit 1
Kadar tindak balas, s–1
Rate of reaction, s–1


Suhu, °C
30 35 40 45 50 55 Temperature, °C
1 = 0.074
Masa (Time) 1
Masa / Time =
= 13.5 s 9
Jumlah 15
Ujian Amali Biologi (4551/3)
2 (a) Dapat membina jadual dan merekodkan perubahan jisim dan tekstur setiap
silinder ubi kentang.
Able to construct a table and record the difference in mass and texture for each
cylindrical strip of potato.

T: Tajuk dengan unit yang tepat 1

Titles with the correct units

D: Data direkod dengan tepat 1

Data recorded correctly
Semua data betul – 1 markah
All correct data – 1 mark
Sekurang-kurangnya 15 data betul – 1 markah
At least 15 correct data – 1 mark

© Penerbit Mahir Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 183897-P) J5

KM Ujian Amali SBP Answers(5th)13/10/21.indd 5 13/10/2021 10:16 AM

Contoh jawapan:
Sample answer:

Jisim silinder ubi Tekstur

kentang (g) silinder ubi
Perubahan perubahan
Tabung Mass of cylindrical strip kentang
of potato (g) jisim (g) jisim (%)
uji Texture of
Difference in Percentage of
Test tube cylindrical
Jisim awal Jisim akhir mass (g) difference in
strip of
Initial mass Final mass mass (%)
A 2.5 3.2 0.7 28
B 2.5 2.7 0.2 8
C 2.5 2.6 0.1 4
D 2.5 2.0 -0.5 -20
E 2.5 1.7 -0.8 -32
F 2.5 1.4 -1.1 -44
G 2.5 1.0 -1.5 -60
*contoh data sahaja
*sample data only 2
(b) Dapat menyatakan ketiga-tiga pemboleh ubah.
Able to state all three variables.

Contoh jawapan:
Sample answers:

Pemboleh ubah dimanipulasikan: Kepekatan larutan sukrosa 1

Manipulated variable: Concentration of sucrose solution

Pemboleh ubah bergerak balas: Peratus perubahan jisim//perubahan jisim// 1

Tekstur silinder ubi kentang
Responding variable: Percentage of difference in mass//difference in mass//Texture of
cylindrical strips of potato

Pemboleh ubah dimalarkan: Tempoh masa rendaman//suhu persekitaran//jenis 1

ubi kentang
Constant variable: Soaking period//surrounding temperature//type of potato 3
(c) Dapat menyatakan hipotesis.
Able to state hypothesis.

Contoh Jawapan:
Sample Answers:

P1: Semakin bertambah/berkurang kepekatan larutan sukrosa, peratus 1, 1

perubahan jisim silinder ubi kentang semakin berkurang/bertambah.
As the concentration of sucrose solution increases/decreases, the percentage of
difference in mass of cylindrical strips of potato decreases/increases.
P2: Kepekatan larutan luar sel yang isotonik terhadap sap sel ubi kentang 1, 1
tidak akan mengubah jisim silinder ubi kentang.
Concentration of the extracellular solution which is isotonic to the potato cell
sap does not change the mass of the cylindrical strips of potato.
(Mana-mana 1/Any 1) 2

© Penerbit Mahir Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 183897-P) J6

KM Ujian Amali SBP Answers(5th)13/10/21.indd 6 13/10/2021 10:16 AM

(d) Dapat memberikan definisi secara operasi bagi osmosis.
Able to give the operational definition of osmosis.

Contoh Jawapan:
Sample Answers:

P1: Osmosis adalah pergerakan molekul air ke dalam silinder ubi kentang 1,1
melalui membran plasma disebabkan oleh perbezaan antara kepekatan
larutan sukrosa dengan sap sel ubi kentang yang menyebabkan
perubahan jisim.
Osmosis is the movement of water molecules into the cylindrical strip of potato
through plasma membrane due to the different concentrations between sucrose
solution and cell sap of potato cells that will result in changes of mass.
P2: Osmosis adalah pergerakan molekul air ke dalam silinder ubi kentang
ditunjukkan oleh perubahan jisim yang dipengaruhi kepekatan larutan 1,1
sukrosa yang berbeza.
Osmosis is the movement of water molecules into the cylindrical strip of potato
shown by the changes of mass affected by different concentrations of sucrose
(Mana-mana 1/Any 1) 2
(e) Dapat mengelaskan larutan sukrosa P, Q dan R berdasarkan jenis larutan
Able to classify sucrose solutions P, Q and R according to the type of solution.

Jenis larutan berbanding dengan

Kepekatan larutan sukrosa kepekatan sap sel sawi
Concentration of sucrose solution Type of solution compared to the
concentration of cell sap of mustard green

Larutan hipertonik 1
Hypertonic solution

Larutan isotonik 1
Isotonic solution
Larutan hipotonik
Hypotonic solution
(g) Dapat menerangkan hubungan antara perubahan tekstur dan keadaan silinder
ubi kentang selepas direndam dalam kepekatan larutan yang berlainan.
Able to explain the relationship between the changes of texture and condition of
cylindrical strips of potato after being soaked in different concentrations of solution.

Contoh Jawapan:
Sample Answer:

P1: Kepekatan larutan luar sel yang isotonik terhadap sap sel ubi kentang 1,1
tidak akan mengubah jisim silinder ubi kentang kerana kadar air meresap
masuk dan keluar dari sel ubi kentang adalah seimbang.
Concentration of the extracellular solution which is isotonic to the potato cell
sap does not change the mass of the cylindrical strip of potato because the rate
of water diffuses into and out of potato cells are equal. 2
(h) Dapat menyatakan ramalan tentang keadaan silinder ubi kentang.
Able to predict the condition of cylindrical strip of potato.

Contoh Jawapan:
Sample Answer:

P1: Jisim silinder ubi kentang tidak berubah.

The mass of cylindrical strip of potato does not change. 1 1
Jumlah 15

© Penerbit Mahir Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 183897-P) J7

KM Ujian Amali SBP Answers(5th)13/10/21.indd 7 13/10/2021 10:16 AM

Ujian Amali Fizik (4531/3)
3 (a) 1. Neraca spring digantung pada kaki retort. Objek A digantung pada neraca
spring dan berat objek A diukur sebagai berat sebenar.
The spring balance is suspended at the foot of the retort. Object A is suspended on a
spring balance and the weight of object A is measured as its actual weight. 1
2. Objek A direndam sepenuhnya ke dalam air di dalam bikar tanpa
menyentuh dasar bikar. Berat ketara objek A ketika direndam dalam air
diukur menggunakan neraca spring itu
Object A is completely immersed in water in the beaker without touching the bottom
of the beaker. The apparent weight of object A when immersed in water is measured
using the spring balance 1
3. Daya apungan ditentukan dari rumus:
Daya apungan = berat sebenar – berat ketara
Buoyant force is determined from the formula:
Buoyant force = real weight – apparent weight 1 3
Kaki retort
Retort stand

Neraca spring
Spring balance

Objek A
Object A

Bikar berisi Air

Beaker filled with water

2 2
(c) (i) Apabila objek A direndam dalam air, bacaan neraca spring berkurang.
When object A is immersed in water, the spring balance reading decreases. 1 1
(ii) Bacaan neraca spring berkurang dan menjadi lebih kecil dari nilai di (c)(i).
The spring balance reading decreases and becomes smaller than the value in (c) (i) 1 1
(iii) Terdapat daya apungan yang bertindak ke atas objek ke arah atas yang
mengurangkan bacaan berat sebenar objek.
There is a buoyancy acting on the object upwards which reduces the actual weight
reading of the object. 1 1
Jenis cecair Air Larutan garam
Type of liquid Water Salt solution

Berat sebenar 1
1.5 N 1.5 N
Real weight

Berat ketara
1.3 N 1.2 N 1
Apparent weight

Daya apungan 1
0.2 N 0.3 N
Buoyant force
(e) daya apungan dalam air < larutan garam
buoyant force in water < salt solution 1 1

© Penerbit Mahir Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 183897-P) J8

KM Ujian Amali SBP Answers(5th)13/10/21.indd 8 13/10/2021 10:16 AM

(f) Daya apungan berkurang
Buoyant force decrease 1 1
(g) Daya apungan berkurang; Ketumpatan cecair lebih kecil
Buoyant force decrease; Density of liquid smaller 1 2
Jumlah 15

Set 3

Skema markah Sub markah Jumlah

Answer scheme Mark sub Total

Ujian Amali Biologi (4551/3)

1 (a) (i) Dapat melengkapkan jadual dengan data dari eksperimen yang dijalankan.
Able to complete the table with the data from the experiment conducted.

1. Merekod masa dan aras larutan sukrosa 30% (cm) 1

Record the time and level of 30% sucrose solution (cm)
2. Menyatakan tajuk dengan unit yang tepat 1
State the titles with the correct units
3. Menyatakan masa yang selari dengan kaedah 1
State the time according to the procedure 3
(b) Dapat menyatakan ketiga-tiga pemboleh ubah.
Able to state all three variables.

Contoh jawapan:
Sample answers:

Pemboleh ubah dimanipulasikan: Masa 1

Manipulated variable: Time

Pemboleh ubah bergerak balas: Kenaikan aras larutan sukrosa 30% di dalam 1
tiub kapilari
Responding variable: Increase in the level of 30% sucrose solution in a capillary tube

Pemboleh ubah dimalarkan: Kepekatan larutan sukrosa 1

Constant variable: Concentration of sucrose solution
(c) Dapat menyatakan inferens.
Able to make inference.

Contoh Jawapan:
Sample Answers:

P1: Molekul air meresap masuk ke dalam tiub Visking secara osmosis 1
menyebabkan aras larutan sukrosa 30% meningkat.
Water molecules diffuse into the Visking tubing by osmosis causes the level of
30% sucrose solution increases.
P2: Banyak molekul air meresap masuk ke dalam tiub Visking secara 1
osmosis menyebabkan aras sukrosa 30% meningkat.
More water molecules diffuse into the Visking tubing by osmosis causes the level
of 30% sucrose solution increases.
(Mana-mana 1/Any 1)

© Penerbit Mahir Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 183897-P) J9

KM Ujian Amali SBP Answers(5th)13/10/21.indd 9 13/10/2021 10:16 AM

(d) Dapat menyatakan hipotesis.
Able to make hypothesis.

Contoh jawapan:
Sample answers:

P1: Semakin bertambah masa, semakin tinggi aras larutan sukrosa 30 % di

dalam tiub kapilari.
The longer the time, the higher the level of 30% sucrose solution in the capillary 1
P2: Molekul air meresap dari kawasan berkeupayaan air tinggi ke kawasan
berkeupayaan air rendah.
Water molecules diffuse from an area of high water potential to an area of low
water potential.
(Mana-mana 1/Any 1) 1
(e) Dapat melukis graf dengan betul berdasarkan aspek berikut:
Able to draw a graph correctly based on the following aspects:

Paksi (P) : kedua-dua paksi dilabel dengan skala yang seragam 1

Axes: Both axes are labelled in uniform scale.

Titik (T) : kesemua nilai diplot dengan betul 1

Points: All values are plotted correctly

Bentuk (B) : semua titik disambung dengan garisan yang licin 1

Shape: All points are joint with the smooth line 3
(f) Dapat menyatakan hubungan antara aras larutan sukrosa 30% dengan masa.
Able to state the relationship between the level of 30% sucrose solution and time.

Contoh Jawapan:
Sample answer:

P1: Semakin bertambah masa, semakin tinggi aras larutan sukrosa 30% di 1
dalam tiub kapilari.
The longer the time, the higher the level of 30% sucrose solution in the capillary
tube. 1
(g) Dapat menghitung kadar resapan air masuk ke dalam tiub Visking dari graf
selepas 12 minit.
Able to calculate the rate of water diffusion into the Visking tubing from the graph
after 12 minutes.
Aras larutan sukrosa 30% pada 12 minit (cm)
Level of 30% sucrose solution at 12 minutes (cm) 1
Kadar resapan air =
Rate of water diffusion 12 minit
12 minutes
0.4* cm/minit/minutes
*contoh data sahaja
*sample data only 1
(h) Dapat menyatakan aras larutan sukrosa 30% di dalam tiub kapilari jika air
suling diganti dengan larutan sukrosa 60% dan menerangkan ramalan.
Able to state the level of 30% sucrose solution in the capillary tube if the distilled
water is replaced with 60% sucrose solution and explain the prediction.

Contoh Jawapan:
Sample Answers:

P1: Aras larutan sukrosa 30% di dalam tiub kapilari akan menurun ke bawah. 1
Level of 30% sucrose solution in the capillary tube decreases//downward.
P2: Kerana molekul air meresap keluar dari tiub Visking secara osmosis.
Because water molecules diffuse out from the Visking tubing by osmosis. 1 2
Jumlah 15

© Penerbit Mahir Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 183897-P) J10

KM Ujian Amali SBP Answers(5th)13/10/21.indd 10 13/10/2021 10:16 AM

Ujian Amali Fizik (4531/3)
2 (a) (i) Tinggi dari hujung mentol hingga pangkal mentol yang bersambung dengan
pemegang mentol yang diukur menggunakan pembaris.
The height from the tip of the bulb to the base of the bulb connected to the bulb holder
which is measured using a ruler 1 1
(ii) Jarak antara imej tajam di skrin dan pusat optik kanta yang diukur
menggunakan pembaris.
The distance between the sharp image on the screen and the optical center of the lens 1 1
(b) Set Eksperimen
Experiment Set
Tinggi objek, ℎ𝑜 16.8 cm 16.8 cm 16.8 cm 1
Height of object, ℎ𝑜
Jarak objek, 𝑢 30.0 cm 40.0 cm 50.0 cm 1
Object distance, u
Jarak imej, v
17.0 cm 15.0 cm 13.0 cm 1
Image distance, v
Tinggi imej
height of image
9.52 cm 6.3 cm 4.37 cm 1
v × ℎO
hi = 𝑢
(c) Apabila objek diletak semakin jauh dari kanta, jarak imej, v semakin
Saiz imej yang terbentuk di skrin semakin kecil.
As the object is placed farther away from the lens, v image distance decreases.;
The size of the image formed on the screen became smaller. 2 2
(d) Jarak objek, u mempengaruhi tinggi imej, hi.
Object distance, u affects the height of the image, hi . 1 1
(e) (i) Jarak objek, u
Object distance, 𝑢 1 1
(ii) Tinggi imej, h; Jarak imej, v
Height of the image, h; Image distance,v 1 1
(iii) Panjang fokus, f
Focal length, f 1 1
(f) Jarak objek bertambah, tinggi imej berkurang.
Object distance increases, height of the image decreases. 1 1
(g) Tinggi imej Set I > Set II > Set III; Jarak imej berkurang, maka pembesaran
linear berkurang.
Height of the image Set I > Set II > Set III; Image distance decreases, so the linear
magnification decreases. 2 2
Jumlah 15
Ujian Amali Kimia (4341/3)
3 (a) 1. Masukkan satu spatula kuprum(II) klorida ke dalam sebuah bikar. 1
Add in a spatula of copper(II) chloride into a beaker.
2. Tambahkan 50 ml air suling. 1
Add in 50 ml distilled water.
3. Kacau campuran tersebut dengan sebatang rod kaca. 1
Stir the mixture with a glass rod.
4. Ulang langkah 1 hingga 4 dengan menggunakan kuprum(II) sulfat, 1
kuprum(II) karbonat dan kuprum(II) nitrat bagi menggantikan kuprum(II)
Repeat steps 1 to 4 by using copper(II) sulphate, copper(II) carbonate and
copper(II) nitrate to replace copper(II) chloride. 4
(b) (i) Jenis garam
Type of salt

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(ii) Keterlarutan garam dalam air
Solubility of salt in water
(iii) Jisim garam
Mass of salt 1 3
Jenis garam Keterlarutan garam dalam air
Type of salt Solubility in water

Kuprum(II) klorida Larut

Copper(II) chloride Soluble 1

Kuprum(II) sulfat Larut 1

Copper(II) sulphate Soluble

Kuprum(II) karbonat Tidak larut

Copper(II) carbonate Insoluble 1

Kuprum(II) nitrat Larut 1

Copper(II) nitrate Soluble
(d) Kuprum(II) nitrat, kuprum(II) sulfat dan kuprum(II) klorida larut di dalam air
tetapi kuprum(II) karboat tidak larut di dalam air.
Copper(II) nitrate, copper(II) sulphate and copper(II) chloride are soluble in water
but copper(II) carbonate is insoluble in water 2 2
(e) Larutan tidak berwarna dihasilkan apabila air suling ditambahkan kepada
Colourless solution is produced when distilled water is added into salt. 2 2
Jumlah 15

Set 4

Skema markah Sub markah Jumlah

Answer scheme Mark sub Total

Ujian Amali Fizik (4531/3)

1 (a) (i) Panjang dawai konstantan, l
Length of a constantan wire, l 1 1
(ii) Rintangan, R; Beza keupayaan merentasi dawai , V
Resistance, R; Potential difference across the wire, V 1 1
l (cm) I (A) V (V) R (Ω)

20 0.5 0.60 1.20 1

30 0.5 0.98 1.96
40 0.5 1.30 2.60
50 0.5 1.70 3.40
60 0.5 2.00 4.00

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(c) Rintangan, R (Ω)
Resistance, R (Ω)










0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Panjang konduktor, l (cm)

Length of conductor, l (cm) 3 3
(d) R berkadar langsung dengan l
R is directly proportional to l 1 1
(e) 4.0 – 0
k= 1
62 – 0
= 0.065 Ω cm–1 1 2
(f) Berkurang
Decrease 1 1
Jumlah 15
Ujian Amali Kimia (4541/3)
2 (a)
Asid hidroklorik, Asid etanoik,
HCl dan CH3COOH dan
larutan natrium larutan natrium
Campuran bahan hidroksida, NaOH hidroksida, NaOH
Reacting mixture Hydrochloric acid, Ethanoic acid,
HCl and sodium CH3COOH and
hydroxide, NaOH sodium hydroxide,
solution NaOH solution
Suhu awal asid (oC)
25.0 25.0
Initial temperature of acid (oC)

Suhu awal alkali (oC)

25.0 25.0 1
Initial temperature of alkali (oC)
Suhu purata asid dan alkali 1
(oC) 25.0 25.0
Average temperature of acid and
alkali (oC)
Suhu tertinggi campuran (oC) 1
Highest temperature of mixture 31.8 31.6
(oC) 4

© Penerbit Mahir Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 183897-P) J13

KM Ujian Amali SBP Answers(5th)13/10/21.indd 13 13/10/2021 10:16 AM

(b) Bacaan termometer meningkat. 1
The thermometer reading rises. 1
(c) (i) Pemboleh ubah dimanipulasikan: Jenis asid
Manipulated variable: Type of acid 1

(ii) Pemboleh ubah bergerak balas: Haba peneutralan

Responding variable: Heat of neutralisation

(iii) Pemboleh ubah dimalarkan: Jenis alkali

Fixed variable: Type of alkali
(d) Tindak balas antara asid kuat dan alkali kuat akan menghasilkan haba
peneutralan yang lebih tinggi berbanding tindak balas antara asid lemah dan 2
alkali kuat.
The reaction between a strong acid and a strong alkali produces a higher heat of
neutralisation than the reaction between a weak acid and a strong alkali. 2
(e) (1.0)(0.5)
1. Bilangan mol = = 0.05 1
Number of mol
2. H = (100)(4.2)(6.8) = 2856 J 1
3. ∆H = – = −57.1 kJ mol−1 1
0.05 3
(f) Haba peneutralan ialah haba yang dibebaskan apabila 1 mol air terbentuk
apabila acid ditambah ke dalam larutan alkali. 2
Heat of neutralisation is the heat released when 1 mole of water is formed when acid is
added into alkaline solution. 2
Jumlah 15
Ujian Amali Biologi (4551/3)
3 (a) Dapat menuliskan prosedur eksperimen.
Able to write the procedure of the experiment.

P1 – Langkah mengendalikan pemboleh ubah dimanipulasikan 1
Steps of handling the manipulated variable
P2 – Langkah mengendalikan pemboleh ubah bergerak balas 1
Steps of handling the responding variable
P3 – Langkah mengendalikan pemboleh ubah dimalarkan 1
Steps of handling the fixed variable
P4 – Langkah berjaga-jaga 1
Precautionary steps

Contoh jawapan:
Sample answers:

1. Sediakan 3 tabung uji berlabel P, Q dan R.

Prepare 3 test tubes labelled P, Q and R.
2. Masukkan 5 ml ampaian albumen ke dalam setiap tabung uji.
Fill in 5 ml albumen suspension in each test tube.
3. Tambahkan 1 ml larutan asid hidroklorik 0.1 M dan 1 ml larutan pepsin
1% ke dalam tabung uji P.
Add 1 ml of 0.1 M hydrochloric acid solution and 1 ml of 1% pepsin solution into
test tube P.
4. Tambahkan 1 ml air suling dan 1 ml larutan pepsin 1% ke dalam tabung uji Q.
Add 1 ml distilled water and 1 ml of 1% pepsin solution into test tube Q.
5. Tambahkan 1 ml natrium hidroksida 0.1 M dan 1 ml larutan pepsin 1% ke
dalam tabung uji R.
Add 1 ml of 0.1M sodium hydroxide solution and 1 ml of 1% pepsin solution into
test tube R.
6. Celupkan sehelai kertas pH ke dalam setiap tabung uji dan rekodkan pH
Dip a pH paper into each test tube and record the pH of the mixture.

© Penerbit Mahir Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 183897-P) J14

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7. Letakkan ketiga-tiga tabung uji ke dalam kukus air/bikar yang
mengandungi air pada suhu 37oC.
Place all the test tubes into a water bath/beaker with water at the temperature of
8. Mulakan jam randik dan rekodkan keadaan/kekeruhan/kejernihan
Start the stopwatch and record the initial condition/cloudiness/clarity of the mixture.
9. Selepas 20 minit, rekodkan keadaan/kekeruhan/kejernihan campuran.
After 20 minutes, record the condition/cloudiness/clarity of the mixture.
10. Jadualkan semua data.
Tabulate all data.
P1: Langkah 3,4 dan 5
Steps 3, 4 and 5
P2: Langkah 9
Step 9
P3: Langkah 2,7,9 (Mana-mana satu)
Steps 2, 7, 9 (Any one)
P4: Langkah 7
Step 7 4
(b) (i) Dapat membina jadual keputusan eksperimen yang mengandungi:
Able to construct a table of results of the experiment which has
• Tabung uji/Test tube
• pH
• Kejernihan atau kekeruhan campuran pada minit ke-0 dan selepas 20 minit
Clarity or turbidity of mixture at 0 minute and after 20 minutes

P1 – Tajuk/Titles 1
P2 – Data (tabung uji dan pH)/Data (test tube and pH) 1
P3 – Pemerhatian pada 0 minit dan selepas 20 minit 1
Observation at 0 minute and after 20 minutes

Kejernihan atau kekeruhan campuran

Tabung uji Clarity or turbidity of mixture
Test tube 0 Minit Selepas 20 minit
0 minute After 20 minutes
Keruh Jernih
P 2.0
Cloudy Clear

Keruh Keruh
Q 7.0
Cloudy Cloudy

Keruh Keruh
R 12.0
Cloudy Cloudy
(b) (ii) Dapat memberikan satu pemerhatian daripada data yang diperoleh.
Able to give one observation from the data obtained.

P1 – Pemboleh ubah dimanipulasikan (pH campuran)
The manipulated variable (pH of mixture)
P2 – Pemboleh ubah bergerak balas (keadaan campuran selepas 20 minit)
The responding variable (condition of mixture after 20 minutes)

Contoh jawapan:
Sample answer:

Apabila pH campuran ialah 2.0, keadaan campuran selepas 20 minit jernih. 1

When the pH of mixture is 2.0, the condition of mixture after 20 minutes is clear.

© Penerbit Mahir Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 183897-P) J15

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(c) Dapat menerangkan kesan nilai pH terhadap kadar tindak balas enzim X.
Able to explain the effect of pH values on the rate of enzyme X reaction.

P1 – Hubungan antara aktiviti enzim X dengan nilai pH 1
Relationship between enzyme X activity and pH values
P2 – pH 2.0 ialah pH optimum 1
pH 2.0 is an optimum pH
P3 – Albumen dihidrolisis/diuraikan dengan lengkap 1
Albumen is completely hydrolysed

Contoh jawapan:
Sample answer:

Aktiviti enzim X adalah paling tinggi pada pH 2.0 berbanding pada pH 7.0 dan
pH 12.0. pH 2.0 ialah pH optimum. Albumen dihidrolisis dengan lengkap.
Activity of enzyme X is the highest at pH 2.0 compared to pH 7.0 and pH 12.0. pH 2.0 is
an optimum pH. Albumen is an completely hydrolysed. 3
(d) Dapat meramal dan menerangkan pemerhatian dalam tabung uji Q selepas
20 minit sekiranya 1 ml larutan natrium hidroksida 0.1 M ditambah ke dalamnya.
Able to predict and explain the observation in test tube Q after 20 minutes if
1 ml of 0.1 M sodium hydroxide solution is added into it.
R – Ramalan – Campuran masih keruh 1
Prediction – Mixture still cloudy
P1 – Medium menjadi neutral 1
Medium becomes natural
P2 – Tidak optimum 1
Not optimum
P3 – Albumen tidak dihidrolisis dengan lengkap 1
Albumen is not completely hydrolysed
(R + mana-mana 1P)
(R + any 1P) 2
(e) Dapat mengelaskan sampel makanan dalam Jadual 2a kepada medium pH yang
sesuai untuk pencernaannya.
Able to classify the food samples in Table 2a into the suitable pH medium for its digestion.

Contoh jawapan:
Sample answer:

Medium pH Sampel makanan

pH medium Food sample

Berasid 2
Acidic J

Neutral K

Alkaline L

3 betul/correct – 2m
1-2 betul/ correct – 1m 2
Jumlah 15

© Penerbit Mahir Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 183897-P) J16

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Set 5

Skema markah Sub markah Jumlah

Answer scheme Mark sub Total

Ujian Amali Kimia (4541/3)

1 (a) Pemboleh ubah dimanipulasikan: Pasangan logam / terminal negatif 1
Manipulated variable: Pairs of metal / negative terminal

Pemboleh ubah bergerak balas: Voltan / Bacaan voltmeter 1

Responding variable: Voltage / Voltmeter reading

Pemboleh ubah dimalarkan: Larutan natrium klorida / Elektrolit 1

Fixed variable: Sodium chloride solution / Electrolyte 3
(b) Berupaya membina jadual untuk merekod bacaan voltmeter untuk setiap set
eksperimen yang dijalankan tepat pada satu tempat perpuluhan
Able to construct a table to record the voltmeter readings for each set experiments
carried out in one decimal place correctly
Menyatakan jenis terminal untuk setiap sel dengan betul
State the type of terminal of each cell correctly

1. Tajuk jadual untuk pemboleh ubah dimanipulasikan 1

Heading of manipulated variable
2. Tajuk jadual untuk pemboleh ubah bergerak balas dengan unit yang betul 1
Heading of responding variable with correct unit
3. Tajuk jadual terminal negatif dan terminal positif
Heading of negative and positive terminal
4. Pasangan logam
Pair of metals 1
5. Bacaan voltmeter tepat kepada 1 tempat perpuluhan 1+1
Voltmeter readings with one decimal place
6. Senarai logam sebagai terminal negatif 1
List of metal as negative terminal

Contoh jawapan/ Sample answer

Pasangan logam Bacaan voltmeter, V Terminal negatif

Pair of metals Voltmeter reading, V Negative terminal

Mg dan/and Ag 3.0 Magnesium

Zn dan/and Ag 1.5

Fe dan/and Ag 1.0

Cu dan/and Ag 0.3
(c) (i) Persamaan ion keseluruhan betul dan seimbang
Correct and balance overall ionic equation
Mg + 2H+ → Mg2+ + H2 1+1
(ii) Gas hidrogen
Hydrogen gas 1 3
(d) Ramalan bacaan voltmeter dengan satu titik perpuluhan dan unit yang betul.
The prediction of voltmeter readings with one decimal place and correct unit.
1.5 – 0.3 = 1.2 V 1+1 2
Jumlah 15

© Penerbit Mahir Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 183897-P) J17

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Ujian Amali Biologi (4551/3)
2 (a) Dapat membina jadual dengan betul berdasarkan aspek berikut:
Able to construct a table correctly based on the following aspects:

T : Tajuk dengan unit yang betul

Title with the correct unit

D : Data dipindahkan dengan betul

Data transferred correctly

C : Klasifikasi

Contoh jawapan:
Sample answer:

Warna larutan penunjuk 1

Tabung didih Kandungan tabung didih
Boiling tube Contents in boiling tube
Colour of bicarbonate indicator

Set A Larutan glukosa dan

Bertukar dari merah ke 1
ampaian yis
Glucose solution and yeast
Changes from red to yellow

Kawalan Larutan glukosa sahaja Kekal merah
Control Glucose solution only Remains red
(b) (i) Dapat menyatakan pemerhatian yang dapat lihat pada warna larutan penunjuk
Able to state the observations that can see on the colour of the bicarbonate indicator

Contoh jawapan:
Sample answer:

P1 Pada set A, kandungan di dalam tabung didih adalah larutan glukosa dan 1
ampaian yis yang telah bertukar warna dari merah ke kuning.
In set A, the contents in the boiling tube are glucose solution and yeast suspension
which has changed colour from red to yellow.
P2 Pada set kawalan, kandungan di dalam tabung didih adalah larutan glukosa
sahaja dan warna penunjuk bikarbonat kekal merah.
On the control set, the contents in the boiling tube were glucose solution only and
the colour of the bicarbonate indicator remained red.
(ii) Dapat menerangkan pemerhatian di 2(b)(i).
Able to explain your observation in 2(b)(i).

Contoh jawapan:
Sample answer:

P1 Karbon dioksida dihasilkan. 1

Carbon dioxide is produced.
P2 Kehadiran karbon dioksida akan menyebabkan perubahan warna penunjuk 1
bikarbonat dari merah kepada kuning.
The presence of carbon dioxide will cause the colour change of the bicarbonate
indicator from red to yellow.

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(c) Dapat menyatakan satu inferens bagi eksperimen ini.
Able to state one inference for this experiment.

Contoh jawapan:
Sample answer:

P1 Yis melakukan fermentasi alkohol tanpa adanya oksigen. 1

Yeast carries out alcohol fermentation in the absence of oxygen.
P2 Proses fermentasi yis untuk membebaskan karbon dioksida, etanol dan 1
The process of yeast fermentation to release carbon dioxide, ethanol and energy. 2
(d) Dapat menyatakan ketiga-tiga pemboleh ubah dengan betul.
Able to state all 3 variables correctly.

Contoh jawapan:
Sample answer:

(i) Kehadiran yis 1

Presence of yeast

(ii) Perubahan warna larutan penunjuk bikarbonat 1

Changes colour of bicarbonate indicator
(iii) Isipadu larutan glukosa 1
Volume of glucose solution 3
(e) Dapat menerangkan pemerhatian di 2(b)(i).
Able to explain your observation in 2(b)(i).
Contoh jawapan:
Sample answer:

P1 Semakin banyak yis yang menjalankan fermentasi lebih banyak karbon 1,1
dioksida, etanol dan tenaga dihasilkan.
The more yeast that undergoes fermentation the more carbon dioxide, ethanol and
energy is produced. 2
(g) Dapat memberikan definisi operasi untuk fermentasi yis.
Able to give the operational definition for yeast fermentation.

Contoh jawapan:
Sample answer:

P1 Proses penguraian glukosa tidak lengkap oleh yis dalam keadaan oksigen 1
terhad atau tanpa oksigen.
The process of glucose breakdown is incomplete by yeast under oxygen restricted
or oxygen free conditions.
P2 Ini ditunjukkan oleh perubahan pada penunjuk bikarbonat. Ini dipengaruhi 1
oleh kehadiran yis.
It shown by changes colour of bicarbonate indicator. This is influenced by the
presence of yeast. 2
Jumlah 15
Ujian Amali Fizik (4531/3)
3 (a) 1. Pembaris diapit pada kaki retort. Spring digantung pada kaki retort
menggunakan benang. Panjang asal spring, lO diukur menggunakan
pembaris. Berat pemberat berslot diukur menggunakan neraca spring.
Ruler is clamp to a retort stand. The spring is hung on the retort stand using a
thread. The original length of the spring, lO is measured using ruler. The weight of
the slotted weight is measured using spring balance. 1
2. Pemberat berslot digantung pada spring tersebut. Panjang spring, l1 diukur
menggunakan pembaris.
The slotted weight is hung on the spring. The length of the spring, l1 is measured
using ruler. 1
3. Pemanjangan spring, x dihitung menggunakan rumus: x = l1 – lO
Extension of spring, x is calculated using formula: x = l1 – lO 1 3

© Penerbit Mahir Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 183897-P) J19

KM Ujian Amali SBP Answers(5th)13/10/21.indd 19 13/10/2021 10:16 AM

Kaki retort
Retort stand

0 Inci
1 cm 0





Pemberat berslot

21 20
Slotted weight

27 26
2 2
(c) (i) Panjang spring yang digantung beban berkurang apabila dua spring disusun
secara selari.
The length of a load-suspended spring decreases when two springs are arranged in
parallel 1
(ii) Pemanjangan spring berkurang kerana pemalar spring bagi sistem yang
mempunyai spring disusun selari bertambah.
Extension of spring decreases as the spring constant for systems that have springs
arranged in parallel increases. 1 2
Bilangan spring Satu spring Dua spring selari
Number of springs One spring Two spring in parallel

Berat pemberat berslot yang bertindak 1

ke atas spring 5N 5N
Weight of slotted weight acting on the spring
Pemanjangan spring
8.0 cm 1.5 cm
Extension of spring 1

Pemalar spring
0.625 N cm–1 3.333 N cm–1
Spring constant
(e) pemalar spring jika menggunakan satu spring < dua spring selari
spring constant if one spring is used < two springs in parallel 1 1
(f) Pemanjangan spring bertambah; Pemalar spring berkurang
Extension of spring increases; Spring constant decrease 2 2
(g) Pemanjangan spring berkurang; Pemalar spring bertambah
Extension of spring decreases; Spring constant increases 2 2
Jumlah 15

Set 6

Skema markah Sub markah Jumlah

Answer scheme Mark sub Total

Ujian Amali Biologi (4551/3)

1 (a) Dapat melengkapkan jadual keputusan berdasarkan data yang diperoleh
daripada eksperimen yang dijalankan.
Able to complete the table of results based on the data obtained from the experiment
carried out.

© Penerbit Mahir Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 183897-P) J20

KM Ujian Amali SBP Answers(5th)13/10/21.indd 20 13/10/2021 10:16 AM

Contoh jawapan:
Sample answer:

Isi padu larutan/jus

yang melunturkan
Kepekatan vitamin C
Jenis jus 1 ml larutan DCPIP
dalam jus sayur (%)
Type of juice 1% (ml) Concentration of vitamin
Volume of solution/juice C in vegetable juice (%)
to decolourise 1 ml of 1%
of DCPIP solution

Asid askorbik 0.1%

1.50 *
0.1% ascorbic acid

Jus sayur X
2.00 * 0.075*
Vegetable juice X

Jus sayur Y
3.00 * 0.050*
Vegetable juice Y

*contoh data sahaja

*sample data only 3
(b) Dapat menyatakan kesemua pemboleh ubah.
Able to state all the variables.

Contoh jawapan:
Sample answers:
(i) Pemboleh ubah dimanipulasikan: Jenis jus 1
The manipulated variable: Type of juice
(ii) Pemboleh ubah bergerak balas: Kepekatan/Peratus vitamin C/Isi padu 1
jus sayur yang melunturkan larutan DCPIP
The responding variable: Concentration/Percentage of vitamin C/Volume of
vegetable juice to decolourise DCPIP solution
(ii) Pemboleh ubah dimalarkan: Kepekatan/Peratus asid askorbik/ 1
Kepekatan/Peratus larutan DCPIP
The constant variable: Concentration/Percentage of ascorbic acid/
Concentration/Percentage of DCPIP solution
(c) Dapat memberikan satu inferens terhadap pemerhatian daripada Jadual 1.
Able to give one inference based on the observation in Table 1.

Contoh jawapan:
Sample answer:

Jus sayur X/Y mempunyai kepekatan/kandungan vitamin C yang tinggi/lebih 1

tinggi/rendah/lebih rendah.
Vegetable juice X/Y has a high/higher/low/lower concentration of vitamin C. 1
(d) Dapat menuliskan satu hipotesis bagi eksperimen.
Able to write a hypothesis for the experiment.

P1 – Pemboleh ubah dimanipulasikan
The manipulated variable
P2 – Pembole ubah bergerak balas
The responding variable
P3 – Hubungan antara P1 dan P2
Relationship of P1 and P2

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Contoh jawapan: 1
Sample answer:

Jus sayur X mengandungi peratus/kandungan/kepekatan vitamin C yang lebih

tinggi berbandingan jus sayur Y (atau sebaliknya).
Vegetable juice X has a higher percentage/content/concentration of vitamin C compared
to juice Y (or vice versa). 1
(e) Dapat melukis carta bar mengikut kriteria berikut:
Able to draw a bar chart based on the criteria

P1 – Paksi dan unit yang seragam dan betul 1

Uniform and correct axes and units
P2 – Ketinggian bar yang betul 1
Correct height of bars
P3 – 2 bar yang sama saiz dan tidak bercantum 1
2 bars which are similar in size and not attached to each other 3
(f) Dapat menyatakan hubungan dan menerangkan hubungan antara jenis jus dan
kepekatan vitamin C berdasarkan carta bar.
Able to state the relationship and explain the relationship between the type of juice and
the concentration of vitamin C.

Contoh jawapan:
Sample answers:

P1: Jus sayur X* mengandungi kepekatan vitamin C yang lebih tinggi 1

berbanding jus sayur Y*
Vegetable Juice X* has a higher concentration of vitamin C compared to juice
vegetable Y*
P2: Isi padu yang diperlukan oleh jus sayur X* untuk melunturkan larutan 1
DCPIP lebih sedikit berbanding jus sayur Y*
The volume of vegetable juice X* to decolourise DCPIP solution is lesser than
vegetable juice Y*
Jus sayur X* mengandungi asid askrobik yang lebih tinggi berbanding
jus sayur Y*
Vegetable juice X* contains a higher ascorbic acid compared to vegetable juice
Y* 2
(g) Dapat meramalkan isi padu jus sayur X yang diperlukan untuk melunturkan
1 ml larutan DCPIP sekiranya jus dibiarkan selama beberapa jam pada
suhu bilik.
Able to predict the volume of vegetable juice X required to decolourise 1 ml of DCPIP
solution if the juice is kept for a few hours at room temperature.
Contoh jawapan:
Sample answers:

P1: Isi padu lebih besar daripada (bacaan isi padu jus sayur X dalam 1
eksperimen)The volume is higher than (the volume reading of vegetable juice X
in the experiment)
P2: Vitamin C dalam jus sayur X telah teroksida. 1
Vitamin C in vegetable juice X is oxidised. 2
Jumlah 15
Ujian Amali Fizik (4531/3)
2 (a) (i) Jarak antara imej tajam di skrin dan pusat optik kanta.
The distance between the sharp image on the screen and the optical center of the lens. 1 1
(ii) Jarak antara titik fokus dan pusat optik kanta.
The distance between the focal point and the optical centre of the lens. 1 1

© Penerbit Mahir Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 183897-P) J22

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(b) Set I II
Ketebalan kanta cembung Kanta nipis Kanta tebal
Thickness of lens Thin lens Thick lens

Jarak imej, v = panjang fokus, 𝑓 15.0 cm 5.0 cm 1

Image distance, 𝑣 = focal length, 𝑓

Kuasa kanta, P =
f (dalam unit meter)
6.7 D 20 D 1
Power of lens, P =
f (in unit meter)
(c) Apabila kanta tebal digunakan, panjang fokus yang diukur lebih pendek dan
kuasa kanta lebih tinggi.
When the thicker lens is used, the focal length is shorter, and the power of lens is
higher. 1 1
(d) Panjang fokus mempengaruhi kuasa kanta.
The focal length affects the power of lens. 1 1
(e) (i) Ketebalan kanta
Thickness of lens 1 1
(ii) Panjang fokus, 𝑓
Focal length, 𝑓 1 1
(iii) Ketumpatan optic; Indeks biasan
Optical density; Refractive index 1 1
(f) Ketebalan kanta bertambah, panjang fokus berkurang,kuasa kanta bertambah
Thickness of lens increases, the focal length decreases, the power of lens increases 1 1
(g) panjang fokus kanta nipis > kanta tebal
focal length of thinner lens > thicker lens 1
Pembengkokan cahaya lebih besar selepas melalui kanta, maka titik fokus
yang terbentuk lebih dekat
Bending of light is bigger after the light passing through the lens, so the focal point
formed is closer 1 2
Set I II
Ketebalan kanta cembung Kanta nipis Kanta tebal
Thickness of lens Thin lens Thick lens
Saiz imej yang terbentuk Besar Kecil
Size of image formed Big Small

Diameter kanta Sama Sama 1

Diameter of lens Same Same
(i) Tidak berubah
No change 1 1
Jumlah 15
Ujian Amali Kimia (4541/3)
3 (a) 1. Sukat dan tuangkan 20 cm3 lateks ke dalam bikar sehingga separuh penuh 1
Measure and pour 20 cm3 latex into a beaker until half-filled.
2. Tambahkan 2 cm3 asid metanoik. 1
Add in 2 cm3 methanoic acid.
3. Kacau campuran tersebut. 1
Stir the mixture.
4. Ulang langkah 1 hingga 3 dengan menggunakan larutan ammonia bagi 1
menggantikan asid etanoik
Repeat step 1 to 3 by using ammonia solution to replace ethanoic acid. 4

© Penerbit Mahir Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 183897-P) J23

KM Ujian Amali SBP Answers(5th)13/10/21.indd 23 13/10/2021 10:16 AM

(b) (i) Asid etanoik dan larutan ammonia 1
Ethanoic acid and ammonia solution
(ii) Penggumpalan lateks 1
Coagulation of latex
(iii) Isi padu asid lateks 1
Volume of latex 3
Campuran Pemerhatian
Mixture Observation

Lateks + asid etanoik Lateks menggumpal 1+1

Latex + ethanoic acid Latex coagulates
Lateks + larutan ammonia Lateks tidak menggumpal
Latex + ammonia solution Latex does not coagulate
(d) Lateks menggumpal dalam asid etanoik tetapi lateks tidak menggumpal dalam
larutan ammonia.
Latex coagulates in ethanoic acid but latex does not coagulate in ammonia solution. 2 2
Bahan yang tidak
Bahan yang menggumpalkan
menggumpalkan lateks
Substance that does not coagulate
Substance that coagulates the latex
the latex

Asid laktik Kalium hidroksida

Lactic acid Potassium hydroxide
Asid metanoik Natrium hidroksida
Methanoic acid Sodium hydroxide 1
Jumlah 15

© Penerbit Mahir Sdn. Bhd. (Co. No. 183897-P) J24

KM Ujian Amali SBP Answers(5th)13/10/21.indd 24 13/10/2021 10:16 AM

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