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a. Deskripsi Singkat
Materi dalam kegiatan belajar ini membahas present simple untuk menyampaikan kegiatan
yang dilakukan sehari-hari bersama keluarga. Pembahasan tidak hanya berfokus kepada
kalimat positif, akan tetapi kalimat negatif dan introgatif juga akan dipaparkan. Untuk
menyempurnakan pemahaman, kegiatan belajar ini juga membahas pengunaan adverbs of

b. Capaian Pembelajaran MK:

After finishing this lesson:
1. Students are able to implement present simple in written language correctly.
2. Students are able to implement present simple in spoken language correctly.

c. Uraian Materi
Kegiatan belajar 4 dibagi menjadi beberapa aktifitas. Pertama Let’s Get Ready yang
bertujuan untuk mengenalkan daftar kata kerja kegiatan sehari-hari melalui aktifitas word
scramble. Setelahnya, mahasiswa ditugaskan untuk menulis kata tersebut pada gambar
yang sesuai. Mahasiswa pun dikenalkan kepada struktur kalimat present simple melalui
kegiatan rearrange the words. Aktifitas pertama pada “Let‟s get ready” bertujuan untuk
mempersiapkan mahasiswa agar bisa mengimplementasikan present simple dengan benar,
baik dalam written language ataupun spoken language. Aktifitas berikutnya yaitu Let’s
study, disajikan penjelasan present simple dan adverbs of frequency. Mahasiswa
diharapkan dapat memahami struktur penggunaan present simple dan adverbs of
frequency. Aktifitas kedua pada “Let‟s get ready”, mahasiswa akan ditugaskan untuk
membuat beberapa kalimat menggunakan present simple dan adverbs of frequency.
Kegiatan belajar 4 ditutup dengan sebuah tugas interviu rutinitas anggota keluarga pada
setiap akhir pekan.
A. Arrange the alphabet correctly to form words or phrases.
B. Label the pictures below with the vocabularies from activity A.

1. 11.

2. 12.

3. 13.
4. 14.

5. 15.

6. 16.

7. 17.

8. 18.

9. 19.

10. 20.
C. Arrange the words into the good sentences.
1. cleans - my mom – morning - the house - every
2. I – in – watch – room – often - the living – TV
3. music - My sister - listen to - usually – before – sleeping
4. always - my brother - school - at 7.30 a.m - goes to
5. homework - sometimes – do - at midnight - brother and sister
There are some important understandings:
1. For positive sentences, we do not normally use the auxiliary.
2. For the 3rd person singular (he, she, it), we add s to the main verb or es to the auxiliary.
3. For the verb to be, we do not use an auxiliary, even for questions and negatives.
4. For questions form, put the auxiliary in front of the subject (inverted)

Subject Auxiliary verb Main verb Object

+ I, you, we, they like coffee
He, she, it likes coffee
- I, you, we, they do not like coffee
He, she, it does not like coffee

Auxiliary verb Subject

? Do I, you, we, they like Coffee?
Does He, she, it like Coffee?

Look at the examples with the main verb be. Notice that there is no auxiliary:
Subject Main verb/ to be Complement

I am Italian
you, we, they are Italian
He, she, it is Italian
I am not Old
you, we, they are not Old
He, she, it is not Old
Main verb/ to be Subject
am I Right?
are you, we, they Right?
is He, she, it
Use the present simple tense in English…
For general facts:
This shirt costs ten dollars.
We speak English.
He is student of English Department

For actions that happen regularly:

I take guitar lessons on Wednesday nights.
Sarah sometimes eats lunch in her office.
Kevin is always at home every Sunday

There are some adverbs of frequency used in simple present:

% Adverb of Frequency Example

100% Always always study after class
90% Usually I usually walk to work
80% Normally/generally I normally get good marks
70% Often/ frequently I often read in bed at night
50% Sometimes I sometimes sing in the shower
30% Occasionally I occasionally go to bed late
10% Seldom I seldom put salt on my food
5% Hardly ever/ rarely I hardly ever get angry
0% Never Vegetarians never eat meat.
Subject + Adverb + Main verb Subject + be + adverb
Daniel always passes his exam He is Always happy

d. Latihan
A. What do you do every day? On the left, there is a list of habits. Write sentence on the
right column. Don’t forget to use adverbs of frequency.
Habit Sentence
Do the laundry I always do the laundry every Sunday morning.
Water the plants
Surf the internet
Study English
Have breakfast
Iron the clothes
e. Rangkuman
1. Aktifitas Let’s Get Ready mempersiapkan mahasiswa agar bisa mengimplementasikan
present simple dengan benar, baik dalam written language ataupun spoken language.
2. Aktifitas Let’s study menyajikan penjelasan present simple dan adverbs of frequency.
Mahasiswa diharapkan dapat memahami struktur penggunaan present simple dan
adverbs of frequency. Mahasiswa membuat beberapa kalimat menggunakan present
simple dan adverbs of frequency.

f. Pustaka
Afriani, R dkk. (2018). Preparation for Academic English.Cirebon: Nurjati Press.

g. Tugas/Lembar Kerja
Interviu rutinitas anggota keluarga pada setiap akhir pekan. Aplikasikan present simple dan
adverbs of frequency.

h. Tes Formative/Kunci Jawaban Latihan

What do you usually do?

Time Routines
07:00 am
10:00 am
01:00 pm
03:00 pm
06:00 pm
08:00 pm
10.:00 pm

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