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Fitri Lestari & 2Dr. Safuan, ST., MT., MM

Universitas Jayabaya
Universitas Jayabaya

Abstrak. Digitalisasi pada sektor wisata merupakan salah satu strategi penting guna
menyikapi perubahan kehidupan masyarakat yang berorientasi digital dalam memenuhi
kebutuhan mereka untuk berwisata. Digitalisasi wisata dianggap sebagai langkah tepat
dalam mempromosikan wisata melalui pendekatan digital yang berdampak pada
pengembangan potensi wisata di suatu desa wisata. Metode analisis yang digunakan dalam
penelitian ini adalah metode analisis kualitatif dengan menganalisis data sekunder yang
berupa journal, buku, berita dan aplikasi desa wisata. Strategi yang dapat dilakukan dalam
digitalisasi wisata pada desa wisata adalah dengan meningkatkan pengelolaan desa wisata,
infrastruktur desa wisata, bentuk digitalisasi desa wisata, dan pengelolaan digitalisasi
wisata. Hasil temuan studi pada beberapa analisis yang ditemukan melalui data sekunder
pengembangan desa wisata dan digitalisasi wisata terbukti diperoleh banyak manfaat,
seperti kemudahan dalam memberikan jasa layanan pariwisata kepada para wisatawan
termasuk akses dalam rangka penyelenggaraan pemasarannya, mempermudah wisatawan
dalam mengakses informasi tentang suatu destinasi pariwisata serta meminimalisir biaya
baik bagi pihak penyelenggara dan/pengelola, maupun bagi wisatawan. Dengan adanya
digitalisasi di desa wisata secara tidak langsung dapat meningkatkan pendapatan
masyarakat dan berujung pada peningkatan ekonomi masyarakat
Kata Kunci: Desa Wisata, Desa Wisata Nusantara, Digitalisasi Wisata, Ekonomi Mssyarakat

Digitalization in the tourism sector is one of the important strategies to respond to changes in the lives of digitally
oriented people in meeting their needs for travel. Tourism digitalization is considered the right step in promoting
tourism through a digital approach that has an impact on developing tourism potential in a tourist village. The
analysis method used in this study is a qualitative analysis method by analyzing secondary data in the form of
journals, books, news and tourism village applications. Strategies that can be carried out in the digitization of
tourism in tourism villages are to improve the management of tourism villages, tourism village infrastructure, forms
of digitization of w isata villages, and management of tourism digitalization. The findings of the study in several
analyses found through secondary data on the development of tourism villages and the digitization of tourism have
proven to have many benefits, such as the ease of providing tourism services to tourists including access in the
context of organizing marketing, making it easier for tourists to access information about a tourism destination and
minimize costs both for the organizers and / managers, as well as for tourists. With digitalization in tourist villages,
it can indirectly increase people's income and lead to an increase in the community's economy.

Keywords: Tourism Village; Nusantara Tourism Village; Tourism Digitalization; Community Economy.
Nowadays, the socio-human civilization of Indonesian society is happening faster and faster. The
impetus for technological and information advances is an inseparable part of today's society. The
pace of information and knowledge also moves so quickly uncontrollably. Everything changes in
a matter of seconds. Starting from the process of extracting information, spreading news, trends,
technology to various cutting-edge products occurs very quickly. It's as if those who move
slowly will lag far behind and fall behind. Digitalization is one word that cannot be separated
from the discussion of the world of industry and information in the 21st century. Various
forms of digitization continue to be boosted, in order to facilitate all running processes.
Digitalization is a crucial process, and every type of business must be carried out if you
want to continue to carry out ( A clear sign of the entry of the digitization
process is the increasing use of digital-based technology to be used in almost every aspect of life
so that people can easily and quickly get information via internet access.
According to Brennan and Kries, digitalization is digital communication and the impact of digital
media on contemporary social life. Meanwhile, according to the dictionary of terms,
digitalization is the use of digital technology to change a business model and provide new
revenue income and generating value opportunities, and this is a process of moving to a digital
business. This process can occur in the presence of digitization. What is digitization?
Digitization is a process of conversion from analog to digital.
The purpose of digitalization is to help people facilitate all their daily activities and work. This
goal provides benefits that are quite effective in optimizing many things so that we do not need
to take a lot of time and effort to achieve the targets of our work. For example, when we want to
go to a place where the exact route is sometimes unknown, then with this digitalization comes an
innovation from business actors by creating various kinds of route finder applications or
applications for us to be able to access public transportation online.
The growth of digitization by the government has full attention to the flow and development
of cross-border data. Minister of Communication and Informatics Johnny G. Plate stated this in
anticipation of the potential for data flows that contribute greatly to the potential progress of
Indonesia's digital economy. By stating that "There is no doubt that digital data is essential for
people's economic sustainability. Realizing the huge growth of the data-based economy,
Indonesia has put forward the issue of data transfer governance in various international forums,
one of which is the G20 Forum," he explained in the Launch of the Digital Economy Report
2021 by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), citing the
GSMA report in 2018, Minister Johnny stated that the use of data flows and the digitization
process have increased productivity, and contributed significantly to Indonesia's GDP of USD
24.5 billion for the retail sales sector and USD 34.5 billion for the manufacturing sector.
The importance of digitalization in facilitating the activities of community needs is felt
right when the nation experiences the turmoil of the Covid-19 Pandemic has an impact on
changing activity patterns in society. Previously, various activities could be carried out freely,
now in addition to complying with health protocols, there are also mobility restrictions. Of
course, this is one of the drivers of digitalization in almost all sectors. Payment systems are no
exception. Even changes in life patterns leading to digitalization behavior have a very positive
effect in giving birth to MSME players, quoting the statement of the Deputy Governor of BI
(Doni P. Joewono) in the International Seminar on Digital Financial Inclusion which became a
side event of the 1st G20 Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion  (GPFI), today (2/2),
virtually where Digitalization has given birth to various new opportunities that can be utilized to
increase financial inclusion for MSMEs. The availability of access and financial services that are
easily accessible to MSMEs is one of the important factors in increasing the productivity and
resilience of MSMEs to economic shocks.
The behavior of digitalization in Indonesia is very rapidly marked by the development of
ecommers, which has a positive impact on market players in the field of technology. They make
Indonesia a country that will certainly provide many benefits for investors or companies engaged
in technology. One example is Tokopedia, which has long implemented this digitalization
technology into their various buying and selling activities or better known as e-commerce.
The behavior of community life based on digitalization was positively captured by several
Indonesian ministry institutions in order to accelerate and recover the economy after the Covid
pandemic, one of which was that the village ministry encouraged the improvement of the
community's economy through the growth of tourist villages, where each village has very
different potentials from each other. For this reason, it is very necessary to develop a well-
managed and sustainable rural area. The goal is that the village community is able to be
independent, manage good and sustainable natural resources and can increase the source of
income for villagers. Employment in villages will increase fiber must meet the needs of rural
communities by utilizing natural resources and human resources through the concept of
sustainable development, also able to improve the quality of tourism villages in Indonesia, and
realize the vision of "Indonesia as a World-Class Tourism Destination Country, Competitive,
Sustainable, and Able to Encourage Regional Development and Welfare".

According to Nuryanti (In Yuliati & Suwandono, 2016) a tourist village is a combination of
attractions, accommodation, and supporting facilities packaged in a pattern of community life
that blends with applicable procedures and traditions to make the village a tourist destination.
Sustainable village development can maintain a stronger village function, namely as a provider
and as a national food reserve and maintain the quality of the natural environment. One of the
concepts in realizing sustainable village development requires the development of independent
villages by utilizing available resources. Independent villages are villages that can meet the
needs of basic infrastructure, and basic needs, and can prosper their communities in a sustainable
manner. Independent villages can be developed according to the potential of the village,
including agriculture, livestock, mining, natural tourism or villages as tourist destinations and so
on. One of the potential economic improvements for villagers, the village area can be used as a
tourist destination or tourist village. For this reason, through the ministry of villages in order to
accelerate and improve the national economy through the growth of tourism villages, it is able to
restore the national economy, especially people who are in rural areas, as well as innovate
villages in utilizing natural resources to become tourist arenas that are favored by visitors, of
course requires accelerating information in increasing visitors, the village ministry gave birth to a
digital-based Nusantara tourism village application, To make it easier for travelers to know the
location of tourist villages scattered throughout the area that are biased towards enjoying the
natural atmosphere, departing from this, researchers conducted a study on the extent of the
impact of digital on increasing the productivity of tourism villages with the title "Analysis of
Economic Improvement of Tourism Villages based on Digital Tourism" Study on Nusantara
Tourism Villages.

Literature Review
Tourism Village
Villages have a strategic role in national development, because they supply almost all national
food needs. Similarly, the village supplies considerable labor needs in the city. But life in the
village today has not developed as it should. Many villagers are no longer interested in working
in rural areas. The agricultural sector has not provided enough income for them. So most of the
people migrated to the city. There are many options for advancing the village, and providing
decent jobs in the village. Tourism development, for example, can be an option. Tourism
development can make a great contribution to the welfare of the community, such development
gives birth to tourist villages.
A tourist village is a village that is used as a tourist attraction because of its attractiveness.
Tourism villages are a form of integration between attractions, accommodation and supporting
facilities. The tourist village is presented in a structure of community life that blends with the
prevailing ordinances and traditions. Tourism villages usually meet all elements of tourism that
have potential attractions, such as natural tourism, cultural tourism, and man-made tourism.
Tourist villages are usually created in one particular area supported by attractions,
accommodation, and other facilities. Tourism villages as a whole integrate all these elements in a
village, to raise the uniqueness and local wisdom.
Tourism villages are a form of tourism development that focuses on the contribution of the
community around the countryside and the preservation of the environment of rural areas.
Tourism villages have tourist products that are culturally valuable and have strong traditional
characteristics (Fandeli, Baiquni, Dewi, 2013) Likewise, according to Inskeep (2013) defines
rural tourism where a group of tourists live in a traditional atmosphere, staying in the village to
learn about life in the countryside. To realize in the process, a tourist village area must meet the 4
principles of village tourism development. The construction of the new tourist attraction does not
only stop in the short term but can continue to be developed. Here are the four principles that
must be met: (1) Economicallly Feseable is a village that has unique tourist value or previously
already has certain peculiarities that can be built or further developed into a tourist location, (2)
Environmentally Feasible is to emphasize that all forms of development and development of a
village into a tourist village must pay attention to natural and environmental conditions and
changes that may occur, (3) Socially Acceptable is acceptable to the local residents or villagers
for the existence of local values that are hahrus maintained, where the existing values and norms
that have been respected for generations are what will later provide their own wealth for a
tourism village, and (4) Appropriate Technologicaly is an appropriate technology that is
environmentally friendly and also the internet network in modern times like this must also be an
important concern for the villagers not to be left behind in global developments. Therefore, the
principle of village tourism development must also focus on the application of technology in
achieving efficient, broad and long-term oriented development.
Meanwhile, according to Cooper, tourist destinations must have four main aspects (4A), namely
Attracktion, Accessibility, Amenity, and Ancilliary (supporting organizations/institutions),
1. Attracktion (Attraction) is the main product of a destination related to what tourists can
see and do in the tourist village. Attractions can be natural beauty, local community
culture, game facilities and so on.
2. Accessibility is the means and infrastructure to get to the tourist village in the form of
road access, availability of transportation facilities and road signs.
3. Amenity (supporting facilities) are all supporting facilities that can be used to meet the
needs and desires of tourists while at the destination. This amenity is related to the
availability of accommodation facilities for staying and restaurants or stalls for eating and
drinking at tourist village destination locations.
4. Ancilliary (supporting organizations/institutions) is related to the availability of an
organization or people who take care of the tourist village.
Community Economy
An increase that means to show progress, change and improvement, while the economy that
comes from the root word "Oikos" means household and the word "Nomo" means rules, so
economics means rules that apply to meet the needs of life in one household. So the economy of
society is a group of human beings who already have the order of life, norms, customs
experienced in their environment, which means that economic improvement is an improvement
in the level of economy through productive independent efforts by paying attention to
management in their business.
According to Abraham Maslow, economics is a scientific field that can solve the problems of
human life through the development of all available economic resources based on theories and
principles in an economic system that is considered efficient and effective, according to Robbins
is a study of human behavior as a relationship between its goals faced with the availability of
resources in order to achieve its goals. In the book Economic Growth and Development
compiled by Sri Nur Mulyati, economic growth is the process of gradually changing the
economic condition of a country to a better condition within a certain period of time. According
to Adam Smith said economic growth rests on increasing population which has an impact on
increasing output and yields. Meanwhile, Robert M. Solow emphasizes more on the series of
production activities carried out by humans, capital accumulation, the use of modern technology
and results or outputs. According to him, population growth can have both positive and negative
impacts, so these conditions must be used as productive resources. Walt Whitman Rostow in the
book The Stages of Economic Growth which states that economic growth is divided into 5
stages, namely:
1. Traditional society is the stage where production activities are still simple just to meet the
needs of one's own life.
2. Pre-takeoff is the stage where society is in a transition process by applying modern
science to production in agriculture and industry.
3. Takeoff is the stage where people strengthen and encourage broad economic growth by
making effective investments and productive savings.
4. The push towards maturity is the stage where the economy grows regularly and business
fields continue to grow along with the application of modern technology. In addition,
effective investments and savings increased by up to 20 percent.
5. High Consumption is the stage where the industrial sector is the leading sector. Real
income per capita continues to increase so that some people experience an increase in
consumption that exceeds the need for basic materials.
People's Economic Development Strategy
The people's economy is an economy owned by small people and dominated by most
Indonesians. Developing a people's economy means developing an economic system that is
based on the people, by the people and for the people. Building a people's economy must
improve the ability of the community by developing and dominating its potential, or empowering
it. Efforts to deploy resources to develop the economic potential of the people will increase
people's productivity, so that both human resources and natural resources around the people can
be increased in productivity. There are several steps or strategies that must be considered in
realizing or developing a people's economy so that these goals are carried out properly, namely:
(1) Identifying economic behavior, such as cooperatives, small businesses, farmers and farmer
groups regarding their business potential and development, (2) Conducting coaching programs
for these actors through companion programs, (3) Training education programs according to
their needs at the time of develop a business, and (4) Coordinate and evaluate those involved in
the coaching process, both coaching capital, human resources, markets, market information, and
the application of technology.
Meanwhile, according to Mubyarto, the economic development of the people can be seen from
three aspects, namely: (1) Creating an atmosphere or climate that allows the potential of the
community to develop, (2) Strengthening the economic potential of the community, and (3)
Developing the people's economy also means protecting the community and preventing
unbalanced competition, as well as preventing the exploitation of strong economic groups over
the weak.
However, the economic growth in the middle of the community is influenced by several
supporting factors for the improvement of the community's economy, according to Prof. Simon
Kuznets, these factors include: (1) Natural resources (SDA), (2) Human resources (HR), (3)
Capital accumulation, (4) Managerial personnel and production organization, (5) Science and
technology, (6) Political and administrative factors of government, and (7) Social cultural
Digitalization of tourism
In tourism management, in addition to branding to increase the number of visitors, of course,
providing information to the public is also very much needed, to make it easier for travelers to
find these tours. The digitalization of the tourism industry is one of the right steps in responding
to the civilization of a digitally oriented society in meeting their needs for tourism. Along with
the rise of digital trends, the development of the internet seems to be increasingly creeping into
various lines of human life, in its development digitalization of tourism is very helpful and
makes it easier for travelers to know tourist locations when visiting any area, to enjoy the beauty
of nature or serving typical food of the area.
Meanwhile, according to (Setiawan, 2017) In today's digital era, making travel planning starting
from searching for information (look), booking tourist tickets (book), to payment (pay) can be
done online. Thus tourists can plan trips easily without the limitations of time and space thanks
to the presence of the internet.
Of course, it is a step to improve and utilize technology in supporting the success of improving
and improving tourism in villages, one of the efforts in realizing tourism digitalization is the use
of ICT (Information and Communication Technology). Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) is already relevant at all levels of operational, structural, strategic and
marketing to support global interactions between producers, intermediaries, and consumers
around the world. The availability of ICT encourages manufacturers and tourist destinations to
increase efficiency and reengineer their communication strategies (O'Connor, 2005).
the use of ICT in the field of tourism includes: (1) Development of Tourist Destinations The
development of ICT gave rise to the use of global positioning system (GPS) technology, (2) ICT
Tourism Marketing allows modern marketing that allows tourism producers to encourage
partnerships and business prospects through email, SMS, business to business, and makes it
easier for tourists to access tourist information from anywhere., and (3) Travel Agencies The use
of ICT allows bureaus travel tours to offer tour packages in the form of e-brochures and offer
travel reservations online.

Research Method
Research Method is a method used to obtain data scientifically in order to achieve certain
goals (Sugiyono, 2014). The research method used in the research is a qualitative research
method with a literature study approach. Qualitative research methods are considered relevant
because they are in accordance with the purpose of research that wants to describe narratively
how the development of tourism villages in Indonesia from the perspective of digital tourism
(Creswell, 2014; Mirzaqon and Purwoko,2017). In the description and discussion, the analysis
presentation is in the form of a description of words about the theme being discussed and not to
the presentation of data based on the results of statistical calculations. This is in line with the
expert opinion which states that in qualitative research the data is presented in the form of a
description of words and not to the results of statistical calculations (Sugiyono, 2008). The data
sources in this study are sourced from secondary data consisting of books, journal articles, laws
and regulations and applications of nusantara tourism villages and various other secondary data
sources that are relevant to the research topic being studied.

Results dan Discussions

Tourism with the charm of rural nature is currently an alternative tourist choice that is widely
looked at by tourists, both local and foreign tourists. Tourists prefer to travel to the village
because the village provides another nuance that has not been found in modern tourism. Tourism
to the village then gave birth to a concept called a tourist village. A tourist village is an area
related to the region or various local wisdom (customs, culture, potential, which is managed as a
tourist attraction according to its ability, which is intended for the social and economic interests
of the community. The local wisdom or local knowledge system referred to here is a distinctive
knowledge that belongs to a certain society or culture that has developed for a long time, as a
result of the process of mutual relations between the population and its environment. Tourism
villages are a form of the government's strategy in developing the potential of natural resources
in villages throughout Indonesia as a space for improving the community's economy.
In addition, in an effort to provide information to local and
foreign tourists, the village ministry encourages the creation of
the Nusantara Tourism Village Application to be one of the
efforts made by the Ministry of Pdtt in promoting tourism
villages in Indonesia, the application will make it easier for
people to find Tourism Villages. So according to him, people can
visit one or more Tourism Villages in one year. The Nusantara
Tourism Village Application is an application for the promotion
of tourism villages managed by Village BUM or Joint Village
BUM, as well as village tourism managed by other parties in collaboration with Village BUM or
Joint Village BUM
Ease of Use of Tourism Village Application
The Nusantara
Tourism village
application is an
managed by the
Ministry of Pdtt
used by villages, to accelerate economic recovery at the village level through tourist villages, as
well as making it easier for people to find Tourism Villages. The Nusantara Tourism Village
application is one of the tourism village promotion platforms managed by Village BUM or Joint
Village BUM, as well as village tourism managed by other parties in collaboration with Village
BUM or Joint Village BUM, a platform created by the Ministry of Villages PDT and
Transmigration that has been present, released since January 6, 2022. The Desa Wisata
Nusantara application presents an interesting service both in terms of appearance, navigation and
easy to understand. Can be downloaded via Goggle Play for Android Users. Which aims:
1. As a Promotional Media for Tourism Village managers
2. As a hub for Travellers
3. Make it easier for tourists to travel
4. Increase visitor numbers as well as return traveller visits
The ease of use and access to technology that is already available in several regions greatly
facilitates the use of the Tourism Village Application as a promotion or information for village
tourist visitors, judging from the application user participation figures as of Monday, June 27,
2022, the nusantara tourism village application has been downloaded more than 50 thousand
times, 1 thousand reviews and received a rating of 4.4 stars. In the use of the nusantara tourism
village application there are 2 dashboards.
1. Access for tourism village managers to upload
or inform through the application in order to
increase visitors
2. Access for tourist users to find out the location
of the tourist village and its offerings through
reviews informed by the tourism village
manager in the form of photos or videos

Tourism Village Creativity and Innovation

Some of the features presented by the Nusantara Tourism Village Application are able to foster
the creativity and innovation of human resources, in this case the Tourism Village HR manager
in utilizing the potential of natural resources that exist in his village, it is shown by the
availability of features in the tourism village application, including:
1. Educational Tourism
2. Culinary
3. Agrotourism
4. Religion
5. Beach
6. Mountain
7. River
8. Culture

That judging from the study of the data above where digital-based tourism villages are very
effective in improving the economy of the village community, it is shown that there are feature
facilities in the Nusantara Tourism Village application that can be enjoyed by visitors, both in the
form of natural beauty, creativity in food processing by existing Tourism Village Human
Resources, although not yet fully involved in the existing tourism villages in managing the
village management of the archipelago tourism village application for Making it easier for
tourists both domestically and tourists from abroad to easily find ayang tourist villages in this
archipelago. Of course, it is a challenge in providing education to tourism village managers in
operating the Nusantara Tourism Village Application in order to improve the community's
economy with an increase in visitors to existing tourist villages.

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