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mata pelajaran : Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris
program : MIPA (LM)/IPS (LM)
hari/tanggal : Kamis, 21 Maret 2019
waktu : 120 menit
sesi ujian : 1
waktu ujian : 07.00 hingga 09.00
jumlah butir soal
pilihan ganda : 40 butir
uraian : 5 butir

1. Tulislah lebih dahulu nomor dan nama Anda pada kolom yang tersedia di lembar
2. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum Anda menjawab.
3. Laporkan kepada Pengawas, bila terdapat tulisan yang kurang jelas terbaca atau
halaman soal yang kurang lengkap.
4. Dahulukan menjawab soal-soal yang Anda anggap mudah.
5. Untuk menjawab soal pilihan ganda, hitamkan dengan pensil 2B pada lembar jawab
komputer pada salah satu huruf A, B, C, D, atau E yang Anda anggap paling benar.
Apabila Anda telah menjawab dengan menghitamkan memakai pensil 2B pada lembar
jawab komputer, tetapi kemudian ingin memperbaiki/meralat jawaban, maka
hapuslah terlebih dulu jawaban yang telah dihitamkan dengan penghapus hingga
bersih, kemudian hitamkan pada pilihan yang Anda anggap benar.
6. Untuk menjawab soal uraian, tuliskan jawaban dengan singkat dan jelas sesuai yang
diharapkan pada lembar jawab uraian. Buatlah jawaban seefektif dan seefisien
7. Tidak dibenarkan mempergunakan peralatan elektronik, atau alat bantu hitung
8. Selama pelaksanaan ujian, dilarang mengaktifkan alat komunikasi elektronik.
9. Periksalah pekerjaan Anda sebelum diserahkan kepada Pengawas.
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In this section of the test, you will have the chance to show how well you understand spoken
English. There are four parts to this section with special directions for each part.

Questions 1 to 4.

In this part of the test, you will hear some dialogues and questions spoken in English. The
questions and the dialogues will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test book, so
you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers are saying.
After you listen to the dialogue and the question about it, read the five possible answers, and
decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.

Now listen to a sample question

You will hear:

Man : We are almost out of cereal.
Woman : I know. I will go to the grocery store to buy some more. I will also get some milk,
bread, and fruit.
Man : Would you get me some instant chips?
Woman : Sure

Narrator : What does the man want the woman to buy?

A. Fruit.
B. Milk. Sample answer
C. Bread.
D. Chips.
E. Cereal. A B C D E

Narrator: The best answer to this question is "Chips". Therefore you should choose answer (D)

1. A. Their dinner
B. Man’s report
C. Man’s laptop
D. The woman’s help
E. The woman’s offer

2. A. Busy hours
B. Safe subway
C. Heavy traffic
D. Long distance
E. Some construction

3. A. his victim
B. her asking
C. their disaster
D. his experience
E. their adventure

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4. A. Offer it
B. Leave it
C. Modify it
D. Borrow it
E. Take care of it

Questions: 5 to 7

In this part of the test, you will hear some incomplete dialogues spoken in English, followed by
four responses, also spoken in English. The dialogues and the responses will be spoken twice.
They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the
speakers are saying. You have to choose the best response to each question.

Now listen to a sample question.

You will hear

Man : I haven’t seen you with that gown before.
Woman : I’ve just bought it this morning. How do I look?

Narrator : What is the most appropriate response?

A. It really suits you
B. It tastes great
C. I’m looking for it
D. Yes, I’ve gone

Narrator : The best answer to the question is choice A. “It really suits you." Therefore, you
should choose answer A.

5. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

6. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

7. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Questions: 8 to 11.

In this part of the test, you will hear some dialogues or monologues spoken in English. The dialogues or
monologues will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully
to understand what the speakers are saying. After you listen to the dialogue or monologue, look at the five
pictures provided in your test book, and decide which would be the most suitable one with the dialogue or
monologue you have heard.

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8 A C. E
. . .

B. D

9. A. C. E.

B. D.

10. A. C. E.

B. D.

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11. A. C. E.

B. D.

Questions 12 to 15.

In this part of the test, you will hear several monologues. Each monologue will be spoken twice.
They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the
speakers are saying.
After you hear the monologue and the question about it, read the five possible answers and
decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.

12. A. Going for picnic

B. Watching match
C. Taking vacation
D. Playing football
E. Riding their bus

13. A. Riding bus

B. Booking seats
C. Playing soccer
D. Buying tickets
E. Getting discount

14. A. Job
B. Rest
C. Care
D. Money
E. Saving

15. A. He got sad

B. He felt guilty
C. He was angry
D. He slept there
E. He took piggybank

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This text is for questions 16 to 19.

One upon a time there was an office worker whose name was Charles. He worked in
the same insurance office for many years. But during that time, he became more and more
unhappy. While he worked, he dreamed constantly, and in his dream he was always a hermit,
he stayed in his room. He didn't like people. He especially didn't like people when they talked.
He wanted peace and quiet. Life went on for Charles in this way until he became desperate.
His big opportunity came when he learned about a sea voyage the two of his friends
were planning. They expected to make the trip during their summer vacation. Charles asked to
join them. While they were sailing, Charles talked to his friends about the joys of hermits' life.
He talked until they were finally convinced and they decided to stop at the First Island that
they found.
A few days after this decision, they saw the island in the distance where they decided
to live. Before they went ashore, Charles asked the other two make a promise not to say a
word after they reached the island. They were to remain perfectly quit during their stay.
During the first few days after they landed, they built a little house where they planted
a garden. The island was paradise for Charles because this was the peace and quiet that he

16. Why was Charles getting more unhappy?

A. The job was too hard for him.
B. The salary was not satisfactory.
C. His neighborhood was very noisy.
D. He lost his friends on the sea voyage.
E. He dreamed of a peace and quiet life.

17. What did Charles do during the summer holiday?

A. He moved to a new neighborhood.
B. He got a new job as he dreamed of.
C. He left his job and became a hermit.
D. He had a sea voyage with his friends.
E. He got a big opportunity in his office.

18. “He talked until they were finally convinced.” (paragraph 2)

From the statement we know that …...
A. The friends were doubtful with the life of hermit.
B. Charles persuaded his friends to run a hermit’s life.
C. Charles succeeded to join his friends in the voyage.
D. The friends convinced Charles to try the hermit’s life.
E. Charles and his friends were nervous about being hermits.

19. What happened to Charles and his friends after reaching the island?
A. They became so desperate.
B. They didn’t like each other.
C. They didn’t talk to each other.
D. They broke the promise they made.
E. They couldn’t find something to eat.

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This text is for questions 20 and 21.




The written examination and selection interview previously announced to be conducted on

30/11/2015 and 1-2/12/2015 for various post vacancies on the three domestic airports,
Department of Civil Aviation, MolC, is postponed on the following dates;

The shortlisted candidates are required to kindly note the postponement of date and time for
the written examination and oral interview:
1. Written Examination : 05/12/2015 at 10 am
2. Oral interview : 6-8/12/2015 at 10 am
3. Result declaration : 14/12/2015

Chief Administrative Officer

20. What should the candidates do related to the postponement?

A. Asking the Minister of Information and Communication Staff.
B. Calling the Minister of Information and Communication Staff.
C. Noting the postponement of date and time.
D. Asking the chief administrative officer.
E. Looking for the result declaration.

21. Which of the following agrees to the text?

A. The new schedule for the written examination is on 6-8/12/2015 at 10 AM.
B. The new schedule for the oral interview is on 15/12/2015 at 10 AM.
C. The new schedule for the written examination is on 30/15/2015.
D. The result of declaration will be announced on 14/12/2015.
E. The new schedule for the oral interview is on 12/12/2015.

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This text is for questions 22 to 23.

There's a hero, if you look inside your heart
You don't have to be afraid of what you are
There's an answer, if you reach into your soul
And the sorrow that you know will melt away
And then a hero comes along with the strength to carry on
And you cast your fears aside and you know you can survive
So when you feel like hope is gone, look inside you and be strong
And you'll finally see the truth that a hero lies in you
It's a long road when you face the world alone
No one reaches out a hand for you to hold
You can find love if you search within yourself
And the emptiness you felt will disappear
[CHORUS]: ……
Lord knows dreams are hard to follow
But don't let anyone tear them away
Hold on; There will be tomorrow
In time you'll find the way
[CHORUS]: ……
That a hero lies in you

22. What is the message we get from the song?

A. We can be afraid of the scary world.
B. We should fight because no one will help us.
C. We are strong to survive and get our dreams.
D. People cannot survive because they are weak.
E. It is difficult to reach dreams so we can give up.

23. What situation is faced in the second verse?

A. People try to find love from others that hold them.
B. People cannot throw away the emptiness they feel.
C. People get exhausted because they are on a long road.
D. People are afraid because of living alone in their houses.
E. People feel tired because they face the problem by themselves.

24. Dina : Reno is always good to me. He never leaves me when I have problems.
Rina : Yes he always helps me every time I’m in a trouble. He’s just like a saying, ….
A. a barking dog never bites.
B. a beggar can never be bankrupt.
C. a friend in need is a friend indeed.
D. a rotten apple injures its neighbor.
E. a bad shearer never had a good sickle.

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This text is for questions 25 and 26.

25. The word “purchase” is in synonym with ……

A. selling
B. buying
C. storing
D. trading
E. dealing

26. The form aims to …...

A. take a selling note
B. inform the shipping
C. provide the price list
D. give notes of an order
E. open a purchase order

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This text is for questions 27 to 30.

Why is ethanol a good alternative to the fuel which is used now? Firstly, ethanol is based
on renewable resources. It is produced from agricultural products, such as sugar beet, sugar
cane, potatoes, grains and raw materials such as pulp (smashed wood or plant material), soft
wood and waste paper. The raw materials for ethanol are obtained from forests or farm. Trees
do not need to be cut down to get ethanol; we can get it from the branches and dead wood.
Secondly, ethanol, because of its alcohol nature, makes the vehicle engines run more
efficiently. This means that less fuel is used.
Thirdly, ethanol produces lower emissions of CO and hydrocarbons compared to petrol.
WALHI research states that more than 5.500.000 tons of CO is emitted by motor engines in a
city like Surabaya.
Fourthly, ethanol is described as a ‘harmless’ substance, unlike petrol which is
poisonous. Ethanol has low toxicity or level of poison. It does not cause death or blood

27. What is the main focus of the text?

A. The difference between ethanol and petrol.
B. The production process of ethanol for fuel.
C. The raw materials of ethanol from forests or farm.
D. The pitfalls of ethanol as fuel for vehicles and environment.
E. The reasons why ethanol as suitable alternative to the fuel.

28. According to the text, ethanol can save the forest because....
A. it is not made from new wood
B. it makes the engines run more efficiently
C. it is produced from agricultural products
D. the emissions of CO are lower than petrol
E. the raw materials are not obtained from forests or farm

29. Which information about ethanol is found in the text?

A. Ethanol is expensive
B. Ethanol is poisonous
C. Ethanol emits a lot of dangerous gas
D. Ethanol is friendly to the environment
E. Ethanol produces more CO than petrol

30. “.... lower emissions of CO is emitted by motor engine …. ” (Paragraph 3).

The underlined word is closest in meaning to ….
A. taken
B. released
C. absorbed
D. consumed
E. eliminated

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This text is for questions 31 to 34.

A mobile phone (also known as a wireless phone, cell phone, or cellular telephone) is a
very small portable radio telephone.
The first mobile phone networks were created in the late 1970s in Japan. A cell phone
combines technologies, mainly telephone, radio, and computer. Cell phones work as two-way
radios. They send electromagnetic microwaves from base station to base station. The waves
are sent through antennas. This is called wireless communication.
There are different kinds of phones. A flip phone flips open, and is best for calling. A
bar phone is shaped like a candy bar, and the keys and screen are on one face. A slate phone is
a phone that has almost no buttons, and uses a touch screen. Most smart phones are slates. A
slider phone slides on rails. It can slide out number keys or a mini keyboard, but some do
both. A swivel spins on an axle.
Many 21st century mobile phones are smart phones. These phones can be used for
email, browsing the internet, playing music and games, and many other functions that
computers can perform. This is because mobile phones basically are small computers. Older
phones also used computer technology, but lacked many of the parts of a computer that were
too big to fit into a phone. Modern phone makers have been able to use smaller parts. Most
smart phones are also GPS receivers and digital cameras.

31. From the text we know that ……

A. Most smart phones are the flip ones.
B. Mobile phones work as single way radios.
C. Smart phones function similarly as computers.
D. Cell phones are also called wired communication.
E. Older mobile phones did not use computer technology.

32. Why do smart phones function as computers?

A. They are GPS receivers.
B. They have a mini keyboard.
C. They work as two-way radios.
D. They are basically small computers.
E. Their keys and screen are on one face.

33. “…, but lacked many of the parts of a computer that were too big to fit into a phone.”
(Paragraph 4) The underlined word has similar meaning to …
A. added
B. missed
C. offered
D. supplied
E. provided

34. The writer wrote the text to ……

A. describe a mobile phone
B. tell how to operate a mobile phone
C. explain how a mobile phone works
D. show different kinds of smart phones
E. compare smart phones and the older ones

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This text is for questions 35 to 38.

James Watt was born in Greenock on 19 January 1736. His father, also called James, was
a ship builder. As a boy Watt went to the local grammar school where he studied classics and
mathematics. The young Watt also liked making models.
Eventually, Watt decided to become a maker of mathematical instruments, such as
quadrants and compasses. In 1755 he went to London, but only stayed there for two years
before moving to Glasgow.
In 1764 Watt made a model of Newcomen steam engine. In this engine, the steam was
pushed into a cylinder, then condensed back into water. A year later Watt realized it would be
more efficient to condense the steam in another chamber separate from the cylinder.
However, it was not until 1769 that Watt patented his new idea, the separate condenser.
In 1775 he went into partnership with Matthew Boulton and began making steam engines
which were used for pumping water out of mines. By 1780 the Industrial Revolution was
beginning to transform life in Britain and Watt adapted his steam engines to provide a rotary
motion so they could be used to power machines in new factories.
In 1781 he used the sun to do this and four years later, steam engines were used to power
machines in cotton mills for the first time. Meanwhile, in 1782 Watt invented another major
improvement, the double–acting steam engines. In 1788 he invented the fly ball Royal to
regulate the speed of steam engines and he made a pressure gauge in 1790.
In 1785 Watt was elected a fellow of the Royal society and he retired from business in
1800. James Watt died on 25 August 1819 and was buried in Birmingham.

35. The text is mostly about James Watt’s invention which is closely related to his experience
when he was young, that is, ….
A. he studied classics
B. he studied mathematics
C. he made many inventions
D. his father was a ship builders
E. he went to a very good school
36. What did James Watt do before moving to Glasgow?
A. Staying in London temporarily.
B. Leaving his local grammar school.
C. Inventing quadrants and compasses.
D. Producing mathematical instruments.
E. Deciding to be a Mathematics Scholar.
37. What was happened to James’s life before 1782?
A. Made a pressure gauge.
B. Decided to quite his business.
C. Suffered from a serious illness.
D. Patented the separate condenser.
E. Invented the double-acting steam engines.
38. The underlined word in sentence,” ... beginning to transform life in Britain...,” (paragraph 4)
has similar meaning to....
A. turn
B. help
C. start
D. save
E. form

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This text is for questions 39 and 40.

A Red, Red Rose

My love is like a red, red rose

That’s newly sprung in June;
My love is like the melody
That’s newly played in tune
As fair are you my bonny lass.
So deep in love am I;
And I will love you still, my dear
Till all the seas go dry
Till all the seas go dry, my dear,
And the rocks melt with the sun;
And I love you still, my dear,
While the sands of live shall run
And fare you well, my only love
And fare you well a while
And I will come again, my dear,
Though it were ten thousand miles.

(Robert Burns)

39. The writer describes his feeling about his lover in lines …
A. 1-4
B. 5-7
C. 8-10
D. 11-12
E. 13-16

40. The writer wrote the poem to ……

A. describe a red rose
B. tell that all seas go dry
C. remind that he will return
D. express his feeling to his lover
E. show the long distance relationship


41. Rearrange the following sentences to form a correct manual!

1. Lay the documents face up in the fax machine feeder tray with the coversheet on top.
2. Turn the fax machine on.
3. Make sure the fax machine is plugged into a power source.
4. Fill out a separate piece of paper called a coversheet.
5. Dial the recipient’s fax number.
6. Gather the documents you want to send and put them in the order you want them to be
7. Press the “fax” or “send” button depending on the particular fax machine model.

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This text is for questions 42 and 43.

The Amazing Spider-Man 2, released with the subtitle Rise of Electro in some
markets is a 2014 American superhero film featuring the Marvel Comics character Spider-
Man, directed by Marc Webb and released by Columbia Pictures. It is the fifth
theatrical Spider-Man film produced by Columbia Pictures and Marvel Entertainment, and
serves as a sequel to The Amazing Spider-Man.
I was skeptical when I wanted to watch this movie, but I was wrong and I think this
second sequel is really great. Unlike its predecessor, this film is full of action, humor, and
emotional. Played by the big players, the story is well-written. The action is really
spectacular and the final scene makes me satisfied.
The story begins when Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield) struggled to maintain his
relationship with Gwen (Emma Stone) after her father’s death. His actions also caused the
emergence of a new enemy, Electro, a villain played by James Foxx. Peter also continued to
investigate what happened to his father and reunited with his old friend, Harry Osborn. This
movie is ended by the death of Gwen that makes the audience will be very emotional and sad.
However I have to criticize about this film addressed to Paul Giamatti who plays
Rhino. His appearance is too over. His acting also does not show that he is a feared villain. It
would be a serious problem for the next Spiderman series. So I hope he can improve his
acting better than before.
Overall, I think this is the best superhero movie since the appearance of The Dark
Knight Rises. The script is well-written and convincing. I am sure the next series will be
outstanding superhero movie. I recommend this movie to anyone who loves Spider-man or
other superhero movies.

42. How does the writer describe the movie compared to the previous series?
43. What is the main idea of the fourth paragraph?

This text is for questions 44 and 45.

An X-ray is a spectrum of light. When it is radiated through one’s body, it can be used
for detecting his/her internal body organs. The X-ray was invented by a German scientist,
Wihelm Conrad Rontgen. Despite the fact that X-Rays can detect cancer, cysts, and tumors,
there are many conflicting opinions about the use of X-rays in the hospital.
Some people agree that an X-ray examination is beneficial. They argue that doctors
should use an X- ray in examination which is very useful in making diagnosis on a patient’s
disease. This will sometimes cause a doctor to be inaccurate in prescribing medicine to cure
an illness.
Other people, however, disagree with the use of an X-ray examination. They think that
using an X-ray examination will cost them a lot of money. That is really true. Another reason
is that the radiation of an X-ray has some risks to body tissues.
As a result of this controversy, many people use traditional health cure to avoid the high
cost of hospital care because hospitals still insist on having X-ray examination on patients to
get an accurate diagnosis although the cost is very high.

44. What is discussed in the text?

45. Why are some people against X-ray?


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