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Petunjuk Praktium

Bahasa Inggris Kebidanan

Herliana Riska, SST.,M.Keb, Sitti Khadijah, SST.,M.Kes

Lenna Maydianasari, SST., M.P.H, Rahayu Widaryati, S.ST., M.Kes
Zahrah Zakiyah, S.SiT.,M.Keb, Giyawati Yulilania Okinarum. S.ST.,M.Keb
Rizka Ayu Setyani, S.ST., M.P.H
Bahasa Inggris Kebidanan

Herliana Riska, SST.,M.Keb

Sitti Khadijah, SST.,M.Kes
Lenna Maydianasari, SST., M.P.H
Rahayu Widaryati, S.ST., M.Kes
Zahrah Zakiyah, S.SiT.,M.Keb
Giyawati Yulilania Okinarum. S.ST.,M.Keb
Rizka Ayu Setyani, S.ST., M.P.H

Buku Petunjuk Praktikum Bahasa Inggris Kebidanan
Respati Press, Yogyakarta 2021

All right reserved

@Hak cipta dilindungi undang-undang
Dilarang memperbanyak, mencetak atau menerbitkan
sebagian isi atau seluruh buku dengan cara dan dalam bentuk
apapun juga tanpa seijin editor dan penerbit

vi + 44 halaman; 14,80 x 21,00 cm

Herliana Riska, SST.,M.Keb
Sitti Khadijah, SST.,M.Kes
Lenna Maydianasari, SST., M.P.H
Rahayu Widaryati, S.ST., M.Kes
Zahrah Zakiyah, S.SiT.,M.Keb
Giyawati Yulilania Okinarum. S.ST.,M.Keb
Rizka Ayu Setyani, S.ST., M.P.H

Editor : Herliana Riska, SST.,M.Keb

Rancang Sampul dan penata isi : Tri Mei Khasana, S.Gz., MPH

Diterbitkan pertama kali oleh:

Respati Press
Jalan Laksda Adi Sucipto Km.6,3 Depok, Sleman, DIY
Telp: (0274) 489780, 488781
Fax: (0274) 489780

Cetakan pertama, September 2021

ISBN: 978-623-6978-14-6


Alhamdulillahirobbilalamin, Segala Puji dan Syukur

kami panjatkan selalu kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa atas
Rahmat, Taufiq, dan Hidayah yang sudah diberikan sehingga
kami dapat menyelesaikan petunjuk praktikum “Bahasa
Inggris Kebidanan” ini dapat kami tebitkan sebagai panduan
kegiatan praktikum bagi mahasiswa dengan empat
kompetensi yaitu listening, reading, writing dan speaking.
Buku Petunjuk Praktikum Bahasa Inggris Kebidanan ini berisi
7 acara praktikum antara lain:
1. Conversation between Patient and Midwife
2. Reproductive System
3. Human life cycle
4. Nutrition Counseling
5. Communication And Counseling Techniques Ractice
How To Deliver Medication To Patient And A
Pregnant Patient
6. Medical Tools
7. Hospital And Health Practitioner
Kami menyadari masih banyak kekurangan dalam
penulisan buku petunjuk praktikuk ini. Oleh karena itu, kritik
dan saran dari pembaca sangat kami harapkan demi
perbaikan di masa mendatang. Semoga buku ini bermanfaat
bagi semua pihak.

Yogyakarta, Januari 2021


Kata Pengantar ......................................................................................... iii
Daftar Isi ...................................................................................................... iv
Acara ke-1. Conversation between patient and midwife . 1
A. Capaian pembelajaran mata kuliah .................................. 1
B. Sub capaian pembelajaran mata kuliah .......................... 1
C. Dasar teori .................................................................................. 1
D. Alat dan bahan .......................................................................... 3
E. Cara kerja .................................................................................... 4
F. Tugas ............................................................................................. 4
G. Daftar Pustaka ........................................................................... 4
Acara ke-2. Reproductive system ...................................................... 5
A. Capaian pembelajaran mata kuliah .................................. 5
B. Sub capaian pembelajaran mata kuliah .......................... 5
C. Dasar teori .................................................................................. 5
D. Alat dan bahan .......................................................................... 9
E. Cara kerja .................................................................................... 9
F. Tugas ............................................................................................. 10
G. Daftar Pustaka ........................................................................... 10
Acara ke-3. Explain about human life cycle .................................. 11
A. Capaian pembelajaran mata kuliah .................................. 11
B. Sub capaian pembelajaran mata kuliah .......................... 11
C. Dasar teori .................................................................................. 11
D. Alat dan bahan .......................................................................... 13
E. Cara kerja .................................................................................... 13
F. Tugas ............................................................................................. 13
G. Daftar Pustaka ........................................................................... 14
Acara ke-4. Nutrition counseling....................................................... 15
A. Capaian pembelajaran mata kuliah .................................. 15
B. Sub capaian pembelajaran mata kuliah .......................... 15
C. Dasar teori .................................................................................. 15
D. Alat dan bahan .......................................................................... 17
E. Cara kerja .................................................................................... 17
Acara ke-5. Communication and counseling techniques
Practice how to deliver medication to patient
And a pregnant patient ................................................ 20
A. Capaian pembelajaran mata kuliah .................................. 20
B. Sub capaian pembelajaran mata kuliah .......................... 20
C. Dasar teori .................................................................................. 20
D. Alat dan bahan .......................................................................... 22
E. Cara kerja .................................................................................... 22
F. Tugas ............................................................................................. 23
G. Daftar Pustaka ........................................................................... 23
Acara ke-6. Medical tools ...................................................................... 25
A. Capaian pembelajaran mata kuliah .................................. 25
B. Sub capaian pembelajaran mata kuliah .......................... 25
C. Dasar teori .................................................................................. 25
D. Alat dan bahan .......................................................................... 29
E. Cara kerja .................................................................................... 29
F. Tugas ............................................................................................. 29
Acara ke-7. Hospital and health practitioner ............................... 30
A. Capaian pembelajaran mata kuliah .................................. 30
B. Sub capaian pembelajaran mata kuliah .......................... 30
C. Dasar teori .................................................................................. 30
D. Alat dan bahan .......................................................................... 40
E. Cara kerja .................................................................................... 40
F. Tugas ............................................................................................. 40
G. Daftar Pustaka ........................................................................... 40
Lampiran ..................................................................................................... 42

Herliana Riska, SST.,M.Keb


Mampu mengetahui dan mempraktekkan cara
menyambut pasien


Conversation between Patient and Midwife

1. Introduction
Most patients, especially under the age of
65, prefer their doctors to call them by their first name.
Age is a crucial factor. It turns out that the younger the
patient is, the more positively they react to doctors
using their first name. Sounds great, right? Looks like
patient-doctor relationship doesn’t need that much
improvement. In reality, despite their patients’
wishes, doctors don’t use first names in half of their
first-time visits. So many missed opportunities of
building good rapport with patients. Bottom line:
Everyone wants to feel special.
In fact, the number of patients who can’t
correctly name their doctor is in the ballpark of 82-
90%. Out of this percentage, 57% of patients are unable
to name a single member of the medical team.Why does
it matter? Firstly, it’s just a matter of common courtesy.
Once you learn the name of another person, it is only
polite to introduce yourself, too. Secondly — and more
importantly — doctors spelling out their own names
has a positive effect on patient satisfaction. When given
Buku Petunjuk Praktikum Bahasa Inggris Kebidanan | 1
a simple biosketch with their doctor’s data, patients
experience a 22% increase in satisfaction level.
2. Examples For Get Well Wishes
a. Feel better soon!
b. Hope you feel better soon.
c. Hoping you find strength with each new day. You
are in our thoughts.
d. Have a speedy recovery!
e. I hope each new day brings you closer to a full and
speedy recovery!
f. May good health envelop you, spurring a quick
g. Thinking of you lots and hoping for your speedy
h. We’re all thinking about you and wishing you a
speedy recovery.
3. Examples Of Religious Get Well Wishes
a. Praying for you!
b. You are in my thoughts and prayers during your
time of recovery.
c. As I close my eyes to pray every night, my only
request is that God will heal you speedily. I wish you
a quick recovery!
d. Thoughtful prayers are being sent your way with the
hopes that you will feel better soon.
e. Thinking of you during this time of illness, and
praying you will find strength in the Lord and his
never-ending supply of love.
4. Saying goodbay
a. good to see u
b. Nice to see you
c. It was great to see you

2 | Buku Petunjuk Praktikum Bahasa Inggris Kebidanan

d. Have a good day


1. Komputer
2. Aplikasi video editor
3. Video
4. Jaringan internet
5. Rubrik penilaian

No Indikator Penilaian (1-7) Bobot Nilai

1 Kemamapuan 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3
konseling dalam
bahasa Inggris
dengan teknik yang
benar (speaking)
2 Pengucapan yang 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2
benar dalam
3 Kualitas Video 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2
Nilai Akhir Total Nilai/49*100

Buku Petunjuk Praktikum Bahasa Inggris Kebidanan | 3

1. Mahasiswa menentukan kasus yang akan
didiskusikan antara Bidan dan pasien
2. Mahasiswa menyusun draft komunikasi dan
konseling antara Bidan dan pasien berdasarkan kasus
yang telah ditentukan berdasarkan langkan teknik
komunikasi dan konselig yang tepat
3. Mahasiswa merekam kegiatan komunikasi dan
konseling antara Bidan dan pasien dan bentuk video
4. Mahasiswa mengunggah video

1. Menyusun video percakapan antara pasien dan bidan
2. Video diunggah di drive masing-masing
3. Salin link dilaman googleclasroom dan LMS
4. Durasi maksimal video adalah 5 menit
5. Tipe file video dapat berupa mp4 atau mkv

1. Bradley R (2008). English for Nursing and Health
Care. Mc Graw Hill : New York
2. Cox K, Hill D (2004). English For Academic Purposes.
Pearson Longman : Australia
3. Machfoedz I, Nurmaya T, Nurharjanti M, Endahati N,
Hamama OF (2007). Bahasa Inggris untuk Mahasiswa
Institusi Kesehatan, Keperawatan, dan Kebidanan-
Buku Pertama. Fitramaya : Yogyakarta
4. Makoul G, etc (2007) . An Evidence-Based Perspective
on Greetings in Medical Encounters: Arch Intern Med/
Vol 167

4 | Buku Petunjuk Praktikum Bahasa Inggris Kebidanan

Sitti Khadijah, SST.,M.Kes


Mampu memahami dan mendeskripsikan kembali
mengenai system reproduksi manusia


1. Mampu mempraktekkan tentang male reproductive
2. Mampu mempraktekkan tentang female reproductive

1. The male reproductive system
The visible external organs are the penis and
scrotum (scrotum). These organs are located between
the thighs, easier to see than the female reproductive
organs. The scrotum contains the Testicles (a pair)
which are made of very soft and wrinkled skin. The
penis is made of soft, elastic tissue and blood vessels.
Urine leaves the body through a small opening at the
tip of the penis. When a baby boy is born, the penis is
covered by a kind of outer skin. For hygiene and health
reasons, the covering was cut (circumcised).
Approximately 1-1.5 cm long, so that the penis is easy
to clean. The part of the reproductive organs that is not
visible is the testes, where sperm is produced. Sperm
produce 100-300 million spermatozoa every day.

Buku Petunjuk Praktikum Bahasa Inggris Kebidanan | 5

a. Testicles or penis
It elongated round shape and has a tip shaped
like a helmet called Glans. The tip of the penis is
filled with sensitive nerve fibers. The penis has no
bones, only flesh filled with blood vessels. The
penis can tighten which is called an erection.
Erection occurs due to stimulation which causes
large amounts of blood to flow and fill the blood
vessels in the penis and makes the penis large,
tense, and hard.
The human penis consists of 3 cylinders of
erectile tissue that resemble a sponge consisting of
spaces where the boundaries are called trabeculae.
This erectile tissue comes from modified veins and
capillaries. These three erectile tissues are 2 (two)
corpus cavernosum from the penis, on the dorsal
part, and 1 (one) corpus cavernosum from the
urethra (corpus spongiosum).
During the awakening of sexual desire, this
tissue will fill with blood, where the veins will close
by increasing pressure so that the penis is filled
with blood causing an erection. Erection is a very
important means to insert the penis into the vagina
during copulation. Every normal male will ejaculate
as much as 2-5 ml of semen, and every 1 ml
contains sperm of 50-150 million sperm
(normozoospermic: ≥ 20 million / ml). When
semen is in the female ducts, prostaglandins in the
cement thin the mucus on the surface of the uterus
and move the uterine muscles and stimulate it to
help the entry of cement into the uterus. The
alkaline semen will help neutralize the slightly

6 | Buku Petunjuk Praktikum Bahasa Inggris Kebidanan

acidic environment in the vagina, thus protecting
sperm and increasing their motility. When first
ejaculated, the semen coagulates so that it is easier
for it to be moved by uterine contractions, until the
anticoagulant diary liquefies the semen to help
sperm to swim through the female channel to the
b. Testicles or testes
Two in number are oval and hang at the base of
the penis. The testes are what produce male sex
cells (sperm), which are coiled ducts surrounded
by a connective tissue called the seminiferous
tubule (where sperm are formed). In the
seminiferous tubule, there are also scattered Leydig
cells, where these cells will produce testosterone
and androgens, which are male sex hormones.
c. Testicles or urethra
Serves to remove semen and urine.
d. The test bag or scrotum
The slightly wrinkled layer of skin forms a
pouch that hangs at the back of the penis. The
scrotum is used to control the temperature of the
testes, which is 6 degrees Celsius lower than the
temperature of other parts of the body so that the
testes can function to produce sperm.
e. Epididymis
The site for the maturation of sperm after
forming in the testes, this channel attaches to the
testes. The epididymal duct is a winding unified
efferent duct. Sperm takes 20 days in the
epididymis which is nearly 6 meters long. During
the passage of sperm in the epididymis, the sperm

Buku Petunjuk Praktikum Bahasa Inggris Kebidanan | 7

become motile and gain the ability to fertilize. The
muscular layer of this channel, the thicker it is
towards the tail, is by the function of the
epididymis to push sperm to the vas deferens.
f. Sperm duct or vas deferens
The sperm duct from the testes to the seminal
vesicle is a muscular duct that comes out of the tail
of the epididymis to the urethra, but before it
reaches the urethra, there is a widening of the duct
called the ampulla, at the end of the ampulla it will
unite with the seminal vesicle to form a small tube
called the ejaculatory duct. This duct enters the
prostate and empties into the urethra. The urethral
tract also is a channel of excretion as well as a
reproductive tract.
g. Seminal Vesicle
Useful for producing a kind of sugar. This is
useful as a source of strength for sperm to survive
and swim in search of eggs in the female
reproductive organs. During ejaculation, the
seminal vesicles flow the sugar into the vas
h. Prostate gland
Produces a liquid that contains nutrients to
support sperm.
i. Bladder (bladder)
The place where urine collects, which will be
channeled into the urethra when passing urine

8 | Buku Petunjuk Praktikum Bahasa Inggris Kebidanan

1. Komputer
2. Video
3. Jaringan internet
4. Rubrik penilaian

No Indikator Penilaian (1-7) Bobot Nilai

1 Ketepatan 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3
Bahasa Inggris
2 Menampilkan kata 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2
3 Kalimat sesuai 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2
dengan keilmuan
Nilai Akhir Total Nilai/56*100

1. Mahasiswa menyaksikan video mengenai sistem
reproduksi pria dan wanita
2. Mahasiswa diberikan kesempatan bertanya mengenai
video tersebut
3. Mahasiswa mencari kata-kata sulit berbahasa inggris
dalam video
4. Mahasiswa membuat kalimat menggunakan kata sulit
tersebut sesuai topik system reproduksi pria dan
5. Mahasiswa membacakan kalimat yang telah dibuat
dan mengunggah hasilnya pada laman googlclasroom

Buku Petunjuk Praktikum Bahasa Inggris Kebidanan | 9

1. Membuat poster mengenai sistem reproduksi pria dan
2. Poster diunggah dilaman googleclasroom
3. Ukuran poster adalah A0
4. Tipe file poster berupa pdf

1. Johnson, M. and Everitt B. 1988. Essential
Reproduction third edition, Blackwell Scientifik
2. Carola, R.,J.P. Harley and C.R. Naobeck.1990. Human
Anatomy and Physiologi. Mc. Graw-Hill Publishing
Company. New York.

10 | Buku Petunjuk Praktikum Bahasa Inggris Kebidanan

Lenna Maydianasari, SST., M.P.H


Mampu memahami siklus kehidupan manusia dalam
bahasa Inggris


Mampu menjelaskan siklus kehidupan manusia dalam
Bahasa Inggris meliputi fertilization, infancy, toddler
years, childhood, puberty, older adolescence, adulthood,
middle age, senior years, or old age yang dikemas dalam

Untuk menjelaskan tentang siklus hidup manusia, dapat
menggunakan kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris untuk
mendeskripsikan atau menggambarkan setiap tahapan
dalam siklus hidup manusia sehingga pendengar/lawan
bicara/pembaca akan memahami informasi yang
diberikan. Ciri-ciri kalimat bahasa Inggris untuk
mendeskripsikan yaitu:
1. Identification
Pada umumnya, setiap akan menjelaskan sesuatu
maka pada awal kalimat akan
menggambarkan suatu obyek ke audiens dengan
menggunakan kalimat identifikasi. Tujuan identifikasi
ini untuk memperkenalkan obyek sebelum dijelaskan
lebih lanjut dan mendalam.
 This is called the human life cycle.

Buku Petunjuk Praktikum Bahasa Inggris Kebidanan | 11

 It is next stage in the human life cycle
2. Description
Deskripsi merupakan cara untuk memberikan
informasi dengan jelas. Untuk mendeskripsikan dapat
menggunakan kata-kata sifat, ciri-ciri, fakta bahkan
kualitas dari obyek jika diperlukan.
 The child is more social and active during this period
and intrigued to learn new things.
 The teenager grows rapidly and physical changes
begin to appear.
3. Language future of the text
Penjelasan siklus hidup manusia secara tertulis
dengan teks deskripsi/descriptive text terdapat ciri-ciri
khusus sebagai berikut:
a. Menggunakan present tense
 They are more independent in performing daily
 The child grows into an adolescent
b. State verb
Deskripsi setiap tahapan siklus hidup manusia
menggunakan kata kerja statif untuk
menggambarkan suatu keadaan.
Contoh: have, love, hate, believe, think dan
c. Menggunakan adjective atau kata sifat yang
Untuk mendeskripsikan tahapan siklus hidup
manusia bisa menggunakan kata sifat yang
beragam, namun hindari untuk mengulang kata
sifat yang sama agar tidak redundan. Salah satu

12 | Buku Petunjuk Praktikum Bahasa Inggris Kebidanan

cara bisa menggunakan bantuan thesaurus untuk
mencari persamaan kata sehingga bisa
menghindari pengulangan kata.
Contoh: best, enaugh, early, clever, enaugh dan
d. Menggunakan adverb
Adverb pada descriptive text digunakan sebagai
bagian dari kalimat atau paragraf.
Contoh: rapidly, loudly, fast dan sebagainya.


1. Lap top dan alat tulis
2. Media power point tentang siklus atau gambar
tentang siklus hidup manusia dalam bahasa Inggris
3. Smartphone untuk merekam video

1. Mencari referensi untuk menyusun deksripsi siklus
hidup manusia dalam Bahasa Inggris.
2. Menyusun deksripsi siklus hidup manusia dalam
Bahasa Inggris dengan alat tulis atau diketik di lap top
3. Membuat media power point atau gambar sebagai alat
bantu untuk menjelaskan.
4. Menjelaskan siklus hidup manusia dalam Bahasa
Inggris dengan alat bantu yang telah disiapkan.

Membuat video deskripsi siklus hidup manusia dalam
Bahasa Inggris dengan durasi 10-15 menit dan upload di
google classroom.

Buku Petunjuk Praktikum Bahasa Inggris Kebidanan | 13


Prior, Jennifer. 2012. The Human Life Cycle. Huntington Beach,

CA: Teacher Created Materials.

14 | Buku Petunjuk Praktikum Bahasa Inggris Kebidanan

Rahayu Widaryati, S.ST., M.Kes


Mampu memberikan konseling nutrisi dalam Bahasa


Kemampuan untuk melakukan edukasi terhadap klien
tentang gizi sesuai kebutuhan individu. Setelah
melakukan edukasi mahasiswa dapat menyusun laporan
praktikum sesuai dengan panduan.

Nutrition education presents general information related
to health and nutrition, often to groups in clinic waiting
rooms or community settings. Educators may be trained
counselors or health volunteers who deliver prepared
talks on specific topics, often using visual aids. They
should encourage clients to ask questions and direct them
to additional information as needed. Nutrition counseling
is a two-way interaction through which a client and a
trained counselor interpret the results of nutrition
assessment, identify individual nutrition needs and goals,
discuss ways to meet those goals, and agree on next steps.
Nutrition counseling aims to help clients understand
important information about their health and focuses on
practical actions to address nutrition needs, as well as the
benefits of behavior change. Nutrition counselors may be
nurses or other facility based providers or community
health workers or volunteers.
Buku Petunjuk Praktikum Bahasa Inggris Kebidanan | 15
Tips for Effective Counseling
1. Do more listening than talking.
2. Ask open-ended questions, not just questions
clients can answer with “yes” or “no.”
3. Repeat what clients say to make sure you
understood them correctly.
4. Show interest in and empathy for clients’ problems
and situations.
5. Avoid judging clients.
6. Listen to what clients think and respect their
feelings, even if information may need correction.
7. Recognize and praise what clients are doing
8. Suggest actions that are possible for clients given
their situations.
9. Give only a little bit of information at a time.
10. Use simple language.
11. Give suggestions, not commands
The Essential Nutrition Actions
1. Exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months
2. Adequate complementary feeding starting at 6
months with continued breastfeeding for 2 years
3. Appropriate nutrition care of sick and
malnourished children
4. Adequate intake of vitamin A for women and
5. Adequate intake of iron for women and children
6. Adequate intake of iodine by all household

16 | Buku Petunjuk Praktikum Bahasa Inggris Kebidanan

1. Alat peraga konseling gizi
2. Alat tulis

Complementary Feeding counseling
A mother named Nana came to the clinic to consult about
complementary feeding

Chaterine : Good afternoon, I am Chaterine, a infant and

young child feeding (IYCF) consultant, I can
help you?
Nana : Yes, I am Nana. I would like to consult about
complementary feeding, because next week
my child is exactly 6 months old, so I have to
start complementary feeding
Chaterine : That's right, complementary foods are
started when the baby is 6 months old,
because after the age of 6 months, breast
milk is no longer able to meet the needs of
the baby so it needs complementary foods.
Nana : What foods should I give when starting
complementary foods?
Chaterine : Complementary foods with breast milk must
meet a 4 star menu which includes:

Star 1: staple food sources which include rice,

corn, cassava, wheat, potatoes

Star 2: Nuts include peanuts, kidney beans,

green beans, tofu, tempe

Star 3: Food sources rich in vitamin A include

vegetables and fruits such as broccoli,
spinach, mustard greens, pumpkin, oranges,

Buku Petunjuk Praktikum Bahasa Inggris Kebidanan | 17

bananas, papayas, avocados.

4 stars: food sources that contain iron such as

meat, eggs, fish

And continue to breastfeed until the child is 2

years old.

Nana : How often is the frequency of

complementary feeding?

Chaterine : The main food is given 2-3 times a day, the

amount of 2-3 tablespoons with a crushed
texture (filtered pulp)

18 | Buku Petunjuk Praktikum Bahasa Inggris Kebidanan

Nana : Thank you Chaterine for the explanation
Chaterine : You're welcome, good luck

Buku Petunjuk Praktikum Bahasa Inggris Kebidanan | 19

Zahrah Zakiyah, S.SiT.,M.Keb


Mampu mempraktekan konseling cara memberikan obat
kepada pasien


Mampu mempraktekan konseling cara memberikan obat
kepada pasien

Proper communication with patients really
supports the success of treatment to be taken by medical
practitioners. There are 10 steps you can take so that
communication with patients runs smoothly and easily,
1. Introduce. Introduce yourself and explain your role in
your patient's care.
2. Know. Know your patient. Ask the name and review
their medical record and ask basic question
3. Trust. Show trust, respect and treat each person with
compassion and without judgment.
4. Rapport. “This is imperative. Rapport the smallest
details, such as physical appearance, your level of eye
contact with patients or how often you use their
names in conversation, can shape your relationships
with patients
5. Explain. Ask patients a variety of questions that
encourage them to explain more about their health
20 | Buku Petunjuk Praktikum Bahasa Inggris Kebidanan
and habits. Questions such as, “Can you tell me more
about yourself? What is important to you? And what
can I do to help you?” can incite patients to fully
engage in conversation.
6. Show. It’s best to show patients “collaborative
thinking, and work with them in an active way rather
than telling them what to do”. With the proper
approach become an opportunity to bond with your
patient. Remember to show, not tell, how supportive
you are by giving patients educational materials,
websites, resources and information about support
groups that may help them better understand their
health condition
7. Practice. Practice may not always “make perfect,” but
it certainly can help medical practitioner in training
get ahead of tough conversations with patients.
Practice good communication as much as possible.
Ask patients feedback, identify communication
roadblocks and review communication techniques
with others.
8. Empathy. Avoid being judgmental by providing
encouragement to your patients. This can be
expressed through verbal and non-verbal cues.
9. Collaboration. Partner with your patients. People are
far more likely to positively respond to
recommendations and statement in collaborative
settings. “Explain your recommendations, what you’re
doing and how you’re doing it”.
10. Technology. Because technology gives so many ways
to communicate with patients, it’s a particularly
important consideration, but don’t overdo it.

Buku Petunjuk Praktikum Bahasa Inggris Kebidanan | 21

1. Komputer
2. Aplikasi video editor
3. Video
4. Jaringan internet
5. Rubrik penilaian

No Indikator Penilaian (1-7) Bobot Nilai

1 Ketepatan 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2
pengucapan Bahasa
2 Menampilan 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3
langkah komukasi
dengan pasien
3 Menampilkan 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2
langkah membuat
4 Kasus sesuai 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
dengan keilmuan
Nilai Akhir Total Nilai/56*100

1. Mahasiswa menentukan kasus yang akan
didiskusikan antara Bidan dan pasien
2. Mahasiswa menyusun draft komunikasi dan
konseling antara Bidan dan pasien berdasarkan kasus
yang telah ditentukan berdasarkan langkan teknik
komunikasi dan konselig yang tepat

22 | Buku Petunjuk Praktikum Bahasa Inggris Kebidanan

3. Mahasiswa menentukan jenis pengobatan yang akan
diberikan berdasarkan kasus dan draft percakapan
tentang teknik pemberian resep berdasarkan langkah
pemberian resep (Prescription)
4. Mahasiswa merekam kegiatan komunikasi dan
konseling antara Bidan dan pasien dan bentuk video
5. Mahasiswa mengunggah video yang telah dibuat pada
laman googlclasroom dan LMS

1. Menyusun video komunikasi praktik pemberian resep
antara bidan dan pasien berdasarkan teknik
komunikasi dan konseling yang tepat
2. Video diunggah dilaman googleclasroom dan LMS
3. Durasi maksimal video adalah 5 menit
4. Tipe file video dapat berupa mp4 atau mkv

1. Bukstein DA. Patient adherence and effective
communication. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol.
2016;117(6):613-619. PMID: 27979018
2. AMA. 2018. 6 simple ways to master patient
communication. https://6 simple ways to master
patient communication | American Medical Association
3. Sindhu, K. 2018. How to Write a Prescription: 7 Steps
for Safety.
4. Hodge, F. 2015. Understanding Drugs and Medicines -
ppt video online download (

Buku Petunjuk Praktikum Bahasa Inggris Kebidanan | 23

5. Kamboj, A. 2019. Difference between drug and

24 | Buku Petunjuk Praktikum Bahasa Inggris Kebidanan

Rizka Ayu Setyani, SST.,MPH


Mahasiswa mampu mengetahui jenis alat kesehatan dalam
bahasa Inggris.


Mahasiswa mampu untuk menjelaskan alat-alat kesehatan
dalam bahasa Inggris dan dikemas dalam video.

The medical tools or midwifery kit has been designed to
improve maternal and neonatal care in situations of
development and emergency. It is based on WHO/UNICEF
policies such as: Integrated Management of Pregnancy and
Childbirth; Mother-Baby Package; Implementing Safe
Motherhood in Countries; Programming for Maternal
Survival, and the Emergency Relief Items. The purpose of
midwifery kit are:
1. The midwifery kit - complete contains basic drugs,
renewable medical supplies, medical equipment and
basic sterilisation and resuscitation equipment for
health facilities to perform an average of 50 normal
2. The intention of the kit is for use by trained personnel,
such as midwives, nurses with midwifery skills and

Buku Petunjuk Praktikum Bahasa Inggris Kebidanan | 25

3. The kit is useful in meeting the minimum requirements
for obstetric care in health structures at the health
centre level, referral level, and central level.
4. The kit includes basic steam sterilisation equipment to
ensure foolproof sterilisation facilities in all types of
environment, including emergency situations.
5. The kit includes basic resuscitation equipment to
facilitate basic resuscitation of a mother and baby in all
types of environment, including emergency situations.
6. The kit does not contain hospital equipment, hospital
furniture, or medical clothing.
7. The kit does not contain blood transfusion supplies. For
blood safety, please refer to WHO policy.
8. The midwifery kit - complete can be used for the:
a. performance of normal deliveries
b. suturing of episiotomies
c. performance of local anaesthesia for suturing of
d. stabilisation of precarious situations like eclampsia
and haemorrhage (placing a drip, giving specific
9. The midwifery kit - complete can be used along with
the Interagency Emergency Health Kit 2006 in
emergency situations.
Tabel 6.1. The Kind of Medical Tools
General Items Needles and Syringes
Sphygmomanometer 1ml insulin syringes
Large BP Cuff 2.5-3 ml syringes
Small BP Cuff 20ml syringes
Thermometer (and covers) 19g needles
Tape measure 23g needles

26 | Buku Petunjuk Praktikum Bahasa Inggris Kebidanan

General Items Needles and Syringes
Urine testing strips Blood collection
Pinnard’s stethoscope Tourniquet
Doppler Maternal: multi-sample
Needles and holders
Transducer gel Neonatal lancets
Maternal stethoscope Blood tube for group and
Infant stethoscope Blood tube for SBR
Regular exam gloves (non- Newborn Screening test
sterile) collection cards
Single sterile exam gloves Bandaids
Sterile gloves - pair Catheterisation
KY Jelly Catheterisation pack
Obstetric cream In and out catheter
Blood sugar equipment Foley’s catheter
Glucometer Urine collection bag
Lancets - maternal Saline solution
Lancets - neonatal Medications
Strips for glucometer Lignocaine 1%
Control solution for Syntocinon
Resuscitation equipment Syntometrine
Infant resuscitation bag Additional Items
Pocket mask (maternal Suturing material
Maternal O2 mask with tubing Amnio hooks
Oxygen tubing Cord clamps
Oxygen cylinder Infant scales

Buku Petunjuk Praktikum Bahasa Inggris Kebidanan | 27

General Items Needles and Syringes
Oxygen regulator Torch
Bubble wrap (for neonate) Bed pan
Emergency blanket Bluies – underpads
Neonatal Rescue Vac (suction Combine dressing
DeLee mucous traps Gauze large and small
Instruments Cotton wool balls
Birth kit - 2 large forceps, 1 Normal saline solution
pair straight handled
scissors, 1 kidney bowl, 1
10cm small bowl (cord
clamp is added).
Episiotomy scissors Cotton tips
Suturing kit - 1 needle Client notes, Social security
holder, 1 pair small straight paper work, NSW Health
scissors, 1 small pair forceps Personal Health record,
Registration of birth form,
NSW Midwifery Data
collection form
Sims vaginal speculum Sharps container
IV Equipment Plastic bags (to store clean
and dirty equipment)
IV cannula (size 16 & 18) Mirror
Micropore Clean hand towel
Opsite Cleaning Solutions and
IV caps Disinfectant
Normal Saline 10ml ampoule Methylated spirits
Alcohol preparation Scrubbing brush (for

28 | Buku Petunjuk Praktikum Bahasa Inggris Kebidanan

General Items Needles and Syringes
IV giving set
Normal Saline 1000mls
Hartmann’s Solution 1000mls


1. Video medical tools
2. Alat tulis
3. Laptop dan akses internet

1. Mahasiswa mempelajari video melalui URL :,, dan
2. Mahasiswa mencatat dan memahami kosakata medical
3. Mahasiswa membuat resume isi video tersebut dan
menyusunnya dalam laporan.

1. Mahasiswa membuat video pengenalan alat
kesehatan/kebidanan dalam bahasa Inggris dan
mengunggah ke channel youtube.
2. Mahasiswa membuat laporan praktikum sesuai dengan
format yang telah ditentukan dan dikumpulkan melalui
google classroom dalam bentuk pdf. Laporan
dikumpulkan paling lambat 2 minggu setelah

Buku Petunjuk Praktikum Bahasa Inggris Kebidanan | 29

Giyawati Yulilania Okinarum, SST, M.Keb


Mahasiswa mampu mendeskripsikan tugas, peran, dan
fungsi tenaga kesehatan khususnya bidan dalam bahasa


Setelah mengikuti praktikum ini, mahasiswa diharapkan
mampu berlatih speaking dengan mendeskripsikan health
practioner dan midwives.

1. Definition of the Midwife
“A midwife is a person who has successfully completed
a midwifery education programme that is based on the
ICM Essential Competencies for Basic Midwifery
Practice and the framework of the ICM Global
Standards for Midwifery Education and is recognized in
the country where it is located; who has acquired the
requisite qualifications to be registered and/or legally
licensed to practice midwifery and use the title
‘midwife’; and who demonstrates competency in the
practice of midwifery.
2. Scope of Practice of The midwife
The midwife is recognised as a responsible and
accountable professional who works in partnership
with women to give the necessary support, care and
advice during pregnancy, labour and the postpartum
period, to conduct births on the midwife’s own
responsibility and to provide care for the newborn and
30 | Buku Petunjuk Praktikum Bahasa Inggris Kebidanan
the infant. This care includes preventative measures,
the promotion of normal birth, the detection of
complications in mother and child, the accessing of
medical care or other appropriate assistance and the
carrying out of emergency measures.
The midwife has an important task in health
counselling and education, not only for the woman, but
also within the family and the community. This work
should involve antenatal education and preparation for
parenthood and may extend to women’s health, sexual
or reproductive health and child care. A midwife may
practise in any setting including the home, community,
hospitals, clinics or health units.”
3. Definition of Midwifery
Midwifery is the profession of midwives, only
midwives practise midwifery. It has a unique body of
knowledge, skills and professional attitudes drawn
from disciplines shared by other health professions
such as science and sociology, but practised by
midwives within a professional framework of
autonomy, partnership, ethics and accountability.
Midwifery is an approach to care of women and
their newborn infants whereby midwives:
a. optimise the normal biological, psychological, social
and cultural processes of childbirth and early life of
the newborn;
b. work in partnership with women, respecting the
individual circumstances and views of each woman
c. promote women’s personal capabilities to care for
themselves and their families

Buku Petunjuk Praktikum Bahasa Inggris Kebidanan | 31

d. collaborate with midwives and other health
professionals as necessary to provide holistic care
that meets each woman’s individual needs.
Midwifery care is provided by an autonomous
midwife. Midwifery competencies (knowledge, skills
and attitudes) are held and practised by midwives,
educated through a pre-service/preregistration
midwifery education programme that meets the ICM
global standards for midwifery education. In some
countries where the title ‘midwife’ is not yet protected,
other health professionals (nurses and doctors) may be
involved in providing sexual, reproductive, maternal
and newborn health care to women and newborns. As
these health professionals are not midwives they do
not possess the competencies of a midwife and do not
provide midwifery skills, but rather aspects of maternal
and newborn care.
4. ICM Philosophy of Midwifery Care
a. Pregnancy and childbearing are usually normal
physiological processes. • Pregnancy and
childbearing is a profound experience, which
carries significant meaning to the woman, her
family, and the community.
b. Midwives are the most appropriate care providers
to attend childbearing women.
c. Midwifery care promotes, protects and supports
women's human, reproductive and sexual health
and rights, and respects ethnic and cultural
diversity. It is based on the ethical principles of
justice, equity, and respect for human dignity.
d. Midwifery care is holistic and continuous in nature,
grounded in an understanding of the social,

32 | Buku Petunjuk Praktikum Bahasa Inggris Kebidanan

emotional, cultural, spiritual, psychological and
physical experiences of women.
e. Midwifery care is emancipatory as it protects and
enhances the health and social status of women,
and builds women's self confidence in their ability
to cope with childbirth.
f. Midwifery care takes place in partnership with
women, recognising the right to selfdetermination,
and is respectful, personalised, continuous and
g. Ethical and competent midwifery care is informed
and guided by formal and continuous education,
scientific research and application of evidence.
5. ICM Model of Midwifery Care
a. Midwives promote and protect women’s and
newborns’ health and rights.
b. Midwives respect and have confidence in women
and in their capabilities in childbirth.
c. Midwives promote and advocate for non-
intervention in normal childbirth.
d. Midwives provide women with appropriate
information and advice in a way that promotes
participation and enhances informed decision-
e. Midwives offer respectful, anticipatory and flexible
care, which encompasses the needs of the woman,
her newborn, family and community, and begins
with primary attention to the nature of the
relationship between the woman seeking
midwifery care and the midwife.

Buku Petunjuk Praktikum Bahasa Inggris Kebidanan | 33

f. Midwives empower women to assume
responsibility for their health and for the health of
their families.
g. Midwives practice in collaboration and
consultation with other health professionals to
serve the needs of the woman, her newborn, family
and community.
h. Midwives maintain their competence and ensure
their practice is evidence-based.
i. Midwives use technology appropriately and effect
referral in a timely manner when problems arise.
j. Midwives are individually and collectively
responsible for the development of midwifery care,
educating the new generation of midwives and
colleagues in the concept of lifelong learning.
6. Bill of rights for women and midwives
In keeping with other similar documents, the ICM
believes that there should be recognition of the
following as basic human rights for women and
midwives across the globe; namely that:
a. Women’s Rights
1) Every woman has the right to receive care in
childbirth from an autonomous and competent
2) Every newborn baby has the right to a healthy
and well informed mother
3) Every woman has a right to be respected as a
person of value and worth
4) Every woman has a right to security of her body
5) Every woman has a right to be free from any
form of discrimination

34 | Buku Petunjuk Praktikum Bahasa Inggris Kebidanan

6) Every woman has a right to up-to-date health
7) Every woman has a right to participate actively
in decisions about her health care and to offer
informed consent
8) Every woman has a right to privacy
9) Every woman has a right to choose the place
where she gives birth
b. Midwives’ Rights
1) Every midwife has the right to a midwifery-
specific education that will enable her to
develop and maintain competency as a midwife
2) Every midwife has the right to practise on her
own responsibility within the International
Confederation of Midwives definition and scope
of practice of a midwife
3) Every midwife has the right to be recognised,
respected and supported as a health
4) Midwives have the right to access a strong
midwifery association that can contribute to
midwifery and maternity policy and services at
a national level
c. Women’s and Midwives’ Rights
1) Midwives and women have the right to a
system of regulation that will ensure a safe,
competent and autonomous midwifery
workforce for women and their babies.
2) Midwives and women have the right to national
midwifery workforce planning to ensure
sufficient midwives to meet the needs of
women and babies

Buku Petunjuk Praktikum Bahasa Inggris Kebidanan | 35

3) Women and midwives have the right to be
respected by governments and government
institutions for health and education
4) The midwifery profession has the right to be
recognised as a separate and distinct profession
7. International code of ethichs for midwives
a. Midwifery Relationships
1) Midwives develop a partnership with individual
women in which they share relevant
information that leads to informed decision-
making, consent to an evolving plan of care, and
acceptance of responsibility for the outcomes of
their choices.
2) Midwives support the right of women/families
to participate actively in decisions about their
3) Midwives empower women/families to speak
for themselves on issues affecting the health of
women and families within their
4) Midwives, together with women, work with
policy and funding agencies to define women’s
needs for health services and to ensure that
resources are fairly allocated considering
priorities and availability
5) Midwives support and sustain each other in
their professional roles, and actively nurture
their own and others’ sense of self-worth.
6) Midwives respectfully work with other health
professionals, consulting and referring as
necessary when the woman’s need for care
exceeds the competencies of the midwife.

36 | Buku Petunjuk Praktikum Bahasa Inggris Kebidanan

7) Midwives recognise the human
interdependence within their field of practice
and actively seek to resolve inherent conflicts.
8) Midwives have responsibilities to themselves as
persons of moral worth, including duties of
moral self-respect and the preservation of
b. Practice of Midwifery
1) Midwives provide care for women and
childbearing families with respect for cultural
diversity while also working to eliminate
harmful practices within those same cultures.
2) Midwives encourage the minimum expectation
that no woman or girl should be harmed by
conception or childbearing.
3) Midwives use up-to-date, evidence-based
professional knowledge to maintain
competence in safe midwifery practices in all
environments and cultures.
4) Midwives respond to the psychological,
physical, emotional and spiritual needs of
women seeking health care, whatever their
circumstances (non-discrimination).
5) Midwives act as effective role models of health
promotion for women throughout their life
cycle, for families and for other health
6) Midwives actively seek personal, intellectual
and professional growth throughout their
midwifery career, integrating this growth into
their practice.

Buku Petunjuk Praktikum Bahasa Inggris Kebidanan | 37

c. The Professional Responsibilities of Midwives
1) Midwives hold in confidence client information
in order to protect the right to privacy, and use
judgment in sharing this information except
when mandated by law.
2) Midwives are responsible for their decisions
and actions, and are accountable for the related
outcomes in their care of women.
3) Midwives may decide not to participate in
activities for which they hold deep moral
opposition; however, the emphasis on
individual conscience should not deprive
women of essential health services.
4) Midwives with conscientious objection to a
given service request will refer the woman to
another provider where such a service can be
5) Midwives understand the adverse
consequences that ethical and human rights
violations have on the health of women and
infants, and will work to eliminate these
6) Midwives participate in the development and
implementation of health policies that promote
the health of all women and childbearing
d. Advancement of Midwifery Knowledge and Practice
1) Midwives ensure that the advancement of
midwifery knowledge is based on activities that
protect the rights of women as persons.

38 | Buku Petunjuk Praktikum Bahasa Inggris Kebidanan

2) Midwives develop and share midwifery
knowledge through a variety of processes, such
as peer review and research.
3) Midwives contribute to the formal education of
midwifery students and ongoing education of

Gambar 7.1 Essential Competencies for Midwifery


Buku Petunjuk Praktikum Bahasa Inggris Kebidanan | 39

1. Speaker
2. Whiteboard
3. LCD
4. Laptop/ PC

1. Mahasiswa membaca artikel dari ICM mengenai definis
bidan dan kebidanan, selanjutnya dosen akan
memutarkan video mengenai health practitioner dan
2. Mahasiswa dimita untuk memahami arti dari bacaan di
artikel lalu mendengarkan isi video dengan seksama.
3. Setelah membaca dan menyimak, mahasiswa membuat
video dengan kalimatnya sendiri berdasakan artikel
dan video tersebut. Mahasiswa tidak diperkenankan
menulis kalimat yang sama, tetap melakukan

1. Masing-masing mahasiswa membuat video mengenai
health practitioner dan midwives, dengan menjelaskan
secara detail terkait peran dan fungsi profesi tersebut.
2. Unggah video tersebut ke dalam tagihan di google

1. Azar, Betty S, Hagen, Stacy A (2006). Basic English
Grammar: New York: Pearson Longman
2. Hatem M, Sandall J, Devane D, Soltani H, Gates S.
(2008). Midwife-led versus other models of care for

40 | Buku Petunjuk Praktikum Bahasa Inggris Kebidanan

childbearing women. Cochrane Database of Systematic
Reviews. Issue 4. Art. No.: CD004667.
3. ICM. (2017). ICM definitions: the definition of the
midwife, scope of practice of the midwife, definitions of
midwifery, philosophy and model of midwifery care,
bill of rights for women and midwives, and
international code of ethics for midwives. Retrieved
4. Maassen MS, Hendrix MJC, Van Vugt HC, Veersema S,
Smits F, Nijhuis JG. (2008). Operative deliveries in low-
risk pregnancies in The Netherlands: primary versus
secondary care. Birth. 35:4 December 2008, 277-82

Buku Petunjuk Praktikum Bahasa Inggris Kebidanan | 41

Lampiran 1. Sistematika Laporan



Nama : ..................................................
NIM : ...................................................
Kelas : ..................................................
Program Studi : Kebidanan Program Sarjana



42 | Buku Petunjuk Praktikum Bahasa Inggris Kebidanan


Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah sering disebut Course
Learning Outcomes.Tuliskan CPMK yang sesuai dengan
acara praktikum.
Sub CPMK merupakan kemampuan akhir yang
direncanakan pada tiap tahapan pembelajaran yang
bersifat spesifik dan dapat diukur, serta didemonstrasikan
pada akhir proses pembelajaran. Tuliskan sub CPMK yang
sesuai dengan acara praktikum.
Tuliskan pustaka yang sesuai dan menunjang pembahasan
praktikum. Gunakan pustaka primer (jurnal/hasil
penelitian) ataupun buku sumber maksimal 10 tahun
Tuliskan alat dan bahan yang digunakan dalam acara
praktikum secara lengkap.
Deskripsikan langkah kerja secara detail saat pelaksanaan
Tuliskan hasil praktikum secara lengkap. Berikan
pembahasan sesuai dengan uraian tugas yang telah
ditentukan pada acara praktikum.
Tuliskan kesimpulan acara praktikum secara singkat.

Buku Petunjuk Praktikum Bahasa Inggris Kebidanan | 43

Tuliskan daftar pustaka dengan gaya Harvard-American
Psychological Association (APA):
1. Sumber Buku:
a. satu pengarang:
Conley, D. 2002.The daily miracle: an introduction
to journalism. Oxford University Press. New York.
b. dua pengarang:
Anna, N & Santoso, CL. 1997. Pendidikan anak, ed
5. Family Press. Jakarta.
c. > 2 pengarang:
Kotler, P, Adam, S, Brown, L & Armstrong, G.
2003.Principles of marketing, 2nd edn. Pearson
Education Australia. Melbourne.
2. Artikel Jurnal:
a. Penulis tunggal:
Hall, M. 1999.‘Breaking the silence:
marginalisation of registered nurses employed in
nursing homes’.Contemporary Nurse, vol.8(1): 232-
b. Dua Penulis:
Davis, L, Mohay, H & Edwards, H. 2003. ‘Mothers
involvement in caring for their premature infants:
an historical overview’. Journal of Advance Nursing,
vol.42 (6): 578-586.
c. > 2 penulis:
Wijaya, K, Phillips, M & Syarif, H. 2002. ‘Pemilihan
sistem penyimpanan data skala besar’.Jurnal
Informatika Indonesia, vol. 1(3): 132-140.

44 | Buku Petunjuk Praktikum Bahasa Inggris Kebidanan

Petunjuk Praktium
Bahasa Inggris Kebidanan

Petunjuk praktikum “Bahasa Inggris Kebidanan” ini dapat kami

tebitkan sebagai panduan kegiatan praktikum bagi mahasiswa
dengan empat kompetensi yaitu listening, reading, writing dan
speaking. Buku Petunjuk Praktikum Bahasa Inggris Kebidanan ini
berisi 7 acara praktikum antara lain:
1. Conversation between Patient and Midwife
2. Reproductive System
3. Human life cycle
4. Nutrition Counseling
5. Communication And Counseling Techniques Ractice How To Deliver
Medication To Patient And A Pregnant Patient
6. Medical Tools
7. Hospital And Health Practitioner

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