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Bahasa Inggris


Preface Table of Contents

Bab 1 Let’s Learn about Biographies................... 2

Puji dan syukur kami panjatkan ke hadirat A. Biography of Indonesian Figures............ 3
Tuhan Yang Maha Esa atas selesainya penerbitan B. Biography of Foreign Figures................ 7
buku ajar ini. Berkat limpahan rahmat dan Daily Assessment 1....................................... 12
anugerah Tuhan Yang Mahakuasa, kami dapat
Bab 2 Cause and Effect......................................... 18
menerbitkan kembali buku ajar ini di tengah para A. Cause and Effect Text............................ 19
siswa dan guru. B. Cause and Effect Sentence................... 23
Buku ajar ini diterbitkan untuk memenuhi Daily Assessment 2....................................... 25
Puji dan syukur
para siswakami
dan panjatkan
guru akan ke hadirat
Tuhan Yangpendamping,
Maha Esa atasatau selesainya penerbitan Mid Semester Test 1 ................................................. 31
referensi, pelengkap untuk
buku ajar ini.
mendukung Berkatbelajar
kegiatan limpahan rahmat dan
mengajar. Bab 3 Report and Offering..................................... 37
AdapunTuhan Yangyang
muatan Mahakuasa,
ada dalam kami dapat
buku ajar A. Report................................................... 38
menerbitkan kembalimateri
ini berisi ringkasan buku dan
ajar latihan
ini di tengah para
soal. Buku B. Expression of Offering........................... 43
siswa dan guru.
pendamping ini diharapkan akan mempermudah Daily Assessment 3....................................... 46
Buku ajar ini melakukan
dalam diterbitkan kegiatan
untuk memenuhi
belajar. Final Semester Test 1................................................ 52
Buku inipara
kami siswa dan
hadirkan guru akan
berdasarkan buku-
2013 referensi, pendamping, atau pelengkap
dan pengembangan-pengembangan yang
Bab 4 I Would Like to Apply for This Job............. 59
Buku ajar ini kegiatan
bertujuanbelajar mengajar.
agar siswa-siswi
A. Application Letter and Job Vacancy....... 60
Adapun muatan yang apa
ada yang
dalam buku ajar ini B. Curriculum Vitae and Job Interview....... 64
lebih dapat memahami harus dimengerti Daily Assessment 4....................................... 69
berisi ringkasan
dan dikuasai. materi dan
Keunggulan latihan
buku soal. Buku
pendamping ini
pendamping ini diharapkan akan mempermudah Bab 5 I have to Finish My Work ............................ 74
yaitu siswa-siswi akan terbimbing untuk mencari
siswa-siswi dalam melakukan kegiatan belajar. A. Expressing Obligation............................ 75
berbagai informasi guna mengatasi permasalahan-
Buku ini kami hadirkan berdasarkan Kurikulum B. Modal.................................................... 78
permasalahan sehingga siswa-siswi akan lebih
2013 dan pengembangan-pengembangan Daily Assessment 5....................................... 81
aktif dan kreatif. Dengan demikian, tujuan
yang kreatif. Buku ajar ini bertujuan supaya
dalam pembelajaran menciptakan siswa yang Mid Semester Test 2.................................................. 84
siswa-siswi lebih dapat memahami apa yang
berkarakter bangsa dapat tercapai.
harus dimengerti dan dikuasai. Keunggulan Bab 6 News Item Text and Conditional
Kami berharap buku ajar ini dapat membantu Sentence Type 1.......................................... 89
buku pendamping ini yaitu siswa-siswi akan
siswa dalam menguasai kompetensi seperti yang A. News Item Text...................................... 90
terbimbing untuk mencari berbagai informasi
disyaratkan pada Kurikulum 2013. Sungguh B. Conditional Sentences Type 1............... 95
guna mengatasi permasalahan-permasalahan
merupakan kegembiraan dan kepuasan bagi Daily Assessment 6....................................... 99
sehingga siswa-siswi akan lebih aktif dan kreatif.
kami apabila hal tersebut dapat terwujud. Demi
Dengan demikian, tujuan dalam pembelajaran FInal Semester Test 2................................................ 106
mewujudkan harapan tersebut menjadi kenyataan,
menciptakan siswa yang berkarakter bangsa
kami akan terus berupaya untuk memperbaiki dan Bibliography.............................................................. 112
dapat tercapai.
meningkatkan kualitas buku ajar ini.
Kami berharap buku ajar ini dapat
membantu siswa dalam menguasai kompetensi
seperti yang disyaratkan pada Kurikulum Redaksi
2013. Sungguh merupakan kegembiraan dan
kepuasan bagi kami apabila hal tersebut dapat
terwujud. Demi mewujudkan harapan tersebut
menjadi kenyataan, kami akan terus berupaya
untuk memperbaiki dan meningkatkan kualitas
buku ajar ini.


Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013) 1

Let’s Learn about

Do you knoe the woman in the picture? What do you know

about her? Have you ever read her biography? Biography is an
account of someone’s life written by someone else. Biography
can be writing about famous person from Indonesia or foreign
country. A biography involves more than just the basic facts like
education, work, relationships, and death. A biography presents
a subject’s life story, highlighting various aspects of his or her
life. It tells life person’s experience of these life events. Here, in Source:
this chapter you are going to learn about biography of famous
people. Are you ready to learn this chapter? Let’s get started! sekolah-di-rembang

Kompetensi Inti
3. Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis, dan mengevaluasi tentang pengetahuan faktual, konseptual, prosedural
dasar, dan metakognitif, sesuai dengan bidang dan lingkup kajian Bahasa Inggris pada tingkat teknis, spesifik,
detail, dan kompleks, berkenaan dengan ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dalam konteks
pengembangan potensi diri sebagai bagian dari keluarga, sekolah, dunia kerja, warga masyarakat nasional,
regional, dan internasional.
4. Melaksanakan tugas spesifik dengan menggunakan alat, informasi, dan prosedur kerja yang lazim dilakukan serta
memecahkan masalah sesuai dengan bidang kajian Bahasa Inggris.
Menampilkan kinerja di bawah bimbingan dengan mutu dan kuantitas yang terukur sesuai dengan standar
kompetensi kerja.
Menunjukkan keterampilan menalar, mengolah, dan menyaji secara efektif, kreatif, produktif, kritis, mandiri,
kolaboratif, komunikatif, dan solutif dalam ranah abstrak terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya
di sekolah, serta mampu melaksanakan tugas spesifik di bawah pengawasan langsung.
Menunjukkan keterampilan mempersepsi, kesiapan, meniru, membiasakan, gerak mahir, menjadikan gerak alami
dalam ranah konkret terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah, serta mampu melaksanakan
tugas spesifik di bawah pengawasan langsung.

Kompetensi Dasar
3.23 Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan pada teks biografi tokoh sesuai dengan konteks
4.23 Menyusun teks biografi tokoh lisan dan tulis, pendek dan sederhana, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur
teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks.

Learning Objectives
After learning this chapter, students are expected to be able to:
1. analyze the social function, generic structure and language features of the text;
2. analyze the language features of biography text; also
3. arrange simple Indonesian and Foreign Biography.

2 Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013)

Time Allocation
( ... subject hour / 6 × meeting)

Concept Map

Let’s Learn about Biographies

cover cover

Biography of Indonesian
Biography of Foreign Figures

Attitude Competence
Knowledge, diligence, courage, and respect for others

Learning Materials

KD 3.23 and 4.23 Pertemuan 1st, 2nd, 3rd meetings

A. Biography of Indonesian Figures

Biography is a person’s life of a detailed description. It entails more than basic facts like
education, work, relationships, and death. It is also portrays a subject’s experience of these
events. A biography presents a subject’s life story, highlighting various aspects of his or her life,
including intimate details of experience, and may include an analysis of the subject’s personality
too. Biographical works are usually nonfiction, but fiction can also be used to portray a person’s
life. One in-depth form of biographical coverage is called legacy writing.

Task 1
Listen to your teacher to complete the text below.
Raden Adjeng Kartini
Raden Adjeng Kartini was born in the village of Mayong, Java, Indonesia on April 21, 1879.
Kartini’s mother, Ngasirah, was (1) ... of a religious scholar. Her father, Sosroningrat, was a Javanese
aristocrat working for the Dutch colonial government. This afforded Kartini the opportunity to go to
(2) ..., at the age of six. The school opened her eyes to Western ideals. During this time, Kartini
also took sewing lessons from another regent’s wife, Mrs. Marie Ovink-Soer. Ovink-Soer imparted
her feminist views to Kartini, and was therefore instrumental in planting the seed for Kartini’s later
When Kartini reached adolescence, (3) ... dictated that she leave her Dutch school for the
sheltered existence deemed appropriate to a young female noble. Kartini wrote letters to Ovink-Soer
and her Dutch schoolmates, protesting (4) ... of Javanese traditions such as forced marriages at a
young age, which denied women the freedom to pursue an education. Ironically, in her eagerness
to escape her isolation, Kartini was quick to accept (5) ... arranged by her father. On November
8, 1903, she wed Raden Adipati Joyodiningrat (The Regent of Rembang). At that time, Adipati
Joyodiningrat was twenty six years older than Kartini, and already had three wives and twelve
children. Kartini had recently been offered (6) ... to study abroad, and the marriage dashed her
hopes of accepting it.

Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013) 3

Intent on spreading her feminist message, with her new husband’s approval, Kartini soon
set about planning to start her own school for Javanese girls. In 1903, by helping from the Dutch
government, she opened the first Indonesian primary school for (7) ... that did not discriminate
on the basis of their social status. The school was set up inside her father’s home, and taught
girls a progressive, Western-based curriculum. To Kartini, the ideal education for a young
woman encouraged empowerment and enlightenment. She also promoted their (8) ... pursuit of
education. To that end, Kartini regularly corresponded with feminist Stella Zeehandelaar as well
as numerous Dutch officials with the authority to further the cause of (9) ... from oppressive laws
and traditions. Her letters also expressed her Javanese nationalist sentiments.
Kartini died in the Regency of Rembang, Java on September 17, 1904. She died because
of complications from giving birth to her first child. Seven years after her death, one of her
correspondents, Jacques H. Abendanon, published a collection of (10) ..., entitled “From Darkness
to Light: Thoughts about and on Behalf of the Javanese People.”

Knowledge Insert
An authorized biography is written with the permission, cooperation, and at times, participation of
a subject or a subject’s heirs. An autobiography is written by the person themselves, sometimes
with the assistance of a collaborator or ghostwriter.

Task 2
Work is pairs. Make a dialog about Raden Adjeng Kartini. Use 5W + 1 H (who, where, when, what
why, and how)n in the dialog, then, practice the dialog in front of the class.
Task 3
Read the following text fluently and answer the questions.
Bung Tomo
Sutomo or Bung Tomo was born in Kampung Blauran Surabaya, East Java, on October 3, 1920.
His father was Kartawan Tjiptowidjojo, the head of the family of the middle class. He worked as a
civil servant, as a staff person at a private company, as an assistant in the office of government
tax and employee small Dutch import-export company. He claimed to have blood ties with some
of the close companion of Prince Diponegoro who was interred in Malang. His mother was of
mixed blood of Central Java, Sundanese and Madurese. His father was an all-rounder. She has
worked as a police officer in the township, and has also become a member of the SI, before he
moved to Singapore and became a local distributor for the Singer sewing machine company.
Sutomo grew up in a very value education. He spoke openly and passionately. He likes to work
hard to improve the situation. At the age of 12, when he was forced to leave education at MULO,
Sutomo doing various small jobs to cope with the effects of depression that hit the world at that time.
Later he completed his HBS education through correspondence, but never officially graduated.
Sutomo then joined IAC (Scout Bangsa Indonesia). Sutomo later confirmed that scouting
philosophy, coupled with nationalist consciousness gained from this group and from his grandfather,
a good substitute for formal education. At age 17, he became famous when it managed to become
the second person in the Dutch East Indies to reach Garuda Scout rank. Before the Japanese
occupation in 1942, this rank is only achieved by three people in Indonesia.
Sutomo never become a successful journalist. Then he joined with a number of political
and social groups. When he was elected in 1944 to become a member of the New People’s
Movement sponsored by Japan, almost no one who knew him. But all of this prepares Sutomo
for a very important role, while in October and November 1945, he became one of the leaders
of the people moving and uplifting. Surabaya at that time attacked severely by soldiers NICA.
Sutomo particularly remembered for opening calls on the radio broadcasts were filled with
emotion. Although Indonesia lost the Battle of 10 November, the event is recorded as one of the
most important events in the history of Indonesian Independence.

4 Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013)

After the independence of Indonesia, Sutomo could go into politics in the 1950s, but he
was not happy and then disappeared from the scene. At the end of the reign of Sukarno and the
beginning of Suharto’s rule that originally supported, Sutomo re-emerged as a national figure.
In fact, many important state positions have carried Bung Tomo. He has served as Minister of
State for Former Combatants Forces / Veterans as well as Minister of Social Affairs Ad Interim of the
1955-1956 era cabinet of Prime Minister Burhanuddin Harahap. Bung Tomo is also recorded as a
member of the House of Representatives in 1956-1959 representing the People’s Party Indonesia.
But in the early 1970s, he again disagreed with the New Order government. He spoke strongly
against programs that Suharto on April 11, 1978 he was arrested by the Indonesian government
seems concerned about harsh criticisms. Only a year later he was released by Suharto. Though his
spirit was not destroyed in the prison, Sutomo apparently no longer interested in being vocal.
He was still interested in the political issues, but he never lifting his role in the history of
the struggle of the Indonesian nation. He was very close to her family and her children, and she
fought to keep her five children succeed in their education. Sutomo was sincere in his faith life,
but does not consider himself as a devout Muslim, or prospective innovator in religion. On October
7, 1981 he died in Padang Arafah, while pilgrimage. Unlike the tradition to bury the pilgrims who
died in a pilgrimage to the holy land, Bung Tomo’s body was brought back to his homeland and
buried not in a Heroes’ Cemetery, but at the General Cemetery Ngagel place in Surabaya.
After the government was urged by the Youth Movement (GP) and the Golkar Party Ansor
(FPG) to give the title to the Bung Tomo hero on November 9, 2007. Finally, given the title of
national hero to the Bung Tomo coincide on Heroes’ Day on November 10, 2008. The decision
was delivered by the Minister of Communications and Information Technology of United Indonesia
Cabinet, Muhammad Nuh on November 2, 2008 in Jakarta.

Now, state T if the statement is true and F if the statement is false based on the text above.
No. Statements T/F
1. Sutomo grew up in a very poor education.
2. Sutomo never become a successful journalist.
3. Sutomo or Bung Tomo was born in Surabaya, East Java, on October 3, 1920.
4. Sutomo’s father the head of the family of the middle class.
5. Sutomo was elected to become a member of the New People’s Movement sponsored
by Japan in 1946.
6. Sutomo has served as Minister of Social Affairs Ad Interim of era cabinet of Prime
Minister Burhanuddin Harahap.
7. Sutomo was arrested by the Indonesian government seems concerned about harsh
criticisms on April 11, 1978.
8. Sutomo has only three children in his life.
9. Sutomo died in the holy land and was burried there.
10. The title of national hero to the Bung Tomo was given in 1990.

Task 4
Analyzing the generic structure of the previous text appropriately by completing this
1. Orientation (Introduction)
It is the opening paragraph, gives the readers the
background information of the person.
2. Events
In events, should be in chronological order.
3. Reorientation (Closing)
It consists of a conclusion or comment or the writer. Tell
about the achievement or the contribution of the person.

Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013) 5

Individual Task Score:
Read the following text aloud and answer the questions.
Ki Hadjar Dewantoro
Ki Hadjar Dewantoro or Raden Mas Suwardi Surjaningrat was born on May 2nd, 1889 in
Yogyakarta. He was founder of the Taman Siswa (literally “Garden of Students”) school system, an
influential and widespread network of schools that encouraged modernization but also promoted
indigenous Indonesian culture.
Ki Hadjar Dewantoro came from a noble family of Yogyakarta and attended a Dutch-sponsored
medical school but failed to complete the course. He belonged to a faction favoring direct action
and the use of Western methods to destroy the power of the Dutch. He was also a member of the
Bandung chapter of Sarekat Islam (Islamic Association) and a founder of the Socialist Indische
Partij (“Indies Party”). An article he wrote during this period, “If I Were a Netherlander,” published
in the Indische Partij’s De Express, led to his exile to the Netherlands between 1913 and 1918.
When he was in the Netherlands, he became converted to the idea of using Indonesian cultural
traditions to cope with the problems posed by Dutch colonial rule. He felt that education was the
best means to strengthen Indonesians, and he was deeply influenced by the progressive theories
of the Italian educational reformer Maria Montessori and by the Indian poet and philosopher
Rabindranath Tagore.
Taman Siswa schools firstly were established in July 1922, in Yogyakarta Java. It carried on
informally, emphasized traditional skills and values of Javanese life, particularly music and dance.
Besides, Western subjects were also taught to help students cope with the demands of modern life.
1. When was Ki Hadjar Dewantoro born?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
2. What school was founded by Ki Hadjar Dewantoro?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
3. Why was Ki Hadjar Dewantoro exiled to the Netherlands between 1913 and 1918.
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................

Group Task Score:

Do the following task.
Work in pairs. Write your five Indonesian heroes and their achievement. Make it in the table
below! Take turn with your friend.
Number Indonesian Heroes Achievements

HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills)

Read the following text carefully and answer the questions.
Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie known as BJ. Habibie was born on June 25, 1936. He was the Third
President of the Republic of Indonesia (1998–1999). Habibie was born in Parepare, South Sulawesi
Province to Alwi Abdul Jalil Habibie and R.A. Tuti Marini Puspowardojo. His father was an agriculturist
from Gorontalo of Bugis descent and his mother was a Javanese noblewoman from Yogyakarta. His
parents met while studying in Bogor. When he was 14 years old, Habibie’s father died.

6 Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013)

Following his father’s death, Habibie continued his studies in Jakarta and then in 1955 moved
to Germany. In 1960, Habibie received a degree in engineering in Germany, giving him the title
Diplom-Ingenieur. He remained in Germany as a research assistant under Hans Ebner at the
Lehrstuhl und Institut für Leichtbau, RWTH Aachen to conduct research for his doctoral degree.
In 1962, Habibie returned to Indonesia for three months on sick leave. During this time, he
was reacquainted with Hasri Ainun, the daughter of R. Mohamad Besari. The two married on
May 12, 1962, returning to Germany shortly afterwards. Habibie and his wife settled in Aachen
for a short period before moving to Oberforstbach. In May 1963 they had their first son, Ilham
Akbar Habibie, and later another son, Thareq Kemal Habibie.
When Habibie’s minimum wage salary forced him into part-time work, he found employment with
the Automotive Marque Talbot, where he became an advisor. Habibie worked on two projects which
received funding from Deutsche Bundesbahn. Due to his work with Makosh, the head of train constructions
offered his position to Habibie upon his retirement three years later, but Habibie refused.
Habibie did accept a position with Messerschmitt-Bölkow-Blohm in Hamburg. There, he developed
theories on thermodynamics, construction, and aerodynamics known as the Habibie Factor, Habibie
Theorem, and Habibie Method, respectively. He worked for Messerschmit on the development of
the Airbus A-300B aircraft. In 1974, he was promoted to vice president of the company.
In 1974, Suharto requested Habibie to return to Indonesia as part of Suharto’s drive to
develop the country. Habibie initially served as a special assistant to Ibnu Sutowo, the CEO of
the state oil company Pertamina. Two years later, in 1976, Habibie was made Chief Executive
Officer of the new state-owned enterprise Industri Pesawat Terbang Nusantara (IPTN).
1. What can we learn from Habibi’s discipline?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
2 How can reach many achievements like him?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
3. What can we imply about Habibie’s achievement?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................

KD 3.23 and 4.23 Pertemuan 4th, 5th, 6th meetings

B. Biography of Foreign Figures

There are basics details in writing biography. The first information that you should prepare is
biographical details and facts. These basics details contains information such as date and place
of birth and death, family information, lifetime accomplishments, major events of life, and effects
or impact on society, and historical significance. A biography is specified as a story written about
someone’s life. This means that the first key to writing a biography is to choose the subject that is
interesting for you to write about.
A biography is a kind of recount text that informs a particular person of life time. A biography is
always written in the third person. Biographical works are usually nonfiction, but fiction can also be
used to portray a person’s life. One in-depth form of biographical coverage is called legacy writing.
An authorized biography is written with the permission, cooperation, and at times, participation of
a subject or a subject’s heirs. An autobiography is written by the person themselves, sometimes
with the assistance of a collaborator or ghostwriter.

Task 1
Listen to your teacher and then fill in the blanks with the right words.
Isaac Newton
Isaac Newton was born at Woolsthorpe near Grantham in Lincolnshire, England on January
4, 1643. His father died before he was born and in 1645 his mother married a …(1) from North
Welham in Leicestershire. She went to live with him while Isaac Newton lived with his grandmother.
His mother …(2) to Woolsthorpe in 1656 when her second husband died and Isaac Newton went
to live with her again.

Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013) 7

From the age of 12 to 14 Isaac Newton went to Grantham Grammar School. During this time
he lodged with an …(3) and his family. Then in 1659 Isaac had to leave to help his mother on the
family farm. Isaac was not in the slightest bit …(4) in running a farm and in 1660 he went to the
grammar school again. In 1661 he went to Trinity College Cambridge. Isaac Newton obtained
a BA in 1665. In 1666 Isaac Newton was forced to flee Cambridge because of an …(5)of the
plague and he returned temporarily to Woolsthorpe. He returned to university in 1667.
In 1667 Isaac Newton was elected a fellow of Trinity College. The same year he was elected
a member of the Royal Society. In February 1672 a paper he wrote about light and colours was
read to the society. In 1669 Isaac Newton became Lucasian professor of mathematics. In the
meantime, in 1668, he invented a …(6) telescope.
In 1689-1690 Isaac Newton was MP for Cambridge University (in those days Cambridge
University had its own MPs). He became an MP again in 1701-1702 but he did not take an active
part in politics. Isaac Newton published his …(7) Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica
in 1687. It set out his theory of gravity and his laws of motion.
In 1695 Isaac Newton was made Ward of the mint and in 1699 Master of the mint. He …(8)
his fellowship and professorship at Cambridge in 1701.

Task 2
Make a dialog based on the following picture. In the dialog, you must put the date of birth
and pass away, name and the achievement that each hero got in the past!
1. 2. 3.

Louis Pasteur Charles Darwin Oliver and Wilbur Wright

Task 3
Read the following text. Find five important events of Edmound Halley. Write those important
events on your own paper and give it to your teacher.
Edmund Halley
Edmund Halley was a great astronomer of the late 17th century and early 18th century. Edmund
was born in London on November 8, 1656. His father was a wealthy soap maker. Edmund went
to St Paul’s School. In 1673 he went to Oxford University. He left there in 1676 and sailed to the
island of St Helena in the South Atlantic to chart stars in the Southern Hemisphere. While he
was there Halley also observed a transit of Mercury across the Sun. He returned to England in
1678. The same year he was elected a fellow of the Royal Society. In 1680 Halley was in France
where he observed a comet.
In 1682 Edmund Halley married his wife Mary. Then in in 1686 he published a map of the
world showing the prevailing winds. In 1687 Halley paid for Isaac Newton’s famous book Principia
Mathematica to be printed. In 1704 Edmund became Savilian Professor of Geometry at Oxford.
Then in 1705 Halley published A Synopsis of the Astronomy of Comets. In it he showed that
comets sighted in 1531, 1607, and 1682 must all be the same comet returning at regular intervals.
He predicted this comet would return in 1758. Then in 1716 he proposed a method of observing
transits of Venus across the Sun to calculate the distance from the Sun to the Earth.
In 1720 Edmund Halley became Astronomer Royal. He died on January 14, 1742. After his
death the comet returned in 1758 as he had predicted. It was named Halley’s Comet after him.

8 Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013)

Task 4
Fill in the blank space with the correct answer.
Henry Ford
Henry Ford was born in 1863 on a farm in rural Michigan - near Detroit. From an early age
he expressed an interest in (1) ... devices. He was given a pocket watch at the age of 15 and he
developed a reputation for being an experienced watchmaker.
Shortly after his mother passed away, Henry left the family farm to gain (2) ... in Detroit. He
worked his way up to becoming an engineer at the Edison Illuminating Company. By 1893 he
had become chief engineer and gained the recognition and encouragement of Thomas Edison.
Henry Ford retained a deep affection for Thomas Edison throughout his life.
It was working as chief (3) ... at Edison’s that he was able to work on a petrol drive quadricycle.
His testing was successful and this enabled him to develop this into a small car. This proved
the basis for the famous Model T motor car introduced in 1908. The Ford motor company was
formed in 1903 with backing of $28,000 from various investors.
Henry Ford (4) ... the industrial world by offering a daily wage of $5 a day. Even by today’s
prices that is a very good salary. This wage was far above what anywhere else offered. At a
stroke it solved the problem of labour turnover and encouraged the best workers to come to Ford.
Through paying high wages, Ford was able to encourage the highest level of labour productivity.
Although many (5) ... his seemingly over generous pay, he also pointed out, that the high wage
helped the workers to be able to afford the cars they were making.
However, Henry Ford was (6) ... to the role of trades unions. For a long time he battled against
the trades unions refusing to have anything to do them. However, by 1941, with the workers on
strike, his wife encouraged him to finally capitulate to the United Auto Workers UAW.
It was Henry Ford who also (7) ... the production line processes. He helped to develop
the (8) ... line method of production and was always seeking to cut costs. Although he did not
‘invent’ the assembly line he did make one of the most successful commercial applications of its
potential. This led to his famous decision to give customers any colour they choose so long as
it was black. This was because black was the quickest colour to dry and therefore the cheapest.
The impact of the assembly line was to help reduce the (9) ... of the Model T Motor car. It helped
Ford become the dominant motor car. In 1932, it was estimated Ford were producing 33% of the
world’s automobile production.
Henry Ford had a strong dislike of war. He helped to fund a peace ship to Europe in 1915.
He spoke out against the ‘vague’ (10) ... who encourage war’. He never really got involved in
the Second World War effort, though he allowed other officials in the Ford company to transform
Ford into one of the biggest military plane builders in the war.

a. financiers f. cost
b. hostile g. criticized
c. employment h. mechanical
d. engineer i. astonished
e. assembly j. revolutionized

Knowledge Insert
A biography is a detailed description of a person’s life. It involves more than just the basic facts like
education, work, relationships, and death; it portrays a person’s experience of these life events. A
biography presents a subject’s life story, highlighting various aspects of his or her life, including
intimate details of experience, and may include an analysis of the subject’s personality.

Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013) 9

Individual Task Score:
Read the following text and answer the questions.
Walt Disney
Walt Disney was one of the most successful movie producers in American history. He was also
the founder of the Disney empire. Disney was born near Chicago in 1901. Before the age of ten, his
family moved to Missouri and then Kansas. After serving in the Red Cross in World War I, Disney
moved to Kansas City and started his first company—Iwerks-Disney Commercial Artists. Although his
company failed, Disney began working on animations for a Kansas City film advertisement firm.
In 1923, after producing short cartoons based on fairy tales for his second company, Laugh-
O-Grams, Disney moved to Hollywood, California. Disney immediately started a studio, which by
1928 was named Walt Disney Productions. Soon, Disney began creating memorable characters
like Oswald the Lucky Rabbit. In 1929, Disney produced Steamboat Willie, a silent film which
included the timeless Mickey Mouse. Mickey would soon become the most popular animated
character on screen, and Disney productions produced the first animated movies in color. Donald
Duck, Pluto, and Goofy were created after Disney received an Academy Award in 1935. Three
years later, Disney produced the first full-length animated movie, Snow White and the Seven
Dwarfs, followed by Pinocchio, Fantasia, and Bambi. After World War II, Alice in Wonderland and
Peter Pan were made into animated movies. In 1955, Disney produced The Mickey Mouse Club,
the company’s first regular TV show. On July 17, 1955, Disney opened Disneyland in California,
which was followed by Disney World in Orlando, Florida, in 1971, eight years after his death. In
1982, Disney opened Epcot Center near Disney World in Orlando. Today, Disney is the world’s
leading producer of family entertainment—a multibillion dollar empire that owns production
studios, theme parks, scores of hotels, record labels, and cable television networks.
1. Who is Walt Disney actually?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
2. What did Walt Disney do after Iwerks-Disney Commercial Artists failed?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
3. What is steamboat willie?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
4. What is the first full length movie created by Walt Disney?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
5. When did Walt Disney die?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................

Group Task Score:

Do the following task.
Make a group in pairs. Make a biographical text about your favorite hero born foreign countries.
Write it at least three paragraphs. Write it on a piece of paper.

HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills)

Answer the following questions correedly.
The following text for questions number 1 to 3.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born in Salzburg Austria on January 27, 1756. He was one
of the most influential, popular and prolific composers of the classical period. He composed more
than six hundreds works, including some of the most famous and loved pieces of symphonic,
chamber, operatic, and choral music.

10 Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013)

Mozart showed all the signs of a prodigious musical talent from an early age. It was started
from the age of five he could read and write music, and he would entertain people with his talents
on the keyboard. By the age of six, he was writing his first compositions. Mozart was generally
considered to be a rare musical genius, though Mozart said that he was diligent in studying other
great composers such as Haydn and Bach.
During his childhood, he would frequently tour various palaces around Europe playing for
distinguished guests. Then, he accepted a post as a court musician in Salzburg at the age of
seventeen. Although this did not suit him very well, the next few years were a time of prolific
composition. After that, he moved permanently to Vienna in 1781. Here, he became well known
and was often in demand as a composer and performer. However, despite his relative fame
and renown he struggled to manage his finances and moved between periods of poverty and
prosperity. This difficulty was enhanced when, in 1786, Austria was involved in a war which led
to lower demand for musicians. In 1782, he married against the wishes of his family; he had 6
children but only 2 survived infancy.
The work of Mozart is epic in scope and proportion. There were few branches of Mozart music
did not touch. He composed operas, symphonies, concertos, and single pieces for the piano. His
work spanned from joyful lighthearted pieces to powerful, challenging compositions which touched
the human emotions. In the beginning of his career, Mozart had a powerful ability to learn and
remember from the music he heard from others. He was able to incorporate the style and music
of people such as Haydn and J.C. Bach. But, as he matured he developed his very own style and
interpretations. In turn the music of Mozart very much influenced the early Beethoven. Mozart
was brought up a Roman Catholic and remained a member of the church throughout his life.
1. What can we conclude from Mozart’s life?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
2. What inspiration you can get from Mozart?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
3. Mention Mozart’s achievement based on the text above?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................

Character Insert
Learning this chapter can teach us so many things. It can teach us how to appreciate others,
respect to our hero/ heroine, honest, discipline and have democratic attitude. In other hand,
learning biography will help us to be brave, sociable and responsible.

Learning Reflection
In the end of the chapter, have you mastered the following material? Give a tick mark (√) according
to your ability!
Number Ability Yes No
1. Identify the characteristics of biographical recount text.
2. Identify teh social function, text structure and language features of a biographical
recount text.
3. Get the main ideas of a biographical recount text.
4. Point out the chronological order in one’s biography.
5. Write a biographical recount text.
If you have mastered the material, you can do the following test.

Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013) 11

Daily Assessment 1
I. Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, d, or e.

The following text is for questions number b. Anwar’s death

1 to 2. c. Anwar’s education
Chairil Anwar d. Anwar’s family
e. Anwar’s style of poem
Chairil Anwar was a well known Indonesian
poet. He was born on July 26, 1922 in Medan,
The following text is for questions number
North Sumatera. He was the only child from
3 to 7.
his parents. His father name is Toeloes and his
mother name is Saleha. His father has served European Mariners
as of Inderagiri, Riau. While his mother was The first records of European mariners sailing
from Situjug, Limapuluh Kota. His mother still into ‘Australian’ waters occurs around 1606, and
has family ties with Sutan Syahrir, the first includes their observations of the land known as
Prime Minister of Indonesia. Terra Australis Incognita (unknown southern land).
Anwar attended Hollandsch-Inlandsche The first ship and crew to chart the Australian coast
School (HIS), an elementtary school for native and meet with Aboriginal people was the Duyfken
Indonesian in the Dutch colonial period. Anwar captained by Dutchman, Willem Janszoon.
then continued his school to Meer Uitgebreid Between 1606 and 1770, an estimated 54
Lager Onderwijs (MULO) until he was dropped out European ships from a range of nations made
at age 18. He said that he had been determined contact. Many of these were merchant ships from
to be an artist since he was 15 years old. the Dutch East Indies Company and included
Anwar gained recognition after his poem the ships of Abel Tasman. Tasman charted parts
titled “Nisan” was published in 1942. However, of the north, west and south coasts of Australia
his poems at that time were rejected because which was then known as New Holland.
his poems were too individualistic. His poems In 1770, Englishman Lieutenant James
was published on cheap paper during the Cook charted the Australian east coast in his
Japanese occupation in Indonesia and it was ship HM Barque Endeavour. Cook claimed the
not published until 1945. east coast under instruction from King George
Anwar died in a very young age, 26 years III of England on August 22,1770 at Possession
old. He died on April 28, 1949. He was buried Island, naming eastern Australia ‘New South
at Karet Bivak cemetery. His cause of death Wales’. The coast of Australia, featuring Tasmania
was uncertain, some suggesting thypus, some as a separate island, was mapped in detail by
syphilis, and some suggesting tuberculosis. the English mariners and navigators Bass and
Dutch scholar of Indonesian literature A. Teeuw Flinders, and the French mariner, Baudin.
said that Anwar was aware that he would die This period of European exploration is
young, through his poem titled “Jang Terampas reflected in the names of landmarks such
dan Jang Terputus”. Anwar wrote his last poem as the Torres Strait, Arnhem Land, Dampier
titled “Cemara Menderai Sampai Jauh”. Sound, Tasmania, the Furneaux Islands, Cape
1. What is the reason behind Nisan’s rejection? Frecinyet and La Perouse. Expeditions between
a. It is too subversive 1790 and the 1830s, led by D’Entrecasteaux,
b. It promoted communism Baudin, and Furneaux, were recorded by the
c. It was too individualistic naturalists Labillardire and Pron.
d. It promoted ascetic attitude 3. What was the name of the ship Aboriginal
e. It could lead to religious prosecution people first met?
2. The does the last paragraph talk about? a. The Dutch East Indies
(HOTS) b. HM Barque Endeavour
a. Anwar’s poem c. Terra Australis Incognita

12 Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013)

d. The Dutch a. (1), and (3)
e. The Duyfken b. (1), and (3)
4. Who captained the first ship which first landed c. (2), and (3)
in the Australian coast? d. (2), and (4)
a. Willem Janszoon e. (3), and (5)
b. Abel Tasman The following text is for questions number
c. Baudin 8 to 10.
d. Furneaux William Henry Gates or Bill Gates was born
e. James Cook on October 28, 1955 in Seattle, Washington. As
5. Who mapped the coast of Australia in detail? founder of Microsoft, Bill Gates is one of the most
a. La Perouse, Baudin, and Furneaux. influential and richest people in the world.
b. Tasmania, Furneaux, and Frecinyet. Bill Gates founded Microsoft in 1976
c. Torres, Arnhem, and Dampier. when he formed a contract with MITS (Micro
Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems) to
d. Bass, Flinders and Baudin.
develop a basic operating system for their new
e. Janszoon, James Cook, and Tasman
6. “Many of these were merchant ships Bill Gates was married to Melinda French in
from the Dutch East Indies Company and 1992. They have three children, Jennifer, Rory,
....” (paragraph 2) what is definition of and Phoebe. With his wife Bill Gates formed
“merchant”? The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Gates
a. A businessperson engaged in retail trade. has sought to focus on global issues ignored by
b. A person who exercises control over the government. He also expressed an interest
workers. in improving the standards of public school
c. Someone who controls resources and education in the United Stated of America
expenditures. 8. How old was Bill Gates when he founded
d. Someone who commits capital in order Microsoft?
to gain financial returns. a. 20 years old.
e. Someone who promotes or exchanges b. 21 years old.
goods or services for money. c. 22 years old.
7. Pay attention to the following statements. d. 23 years old.
e. 24 years old.
(1) The first records of European mariners
sailing into ‘Australian’ waters occurs 9. What makes Bill Gates become one of the
around 1770 most influential and richest people in the
(2) The first ship and crew to chart the
a. Bill Gates was born in America.
Australian coast and meet with Aboriginal
b. Bill Gates studied in America.
people was the Duyfken captained by
c. Bill Gates formed a contract with MITS
Dutchman, Willem Janszoon.
(Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry
(3) Tasmania as a separate island, was Systems).
mapped in detail by Dutchman, Willem d. Bill Gates is the founder of Microsoft.
Janszoon. e. Bill Gates developed a basic operating
(4) Abel Tasman charted parts of the north, system for his new microcomputers.
west and south coasts of Australia which 10. What field does Bill Gates and his wife’s
was then known as New Holland. foundation focused on?
(5) James Cook charted the Australian east a. Entertainment.
coast in his ship HM Barque Endeavour b. Industry.
in 1670 c. Education.
The correct statements based on the text d. Technology.
are shown by number .... (HOTS) e. Environment.

Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013) 13

The following text is for questions number 13. He was a man with a deep love of his country
11 to 15. and his people. (paragraph 1)
Every country has its great men and women The word “he” refers to ....
who are remembered for what they have done a. a man
for their country. One of the Indonesia’s great b. greatman
man is Dr. Mohammad Hatta. He was a man c. Japanese man
with a deep love of his country and his people. d. Dr. Moh Hatta
Dr. Mohammad Hatta was born in Bukittinggi on e. Ir.Suekarno
August 12, 1902. While still in Junior High School
14. How long did Dr. Mohammad Hatta become
in Bukittinggi he became interested in politics and
Vice-President of Indonesia?
joined the League of Young Sumaterans.
a. 10 years
He left Bukittinggi to study in Batavia. Then
b. 11 years
he went to the Netherlands, where he studied
c. 13 years
economics and gained a doctorate.
d. 36 years
During his stay there he was active in
e. 21 years
Nationalis Movements. Because of his activities
he was arrested. At his trial he presented a 15. “When the Japanese surrendered in August
brilliant defense and was acquitted. 1945, Soekarno and Hatta proclaimed
In 1930 Hatta returned to Indonesia. He Indonesia’s independence.” (paragraph 6)
joined a political organization called “Pendidikan What is the definition of the underlined word?
Nasional Indonesia”. One of its goals was (HOTS)
to develop political awareness among the a. A popular vote by the electorate whether
Indonesian people. to approve a specific legislative act.
His activities again led to his arrest. The colonial b. A body of people who settle far from home
government exiled him to Boven Digul and later but maintain ties with their homeland.
to Banda Neira. Shortly before the Japanese c. The act of colonizing; the establishment
invasion he was brought back to Java. of colonies.
When the Japanese surrendered in d. The state of being able to support oneself
August 1945, Soekarno and Hatta proclaimed without help from others.
Indonesia’s Independence. Hatta became the e. Inhabitants remain nationals of their
first Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia. home state but are not literally under the
In 1956 Hatta Resigned as Vice President, home state’s system of government.
and devoted himself to writing. On March 14, The following text is for questions number
1981 Dr. Mohammad Hatta died in Jakarta. But 16 to 20.
people will always remember him as a great
statesman of Indonesia. Alfred Bernhard Nobel
11. When did Dr. Mohammad Hatta die? He died Alfred Bernhard Nobel was a Swedish
in .... chemist, engineer, innovator, and ornament
a. 1932 manufacturer. He was the inventor of dynamite.
b. 1945 He also owned Bofors, which he had redirected
c. 1956 from its previous role as primarily an iron and
d. 1981 steel producer to a major manufacturer of
e. 1990 cannons and other ornaments. He held 355
12. He was interested in ... when he was in different patents, dynamite being the most
Junior High School. famous. In his last will, he used his enormous
a. politics fortune to institute the Nobel Prizes. The synthetic
b. economics element nobelium was named after him.
c. a doctorate
d. young sumaterans
e. consultant

14 Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013)

He was the third son of Immanuel Nobel c. A l f r e d N o b e l p l a n n e d t h e s a f e
and Andriette Ahlsell Nobel. Born in Stckholm manufacture and use of nitroglycerine.
on October 21, 1833, he went with my family d. Alfred Nobel devoted himself to the study
to Saint Petersburg in 1842, where his father of chemistry.
invented modern plywood. He studied chemistry e. His success with explosive finally led to
with Professor Nikolay Nickolaevich Zinin. the 1864 tragedy. 
When he was 18, he went to the United States 18. What was Bofor’s main business under Alfred
to study chemistry for four years and worked Nobel?
for a short period under John Ericsson, who a. It produced iron and steel.
designed the American Civil War iron clad USS b. It produced dynamite.
Monitor. c. It invented nobelium.
Returning to Sweden, with his father after d. It manufactured cannons and other
bankruptcy of his family business, he then ornaments. 
devoted himself to the study of explosives, and e. It designed the ironclad monitor.
especially to the save manufacture and use of 19. “In his last will, he used his enormous fortune
nitroglycerine (discovered in 1847 by Acanio to institute the Nobel Prizes.” (paragraph
Sobrero, one of his fellow students under 1) The appropriate similar meaning of the
Theophile-Jules Pelouze at the University of underlined word is ....
Turin). A big explosion occurred on September 2, a. bearing
1864 at his factory in Heleneborg in Stockholm, b. suffering
killing five people. Among them was his younger c. hurting
brother, Emil. d. disappointment
The foundations of the Nobel Prize were laid in e. luck
1895 when Alfred Nobel wrote his last will, leaving 20. “... leaving much of his wealth for its
much of his wealth for its establishment. Since establishment.” (last paragraph) Its defnition
1901, the prize has honoured men and women for of the underlined word is .... (HOTS)
outstanding achievements in physics, chemistry, a. A state of ill-being due to affliction or
medicine, literature and for work in peace. misfortune
b. A feeling of intense unhappiness
16. Where did he come from? c. A feeling of intense annoyance caused
a. Germany. by being tormented
b. Switzerland. d. The state of being rich and affluent;
c. Sweden. having a plentiful supply of material
d. Hungary. goods and money
e. England. e. The excess of revenues over outlays in
17. What is the main idea of paragraph two? (HOTS) a given period of time
a. A big explosion in Heleneborg in
Stockholm killed many people.
b. A big explosion destroyed his factory in
Heleneborg Stockholm.

II. Answer the following questions correctly

The following text is for questions number 1 to 10!
Mary Anning
Mary Anning was a famous paleontologist of the early 19th century. Mary was born on May
21, 1799 in Lyme Regis in Dorset, England. Her father was Richard Anning a cabinet maker. He
and his wife Mary had a large family but only two of their children survived childhood, Mary and her
brother Joseph. Her father took her fossil hunting (Lyme Regis was a popular destination for well
off tourists fossils could be sold to them). However he died in 1810 leaving his family very poor.

Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013) 15

In 1811 her brother Joseph Anning discovered the skull of an ichthyosaurus. In 1812 Mary Anning
found the rest of its skeleton. They sold it to the lord of the manor. He in turn sold it to a collector called
William Bullock. The new reptile was first called ichthyosaurus in 1817. The family were struggling
financially but in 1820 a man named Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas James Birch auctioned the fossils
he had bought from them and generously gave them the money raised, which helped them greatly.
Mary Anning continued to collect fossils and in 1823 she found the first complete plesiosaurus.
Then in 1828 Mary found the first British fossil pterodactylus. In 1829 she found a fossil fish
called Squaloraja. Meanwhile Mary Anning had become famous and her fossil hunting business
thrived. In 1830 she discovered a new species of plesiosaurus which she sold for 200 guineas
(a guinea was a gold coin). Her mother died in 1842 Sadly Mary Anning died of breast cancer
on March 9, 1847. She was buried in St Michael’s church in Lyme Regis on March 15, 1847. A
stained glass window in memory of Mary Anning was unveiled in 1850.

1. Who is Mary Anning?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
2. When was Mary Anning born?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
3. What is Richard Anning’s occupation?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
4. What is the main attraction of Lyme Regis?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
5. What is Mary Anning’s first achievement as a palaeontologist?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
6. Who helped Anning’s family?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
7. What did Mary Anning find in 1828?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
8. What was the name of fossil fish?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
9. What caused Mary Anning’s death?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
10. Where is Mary buried?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................

Read the following text and answer the questions.
Dewi Sartika
Dewi Sartika was born , on December 4, 1884 in Cicalengka Bandung. She was the daughter
of R. Rangga Somanegara and R. A. Rajapermas. As a child, after school she often pretended to be
a teacher while playing with her friends. After her father died, she lived with her uncle. She received
an education of Sundanese culture while under his care, while her knowledge of Western culture
was passed on to her from the wife of a resident assistant. In 1899, she moved to Bandung.
She founded a school named Sekolah Isteri at Bandung Regency’s Pendopo on January16
1904, which later was relocated to Jalan Ciguriang and the school name changed to Sekolah
Kaoetamaan Isteri (Wife Eminency School) in 1910.
In 1912, there were nine Sekolah Kaoetamaan Isteri in cities or regencies in West Java (half
of the cities and regencies), and in 1920 all of cities and regencies had one school. In September
1929, this school changed its name to Sekolah Raden Dewi. Dewi Sartika died on September
11, 1947 at Cineam, Tasikmalaya.

16 Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013)

1. When was Dewi Sartika born?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
2. What did she does after school?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
3. With who did she live after her father died?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
4. Wat was the first name of the school she founded?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
5. What happened to her on September 11, 1947?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................

Do the following task.
Find a biography of Indonesian hero/ heroine from several provinces. Then, identify the structure
of the text correctly.

Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013) 17

2 Cause and Effect

Do you know event in the picture? What dog you know about
it? Have you ever meet it directly? Basically, cause and
effect is a general way of organizing and discussing ideas.
A cause and effect text is used to explain and give reasons
why something happens or describe the effects of something.
The structure of the text can be written as the cause and
what are the effects of it or emphasize the effect first and
then list some reasoning on what causes the effects. Here
in this chapter, we are going to learn cause and effect. Are Source: https://www.medicalnewstoday.
you ready to learn the chapter? Let’s get started! com/articles/air-pollution-may-affect-the-

Kompetensi Inti
3. Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis, dan mengevaluasi tentang pengetahuan faktual, konseptual, prosedural
dasar, dan metakognitif, sesuai dengan bidang dan lingkup kajian Bahasa Inggris pada tingkat teknis, spesifik,
detail, dan kompleks, berkenaan dengan ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dalam konteks
pengembangan potensi diri sebagai bagian dari keluarga, sekolah, dunia kerja, warga masyarakat nasional,
regional, dan internasional.
4. Melaksanakan tugas spesifik dengan menggunakan alat, informasi, dan prosedur kerja yang lazim dilakukan serta
memecahkan masalah sesuai dengan bidang kajian Bahasa Inggris.
Menampilkan kinerja di bawah bimbingan dengan mutu dan kuantitas yang terukur sesuai dengan standar
kompetensi kerja.
Menunjukkan keterampilan menalar, mengolah, dan menyaji secara efektif, kreatif, produktif, kritis, mandiri,
kolaboratif, komunikatif, dan solutif dalam ranah abstrak terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya
di sekolah, serta mampu melaksanakan tugas spesifik di bawah pengawasan langsung.
Menunjukkan keterampilan mempersepsi, kesiapan, meniru, membiasakan, gerak mahir, menjadikan gerak alami
dalam ranah konkret terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah, serta mampu melaksanakan
tugas spesifik di bawah pengawasan langsung.

Kompetensi Dasar
3.24 Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang
melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait hubungan sebab akibat, sesuai dengan konteks
penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan because of ..., due to ..., thanks to ...)
4.24 Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi
terkait hubungan sebab akibat, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang
benar dan sesuai konteks.

Learning Objectives
After learning this chapter, students are expected to be able to:
1. ask and give information with cause- effect relevance;
2. identify cause- effect relevance in a dialog;
3. identify cause- effect relevance in a text;
4. use proper linking words to describe cause- effect relevance; also
5. write a short text containing cause- effect relevance.

18 Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013)

Time Allocation
( ... subject hour / 7 × meeting)

Concept Map

Cause and Effect

cover cover

Cause and Effect Text Cause and Effect Sentence

Attitude Competence
Knowledge, cleanliness, thuthfulness, and tolerance

Learning Materials

KD 3.24 and 4.24 Pertemuan 7th, 8th, 9th meetings

A. Cause and Effect Text

Commonly, cause and effect is a common way to organize information in a text. Paragraphs
structured as cause and effect explain reasons why something happened or the effects of something.
In accordance with that, these paragraphs can be ordered as causes and effects or as effects and
then causes.
When writing cause and effect text, remember the purpose why you write the text. Then, focus
on immediate and direct causes. Strengthen your text by using supporting evidence. Finally you
should adequate your statements about cause and effect.
Other than that, in writing cause and effect sentence, you should use sentence connectors showing
cause and effect such as because, because of, due to, since, for, and many more.

Task 1
Listen to your teacher and fill in the blank spaces with the corrct answer.
Effect of Water Pollution
Industrial development and production in (1) ... has long ago reached the level where it is
possible to dramatically affect the environment. Among such industry-related problems as air
pollution, soil contamination, radioactive waste, and so on, the problem of low-quality water stands
as one of (2) ... in terms of its importance for the survival of humankind. Therefore, information
about the negative effects of water pollution should be not only studied, but spread among the
general populous, taken into consideration, and prevented.
One of the most significant problems connected to poor water quality is that entire food
chains are drastically affected or even become extinct due to increased toxicity. Because of
huge pollutants as lead or cadmium get into water, it must contaminate microorganisms living
in it. These microorganisms are consumed by (3) ... that, in their turn, are eaten by even larger
animals, and so on. Eventually, this chain leads to human beings, because people all over the
world consume fish and seafood. Thus,by polluting oceans, people worsen their overall well-

Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013) 19

Another problem connected to the (4) ... is the disruption of entire ecosystems. An ecosystem
is the way of interaction between creatures that inhabit (5) ..., and thus depend on each other.
But, water pollution can severely damage the subtle connections between the living species
inhabiting certain environment, causing species to become extinct; every time an ecosystem
suffers, it also affects the condition of (6) ... in general.
Because of the most significant damage from water pollution, It make many problems for
human, too. For instance, diseases like hepatitis are caused by eating contaminated seafood;
developing countries, which often (7) ... with the quality of water, experience frequent outbreaks
of cholera or diphtheria. If you swim in polluted water, it can cause you to develop skin diseases,
reproductive problems, typhoid fever, and so on.
Because of water pollution, it leads to (8) ..., and negative consequences. It destroys animal
species that inhabit seas and oceans, and disrupts existing food chains. Water pollution also affects
ecosystem in (9) ..., destroying them and thus affecting the ecological situation on earth. These
two factors have an indirect, but strong effect on humanity. As for the direct effects, polluted water
causes people to suffer from cholera, diphtheria, skin diseases, (10) ..., poisoning, and so on.

Practice the following dialog and answer the questions!
Andra : L  intang, how are you today? I have heard from Prayogi that because of a bad cough,
you have to skip school. Are you really fine now?
Lintang : Yeah, sure. I am fine now. I have completely recovered from the illness. Thanks to the
haze recently, I have skipped important classes and I am working on catching up on
those lessons. What a trouble some haze.
Andra : It is true that the haze has caused numerous troubles to our daily activities, and is
affecting our body health as well.
Lintang : I wondered if those irresponsible people know that air is essential for humans.
Andra : Indeed. Air keeps us alive since it provides us with pure oxygen that is very essential
for our living. But at the same time, it can be harmful.
Lintang : E xactly. But why did you say that air can be dangerous?
Andra : Because the increase in the emission of substances that contaminate the air will
eventually lead to air pollution. And air pollution is hazardous for us.
Lintang : I can’t agree more. I’m one of the victims of air pollution.
1. Who are involved in the dialog above?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
2. Why didn’t Lintang skip to school?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
3. Why that air is essential for humans?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
4. Why that air can be dangerous?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
5. Who is one of victims of air pollution?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................

20 Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013)

Task 3
Read the following text carefully to comprehend its generic structure. Then, decide whether
the statements are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F)!
Cause and Effect of Using Social Media
Nowadays, social media is so important for most people in daily life.
Because of the emergence of social media, currently there are many other
social networks, each with their own features and purposes. Due to them, the Topic
way people communicate with each other has changed forever. Thanks to this Sentence
new condition, It should positively impact the communication skills of users,
because it allows communication even for people far away form each other.
However, there have been numerous research studies proving the opposite
about the effect of social media.
Currently, numerous research studies prove that social media platform
negatively affect people’s social skills. This is because of the extensive use of
social media services which decreases the quality of interpersonal communication. Supporting
Due to the lack of interest people have for face-to-face communication; even Sentence
today, there are many people (especially millennial, and even younger) who
prefer to solve work or personal problems via social messaging systems. Even
families prefer texting over face-to-face chat. Difficulties in professional and
personal relationship arise due to all this.
Substituting real life experiences with social media-format online updates
is another problem. Many studies show that adults prefer to stay at home on
weekends because they want to make posts on social media how much fun they
are having, instead of going out and acquiring real-life experiences. A sense of
inferiority can occur when people compare their real lives to the lives of their
social media friends--based on the posts these friends make online--missing
out on the fact that they see is not necessarily true.
Although people may be assisted in establishing initial contact and uniting
into groups under certain interests thanks to social media, it also causes a number
of problems. In particular, nonverbal communication is gradually becoming one
of the dominant forms of interpersonal interaction, negatively affecting people’s
ability to deal with personal contact and meet the reactions and emotions of
other people in real life.
Number Statements T/F
1. Social media is so important for most old people in daily life.
2. The way people communicate with each other still stagnant.
3. Researchers prove that social media platform good affect people’s social skills
because of the lack of interest people have for face-to-face communication.
4. A sense of inferiority can occur when people compare their real lives to the lives
of their social media friends.
5. Commonly, nonverbal communication is gradually becoming one of the dominant
forms of interpersonal interaction.

Task 4
Translate the following text into Indonesian in the box available!
Many people think that they can get sick by going into cold weather improperly dressed;
however, illnesses are not caused by temperature- they are caused by germs. So while shivering
outside in the cold probably won’t strengthen your immune system, you’re more likely to contract
an illness indoors because you will have a greater exposure to germs.

Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013) 21

Knowledge Insert
Causality (also referred to as causation, or cause and effect) is the agency or efficacy that
connects one process (the cause) with another process or state (the effect), where the first is
understood to be partly responsible for the second, and the second is dependent on the first.

Individual Task Score:

Read the following text and answer the questions.
Hurricanes generally occur in the North Atlantic from May through November, with the peak
of the hurricane season in September, only rarely will they occur from December through April in
that part of the ocean. The main reason for the occur of hurricanes during this period is that the
temperature on the water’s surface is at its warmest and the humidity of the air is at its highest.
Of the tropical storms that occur each year in the North Atlantic, only about five, on the average,
are powerful enough to be called hurricanes. To be classified as a hurricane, a tropical storm
must have winds reaching speds of at least 117 kilometers per hour, but the winds are often much
stronger than that; the winds of intense hurricanes can easily surpass 240 kilometers per hour.
1. Where do hurricanes generally occur?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
2. When do hurricanes generally occur?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
3. What month is the peak of the hurricane season?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................

Group Task Score:

Do the following task.
Work in pairs. Make at least two paragraphs by using cause and effect conjunction. Then. take turn your
task with your partner. Analyze its cause effect conjunction in those paragraph appropriately.

HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills)

Read the following text and answer the questions.
We always depend on the internet nowadays. We have to admit that using the internet makes
our work easier. Having the internet is like opening a gate to all the information and knowledge
that we need, without any boundaries. Despite all the positive effects it brings, accessing the
internet for a long time every day has some consequences for the user.
First of all, we as a users can be addicted to the internet. Since the internet provides all the
information that we need, we often search for every single thing on the internet. Not only that,
the internet also gives us access to entertainment, such as YouTube or social media, Therefore
we often do not recognize that we have spent a lot of time only browsing the internet. Moreover,
we are often busy with our gadgets, rather than talking with the people around us, due to the
ease of access to internet.
Secondly, bullying has increased as a result of internet development. These days it is
easy to hide behind the keyboard and say mean things to the person you don’t like, since it will
be anonymous. Thus there are numerous cases of bullying on the internet. Lastly, of course,
accessing too much internet can affect your health. Our eyes get exposed to the screen for a
long time and as a result, a lot of people suffer from sight problems.
All in all, it is true that the internet makes our life easier. However, we have to be smart users
in order to prevent negative impacts on us.

22 Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013)

1. What is the topic sentence of the text above?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
2. Mention the supporting sentences of the text above.
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
3. What is the concluding sentence of the text above?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................

KD 3.24 and 4.24 Pertemuan 10th, 11th, 12th, and 13th meetings

B. Cause and Effect Sentence

1. Cause Effect Conjunction
Sentence connectors improve your writing. They add variety and sophistication to your
style of writing. In English, we use several different words to show cause and effect. Examples
are: for, because, as, since, therefore, hence, as a result, consequently, due to, because of,
as a result of et cetera.
a. Because
Because is a conjunction which shows cause and effect relationship. Because introduces
an adverb clause. It is followed by a subject and a verb. It is usually used when the reason
is the most important part of the sentence.
Look at the examples below:
Combination1: Rasya passed the final examination because she studied hard.
Combination 2: Because Rasya studied hard, she passed the final examination.
b. As and since
As and since are conjunctions. Yet on the certain situation, they have same meaning
with because to show cause and effect. As and since are used when the reason is already
understood or is less important than the rest of the sentence.
c. For
For that we will discuss here means because. For suggests that the reason is given as
an afterthought. And we have to note first that For-Clause never comes at the beginning
of the sentence.
d. Now That
Now that means because now. It is used for present and future situations. Now that-
clause never come after sentence, it mostly comes at the beginning.
Look at the other examples below:
1) Now that it is raining, you have to wear this raincoat.
2) Now that the day is sunny, It will be better own bring this umbrella.

Task 1
Listen to the sentences read by your teacher. Each sentences will be spoken twice. After that,
translate it into Indonesian language. Translate it in your on paper. Write your name on that paper
and give it to your teacher.

Task 2
Read the following sentences fluently. Then, underline the cause and highlight its effect in each
of the following sentences.
1. The driver opened a sunroof of a car because of a sunny day.
2. It rained so hard in my village the day before yesterday so there was flood everywhere.
3. Since my father had free time during last holiday, he rearranged his new house.
4. The leaves whithered because the dry season was very extreme.
5. Ayu Natasya left work early because of her appointment with her grandmother.

Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013) 23

Task 3
Read the following sentences carefully. Match each cause on the left with an effect on the
Number Cause Effect
1. Adi Gunarto ate too many jeallybeans. a. We couldn’t get in the car.
2. Kaka practiced kicking the ball. b. She answered it.
3. Mom locked the car door. c. Flowers began to grow.
4. It was raining outside. d. he decided to stay home and not go to school.
5. The phone rang. e. She played in the sand.
6. Dewi Wulandari plants seeds in the garden. f. He got a belly ache.
7. Because he was sleepy. g. I shoveled the drive away.
8. Since he wasn’t feeling well. h. He wants his football game.
9. Lee’s mom took her to the beach. i. he went to bed.
10. It snowed outside. j. We pulled out the umbrella.

Task 4
Separate the cause and effect of each sentences. Write it in the table below.
1. After the dog bit her, we had to take her to the hospital.
2. Her computer stopped working due to a virus.
3. The police arrested him because he committed a crime.
4. She set fire to the curtain first before the whole house burnt down.
5. If she gets accepted to university, she will become a doctor.
Number Sentences
1 Cause :
Effect :
2 Cause :
Effect :
3 Cause :
Effect :
4 Cause :
Effect :
5 Cause :
Effect :

Knowledge Insert
In English, we use several different words to show cause and effect. Examples are:for, because,
since, therefore, unless, nevertheless, however, on the other hand, as a result, consequently,
due to, because of, as a result of, et cetera.

Individual Task Score:

Read the following sentences and translate it into Indonesian language.
1. Because the students have to pass the national exam, they have to study harder since now.
2. Because they need to get the right jobs very soon, many universities graduates go to the
employment offices.
3. Because of the economic and political crisis, many people cannot live and work decently.

24 Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013)

Group Task Score:
Do the following task.
Work in pairs. Find at least twenty sentences about cause and effect. Then, translate it with your
partner into Indonesian.

HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills)

Write the cause and effect for each sentences. Then read it loudly.
Directions: Underline the cause and the effect in each sentence below and write a c
above the cause and an e above the effect. Some sentences may include more than one
cause or effect.
1. In addition to extreme overpopulation, extended drought has contributed to severe famine in
Ethiopia and other parts of Africa.
2. Population growth in the Sunbelt States has come from many companies relocating to that area.
3. The emigration of the first pilgrims from England to the New World was prompted by religious
persecution in their homeland.
4. Unfair employer practices brought about the establishment of labor unions

Character Insert
In this chapter we will learn about cause and effect text and sentence. Learning this chapter can
teach us so many things. It can teach us how to appreciate other, be polite, be brave, care to
others, and responsible.

Learning Reflection
In the end of the chapter, have you mastered the following material? Give tick mark (√) according
to your ability!
Number Ability Yes No
1. Understand cause and effect text.
2. Identify cause and effect text.
3. Write cause and effect text.
4. Connect the sentence using cause and effect conjunctions.
5. Write cause and effect sentences.
If you have mastered the material, you can do the following test.

Daily Assessment 2
I. Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, d, or e.
The following text is for questions number Every year measles kills twice as many
1 to 3. as American as polio now does. More children
Measles, a childhood disease, has caused die from measles than from any other common
suffering to mankind for thousands of years. childhood disease. Also complications of some
However, the search for an effective measles degree occur in about one child out six. Most
vaccine lasted two hundred years and has complications include pneumonia and ear
finally ended in success. Now, for the first time, disorders. Another after- effect of measles-brain-
measles is a preventable disease. You may damage is less common, but it can have such
ask, “How is this important to children?” serious consequence that it deserves special

Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013) 25

Brain damage due to measles sounds like       Usually the effect of air pollution are not
something far away from our experience. In instantly noticeable. Occasionally though, there
reality, it is not. Like any other injury, damage have been catastrophic ‘smogs’ (The word
to the brain can be very slight or very severe. smog is a combination of smoke and fog).
It is quite possible that we have never seen or One of these occurred in the town of Donora,
heard a child who has severe brain damage. Pennsylvania, in the U.S.A. They valley in which
The child would either have died or would be the town lies traps the some and fumes from
in an institution. However, in medical research the steel-works and chemical plants that fill it.
a relation has been found between measles ad One day in October 1948, unusual weather
such things as behaviour problems, personality
conditions prevented the smog from lifting by
changes and dulling of mental ability. For example,
the afternoon, as it normally did. Instead, it
a child may be bed tempered or a little slow to
learn after he has recovered from measles. hung over the town for three days. By the end
of the third day, nearly 8000 people were ill.
1. What is the main information of the text? More than 80 percent of those aged 85 and
a. Measles has been a disease for over seriously ill, 20 people died. At last a heavy
thousands of years. rain shower dared the smog.
b. After 200 years of research, an effective        One of the chief causes of air pollution in
measles vaccine was found. many cities in the internal combustion engine.
c. Measles is a serious disease greatly Cars, lorries, and buses give out the gas called
neglected in the pas few years carbon monoxide, which in high concentrations
d. A lot of research was done on the can kill a person in a confined space. Cars also
complications of measles throw into the air fine particles of rubber and
e. Measles may have bad effects on asphalt from their tires and the road, and particles
children who get the disease of asbestos from their brake-linings. These can
2. Which of the following is NOT an after effect cause damage to the lungs when breathed in.
of measles?       Another source of pollution is the nuclear
a. polio d. slow meaning power stations which produce a great amount
b. ear disorder e. pneumonia of poisonous radio-active waste. This waste
c. personality changes must be sealed up and buried beneath the
3. Which of the following statements is TRUE ground or seabed so carefully that there is no
about measles? danger of leakage. Some scientists are very
a. The number of children in the USA killed by worried that we are not being careful enough
measles is smaller that the killed by polio. with nuclear waste. it may not all be buried
b. Medical research revealed that measles safely. Also, they fear there may be a serious
may cause brain damage. accident at a nuclear power station, releasing
c. In the USA children with brain damage deadly radiation into the air.
have all been measles patients. 4. What do the burning of coal and oil produce?
d. Research findings show that pneumonia a. Carbon monoxide.
and ear disorders may cause measles. b. Air moisture.
e. Children who get measles will have pneumonia c. Sulphuric acid.
and ear disorders at the same time. d. Sulphur dioxide.
The following text is for questions number e. Exhaust fume.
4 to 8.
5.    Stone brick and even metal can be eaten
Every day both industrial and domestic away by ....
chimneys emit vast amount of dirt and harmful a. Radio-active waste d. Harmful gases
gases. The exhaust fumes from thousands of b. Sulphuric acid e. Carbon monoxide
car engines add to this huge volume of filth. c. Sulphur dioxid
       Sulphur dioxide, produced mainly by the 6.    What is the main idea of paragraph 3 above?
burning of coal and oil, combines with the (HOTS)
moisture of the air to form sulphuric acid. This a. The smog covering the town of Donora.
eats away stone, brick and even metal. Doctors b. Air pollution which is not noticeable.
reason that if it can do this, it must damage c. An accident which occurred in Donora.
the lungs of people who breathe it, especially d. The effect of industrial development.
over a period of many years. e. The unnoticeable effect of air pollution.

26 Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013)

7.   What does the word “this” in paragraph 2 from home have to live on the streets.
line 4 refer to? Among them, about 50% have been kicked
a. Sulphur dioxide. out of their homes or shelters at least once,
b. Burning of coal and oil. and they specified home conflicts being one
c. Moisture of the air. of the main reasons of this; according to the
d. Sulphuric acid. reports of the Office of Juvenile Justice and
e. Brick and metal. Delinquency Prevention, about 20% young
8. Pay attention to the following statements. people who have been thrown out of their
(1) Radio-active waste is poisonous, so it is homes or escaped faced physical abuse, or
harmless to people. felt they were under the threat of abuse.
(2) Smoke and fumes clear up the air around Overall, more than 60% of runaway
a factory. teenagers have depression. A half of them
(3) In a confined space carbon monoxide is have problems at school. As it can be seen
not very dangerous from the statistics, being a runaway is not
(4) Some scientists are very worried about about romantically searching for their place in
nuclear waste. the world, but rather suffering from injustice,
(5) Factories, motor cars, and nuclear power poverty, violence, and depression.
stations cause air pollution.
9. What do you think the text is about? (HOTS)
The correct statements based on the text a. It is about the peculiar behavior of
are shown by number .... (HOTS) teenagers.
a. (1), and (2) d. (3), and (5) b. It is about the harassment faced by
b. (2), and (3) e. (4), and (5) teenagers.
c. (3), and (4) c. It is about teenagers’ adventures outside
The following text is for questions number home.
9 to 12. d. It is about romantic experiences of
What Causes Teenagers to Run Away teenagers.
from Home e. It is about the reasons why teenagers
Adolescence is probably the most run away from home.
extreme period in the life of an individual. 10. According to the text, what do teens usually
Transiting from childhood to being an adult is do most of the time?
full of rioting, searching for one’s identity and a. Hang out with friends and party.
purpose. developing new models of behavior b. Escape home and wandering around the
psychologically separating country or abroad.
from parents, and maturing. Many people tend c. Search for one’s identity and purpose.
to remember their teen years as the most saturated d. Develop new models of behaviour.
and meaningful-even though what teenagers usually e. None of the above.
do is hang out with friends and party. 11. According to the text, how many percent of
In this age, however is not as carefree teenagers that have been kicked out of their
and unclouded as it seems; teenagers. due homes or shelters?
to hormonal hurricanes and the psychological a. 10. d. 50%.
peculiarities of this age, often get themselves b. 20. e. 60%.
in trouble. Millions of parents around the world c. 25%.
are worried that their children at this age will 12. What is the main reason of teenagers that
get in the wrong surrounding, start doing drugs leave their home? (HOTS)
and other bad activities, there is, at the same a. Home conflicts with their parents.
time, a problem that is no less dangerous: b. Searching for one’s identity and
running away from home. purpose.
Although it might seem romantic escaping c. Feeling they were under the threat of
home and wandering around the country or abuse.
abroad, in search of one’s purpose or for d. Escaping home and wandering around
whatever other reason-the reality is different. the country or abroad.
According to statistics, every year, up to 2.8 e. Suffering from injustice, poverty, violence.
million teens that escape and depression.

Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013) 27

13. “Putra used to take the bus to school, but 17. Read the cause and choose the effect. She
last week he bought a car. Now he can drive was in a hurry riding her bike, so she carried
to school.” This means .... her viola across the handlebars. She failed to
a. now that Putra has a car, he can drive to see the rock on the street in front of her.
school a. The rock did not get in the girl’s way.
b. although Putra has a car, last week he b. The viola did not fall off the bike.
took a bus c. The girl got off her bike to take a break.
c. Putra bought a car consequently he d. The girl fell off of her bike.
drove to school e. The viola still on her bike.
d. Putra always takes a bus to school 18. Angga : Indonesia has to import rice next
e. Putra did’nt use to take a bus year.
14. Read the cause and choose the effect. We Gito : H ow come? Indonesia is an
had a tremendous snowstorm during the agricultural country.
night. Winds gusted to 45 mph. The roads
Angga : There are some reasons for that.
are blocked, even at the bus stop.
a. We went to the store to get some snacks. Gito : Like what?
b. We were not able to go to school. Angga : T he harvest failed ... natural
c. We decided to make a snowman. disasters occurred.
d. We decided to buy sweaters at night. a. since d. owing to
e. We stayed inside and made hot coffee b. because e. but
milk. c. although
15. Read the cause and choose the effect. I ran as 19. Lidya : We’ll have a computer course this
fast as I could, passing all the other runners semester, mom. Could you buy
in the race. I wasn’t even tired, either. me a computer, please.
c. I won the race. Mother : ... because we don’t have enough
a. I came in last place in the race. money to buy it.
b. I decided to run the last lap of the race again. a. I’m not sure
d. I stopped at the store for a snack, since b. That’s all right
I was ahead of everyone else. c. That’s very kind of you
e. I came in middle place in the race. d. There is no doubt about it
16. What is the CAUSE in the following e. I don’t understand
sentence: 20. ... Mrs. Dewi Wulandari is not coming today,
The tree fell in the middle of the road because the students must write the assignment.
of the high wind. a. So that d. As a result
a. high wind d. in the middle b. In order to e. Consequently
b. because e. the road c. Because
c. tree fell
II. Answer the following questions correctly.
Read the following text is for questions number 1 to 5.
Experts recommend you should get around 7 to 9 hours sleep per night. But what if you get more than
that? Does anything happen to you? Can getting too much sleep ever become a real issue? One of the
main cause of oversleeping is lack of sleep. If you don’t get enough sleep during the night, varying
from person to person, you’ll find it hard if not virtually impossible to get up in the morning.
Lack of sleep can be caused by poor quality sleep, not getting enough hours sleep or having
an abnormal need for sleep. If you haven’t had enough sleep, you wouldn’t have paid off all your
“sleep debt” and so must put in more hours of sleep to pay it off.
Sleeping in because of a lack of sleep isn’t really oversleeping. It just appears that way.
Teenagers need more sleep when going through puberty. So while it might seem like they’re
oversleeping, they’re only getting the sleep they need.
But if you regularly sleep more 9 hours as an adult or 10 as a teenager, it’s fair to say you’re

28 Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013)

Surprisingly, getting too much sleep comes with a whole host of negative side effects, both
physically and psychologically.
Here’s a list of the many physical effects that can be linked to oversleeping:
a. Putting on weight – Your body can’t make good use of the energy gained from food when
you’re sleeping so it’s forced store it as fat. The longer you sleep, the less energy you’ll
need. This can be made worse if you have a big meal late in the evening. If you don’t give
your body chance to burn it off, it’s forced to store it as fat.
b. Headaches – Really common! It’s believed to caused by the effect that too much REM sleep
has on the neurotransmitters in the brain. REM occurs more during the later stages of sleep,
just before you wake up. So the more you sleep in, the more REM sleep you’ll receive.
Dehydration can also be a factor.
c. Back pain – Unless you’ve got one of those funky memory foam mattresses, laying in bed for
too long will eventually lead to back pain. Plus, people prone to back pain are encouraged
to keep active and obviously you’re not keeping active if you’re in bed!
d. Heart disease – Research shows a link between people who sleep 9 to 11 hours per night
and a 38% increased chance of coronary heart disease. The reason for this link is not fully
understood, but it could be linked the increased risk of obesity from oversleeping.
1. What is recommended by experts regarding with sleeping time?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
2. Why can oversleeping lead to obesity?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
3. What is the indicator of oversleeping?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
4. What is the cause of headache in oversleeping?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
5. What is the main cause of oversleeping as it is shown in the text above?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
Answer the following questions correctly.
The following dialog is for questions number 6 to 10.
Ria : What’s your favourite music venue, Jajang?
Jajang : S aung Udjo. It has such fabulous musical performance that many people really like
to attend to. There are so many ticket boxes that we do not need to queue for a long
time to get in.
Ria : That’s remarkable. There’s always such a long wait outside my favorite music venue
that it’s always packed.
Jajang : Why do you think it’s so popular?
Ria : Well, it is just opened a few months ago, everything is so brand new and modern that
lots of fashionable people go there. It’s called Java Jazz.
Jajang : Oh, right. It’s the new “in” place. I hear the reason people go there is just to be seen.
It is such a stupendous place that anyone is easily seen there.
Ria :E  xactly. Do you want to go there some time?
Jajang : I thought you’d never ask.
6. Who are involved in the dialog above?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
7. What is Jajang’s favorite music venue?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
8. Why do many people really like Saung Ujo?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
9. Why do people not need to queue for a long time to get in Saung Ujo?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................

Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013) 29

10. Mention conjunction cause and effect “so ... that” and such .... that” based on the dialog
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................

Read the following sentences and translate it into Indonesian.
1. This is such a good book that many students have to read it.
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
2. It is such nice weather in town that people don’t move into other towns.
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
3. The entrance test was so difficult that many candidates could complete it on time.
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
4. Many fresh graduates take short courses on management and business for they feel that these
are very important to support their future careers.
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
5. Many young people do not have enough capital for a business, consequently they have to go
to the bank for some loans.
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................

Do the following task.
Make ten sentences using cause and effect conjunctions. Translate it into Indonesian language.
After that, submit to your teacher.

30 Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013)

Mid Semester Test 1
I. Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang paling benar!
The following text is for questions number The following text is for questions number
1 to 3. 4 to 6.
J.K. Rowling Victoria Caroline Beckham
The Harry Potter Fantasy is the most best- Victoria Caroline Beckham is an English
selling book series of the last decade. It was singer-songwriter, dancer, model, actress,
written by Joanne “Jo” Rowling, better known fashion designer and businesswoman. She was
as J.K. Rowling and Robert Galbraith. She born on April 17th, 1974, in Essex, England. She
was born on July 31st, 1965 to a British family. became famous in the 1990’s with the pop group
J.K. Rowling has won many awards. The film “The Spice Girls” and was known as Posh Spice.
Harry Potter was also a great success, too. In 1999, she married the Manchester United and
She was working as researcher and England footballer, David Beckham. They have
bilingual secretary for Amnesty International four children, three sons and a daughter.
when she wrote the Harry Potter Series. She After The Spice Girls split up, she pursued
envisaged those books on a delayed train a solo singing career, but also started her own
from Manchester to London in 1990. While she fashion range called dVb Style. Since this
was writing the first novel, Harry Potter and the initial foray into fashion Victoria Beckham has
Philosopher’s Stone, many bad things happened brought out her own range of sunglasses and
to her, such as the death of her mother, divorce fragrance, entitled ‘intimately Beckham” and a
from her first husband and relative poverty. The range of handbags and jewelry.
Misery caused her to finish her first novel longer In addition she had written two best-selling
than expected. She finally finished it in 1997. She books : one her autobiography and the other,
finished the last novel of six sequels, Harry Potter a fashion guide.
and the Deathly Hallows in 2007. She then also 4. What did Victoria do before being a solo singer?
write three books for adult readers, The Casual a. Married to David Beckham.
Vacancy (2012), The Cuckoo’s Calling (2013) b. Worked as fashion designer.
and The Silkworm (2014). c. Joined the Spice Girls.
1. What does the text tell us about? (HOTS) d. Created fashion style.
a. J.K. Rowling was born in England. e. Wrote many books.
b. The death of J.K. Rowling’s mother. 5. Based on the text, what do we know about
c. The J.K. Rowling’s important events. Victoria?
d. Harry Potter series’ books became film a. She is an ordinary woman.
series. b. She is a multi-talented woman.
e. The success of J.K. Rowling’s books, the c. She designed The Spice Girls.
Harry Potter Series. d. She married to an ordinary person.
2. Why did she take a long time to finish the e. She arranged many songs for the spice
first novel? girls.
a. She was not a real novelist. 6. What kind of business had by Victoria
b. The novel was filmed first. Beckham?
c. She had to go to Manchester. a. Sport apparel.
d. No publisher wanted to publish it. b. Fashion.
e. Many bad things happened to her. c. Properties.
3. “She finally finished it in 1997.” (Paragraph 2) d. Actress management.
What does the underlined word refer to? e. Sports club.
a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. The following text is for questions number
b. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. 7 to 10.
c. The Cuckoo’s Calling.
William Clark
d. The Casual Vacancy.
e. The Silkworm. William Clark was born on August 1, 1770, on
his family’s Virginia plantation. At age 14, Clark
moved from Virginia to Louisville, Kentucky.

Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013) 31

Five years later, in 1789, Clark joined the militia The following text is for questions number
to help fight the Native Americans in the Ohio 11 to 14.
Valley. After becoming an officer in the US Army, Scientist and doctors say that about thirty
Clark retired from service and went back to four million Americans are too fat. Why is this?
Virginia to manage his family’s estate. One cause is the kind of food Americans like “fast
In 1803, Clark’s life would change. After food”. These fast foods (such as hamburger and
Thomas Jefferson’s Louisiana Purchase, in ice cream) often have fattening things in them.
which America acquired thousands of miles of Another cause is the way American eat. They
land west of the Mississippi River, Meriwether often eat little snacks between regular meals.
Lewis, one of Clark’s army comrades, invited These extra food add extra fat on the body. A
him to collaborate on an expedition across the third cause is not enough exercise. Americans
new land. Their mission was not only to explore like driving everywhere, instead of walking. They
the new land, establish friendly relations with often have machines to do a lot of work. Some
Indians, and to discover new animals and plants, Americans are also to heavy because of health
but to find the elusive Northwest Passage. problems. But for most those thirty four million
Clark agreed and was made responsible for Americans, the problem is the American style.
the expedition’s records and mapmaking. 11. What does the text talk about? (HOTS)
Along with Meriwether Lewis, William Clark a. What Americans eat.
spent over two years exploring the new frontier. b. Americans fast food.
After successfully establishing Fort Clatsop, c. Health problems in America.
Oregon, and after discovering over 300 new d. The American style.
species of animals and plants, the pair returned. e. Why many Americans are too fat.
Clark was appointed principal Indian agent and 12. What can we infer from the text above? (HOTS)
brigadier general of the Louisiana Militia by a. High-tech machines are an advantage
Thomas Jefferson. After the deaths of Meriwether to the health of Americans.
Lewis and Sacagawea, Clark adopted her children b. Snacks are included in the regular meals
and became governor of the Missouri Territory of Americans.
in 1813. After an unsuccessful bid for governor c. Sixty-six million Americans do not
of Missouri, Clark was made superintendent of consume fast foods.
Indian Affairs in 1822. He held that position until d. Eating little snacks is the cause of major
his death on September 1, 1838. health problems.
7. What nationality is William Clark? e. Many Americans are fat because of the
a. USA. d. Spanish. way they live.
b. UK. e. Irish. 13. “These extra food add extra fat on the body.”
c. India. the similar meaning of the underlined word
8. How old did William join the militia? is ....
a. At 14 years old. d. At 23 Years old. a. diminution d. additional
b. At 17 years old. e. At 26 years old. b. alleviation e. reduction
c. At 19 Years old. c. deduction
9. Below job must be done by William Clark in 14. “They often eat little snacks between regular
the new land …. meals.” The underlined word has opposite
a. Fought with Indians meaning with ....
b. Make an agreement in business a. routine d. perpetually
c. Studied plants and animals b. steady e. rarely
d. Made a business c. everyday
e. Freed the slaves The following text is for questions number
10. What is the main idea of paragraph 2? 15 to 19.
(HOTS) What causes bulimia nervosa is not
a. William’s origin.
clear, but it may be due to a combination of
b. William’s first step towards adventure.
c. William’s date of death. family history, certain personality traits (such
d. William’s family. as perfectionism) and social values (such as
e. William’s experience during the war. admiring thinness).

32 Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013)

16. What is the main idea of the text above?
The risk for developing bulimia intensifies
if your parent or sibling has the condition.
a. Bulimia is a complex condition.
Stressful events such as divorce or the b. Bulimia has no clear cause.
death of a loved one can trigger bulimia in c. Bulimia needs proper and long-term
some people, mostly teenagers and young treatment.
women. Also, many young women have d. The condition can create physical and
unhealthy attitudes toward eating and toward mental health problem.
their bodies so they may socially allow and e. Physical counseling and antidepressant
promote destructive behaviors like extreme medicine can cure bulimia.
dieting or bringing and purging. 17. According to the text above, it can be implied
If not properly treated, bulimia can that the bulimia may cause ....
cause to long-term health problems. a. type 1 diabetes d. Vomiting
b. weight gain e. toothaches
Health problems caused by bulimia include
c. medicine overuse
electrolyte imbalances and heart problem,
18. Which of the following treatment is not related
tooth decay, osteoporosis, dehydration and
to bulimia?
kidney problem, inflammation, swollen saliva a. Group counseling.
glands, fainting, abnormal heartbeat, low b. Cognitive-behavioral therapy.
body temperature, suicide risk, et cetera. c. Sport and exercise.
There are also other mental health problems, d. Vaccine.
such as depression, anxiety, borderline e. Prozac.
personality disorder, obsessive-compulsive 19. The following information is true about
disorder, panic attacks and phobias. bulimia mentioned in the text, EXCEPT that
Like all eating disorders, bulimia is bulimia....
a complex physical and psychological a. Mostly affects young women and
condition that requires appropriate treatment. teenagers
The treatment focuses on the change b. Can create other health problems
c. Cannot be treated at home
of behavior and deals with the deeper
d. Is related to socially acceptable
attitudes and feeling in order to avoid the destructive behavior
binge-purge cycles. The treatment may be e. Has binge-purge cycles
in form of psychological counseling (such 20. ... the school holiday, the students had a
as cognitive-behavioral therapy CBT, or picnic on the beach.
interpersonal therapy)  or antidepressant a. whenever d. as a matter of fact
medicine. Both are long-term treatments b. due to e. Although
that may need weeks or months to work. c. because
There are also other treatments which 21. The road is slippery ... of spill of oil.
may be helpful. Nutritional counseling a. due to d. therefore
may help avoid unhealthy diets. Group b. as a result e. unless
counseling may enhance individual therapy. c. unless
Family therapy may also help family member 22. The climate change and global warming
as it teaches about the disorder and the worsen year by year, ... many influencers
way to help. Stress management techniques persuade to reduce the use of plastic bag and
(such as exercising, writing, relaxation) to plant the tree to make the earth better.
a. because d. contributed to
may also create better self respect.
b. due to e. in order that
15. Which of the following best states the topic c. for this reason
of this text? (HOTS)
23. ... the dry season lasted very long, the farmers
a. The combination of causes of bulimia.
lost their land products.
b. The cause and treatment of bulimia.
a. because d. due to
c. Bulimia among young women.
b. for e. although
d. Series of long-term eating disorder.
c. since
e. Physical and mental health problem.

Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013) 33

24. Edo Saputro spends too much time on her 25. The local government will share mask for
gadget; ..., she has to wear glasses. free ... the new virus plague.
a. so d. consequently a. due to d. therefore
b. for e. because of b. since e. as a result
c. moreover c. Because

II. Answer the following questions correctly.

The following text is for questions number 1 to 5.
Agustinus Adisucipto
Agustinus Adisucipto was born in Pungkursari, Salatiga, Central Java. He was known as the founding
father of Indonesian Air Force. He was the first Indonesian who flew the first Indonesian airplane. He
was also the founder of the school of avitation, which later became the Air Force Academy.
A descendant of an empu who was one of Prince Diponegoro’s troops, Adisucipto was
predicted to have a short life. Mbah Wiryo, Adisucipto’s grandfather, said that his grandson
was like Palgunadi, a courageus and honest wayang character who dies young. That was why
Adisucipto’s father insisted that his son go to School tot Opleidings van Indische Arisen (STOVIA),
a medical school for Indonesian during the Dutch Colonial period, and become a doctor. However,
Adisucipto determination to become a pilot was so strong that he dropped out of his medical
school to enter the aviation school.
At the Militaire Luchnaart Opleidings, a school of aviation in Kalijati, West Java, he showed
an excellent record. He could finish his study in 2 years and was also one of two Indonesians who
got an advanced pilot license. For his excellent performance, Adisucipto was appointed secretary
of the Koninklijk Nederlands Indische Luchtvaart Maatschapij, the Dutch aviation company.
After the proclamation of the Republic of Indonesia, Adisucipto formed the Air Force together
with Suryadarma, who later became the first Commander of the Indonesian Air Force.
1. Where was he born?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
2. Why was he known as the founding father of Indonesian Air Force?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
3. Why did Adisucipto’s father insist his son to study at medical school?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
4. Why did he drop out from medical school?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
5. What did the Dutch aviation company give to Adisucipto after showing his excellent performance
at the Militaire Luchnaart Opleidings, a school of aviation?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
The following text is for questions number 6 to 10.
The Effects of Corruption
According to the World Bank, between $ 1trillion and $ 1.6 trillion are lost each year to
corruption and fraud. Because of corruption, the amount of wealth in a country will be reduced
and the standard of living will sink lower than usual. Corruption affects you even if you don’t get
involved with it. Corruption effects are as follow.
1 Corruption lowers the amount of money the government has provided to pay workers and
buy supplies.
2 Corruption allows money or connections to transgress the law or government rules in their
3 Corruption deters business from operating in corrupt setting and decreases the overall wealth
in a country.
4 Corruption distorts the way the government uses its money, lowering the quality of the
services (schools, health, hospitals, clinics, roads, and others public services) it provides.
5 Corruption damages everyone’s trust in the government.

34 Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013)

6. What does the text talk about?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
7. According to the World Bank, how many trillion are lost each year to corruption and fraud?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
8 What is the effect of corruption to the amount of wealth in country?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
9. Mention five effects of corruption based on the text above?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
10. “... the amount of wealth in a country will be reduced and ....” Mention five synonyms of the
underlined word?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................

Soal AKM
Answer the following questions correctly.
The following text is for questions number 1 and 2.
Amelia Earhart
Aviator Amelia Earhart was born in Atchison, Kansas, on July 24, 1897. She grew up in
the upper-middle-class household of her maternal grandparents. She went to several different
schools because she found it hard to do well academically and socially. However, she was very
interested in science and sports. In 1923, she was known as “Lady Lindy” because she became
the 16th woman to be issued a pilot’s licence. In 1982, she was also the first woman to fly across
the Atlantic Ocean as well as the first person to fly both the Atlantic and pacific.
She mysteriously disappeared while trying to fly around the globe from the equator in 1937.
There have been many speculative theories regarding Earhart’s last days. They have been
connected to various artifacts that have been found on Pacific islands such as tools, clothing,
and many more recently, freckle cream. Finally, Earhart was declared dead in 1939.
1. The correct statements based on the text ..... (Choose more than one)
Aviator Amelia was known as “Lady Lindy”
Aviator Amelia Earhart was born in America.
Amelia Earhart was a sociable person so she never moved from one school to othe schools.
Amelia Earhart grew up from poor of her maternal grandparents.
2. Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) based on the text above.
Number Statements (T) (F)
1. Amelia Earhart was good at making friends.
2. Amelia Earhart had no ability in sport.
3. Amelia Earhart became the 16th woman to be issued a pilot’s licence. in 1923.
4. Amelia Earhart disappeared on a Pacific Island in 1937.
5. Amelia Earhart was the first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean.
The following text is for questions number 3.
Pollution is now a common place term, that our ears are attuned to. We hear about the various
forms of pollution and read about it through the mass media. Air pollution is one such form that
refers to the contamination of the air, irrespective of indoors or outside. A physical, biological or
chemical alteration to the air in the atmosphere can be termed as pollution. It occurs when any
harmful gases, dust, smoke enters into the atmosphere and makes it difficult for plants, animals
and humans to survive as the air becomes dirty.
Air pollution can further be classified into two sections- Visible air pollution and invisible air
pollution. Another way of looking at Air pollution could be any substance that holds the potential to
hinder the atmosphere or the well being of the living beings surviving in it. The sustainment of all
things living is due to a combination of gases that collectively form the atmosphere; the imbalance
caused by the increase or decrease of the percentage of these gases can be harmful for survival.

Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013) 35

3 Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) based on the above.
Number Statements (T) (F)
1. Pollution is now a rare place term.
2. The Various farms of pollution and read about it through the masse
3. Air pollution is one such form that reters to contamination of the are
irrospectise of indoors or outside.
4. A physical, biological or channical alteration to the air in the atmosphere
can be termed as pollution.
5. Air pollution can be classified into two sections. verble air pollution and
invissible air pollution.

36 Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013)

3 Report and Offering

Do you know event in the picture? What do you know about

it? Hase you ever meet it directly? In this chapter, we will
learn about two things. First, we will learn about how to make
a report presentation. Report presentation is the way we
communicate to other people. Second, we will learn about
asking for and giving information related to writing report.
So, let’s learn this chapter. Are you ready to born the one?
Let’s get started!

Kompetensi Inti
3. Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis, dan mengevaluasi tentang pengetahuan faktual, konseptual, prosedural
dasar, dan metakognitif, sesuai dengan bidang dan lingkup kajian Bahasa Inggris pada tingkat teknis, spesifik,
detail, dan kompleks, berkenaan dengan ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dalam konteks
pengembangan potensi diri sebagai bagian dari keluarga, sekolah, dunia kerja, warga masyarakat nasional,
regional, dan internasional.
4. Melaksanakan tugas spesifik dengan menggunakan alat, informasi, dan prosedur kerja yang lazim dilakukan serta
memecahkan masalah sesuai dengan bidang kajian Bahasa Inggris.
Menampilkan kinerja di bawah bimbingan dengan mutu dan kuantitas yang terukur sesuai dengan standar
kompetensi kerja.
Menunjukkan keterampilan menalar, mengolah, dan menyaji secara efektif, kreatif, produktif, kritis, mandiri,
kolaboratif, komunikatif, dan solutif dalam ranah abstrak terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya
di sekolah, serta mampu melaksanakan tugas spesifik di bawah pengawasan langsung.
Menunjukkan keterampilan mempersepsi, kesiapan, meniru, membiasakan, gerak mahir, menjadikan gerak alami
dalam ranah konkret terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah, serta mampu melaksanakan
tugas spesifik di bawah pengawasan langsung.

Kompetensi Dasar
3.25 Menganalisis fungsi social, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional yang melibatkan
tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait penulisan laporan sederhana.
4.25 Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait
penulisan laporan sederhana dengan memperhatikan fungsi social, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan yang
benar dan sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya di dunia kerja.
3.26 Menganalisis fungsi social, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional yang melibatkan
tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait penyajian laporan secara lisan (report presentation).
4.26 Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait
penyajian laporan dengan memperhatikan fungsi social, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan
sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya di dunia kerja.
3.27 Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi interpersonal lisan dan tulis yang
melibatkan tindakan menawarkan jasa, serta menanggapinya, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. (Perhatikan
unsur kebahasaan May I help you? What can I do for you? What if ...?)
4.27 Menyusun teks interaksi interpersonal lisan dan tulis sederhana yang melibatkan tindakan menawarkan jasa,
dan menanggapinya dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan
sesuai konteks.

Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013) 37

Learning Objectives
After learning this chapter, students are expected to be able to:
1. analyze social function, generic structure and language features of writing report presentation;
3. arranged writing report presentation;
4. present report presentation;
5. identify characteristics of expressions of offering something or help;
6. describe social function, structure, and language features expressions of offering something or help after identifying
the characteristics of those expressions; also
7. make oral and written conversation using expressions of offering something or help after describing the social
function, structure, and language features expressions of those expressions.

Time Allocation
( ... subject hour / 7 × meeting)

Concept Map

Report Presentation
cover cover

Report Offering Expression

Attitude Competence
Knowledge, creativity, courage, and self control.

Learning Materials

KD 3.25 and 4.25 Pertemuan 14th, 15th, and 16th meetings

A. Report

1. Asking for and Giving Information Related to Writing Report

A report is written for a clear purpose and to a particular audience. Specific information and
evidence are presented, analyzed and applied to a particular problem or issue. The information
is presented in a clearly structured format making use of sections and headings so that the
information is easy to locate and follow. 
Commonly, report may require different format. Here are commonly used headings for
reports, as follow.
Number Outline Meanings
1 Title The name of a report
2 Content page List of the contents of the report
3 Acknowledgement Statement of an author’s gratitude to other people
4 abstract A short summary of a report
5 Introduction Setting out the aims and objectives, terms and definition
6 Background All the background research
7 Methodology Set of the chosen methodology and research methods
8 Findings/Analysis Set of your main findings
9 Conclusions Sum up the findings

38 Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013)

2. Report Presentation
Report presentation is important. How do you take a technical report and turn it into a
compelling presentation? Here are the following steps.
Begin with the conclusion
The best place to start is at the end of your report. This is where you will find the most important
and relevant information.
Establish your objectives
Think about the purpose or objectives of the presentation. Do you want to pass along information?
Create awareness? Or call people to action? This will determine how you “shape your presentation.”
Write down your objectives and keep them as clear and concise as you can.
Know your audience
Find out what your audience may be expecting to hear during the presentation. If listeners
don’t get the information they want you may not get the response you want.Find out what your
audience may be expecting to hear during the presentation. If listeners don’t get the information
they want you may not get the response you want.

Task 1
Listen to your teacher to complete the following report.
The purpose of this research is to (1) ... the efficiency of adding a new menu in a restaurant.
This is (2) ... by analyzing the customers’ responses towards the new product and the sales of
the hew product.
The data of this research were (3) ... using two methods; by observation and interviews.
During the observation, the researcher (4) ... how many customers ordered the new menu
assigned by the restaurant owner. The observation was (5) ... in separate times during a week.
This was done to get wider variety of customers. On the other hand, to get (6) ... about the new
menu, the researcher conducted a simple (7) ... to the customers who ordered the new menu.
This was done to get the customers’ opinions about the new menu’
After conducting the research, the researcher found that the new (8) ... received a positive
feedback from the costumers. It was shown by the number of customers ordering the new menu
when the research was conducted. The interview results also (9) ... that the majority of the
costumers liked the new menu.
In conclusion, the new menu offered by the restaurant is (10) ... by most of its costumers which
result in more costumers coming into the restaurant and increasing sales to the restaurant.

Task 2
Practice the dialogs, and answer the questions.
Anita : Alright, everyone! Let’s discuss our project report.
Bagus : O.K. But first, let’s decide the topic. How about farming?
Anggi : Ah, that’s a good idea. Now,.Let’s discuss the title.
Anita : How about a study on the efficiency of hydroponic farming?
Bagus : That’s good. Let’s go with that.
Anggi : I agree. Now, let’s divide our tasks who will write the content page, acknowledgement,
abstract, and introduction.
Bagus : Leave that to me.
Anggi : Alright. Next, Anita, what about making the background and the methodology?

Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013) 39

Anita : Okay. But, is it okay that I only little?
Anggi : I think the methodology will be long since we have to explain it in detail.
Anita : Okay then. So, Anggi will make the rest.
Anggi : That’s right. I’ll make the analysis, conclusion, recommendations, executive summary,
bibliography, glossary, and the appendix.
Bagus : Okay. Let’s decide the deadline for our work.
Anita : S  ince we have to submit it on September 23,I think we have to finish it on 18. We need
to check our work before submitting it.
Anggi : Anita is right.
1. Who are involved in the dialogs above?
2. What does the dialog talk about?
3. What does Bagus decide first about a report?
4. Who want to write the content page, acknowledgement, abstract, and introduction?
5. When will the project report be submitted?

Task 3
Read the following text carefully and answer the questions.
The Effects of Applying English for Classroom Communication to Students’ English Skills
The objective of the research is to find out the effects of applying English language for classroom
communication in improving students’ English skills. The subjects of this research are students of Class
X AK3 of SMK Tunas Muda. The subjects are chosen to see how tenth grade students improve their
English skills since they are expected to use English for the classroom communication in Class XII.
The first step of this research is to test the subjects of which are the students of Class X AK3
of SMK Tunas Muda with written and reading tests. The written test was conducted by giving
the students an English test similar to what they use to get at school. Meanwhile, the reading
test was done by making the students read various texts. Then, the researcher recorded their
performances and noted their errors in pronunciation and fluency.
The next step is to implement English for classroom communication in every English lesson for
a month. During this time, the class had 8 meetings for the English subject with 360 minutes in
total time.
The last step of this research is to repeat the same test to the students and compared the results
to the first test’s conducted before, to see how effective the method in improving the students’
English skills is.
From 40 students participating in the research, 70 % of them improve greatly in the written test.
Few of the students manage to score 8 out of 10 compared to the previous test of which most
students only received 6 out of 10.
On the reading test, however, 75% of the students manage to show significant improvements.
Most students can read with better accuracy. Their mistakes in pronunciation decrease and they
can read with shorter breaks in between sentences.
Conditioning students to use English for classroom communication improves their English skills
1. What does the research report tell us about?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
2. What is the purpose of the research above?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................

40 Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013)

3. What are the subjects or the research above?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
4. What is the next step after the researcher record the students’ performances?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
5. From 40 students participating in the research, how many percent of them improve greatly in
the written test.
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
Task 4
Complete the dialogue and practice it in front of the class!
Tina : Well, how do we (1) ...?
Vina : Well, first of all, the (2) ... has to have a heading.
Tina : Hm. How about Report on Purchase of New Printers.
Vina : Yes, that’s good. Report on Purchase of New Printers. Fine. What next?
Tina : The date?
Vina : Yes, the report has to be dated, but first of all it has (3) ... to someone.
Tina : Well, that’s easy. To Mr. Sutresman?
Vina : Yes. to Mr. Sutresman, Managing Director, Firedome Ltd, Kendari. And the date ....
Now ... Terms ... of ... reference.
Tina : What (4) ... that mean?
a. does
Vina : That means what we were asked to do.
b. recommend
Tina : Right. We’ve got that down. And the next?
c. start
Vina : Well, a new side-heading, I think procedure.
d. report
Tina : Procedure?
e. to be
Vina : How we did the investigation.
Tina : So now can we (5) ... the machine we really want?
Vina : I’ll put a side-heading: Recommendation.

Knowledge Insert
Report presentation is the process of presenting a topic to an audience. It is typically a
demonstration, lecture, or speech meant to inform, persuade, or build good will. The term can
also be used for a formal or ritualized introduction or offering, as with the presentation of a
debutante. A presentation is a means of communication that can be adapted to various speaking
situations, such as talking to a group, addressing a meeting or briefing a team. A presentation
can also be used as a broad term that encompasses other ‘speaking engagements’ such as
making a speech at a wedding, or getting a point across in a video conference.

Individual Task Score:

Answer the questions that follow based on the dialog.
Maryana : I see that you have finished your project report.
Agus : I have, but I still have no idea how to present it.
Maryana : When is your tum to present it?
Agus : Next week. I will present it after you.
Maryana : Then, you still have enough time to practice. I also need time to prepare myself for
the presentation. What about practicing together?
Agus : That’s a good idea. We can correct each other’s mistakes that way.
Maryana : Alright. Let’s start with opening our presentation.
Agus : How about like this? Today, I’ll present my report on the impacts of long holidays to
the emission level in a city.

Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013) 41

Maryana : That’s good, but you should greet the audience first. You can also ask how the
audience is doing to build better communication.
Agus : You’re right. What should I say after that? Can I jump straightly to the objective of
my research?
Maryana : It depend on the time given to us. If we have a long time, we can start by giving the
audience a general idea why we choose the topic.
Agus : Can I say it like this? Have you ever paid attention to the traffics during long holidays?
If yes, you might realize that during that time, there is more emission in the city than
the usual days.
Maryana : Yes, that’s good. You can state your aim after that.
Agus : T hank you. By the way, the real problem is how to keep calm during the
Maryana : That’s why, we need to practice. The more we practice, the more we feel confident
in presenting our reports.
Agus : I see.
1. Who are involved in the dialog above?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
2. What are Maryana and Agus doing?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
3. What should you say at the beginning of a presentation?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................

Group Task Score:

Do the following task.
Make a report about your research. The research must be about the method in learning English
and its effect on the students. Present it according to the rules of report that we have learned in
this chapter. Present and discuss it in front of the class.

HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills)

Read the following text and answer the questions.
Good morning, everyone.
Today. I’ll present a report on my project about the effects of adding a menu to a restaurant.
Let’s start with the aim. The purpose of this research is to find out the efficiency of adding a
new menu in a restaurant to the sales. I choose this research since my father has a restaurant
and I want to help improve the restaurant.
Next, let me tell you about how the methodology. The data of this research were collected using
two methods; by observation and interviews. The observation was done to know how many customers
ordered the new menu and the interview was done to get customers’ opinions on the new menu.
Now, I’d like to discuss about the findings. From the date, I found that the new menu received
positive feed backs from the costumers. It was shown from the sales and positive responses
from the customers.
In conclusion, the new menu offered by the restaurant is welcomed by most of costumers which
results in more costumers coming into the restaurant and increasing sales of the restaurant.
I think that’s enough brief explanation for my report. Thank you.
1. What does the presentation report tell us about?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
2. What do you think about the research conducted by the writer/speaker?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................

42 Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013)

3. How does the speaker end her presentation?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................

KD 3.25, 4.25, 3.26, 4.26, 3.27, and 4.27 Pertemuan 17th, 18th, 19th, and 20th meetings

B. Expression of Offering
Offering is a kind of important expression. It commonly used in everyday life. Offering can be
offering a help or something. Offering is also a type of offer or bid, like the kind made in business
meeting. There are a lot of different ways to offer your assistance both in formal and in informal
situation. It is common that English speakers make offers in conversations in order to be polite
and helpful. When they do so they use these expressions:
1. Can I… ?
2. Shall I… ?
3. Would you like … ?
4. How about ...?
Below are expressions related to the offering :
1. Making Offer
Can I help you?
Shall get you some juice?
Would you like a glass of water ?
How about some pizza?
2. Responding to offers
Accepting Declining
Yes please. I’d like to. It’s OK, I can do it myself. 
That would be very kind of you. Don’t worry, I’ll do it.
Yes please, that would be lovely. No, thanks
Yes please, I’d love to.  No, thank you
If you wouldn’t mind.
If you could.
Thank you, that would be great.

Task 1
Listen to your teacher to complete the following text and fill in the blanks space with the
correct words.
Mr. Hilman Mahardhika
Pahlwanan Street No.45

Dear Mr. Hilman Mahardhika,

I am from Persada Rent Car. We are (1) ... to offer our services to your company, Happy
Ending Wedding Organizer. We have many (2) ... cars for rent and have established partnerships
with any (3) ... and event organizers. This can be (4) ... by our luxurious cars which are (5) ... for
great moments. We offer all kinds of cars for any (6) ..., professional drivers, custom decoration,
escort cars, as well as other concerned wedding materials. We have a (7) ... as the best car
rental and it would be our (8) ... to provide our services, please visit www. Persada Rent Car.
com to (9) ... cars and rates.
I (10) ... to hearing from you about this partnership.

Your sincerly,
Dion Herlambang
Managing Director

Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013) 43

Task 2
Practice the following dialog with your friend and answer the following questions based on
the dialog above.
Ani : Hello, Dina.
Dina : Hi, Anna.
Ani : with whom do you come here?
Dina : I come here with my brother
Ani : where is your brother now?
Dina : My brother has gone to his friend.
Ani : I see, By the way do you want to drink something Dina?
Dina : Yes, please.
Ani : what do you want something to drink?
Dina : I want to drink a cup of coffee.
1. With whom did Dina come?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
2. Where is Dina’s brother now?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
3. What kind of drink liked to drink by Dina?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................

Task 3
Read the following dialog.
Answer the following questions correctly.
Aris : What are you doing, Deb?
Deby : I’m replying e-mail from client and writing 10 articles about travelling.
Aris : Wow, you are so busy, right?
Deby : Yeah. I’m so stressful.
Aris : Shall I do your half job ?
Deby : Really? You must be kidding me.
Aris : I’m so serious, Deb. How?
Deby : Thank you so much, Aris. I appreciate your help.
Aris : You’re welcome, Deby.
1. What was Deby doing about?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
2. What was the condition of Deby?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
3. What did Aris to Deby?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
Task 4
Translate the dialog above into Indonesia. Write the translation above on your own paper
and give it to your teacher.

44 Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013)

Knowledge Insert
In English, we use several different words to show cause and effect. Examples are:for, because,
since, therefore, unless, nevertheless, however, on the other hand, as a result, consequently,
due to, because of, as a result of, et cetera.

Individual Task Score:

Read the following text and answer the questions.
Dear Mr. Atmaja,
I am an advocate who has practiced law for more than twenty years. I have constantly been very
interested in environmental issues or problems. I offer to volunteer my experience and proficiency
Nusa Bhakti Lestari Group that sturdily resist mining company that continually harm coral reefs
conservation. If you really fascinated in my legal services, please call me at 8886 7433
Your sincerly,
Mr. Hendita Wicaksono
1. Who is the sender of the offering letter?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
2. Who is the receiver of the offering letter?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
3. How do the receiver contact the sender of the letter?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................

Group Task Score:

Do the following task.
Work in pairs. Write a text of offering. Then, take turn with your partner. After that, present it in
front of the class.

HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills)

Read the dialog below and answer the questions.

Ms Thalia : H  i, Ayu. You need to take another remedial test this week. It’s your English this time.
Ayu : Yes, ma’am. I’m sorry to let you down.
Ms Thalia : You didn’t perform as usual. Is there something that is bothering you?
Ayu : No, ma’am. I guess it is because I didn’t completely understand the lesson.
Ms Thalia : Why didn’t you tell me? May I help you review the lesson again?
Ayu : No, thank you for the offer, Ms Thalia. I guess I can learn from my mistakes.
Ms Thalia : Alright, then. Would you like to have another copy of the lesson review.
Ayu : No, thank you. I think I will do the test carefully.
Ms Thalia : Well, that would be fine.
1. What can we imply about Ayu’s failure in remedial test?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
2. Imagine if you were Ayu, what would you do, accepting Ms Thalia’s offer or refuse her offer?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
3. If you were Ayu’s classmate, would you offer some help to her?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................

Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013) 45

Character Insert
Learning this chapter can teach us so many things. It can teach us how to responsible, cooperative,
having communicative manner, teamwork and respect to others.

Learning Reflection
In the end of the chapter, have you mastered the following material? Give tick mark (√) according
to your ability!
Number Ability Yes No
1. Understand oral presentation.
2. Practice oral presentation comprehensively.
3. Comprehend the structure of writing presentation.
4. Analyse generic structure and language feature of writing report.
5. Write the lesson of writing report presentation.
If you have mastered the material, you can do the following test.

Daily Assessment 3
I. Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, d, or e.
The following text is for questions number d. Allowing the mistake of the presentation.
1 to 5. e. Avoid the error as good as possible.
How to Give a Successful Presentation 3. Why should the presentation speaker put
There are so many interesting presentations. the topic separately?
But, they are destroyed by the bad speaker. As the a. To make curious the audiences.
speaker itself, giving a bad presentation is like a b. To permit the audiences misconception.
nightmare because speakers hold the interest of c. To make misunderstanding of the
their audience. They should avoid errors as soon audiences.
as possible. If the chance of errors can be avoided, d. To make misconceiving of the audiences.
the chance of getting big attention is higher. Then, e. To let the audiences perfunctory.
how to make a good presentation? 4. “It can make the audience feel curious and
There are fundamental differences between eager to follow the speaker.” The word
oral and written report. In the oral presentation, underlined has the synonym with ....
speaker needs to follow the speaker who presents a. intimate d. acknowledge
the materials. In the written report, the reader can b. trigger e. cognise
skip the unnecessary part to jump to the content, c. desire
conclusion, recommendation, et cetera. So, what 5. “In the oral presentation, speaker needs
should we do? We should speak as confident to follow the speaker who presents the
as possible. Besides that, the detail of the topic materials.” The opposite of the word
should treat separately. It can make the audience underlined is ....
feel curious and eager to follow the speaker. a. unwritten d. written
1. What is the main disturbance of interesting b. talked e. uttered
presentation? c. spoken
a. Bad audience. d. Bad speaker. The following dialog is for questions number
b. Bad interview. e. Good audience. 6 to 9.
c. Good speaker. Maya : Hi, Rhaka. How are you doing?
2. What should the speaker do to get the big Rhaka : Pretty well. How about you.
attention? Maya : I’m fine. Thanks. By the way, what
a. Ignoring the audience’s attention. do you think we should make for our
b. Dismissing the audience’s attention. culture project report?
c. Permitted the error as good as

46 Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013)

Rhaka : I ’m not sure either. Let’s start selecting 8. What is Maya’s idea in gathering the data?
the topics we have gathered. a. Take pictures with the participants and
write their statements.
Maya : All right. What about this, “The value
b. Ask the participants to make videos and
of puppet to foreign students.”
send them to Rhaka and Maya.
Rhaka : That’s unique. What is the purpose
c. Ask the participants to fill information in
of the study?
Maya : To see how many foreign students d. Do a direct interview with the participants
study puppet and why they choose and tape them.
to study puppet. e. Send questionnaires to the participants
Rhaka : Well. Don’t you think it will be difficult and collect them later.
for us to get the data? Where can
9. “We still have to make questions to be asked
we find that many foreigners?
to them.” What does the underlined word
Maya : T hat’s right. What about this?
refer to?
“Students understanding to their
a. Rhaka and Maya.
cultural heritage”. We can do it at
b. Rhaka’s classmates.
our school.
c. The foreign students.
Rhaka : That’s a good idea. What we can list d. The puppets.
several famous cultural heritages e. The reporters.
and see how familiar they to them.
The following text is for questions number
Maya : O  kay. What’s next? 10 and 11.
Rhaka : Let’s gather information about famous
culture in Indonesia and develop Dear Sania,
questionnaires from that. I am really sorry but I don’t think I can arrive
Maya : What about just asking the students home quickly because I have lots of work to
directly and recording it on our finish before 8 p.m. l’ll bring you carbonara spicy
phone? pasta and pepperoni pizza for your dinner, if
Rhaka : We still have to make questions to there’s anything you want, please chat with
be asked to them. me soon!
Maya : I see. Let’s make the questionnaires. With Love,

6. What does the dialog tell us about?

a. Comparing two report topics.
b. Exchanging opinion on report topics. 10. What does the writer offer?
c. Gathering report topics. a. Chatting anytime.
d. Informing a report topic. b. Cooking food for dinner.
e. Determining a report topic. c. Cooking pasta and pizza.
d. Buying some food for dinner.
7. Pay attention to the following statements.
e. Going home as soon as possible
(1) Maya and Rhaka are siblings.
(2) Maya and Rhaka are going to make a 11. Based on the text, the writer will . . . .
report. a. come home late
(3) The first step to make a report is by b. chat to her daughter immediately
selecting the topic. c. finish her work after 8 p.m.
(4) They cancel to make a report about d. buy many snacks for her daughtern
puppet because they can’t buy some of e. cook carbonara spicy pasta and pizza
them. The following text is for questions number
(5) They make the report by asking their 12 to 13.
parents and teachers. Dear Valuable customers,
The correct statements based on the text Thank you for using our services for many
are shown by numbers .... (HOTS) years. We think you will be interested in our new
a. (1), and (3) “Flashnet” service that we have just introduced
b. (2), and (3) to the trade. An online brochure has been sent
c. (2), and (5) to you today by mail.
d. (2), and (5)
e. (3), and (6)

Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013) 47

“Flashnet” is the fastest internet service in Bellboy : “Sure.”
rush hours. The download speed is up to 100 a. What else can I do for you?
Mbps so you can work very quickly. Moreover, b. Do you mind if I help you?
we have expanded our network to isolated c. May you help me?
places. If you have limited signal at your place, d. Will you help me?
you can choose this service. e. What do you think if I help you?
We offer you a 10% discount and free 16. Mrs. Sari : “ The room is very dark.”
instalment fee if you decide to use this service Ayu : “Do you want me to turn on
this month. We look forward to receiving your the light Mom?”
response immediately. Thank you. Mrs. Sari : “ ....
Yours faithfully, a. You are so helpless
Priscillia Amanda b. That’s very kind of you
12. What does the writer offer? c. Think of yourself
a. An excellent internet connection. d. Don’t bother me
b. Mobile services in workspaces. e. I don’t think that will happen
c. A 10% discount. 17. Shop assistent : “ We l c o m e , M a d a m e
d. A 10% discount and free instalment. ...?”
e. Free online. Lady buyer : “Thanks. I want to see
13. Budi : Nugie, where are you? some historical books.”
Nugie : I’m in the house. What’s matter? Shop assistent : “Well, you go to the books
Budi : Oh ............ department. This way,
Nugie : I’d like to help you. For what?
Lady buyer : “Thank you.
Budi : Would you please accompany me
a. do you want to help
to the bookstore. I want to buy a
b. anything I can do for you
new English dictionary.
c. nice to see you
Nugie : OK. Sure. d. would you mind helping me
Complete the dialog above with suitable e. would you like to help
expression ..... 18. Pay attention to the following statements.
a. Would you like some help? (1) That’s terribly kind. Thank you very much
b. Sorry, I can’t help you (2) Do you want me to post that letter for you?
c. Could I possibly ask you to help me? (3) I’ll be glad to help you?
d. Let me help you (4) That’s very good of you!
e. No, you don’t need to help (5) What a good idea!
14. Mrs. Yuni : “Have you finished your The correct offering help expressions are
report? shown by numbers ....
Harry : “ Not yet. a. (1), and (2) d. (2), and (5)
Mrs. Yuni : “...? b. (1), and (3) e. (3), and (6)
Harry : “Of course. I’ll be very happy c. (2), and (3)
then. 19. Pay attention to the following statements.
a. Is there something you can do for me (1) That’s awfully kind, but there’s no need.
b. What can I do for you (2) No, thank you. But I am very grateful
c. Would you like me to help you (3) Thanks. That would be excellent.
d. Can you do something for me (4) Do you want me to bring these books to
e. Can you do me a favour the office?
15. Bellboy : “Here is your room and this is your (5) That’s very good of you!
suitcase, sir.” The correct accepting offering help
Guest : “ Thank you.” expressions are shown by numbers ....
a. (1), and (3) d. (2), and (5)
Bellboy : “....” b. (1), and (4) e. (3), and (5)
Guest : “I’d be glad of soft drink and c. (2), and (5)

48 Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013)

20. Pay attention to the following statements. (5) Would you like me to check this computer
(1) That’s awfully kind, but there’s no need. for errors?
(2) It’s all right thanks. I can manage that The correct rejecting offering help expressions
alone! are shown by number ....
(3) How kind of you! Thank you very much. a. (1), and (2) d. (2), and (5)
(4) That’s terribly kind. Thank you very b. (1), and (3) e. (3), and (6)
much. c. (2), and (5)
II. Answer the following questions correctly.
Read the following text and answer the questions for number 1 to 10.
Lab Report Writing
Entitled Transpiration
Transpiration is the evaporation of water particles from plant surfaces, especially from the
surface openings, or stomates, on leaves. Stomatal transpiration accounts for most of the water
loss by a plant.
The amount of water given off depends somewhat upon how much water the roots of the
plant have absorbed. It is also depends upon such environmental conditions as sunlight, humidity,
winds and temperature.
Transpiration occurs as the sun warms the water inside the blade. The warming changes
much of the water into water vapor. This gas then escapes through the stomata. Transpiration
helps cool the inside of the leaf because the escaping vapor has absorbed heat.
Materials and Methods
The 1,000 milliliters flask should be fitted with a three hole rubber stopper, separatory funnel
and a measuring pipet.
Take a plant shoot and cut in a sink under running water. Remove the shoot from the water
and place the stem through the hole in the stopper and allow one inch of the stem to go into the
water in the flask.
Move the apparatus to the fume hood and measure every two minutes for 30 minutes.
Place a plastic bag over the leafy part of the shoot and fasten it with a rubber band. Measure
this for an additional ten minutes.
Results and Discussion
This experiment was conducted to show how different effects such as wind or temperature
affect transpiration. The results of transpiration under normal room conditions on the plant showed
the fastest rate transpiration. This faster rate showed that the temperature had the greatest effect
on the pea plant leaves. This also indicated by the control group.
The next effect on transpiration came from the wind factor present in the fume. The rate of
water loss and demand was 0.45 centimeters. This proved that plants do lose water when outside
conditions change such as in the presence of windy conditions.
Time Measurement Amount of Change
12:13 pm 1.5 cm -
12:15 pm 1.75 cm 0.25 cm
12:17 pm 2.0 cm 0.25 cm
12:19 pm 2.25 cm 0.25 cm
12:21 pm 2.25 cm -
12:23 pm 2.45 cm 0.20 cm
A shoot placed in the hole in the rubber stopper and inserted into coloured water in the flask.
As the plant takes up water, air moves into the pipette. Under set conditions the measurements
were made on the volume and the rate at which water was transpired by following the movement
of the interface between the water and air in the pipette.

Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013) 49

Once the shoot was removed the rate of water uptake was greatly increased to 1.5 centimeters.
This was a new rate of water uptake. The fact that the equilibrium rate of the plant freed from its
roots was higher shows that the roots were unable to take up water as rapidly as the shoot was
capable of transpiring it.
1. What is the report about?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
2. What is the meaning of transpiration?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
3. How does the amount of water given off?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
4. How does the transpiration occur?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
5. Where did the writer conduct the experiments before witting the report?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
6. What should we do after taking a plant shoot and cutting in a sink under running water?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
7. What next to do after moving the apparatus to the fume hood?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
8. What will happen to the plants when outside conditions change such as in the presence of
windy conditions?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
9. What is the result of the report?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
10. In which part of the report can you find the lab procedures?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................

Read the following dialog and answer the questions.
Aryo :G  ood morning. May I help you?
Badu : Yes, I’d like to buy some sweaters for me and my brother.
Aryo :W  hich ones would you like?
Badu : I’d like to have a look at some green ones. Because it is catchy and stylist. Could you
show me some, please?
Aryo : Yes, of course. Here you are.
Badu : Thank you. These looks nice, but they are too small.
Aryo : S hall I get you the biggest ones?
Badu : Yes, please, I’ll have the medium size.
Aryo : W ell, I will take for you.
Badu : Thank you so much.
Aryo : Here are the sweaters.
Badu : So, how much are they?
Aryo : Both of them are Rp350.000.00 rupiahs.
Badu : OK. Here is the money.
1. Where does the dialog probably take place?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
2. What color of sweaters does the buyer like?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
3. What size of sweaters does the buyer want to buy?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................

50 Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013)

4. How much does the sweater cost per each?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
5. Why does the buyer really like a green color?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................

Do the following task.
Make a dialog that uses the expression of offering. After that, submit to your teacher.

Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013) 51

Final Semester Test 1
I. Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, d, or e.
The following text is for questions number 4. The main idea of the first paragraph is that
1 to 5. Abdulrachman Saleh .... (HOTS)
a. had his own medical practice
Abdulrahman Saleh
b. studied at the medical school in Stovia
Born into a family of doctors in Kampung
c. became a doctor because of his family
Ketapang, Kwitang Barat, Jakarta, Abdulrachman
d. was appointed assistant at the laboratory
Saleh also became a doctor. After finishing MULO,
of physiology
he studied at STOVIA. While still a student, he was
e. started his career as a doctor in Stovia 
appointed assistant at the laboratory of physiology.
Graduating from STOVIA, Abdulrachman Saleh 5. “Abdulrachman Saleh’s role in medicine
continued his work at the lab while having his was significant.” The word underlined has
own medical practice. the closest meaning with the word ....
Abdulrachman Saleh’s role in medicine a. important d. ugly
was significant. He became a lecturer in b. slimy e. despicable
Jakarta, Surabaya, Malang, and Klaten. For his c. peanut
meritorious service in medicine, specifically in The following text is for questions number
physiology, in 1958, the University of Indonesia 6 to 8.
bestowed him the title of Bapak Ilmu Faal Landslide
(Father of Physiology). The term landslide refers to the downward
Abdulrachman Saleh was a man of many movement of a large mass of rocks, soil, mud,
interests. He was involved in youth organizations and organic debris. Areas with steep slopes, for
like Boy Scouts and Indonesia Muda. He was example mountainous regions, are particularly
also a member of Aeroclub, and co-founded susceptible to landslide hazards. Most landslides
theVerenigde Oosterse Radio Omroep (VORO), are caused by multiple factors that act together
an organization of broadcasters. It was he who to destabilize the slope. The primary cause of
established the Voice of Free Indonesia, the a landslide is the influence of gravity acting on
radio station which spread the proclamation of weakened materials that make up a sloping area
Indonesia’s independence to the world. of land. While some landslides occur slowly
1. Where was Abdulrachman Saleh born? over time (e.g., land movement on the order of
a. Jakarta. d. Surabaya. a few meters per month), the most destructive
b. Surakarta. e. Purwakarta. ones happen suddenly after a triggering event
c. Yogyakarta. such as heavy rainfall oran earthquake.
2. Abdulrachman Saleh was bestowed the title The force flow of mud, debris, and rocks
Father of Physiology because .... as a result of a landslide can cause serious
a. he was a lecturer as well as a doctor damage to property. Infrastructure such as
b. he had significant contribution in roads, railways, leisure destinations, buildings
physiology  and communication systems can be decimated
c. he was a lecturer in many parts of by a single landslide. Communities living at the
Indonesia foot of hills and mountains are at a greater risk
d. he was a lecture r a s well as a of death by landslides. A substantial landslide
professor carries along huge rocks, heavy debris and
e. he was a lecturer in the medical faculty heavy soil with it. This kind of landslide has
of the university of Indonesia the capacity to kills lots of people on impact.
3. Abdulrachman Saleh became a lecturer in 6. Look at the following causes of landslide!
several cities. One of them was in .... (1) The influence of gravity acting on
a. Yogyakarta weakened materials that make up a
b. Medan sloping area of land.
c. Jakarta (2) Mining activities.
d. Bandung (3) Erosion.
e. Semarang (4) Air pollution.
(5) Property debris.

52 Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013)

From the explanation above, that can not be The following text is for questions number
included into the cause of landslide is …. 11 to 13.
a. (1), (2), and (3) d. (4) and (5) Effect of Water Pollution
b. (2) and (4) e. (1), (3), and (5)
Industrial development and production
c. (1) and (5)
in western first-world countries has long
7. From the text above, landslide is usually ago reached the level where it is possible to
caused by …. dramatically affect the environment. Among
a. gravity d. abrasion such industry-related problems as air pollution,
b. volcanic activity e. wind soil contamination, radioactive waste, and so
c. flood on, the problem of low-quality water stands
8. Below are the effects of landslide. as one of the most pertinent in terms of its
(1) The destruction of property. importance for the survival of humankind.
(2) Damaging the beauty of landscapes. Therefore, information about the negative effects
(3) Causing deaths. of water pollution should be not only studied,
(4) improving mining activities. but spread among the general populous, taken
(5) Volcanic eruption. into consideration, and prevented.
One of the most significant problems
From the explanation above, that can not be
connected to poor water quality is that entire food
included into the effect of landslide are ....
chains are drastically affected or even become
a. (1), (2), and (4) d. (4) and (5)
extinct due to increased toxicity. Because of huge
b. (2) and (4) e. (3) and (5) pollutants as lead or cadmium get into water, it
c. (1), (3), and (5) must contaminate microorganisms living in it.
The following text is for questions number These microorganisms are consumed by larger
9 and 13. species that, in their turn, are eaten by even larger
Among the various effect of air pollution, animals, and so on. Eventually, this chain leads to
climate changes are slow, the deterioration of human beings, because people all over the world
health is insidious, and the damage to plants, consume fish and seafood. Thus,by polluting
animals, or materials seems remote to those oceans, people worsen their overall well-being.
not directly involved. But smoke is visible to Another problem connected to the
all and the stinks of sulfides are all over. As contamination of water is the disruption of
a result, most complaints by individuals to air entire ecosystems. An ecosystem is the way
pollution agencies refer to something that can of interaction between creatures that inhabit a
be seen or smelled. certain area, and thus depend on each other. But,
water pollution can severely damage the subtle
9. What is the main idea of the paragraph? connections between the living species inhabiting
(HOTS) certain environment, causing species to become
a. The effect of air pollution on people’s extinct; every time an ecosystem suffers, it also
lives can be direct and indirect. affects the condition of our planet in general.
b. People are not directly affected by the Because of the most significant damage
damage of plant and animals. from water pollution, It make many problems
c. People complain about all the pollutants for human, too. For instance, diseases like
in the air. hepatitis are caused by eating contaminated
d. Climatic change does not immediately seafood; developing countries, which oftenhave
have an effect on people’s lives. problems with the quality of water, experience
e. Complaints by individuals have been frequent outbreaks of cholera or diphtheria. If
made to pollution. you swim in polluted water, it can cause you to
10. The main information about paragraph is .... develop skin diseases, reproductive problems,
(HOTS) typhoid fever, and so on.
a. the danger of air pollution Because of water pollution, it leads to
b. the slow climatic change number of serious, and negative consequences.
c. the effects of air pollution It destroys animal species that inhabit seas and
d. wastes emitted by air pollution oceans, and disrupts existing food chains. Water
e. complaints about air pollution pollution also affects ecosystem in a negative
way, destroying them and thus affecting the
ecological situation on earth.

Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013) 53

These two factors have an indirect, but strong The following text is for questions number
effect on humanity. As for the direct effects, 14 to 16.
polluted water causes people to suffer from Because today’s people are living longer
cholera, diphtheria, skin diseases, reproductive than ever, more psychologists and social workers
problems, poisoning, and so on. have begun to study ways of care-giving to
Nowadays, there are many people in the improve care of the elderly. They have found that
world who concern to reduce water pollution, all caregivers share a common characteristic:
we should thanks to their help and integrity to They believe that they are the best people for
make the better world. All of this, means that the job, for different reasons. One caregiver said
humanity should pay more attention to the that she had always been close to the mother.
problem of water contamination, otherwise it Another caregiver was the oldest child, and
will continue to severely hurt itself. another was the youngest child. Regardless
11. What can we infer about the significant effect of the reason, the caregivers all felt that they
of low quality water? could do the job better than anyone else. Social
a. It affects ecosystems in a negative way, workers interviewed caregivers to find out why
destroying them and thus affecting the they took on the responsibilty of caring of an
ecological situation on Earth. elderly, dependent relative. They discovered
b. Polluted water causes people to suffer from three basic reasons, Many caregivers believed
cholera, diphteria, skin diseases, reproductive that they had an obligation to help their relatives.
problems, poisoning, and so on. Some stated that helping others made them
c. It destroys animal species that inhabit fell more useful. Others hoped that by helping
seas and oceans, and disrupts existing someone now, they would deserve care when
food chains. they became old and dependent.
d. All of the above Researchers have found that caring for
e. None of the above the elderly can be a very positive experience.
The elderly appreciated the care and attention
12. What is the conclusion of the text above?
they received. They were affectionate and
cooperative. However, even when care-giving
a. Perhaps the most significant damage from
is satisfying, it is had work. Social workers and
water pollution is connected to humans.
experts on aging offer caregivers and potential
b. People in the world should pay more
caregivers help when arranging for the care of
attention to the problem of water
and elderly relative. One consideration is to ask
contamination, otherwise it will continue
parents what they want before they become sick
to severely hurt itself.
or dependent. Perhaps they prefer going into
c. Another problem connected to the
nursing home, and can select one in advance.
contamination of water is the disruption
On the other hand, they may want to live with
of entire ecosystem.
their adult children. Caregivers must also learn
d. Industrial development and production
to arouse confidence in others and ask for help
is western first-world countries has long
from others. Brothers and sisters are often willing
ago reached the level where it is possible
to help, but they may not know what to do.
to dramatically affect the environment.
e. Water pollution destroys animal species 14. Psychologists are interested in examining
that inhabit seas and oceans, and are-giving to the elderly because ....
disrupts existing food chains. a. their family are too busy to care them
b. people’s life-span is longer now
13. Here are the problems caused by industrial
c. their condition is mentioned by social
(1) Air pollution
d. they have, in practice, been neglected
(2) Soil contamination
e. there are not enough homes for the
(3) Make plants grow so fast
(4) Low quality water
(5) Creating radioactive 15. Caregivers are willing to take care of the
(6) Increase water availability elderly because of the following reasons,
a. (1), (2), (3) d. (3), (4), (5) except ....
b. (1), (2), (4) e. (3), (5), (6) a. they feel to be the best person to look
c. (2), (3), (4) after them

54 Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013)

b. they expect that they won’t be neglected d. The relationship between laughter and
c. they are the closest relative the elderly the brain has been fully understood.
have e. Researchers have not learned that the
d. they are the only relatives of the production of laughter is involved with
dependent elderly various regions of the brain so far.
e. they are happy to be able to do something 18. What is the topic of the text above?
for other a. The relationship between laughter and
16. Which of the following statement is true brain activity.
according to the text? b. Laughter as a physiological response to
a. Caring for the elderly can be easily humour.
accomplished without much energy. c. Laughter as a cure to stress.
b. Social workers do not interfere with d. Why we laugh.
the arrangement of taking care of the e. The advantages of laugh.
elderly. 19. “ ..., researchers are making some progress.”
c. Caring for the elderly gives mutual What is the same meaning of the underlined
satisfaction. word?
d. Social workers decide whether the a. Regress. d. Relapse.
elderly live with relatives or in a nursing b. Advance. e. Backward.
home. c. Return.
e. Caregivers know exactly what they want
20. The shopkeeper : “ ... to try the shoes on?”
to do with the elderly.
The following text is for questions number Miss Vina : “No, thank you. I can do
17 to 19. it myself.”
a. May you help me
Laughter is a physiological humour. Laughter b. Do you mind helping me
consists of two parts, a set of gestures and the c. May I help you
production of a sound. When we laugh, the brain d. Would you like to help me
pressures us to conduct both of those activities e. Can you help me
simultaneously. In extreme circumstances,
21. Ticket box : “ What can I do for you, Sir?”
meaning when you laugh too hard or extremely,
the tear ducts are activated, so that while the Caller : “ I will buy a ticket. ....”
mouth is opening and closing and the struggle Ticket box : “ It’s all right, Sir.”
oxygen intake continues, the face becomes a. Welcome to our restaurant
moist and often red (or purple). The noises b. Can I change the day and date
that usually accompany this bizarre behaviour c. I would like a reservation
range from calm giggles to lively guffaws. d. I am sorry Sir the ticket is sold out
Researchers have learned that the production e. Can I choose the seat, please
of laughter is involved with various regions of the 22. Receptionist : “Good Meal” restaurant may
brain. While the relationships between laughter I help you?”
and the brain is not fully understood, researchers Michael : “I would like to book ... in your
are making some progress. An experiment showed restaurant.”
that within four-tenths of a second of exposure a. bedroom d. double bed
to something potentially funny, an electrical wave b. coach e. ticket
moved through the cerebral cortex, the largest c. table
part of the brain. If the wave took a negative
23. Woman : “Good morning. Can I help you,
charge, laughter resulted.
17. Which statement is TRUE according to the
Man : “… for tomorrow. Can we get one
report writing above?
with view to the sea?”
a. Laughter resulted from the positive
charge of electrical waves moving Woman : “ Certainly, Sir.”
through the celebral cortex. a. I’d like to reserve a room
b. Laughter consists of two main parts and b. I’d like to rent a car
other side effects. c. I need a table for two
c. Laughing too hard can cause the face to d. I hope you can help me
change colour and become damp. e. I’d like to buy an apartment

Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013) 55

24. Angga : “ You seem to busy. May I give you 25. Ela: Mom, do you need some help? You look
a hand?” so busy this morning.
Bono : “Oh, no thank you. I can do it my Mom: Of course, dear. I need another pair
self.” of hands to wash the dish.
The underlined sentence expresses ….. The underlined sentence expresses ….
a. offering help a. Accepting help
b. asking for help b. Offering help
c. expecting help c. Refusing help
d. anticipating help d. Looking for something
e. waiting for help e. asking for help

II. Answer the following questions correctly.

The following text is for questions number 1 to 5.
Isaac Newton
Isaac Newton was born at Woolsthorpe near Grantham in Lincolnshire, England on January
4. 1643. His father died before he was born and in 1645 his mother married a clergyman from
North Welham in Leicestershire. She went to live with him while Isaac Newton lived with his
grandmother. His mother returned to Woolsthorpe in 1656 when her second husband died and
Isaac Newton went to live with her again.
From the age of 12 to 14 Isaac Newton went to Grantham Grammar School. During this time
he lodged with an apothecary and his family. Then in 1659 Isaac had to leave to help his mother
on the family farm. Isaac was not in the slightest bit interested in running a farm and in 1660 he
went to the grammar school again. In 1661 he went to Trinity College Cambridge. Isaac Newton
obtained a BA in 1665. In 1666 Isaac Newton was forced to flee Cambridge because of an outbreak
of the plague and he returned temporarily to Woolsthorpe. He returned to university in 1667.
In 1667 Isaac Newton was elected a fellow of Trinity College. The same year he was elected
a member of the Royal Society. In February 1672 a paper he wrote about light and colours was
read to the society. In 1669 Isaac Newton became Lucasian professor of mathematics. In the
meantime, in 1668, he invented a reflecting telescope. In 1689-1690 Isaac Newton was MP for
Cambridge University (in those days Cambridge University had its own MPs). He became an
MP again in 1701-1702 but he did not take an active part in politics.
Isaac Newton published his masterpiece Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica in
1687. It set out his theory of gravity and his laws of motion. In 1695 Isaac Newton was made
Ward of the mint and in 1699 Master of the mint. He resigned his fellowship and professorship
at Cambridge in 1701.
In 1703 Isaac Newton became president of the Royal Society. He was knighted in 1705.
Meanwhile in 1704 Isaac Newton published another great work about light.
Isaac Newton died at the age of 84 on March 20, 1727.
1. With whom did Isaac Newton live in his childhood?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
2. Why must Isaac Newton come to Woolsthrope?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
3. What is the topic discussed in Philosophae Naturalis and Principia Mathematica?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
4. When did Isaac Newton die?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
5. What is the most important theory developed by Isaac Newton?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................

56 Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013)

The following text is for questions number 6 to 10.
Dear Mr. Harison Pramana
We are taking the liberty of sending you with this letter a copy of our current price list for
plastic handbags. The high quality of our products is well known and universally acknowledged
and we are confident that a trial order would convince you that, at the prices quoted, the goods
we are offering an excellent value for money. From all list prices we allow a trade discount of
35% and a further special discount of 5%, making 40% in all, on orders received on or before 31st
May. Under pressure of rising costs we shall not find it possible to extend these favourable terms
beyond that date, so why not take advantage of them now and send us an ininediate order.
We are offering you goods of the very highest quality on unusually generous terms and would
welcome the opportunity to serve you.
Yours faithfully
Mr. Kevin Sonjaya
6. Who send the letter above?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
7. Who receive the letter above?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
8. According to the letter above, what products does the sender offer?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
9. How many percent does a special discount offered?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
10. How about the quality of the product?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................

Soal AKM

The following text is for questions number 1 and 2.

Taylor Swift
Taylor Alison Swift is a singer, song-writer and an actress. She was born on December 13,
1989, in Wyomissing, Pennsylvania. Swift had already shown her talent as singing since her
childhood. Swift sang at a variety of local events, including fairs at the age of 10. When she was
12 years old, she began writing her own songs and learning guitar.
To pursue her music career, Swift frequently went to Nashville in Tennessee, the country music
capital. She then moved to Hendersonville, Tennessee, together with her family, in an attempt
to further career. Her attempt was was a great success. Finally, she signed a contract with Scott
Borchetta’s Big Machine Records when she performed at The Bluebird Cafe in Nashville.
She released her first single album “Tim McGraw” which became a top 10 hit in the country
charts in 2006. Other successful tracks become popular too such as “Our Song”, Teardrops on
My Guitar” Picture to Burn and Should’ve Said No”.
1. The correct statements based on the text ..... (Choose more than one)
Taylor Swift released the first single album “Tim McGraw” in the country charts in 2006.
Taylor Swift began writing her own songs when she was 12 years old.
Taylor Swift began singing her own songs when she was 12 years old.
Taylor Swift and her family moved to New York in attempt to her career.
2. Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) based on the text above.
Number Statements (T) (F)
1. Taylor Alison Swift is a singer, song-writer and an actress.
2. Taylor Alison Swift performed at The Bluebird Cafe in Nashville in 2006.
3. Taylor Alison Swift had already shown her talent as singing since her

Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013) 57

4. Teardrops on My Guitar was one of her other popular songs.
5. Taylor Alison Swift went to Nashville in Tennessee, the country music
capital to pursue her music career.

The following dialog is for question number 3 to 5.

Miss Intan : Good morning, Ma’am. What can I do for you, please?
Mrs. Rika : Good. I’d like to see doctor Indra. My son is sick.
Miss Intan : Yes, Ma’am. I will write the patient’s identity first.
Mrs. Rika : Alright.
Miss Intan : Have your son seen doctor Indra before?
Mrs. Rika : Not yet.
Miss Intan : Okay. I’ll make a medical card him. Please bring the card everytime when your
son comes here.
Mrs. Rika : Sure. Thanks.
Miss Intan : How old is your son?
Mrs. Rika : Six years old.
Miss Intan : What’s your son’s Problem?
Mrs. Rika : He has had high fever for about three days. I have given him pain killers, but it did
Miss Intan : Does he have cough or flu?
Mrs. Rika : Yes, but what I’m mostly worried is about his high temperature. I am afraid if he
suffers from typhoid or dengue fever.
Miss Intan :O  kay. I’ve written everything about your son. I hope everything will be fine. These
are the medical card and queue number. Doctor Indira is examining a patient. I
will call you when it’s your turn.
Mrs. Rika : Thanks.
Miss Intan : You’re welcome.
3. Who does Mrs. Rika want to see to?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
4. What did Mrs. Intan write first?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
5. What did Intan’s advice about a medical card to Mrs. Rika?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................

58 Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013)

I Would Like to Apply
for This Job

Have you ever read or written an application letter? Or have you

ever seen or found job vacancy from any sources? Commonly,
an application letter is a formal letter that is sent to an institution
to apply for a certain position. It accompanies a resume and
other requested documentation. While job vacancy is a job
which has not been filled by someone. Then, curriculum vitae
is a simple account of one’s career and qualifications prepared
typically by an applicant for a position. Here, in this chapter, Source:
you are going to learn about application letter, job vacancy, tribunnews/foto/bank/images/interview-
curriculum vitae and job interview comprehensively. kerja.jpg

Kompetensi Inti
3. Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis, dan mengevaluasi tentang pengetahuan faktual, konseptual, prosedural
dasar, dan metakognitif, sesuai dengan bidang dan lingkup kajian Bahasa Inggris pada tingkat teknis, spesifik,
detail, dan kompleks, berkenaan dengan ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dalam konteks
pengembangan potensi diri sebagai bagian dari keluarga, sekolah, dunia kerja, warga masyarakat nasional,
regional, dan internasional.
4. Melaksanakan tugas spesifik dengan menggunakan alat, informasi, dan prosedur kerja yang lazim dilakukan serta
memecahkan masalah sesuai dengan bidang kajian Bahasa Inggris.
Menampilkan kinerja di bawah bimbingan dengan mutu dan kuantitas yang terukur sesuai dengan standar
kompetensi kerja.
Menunjukkan keterampilan menalar, mengolah, dan menyaji secara efektif, kreatif, produktif, kritis, mandiri,
kolaboratif, komunikatif, dan solutif dalam ranah abstrak terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya
di sekolah, serta mampu melaksanakan tugas spesifik di bawah pengawasan langsung.
Menunjukkan keterampilan mempersepsi, kesiapan, meniru, membiasakan, gerak mahir, menjadikan gerak alami
dalam ranah konkret terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah, serta mampu melaksanakan
tugas spesifik di bawah pengawasan langsung.

Kompetensi Dasar
3.28 Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks khusus dalam bentuk surat lamaran
kerja, dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait jati diri, latar belakang pendidikan/pengalaman kerja, sesuai
dengan konteks penggunaannya.
4.28 Menyusun teks khusus surat lamaran kerja, yang memberikan informasi antara lain jati diri, latar belakang
pendidikan/pengalaman kerja, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara
benar dan sesuai konteks.
3.29 Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional lisan yang melibatkan
tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait jati diri dalam konteks pekerjaan (wawancara pekerjaan).
4.29 Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait jati
diri dalam konteks pekerjaan (wawancara pekerjaan), dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan
unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks penggunaannya di dunia kerja.

Learning Objectives
After learning this chapter, students are expected to be able to:
1. identify the characteristics of an application letter after reading various samples of application letters;
2. describe the social function, text structure, and language features of an application letter after identifying its
characteristics; also
3. able to write an application letter based on a given job vacancy and able to have a conversation in a job interview

Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013) 59

Time Allocation
( ... subject hour / 6 × meeting)

Concept Map

I Would Like To Apply For This Job

cover cover

Application Letter and Job Vacancy Job Interview and Curriculum Vitae

Attitude Competence
fairness, equality, self-control, school pride

Learning Materials

KD 3.28 and 4.28 Pertemuan 21st, 22nd, 23rd meetings

A. Application Letter and Job Vacancy

1 Application Letter
Basically, an application letter is a formal letter written to apply for a job. An application
letter is an important step towards someone’s employment status. The application letter
commonly contains personal information and includes reasons for applying for the position of
the job. Here, the common format of application letter.
Applicant’s Address
Your name
Your address
Your telephone number
Your e-mail address
Date of the application letter
Employer’s Address
Employer’s name
Job title
Company’s name
Company’s address
Although many application letters open with a simple “Sir or Madam:”, the more successful
application letters are addressed personally to the hiring manager.
Opening Paragraph
Explain the basic reason for the application letter. Which job are you applying for? When
and where did you see the position advertised? If it is not advertised, state how you got the
information about the vacant position.
Body of Letter
Demonstrate confidently that your skills, background, and experience are suitable with the
desired job requirements. Mention specific qualifications which make you a good fit for the
employee’s needs. Mention how your personal skills enhance and support your technical
abilities and state that you would highly regard an opportunity to work for the company.

60 Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013)

Closing Paragraph
State your availability for an interview or test and include your contact number or email.
Your sincerely/ Yours faithfully
Your name

Task 1
Listen to the following text carefully and fill in the blanks with the correct answers.
Magelang, December 21, 2022

Attention :
Human Resources Department
Dahlia Hotels
Imam Bonjol Street No. 176 Semarang, Central Java

Dear Sir/Madam,
I wish to (1) ... for the position of Chief Accountant that was (2) ... on Leading Daily Newspaper,
December 12, 2022.
I have over one year (3) ... as an Accounting with PT. Kusuma Jaya and have experience
of a wide variety of pattern techniques. My (4) ... are very good, and I have an excellent record
as a (5) ... productive employee.
I am (6) ... new challenges and the position of Chief Accountant sounds a perfect opportunity.
Your organization has (7) ... record innovation in investor financial consultant, and an excellent
(8) ... as an employer, making the position even more attractive.
I enclose my curriculum vitae (CV) for your (9) ... and look forward to get respond from you
soon. I am available for (10) ... at your convenience.

Sincerely yours,
Dyah Permata Sari

Task 2
Practice the dialog below with your partner.
Nia : Do you have today’s paper?
Leoni : Yes, what’s up?
Nia : Bring it here. I heard from my aunt that there is a job vacancy that may be appropriate
for us.
Leoni : Oh, are you sure about that?
Nia : Come on. Take it.
Leoni : Alright. Here you are.
Nia : You see. A new supermarket requires some general clerical assistants.
Leoni : No kidding?
Nia : Come one. Look. 17-20 years old. No experience required. It suits with us, right?
Leoni : Yeah. It seems promising. And see the working hours. Only from Monday to Thursday
from 09.00-16.00.
Nia : That’s cool. Also there’s a subsidy for canteen staff and discount.
Leoni : Let’s write the letter.

Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013) 61

Task 3
Read the following text aloud and mention the sender’s education and experience.
Rangga Pradhana
Cakung Raya Street No. 99
April 19, 2022
Human Resources
PT WEIN Magazine
Asia Timur Raya Street No. 29

Dear Personal Manager,

I would like to apply for an English copy writer position and I am enclosing a resume as
I have graduated from Gunadarma University Jakarta, majoring in English literature. Currently,
I am working as an editor in a prominent publishing house. My responsibilities in my job enrich
my knowledge of English learning and teaching. I have participated in several International
Journalism Conferences, of which the Malaysia conference was my greatest moment, when I
was a keynote speaker representing Indonesia.
The requirements you mentioned really describe me. I am able to design various learning
and teaching activities. Moreover, I am a fast-learner and good at multi-tasking.
Please look through my resume for additional information. I can be contacted by email or
Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Sincerely Yours,
Rangga Pradhana

Task 4
Analyze generic structure of the application letter above by completing the box below.
Date : .....................................................................................................................
Contact detail : .....................................................................................................................
Address : .....................................................................................................................
Salutation : .....................................................................................................................
Body of the letter : .....................................................................................................................
Closing : .....................................................................................................................
Signature : .....................................................................................................................

Knowledge Insert
Job Vacancy
A job vacancy is defined as a paid post that is newly created, unoccupied, or about to
become vacant:
(a) for which the employer is taking active steps and is prepared to take further steps to find a
suitable candidate from outside the enterprise concerned; and
(b) which the employer intends to fill either immediately or within a specific period of time.
A vacant post that is only open to internal candidates is not treated as a ‘job vacancy’, whereas
vacancies from temporary work agencies are counted in the business sector where the vacancy
is, not in the agency.
Adapted from:

62 Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013)

Individual Task Score:
Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.
Please accept my (1) ... for the (2) ... of sales representative as advertised in the Daily
Newspaper on March 22, 2022.
I am currently working as a sales representative for the women and beauty company and I
am keen to obtain a full time position. I hold a (3) ... in sales and I am ready to undergo further
training if necessary. I have enclosed my resume to support my application.
I believe that my (4) ... and (5) ... will enable me to perform the duties well. I am available for
an interview at a time convenient to you. I can be contacted by telephone at 085788854491.
Your faitfully,

Nadya Pramesti

a. skills c. experience e. certificate

b. position d. application

Group Task Score:

Work in pairs. Find an application letter from any sources. Then, identify the structure of the
letter. Use the table provided below. Discuss and compare the result of your identification
with your friend. Share your task with your partner.
Applicant’s address ................................................................................................
Date ................................................................................................
Employer’s address ................................................................................................
Salutation ................................................................................................
Opening paragraph ................................................................................................
Body of application letter ................................................................................................
Closing paragraph ................................................................................................
Closing ................................................................................................

HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills)

Balai Raya Street No. 78
East Jakarta
April 2, 2022
Ms. Gina Siregar
Director of Administration
Navaro Inc.
Edelweiss Street No. 27

Dear Ms. Siregar,

Your advertisement in the March 30 issued in the Daily Newspaper was attractive because
I believe I have the proven skills you require for the administrative assistant position.
My name is Vina Utami and I am 23 years old. I recently completed a six months on the
Sahabat computer system. The specialization skills I learned have proven valuable in my work
for the past eight months as an assistant to the chief accountant at The Galaxy Building. Since
proven skills are best explained in person I would appreciate an interview with you. Please phone
me in the afternoon between 2 and 5 p.m. at (021) 4711756 to let me know the day and time
most convenient for you.

Vina Utami

Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013) 63

1. What can we infer about the application letter above?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
2. Do you agree that when Vina Utami is applying for a job, she is trying to sell her skills and
achievements to the employer? Do you think she has to put her best effort for the job she
applies for?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
3. What do you think would be more polite; if you as Vina Utami to go directly to the office she
wants to apply to, or to send her application letter using e-mail? Explain briefly.
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................

KD 3.29 and 4.29 Pertemuan 24th, 25th, 26th meetings

B. Curriculum Vitae and Job Interview

1. Curriculum Vitae
Basically, Curriculum Vitae is a kind of summary of a job applicant’s professional experience
and educational background, along with other relevant information dealing with the candidate’s
qualifications. Commonly, the curriculum vitae is similar to a resume.
2. Job Interview
A job interview is a meeting organized by a recruiter used to evaluate a potential employee
for prospective employment at a company. Commonly, job interviews typically precede a hiring
decision and often form part of the assessment center process.
Job interviews are usually preceded by the evaluation of curriculum vitae submitted by
candidates who have applied for a particular job role. In fact, recruiters usually invite the best
of these candidates to interview.
Multiple rounds of job interviews may be used when there are many candidates in competition
or the job in question challenging or desirable.
Here are several preparations for job interview as follows.
a. Do research for the job.
b. Match your skills to the job requirements.
c. Discover the company.
d. Practice the interview.
e. Prepare your interview clothes.
f. Groom your hair. Styling your hair for a job interview is as important as the clothes you
g. Prepare the things you need to bring in a job interview.
h. Get the direction.

Task 1
Listen to the dialog carefully and fill in the blanks with the correct answer.
Interviewer : Good morning, can you tell about yourself?
Interviewee : Good morning. Well, my name is Putra Pratama. I was born and raised in Surakarta,
Central Java. I attended the University of Sebelas Maret and received my bachelor’s
degree in Economics. I (1) ... for almost ten years as a financial consultant in
Yogyakarta for various company.
Interviewer : Can you tell me about your (2) ... at your last job?
Interviewee : I advised customers on financial matters. After I consulted (3) ..., I completed
a customer inquiry form and cataloged the information in our database. Then, I
collaborated with colleagues to prepare the best possible package for the client.
Interviewer : Oh, I see. Bye the way, what is your (4) ...?

64 Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013)

Interviewee : I can work well under pressure. When there is (5) ..., I can focus on the task at hand
and structure my work schedule well.
Interviewer : OK. I think that’s enough for the interview. I’ll call you soon if you are accepted.
Interviewee : Thank you Sir.

Task 2
Practice the following dialog and answer the questions.
An applicant is in the HRD staff room to make a job interview.
Applicant : Good morning, Sir.
Interviewer : Good morning. Sit down, please.
Applicant : Thank you, Sir.
Interviewer : Can you show me your application letter?
Applicant : Of course. Here it is.
Interviewer : How do you get the information of the job vacancy?
Applicant : I got the information from Metro daily newspaper.
Interviewer : So, why do you apply a job to our company?
Applicant : Because the post suits me.
Interviewer : By the way, why did you go out from the old company?
Applicant : I don’t know exactly, but I want to get a good salary, Sir.
Interviewer : Can you work hard?
Applicant : Of course, I can Sir.
Interviewer :O kay. I consider your application letter. You will be selected in a final job interview
Applicant : Thank you Sir.
1. Where does the dialog take place?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
2. How did the applicant get the information of job vacancy?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
3. Can the applicant work hard?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
4. Why did he get out from the old company?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
5. Why does he apply a job to that company?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................

Task 3
Read the following text aloud and answer the questions.
Personal Details
Name : Putra Rhaka Hidayat, SE.
Address : Gunung Batu Street No 88, Bogor, West Java.
Phone Number : 0251-000 000/ 0812 000 00 000
Place & Date of Birth : Bogor, August 19, 1988
Gender : Male
Nationality : Indonesia

Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013) 65

Educational Background
1. 2000, Indonesia International Elementary School Bogor
2. 2003, Junior High School/SMPN 07 Bogor
3. 2006, Senior High School SMAN 01 Bogor
4. 2006 – 2010, Accounting Degree University of Pancasila, GPA = 3.85 (scale 4)
Job Experiences
1. August – November 2010, On the job training at PT. Rajawali Raya (Persero) Bogor
2. January 2011, Administration at Bogor English Course Education Centre
3. June 2012, Finance staff at Gunadarma University
4. January 2013 – March 2016, Marketing in Finance Companies
Computer Skills
Web Design, Programming, Internet Marketing, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Power
Point, making software, Corel Draw, Adobe Photoshop.
Good attitude, kind, communicative, diligent, tolerant, target oriented, discipline, honest, and
1. Where was Putra Rhaka Hidayat born?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
2. How many years did he study Accounting Degree at the University of Pancasila?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
3. How long did he join On the job training at PT. Rajawali Raya (Persero) Bogor?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
4. What computer skills does Putra have?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
5. How about Putra’s personalities?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................

Task 4
Complete the following dialog with appropriate answer.
Mr. Fandi : Good morning, Dewi. How are you? I am Mr. Fandi, the recruitment staff of this
Dewi : Good morning, Mr. Fandi. (1) ... . Thank you.
Mr. Fandi : Could you tell me a little bit about yourself?
Dewi : Sure. I am (2) ... of SMK Tunas Persada majoring in secretary.
Mr. Fandi : What are you (3) ... in a job?
Dewi : The job must have correlation with my (4) ... so that I can put it into practice. I also
hope that the job will develop my skills and personality.
Mr. Fandi :W ell, would you please describe your strength? Why should I (5) ... in this company?
Dewi : I am a persistent and eager to learn person. I really like and enjoy to get along with
people as a team.
Mr. Fandi : W ould you mind working for long hours? Can you handle (6) ... ?
Dewi : I don’t mind working for long hours. I’m getting used to a (7) ... When I was studying, I
took (8) ... while handling my teacher’s projects. Fortunately, I handled them well.
Mr. Fandi : OK, would you like to ask me some questions?
Dewi : No. I think I have (9) ... of this company. I hope to have the opportunity to work for
this company.
Mr. Fandi : Nice to meet you, Dewi. Thank you for coming to this interview.
Dewi : (10) ... too. Mr. Fandi.

66 Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013)

Knowledge Insert
A curriculum vitae (often shortened as CV or vita) is a written overview of a person’s experience
and other qualifications for a job opportunity. In some countries, a CV is typically the first item
that a potential employer encounters regarding the job seeker and is typically
used to screen applicants, often followed by an interview.

Individual Task Score:

Read the following curriculum vitae below aloud and answer the questions.
Name : Margareth Alycia
Date : July 25, 1999
Address : Apt 2A, 3321 Bird Street, Ottawa, Canada.
- 2007 Graduaated from Lakefield High school
- 2010 Graduated from Lakefield Secretarial College
Work Experience
2010 -2012 : Joseph and James Insurance Co.
Position held : Junior Secretary
Duties : Entering and distributing incoming mail; typing letters and reports four insurance
salesmen; answering telephone calls; relieving on switchboard and reception
when necessary.
2012-2014 : Joseph and James Insurance Co.
Position held : Secretary to the Director
Duties : Answering routine mails or email; typing letters or email and reports for the
Director; making appointments and travel arrangements; managing pettycash;
supervising telephonist, receptionist and one typist
2014 to present : Temporary Office Help Agency
Assignments :6
Duties : Various clerical and typing as required.
1. Where nationality does she come from?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
2. When did she graduate from High School?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
3. What position did she hald in 2011?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
4. What duties did she do when she held as Secretary to the Director?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
5. What does the word “receptionist” mean?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................

Group Task Score:

Work in group of three and list at least five sets of job interview questions, One student becomes
the interviewer, two other students become the interviewees. Create a role play of a job interview.
You can use your own interview questions. Take turns on those three students. Record the interview
with a camera and present your role play in front of the class.

Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013) 67

HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills)
Read the dialog below and answer the questions.
Mrs. Dian :G  ood morning, Fajar. Thanks for coming in this job interview. I’m Mrs. Dian from
the recruitment department. Nice to meet you.
Fajar :N  ice to meet you too, Mrs. Dian.
Mrs. Dian : I have read your application letter and I want to ask you more detail. Could you
tell me the reason for leaving your previous job?
Fajar : Well, the place where I worked is quite far from my house. I consider one close to
my house to take care my mother. She is getting sick right now.
Mrs. Dian :O  h, I’m sorry to hear that. Could you tell me about your previous job?
Fajar : Well, I worked in a textile company and managed the production team. I often
worked overtime.
Mrs. Dian :C  ould you tell me how long you had worked there?
Fajar : I had worked there for eight years.
Mrs. Dian : It’s been a long time. Last question, would you please describe your reason to
apply for a job in this company?
Fajar : Firstly, this company is really close to my house. It’s around one kilometer. Secondly,
I have experience in managing people, so I think it is a great opportunity to apply
for a regional supervisor.
Mrs. Dian : Thank you, Fajar. It’s been nice talking to you. Thanks for attending this interview.
We will inform you about the result of this interview soon.
Fajar : Thank you. I really hope that I have a big chance to join this company.
1 What skills does Fajar have based on the dialog above?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
2 Can you describe the reason how Fajar apply the job in the company?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
3 What can we conclude about the job interview above?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................

Character Insert
We have to show our gratitude toward God for His blessing therefore we can learn about application
letter, job vacancy, curriculum vitae, and job interview. By learning this lessons hopefully it will
improve our knowledge, be brave students, care to others, and responsible.

Learning Reflection
In the end of the chapter, have you master the following material? Give check mark (√) according
to your ability!
Number Ability Yes No
1. I am able to understand definition and the purpose of application letter.
2. I am able to understand the structure of application letter.
3. I am able to write application letter.
4. I am able to arrange curriculum vitae.
5. I am able to practice job interview.
If you have mastered the material, you can do the following test.

68 Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013)

Daily Assessment 4
I. Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, d, or e.
The following text is for questions number 2. What is the best ability of the job seeker?
1 to 4. a. Fusion cuisine
Andi Johan b. Indonesian cuisine
Pahlawan Street No. 45 Medan, c. Traditional cuisine
October 23, 2022 d. Oriental cuisine
e. Arabian cuisine
Mr. Scott Stone 3. Pay attention to the following statements.
Owner of Stone’s Burgers and Grill (1) English. (4) Germany.
Perum Majapahit Baru Kav. 25D, Kebun Arca (2) Italian. (5) Chinese.
Medan (3) Indonesian.
Dear Sir, Which are the languages not mastered by
With this letter, I would like to apply in your job seeker shown by number ....
restaurant as Head Chef. I get the information The correct statements based on the text
from your restaurant and noticed that your are shown by number ....
restaurant is looking for a new head chef. I am a. (1), and (3) d. (2), and (5)
a professional chef with years of experience b. (1), and (4) e. (4), and (5)
in numerous restaurants, I consider myself to c. (2), and (5)
be fit and proper for the job. 4. Where did the job seeker know the information
My name is Andi Johan. I am twenty of job vacancy?
eight years old. I graduated from Prince John a. Internet d. At the restaurant
International Culinary School in Birmingham, b. Newspaper e. From his friend
United Kingdom in 2016. I have worked as c. Magazine
chef in several different restaurants, both in the
The following text is for questions number
UK and in Indonesia. I specialize in Western
5 to 7.
cuisine and Mediterranean cuisine as well.
I have been in position as head chef before 2 Delta Barat St.
and I am excellent at running a kitchen and lead Cipayung
a team. Beside of that, I also have the skill to August 12, 2022
communicate in Indonesian, English, French, Head of Persada Course
and a little bit of Italian.
2 Kahuripan lndah Residence
With my educational background and my
Citayem, Bogor
previous experience as chef, I am confident
that I am suitable for the head chef position Dear Sir/Madam,
for your restaurant. I have read about your I am interested in applying for the position
restaurant at a glance and the menu served of English tutor in your company. My skills
there are exactly in my specialty. and experience are relevant to the position.
Herewith the letter, I enclose my resume l’ve had experience in training new staff in
and some other documents to explain my leadership programs for four years. l’ve also
qualifications in more detail. taught at Smart Course for the last two years.
I am thrilled if I can join your restaurant and My qualifications and past working experience
I have such a high hope for that. I am looking match your requirements. I am sure I can make a
forward to hearing from you soon. contribution to the success of your company.
Yours Sincerely, My Curriculum Vitae is attached for your
Andi Johan consideration and I would appreciate the
opportunity to have an interview. Thank you
1. What does Andi Johan apply based on the text? for your time and consideration. I look forward
a. Professional chef to hearing from you.
b. Leader of kitchen
c. Leader in a restaurant Yours faithfully,
d. Chef Gilang Pramana
e. Head chef

Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013) 69

5. What is the available position in the 10. Where did the writer work before?
company? a. ln a drugstore
a. A training tutor. b. ln a medical clinic.
b. An employee. c. In a maternity hospital.
c. The company’s tutor. d. In a public hospital.
d. An English teacher. e. At George’s house.
e. A permanent staff member. The following text is for questions number
6. What experience does the applicant have? 11 to 13.
a. As an English teacher at Persada Course. Dear Mr. Thomas Frederick
b. As a management trainer at Smart Course.
I would like to apply for the position of
c. As a trainer in leadership programs.
Fashion Designer posted on your company’s
d. As a participant in leadership training.
website. I have attached my application letter,
e. As a member of Smart course.
resume, examples of my design as you wish,
7. “My Curriculum Vitae is attached for your and other relevant documents for your review.
consideration and ….” (paragraph 2) The I had experiences of designing a lot of fashion
underlined word refers to …. products when I was in senior high schools
a. Gilang Pramana and university. I am a member of young
b. Gilang Pramana’s tutor designer association in the city. I believe that
c. Head of Persada Course my qualification suits the advertised position.
d. Head of Smart Course I can be contacted at 0812264436789 or at
e. The director of Smart Course my email I look forward
The following text is for questions number to hearing from you about scheduling a selection
8 to 10. test or an interview. Thank you very much.
Dear Dr. Noviana lndriani,
I am applying for the position of medical Your sincerely,
doctor at Crown Medical Clinic. I am a pediatrician Lintang Fajar
with five years experience working in a George 11. How did Lintang Fajar find out about the job
Medical clinic in Manly. In my current position, vacancy?
I see numerous patients each day, evaluate a. From his e-mail.
their symptoms, and provide diagnoses and b. From a newspaper.
treatments. I am a strong communicator so c. From his relative.
I provide patients with information regarding d. From Mr. Thomas’ recommendation.
their health. e. From Mr. Thomas company’s website.
I believe that my skill, qualifications, 12. Why does Lintang Fajar attach his designs?
and past working experience are relevant a. To sell them to customers.
to your requirements. PIease contact me b. To make his designs popular.
for further discussion. Thank you for your c. To prove that he is a famous designer.
consideration. d. To show them to other applicants.
I look forward to hearing from you soon. e. To c o m p l e t e t h e r e q u i r e m e n t s
Sincerely, appropriately.
Dr. Lusiana Wati 13. How can the applicant be contacted?
8. To whom is the letter addressed to? a. By social media. d. By phone or email.
a. Noviana lndriani. b. By phone only. e. By personal letter.
b. Lusiana Wati. c. By email only.
c. A medical doctor. The following text is for questions number
d. George Medical Clinic. 14 to 16.
e. Crown Medical Clinic. Job Vacancy
9. What position does the writer apply for? Natarian Medika Hospital is one of the Hospital
a. A health consultant. under the auspices of the Foundation Abdi Karya
b. A clinic manager. groups engaged in health. In the framework of
c. A communicator. the development and expansion of services,
d. A chemist. in need of new personnel and professionals
e. A doctor. to join us as:

70 Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013)

1. Pharmacist The following dialog is for questions number
17 to 20.
a. Male/ Female Mr. Hilman : G  ood morning. Thanks for coming
b. D3 Pharmacy to this interview.
c. Minimum GPA 2.75 Miss Aprilia : G
 ood morning. You’re welcome.
d. Honest and thorough Mr. Hilman : N ow, would you mind telling
e. Able to work with team me about your employment
f. Willing to work hard for the placement background?
in Lampung Miss Aprilia : O f course. I worked as a
2. Chef marketing professional in my
Qualifications: previous company for seven
years. I studied marketing at
a. Male/ Female
university and have worked in
b. Vocational Education Catering
various marketing roles.
c. High School may register (Can Cook)
Mr. Hilman : What are some of the industries
d. Honest and thorough you’ve worked in?
e. Able to work with team Miss Aprilia : I have worked for a hotel, financial
f. Willing to work hard for the placement: services, a travel agency and
Lampung and recruitment.
For those who meet the criteria and are Mr. Hilman : What would you say about your
interested in filling the position can send a letter strengths?
of application, CV, recent color photograph, Miss Aprilia : M y strengths are in creating
Copy of Diploma and Transcript, as well as systems and processes to get
certificate support to address: the job done quickly and manage
Hospital Natarian Medika contractors and staff efficiently.
Kingdom Natarian Street No. 4 Muara This helps save time and money
White, Natarian - South Lampung 35 362 for my employers.
or sent directly via email to the address: Mr. Hilman : What would you say about your weaknesses?
14. What position is offered in the ads? Miss Aprilia : My weakness is using statistical
a. Pharmacist. software. I find it difficult to
b. Chef. navigate.
c. Nurse and pharmacist. Mr. Hilman : Why do you think you would be
d. Pharmacist and chef. a good addition to this team?
e. Chef and pharmacist. Miss Aprilia : I am a very hard worker and a
15. Pay attention to the following statements. team player. I am really confident
(1) Able to work with team. in producing high-quality work
(2) Willing to work hard for the placement in and focusing on getting the job
Lampung. done. I have technical skills and
(3) Able to work individually. experiences required to work
(4) Have no a vocational education catering. well with your team and deliver
(5) Have an honest and thorough attitude. good results.
Here are the requirements are needed by Mr. Hilman : M  y next question, why did you
an applicant to apply for Chef, except .... leave your previous job?
a. (1), and (3) d. (2), and (5) Miss Aprilia : Well, to tell the truth, I decided
b. (3), and (4) e. (3), and (5) to leave my last job because I
c. (2), and (5) wanted to grow and expand with
16. “For those who meet the criteria and are a high performing team, and I felt
interested in filling the position can send a that I have gone as far as I could
letter of ....” The underlined word refers to .... with my previous employer. In
a. employee d. the pharmacist this company, I found a bigger
b. applicants e. the chef team opportunity to develop.
c. HRD

Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013) 71

Mr. Hilman : O  .K. thank you. We are interviewing 19. Mr. Hilman asks, “Now, Would you mind telling
more candidates this week and me about your employment background?”
will contact you by Friday to let What does he express?
you know the outcome of this a. He asks Miss Aprilia to tell him about her
interview. professional working experience.
b. He asks Miss Aprilia to tell him about the
Miss Aprilia : Thank You for the opportunity
reason for her resignation.
to interview for the position.
c. He invites Miss Aprilia to start the job
Mr. Hilman : You’re welcome. See you again
interview session immediately.
next time.
d. He tells Miss Aprilia about his personal
17. What do you think about Miss Aprilia’s background.
personality? e. He asks Miss Aprilia to tell him about her
a. She is honest. educational background.
b. She is hard working.
20. What is Mr. Hilman’s intention in asking
c. She is opportunist.
Miss Aprilia about her strengths?
d. She is talkative.
a. To know that she suits the job requirements
e. She is efficient.
b. To encourage Miss Aprilia to tell him how
18. Where does the interview probably take place? capable she is at work
a. In a university. c. To show that Miss Aprilia has many
b. At a telecommunication company. positive experiences
c. At Miss Aprilia’s office. d. To find out Miss Aprilia’s personality
d. At Mr. Hilman’s office. related to her positive aspects
e. In a marketing office. e. To make Miss Aprilia proud of her
achievement from her previous job

II. Read the following text and answer the questions for number 1 to 10!
The following dialog is for questions number 1 to 10.
Interviewer : G ood morning, Could you tell me who you are and your educational background?
Applicant : G  ood morning sir, my name is Vicky Prasetyo, I graduated from the University of
Persada. I took economic major.
Interviewer : C  ould you describe what kind of job are you looking for?
Applicant : I would like to apply in marketing position, and I would like to work in an international
finance world company. I am interested in a traveling and meeting new people.
Interviewer : W  hat kind of hours do you want?
Applicant : I’d like regular day time hours on weekday and half day time hours on Saturday.
Interviewer : OK. Thank you for the nice interview today. If you pass from this interview you will
be called by my company and you can join the second interview test. See you.
Applicant : Okay, thank you very much sir. See you.
1. What is the applicant’s name?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
2. Where did he graduate?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
3. What position does he want to apply for?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
4. What kinds of hour does the applicant want?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
5. What will the applicant do if he pass from the interview?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
6. What is the applicant interested in?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
7. Would he like to work in an international finance world company?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................

72 Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013)

8. What was his major in the University of Persada?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
9. Does he want to work in the regular day time hours on Saturday?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
10. Ehat is the synonym of company?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................

Read the following text and answer the questions.
Tangerang, January 8th, 2022
Attention To:
Mr. Indra Pratikno
Human Resources Department
PT. Persada Bumi Jaya
Sukamaju Street No. 11

Dear Sir,
On this good opportunity, I would like to apply as an Instrumentation and Control System
Engineer in your company. My name is Dias Farhan, 22 years old, male, single, energetic and
healthy. I am a Control System Engineer and graduated from Suryadarma University (UNSURYA)
on May 2020 with GPA 3.78. I would like to have career to expand my experience.
My personality as a hard worker and fast learner type of person would bring benefit to your
company. I will be very appreciated if you could give in opportunity to work in your company.
Herewith I enclose my curriculum vitae, which will give details of my qualification.
I hope my qualifications and experience merit your consideration and look forward to your

Sincerely yours,
Dhimas Jatmiko
Phone : 021 - 5758243
Melati Street No.23
Tangerang – 15712
1. When did the applicant write the letter?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
2. To whom did the letter addressed?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
3. How old is the applicant?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
4. Where is the address of the applicant?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
5. What did the applicant apply for?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................

Do the following task.
Make your own Curriculum Vitae in your exercise book.

Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013) 73

5 I Have to Finish My Work

Obligation is something by which a person is bound or obliged

to do certain things, and which arises out of a sense of duty. It is
something that is done or is to be done for such reasons. While
modals are noting or pertaining to mood. Several examples
of modals such as can, could, may, might, shall, should and
so on. Here, in this chapter you are going to learn about the
expression of obligation well. Besides, you are going to learn
about grammar of modals. Please do all the activities attentively
and practice speaking English all the time, to be able to speak Source:
English fluently. png-m1jrpr/

Kompetensi Inti
3. Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis, dan mengevaluasi tentang pengetahuan faktual, konseptual, prosedural
dasar, dan metakognitif ,sesuai dengan bidang dan lingkup kajian Bahasa Inggris pada tingkat teknis, spesifik,
detail, dan kompleks, berkenaan dengan ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dalam konteks
pengembangan potensi diri sebagai bagian dari keluarga, sekolah, dunia kerja, warga masyarakat nasional,
regional, dan internasional.
4. Melaksanakan tugas spesifik dengan menggunakan alat, informasi, dan prosedur kerja yang lazim dilakukan serta
memecahkan masalah sesuai dengan bidang kajian Bahasa Inggris.
Menampilkan kinerja di bawah bimbingan dengan mutu dan kuantitas yang terukur sesuai dengan standar
kompetensi kerja.
Menunjukkan keterampilan menalar, mengolah, dan menyaji secara efektif, kreatif, produktif, kritis, mandiri,
kolaboratif, komunikatif, dan solutif dalam ranah abstrak terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya
di sekolah, serta mampu melaksanakan tugas spesifik di bawah pengawasan langsung.
Menunjukkan keterampilan mempersepsi, kesiapan, meniru, membiasakan, gerak mahir, menjadikan gerak alami
dalam ranah konkret terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah, serta mampu melaksanakan
tugas spesifik di bawah pengawasan langsung.

Kompetensi Dasar
3.30. Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang
keharusan, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.
4.30 Menyusun teks lisan dan tulis untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang keharusan, dengan memperhatikan
fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks.

Learning Objectives
After learning this chapter, students are expected to be able to:
1. Analyze social function and generic structure of obligation text or expression;
2. Analyze language features of obligation text or expression;
3. Arrange obligation text or expression appropriately; also
4. Making sentences using modals auxiliary appropriately.

74 Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013)

Time Allocation
( ... subject hour / 5 × meeting)

Concept Map

I have to Finish My Work

cover cover

Expressing Obligation Modals

Attitude Competence
Virtue, courage, kindness, knowledge

Learning Materials

KD 3.30 Pertemuan 27th, 28th, 29th meetings

A. Expressing Obligation
Obligation is the state of being obligated to do or pay something. We can express obligation
when it is necessary or obligatory to do something. Obligation can be described as something you
must do. To state obligation, we can use must and have to.
1. Must
“Must” expresses obligation which comes from the speaker and may be directed at the
speaker or the listener. It can be seen at the following examples.
a. I must clean my room everyday. (directed at the speaker).
b. You must keep this important secret. (directed at the listener)
2. Have to
“Have to” expresses obligation which comes from outside of the speaker. These may be
rules and regulations. Look at the following examples.
a. I have to water the flowers everyday.
b. We have to wear school uniform at school.
Obligation expressions can be used at present, in the past or in the future. Here are the
examples, as follow.
1. Obligation in the present
a. I have to finish my work before this evening.
b. I have got to learn English if I want to live in Australia.
c. It is obligatory that I stop when the traffic light turn red.
d. It is necessary that I take a taxi. I’m late.
2. Obligation in the past
a. I had to work extra hours to pay my bills.
3. Obligation in the future
b. I’ll have to borrow money.
c. They’ll have to come to the party.

Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013) 75

Task 1
Listen to the following dialog carefully and fill in the blanks with the correct answer.
Mr. Indra : What are you (1) ... Sandi?
Sandi : I am (2) ... a book, Dad.
Mr. Indra : You mustn’t (3) ... when (4) ... a book, Sandi. You should (5) ... straight.
Sandi : I know it. But it is (6) ... to me reading with this position. I (7) ... read a book for a (8) ....
Mr. Indra : Well, let me ask you. Do you know (9) ... of reading a book while lying down?
Sandi : I know the (10) ... of this. thank you for reminding me.

Task 2
Practice the following dialog with your friend.
Mr. Budi : Are you alright, Lintang?
Lintang : Not really, dad. I think I have fever. I’ll get up in a minute.
Mr. Budi : You don’t have to get up if you have a fever.
Lintang : But I must, dad. I have an English test today.
Mr. Budi : Look! You don’t have to go to school. In fact, you must stay in bed.
Lintang : But, dad, I can’t do that.
Mr. Budi : Yes, you can. Listen! You have to see teh doctor. Stay here, I’ll call your teacher first.
Lintang : It’s okay.
Task 3
Read the following rules aloud. Then, change into sentences with “must” or “mustn’t”.
1. Do not smoke in boarding house.
2. Do not litter.
3. Do not wash clothes in your room.
4. Return to the house by 10:00 p.m. every night.
5. Turn off the TV after 12:00 p.m.

Task 4
Rewrite the following rules into sentences with “must” or “mustn’t” by completing the
sentences below.
1. You ... smoke in boarding house.
2. You ... litter.
3. You ... wash your clothes in your room.
4. You ... return to the house by 10:00 p.m. every night.
5. You ... turn off the TV after 12:00 p.m.
6. You ... bring visitors to your room.
7. You ... ask the host if you want to use the telephone.
8. You ... use your own tableware.

76 Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013)

Individual Task Score:
Read the following dialog and answer the questions.
Dion and Nando are in the school park. They are talking about what must and what mustn’t the
students do at school.
Dion : What do you think about the new rule.
Nando : I think the rule is good for us. This rule helps us to be discipline.
Dion :S o, we must obey that rule, right?
Nando : Of course. Take for a simple example. We can start to clean and tidy our classroom.
If the classroom is clean and tidy, so we can study well.
Dion :S o, we must keep our classroom clean and tidy all day long.
Nando : Of course. Besides that, we must not litter everywhere. We must throw garbage into
the garbage bin.
1. Who are involved in the dialog above?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
2. Where does the dialog take place?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
3. What are they talking about?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
4. Where must we throw the garbage?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
5. Why is a new school rule good for students?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................

Group Task Score:

Have you known obligation expression. Is it important for us to use it in daily life. Can you mention
the characteristics and the purpose of obligation expression? Discuss it with your partner about
this expression. Then, make a dialog about obligation expression. Act it out with your partner.

HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills)

Read the dialog and answer the questions.

Mrs. Dewi : Good morning Lisa
Lisa : Good morning, Mom.
Mrs. Dewi : Are you alright, Lisa?
Lisa : Not really, Mom. I think I have fever. I’ll get up in a minute.
Mrs. Dewi : You don’t have to get up if you have a fever.
Lisa : But, I must, Mom. I have a Math test today.
Mrs. Dewi : Look! You don’t have to go to school. In fact, you must stay in bed?
Lisa : But, Mom ....
Mrs. Dewi : Listen. You have to see the doctor. Stay here. I’ll call your teacher, Okay?
Lisa : Okay. Thanks Mom.
Mrs. Dewi : Anytime.
1. What is the relationship between Mrs. Dewi and Lisa?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
2. What is Mrs. Dewi’s characteristic?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................

Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013) 77

3. What is Lisa’s characteristic?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................

KD 4.30 Pertemuan 30th, 31st, 32nd, 33rd meetings

B. Modals
Modal is an auxiliary verb (such as ‘can’ or ‘will’) that is used to express modality. Here is the
explanation about their functions. Modal auxiliaries can be used for different functions.
1. The Pattern of Modals
Here is the pattern of the modal as follows.
Modals + Be
Modals + Verb 1
2. The Kinds of Modals
a. Can d. Might
Present/future ability Possibility
To show present and future ability To show possibility in the present or future
Request Polite request
To show request To show a polite request
Offering e. Must – Have/Has/Had to
To express an offering Obligation
Example: Can I do something for you? To show obligation
b. Could Prohibition
Past ability To show prohibition
Example: I could play basket ball when Certainty
I was a child To show certainty
Polite request f. Should/Ought to
Example: Could I borrow your pen, Advisability
please? To show advisability
c. May g. Would
Possibility Past willingness
To show possibility in the present or future. To show past willingness
Polite request Offering
To show a polite request To show offering
h. Will/Shall
To show offering
To show about willingness in the present
or future.
Task 1
Listen to the following sentences carefully and fill in the blanks with the correct answer
in the box.
1. You ... the park clean to enjoy it.
2. You ... late for school.
3. You ... your seat belt when you go by car.
4. You ... your teeth after each meal.
5. A driver ... when he sees this sign.
a. mustn’t go d. must stop
b. must fasten e. must brush
c. must keep

78 Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013)

Task 2
Pronounce the following sentences fluently and translate it into Indonesian.
1. I can speak Javanese fluently.
2. Can I go to the football field?
3. Can you wait a moment, please?
4. I can lend you my new motorcycle until the day after tomorrow.
5. It can get very hot in the Sahara Desert.

Task 3
Read the sentences loudly and translate it into Indonesian!
1. They can sing a song melodiously.
2. Must I clean the house yard?
3. You don’t need to do this Math exercise.
4. May I ask some questions to you?
5. Do you think we may park our bicycle here?

Task 4
Use modal verbs that possible. If a modal verb can’t be used with a certain tense, use its substitute.
Number one has been done for you!
You (must) ... get up early tomorrow.
Answer: You must get up early tomorrow.
You (not / need) ... call a baby sitter.
Answer: You dont need call a baby sitter.
1. We (may) ... watch the movie tonight.
2. He (not / can) ... see me the day before yesterday.
3. My brother (must) ... stay at school yesterday morning.
4. My sister (not / must) ... sleep at the moment.
5. My uncle (ought to) ... give evidence at the court last week.

Knowledge Insert
A modal is a type of auxiliary helping verb that is used to express: ability, possibility,
permission, or obligation. Modal phrases (or semi-modals) are used to express the
same things as modals, but are a combination of auxiliary verbs and the preposition
to. The modals and semi-modals in English are:
- Can/could/be able to
- May/might
- Shall/should
- Must/have to
- Will/would

Individual Task Score:

Translate the following sentences into Indonesian language.
1. I have to finish my work before this afternoon.
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................

Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013) 79

2. I must wear the sweater soon because the weather is too cold.
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
3. Tomorrow is Sunday. Dhika and Yanuar don’t have to go to school.
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
4. You don’t need to go to the fruit stall. There is enough fruits stock.
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
5. My older brother doesn’t like to have to do his homework after school.
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................

Group Task Score:

Do you ever read and learn modals auxiliaries before. Is it useful for you to learn it? Can you
mention several kinds of modals words and its use in sentences? Discuss it with your partner
about the lesson of modals auxiliaries. Then, make several sentences using modal auxiliaries in
a piece of paper.

HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills)

1. What expression should you use to express request politely? You can use the appropriate
2. What should you do if you want to get the best score? Give the correct advice or obligation
3. Mention or write several sentences to express permission politely by using modals

Character Insert
We have to show our gratitude toward God for His blessing therefore we can learn about the
expression of obligation and modals. By learning this lessons hopefully it will improve our
vocabulary, be honest student, and respect to others.

Learning Reflection
In the end of the chapter, have you master the following material? Give check mark (√) according
to your ability!
Number Ability Yes No
1. Understand obligation expression.
2. Understand the formula of obligation expression.
3. Make a dialog of obligation expression.
4. Practice a dialog of obligation expression.
5. Comprehend the use and the formula of modals.
If you have mastered the material, you can do the following test.

80 Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013)

Daily Assessment 5
I. Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, d, or e.
The following text is for questions number 4. What can we learn from Wawan?
1 to 2. a. Always listen to older people’s advice.
Intan : Hello? b. S t o p l e a r n i n g w h e n t i r e d a n d
Vina : Hi. This is Vina.
c. Schedule our activity well
Intan : Hi, Vina. You sound terrible. Are you
d. Always stay up late.
all right?
e. Be a diligent student.
Vina :N o, I am not. I can’t go to school today.
The following dialog is for questions number
Intan : Oh, I am sorry to hear that. What’s 5 to 7.
the matter with you?
Vina : My stomach hurts terribly. I think I Rhika : Hi, Andra Do you know what? Our
have a fever as well. school basketball team have reached
Intan : Oh, no. You must see the doctor the final of province competition for
immediately. the first time.
Vina : I’ll see the doctor this evening. Andra : Oh really! That’s fantastic! They have
practiced really hard, so I think they
Intan : Good. Get well soon, Vina. Bye.
will win and be the champion.
Vina : Thanks, Intan. Bye.
Rhika : I think so. They played well at the
1. Why can’t Vina go to school today? semifinal, especially Bagas Pradipta.
a. She has to accompany her sick mother. Andra : Really? He is a new member, but he
b. She is going to visit her sick mother. can play very well. We have to watch
c. She is going to see a doctor. it and support them. When will the
d. She is not feeling well. final be held?
e. She is hospitalized. Rhika : The day after tomorrow. We should
2. What can we imply from the dialog above? invite our schoolmates.
a. The dialog is by phone. Andra : That sounds good! I will announce
b. The dialog takes place at home. it soon.
c. The dialog takes place in the evening.
5. What are Rhika and Andra talking about?
d. The speakers do not know each other well.
a. Their school basketball team’s success
e. The speakers are relatives.
to reach the final of the province
The following dialog is for questions number
3 and 4.
b. Their school basketball team’s contribution
Mr. Budiman : You haven’t finished your to the province competition.
assignment, Wawan? c. The basketball players preparation for
Wawan : No, I haven’t finish it. the semifinal match.
Mr. Budiman : It’s already late, son. You must d. Their school basketball team as the
go to bed now so that you are winner.
fit tomorrow. e. The basketball province competition as
Wawan : I know, but I have to finish it now, their school.
Dad. I must submit it tomorrow 6. How will they support their basketball team?
morning. a. They will join the team.
Mr. Budiman : I see, but you should keep your b. They will hold an event to greet the players.
condition well. I hope you can c. They will provide facilities for practice.
finish it soon. d. They will bring a cheerleader team.
Wawan : Thanks for your attention and e. They will watch the final match and bring
support, Dad. their friends, too..
3. We can imply that the dialog takes place .... 7 “We have to watch it and support them.” The
a At dawn d. In the afternoon underlined words show ....
b. At night e. In the evening a. agreement d. obligation
c. In the morning b. opinion e. invitation
c. instruction

Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013) 81

8. Putra : I got D in my Math Test. 13. Teacher :S tudents ... pass an entrance
Jody : Don’t be sad Putra! You must study examination to study at this
hard for the next test. school.
Putra : Thank you, Jody. Students : I know about it.
a. oblige d. necessity
The underlined sentence shows the expression
b. suggest to e. must
of ....
c. obligatory
a. ability d suggestion
b. sympathy e. obligation 14. The doctor ... me to drink the medicine three
c. instruction times a day.
a. needless d. ought to
9. Lusiana : Melly, I’m very sad. I can’t make
b. instruct e. obligation
my parents happy right now.
c. obliged
Melly : Oh, don’t be set up, Lusiana. it
15. The movie has been on for three weeks. It
means you must study hard for
... a good one.
next year. Who knows, you can
a. must be d. must have been
be the best painter in the world.
b. should be e. can be
Lusiana : Yes, you’re right. Thank you, c. will be
16. They ... park here. There is a “No Parking”
The underlined words show .... sign.
a. agreement d. obligation a. must not d. should not
b. opinion e. prohibition b. must e. could
c. instruction c. should
10. I ... wake up early. I have English test 17. We ... collect our project by tomorrow to get
tomorrow morning. If I’m late. I will be fail. A in physic.
a. have to d. ought to a. may d. must
b. should e. must b. can e. must not
c. May c. could
11. Putri : Sandi Pradipta fell asleep in the 18. The students ... pay more attention to the
class this morning. teacher’s explanation.
Aprilia : He ... up too late last night. a. could d. have to
a. would have stayed b. should e. don’t have to
b. must have stayed c. should not
c. will stay 19. Look at this street. it is very muddy. It ...
d. should have stayed have rained heavily last night.
e. must be staying a. will d. must
12. I carried the box and now I regret. I hurt my b. would e. may
back. I ... that heavy box. c. could
a. shouldn’t have carried 20. The child ate up all the meal we had served.
b. must have carried He ... very hungry.
c. will not have carried a. will have been d. would have been.
d. should not carry b. could have been. e. may have
e. could not have carried c. must have been.
II. Read the following text and answer the questions for number 1 to 5!
The following dialog is for questions number 1 to 10.
Intan :H  i, Widya, How are you doing today?
Widya : I’m fine. How about you?
Intan :V  ery well. Thanks. Bye the way, have you finished your Math assignment?
Widya :N  ot yet. What about you, Intan? Have you finished it?
Intan : I’ve finished it, but I must recheck before submitting it to Mr. Kurniawan.
Widya :W  e still have time to do it, right?
Intan : Yes, of course. We still have one day to finish it. We have to submit it tomorrow.
Widya : You’re right. I must finish my work as soon as possible.

82 Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013)

Intan : D o you have difficulties so far?
Widya : Yes, I do. Will you help me, please?
Intan : S ure, why not.
Widya : Thanks a lot.
Intan : N ever mind.
1. What do you think the speakers are?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
2. Who is Mr. Kurniawan?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
3. When do they have to submit their assignments?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
4. What is Intan going to do after the conversation?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
5. Mention the expressions of obligation based on the dialog above!
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
6. Has Widya finished her math assignment?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
7. Has Intan finished her math assignment?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
8. Does Widya have difficulties so far?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
9. How many day/days do they still have, to finish math assignment?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
10. What must Intan do before submitting it!
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................

Rewrite these words into meaningful sentences!
1. Not- give- anywhere- until- you- me- my- back- I- would- go- money
2. Party- come- tonight?- my- birthday- would- you- to
3. water?- me- a- glass- of- you- bring- could
4. Sit- beside- you?- may- I
5. Borrow- your- may- I- book?

Do the following task.
Make a notice for one spot/ place in your school, such as the classroom, canteen, parking school,
and library. Write what all school members must do and must not do. Share your work with your
partner. Hand in your project task to your teacher!

Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013) 83

Mid Semester Test 2
I. Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, d, or e.
The following text is for questions number 4. What does the applicant hope after sending
1 to 5. the letter?
Balai Raya Street No. 78 a. She will start training.
b. She will receive a salary.
East Jakarta
c. She will be interviewed.
September 27th, 2022
d. She will be a manager.
Ms. Gina Siregar e. She will be an assistant.
Director of Administration
5. W h e r e d i d t h e a p p l i c a n t f i n d t h e
Navaro Inc.
Edelweiss Street No. 27 a. Come to the office.
Jakarta b. Internet.
c. Family relation.
Dear Ms. Siregar,
d. Newspaper.
Your advertisement in the September 15th
e. Magazine.
issue of the Daily Newspaper was attractive
The following text is for questions number
because I believe I have the proven skills
6 to 10.
you require for the administrative assistant
position. Nadya Pramesti
My name is Vina Utami and I am 23 years Sudirman Street 73
old. I recently completed a six months on the Yogyakarta 50128
Sahabat computer system. The specialization August 13th, 2022
skills I learned have proven valuable in my work
for the past eight months as an assistant to the The Human Resources Department Manager
chief accountant at The Galaxy Building. Since Aquilla Paper
proven skills are best explained in person I Selat Sunda Street No.4
would appreciate an interview with you. Please
Jakarta 10510
phone me in the afternoon between 2 and 5
p.m. at (021) 4711756 to let me know the day
and time most convenient for you. Please accept my application for the position
of sales representative as advertised in the
Sincerely, Daily Newspaper on August 2nd, 2020.
Vina Utami I am currently working as a sales representative
1. What is the example of solutation based on for the women and beauty company and I am
the application above? keen to obtain a full time position. I hold a
a. Dear Ms. Siregar certificate in sales and I am ready to undergo
b. September 27th, 2022 further training if necessary. I have enclosed my
c. My name is Vina Utami resume to support my application.
d. Please Phone me I believe that my skills and experience
e. I have the proven slills you redwire will enable me to perform the duties well. I am
available for an interview at a time convenient
2. What position is needed?
to you. I can be contacted by telephone at
a. Chief Accountant.
b. Administrative Assistant.
c. Interviewer. Your faithfully,
d. HRD Manager.
e. Receptionist. Nadya Pramesti
3. Who applied for the position? 6. What position is the applicant applying for?
a. Chief Accountant. a. HRD Manager.
b. Director of Administration. b. A full time position.
c. Receptionist. c. Sales Manager.
d. Vina Utami. d. Sales Executive.
e. Ms. Gina Siregar. e. Sales representative.

84 Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013)

7. What does the applicant expect after sending I also enclose my certificate from Bristol
the letter? University, majoring in Mass Communications.
a. The manager will contact her. Please refer to the supplementary resume for
b. She will be contacted by the manager. details of my backround.
c. T h e m a n a g e r w i l l a c c e p t h e r
I am certain that I will help Purple Inc. sell
as many products as possible. Feel free to call
d. She will become a manager.
me at 7892608445 to organize an interview.
e. She will become an employee.
I appreciate your time and consideration.
8. To whom was the letter sent? I look forward to speaking more about this
a. Sales Manager. opportunity
b. Managing Director.
c. HRD Manager. Yours Sincerly,
d. HRD Sales Representative.
Theresia Agatha
e. HRD Office.
Enclosure: Resume
9. How can the applicant be contacted?
11. What kind of company is the writer applying
a. By phone at 085788854491.
b. By business letter.
a. Weapons. d. Automotive.
c. To zip-code 085788854491.
b. Airline. e. Technology.
d. By an email.
c. Food and beverage.
e. By an interview.
12. What position does the writer apply for?
10. When is the applicant available for an
a. Public relation officer.
b. Marketing manager.
a. Whenever.
c. HRD manager.
b. In the morning.
d. Maintenance staff.
c. Anytime.
e. Marketing staff member.
d. At appropriate time.
e. If necessary. 13. Pay attention to the following statements.
The following text is for questions number (1) To get customer’s attention.
11 to 13. (2) To introduce the product.
(3) To promote the product.
Theresia Agatha (4) To buy as many product as possible.
222 Kane Avenue New Castle (5) To show weaknesses in the product.
July 5th, 2022
The correct statements based on the text
are shown by number ....
Ms. Ana Priscillia a. (1), and (2) d. (2), and (3)
HRD Manager b. (1), and (4) e. (3), and (5)
Purple Inc. c. (2), and (5)
212 main St. 14. Ali : He didn’t feel good. He caught a
New Castle cold. He just stayed in bed.
Bono : H  e ....
Dear Ms. Priscillia, a. should have gone to a doctor
I was enthusiastic to see the advertisement b. should see a doctor
from Purple Inc. posted in UK Daily. I would like to c. must take a medicine
apply for the position of marketing staff member. d. had better see a doctor
I used to work in marketing at Audi Automobile. e. may have cold medicine
My main duty was to support and maintain sales 15. My English teacher is usually late for class,
Audi’s dealers by introducing Audi’s products, but he has been on time this week. The
promoting, and displaying the product’s ability. headmaster ... him some advice.
Previously, I worked in ABC Inc. in London a. has to give
marketing where I increased the targeted number b. ought to have given
of sales in ABC products to more than 4,000 c. would have given
cellphones in one year. I was employee of the d. might give
month three times at ABC Inc. e. must have given

Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013) 85

16. Jerry :H ello, Dad. I’m on the way to school 21. Tomo : H  a v e y o u n o t i c e d t h a t M r.
and there’s an accident. The Anwar wears something white
motorcycle rider was wounded. everyday?
What should I do? Edwin : I know. He ... like white.
Dad :  Hello, son. You need to call the a. will d. shall
police now. b. can e. is able to
Jerry : OK, Dad. I’ll do it right away. c. must
The underlined expression is expressing .... 22. Dimas : W hy do you seem so busy,
a. sympathy d. obligation Julia?
b. happiness e. apology Julia : I’m doing my paper. ....
c. gratitude Dimas : Oh, I see.
17. My motorcycle runs out of oil. I ….buy gasoline a. and you
because I will ride it to the meeting. b. thank you
a. should d. must c. i must submit it tomorrow morning
b. may e. could d. how about you
c. can e. i may submit it tomorrow morning
18. Putra : My pencil is not here, it was here 23. You ... obey your parents.
this morning. a. can d. must
Mira : Your mother ... it. b. could e. might
a. would have taking c. may
b. must have taking 24. Rani : Hi, Galih. I hear that your brother
c. will take Judika is going to celebrate his
d. should have taking birthday. How old is he?
e. must be taking Galih : He is four years older than me. I
19. I brought my sunglasses to the beach, then am seventeen years old now.
accidentally I left it. I ... it. Rani : Oh, he must be ... years old.
a. shouldn’t have left a. 20 d. 23
b. must have left b. 21 e. 24
c. will not have left c. 22
d. should not leave
25. Shinta : Mom, I don’t want to water the
e. could not have left
plants. ... it right now?
20. You ... the reunion party. Some of your old
Mother : Yes, right now.
friends have planned to come.
a. Do I must water?
a. should attend
b. Do I have to water?
b. can attend
c. Do you must water?
c. will attend
d. Do you have water?
d. should have attended
e. Do I may water?
e. might attend

II. Read the following text and answer the questions.

The following text is for questions number 1 to 5.
Yogyakarta, June 26, 2022
Personal Manager of Sahabat English Private
Gedung BIM Center, Seturan Street No. 44

I read your advertisement on on 23 June and I am fully interested to be part of your
company. I am a student at English Department of Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta.
Your company is an educational company that focusing on giving English private lesson. I
believe I have all the requirements to be one of your private teacher. I am 22 years old and now
at my 7th semester in my study. I am good at English both oral and written, having IELTS and
TOEFL certificates and I am also studying how to be a good teacher at class.

86 Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013)

I hope you will grant me an interview and the opportunity to give you more details about my
Yours faithfully,
Sinta Wulandari
1. What position does Sinta Wulandari apply for?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
2. What qualifications does Sinta Wulandari have to apply for the position?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
3. To whom is an application letter sent?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
4. How did Sinta Wulandari know the vacancy?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
5. Mention as many as possible the synonyms of the word “grant” taken from the application
letter above.
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
The following dialog is for questions number 6 to 10.
Mother notices Aditya playing with his smart phone on the veranda
Mother : You are free today, aren’t you, Aditya?
Aditya : N ot, really Mom. Dimas and Gito will be here in a few minutes. We’ re going to finish
our natural science experiment.
Mother : L ook! You should clean the aquarium soon. The water is so dirty with moss.
Aditya : O .K., Mom. I’ll clean it the day after tomorrow. I’m bussy today.
Mother : You must clean it immediately. Otherwise the fish will die soon. They hardly have any
oxygen. Besides, won’t you fell embarrased if your friends see that dirty aquarium?
Aditya : O .K, Mom. I’ll clean it after finishing the experiment.
Mother : That would be fine.
6. Where is Aditya playing with his smartphone?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
7. What experiment is Aditya going to finish?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
8. With whom is Aditya going to finish the experiment?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
9. Why does Aditya’s mother instruct him to clean the aquarium?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
10. When will Aditya clean the aquarium?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................

Soal AKM

The following text is for questions number 1 to 3.

Dear Sir/Madam,
In response to your advertisement in I hereby apply for the position of
administrative secretary in your company.
I have a bachelor degree in Management and have some professional administrative experience
in various institutions. As an administrative secretary, I manage documents, draft correspondence
and arrange schedules for various occasions. I am skilful in a number of computer programs,
including Word, Excel, and Adobe Suite.

Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013) 87

I believe my background and personality match the requirements you specify. I would be
grateful for the opportunity to discuss my background and experience with you. I look forward to
hearing from you.

Best Regards,
Meliana Putri
1. Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) based on the text above.
No. Statements (T) (F)
1. The sender of the application letter is a student.
2. The applicant is able to operate Microsoft Excel
3. The applicant applies for a management trainee.
4. The applicant is able to prepare letters.
5. The applicant has graduated from management major.
2. If you were the HRD and had to reply the letter. What would it protably be like?
3. Make some inerview questions based on the application letter above.

88 Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013)

Chapter News Item Text and
6 Conditional Sentence
Type 1
Have you ever read a newspaper? In daily life, we commonly hear,
see or read some news. Basically, news is very important for us.
News is the information about recent and important events. It is
the information reported in a newspaper or news magazine. It is
a program devoted to current events, often using interviews and
commentary. Information is a message received and understood.
It is a collection of facts from which conclusions may be drawn.
Here, in this chapter you are going to learn about news item and Source:
asking for and giving information expressions carefully. files/sumsel/file/fotoberita/438005.jpg

Kompetensi Inti
3. Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis, dan mengevaluasi tentang pengetahuan faktual, konseptual, prosedural
dasar, dan metakognitif ,sesuai dengan bidang dan lingkup kajian Bahasa Inggris pada tingkat teknis, spesifik,
detail, dan kompleks, berkenaan dengan ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dalam konteks
pengembangan potensi diri sebagai bagian dari keluarga, sekolah, dunia kerja, warga masyarakat nasional,
regional, dan internasional.
4. Melaksanakan tugas spesifik dengan menggunakan alat, informasi, dan prosedur kerja yang lazim dilakukan serta
memecahkan masalah sesuai dengan bidang kajian Bahasa Inggris.
Menampilkan kinerja di bawah bimbingan dengan mutu dan kuantitas yang terukur sesuai dengan standar
kompetensi kerja.
Menunjukkan keterampilan menalar, mengolah, dan menyaji secara efektif, kreatif, produktif, kritis, mandiri,
kolaboratif, komunikatif, dan solutif dalam ranah abstrak terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya
di sekolah, serta mampu melaksanakan tugas spesifik di bawah pengawasan langsung.
Menunjukkan keterampilan mempersepsi, kesiapan, meniru, membiasakan, gerak mahir, menjadikan gerak alami
dalam ranah konkret terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah, serta mampu melaksanakan
tugas spesifik di bawah pengawasan langsung.

Kompetensi Dasar
3.31 Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks news item lisan dan tulis
dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait berita sederhana dari koran/radio/TV, sesuai dengan konteks
4.31 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks news items
lisan dan tulis, dalam bentuk berita sederhana koran/radio/TV.
3.32 Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang
melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait pengandaian diikuti oleh perintah/saran, sesuai dengan
bidang keahlian dan konteks penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan if dengan imperative, can, should).
4.32 Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi
terkait pengandaian diikuti oleh perintah/saran, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks.

Learning Objectives
After learning this chapter, students are expected to be able to:
1. arrange and analyze news item text;
2. identify the social function, text structure, and language features of a news item text;
3. use statements containing conditional sentences type 1 confidently after listening, speaking, reading, and writing;
4. use conditional sentences with friends in any situations after doing activities showing conditional sentences type 1; also
5. identify conditional sentences type 1 in written monologues and dialogs after learning various texts and dialogs
containing conditional sentences type 1.

Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013) 89

Time Allocation
( ... subject hour / 6 × meeting)

Concept Map

News Item Text and Conditional Sentence Type 1

cover cover

News Item Text Conditional Sentence Type 1

Attitude Competence
Produktivity, democracy, courstesy, and honor

Learning Materials

KD 3.31 and 4.31 Pertemuan 34th, 35th, 36th meetings

A. News Item Text

1. Definition
News Item is atext used to inform readers, listeners or viewers about events of the day
which are considered newsworthy or important. We usualy find it in a newspaper because the
passage often tells the readers about great, important, interesting, tragic, entertaining or fresh
incident or events that all people should know about it.
2. Purpose
To inform the readers about events of the day which are considered newsworthy or
3. Generic Structure
The generic structure of news item consists of.
a. Newsworthy event(s)
It tells the main event which is considered newsworthy in a summary form.
b. Background event(s)
It elaborates what happened or explains detailed information of what caused the incident
or event. It can be include background, participant, time, and place relating to the news.
c. Sources of information
It contains comments which can be from participants in, witness, the official authorities,
or experts in the event.
4. Language Features
Here are language features of news item text.
a. Short, telegraphic information about story captured in headline.
b. Using adverbs : time, place and manner.
c. Using action verbs (kick, hit, attack).
d. Using of material processes to retell the event. (mental process is ….)
e. Using of projecting verbal process in sources stage.
f. Using adverb in passive sentences (The victims were badly injured).

90 Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013)

Listen to the following text and fill in the blanks with appropriate answer.
Singapore’s First Free, Teacher-less Computer Science Program to be Launched by 2022
SINGAPORE - People can expect to sign up for Singapore’s first free, teacher-less computer
science program by 2022.
Offered by French non-profit university Ecole 42 and the Singapore University of Technology
and Design (SUTD), the course will be (1) ... to anyone aged 18 and above, regardless of their
background in coding or mathematics.
Supported by Skills Future Singapore, the new program - dubbed 42 Singapore - aims to
(2) ... a pipeline of tech talent for the digital economy.
Instead of classroom-based (3) ... delivered by lecturers and textbooks, students will learn
tech skills in areas such as cyber security and network infrastructure at their own pace, advancing
through project-based learning and gamification.
The first cohort of 150 (4) ... under the new program in Singapore is expected to start by
the end of 2022, with recruitment done through one or more admissions exercises a year, said
SUTD in a statement on Tuesday (Nov 23).
Admissions at Ecole 42 (5) ... are highly competitive, with applicants being selected after an
intensive four-week bootcamp known as the “Piscine” or French for swimming pool.
The brainchild of French (6) ... and billionaire Xavier Niel first opened in Paris in 2013, and
has since grown to a network of 36 campuses worldwide.
At the signing of an (7) ... between the two universities on Tuesday, Education Minister Chan
Chun Sing said the program’s emphasis on aptitude and skill-based admission is in line with the
spirit of new policies rolled out by the Ministry of Education.
He said: “Since last year, the (8) ... universities (in Singapore) have expanded their practice
of aptitude-based admissions.
“They are now relying less on (9) ... grades, and more on other yardsticks of merit such as
the interests and non-academic achievements of applicants, so that a more holistic range of (10)
... and attributes can be considered.”
The partnership with Ecole 42 has been in the making since November 2019, Mr Chan said.

Task 2
Practice the following dialog with your friend.
Anita : Hi, how are you today?
Belinda : I’m fine. How about you?
Anita : Pretty well. Thanks. What’s news today?
Belinda : The government aims to have ten million micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs)
go digital by the end of the year to help them ease the financial burden of the pandemic.
Anita : Who said that, Belinda?
Belinda : Well, It said by Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises Minister Teten
Anita : What did he say then?
Belinda : He said that there were currently only around eight million MSMEs that had an online
selling platform, either through e-comerce or social media. The number represents
around 13 percent of all MSMEs in the country.
Anita : How about digital payment solutions? What did he say about that?
Belinda : Well, He said that MSMEs also needed to integrate business with digital payment

Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013) 91

Anita : Why was that?
Belinda : Because consumers were switching to cashless payments due to fears of contracting
the coronavirus.
Anita : I agree with him. Nowadays, bussiness will be connected with digital platform.
Belinda : Yeah, I guess so.
Anita : Did the news inform about a recent survey about using digital payment?
Belinda : Well, according to a recent survey by YouGov, almost seventy percent of Indonesian
respondents have mostly used digital payments, such as e-wallet, in the last three
months, followed by debit or credit cards, which indicateds that a large portion of
consumers is accustomed to e-payments.
Anita : Okay. Thanks for the information Belinda.
Belinda : Yeah, you are Anita.

Task 3
Read the following text and answer the questions.
Singapore’s Universal Studios Deploys Facial Recognition for Entry
Visitors to Universal Studios in Singapore will now have to pass through facial recognition
scanners to enter the park, in the city-state’s latest foray with a technology that has stoked privacy
concerns. Resorts World Sentosa (RWS), which owns the sprawling area of tourist attractions,
hotels and restaurants in which the park sits, said the scheme which started this month would
help smooth access for guests.
“Facial recognition provides contactless verification of tickets and ticket holders, enabling our
customers to enjoy our park experience in a more efficient and seamless manner,” RWS said in
an emailed statement. Usage of facial recognition technology - which allows firms or authorities
to match people picked up on cameras with those on databases - has risen globally in recent
years, stirring worries about surveillance and how data collected will be used.
Digitally-connected Singapore has embarked on many projects that use the technology, including
an ambitious scheme to put cameras on lamp-posts linked to facial recognition software.
Annual and season ticket holders of Singapore’s Universal Studios no longer need physical
passes, while guests using day passes will still need tickets for entry but can then exit and re-
enter just using their facial image.
Facial recognition is an “essential” part of admission and is used for “operational improvement,
safety and security”, according to RWS, which last month axed staff as the COVID-19 pandemic
batters Singapore’s tourism industry.
RWS said it had implemented stringent security measures to safeguard guest information
such as storing it on encrypted servers. It declined comment on which company was providing
the facial recognition technology.
China’s Universal Studios theme park due to open in Beijing next year also plans to use
facial recognition technology, according to media reports.
1 What does the text tell us about?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
2 What does facial recognition provide?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
3 Who still need tickets for entry to Singapore’s Universal Studios?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
4 Why is facial recognition important?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
5 When will China’s Universal Studios theme park be opened?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................

92 Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013)

Task 4
Identify the structure of the text in reading section above.
Main Event?

Who was involved?

When did it happen?

Where did it happen?

Source of the news?

Comments or statements?

Knowledge Insert
What Makes a Story Newsworthy?
There is a list of five factors which are considered when deciding if a story is newsworthy, as
1. Timing
The word news means exactly that - things which are new. Topics which are current are
good news. Consumers are used to receiving the latest updates, and there is so much news
about that old news is quickly discarded.
2. Significance
The number of people affected by the story is important. A plane crash in which hundreds
of people died is more significant than a crash killing a dozen.
3. Proximity
Stories which happen near to us have more significance. The closer the story to home, the
more newsworthy it is. For someone living in France, a major plane crash in the USA has
a similar news value to a small plane crash near Paris.
4. Prominence
Famous people get more coverage just because they are famous.
5. Human Interest
Human interest stories are a bit of a special case. They often disregard the main rules of
newsworthiness; for example, they don’t date as quickly, they need not affect a large number
of people, and it may not matter where in the world the story takes place.

Individual Task Score:

Read the following text and answer the questions.
BlackBerry, Amazon Team Up on Smart Car Software Platform
BlackBerry and Amazon on Tuesday announced an alliance to create a cloud computing
platform that cars could link to for services and insights based on data from vehicles and
Word of plans for an Intelligent Vehicle Data Platform called “IVY” synching cars wirelessly
to computing power at Amazon Web Services caused shares in Canada-based company to rev
more than 50 percent to nearly nine dollars.

Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013) 93

“BlackBerry and AWS share a common vision to provide automakers and developers with
better insights so that they can deliver new services to consumers,” BlackBerry chief executive
John Chen said in a joint release.
IVY is intended to be a cloud-connected software platform that could be used by any car
maker to analyze sensor data in real-time and give drivers useful information.
Modern cars and trucks are built with thousands of parts from an array of suppliers, typically
with proprietary hardware and software involved, the companies noted.
The vision is for the platform to quickly make sense of all that data for drivers, while also
serving as a platform for additional apps or services from developers.
Car makers have “almost zero software skills,” and IVY promises to be a secure, cost-
effective platform for them to tap into cloud computing power, Global Equities Research analyst
Trip Chowdhry said in a note to investors.
The jointly operated software will run on car or truck systems, but will be managed remotely
from the cloud, according to Amazon.
Examples of potential capabilities included IVY spotting dangerous road conditions such as
ice or heavy traffic and prompt drivers to take safety measures.
Drivers of electric vehicles could share battery information with charging networks to reserve
charging slots along routes, and parents could get sensor data regarding their teen-agers’ driving,
the companies said,
AWS and BlackBerry are making it possible for any automaker to continuously reinvent the
customer experience and transform vehicles from fixed pieces of technology into systems that can
grow and adapt with a users needs and preferences,” said  AWS chief executive Andy Jassy.
BlackBerry has shifted gears to concentrate on software and services since being dethroned
in the mobile phone market more than a decade ago by touchscreen phones powered by Apple
or Android software.
The BlackBerry keyboard is to live on in a new 5G smartphone planned for release next year
from Texas-based OnwardMobility.
1. When did BlackBerry and Amazon announce an alliance to create a cloud computing platform?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
2. Why do BlackBerry and AWS share a common vision to provide automakers and developers
with better insights?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
3. What is an Intelligent Vehicle Data Platform or called (IVY) intended to?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
4. What is the use of battery information with charging networks?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
5. What are the benefit of “AWS and BlackBerry”?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................

Group Task Score:

Work in pairs. Make a simple news item text about economy and infrastructure. Then, analyze its
generic structure of the text. Write it in a piece of paper. Share your task with your partner.

94 Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013)

HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills)

Read the text and answer the questions.

Australia’s Monash University to Open Postgraduate Campus in Indonesia
Australia’s Monash University is set to establish a postgraduate campus in Indonesia, following
the latter’s approval, paving the way for Monash to become the first foreign university campus to
operate in the country. Based in Jakarta, Monash Indonesia will offer Master and PhD degrees,
as well as executive programs and micro-credentials. It will operate with the support of both the
Indonesian and Australian governments, according to the university’s press statement.
“The opening of Monash Indonesia, the first Australian university based in Indonesia, will
enable us to work in and with Indonesian people and their organizations to realize their future
opportunities,” Monash University’s president and vice-chancellor, Margaret Gardner, said in a
statement on Monday. Monash Indonesia is scheduled to begin short executive programs later
this year and plans the first intake of Masters students in the fourth quarter of 2021.
The university will bring expertise in studies of high demand such as data science and digital
technology, creative industry and entrepreneurship, health system and public health as well as
infrastructure and urban planning. Monash University previously opened a campus in Indonesia’s
neighboring Malaysia, and has also established partner campuses in Suzhou city in China with
SouthEast University, as well as in Mumbai with the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay.
Monash Indonesia’s students will be awarded a Monash University degree and there will be
opportunities for cross-campus collaboration for research purposes and mobility in education.
1. What can we infer about the news education above?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
2. Analyze its social function, generic structure, and language features of the text above.
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
3. Write ten questions about the most recent events/ issues of education in your town. Each
student must write the questions on his/ or her own paper. When you have finished, interview
other students.
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................

KD 3.32 and 4.32 Pertemuan 37th, 38th, 39th and 40th meetings

B. Conditional Sentences Type 1

The first conditional sentence (also called conditional type 1) is a structure used for talking
about possibilities in the present or in the future. The formula of conditional sentence (type 1) is
“If + Subject 1+ present + Subject 2 (will/can/ may/ must) + verb 1(simple form).”

Task 1
Listen to the following text and fill in the blanks with appropriate answer.
Backpacking is one of (1) ... and budget-friendly ways to travel around the world. It’s always (2)
... to travel with minimum luggage and it’s not so bad to stay in cheap accommodation, especially
if you are a student or you just can’t afford (3) ... a luxury destination. I always thought that only
(4) ... can afford to travel, but luckily, it’s not true. Sure, if you are on a (5) ..., you won’t visit luxury
destinations and you won’t (6) ... at luxury hotels, but it’s not (7) ... of traveling. The purpose of
traveling is actually to see (8) ... and get unforgettable experience. Backpacking is one of the
best ways to do that. Check out (9) ... of 10 best and cheapest countries for backpackers and
start planning your trip right now. With these 10 countries for backpackers, you will be seeing
the world without spending (10) ... and worrying about your bank account.

Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013) 95

Task 2
Practice the following dialog with your partner.
Dion :H  i Edwin. I’m going to backpack to Singapore for a week next holiday. Do you have
any suggestions for me? I know that you has visited Singapore, right?
Edwin : Yeah, I visited Singapore last year. I have suggestion for you. The most important thing
is that if you visit Singapore, don’t litter. Otherwise, you will be fined. Then, if you’d like
to visit its tourist attractions, please prepare your health and stamina.
Dion :W  hy should I have a good health and stamina?
Edwin : Well, to reach those places, you have to walk for long distances from the train or bus
Dion :O  h, I see. What else?
Edwin : If you are going to explore the country by public transportation, buy a Singapore tourist
pass. You can buy it at Changi Airport. If you want to buy tickets, board on buses and
MRT, or even buy food, please stand in line. Queuing has become Singaporeans’ daily
Dion :W  hat about taking the MRT, Edwin?
Edwin : Well, if you want to board the MRT, you have to queue on the edge of the entrance
gate. If the train is crowded, you’d better stand up although two seats on every row
are vacant. These reserved seats are for elder or disable people.
Dion : Thank you for important information.
Edwin : Yes, sure. And when taking the MRT, please pay attention to the train route map which
you can see above the door. If you want to alight from the train, you have to watch the
map and listen to the announcement.
Dion :W  hat else?
Edwin : This is my final suggestion for you. If you are hungry, please have meals on a credible
food stall. You can them easily in any supermarkets.
Dion : Thanks again for your information, Edwin. This information is very valuable for me.
Edwin : Then, if you go around the country, don’t forget to brig your passport. Have a nive trip,
Dion : Thank you.
Edwin : Take it easy.

Task 3
Read the following text aloud and answer the questions.
Several Things to Do if You Visit Toronto, Canada
There are several must-have experiences that you should do if you visit Toronto, Canada.
If you visit Toronto Canada, do the following things.
1. CN Tower’s Edge Walk
If you come to Toronto city, it will give you the opportunity to break records by completing
the world’s highest full circle hands-free walk on a 5 ft wide ledge encircling the top of the
CN Tower’s main pod, which is 356m/1168 ft (116 storeys) above the ground.
If you also have a few spare hours and you’re in the area, make sure you walk across to
Ripley’s Aquarium which is located next to the CN Tower entrance. With over 16,000 aquatic
animals, there’s plenty to see and do whatever your age.
2. Toronto Heli Tours
If you don’t fancy dangling yourself off the edge off a ridiculously tall building anytime
soon, you can also see Toronto from 2,000 feet up in a helicopter.
The city has recently started offering people the chance to do the Heli Tour, which shows
you all off the best landmarks downtown, as well as giving you the chance to go right up to
the Edge Walk and give all the thrill seekers a little wave if you feel the need.

96 Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013)

If you’re not quite brave enough to do the Edge Walk, definitely give this one a whirl –
you won’t regret it.
3. Dundas Square
Dundas Square is one of the most touristy areas in the city, but it’s also one of the
areas that you’re most likely to recognize from the big screen. With Dundas Square being
incredibly similar to New York’s Times Square, it is very often used for blockbuster movies
because it’s a lot easier to film in.
In fact, not only has the Square been used as a major location, but the whole of Toronto can
very often be seen in big budget films. The Incredible Hulk, Total Recall, Hairspray, Robocop
and Suicide Squad are all examples.
If you fancy grabbing a bite to eat while in the area, make sure you check out Lena Restaurante,
which is an Argentinean eatery that offers an array of small plates which are perfect to share.
1. What experience will you get if you come to CN Tower’s Edge Walk?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
2. How many meters does CN Tower’s main pod have?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
3. Where will you go if you want to see aquatic animals?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
4. What can Toronto Heli Tours offer to the tourists?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
5. According to the text above, what do you know about Dundas Square?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................

Task 4
Fill in the blank space with the correct answer.
1. If Nando and Anita ... the food, Intan and Tiara will make the sandwiches. a. helps
2. If Dodik ... after the barbecue, Ivan will let the guests in. c. gives
3. Gandi will play the DJ if the others ... along their CDs. f. organise
4. Pandhu Pratama will mix the drinks if Fajar ... him some of his recipes. g. bring
5. If they all ... their best, the party will be great. h. do

Knowledge Insert
Type 1 conditional sentences are used to talk about real and possible situations. Here we use
a simple present tense in the if-clause and will /can / may + infinitive in the result clause.

Individual Task Score:

Rearrange these sentences into meaningful sentences.
1. tell- you- to- school,- I- will- If- I- come- early
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
2. go- to- the- toothache- dentist- if- I- got- I- will
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
3. bag- mother- gives- that- if- his- him- money- Pradipta- will- buy
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
4. party- invite- her- to- your- if- you- Amelia- will- come
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
5. this- drawing- time,- have- enough- I- will- finish- If- I
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................

Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013) 97

Group Task Score:
Find three short dialog in English, which contain if- clauses from other sources. Each dialog has to
state advice, and general truth. After that, practice it with your partner in front of the class.

HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills)

Read the following dialogs and answer the questions.

Dialog 1
Deni : W hat do you plan to do with the money if you win the first prize in this poem writing
Edo :W ell, if I win the first prize, I will buy a new laptop.
Dialog 2
Angga : W
 hy don’t you eat all of the chocolate, Islah?
Islah : If I eat all the chocolate, I will feel sick tomorrow.
Dialog 3
Fauzi : W
 hy do you study really hard, Heru. Just relax, don’t be worry about the final exam.
Heru : W ell, to tell the truth, If I study hard, I am so sure that I will pass the final exam.
1. Are you sure that Edo will win the poem writing competition?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
2. What reason that make Islah doesn’t want to eat all of the chocolate?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
3. Why if you study hard, so you will pass the final exam?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................

Character Insert
We have to show our gratitude toward God for His blessing we can learn about news item text
and conditional sentence type 1. By learning this lessons hopefully it will improve our vocabulary,
learn to be an honest student, and be respectful to others.

Learning Reflection
In the end of the chapter, have you master the following material? Give check mark (√) according
to your ability!
Number Ability Yes No
1. I am able to understand the meaning of news item text.
2. I am able to understand the purpose of news items text.
3. I am able to understand the generic structure of news items text.
4. I am able to understand the language feature of news items text.
5. I am able to arrange a paragraph using conditional sentences type 1.
If you have mastered the material, you can do the following test.

98 Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013)

Daily Assessment 6
I. Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, d, or e.
The following text is for questions number d. An international mathematic Olympiad.
1 to 4. e. The honour for an lranian brilliant
A new prize was just founded to honour mathematician.
the late Maryam Mirzakhani, a brilliant lranian 2. Why is the tribute for Maryam Mirzakhani
mathematician who died of breast cancer. The significant?
$50,000 prize will go to outstanding young female a. To develop the geometry of spheres theory.
mathematicians who are no more than two years b. To improve the development of mathematics.
out from earning their doctoral degrees. c. To help solve mathematic problems in a
“We hope that the Maryam Mirzakhani thesis.
New Frontiers Prize will help inspire young d. To inspire other women to become
women to pursue their calling for mathematics” mathematicians.
said Richard Taylor, the chair of the selection e. To inspire people to have lectured at
committee for the Breakthrough Prize in Stanford University.
Mathematics, which is awarding the money.
3. What can we learn from the text?
“Recognising few of the many aspiring a. Hard work is the best investment.
women in mathematics is a fitting tribute to
b. Two wrongs don’t make a right.
the beautiful intellect of Dr. Mirzakhani.”
c. The early bird catches the worm.
Mirzakhani was just 40 years after winning
d. Actions speak louder than words.
one of died, only three most prestigious prizes,
e. Good things come to those who wait.
the Fields Medal and was the only woman to
have ever won prize, which is handed out to 4. Pay attention to the following statements.
mathematicians age 40. Mirzakhani’s close (1) Maryam Mirzakhani was also well
collaborator, mathematician of the University known for her work in understanding the
of Chicago, won a $3 mill Breakthrough Prize realtivity theory.
this year for work he did in with Mirzakhani. (2) Maryam Mirzakhani comes from Iran.
The pair had worked out a to explain some (3) the Maryam Mirzakhani New Frontiers
of the features of a geometric concept called Prize will help inspire young women to
moduli space, Mirzakhani was also well known pursue their calling for mathematics.
for her work in understanding the geometry of (4) She attended Stanford University for
spheres, doughnuts, and other curved, three- graduate school and solved two long-
dimensional shapes, according to Stanford standing mathematical problems in her
University, where she was a professor. doctoral thesis.
Mirzakhani was born in Teheran and in (5) Maryam Mirzakhani won gold medals in the
high school became the first female ever to competition three times in 1994 and 1995.
compete on lran’s lnternational Mathematical The correct statements are shown by
Olympiad team, according to her Stanford number ....
University obituary. She won gold medals in a. (1), and (2) d. (2), and (5)
that competition twice in 1994 and 1995. b. (1), and (3) e. (3), and (6)
She attended Harvard University for c. (2), and (3)
graduate school and solved two long-standing The following text is for questions number
mathematical problems in her doctoral thesis. 5 to 7.
The $50,000 prize money may be split
China, Singapore rank high in top 100
between two or more individual mathematicians.
Asian universities: Survey
Details on eligibility for the Maryam Mirzakhani
New Frontiers Prize will be available on the Chinese and Singaporean universities occupy
Breakthrough Prize website. the highest spots in a ranking of Asia’s top 100
Source: universities, a global survey showed Wednesday.
mirzakhanibreakthrough-prize-created.html. According to the Times Higher Education
1. What is the text about? Asia Rankings, China led the way with Tsinghua
a. A brilliant mathematician. University in first place and Peking University
b. The Prize in a math competition. in second, followed by the National University
c. The death of an lranian mathematician. of Singapore.

Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013) 99

The University of Tokyo was ranked the highest 7. Pay attention to the following statements.
Japanese university and came seventh, up one (1) Nagoya University.
notch from a year earlier. (2) Hong Kong University of Science and
Asian universities are expected to rise in
(3) Kyoto University.
international rankings as promising students
(4) Tsinghua University.
enroll in their respective countries rather than
(5) Peking University.
studying abroad amid the spread of the novel
coronavirus, the report said. Here are the universities from Japan shown
The University of Hong Kong and the Hong by number ....
Kong University of Science and Technology a. (1), and (3) d. (2), and (5)
ranked fourth and fifth, respectively. b. (2), and (3) e. (3), and (6)
The universities in the survey, located across c. (2), and (5)
Asia and the Middle East, are judged according to The following text is for questions number
13 criteria including teaching, research, citations, 8 to 10.
industry income and international outlook in Dubai Property Booms As Wealthy
terms of staff, students and research. Buyers Escape Lockdowns
Fourteen Japanese universities were ranked Dubai’s property market is powering out of
in the survey, including Kyoto University in a six-year malaise as “lockdown dodgers” and
12th place, Tohoku University in 30th, Nagoya wealthy international investors drive a buying
University in 41st and the Tokyo Institute of frenzy that is breaking records and fuelling an
Technology in 42nd place. economic recovery.
Luxury villas are the hottest segment in the
survey.html market, with European buyers in particular seeking
homes on Dubai’s signature Palm Jumeirah man-
5. Pay attention to the following statements.
made island, as well as golf course estates.
(1) The University of Hong Kong and the
Dubai’s rollercoaster property market,
Hong Kong University of Science and
which had been in steady decline since 2014,
Technology ranked third and fourth.
went into flatline after Covid-19 hit last year
(2) Kyoto University in 12th place based on
and the emirate slammed shut its borders,
the survey.
said Zhann Zochinke, chief operating officer
(3) Chinese and Singaporean universities
of consultancy Property Monitor.
occupy the highest spots in a ranking of
Asia’s top 100 universities. “Then straight after that lockdown period we
(4) The universities in the survey, located started to see transaction volumes increase, and
across Asia and the Middle East, are judged they really haven’t stopped since,” he told AFP.
according to 3 criteria including teaching, “We’re now seeing record month-on-month
research, and students and research. gains and transaction volumes.”
(5) China led the way with Tsinghua The Gulf emirate became one of the first
University in first place and Peking destinations to reopen to visitors last July,
University in second pairing the open-door policy with strict rules on
The correct statements based on the text masking and social distancing, and an energetic
are shown by number .... vaccination program which has produced some
a. (1), and (3) d. (2), and (5) of the highest inoculation rates globally.
b. (2), and (3) e. (3), and (5) Despite a surge in coronavirus cases in
c. (2), and (5) the new year after holiday makers descended
en masse, life has continued largely as normal
6. What university is in the first rank based on
with restaurants and hotels open, and few of the
the survey?
restrictions that have blighted life elsewhere.
a. Nagoya University.
“The lockdown dodgers from other countries?
b. Tokyo Institute of Technology.
I think we’re seeing a lot of that there,” Zochinke
c. Hong Kong University of Science and
said, adding that other draws were more relaxed
residency rules and a decision to allow full
d. Peking University.
foreign ownership of firms.
e. Tsinghua University.

100 Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013)

The flood of arrivals has regenerated the c. S t a t i n g t h e s i s – A r g u m e n t s –
tourism industry, long an economic mainstay Reiteration.
of Dubai which has little of the oil wealth that d. Goal – Equipments – Steps.
powers its neighbours, and helped business e. Newsworthy event – Background events
activity recover to pre-Covid levels in April, – Sources.
according to IHS Markit. The following dialog is for questions number
“Travel and tourism firms recorded the most 20 and 21.
notable bounce in performance, amid increasing Anita : I wonder why you and your family like
hopes of a rise in tourism activity later in the to spend your holiday in puncak.
year, boosted by the rapid vaccine roll-out,” said Ria : Don’t you know that there are many
the research firm’s economist David Owen. fantastic attractions in Puncak?
After years of torpor when homeowners Anita : No. I don’t. I only once visited the
watched their equity drain away, the surge in Safari Park.
luxury properties above 10 million dirhams ($2.7 Ria : You know, Puncak is a nice place to
million) has been striking, with 90 transactions in spend the day. We can ride gondola
April compared to around 350-400 on a regular in Little Venice. If you ride a gondola,
yearly basis, according to Property Monitor. row the boat yourself and you’ll really
A mansion on the Palm has sold for 111.25 feel the sensation. You can also go to
million dirhams, the highest price reached in Cibodas Botanical Garden to enjoy the
years in the precinct which features 16 “fronds” beauty of sakura flower. So, you don’t
lined with show-stopping houses and supercars need to go to Japan to see these flowers.
parked in the driveways. If you want to see them, go there on
Source: January-February or July-August.
buyers-escape-lockdowns-.html Anita : Wow, amazing. What else?
8. What is the purpose of the text? Ria : You can play with deer in Jaya Giri
a. To describe the important economic forest. This is a deer breeding place.
growth in Dubai. If you want to meet the deel you
b. To argue about the benefit of Dubai should have gut because you have to
property market. pass a hanging bridge that stretches
c. To explain the increase of Dubai property above the Cibeet River.
market. Anita : That’s not a big problem for me.
d. To convince reader that buying Dubai Ria : If you want to feed the deer, you can
property is profitable. buy potatoes, bananas, or carrots
e. To inform readers about economic revival sold by officers there. There are still
of Dubai property market. many attractions that worth to visit
by visitors.
9. What can we infer from the text above?
a. Luxury villas are the hottest segment in Anita : Well, to tell the truth, I can’t wait to
the market, with Asian buyers. see those places. May I go with you
b. Dubai’s rollercoaster property market went if you go to Puncak?
into flatline after Covid-19 hit last year. Ria : Sure. Why not. If you want to join me, ask
c. The flood of arrivals has not changed the for your parents’ permissions first.
tourism industry. Anita : OK. Thanks.
d. A mansion on the Palm has sold for two 11. What does Ria suggest Anita do during his
hundred million dirhams, the highest visit in Little Venice?
price reached in years. a. She rides the gondola herself.
e. The Gulf emirate became one of the last b. She rows the gondola herself.
destinations to reopen to visitors. c. She stays alone in the villa there.
10. What is the generic structure of the text d. She books a villa a week before.
above? e. She lets a man row the gondola.
a. O r i e n t a t i o n – C o m p l i c a t i o n – 12. Pay attention to the following statements.
Reorientation. (1) Anita has never been to Puncak.
b. Orientation – Series of event – (2) Ria asks Anita to go to Puncak
Reorientation. together.

Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013) 101

(3) No visitors are allowed to feed the deer Man : That’s frightening! I couldn’t imagine
in Jaya Giri how bad that would be.
(4) Ria has visited many attractions in
Woman : Yeah! Better we stay home during a
(5) Sakura flowers in Puncak bloom on
January-February or July-August. once 15. Why did the man’s sister cancel her flight?
a year. Because ….
a. all flights are cancelled because of the fog.
The correct statements based on the text
b. his sister didn’t want to go abroad.
are shown by number ....
c. his sister didn’t want to fly alone.
a. (1), and (3) d. (2), and (5)
d. his sister was afraid of flying.
b. (1), and (4) e. (4), and (5)
e. there will be a stormy day.
c. (2), and (5)
The following dialog is for questions number 16. The fog will be so dangerous for planes
13 and 14. because ....
a. all things inside the plane might freeze
Woman : Are you OK? You look so pale. b. a thin layer of ice may form on the plane
Man : Yes, I have a fever and I feel giddy. c. the fog will damage the navigation tools
Woman : Have you seen a doctor? d. the fog causes the plane’s engine to fail
Man :N ot yet. But, I have bought some pills. e. the fog will damage the plane badly
Woman : You mean you buy drugs without The following dialog is for questions number
prescription? lf you feel bad, you 17 and 18.
should see the doctor to examine your Man :D  o you dream of studying abroad?
symptoms. You’ll also get medication
Woman : That’s one of my goals.
for your problem.
Man :W  hich country do you prefer?
Man : You are right. Thanks for your
Woman : lf I can speak Japanese better, I will
go to Japan.
Woman : D on’t mention it.
Man : You have taken short Japanese
13. What has the man done to lose his pains? course, haven’t you?
a. He has received medical treatment. Woman : Yes, But I need a lot of improvement
b. He has consulted Pharmacists. to be proficient in the Japanese
c. He has consulted the doctors. language.
d. He has bought some medicine.
Man : S o, you must listen and watch
e. He has taken a rest.
Japanese movies and try to speak
14. What does the woman suggest the man do? Japanese with natives.
a. See the doctor to check his symptoms. Woman : Alright. I’ll do it soon. Thank you for
b. Get medical treatment from a nurse. your advice.
c. Drink a lot of water for recovery. Man : Take it easy.
d. Buy appropriate medicine.
e. Examine his diseases. 17. What did the woman do to be proficient in
The following dialog is for questions number
a. Hired a native Japanese teacher.
15 and 16.
b. Watched Japanese movies.
Woman : H  i! Have you heard the weather c. Learned Japanese in Japan
forecast this morning? d. Took a Japanese class.
Man :N  ot yet. What’s going on? e. Travelled to Japan.
Woman : Extreme fog will cover the whole 18. Which did the man suggest the woman do
country at the end of this week. All to improve her Japanese proficiency?
flights will be cancelled. a. F o l l o w t h e J a p a n e s e L a n g u a g e
Man : That’s very bad. That’s why my sister Proficiency Test.
called off her plan to go abroad. b. Study hard by listening to the tutor.
Woman : Yes. lf temperatures are at or below c. Speak Japanese with native speakers.
freezing and fog is present, a thin d. Join the Japanese cultural events.
layer of ice may form on the plane. e. Read a lot of Japanese books.
lt would be so hazardous.

102 Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013)

The following text is for questions number 4. See exciting and experimental works at
19 to 20. Chihuly Garden and Glass. A visit to this site
If you visit Seattle, arrive with this list in is an opportunity to take full advantages of
hand and you’ll be off to a foolproof start for the location at the Seattle Center, a premier
exploring the Emerald City’s most unforgettable destination for arts, entertainment, and
sights and sounds. leisure activities. Explore the Space Needle
1. Feel the fresh air on your face as you and Pacific Science Center. Experience
sail to Bainbridge Island on a Washington Music Project and a variety ofcultural
State, Ferry. From the ferry you can enjoy activities offered throughout the year.
the view of Seattle’s skyline. You can 5. Watch the world’s most sophisticated aircraft
also stroll around downtown galleries, being built before your eyes at the Boeing
boutiques, coffee houses’ and cafes. factory in Mukilteo. Explore the dynamics
The seasonal gardens and natural of flight and experience new aviation
woodlands at the Boedel Reserve are innovation. Go behind the scenes at Boeing
other options to watch the very same jets you may one
2. Why don’t you tour Pike Place Market’s day be a passenger on being assembled.
produce stands and sample what you’ve 6. For a sweet treat, tour the Theo Chocolate
never tasted yet? The Pike Place Market factory in Freemont and learn how their
is much more than a farmers’ market. delicious confections are made’ This
Its entire district is full of shopping, factory has a mission to create change
attractions, and popular sights. The area in the Democratic Republic of Congo
is a festival ofsounds, tastes, and smells (DRC) where it has 300’000 squre miles
as part of the reason it’s called the ‘soul of farmable land but only 2% is being
of Seattle. Amid all the joyful hubbub, farmed due to conflict there. The factory
make sure you take time to spot these train 2,000 Congolese farmers to grow
beloved lcons. high high quality cocoa.
3. Book a night at one of the many cozy 19. What is the nickname of Seattle’?
B&Bs or resorts available throughout a. The Big Apple. d. The Emerald City.
the Sun Juan Islands. Cozy bed and b. The Windy City. e. The Harbor City.’
breakfasts are perfect way to enjoy the c. Pearl of the Orient.
friendly island culture. Here, you can
20. Where can we enjoy a music festival?
tour the nurnerous art galleries in Friday
a. On Bainbridge Island.
Harbor. You can also enjoy nature guided
b. On Sun Juan Islands
tours, wildlife spotting, whale watching,
c. At Pike Place Market.
and storm watching.
d. At the Theo Chocolate factory in Freemont.
e. At Chihuly Garden and Glass.
II. Read the following text and answer the questions!
Read the following text and answer the questions for number 1 to 5.
Malaysia’s Malay Enclave of Kampung Baru Inches Closer to Redevelopment
After decades of stalemate, the Pakatan Harapan government is inching closer to redeveloping
Kuala Lumpur’s biggest Malay enclave of Kampung Baru, after it raised its offer to RM1,000
(S$331) per square feet to landowners last year.
Federal Territories Minister Khalid Samad said he is optimistic that a plan to modernise the
120-year-old village, comprising old village houses and ageing apartments, will be finalised by
June this year based on feedback obtained from landowners.
The Kampung Bharu Development Corp, a government agency which develops, coordinates and
regulates development in the area, had held meetings with landowners to discuss issues, he said.
“These meetings have been held since early last month and we have met nearly 50 per cent
of the 5,374 landowners in Kampung Baru,” Mr Khalid said.
“From the total, 97 per cent said they are ready to sell their lots to pave the way for the
Kampung Baru Development Plan and Insya Allah (God willing), we will finalise it in the next six
months,” he told reporters on Sunday.

Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013) 103

Kampung Baru landowner Mohd Farid Rahmat, who owns a portion of his house along with
10 other cousins, is holding out from selling as it is simply not profitable enough for him and he
likes staying in the city. “I just don’t want to sell it,” he told The Straits Times.
Under the master plan drawn up by the government, once approved by the enclave’s residents,
the government will take over the area and build tall residential and office blocks along with
modern commercial buildings and upgraded infrastructure on the sprawling 90ha site, slightly
larger than Singapore’s Botanic Gardens.
The Straits Times understands that the government is hoping to obtain at least 80 per cent
approval from the 5,374 landowners in order to go ahead with rebuilding the area involved.
Landowners who take up the offer will be paid RM850 per sq feet in cash, while the remaining
RM150 will be in the form of shares in a special purpose vehicle (SPV) to be set up.
They are also promised a 15 per cent discount on properties in the new development, should
they agree to buy these.
This time around, the government hopes that the offer is sweet enough for a breakthrough
and will enable it to modernise the area, which is dwarfed by swanky condominiums and gleaming
office towers just across the narrow Klang River.
Multiple ownership of individual lots have thwarted previous attempts to revamp the village.
Not only is there difficulty in getting consent from landowners, the situation is further
compounded by Muslim inheritance laws that split the parcels into smaller plots, with many
beneficiaries. Some of the lots can have up to 100 heirs.
The issue is also a highly emotive one, as the village is historically significant, being the site
for many political events and rallies.
1 What is the text about?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
2. Who develops, coordinates and regulates development in the area of Kampung Baru?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
3. Why does Mohd Farid Rahmat, who owns a portion of his house hold out from selling his
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
4. Why the government is hoping to obtain at least 80 percent approval from the 5,374
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
5. What things thwarted previous attempts to revamp the village?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
Read the following text and answer the questions number 6 to 10.
Costa Rica is one of the best places for your holiday. If you really love to see beautiful nature,
then you must go there. Costa Rica has beautiful national parks, magnificent volcanoes, amazing
wildlife, the colourful birds, pure lakes, golden beaches and blue sea.
Costa Rica has two national parks that you must visit. The first park is Corcovado National
Park. It is one of the most famous tourist attractions in Costa Rica. It offers a wide variety of
activities and attractions. The second park is Palo Verde National park. It is a perfect place for
those who look for peace and nature. When you go there, you have to bring your bathing suit
because there are a lot of swimming holes, waterfalls, and hot springs. You must also not forget
to take your camera to capture the unforgettable moment of volcanic eruption. So, if you want
to experience Caribbean culture, you can start planning your trip to Costa Rica.
6. What can be found in Costa Rica?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
7. What should we do if we love to see beautiful nature?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................

104 Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013)

8. How many parks are there?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
9. Why should we bring our bathing suit if we want to go there?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
10. Mention conditional sentences type 1 based on the text above!
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................

Fill in the blanks from the words in the box.
One of the functions of protein is to keep your (1) ... steady. So, if you’re low on protein, you
will start grabbing sweets. When you’re lacking in protein, your glucose level decreases. It (2) ...
you to reach for quick fix, like consuming candies, sweet chocolate or sweet biscuits. If you eat
a handful of cereal or bread in the morning, you’re going to get (3) ... right away and that energy
is going to wane.
We know that (4) ... is the building block of all of (5) ... . It includes our hair follicles. It is said
that if your hair follicles are strong, they will keep the hair on your head. But if you’re (6) ... on
the scalp stabilizing (7) ... , you may notice that your (8) ... start thinning.
Protein is also (9) ... for building muscle. If you don’t get enough protein, your muscles may
start to drop over time. As a result, you may feel weak and unable to your (10) ... .

a. essential f. blood sugar

b. chronically skimping g. strands
c. encourages h. energy
d. protein i. our cells
e. nutrient j. exercises

Find a short text using conditional sentence type 1 from any sources. Then, write conditional
sentences type 1 from the text you’ve found. Translate it into Indonesian.
Conditional Sentences Type 1 Indonesian Meanings

Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013) 105

Final Semester Test 2
I. Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, d, or e.
The following text is for questions number 2. The letter is addressed to ....
1 to 5. a. Secretary of Swamedika Informatika
Bandung, July 23 , 2022
th Company
b. Supervisor of Swamedika Informatika
Attention To: Company
HRD Manager c. HRD Manager of Swamedika Informatika
PT. Samsung Electronics Indonesia ( PT Company
SEIN ) d. H R D M a n a g e r o f P T. S a m s u n g
Jababeka Raya Blok F 29-33 Electronics Indonesia
e. Vice Manager of PT. Samsung Electronics
Cikarang – Bekasi 17530
West Java
Dear Sir/Madam, 3. Where did the writer get the information
about the vacancy?
I have read from your advertisement at Kompas a. From the campus announcement.
that your company is looking for employees to hold b. From the newspaper.
some position. Based on the advertisement, I am c. From the joural.
interested in applying application for Software d. From the internet.
Engineer according with my background e. From the magazine.
educational as Information technology. 4. “Beside that I posses adequate computer
My name is Putra Mahardika Pratama, I skill and ....” The closest meaning of the
am twenty three years old. I have graduated underlined word is ....
from information technology Department from a. silly d. oblique
Bandung Technology Institute on August 2015. b. foolish e. ignorant
I consider myself that I have qualifications as c. proficiency
you want. I have good motivation for progress 5. Pay attention to the following statements.
and growing, eager to learn, and can work with (1) Copy of Job Training Certificate from
a team (team work) or by myself. Beside that I Swamedika Informatika Company.
posses adequate computer skill and have good (2) Background of student activities.
command in English (oral and written). (3) Recent photograph with size of 4 x 6.
I am confident that I will be able to (4) Copy of Bank account.
contribute effectively to your company. Herewith (5) Copy of Bachelor Degree (S-1) Certificate
I enclose: and Academic Transcript.
1. Copy of Bachelor Degree (S-1) Certificate Here are some attachments that attached
and Academic Transcript. by the applicant, except ....
2. Curriculum Vitae. a. (1), and (3) d. (2), and (5)
3. Copy of Job Training Certificate from b. (2), and (4) e. (3), and (5)
Swamedika Informatika Company. c. (2), and (5)
4. Recent photograph with size of 4x6 The following text is for questions number
I would express my gratitude for your 6 to 8.
attention and I hope I could follow your
Job Vacancy
recruitment test luckily.
Natarian Medika Hospital is one of the
Sincerely, Hospital under the auspices of the Foundation
Putra Mahardika Pratama Abdi Karya groups engaged in health. In the
framework of the development and expansion
1. How old is the applicant? He is ... years
of services, in need of new personnel and
professionals to join us as:
a. 19 d. 24
b. 21 e. 25
c. 23

106 Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013)

1. Pharmacist 9. Children … access the internet without being
a. ought to d. shall not
a. Male/ Female
b. must to e. can not
b. D3 Pharmacy c. must not
c. GPA of at least 2.75
10. We … talk to our teacher to solve our difficult
d. Honest and thorough
school project.
e. Able to work with team
a. may d. shall
f. Willing to work hard for the placement b. could e. should
in Lampung c. must
2. Chef
11. We … go home early, because the storm is
coming soon.
a. Male/ Female a. can d. must not
b. Vocational Education Catering b. has to e. ought to
c. High School may register (Can c. have to
12. If you want a muscular body, you … exercise
d. Honest and thorough regularly.
e. Able to work with team a. can d. could
f. Willing to work hard for the placement: b. may e. should
Lampung c. shall
For those who meet the criteria and are
13. You … finish the project report on Saturday,
interested in filling the position can send a letter
the deadline is on Friday.
of application, CV, recent color photograph,
a. shall d. should not
Copy of Diploma and Transcript, as well as
b. should e. have to
certificate support to address:
c. shall not
Hospital Natarian Medika
The following text is for questions number
Kingdom Natarian Street No. 4 Muara 14 to 15.
White, Natarian - South Lampung 35 362
or sent directly via email to the address: The focal point of Singapore’s status as a world class aviation hub, ChangiAirport is an
6. Pay attention to the following statements.
Tourist destination in its own right with a
(1) Able to work with team.
slew of accolades to its name, Singapore’s
(2) Willing to work hard for the placement in
main airport boasts a trove of exciting activities,
from shopping and dining to entertainment.
(3) Able to work individually.
(4) Have no a vocational education The airport comprises four terminals and
catering. Jewel Changi, a ten-storey lifestyle hub that
(5) Have an honest and thorough attitude. seamlessly links toTerminals 1, 2 and 3, and
fuses artistry, architecture, and nature into a
Here are the requirements are needed by single structure. Changi Airport is home to
an applicant to apply for Chef, except .... green spaces and verdant gardens for travellers
a. (1), and (3) d. (2), and (5) looking to unwind and stretch their legs after
b. (3), and (4) e. (3), and (5) a long flight. To witness the most spectacular
c. (2), and (5) of these spaces, take-a stroll over to Jewel
7. “For those who meet the criteria and are Changi, and marvel at the HSBC Rain Vortex,
interested in filling the position can send a letter a 40 metre-high indoor waterfall flanked on all
of ....” The underlined word refers to .... sides by tropical plants and over 2,000 trees.
a. employee d. the pharmacist There’s never a dull moment at Changi
b. applicants e. the chef Airport. Each of the airport’s terminals has its
c. HRD own charming array of family-friendly activities,
8. We … study hard to get a good score. including indoor playgrounds at Terminals
a. must d. can 1 and 3, the island’s tallest slide (located at
b. should e. could Terminal 3’s public area), and the Family Zone
c. may at Terminal 2.

Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013) 107

Families travelling with teenagers can hang 17. What does the man suggest the woman do?
out at the Entertainment Corner at Terminal a. Study harder.
4-where they’ll find Xbox Kinect games and vintage b. Finish her task.
arcade machines -or catch a movie at Changi’s c. Give up on the test.
two cinemas (located at Terminals 2 and 3). d. Study with her friends.
e. Work hard outside the country.
Alternatively, make your way to the topmost
level of Jewel and romp with your family in the The following text is for questions number
Canopy Park. This 14,000-square-metre space 18 to 19.
is filled with enchanting attractions, from garden Dear Mrs Melisa,
mazes to mistfilled play areas. Mrs Kusumawati told me that your plumbing
Sensory delights also await you at Changi system needs to be repaired because of a leak.
Airport with shopping and food options galore For your information, many houses suffer from
Jewel Changi alone is home to over 100 eateries, leaking water each year, leading to many other
with more than 30 operating around the clock, problems. I imagine you don’t want to have the
while each of the four terminals-boasts its seleetion same problem in the future.
of restaurants, food halls and food courts. If you neglect the leak, you will waste
Source: https:i/ a lot of water each day and it might be very
disagreeable for you, as it will affect your monthly
14. Which terminals are the favourite places for bill as well. If you don’t mind, let me check all
movie lovers? the pipelines to find the leak. It will help you
a. terminals 1 and 2. save money. It will take a few hours before I
b. terminals 1 and 3. come up with any recommendations.
c. terminals 2 and 3. Sincerely Yours,
d. terminals 1 and 3. Aditya Wardhana
e. terminals 2 and 4.
18. What does Aditya Wardhana offer to do to
15. Children will not feel bored as Changi Airport
help Mrs Melisa?
is complete with ....
a. To give solutions.
a. waterfalls
b. To fix the pipelines.
b. restaurants
c. To check the water bill.
c. green gardens
d. To instal new plumbing.
d. shopping centres
e. To inspect the plumbing system.
e. entertainment zones
19. What can we infer from the text?
The following dialog is for questions number
a. Water bill increases.
16 and 17.
b. Water leaks rarely happen,
Man : It’s an amazing Saturday, isn’t it? c. No one can fix the water leak.
Woman : Yeah. You’re right. This week is our d. A l l t h e p i p e l i n e s w e r e i n s t a l l e d
last school holiday before we have improperly.
examinations. e. The location of the leak has not been
Man : Hmm. Actually, we will have long holiday identified yet.
after the school examinations. The following text is for questions number
Woman : But, we must pass the examinations 20 and 21.
first. I still think about how to pass
Dear Mr Afrizal,
the exams.
I am really concerned about our front office
Man : lf you work harder, you will get what
staff. I have personally observed how they do
you want, Don’t give up easily.
their daily jobs, especially when they have to
Woman : Yeah, l’am trying. handle customers. I think that their standard
16. W h i c h s t a t e m e n t i s t r u e a b o u t t h e of service has deteriorated. I would appreciate
woman? your suggestions on finding a solution to the
a. Her holiday was terrible. problem. I am afraid that if it continues, it will
b. She missed the holiday. become a serious problem for our company.
c. She was worried about the examinations.
d. She is enjoying her long holiday.
e. She passed the examinations.

108 Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013)

I do feel that we have to improve things (3) Intensive training might be a good
soon. Intensive training might be a good solution. solution.
I do hope it will change the situation. lf there is (4) I am afraid that if it continues, it will
no improvement, we should take serious action become a serious problem for our
against them. company.
(5) lf there is no improvement, we should
Please come to my room on Friday morning.
take serious action against them.
Let’s discuss this situation in greater depth.
Sincerely yours, The correct conditional sentences type 1
Kirana are shown by number ....
a. (1), and (2) d. (3), and (4)
20. What is the problem with the front office b. (1), and (3) e. (4), and (5)
staff? c. (2), and (3)
a. They are inexperienced.
23. If they want to take a vacation to a nice place,
b. They fail to find new customers.
they ... probably choose Bali.
c. They attend hospitality training.
a. will d. would
d. T h e y h a v e t o h a n d l e a l o t o f
b. have e. could
c. might
e. They do not have a good customer
service skills. 24. If the students ... late to submit the scholarship
application to the board, they will not be listed
21. What will Kirana probably do if the situation
as candidates.
does not improve after the training?
a. be d. have
a. She will fire the staff.
b. are e. was
b. She will promote the staff.
c. were
c. She will close the company.
d. She will find new customers. 25. If we don’t hurry, the meeting ... by the time
e. She will design a training programme. we get there.
a. will start
22. Pay attention to the following statements.
b. will have started
(1) I would appreciate your suggestions on
c. will be started
finding a solution to the problem.
d. would have started
(2) I think that their standard of service has
e. will have been started

II. Read the following text and answer the questions.

The following text is for questions number 1 to 5.
Cahaya Gemilang Abadi
Need outstanding
Sales & Leasing Executives (S & LE)
- 3 years experience in advertising, event organizer, sponsorship, or leasing space.
General Requirements:
- Minimum D3 in economy-management, marketing or relevant from reputable university
- Fluent in English, good appearance and presentable

Please put position code on the left of envelope and all application should be received before
April 25, 2022 to:
PO BOX 4494 JKTM 12700
1. What is the job vacancy above?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
2. Who advertise the job vacancy above?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
3. Where is the address of the company?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................

Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013) 109

4. What requirements does the applicant fulfill?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
5. When should the application be received?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
The following text is for questions number 6 to 10.
The shortage of battery life of smart phone and tablet
One of big problems that is faced by smart phone and tablet users is the shortage of battery
life. If you activate a lot of application at the same time, your battery will drain easily. When you
have internet connection, your smart phone will automatically update applications. The updating
process needs a lot of energy and it will also drain your battery. So, stop the constant flow of
notifications and updates from Facebook, whats up, Line, twitter, email, games, and other sites,
if you want to improve the battery life.
There are several ways to stop some applications in smart phones or tablets. If you want
to stop email updates in iOS 7, you can switch your email settings from “push” to “fetch”. From
there, you have to change the mail settings to “fetch”. if you’re getting buried in Candy Crush
updates, turn off these notifications to save juice. You can go to “Settings” and select “Notification
Centre”. From there, you have to find the include section and choose which notifications you want
to turn off. On Androids, you have to turn off notifications in the settings menu for each individual
application. If you want to turn off notifications for email or social media, you can still check the
6. What is one of big problems that is faced by smart phone and tablet users?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
7. What will happen if your smart phone continuously update application?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
8. When will the applications in your smart phone update automatically?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
9. What should you do if we want to stop email updates in iOS 7?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................
10. What can you do to save the battery of your smart phone if you are a candy crush lover?
Answer: ........................................................................................................................................

Soal AKM

The following text is for questions number 1 to 3.

John Martin
South Bank Lane, CA 90210 I (123)
456-5559 I
Mr. William Frazier
Household Manager
40 Tiller Ave.
North Bank Lane, CA 90210
Re: Private Chef I Advertised on New York Times

Dear Mr. Frazier,

I was intrigued by the private chef opening posted on New YorkTimes, and I am very interested
in discussing this opportunity.
Classically trained at the renowned National Hospitality and Culinary institute, I earned an
AOS in culinary arts and mentored under celebrity chef Bill Jones as a Sous Chef for three years.
Following this experience, I held executive chef positions within 4-star restaurants for a leading
hospitality group, and spent the past two years as a chef on luxury yachts.

110 Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013)

Whether preparing a small intimate dinner or a 7-course affair for 250+, I take pride in
delighting clients with delicious meals prepared to the highest standards. My mission is to exceed
customer expectations, and I have earned a reputation for doing precisely that throughout my
Well versed in preparing ethnic cuisine (e.g., Italian, Asian, Indian, Greek, Mexican, French,
and Caribbean) using the freshest ingredients, I also enjoy creating unique dishes that blend
unexpected flavor combinations. In addition, I am experienced in meeting special dietary needs and
requests, including gluten free, vegetarian, vegan, low-calorie, low-carb, and dairy-free meals.
It would be a pleasure to prepare sample dishes for you and your team to give you a “taste”
of my culinary style. Please call me at (123) 467-5559 to set this up. Thank you very much.

John Martin
1. The correct statements based on the text ..... (Choose more than one)
John Martin earned an AOS in culinary arts and mentored under celebrity
chef Bill Jones as a Sous Chef for three years.
John Martin can not accommodate Dairy-free and Low-calorie.
John Martin was intrigued by the private chef opening posted on New YorkTimes
John Martin spent the past four years as a chef on luxury yachts.
2. Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) based on the text above.
Number Statements (T) (F)
1. John Martin can accommodate gluten-free, low-calorie, low-carb and
2. German cuisine is not the specialization of John Martin.
3. John Martin earned an AOS in culinary arts.
4. John Martin enjoys creating unique dishes that blend unexpected flavor
5. John Martin held executive chef positions within 2-star restaurants for a
leading hospitality group.
3. Make a CV as if you are John Martin.

Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013) 111

Alexander, L. G. 2013. Longman English Grammar. Revised Edition. UK: Pearson Education
Blanchard, Karen. 2013. Ready to Write. Revised Edition. New York: Pearson Education.
Cunningham, Sarah and Peter Moor. 2015. Cutting Edge Intermediate. Revised Edition. London:
Addison Wesley Longman.
Douglas, N. 2010. Reading Explorer 3. Boston: Heinle, Cengage Learning
Dugger, Jim. 2012. Business Letters for Busy People. Revised Edition. Kuala Lumpur: Golden
Books Centre.
Dykes, Barbara. 2017. Grammar for Everyone Practical Tools for Learning and Teaching Grammar.
Revised Edition. Australia: ACER Press.
Emi, Emillia. 2012. Pendekatan Genre-Based dalam Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris: Petunjuk untuk
Guru. Bandung: Rizi Press, Indonesia.
Gass, S. dan L. Selinker. 2008. Second Language Acquisition: An Introductory Course. New York:
Gerald J. Alred, et al. (2016). Handbook of Technical Writing. Bedford/St. Martin’s. Houston,
Stephen D. (2004). The First Writing: Script Invention as History and Process. Revised Edition.
Cambridge University Press.
Lougheed, Lin. 2007. Barron’s TOEIC Test 4th Edition. Jakarta: Binarupa Aksara.
Rohmah, Z. 2013. Fun Activities: Cara Asik Belajar Bahasa Asing. Malang: Bintang Sejahtera.
Rohmah, Z. 2012. Teaching English Joyfully. Malang: Bintang Sejahtera.
Simon & Schuster. 2012. Handbook for Writers. Revised Edition. Ed. Lynn Quitman Troyka NJ:
Upper Saddle

112 Bahasa Inggris XII SMK/MAK (Kurikulum 2013)

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