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18 Juli 2013

Semua foto: Dokumentasi Chiba University

Profesor yang

Meski berlatarbelakang
kedokteran, studi saya di Chiba

Mengembangkan Riset
University adalah ilmu bumi.
Proposal penelitian doktoral saya
bertopik pemantauan (monitoring)
risiko lingkungan fisik tak sehat
bagi kesehatan lingkungan sosial

dari Bidang Keilmuan Berbeda

di masyarakat dengan aplikasi data
satelit luar angkasa.
Menurut saya, Chiba University
merupakan universitas terbaik di
bidang ilmu pemantauan lingkungan
dengan data satelit. Di sini saya
mendapat ilmu lebih dalam tentang
aplikasi data satelit luar angkasa
Ad Altiora Semper, yang berarti “selalu bertujuan meng­eksplorasi sifat bahan lalui Center of Inter­national optik.
pada skala nano (ukuran 1 per Research and Edu­cation
lebih tinggi” adalah semboyan bahasa latin 1 miliar), termasuk tahap de- (CIRE) yang menyedia­kan
Profesor kami, Tateishi Ryutaro,
sangat baik, serius tapi santai,
dari Chiba University. Ungkapan ini seakan sain dan manufaktur. Sedang- kursus dan tutor bahasa Je- sehingga kami tak segan dalam
berkomunikasi. Beliau sangat mudah
kan Nanobiologi berkaitan de- pang, program homestay dan
menegaskan cita-cita universitas ini untuk terus ngan metode riset pada skala konseling.
ditemui untuk berkonsultasi tentang
penelitian. Bahkan memfasilitasi
mengeksplorasi ide dan pengetahuan baru. nano untuk memahami fungsi Sedangkan urusan admi­nis­­ mahasiswa mendapatkan
dan struktur sistem kehidup- trasi bisa dibantu International literatur yang harus dibeli dan
mengembangkan disiplin baru an. Support Desk (ISD), yang akan mengusahakan data satelit berbayar
menjadi gratis bagi mahasiswa.
melalui integrasi berbagai pro- Riset terkemuka dari pro- memandu maha­siswa baru me-
gram studi,” ungkap Nishika- gram ini dilakukan Profesor ngenai kehidupan sehari-hari Fedri R Rinawan, dr, MScPH
wa Keiko, dekan GSAIS. Omatsu yang mengembang- dan akademik. Termasuk sepu- Doctoral student, Earth Sciences
Riset dan pendidikan kon- kan teknologi laser. Pencapai­ tar pembukaan rekening bank Geosystem and Biological Sciences
vensional dapat menghasil- an mutakhirnya adalah modifi- atau beasiswa. Faculty of Science
kan ba­nyak kesuksesan mela- kasi struktur logam pada skala Peminat studi ke Chiba lui penda­laman keilmuan dan nano. Melalui teknologi ini, University bisa mengunjungi

Oleh Beny Halfina

spesialisasi khusus bidang
akademik. Namun hal ini juga
jarum terkecil berukuran nano
diciptakan. Aplikasinya dapat
Inter­national Exchange Center
(IEC), yang berlokasi di Univer-

bisa menjadi penghambat pe- digunakan di berbagai bidang sitas Indonesia, Depok untuk
alah satunya melalui ngembangan penelitian yang misalnya alat suntik yang tidak mendapatkan informasi lebih
Graduate School of Ad-
vanced Integration Sci-
melibatkan bidang berbeda.
Ketika mengembangkan ri-
Di luar program ini, Chiba
lengkap. IEC memiliki staf lo-
kal yang bisa memberikan in-
ence (GSAIS). Program set yang lebih maju, dibutuh- University terkenal akan ilmu formasi seputar pendaftaran.
yang terbilang baru ini me- kan ide, metode dan tekno- peng­inderaan jauhnya. Ilmu- Kerjasama juga sudah dijalin
nekankan studi antar disi­plin logi non-konvensional. Jika wan asal Indonesia, Profesor dengan 9 Sister Universities di
ilmu yang menyeluruh meli- para peneliti dari bidang Josaphat Tetuko Sri Sumantyo, Indonesia yakni UGM, UI, ITB,
puti beragam fakultas yakni yang sama sekali berbeda sa- menjadi ahli radar di Center Universitas Udayana, Univer­
sains, teknik, pertanian serta ling bekerjasama, maka bi- for Environmental Remote sitas Hasanuddin, IPB, Unpad
sastra dan kependidikan. Se- dang akademik baru dapat Sensing (CEREs). dan Univer­sitas Diponegoro.
buah divisi di bawah program tercip­­ta. Bukan hanya mem- Cukup banyak mahasiswa
ini yakni Nanosains yang me- Program Nanosains ter- perkuat bidang akademik, Indonesia yang kini menimba
nawarkan program master dan bagi lagi menjadi dua jurusan, univer­si­t­­as ini juga menye- ilmu di universitas ini, menu-
doktoral. yakni ilmu Nanomaterial dan diakan duku­ngan untuk ma- rut Fedri R Rinawan, ketua
“Program ini bertujuan Nanobiologi. Nanomaterial hasiswa asin­g. Misalnya me- Persatuan Pelajar Indonesia Chiba University memiliki
Pusat Studi Citra Penginderaan
(PPI) Chiba University, kini Jauh (Center for Environmental
Remote Sensing/CEREs) yang
sudah terkenal. CEREs sudah
bekerjasama dengan beberapa
pusat riset dunia. Keinginan
mengeksplorasi bidang ini membuat
saya memilih Chiba University untuk
pendidikan S3. Sebagai dosen di
Universitas Hasanuddin, saya juga
mempertimbangkan sudah adanya
nota kesepahaman (MoU) sehingga
pengembangan kerjasama riset
di masa mendatang akan sangat

Ilham Alimuddin
PhD Student
Graduate School of Advanced
Integration Science
Center for Environmental Remote
Aktivitas mahasiswa. Academic Link Centre, salah satu fasilitas di Chiba University. Sensing (CEREs)
Developing Research from Different Scientific Field

Ad Altiora Semper, which means "always aims higher "is the Latin motto of Chiba University.
This express the ideals of this university to keep exploring new ideas and knowledge.

One of them in through Graduate School of Advanced Integration Science (GSAIS). This
relatively new program emphasis interdisciplinary studies includes a thorough knowledge from
diverse faculty such as science, engineering, agriculture and literature and education. A division
under this program is Nanoscience which offer master and doctoral programs.

"The program aim to develop a new discipline through the integration of various programs,
"said Nishikawa Keiko, dean of GSAIS.

Conventional research and education can gain many success through deepening scientific and
specific specialization academic fields. But it also could become an obstacle during
development of research involves different fields.

When developing more advanced research, it takes ideas, unconventional methods and
technologies. If researchers from completely different field cooperate each other, then new
academic field can be developed.

Nanoscience program divided into two departments, Nanomaterials and Nanobiology.

Nanomaterial explore properties of materials at the nanoscale, including the design stage and
manufacturing. Whereas Nanobiology related to research methods on a nano scale to
understand the function and structure of living systems.

Of the leading research from this programwas Professor Omatsu who developed laser
technology. His latest achievement is modifying metal structure on a nano scale. Through this
technology, the smallest nano-sized needle created. Application can be used in various fields
for example painless injection.

Beside that Chiba University is famous for remote sensing. Scientists from Indonesia, Professor
Josaphat Tetuko Sri Sumantyo, becoming a radar expert at the Center for Environmental
Remote Sensing (CERES).

Not only strengthen academic field, university also provides endorsement for foreign students.
One of the service is through Center of International Research and Education (CIRE) which
provides Japanese language courses and tutors, homestay program and counseling.

While for the administration matters could be assisted by International Support Desk (ISD),
which will guide new students about everyday life and academic, including opening a bank
account or scholarship.

For those who are interested to study at Chiba University can visit the International Exchange
Center (IEC), which is located at the University of Indonesia, Depok to get more information. IEC
has a local staff who can provide further information about registration.
Cooperation has also been established with 9 Sister Universities in Indonesia such as UGM, UI,
ITB, Udayana University, Hasanuddin University, IPB, Padjadjaran University and Diponegoro

There are quite a lot Indonesian students now studying in Chiba, according to R. Fedri Rinawan,
chairman of the Indonesian Students Association (PPI) Chiba, now there are 29 people,
distributed on the faculties of Engineering, Science, Medicine and Agriculture.

A Cooperative Professor

Although my education background is in medicine, I study earth science at Chiba University. My doctoral
research proposal is about monitoring the risk of physically unhealthy environment to social
environment in communities with satellite data applications. In my opinion, Chiba University is the best
university in the field of environmental monitoring by satellite data. In here I got a deeper knowledge
about the application of optical satellite data space.
Our professor, Ryutaro Tateishi, very good, serious but relaxed so we do not hesitate in communication.
He is very easy to meet and consult on research. Even students getting a paid literature for free and a
free of charge satellite data.

Fedri R. Rinawan, dr., MScPH

Doctoral student, Earth Sciences
Geosystem and Biological Sciences
Faculty of Science

Center for Remote Sensing

Chiba University has a Center for Remote Sensing Imagery (Center for Environmental Remote Sensing,
Ceres) which is very famous. Ceres has been working with several research centers around the world.
This is one of the reason to choose education in Chiba University. As a lecturer at the University of
Hasanuddin, I also consider that the there is a MoU with Chiba so research cooperation development in
the future will be very possible.

Ilham Alimuddin
PhD Student
Graduate School of Advanced Integration Science
Center for Environmental Remote Sensing (CERES)

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