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TOEFL merupakan singkatan dari Test Of English as a Foreign Language. TOEFL adalah
standardisasi kemampuan bahasa Inggris seseorang secara tertulis ( de jure) yang meliputi tiga
aspek penguasaan: Listening, Writing dan Reading. Sistem penilaian TOEFL menggunakan
konversi dari setiap jawaban yang benar. Nilai TOEFL tertinggi yang bisa dicapai seseorang adalah

Tujuan Test TOEFL

TOEFL memiliki dua tujuan umum yaitu: Akademik dan General. Dalam bentuk yang sama,
sertifikasi rekomendasi TOEFL bisa gunakan untuk kedua hal tadi. Akademik adalah menggunakan
test untuk tujuan pendidikan, penelitian atau yang berhubungan dengan kegiatan akademis di
luar negeri, ataupun di Indonesia. Untuk paska sarjana, biasanya nilai minimal adalah 550.
Sedangkan untuk S1 adalah 500. Untuk tujuan general, Pada umumnya digunakan untuk tujuan
pekerjaan, kenaikan pangkat atau tugas kerja. Banyak perusahaan yang memasang standar
bahasa Inggris karyawannya dengan melihat nilai TOEFL – nya. Umumnya, nilai TOEFL minimal
adalah 500 untuk kenaikan pangkat standar.

Sepanjang yang saya temui, kisaran nilai TOEFL rata – rata orang Indonesia dengan jenjang
pendidikan minimal S1 sangat fluktuatif. Bahkan ada beberapa yang tidak mengetahui apa dan
untuk apa itu TOEFL. Tidak demikian dengan para pengambil jurusan bahasa Inggris semasa
kuliah. Minimal mereka tahu, apa itu TOEFL. Meski demikian, nilai TOEFL seorang mahasiswa atau
lulusan jurusan bahasa Inggris sekalipun tidak dijamin tinggi.

Secara umum, fluktuasi nilai TOEFL rata – ratanya berkisar antara 300 sampai 600. Setelah saya
melakukan observasi kepada teman-teman yang melakukan tes TOEFL ternyata mereka
mempunyai permasalahan yang rata-rata sama yaitu tidak adanya panduan dalam mengerjakan
soal-soal TOEFL tersebut. Pengerjaan soal TOEFL sebenarnya tidak terlalu sulit kalau saja kita
mengetahui jurus-jurus untuk memecahkan soal tersebut.
.:Berusahalah dengan keras karena perubahan tidak datang secara tiba-tiba:.

-------Semoga kesuksesan menghampiri Anda--------

(Listening Comprehension)

Percakapan merupakan bagian pertama dari tes TOEFL yang sering dikenal dengan
sebutan Listening Comprehension. Bagian ini terdiri dari 50 pertanyaan yang dalam
lembar jawaban hanya tersedia pilihan jawaban untuk masing-masing pertanyaan.
Bagian ini terdiri dari 3 jenis percakapan yaitu : Percakapan Pendek, Percakapan
Panjang, dan Cerita Panjang.
Tips umum bagian percakapan:
1. Berkonsentrasilah mendengarkan dengan baik.
2. Kenali petunjuk pengerjaan soal sebelum hari tes tiba.
3. Anda punya 12 detik untuk menjawab tiap pertanyaan.
4. Jangan pernah tinggalkan kertas jawaban dalam keadaan

Kesulitan mengerjakan soal pada bagian pertama ini terkadang membuat Anda pesimis
terlebih dahulu dalam menyelesaikan soal-soal yang lain. Yang perlu Anda lakukan
adalah mencoba untuk fokus mendengarkan dan ikuti jurus-jurus berikut ini satu

Percakapan pendek biasanya terdiri dari 2 baris dan dialog antara 2 pembicara.
Terdapat 30 pertanyaan dengan 30 jawaban untuk jenis soal percakapan ini.


- Narasi kedua biasanya berisi jawaban dari pertanyaan yang ada.
- Tambahkan fokus Anda ketika narasi kedua muncul.
- Tentukan kata kuncinya.

Dalam rekaman, Anda mendengar :
(man) Billy really made a big mistake this time.
(woman) Yes, he forgot to turn in his research paper.
(narrator) What does the woman say about Billy?

Dalam lembar jawaban tes, Anda membaca

(A) It was the first time he made a mistake.
(B) He forgot to write his paper.
(C) He turned in the paper in the wrong place
(D) He didn’t remember to submit his assignment

Dalam narasi kedua pada percakapan tersebut, disebutkan bahwa Billy

forgot to turn in his research paper, dan ini berarti bahwa Billy lupa
menyerahkan tugasnya atau he didn’t remember to submit it.
Perhatikan kembali contoh yang ada!
Perhatikan transkip percakapan berikut ini!
(man) : Was Steve able to get into the house?
(woman) : I left the door unlocked for him.

(A) He locked the door.

(B) He tried unsuccessfully to get into the house.
(C) He was able to open the door.
(D) He left the house without locking the door.

Pada narasi kedua, disebutkan the woman left the door unlocked for him. Hal ini
berarti pintunya tidak terkunci dan dapat dimasuki oleh pihak ketiga ( him -
Steve). Pilihan yang memungkinkan adalah bahwa he was able to open the door.

(man) : What did you think of Professor Martin’s

lecture on the migratory habits of whale?
(woman) : I couldn’t keep my eyes open.

(A) Her eyes hurt.

(B) She thought the lecture was great.
(C) The class was boring.
(D)She didn’t want to watch Professor Martin.

Pada narasi kedua the woman says couldn’t keep my eyes open. Hal ini berarti
bahwa the woman mengantuk dan tidak tertarik. Dapat dikatakan pula bahwa
the class was boring.
Petunjuk: Perhatikan transkrip percakapan berikut, beri tanda kata kunci pada narasi
kedua dan pilihan jawaban yang sesuai dengan kata kunci tersebut!

1. (woman) How soon will you be leaving? (A) He is leaving now.

(man) I’m on my way now. (B) He has to go out of this way.
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE MAN MEAN? (C) He will not be leaving soon.
(D) He will do it this own way.

2. (man) Was Steve able to get into the (A) He locked the door.
(woman) house? (B) He tried unsuccessfully to get into
(narrator) I left the door unlocked for him. the house.
WHAT DOES THE WOMAN ASSUME (C) He was able to open the door.
STEVE DID? (D) He left the house without locking
the door.

3. (man) The dinner special is roast turkey (A) She doesn’t like to listen to turkeys.
with mashed potatoes and gravy, (B) She thinks the dinner sounds
and apple pie for dessert. special.
(woman) That doesn’t sound good to me. (C) She specially likes the roast turkey.
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE WOMAN MEAN? (D) She’d prefer a different dinner.
4. (woman) Could you help me with my physics (A) He’ll be busy with her homework
homework tonight? I’m really tonight.
having trouble with it. (B) He can’t help her tonight.
(man) Sorry, I’m busy tonight. (C) He’s sorry he can’t ever help her.
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE MAN IMPLY? (D) He’ll help her with her physics.

5. (man) What did you think of Professor (A) Her eyes hurt.
Martin’s lecture on the migratory (B) She thought the lecture was great.
habits of whales? (C) The class was boring.
(woman) I couldn’t keep my eyes open. (D) She didn’t want to watch Professor
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE WOMAN MEAN? Martin.

6. (woman) Have this month’s bills been paid, or (A) Not all the bills have been paid.
is that something we need to take (B) They don’t have enough credit to
care of now? pay the bills.
(man) I paid the phone and electricity, but (C) What she said on the phone was not
not the credit cards. credible.
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE MAN MEAN? (D) He used a credit card to pay some of
the bills.

7. (man) Will you be able to get back from (A) She’ll call back quickly.
running all yours errands by four (B) She’ll definitely be back by 4:00.
o’clock? (C) She’ll give it back by 4:00.
(woman) I’ll be back as quickly as I can. (D) She’ll try to return fast.
8. (man) Have you seen Tim? I really need to (A) She hasn’t seen Tim
talk with him about the phone bill. (B) Tim was there only for a moment.
(woman) Well, he was here just a minute ago. (C) Tim was around a short time ago.
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE WOMAN SAY (D) Tim will return in a minute.

9. (man) There’s a car parked in my spot (A) She doesn’t like the place he chose.
even though the sign says that this (B) She doesn’t want to get into the
space is reserved. car.
(woman) I guess we’ll have to park (C) She’s glad the spot is reserved.
somewhere else. (D) They can’t park the car there.

10. (woman) Do we have enough food for all the (A) There’s plenty to eat.
guests who are attending the (B) The refrigerator’s broken.
reception this evening? (C) The food isn’t in the refrigerator.
(man) The refrigerator’s about to burst. (D) He’s not sure if there’s enough.


- Dengarkan dan fokus pada baris terakhir dari dialog.
- Pilih jawaban yang mengulang maksud atau memperjelas narasi kedua.

Dalam rekaman, Anda mendengar :
(woman) Why is Barbara feeling so happy?
(man) She just started working in a real estate agency.
(narrator) What does the man say about Barbara?

Dalam lembar jawaban tes, Anda membaca:

(A) She always liked her work in real estate.
(B) She began a new job.
(C) She just bought some real estate.
(D) She bought a real estate agency.

Dalam dialog tersebut dalam baris terakhir terdapat kata started working yang
diulang atau diperjelas dengan kata began a new job. Maka jawaban (B) lebih
Petunjuk: Perhatikan transkrip percakapan berikut, beri tanda kata kunci pada narasi
kedua dan pilihan jawaban yang memperjelas maksud dari kata kunci tersebut!
1. (man) How was the dance last night? (A) The dance was fun.
(woman) We had such a good time. (narrator) (B) It was a good time to dance.
WHAT DOES THE WOMAN MEAN? (C) She thinks the man is such a good dancer.
(D) Tonight is the last time to dance.

2. (man) Are you ready to leave? (woman) I (A) She’s quite thirsty.
need about thirty minutes. (narrator) WHAT (B) She’ll be ready in a half hour.
DOES THE WOMAN MEAN? (C) She needs to leave now.
(D) She was ready thirty minutes ago.

3. (woman) I’m really having trouble in psychology (A) The woman should teach the class herself.
class. (B) The woman should see a psychiatrist.
(man) You should talk with the teacher. (C) It’s a good idea to speak with the instructor.
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE MAN MEAN? (D) He would like to discuss psychology with the

4. (man) Have you found a job yet? (A) She has starring role.
(woman) I actually started my new job (B) She has not found a job yet.
yesterday. (C) She found the lost dog.
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE WOMAN MEAN? (D) She just began working.

5. (man) Do you know why Stan wanted to talk to (A) He shares everything he has.
me? (B) He has to find his lost shirt.
(woman) He need to find someone to share an (C) He is climbing the stairs to the apartment.
apartment. (D) He has to get a roommate.

6. (woman) When are you taking your vacation? (A) His vacation is full of activities.
(man) In the fall. (B) In autumn he’ll have a vacation.
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE MAN MEAN? (C) He can’t have a vacation because he suffered
a fall.
(D) He’s foolish to take a vacation now.

7. (man) Did you enjoy the book? (woman) It (A) The book was very enjoyable.
was quite pleasant to read. (narrator) WHAT (B) It was unpleasant to get rid of the bugs.
DOES THE WOMAN MEAN? (C) She only reads when it is quite.
(D) It a pleasant to ride a bike.
8. (woman) Why were you so late? (A) He hasn’t traveled much lately.
(man) Traffic was very heavy. (B) There were a lot of cars on the road.
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE MAN MEAN? (C) He needs to lose weight.
(D) The tray was thick and heavy.

9. (woman) Do you want to go the game with us (A) He doesn’t know how to play the game.
tonight? (B) He has to write a story for class.
(men) Sorry, I can’t. I have to finish the report (C) He needs to complete an assignment.
for history class. (D) He has already finished the report.

10. (man) Does Steve work for you? (A) He always minds his own business.
(woman) No, Steve manages his own business. (B) He manages to avoid working.
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE WOMAN SAY ABOUT (C) He is the manager of the department.
STEVE? (D) He is the boss of his own company.


Jurus ini masih terkait dengan jurus nomor 2. Pernyataan ulang yang biasanya
muncul, biasanya dalam bentuk sinonim pada pilihan jawaban.

- Fokus pada kata kunci pada narasi kedua.

- Jika melihat sinonim dari kata kunci tersebut, kemungkinan itu jawabannya.

Dalam rekaman, Anda mendengar :
(man) Mark said some really nice things to me
(woman) He’s very grateful for what you did
(narrator) What does the woman say about Mark ?

Dalam lembar jawaban tes, Anda membaca

(A) He did a great job
(B) He bought a crate full of fruit
(C) He made a great fool of himself
(D) He’s thankful

Dalam dialog tersebut dalam baris terakhir terdapat kata grateful yang
mempunyai arti SAMA dengan thankful, maka jawaban (D) lebih tepat.
Petunjuk: Perhatikan transkrip percakapan berikut, beri tanda kata kunci pada narasi
kedua dan pilihan jawaban yang memiliki pengertian yang sama dengan narasi
1. (woman) What did you think of the final exam (A) The final exam was harder than
in algebra? the others.
(man) It was too easy! (B) There were two exams rather
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE MAN MEAN? than one.
(C) He thought the exam would be
(D) The exam was not very difficult.

2. (woman) How are you feeling today? (A) He’s not feeling very well.
(man) I’m really feeling rather sick. (B) He’s rather sick of working.
(narrator) HOW IS THE MAN FEELING? (C) He’s feeling better today than
(D) He’d really rather not answer
the question.

3. (man) Has your family been in business for (A) The company was founded about
quite some time? a year ago.
(woman) No, the family business was just (B) It was just established that he
established last year. could go into business.
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE WOMAN SAY (C) The family is well-established.
ABOUT THE FAMILY BUSINESS? (D) The business only lasted a year.

4. (woman) Did you have to wait at the airport (A) He did not look at the right
for a long time? schedule.
(man) No, the plane landed right on (B) The plane landed in the right
schedule. place.
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE MAN MEAN? (C) The plane arrived on time.
(D) He had to wait for the plane to
5. (man) Do you want to join me in the pool? (A) She’d rather go running.
(woman) Oh, I’ll just run and put my suit on. (B) She doesn’t want to go into the
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE WOMAN IMPLY? pool.
(C) She’ll change clothes quickly and
so swimming.
(D) She needs a sweatsuit to go

6. (man) Last night’s fire burned the entire (A) The firefighters saved the homes
hillside. for last.
(woman) At least the homes were saved. (B) A firefighter saved the hillside
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE WOMAN MEAN? last night.
(C) The homes on the hillside were
(D) The houses weren’t destroyed.

7. (man) Should I add more salt and pepper (A) There’s enough soup.
to the soup? (B) The spices are adequate.
(woman) No, I think there’s enough. (C) She thinks the soup’s too salty.
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE WOMAN MEAN? (D) The man should add more salt
and pepper.

8. (woman) How are you able to pay your college (A) He was lucky to receive a grant
fess? for his studies.
(man) I was fortunate to get a scholarship. (B) He used his fortune to pay his
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE MAN MEAN? fees.
(C) He is a scholar at a college with
low fees.
(D) He paid to get a scholarship.

9. (man) How successful was the corporation (A) It profited from previous
last year? mistakes.
(woman) It made quite a big profit. (B) It earned a lot of money.
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE WOMAN SAY (C) This was the last year that it
ABOUT THE CORPORATION? would make a profit.
(D) It was not so successful.
10. (woman) Chuck is on his way to the bank now, (A) Chuck’s bank account has too
isn’t he? much money in it.
(man) Yes, he is. He thinks his bank account (B) He thinks Chuck has the wrong
is overdrawn. kind of bank account.
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE MAN MEAN? (C) He thinks that Chuck is on his
way home from the bank.
(D) There isn’t enough money in
Chuck’s account.


Pada soal Toefl Anda akan sering menemui pilihan jawaban pengecoh yang memiliki
suara hampir mirip dengan yang ada pada percakapan.
- Identifikasi kata kunci pada narasi kedua pada percakapan
- Identifikasi kata yang suaranya terdengar serupa pada pilihan jawaban lalu
- Jangan pilih kata yang sudah diidentifikasi bersuara sama.

Dalam rekaman, Anda mendengar :
(woman) Why couldn’t Zee come with us?
(man) She was searching for a new apartment
(narrator) What does the man say about Zee?

Dalam lembar jawaban tes, Anda membaca

(A) She had an appointment.
(B) She was in the department.
(C) She was looking for a place to live.
(D) She was working on her research project.

Dalam dialog tersebut dalam baris terakhir terdapat kata kunci searching dan
apartment. Pilihan jawaban yang memiliki suara pelafalan yang sama adalah
department dan appointment yang terdengar hampir sama seperti apartment.
Serta research yang terdengar hampir sama dengan searching. Ketiga pilihan
tersebut dapat dicoret dari pilihan jawaban dan pilihan C adalah yang paling
Petunjuk: Perhatikan transkrip percakapan berikut, beri tanda kata kunci pada narasi
kedua dan coret pilihan jawaban dengan suara atau pelafalan yang hampir sama
dengan kata kunci!
1. (man) How long until you’ll be ready to (A) She has to wait for some cash.
leave? (B) The waiter is bringing a glass of
(woman) First, I need to water the grass. water.
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE WOMAN MEAN? (C) The lawn is too dry.
(D) She needs to watch out for a

2. (man) Do you think I should buy this (A) The sweater’s the wrong size.
sweater? (B) The man’s feet aren’t sweating.
(woman) But it doesn’t really seem to fit right. (C) The sweater makes the man seem
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE WOMAN MEAN? fat.
(D) The sweet girl doesn’t feel right.

3. (woman) Is Walter’s job near here? (A) He has been regularly using a
(man) Walter’s been commuting to Boston computer.
on a regular basis. (B) He communicates with a Boston
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE MAN SAY ABOUT company.
WALTER? (C) He regularly goes to communities
around Boston.
(D) He has been traveling back and
forth to Boston.

4. (woman) Did Bob memorize every detail in (A) He thought the lesson didn’t
the chapter? matter.
(man) He wasn’t able to master the lesson. (B) He couldn’t learn the lesson.
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE MAN SAY ABOUT (C) He learned a massive number of
BOB? details.
(D) He didn’t like most of the lesson.

5. (man) It’s so sad what happened to the (A) Some animals started the first fire.
animals. (B) Animals are killed by forest fires.
(woman) Yes, it is. Whenever there’s a forest (C) In the first frost, animal die.
fire, many animals die. (D) Frost can kill animals.
6. (woman) Do you want to take a look in this (A) Twenty pairs of shoes are on sale.
store? (B) The shoes salesclerk spent twenty
(man) You bet. The shoes are on sale for dollars on pears.
twenty dollars a pair! (C) The shoes cost twenty dollars.
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE MAN MEAN? (D) The shoes could be repaired for
twenty dollars.

7. (woman) Why didn’t Tom come with us this (A) Tom tended to dislike biology lab.
afternoon? (B) Attendance wasn’t necessary at
(man) He was attending a required biology biology lab.
lab. (C) Tom went to biology lab.
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE MAN MEAN? (D) There was a tendency to require
biology lab.

8. (woman) Why are you waiting here by the (A) The meal will be served at noon.
front door? (B) The males should be driven there
(man) The mail should arrive at noon, and by noon.
I’m expecting something important. (C) He’s expecting the ice to melt
(narrator) WHY IS THE MAN WAITING? before noon.
(D) The letters ought to be delivered at

9. (woman) Do you think it’ll rain today? (A) The weather will probably get
(man) I heard on the news that a bad worse later.
storm is heading in. (B) The newspaper headlines
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE MAN MEAN? described a bad storm.
(C) There was news about a
headstrong man.
(D) He had a new bed.

10. (woman) Is there any way I could help you (A) If she could do the grocery
with dinner? shopping
(man) Would you mind chopping (B) If she prefers cooked vegetables or
vegetables for salad? salad
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE MAN ASK THE (C) If she could help prepare the salad
WOMAN? (D) If the she minds shopping for

- Dengarkan dan fokus pada baris terakhir dari dialog

- Jika terdapat PERNYATAAN NEGATIF maka jawaban yang harus dipilih yaitu
LAWAN PERNYATAANNYA, biasanya berupa pernyataan positif.

Contoh Jawaban Benar Ekspresi

Regina is not sad about the not sad = happy Pernyataan negatif
result. biasa : not or n’t.
Steve never work hard. never work hard = lazy Pernyataan negatif
lainnya: never, nobody,
none, nothing.
All the patient was insane. insane = not sane = crazy Prefiks negatif: un-, in-,

Dalam rekaman, Anda mendengar :
(woman) How was the weather on your trip?
(man) There wasn’t a cloud in the sky.
(narrator) What does the man mean?

Dalam lembar jawaban tes, Anda membaca

(A) It was cloudy.
(B) He couldn’t see the sky.
(C) It wasn’t very crowded.
(D) There was a lot of sunshine.

Dalam rekaman terdengar kata kunci wasn’t a cloud yang berarti tidak
berawan. Dalam jawaban, semua pilihan merupakan kalimat negatif. Salah
satu kebalikan dari kata kunci dan mempunyai arti yang sama dengan tidak
berawan yaitu a lot of sunshine (terang).

Petunjuk: Perhatikan transkrip percakapan berikut, beri tanda kata kunci pada narasi
narasi kedua dan pilihan jawaban dengan makna berlawanan dengan kata kunci!
1. (woman) Why were you so late getting here? (A) He was on time.
(man) But I wasn’t late! (B) He regrets being late.
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE MAN MEAN? (C) He doesn’t know why he was late.
(D) He hasn’t come there lately.

2. (man) I can’t seem to get the door unlocked. (A) The right key isn’t in the drawer.
(woman) That isn’t the right key for the door. (B) The man should write the message on
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE WOMAN MEAN? the door.
(C) The man has the wrong key.
(D) The man should write the message on
the door.

3. (man) Is the baby awake yet? (A) The baby’s nodding off.
(woman) No, she’s not. (B) The baby’s a sleep.
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE WOMAN SAY ABOUT (C) The baby’s on the way home.
THE BABY? (D) The baby’s just waking up.

4. (woman) Are you going on trip by yourself? (A) He wants to go by himself.

(man) No, I’m traveling with large group of (B) He isn’t going on the trip.
people. (C) He has a large number of friends.
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE MAN MEAN? (D) He isn’t traveling alone.

5. (man) Do you have time to go to the park for a (A) She does not have time to park the car.
while? (B) She has some free time.
(woman) Sure. I’m not very busy. (C) She has not been to the park in a while.
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE WOMAN MEAN? (D) The park is too wild.

6. (woman) Why is it all wet in here? (A) He closed the windows.

(man) The rain got in because the windows (B) It didn’t rain.
weren’t closed. (C) The windows were open during the
(narrator)WHAT DOES THE MAN MEAN? storm.
(D) He saw the rain through the windows.

7. (man) I think you should throw the plant out. It (A) She’s certain the plant’s alive.
looks dead. (B) She’s not sure what happened to the
(woman) But I’m sure it’s not dead! (narrator) plant.
WHAT DOES THE WOMAN MEAN? (C) She planned to throw it out.
(D) She’s sure the plant should be thrown

8. (woman) That apple looks good. (A) The apple is good because it’s sweet.
(man) It may look good, but it’s not. It’s not (B) There is an apple in each suite.
sweet at all. (C) The apple doesn’t look good.
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE MAN SAY ABOUT THE (D) The apple is sour.
9. (man) I don’t think we should go out to dinner (A) It’s cheap.
tonight. We can’t afford it. (B) It costs a lot.
(woman) No problem. I’ve found a restaurant (C) It has a few problems.
that’s not very expensive. (D) It is hard to find.

10. (woman) Look at this rock by the side of the path. (A) She must leave the rock there.
It’s beautiful. Do you think I should take it with (B) She needs a big rock.
me? (C) She should take the rock with her.
(man) It’s too big. You can’t take it with you. (D) She should take a bigger rock.


Perlu Anda ketahui ada beberapa ekspresi Bahasa Inggris memiliki makna “hampir
negatif”. Ekspresi seperti ini sering muncul dalam percakapan pendek. Anda perlu
mengenal ekspresi-ekspresi ini.

Ekspresi Contoh Ekspresi Arti

Hardly, barely, There is hardly any food in the Hampir tidak ada
scarcely, only refrigerator.
Rarely, seldom He rarely drives to work. Hampir tidak pernah

Dalam rekaman, Anda mendengar :
(woman) Were you able to pay the electric bill?
(man) I had barely enough money.
(narrator) What does the man imply?

Dalam lembar jawaban tes, Anda membaca

(A) He had plenty of money for the bill.
(B) He did not have enough money for the bill.
(C) He paid the bill but has no money left.
(D) He was unable to pay the bill.

Dalam rekaman terdengar kata kunci barely enough yang berarti ada cukup
uang, jadi dapat digunakan untuk membayar tagihan, namun ada kata barely
yang berarti hampir tidak cukup. Maka pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah C.
Petunjuk: Perhatikan transkrip percakapan berikut, beri tanda kata kunci pada narasi
kedua, lalu pilih pernyataan yang memiliki makna hampir sesuai dengan kata kunci!
1. (woman) Do you expect a lot of rain this (A) There’s little rain in July.
(man) month? (B) In July it never rains.
(narrator) It hardly ever rains in July. (C) It rains hard in July.
WHAT DOES THE MAN MEAN? (D) When it rains in July, it rains hard.

2. (man) Were all three students accepted (A) The university accepted three
to the university? students.
(woman) Only John was accepted. (B) None of the students is going to the
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE WOMAN MEAN? university.
(C) John was not accepted.
(D) Two were not admitted.

3. (man) Did Mark do well in Professor (A) Although he did pass, Mark’s exam
Frank’s class? grade wasn’t too good.
(woman) Mark barely passed the history (B) Mark failed his history exam.
exam that Professor Franks gave. (C) The highest grade on the history
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE WOMAN MEAN? exam went to Mark.
(D) Professor Franks didn’t pass Mark on
the history exam.

4. (woman) I can’t believe how long we’ve (A) He often has long waits in Dr.
been here. Roberts’s office.
(man) Dr. Roberts almost never keeps his (B) He must wait patiently for Robert.
patients waiting long. (C) Dr. Roberts is generally punctual.
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE MAN MEAN? (D) He doesn’t mind waiting for Dr.

5. (man) I can’t believe Betty is not at work (A) Betty often takes vacations in
this week! winter.
(woman) Only rarely does Betty take a (B) Betty prefers to take vacations in
vacation in winter. winter.
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE WOMAN MEAN? (C) Occasionally Betty works one week
during vacation.
(D) A winter vacation is unusual for
6. (man) Does Steve study very much? (A) He rarely spends time on his
(woman) He hardly ever opens a book. courses.
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE WOMAN SAY (B) He’s an excellent student.
ABOUT STEVE? (C) He never studies.
(D) His books are always open.

7. (woman) Was the philosophy exam very (A) He finished the exam in plenty of
(man) long? time.
(narrator) I scarcely had time to finish it. (B) He was scared he wouldn’t finish.
WHAT DOES THE MAN MEAN? (C) He used every possible minute to
(D) He was unable to complete the

8. (man) I was so bored at the staff (A) This was a very long staff meeting.
(woman) meeting! (B) This was the only staff meeting in a
Seldom have staff meetings lasted long time.
(narrator) this long. (C) The meeting lasted only until one
(D) The one staff meeting should’ve
lasted longer.

9. (woman) Are you enjoying the barbecue? (A) Meat tastes delicious to him when
(man) Only rarely have I tasted such it’s cooked rare.
delicious meat. (B) He isn’t sure if the meal is delicious.
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE MAN MEAN? (C) This meat is the best he’s tasted in
a long time.
(D) He’d like to eat some meat from
this delicatessen.

10. (woman) Does your broken arm hurt very (A) He broke his arm trying to move it.
much? (B) He only hurt the broken arm.
(man) Only if I try to move. (C) He only tries to move the broken
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE MAN MEAN? arm.
(D) There’s no pain if he rests quietly.

Anda akan sering menemui dua pernyataan negatif dalam satu kalimat.
- Temukan kata kunci yaitu kedua pernyataan negatif.
- Cari pengertian yang sesuai dengan kata kunci tersebut.

Perhatikan ekspresi-ekspresi berikut.

Situasi Contoh Arti
Ekspresi negatif seperti: She didn’t like the unclean Did not like unclean = like
not, no, none, maupun room. clean
prefiks un-, in-, dis-
Dua kata kerja negatif It isn’t shining, so we Hal ini berarti menyiratkan
aren’t going to the zoo. jika cuaca cerah, mereka
akan pergi.
Neither atau not… either Ari didn’t like the song, Ari dan Zee not like the
and neither did Zee. song.

Dalam rekaman, Anda mendengar :
(man) I can’t believe the news that I heard about
the concert.
(woman) Well, it isn’t impossible for the concert to take
(narrator) What does the woman say about the concert?

Dalam lembar jawaban tes, Anda membaca

(A) There’s no possibility that the concert will take place.
(B) The concert will definitely not take place.
(C) The concert might take place.
(D) The concert can’t take place.

Jawaban yang tepat dari pertanyaan ini adalah C. Jika isn’t impossible, maka
lawan dari pernyataan ini adalah possible, dan pilihan jawaban yang
mengindikasikan kemungkinan adalah might pada pilihan C.
Petunjuk: Perhatikan transkrip percakapan berikut, beri tanda kata kunci pada narasi kedua, lalu pilih
pernyataan yang memiliki makna hampir sesuai dengan kata kunci! Ingat, kedua pernyataan negatif dalam
satu kalimat dapat menjadikan sebuah kalimat positif baru.
1. (man) Do you think Ron Rogers will be (A) He’ll definitely be elected.
elected? (B) The election is now complete.
(woman) Well, it’s not completely impossible. (C) She has high hopes for his
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE WOMAN IMPLY chances.
ABOUT RON? (D) It may happen.

2. (woman) How was your tennis match today? (A) Both parts of his game were bad.
(man) I didn’t serve well, and I didn’t volley
well either. (B) He served better than he
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE MAN SAY ABOUT volleyed.
HIS TENNIS GAME? (C) Some parts of his game were
better than others.
(D) He played rather well.

3. (man) Was Gary prepared for the debate? (A) It is a surprise that he was
(woman) It is no surprise that he was prepared.
unprepared. (B) He was not ready, as usual.
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE WOMAN SAY (C) He prepared a really big surprise.
(D) His strong preparation came as
no surprise.

4. (man) Did you go out dancing with (A) She felt good enough to go out.
everyone else last night? (B) She went out to get some
(woman) I was not feeling well, so I didn’t go medicine.
out. (C) She felt like dancing, so she went
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE WOMAN MEAN? out with everyone.
(D) She stayed home because she
was sick.
5. (woman) Do you think Paula understands what (A) She has problems that others
she’s done? aren’t aware of.
(man) She isn’t unaware of the trouble she’s (B) Others aren’t aware of her
caused. problems.
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE MAN SAY ABOUT (C) She knows she’s been a problem.
(D) She doesn’t have a care in the

6. (man) Did your friends finish the term paper (A) Steve wanted to finish his paper,
for history class? and so did Paul.
(woman) Steve wasn’t able to finish it, and (B) Both Steve’s and Paul’s papers
Paul wasn’t either. were incomplete.
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE WOMAN MEAN? (C) Steve and Paul were busy doing
their term papers.
(D) When Steve wasn’t able to finish
his paper, Paul couldn’t help.

7. (man) Can you believe that George walked (A) It wasn’t George’s responsibility
out of the restaurant without paying to pay the bill.
for this share of the meal? (B) Bill was irresponsible about
(woman) It was irresponsible of him not to pay paying George’s rent.
the bill. (C) George acted carelessly by not
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE WOMAN MEAN? taking care of the bill.
(D) George took responsibility for
the unpaid bill.

8. (man) What happened when Harry applied (A) It’s fortunate that he was
to Milhouse University? accepted.
(woman) It was unfortunate that he wasn’t (B) It’s good that he wasn’t
admitted to the university. admitted.
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE WOMAN SAY (C) Fortunately, the university didn’t
ABOUT HARRY? admit him.
(D) It’s too bad he was rejected.
9. (woman) What did you think of the essay that I (A) The first essay was better than
wrote? the second.
(man) The first draft of the essay wasn’t (B) The first and second drafts
well written, and the second wasn’t couldn’t be better.
much better. (C) The second draft of the essay
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE MAN MEAN? was much better than the first.
(D) Both versions were poorly
10. (man) Has Roger been disturbed by all of (A) Roger has been bothered.
the recent problems? (B) Roger wasn’t the least bit
(woman) He hasn’t been unaffected. disturbed.
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE WOMAN MEAN? (C) The problems have had little
effect on Roger.
(D) Roger hasn’t been disturbed.


- Dengarkan dan fokus pada baris terakhir dari dialog

- Jenis – jenis pernyataan saran :
o Why not……..?
o Let’s …….

Dalam rekaman, Anda mendengar :
(man) The weather’s so beautiful today
(woman) Let’s walk to school instead of driving
(narrator) What does the woman suggest?

Dalam lembar jawaban tes, Anda membaca

(A) Taking the car to school.
(B) Taking a walk instead of going to school.
(C) Going for a drive in the beautiful weather.
(D) Going to class on foot

Kata kunci let’s walk mengindikasikan saran untuk berjalan kaku, atau sesuai
dengan kalimat pada pilihan jawaban Going to class on foot.
Petunjuk: Perhatikan transkrip percakapan berikut, beri tanda kata kunci dalam
bentuk saran pada narasi kedua, lalu pilih pernyataan yang memiliki makna hampir
sesuai dengan saran tersebut!

1. (man) I’d like to work out this afternoon. (A) Going to work
(woman) Let’s go to the gym for a while. (B) Getting some exercise
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE WOMAN (C) Relaxing for a while
SUGGEST? (D) Visiting her friend Jim

2. (woman) I can’t finish the work today. I’m too (A) Completing the work later
tired. (B) Finishing more of the work now
(man) Why not finish tomorrow? (C) Trying to do the work today
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE MAN SUGGEST? (D) Resting tomorrow

3. (man) It’s rather cool in here. (A) Cooling off the house
(woman) Let’s turn on the heat. (B) Turning down the heat
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE WOMAN (C) Raising the temperature
SUGGEST? (D) Finding something to eat

4. (woman) My old car has broken down again. (A) Fixing the car
(man) Why don’t you get a new one? (B) Breaking the news to do others
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE MAN SUGGEST? (C) Buying another automobile
(D) Going down the hill in the car

5. (man) We’ve got so many books here. I can’t (A) Putting up shelves
find the one I want. (B) Getting a baby-sitter
(woman) Let’s organize them on the shelves. (C) Letting her sister see the clothes
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE WOMAN (D) Giving the clothes away

6. (woman) These clothes are too small for me. (A) Visiting her sister
(man) Why not let your sister have them. (B) Getting a baby-sister
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE WOMAN SUGGEST (C) Letting her sister see the clothes
TO THE WOMAN? (D) Giving the clothes away

7. (man) It’s too late to leave tonight. (A) Postponing the trip
(woman) Let’s put off the trip until tomorrow. (B) Leaving immediately
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE WOMAN (C) Putting on a play tomorrow
SUGGEST? (D) Going later tonight
8. (woman) I really need to get going on this term (A) Working on the term paper the whole day
paper. (B) Spending a little money on paper
(man) Why not plan on staying in the library all (C) Doing a better job of planning her term
day? paper
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE MAN SUGGEST TO (D) Spending the whole term on the paper

9. (man) There’s a really funny program com-ing (A) Getting a new television
on television now. (B) Checking which programs are coming on
(woman) Let’s watch it then. (C) Checking their watches
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE WOMAN (D) Seeing a comedy on television

10. (man) It’s unbeliveable, but I’ve actually got a (A) Making some extra money
little extra money now. (B) Depositing the money in his account
(woman) Why not put it in the bank? (C) Buying something with the money
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE WOMAN SUGGEST (D) Checking out several banks


- Dengarkan dan fokus pada baris terakhir dari dialog

- Jika isi dialog terdapat pernyataan Pasif maka biasanya jawaban berupa
pernyataan Aktif
- Jika isi dialog terdapat pernyataan Aktif maka biasanya jawaban berupa
pernyataan Pasif

Dalam rekaman, Anda mendengar :
(man) What happened to your notebook? (woman) I
left it in the cafetaria. (narrator) What does the woman

Dalam lembar jawaban tes, Anda membaca

(A) The cafetaria is to the left.
(B) She left a note on the cafetaria door.
(C) She took some notes in the cafetaria.
(D) The notebook was left in the cafetaria.

Pada percakapan ini, wanita menggunakan kalimat aktif: I left in the

cafetaria. Jawaban yang benar untuk pernyataan ini biasanya dalam bentuk
pasif. Pilihan jawaban dengan bentuk pasif adalah The notebook was left in
the cafetaria . Jawaban D.
Petunjuk: Perhatikan transkrip percakapan berikut, beri tanda kata kunci pada narasi
kedua, lalu pilih pernyataan yang memiliki makna hampir sesuai dengan kata kunci!
Ingat, kedua pernyataan negatif dalam satu kalimat dapat menjadikan sebuah
kalimat positif baru.
1. (man) Did the package from your family arrive? (A) Her family just arrived.
(woman) Yes, and I already opened it. (narrator) (B) She must pack to go to visit her family.
WHAT DOES THE WOMAN MEAN? (C) She opened the door to greet her family.
(D) The box from her family was opened.

2. (woman) How’s your report coming along? (A) He completed the report.
(man) It was finished this morning. (B) He’s coming to work on the report.
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE MAN IMPLY? (C) The report is due tomorrow morning.
(D) The report still needs an infinite amount of

3. (man) Why aren’t the children in bed now? (A) The parents are in bed now.
(woman) Their parents let them stay up. (B) The children were allowed to stay up.
(C) The Parents stayed away from the
(D) The Children have gone to bed.

4. (woman) Why aren’t you inside the house? (A) He got lost.
(man) I lost the key to the front door. (B) The door was not in the front of the house.
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE MAN MEAN? (C) He did not need a key to the door.
(D) The key was lost.

5. (woman) Where are the flowers that I just (A) He picked out some flowered wallpaper for the
picked? dining room.
(man) I put them on the dinning room table. (B) The dining room table has flowers painted on
(C) The flowers were placed on the table.
(D) The flowers were grown in the dining room.

6. (man) Martha, what’s the matter? You look (A) Nothing is really the matter.
upset. (B) She stole some money.
(woman) I just noticed that my purse was (C) She left her purse in the store.
(D) Someone took her purse.
7. (woman) Would you like to pick up one of my (A) He’s quite scared.
pet snakes? (B) He likes her pets.
(man) No, thanks. They frighten me more than (C) He would like to pick up a little snake.
a little.
(D) He frightens the snakes.

8. (man) Did you get the project done, as I asked? (A) She wrote directions in a letter,
(woman) I followed your directions to the letter. (B) Instructions were followed exactly.
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE WOMAN MEAN? (C) A new director has been appointed.
(D) She would follow the man to the housing
9. (woman) Do we have time to play some tennis
now? (A) They can cook supper in on time.
(man) No, it’s time to cook supper. (B) He doesn’t know how to play tennis.
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE MAN MEAN? (C) He’s a super cook.
(D) Dinner needs to be prepared.
10. (man) Why aren’t we having the exam
tomorrow? (A) The exam really is tomorrow.
(woman) The date of exam has changed. (B) There was a change in the content of the exam.
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE WOMAN IMPLY? (C) The professor moved the exam to another day.
(D) They have to change their plans for tomorrow.


Soal Toefl kadang menuntut Anda untuk menyimpulkan informasi mengenai apa,
siapa dan dimana. Ada beberapa langkah yang perlu Anda perhatikan:

- Gambarkan kesimpulan dari dialog

- Dengarkan dan fokus pada baris terakhir dari dialog
- Who menanyakan siapa yang mungkin sedang berbicara.
- What menanyakan apa yang akan dilakukan selanjutnya.
- Where menanyakan tempat percakapan tersebut berlangsung.
Dalam rekaman, Anda mendengar :
(woman) What do you do during your performance?
(man) I play the piano and sing
(narrator) Who is the man most likely to be ?

Dalam lembar jawaban tes, Anda membaca

(A) An Athlete.
(B) A Member of the audience.
(C) A clerk in a music store.
(D) A musician.

Pada percakapan ini, the man menginformasikan dia : play the piano and
sing. Kegiatan memainkan piano dan bernyanyi adalah kegiatan yang sering
dilakukan musisi, (D) A musician.

Petunjuk: Perhatikan transkrip percakapan berikut, beri tanda kata kunci pada narasi
kedua, pilih jawaban yang memungkinkan dengan pernyataan pada narasi kedua.
1. (man) Do you want to go into the water? (A) In a hotel room
(woman) No, thanks. I prefer to lie here on the (B) At a restaurant
sand. (C) At the beach
(narrator) WHERE DOES THIS CONVERSATION (D) In a desert

2. (woman) What is the assignment for tomorrow’s (A) A manager

class? (B) A teacher
(man) You should read Chapter 5 and answer the (C) A lawyer
questions at the end of the chapter. (D) A librarian

3. (man) Can you tell me how long I can keep these (A) In a library
books? (B) In a doctor’s office
(woman) You can check them out for two weeks. (C) In a bookstore
(narrator) WHERE DOES THIS CONVERSATION (D) In a grocery store
4. (woman) Are there many problems with my teeth? (A) A hair stylist
I’ve tried to brush regularly. (B) A secretary
(man) I see one of tooth that needs to be filled. (C) A dentist
(narrator) WHO IS THE MAN MOST LIKELY TO BE? (D) A gas station attendant

5. (woman) The seat belt light is flashing. (A) In a place

(man) Yes, I think we’re going to land soon. (B) In a car

6. (man) The wedding is actually tomorrow. (A) A weather forecaster

(woman) I can’t believe that tomorrow’s your (B) A minister
wedding day. (C) A marriage counselor
(narrator) WHO IS THE MAN MOST LIKELY TO BE? (D) A bride

7. (man) Should we fill up the tank? (A) In an airport

(woman) Yes, and put some air in the tires. (B) At a gas station
(narrator) WHERE DOES THIS CONVERSATION (C) At a supermarket
PROBABLY TAKE PLACE? (D) In a bike shop

8. (man) Are you going to the gym to work out this (A) A musician
morning? (B) An office worker
(man) Yes, to the gym in the morning and to team (C) A professor
practice in the afternoon. (D) An athlete

9. (woman) Can I help you? ( A) In a clothing store

(man) Yes, I’d like to pick up some shirts I left to be (B) At a car wash
cleaned. (C) In a laundry
(narrator) WHERE DOES THIS CONVERSATION (D) At a grocery store

10. (man) I’m not sure which day I want to leave on this (A) A bank teller
trip. (B) A travel agent
(woman) When you decide on the date of the trip, (C) A police officer
come back to the office and you can make (D) A bus driver
reservations and purchase the tickets.

- Dengarkan dan fokus pada baris terakhir dari dialog

- Jika temui pernyataan persetujuan :
o So do I
o Me, too
o I will say
o You can say that again
- Jawaban terbaik biasanya yang menunjukan kalimat persetujuan juga.

Dalam rekaman, Anda mendengar :
(woman) I though that the meal was overpriced.
(man) Me, too
(narrator) What does the man mean ?

Dalam lembar jawaban tes, Anda membaca

(A) There were too many spices in the meal.
(B) He has the same opinion of the meal as the woman.
(C) He wants to share the man’s meal.
(D) He price of the meal was great.

Pernyataan Me, too menunjukkan pernyataan positif terhadap lawan bicara.

Hal tersebut menunjukkan persetujuan/persamaan opini dengan lawan
bicaranya, sehingga jawaban yang benar yaitu B.

Persetujuan dengan Pernyataan Positif Persetujuan dengan Pernyataan Negatif

So do I. Neither do I
Mee, to. I don’t either.
I’ll say!
Isn’t it!
You can say that again!
Petunjuk: Perhatikan transkrip percakapan berikut, beri tanda kata kunci pada narasi
kedua, pilih jawaban yang mengungkapkan pernyataan sesuai dengan pernyataan
pada narasi kedua.
1. (man) I think we should visit Sam in the (A) She needs to check into the hospital.
hospital. (B) She thinks the man should visit her.
(woman) Me, too. (C) She doesn’t want to go to the hospital.
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE WOMAN MEAN? (D) She shares the man’s opinion.

2. (man) The news really surprised me. (A) The man should repeat himself.
(woman) You can say that again! (B) The prize was quite new.
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE WOMAN MEAN? (C) She was also surface was praised.
(D) He should put the drinks on ice.

3. (woman) I think it would be nice to have a pet. (A) The woman has a nice pet.
(man) So do I. (B) He agrees with the woman.
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE MAN MEAN? (C) A bit of luck would be nice.
(D) He should put the drinks on ice.

4. (woman) That movie was so boring. (A) They moved just after the baby was born.
(man) I’ll say! (B) He saw that the woman was moving.
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE MAN MEAN? (C) The movie was really good.
(D) He shares the woman’s opinion.

5. (man) I’m so glad those three classes are over. (A) She has over three classes.
(woman) You can say that again! (B) She’s glad to talk about the classes.
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE WOMAN MEAN? (C) She’d like him to tell her about the classes.
(D) She’s also happy that the classes are finished.

6. (woman) I prefer playing sports rather than (A) His ideas about sport are similar to the
watching sports. woman’s.
(man) Me, too. (B) They should watch a game on television
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE MAN MEAN? together.
(C) He thinks he’s better at sports than the
(D) He doesn’t like sports at all.
7. (man) The coffee is really strong. (A) She needs a straw for the coffee.
(woman) I’ll say! (B) She agrees with the man.
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE WOMAN MEAN? (C) She has been coughing strongly.
(D) She is feeling strong today.

8. (woman) I thought the math exam was almost (A) It was possible to take a math class.
impossible. (B) The matter could not possibly be discussed.
(man) Me, too. (C) It was impossible to attend the math exam.
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE MAN MEAN? (D) He has the same opinion as the woman.

9. (man) I think we should go out for dinner (A) They always go out for dinner.
tonight. (B) They should cook dinner outside.
(woman) So do I! (C) She thinks they should go out too.
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE MAN MEAN? (D) She would like the man to prepare dinner

10. (woman) The new teacher certainly made (A) He is in agreement about the teacher.
history interesting. (B) Her story was quite interesting.
(man) You can say that again! (C) He would like the woman to respect what he
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE MAN MEAN? said.
(D) The history teacher will give the same lecture


Pada percakapan pendek, sering sekali muncul pernyataan harapan (wish) atau
pernyataan untrue conditions. Seperti yang kita ketahui, pernyataan harapan ini
muncul karena kondisi saat ini yang tidak sesuai dengan harapan.
- Dengarkan dan fokus pada baris terakhir dari dialog
- Cari kalimat yang berlawanan dengan harapan.

Pernyataan Harapan (wish)

Kunci Contoh Arti
Pernyataan yang berisi I wish I had time to help. = no time to help
harapan berarti memiliki
makna realitas kebalikan I wish I didn’t have time = time to help
dari harapan. to help
Kata kerja lampau I wish he were at home = he is not at home
memiliki makna realitas
saat ini. I wish he had been at = was not at home

Dalam rekaman, Anda mendengar :
(woman) It is too bad that you have to stay here and
work during the school break.
(man) I really wish I could go with you and the
others to Palm Springs.
(narrator) What does the man mean?

Dalam lembar jawaban tes, Anda membaca

(A) Maybe he will go with the others on the trip.
(B) He is unable to go on the trip.
(C) He’s so happy to be going on the trip.
(D) He’s going on the trip, but not with the others.

Pernyataan wish I could go menunjukkan pernyataan harapan. Dimana kondisi

saat ini berlawanan dengan harapan. Pilihan jawaban yang menunjukan
keadaan yang berlawanan tersebut adalah He is unable to go on the trip.


Petunjuk: Perhatikan transkrip percakapan berikut, beri tanda kata kunci pada narasi
kedua, pilih jawaban yang mengungkapkan makna kebalikan dari pernyataan
1. (man) Do you think we’ll be able to get (A) The line is short.
tickets for the concert? (B) There are not very many people in
(woman) I wish there weren’t so many people front of them.
in line in front of us. (C) The line in front of them is too
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE WOMAN MEAN? long.
(D) Not many people want to get
tickets to the concert.
2. (woman) I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about the (A) The woman told him about the
parking ticket. ticket.
(man) I wish you had told me about it. (B) He wanted the woman to get a
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE WOMAN MEAN? ticket.
(C) He was happy to find out about
the ticket.
(D) The woman did not tell him about
the ticket.

3. (man) Did you see the work schedule for (A) She is not working too many hours
next week? next week.
(woman) I wish I didn’t have to work so many (B) She doesn’t have enough hours
hours then. next week.
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE WOMAN IMPLY? (C) She is working too many hours
next week.
(D) She likes working so much.

4. (man) Are you happy with the changes in (A) The department did not change
the requirements for graduation? the requirements.
(woman) I wish the department had not made (B) She likes the new requirements.
the changes. (C) She changed her apartment just
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE WOMAN MEAN? before graduation.
(D) She does not like the changes that
the department made.

5. (woman) Are you going to the theater with us (A) He is going to the theater.
this weekend? (B) He doesn’t have enough money.
(man) I wish I had enough money to go. (C) He isn’t afraid to go.
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE MAN IMPLY? (D) He doesn’t want to spend the

6. (woman) Did you hear how Harry did on the (A) Harry did not prepare enough for
astronomy exam? the exam.
(man) I bet he wishes he had studied (B) Harry studied hard for the exam.
harder. (C) He has not heard anything about
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE MAN MEAN? Harry.
(D) He had a bet with Harry.
7. (man) Do you have a good schedule of (A) The algebra course that she is
classes this semester? taking is not her favorite.
(woman) I wish I didn’t need to take this (B) She doesn’t need to take the
algebra course. I’m not very good at algebra course.
math. (C) She has a good schedule of
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE MAN IMPLY? courses this semester.
(D) She’s good at math, but she’s
taking the algebra course anyway.

8. (woman) Your apartment is in a really great (A) He was able to find a cheap
location! apartment.
(man) But I wish I had been able to find (B) His apartment is too expensive.
something cheaper. (C) He doesn’t like the apartment’s
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE MAN MEAN? location.
(D) The apartment is cheap because
of its location.

9. (woman) Why are you sitting all the way in (A) He arrived early at the
the back of the auditorium? auditorium.
(man) I wish I hadn’t arrived so late. Then I (B) He got one of the best seats in
could have gotten a better seat. the auditorium.
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE MAN IMPLY? (C) He was not early enough to get a
seat at the front.
(D) He prefers sitting at the back.

10. (woman) Are you going to the football game (A) He’d like to work on his social skills
this weekend? at the game.
(man) I wish I could, but I have to work on (B) He wishes he could work on his
my sociology paper. term paper for sociology.
(narrator) WHAT DOES THE MAN MEAN? (C) He can’t attend the game because
of his schoolwork.
(D) Sociology is less important to him
than football this weekend.

Percakapan ini terdiri dari percakapan antar dua orang yang akan dipergunakan
untuk menjawab pertanyaan. Tidak seperti di percakapan pendek yang biasanya berisi
dua baris narasi, pada percakapan panjang Anda akan menemui beberapa kali tanya
jawab antara kedua orang tersebut. Jumlah pertanyaan untuk setiap percakapan kurang
lebih 4 pertanyaan.

Beberapa JURUS umum dalam menjawab percakapan panjang yaitu :

1. Jika punya waktu, lihat jawaban-jawaban yang tersedia sebelum percakapan dimulai
2. Perhatikan baris pertama yang biasanya mengandung ide utama, subjek atau topik
dari percakapan tersebut.

JURUS-JURUS penting dalam mengerjakan percakapan panjang :


Langkah awal perhatikan jawaban lalu Anda mengantisipasi kira-kira pertanyaan

untuk hal tersebut apa.

Dalam lembar tes, Anda membaca:
(A) On Monday
(B) Next week
(C) Tomorrow
(D) After class

Anda dapat mengantisipasi pertanyaan: “when will something happen?”

Petunjuk: Perhatikan pilihan jawaban berikut ini, lalu tuliskan prediksi pertanyaan
Anda. Pada tempat yang tersedia.
1. Prediksi pertanyaan : …………..
(A) To liberate bees
(B) To protect their news
(C) To hatch their eggs
(D) To defend the park

2. Prediksi pertanyaan : …….………

(A) The entire campus
(B) Part of the campus
(C) The campus and the city
(D) Only the off-campus areas

3. Prediksi pertanyaan : ……………..

(A) Three hours
(B) Three complete days
(C) Three classes
(D) Three weeks

4. Prediksi pertanyaan : ……………..

(A) Fill out the forms.
(B) Give her some additional information.
(C) Tell her some news.
(D) Phone him.

5. Prediksi pertanyaan : ……………..

(A) A trip to Bali.
(B) A camping trip they took
(C) A trip the man already taken.
(D) A trip the man is planning to take.

6. Prediksi pertanyaan : ……………..

(A) In the class.
(B) In the information room.
(C) In the travel agent office.
(D) In the airport.
7. Prediksi pertanyaan : ……………..
(A) Just before he goes.
(B) After Jess come.
(C) Before Jess come.
(D) After he come.

8. Prediksi pertanyaan : ……………..

(A) Only in Jakarta
(B) At the East Java
(C) At the Java Island
(D) Only in Indonesia

9. Prediksi pertanyaan : ……………..

(A) No more than ten
(B) At least twenty
(C) Up to twenty
(D) More than ten

10. Prediksi pertanyaan : ……………..

(A) She should protect herself from the rain.
(B) She should clean up the water supply.
(C) She should read a novel.
(D) She should get more information about acid rain.


Setiap Anda mendengar percakapan panjang, Anda harus mengetahui TOPIK

(SUBJEK) atau IDE UTAMA dari percakapan tersebut. TOPIK atau IDE UTAMA
biasanya terdapat dalam baris KE SATU dan DUA.

Dalam rekaman, Anda mendengar :
(narrator) Listen to the conversation between two
What did you think of that history exam ?
That was the hardest exam I’ve ever seen
And it wasn’t just hard! It was long, too

Prediksi topik :

Petunjuk: Perhatikan percakapan berikut ini, beri tanda pada kata kunci di
percakapan yang mungkin berisi topik percakapan.
1. (woman) Did you hear what happened to Greg?
(man) I heard he got stung by bee.
(woman) Well, he DID get stung, but it wasn’t by a bee. It was a hornet
that stung him while he was out walking in the park.
(narrator) What is the topic of conversation ?

2. (woman) Can you tell me about the university shuttle bus system ? This
is such a large campus, and I have classes all over campus. I
need to take the shuttle bus from one class to another, or I’ll
never make it on time.
(man) What do you need to know?
(narrator) What is the topic of conversation ?


Petunjuk: Perhatikan pilihan jawaban yang ada pada lembar jawaban secara
bersamaan, lalu tuliskan prediksi topik dari pilihan jawaban yang ada tersebut.
Latihan ini bermanfaat agar Anda mendapatkan ide umum dari percakapan yang akan
Anda dengar.
1. (A) Just before a vacation 4. (A) Sleeping outside on the ground
(B) Just after the end of a school semester (B) Spending time in a sauna or hot tub
(C) At the end of the summer (C) Relaxing at the lodge
(D) Just after a break from school (D) Enjoying excellent food

2. (A) A trip to visit the Eskimos 5. (A) She’d be scared, but she’d like to try.
(B) A trip the woman is planning to take (B) She can’t wait.
(C) A trip the man has already taken (C) It would be quite exciting for her.
(D) A camping trip the man and woman (D) She’d prefer not to try.

3. (A) Three hours

(B) Three complete days
(C) Three classes
(D) Three weeks

What is the topic of the conversation for questions 1 through 5?.........................................................

6. (A) All kinds of pollution 9. (A) Only in North America

(B) How acid rain has harmed the earth (B) At the North and South Poles
(C) Pollution from cars and factories (C) In parts of several northern continents
(D) The causes and possible effects of acid (D) In equatorial areas

7. (A) Nuclear power 10. (A) She should protect herself from the rain
(B) Electricity (B) She should clean up the water supply.
(C) Burning coal and oil (C) She should read a novel.
(D) Solar power (D) She should get more information about
acid rain.

8. (A) From sulfur dioxide and water vapor

(B) From sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide
(C) From nitric acid and sulfur dioxide
(D) From water vapor and nitric acid

What is the topic of the conversation for questions 6 through 10? ……………………………………………………




Biasanya jawaban berdasarkan URUTAN dari percakapan yang dilakukan.

Dalam rekaman, Anda mendengar :
(narrator) Question 1 and 2. Listen to two students on a university
Can you help me? I’m lost
Sure. Where are you trying to go?
I have a class in Stanfield Hall at 3:00. I thought I knew where
I was going, but I guess I was wrong.
You certainly are lost. Stanfield Hall is on the other side of the
university. I’m heading in that direction. Come on with me, and
I’ll show you the way. Thanks. You’re a lifesaver

1. What problem does the man have ?

2. Where is Stanfield Hall?
(pertanyaan dibacakan bergantian)

1. (A) He’s sick

(B) He’s lost
(C) He’s tired
(D) He’s broke
2. (A) Directly in front them
(B) To the left
(C) Quite nearby
(D) On the other side of Campus

Petunjuk: Pada transkrip percakapan panjang, tandai kata kunci topik pembicaraan.
Dalam rekaman, Anda mendengar :
(narrator) Question 1 through 4. Listen as two people describe something
that happened to a friend.
(woman) Did you hear what happened to Greg?
(man) I heard he got stung by bee.
(woman) Well, he DID get stung, but it wasn’t by a bee. It was a hornet
that stung him while he was out walking in the park.
(man) If it was a hornet, then Greg probably came very close to the
hornet’s nest. I understand that hornets usually only attack if



they’re trying to protect the nest where the eggs are waiting to
So hornets are only dangerous if you come close to their nests?
Yes, so Greg probably came close to hornet’s nest while he was
out on his walk to the park
Then we should find out where Greg was walking and NOT go
walking there Question number:

1. What happened to Greg ?

2. Why do hornets attack ?
3. What did greg probably come close to?
4. What is the woman’s advice?
(pertanyaan dibacakan bergantian)

1. (A) A bee stung him

(B) He saw some bees and hornets
(C) He was stung by a hornet
(D) He took some eggs from a nest

2. (A) To liberate bees

(B) To protect their nests
(C) To hatch eggs
(D) To defend the park

3. (A) A hornet’s nest

(B) Some bee eggs
(C) A parked car
(D) A swarm of bees

4. (A) To stay indoors

(B) To see where the hornet’s nest is located
(C) Not to walk in the same location as Greg
(D) To keep away from Greg

Pada percakapan panjang, Anda akan mendengarkan beberapa informasi. Dari

informasi yang ada, simpulkan who, what dan where.

- Dengarkan percakapan dengan seksama.

- Gambarkan situasi yang ada. Apa yang menjadi topik, siapa yang sedang
berbicara dan dibicarakan, dan dimana percakapan tersebut kira-kira terjadi.

Dalam rekaman, Anda mendengar :
(man) Why do you have so many books?
(woman) I need them for my paper on George
Washington. Do you know how I can check
them out?
(man) Yes, you should go downstairs to the
circulation desk and fill out a card for each

Prediksi informasi penting :

Who is probably talking? (Two students)
Where are they? (in the library)
What course are they discussing? (American History)


Petunjuk: Beri tanda informasi penting pada percakapan. Tuliskan informasi yang
Conversation 1

(narrator) Listen to the beginning of Conversation 1, and try to imagine the situation
(man) I’m looking for a part time job on campus.
(woman) Then you’ve come to the right place. The campus employment office is here just to help
students like you find jobs on campus.
(man) I’m glad to hear that, because I really need to start earning some money.
Who is probably talking? …………………………………….…………………………………..

Where does the conversation take place? ……………………………………………………….

Conversation 2

(narrator) Listen to the beginning of Conversation 2, and try to imagine the situation
(woman) Did you read the article that professor assigned for tomorrow’s class? It was really
(man) No, not yet. That what was it about?
(woman) It was about pollution, specifically one kind of pollution called acid rain.

Who is probably talking? …………………………………..……………………………………..

When does the conversation take place? …..………………..…………………………………..

What is the source of the information? ……………………..……………………………………


Pada bagian ini, Anda mendengarkan seseorang bercerita tentang beberapa

permasalahan baik itu di kampus atau kehidupan sehari-hari. Jurus yang dipergunakan
untuk menjawab pertanyaan dari bagian ini hampir sama dengan jurus yang dilakukan
pada bagian percakapan panjang.


Langkah awal perhatikan jawaban lalu Anda mengantisipasi kira-kira pertanyaan

untuk hal tersebut apa.

Dalam lembar tes, Anda membaca:
(A) For a week
(B) Since two days ago
(C) For three day
(D) Since 11:30 this morning
Anda antisipasi pertanyaan: “How long has
(something) been going on?”
Petunjuk: Cobalah berlatih menentukan pertanyaan-pertanyaan dari pilihan jawaban
berikut ini untuk menambah kemampuan Anda mengantisipasi pertanyaan dengan

1. Question:…………….
(A) A beautiful plant
(B) A poisonous plant
(C) A delicious plant
(D) A fast-growing plant

2. Question:…………….
(A) Three
(B) Four
(C) Five
(D) Six

3. Question:…………….
(A) A student
(B) A lecturer
(C) A librarian
(D) A bookstore clerk

4. Question:…………….
(A) A fee
(B) A student ID card
(C) A computer
(D) Permission from the instructor

5. Question:…………….
(A) A story-writing contest
(B) A frog-cathing contest
(C) A singing contest
(D) A frof-jumping contest

Setiap Anda mendengar cerita panjang, Anda harus mengetahui TOPIK (SUBJEK)
atau IDE UTAMA dari cerita tersebut. TOPIK atau IDE UTAMA biasanya terdapat
dalam baris KE SATU dan DUA.
Contoh dalam soal Toefl

Dalam rekaman, Anda mendengar :
(narrator) Listen to a lecture in an oceanography class. The professor is
talking about the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
(woman) Can you tell me the most important mountain ranges in the
world? The Himalayas are talles than any other mountain
range, and the Appalachians are one of the oldest mountain
range. But which range is the longest mountain range in the
world? You might be surprised to learn that the longest
mountain range in the world is the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The Mid-
Atlantic Ringe extends from the Artic Circle in the north to
Antarctica in the south. It’s 7,000 miles in length.
(narrator) What is the topic of that story?
Bisa Anda lihat topik atau ide utama disebutkan pada kalimat pertama.


Petunjuk: Perhatikan cerita panjang berikut ini. Dan berikan informasi topik dari
cerita yang ada.
Dalam rekaman, Anda mendengar :
(man) One of the most deadly plants in the world is poison hemlock.
This plant grows in many parts of the world. It is quite
dangerous to humans; people can die if they eat it What is the
(narrator) topic of talk 1?

(woman) Today we’re going to see something that most of you have
probably never seen before; a frog-jumping contest. This frog-
jumping contest is part of the Calaveras County Fair, in
Calaveras County, California.
(narrator) What is the topic of talk 2?

(man) Hello. I’m Mr. Teale, the head librarian, and I’d like to explain
to you about checking out books from this library. What is the
(narrator) topic of talk 3?

- Dengarkan cerita panjang secara seksama

- Biasanya jawaban berdasarkan URUTAN dari percakapan yang dilakukan.
- Tandai kata kunci yang Anda dengar bersamaan dengan pilihan jawaban yang

Contoh dalam soal Toefl:

Dalam rekaman, Anda mendengar :
(narrator) Question 1 through 3. Listen to a talk about cats.
(man) Many people are allergic to cats. If they come in contact with
cats, they sneeze, their skin turns red, and their eyes begin to
burn. However, it’s not only people who suffer from allergies.
Cats may also be allergic to pollen, dust, and perfumes, many
of the same agents that cause allergies in people. Perhaps your
cat is sneezing and has watery eyes. If you think that your cat
has some allergies, a veterinarian can prescribe medication to
help solve the problem.
(narrator) 1. What happens to people who suffer from allergies?
2. What is mentioned about cats?
3. What can someone do with a cat that has allergies?
(pertanyaan dibacakan bergantian)

Dalam jawaban Anda membaca:

1. (A) They shout

(B) They drive red cars
(C) They sneeze
(D) They close their eyes

2. (A) They often wear parfume

(B) They can have allergies
(C) They don’t ever suffer
(D) They like dust and pollen

3. (A) Do nothing
(B) Bathe it frequently
(C) Put it outside
(D) Give it medicine
Petunjuk: Tandai kata kunci pada cerita panjang dan beri tanda pula pada pilihan
Dalam rekaman, Anda mendengar :
(woman) The Great Chicago Fire began on October 8, 1871, and
according to legend began when a cow knocked over a lantern
on Mrs. O’Leary’s barn. No matter how it began, it was a
disastrous fire. The preceding summer had been exceedingly
dry in Chigago area, and the extreme dryness accompanied by
Chigago’s infamous winds created an inferno that destroyed
18,000 buildings and killed more than 300 people before it was
extinguished the following day.
(narrator) 1. According to the legend, where did the Great Chigago fire
2. Which of the following is not true about the Great Chigago
Dalam jawaban Anda membaca:

1. (A) In a barn
(B) In Mrs. O’Leary’s home
(C) On a cow pasture
(D) In a lantern factory

2. (A) The dry weather prior to the fire made it worse

(B) It happened during the summer
(C) Chigago’s winds made it worse
(D) It killed many people.


Cerita panjang berisi informasi-informasi seperti hal-hal berikut:

- Siapa yang berbicara?
- Kapan cerita panjang berlangsung?
- Dimana cerita panjang berlangsung?
- Apa informasi yang diberikan pada cerita panjang?
Dalam rekaman, Anda mendengar :
(woman) The next stop on our tour of Atlanta will be the
original home of Coca-Cola, at 107 Marietta Street.
Coca-cola was manufactured at this location until
early in September of 1888.
Anda dapat berfikir:
Who is probably talking? A tour guide
Where are they? In Atlanta
When does the talk take place? In the middle of a tour


Petunjuk: Coba perhatikan transkrip cerita panjang berikut ini, lalu jawab
pertanyaan yang ada berikut ini.

Questions 1-4, listen to a description of the Ringling Museum

(man) In a few minutes, we’ll be arriving at the Ringling Museum, in Sarasota, Florida.
This museum was built by John Ringling and his wife Mabel. John Ringling
became famous as one of the Ringling Brothers, who formed the Ringling
Brothers Circus.

We’ll be visiting two areas the Museum of Art and the Circus Gallery. The
Museum of Art contains some excellent baroque paintings, including some by
Rubens. The Circus Gallery contains items from circuses of years past, including a
100-year-old circus parade wagon.

Enjoy your visit to the Ringling Museum. I’ll see you back at the bus in three

1. (A) An artist 2. (A) Because he was from Sarasota, Florida

(B) A circus performer (B) Because he knew Rubens
(C) John Ringling (C) Because he started a circus
(D) A tour guide (D) Because he painted baroque-style
3. (A) Modern circus equipment 4. (A) Enter the museum
(B) Paintings by Rubens (B) Go to the circus
(C) A parade wagon (C) Return to the bus
(D) A famous portrait of the Ringling (D) Meet the Ringlings

Questions 5-8, listen to a lecture by a business professor.

(woman) Henry Ford’s Model T automobile is a great example of the benefits of mass
production. Henry Ford introduced the Model T in 1908. These first Model T cars
weren’t mass produced. They were sold for price of $850 each. The Model T cars
were very popular, and many people wanted to own them. To meet this high
demand, Henry Ford designed the first major assembly line. With this assembly
line, cars could be produced more quickly, efficiently, and cheaply. Using the
assembly-line method of production, the company was able to produced 1,000
identical cars a day. The price of the Model T dropped from $850 to $440 per car
by 1914. The price dropped even further, to $290 per car, by 1924. This example
clearly demonstrates the effect that mass production can have on prices.

5. (A) An assembly 7. (A) It was faster.

(B) A car (B) It was more efficient.
(C) A company (C) It was more individualized.
(D) An inventor (D) It was cheaper

8. (A) It increased slowly.

6. (A) In 1908
(B) In 1914 (B) It increased quickly.
(C) It remained about the same.
(C) In 1918
(D) In 1924 (D) It decreased
Questions 9-12, listen to a talk by a university graduate student advisor.
(woman) Hello, I’m Ms. Barker, the graduate advisor in the Psychology Department. You
should all be new graduate students in the department. Because I’m your
advisor, we’ll be seeing a lot of each other during your studies.

Today, I’d like to explain a choice that you have to make about your program in
psychology. You must decide how you want to FINISH your program. At he end of
this program you must do one of two things, either you must write a thesis, or
you must take comprehensive exams. Let me tell you a little bit about each of
them. A thesis is a long research paper, perhaps one or two hundreds pages
long, it’s an indepth study of one area from your graduate studies.
Comprehensives exams are exams that cover all of the material in your graduate
program. Basically, you must decide if you want to cover one area in depth in
your program, so you would write a thesis, or, if you’d like a more general
program, you would take comprehensive exams. You don’t need to decide
TODAY about a thesis or comprehensive exam. You have six months to think
about it.

9. (A) Students who will soon graduate from 11. (A) Exams covering one or two hundred
the Psychology Department pages
(B) Professors in Psychology Department (B) Exams about research
(C) Graduate students in the Psychology (C) Exams covering all material in the
Department program
(D) Graduate advisors (D) Exams about recent developments in
10. (A) Whether to write a thesis or take an
exam 12. (A) Today
(B) Whether to be graduate or (B) Soon
undergraduate students (C) Within six weeks
(C) Whether to graduate this year or next (D) Within half a year
(D) Whether or not to study psychology

Anda mungkin juga menyukai