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Information, services, people, public, modern

Thank you for the opportunity has been given to me, my name is filipi tatilu from six management
business three, and now I want to tell you about my story , the title is dream of being a pirate

Pada suatu hari terdapat tiga orang di kota yang modern yang sedang berbicara tentang bajak laut.
Mereka adalah luffy,zoro dan sanji. Mereka bertiga sudah menjadi sahabat sejak kecil dan sama-sama
bercita cita menjadi bajak laut karena sering menonton film tentang bajak laut. Apa saja yang
berhubungan dengan bajak laut pasti mereka suka,entah itu film, cosplay, action figure maupun lainnya.
Menurut informasi publik, akan dirilis film terbaru tentang bajak laut kegemaran mereka di bioskop
dekat tempat tinggal mereka. Mereka bertigapun sangat semangat untuk menontonnya. singkat cerita
mereka pergi ke bioskop bersama. Pelayanan di bioskop juga sangat baik sehingga mereka merasa
nyaman berada disana. Saat film sudah selesai, mereka pun lebih merasa ingin untuk menjadi bajak laut
karena itu impian mereka sejak kecil. Tapi sanji dan zoro sadar, di era modern seperti ini, sangat tidak
mungkin untuk menjadi bajak laut. Berbeda hal dengan luffy, dia sangat percaya diri walaupun diera
yang sekarang ini,dia tetap dapat menjadi bajak laut. Merekapun pergi membuat kapal kecil yang dibuat
sedemikian rupa lalu bermain di danau. Tanpa mereka ketahui, di danau tersebut ada buaya. Saat luffy
sedang tidak berhati-hati,buaya pun mengincarnya. Untungnya ada paman disitu bernama shanks yang
menyelamatkan luffy walau harus merelakan tangannya. Luffy zoro dan sanji sangat kaget dengan
kemunculan buaya tersebut sehingga membuat mereka trauma dengan danau apalagi laut. Dan pada
akhirnya menjadi bajak laut hanyalah mimpi bagi mereka bertiga
Thank you for the opportunity has been given to me, my name is filipi tatilu from six management
business three, and now I want to tell you about my story , the title is dream of being a pirate
Once upon a time there were three people in a modern city who were talking about pirates.

They are Luffy, Zoro and Sanji. The three of them have been friends since childhood and both dream
of becoming pirates because they often watch films about pirates.

Anything related to pirates they definitely like, whether it's movies, cosplay, action figures or others.
According to public information, a new movie about their favorite pirate will be released in a cinema
near where they live.

The three of them were very excited to watch it. long story short, they went to the cinema together.
The service at the cinema is also very good so they feel comfortable being there.

When the film was finished, they even felt more inclined to become pirates because it was their dream
since childhood. But sanji and zoro realized, in this modern era, it's impossible to become a pirate.

Unlike Luffy, he is very confident even though in the current era, he can still be a pirate. They went to
make a small boat that was made in such a way and then played in the lake.

ANBINAWNS to them, there was a crocodile in the lake. When Luffy was not careful, the crocodile was
after him.

Luckily there was an uncle there named Shanks who saved Luffy even though he had to give up his hand.
Luffy, Zoro and Sanji were so shocked by the EPIRENS of the crocodile that they were TRAUMATAIS by
the lake, let alone the sea. And in the end, being a pirate was just a dream for the three of them. that's
my story, thank you

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