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Bendahara umum MTQ tingkat kecamatan x koto(2021)

Panitia mudema(2022)
panitia Mapaba(2022)
Panitia Trofeo (2021)

KURNIA FITRI Pengalaman organisasi

Saya adalah pribadi yang dan
menyukai tantangan. Saya mudah Ketua umum pencak silat (2019-2020)
mengenal pekerjaan baru. Dapat Drumband (2018-2019)
bekerja secara individu maupun Osim ( 2019-2020)
tim,mudah menangkap informasi
dan instruksi yang diberikan. Pengalaman kerja
Bersikap disiplin, teliti,
bertanggung jawab, Megajar taman pendidikan Al-Qur'an (2018-2021)
jujur,amanah,dan ulet, dan selalu
Les anak SD (2020)
bersemangat terhadap pekerjaan
yang di berikan.
Juara 2 khat nasqi tingkat nagari (2021)
Data Diri Juara 2 tapak suci tingkat kabupaten kota pesisir (2019)
Ukm fisika tingkat kota Padang panjang (2021)
Nama : Kurnia Fitri Lomba silat kota Solok (2020)
Ttg : 06-01-2002 Wisuda Tahfiz (2020)
Alamat: Jalan raya Padang Ukso tingkat kecamatan x koto( 2018)
panjang -Bukittinggi Lomba menulis ilmiah ( 2018)
Status : Mahasiswi Lomba fisika sesumbar (2018)

Indonesia AKTIF

Inggris PASIF

Pendidikan Kemampuan
Panjang (2019-2021)

-UIN Imam Bonjol Padang Mampu beradaptasi dengan lingkungan baru

(2021-sekarang) Suka belajar dan mampu melihat kekurangan diri
Berani melakukan perubahan untuk perbaikan
Mampu menerima kritik dan saran
Berjiwa optimis dan tidak mudah putus asa
Tidak mudah menyalahkan orang lain

Dear Ms. Silva,

A cover letter allows you to professionally introduce

yourself to a prospective employer. Your goal in writing
your cover letter should be to encourage the employer to
read your resume and consider you for a specific position.

ITSUKI Highlight your achievements, skills, experiences, and

TAKASHI training that are relevant to the position you want to get.
However, avoid simply repeating the information you
included in your resume. Tailor your cover letter to each
employer and job. Since you are applying for specific
roles, give specific examples and events that demonstrate
your ability to perform well if given the position.

July 27, 2025 Yes, you should maintain a professional air throughout the
copy, however, an exceedingly formal tone may turn off
Juliana Silva those who read it. Remember to also show genuine
Head of Human Resources enthusiasm for the job. You can think of it this way: it’s not
Iconography Clothing Co. a suit-and-tie event, but a smart casual gathering. Steer
123 Miller Street, Westwood, away from highly personal information and questions
South Carolina 12345 about the position. This includes talking about salary
expectations and company benefits. Instead, reserve such
inquiries for the actual interview.

Make sure you proofread your cover letter before sending

it. There are various online tools that can help you catch
minor grammatical or typographical errors. Additionally,
make sure your cover letter is easy to read. Use a simple
font like the one used here. Avoid walls of text, too.
Dividing your letter into paragraphs makes it easy on the
eyes and organizes the information you provide.

Best Regards,

Itsuki Takahashi

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