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TOEFL Preparation Course [2020]


• Apakah TOEFL itu?

TOEFL adalah singkatan dari Test of English as a Foreign Language. TOEFL adalah
test kecakapan (proficiency) Bahasa Inggris. Nilai (skor) TOEFL dalam jumlah tertentu
menjadi syarat untuk masuk universitas2 di Amerika, Kanada, dll.. Di Indonesia, skor
TOEFL dipergunakan untuk melanjutkan studi atau aplikasi kerja khususnya di
perusahaan2 internasional. Sekarang, persyaratan score TOEFL juga diperlukan dalam
proses aplikasi kerja pada perusahaan-perusahaan nasional dan dalam beberapa kasus
pendaftaran Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS). Untuk aplikasi studi lanjut S2 dan S3 juga
mensyaratkan TOEFL dengan score tertentu. Bahkan beberapa universitas terkemuka di
Indonesia juga mensyaratkan pencapaian score TOEFL antara 400 s/d 450 sebagai
persyaratan lulus/wisuda S1.

• Proficiency apa yang diujikan dalam TOEFL?

Untuk Paper-Based Test (PBT):
- SECTION 1: Listening : 50 soal
- SECTION 2: Structure and Written Expression : 40 soal
- SECTION 3: Reading : 50 soal

• Berapa waktu yang diperlukan untuk test TOEFL?

- Listening : 30 menit
- Structure and Written Expression : 25 menit
- Reading : 55 menit
JUMLAH : 110 menit

• Soal apa saja yang ada pada test TOEFL?

SECTION 1: Listening
PART A: Short Conversation. Mendengarkan dan memahami informasi dari percakapan
PART B: Longer Talks. Mendengarkan dan memahami informasi dari percakapan
(agak) panjang.
PART C: Talks and Speeches. Mendengarkan dan memahami informasi dari pidato atau

SECTION 2: Structure and Written Expression

PART A: Structure.
Bentuk soal: kalimat-kalimat yang tidak lengkap (incomplete sentences). Soal
dikerjakan dengan memilih opsi jawaban paling tepat yang tersedia.

PART B: Written Expression

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Bentuk soal: Dalam setiap kalimat terdapat 4 kata / frase bergaris bawah
ditandai dengan A, B, C, dan D. Jawaban yang dipilih adl yang salah dan harus

SECTION 3: Reading Comprehension

Anda akan mendapati beberapa bacaan yang masing-masing diikuti oleh 9 – 11
pertanyaan. Setiap pertanyaan dilengkapi dengan opsi jawaban (A), (B), (C),
dan (D). Anda memilih salah satu jawaban yang paling sesuai menurut bacaan


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Ada dua bagian (Part) dalam Section 2 Structure and Written Expression, yaitu Part A dan
Part B. Meskipun sama-sama menguji kemampuan grammatical, keduanya memiliki ketentuan
menjawab yang berbeda.
Hal yang diperlukan dalam Section 2 pada umumnya adalah pengetahuan kita tentang
kalimat dalam Bahasa Inggris dan aturan-aturan grammatikalnya. Berikut ini adalah diantaranya:

Konsep tentang kalimat dalam Bahasa Inggris dapat dijelaskan secara singkat seperti berikut:
Komponen minimal kalimat terdiri atas: Subjek dan Verb




Subject adalah agen atau pelaku pada kalimat aktif. Ia adalah orang atau benda yang melakukan
atau bertanggung jawab atas tindakan kalimat tersebut, dan letaknya pada umumnya mendahului

- The classroom is very comfortable.
- We study English.
- The police arrested the bandit.

Subject selalu berupa Noun (house, horses, idea) atau Noun Phrase (kelompok kata sebagai noun
seperti: a big house, a hungry horse, a stupid idea, dll), begitu pula dengan objek/complement.
Noun phrase biasanya berupa gabungan:

Quantifier + adjective + noun

Contoh: some expesive cars, three good men, dll.

Adjective + noun
Contoh: meticulous calculation, wonderful moment, dll.

- Oil is expensive today. (single noun)
- Some students can speak English very well. (noun phrase)
- The bank manager usually finishes working at 9 p.m. (noun phrase)
- That stupid idea made all the audience laugh. (noun phrase)
Beberapa kalimat juga dapat menggunakan there sebagai subjek semu (pseudo-subject). Pada
kalimat seperti ini subjek sebenarnya muncul setelah verb.

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- There was a car accident in front of the campus this morning.

verb subject
- There are some people waiting for interviews.
verb subject
- Was there an assignment for us?
verb subject


Verb (kata kerja) mengikuti subjek pada kalimat (+). Verb ini biasanya menunjukkan tindakan
(action) kalimat tersebut.

Verb antara lain dapat berupa:

- Action verb, yaitu kata kerja yang menunjuk pada tindakan atau aktifitas. Misalnya: walk,
give, lend, go, fight, have, write.
- Linking (copulative) verb, yaitu verb yang tidak menunjukkan tindakan, tetapi hanya
menghubungkan subjek dengan objek atau kompelemen. Misalnya: appear, be, become,
feel, look, remain, seem, smell, sound, stay, taste. Verb seperti ini jika berfungsi sebagai
predikat, tidak lazim berbentuk continuos (verb_ing).
- Modal verb, yaitu kata yang harus digunakan secara bersama-sama dengan verb utama/verb
1. Modal verbs yaitu can, may, must, shall, will, could, might, ought to, would.
- Verb be adalah copulative yang sangat sering dipakai untuk menghubungkan subjek dengan
keterangan (modifier). Jika sebuah kalimat tidak memiliki verb utama, maka biasanya ia
menggunakan verb be. Verb be bisa berbentuk ‘am, is, are, was, were, be, been’

1. The boy always walks to school in the morning.
S verb of action
2. She will take her brother to school.
S modal verb
3. Arif is an outstanding student.
S be noun
4. She looked very good last night.
S copulative
5. Marry is angry about her doll.
S be adjective
6. The students of economics wait for their lecturer to start.
S verb of action
7. The cashier will tell you the account number.
S modal verb

Complement adalah object, ia melengkapi verb. Pada kalimat aktif, complement muncul setelah
verb. Sama dengan subjek, complement biasanya adalah nouns. Dalam kalimat declarative,

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complement adalah jawaban dari pertanyaan apa (what) atau siapa (whom)? Walau demikian,
perlu dipahami bahwa tidak semua kalimat memerlukan complement.

1. The mechanics repaired the car.
2. A young boy was calling his mother.
3. We didn’t accept the plan.
4. Will you invite them?
5. The government controls the prices of certain commodities.


Modifier menginformasikan waktu (time), tempat (place), atau cara (manner) suatu action.
Modifier banyak yang berupa frase dengan kata depan (prepositional phrase) yaitu kelompok
kata yang diawali dengan kata depan (preposition) dan diakhiri dengan noun.

1. Fandi went to the copy center some minutes ago.
modifier of place modifier of time
2. The students were doing the assignment on the second floor.
modifier of place
3. They followed the lecture very attentively.
modifier of manner
4. We will finish the class at 5 p.m.
modifier of time
5. The books are on the shelves. Go there and find them by yourself.
modifier of place

Kalimat yang lengkap terdiri atas

S + V + Obj/complement + Modifier (keterangan)
- Subject selalu berupa Noun (house, horses, idea) atau Noun phrase (kelompok kata sebagai
noun seperti: a big house, a hungry horse, a stupid idea dll), begitu pula dengan
Object/complement. Noun phrase biasanya berupa gabungan:
 Quantifier + adjective + noun
Contoh: some expensive cars, three good men, dll.
 Adjective + noun
Contoh: meticulous calculation, wonderful moment, dll.
- Modifier bisa berupa:
 Waktu (in the morning, at 7 o’clock, tomorrow, dll).
 Tempat (at the restaurant, on the bus, dll).
 Cara sebuah action dikerjakan (by taking the bus, carelessly, carefully, dll).

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Keterangan tentang kapan sebuah kejadian terjadi dapat dilihat dari tenses suatu kalimat. Dengan
kata lain di dalam sebuah kalimat pasti ada tenses. Cara menemukannya adalah dengan melihat
bentuk verb yang digunakan, apakah tipe V1 (present), V2 (past), to be 1 Ving (present
progressive), to be2 Ving (past progressive), Have V3 (present perfect), Had V3 (past perfect),
Have been Ving (present perfect progressive), Had been Ving (past perfect progressive, Will
Verb (future), dan lain-lain.

Kalimat Aktif (Subjek (S) melakukan perbuatan)) : S + V + Obj

Kalimat Passive (Subjek (S) dikenai perbuatan)) : S + tobe + V3
Baik kalimat aktif maupun pasif memiliki tenses yang dapat dilihat melalui verbnya.
Contoh dalam kalimat aktif:
John held a farewell party last night.
John will move to a new office tomorrow.
Kalimat 1 merupakan aktif dalam past tense, sedangkan kalimat kedua aktif dalam future.

Contoh dalam kalimat pasif:

John was appreciated in the party.
Gail has been told a very important news.
Kalimat 1 merupakan pasif dalam past tense, sedang kalimat kedua pasif dalam present perfect.
Dan seterusnya kita tinggal melihat bentuk verb yang digunakan dalam suatu kalimat.

Terakhir yang juga penting tentang konsep kalimat adalah bahwa kalimat bisa berupa kalimat
sederhana dan kalimat majemuk (complex sentence). Kalimat sederhana adalah kalimat tunggal,
tunggal subject and verb. Sedangkan kalimat complex, majemuk subject and verb (baca: ada
lebih dari satu pola S + V). Kalimat kompleks bisa terjadi karena ada bagian dari komponen
kalimat utama (induk kalimat/main clause) diterangkan dengan sebuah kalimat (anak kalimat/sub
clause). Clause adalah susunan S + V juga.

Contoh: Main clause => The governor stood at the podium.

The podium was delivered two days ago.
Kedua kalimat di atas bisa menjadi
The governor stood at the podium that was delivered two days ago.
S (main) V (main) S (sub) V (sub)

Contoh: Main clause => The podium was delivered two days ago.
The governor stood at the podium

Kedua kalimat di atas bisa menjadi

The podium at which the governor stood was delivered two days ago.
S (main) S (sub) V (sub) V (main)
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Dan lain-lain yang intinya Anda harus bisa melihat bahwa kalimat itu tunggal atau kompleks.
Kalau kompleks Anda harus mampu membedakan pengelompokkan komponen masing-masing
clausenya seperti contoh terakhir di atas.

- Dalam Bahasa Indonesia that dimaknai ‘yang’, where ‘di mana’, who ‘yang (orang)’, which
‘yang (benda)’, whom ‘yang di (orang obj)’, when ‘ketika’, dan lain-lain.
- Seringkali dalam pengerjaan soal Section 2, kita tidak perlu mengetahui makna
kalimat/informasi yang terkandung dalam soal, karena secara teknis kita hanya perlu
memperhatikan struktur kalimatnya saja. Namun terkadang mengetahui makna kalimat juga
lebih menguntungkan.


Bagian ini menguji kemampuan grammar dengan melengkapi kalimat yang telah dihilangkan
pada bagian tertentu dengan pilihan yang diberikan yang secara grammatical benar. Tips
pengerjaan setelah konsep kalimat dikuasai adalah dengan mengenali komponen-komponen
penyusun kalimat soal, terutama subject dan verb, baik dari kalimat utamanya maupun anak
kalimatnya. Hal ini akan membantu kita melakukan pelengkapan atas apa yang kurang (kurang
subjeknya kah? Atau kurang verbnya?). jika bukan keduanya maka yang menjadi pokok

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persoalan adalah soal gramatikal lain (preposisi, kata sambung, quantifier, adjectiive,
bentuk/jenis kata, dll). Persoalan structure ratusan jumlahnya. Dua puluh lima (25) di antaranya
akan diuraikan berikut ini.


Ingat setiap kalimat Bahasa Inggris memerlukan Subject dan Verb!

Contoh soal: Arizona a very dry climate.

(A) has (B) being (C) having (D) with

Kalimat contoh di atas memiliki subjek yaitu Arizona. Kita menyimpulkan bahwa kalimat di
atas kurang Verb karena yang hadir berikutnya adalah a very dry climate yang merupakan
Noun phrase sebagai objek/complement dari kalimat itu. Verb sebagai pelengkap kalimat di
atas adalah . Selanjutnya anda perlu memperhatikan betul apakah sebuah kalimat telah

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memiliki unsur subjek dan verb, atau apakah kalimat tersebut memiliki subjek atau verb tidak
perlu (verbnya berlebihan / redundancy)

Contoh soal:
- In the ocean, more salt in the deeper water.
(A) is there (B) it may be (C) there is (D) it is
- By the second year of production, the price of a new piece of technology _______
(A) will increase (C) will have decreased
(B) has decreased (D) will has decreased
- Pine trees bear cones.
(A) Virtually types (C) Virtually all types of
(B) All types virtually of (D) Types all virtually
- How many musical notes of the 11,000 tones _____ that the human ear can distinguish
in the musical scale?
(A) it is (B) is it (C) there are (D) are there
- Orangutans live alone.
(A) Near all (B) Almost all (C) The all (D) The most all

1. He ……a good student.
(A) am (B) was (C) is (D) are
2. The sky ……clear now.
(A) is (B) am (C) was (D) were
3. The women in that office …….wearing different uniform today.
(A) is (B) am (C) are (D) were
4. They ……. angry with each other last night.
(A) is (B) was (C) are (D) were
5. The meeting usually ……… for about two hours.
(A) last (B) lasts (C) is lasting (D) lasted
6. There ……some applicants waiting in the lounge now.
(A) are (B) were (C) is (D) was
7. James ……………… very hard today.
(A) have worked (B) has worked (C) had worked (D) is working.
8. The students ……………….to join the event or not. It’s up to them.
(A) can choose (B) can choosing (C) can chose (D) chosen

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1. Verb yang memerlukan Infinitive (kata kerja dengan to) setelahnya

Dalam bahasa inggris ada sejumlah verb yang jika diikuti verb harus dalam to Verb, antara
agree decide hesistate need refuse
appear demand hope offer seem
arrange deserve intend plan tend
ask expect learn prepare threaten
claim fail manage pretend wait
consent forget mean promise want

Contoh soal:
One of the least effective ways of storing information is learning it.
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(A) how repeat (C) to repeat

(B) repeating (D) repeat
Karena ‘learning’ adalah salah satu yang terdaftar di atas maka jawabannya .

1. We are going out for dinner. Would you like …………
(A) joining (B) to join (C) joined (D) joins
2. Yelena promised ………………to the party.
(A) to come (B) coming (C) comes (D) came
3. The son pretended …………….. so that his father would not leave him alone.
(A) crying (B) to cry (C) to cries (D) to cried.
4. My boss expects me ………………this report by Sunday.
(A) to finish (B) to finished (C) finish (D) finishes
5. Paul didn’t have any money, so he decided …………….a job.
(A) to looked for (B) to looking for (C) to look for (D) to looks for
6. The man didn’t intend ………………the woman, but it was too late. The woman was
angry with him.
(A) to offend (B) to offending (C) to offended (D) offending.

2. Verb yang memerlukan bentuk –ing pada kata kerja setelahnya

Tipe ini merupakan kebalikan dari tipe sebelumnya. Kita meletakkan Ving setelah Verb-Verb
berikut ini:
admit complete deny miss
appreciate consider discuss recommend
avoid delay enjoy tolerate
finish practice risk postpone
keep quit stop regret
mention recall suggest understand

Contoh soal:
Strauss finished two of his published compositions before his tenth birthday.
(A) written (B) write (C) to write (D) writing
Karena ‘finish’ adalah salah satu yang terdaftar di atas maka jawaban kita adalah .


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1. Jack avoided …………… a cat crossing the street last night.

(A) hit (B) hitting (C) to hitting (D) hits
2. Do you enjoy …………………. football match?
(A) watching (B) to watch (C) to watching (D) watched.
3. I don’t mind ……………….you the book. Please, you may borrow it from me.
(A) to lend (B) to lending (C) lends (D) lending
4. If you have a lot of money, would you consider ………… expensive house?
(A) buy (B) buying (C) to buy (D) bought
5. He couldn’t stop ……………because the comedians were too funny for him.
(A) laugh (B) laughed (C) laughs (D) laughing
6. My lecturer recommended ……………..the course again next semester.
(A) takes (B) to taking (C) taking (D) to take
7. They all denied ever ………….seen that guy.
(A) to have (B) had (C) to having (D) having

3. Verb phrase (kelompok kata sebagai verb) yang memerlukan V-ing setelahnya
Verb phrase adalah verb yang biasanya berdampingan dengan preposisi, antara lain:

approve of do not mind keep on count on

be better off forget about look foward to insist on
can’t help get through object to think about / of

Contoh soal:
Many modern architects insist on materials native to the region that will blend into the
surrounding landscape.
(A) use (B) to use (C) the use (D) using

Karena ‘insist on’ terdaftar dalam kelompok di atas maka jawabannya adalah .

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1 Irregular Verbs
Verb past ada yang regular (diakhiri dengan –d atau –ed) ada juga yang irregular
(berubah menurut ketentuan grammar), misalnya:

Present Verb_2 Verb_3

Become Became Become
Bring Brought Brought
Buy Bought Bought
Come Came Come
Choose Chose Chosen
Cut Cut Cut
Do Did Done
Drink Drank Drunk
Dig Dig Dig
Eat Ate Eaten
Fly Flew Flown
Hear Heard Heared
Hit Hit Hit

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Know Knew Known

Lie Laid Laid
Meet Met Met
Pay Paid Paid
Read Read Read
See Saw Seen
Sing Sang Sung
Swim Swam Swum
Teach Taught Taught
Think Thought Thought
Try Tried Tred
Understand Understood Understood
Win Won Won
Write Wrote Written

Hal yang perlu diperhatikan ketika mendapatkan soal tipe ini adalah mengetahui dahulu
tenses yang digunakan, dan memilih verb past yang benar perubahannya.

Contoh soal:
Before the Angles and the Saxons to England, the Iberians had lived there.
(A) coming (B) come (C) came (D) did come

Tenses dari kalimat soal adalah past karena menceritakan fakta sejarah, bentuk perubahan
yang benar dari kata ‘came’ adalah .

1. Mr. and Mrs. George ………….to visit us last night.
(A) come (B) came (C) comes (D) to come
2. They ………… about their plans for their new home.
(A) telling (B) to told (C) tell (D) told
3. We ………….our lunch in the cafeteria at noon.
(A) have (B) had (C) having (D) to have
4. We ……………to the park and got wet when it rained.
(A) went (B) go (C) going (D) gone
5. Mr. Lie finally ……………his house.
(A) sell (B) sold (C) selling (D) to sold.
6. Last night, I ……………some people talking about the earthquake which happened in
(A) hear (B) hearing (C) am hearing (D) heard
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2 Modal + Verb
Tipe ini memerlukan keyakinan Anda bahwa setelah modal pasti verb dasar (tanpa to, tanpa
–ing, tanpa –ed atau lainnya), meskipun setelah modal di jeda oleh keterangan.

Contoh soal:
Many birds, in the normal cause of their migrations, will more than three thousand
miles to rich their winter homes.
(A) flying (B) to fly (C) flew (D) fly

Modal yang ada dalam soal adalah ‘will’ sedangkan frase ‘in the normal cause of their
migrations’ adalah sekedar keterangan. Yang perlu diingat setiap ada modal pasti ada verb
terkait. Maka kekosongan di atas memerlukan verb, dan verb yang tepat adalah .

1. If you don’t mind, we will………….to you later.
(A) talking (B) talk (C) talked (D) to talk
2. This time, she may …………..her examinations well.
(A) passed (B) pass (C) to pass (D) passing
3. If you are in hurry, you can ……………..a message for him.
(A) leaved (B) to leave (C) to leaving (D) leave
4. You should …………… the news about economic every time if you want to get more
information about the Indonesia economy.
(A) watched (B) watch (C) be watching (D) to watch
5. If you want to succeed in your life, you must ………………hard from now on.
(A) work (B) worked (C) working (D) to work

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Causative adalah verb utama yang menyebabkan orang atau benda melakukan sesuatu, atau
menyebabkan sesuatu berubah. Berikut ini verb causative mulai dari yang paling powerful
hingga yang kurang powerful:
make : merupakan causative terkuat
get : merupakan causative terkuat kedua
have : dst...

Kalimat yang terdapat causative selalu ada objek yang melakukan sesuatu akibat causative
tersebut. Bentuk causative verb dapat dalam tenses apapun. Kuncinya adalah setelah causative
itu ada objek yang melakukan sesuatu, atau terjadinya suatu perubahan pada sesuatu. Namun
masing-masing causative di atas memiliki perbedaan khusus.

1 Causative ‘make’
Contoh soal: (bentuk present, perhatikan bentuk ‘make’ dalam present)
Too much water makes plants brown on the edges of their leaves.
(A) turning (B) turn (C) turns (D) turned

Make adalah causative yang memerlukan verb bentuk dasar (tanpa –ing, tanpa to, tanpa –s/-
es, atau lainnya) ‘plants’ adalah objek dari causative ‘make’ sehingga kata kerja sebagai hasil
tindakan causative ‘make’ pada kalimat di atas adalah .

2 Causative ‘get’
Berbeda dari ‘make,’ causative ‘get’ justru memerlukan infinitive (to verb) jika object adalah
orang, dan memerlukan participle (V3) jika objeknya benda.
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Contoh soal: (bentuk future, perhatikan ada will have to get)

We will have to get someone the phone right away.
(A) fixing (B) fixed (C) to fix (D) fixes

Jawaban dari soal di atas mudah. Kita tinggal melihat causative apa yang dipakai dan objek
dari causative itu.

Contoh soal: (dalam bentuk past, perhatikan ‘get’ menjadi ‘got’)

The doctor got his house before March 16, 2005.
(A) paint (B) painted (C) painting (D) paints

Jawabannya adalah _______.

3 Causative ‘have’
Causative ‘have’ memiliki karakteristik kebalikan dari ‘get’ setelah objek orang yang dikenai
causative, digunakan verb dasar (tanpa to, tanpa –ing, atau lainnya), untuk benda digunakan
Contoh soal: (dalam past, perhatikan ‘have’ menjadi ‘had’)
They had their lawyer their wills.
(A) change (B) changing (C) changed (D) changes

Jawaban dari soal di atas adalah .

Contoh soal: (dalam future)

We are going to have our car before we go to Florida.
(A) fixing (B) fixes (C) fixed (D) fix

Jawaban dari soal di atas adalah .

4 Causative ‘let’
Causative ‘let’ hanya memerlukan bentuk Verb Dasar (tanpa to, tanpa –ing, atau lainnya) baik
pada objek orang maupun benda.

Contoh soal:
Professor Baker let us a paper instead of taking a final exam.
(A) to write (B) writing (C) write (D) wrote

Jawaban dari soal di atas adalah .

5 Causative ‘help’
Causative ‘help’ hanya memerlukan boleh bentuk Verb Dasar atau infinitive (to verb) pada
objek orang.
Contoh soal:
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In partnership with John D. Rockefeller, Henry Flager the Standard Oil company.
(A) helped forming (C) he help form
(B) helped form (D) helping to form

Jawaban dari soal di atas adalah .

1. Tommy had his big brother his shoes for him.
(A) to tie (B) tie (C) tied (D) tying
2. The teacher had me _______ to the front of the class because I was late.
(A) to come (B) come (C) came (D) coming
3. The president will get his advisors _______ a press conference.
(A) to arrange (B) arrange (C) arranged (D) arranging
4. The nurse is getting the patient _______
(A) calm (B) calmed (C) to calm (D) calming
5. Adult eagles let their offspring ____ nests near their original nesting.
(A) build (B) builds (C) building (D) to build

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Kalimat pengandaian adalah penggambaran kondisi/kenyataan yang tidak ada diandaikan

menjadi ada. Kalimat conditional juga biasa disebut kalimat syarat (condition) karena terjadi
atau tidak terjadinya sesuatu tergantung pada terpenuhi atau tidak terpenuhinya syarat.
Ada tiga macam kalimat pengandaian. Dalam speaking penggunaan kalimat conditional
disesuaikan dengan maksud penutur terhadap keadaan yang sebenarnya. Dalam TOEFL yang
paling mudah adalah dengan mengetahui dahulu struktur ketiga macam kalimat pengandaian,
karena kadang kita tidak harus mengetahui makna dari kalimat itu. Struktur ketiganya adalah

TYPE 1: Faktual, absolute dan hasil ilmiah

If + S + V (present), S + V (present) atau
If + S + V (present), S + will V (dasar)

Contoh: If a catalyst is used, the reaction occurs more rapidly.

If a catalyst is used, the reaction will occur more rapidly.

Mungkin terjadi di masa depan

If + S + V (present), S + will/can/may + V (dasar)

Contoh: If we find her address, we will/can/may write her an invitation.

We will/can/may write her an invitation if we find her address.

TYPE 2: Adalah pengandaian yang tidak terjadi di masa sekarang, pengandaian ini
senantiasa berkebalikan dengan fakta sekarang. Pengandaian ini disajikan dalam bentuk past.
If + S + V (past), S + would/could/might + V (dasar)

Contoh: If you went to bed early, you wouldn’t be so sleep in the morning.

TYPE 3: Adalah pengandaian yang bermakna sesuatu yang tidak terjadi (tidak faktual) pada
masa lalu (past time).
If + S + had V3, S + would/could/might have + V3
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Contoh: If we had known that she planned to arrive today, we could have met her at the bus

Tip untuk menyelesaikan masalah conditional adalah dengan menguasai masing-masing pola
di atas. Soal conditional harus kita ketahui tipenya melalui bentuk verb yang digunakan.

Contoh soal:
If human were totally deprived of sleep, they hallucination, anxiety, coma,
eventually death.
(A) experience (C) would have experienced
(B) would experience (D) had experienced

Kita tahu conditional di atas adalah tipe 2 melalui penggunaan ‘were’ yang diikuti V3 (pola
pasif). Jika kita tahu pola type 2, maka jawaban dari soal di atas adalah .

If water is heated to 212 degrees F., as steam.

(A) it is boiling and escaping (C) it would boil and escape
(B) it boil and escape (D) it will boil and escape

Pertama-tama kita tahu bahwa conditional di atas adalah tipe 1 melalui penggunaan ‘is’. Jika
kita benar-benar tahu pola type 1, maka jawaban dari soal di atas adalah .

According to historians, if Napoleon had not invaded Rusia, he the rest of Europe.
(A) had conquered (C) would have conquered
(B) would conquere (D) conquered

Pertama-tama kita tahu bahwa conditional di atas adalah tipe 3 melalui penggunaan ‘had V3’
yaitu ‘had not invaded’. Jika kita benar-benar tahu pola type 3, maka jawaban dari soal di atas
adalah __________
If Americans ate fewer foods with sugar and salt, their general health better.
(A) be (B) will be (C) is (D) would be

Pertama-tama kita tahu bahwa conditional di atas adalah tipe 2 melalui penggunaan ‘V2’ yaitu
‘ate’. Jika kita benar-benar tahu pola type 2, maka jawaban dari soal di atas adalah .

1. If it ____ so late, we could have coffee.
(A) wasn’t (B) isn’t (C) weren’t (D) not be
2. If Bob ____ with us, he would have a good time.
(A) would come (B) would have come (C) had come (D) came
3. If I _____ the flue, I would have gone with you.
(A) hadn’t (B) hadn’t had (C) didn’t have (D) wouldn’t have had

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4. If it ______ rain, we’ll have the party outside.

(A) wouldn’t (B) doesn’t (C) didn’t (D) won’t
5. If endangered species _____ saved, rainforests must be protected.
(A) are (B) be (C) can be (D) will be


Yang harus diketahui dalam kalimat pasif adalah pelaku tidak harus selalu diketahui. Subject
kalimat pasif bukanlah pelaku. Pola kalimat pasif adalah
S + to be + V3
Yang dimaksud dengan ‘to be’ di sini menyesuaikan jumlah subject dan tenses yang
digunakan, sehingga to be biasanya antara lain (ingat, menyesuaikan jumlah subject dan
tenses yang digunakan):

Present past perfect modal be (present) modal be (past)

is was has been will be would be
am was have been can be could be
are were had been may be might be

Actor dalam kalimat passive disebut Agent, jika kalimat pasif ada Agent, polanya adalah:
(S + to be + V3) + by + Agent (bisa orang, benda atau gerund (Ving))

Contoh soal:
In the stringed instruments, the tones by playing a bow across a set of string that may
be made of wire of gut.
(A) they produce (C) producing
(B) are produced (D) that are producing

Pertama yang kita perlu ketahui adalah kalimat di atas adalah pasif present, dari ‘may be
made.’ Berikutnya adalah mencari pola to be + V3 yang benar, yaitu yang ‘to be’ nya present
dan sesuai dengan jumlah subjeknya. ‘Tones’ jamak maka kita memakai ‘are’ (present), dan
V3 dari ‘produce’ adalah produced. Kita tidak memerlukan subjek lagi (dalam hal ini ‘they’)
karena sudah ada ‘tones’, sehingga kita TIDAK memilih (A) tetapi .

The famous architect, Frank Lloyd Wright, was greatly who wanted him to study
(A) from his mother influence (C) his mother influenced him
(B) influencing for his mother (D) influenced by his mother

Jawaban yang benar adalah karena kita telah menemukan subjeknya ‘The famous
architect’ dan ‘was’ kemudian yang diperlukan adalah V3 sebagai pelengkap pasif dan
menempatkan Agent dengan benar pada kalimat itu.

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1. ____ discussed by the board of directors when it was proposed again by the supervisor.
(A) The problem had already (C) The problem had already been
(B) The problem is already (D) The problem has already
2. Much of the carnage of the elephants, giraffes and big cats ____ uncaring hunters.
(A) must commit by (C) must have committed
(B) must be committed (D) must have been committed by
3. The x-ray treatments _____ up to the time that he was dismissed from the hospital.
(A) gave daily (C) basically have given
(B) were given daily (D) daily had been given
4. The tendency to develop cancer, even in high-risk individuals, can be decreased _____
the amount of fruit and vegetables in the diet.
(A) to increase (B) for increase (C) for increasing (D) by increasing

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‘Need’ dapat digunakan untuk menunjukkan keperluan perbaikan, biasanya objek yang perlu
diperbaiki adalah benda. Ada dua pola penggunaan ‘Need’
S + need + V-ing dan S + need + to be + V3

Yang dimaksud dengan ‘to be’ di sini menyesuaikan jumlah subject dan tenses yang
digunakan, sehingga to be biasanya antara lain (ingat, menyesuaikan jumlah subject dan
tenses yang digunakan):

Contoh: This paragraph needs revising.

This paragraph needs to be revised.

If more than five thousand dollars in monetary instruments is transported into the United
States, a report needs with the customs office.
(A) to be file (B) to file (C) filing (D) file

Jawaban dari soal di atas adalah .

The brakes need ______

(A) adjusted (B) to adjustment (C) to adjust (D) adjusting

1. It is too hot and I think my hair needs …………….
(A) cut (B) cutting (C) cuts (D) cutted
2. The flowers need ……………….every day.
(A) watering (B) watered (C) waters (D) to watering.
3. This car is always broken. It needs ………….. as soon as possible.
(A) fixing (B) to fixing (C) fixes (D) fixed
4. I saw that your shoes are quite old and broken. I think they need …………..
(A) change (B) to change (C) changing (D) changes
5. Your room is so messy. It needs …………….immediately.
(A) cleans (B) to clean (C) cleaning (D) to cleaning

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6. You haven’t finished your report yet. It needs ………….so that I can review it first
before we present to the director.
(A) finish (B) finished (C) to finish (D) finishing

Yang perlu diingat dari pronoun adalah mereka menggantikan Noun (benda/orang). Pronoun
pengganti menyesuaikan Noun yang digantikan dari segi ketentuan, jumlah, dan posisinya
dalam fungsi kalimat. Ada berbagai jenis pronoun: personal pronoun. Possessive pronoun,
relative pronoun, reflexive pronoun, dan reciprocal pronoun.

Contoh : personal pronoun

Ellen and I will go to the beach if the weather is good.
Contoh : possessive pronoun sebelum V-ing dan sebelum kata benda.
He regretted their misunderstanding him in the case.
He hurt his arm

Yang dapat membantu menyelesaikan persoalan pronoun adalah bentuk-bentuknya ketika

berubah posisi atau fungsi, sebagaimana berikut:
Subjek Objek possessive relative reflexive reciprocal
I me my who/whom myself
you you your who/whom yourself
he him his who/whom himself
she her her who/whom herself
it it its which itself
we us our who/whom ourselves / each other
they them their who/whom/which themselves/each other

Contoh soal:
1. When Franklin Roosevelt became very ill, his wife began to a take more active role in
politics, and many people believe that and the president shared his
(A) her (B) she (C) herself (D) hers
2. According to legend, because the Indian Princess Pocahontas said that she loved
______, Captain John Smith was set free.
(A) he (B) his (C) him (D) himself
3. In a parliamentary system, it is not the monarch but the prime minister .
(A) whom the real power (C) who has the real power
(B) whom has the real power (D) who the real power
4. The jaw structure of a snake permits it to eat and digest animal much larger than __.
(A) it (B) itself (C) its (D) it has
5. Business partner can usually sell their mutually owned property without consulting
unless they have agreed to a separate contract.
(A) other (B) other one (C) one the other (D) each other

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1. Tito was the only foreigner I saw at the convention.
(A) whom (B) which (C) who (D) what
2. They forgot about them to join us for lunch.
(A) us to ask (B) us asking (C) our asking (D) we asking
3. Our host family always invites my roommate and to their house on Sundays.
(A) me (B) my (C) I (D) mine
4. Because they usually receive the same score on standardized examinations, there is
often disagreement as to is the better student, Bob or Helen.
(A) who (B) which (C) whom (D) whose
5. I really appreciate to help me, but I am sure that I will be able to manage by
(A) you to offer (C) that you offer
(B) your offering (D) that you are offering
6. Do you know the woman was hurt in the accident?
(A) which (B) whom (C) who (D) whose
7. I would like to leave a message for if I may.
(A) they (B) them (C) their (D) theirs
8. A few of are planning to drive to Florida during spring break.
(A) we girls (B) us girls (C) girls we (D) girls
9. This is the woman the artist said posed as a model for the painting.
(A) who (B) whom (C) which (D) whose
10. Of those who took the exam with Jane and , I am the only one who studied for it.
(A) he (B) his (C) him (D) himself

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1. a dan an
Yang perlu diketahui tentang determiners a and an adalah keduanya bermakna satu dan
digunakan sebelum benda dapat dihitung tunggal. A digunakan sebelum kata yang diawali
dengan bunyi konsonan, sedangkan an digunakan sebelum kata berawalan bunyi hidup.

Contoh soal:
Sunspots are known to cause enormous increase in the intensity of the sun’s
electromagnetic radiantion.
(A) an (B) a (C) some (D) one
Karena kata ‘enormous’ diawali bunyi hidup ‘ə’ maka determiner yang tepat adalah .

2 Other Determiners
Contoh-contoh DETERMINERS; (a) few, (a) little, many, much, some, a lot of / lots of,
dsb. Penggunaan determiners tergantung dari kata benda (NOUNS) yang digunakan. Jika
kata benda nya dapat dihitung (Countable Nouns), maka harus menggunakan (a) few /
many. Tapi jika kata benda nya dapat dihitung (Uncountable Nouns), maka harus
menggunakan (a) little / much.
Misal: few students, few people, few rooms, etc. many cars, many pens, many books.
Little sugar, little money, little water, etc. much sugar, much money, much water

3 Cardinal and Ordinal Numbers

Bilangan cardinal adalah one, two, three, four dst. Sedangkan bilangan ordinal adalah the
first, the second, the third, the fourth dst. Dua bilangan ini dipergunakan secara berbeda.
Bilangan cardinal dipakai untuk jumlah, sedangkan bilangan ordinal dipakai untuk urutan
(order). Bilangan ordinal diletakkan di depan benda yang diurutkan misalnya: the first
session, the third party. Bilangan cardinal bisa pula dipergunakan untuk urutan tetapi
letaknya di belakang benda yang diurutkan dan tidak memerlukan ‘the’. Misalnya: Session
One, World War Two, Round ten, dsb.

1. Please go to to pick up you ID card.
(A) third window (C) window third
(B) the window three (D) the third window
2. If you want to find good information about graduate programs in the United States, look
in of the College Blue Books.
(A) volume two (B) volume second (C) the volume two (D) second volume

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3. Let’s buy our tickets while I still have left.

(A) a few money (B) a little moneys (C) a few dollars (D) a few dollar
4. I always put my best in a safe-deposit box.
(A) jewelries (B) jewelry’s pieces (C) pieces of jewelry (D) piece of jewelries
5. It’s a shame that you have time in New York on the tour.
(A) so few (B) so little (C) a few (D) a little
6. We haven’t had news from the disaster site since the earthquake.
(A) many (B) quite a few (C) much (D) some
7. John F. Kennedy was of the United States.
(A) the thirty-five president (C) the president thirty-fifth
(B) the thirty-fifth president (D) president the thirty-five
8. I’ll have a cup of tea and .
(A) two toasts (C) two pieces of toast
(B) two piece of toasts (D) two pieces of toasts
9. I will need about the climate before I make a final decision.
(A) a few informations (C) a little informations
(B) a few information (D) a little information
10. Sending “express mail” costs about ten times as much as sending it “regular
(A) mails (B) a mail (C) a piece of mail (D) pieces of a mail
11. Our reservations are for .
(A) sixth June (B) six June (C) the sixth of June (D) the six of June


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1 Subjunctive
Kata-kata berikut ini jika diikuti oleh “that” kata kerja berikutnya harus dalam bentuk
verb_1 tanpa ‘s’ atau ‘ing’. Kata-kata tersebut adalah: ask, demand, desire, insist, prefer,
propose, recommend, request, require, suggest, urge. Kata-kata ini juga bisa dalam bentuk
kata bendanya atau katat sifat (bila ada). Misalnya: recommendation, insistence, proposal,
imperative, important. dll.

1. Al’s doctor insists for a few days.

(A) that he is resting (B) his resting (C) him to rest (D) that he rest
2. His English teacher recommends that he a regular degree program.
(A) begin (B) begins (C) will begins (D) is beginning
3. The doctor suggest that the patient ______ more rest at home.
(A) take (B) takes (C) will take (D) is taking
4. It is imperative that you _______ there in person.
(A) be (B) will be (C) will (D) are
5. His government insisted that he _____ until he finished his degree.
(A) should stay (B) shall stay (C) stayed (D) stay

2 Verb Wish
Kalau ada kalimat dengan kata “wish” kemudian diikuti “that”, maka kalimat sesudahnya
dalam bentuk past tense (V2) untuk PRESENT WISH, atau past perfect (had + V3 atau
Could have + V3) untuk PAST WISH.

1. I wish that I _______ give speech in front of many audiences today.

(A) don’t have to (B) was not have to (C) hadn’t had to (D) didn’t have to
2. We wish that you such a lot of work, because we know that you would have
enjoyed the party.
(A) hadn’t had (B) hadn’t (C) didn’t have (D) hadn’t have
3. I wish that I _______ the clothes yesterday.
(A) hadn’t had (B) washed (C) had washed (D) had have washed


1 Know vs. Know How

Perbedaan antara know and know how to adalah pada kata setelahnya. Jika kata setelah

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know adalah kata benda (Noun), maka kita bisa mengatakan “know + (about) the noun
(s)”. Tapi jika kata setelahnya adalah kata kerja (Verb), maka harus memakai “know how to
+ verb”.


1. Does your new secretary shorthand?

(A) know to take (C) know how take
(B) know how to take (D) know how taking
2. We ______ about Mary’s engagement to James.
(A) know to (C) know
(B) know how to (D) knew how to
3. He doesn’t _______, but he tries.
(A) know to dance (C) know how to dance
(B) know dance (D) know how to dancing

2 Would rather
Mempunyai arti “lebih suka (prefer)”. Jika kalimat nya positive, susunannya akan menjadi
seperti ini:
 S+ would rather + verb_1 atau
 S + would rather + have + Verb_3 (jika ada keterangan waktu
lampau seperti yesterday, last night, etc).
Namun jika kalimatnya dalam bentuk negative, susunannya akan menjadi seperti ini
 S+ would rather + NOT + Verb_1 atau
 S + would rather + NOT + have + Verb_3.

Selain susunan yang seperti di atas, would rather juga bisa menjadi seperti dibawah ini,
bedanya dengan yang diatas adalah didalam kalimatnya ada dua subject, perhatikan subject
 S+ would rather that + S2 + Verb_1 atau
 S + would rather that+ S2 + Verb_2 atau
 S + would rather that+ S2 + Past Perfect (V3)


1. I’d to Jakarta than Bandung today.

(A) rather go (C) rather going
(B) rather have gone (D) rather to stay

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2. We would home yesterday.

(A) rather stay (C) rather staying
(B) rather have stayed (D) rather to stay
3. I’d the operation unless it is absolutely necessary.
(A) rather not have (C) rather not to have
(B) not rather had (D) rather not having


Purpose dan result dinyatakan dengan so that. So that disini berarti sehingga atau agar.
Susunan “so that” bisa juga dipisah menjadi “so + adjective + that” yang mungkin bermakna
“sangat + ........ + sehingga / agar”.

Susunannya bisa seperti berikut ini:

“…..Such + a + adjective + singular count noun + (that….)” Atau
“…..So + adjective + a + singular count noun + that…….”
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1. The one in the window was expensive that I couldn’t afford it.
(A) so (B) too (C) too much (D) very
2. It is day that travel advisories have been issued for most of the major highways.
(A) such snowy (B) so snowy (C) such a snowy (D) such snowy a
3. I don’t understand how John could have made in judgment.
(A) such big mistake (C) so a big mistake
(B) such a big mistake (D) so big mistake


Bentuk-bentuk yang paling umum dari comparison adalah:

…………. as soon as + Subject + verb
………….. the same as …………
…………. different from ……….
………… equal to ……………..
The more ....…., the more ………..
The …… adjective + er, the adjective + er

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Unequal Comparison
Tambah “–er” untuk kata sifat (adjectives) yang memiliki satu atau 2 syllable.
Misal: smart – smarter, thick – thicker, cold – colder, dll.
Tambah “more” untuk kata sifat (adjectives) yang memiliki 3 syllable.
Misal: modern – more modern, different – more different, boring – more boring.
Untuk comparison yang kata sifatnya ditambah dengan –er atau more… biasanya diikuti
dengan “than” yang berarti daripada.

1. I will return your notes as soon as copying them.

(A) I will finish (B) I do finish (C) I finish (D) I be finished
2. the worse I seem to feel.
(A) When I take more medicine (C) Taking more of the medicine
(B) The more medicine I take (D) More medicine taken
3. We will have to be careful not to get our suitcases mixed up because yours is almost the
same mine.
(A) like (B) to (C) as (D) that
4. My new glasses cost me the last pair that I bought.
(A) times three (C) three times as much as
(B) three times more (D) as much three times as
5. Although she is very popular, she is not her sister.
(A) pretty as (B) as pretty (C) prettier than (D) more pretty than
6. We are going to Florida as soon as taking our final exams.
(A) we’re finish (B) we’ll finish (C) we’d finish (D) we finish
7. This new soap is not much the others that I have tried.
(A) different (B) different than (C) different from (D) different that
8. Ms. Jones isn’t as nice Ms. Smith.
(A) as (B) for (C) like (D) to
9. The rooms in Graduate Towers are Patterson Hall.
(A) larger than (B) larger than that of (C) larger than those in (D) larger than in
10. We’ll be there as soon as we a babysitter for our son.
(A) will find (B) found (C) find (D) are finding

As well as, in spite of, despite, but … also …

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“as well as” bisa bermakna “also”.

Perbedaan in spite of dan despite adalah kita tidak bisa menggatakan in spite,
melainkan “in spite of”. Dan untuk menggunakan “despite”, kita tidak butuh “in” atau
“Both” selalu diikuti dengan “and”, tidak yang lain seperti from / of / with, dll.
Susunannya seperti ini: both ………..and …………

1. Both Mary and Ellen, Jane, are studying nursing at New York University.
(A) as well as (B) well (C) as well to (D) and well as
2. We had a disagreement the bus was late.
(A) because of (B) caused of (C) because (D) caused
3. the light rain, the baseball game will not be cancelled unless the other team
(A) Despite of (B) Despite in (C) In spite (D) Despite
4. ________ his wealth, he is not spoiled.
(A) Despite of (B) In despite (C) In spite of (D) in spite
5. We were both pleased honored to be guests of the president.
(A) also (B) and (C) alike (D) as


Perbedaan antara “because” dan “because of” ditandai dengan kata yang digunakan
setelahnya. Jika kata yang digunakan adalah kata benda (Noun), maka harus menggunakan
“because of”. Namun jika kata yang digunakan setelahnya adalah Subject, maka harus
menggunakan “because”.

1. Betty moved from the dormitory the noise.

(A) because (B) cause (C) because of (D) caused from
2. We had a disagreement ____ the bus was late.
(A) because of (B) caused of (C) because (D) caused

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Indirect statement adalah kalimat pernyataan yang disampaikan dengan menggunakan

kata-kata tanya (5W+1H) dan bukan kalimat tanya. Biasanya diawali dengan kalimat
pertama kemudian disambung dengan salah satu dari (5W+1H).
Misal: I don’t know who she is. I don’t know when he went.
I don’t understand what he said.

1. We are considering buying a house in Gainesville, but we want to find out there first.
(A) what the taxes are (C) the taxes what are
(B) what are the taxes (D) the taxes are
2. I didn’t hear when he gave us the assignment.
(A) what the professor says (C) what the professor said
(B) that the professor said (D) which the professor says

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3. I wonder where .
(A) he did go (B) did he go (C) he went (D) went he


Command adalah kalimat perintah. Ada 2 bentuk yaitu positive command (perintah), dan
negative command (larangan). Positive command dimulai dengan verb tanpa to, sedangkan
negative command dibentuk dengan ‘Don’t + verb_1’. Untuk negative command tidak
langsung, kita menggunakan … not to + verb 1.

1. Please photocopies of documents.

(A) not to submit (B) do not submit (C) no submit (D) not submit
2. Please Jimmy to tidy up his room. It’s really in a mess.
(A) tell (B) do tell (C) told (D) to tell
3. The government was urged _____ bilateral relationship with Israel.
(A) established (C) don’t establish
(B) not to establish (D) establishing

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Problem 17: Either / Neither dan So / too

Jika ada kalimat pernyataan negative dan kita ingin mengatakan hal yang sama, yaitu
pernyataan negative, maka kita bisa menggunakan kata “Neither + Modal / Kata Bantu +
Subject”, atau dengan “ modals / kata bantu + not either. Untuk kalimat positive, yang
dipergunakan adalah “So + modal / kata bantu + subject” atau “Subject + modal / kata
bantu + too.”
1. I don’t like iced tea, and .
(A) she doesn’t too (C) neither does she
(B) either doesn’t she (D) she doesn’t neither
2. She cannot swim, and ________
(A) I can’t too (B) either can’t I (C) neither can I (D) I can’t neither
3. He won’t like this T-shirt, and ________
(A) I won’t too (B) either won’t I (C) neither will I (D) I also won’t
4. My husband lived at home before we were married, and so .
(A) did I (B) had I (C) I had (D) I did

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Bagian kedua section 2 adalah Part B yang berupa written expression. Teknis pengerjaannya
adalah dengan mencari error atau kesalahan gramatikal dalam Bahasa Inggris. Pengerjaan ini
dalam Part B disebut dengan Error identification. Kemampuan dan pengetahuan tentang kalimat
seperti pembahasan sebelumnya juga sangat membantu dalam pengerjaan Part B.
Setiap soal dalam Part B berupa kalimat lengkap yang di dalamnya terdapat kesalahan
gramatikal. Tugas kita adalah mengenali error tersebut dan menjadikannya sebagai jawaban.
Pilihan berupa kata atau frase yang digaris bawahi dan masing-masing dilabeli A, B, C, dan D.
Salah satu dari pilihan itu terdapat kesalahan grammatikal yang akan dijadikan jawaban soal.
Tipe-tipe persoalan yang ada di dalam Part B sama dengan dalam Part A. Sehingga 25
tipe persoalan di atas (dari puluhan tipe yang lain), dapat kita contohkan dalam Part B. Kita tetap
mengacu pada penjelasan teori dua belas type soal sebelumnya.


Pada beberapa soal di Part B Structure and Written Expression, anda akan diminta
mengidentifikasi kesalahan point of view, yaitu hubungan antara kata kerja di dalam klausa induk
(main clause) dan verb lain di dalam kalimat tersebut, atau bisa juga verbs dalam kalimat
tersebut dengan keterangan waktu. Perlu diingat kembali bahwa verb dalam kalimat
menyesuaikan keterangan waktu. Dalam kalimat-kalimat berikut perhatikan apakah verb yang

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ada sesuai dengan verb lainnya yang ada, dan atau apakah verb tersebut telah sesuai dengan
keterangan waktunya.

1. Although there are approximately 120 intensive language institutes in

(A) (B) (C)
United States in 1970, there are more than three times as many now

2. Cartographers did not make an accurate map because the political situation in the area

changes so rapidly that they were not able to draw the boundaries correctly
(A) (B) (C) D

3. This year designers are showing very bright colors and styles that were worn
(A) (B)
closer to the body than those shown last year.
(C) (D)

4. Everyone who saw Star Wars said that it is one of the best science fiction
(A) (B) (C)
movies that had ever been released.
5. If there were no alternative we will try to get enough people interested to
(A) (B) (C) (D)
charter a bus.

6. Before he retired last April, Mr. Thompson is working as foreign student

(A) (B)
advisor for thirty years at Community College.
(C) (D)

7. When he tried to make a reservation, he found that the hotel that he wants
(A) (B)
was completely filled because of a convention.
(C) (D)

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Pada beberapa soal di Part B Structure and Written Expression, anda akan diminta
mengidentifikasi kesalahan pada agreement. Agreement adalah kesesuaian antara subjek dengan
verb, atau antara noun dengan pronoun, atau antara pronoun dengan pronoun lainnya. Agar
sesuai, subjek dan verb harus sama-sama singular (tunggal) atau sama-sama plural (jamak); agar
sesuai, pronoun dengan noun atau dengan pronoun lainnya yang diacu harus sama-sama singular
atau plural, atau harus sama-sama masculine (laki-laki) atau feminine (perempun) atau netral.
Dalam kalimat-kalimat berikut, perhatikan apakah subjek dan verb, atau pronoun dengan noun
sudah sesuai.

1. If one does not have respect for himself, you cannot expect others to respect him.
(A) (B) (C) (D)

2. What happened at Kent State in 1970 were the result of the president’s order
(A) (B) (C)
to invade Cambodia.

3. The governor, with his wife and children, are at home watching the election
(A) (B) (C)
returns on television.

4. Those of us who belong to the National Association for Foreign Student


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Affairs should have their memberships renewed in September.

(B) (C) (D)

5. Both a term paper and a final exam is required for Chemistry 320.
(A) (B) (C) (D)

6. Neither my traveler’s checks nor the money that my father cabled me are
(A) (B)
sufficient to pay for the tickets.
(C) (D)

7. There have been little rain in the last twenty-four-hour period because of a
(A) (B) (C) (D)
high pressure area over most of the state.


Pada beberapa soal di Part B Structure and Written Expression, anda akan diminta
mengidentifikasi kesalahan pada struktur parallel. Sturktur parallel adalah penggunaan struktur
gramatikal yang sama untuk gagasan terkait yang sama pentingnya. Gagasan-gagasan yang
berkaitan dan memiliki tingkat kepentingan yang sederajat ini bisa berujud dalam bentuk daftar
(list), atau deret yang dihubungkan dengan kata sambung seperti and, but atau or. Dalam
kalimat-kalimat berikut perhatikan apakah verbs, adjective, keterangan yang ada telah disusun
secara parallel.

1. The committee decided to cancel its law suit, to approve the contract, and
(A) (B) (C)
that it would adjourn the meeting.

2. Rock music is not only popular in the United States but also abroad.
(A) (B) (C) (D)

3. Every day the watchman would lock the doors, turning on the spot lights, and
(A) (B) (C)
walk around the building.

4. To control quality and making decisions about production are among the
(A) (B) (C) (D)
many responsibilities of an industrial engineer.

5. I suggest that the instructor react to the situation by changing the textbook
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instead of to modify the objectives of the course.
(B) (C) (D)

6. Dr. Johnson, the first woman elected president of the University, was
(A) (B)
intelligent, capable, and awareness of the problems to be solved.
(C) (D)
7. The insurance program used to include not only employees but their families.
(A) (B) (C) (D)


Pada beberapa soal di Part B Structure and Written Expression, anda akan diminta
mengidentifikasi kesalahan pada redundancy. Redundancy adalah pengulangan kata atau frase
yang tidak perlu. Pada kalimat-kalimat berikut, perhatikan apakah ada pengulangan kata atau
frase yang tidak perlu.

1. Some international students use a cassette recorder to make tapes of their

(A) (B)
classes so that they can repeat the lectures again.
(C) (D)

2. Blood plasma it is the transportation system for all of the widely separated
(A) (B) (C)
organs in the human body.

3. It is a good idea to be careful in buying or purchasing magazines from

(A) (B) (C)
salespersons who may come to your door.

4. Appointed by the General Assembly for five years, the Secretary-General of

(A) (B)
the United Nations must act in an impartial manner toward all members.
(C) (D)

5. Since there was not any clarity, the farm workers refused to sign the new
(A) (B) (C)
contract and voted to go on strike instead.
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6. Men who lived thousands of years ago, long before alphabets were devised,
(A) (B)
they used pictures to record events and to communicate ideas.
(C) (D)
7. If one does not pick up his drycleaning within thirty days, the management is
(A) (B)
not obligated to return it back.
(C) (D)


Pada beberapa soal di Part B Structure and Written Expression, anda akan diminta
mengidentifikasi kesalahan pada pilihan kata (word choice). Word choice adalah pemilihan kata
yang menyatakan makna sebenarnya dari sebuah gagasan. Kadangkala perlu memilih kata-kata
yang mirip tetapi memiliki arti yang berbeda.

1. According to the Pythagorean theorem, the sum of the squares of the sides of a triangle is
equal as the square of the hypotenuse.
2. Although you must get off while the bus is being cleaned, you may leave your suitcase
and other belongings laying on your seats.

3. The flag over the White House is risen at dawn every day by a color guard from the
United States armed forces.

4. Mr. Davis had to sell his business because he made some unwise investments and went

5. Commercials on the educational television network are generally shorter comparing those
on other networks.
6. After trying without success to talk with them, Mr. Brown lost his patience and
gave them their walking paper.
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7. The economy class on most airlines is similar as the first class, but there is usually less
space assigned to each passenger.

8. Since everyone would like to find an apartment near to the University, there are very few
vacancies in the area.


Pada beberapa soal di Part B Structure and Written Expression, anda akan diminta
mengidentifikasi kesalahan pada Structure (struktur). Structure adalah penggunaan verbs,
pronouns, nouns, modifiers, comparatives, connectors dll yang tepat.

1. Of the two lecturers, the first was by far the best, partly because the person who
delivered it had such a dynamic style.

2. That modern science knows to assist women who are unable to give birth to babies
by normal means is one of the miracles of the twentieth century.

3. After he had researched his paper and wrote it, he found some additional data that he
should have included.

4. Because of the light, the city seemed differently from the way that I had remembered it.

5. The colonel wanted to retreat, but the general insisted that he continue do everything
necessary in order to win the battle.

6. There are not many people which adapt to a new culture without feeling some
disorientation at first.

7. Bob wishes that his wife understands why he has not had time to write her lately.
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8. Because of the accident, the judge forbade Joe and me from driving for six months.


Reading Comprehension merupakan Section 3 dari TOEFL. Kemampuan Anda membaca dan
memahami ide, informasi, alur, berfikir, sudut pandang penulis dan lain-lain diuji dalam section
3 ini. Ada tipe soal dalam section 3 yang sering muncul dalam TOEFL antara lain:
1. Previewing
2. Reading Main Ideas
3. Using Contexts for Vocabulary
4. Details / Scanning for Details
5. Making Inferences
6. Identifying Exception
7. Locating references
8. Referring to the passage
9. dan lain-lain

Ada 2 macam teknik yang umum digunakan dalam reading yaitu: Scanning dan
Scanning adalah teknik mencari suatu informasi dalam teks tanpa memahami teks itu. Kita hanya
ingin mencapai suatu letak informasi yang kita tuju dalam teks. Teknik ini kita lakukan dengan
menggerakkan pandangan mata kita dengan cepat dalam teks menuju kata kunci sudah kita
tentukan sebelumnya, seperti mencari kata dalam kamus atau nama di buku telepon. Hal ini
sering kita lakukan khususnya ketika pertanyaan mengharuskan kita mencari detil, referensi,
referring to passage, dan lain-lain.
Sedangkan skimming adalah membaca teks dengan cepat sekaligus memahami informasinya.
Hal ini kita lakukan biasanya untuk menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan previewing atau ide-ide
bacaan, topic dan lain-lain. Skimming biasanya kita lakukan di awal untuk memahami/mengenali
teks (topik, ide, letak kata-kata/phrase/informasi) untuk pertama kali.


Riset menunjukkan bahwa akan lebih mudah untuk memahami apa yang kita pahami jika kita
mengetahui ide umum tentang yang kita baca. Previewing berguna untuk membangun ide
umum di pikiran kita tentang topic bacaan. Untuk melakukan previewing, bacalah kalimat
pertama dari tiap-tiap paragraph dan kalimat terakhir dari bacaan seepat mungkin karena kita

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tidak mencari informasi spesifik, tapi hanya mencari petunjuk tentang topic bacaan. Setelah
itu tanyalah diri Anda ‘tentang apa teks ini’
A black hole is a region of space created by the total gravitational collapse of matter.
It is so intense that nothing, not even light or radiation, can escape. In other words, it is one-
way surface through which matter can fall inward but cannot emerge.
Some astronomers believe that black hole may be formed when a large star collapses
inward from its own weight. So long as they are emitting heat and light into space, stars
support themselves against their own gravitational pull with the outward thermal pressure
generated by heat from nuclear reactions deep in their interiors. But if a star eventually
exhausts its nuclear fuel, then its unbalanced gravitational attraction could cause it to
contract and collapse. Furthermore, it could begin to pull in surrounding matter including
nearby comets and planets, creating a black hole.

Dari bacaan di atas, jika kita bertanya tentang apa teks di atas maka jawaban kita
adalah: Black hole, setelah tahu itu, pikiran kita dan pengetahuan kita tentang luar angkasa
akan tertarik ke bacaan. Itu akan membantu kita memahami misalnya, apa yang membentuk
black hole, sifat-sifat black hole, dan detil lainnya.

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Dengan previewing yang digambarkan di atas, kita dapat membuat ide umum tentang bacaan,
yaitu topic. Teknik selanjutnya adalah membaca untuk menemukan main idea/ide pokok atau
sudut pandang penulis tentang sesuatu. Lebih jelasnya Anda mencari tahu apa yang
diungkapkan penulis tentang topic tersebut. Ini bisa kita tanyakan ke diri kita, jika paragraph
tersebut ditulis dalam 1 (satu) kalimat penting, akan seperti apa?
Pertanyaan tentang main ideas dapat diungkapkan dalam berbagai cara seperti: (1)
What is the main idea? (2) What is the subject?? (3) What is the topic (4) What would
be a good title?
Main idea biasanya muncul di awal bacaan (walaupun bisa di tengah dan akhir). Caranya
bacalah dua kalimat pertama dari bacaan maka akan Anda temukan main idea bacaan itu.

For more than a century, despite attacks by a few opposing scientists, Charles Darwin’s
theory or revolution by natural selection has stood firm. Now, however, some respected
biologists are beginning to question whether the theory accounts for major developments
such as the shift from water to land habitation. Clearly, evolution has not proceeded steadily
but has progressed by radical advances. Recent research in molecular biology, particularly
in the study of DNA, provides us with a new possibility. Not only environmental change but
also genetic codes in the underlying structure of DNA could govern evolution.

Dua kalimat pertama bacaan di atas menunjukkan bahwa main idea dari bacaan tersebut
adalah: Biologists are beginning to question Darwin’s theory. Judul yang tepat untuk bacaan
di atas (jika diberi beberapa pilihan) adalah: ‘Questions about Darwin’s Theory’

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Konteks adalah gabungan kosa kata dan grammar (pola kalimat) yang melingkupi sebuah
kata, sehingga konteks bisa berupa kalimat atau paragraph atau lebih luas lagi, bacaan.
Konteks bisa membantu kita memperkirakan/menebak arti sebuah kata. Jika misalnya Anda
paham makna sebuah kalimat, Anda juga tahu secara umum makna kata-kata yang ada dalam
kalimat itu.
Tanpa kamus (yang tidak diijinkan dalam TOEFL), Anda akan dapat menebak makna
kata-kata yang digaris bawahi pada bacaan berikut dengan memahami konteks yang
melingkupi kata-kata itu.
At the age of sixty-six, Harland Sanders had to auction off everything he owned in order to
pay its debt. Once the successful proprietor of a large restaurant, Sanders saw his business
suffer from the construction of a new freeway that bypassed his establishment and rerouted
the traffic that had formerly passed.
With an income of only $105 a month in Social Security, he packed his car with a pressure
cooker, some chickens and sixty pounds of seasoning that he had developed for frying
chicken. He stopped at restaurants, where he cooked chickens for owners to sample. If they
liked it, he offered to show them how to cook it. Then he sold them the seasoning and
collected a royalty of four cents on each chicken they cooked. The rest is history. Eight years
later, there were 638 Kentucky Fried Chicken franchises, and Colonel Sanders had sold his
business again – this time for over two million dollars.

Konteks yang melingkupi kata to auction dalam lingkup luas adalah bacaan keseluruhan,
lebih spesifik paragraph pertama, dan lebih dekat adalah kalimat yang memuat kata to
auction dan makna tiap kata yang ada di dalamnya. Keseluruhan bacaan mengungkap proses
kesuksesan franchise Fried Chicken dari nol. Paragraph mengngkap alasan kebangkrutan
Harland Sanders, dan kalimat At the age of sixty-six, Harland Sanders had to auction off
everything he owned in order to pay its debt, menguatkan kita memaknai tindakan Harland
Sanders yaitu to auction, sebagai tindakan aas kebangkrutan dan pembayaran hutangnya.
Sehingga kita menyimpulkan bahwa orang yang bangkrut dan harus bayar hutang (debt)
harus menjual (to auction off) barang-barangnya (everything he owned)
Cara menebak kata dengan konteks yang dijelaskan pada kata to auction berlaku untuk
semua kata yang digaris bawahi. Pada akhirnya Anda akan tahu bahwa ‘proprietor’ semakna
dengan ‘an owner’ (pemilik), ‘formerly’ semakna ‘in the past’ (dahulu), ‘to sample’ artinya
‘to try’ atau ‘to taste’ (mencoba) ‘Royalty’ semakna dengan ‘payment’ (pembayaran).

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Setelah membaca sebuah teks, Anda akan menjawab enam hingga sepuluh pertanyaan
multiple choice. Pertama baca sebuah pertanyaan dan temukan kata kunci penting, bisa
berupa noun, verb, atau adjective. Kata tersebut disebut kata kunci pertanyaan karena
mengandung penting pada kalimat. Setelah itu gerakkan pandangan mata kita dengan cepat
(scanning) pada teks menemukan kata kunci yang kita cari (atau sinonimnya). Dengan
demikian Anda akan menemukan lokasi dalam bacaan yang memuat jawaban/informasi yang
diperlukan untuk menjawab. Baca baik-baik informasi itu dan pilihlah jawaban yang
semakna dengan yang Anda baca.
Bacalah teks berikut ini setelah itu bacalah pertanyaan. Cari kata kunci dalam pertanyaan.
Kemudian scan lah bacaan menuju kata kunci atau sinonimnya.
To prepare for a career in engineering, a student must begin planning in high school.
Mathematics and science should form the core curriculum. For example, in a school where
sixteen credit hours are required for high school graduation, four should be mathematics,
one each in chemistry, biology and physics. The remaining credits should include four in
English and at least three in the humanities and social sciences. The average entering
freshman in engineering should have achieved at least a 2.5 grade point average on a 4.0
scale in his or her high school. Although deficiencies can be corrected during the first year,
the student who needs additional work should expect to spend five instead of four years to
complete a degree.

1. What is the average grade point for an entering freshman in engineering?

2. When should a student begin planning for a career in engineering?
3. How can a student correct deficiencies in preparation?
4. How many credits should a student have in English?
5. How many credits are required for a high school diploma?

Dengan proses yang Anda jalani, maka Anda akan menjawab (1) 2.5 (2) in high school (3) by
spending five years (4) four (5) sixteen


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Seperti contoh sebelumnya, seringkali dalam bacaan, kita menemukan pernyataan langsung
tentang sebuah fakta atau informasi, yang disebut dengan evidence. Namun ada juga sebuah
fakta atau informasi tidak diungkap secara langsung. Anda harus mencari evidence (biasanya
berupa kalimat-kalimat) untuk melakukan inference. Inference adalah membuat kesimpulan
logis berdasarkan pemahaman Anda terhadap evidence di seputar informasi yang menjadi

When an acid is dissolved in water. The acid molecule divides into two parts, a
hydrogen ion and another ion. An ion is an atom or a group of atoms that has an electrical
charge. The charge can be either positive or negative. If hydrochloric acid is mixed with
water, for example, it divides into hydrogen ions and chlorine ions.
A strong acid ionizes to a great extent, but a weak acid does not ionize so much. The
strength of an acid, therefore, depends on how much it ionizes, not on how many hydrogen
ions are produced. It is interesting that nitric acid and sulfuric acid become greatly ionized
whereas boric acid and carbonic acid do not.

1. What kind of acid is sulfuric acid?

2. What kind of acid is boric acid?

Yang Anda lakukan adalah scan bacaan dan temukan kata/frase (1) sulfuric acid dan (2)
boric acid. Konsentrasi pada kalimat-kalimat penerangannya hingga Anda bisa
menyimpulkan dan mengetahui jenis asam apa dari keduanya.
Jika semuanya lancar Anda akan menemukan:
(1) A strong acid ionizes into a great extent, and sulfuric acid becomes greatly ionized.
Conclusion: Sulfuric acid is a strong acid.
(2) A weak acid does not ionizes so much and boric acid does not ionize greatly.
Conclusion: boric acid is a weak acid.


Ketika kita membaca kita mengasumsikan bahwa semua informasi yang ada dalam bacaan
benar menurut teks itu sendiri. Pertanyaan tipe ini membuat 1 (satu) informasi yang tidak

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benar, tidak ada atau tidak termuat dalam bacaan bersama informasi yang benar berdasarkan
bacaan, atau sebagai pengecualian. Anda tinggal mencari mana dari pilihan tersebut yang
tidak benar/tidak termuat dalam bacaan.

All music consists of two elements – expression and design. Expression is inexact
and subjective, and may be enjoyed in a personal or instinctive way. Design, on the other
hand is exact and must be analyzed objectively in order to be understood and appreciated.
The folk song, for example, has a definite musical design which relies on simple repetition
with a definite beginning and ending. A folk song consists of one stanza of music repeated
for each stanza of verse.
Because of their communal, and usually uncertain origin folks songs are often
popular verse set to music. They are not always recorded, and tend to be passed on in a kind
of musical version of oral history. Each singer revises and prefects the song. In part as a
consequence of this continuous revision process, most folk songs are almost perfect in their
construction and design. A particular singer’s interpretation of the folk song may provide an
interesting expression, but the simple design that underlies the song itself is stable and

1. All of the following is true of a folk song EXCEPT

(A) There is a clear start and finish. (Sama dengan: definite beginning and ending)
(B) The origin is often not known. (Sama dengan: uncertain origin)
(C) The design may change in the interpretation. (bertentangan dengan design that
underlies the song itself is stable and enduring)
(D) Simple repetition is characteristic of its design. (sama dengan: design which relies on
simple repetition)

Pertanyaan EXCEPTION sekilas berkesan sulit. Yang diperlukan di sini adalah

kesabaran dalam mengkonfirmasi informasi yang ada di tiap pilihan jawaban dengan
informasi yang sebenarnya dalam bacaan (lakukan dengan scanning melalui kata kunci
dalam pilihan jawaban). Namun akan lebih mudah jika semua informasi Anda sudah kuasai
dengan baik, sehingga Anda tidak perlu scanning. Perlu latihan banyak untuk melakukannya,
yaitu dengan membaca langsung paham dan ingat informasinya. Biasanya dalam prosesnya
memerlukan interest/ketertarikan luar biasa tinggi tentang teks/informasi yang disajikan.


Setelah membaca sebuah teks, Anda akan diberi pertanyaan tentang antecedent (kata acuan)
dari sebuah pronoun / kata ganti. Antecedent adalah sebuah kata atau frase yang diacu sebuah
pronoun. Pronoun bias berupa antara lain: ‘it’, ‘its’, ‘them’ atau ‘their’ dan Anda harus
mencari acuannya.

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Pertama, carilah kata ganti tersebut dalam bacaan. Kemudian bacalah kalimat itu dengan
mengganti pronoun yang ada dalam kalimat itu dengan masing-masing kata-kata yang ada
dalam pilihan jawaban. Kata yang tidak merubah makna kalimat setelah mengganti pronoun
adalah pilihan yang benar. Cara lain adalah dengan membaca frase atau kalimat sebelum
pronoun itu, karena biasanya antecedentnya disebut sebelumnya sebagai pengenalan pertama
The National Road, also known as the Cumberland Road, was constructed in the early
1800s to provide transportation between the established commercial areas of the East and
Nothwest Teritorry. By 1818, the road had reached Wheeling, West Virginia, 130 miles from
its point of origin in Cumberland, Maryland. The Cost was a monumental thirteen thousand
dollars per mile.
Upon reaching the Ohio River, the National Road became one of the major trade
routes to the western states and territories, providing Baltimore with a trade advantage over
neighboring cities. In order to compete, New York State authorized the construction of the
Erie Canal, and Philadelphia initiated a transportation plan to link it with Pittsburgh. Towns
along rivers canals and the new national Road became important trade centers.

1. The word ‘its’ in line 4 refers to

(A) The Northwest Territory (C) The road
(B) 1818 (D) Wheeling, West Virginia

Dengan mengganti ‘its’ dengan masing-masing pilihan jawaban, Anda dapati ‘the road’
tidak akan mengubah makna dari informasi kalimat: By 1818, the road had reached
Wheeling, West Virginia, 130 miles from its point of origin in Cumberland, Maryland.
Dengan cara lainnya (membaca frase atau kalimat sebelumnya bersama dengan konteks)
Anda akan dapati bahwa its Anda dapati antecedentnya dalam: By 1818, the road had
reached Wheeling…………..


Referring to the passage biasanya ada pada computer-based Toefl. Anda diminta untuk
menacari nomor baris yang mengandung informasi dalam pertanyaan. Cara melakukannya
dalah dengan membaca pertanyaan lalu lakukan scanning terhadap bacaan hingga Anda
menemukan informasi tersebut kemudian tentukan pada baris ke berapa informasi tersebut
dalam bacaan, lalu pilih jawaban yang benar dengan nomor baris yang Anda tentukan. Untuk

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menjawab dengan benar pertanyaan ini, Anda harus paham betul makna pertanyaan yang
Tips: meningkatkan skor Toefl dapat dilakukan dengan belajar bahasa Inggris terus menerus
dalam bentuk apapun.


Passage 1
The largest diamond ever found is the Cullinan Diamond. This diamond weighed 3,106
carats in its uncut state when it was discovered in South Africa on January 25, 1905. The
Cullinan Diamond was cut into nine major stones and ninety-six smaller ones. The largest of
the cut stones, and still the largest cut diamond in the world, is the pear-shaped Cullinan I at
530 carats. This diamond, which is also known as the Greater Star of Africa, is more than 2
inches (5,4 cm) long and 1,75 inches (4,4 cm) wide. It became part of the British crown
jewels in 1907.

1. What is the best title for this passage?

(A) Diamond cutting
(B) The World’s Biggest Diamond, Uncut and Cut
(C) Measuring Diamonds in Carats
(D) The British Crown Jewels

2. The word “uncut” in the line 2 is closest in meaning to which of the following?
(A) Finished (B) Unnatural (C) Pear (D) whole

3. The word “discovered” in line 2 is closest in meaning to

(A) Created (B) Found (C) Buried (D) Weighed

4. It can be inferred from the passage that the Cullinan Diamond was cut into how many
total stones?
(A) 9 (B) 96 (C) 105 (D) 3,106

5. The word “major” in the line 3 could best be replaced by

(A) Well-known (B) Military (C) Natural (D) Big

6. Which of the following is NOT true about Cullinan I?

(A) It was cut from the Cullinan Diamond.
(B) It weighs 3,106 carats.
(C) It is the biggest cut diamond in the world
(D) It is sometimes called the Greater Star of Africa
7. All of the following are true about the shape of the Greater Star of Africa EXCEPT that
(A) It is the shape of a pear (C) It is longer than it is wide
(B) It is 5.4 centimeters long (D) It is 4.4 inches wide

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8. According to the passage, what happened to Cullinan I?

(A) It remained in Africa.
(B) It was cut into smaller stones.
(C) It was cut and changed into the Greater Star of Africa
(D) It became the property of the British Royal family.

9. Where in the passage does the author mention the Cullinan Diamond’s weight when it
was mined?
(A) Lines 1-2 (B) Line 3 (C) Line 4-5 (D) Line 6

Passage 2
Although he created the game of basketball at the YMCA in Springfield, Massachusetts,
Dr. James A. Naismith was a Canadian. Working as a physical education instructor at the
international YMCA, now Springfield College, Dr. Naismith noticed a lack of interest in
exercise among students during the wintertime. The new England winters were fierce,
and the students balked at participating in outdoor activities. Naismith determined that a
fast-moving game that could be played indoors would fill a void after the baseball and
football seasons had ended.
First he attempted to adapt outdoor games such as soccer and rugby to indoor
play, but he soon found them unsuitable for confined areas. Finally, he determined that he
would have to invent a game.
In December of 1891, Dr. Naismith hung two old peach baskets at either end of
the gymnasium at the school, and, using a soccer ball and nine players on each side,
organized the first basketball game. The early rules allowed three points for each basket
and made running with the ball a violation. Every time a goal was made, someone had to
climb a ladder to retrieve the ball.
Nevertheless, the game became popular. In less than a year, basketball was being
played in both the United States and Canada. Five years later, a championship
tournament was staged in New York City, which was won by the Brooklyn Central
The teams had already been reduced to seven players, and five became standard in
the 1897 season. When basketball was introduced as a demonstration sport in 1904
Olympic Games in St. Louis, it quickly spread throughout the world. In 1906, a metal
hoop was used for the first time to replace the basket, but the name basketball has

1. What does this passage mainly discuss?

(A) The Olympic Games is St. Louis in 1904 (C) The YMCA athletic program
(B) The development of basketball (D) Dr. James Naismith

2. When was the first demonstration game of basketball held during the Olympics?
(A) 1891 (B) 1892 (C) 1897 (D) 1904

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3. The phrase “balked at” in line 5 could best be replaced by

(A) resisted (B) enjoyed (C) excelled at (D) were exhausted by

4. The word “fierce” in line 4 is closest in meaning to

(A) long (B) boring (C) extreme (D) dark

5. The word “them” in line 9 refers to

(A) indoors (B) seasons (C) games (D) areas

6. Where in the passage does the author discuss the first basketball championship
(A) Lines 9–11 (B) Lines 12–15 (C) Lines 17–18 (D) Lines 23–26

7. What does the author mean by the statement in line 21 – 22: ”When basketball was
introduced as a demonstration sport in the 1904 Olympic Games in St. Louis, it quickly
spread throughout the world”?
(A) Basketball was not considered an Olympic sport at the St. Louis games.
(B) Basketball became popular worldwide after its introduction at the Olympic Games in
St. Louis.
(C) Basketball players from many countries competed in the Olympic Games in St. Louis
(D) Basketball was one of the most popular sports at the Olympic Games in St. Louis

8. Why did Naismith decide to invent basketball?

(A) He did not like soccer or rugby
(B) He was tired of basketball and football
(C) He wanted his students to exercise during the winter
(D) He could not convince his students to play indoors.

9. The author mentions all of the following as typical of the early game of basketball
(A) three points were scored for every basket
(B) running with the ball was not a foul
(C) nine players were on a team
(D) the ball had to be retrieved from the basket after each score

10. It can be inferred from the passage that the original baskets
(A) were not placed very high (C) did not have a hole in the bottom
(B) had a metal rim (D) were hung on the same side

Passage 3

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In-state residents at State University pay one-fifth the amount in tuition fees that out-of-state
residents are required to pay. This is true because State University is supported by state funds
contributed in part by the taxpayers who reside in the state.
The legal residence status of all students is determined at the time of their enrollment in
State University and may not be changed unless the circumstances change. For example, a
nonresident minor whose parents establish legal residence in the state or a nonresident adult
who established legal residence in the state and maintains it for twelve months may petition
for a change of status.
Personnel attached to military bases in the state are not eligible for legal residence
status until they have lived in the state for one year. Foreign nationals who have entered the
United States legally and hold green resident alien cards may be eligible for in-state status
twelve months after the card has been issued provided that they have documenting evidence
that they have lived in the state for twelve consecutive months. Acceptable evidence includes
either a statement from the telephone company indicating that they have had a telephone in
their name at the place of residence for one year or a statement from an employer that they
have lived and worked in the state for one year. Purchase and ownership of property in the
state or tax records indicating payment in the previous year will not be acceptable proof.
Students who have reason to believe that they have been classified incorrectly and are
thus paying higher tuition fees may submit their cases in writing for reviews by the registrar.

1. With which of the following topics is the passage primarily concerned?

(A) Residency requirements for students
(B) Green cards for resident aliens
(C) Acceptable evidence for resident status
(D) Tuition restrictions for military personnel

2. Why do residents of other states pay higher tuition at State University?

(A) Because they do not have green resident alien cards
(B) Because they do not pay taxes in the state
(C) Because they do not own homes in the state
(D) Because they have not been classified correctly

3. The author mentions all of the following options as evidence of residence in state
(A) a statement from the telephone company
(B) a statement from an employer
(C) documentation of twelve consecutive months in the state
(D) a tax record

4. The word “consecutive” in line 13 is closest in meaning to

(A) complete (C) acceptable
(B) continuous (D) documented
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5. The word “it” in line 7 refers to

(A) residence (C) change
(B) state (D) status

6. It can be inferred from the passage that an out-of-resident pays

(A) five times the amount that an in-state resident pays
(B) twenty percent more than an in-state resident pays
(C) one-fifth the amount that an in-state resident pays
(D) twice as much as an in-state resident pays


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