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Jalan Buah Batu No. 3 Telp (022) 7315215

Kota Bandung

Bandung, 30 September 2021

Nomor: 19/KBB/06/2021

Perihal: Panggilan Wawancara


Yth. Sdr. Dadan Durachman

di Tempat

Menanggapi surat lamaran kerja Saudara, maka dengan ini kami mengharap

kedatangan Saudara pada:

Hari, Tanggal: Kamis, 4 Oktober 2021

Waktu: Pukul 08.00 s.d selesai

Keperluan: Wawancara kerja

Tempat: Ruang Lokakarya PT Karya Bhakti Bersama, Jln. Buah Batu No. 3

Pada kesempatan tersebut, kami mengharap Saudara melengkapi:

1. Ijazah asli;

2. Transkrip Nilai asli;

3. Berpakaian rapi dan formal.

Demikian surat panggilan ini dibuat. Atas perhatian Saudara, saya ucapkan terima


Manager Personalia,

Insan Fazrul, S.Psi

2. Surat Tahapan Seleksi Kerja

Sumber: qdoc/syaifuddin_yasy

3. Panggilan Kerja
Sumber: @koshkacatto

4. Contoh Surat Panggilan


Electronic and Furniture Supplier

Jalan Suka Jaya No. 6 Jakarta

Telp: (021) 111 333 Fax : (021) 987 000

Jakarta 19 September 2021

Nomor: 666/PT.JH/SPK/X/2021

Perihal: Panggilan Kerja


Yth. Muhammad Ridwan

di Tempat

Berdasarkan hasil sesi wawancara dan tes kualifikasi yang telah dilaksanakan pada

tanggal 14 September 2021 s.d 17 September 2021 maka dengan ini kami dari PT

Jaya Harapan bermaksud untuk memberikan surat panggilan kerja kepada:

Nama: Muhammad Ridwan

Jenis kelamin: Laki-laki

Alamat: Jl. Kembang Gula No.33 RT/RW 04/13, Bandung

Yang besangkutan dimohon datang pada 24 September pukul 08.00 WIB untuk

penandatanganan kontrak kerja dan diharapkan mulai aktif kerja terhitung pada 26

September 2021.

Demikian surat panggilan kerja ini dibuat. Atas perhatian dan kerjasamanya, kami

ucapkan terimakasih.

Jakarta, 19 September 2021


(HRD Manager)

5. Surat Panggilan Kerja

Sumber: @KantorNeveah

6. Contoh Surat Panggilan Kerja Bahasa Inggris


Name of the candidate

Address _________


Dear ______,

This letter is written for your application of job for the post of __________in our

company. We thank you for the same. We would like to meet you personally for a

discussion on ___________ at __________ at the following address:

We hope this time and venue is suitable to you and if you are busy at this time then

we request you to get in touch with Mr._________ and provide us the suitable date

and time for the same.

The company will reimburse you the expenses incurred by you for this meeting. As

per our guidelines, you will be entitled for train fare / Y class airfare.

We are enclosing our company application form and request you to fill the same

and bring it along with you when you come for this visit. This will facilitate the

interview process.

We request you to confirm us your availability by phone or email for this meeting.

Our phone no. is ___________ and our email is ___________. Kindly ask for Mr. ________

who will be your contact person throughout the process.

We look forward to meeting you.

Kind Regards,

Name of the Manager



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