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Noun diartikan sebagai kata benda atau dalam bahasa

NOUN noun berperan sebagai subjek atau objeknya dan dapat
berbentuk gagasan, benda, orang, ataupun tempat.

Andi is the best teacher

(Andi adalah guru yang terbaik)
The book is mine
(Buku itu milik saya)
Gotham is a city
(Gotham adalah sebuah kota)

Dari contoh tersebut, kata yang bercetak tebal merupakan

noun dan biasanya berada didepan atau dibelakang
Adjective diartikan sebagai kata sifat.

kata sifat karena adjective berfungsi untuk menjelaskan, mempertegas, menggambarkan,
atau membuat spesifik suatu noun/kata benda. adjective secara langsung menjelaskan
suatu noun seperti pada contoh dibawah ini:
1.The big boss
1. arti: bos besar
2. the=definitive adjective; big=size adjective; boss=noun
2.Super sharp knife
1. arti: pisau super tajam
2. super=quality adjective; sharp=degree adjective; knife=noun
3.Blind man
1. arti: lelaki buta
2. blind=character adjective; man=noun
Descriptive Adjective merupakan adjective yang menjelaskan, menggambarkan, dan
DESCRIPTIVE membuat spesifik suatu noun. Descriptive adjective menjelaskan beberapa sifat
ADJ dari noun yang biasanya meliputi character, quality, size, age, temperature, shape,
color, dan nationality.
•Character (sifat)
• kind, cruel, bad, good, etc.
• a kind man
• the lion is a cruel animal
• you have a good taste
• —
•Quality (kualitas)
• clever, cheap, expensive, etc.
• clever student
• expensive chair
• —
• Size (ukuran)
•Shape (bentuk)
• big, large, giant, huge, small, tiny, etc.
• round, square, oval, etc.
• a big plane
• a round chair
• a tiny house • a square table
• a giant building • —
•Color (warna)
• Age (umur) • green, yellow, red, blue, pink, etc.
• a yellow bandana
• old, young, teenage, etc.
• a green lantern
• an old man
• —
• teenage girl •Nationality (kewarganegaraan)
• Indonesian, American, Chinese, etc.
• Temperature (suhu/temperatur) • an indonesian food
• Hot, cool, cold, icy, chilly, etc. • japanese soldier
• hot water
• cold weather
Adverb merupakan keterangan. Dalam suatu kalimat, adverb berfungsi untuk memperjelas suatu keadaan,
kegiatan, atau kejadian sehingga menjadi lebih mudah untuk dimengerti. Ada
CONTOH: happily, immadiately, yesterday, often, surely, consequently, etc. Berikut ini adalah beberapa contoh dari
penggunaan adverb dalam kalimat:

1.We are doing this job happily

Kami mengerjakan pekerjaan ini dengan bahagia (adverb of manner)
2.I go to supermarket twice a month
Saya pergi ke pasar dua kali sebulan (adverb of frequency)
3.We play football yesterday
Kita bermain sepakbola kemarin (adverb of time)

6. I don’t (believe) him because he has lied to me for many times.

a. Adjective
1. I put my shoes (between) my sister’s and my brother’s in the garage.
b. Verb
a. Adjective c. Conjunction
b. Verb d. Adverb
c. Preposition 7. Tara cooked (chicken) soup, but that was not delicious.
d. Conjunction a. Adjective
2. If we run this program (well), we can get extra bonus from our boss. b. Verb
c. Noun
a. Adjective
d. Adverb
b. Verb 8. After (taking) a bath, let’s go to the campus.
c. Preposition a. Adjective
d. Adverb b. Verb
3. On Sundays, I (swim) from six to eleven in the morning. c. Preposition
a. Adjective d. Noun
9. I like (playing) jazz music.
b. Verb
a. Adjective
c. Preposition b. Verb
d. Adverb c. Noun
4. I will go to one of beautiful (islands) in Indonesia this month. d. Adverb
a. Adjective 10. (Dita) is an amazing English teacher at school.
b. Verb a. Adjective
b. Verb
c. Preposition
c. Preposition
d. Noun d. Noun
5. I haven’t finished my project (because) I am very busy.
a. Conjunction
b. Verb
c. Preposition
d. Adverb
1. D
2. D
3. B
4. D
5. A
6. B
7. C
8. D
9. C
10. D
Kata Ganti Kata Ganti Kata Sifat Kata Ganti Kata Ganti
Subjek Objek Kepunyaan Kepunyaan Refleksif
(Subject (Object (Possessive (Possessive (Reflexive/Int
Pronoun) Pronoun) Adjective/De Pronoun) ensive
terminer) Pronoun)
PRONOUN orang pertama
I me my mine myself

orang kedua you you your yours yourself


Pronoun atau kata ganti orang ketiga he him his his himself
tunggal, laki-laki
menggantikan kata benda. Anda
orang ketiga she her her hers herself
membutuhkan kata ganti yang tunggal,
berbeda, bergantung pada dua hal:
orang ketiga it it its itself
kata benda yang diganti dan fungsi tunggal, netral
kata benda tersebut dalam orang pertama we us our ours ourselves
orang kedua you you your yours yourselves

orang ketiga they them their theirs themselves

SUBJECT •I am 16.
•You seem lost.
•Jim is angry, and he wants Sally to
Kata ganti subjek mengganti subjek
•This table is old. It needs to be
dari sebuah klausa. Dalam bentuk
orang ketiga, kata ganti subjek
sering digunakan untuk •We aren't coming.
menghindari pengulangan nama •They don't like pancakes.
Kata ganti objek digunakan untuk mengganti kata benda themerupakan
book toobjek
atau tidak langsung dari sebuah klausa
•The teacher wants to talk to you.
•Jake is hurt because Bill hit him.
•Rachid recieved a letter from her last week.
•Mark can't find it.
•Don't be angry with us.
•Tell them to hurry up!
Kata sifat kepunyaan berfungsi sebagai kata sifat dan diletakkan sebelum
kata benda yang dimodifikasi. Kata-kata ini tidak mengganti kata benda
seperti kata ganti.
•Did mother find my shoes?
•Mrs. Baker wants to see your homework.
•Can Jake bring over his baseball cards?
•Samantha will fix her bike tomorrow.
•The cat broke its leg.
•This is our house.
•Where is their school?
•This bag is mine.
Kata ganti kepunyaan mengganti kata benda
•Yours is not blue.
sebagai subjek atau objek dari sebuah klausa.
•That bag looks like his.
Karena kata benda yang diganti tidak muncul di
dalam kalimat, kata benda itu harus jelas
•These shoes are not hers.
diketahui dari konteks. •That car is ours.
•Theirs is parked in the garage.
kata ganti refleksif merujuk ke •I told myself to calm down.
subjek dari sebuah klausa karena •You cut yourself on this nail?
subjek yang melakukan tindakan •He hurt himself on the stairs.
juga merupakan objek langsung •She found herself in a dangerous part of
atau tidak langsung. Hanya town.
beberapa jenis kata kerja yang •The cat threw itself under my car!
bersifat refleksif
•We blame ourselves for the fire.
•The children can take care of themselves.
Kata ganti intensif memberi penekanan pada
subjek dari sebuah klausa. Subjek ini bukanlah
objek tindakan. Kata ganti intensif selalu dapat
dihilangkan dari kalimat tanpa mengubah
artinya secara signifikan meskipun penekanan
terhadap subjek akan hilang. Kata ganti intensif
dapat diletakkan tepat setelah subjek dari
klausa atau di akhir klausa
1. Contoh
• I made these cookies myself.
• You yourself asked Jake to come.
• The Pope himself pardoned Mr. Brown.
• My teacher didn't know the answer herself.
• The test itself wasn't scary, but my teacher certainly is.
• We would like to finish the renovation before
Christmas ourselves.
• They themselves told me the lost shoe wasn't a problem.

Exercise 2
Pilihlah jawaban yang paling tepat untuk melengkapi 6. Please help ____ .
kalimat-kalimat rumpang di bawah ini agar memiliki bentuk you
kata ganti (Pronouns) yang tepat.
1. ____ are good friends. yours
They 7. It is ____ car.
Their him
Them he
2. He cut ____ . his
8. ____ book is so thick.
he You
3. Show ___ your new book. Your
our Yours
we 9. I pay for ____ .
us their
4. It is ____ problem. they
them 10. ____ shoes are new.
5. ____ met us yesterday. me
His My

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