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Unit Kegiatan belajar Mandiri (UKBM)


(BING-3.2/4.2/3/2 )

1. Identitas

a. Nama Mata Pelajaran : XXX

b. Kelas / Semester : XI / Ganjil
c. Kompetensi Dasar :

3.2. Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks
interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi
dan meminta informasi terkait pendapat dan pikiran, sesuai dengan
konteks penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan I think, I suppose,
In my opinion)
4.2. Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks
interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi
dan meminta informasi terkait pendapat dan pikiran, sesuai dengan
konteks penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan I think, I suppose,
In my opinion)
Unit Kegiatan belajar Mandiri (UKBM)

d. Materi Pokok : Opinion

e. Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 2 JP
f. Tujuan Pembelajaran :

Melalui Pendekatan saintifik dengan menggunakan model

pembelajaran task-based learning peserta didik dapat menentukan
fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi
transaksional dengan ungkapan pendapat dan piliran sesuai dengan
konteks dengan mengembangkan sikap rasa ingin tahu, tanggung
jawab, disiplin, kreatif, mandiri, serta dapat bekerjasama selama
proses pembelajaran dan bersikap jujur, percaya diri serta pantang

g. Materi Pembelajaran :

 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris SMA/SMK, MA/MAK Kelas XI Wajib. Jakarta:

Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, hal. 18 s.d. 31

2. Peta Konsep

point of view
opinion General
point of view
to an opinion

3. Kegiatan Pembelajaran

a. Pendahuluan
Sebelum belajar pada materi ini silahkan kalian membaca dan memahami narasi di
bawah ini.
Unit Kegiatan belajar Mandiri (UKBM)

b. Inti
1) Petunjuk Umum UKBM
Baca dan pahami materi pada Buku Teks Pelajaran ..........................
a) Setelah memahami isi materi dalam bacaan berlatihlah untuk berfikir
tinggi melalui tugas-tugas yang terdapat pada UKBM ini baik bekerja
sendiri maupun bersama teman sebangku atau teman lainnya.
b) Kerjakan UKBM ini dibuku kerja atau langsung mengisikan pada bagian
yang telah disediakan.
c) Kalian dapat belajar bertahap dan berlanjut melalui kegiatan ayo berlatih,
apabila kalian yakin sudah paham dan mampu menyelesaikan
permasalahan dalam kegiatan belajar yang ada, kalian boleh sendiri atau
mengajak teman lain yang sudah siap untuk mengikuti tes formatif agar
kalian dapat belajar ke UKBM berikutnya.

2) Kegiatan Belajar

Kalian sudah siappp ???

Ayo……ikuti kegiatan belajar berikut dengan penuh kesabaran dan penuh
konsentrasi ya !!!

Kegiatan Belajar 1
Unit Kegiatan belajar Mandiri (UKBM)
I. Look at the following picture and read the explanation on bullying

Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that

involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has
the potential to be repeated, over time. Both kids who are bullied and who bully
others may have serious, lasting problems. 

There are 3 types of bullying. They are verbal, physical and also social bullying.
The effects of bullying are varied, ranging from decreasing academic
achievement, health problem, and depression which often times leads to
II. suicide.
Answer the following questions related with the topic of bullying

1. What do you think about bullying?

2. According to you, what simple actions that you see at school can be
considered as bullying?
3. Why do you think bullying often happens at school?
4. In your opinion, why do some people enjoy bullying others?
5. What do you think should be done to stop bullying?

III. With a partner, read the conversational text and then discuss the questions
that follow. (Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris SMA/SMK, MA/MAK Kelas XI Wajib,
page 19)

IV. Look at the sentence structure in expressing opinion on Buku Siswa Bahasa
Inggris SMA/SMK, MA/MAK Kelas XI Wajib, page 21, then make sentences
expressing opinion using the following words

Believe i believe this is not the right way to handle things.
Think i think you are mistaken
Suppose i suppose do that

Doubt i doubt that this is possible

Assume i assume you are biased on this issue.
Reckon i reckon this could be right considering the reason you have
Unit Kegiatan belajar Mandiri (UKBM)


VI. Read Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris SMA/SMK, MA/MAK Kelas XI, page 21-22
and make a summary on expression that can be used to give general and
personal opinion.


Most people do not agree What i mean is
Almost everyone In my opinion
Some people say that In my humble opinion
Some people believe I think
Of course, many agree I would like to point out that
Generally it is accepted To my mind
The majority disagree with By this i mean
the majority agree with I am complied to say
It is something argued I reckon
It is consideredd As i see it
While some people believe Personally, i think
In my experience
I strongly believe that

VII. Read Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris SMA/SMK, MA/MAK Kelas XI, page 21-22
and make a summary on expression that can be used to agree or disagree
with an opinion.

Of course I think you are wrong
Neither do i I disagree with you
I think so too I do not believe that
I couldn’t agree more I don’t agree with you
This absolutely right That’s not the same thing at all
That’s a good point It is not justified to say so
I agree with this opinion
Unit Kegiatan belajar Mandiri (UKBM)

Let’s practice

After fully understanding the material on ACTIVITY 1 through literation,

observation and discussion, try to practice the following exercises

1. Totally agree
2. Opinion
3. Believe that
4. Am concered
5. Strongly believe
6. Strognly

1) blue 11) green

2) blue 12) yellow
3) green 13) yellow
4) yellow 14) green
5) red 15) yellow
6) green 16) green
7) yellow 17) yellow
8) yellow 18) blue
Unit Kegiatan belajar Mandiri (UKBM)


I. Before doing ACTIVITY 2, let’s play a game


Rules of the game

1. Wildfire ball is made of crumbled paper.

2. The ball will be randomly thrown by the teacher.
3. Those who get the ball should continue throwing the ball to other people
in the room until the teacher said stop.
4. The one who gets the wildfire ball should open the crumbled paper and
read the statement written there.
5. This person has to give his/her opinion about the statement.
6. Another wildfire ball is given to this person to be thrown around again.

II. Read the following text and underlined the expression of giving opinion
you can find in the text.

Are Video Games a Good Way to Keep fit?

Nowadays, many teenagers have got video consoles at home and they often
like playing active video games. These are good for you for a number of
Unit Kegiatan belajar Mandiri (UKBM)

III. In a group of 2-4, discuss the following questions related with the previous

 What is the writer’s opinion on video games according to the text?

 Mention the reasons given by the writer to support his/her opinion.
IV. Read the following explanation
 What is the writer’s intention to write the text?


 Definition
An opinion essay is a formal piece of writing. It consists of the opinion
of the essay writer, which must be stated clearly, provided with various
viewpoints on the topic, supported by reasons and/or examples. The
opposing viewpoints can be included.
 The text structures
1) Introduction
An introductory paragraph where the writer state the topic and their
opinion on the topic.
2) Main body
Several paragraphs, each presenting reason or argument supporting
the writer’s opinion which is stated in the introduction. An opposing
argument can be included too, in which the writer will give reason on
why the opposing argument is unconvincing.
3) Conclusion
A paragraph which restates the writer’s opinion in the introduction
using different words.

For example:

Are Video Games a Good Way to Keep fit?

Unit Kegiatan belajar Mandiri (UKBM)

Let’s practice

After fully understanding the material on ACTIVITY 1 through literation,

observation and discussion, try to practice the following exercises
II. Read the following text, then answers the question that follows

Do you know what the meaning of corruption is? What is the relation between
money and corruption? Well, corruption is common everywhere in the world, even in
the United States. It’s just a matter of intensity. However, it is quite shocking when
one reliable survey claims Jakarta as the most corrupt place in Indonesia.

The survey has made me sad, actually, because I stay and earn a living here in the
capital. As most people know, Tanjung Priok port smuggling is not a new thing at all.
Entrepreneurs who want to minimize their tax payments tend to do such a thing
more often. They even bribe the officials.

Well, I think the measures taken so far to overcome the problem by punishing the
corruptors is still not far enough. We have to prevent the younger generations from
getting a bad mentality caused by corruption.

I believe we should start at the earliest stages in school and I think everyone should
be involved in the effort to eradicate corruption. We must not make any distinction.

1.What is the writer’s opinion on the text?

2.What reasons do the writer give to support his/her opinion?
3.Mention the main idea of each paragraph
Unit Kegiatan belajar Mandiri (UKBM)

II. Create an opinion essay using the following ideas (choose 1)

 Homework helped students to review material given at school

 Mobile phone has more bad effects for students
 Earth is being harmed by human activity
 Living in the countryside is better than in big cities.
Unit Kegiatan belajar Mandiri (UKBM)

c. Penutup

Bagaimana kalian
Setelah kalian belajar bertahap dan berlanjut melalui kegiatan
belajar 1, 2 dan 3, berikut diberikan Tabel untuk mengukur diri
kalian terhadap materi yang sudah kalian pelajari. Jawablah sejujurnya terkait dengan
penguasaan materi pada UKB ini di Tabel berikut.

Tabel Refleksi Diri Pemahaman Materi

No Pertanyaan Ya Tidak
1. Apakah kalian telah memahmi pengertian ............. ?
2. Apakah kalian telah memahmi pengertian .............?
3. Apakah kalian telah memahmi pengertian .............?
4. Dapatkah kalian menyebutkan factor-faktor .............?
5. Dapatkah kalian menyebutkan factor-faktor .............?
6. Apakah kalian memahami perilaku .............?
7. Apakah kalian memahami perilaku .............?
8. Dapatkah menghitung .............?

Jika menjawab “TIDAK” pada salah satu pertanyaan di atas, maka pelajarilah kembali
materi tersebut dalam Buku Teks Pelajaran (BTP) dan pelajari ulang kegiatan belajar 1, 2
dan 3 yang sekiranya perlu kalian ulang dengan bimbingan Guru atau teman sejawat.
Jangan putus asa untuk mengulang lagi!. Dan apabila kalian menjawab “YA” pada
semua pertanyaan, maka lanjutkan berikut.

Dimana posisimu?
Ukurlah diri kalian dalam menguasai materi pelaku ekonmi dalam kegiatan ekonomi
dalam rentang 0 – 100, tuliskan ke dalam kotak yang tersedia.
Unit Kegiatan belajar Mandiri (UKBM)

Setelah kalian menuliskan penguasaanmu terhadap materi ..................lanjutkan

kegiatan berikut secara mandiri untuk mengevaluasi penguasaan kalian!
Kerjakan di buku kerja masing-masing....

Setelah menyelesaikan soal di atas dan mengikuti kegiatan belajar,silahkan kalian

berdiskusi dengan teman lalu tuliskan penyelesaian permasalahan diatas ke buku
kerja masing-masing!
Ini adalah bagian akhir dari UKBM materi ..............., mintalah tes formatif kepada
Guru kalian sebelum belajar ke UKBM berikutnya.
Unit Kegiatan belajar Mandiri (UKBM)
Sukses untuk kalian!!!

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