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Contoh soal tes Acept UGM: Composing Skill (Paraphrase)

Posted on Juli 6, 2014 by Mr Frans Cleophas

Composing Skills merupakan salah satu bagian penting tes AcEPT karena kemampuan
mengerjakan bagian ini akan memberikan gambaran kepada peserta tes tentang potensi
kemampuan menulis dalam bahasa Inggris, dan secara pragmatis, kemampuan mengerjakan
bagian ini akan memberikan kontribusi signifikan dalam scoring. Agar peserta tes dapat
mengantisipasi soal Composing Skills, berikut digambarkan tentang apa yang diujikan dalam
Composing Skill dan bagaimana mempersiapkan diri menghadapi tes ini.

Rahasia Composing Skills

Composing Skills mengujikan kemampuan menyusun kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris. Yang harus
diperhatikan peserta tes dalam uji kemampuan ini adalah:

(1) bagaimana kalimat itu tersusun, dan (2) bagaimana kalimat-kalimat itu disusun menjadi
sebuah paragraf. Secara kongkrit, Composing Skills mengujikan hal-hal yang berhubungan

[A] kemampuan me-rekomposisi atau memparafrasa kalimat (Paraphrasing sentences),

[B] membetulkan atau mengedit bagian yang secara gramatik dianggap error (editing),

[C] menentukan konstruksi kalimat yang berterima (correct sentences), [D] menyusun kalimat
secara logis (logical order), dan

[E] menyusun paragraf dengan cara mengurutkan kalimat-kalimat yang disediakan secara acak
(jumbled sentences).

Agar Anda tahu apa yang harus Anda lakuka untuk soal jenis ini, pelajari instruksi soal untuk
bagian A ini sebagaimana tertulis berikut ini:

Bagian A – Paraphrasing Sentences

Numbers 1 – 10 contain complete and correct sentences. For each number, you are required to
choose the most appropriate paraphrased sentence closest in meaning to the original one.

Soal nomor 1 – 10 berisi kalimat yang telah lengkap dan benar. Untuk masing-masing nomor
Anda diminta memilih parafrasa kalimat A, B, C, dan D yang paling dekat artinya dengan
kalimat asal.
Contoh soal:

1. Fredy has decided to quit her job. I have to turn in his room key.

(A) Fredy, who turned in his room key, has decided to quit his job.

(B) Fredy, whose room key I have to turn in, has decided to quit her job.

(C) Fredy, who had turned in his room key, decided to quit his job.

(D) Fredy, whose room key I have to turn it, he has decided to quit his job.

2. The snapping turtle is actually quite docile. It is believed by many to be an aggressive animal.

(A) The snapping turtle, is believed by many to be an aggressive animal, is actually quite docile.

(B) The snapping turtle, which is believed by many to be an aggressive animal, which is actually
quite docile.

(C) The snapping turtle, believed by many to be an aggressive animal, is actually quite docile.

(D) The snapping turtle, which is believed by many to be an aggressive animal, actually quite

Yang harus Anda lakukan untuk mengerjakan soal jenis ini adalah dengan mengubah kalimat
sedemikian rupa (dalam pikiran Anda) sehingga kalimat itu dapat berubah menjadi kalimat lain
yang susunan katanya berbeda tetapi memiliki makna yang sama. Itu tugas berat yang harus
dilakukan peserta tes; namun tugas berat ini telah diperingan dengan adanya pilihan-pilihan
jawaban yang sudah disediakan, sehingga Anda cukup melihat mana kalimat yang ditawarkan
dalam opsi jawaban itu yang memiliki makna sama dengan kalimat soal, dengan struktur
gramatika yang berterima dalam bahasa Inggris.

Soal Ujian AcEPT Part V (Composing Skill) :

Posted on Juli 25, 2011 by Mr Frans Cleophas

Parafrase adalah istilah linguistik yang berarti pengungkapan kembali suatu konsep dengan cara
lain dalam bahasa yang sama, namun tanpa mengubah maknanya. Parafrase memberikan
kemungkinan kepada sang penulis untuk memberi penekanan yang agak berlainan dengan penulis
asli. Istilah parafrase berasal dari bahasa Inggris paraphrase, dari bahasa Latin paraphrasis, dari
bahasa Yunani para phraseïn yang berarti “cara ekspresi tambahan”. Parafrasis adalah tindakan
atau kegiatan untuk membuat parafrase, yaitu:

1. Bacalah teks yang akan diparafrasa secara keseluruhan.

2. Pahami topik atau tema dari teks tersebut, untuk teks berbentuk narasi pahami pula alur
atau jalan ceritanya.
3. Carilah kalimat utama pada setiap paragraf untuk menemukan gagasan atau ide pokok
paragraf tersebut.
4. Catatlah gagasan pokok setiap paragrafnya.
5. Perhatikan kalimat penjelas, pilihlah kalimat penjelas yang penting dan buanglah yang
hanya berupa ilustrasi, contoh, permisalan, dan sebagainya.
6. Pilihlah kala atau kalimat yang efektif untuk menceritakan kembali. jika perlu gunakan
kata yang sepadan atau ungkapan yang lebih mewakili pengertian yang panjang, tetapi
dapat dipahami.
7. Jika ada kalimat langsung, ubahlah menjadi kalimat tidak langsung agar lebih singkat.
8. Ceritakan atau uraikan kembali dengan bahasa yang lebih mudah dipahami dan ringkas.

I. Paraphrasing Method 1: Use Different Vocabulary with the Same Meaning

For example, look at this original sentence and two paraphrased equivalents:

Original Text

“It can be difficult to choose a suitable place to study English.”

Paraphrasing Text

“It is often a challenge to pick up a relevant school to learn English.”

“It is sometimes hard to select an appropriate place to learn English.”

II. Paraphrasing Method 2: Change the Order of Words

If the original sentence has two or more clauses, change the order of the clauses.

Original Text

“If they have some help, most people can paraphrase effectively. However, practice is

important because paraphrasing is difficult.”

Paraphrasing Text
“Most people can paraphrase effectively, if they have some help. Paraphrasing is difficult,
however, so practice is important.”

III. Paraphrasing Method 3: Use Different Grammar

a. Change some of the words in the original sentence into different parts of speech (you will

often need to change the word order and some other words, too).

Original Text

“The most effective way to build your English skill is to study regularly.”

Paraphrasing Text

“The most effective way of building your English skill is to do studying on a regular basis.”

b. If the original sentence is in the active voice, change it to passive or vice versa.

Original Text

“To improve English, you should learn new vocabulary on a daily basis.”

Paraphrasing Text

“To improve English, new vocabulary should be learned on a daily basis”

Paraphrasing Examples 1

Original sentence:

The most effective way to build your English skill is to study regularly.”

After paraphrasing:

“The most effective way of building your English skill is to do studying on a regular basis.”

 If the original sentence is in the active voice, change it to passive or vice versa.

Original sentence:

“To improve English, you should learn new vocabulary on a daily basis.”

After paraphrasing:

“To improve English, new vocabulary should be learned on a daily basis”


Directions: Rewrite each of the sentences, using the words in parentheses. Look first for the part
of the original sentence that will need to be replaced. Find the subject of any verbs—who is doing
what? Make any other changes you think are needed.

1. People trying to interpret a situation often look at those around them to see how to react.
(base reactions on)
2. There are three things bystanders must do if they are to intervene in an emergency.
3. In a crowd, then, each person is less likely to notice a potential emergency than when alone.
(tends to….less)
4. Even if a person defines an event as an emergency…(decides)
5. … the presence of other bystanders may still make each person less likely to intervene.
(may feel less inclined)

Sample Rewrites:

1. People trying to interpret a situation often base their reactions on those around them.
2. Three things are necessary for bystanders to intervene in an emergency.
3. In a crowd, then, each person tends to notice a potential emergency less than when alone.
4. Even if a person decides that an event is an emergency…
5. …each person may feel less inclined to intervene in the presence of other bystanders.

Paraphrasing Exercise

Original text:

“Romeo and Juliet is not only the tale of two young, doomed lovers; it is the story of how youth
can be destroyed when the banality of adulthood is imminent” (Smith 76).

Which one is the correct paraphrase:

1. Romeo and Juliet is not only a story of a young pair of tragic lovers; it is a tale of the
destruction of youth in the face of the monotony of adulthood (Smith 76).

1. It is the uninspired lifestyle of being an adult, and the destruction of one’s childhood
innocence that results from its onset, that truly characterizes Romeo and Juliet, not simply
the story of tragic unrequited love (Smith 76).

Original text

• “Students need to be more cognizant of the fact that universities are looking for both high grades
and extracurricular activities when accepting new students” (Jones, 2005, p. 255).
Which one is the correct paraphrase:

1. Young people must recognize that colleges are seeking good grades and outsides activities
when admitting students (Jones, 2005).

1. When considering the admission process at a college, academic achievement and

participation in school and community activities are both equally important for students.
(Jones, 2005, p. 255).

Choose the appropriate button to identify the statement that best paraphrases the topic

1. There are those who claim the American dollar bill’s symbol of a pyramid topped with an
eye bears a secret meaning. However, the pyramid was never meant to be mysterious. On
the contrary, the pyramid on the dollar bill was a carefully chosen symbol designed to
characterize the United States as a place of progress and faith. The Roman numerals on the
pyramid base refer to 1776, the year the country was founded. The pyramid is also
unfinished, representing our country’s future growth. The eye in a triangle radiating light
represents the overseeing eye of a deity. The motto above the pyramid, “Annuit Coeptis,”
means “He has favored our undertakings.” Below the pyramid, the motto “Novus Ordo
Seculorum” means “a new order of the ages.”

Which of the following best paraphrases the topic sentence?

1. All of the images printed on the $1 bill symbolize America’s principles and goals.
2. The pyramid and eye on the back of the $1 bill was carefully created to represent American
3. The dollar’s symbolism is typical of American currency.
4. American currency should be redesigned to better reflect our country’s separation of
church and state.

1. In her famous 1969 book, On Death and Dying, author Elisabeth Kübler-Ross identified
five stages of death (denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance). Ever since the
publication of that best seller, Kübler-Ross’s five stages have generally been accepted as
accurate, even scientific. Recently, however, Kübler-Ross’s well-known sequence has
come under fire, in part because more attention is being paid to the eccentric views on
death she publicly expressed starting in the 1970s. For instance, Kübler-Ross began
claiming that death did not exist at all. Inspired by what she claimed was an “out of body”
experience, she started talking about death as the fountain of youth. From her new
perspective, death was not an end but the beginning of spiritual renewal, a time when
people would “become complete again.” Her description of death as a “sixth stage,” where
people refreshed themselves before returning to the living was criticized as irrational
nonsense. Kübler-Ross’s critics worried that she might be encouraging those of her fans
who had psychological problems to embrace death as a way out of their pain. With more
attention being paid to Kübler-Ross’s unusual views, it’s not surprising that her notions
about death are being taken less seriously
Which of the following best paraphrases the topic sentence?

1. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross helped generations of people conquer their fear of dying.

2. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross was never afraid of expressing unpopular points of view.
3. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross’s unusual personal beliefs have caused many people to dismiss her
conclusions about the five stages of death.
4. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross was oddly obsessed with death and dying.

1. One of the best-known first pets was Fala, Franklin D. Roosevelt’s black Scottish terrier.
The dog went everywhere with Roosevelt, once making the news when he was accidentally
left behind on a trip to the Aleutian Islands. Roosevelt’s Republican opponents accused
him of spending $8 million to send a destroyer back to fetch the dog. The president’s
humorous defense of his dog only increased his popularity and probably helped Roosevelt
win his historic fourth term. But Fala is not the only famous first pet; a number of other
presidential pets have earned the public’s notice. President Richard Nixon’s dog Checkers,
for instance, has been credited with saving his political career. In a speech on national
television, Nixon defended accusations of financial irregularities by acknowledging the
receipt of just one personal gift, a dog named Checkers. Nixon also claimed he would never
give Checkers up.Gerald Ford’s dog Liberty was so popular, the cast of the TV comedy
show Saturday Night Live often included Liberty in their skits about the president. Millie,
the springer spaniel of George and Barbara Bush, appeared as the author of a New York
Times bestseller. First Lady Hillary Clinton increased the fame of the Clinton’s first pets
with her book “Dear Socks, Dear Buddy: Kids’ Letters to the First Pets.”

Which of the following best paraphrases the topic sentence?

1. Franklin D. Roosevelt’s dog Fala was America’s most famous First Pet.
2. Fala was the best-known of all the presidential pets.
3. Presidential pets are often in the news.
4. Several First Pets have achieved fame while residing in the White House.

1. Despite his failure as a presidential candidate, Ohio Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich’s

suggestion that we establish a new Department of Peace within the federal government
deserves serious consideration. A Department of Peace might help stop the senseless loss
of life occurring all over the globe. If we in the United States develop more peaceful ways
to coexist with other nations, we might influence others as well. A Department of Peace
could, for example, study the conditions that promote both domestic and international
harmony. A Department of Peace could also sponsor conflict prevention and resolution
initiatives in war-torn countries. It could establish a Peace Academy to train people in
nonviolent conflict resolution. All of these measures could ultimately save lives here at
home and abroad.

Which of the following best paraphrases the topic sentence?

1. For two reasons, Congress should create a Department of Peace.

2. A Department of Peace might help put an end to global bloodshed.
3. Congressman Dennis Kucinich is a creative problem solver with vision.
4. The U.S. government focuses too much on war and not enough on peace.

1. Several grueling races around the globe test the limits of human endurance. For instance,
the Marathon des Sables is an ultramarathon held every April in Morocco. It covers 150
miles in 6 days through blazing heat and some of the most difficult conditions imaginable.
One participant said, “The most difficult part was waking up at 5 a.m. with your legs so
sore you can hardly stand up, feet blistered, bloodied, and bandaged, and then having to
run a marathon in 120-plus degree heat with a 20-pound pack.” In the Sahara Marathon,
participants run 26 miles on sand roads through the harsh and unforgiving Sahara Desert.
The Jungle Marathon is a 7-day, 124-mile race through the Amazon jungle of Brazil. For
runners who prefer cooler climates, the Pike’s Peak Marathon is known as one of the
toughest in the world, for participants must run 26.3 miles up a mountain in Colorado,
ascending 7,815 feet. The Everest Marathon is a 26.2-mile race over the rough mountain
terrain of Mount Everest, the highest mountain in the world. Runners can also participate
in the North Pole Marathon, a 26.2-mile run over Arctic ice floes in sub-zero temperatures

Which of the following best paraphrases the topic sentence?

1. Marathon runners are the most physically fit people in the world.
2. Some marathon runners prefer races in hot climates, while others prefer racing in cold
3. The Marathon des Sables is the world’s most difficult race.
4. Many marathon races held all over the world force participants to push themselves
practically to the end of human endurance.

Original passage:

Nobody called him Abe–at least not to his face–because he loathed the nickname. It did not befit
a respected professional who’d struggled hard to overcome the limitations of his frontier
background. Frankly Lincoln enjoyed his status as a lawyer and politician, and he liked money,
too, and used it to measure his worth. By the 1850’s, thanks to a combination of talent and sheer
hard work, Lincoln was a man of substantial wealth. He had an annual income of around $5,000–
the equivalent of many times that today–and large financial and real-estate investments.

Which one is the best paraphrase?

1. No one used Lincoln’s nickname, Abe, because he detested it. It didn’t go with a lawyer
and politician who had worked to get away from the restrictions of his country heritage.
Lincoln liked his new position, and his wealth, and used it to gauge his status. By mid-
century, his skill and labor had made him a fairly wealthy man. He had a yearly income of
approximately $5,000 – equal to several times that now – and hefty business and land

1. By the middle of the century, Lincoln enjoyed life as a well-respected lawyer and
politician, having acquired a position of status and wealth that was well removed from his
early “frontier background”. He now was bringing in $5,000 a year (this translates to
$87,500 in 1997 dollars [Derks, 2]), and had substantial “financial and real estate
investments”. As a consequence, he disliked being called Abe because of its association
with his rural heritage. (Oates, 65)

Sekilas tentang Tes Acept UGM: Listening Comprehension

Posted on Juli 22, 2016 by Mr Frans Cleophas

Soal pertama yang akan Anda hadapi dalam tes AcEPT UGM adalah Listening Comprehension.
Tes ini menguji kemampuan Anda mendengarkan teks bahasa Inggris bernuansa akademik. Tes
dibagi ke dalam dua kelompok soal, yakni Short Statements (berisi 10 butir soal) dan Short Talks
(10 butir soal).
Semua soal Listening akan diperdengarkan oleh narrator dalam bentuk rekaman suara yang
dipancarkan melalui pengeras suara yang ada di dalam ruangan tes. Semua narrator adalah penutur
asli bahasa Inggris, yang membacakan teks soal dengan kecepatan antara 140 – 160 wpm (kata per
menit). Kecepatan ini sedikit di bawah kecepatan TOEFL yang dibacakan dalam kecepatan 180 –
220 wpm. Jeda waktu antara soal satu ke soal berikutnya adalah 15 detik dalam test AcEPT, atau
sedikit lebih lama dibanding TOEFL yang berjarak waktu 12 detik setiap soalnya. Jika Anda ingin
sukses dalam bagian ini, Anda harus membiasakan diri dengan tes ini sebelum tes yang asli Anda
ikuti. Pelajarilah dengan baik “apa yang diujikan” dalam tes ini dan “bagaimana mempersiapkan
diri” menghadapi tes. Anda pun akan lebih siap menghadapi tes jika mengetahui rahasia tes

Rahasia Listening Comprehension

Tidak banyak yang tahu bahwa kesulitan mengerjakan tes Listening Comprehension dalam tes-tes
bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa asing, entah itu tes TOEFL, TOEIC, EPT, IELTS, IBT atau pun
AcEPT adalah karena tidak dikuasaninya kemampuan mempersepsi bunyi ujaran bahasa Inggris
(English speech perception). Kemampuan mempersepsi bunyi ujaran dalam bahasa Inggris ini
belum memiliki tempat yang memadai dalam dunia pendidikan bahasa Inggris di Indonesia,
sehingga kesulitan-kesulitan mengerjakan tes listening yang disebabkan oleh ketidakmampuan
peserta tes mempersepsi bunyi ujaran ini sulit diatasi peserta tes. Selama esensi dari persoalan
listening ini tidak tersentuh, mispersepsi bunyi akan terus terjadi, dan selama itu pulalah kesulitan
mengerjakan bagian Listening akan menghinggapi setiap peserta tes. Untuk itu strategi
mempersiapkan diri menghadapi tes Listening harus diubah. Anda harus mulai berani
memfokuskan diri pada persepsi bunyi ujaran, bukan pada bentuk-bentuk kalimat atau pengenalan-
pengenalan ekspresi idiomatik semata. Hal ini karena Anda berhadapan dengan bunyi ujaran di
udara yang belum tentu bisa ditangkap radar pendengaran Anda, bukan dengan kata-kata yang
segera bisa ditangkap pasti oleh ‘radar’ penglihatan kita seperti ketika anda mengerjakan soal
Oleh karena karakter tes Listening Comprehension tidak sama dengan karakter tes bagian lain,
seperti Reading Comprehension, maka kita harus pandai-pandai mempersiapkan diri dan
menyiasati tes ini. Jika tes Reading dijembatani oleh ‘mata’ untuk menangkap untaian kata-kata
dalam sebuah teks bacaan; maka tes Listening ini bertumpu pada kemampuan ‘telinga’ menangkap
sinyal-sinyal akustik berupa bunyi-bunyi ujaran yang akan diteruskan oleh ‘lobus temporal’ ke
pusat otak kita. Jika saat mengerjakan Reading Comprehension asumsinya kita selalu bisa
langsung mengerti apa yang ditanyakan, maka saat mengerjakan Listening kita harus terlebih
dahulu mampu mempersepsi maksud pertanyaan dengan baik. Jika persepsi tidak terbangun, maka
pertanyaan pun tidak akan pernah sampai ke otak kita. Dan kita pun akan mengalami deadlock,
tidak mungkin bisa menjawab dengan benar setiap pertanyaan narrator. Persoalan akan bertambah
runyam manakali Anda tidak mampu mempersepsi kalimat dengan benar; sebaliknya Anda malah
mengalami mispersepsi pada kalimat yang Anda dengar. Ini lebih fatal karena ketika mispersepsi
terjadi, maka yang muncul dalam otak Anda adalah makna yang berbeda dari makna yang
dimaksud oleh narrator. Sebagai akibatnya informasi yang disampaikan narrator ‘tidak nyambung’
dengan apa yang ditangkap radar pendengaran kita. Disitulah terjadi mispersepsi atau
misunderstanding yang akibatnya sangat fatal bagi peserta tes.

Untuk menghindari terjadinya mispersepsi, kita harus memahami proses menyimak secara
komprehensif. Secara umum, urut-urutan proses menyimak adalah: (1) Anda menangkap sinyal
akustik berupa bunyi ujaran dalam bahasa inggris; (2) Sinyal-sinyal dikirim lobus temporal ke otak
tengah menjadi data siap proses; (3) Data segera diproses dalam otak; sementara proses olah data
di otak dipengaruhi oleh kemampuan mempersepsi bunyi ujaran. Dan proses persepsi bunyi ujaran
itu sendiri dipengaruhi oleh memori jangka pendek kita, juga penguasaan kosa kata kita. Itulah
rahasia tes ini sekaligus jawaban mengapa banyak yang gagal dalam tes Listening Comprehension.

Materi Uji Listening Comprehension

Mengingat tes Listening Comprehension mengujikan kemampuan telinga kita menangkap bunyi
ujaran bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa asing, maka bisa dipastikan bahwa tes ini akan ‘menggoda’
telinga kita dengan bunyi-bunyi ujaran yang terdengar mirip atau bahkan sama. Peserta tes yang
memiliki pengetahuan bahasa Inggris terbatas pasti akan mengalami kesulitan luar biasa
menghadapi tes ini. Agar Anda dapat mengambil point banyak dari tes ini sebaiknya persiapkanlah
diri Anda sebaik-baiknya dengan mengantisipasi datangnya kesulitan saat menghadapi tes ini.
Materi tes terbagi ke dalam dua bagian, yakni bagian statements sebanyak 10 butir soal, dan talks
10 butir soal. Tes lebih banyak menguji kemampuan Anda menangkap kata-kata yang ber-
homophone (kata-kata yang bersuara sama tapi berbeda tulisan) atau homograph (kata-kata yang
tulisannya sama tapi beda makna). Inilah materi yang harus Anda persiapkan sebelum mengikuti
tes AcEPT. Sekali lagi, karena soal listening bersinggungan dengan kemampuan ‘radar
pendengaran’ kita maka persoalan dalam tes ini adalah sesuatu yang berkaitan dengan bunyi-bunyi
ujaran. Untuk itu, setiap kata yang ber-homophone atau homograph akan memiliki peluang untuk
muncul dalam tes ini. Diujikan pula, kemampuan Anda menangkap spurious homophone atau
homofon palsu, yakni ucapan beberapa kata yang terangkai satu sama lain dalam ucapan cepat
sehingga seolah-olah membentuk kata baru yang jauh dari kata-kata yang diucapkan. Inilah
kesulitan yang nyata dalam tes Listening. Untuk mengantisipasi kesulitan yang bakal muncul
dalam tes, cobalah ikuti latihan-latihan persepsi bunyi yang telah kami siapkan dalam bab ini.
Anda akan terbiasa dengan pola soal Listening, dan dapat lebih siap menghadapi tes yang
mengujikan kemampuan persepsi bunyi ini.


Posted on September 15, 2012 by Mr Frans Cleophas

1. Sebelum anda mendengarkan pernyataan dari tape recorder/suara narator, sebaiknya anda
melihat terlebih dahulu jawaban/pilihan A,B,C,D pada lembar soal.
2. Bacalah sepintas lalu (scanning) setiap kalimat pada pilihan A,B,C,D.
3. Perhatikan secara seksama, ada beberapa kata dari setiap pilihan A,B,C,D yang tulisannya
sama/diulang lebih dari satu kali.
4. Kata – kata yang diulang itu merupakan TOPIK PEMBICARAAN.
5. Arahkan/fokus pikiran anda pada topik itu.
6. Dengarkan pernyataan pada tape recorder/narator.
7. Ada kata/kelompok kata yg merupakan KATA KUNCI dari pernyataan narator.
8. Buatlah KESIMPULAN dari kata kunci itu/CARI KATA LAIN/PENRNYATAAN LAIN yg mempunyai
makna yang mirip/sama dengan kata kunci itu.
9. 9. Kesimpulan/kata lain/pernyataan lain/sinonim dari kata kunci itu merupakan jawaban yg

Perhatikan contoh berikut: Anda akan mendengarkan pernyataan dari narrator/tape recorder sbb:

1. The assignment is due the day after tomorrow. No extension will be given for this.

A. Simon is doing his job well, and they mentioned it.

B. You must do the assignment the day after tomorrow.
C. No sanction is given if you do the assignment the day after tomorrow.
D. It’s better for you to complete the task right away.

Dari contoh di atas, dapat kita simpulkan bahwa topik dari pernyataan narrator adalah tentang
ASSIGNMENT. Perhatikan kata assignment pada pilihan B dan C diulang dua kali.

KATA KUNCI pada pernyataan narrator adalah assignment (tugas), due (jatuh tempo) the day
after tomorrow, No extension (tdk ada perpanjangan waktu).

Maka pilihan yang paling tepat adalah (D) It’s better for you to complete the task right away.
Alasannya, kata “assignment” (tugas) pada pernyataan narrator mempunyai makna yg sama
dengan “task” (tugas) pada pilihan (D). Selain itu, kelompok kata “due the day after tomorrow”
dan “No extension” dapat kita simpulkan dgn pernyataan lain yakni “It’s better for you to
complete the task right away” (sebaiknya dikerjakan sekarang).

Tips ini berlaku untuk Tes AcEPT Part 1 Listening Comprehension (NOMOR 1 – 10). Mudah –
mudahan tips saya ini dapat bermanfaat bagi teman – teman semua. Tips yang lain akan saya
bahas dilain kesempatan.

Soal AcEPT (Part I Listening Comprehension)

Posted on Agustus 26, 2011 by Mr Frans Cleophas

Section A

Directions : In this section, you will hear 10 short statements. The statements will be spoken just
once. They will not be written out for you, and you must listen carefully in order to understand
what the speaker says.

When you hear a statement, you will have a period of 15 to 20 seconds to read the four sentences
in your test book and decide which one is closest in meaning to the statement you have heard.
Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the problem and mark your answer by drawing
with a pencil a short bar across the corresponding letter in the brackets.

Listen to the following example:

You will hear:

“He is no longer living in Beijing.”

You will read:

[A] He’s been living in Beijing for a long time.

[B] He used to live in Beijing.

[C] He’s gone to Beijing for a short visit.

[D] He should stay longer in Beijing,

Sentence [B] “He used to live in Beijing” is closest in meaning to the statement “He is no longer
living in Beijing.” Therefore you should choose answer [B].

Tips menjawab pertanyaan Listening AcEPT bagian pertama.

Soal no 1 – 10 menguji kemampuan Anda memahami pernyataan pendek dalam bahasa Inggris.
Masing-masing pernyataan akan dibacakan sekali saja. Pernyataan yang Anda dengar tidak akan
ditulis dalam tes. Anda tidak diperkenankan membuat catatan apapun dalam buku tes.


 Lihatlah secara sepintas pernyataan yang ada pada pilihan A, B, C, dan D.

 Arahkan pikiran Anda pada topik pembicaraan yang akan disampaikan pada pernyataan
 Pahami makna/maksud yang tersirat pada pernyataan pendek tersebut.
 Pilihlah jawaban yang memiliki makna yang sama/mirip dengan pernyataan tersebut.

Pada contoh di atas kita mendengarkan sebuah pernyataan pendek yakni “He is no longer living
in Beijing (Dia tidak lagi tinggal di Beijing). Pada pilihannya terdapat hanya satu pernyataan
yang memiliki makna yang sama dengan pernyataan pada soal yakni [B] He used to live in
Beijing (yang artinya, dulu dia tinggal di Beijing dan sekarang tidak).

Kunci untuk memilih jawaban yang tepat pada Listening bagian pertama adalah memilih
sinonim/memilih pernyataan yang memiliki makna yang sama/mirip dengan pernyataan
pada soal.


[A] Tom is riding a bike.

[B] The bike is upside down.

[C] Tom is repairing the bike.

[D] Tom is cleaning his bike.


[A] Professor Graff doesn’t usually write on the blackboard.

[B] Students are rarely bored in Professor Grafts class.

[C] The professor uses graphs when she lectures.

[D] Students in the graphic arts course don’t take notes.


[A] They are with them.

[B] It is with them.

[C] They are with her.

[D] He is with her.


[A] I passed the test because I studied hard.

[B] I won’t do well on the test if I don’t study.

[C] I failed the test because I didn’t study enough.

[D] I’ll study hard so I can pass the test.

5. [A] How long is the school term?

[B] Why did you turn over the stool?

[C] I wish I know how to get to the dormitory.

[D] I want the term to end soon.


[A] The boat owner must be rich.

[B] This man must be the owner.

[C] Those men are both rich.

[D] The boat has a monkey on it.


[A] Alice answered Jean’s question.

[B] Alice allowed Jean to respond.

[C] Jean’s response was questionable.

[D] Alice accepted the answer.


[A] Bob bought a new pair of sandals.

[B] Bob’s sandals were fixed.

[C] The shoemaker only made sandals.

[D] The shoemaker wore sandals.


[A] We have to go to a party after work.

[B] We are going to have a party when the house has been painted.

[C] We went to a huge party after the house was painted.

[D] We’ll go to the party if the house is painted.


[A] They read about the invention in the news report.

[B] The inventor wrote an interesting news report.

[C] A reporter asked the inventor some questions.

[D] The reporter was watching the news.

Tes AcEPT (Part I Listening Comprehension)

Posted on Agustus 26, 2011 by Mr Frans Cleophas

Section B

In this part you will hear five short talks. After each talk, two questions will be asked based on the
information given. Answer the questions following the talk, by choosing A, B, C, or D which best
answers the questions. Remember, you are not allowed to take notes or write in your test book.

Soal no 11 – 20 menguji kemampuan Anda mendengarkan teks pendek yang dibacakan narrator.
Setelah teks diperdengarkan, Anda akan mendengarkan pula dua pertanyaan mengenai isi teks.
Pilihlah A, B, C, atau D yang secara tepat menjawab pertanyaan yang diajukan. Anda tidak
diperkenankan membuat catatan apapun pada buku soal.

Langkah – langkah:
1. Baca pernyataan pada pilihan A, B, C dan D secara cepat kemudian buatlah pertanyaan
2. Dengarkan percakapan pendek pada tape recorder namun lebih fokus pada pernyataan yang
sesuai dengan pertanyaan yang anda buat.

Catatan: Pada bagian ini biasanya pertanyaannya mengacu pada WH QUESTION (what, where,
when, who, how long, how many, how often).


On the recording, you hear:

(narrator) : Questions 1 through 4. Listen to a lecture in a history class.

(woman) : Salt, which today seems so plentiful to us, in the past used to be a valuable commodity.
In the

ancient past in China, salt was used to make coins and in parts of Africa it was traded in place

of money. In the Roman Empire, soldiers were not paid in money but were instead paid in salt.

In fact, the English word “salary, “ which means the amount of money that one earns, comes

from the Latin root for “salt.


1. On the recording, you hear:

(narrator) What is the topic of the talk?

In your test book, you read:

(A) Valuable commodities.

(B) Salt.

(C) Ancient China.

(D) Money.

2. On the recording, you hear:

(narrator) What was salt used for in China?

In your test book, you read:

(A) To spice food.

(B) To build houses.

(C) To make coins

(D) To locate Africa.

3. On the recording, you hear:

(narrator) What does “salary” mean in English?

In your test book, you read:

(A) Coins.

(B) Earnings

(C) Soldiers.

(D) Commodities.

4. On the recording, you hear:

(narrator) What is the meaning of the root “sal” in Latin?

In your test book, you read:

(A) Salt.

(B) Rome.

(C) Money.

(D) Trade.


 The first question asks about the topic of the talk. The speaker begins with salt and
continues to talk about it throughout the passage, so the best answer is answer (B).
 The second question asks about the use of salt in China. The speaker says that in China,
salt was used to make coins, so the best answer is answer (C).
 The third question asks the meaning of salary. The speaker says that salary means the
amount of money that one earns, so the best answer is answer (B).
 The last question asks about the meaning of the root sal. The speaker says that “salary”..
comes from the Latin root for “salt,” so the best answer is answer (A).
Contoh Soal Tes Acept UGM: Vocabulary Test
Posted on Juli 6, 2014 by Mr Frans Cleophas

Bagian kedua tes AcEPT, yakni Vocabulary menguji pengetahuan Anda tentang kosakata bahasa
Inggris yang lazim digunakan dalam dunia akademik. Bagian tes yang diberi label nama
Vocabulary ini dibagi ke dalam dua bagian, yakni Bagian A dan Bagian B. Bagian A menguji
kemampuan Anda menggunakan kosakata dalam konteks bacaan, berupa Cloze Test; sementara
Bagian B menguji kemampuan Anda tentang pasangan kata dalam konteks kalimat (ko-lokasi).
Pada tes bagian A Anda akan diberi paparan teks bacaan yang di dalamnya terdapat bagian yang
dihilangkan, dan tugas Anda adalah memilih opsi yang paling tepat (A, B,C, atau D) untuk bisa
mengisi bagian kosong dalam bacaan tersebut. Sementara pada bagian B Anda akan diuji
memilih kata yang secara tepat mengisi pasangan kata lainnya yang telah diberi garis bawah.
Perhatikan contoh berikut:
Contoh soal VOCABULARY (Bag A)
For questions 1 – 15, choose the word or phrase in A, B, C, or D which best completes each
blank space in the text.
This research aims at (1) ——- the correlation between the time spent between children and
parents and the choice of the language made by the children in their daily interaction with the
neighboring children in a multicultural community. The major source of (2) ———– is the
longitudinal report of the language use between the family in their daily interaction from 2005 –
2010. Etc
1. A. knowing
B. comprehending
C. admitting
D. investigating

2. A. knowledge
B. supply
C. data
D. entry

Contoh soal VOCABULARY (Bag B)

Choose the word or phrase in A, B, C, or D that best collocates (combines) with each of the
underlined words or phrases in the following sentences.
1. Mr. Young looked at my first two printouts and ———– to the conclusion that I was arguing
for Method A. In reality though, I think Method B is better.
A. jumped
B. ran
C. drew
D. pulled
2. Almost everybody takes a very strong interest —— her method of raising her rowdy children.
A. in
B. with
C. on
D. at
Perhatikan bahwa semua kata yang disediakan sebagai pilihan jawaban pada contoh soal nomor
1, merupakan kata kerja berbentuk –ing. Ini berarti, dari segi gramatika, semua pilihan ini tidak
perlu dipersoalkan. Artinya, untuk mengerjakan soal jenis ini, Anda tidak dapat menggunakan
analisis gramatika sebagai strategi Anda untuk mengatasi persoalan ini. Yang harus Anda
lakukan untuk mengatasi soal-soal seperti ini adalah analisis ‘semantik’ (analisis makna) dengan
membaca teks secara cepat tapi hati-hati, dan mempertimbangkan konteks yang ada. Amat
disarankan, Anda seintensif mungkin membaca artikel-artikel ilmiah yang ditulis dalam jurnal
internasional berbahasa Inggris seraya mempelajari kata-kata yang biasa digunakan dalam
penulisan tersebut. Pertimbangannya adalah karena materi tes ini amat bernuansa akademik dan
lebih banyak berkiblat ke artikel-artikel jurnal seperti itu sehingga peserta yang terbiasa dengan
bacaan jurnal-jurnal internasional kemungkinan besar akan terbantu dengan ‘famililiaritas’ yang
bersangkutan dengan kata-kata yang lazim dipakai dalam penulisan jurnal.
Dalam contoh latihan di atas, nuansa ilmiah tergambar dalam pilihan-pilihan kata yang
digunakan dalam teks tersebut. Perhatikan bagian berikut:
This research aims at (1) ——-
Kata-kata yang mengawali teks di atas, yakni

mengarahkan pembaca pada pilihan kata-kata tertentu lainnya yang lazim digunakan dalam
laporan penelitian. Dengan melihat bagian lanjutan dari kalimat tersebut, yakni :

seorang peserta tes akan dapat memilih kata yang secara tepat konteks mengisi kekosongan yang
ada pada bagian kalimat tersebut. Tentu, bagi yang terbiasa menulis atau membaca laporan
penelitian atau jurnal ilmiah internasional, kata-kata yang dapat masuk dalam slot kalimat di atas
sudah dapat diprediksi. Bagi peserta tes yang tidak memiliki pengalaman sama sekali dalam hal
membaca jurnal-jurnal berbahasa Inggris, disarankan untuk mempelajari karakter penulisan
jurnal ilmiah berbahasa Inggris. Ini adalah sisi positif dari tes ini; kita dapat belajar untuk
persiapan tes AcEPT sekaligus belajar mengenal atau bahkan menulis teks-teks ilmiah berbahasa
Untuk contoh soal nomor 1, pilihan yang secara tepat mengisi bagian kosong pada soal nomor 1
adalah D. investigating. Alasannya pilihan kata ini secara kontekstual paling tepat mengisi
bagian yang kosong tersebut. Agar kita mampu secara tepat memilih opsi, kita harus mengenal
betul kata-kata yang lazim digunakan dalam konteks bernuansa akademik. Peserta tes dapat pula
mencermati hubungan antar kata dalam kalimat yang didalamnya terkandung kata yang
dipersoalkan, seraya memastikan maksud penulis teks tersebut.

Dari konteks yang ada, jika kita menghubungkan bagian-bagian yang bergaris bawah, yakni
source dan the longitudinal report, kita dapat meyakini bahwa kata yang tepat mengisi bagian
kosong tersebut adalah kata data. Kata-kata (pilihan) yang lain seperti (A) knowledge, (B)
supply, dan (D) entry tidak memenuhi keserasian konteks.
Apabila dicermati, soal Vocabulary bagian B tampak jelas menguji kemampuan peserta tes
menghubungkan satu kata yang tersedia dalam pilihan A, B, C, atau D dengan kata yang bergaris
bawah. Inilah yang disebut COLLOCATION atau kolokasi. Kolokasi adalah sepasang kata atau
kelompok kata yang saling sesuai satu sama lain karena kecocokan kata dengan pasangan kata
tersebut. Beberapa kolokasi merupakan pasangan kata yang ‘fixed’ tak bisa diganggu gugat;
beberapa lainnya terbuka dengan pasangan lain yang jumlahnya terbatas.

Contoh pasangan yang ‘fixed’:

Satu-satunya kata kerja yang dapat mendampingi kata ‘photo’ adalah kata ‘take’. Kita bisa
mengatakan bahwa kata ‘photo’ berkolokasi dengan kata ‘take’. Tidak ada kata lain yang bisa
masuk mengganti sebuah kata dalam ‘hubungan intim’ kedua kata tersebut (lihat McCharty and
O’Dell, 2000).

Contoh pasangan yang ‘terbuka’ dengan kata (terbatas) lain:

Contoh di atas menunjukkan bahwa frasa the rule dapat berkolokasi

dengan kata keep atau stick.

Kata-kata yang berkolokasi tidak dapat dipaksa untuk bisa dipasangkan dengan kata-kata lain
yang tidak berkolokasi. Perhatikan bahwa kata ‘fast’ dalam frasa “fast food” tidak bisa diganti
dengan kata ‘quick’ untuk membentuk frasa “quick food”. Frasa ‘quick food’ tidak bisa diterima
dalam kontruksi frasa bahasa Inggris karena kedua kata yang membangun frasa tersebut tidak
berkolokasi. Sebaliknya, kata ‘quick’ dalam frasa ‘quick glance’ tidak bisa diganti dengan kata
‘fast’ untuk membentuk frasa ‘fast glance’. Frasa ‘fast glance tidak dapat diterima dalam
konsttruksi frasa bahasa Inggris karena kedua kata yang membangun frasa tersebut
tidak berkolokasi.

Perhatikan kembali contoh soal nomor 1 di atas:

1. Mr. Young looked at my first two printouts and ———– to the conclusion that I was arguing
for Method A. In reality though, I think Method B is better.
A. jumped
B. ran
C. drew
D. pulled
Yang diberi garis bawah dalam kalimat soal adalah frasa to the conclusion. Kata yang
berkolokasi dengan frasa tersebut adalah (A). jumped, sehingga keduanya jika
dihubungkan akan membentuk frasa jumped to the conclusion. Kata-kata yang lain seperti (B)
ran, (C) drew, atau (D) pulled tidak ada yang berkolokasi dengan frasa to the conclusion. Kita
tidak bisa mengatakan (B) ran to the conclusion, (C) drew to the conclusion, atau pun (D) pulled
to the conclusion.

Perhatikan juga contoh soal nomor 2 di atas.

2. Almost everybody takes a very strong interest —— her method of raising her rowdy children.
A. in
B. with
C. on
D. at
Kata yang bergaris bawah dalam kalimat tersebut adalah interest. Kata tersebut berkolokasi
dengan kata in. Jadi jawaban yang terpat untuk contoh soal nomor 2 adalah (A) in. Dalam
bahasa Indonesia orang bisa mengatakan “Saya tertarik dengan pilihannya. Sekalipun demikian,
saat kita menterjemahkan kaliamat tersebut ke dalam bahasa Inggris, kita tidak bisa
mengatakan I am interested with her choice karena kata interested tidak berkolokasi dengan
kata with. Kalimat di atas bisa kita terjemahkan menjadi I am interested in her choice.
Untuk meningkatkan kemampuan memasangkan kata dalam ‘kolokasi’ diperlukan pengetahuan
memadai tentang kata-kata yang berkolokasi. Cara yang dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan
pengetahuan kolokasi ini adalah dengan cara (1) membaca teks berbahasa Inggris seintensif
mungkin, yakni dengan memperhatikan kata-kata yang digunakan dalam teks bacaan; atau (2)
mempelajari/menghafal kata-kata yang berkolokasi dalam buku-buku Vocabulary yang
membahas Kolokasi.
Tes AcEPT: Part V Composing Skills (Jumbled Sentence)
Posted on Agustus 26, 2011 by Mr Frans Cleophas

Soal nomor 37 – 40 berisi kalimat-kalimat yang tidak disusun dengan urutan yang logis. Anda
diminta untuk memilih opsi yang menujukkan urutan kalimat logis yang membentuk paragraph.

Exercise 1

Look at the following text about growing cotton in India. The paragraphs have not been printed in
the correct order. Arrange the paragraphs in the correct order. Remember that the topic of one
paragraph should follow logically from the topic of the last paragraph and should lead on to the
topic of the next paragraph.

(A) Most of the farmers are extremely poor. Attracted by cheap loans from pesticides traders and
the prospect of a quick buck, they borrowed heavily to raise cotton on small plots of land.

(B) According to the Ministry of Agriculture, the crop losses and destruction in Andhra Pradesh
arose from the repeated application of excessive amounts of chemicals – a practice actively
encouraged by pesticides traders.

(C) The suicide of Samala Mallaiah in Nagara village grabbed media headlines. He owned one
acre of land, leased two more and grew cotton on all three. After making a loss in the first year, he
leased yet more land in an attempt to recover. Confronted with falling prices, mounting debts and
pest attacks, he committed harakiri. ‘Cotton has given us shattered dreams,’ said one old farmer
in Nagara village.

(D) As many as 60,000 small farmers in the region of Andhra Pradesh, southern India, have taken
to farming cotton instead of food crops. Some 20 of them have recently committed suicide by
eating lethal doses of pesticide.

(E) Whitefly, boll weevils and caterpillars multiplied and destroyed their crops, despite the
constant application of pesticides. The average yield of cotton fields in Andhra Pradesh fell by
more than half in just one year. Now the farmers are in no position to repay the loans or feed their

(F) Nearly half the pesticides used in India go into protecting cotton, the most important
commercial crop in the country. However, pests have shown increased immunity to a range of
pesticides. Last year there were heavy crop losses due to leaf-curl, which is caused by the dreaded
whitefly. This nondescript, milky-white fly sucks sap from the cotton leaves, making them curl
and dry up. The fly struck first in Pakistan and north-western India. Then it turned south.

(New Internationalist, June 1998, p. 13)

A) A C F E B D B) D A E C F B C) E A C F B D D) C D A E F B E) B D A C F E

Paragraphs – answers (berikut adalah urutan kronologis bacaan yang benar)

Jawaban yang benar adalah (B) D A E C F B

As many as 60,000 small farmers in the region of Andhra Pradesh, southern India, have taken to
farming cotton instead of food crops. Some 20 of them have recently committed suicide by eating
lethal doses of pesticide.

Most of the farmers are extremely poor. Attracted by cheap loans from pesticides traders and the
prospect of a quick buck, they borrowed heavily to raise cotton on small plots of land.

Whitefly, boll weevils and caterpillars multiplied and destroyed their crops, despite the constant
application of pesticides. The average yield of cotton fields in Andhra Pradesh fell by more than
half in just one year. Now the farmers are in no position to repay the loans or feed their families.

The suicide of Samala Mallaiah in Nagara village grabbed media headlines. He owned one acre of
land, leased two more and grew cotton on all three. After making a loss in the first year, he leased
yet more land in an attempt to recover. Confronted with falling prices, mounting debts and pest
attacks, he committed harakiri. ‘Cotton has given us shattered dreams,’ said one old farmer in
Nagara village.

Nearly half the pesticides used in India go into protecting cotton, the most important commercial
crop in the country. However, pests have shown increased immunity to a range of pesticides. Last
year there were heavy crop losses due to leaf-curl, which is caused by the dreaded whitefly. This
nondescript, milky-white fly sucks sap from the cotton leaves, making them curl and dry up. The
fly struck first in Pakistan and north-western India. Then it turned south.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture, the crop losses and destruction in Andhra Padresh arose
from the repeated application of excessive amounts of chemicals – a practice actively encouraged
by pesticides traders.


Untuk memastikan urutan cerita yang tepat, silahkan kunjungi website tersebut untuk mengetahui
teks aslinya.
Tes AcEPT: Part III Grammar and Structure (Cloze Test)
Posted on Agustus 26, 2011 by Mr Frans Cleophas

Untuk soal nomor 16 – 25, pilihlah kata atau frasa pada pilihan A, B, C, dan D yang secara tepat
melengkapi bagian-bagian yang kosong dalam teks bacaan.

A cloze test (also cloze deletion test) is an exercise, test, or assessment consisting of a portion of
text with certain words removed (cloze text), where the participant is asked to replace the missing
words. Cloze tests require the ability to understand context and vocabulary in order to identify the
correct words or type of words that belong in the deleted passages of a text. This exercise is
commonly administered for the assessment of native and second language learning and instruction.

Here’s an example, using a paragraph from Facebook’s privacy policy:

Site activity information. We keep {1}______ of some of the actions {2}______ take on Facebook,
such as {3}______ connections (including joining a group {4}______ adding a friend), creating a
{5}______ album, sending a gift, poking {6}______ user, indicating you “like” a {7}______,
attending an event, or connecting {8}______ an application. In some cases {9}______ are also
taking an action {10}______ you provide information or content {11}______ us. For example, if
you {12}______ a video, in addition to {13}______ the actual content you uploaded, {14}______
might log the fact that {15}______ shared it.

Here are the missing words from the sample paragraph:

{1} track

{2} you

{3} adding

{4} or

{5} photo

{6} another

{7} post

{8} with

{9} you
{10} when

{11} to

{12} share

{13} storing

{14} we

{15} you


The strict version of the test requires that students provide the correct term for each blank, while a
looser version has also been used that accepts “partially correct” answers, such as those that are
the correct part of speech (verb, noun, pronoun, etc.). These answers indicate that students are
learning the syntactic rules of language, but are as yet unable to translate these into a semantic
comprehension of the text.

The answers for the spaces are as follows:

To jump to a scene, click __on__ Henry’s shirt pocket. The note pad appears. Then, click on the
options tab. The options page appears. Then, click on the arrows on the right and left side of the
scene pictured near the bottom of the page to flip through the scenes. When you find the scene
you want, click the picture to go there.

Henry’s friend Ginger has a useful item that will help you pinpoint the number of jellybeans in
Mr. Sherman’s jar. It is called the solution tester, and Ginger will let you use it whenever you
would like. You have to find some clues to put into the solution tester before you use it. Ginger
hangs out in Henry’s tree house, where she works on her own guesses for the Jellybean Contest.
You can get to the tree house using Henry’s note pad. Go to the options page and click on the tree

Tes AcEPT (Error Identification): Part III Grammar

and Structure
Posted on Agustus 26, 2011 by Mr Frans Cleophas

From the marked areas A, B, C and D, identify the one that is wrong, correct it.

1. (A) Their most favorite hotel is the Hotel Regent. (B) It is near the beach and (C) is a very
cozy hotel. It is (D) not too expensive, too.
2. I like (A) these kind (B) of hotels too. I don’t (C) go for the big, noisy and (D) expensive

3. The Amelia Hotel (A) is good as the Radan Hotel, (B) in fact. Actually, I (C) would rather go
to the Amelia. (D) It’s closer to the town.

4. (A) He prefers the (B) Radan Hotel because (C) he feels the service (D) is more better.

5. The Weather Bureau (A) is announced that the rain (B) will continue for (C) another 36
hours. People (D) are advised to stay indoors.

6. Visibility (A) on the roads (B) are very poor. Thus, drivers are advised (C) to be careful,
especially when (D) driving at night.

7. She was (A) kind enough (B) to give me (C) a lot of advices (D) about how to pass the
driving test.

8. (A) I told him, “(B) I have not (C) been told (D) these news”

9. (A) The man was hung as punishment (B) for murdering (C) his five children (D) and his

10. (A) I made him (B) to confess that (C) he copied your answer (D) during the test.

Answers 1. A 2. A 3. A 4. D 5. A 6. B 7. C 8. D 9. A 10. B

Error identification – Extra practice exercises. Decide which part of the sentence is
grammatically incorrect. Then look at the answers below.

1. I enjoyed study geography at school and now I’ve enrolled at the Economics Faculty.
2. I used to be keen of all scientific subjects but now I would prefer to study art.
3. I want meet your sister when she comes to see you – she sounds very nice.
4. My friends tell the English exam is quite difficult but I’m not worried.
5. The tickets, which are extremely good value, can be buy from large supermarkets.
6. The number of people which asked for the discount was low but grew during the summer
7. He wanted always to be a doctor and after doing medicine he now works in a hospital.
8. The informations they gave us was not very helpful so I consulted the website instead.
9. There isn’t many time, do you think we should get a taxi to the exhibition centre?
10. He graduated in languages in June and is now thinking of do a second degree in
11. The policeman showed us an identikit picture of the man who steal the car.
12. How long does it take to get the station on foot from your house
13. I was so angry that I took the watch broken to the jewellers to get my money back.
14. He rang me this morning for tell me that he had passed his driving test.
15. I won’t be able to go on holiday this year unless I will get a part-time job.
16. It was so nice day that they decided to have a picnic in the field.
17. I haven’t never seen anybody who rides a horse so well before.
18. My boyfriend always takes me to see horror films, but I don’t like very much.
19. We went to Guatemala last year so we were tired of the usual beach holiday.
20. I’ve gone to Marbella. I remember it well. A busy town with a nice modern promenade
and picturesque ‘piazze’.


1. I enjoyed studying (‘enjoy’ + ing)

2. keen on (keen + on = essere appassionato di)
3. want to (‘want’+ to + verb)
4. tell me (‘tell’ + person (me/you/him/her etc); nb. ‘say’non è seguito dalla persona)
5. can be bought (to be + past participle = passive)
6. who (relative pronoun ‘who’ = people)
7. always wanted (frequency adverb goes before the main verb)
8. the informations (information = uncountable noun)
9. much time (‘much’ with uncountable nouns, ‘many’ with countable nouns)
10. doing (‘ing’after a preposition)
11. stole (past tense of steal = steal stole stolen)
12. get to (preposition necessary; get to /go to /come to the station, BUT. arrive at/ reach
the station)
13. broken watch (adjective before noun)
14. to tell me (to+base form = per/a scopo di)
15. unless I will get (1° conditional = if/unless/when + present)
16. such a (such a + noun; so + adjective)
17. I haven’t never (double negative)
18. l don’t like them (‘like’ + direct object)
19. as (as = siccome; so = quindi)
20. I’ve been to Madrid (use ‘been’ not ‘gone’ se sei stato e tornato)

AcEPT Test : Part III Grammar and Structure

(Sentence Completion)
Posted on Juni 4, 2011 by Mr Frans Cleophas

Berikut adalah contoh soal AcEPT, Part III Grammar and Structure (Sentence Completion).
Bentuk soal seperti ini artinya peserta disuruh/diminta untuk melengkapi kalimat selanjutnya yang
sesuai atau cocok dengan konteks kalimat yang berada pada soal. Atau denga kata lain, peserta
diminta untuk melengkapi kalimat pada soal tes dengan pilihan kata atau frasa (A,B,C,D) yang
nyambung dengan kalimat asli pada soal. Bentuk soal seperti ini pada umumnya sulit karena
peserta harus mempunyai perbendaharaan kata/vocabulary yang cukup banyak. Namun peserta
bisa menebak kata atau frasa (yang paling relevan maknanya) yang berada pada pilihan A, B, C,


A person who feels persecuted in his/her home country may apply for political_________ .
A. appellation
B. appraisal
C. asylum
D. ascendance

Artinya: Seseorang yang merasa dianiaya dinegara asalnya dapat meminta/mengajukan …….

A. panggilan
B. penilaian
C. suaka
D. kenaikan

Jawaban yang tepat adalah “C” yakni “asylum” atau “suaka“. Kata asylum memiliki makna yag
sangat relevan dengan kalimat pada soal yaitu political asylum (suaka politik).

Mudah – mudahan penjelasan ini dapat bermanfaat bagi pembaca. Saya akan memberikan tips
mengerjakan soal AcEPT pada lain kesempatan.

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