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SMA Al Huda Boarding School Tuban

Nama Penyusun Mery Rahayu Ningtriyas, S.Pd
Institusi SMA Al Huda Boarding School Tuban
Mata Pelajaran/fase Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut /F
Tahun Pelajaran 2023-2024
Kelas XI Mipa dan Xi Ips
Alokasi Waktu 3 X 40 menit
Materi Discussion Text
Pertemuan Ke 1
Model Pembelajaran Problem based learning
 Peserta didik sudah memahami fungsi social Exposition Text
 Peserta didik sudah memahami struktur Exposition Text
 Peserta didik sudah memahami unsur kebahasaan teks
1. Beriman, Bertakwa kepada Tuhan YME, dan Berakhlak Mulia
(Peserta didik mengawali dan mengakhiri kegiatan pembelajaran dengan berdoa kepada Tuhan
2. Bergotong royong
(Peserta didik mampu bekerja sama menyelesaikan tugas dengan sesama anggota kelompok)
3. Bernalar Kritis
(Peserta didik mampu bernalar kritis dalam menyelesaikan student’s worksheet secara baik dan
Alat Spidol, papan tulis, speaker, koneksi internet,LCD dan
Media Slide Power Point, Student’s Worksheet, Buku Pathway
to English Tingkat Lanjut kelas XI
Peserta didik regular kelas XI Mipa dan Xi IPS

Setelah mengikuti kegiatan pembelajaran melalui model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning, peserta
didik diharapkan mampu :
1. Mengidentifikasi ciri-ciri, fungsi social, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan teks discussion
2. Mengidentifikasi informasi tersirat dan tersurat , gagasan utama, dan informasi terperinci dari
teks discussion
Peserta didik mampu memahami bagaimana melihat sebuah permasalahan yang dekat dengan
lingkungan dan dunia mereka dari dua sisi yang berbeda .


 Have you ever read a discussion text?

 What do you know about discussion texts?
 Do you read a newspaper this morning?
 Are there any discussion texts in the newspaper?
 What is the social function of a discussion text?
 What are the generic structures of a discussion text?


Tahap Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi Waktu


1. Guru membuka kegiatan pembelajaran dengan 10 menit

2. Peserta didik diajak untuk berdoa
3. Peserta didik diajak untuk mengingat kembali materi
yang telah dipelajari pada pertemuan sebelumnya
4. Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran dan
manfaat kegiatan pembelajaran
5. Guru menyampaikan garis besar materi dan
kegiatan pembelajaran
6. Guru mengarahkah peserta didik untuk melakukan
presesensi melalui platform class dojo
Kegiatan Inti
Orientasi Peserta 7. Guru memberikan sebuah gambar pada slide PPT, 15 menit
didik pada peserta didik diminta untuk menjawab pertanyaan
masalah terkait dengan gambar.
 What comes on your mind when you saw
the picture?
 What picture above?
 Which side do you want to be in your
future? Why? What are your arguments?
8. Guru mengaitkan gambar dan pertanyaan dengan
materi pembelajaran pada pertemuan ini.
9. Guru memutarkan sebuah video dan peserta didik
diminta untuk menjawab beberapa pertanyaan
terkait dengan video
 What does the man tell you about?
 Do you still remember his arguments? What are
 Which side of arguments do you stand with? Why?
Mengorganisasika 10. Peserta didik diberikan student’s worksheet 60 menit
n Peserta didik 11. Peserta didik diberikan penjelasan terkait
untuk belajar student’s worksheet
12. Peserta didik dibagi menjadi beberapa kelompok
13. Peserta didik secara berpasangan menganalisis
teks discussion pada student’s worksheet
14. Peserta didik secara berpasangan mencari
informasi implisit dan ekspisit dan menjawab
pertanyaan pada student’s worksheet
Mengembangkan 16. Peserta didik mengunggah hasil analias teks 30 menit
dan Menyajikan discussion pada platform class dojo
Hasil Karya 17. Secara bergantian peserta didik
mempresentasikan hasil diskusi
pengerjaan student’s worksheet
Menganalisis dan 17. Peserta didik diberikan feedback atas 15 menit
Mengevaluasi Proses presentasi yang telah dilakukan
Pemecahan Masalah 18. Peserta didik menerima penjelasan materi dari
19. Guru memberikan kesempatan kepada
peserta didik untuk bertanya terkait materi yang
telah dijelaskan
PENUTUP 10 menit
20. Guru dan peserta didik merefleksikan pengalaman belajar
21. Guru menyampaikan rencana pembelajaran pada pertemuan
22. Guru menutup kelas dengan mengucap salam

Tuban, 17 Juli 2023

Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran

Example Generic Participant

Pros and Cons Using Social Media

Nowadays, everyone is a member of one or more social media platforms whether it is

Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, Line, or other platforms. In this modern era, social media
tends to form an integral part of our lives. As a new invention, social media must have its
advantages and disadvantages in the way it affects people's lives. Let us take a look at some of
these effects comprehensively. STATEMENT OF ISSUE

Here are some positive effects of social media on people's lives. First, they become more
informed about current affairs. With social media, we can easily find out about what is going on
in our neighborhood, state, country, and even the entire world. It is an important way to equip
ourselves with adequate knowledge of current affairs. Besides, it helps us to study many things.


Adverb of manner

Using Modalities
Social media platforms can be a great study tool for us. We can use them to ask each
other difficult questions that we could not solve by ourselves. It also makes it easier to form
group discussions and study groups even when we are far from each other. Furthermore, it
helps people with disabilities interact at the same level with others. On many occasions, people
with disabilities do not get an equal chance to interact with others. However, social media
offers an equal opportunity for them. They can do all of the activities that other people do on
social media. This makes them realize that they are not different from others.


They may neglect their work, friends, and family so that they can play a game or chat about various
things not related to the work. This clearly reduces their productivity levels. Furthermore, it can lead to
disclosing too much information. Social media has its own way of making people disclose much
information they would not show in real life. By giving out too much information, for example about
where one lives or what is happening to someone recently, the people could inadvertently make it
easier for those who want to do them harm.

Thus, having social media can be said to be necessary. But, use it as needed and its appropriate portions.
Then, access social media at certain times as needed. It’s ok for us to use social media for the purpose of
a little entertainment as long as it neither causes dependency nor disturbs social interaction. Again, use
social media according to its portion and benefits.

Big Think. “Jordan Peterson: Career vs. motherhood: Are women being lied to?.” Youtube video,
3:38. March, 17, 2020. Diakses pada 15 Juli

Sonvendra. (2023). Housewife vs. Career Woman: Debunking Stereotypes and Mental Health
Challenges. Female. Diakses pada 14 Juli 2023
Sudarwati,M., dan Grace Eudia. (2023). Pathway to English for SMA Grade XI Tingkat Lanjut . Jakarta
: Penerbit Erlangga.
Lampiran 1

Activity 1 Read the issues briefly and answer the following questions

2. What do you think the woman cried the whole way home?

1. What did the woman do? Why did the woman determine to quit? Why is it so tough for her to return
to work?
3. What are some pros and cons related being a working mother?

Discuss these following issues with your group

Activity 2

A woman as a stay-at-home mother with stereotyped tasks

1. What do the underlined words means? Give some examples of stereotyped tasks done by
woman as a-stay-at home?

People worldwide fought for the freedom we enjoy today

2. Why did people worldwide fight for freedom?

3. What kind of freedom did people fight for?

Women now play a vital role with men

4. Mention some activities done by a working mom?

5. What is the role of your mother in your family?

Women of today beg to differ

6. What is “beg to differ” meant by women of today?

Activity 3 What might be the pros and cons of being a working mom? Complete the table

Pros of being a working mother

Pros and Cons of Being A house Wife

Cons of being a working mother

Women’s roles in society have evolved significantly over the years, from being restricted to the home
to becoming an integral part of the workforce. While progress has been made in promoting gender equality,
there is still a long way to go. Many women face challenges and barriers when it comes to balancing their work
and family responsibilities, and this can have a significant impact on their mental health and overall wellbeing.
Understanding these challenges and finding ways to support women’s choices and promote gender equality is
crucial for creating a more equitable and just society. Some people do believe that by being a house wife gives
you some benefits. However, some them believe it as not. Let’s find out on these following arguments.

First point is, flexibility. One of the primary advantages of being a housewife is the flexibility it offers.
Unlike a traditional 9-5 job, housewives can choose their work hours and adjust their schedules according to
their family’s needs. This allows them to spend more time with their children, attend school events, and take
care of household chores without worrying about work-related commitments.

Second, time for family and children. Another advantage of being a housewife is the amount of time it
allows for family and children. Housewives have more time to spend with their family and children, which can
have a significant impact on their relationships and overall well-being. They can be more involved in their
children’s activities, help with homework, and provide emotional support whenever needed.

Third, control over household and family affairs. Being a housewife also provides more control over
household and family affairs. Housewives are responsible for managing their home and taking care of their
family’s needs. This includes grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning, and other household tasks. They have the
flexibility to organize their schedule and make decisions based on their family’s preferences and needs.
Despite these advantages, being a housewife also has its downsides.

The first is lack of financial independences. One of the main disadvantages of being a housewife is the
lack of financial independence. Since housewives do not have a regular income, they rely on their spouse or
partner for financial support. This can make them feel financially vulnerable and can limit their ability to make
independent financial decisions.

Second, Social Isolation. Another disadvantage of being a housewife is social isolation. Housewives
spend most of their time at home, which can lead to feelings of loneliness and isolation. They may not have
the opportunity to interact with people outside of their family circle, which can affect their social skills and
overall well-being. Now, work in your group. Analyze one of these following text. Use the table to
Activity 4 help you analyze it
It is important to recognize that both housewives and working women have valid choices and that
supporting these choices is essential for promoting gender equality. Stereotypes about gender roles can be
harmful and limit women’s opportunities and choices. Therefore, it is important to promote an inclusive and
supportive culture that recognizes the diversity of women’s experiences and choices.

Adapted from:

Pros and Cons of Being A Career Woman
A career woman is a term which describes a woman whose main goal in life is to create a career
for herself. The debate surrounding women’s choices between being a housewife or a career woman has
been a controversial topic for decades. While some argue that being a housewife provides flexibility and
control over household affairs, others argue that pursuing a career offers financial independence and a
sense of fulfillment. Despite these differing opinions, both choices come with their own set of advantages
and disadvantages, as well as unique mental health challenges.
One of the most significant advantages of being a career woman is the ability to achieve financial
independence. By working and earning a salary, women have greater control over their finances and can
support themselves and their families. Financial independence also allows women to make choices about
their lives, such as where they live, how they spend their time, and whether to pursue further education
or training.
Next, sense of fulfillment and achievement. Working in a career can provide a sense of fulfillment
and achievement that is difficult to replicate in other areas of life. Achieving success in one’s chosen
profession can be incredibly satisfying and boost self-confidence. In addition, women who work outside
the home often have the opportunity to contribute to their communities and society in meaningful ways
through their work. This can be an important source of personal fulfillment and a way to make a positive
impact on the world.
The other advantage is Professional Growth Opportunities. Working in a career can provide
women with numerous opportunities for professional growth and development. By learning new skills
and taking on new responsibilities, women can improve their job prospects and advance in their careers.
In addition, many employers offer training and development programs to help their employees grow and
succeed. Women who take advantage of these opportunities can increase their earning potential and
achieve greater job satisfaction.
On the other hand, there are also some disadvantages of being a career woman. One of the main
challenges faced by career women is balancing work responsibilities with family and personal obligations.
Working long hours and dealing with job-related stress can make it difficult for women to find time for
themselves and their families.
In addition, many workplaces do not offer flexible schedules or leave policies that make it easier
for women to balance work and family obligations. As a result, women may experience burnout, stress,
and difficulty in maintaining a healthy work-life balance.
Second, limited time for children and family. Another disadvantage of being a career woman is the
limited time available for family and children. Women who work outside the home often have less time to
spend with their families and may miss important events or milestones in their children’s lives.
In addition, women may feel guilty or conflicted about their work obligations and the time they
are spending away from their families. This can cause additional stress and anxiety for women who are
trying to balance work and family responsibilities.
Last, Workplace Gender Discrimination and Bias. Despite progress towards gender equality in the
workplace, many women still face discrimination and bias based on their gender. Women may be passed
over for promotions or be paid less than their male counterparts for doing the same work.
In addition, women may face harassment or other forms of discrimination in the workplace,
which can negatively impact their mental health and well-being. These barriers can make it more difficult
for women to succeed in their careers and achieve their full potential.
Overall, being a career woman can present challenges related to work-life balance, limited time
for family and children, and workplace discrimination and bias. It’s important for employers and society
as a whole to address these issues and support women in their careers.

Adapted from:

Use this table to analyze your text
Generic Structure

Statement of issue

List of arguments pro

List of argument cons


Language Features

Introducing to generic

Using Thinking Verbs

Using Conjunction
Showing Contrast

Using Adverb of manner

Using Modalities

Lampiran 2
Kunci Jawaban dan Pedoman Penilaian

No Jawaban Nilai

Activity 1

1 1) Answer may be vary depending on student’s understanding. For example: 10

Because she had to choose between caring for her daughter or going to work.

2 2) She was preparing her exam and while writing a shopping list. She determined 10
to quit because didn’t see how the logistics would work. She thought if she
would not manage to do the house and office works at the same time.
3 3) Pro: Women have shown they can hold their own in the workforce by 10
contributing equally to economic growth alongside men.
Con: Some people still think moms should remain at home and take care of the

Activity 2

1 It is a generalized task in which people expect what others should do. For example, a 5
woman should do housework by herself and not work.
2 Because they realized that they have to get equal rights. 5

3 Freedom to have equal rights, for instance, working, voting, and many more. 5

4 Cooking, cleaning, washing, and teaching children. 5

5 It depends on student’s answer 5

6 Something that has to change. 5

Pros of being a working mother Cons of being a working mother

 Find the best way to balance work and  Children may feel alone and fall into unsafe
home. company.
 Get the job they want and go after their  They can't go to important school activities for
dreams. their kids


Generic Structure

Statement of issue A career woman is a term which describes a woman whose main goal in
life is to create a career for herself. The debate surrounding women’s
choices between being a housewife or a career woman has been a
controversial topic for decades

List of arguments pro  being a career woman is the ability to achieve financial

 sense of fulfillment and achievement

 Professional Growth Opportunities

List of argument cons  Many workplaces do not offer flexible schedules or leave policies
that make it easier for women to balance work and family

 Limited time for children and family

 Workplace Gender Discrimination and Bias

 Women may face harassment or other forms of discrimination in

the workplace

Recommendation It’s important for employers and society as a whole to address these
issues and support women in their careers.
Language Features

Introducing to generic Pros and cons of career woman


Using Thinking Verbs -

Using Conjunction On the other hand, there are also some disadvantages of being a career
Showing Contrast woman

Using Adverb of manner -

Using Modalities  As a result, women may experience burnout

 Overall, being a career woman can present challenges related to

work-life balance

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