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1. Gambaran INDONESIA untuk Rancangan Populasi: caring behavior perawat Diharapkan hasil
Caring Behavior meningkatkan penelitian deskriptif. seluruh pasien pada masa penelitian ini
Perawat Pada kepedulian Pengambilan yang pandemi dalam menjadi motivasi
Masa Pandemi dalam sampel pada mengalami pelayanan keperawatan bagi perawat
Dalam pencapaian penelitian ini pengobatan di di UGD RS Santa untuk
Pelayanan pelayanan menggunakan teknik UGD Rumah Elisabeth Medan Tahun meningkatkan
Keperawatan keperawatan purposive Sakit St. 2022 dengan caring behavior,
yang lebih baik sampling, Elisabeth
Di UGD RS kategori sangat baik lebih
dan Pengumpulan data Medan
Santa sebanyak 32 (100%) memperhatikan
membangun dilakukan
Elisabeth . tindakan
struktur sosial menggunakan
Medan keperawatan seperti
yang kuesioner Sampel:
Tahun 2022 memberikan makan,
lebih baik. Responden dan memandikan
sebanyak 32
Autor : pasien di ruangan
Mestiana Br Karo, UGD serta membuat

Vina Y S Sigalingging, kuesio

Dinda Queen ner yang lebih

Margaretha spesifik untuk

ruangan UGD
Tahun : 2022 .
2. Perilaku Caring Untuk Penelitian ini Sampel : perilaku caring perawat Perilaku caring
Perawat INDONESIA mengetahui merupakan penelitian 38 responden pelaksana dalam perawat di ruang
pelaksana di perilaku deskriptif kategori baik yaitu 11 rawat inap mayoritas
ruang rawat inap caring responden ( 57,9%), dan baik yaitu 57,9%
perawat dalam kategori kurang
pelaksana yaitu 8 responden
di ruang rawat (42,1% )
Diah Fitri inap

Tahun : 2018

Hasil penelitian tentang

INDONESIA Sampel yang perilaku caring perawat Klien menilai perilaku
52,1% yaitu cukup,
3. Perilaku Caring Penelitian ini Jenis penelitian digunakan caring perawat
Pemenuhan kebutuhan
Perawat bertujuan untuk kuantitatif dengan adalah Pasien memiliki kategori
manusia 73,2%, Sistem
Berdasarkan mengetahui pendekatan survey rawat inap Nilai Humanistik Altruistik cukup, Oleh karena itu

Perilaku Caring deskriptif.Pengumpulan 43,7%, Keyakinan dan

Teori Jean minimal lama karena itu bagi rumah
harapan klien 47,9%,
Watson di Ruang Perawat data menggunakan data rawat 3 hari sakit untuk membuat
Kepekaan terhadap diri
Rawat Inap Berdasarkan Teori primer dengan dengan teknik sendiri dan orang lain program pelatihan

Jean Watson di instrumen penelitian 50,0%, Hubungan

total sampling tentang caring bagi
membantu rasa percaya
Autor : Ruang Rawat Inap yaitu kuesioner yaitu 142 perawat agar perilaku
48,6%, penerima
Cecep Solehudin RSAU DR. M. Behaviors Assessment orang. ungkapan positif dan caring perawat
Firmansyah, Salamun Bandung. Caring dari sepuluh negatif 51,4%, Metode
menjadi lebih baik.
pemecahan masalah
Richa Noprianty,
carative faktor Jean
47,2%, Proses pengajaran
Indra Karana.
Watson. Analisis data interpersonal 45,1%,
Lingkungan psikologis
berupa distribusi
Tahun : 2019 60,6% perilaku caring
perawat cukup dan
Behaviors Assessment Kekuatan eksistensial
fenomenologis klien
Caring dari sepuluh
menilai 44,4% perilaku
carative faktor Jean
caring perawat yaitu baik.
Watson. Analisis data Bahwa ada perubahan
kepuasan pasien sesudah
INDONESIA berupa distribusi penelitian penerapan caring yaitu Terdapat peningkatan
yang kepuasannya baik
4. Perilaku Caring Tujuan penelitian Penelitian ini termasuk terdiri dari perilaku caring
menjadi 3 orang (60 %).
Perawat ini adalah jenis penelitian pra perawat dan perawat terutama

Terhadap memberikan experimental research pasien. Sampel dalam komunikasi

Kepuasan Pasien intervensi berupa yang dirancang untuk dalam yang terpeutik dan

Rawat Inap Pada komunikasi mengetahui efek penelitian ini peningkatan kepuasan

Pelayanan terapeutik untuk perlakuan (treatment) memang tidak pasien setelah

Keperawatan mengembangkan dengan tanpa kehadiran representative diberikannya asuhan

atau meningkatkan kelompok kontrol. karena hanya keperawatan oleh

Autor : perilaku caring berjumlah 6 perawat yang telah

Tutu April perawat sehingga perawat yang mendapatkan

Ariani, Nur hal ini akan diambil dengan pelatihan perilaku
berdampak pada teknik kuota caring

mutu layanan sampling,

Tahun : 2018
keperawatan & sedangkan

kepuasan pasien pasien

berjumlah 5

orang yang

diambil dengan



Hasil Penelitian adalah

Populasi: hampir seluruh responden

INDONESIA ruang rawat inap melati a. Hampir

414 pasien di
RSUD Majalaya
5. GAMBARAN untuk mengetahui Rancangan penelitian
ruang Melati, seluruh
menyatakan perilaku
PERILAKU perilaku caring yang digunakan dalam caring perawat berada responden
Flamboyan dan
CARING perawat di ruang penelitian ini adalah dalam kategori baik. ruang rawat
Cempaka RSUD
Sebagian besar responden
PERAWAT DI rawat inap melati, metode survey inap melati
Majalaya ruang rawat inap
RUMAH SAKIT flamboyant, dan kuantitatif. Sampel flamboyan RSUD Majalaya RSUD
cempaka RSUD diambil dengan menyataka perilaku caring Majalaya
82 pasien yang
perawat berada dalam
Autor : Majalaya pada menggunakan cluster menyatakan
terbagi dalam 3 kategori baik. Sebagian
Andria tahun 2015 sampling. Instrumen perilaku caring
(tiga) ruangan besar responden ruang
Pragholapati, yang digunakan adalah rawat inap cempaka RSUD
(Melati, perawat
Selly Afrilianti Majalaya menyatakan
CBI (Caring Behavior berada dalam
Flamboyan dan perilaku caring perawat
Dila Gusraeni
Inventory). berada dalam kategori kategori baik.
baik. b. Sebagian
Tahun : 2021 besar


ruang rawat






perilaku caring


. berada dalam

kategori baik.

c. Sebagian



ruang rawat

inap cempaka



perilaku caring


berada dalam

kategori baik.

Perilaku caring perawat

Sampel : keseluruhan adalah Tinggi,
Perilaku caring
INDONESIA yaitu sebanyak 28 perawat
30 responden.
perawat di Rumah
(93,3 %) sedangkan
6. GAMBARAN Penelitian ini Jenis penelitian
kategori sedang terdapat 2 Sakit Prince Nayef bin
PERILAKU bertujuan untuk merupakan kuantitatif, perawat (6,7 %). Dari hasil
Abdul Aziz Universitas
CARING mengetahui descriptive ekslopratif penelitian tersebut
Syiah Kuala dalam
disimpulkan bahwa
PERAWAT DI gambaran perilaku dengan desain cross
gambaran perilaku caring kategori tinggi yaitu
RUMAH SAKIT DI caring perawat di sectional study, teknik perawat di Rumah Sakit
ditunjukkan dengan
BANDA ACEH Rumah Sakit Prince pengambilan sampel Prince Nayef bin Abdul
hasil keseluruhan
Aziz Universitas Syiah
Autor : Nayef bin Abdul menggunakan metode
Kuala berada pada subvariabel yaitu
Ridha Aziz Universitas total sampling. Alat kategori Tinggi.
mengakui keberadaan
Muzaiyanah, Syiah Kuala pengumpulan data
manusia, menanggapi
Putri Mayasari. berupa kuesioner Caring
dengan rasa hormat,
Behavior Inventory (CBI)
oleh Watson dengan 42
Tahun : 2019 pernyataan yang diukur hubungan yang positif,

berdasarkan persepsi pengetahuan dan

perawat. keterampilan serta

perhatian terhadap

yang dialami orang


Hasil penelitian 37 orang

Sampel :
pasien (55.2%) Perilaku caring
INDONESIA Desain penelitian ini sebanyak 67
mempersepsikan perilaku perawat pelaksana
7. Perilaku Caring Penelitian ini orang pasien caring perawat masih
adalah deskriptif
ruang rawat inap
bertujuan untuk yang sedang kurang. Upaya
Perawat Kuantitatif. sampel
meningkatkan perilaku rumah sakit dalam
Pelaksana menganalisis dirawat inap
diambil dengan caring dengan persepsi pasien
Rawat Inap persepsi pasien minimal 3 hari membudayakan perilaku
menggunakan teknik
sebagian besar kurang
tentang perilaku perawatan caring terutama aspek
Rumah Sakit Di purposive sampling.
afektifnya di lingkungan baik. Menurut pasien
caring perawat
Kabupaten Instrumen yang RSUD Indramayu aspek yang paling baik
pelaksana di ruang
Indramayu. digunakan untuk
telah dilakukan adalah
rawat inap rumah
Autor : Valentina BM pengukuran perilaku
berkaitan dengan
Lumbantobing, F.Sri sakit.
caring dalam penelitian
perhatian terhadap
Susilaningsih, Maknun ini adalah caring
apa yang dialami
Behavior Inventory
Dadi. Questionnaire (CBI). orang lain, sedangkan

Tahun : 2019 aspek yang paling

harus diperhatikan

adalah pengetahuan

dan keterampilan

Penelitian ini menunjukkan
Jenis penelitian ini Populasi
bahwa perilaku caring a. Gambaran perilaku
INDONESIA menggunakan metode Seluruh
perawat di Pediatric Care
caring semua perawat
8. Gambaran untuk menganalisa perawat yang Unit 13 perawat (100%)
deskriptif analitik. Data
dalam kategori baik, di ruang Anggrek
Perilaku Caring variable yang ada bekerja di
dikumpulkan dengan dengan sub variabel Badan Rumah Sakit
Perawat Di Ruang secara deskriptif ruang Anggrek menurut lima dimensi teori
menggunakan lembar
Umum Daerah
Anggrek Badan Swanson yaitu menjaga
dengan membuat observasi mengenai BRSUD
kepercayaan dengan rata- Kabupaten Tabanan
Rumah Sakit
tabel distribusi perilaku caring menurut Kabupaten rata 57,7%. Sub variabel
dalam kategori
Umum Daerah pengetahuan perawat
frekuensi Swanson. Teknik analisis Tabanan
Kabupaten (100%) berada pada perilaku caring yang
data yang digunakan sebanyak 13
kategori baik dengan mean baik menurut teori
yaitu analisis univariat orang 92,3%, sub variabel sedang
Autor : Swanson dengan nilai
dengan kategori baik 13
yang bertujuan untuk
Desak Gede Yenny perawat (100%) dengan rata-rata 83,6%. b.
menganalisis variabel mean 96,5%. Melakukan
Apriani1, Desak Berdasarkan lima
perilaku sehingga dalam
Made Firsia Sastra yang ada secara
Putri, Dewi Widiyani deskriptif. kategori baik 16 perawat dimensi perilaku
(100%) dengan rata-rata
caring menurut
98,5% dan perilaku yang
Tahun : 2020
memungkinkan dalam Swanson dapat
kategori baik 16 perawat dijabarkan semua
(100%) dengan rata-rata
perawat (100%)
memiliki perilaku

caring yang baik

dengan nilai rata-

ratanya yang meliputi:

perilaku maintaining

belief perawat sebesar

57,7%, knowing:

92,3%, being with

sebesar 96,5%, doing

for sebesar 98,5% dan

enabling sebesar 80%.

Jenis penelitian yang

Menunjukkan dari 137
digunakan pada Sampel Berdasarkan hasil
responden sebagian besar
9. Perilaku Caring penelitian
Perawat INDONESIA penelitian ini adalah berjumlah 137 umur 17 – 25 tahun Analisa data yang

Penelitian ini berjumlah 37 responden

Berdasarkan survey analitik dengan orang pasien telah dilakukan, maka
(27%), sebagian besar jenis
Teori Watson Di dilakukan untuk rancangan cross yang sedang dapat disimpulkan
kelamin perempuan

Ruang Intensif mengetahui sectional. Teknik dirawat di berjumlah 72 responden bahwa ada Hubungan

bagaimana (52,6%), sebagaian besar

pengambilan sampel ruangan Gawat Beban Kerja Dengan
pasien dirawat di ruang
Autor : gambaran yaitu Accidental Darurat dan Motivasi Kerja
IGD 92 responden (67,2%),
Sumiyati Moo, Nasrun penerapan teori sampling Unit Pelayaan penerapan Caring perawat Perawat Di Ruang

Caring Perawat di ruang Gawat Darurat

Pakaya, Zulkifli Intensif (ICU, Rawat Inap Rumah
sebanyak 87% responden
Pomalango. berdasarkan teori CVCU dan HCU) Sakit Nur Hidayah
kategori baik dan sebanyak
Watson di Ruang RSUD Prof. Dr. 13% yang menilai kurang Bantul Yogyakarta di

Tahun : 2022 Gawat Darurat dan Caring. Penerapan Caring

H. Aloei Saboe masa Pandemi Covid-
perawat di unit pelayanan
Unit Pelayanan 19, yang dibuktikan
intensif seluruh responden
Intensif RSUD Prof. menilai kategori Caring dengan nilai uji
Dr. H. Aloei Saboe. Kendall’s Tau

diperoleh nilai p

value= 0,000 < ( α =

0.05), hal ini

menunjukkan bahwa

Ha diterima Ho
1. Simplicity and

Completeness of

Nursing Process

Satisfaction Using

Nursing Management

Information System at

the Public Health While studies of HRIS

This research was
Service “X” in health exist, the
conducted by Cross-
Indonesia. Sectional approach overall lack of
Our analysis
descriptive method
evaluative research
reviewed 126
Autor: Tutik Sri articles on a Several categories were raises unanswered
variety of observed in the review
Hariyati, questions about their
topics related to focusing on public health’s
PhD,Nami capacity to improve
health socio-technical
Kobayashi,PhD,T information infrastructure: evaluation quality and efficiency
systems of surveillance practices,
uti Nuraini,PhD, and enable learning
research surveillance methods,
Jajang Rahmad health systems, as well
published in the interoperable health
Solihin, MSc di AMERIKA “Senior information infrastructure, as how sociotechnical
Scholars” list of mobile health, social
Fakultas SERIKAT complexity influences
the top eight media, and population
Keperawatan implementation and
ranked health. Common trends effectiveness. We offer
information discussing socio-technical
Tahun: 2018 this analysis to
systems infrastructure included big
decision makers and
academic data platforms, social
journals. determinants of health, managers considering
geographical information
or currently
systems, novel data
implementing an
sources, and new
visualization techniques. A HRIS, and make
common thread connected
recommendations for
these categories of
further research.
workforce, governance,
To first review the and sustainability: using
IS literature. clinical resources and data
Specifically, our to bridge public and
goals were to population health.
capture the trends
associated with :
(1) the number and
distribution of HIS
articles published
in the leading IS
The quality of routine
(2) identify
data gathered in the
health system needs
employed in HIS
further attention. We
research, and
2. Public and suggest regular
Population Health (3) highlight the triangulation with data
Informatics: The HIS research from other sources.
Bridging of Big Data topics being We recommend
to Benefit published in IS addressing the
Communities journals. denominator issues,
reducing the
complexity of
Autor: Roland Gamache,
indicators, and
aligning indicators to
P. Weiner
The review was Interesting results emerge
Tahun: 2018
primarily driven by a in the range and evolution
search of the literature of health information
from July 1, 2016 to systems research and
September 30, 2017. opportunities for health
The search included information systems
articles indexed in researchers and
PubMed using subject practitioners to consider
headings with (MeSH) moving forward.
keywords “public health
informatics” and “social
determinants of health”.
The “social determinants
of health” search was
refined to include
articles that contained
the keywords “public
health”, “population
health” or “surveillance”

In this study, we

obtained empirical

evidence to determine

the critical factors

influencing nurses’

perceptions of the
3. Evaluation of health
NPS. To increase the
information systems
research in intention of users, NPS
information systems
designers must
research: A meta-
consider the workflow
of care-related tasks,

Autor: Peter features of nursing

Haried,Craig routines, and nurses’

Claybaugh,Hua Dai
requirements to design

and implement an NIS

Tahun: 2019 that satisfies users and

Provided a three-step
method for meta- is easy to use
analysis including
journal selection, article
classification, and data
Shows matches
classified as
true in linkage
from the second
half of 2010, 9
follow-up and
BRASIL were identified,
as well as 220
for subsequent
years. As to
gical exams, 30
were found in
7 in BPA-I. As
for treatment,
70 surgeries
were recorded
in SIH and 455
Linkage between in APAC. In
databases from the SIM, 20
Brazilian Public records were
Health System found.
(SUS) as to records
for breast cancer
Using CNS and the SSN as
a linkage strategy allowed
to identify the high
proportion of true matches
across databases in which
1) studies these variables were
involving a inputted: 47.3% in follow-
formal or up mammography records,
semiformal 41.4% in SIH, and 45.5%
approach to the in APAC. The sensitivity
investigation or of the linkage strategy was
evaluation of 100%.
HRIS, whether
led by
academia or
AMERIKA industry (eg,
sector), or from
within the
health sector;
and (2) studies
of broader
S systems that
examine their
application to
HR practices.

This systematic
review aimed to:
(1) determine the
prevalence and
scope of existing
research on human
4. Strategies used to link resource
Health Information information
Systems for the systems (HRIS) in
follow-up of women health
with abnormal organizations; (2)
mammograms in the analyze, classify,
Brazilian Public and synthesize
Health System evidence on the
Autor: processes and
, Vania Reis GirianelliII , impacts of HRIS
GulnarAzevedo e SilvaII development,
and adoption; and
Tahun: 2018 (3) generate
recommendations Of the 6824 publications
for HRIS research, identified by the search
practice, and strategy, 68, covering 42
policy, with studies, were included for
reference to the final analysis. Research on
needs of different HRIS in health was
Information System
stakeholders interdisciplinary, often
(SIA, through
atheoretical, conducted
Individualized primarily in the hospital
This study sector of high-income
Outpatient Service
targeted economies, and largely
Production — BPA-I —
national and focused uncritically on use
and High-Complexity regional routine and realized benefits.
HMIS data
Outpatient Procedures
from Ethiopia.
Authorization Forms —
Ethiopia is the
APAC), the Hospital secondmost
Information System
country in
(SIH), and the Mortality
SWEDIA Africa, with an
Information System estimated
population of
(SIM) were linked
probabilistically. 110 million.

The baseline was

constructed by records

with “suspected” and

“highly suspected

malignancy” from the

second half of 2010. The

linkage strategy

included 15 steps.

To analyse the Registries with the

quality of the
national health service
routine Health
user card (CNS) or

5. Human resource Information social security number

information systems System data and

(SSN) were used to
in health care: a triangulate with
estimate the sensitivity
systematic evidence other sources, such

review as the of the strategy,

Autor: Demographic and

considering matches
AizhanTursunbayeva, Health Surveys.
between records
Massimo identified in the initial

Franco,andClaudia steps as gold standard,

when these fields were

Pagliari. used as key for blocking.

Tahun:2017 Several services reported

coverage of above 100%.
For many indicators,
denominators were based
on poor-quality population
A structured search data estimates. Data on
individual vaccinations had
strategy was used to
relatively good internal
interrogate 10 electronic
consistency. In contrast,
databases indexing there was low external
consistency for data on
research from the health,
fully vaccinated children,
social, management,
Sampel: with the routine Health
technology, and 222 nurses to a Management Information
questionnaire System showing 89%
were obtained; coverage but the
sciences, alongside gray
these nurses Demographic and Health
literature sources and worked at eight Survey estimate at 39%.
hospitals Maternal health indicators
reference lists of
affiliated with displayed increasing
qualifying studies. There
public coverage over time.
TAIWAN were no restrictions on organizations in Indicators on child
Taiwan nutrition, malaria, and
language or publication
tuberculosis were less
year. Two reviewers
screened publications, consistent. Data on
neonatal mortality were
extracted data, and
incomplete and
coded findings
operationalised as
according to the mortality on day 0–6. Our
comparisons with survey
innovation stages
and population projections
covered in the studies.
indicated that one in eight
The Critical Appraisal early neonatal deaths were
reported in the routine
Skills Program checklist
Health Management
was adopted to assess
Information System. Data
The factors study quality. The quality varied between
influencing the use process of study

of the NPS by selection was charted

6. Routine health nurses were using a Preferred Items

management analyzed based on for Systematic Reviews

information system
user satisfaction and Meta-Analysis
data in Ethiopia:
consistency, trends, and technology (PRISMA) diagram.

and challenges acceptance within

the 3Q (service
Autor: AbyotAdane a , quality,
Tewabe M. Adegeb , Information quality,
Mesoud M. Ahmedb , service quality, and system
Habtamu A. Anteneh, quality, and system
and all quality) model. quality influenced user
satisfaction. User
satisfaction affected
Tahun: 2021 perceived usefulness,
perceived ease of use, and
perceived enjoyment and
had the highest explanatory
We analysed national
power (R2 = 0.75).
Health Management Furthermore, perceived
usefulness, perceived ease
Information System data
of use, and perceived
on 19 indicators of
enjoyment influenced
maternal health, behavioral attitude and
intention to use the system.
neonatal survival,
The proposed model
immunization, child
explained 53% of the
nutrition, malaria, and variance in the intention to
use the NPS
tuberculosis over the

2012–2018 time period.

The analyses were

conducted by 38

analysts from the

Ministry of Health,

Ethiopia, and two

government agencies
who participated in the

Operational Research

and Coaching for

Analysts (ORCA)

project between June

2018 and June 2020.

Using a World Health

Organization Data

Quality Review toolkit,

we assessed indicator


completeness, internal
7. Theoretical
integration of user consistency over time

satisfaction and and between related

indicators, and external
acceptance of the
nursing process consistency compared

information system. with other data sources.

Autor: Kuei-Fang Ho ,
Cheng-Hsun Ho , Min-
Huey Chung.
Tahun: 2019



8. An Examination of AUSTRALASI The objective was A design science Population: Activity Theory describes The introduction of

the Mediating Role AN to enable superior research methodology five acute care the human activity as EBDS to acute care

for a Nursing nursing care to has been adopted to hospitals across mediated by tools and its can be seen as an

Information System. ensue by providing guide the cycles of two Australian cultural-historical context. externalisation in

Autor:Lemai nurses with the problem/opportunity states. The nursing documentation response to the need

Nguyen,Nilmini opportunity to determination (relevance Sampel: activity is thus mediated by for better technology

Wickramasinghe. document patient cycle), solution design 125 nurses different tools through the solutions to support

care data into a and evaluation examine historical continuity of nurses as recognised
Tahun: 2017 tablet computer (design cycle), using the how nursing activities are within the nursing

located at the knowledge base to organised and nursing disciplines (Mills et

patient bedside inform design (rigor practice is carried out in al., 2013; Stevenson et

cycle) (Hevner & the specific hospital al., 2010). As revealed

Chatterjee, 2010; setting. The results from in this implementation,

Hevner et al., 2004) this study are presented in the internalisation led

through the large terms of i) nurse-tool- to cultural shifts in

research project. documentation relationship nursing

and cycle of expansive documentation. The

learning as well as (ii) the nurse-documentation

mediating role of the relationship was

EBDS mediated by the new

tool (EBDS): change

to their documentation

location leading to

more frequent visits to

patients, time duration

with patients,

systematic data entry,


documentation, better
support for nursing

judgement, reduced

time waste in looking

for paper forms etc

9. Premature deaths of AUSTRALIAN To conduct a This retrospective study Populasi : The most frequent The incidence of

nursing home descriptive analysed data for people Premature mechanisms of death were premature and

residents: an epidemiological residing in accredited deaths of falls (2679 cases, 81.5%), potentially preventable

epidemiological analysis of external nursing homes whose nursing home choking (261 cases, 7.9%) deaths of nursing

analysis cause deaths deaths were reported to residents: an and suicide (146 cases, home residents has

(premature, usually Australian coroners epidemiological 4.4%). The incidents increased over the past

Autor: Joseph E injury-related, and between 1 July 2000 and analysis in leading to death usually decade. A national

Ibrahim , Lyndal potentially 30 June 2013 (Box 1). Australia occurred in the nursing policy framework is

Bugeja , Melissa preventable) of The definitions applied home (95.8%), but the needed to reduce the

Willoughby , Marde nursing home in our study are included Sampel : deathsmore frequently incidence of premature

Bevan , Chebiwot residents in in the online Appendix. Nursing Home occurred outside the deaths among

Kipsaina , Carmel Australia nursing home (67.1%). Australians living in

Young , Tony Pham, nursing homes.

David L Ranson

Tahun: 2017
10. Caring for TAIWAN The objective of 1. The recruitment Nurses, as Invisible Effort Promoting the

Computers: The generating process and important  Some participants worldwide application

Hidden Work of information which methods. system end- perceived that their of HIS in healthcare

Clinical Nurses will improve 2. This qualitative users, time spent on services is supported

during the healthcare study explores experience documentation had by extensive literature

Introduction of Health management the unintended technologyrelia grown, which suggesting their

Information Systems decisions at all effects of these nt clinical adversely affected potential for enhancing

in a Teaching levels of the health systems on practice the time available quality of care and

Hospital in Taiwan. system . . . nurses’ role and involved focus for patient care. management. The

integrate data clinical practice groups (n = 25) Intangible Coordination research findings show

Autor: Feng Tzu Huang collection, and in-depth  many nurses the context of

Tahun :2021 processing, individual explained their computer-related

reporting and use interviews with “work-arounds” downtime from the

of the information nurses (n = 4) that allow patient nurses’ perspectives

necessary for and informatics care to continue. and how they

improving health staff (n = 3) in Three out of five developed coping

service a major focus groups said strategies

effectiveness and Taiwanese that for patients

efficiency through medical center with urgent

better management conditions, during

at all levels (p. 3)” computer crashes

they accepted

doctors’ verbal

orders for



 Many nurses

explained that they

would troubleshoot

by shutting down

and restarting

devices before

they contacted the

informatics staff,

but it was not

infallible. For

example, a nurse

said that

sometimes shutting

down a printer for

a while and then

restarting it did
work (Nurse D1,

Pediatric Ward),

especially when a



caused the printer


(Nurse A4, Medica

Intensive Care


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