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Dr. Ir. M. Cahyono

Dosen : Faizal I. W. Rohmat, S.T., M.T.,


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Artikel “Co-Producing Interdisciplinary Knowledge and Action for Sustainable

Water Governance: Lesson from Development of Water Resources Decision Support System

in Pernambuco Brazil” membahas mengenai pentingnya kolaborasi antar disiplin ilmu untuk

menyelesaikan sebuah permasalahan Tata Kelola Air Berkelanjutan secara sosial, ekonomi dan

lingkungan. Disiplin ilmu yang berkolaborasi dalam proses tersebut Inter-America

Development Bank, Arizona State University, Columbia University, Research Triangle

Institute, The Pernambuco Agency for Water & Climate, and regional stakeholders in

Pernambuco Brazil.

• Inter-America Development Bank sebagai sponsor untuk perangkat permodelan

• Arizona State University menyumbang tim ahli, dan membuat interface developed

• Columbia University menyumbang tim ahli dan supply data prakiraan curah hujan

• Research Triangle Institute menyumbang tim ahli dan mengembangkan model terkait


• APAC menyumbang tim ahli, data iklim dan cuaca, sebagai filter data yang masuk

• Regional Stakeholders Pernambuco pengisi quisioner

Dari banyaknya disiplin ilmu yang berkolaborasi terkait tata kelola air berkelanjutan di

daerah Pernambuco Brazil, diketahui bahwa semua stakeholder mengetahui prinsip-prinsip

berkelanjutan yang terlihat dari survey kepentingan dengan rata-rata 4.5 – 4.71 dari 5 tetapi

untuk hasil atas tindakan yang diambil memiliki tingkat kepuasan 2.41 – 2.5 dari 5 sehingga

bentuk kolaborasi dan koperatif dari disiplin ilmu sangat dibutuhkan untuk bisa menghasilkan

output yang baik dan kepuasan masyarakat.

Wilayah Pernambuco diklasifikasikan kedalam iklim yang kering (BSh 61%) dan tropis

(As 33%) dan memiliki cadangan air dibawah standar (>1700 m3) yaitu 1,300 m3. Sistem air
Pernambuco mengalirkan air dari serangkaian bendungan dan kanal dari Sao Fransisco dan

Atlantik dan dikelola oleh COMPESA (The Pernambuco Water and Sanitation Company)

sebagai perusahaan air regional.

Berdasarkan data tersebut maka untuk mewujudkan system kolaborasi yang baik untuk

bisa membantu APAC, COMPESA dan semua stakeholder untuk bisa andil dalam tata kelola

air berkelanjutan maka dilakukan penelitan untuk menyajikan data yang valid dan fleksibel

dalam bentuk web yang bisa diakses semuanya.

Dalam penelitian ini, pendekatan penelitiannya dibagi menjadi 3 fase yaitu :

1. Fase A – Analisis Sistem Kelola Air Daerah

Melakukan kegiatan untuk memastikan bingkai permasalahan dalam tata kelola air

berkelanjutan dengan konteks

• Hukum dan Kelembagaan terkait tata kelola air di Pernambuco

Terjadi 2 kali reformasi terkait lingkungan, reformasi pertama tahun 1930-an membuat

adanya aturan terkait keairan yang berfokus pada pengelolaan sumber daya air dan

reformasi kedua tahun 1980-an yang berfokus kepada lingkungan.

Kelembagaan yang mengelola air adalah COMPESA dan APAC yang terstatement

dalam undang-undang di Brazil.

• Penilaian terhadap Pemerintah Pernambuco

Pemerintah dinilai memahami prinsip tata kelola air berkelanjutan (4.51 / 5) tetapi hasil

kepuasan dari responden terhadap tata kelola air (2.41 / 5).

Terdapat 2 macam tujuan dalam penelitian ini yaitu tujuan praktis dan tujuan ilmiah.

Tujuan Praktis

1. Bekerja dengan lembaga lokal dan mitranya di Pernambuco, Brasil, untuk bersama-sama

menghasilkan pengetahuan dan sistem pendukung keputusan untuk menginformasikan

pengelolaan air dan adaptasi perubahan iklim.

2. Meningkatkan kapasitas lokal untuk mengelola sumber daya air yang ada dan yang akan

datang secara efisien, berkelanjutan, dan adil.

Tujuan ilmiah dari proyek ini adalah untuk berkontribusi pada beasiswa tentang dampak

penelitian interdisipliner tentang tata kelola air melalui pedoman yang diinformasikan secara

teoritis dan berbasis pengalaman.

2. Fase B – Permodelan Cuaca, Iklim, dan Aliran Air

Pemodelan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan tata kelola air dengan meningkatkan

kapasitas badan pengelola air daerah. Pemodelan ini merupakan fase terbesar dari komponen

penelitian ini.

Gambar 1.1. Diagram Analisa Tata Kelola Air untuk Pernambuco, Brasil, mengidentifikasi tindakan
dan aktor spesifik yang relevan untuk setiap domain sistem air.
Pemodelan dilakukan dengan melalui tiga proses :

(1) Peramalan Hidrometeorologi Waktu Nyata

Peramalan Hidrometeorologi melalui Lembaga APAC ini ditujukan untuk

meningkatkan kemampuan peramalan secara real time. Ini merupakan prediksi variabel

atmosfer, seperti curah hujan dan suhu, yang mencakup seluruh negara bagian Pernambuco.

Kemampuan yang sangat bergunan untuk lembaga APAC ini adalah Water Research

Forecasting (WRF) yang dapat mengeluarkan perkiraan aliran arus operasional di lokasi

terdistribusi dalam jaringan saluran langsung dari prediksi atmosfer. Kemampuan ini berguna

untuk mengantisipasi peristiwa badai dan banjir, mengeluarkan peringatan atau peringatan

banjir, dan mendukung perlindungan sipil.

Lembaga APAC melakukan studi prototipe untuk menguji kelayakan penerapan WRF-

Hydro di negara bagian Pernambuco. Studi ini difokuskan pada daerah aliran sungai sering

mengalami banjir besar yang telah menyebabkan kerugian yang signifikan dalam hal harta

benda dan korban jiwa. Ada dua kegiatan yang dilakukan yakni, pertama ditujukan untuk

mengkalibrasi skema permukaan dan perutean WRF-Hydro melalui simulasi uncoupled atau

“off-line” dan kedua bertujuan untuk memvalidasi keterampilan prakiraan banjir WRF-Hydro

dalam pengaturan pseudo-operasional melalui simulasi berpasangan atau "on-line" pada

sejumlah peristiwa banjir yang dipilih.

(2) Peramalan Curah Hujan dan Pemodelan Optimasi Reservoir

Dalam proses ini tim mengembangkan prakiraan curah hujan untuk dimasukan ke

dalam model pengelolaan sumber daya air HydroBID. HydroBID menggunakan input

prakiraan curah hujan untuk memberikan prakiraan aliran sungai dalam model optimasi

reservoir. Prakiraan curah hujan dibuat menggunakan Nonhomogeneous Hidden Markov

Model (NHMM) untuk memberikan curah hujan harian di tingkat stasiun. Untuk kasus
Pernambuco, NHMM menggunakan 90 stasiun di seluruh negara bagian dan prakiraan dibuat

untuk periode 1 Desember hingga 31 Agustus. Hasil ini kemudian digunakan dalam HydroBID

untuk menghasilkan prakiraan aliran sungai untuk model optimasi reservoir. Kebijakan

pelepasan dapat diperbarui secara bulanan atau musiman menggunakan penyimpanan reservoir

yang diperbarui dan informasi prakiraan aliran sungai musiman hingga antartahunan.

(3) Pemodelan Perencanaan dan Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Air

Sistem pemodelan HydroBID, dibangun di atas kerangka model Aliran DAS dan

Alokasi (WaterFALL), mencakup modul hidrologi dan analisis iklim untuk memperkirakan

ketersediaan air tawar yang tidak terganggu pada skala regional, cekungan, dan sub- cekungan.

Kerangka Integrasi Model

Gambar. 1.2 Diagram Kerangka Integrasi Model

Penjelasan dari diagram diatas adalah sebagai berikut :

1. Kotak oranye dan panah mewakili input ke dalam model.

2. Kotak biru mewakili model.

3. Kotak hijau dan panah mewakili output dari setiap model

Dari grafik dapat dijelaskan bahwa kotak hijau menunjukkan dua panah sebagai output

dari satu model masuk sebagai input model lainnya, yakni Rainfall Forecast sebagai output dari

model NHMM Rainfall Forecast Model menjadi input untuk HydroBid Streamflow Model.

Semua output dalam warna hijau dimasukkan ke dalam Interfaced yang dikembangkan

oleh Arizona State University.

3. Fase C – Sistem Pendukung Keputusan (DSS)

Gambar 1.3 Dashboard berbasis Web sebagai DSS SDA

User Interface dari penelitian ini dapat dilihat pada basis web diatas, yang menunjukkan

beberapa opsional untuk pengambilan keputusan diantaranya opsi Reservoir Model, Reservoir

Forecast, Municipalities Forecast, Flood Forecast. Dengan sistem ini, pengambil keputusan

menghasilkan skenario yang memvariasikan ketersediaan pasokan air dan mengoptimalkan

distribusi ke pusat-pusat permintaan. Pada langkah pertama, pengguna menentukan parameter

untuk tiga model yang berjalan dalam rantai yang terhubung melalui antarmuka dasbor.

Dalam penelitian ini terdapat beberapa permasalahan berbeda yang muncul pada setiap

fase pendekatan penelitian. Tantangan utama untuk fase awal proyek

• Kurangnya kesadaran masalah atau kerangka masalah yang tidak memadai

• Kepemilikan masalah yang tidak seimbang

• Legitimasi yang tidak memadai dari tim atau aktor yang terlibat

Dari tantangan yang muncul di buatlah strategi untuk mengatasi hal tersebut dengan

melakukan studi percontohan untuk membangun kesadaran masalah, kepemimpinan bersama

dan pemetaan terhadap pemangku kepentingan. Kunci dari strategi tersebut adalah membangun

jaringan yang relatif efektif dengan representasi yang tepat dari bermacam-macam disiplin ilmu

dan perspektif praktisi yang berkaitan.

Pada fase kedua terdapat beberapa tantangan yang di temui dalam penelitian ini seperti

• Standart metodologi yang saling bertentangan

• Kurangnya integrasi

• Partisipasi tim yang terputus-putus

• Ketidakjelasan dan ambiguitas hasil

• Takut gagal

Tugas utama dalam fase kedua ini adalah menetapkan dan mendukung peran bagi

praktisi dan peneliti dalam menerapkan dan menyesuaikan metode serta pengaturan antar

trandisipliner untuk menghasilkan dan mengintegrasikan pengetahuan.Strategi dalam

menjawab tantangan ini adalah menetapkan campuran model penelitian mutakhir (WRF-

Hydro) dan model manajemen dengan orientasi praktik (HydroBID).

Pada fase terakhir penelitian keberlanjutan interdisipliner adalah menghasilkan produk

ilmiah dan praktisi serta mengevaluasi dampak ilmiah dan sosial (integrasi 2D). Beberapa

tantangan khusus dalam fase ini adalah

• Pilihan solusi spesifik kasus yang terbatas

• Kurangnya legitimasi hasil transdisipliner (gesekan antara proses ilmiah dan politik)

• Hasil penelitian yang terdistorsi

• Kesulitan melacak dampak ilmiah dan sosial

Upaya untuk mengantisipasi tantangan tersebut adalah dengan melibatkan peneliti

universitas dalam berbagai tahap kemajuan penelitian yang termasuk mahasiswa pascasarjan,

peneliti postdoctoral, ilmuan peneliti, asisten profesor dan profesor. Menggabungkan evaluasi

berbasis hasil dan modal sosial dapat menghasilkan standart yang unggul dari nilai

pengetahuan dan proses sosial yang mana pengetahuan tersebut dihasilkan.

Dari penelitian ini terdapat beberapa hal-hal penting yang berkaitan dengan kolaborasi

pengetahuan dan tindakan interdisipliner untuk tata kelola air berkelanjutan.

1. Mencakup seperangkat sistem sosial, ekonomi, dan politik yang saling berinteraksi

yang memungkinkan masyarakat untuk mengembangkan, merencanakan, dan

mengelola sumber daya air tawar.

2. Mencakup lembaga formal dan informal, aturan dan praktik, dan tindakan kolektif aktor

sektor publik, swasta, dan sipil, dan bagaimana lembaga dan praktik ini memengaruhi

keputusan tentang sumber daya air.

3. Kerangka normatif, diarahkan pada tujuan untuk mengatur kegiatan masyarakat ini

untuk memastikan air yang memadai, adil, dan aman untuk mendukung pembangunan

ekonomi dan kesejahteraan sosial, sementara tidak membahayakan ekosistem

pendukung kehidupan.

4. Membutuhkan koordinasi berbagai aktor dan tindakan mereka di seluruh rangkaian

kegiatan terkait air.

5. Tata kelola air yang berkelanjutan juga membutuhkan pengetahuan interdisipliner.

6. Membutuhkan pengambilan keputusan dalam kondisi ketidakpastian yang mendalam

tentang kondisi lingkungan di masa depan, kemungkinan skenario sosiopolitik, dan

kebutuhan serta perspektif pemangku kepentingan yang berkembang.

Full paper
Water Sustainability

Co-Producing Interdisciplinary Knowledge and Action for

Sustainable Water Governance: Lessons from the
Development of a Water Resources Decision Support
System in Pernambuco, Brazil
Dave D. White,* Krista L. Lawless, Enrique R. Vivoni, Giuseppe Mascaro, Robert Pahle,
Ipsita Kumar, Pedro Coli, Raúl Muñoz Castillo, Fekadu Moreda, and Marcelo Asfora

1. Introduction
One of the most pressing global challenges for sustainable development is
freshwater management. Sustainable water governance requires interdis- Following the United Nations Rio+20
ciplinary knowledge about environmental and social processes as well as Summit in Brazil in 2012, the U.N.
advanced the 2030 Agenda for Sustain-
participatory strategies that bring scientists, managers, policymakers, and
able Development with the goal to inspire
other stakeholders together to cooperatively produce knowledge and solu- a global transition toward a sustainable
tions, promote social learning, and build enduring institutional capacity. and resilient planet through bold and
Cooperative production of knowledge and action is designed to enhance transformative change.[1] The foundation
the likelihood that the findings, models, simulations, and decision support of the agenda is the list of 17 sustainable
tools developed are scientifically credible, solutions-oriented, and relevant development goals (SDGs) and 169 tar-
gets, which were designed to build upon
to management needs and stakeholders’ perspectives. To explore how
the successes and address the failures
interdisciplinary science and sustainable water management can be co- of the millennium development goals
developed in practice, the experiences of an international collaboration are (MDGs).[2] The SDG framework aims to
drawn on to improve local capacity to manage existing and future water integrate environmental, social, and eco-
resources efficiently, sustainably, and equitably in the State of Pernam- nomic goals and recognize tradeoffs and
synergies between priorities. To achieve
buco in northeastern Brazil. Systems are developed to model and simulate
the goals will require mobilizing the
rainfall, reservoir management, and flood forecasting that allow users global policy community to embrace and
to create, save, and compare future scenarios. A web-enabled decision implement the framework and motivating
support system is also designed to integrate models to inform water man- the global scientific community to develop
agement and climate adaptation. The challenges and lessons learned from knowledge about environmental risks and
this project, the transferability of this approach, and strategies for evalu- strategies for enhancing resilience and
sustainability.[3] Furthermore, scientists,
ating the impacts on management decisions and sustainability outcomes
policymakers, and a variety of affected
are discussed. stakeholders at all levels and sectors of

Dr. D. D. White, K. L. Lawless, Dr. E. R. Vivoni, Dr. G. Mascaro, I. Kumar

Dr. R. Pahle Columbia Water Center
Decision Center for a Desert City 842 S. W. Mudd, Mailcode: 4711, 500 West 120th Street
Arizona State University New York, NY 10027, USA
21 E. 6th Street, Suite 126B, Tempe, AZ 85287-8209, USA P. Coli, R. M. Castillo
E-mail: Inter-American Development Bank
1300 New York Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC 20577, USA
The ORCID identification number(s) for the author(s) of this article Dr. F. Moreda
can be found under Research Triangle Institute
P.O. Box 12194, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2194, USA
© 2018 The Authors. Published by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA,
Dr. M. Asfora
Weinheim. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative
Senior Hydrological Modeler
Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and re-
Agência Pernambucana de Águas e Clima
production in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Avenida Cruz Cabugá, 1111—Santo Amaro, Recife PE 50.400-00, Brazil
DOI: 10.1002/gch2.201800012

Global Challenges 2019, 3, 1800012 1800012  (1 of 14) © 2018 The Authors. Published by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

society will need to coordinate to integrate science into the the likelihood that the scientific findings, models, simulations,
societal transition process. and decision support tools developed are scientifically credible,
One of the most pressing global challenges for sustainable solutions-oriented, and relevant to management needs and
development in the era of the Anthropocene is freshwater stakeholders’ perspectives.[20,21] The practical goal of the project
management.[4] Water is a fundamental human necessity and is to work with a local agency and its partners in Pernambuco,
essential to improve social equity, promote broad economic Brazil, to co-produce knowledge and a decision support system
development, and protect the functioning of the earth system. to inform water management and climate change adaptation.
Global freshwater use has been identified as one of nine plan- The scientific goal of the project is to contribute to scholar-
etary boundaries regulating the safe operating space of Earth ship on the impact of interdisciplinary research on water gov-
to support humanity.[5] Freshwater is addressed specifically in ernance through theoretically informed and experience-based
SDG 6, which is to “ensure access to water and sanitation for guidelines.
all.” Furthermore, progress on SDG 6 is likely to have positive We present and evaluate an applied sustainability research
corollary effects upon ending poverty and hunger (SDG 1 and project, in light of a set of principles and challenges for ideal-
2), ensuring health and well-being (SDG 3), and promoting eco- typical transdisciplinary sustainability research, illustrated by
nomic growth (SDG 8). The eight targets for SDG 6 address the experiences of an international collaboration among the
access, affordability, quality, sanitation and hygiene, efficiency, Inter-American Development Bank, Arizona State University,
cooperation, and participatory decision-making, as well as inte- Columbia University, Research Triangle Institute, the Pernam-
grated water resources management. It follows that improving buco Agency for Water and Climate, and regional stakeholders
water governance at all levels of society is an important sustain- in Pernambuco, Brazil. The project aims to improve local
able development objective. capacity to manage existing and future water resources effi-
Water governance encompasses a set interacting social, eco- ciently, sustainably, and equitably. Together, the team developed
nomic, and political systems that enable society to develop, systems to model and simulate rainfall, reservoir management,
plan, and manage freshwater resources.[6,7] Water governance and flood forecasting that allow users to create, save, and com-
includes formal and informal institutions, rules and practices, pare future scenarios. We developed a web-enabled decision
and the collective actions of public, private, and civil sector support system designed to augment existing capacity and inte-
actors, and how these institutions and practices affect decisions grate multiple models to inform short-term water management
about water resources.[8–10] Specifically, sustainable water gov- decision-making and long-term climate adaptation planning.
ernance is a normative, goals-directed framework to organize The decision support system is designed to serve as a boundary
these societal activities to ensure adequate, equitable, and safe object to facilitate interaction among scientists, managers, and
water to support economic development and social well-being, interested stakeholders.
while not jeopardizing life-supporting ecosystems.[11,12] This In this paper, we next review literature that informed the
process is grounded in local social, economic, cultural, and design of the project and then describe the study background.
political context. Sustainable water governance requires coordi- We turn to the processes and outcomes of the interdisciplinary
nation of diverse actors and their actions across the full range science and summarize key findings. We close with a discus-
of water-related activities.[12] Sustainable water governance also sion of the challenges and lessons learned from our project,
requires interdisciplinary knowledge about environmental and the transferability of our approach, and strategies for evalu-
social processes as well as participatory strategies that bring ating the impacts on management decisions and sustainability
scientists, managers, policymakers, and other stakeholders outcomes.
together to cooperatively produce knowledge and solutions,
promote social learning, and build enduring institutional
capacity.[13–15] 2. Inter- and Transdisciplinary Science and
Water governance, especially in the era of the Anthropocene,
Co-Development of Boundary Objects
requires decision-making under conditions of deep uncer-
tainty about future environmental conditions, possible socio- Interdisciplinary science is a knowledge enterprise to inte-
political scenarios, and the evolving needs and perspectives of grate, interact, link, focus, and blend disciplines toward a
proximate stakeholders.[16,17] To deal with this complexity and common goal, foster mutual learning, and solve real-world
uncertainty requires more than simply delivering scientific problems.[26,27,29] The method emerged from applied research
knowledge to the doors of decision-makers and hoping that to integrate technological, social, and scientific knowledge.[27–29]
such knowledge is relevant and useful.[18,19] Rather, to enhance Interdisciplinary teams seek to develop mutual understanding
the relevance and impact of scientific knowledge requires par- of fundamental assumptions about philosophy of science
ticipatory processes attuned to the needs of both scientists and underlying their work (e.g., ontology, epistemology, method-
decision-makers.[20] Furthermore, the coproduction of effective ology, and axiology) to create common language.
knowledge and decision support requires understanding how For decades, scholars have called for integrated research
actors and institutions create, circulate, and use knowledge as approaches that transcend disciplinary silos to catalyze innova-
well as social networks and power relations between actors.[21] tion and enhance the contribution of science and technology
To address these challenges, in this research we employ a to address pressing societal challenges.[30–32] A seminal cross-
sustainability science approach that combines interdisciplinary national report published by the OECD Center for Education
science with stakeholder engagement.[22–25] This cooperative and Innovation in 1972 identified the origins of interdisci-
production of knowledge and action is designed to enhance plinarity: a) within science itself as disciplines developed,

Global Challenges 2019, 3, 1800012 1800012  (2 of 14) © 2018 The Authors. Published by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

fractured, and reorganized; b) in students’ protest movements science research to focus on better understanding of how the
as students demanded that universities reorganize around principles and challenges manifest under the different con-
pressing social problems; c) within praxis, as scientists engaged textual conditions across various cases. Further, the literature
with other professionals outside the university; and d) within on inter- and transdisciplinary approaches lacks studies that
the needs of society, as actors outside of universities brought provide empirical evidence and experience-based guidelines to
problems to the attention of scientists.[33] While the OECD evaluate and complement the conceptual and theoretical frame-
report argued persuasively for interdisciplinary approaches to works.[34,41] This paper contributes specifically to this gap by
university research and teaching, the follow-up report 15 years examining how the assertions and assumptions in the current
later found little evidence of progress and instead noted that academic discourse about transdisciplinary research materi-
universities’ departments had become more entrenched around alize in a specific solutions-oriented research context.
conventional disciplines.[26] Related research addresses inter- and transdisciplinary
Extending concepts from interdisciplinary science, transdis- research through the lens of knowledge co-production processes
ciplinary research developed as a way to transcend conventional and development of so-called knowledge-action systems, spe-
natural and social science disciplinary assumptions, address cifically within natural resource management and policy.[21,42,43]
real-world challenges, and engage communities.[21,34,35] Trans- Knowledge–action systems include social networks, future
disciplinary science may enhance salience, credibility, and visions and expectations, and knowledge production dynamics
legitimacy of knowledge because multiple fields of expertise surrounding policy, actions, and decision-making for sustain-
improve the likelihood that findings are accurate, applicable, ability and resource management regimes.[21] This approach
and responsive to diverse perspectives.[20,21,34,39] In transdiscipli- supports engagement for researchers and practitioners without
nary work, there are numerous experts reviewing each other’s preconceived notions about who are the knowledge producers
work from diverse ontological, epistemological, and meth- and who are the knowledge users.[34] This collaborative research
odological assumptions; thus, increasing critical review. The design allows for functional inclusion of qualitative and quan-
literature notes that transdisciplinary sustainability solutions titative research, participation at multiple levels, and goal-ori-
are context specific, which may be a limiting factor, and thus ented co-production of knowledge among various disciplines
additional research is needed to determine the transferability of and stakeholder groups.[34] The literature strongly supports that
results and solutions. researchers must avoid ambiguity, be culturally sensitive, and
Several authors have proposed systematic approaches for be built upon field experience to produce conclusive and rel-
inter- and transdisciplinary sustainability science for mean- evant results.
ingful impact.[27,34,36,37] These scholars argue that developing We also apply here insights from prior research on the coop-
successful sustainability solutions requires participation erative development of models and decision support systems
among scientists, stakeholders, engaged citizens, and decision- as boundary objects. Recent examples of boundary objects
makers.[22] Further, such authors argue that combining disci- from the literature include models, scenarios, and maps.[20,44,45]
plines is urgently required to inform sustainability transitions Boundary objects may be adopted and independently inter-
and prevent significant degradation of human life and the preted by multiple actors and institutions. Model-based deci-
earth system, especially under climate change. The demand sion support systems are one type of boundary object that has
for diverse approaches in sustainability science and research is become increasingly popular for linking environmental science
becoming more apparent through the transdisciplinary, com- and policy in coupled human–ecological systems. Our own
munity-based, interactive, and participatory approaches in the prior research demonstrates that credibility and legitimacy in
literature.[27,34,38,39] In response, some universities are restruc- designing boundary objects can be enhanced as researchers
turing to support transdisciplinary sustainability research.[40] listen to individual stakeholder concerns and make decisions
Lang et al. define the contours of transdisciplinary research collectively.[44] Also, we have found that opportunities for pri-
to include a focus on societal problems, mutual learning vately or confidentially expressing opinions can be important,
among researchers from multiple academic disciplines as as some group settings may inhibit the sharing of contro-
well as actors from outside research institutions, and focus on versial viewpoints.[46] Finally, cooperative decision-making
knowledge creation that is solutions-oriented and transferable with a regional focus can be enhanced through information
to scientific and social practice.[34] They present a conceptual technology using communal computer displays.[47]
model of an ideal-typical transdisciplinary research process In their design principles for transdisciplinary research in
that includes a) collaborative problem framing and building a sustainability science, Lang et al. note that a key task in the ini-
collaborative research team, b) co-creation of solution-oriented tial problem framing phase is to collaboratively define research/
and transferable knowledge through collaborative research, c) boundary objects that link the scientific knowledge produc-
integrating and applying the co-created knowledge. Lang et al. tion process with the practical challenges or societal prob-
present a set of empirically derived design principles for each lems.[34] They also note, however, the risks that either actors
phase as well as challenges to be expected. For instance, chal- from scientific or practical spheres may dominate the process
lenges to the collaborative research phase include conflicting when designing the boundary object, thus leading to unbal-
methodological standards, lack of integration across knowl- anced problem ownership and potentially insufficient problem
edge types and organizational structures, discontinuous par- framing or legitimacy. Prior research, for instance, has docu-
ticipation, ambiguous results, and fear of failure leading to mented tradeoffs between the priorities of scientific credibility,
prepackaged solutions. The authors identify a critical need for decision-making relevance, and social and political legitimacy
inter- and transdisciplinary, solutions-oriented sustainability when developing boundary objects, divergent perspectives

Global Challenges 2019, 3, 1800012 1800012  (3 of 14) © 2018 The Authors. Published by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

different stakeholder groups when evaluating specific boundary The low average water availability, high seasonal variability,
objects, and limited or insufficient problem framing embedded and heterogeneous climate conditions across the state con-
in model-based decision support systems.[20,45,52] Recently, tribute to significant water management challenges. Pernam-
the credibility, salience, and legitimacy framework have been buco’s land area is classified as hot semiarid climate (BSh, 61%)
critiqued for inadequately representing decision-makers’ priori- and tropical Savanna climate (As, 33%).[48] Brazilian National
ties, with alternative criteria suggested including applicability, Water Agency (ANA) data show that Pernambuco has water
comprehensiveness, timing, and accessibility.[53] Our research reserves of ≈1300 m3 per person per year, below the 1700 m3
speaks to the boundary objects literature by providing an per year typically associated with water stress.[45] The hydro-
empirically and contextually informed lessons from a transdis- logical regime of the state is highly variable. The rivers of the
ciplinary sustainability science project seeking to combine sci- Coastal Zone and Zona de Mata (Atlantic Forest Zone) are per-
entific knowledge and practical components when designing a ennial but the rivers of the Sertão (drought zone) and Agreste
decision support system. (transition to drought) are intermittent. Droughts associated
with El Niño conditions are common in the Sertão. Northeast
Brazil has been labeled a socio-climatic hotspot due to projected
3. Study Context: Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil significant and adverse physical impacts and social vulnerabili-
ties associated with climate change.[49–51]
The setting for our project is the State of Pernambuco in north- The Pernambuco water control system is comprised of a
eastern Brazil, which covers 98 312 km2 and has a population series dams and canals along the São Francisco and Atlantic
of ≈9.2 million (Figure 1). Recife is the largest city and capital draining rivers. Reservoirs are located within 29 planning
and is located at the confluence of the Beberibe and Capibaribe units composed of 7 internal watersheds that drain to São
Rivers on the Atlantic coast. Recife is home to nearly 1.6 million Francisco river, 9 groups of inland rivers (eight of which drain
people and the larger Metropolitan Region of Recife (RMR) has to São Francisco), 6 groups of coastal rivers, 5 coastal water-
a population of nearly 4 million. Recife is a major port, indus- sheds, 1 internal watershed that passes through another state
trial center, commercial hub, and popular tourist destination. before reaches the ocean, and the archipelago of Fernando de

Figure 1.  Map of study area, State of Pernambuco, Brazil. Image from Google Earth.

Global Challenges 2019, 3, 1800012 1800012  (4 of 14) © 2018 The Authors. Published by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Noronha. The largest part of the Pirapama system is in Cabo research questions, frame sustainability problems and poten-
de Santo Agostinho, operated by Compesa (the regional water tial solutions from multiple perspectives, and shape and settle
utility company), and was completed in 2011. The system upon the broad design for the joint research/boundary object.
includes the Pirapama Dam with a capacity of 61 million cubic Next, we examine national and regional water policy and
meters, the adjacent Pirapama Water Treatment Plant with a present empirical findings.
capacity of 5.13 m3 s−1, and a constellation of smaller reservoirs.

5.1. Legal and Institutional Context for Water Governance

4. Research Approach in Pernambuco

We modeled our research approach on the conceptual, ideal-typ- The historical development of modern Brazilian water policy
ical research process presented by Lang et al., which includes has been organized into three phases with distinct institutional,
a) collaborative problem framing and building a collaborative legal, and political contexts.[55] In 1916, The Civil Code of Brazil
research team, b) co-creation of solution-oriented and transfer- marked the beginning of the “Navigability Phase.” This period
able knowledge through collaborative research, c) integrating lasted until the 1930s and defined rivers as communal public
and applying the co-created knowledge.[34] Our team includes property. The weak regulation of this era, and its overemphasis
relevant expertise, drawn from universities, a consulting on navigation and agriculture, lead to calls for social, legal,
research firm, the regional policy and management agency, and political reforms during the early and middle 1930s. The
and an international development funding agency. Together reforms of the 1930s facilitated the transition to the “Hydro-
the team developed a joint understanding of the water sustain- electricity Phase.” This era was marked by the Water Code of
ability challenges and an agreed upon research framework. To 1934, which revoked the Civil Code of 1916 and classified water
inform our understanding of the sustainability challenges and resources into three types of waters: public, common, and pri-
potential solutions, we reviewed relevant policy documents and vate. The new water categorizations focused on using public
consulted local stakeholders through multiple scoping meet- authorities to control the water resources. The Hydroelectricity
ings. We also conducted a survey questionnaire, focus group Phase was characterized by the landmark expansion of hydro-
meetings, and key informant interviews. electric power generation in the late 1930s until the 1980s
The initial scoping meetings between all partners, a part of when, yet again, there was a call for reforms. The last reforms
the collaborative problem framing process, identified several helped to transition the usage of Brazilian water into its current
key water sustainability challenges that could be addressed phase which focuses on the environment. In 1981, The “Envi-
through interdisciplinary science. These included vulnerabili- ronmental Phase” of Brazilian water policy was ushered in by
ties to climate change risks and extreme events (i.e., droughts the National Environmental Policy Act, which acknowledged
and floods), uncoordinated reservoir management, the need water’s environmental value.
to improve economic optimization in water allocations, and Prior to 1968, water supply and sanitation responsibili-
additional capacity to integrate, visualize, and communicate ties fell upon each state’s municipality. During this time,
data. To address these challenges, we assembled an interdisci- there was not an institutional structure in place to plan and
plinary team incorporating climatology, hydrology, computer finance water services. In 1968, the National Water Supply and
science, policy analysis, visualization, and decision science. To Sanitation Plan (PLANASA) was created, which was the fed-
co-create the solution-oriented knowledge, the team worked in eral government’s initiative to manage water and water sani-
consultation with implementation agents to develop and inte- tation throughout Brazil. In the early 1970s, the State Water
grate models of hydroclimatology, water resource management, and Sanitation Companies (CESBs) were established in each
reservoir optimization and forecasting, and flood forecasting. state to help expand water and sanitation services. The Per-
To enhance the integration and application of the interdiscipli- nambuco Water and Sanitation Company (Compesa) was
nary science, we developed the decision support system with the established in 1971. Compesa managed the water system for
local agency including transfer of software, open-source code, two decades with relatively few changes in regulation, law, or
and training materials. policy. The National Water Resources Policy (NWRP) and the
National Water Resource Management System (NWRMS) were
enacted in 1997 with the Law 9433 for Pernambuco. The law
5. Regional Water Governance System Analysis gave value to water by defining it as a scarce resource that has
multiple uses and created water agencies and state watershed
One component of our interdisciplinary research was a sys- committees and has helped to decentralize the management
tematic regional water governance system analysis.[12,52–54] of water resources in Pernambuco.[56] Within Pernambuco,
This included review of key policy documents as well as an institutional capacity for water resources management was
empirical assessment of stakeholders’ perspectives on the sus- further strengthened through State Water Resources Policy
tainability of the system, based on participant observations, in 2005 (Law No 12984) and the Integrated Water Resources
individual interviews, focus groups, and a survey question- Management (SIGRH). Law No. 13205 of 2007 established the
naire. Regarding the research framework, the regional water State Department of Water Resources. The Pernambuco Water
governance analysis is primarily designed to contribute to and Climate Agency (APAC) was created in 2010 under State
the collaborative problem framing tasks in phase A. That is, Law No. 14028 to strengthen and establish the State Policy on
we designed these activities to help identify societal-relevant Water Resources.

Global Challenges 2019, 3, 1800012 1800012  (5 of 14) © 2018 The Authors. Published by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

5.2. Stakeholders’ Assessment of Sustainable Water Governance Our results also showed that stakeholders were relatively
in Pernambuco more satisfied with the governance systems on two sustain-
ability principles: i) precaution and adaptability and ii) social–
Our empirical assessment focused on stakeholders’ evaluations of ecological civility and democratic governance. For a sustain-
APAC and its partners in sustainable regional water governance. ability transition to take place in the future, it will depend
We used a mixed-methods’ case study design to evaluate stake- largely on effective collaboration and coordination within a
holders’ perceptions of sustainable water governance with data participatory and multilevel (federal, state, and water shed)
collected from survey questionnaire (N  = 96), focus groups and water governance system in Pernambuco. Multiple sources
interviews (N = 34), participant observations, and document anal- of evidence (focus groups, interviews, and survey responses)
ysis.[57] The results revealed consensus among the respondents in confirmed that respondents feel participatory cooperative gov-
their support of a set of sustainability principles derived from the ernance organizations are genuinely important to implement
literature to guide water governance decisions: i) social-ecological reforms, looking especially to the national and state watershed
system integrity, ii) precaution and adaptability, iii) social–eco- committees as leaders to facilitate and include public partici-
logical civility and democratic governance, iv) interconnectivity pation in their decision-making surrounding reform options.
from local to regional to global scales, and v) intergenerational These same respondents, however, also identified federal and
and intragenerational equity.[11,54,58] Respondents rated each of state government agencies such as the National Water Agency
the sustainability principles as very important to extremely impor- and APAC as influential and required. To these respondents,
tant, with means from 4.50 to 4.71 on the five-point scale. the key feature to the structure of sustainable water governance
We also identified significant gaps between respondents’ is collaboration and communication among various levels of
ratings of the importance of the guiding sustainability princi- decision-makers and water managers, as opposed to centraliza-
ples and their satisfaction with the current performance of the tion or decentralization of power. Figure 2 illustrates the key
regional water governance system on those same principles actors and actions in the Pernambuco water system. The results
using an importance-satisfaction analysis. Respondents were of the regional water governance analysis highlighted areas
consistently unsatisfied to very unsatisfied with the status of the of convergent priorities between scientific and practitioner
Pernambuco water system on those sustainability principles, actors—including the potential utility of hydrometeorological
with means ranging from 2.41 to 2.50. For each of the five sus- modeling, flood forecasting, and reservoir management—that
tainability principles, the importance of the principle was rated informed the design and development of the scientific mod-
more highly than the satisfaction. Notably, respondents iden- eling activities and the resulting boundary object.
tified a significant gap between the importance of social–eco-
logical system integrity and the ability of the current regional
governance system to achieve this principle. Specific areas of 6. Weather, Climate, and Water Modeling
concern included maintenance of minimum water flows and
quality, conservation of groundwater, and coordination among The second component of our research included an intercon-
resource managers and planners. nected suite of weather, climate, and water modeling activities.

Figure 2.  Water governance analysis diagram for Pernambuco, Brazil, identifying specific actions and actors relevant each domain of the water system.

Global Challenges 2019, 3, 1800012 1800012  (6 of 14) © 2018 The Authors. Published by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

These scientific activities aimed to enhance water governance

by improving the capacity of the regional water management
agency. Team members from Arizona State University (ASU),
Columbia, Research Triangle Institute (RTI), and APAC
collaborated on real-time hydrometeorological forecasting,
rainfall forecasting, and reservoir optimization modeling for
water management. These modeling components are then
integrated through the decision support system and the capa-
bilities transferred to APAC. The weather, climate, and water
modeling activities constituted the bulk of the interdisciplinary
research in the project (i.e., phase B) and thus key project-
level tasks included defining the roles, responsibilities, and
accountabilities for the scientific and practitioner actors, dis-
cussing and balancing scientific rigor with societal relevance
and practitioner capabilities, and establishing processes for
resolving conflicts. Figure 4.  Topography and stream network of the Una basin along with
location of the ground stations used to create the gridded forcings for
the calibration of the land-surface and routing schemes of WRF-Hydro.
6.1. Real-Time Hydrometeorological Forecasting
In this project, the research team and the hydrometeoro-
One of the modeling activities was aimed at improving the real- logical forecasting division at APAC conducted a prototype
time hydrometeorological forecasting capabilities of APAC. study to test the feasibility of the application of WRF-Hydro in
Currently, the agency issues meteorological forecasts for the the state of Pernambuco. The study was focused on a selected
next 3 days using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) watershed—the Una basin—located in the southwestern por-
numerical weather prediction model.[59] These are predictions tion of the state of Pernambuco (Figure 3, domain 3). This
of atmospheric variables, such as precipitation and tempera- watershed was chosen by APAC because of the frequent occur-
ture, covering the entire state of Pernambuco at 9 km spatial rence of intense floods that have caused significant losses in
and 6 h temporal resolution (Figure 3, domain 2). A recent terms of property and casualties in the past.
development of WRF includes the WRF Hydrological Modeling The first activity was aimed at calibrating the WRF-Hydro
Extension Package (WRF-Hydro), which allows simulating: i) land-surface and routing schemes thorough uncoupled or
the coupled atmospheric-land surface hydrologic processes; ii) “off-line” simulations. These are model runs carried out with
the lateral movement of water in the surface and subsurface observed meteorological forcings (i.e., without any input pro-
portions of the Earth’s land mass; and iii) streamflow routing in vided by the WRF atmospheric model). Precipitation, stream-
the channel network.[60] As such, WRF-Hydro can be utilized to flow, and meteorological data at daily and hourly resolution
issue operational streamflow forecasts at distributed locations from ground stations (Figure 4) were first collected and quality
within the channel network directly from atmospheric predic- controlled. Interpolation and downscaling routines were
tions. This capability is crucial for an agency like APAC, for then applied to generate the gridded datasets required by the
anticipating storm and flooding events, issuing flood warnings model. The year 2012 was selected as calibration period. Fol-
or alerts, and supporting civil protection. lowing previous applications of WRF-Hydro, a limited set of
model parameters was varied to obtain the best match between
observed and simulated streamflow at six nested locations in
the channel network.[61,62] This was achieved in two phases. The
optimal parameters controlling the transformation of rainfall
into runoff were identified by evaluating model performances
at the monthly scale, without activating the hydraulic routing
option. Next, the values of parameters affecting the shape of
the simulated hydrographs were determined through com-
parison with observed data at daily resolution over a period of
3 months, by applying both the subsurface and surface routing
The second activity aimed to validate the flood forecasting
skill of WRF-Hydro in a pseudo-operational setting through
coupled or “on-line” simulations on a selected number of flood
Figure 3.  Nested domains used for the configuration of WRF and “on- events, including a recent devastating flood in 2017. In these
line” WRF-Hydro. Domain 1 (d01, 27 km resolution) is the outer domain model runs, the WRF atmospheric model was directly coupled
receiving the lateral boundary conditions from the general circulation
to the land-surface and routing schemes. For each flood epi-
model. Domain 2 (d02, 9 km) is the domain including the state of Pernam-
buco used by APAC to issue weather forecasts. Domain 3 (d03, 1.8 km) is sode, the lateral boundary conditions for WRF used by APAC
the domain including the Una basin where the prototype application of for their operational meteorological forecasts were used to drive
WRF-Hydro has been conducted. the calibrated WRF-Hydro system, which produced streamflow

Global Challenges 2019, 3, 1800012 1800012  (7 of 14) © 2018 The Authors. Published by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

predictions at each location of the channel network. The peak demands over the ensemble forecast (which were developed
discharge estimated by local authorities for each flood event by RTI using HydroBID), through an optimal set of monthly
was then compared with the value simulated by the model. diversions from each reservoir to its candidate demand points.
Water imports from outside the system, as well as penalties
for failure to meet supply targets, are considered with appro-
6.2. Rainfall Forecasting and Reservoir Optimization Modeling priate costs or economic penalties. The release policy can
be updated on a monthly or seasonal basis using updated
To achieve optimal management of water in the state of Per- reservoir storage and seasonal to interannual streamflow
nambuco, the project team developed rainfall forecasts for forecast information. The novelty of the model is that it takes
incorporation into the HydroBID water resources management ensemble forecasts, which can be created through the means
model (see the following section). HydroBID uses the rainfall of streamflow forecasts. The cost of failure is also included in
forecast inputs to provide streamflow forecasts in the reser- the study to show how much water is not supplied through
voir optimization model. Rainfall forecasts were made using reservoirs and import sources and is kept significantly high so
nonhomogeneous hidden Markov model (NHMM) to provide that failure is the least desirable option.
daily rainfall at a station level. For statistical downscaling, The model is applied for the Jucazinho reservoir system in
NHMM has been widely used for rainfall.[63–65] The NHMM the state of Pernambuco, with 5 reservoirs, 5 water trucks, and
uses hidden states (a set of rainfall probabilities, which shows with or without Rio São Francisco providing water to 19 munic-
the amount of rainfall in each station) to make daily rainfall ipalities. The Jucazinho system includes the reservoirs Juca-
predictions.[66] To conduct NHMM, a set of predictors, which zinho, Eng. Gercino Pontes, and Machado from the Capibaribe
could include different climate indices, are used to facilitate the River, and Prata from Una River. Since the Rio São Francisco
rainfall projections. For the case of Pernambuco, the NHMM transfer is yet to be completed, we assessed the value of current
uses 90 stations across the state and forecasts are made for the infrastructure with that of the future. The results demonstrate
period of 1 December to 31 August. These 90 stations had more that the cost of water supply can be significantly reduced when
than 75% data over the period selected with historical rainfall using streamflow forecast data as compared to a policy design
starting December 1962 to August 2016 (without the months of process, which does not use any forecasts.
September, October, and November).
For the selection of predictors, correlation analyses were con-
ducted between the December to August average rainfall period 6.3. Water Resource Planning and Management Modeling
with 14 predictors using different months, two monthly and
seasonal averages. These predictors included various sea sur- As part of its commitment to increase water resource manage-
face temperature indices from the Atlantic and Pacific, wind ment capacities among member countries, the Inter-American
patterns, temperature, etc. From these predictors, two had the Development Bank (IDB) sponsored the development and
highest correlation for May–June–July (MJJ) averages. Those application of a suite of watershed modeling tools collectively
two were the Niño 3.4 Index and the Tropical Atlantic Variability known as the HydroBID modeling system. The HydroBID
(TAV). The impacts of El Niño on rainfall in northeast Brazil modeling system, built on the framework of the Watershed
has been documented showing a reduction in rainfall.[64,67,68] Flow and ALLocation model (WaterFALL), includes hydrology
The second, the TAV, is a characteristic of the strength of the and climate analysis modules to estimate the availability of
interhemispheric gradient in determining the sea surface tem- unimpaired freshwater at the regional, basin, and sub-basin
perature (SST).[69] This is the difference between the average scales.[71] It has two major components: Hydrologic Model and
SST in the tropical North Atlantic (the average between 5N the Analytical Hydrographic Database (AHD). The hydrology
and 25N, 60W and 30W) and in the tropical South Atlantic (the model, user interface, and results viewer exist in a packaged
average between 25S and 5S, 30W and 0E). The dynamics deter- Java class file format. The AHD, which is stored in a self-con-
mining the SST in the Northern and the Southern Atlantic is tained, public domain SQL database engine known as SQLite,
different, for which reason the tropical belt from 5S to 5N was can be accessed from the open source mapping software QGIS.
dropped.[70] The Niño 3.4 Index and the Atlantic SST data were The computational engine of the hydrologic model is an
obtained from Koningklijk Nederlands Meterologisch Instituut enhanced version of the Generalized Watershed Loading Func-
(KNMI) Climate Explorer ( tion (GWLF).[72] The enhanced GWLF is coupled with a novel
For the study, with the 90 stations selected, the December- lag-routing methodology to compute results on a submonthly
to-August daily data (274 days), and the two predictors (Nino time step and to model large watersheds. A preprocessor,
3.4 and TAV), NHMM runs were conducted using the NHMM referred to as the Climate Data Interpolation Tool (CDIT),
R Package. For validation, 11 years of historical data were automates interpolation of daily temperature and precipitation
used, with each forecast making 100 ensemble forecasts for time series between stations. Model output is generated as a
each year. These results are then used in HydroBID to pro- time series of predicted streamflow, at either a daily or monthly
duce streamflow forecasts for the reservoir optimization time step. The system has a graphical user interface to facili-
model. The reservoir optimization model uses a linear pro- tate loading and processing of model input, as well as to display
gramming model to minimize the cost of meeting water both graphical and tabulated model output. Model parameters
demands of multiple cities from multiple cities and for a mul- and river network are extracted from the AHD. The model has
tireservoir system under climate uncertainty. The objective of options incorporate sediment and reservoir routing and can be
the model is to minimize the expected cost of meeting these coupled with an existing MODFLOW groundwater model.

Global Challenges 2019, 3, 1800012 1800012  (8 of 14) © 2018 The Authors. Published by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Figure 5.  Capibaribe (blue), Ipojuca (yellow), and Una (purple) basins. Flow gauges represented by green circles with bold labels. Reservoirs repre-
sented by red triangles with underlined labels. Minor reservoirs (less than 30 million m3 in capacity) represented by small red triangles without labels.

For this project, HydroBID was used in Pernambuco to interest. Next HydroBID estimates the inflow to reservoirs of
model daily water availability in the Capibaribe, Ipojuca, Una, interest for all 100 ensemble members. Finally, the reservoir
and Pajeu River basins (Figure 5). APAC provided local his- optimization model uses the 100 inflow ensemble forecasts
torical climate and flow observations used for model inputs. to optimize water allocations for the demands connected to
Major reservoirs in the basin were implemented using a the reservoirs with the goal of minimizing cost. The combina-
simplified simulation model within HydroBID. Once Hyd- tion of input data and results is stored as a scenario that can
roBID was calibrated at each stream gauge, the results were be saved, shared, and evaluated by researchers, managers, and
validated at the outlet of each basin. The verified model was other stakeholders. The decision-makers can generate their own
extended to evaluate changes in flow regime due to precipita- scenarios and conduct pairwise comparisons and evaluations.
tion and temperature change under future climate scenarios. They can explore viable solutions to water shortages in the area
To complement the long-term forecasting efforts in the basin, and export the result datasets and reports that can be used in
precipitation forecasts provided by Columbia University were presentation and for public outreach. This web-based tool can
integrated with HydroBID to estimate a range of potential be used jointly for several users at the same time which allows
future flow scenarios. for a high degree of flexibility.
The second process is a flood monitoring tool. This func-
tionality uses data generated by WRF-Hydro to produce a
7. Decision Support System monitoring dashboard that is displayed in the APAC com-
mand center. The WRF-Hydro model produces streamflow
The decision support system served as the research/boundary estimates every 6 hours and these results are forwarded to
object to structure the interactions between the interdisci- the monitoring workflow within the decision support system
plinary research teams and the management agency (i.e., (DSS) which extracts the flows at locations specified by APAC
research phases B and C). The knowledge production and to project future flows at those locations in a threshold line
modeling efforts described earlier are combined into a flexible chart—one chart for each location. In addition, the locations
online platform. Since there are two separate flows of com- are marked on a map, so that the results are easier to interpret.
putation, the decision support system is designed with two In case of a flow that exceeds the specified threshold, the line
distinct functions (Figure 6). above the threshold is marked red, a warning is shown and
The first is a scenario planning tool to inform freshwater the location inside the map is marked with red. Furthermore,
management and delivery. With the system, decision-makers e-mails can be sent to key system operators alerting them to
generate scenarios varying the availability of water supplies results of the simulations when these exceed predetermined
and optimizing distribution into the demand centers. In a first thresholds. Managers can then monitor on-the-ground condi-
step, the users specify parameters for three models that run in tions to determine what actions need to be taken.
a connected chain via a dashboard interface. The first compo- Both functions are implemented using the ChainBuilder
nent retrieves updated rainfall predictors from the internet and integration framework, which allows for adjusting, managing,
prepares them for the rainfall forecast model described earlier. processing, and visualizing the decision support system at a
Then, the rainfall forecast model computes an ensemble of later point in time. All computations are executed at the Agência
100 scenarios for 2 years into the future. The next component Estadual de Tecnologia da Informação (ATI) using a cluster
uses station gauge data produced by the rainfall model to esti- (WRF-Hydro) and several commissioned servers. The servers
mate the amount of rainfall in each catchment for the area of are secured by ATI to the internet but can be directly accessed

Global Challenges 2019, 3, 1800012 1800012  (9 of 14) © 2018 The Authors. Published by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Figure 6.  Model integration framework. Orange boxes and arrows represent inputs into the models. Blue boxes represent the models. Green boxes and
arrows represent the outputs from each model. The green boxes show two arrows as the output from one model go in as input into the other model.
All outputs in green are put in an interface developed by Arizona State University.

from the APAC facility. This arrangement allows APAC to 8.1. Collaborative Problem Framing and Building a Collaborative
maintain full control over the servers and their models. In both Research Team
cases, several submodels were integrated.
The visualization was developed using an iterative process Key tasks for the initial project phase are to build a collabora-
between the decision environment team and APAC—the final tive research team, create joint understanding of the problem,
user of the products (Figure 7). During several iterations, pro- collaboratively define the research objectives and boundary
posed display layouts were presented, criticized by the APAC, object, and design a method for collaborative knowledge produc-
and revised to make sure that the displayed data are relevant to tion.[34] The key challenges for this phase identified in the litera-
APAC’s needs. In addition, we developed a report generator and ture include lack of problem awareness or insufficient problem
data download component, so that the APAC team can extract framing, unbalance problem ownership, and insufficient
relevant information for presentations or further analysis. legitimacy of the team or actors involved. Specific strategies to
overcome these challenges include conducting pilot studies to
build problem awareness, joint leadership, and stakeholder’s
8. Discussion mapping to create structures that enable participation.
In this project, the team established a relatively effective
Freshwater management is one of the most significant global network with appropriate representation of multiple scientific
challenges facing humanity in the Anthropocene. For science to disciplines and practitioner perspectives. The funding agency
contribute effectively to sustainable water governance, scientific played an influential role in creating the team and serving
knowledge and products must credible, salient, and legitimate. as a liaison between the US-based universities and the Bra-
One approach to creating science useful for decision-making zilian partners. To create a functioning collaboration, we had
is to follow a systematic process to build an interdisciplinary to address common barriers to collaboration such as different
team along with stakeholders, collaboratively frame the prob- languages, geographic distance, and differing organizational
lems, cooperatively create solutions-focused knowledge, and cultures between the funding agency, universities, research
to integrate and apply the knowledge and tools. Our experi- consulting firm, and local management agency. We also faced
ences in this project illustrate the trials and tribulations of an turnover in project management personnel at the funding
interdisciplinary scientific team committed to producing use- agency as well as social, political, and economic disruptions in
inspired knowledge. Next, we evaluate the accomplishments Brazil during the project, which affected the agency’s ability to
and potential impacts of this project in relation to the principles assign staff and allocate scare resources to the effort.
and conceptual framework for transdisciplinary sustainability The governance analysis component was particularly inform-
research discussed earlier and identify where the current ative for the collaborative problem framing phase. The scoping
project lived up those principles and where it failed to do so. meetings, interviews, and focus groups helped us to understand

Global Challenges 2019, 3, 1800012 1800012  (10 of 14) © 2018 The Authors. Published by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Figure 7.  Sample dashboards for web-based water resources decision support system.

Global Challenges 2019, 3, 1800012 1800012  (11 of 14) © 2018 The Authors. Published by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

the perspectives of the interacting stakeholders, especially the ambiguity of results, and fear of failure.[34] In this project, we
meetings conducted in Recife. These activities also fostered faced most of these obstacles and employed several strategies,
social learning and social capital between the research team with varying success, to overcome them.
and the local management agency; the policy history and stake- Early in the project development stage, the partners held
holder’s assessments helped us to identify key issues that could multiple scoping meetings, facilitated by the sponsor, to specify
be addressed through interdisciplinary science. Although we the roles for each participant. In these meetings, we negotiated
employed stakeholder mapping and stakeholder engagement the tasks and roles for each actor and organization; often the
exercises to enable participation, one limitation of our project discussions were animated, as partners sometimes disagreed
was that government and scientific actors tended to dominate about the appropriate research question, method, or model to
the research process while other interests including environ- use while the sponsor managed sensitive discussions about
mental nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), agricultural apportioning the available funding. This process required an
interests, and marginalized populations were underrepre- initial investment of time, travel, and finances from the part-
sented. This raises concerns about the possibility of insufficient ners, including university professors and consulting researchers
problem framing and insufficient legitimacy of the team or who typically compete for the same grants and contracts, prior
actors involved. For future research, we recommend that inter- to any formal agreement, but the outcome of the discussion
viewees and survey participants are more broadly representative was a set of integrated contracts and tasks that detailed specific
of a fuller range of views on water management. Indeed, our roles, responsibilities, and timelines with the overall project
initial project design included a socio-cultural anthropologist success in mind. During project implementation, however, the
with expertise in Brazilian water politics and plans to conduct team creating the decision support system was forced to func-
in-depth ethnographic research with a wider range of affected tion as the de facto project integration managers. Since this
stakeholders including marginalized communities. This effort, authority was not clearly established at the outset, however, this
however, could not be supported due to budget and time con- team had to work with all partners to understand how the data,
straints, and this weakened the overall result. Furthermore, models, and partners were interacting to meet the end results
although we established effective consultation, social learning, for the decision environment.
and collaboration with the local university on certain project The hydrometeorological modeling activities were most rel-
tasks, especially the hydrological modeling, our project would evant in the co-creation phase as the research team developed
have been stronger with deeper and more sustained coordina- methods suitable to generate solutions for the identified sus-
tion with local political and social scientists. We recommend tainability problems. Here, we faced the challenge of conflicting
that other teams engaging in collaborative research design methodological standards and conflict between scientists about
allocate more time and financial resources to support local uni- the most appropriate tools. Ultimately, the team settled upon
versity partners to overcome this limitation. a mix of cutting-edge research models (i.e., WRF-Hydro)
Defining the boundary object, in our case, the model-based and practice-oriented management models (i.e., HydroBID),
decision support system required sustained engagement, delib- drawing from the relevant experience of the team members
eration, and negotiation between the partners. However, the and matching the tool to the task. The modeling efforts also
boundary objects’ literature stresses their utility for structuring opened collaboration between the researchers, the manage-
relations among scientists and between scientists and other ment agency, and local university researchers, who provided
stakeholders and boundary objects literature effectiveness for data, technical assistance, and local experience necessary to
co-producing knowledge in science-policy contexts, creating setup, calibrate, and validate the models.
these products can create tensions.[20,44] For instance, the man-
agement agency leadership, seeking to maximize the impact of
the available funding and technical assistance opportunity, and 8.3. Integrating and Applying the Co-Created Knowledge
taking an expansive view of the challenges and potential solu-
tions (i.e., wide problem framing), advocated for a system that The essential tasks for the final phase of interdisciplinary sus-
incorporated an broad view of sustainability and wide range tainability research include generating targeted scientific and
of data and models and inform operational decision-making, practitioner products as well as evaluating scientific and societal
long-term planning, and communication to policymakers. impact (i.e., 2D integration).[34] Specific challenges in this phase
The university researchers had to balance these demands and from the literature include limited, case-specific solution options,
expectations against technical capabilities and funding. lack of legitimacy of transdisciplinary outcomes (i.e., friction
between scientific and political processes), and distorted research
results, and difficulty tracking scientific and societal impacts.
8.2. Co-Creation of Solution-Oriented and Transferable It is necessary to discuss and design these products in the
Knowledge early design phase to counteract the opposing pressures and
accountabilities for the science and policy actors.[20] In this
Key tasks for the second phase are to assign and support roles effort, the team included university researchers at various
for practitioners and researchers and to apply and adjust inter- stages of advancement, including graduate student, postdoc-
and transdisciplinary methods and settings to generate and toral researcher, research scientist, assistant professor, and pro-
integrate knowledge. Key challenges in this phase from the fessor. Academic products are produced and valued differently
literature include conflicting methodological standards, lack for these career stages (i.e., thesis, single-author publication,
of integration, discontinuous participation, vagueness and group publication, management report, and model version),

Global Challenges 2019, 3, 1800012 1800012  (12 of 14) © 2018 The Authors. Published by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

and it is necessary to address each participant’s interests. including insufficient problem framing, insufficient legitimacy
Additionally, our team included nonprofit institute researchers of actors involved, conflicting methodological standards, lack of
and management practitioners, each with specific interests and integration, discontinuous participation, and difficulty tracking
incentives to consider. scientific and societal impacts. The strategies necessary to over-
The governance analysis and decision support system efforts come these challenges require that researchers and their practi-
were helpful for the integration and application. For example, tioner partners transcend conventional disciplinary approaches,
the governance analysis helps to identify specific actors and political practices, and conventional financial agreements and to
institutions that are trusted and will be instrumental to imple- examine and negotiate basic philosophical and methodological
menting sustainability transition strategies. In developing the assumptions. For the benefits of transdisciplinary sustainability
decision system, we faced technical challenges pulling together science to be realized will require nothing short of a reorgani-
the correct data between the components and dealing with zation of the knowledge enterprise to more effectively integrate
speed of execution. The data exchange problems were solved universities and societal stakeholders into complementary
using tight pairwise collaboration between the developer of the systems of knowledge and action, a process envisioned by the
component and the decision environment team. Some compo- OECD in 1972 and which is only partially fulfilled today.
nents were redeveloped to make use of parallel execution so that
the expected run times of the model workflow are minimized.
Finally, we address the question of scientific and societal Acknowledgements
impact. Scientific impact will be addressed through conven-
tional measures including the number of researchers trained, This material was based upon work supported by the Inter-American
journal articles published, and citation analyses although these Development Bank (IADB) under IDB Technical Cooperation BR-T1305
(IADB Contract No C0112-15), A Water Resources Decision Support
metrics are inadequate for judging the contribution to sus- System to Reduce Drought Vulnerability and Enable Adaptation to
tainability outcomes.[22] In addition to traditional performance Climate Change in Pernambuco. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions
metrics and feedback from the funding agency, a project such or recommendations expressed in this material were those of the
as this focused on cooperative production of knowledge and author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Inter-American
action should also consider other metrics, such as increased Development Bank (IADB).
capacity in social networks and relevance and impact of scien-
tific knowledge. These impacts are difficult to measure due to
significant time lags and the complexity of assigning causality. Conflict of Interest
In related research, for instance, societal impacts of transdis-
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
ciplinary sustainability research were difficult to identify at
the end of the project using conventional measures but were
revealed in a comprehensive ex-post evaluation 3 years later.[73]
Combining outcome-based and social capital evaluation yields Keywords
a superior measure of the value of knowledge created and the decision support, stakeholder engagement, sustainability, water
social process by which the knowledge is produced. Similarly, management
the ultimate impact on sustainability outcomes in Pernambuco
from this project will be addressed through process-tracing Received: February 5, 2018
techniques and a comprehensive ex-post evaluation with local Revised: September 21, 2018
stakeholders 1–3 years following project completion. Published online: October 25, 2018

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