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Struktur kalimat yang menggunakan so… that… / such … that … untuk mengungkapkan hubungan
sebab akibat. Contoh:

Such … That
Such + Adjective + Noun + That + Result
Kita dapat menggunakan “such” dengan “adjective + noun + that” untuk menjelaskan hasil atau
akibat. Selain itu, juga digunakan untuk mengungkapkan perasaan atau pendapat ekstrim tentang
sesuatu. Berikut contoh-contohnya:
 She has such beautiful dresses (that) she always amazes everyone.
(Dia memiliki banyak gaun indah sehingga dia selalu dikagumi semua orang.)
 It was such a bad picture (that) I don’t want to save it.
(Itu adalah gambar yang sangat buruk sehingga aku tidak ingin menyimpannya.)
 It was such an amazing experience (that) I couldn’t forget.
(Itu adalah pengalaman yang sangat mengagumkan sehingga aku tidak bisa melupakannya.)
 He is such a lovely man (that) that he is loved by everyone.
(Dia adalah laki-laki yang menyenangkan sehingga disenangi oleh semua orang.)

“Such” + Judgemental Noun + That + Result

Kita juga dapat menggunakan “such” dengan “judgmental noun (kata benda yang terkesan
menghakimi) + that” untuk menjelaskan hasil atau akibat dari sesuatu. Ini dia contoh-contohnya:
 Nobody is such a fool (that) she loves a bad guy.
(Tidak ada orang yang begitu bodoh sehingga dia mencintai pria jahat.)
 Their baby is such a cutie (that) everyone loves her.
(Bayi mereka sangat imut sehingga semua orang mencintainya)

Ketika mencoba untuk berlatih berbahasa Inggris dengan cara mendengarkan native speaker,
mungkin kita pernah mendengar mereka berbicara menggunakan so … that dan such … that. Meski
terdengar sederhana, akan tetapi kata tersebut terkadang membuat kita bingung; apa artinya, serta
kapan dan bagaimana penggunaannya. Pada dasarnya, kita dapat menggunakan keduanya untuk
mengungkapkan sebab-akibat (cause and effect) dari suatu situasi dalam sebuah kalimat.

Berikut dua contoh kalimat so that dan such that:

 She is so beautiful (that) I can’t get my eyes off you.
(Dia sangat cantik sehingga aku tak bisa melepaskan pandangan darinya.)
 It is such a good song (that) so many people listen to it.
 (Lagu yang sangat bagus sehingga banyak orang mendengarnya.)

Dari dua contoh kalimat tersebut, kita dapat melihat bahwa baik so … that maupun such … that
mempunyai arti yang sama. Keduanya sama-sama berfungsi untuk menjelaskan hasil dari opini
tertentu, atau menjelaskan pendapat tentang sesuatu (yang disebutkan sebelumnya). Selain itu, dua
frasa tersebut juga digunakan untuk mengungkapkan penyebab dan akibat dari suatu situasi dalam
sebuah kalimat. Meski demikian, so … that dan such … that memiliki perbedaan dalam penggunaan
dan struktur kalimatnya.

1. The mall was so crowded that it was difficult to take a safe distance.
2. The pandemic has made life so hard for everybody that the government decided to give financial
aids to those who suffer the most.
3. The situation after the riot was so hectic that a batalyon of police was sent to the spot to make
the people calm down.

Task 1.( IPK 3.1.1 )

1. Read the following dialogs and try to find out what the dialog is about? And try to find social function in
the dialog!
Dialog 1

Penilaian berbentuk scoring

Cause and Effect Singkat Tentang Forgetting Homework

Budi : Hi Tomi, why are you running on the field?
Tomi : I didn’t do my homework, so the teacher punished me.
Budi : Why didn’t you do your home work?
Tomi : Due to my wrong time table, I forgot to do the homework.
Budi : Oh my God, I didn’t finish my homework either, because last night I over slept. Tomi : Go
back to class and finish it right now.

Dialog 2
Cause and Effect Singkat Tentang Cheating on Test
Yuni : I’m worried about my friend.
Wida : What happen with your friend?
Yuni : My friend was grounded because he cheated on a test.
Wida : Oh, he deserves to be punished.

Dialog 3
Cause and Effect Singkat Tentang Being Late to School
Budi : Hey man, why you come to school almost late?
Andi : Because, my bike had a trouble with tire.
Budi : What happen with your bike?
Andi : Due to punctured nails, my bike is flat tire.
Budi : Owh, fortunately You can go to school and follow the test.
Andi : Yeah, thanks to Afif, he is helpful

No Dialog Answer Score

1 Dialog 1

Dialog 1

2 Dialog 2

Dialog 2

5 Dialog 3

Dialog 3
Jumlah Skor benar
NILAI = x 100
Total Skor

2. Task 2 ( IPK 3.1.2)

Read the following sentences, try to categorize them base on effect and cause

1. She has such beautiful dresses (that) she always amazes everyone
2. It was such an amazing experience (that) I couldn’t forget
3. It was such a bad picture (that) I don’t want to save it.
4. He is such a lovely man (that) that he is loved by everyone.
5. She is so beautiful (that) I can’t get my eyes off hers.
6. It is such a good song (that) so many people listen to it
7. she speaks so fast that I can’t understand her
8. it was such a good coffee that I had another cup
9. it was such a good book, that I couldn’t put it down
10. because the weather was nice, we went to the zoo


1 She has such a beautiful She always amazes 2
dress everyone
2 It was such an amazing I couldn’t forget 2
3 It was such a bad picture I don’t want to safe it 2
4 He is such a lovely man He is loved by everyone 2
5 He is so beautiful That I can’t get my eyes off 2
6 It is such a good song So many people listen to it 2
7 She speaks so fast I can’t understand it 2
8 It was such a good coffee I had another cup 2
9 It was such a good book I couldn’t put it down 2
10 The weather was so nice We went to the zoo 2

Jumlah Score benar

Nilai= X 100

Total score
Task 3, (IPK 4.1.1)

Fill in the blank with SO, SUCH or SUCH A.

1. He ran fast that I couldn’t beat him.

2. The elevator goes slowly that I Can’t wait for it

3. Paska is beautiful that everyone adores her.

4. Siska is beautiful girl that everyone adores her

5. Fani is beautiful girl that everyone adores her

6. It was cold that we had to stop the game

7. It was cold day that we had to stop the game

8. It was cold day that we had to stop the game

9. It was nice weather that we went to the zoo

10. The weather was nice that we went to the zoo Penilaian dalam bentuk scoring

No Answer score
1 So 2
2 So 2
3 So 2
4 Such a 2
5 Such a 2
6 So 2
7 Such a 2
8 Such a 2
9 Such 2
10 So 2

Jumlah Score benar

Nilai= X 100

Total score
Task 4 ( IPK 3.1.3)
Match the cause and effect base on the information in the video
1 Heavy Rain a. Torrential rain
2 Intense rain b. the terminal bus were underwater
3 Leaks in a number of facilities c. some areas experienced flooding
4 Damage and accident d. Gangnam Metro Station was sub
5 Due to the intense downpour e. train station are flooding

Penilaian Scoring
No Answer score
1 e. train station are flloding 2
2 d. Gangnam Metro Station was submerge 2
3 b. the bus terminal were underwater 2
4 a. torrential rain 2
5 c. some areas experienced flooding 2

Jumlah Score benar

Nilai= X 100

Total score
Task 5

Make a conversation based on the problem. Work in group of four or five. Discuss and analyse
about the problem given to you
(The beach was to be used as one of the PON venues, and was about to be cleaned up, but the local
community refused. What to do? Provide alternative solutions!)

Task 6

Present your conversation in front of the class.

Penilaian rubrik

Aspek Kriteria Penilaia

yang 4 3 2 1 n
Pelafalan Semua Pelafalan Sedikit Cukup Banyak Score
(pronounciation)be kesalahanbanyak kesala/han maksim
na r dalam kesalahan pelafalan al
Tata Menggunakan tata Sedikit Cukup Terdapat Score
bahasa bahasa cause and kesalahan banyak banyak maksim
effect dengan benar menggunak kesalahan kesalahan al
dan tepat a n tata menggunak mendasar
bahasa a n tata dalam tata
cause and bahasa bahasa
effect cause and cause and
effect effect
Kelancar Penyampaian Penyampaia Penyampaia Penyampai Score
an dilakukan dengan n yang n dilakukan a n sangat maksim
sangant lancar dilakukan tersendat, tersendat, al
agak kurang makna makna
lancar kurang tidak dapat
dipahami dipahami
Intonasi Menggunakan Intonasi Intonasi intonasi
intonasi yang tepat yang yang yang
digunakan digunakan digunakan
agak kurang kurang tidak tepat
tepat tepat

Nilai Akhir = Jumlah Perolehan skor X 100

Jumlah Skor Maksimal

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