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Technical Training Department PI-JAN/16/0O/UDT


Puji syukur penulis panjatkan kepada ALLAH SWT yang selalu melimpahkan rahmat dan
kasih sayang kepada seluruh umat-Nya, sehingga penulis dapat menyelesaikan modul ini sesuai
dengan yang diharapkan. Modul ini berjudul “PERIODICAL INSPECTION” sebagai salah satu
materi dalam program pendidikan di PT United Tractors Tbk.

Penulis telah berusaha semaksimal mungkin dalam penyusunan modul ini. Namun demikian,
tidak menutup kemungkinan adanya kekurangan yang dikarenakan keterbatasan pengetahuan,
kemampuan dan pengalaman yang dimiliki penulis. Penulis mengharapkan saran dan kritik yang
membangun atas segala kekurangannya, sehingga akan menjadi sebuah perbaikan di kemudian

Penulis menyampaikan rasa terimakasih yang sebesar-besarnya kepada semua pihak yang
telah membantu dalam penyusunan modul ini. Akhir kata penulis berharap dengan segala
kekurangannya, semoga modul ini dapat bermanfaat bagi kita semua.

Banjarmasin, 20 Januari 2016


Technical Training Department PI-JAN/16/0O/UDT ii


1. Inspection adalah pengontrolan yang dilakukan pada sebuah unit atau alat.
2. Down Time adalah waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk sebuah unit saat tidak bias beroperasi atau
sedang mengalami kerusakan.
3. Replace adalah penggantian suatu komponen pada sebuah alat.
4. Adjusting adalah penyetelan pada sebuah komponen yang betujuan untuk mengembalikan
performance sesuai standart.
5. Repair adalah perbaikan yang dilakukan pada sebuah alat.
6. Testing adalah pengetesan yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi komponen pada unit.
7. Service adalah suatu kegiatan yang dilakukan untuk mencegah timbulnya abnormal
(kerusakan), sehingga umur alat dapat mencapai umur yang direkomendasikan
8. Kawashima Project adalah aktifitas perawatan hose dan harness untuk menjaga poisisi
maupun instalasi agar dapat dipertahankan kondisinya dalam standart fungsinya.
9. Harness adalah kabel penghantar electricity yang terangkai pada sstem unit.
10. Hose adalah komponen tempat jalur hydraulic (oli) mengalir.
11. Clamp adalah komponen yang berfungsi untuk mengikat harness atau hose pada bodi atau
12. Clearance adalah jarak antara satu komponen dengan komponen lain.
13. Tierap adalah komponen tambahan dari plastic dengan tingkat ukuran dan kekuatan tertentu
yang berfungsi untuk mengikat komponen lain.
14. Vinyl tape adalah komponen pengikat yang terbuat dari bahan karet yang biasa digunakan
untuk metode isolasi electric.
15. Rubber adalah bahan karet yang sering dimanfaatkan untuk pelapis supaya hubungan
antara komponen tidak saling bergesek secara langsung.
16. Spiral wrap adalah komponen tambahan yang berfungsi sebagai pelais berbahan plastic
keras dan berbentuk spiral yang berfungsi untuk melindungi pergesekan antara komponen
hose satu dengan lainnya.
17. Conduit adalah komponen tambahan yang berfungsi untuk melapisi komponen harness.
18. Grommet adalah komponen pelapis untuk melapisi hose dengan clamp untuk melindungi
hose supaya tidak bergesekan langsung dengan clamp.
19. Twist adalah terpuntir – puntiran.
20. House guide adalah bagan penjelasan mengenai bagian-bagian dari SBPR.
21. Workstream adalah flow atau aliran kerja
22. Rest time adalah waktu saat istirahat.
23. Morning change shift adalah pergantian shift pagi.
24. Refueling time adalah waktu saat pengisian bahan bakar.
25. Washing time adalah waktu saat pencucian dilaksanakan.
26. Opportune Inspection adalah inspection yang dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan waktu
yang luang diluar waktu inspeksi (inspection schedule) dengan mencari unit yang sedang
idle untuk dapat dilakukan inspection.

Technical Training Department PI-JAN/16/0O/UDT 3


A. Deskripsi
Modul Periodical Inspection ini membahas tentang pengetahuan dasar dari perawatan
terhadap unit truck. Tujuan dari modul ini adalah agar peserta pelatihan memiliki pengetahuan
tentang Periodical Inspection secara global pada unit.

Modul ini terdiri dari 3 kegiatan belajar meliputi :

1. General Knowledge of Inspection
2. PUMA Standart Operation Procedure
3. Inspection Process

B. Prasyarat
Sebelum memulai modul ini, anda harus sudah menyelesaikan modul-modul yang harus
dipelajari lebih awal sesuai dengan peta kedudukan modul.

C. Petunjuk Penggunaan Modul

1. Petunjuk Bagi Peserta Pelatihan
Untuk memperoleh hasil belajar secara maksimal dalam mempelajari materi modul ini,
langkah-langkah yang perlu dilaksanakan antara lain:
a. Baca dan pahami dengan seksama uraian-uraian materi yang ada pada pada masing-
masing kegiatan belajar. Bila ada materi yang kurang jelas, peserta dapat bertanya pada
b. Kerjakanlah setiap tugas formatif (soal latihan) untuk mengetahui seberapa besar
pemahaman yang telah dimiliki terhadap materi-materi yang dibahas dalam setiap kegiatan
c. Untuk kegiatan belajar yang terdiri dari teori dan praktek, perhatikanlah hal-hal berikut ini:
1) Perhatikan petunjuk-petunjuk keselamatan kerja yang diberikan.
2) Pahami setiap langkah kerja (Shop Manual, QA Sheet, SOP) dengan baik.
3) Sebelum melaksanakan praktik, rencanakan tools yang diperlukan secara cermat.
4) Gunakan alat sesuai prosedur yang pemakaian yang benar.
5) Untuk melakukan kegiatan belajar praktek yang belum jelas, harus meminta ijin
instruktur lebih dahulu.
6) Setelah selesai praktek, kembalikan alat dan bahan ke tempat semula.
d. Jika belum menguasai tingkat materi yang diharapkan, ulangi lagi pada kegiatan belajar
sebelumnya atau bertanyalah kepada instruktur yang bersangkutan.

Technical Training Department PI-JAN/16/0O/UDT 4

2. Peran instruktur antara lain
a. Membantu peserta dalam merencanakan proses belajar.
b. Membimbing peserta melalui tugas-tugas pelatihan yang dijelaskan dalam tahap belajar.
c. Membantu peserta dalam memahami konsep dan praktek baru dan menjawab pertanyaan
peserta mengenai proses belajar peserta.
d. Membantu siswa untuk menentukan dan mengakses sumber tambahan lain yang
diperlukan untuk belajar.
e. Mengorganisasikan kegiatan belajar kelompok jika diperlukan.
f. Merencanakan mentor/ pendamping (among) dari tempat kerja untuk membantu jika
diperlukan (peserta OJT/experience).
g. Merencanakan proses penilaian dan menyiapkan perangkatnya.
h. Melakasanakan penilaian.
i. Menjelaskan kepada siswa tentang sikap pengetahuan dan keterampilan dari suatu
kompetensi yang perlu untuk dibenahi dan merundingkan rencana pembelajaran
j. Mencatat pencapaian kemajuan siswa.

D. Tujuan Akhir
Setelah mempelajari secara keseluruhan materi kegiatan belajar dalam modul ini peserta
diharapkan “memiliki pengetahuan dan keterampilan untuk melakukan Periodical
Inspection pada unit, lokasi dan critical point pada pekerjaan Inspection”

Technical Training Department PI-JAN/16/0O/UDT 5

Uraian Materi Kegiatan Belajar 1
Maintenance Knowledge

Secara garis besar maintenance merupakan kunci dari kondisi dan performance unit yang baik
(standart), lebih dari itu cost yang digunakan terhadap unit juga akan terkendali (reduce) jikalau plan
yang dilakukan adalah tepat dalam melakukan maintenance unit. Ini adalah alasan penting dimana
Maintenance sangatlah berperan tinggi dalam pengelolaan unit alat berat.

Gb. Klasifikasi Maintenance

Technical Training Department PI-JAN/16/0O/UDT 6

Periodic Inspection

Periodic Inspection, yaitu inspeksi atau pemeriksaan yang dilakukan secara berkala dengan
management waktu yang telah distandartkan untuk melihat kondisi aktual unit supaya dapat
dipersiapkan dalam jangka waktu tertentu untuk melakukan aktifitas perbaikan.
Selain kegiatan inspeksi ini berlangsung dalam konteks preventive maintenance akan tetapi
dalam pelaksanaannya juga akan menyangkut dengan aktifitas corrective maintenance. Ini akan
terjadi bila dalam kegiatan inspection diperlukan untuk kegiatan repair and adjustment saat
ditemui kondisi yang kurang standart dan harus segera ditangani karena masalah safety ataupun
kinerja unit.

Gb. Contoh pemeriksaan daily maintenance

Uraian Materi Kegiatan Belajar 1

Kawashima Procedures

Dalam suatu kegiatan Inspeksi sangatlah diperlukan sekali keahlian dalam menilai kondisi suatu
komponen dalam unit, ini sangat berhubungan erat dengan tingkat selera seorang inspector dalam
menilainya. Baik penilaian terhadap komponen secara instalasi maupun dalam kondisi fisik dari
komponen. Dalam aktifitas Kawashima project hal-hal tersebut sangat diperhatikan.
Terdapat beberapa hal yang menjadi perhatian penting saat melakukan aktifitas kawashima
project yaitu mengenai penanganan harness dan penanganan hose.
Beberapa contoh kasus tentang perlakuan pada pemasangan hose dan harness serta beberapa
problem yang terjadi beserta penyelesainnya dapat kita lihat dalam materi dibawah ini :

1. Point 1 :
Permasalahan :
Harness atau hose pada engine bergerak bebas, berpotensi untuk bersinggungan dengan
kabel atau hose lainnya.

Technical Training Department PI-JAN/16/0O/UDT 7

Langkah pencegahan :
Antara Hose dan wiring harness tidak dijadikan satu dan di clamp ataupun ditierap sehingga
tidak bergerak bebas dan bersinggungan.

Clamp tambahan

Wiring harness

Clearance sesuai standard

Clamp tambahan

Spill hose

Langkah Perbaikan :
• Tambahkan clamp pada wiring harness atau hose, pasang clamp pada dudukan atau
mounting bolt yang sudah ada. Spesifikasi untuk tierap, vinyl tape, rubber, spiral wrap, dll
pada kabin engine minimal 100ºC, dan Jarak ideal antara hose dan wiring harness adalah
antara 80mm-100mm.
• Pisahkan antara hose dan wiring harness dengan jarak yang aman, yaitu aman dari
persinggungan satu dengan yang lain saat unit beroperasi dan hose bergetar karena

Bebas bergerak Tambah Clamp

 
2. Point 2 :
Permasalahan :
harness diikat dengan hose yang bertekanan sehingga kabel ikut bergetar dan dalam jangka
waktu tertentu akan menyebabkan kabel putus diujung konektor atau komponen elektrik.

Langkah pencegahan :

Technical Training Department PI-JAN/16/0O/UDT 8

Antara Hose dan wiring harness tidak dijadikan satu dan di clamp ataupun ditierap meskipun
sudah digunakan rubber untuk proteksinya.

Langkah Perbaikan :
• Pisahkan antara hose dan wiring harness dengan jarak yang aman, yaitu aman dari
persinggungan satu dengan yang lain saat unit beroperasi dan hose bergetar karena
• Tempatkan dan pastikan kekencangan posisi dari hose dan wiring harness dengan
menggunakan clamp dan bolt, jika tidak terdapat dudukan dapat digunakan double clamp
atau ditambahkan bracket, atau cara lain sehingga pada posisi aman. Jarak ideal antara
hose dan wiring harness adalah antara 80mm-100mm.

 
Technical Training Department PI-JAN/16/0O/UDT 9
3. Point 3 :
Permasalahan :
Radius tekukan dari kabel (pada Starting Motor, Battery, dll) terlalu kecil, sehingga dapat
menimbulkan serabut kawat dari kabel PATAH. Disamping itu dapat juga menimbulkan bolt
mudah kendur karena vibrasi/getaran jika tekukan terlalu kecil.

Technical Training Department PI-JAN/16/0O/UDT 10

Langkah pencegahan :
Tidak melakukan penekukan yang berlebihan pada kabel hingga dibawah standard.

Langkah Perbaikan :
• Reposisi dan pastikan radius dari tekukan kabel adalah 6 kali dari diameter kabel.
• Fixed posisi dari kabel dengan menggunakan clamp dan bolt, tierap atau media lainnya
sehingga kabel pada posisi aman.

4. Point 4 :
Permasalahan :
Radius tekukan dari kabel (pada konektor) terlalu kecil, sehingga dapat menimbulkan
putusnya pada persambungan dan serabut kawat dari kabel PATAH.
Langkah pencegahan :
Tidak melakukan penekukan yang berlebihan pada kabel hingga dibawah standard.

Technical Training Department PI-JAN/16/0O/UDT 11

Langkah Perbaikan :
• Reposisi dan pastikan radius dari tekukan kabel adalah 6 kali dari diameter kabel.
• Fixed posisi dari kabel dengan menggunakan clamp dan bolt, tierap atau media lainnya
sehingga kabel pada posisi aman. (perhatikan posisi tierap pada konektor seperti gambar

5. Point 5 :
Permasalahan :
Kabel terlalu panjang, radius tekukan penggulungan dari kabel (pada konektor maupun
sensor) terlalu kecil, sehingga dapat menimbulkan putusnya pada persambungan dan serabut
kawat dari kabel PATAH.
Langkah pencegahan :
 Tidak melakukan penekukan yang berlebihan pada gulungan kabel yang terlalu panjang
hingga dibawah standard.
 Panjang kabel yang ideal sesuai kebutuhan dan tidak terlalu panjang.

Technical Training Department PI-JAN/16/0O/UDT 12

Technical Training Department PI-JAN/16/0O/UDT 13
6. Point 6 :
Permasalahan :
 Kabel mengalami stressing karena jarak antara ujung spiral conduit dan konektor terlalu
pendek dan kabel di isolasi pada ujung conduit.
 Kabel patah karena radius tekukan dibawah standard karena jarak antara ujung spiral
conduit dan konektor terlalu pendek
Langkah pencegahan :
Tidak mengaplikasikan konduit terlalu panjang sehingga mengakibatkan jarak antara ujung
konduit dan konektor terlalu pendek.

Langkah Perbaikan :
• Perbaiki jarak antara ujung conduit dengan konektor sesuai standard dengan memotong
• Tempatkan dan pastikan kekencangan dari posisi dari kabel dengan menggunakan clamp
dan bolt, tierap atau media lainnya sehingga kabel pada posisi aman. Pastikan jarak clamp
sesuai standard.

7. Point 7 :
Permasalahan :
Kabel Power menghasilkan percikan api yang cukup besar jika terjadi short circuits
Langkah Perbaikan :
• Tambahkan spiral conduit pada kabel power (kabel yang berarus tinggi) dan tambahkan Vinyl
tape pada ujung conduit.
• Tempatkan dan pastikan kekecangan dari posisi dari kabel dengan menggunakan clamp dan
bolt, tierap atau media lainnya sehingga kabel pada posisi aman.
• Aplikasikan spiral conduit dan clamp sesuai standard.

Technical Training Department PI-JAN/16/0O/UDT 14

Technical Training Department PI-JAN/16/0O/UDT 15
8. Point 8 :
Permasalahan :
Hose atau harness bergetar, clamp mudah rusak, penataan tidak rapi,
Langkah pencegahan :
Aplikasikan clamp pada setiap instalasi harness atau hose.

Langkah Perbaikan :
• Pada Kabin Engine aplikasikan clamp untuk wiring harness atau hose dengan jarak antar
clamp 25 cm.
• Untuk diluar kabin engine aplikasikan clamp untuk wiring harness atau hose dengan jarak
antar clamp minimal 50 cm.
9. Point 9 :
Permasalahan :
Hose/Harness berada di posisi bawah (lantai/floor) yang sangat memungkinkan untuk
terinjak, mudah kotor, berpotensi cepat mengalami kerusakan.

Technical Training Department PI-JAN/16/0O/UDT 16

Langkah pencegahan :
Jangan memposisikan hose/harness dilantai/floor.

Langkah Perbaikan :
• Menaikkan posisi harness/hose pada jarak minimal 7 cm dari floor/lantai, dan diberi clamp
dengan jarak antar clamp 50 cm untuk diluar kabin engine dan 25 cm untuk di area kabin
• Jika memungkinkan reposisi dapat dilakukan di wall/dinding pada body unit dengan jarak
minimal dari floor 7 cm, atau dapat juga melalui jalur lain pada body sehingga pada posisi

10. Point 10 :
Permasalahan :
 Hose/harness bersinggungan dengan ujung dari tekukan body sehingga dapat menimbulkan
hose/harness rusak
 Hose bersinggungan satu dengan yang lainnya sehingga berpotensi menimbulkan
Langkah Perbaikan :
• Reposisi hose/harness sehingga pada ujung tekukan body jarak antara hose dengan body
+minimal 1,5 cm jika perlu tambahkan plate agar posisi dudukan hose/harness lebih tinggi.
• Jika hose pada posisi lurus keatas dan dekat dengan body dan tekukan body unit maka jarak
antara hose dengan body minimal 3 cm
• Jarak antara hose satu dengan yang lainnya minimal 5 cm.

Technical Training Department PI-JAN/16/0O/UDT 17

• Tempatkan dan pastikan kekencangan dari posisi dari hose/harness dengan menggunakan
clamp dan bolt, tierap atau media lainnya sehingga kabel pada posisi aman. (perhatikan
posisi clamp pada gambar)

11. Point 11 :
Permasalahan :
Kesalahan dalam mengaplikasikan clamp sehingga fungsi clamp tidak efektif bahkan dapat
menimbulkan kerusakan pada harness atau hose yang di clamp.

Technical Training Department PI-JAN/16/0O/UDT 18

Langkah pencegahan :
Lakukan metode clamping yang baik dan benar.

Langkah Perbaikan :
• Aplikasikan ukuran clamp sesuai dengan ukuran hose atau harness
• Perbaiki posisi persambungan 2 clamp yaitu dengan tidak melakukan pemasangan yang
bersilangan antara satu dengan yang lainnya, Pemasangan bersilangan dapat menimbulkan
diameter dari clamp berubah dan tidak sesuai dengan ukuran standardnya.
• Jika tidak didapatkan clamp sesuai ukuran diameter hose atau harness maka dapat
ditambahkan gromet, rubber atau media lainnya.
• Clamp yang tidak memiliki proteksi perlu ditambahkan gromet atau rubber

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Technical Training Department PI-JAN/16/0O/UDT 20
12. Point 12 :
Permasalahan :
Kesalahan dalam hose installation sesuai dengan alur lekuk hose.
Langkah pencegahan :
Lakukan metode instalasi hose secara tepat dengan melihat natural curv (lekukan
alami/awal) dari hose.

13. Point 13 :
Permasalahan :
Kesalahan dalam hose installation sehingga fungsi kondisi hose sudah tegang saat install
dikarenakan twist pada hose.
Langkah perbaikan :
Lakukan metode instalasi hose sesuai dengan ukuran hose yang genuine-nya

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14. Point 14 :
Permasalahan :
Kesalahan dalam hose installation yaitu untuk penentuan panjang hose saat dilakukan
instalasi. Hose terlalu pendek akan mengakibatkan sudut bending menjadi radius yang kecil
sehingga akan muncul stress.

Langkah perbaikan :
Lakukan metode instalasi hose sesuai dengan pasangannya, hindari tekukan hose yang
terlalu kecil dan panjang hose juga harus diperhatikan.

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15. Point 15 :
Permasalahan :
Spiral wrap atau media proteksi lainnya mengalami pergeseran dari tempatnya sehingga
tidak berfungsi dengan baik.
Langkah perbaikan :
Tambahkan vinyl tape sebagaimana gambar disamping, yaitu masuk ke lokasi spiral wrap
sejauh 20mm dan kelokasi hose sejauh 20 mm.perputaran pengisolasian diulangi sebanyak
3kali. Tujuan dari penambahan vinyl tape ini yaitu agar tidak terjadi ergeseran dari spiral wrap
atau media pelindung lainnya.

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Technical Training Department PI-JAN/16/0O/UDT 24
Uraian Materi Kegiatan Belajar 1
Komponen Failure & Recommendation

Dalam suatu kegiatan inspeksi kemungkinan besar akan banyak ditemui kondisi-kondisi yang
tidak normal jika dalam operasiona ataupun maintenance unit kurang bagus. Kondisi tidak normal
tersebut dapat berupa 3 hal antara lain :
1. Mechanical Failure
Kerusakan mechanical dapat terjadi pada suatu alat akibat salah pengoperasian atau salah
penanganan terhadap unit. Kerusakan tersebut dapat berupa leak, crack, bending, dent, scretch,
a. Crack (Retak)
Kerusakan ini terjadi biasanya karena external force atau internal force yang ditunjang
dengan komposisi material yang kurang bagus. Faktor yang mempengaruhi kondisi ini
adalah getaran tinggi, panas yang tinggi, umur dan benturan.
Beberapa contoh kasus yang mungkin terjadi dapat dilihat di bawah ini :

Crack pada komponen Crack pada komponen

“Boom” “vessel” Dumptruck

Technical Training Department PI-JAN/16/0O/UDT 25

b. Missing (hilang)
Sering sekali dijumpai bahwa kondisi komponen tidak termounting dengan benar karena
tidak ada/kurangnya fastener yang disebabkan hilang pada saat operasi ataupun
kecerobohan saat melakukan maintenance unit.

Nut pengikat hilang/tidak

Nut pengikat hilang/tidak ada

Bolt dan spacer damper pengikat

Bolt pengikat hilang/tidak
hilang/tidak ada

c. Bending (Bengkok)
Kerusakan ini terjadi biasanya karena external force atau beban yang terjadi dalam kurun
waktu lama akan tetapi pembebanannya kurang seimbang.

d. Dent (penyok)
Kerusakan ini terjadi biasanya karena external force atau ketika unit beroperasi.

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e. Scretch (Bergores)
Kerusakan tipe ini biasanya disebabkan oleh bergesekannya antara material metal
dengan metal atau metal dengan debu. Goresan yang terjadi bisa saja dalam skala besar
atau hanya kecil tergantung dengan beban saat bergesekan.

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f. Worn (Aus)
Kerusakan tipe ini biasanya disebabkan oleh bergesekannya antara material metal
dengan metal dan material lainnya. Keausan adalah wajar kecuali berada diluar dari umur
yang teah ditentukan maka dari itu inspeksi sangat diperlukan sekali. Khususny untuk
komponen undercarriage management penanganan keausan sangat diperhatikan.

g. Leak (bocor)
Kerusakan tipe ini dapat disebabkan akibat pengencangan komponen yang kurang dari
standart (jika merupakan assembly component), keausan dalam skala besar, kerusakan
komponen penyekat, dll.

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h. Weep (rembes)
Kerusakan tipe ini dapat disebabkan akibat pengencangan komponen yang kurang dari
standart (jika merupakan assembly component), keausan dalam skala kecil, kerusakan
komponen penyekat, dll.

Rembes pada bagian Main Pump PC3000 Rembes pada bagian Breather Hyd tank PC3000

Rembes pada bagian manifold block PC3000 Rembes pada bagian Colling Fan Motor PC3000

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Rembes pada bagian Main Pump PC2000

i. Broken
Kerusakan tipe ini dapat disebabkan akibat instalasi yang kurang tepat, kesalahan
operasi, dll. Ini dapat terjadi pada komponen hose atau komponen lainnya.

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Uraian Materi Kegiatan Belajar 2
PUMA Standart Operation Procedure

A. PUMA Workstream
Kegiatan Inspeksi yang dilakukan pada setiap waktu dapat dikatakan sudah bagus namun
perlu dikemas lagi supaya lebih sistematis agar dapat meningkatkan effectivitas dan lebih
efficience waktu dalam bekerja. Inilah latar belakang adanya program PUMA pada periodic
Inspection. Beberapa hal telah dilakukan perubahan menjadi lebih sistematis dan tepat sasaran.
Lebih lanjut dapat kita lihat pada table dibawah ini :

1. Dokument Baru
Dengan PUMA telah dilakukan improvement dalam beberapa hal yaitu pembaharuan
pada dokumen-dokumen yang digunakan dalam kegiatan periodic inspection. Dokumen
tersebut terdiri dari beberapa item yaitu PUMA Book, MEET Map & PUMA Monitoring.

Technical Training Department PI-JAN/16/0O/UDT 31

 PUMA Book berisi tentang prosedur-prosedure aktifitas PUMA yaitu mengenai SOP
PUMA EXA/DT, PUMA Review agenda dan absensi, jadwal inspeksi dari customer,
PUMA Monitoring EXA/DT, MEET Map EXA/DT, Backlog Monitoring Sheet (BMS),
Pareto problem unscheduled breakdown report.
 Meet Map digunakan untuk memetakan unit yang telah dilakukan inspeksi maupun unit
yang belum dilakukan inspeksi. Ini dilakukan untuk melakukan control dan scheduling
dalam pelaksanaan aktifitas PUMA setiap harinya.
 PUMA Monitoring EXA/DT digunakan untuk merecord hasil Periodic Inspection setiap
harinya dan disertai dengan catatan-catatan hasil temuan saat inspeksi.

2. Penerapan Zona Kerja

Supaya dalam suatu pekerjaan inspeksi dapat berjalan secara efektif, efisien dan
terkontrol dengan baik baik maka perlu dilakukan pembagian zona kerja agar dalam kegiatan
inspeksi dapat lebih focus. Contoh zona kerja excavator PC2000-8 dibagi menjadi 3 zona
yaitu :
 Zona 1 : area yang dilakukan PI adalah daerah untuk area lower structure dan
 Zona 2 : area yang dilakukan PI adalah area hydraulic termasuk area hose dan
 Zona 3 : area yang dilakukan PI adalah area engine dan cabin.

3. Perbaikan Proses
Hasil dari periodical inspection akan selalu direview secara reguler dan temuan termasuk
untuk backlog management dan disimpan kedalam database sehingga tim Periodical Service
(PANTHER-P) akan melakukan action pada saat periodical service.

B. Tugas & Tanggung Jawab

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C. PUMA Standart Operation Procedure

1. MEET Map
Dalam aktifitas PU terdapat aktifitas pengisian MEET Map untuk schedule hari berikutnya
pada sore hari setelah kegiatan PI selain itu pada saat itu juga dilakukan PUMA review untuk
mengevaluasi hasil PI hari itu.

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Dibawah ini adalah gambaran MEET Map untuk PUMA EXA.

Priority Table

Poin-poin implementasi yang harus diperhatikan :

1. Urutan prioritas : jadwal inspeksi dari customer, unit yang belum dicek baik oleh shift
siang hari ini atau sebelumnya, unit yang akan dicek shift malam hari ini dan prioritas
terakhir adalah unit yang telah dicek hari ini oleh tim inspeksi shift siang
2. Semakin lama unit tersebut tidak dicheck, semakin prioritas utama untuk dicheck.
3. Mekanik harus meminta dan memiliki washing schedule dan refueling schedule ke
supervisor, Jika menggunakan waktu washing time dan atau refueling time untuk inspeksi

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Langkah – langkah pengisian:
1. Berilah tanda silang (x) pada unit-unit yang berada di area blasting pada saat rest time
2. Mencocokan unit yang akan diinspeksi dengan timing waktu yang tersedia (contoh :
morning change shift, rest time day shift, refueling time and washing time), kemudian
berilah tanda lingkaran hitam () pada pertemuan unit tsb dengan timing waktunya.

Dibawah ini adalah gambaran MEET Map untuk PUMA DT.

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2. Daily Check Sheet

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Poin implementasi yang harus diperhatikan :
Mekanik tidak hanya melakukan pemeriksaan fisik saat inspeksi, tapi juga bisa
melakukan perbaikan minor, lubrikasi dan testing unit. Tergantung dari waktu yang tersedia,
kesiapan parts dan ketersediaan equipment.

No. Form
PC 2000-8 Owner Service Division

Inspection Date Location Cnd Note Priority

No Description Foto
Unit Serial Number Shift G B U 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3
Unit Code Time To Start 3 LH lock pin boom pivot
SMR Time Finish 4 RH lock pin boom pivot
D. Front Central Frame
1 Front Frame
Zone 1 : Front Attachment and Track Group 2 Front Swing Circle
3 Front Connection (hose & pipe)
4 Check stop valve HIC
E. Cylinder Attachment
1 Boom Cylinder LH
E A 2 Boom Cylinder RH
3 Arm Cylinder LH
E A 4 Arm Cylinder RH
5 Bucket Cylinder LH
6 Bucket Cylinder RH
I F. Bucket
1 Bucket
F 2 Link Bucket
3 Teeth Bucket
4 Shroud
5 Pin Bucket
6 Central Grease Manifold Arm
H 7 Hose Grease Pin
C D G. Track Group RH
B H 1 RH Frame
C G D Thick of Soil Level 2 Idler RH
3 Tension of Track
J B 4 Track Roller
G Clean Medium High 5 Carrier Roller
J 6 Track Shoe
7 Shoe Bolt
Soil 8 Track Link
9 Sproket RH
10 Level Hard of Soil U/C RH Clean : Soft : Hard :
Please check list (V) according actual condition of soil in undercarriage RH & LH 11 Level Thick of Soil U/C RH Clean : Medium : High :
H. Travel Motor
Condition (Cnd) Note (Nt) Priority (Pr'ty) 1 Trave Motor LH
G Good Condition 1 Leaking 4 Loosen 1 Ganti sekarang juga 2 Travel Motor RH
B Bad Condition 2 Broken 5 Worn 2 Ganti saat change shift 3 LH Cover & Bottom Guard
U Tidak dicheck 3 Missing 6 Crack 3 Open backlog 4 RH Cover & Bottom Guard
Please fulfill remark for detail condtion of component/ item, if it bad condition I. Rear Central Frame
Please mark (V) if took a picture during inspection 1 Rear Frame
2 Rear Swing Circle
Cnd Note Priority 3 Rear Connection (Hose & Pipe)
No Description Remark Foto
G B U 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 Piping Travel Motor LH & RH
A. Main Ladder (Left Ladder) J. Cabin Base

1 Main Ladder 1 Valve & Solenoid Pilot Sys
2 Cylinder 2 Related Hose of Pilot Sys
3 Mounting of Ladder 3 Accumulator PPC

4 Step Ladder 4 Press Switch Sensor Pilot Sys
5 Ladder Switch 5 Electrical Panel
6 Ladder Lamp 6 Related Electric Cable
B. Track Group LH 7 Fuse
1 LH Frame 8 Cabin Base Lamp
2 Idler LH 9 Level of Water Wipper Low : High : Std :
3 Tension of Track
4 Track Roller
5 Carrier Roller
6 Track Shoe
7 Shoe Bolt Operator Name : Sign Mechanic Name Operator Name
8 Track Link Comment :

9 Sproket LH Sign : Sign :
10 Level Hard of Soil U/C LH Clean : Soft : Hard :
11 Level Thick of Soil U/C LH Clean : Medium : High :
C. Working Attachment
1 Boom Attachment Sign Date : Sign Date :
2 Arm Attachment

Page 1

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• Berilah tanda cek () atas kondisi aktual unit pada kolom yang tersedia. Jika tidak
melakukan pemeriksaan pada item-item tertentu, berilah tanda cek () pada kolom
unchecked atas item tersebut.
• Ambillah gambar/foto pada item yang berkondisi buruk, berilah tanda cek () pada kolom
photo atas item tersebut.
• Interview operator untuk mengetahui gejala-gejala atau permasalahan yang dialami
selama unit beroperasi dan harus mendapatkan tandatangan operator unit tersebut.

3. Backlog Entry Sheet

Temuan backlog baru dan backlog lama yang telah dieksekusi dimonitoring per unit
dalam sheet ini.

Langkah – langkah implementasi

1. Lengkapi Backlog Entry Sheet (BES) sebelum tiba di kantor, kecuali Part Number, Figure,
dan Index yang dilengkapi setelah di kantor karena membutuhkan data dari LinkOne
2. Jika backlog dieksekusi (perbaikan minor), catatlah eksekusi backog tsb pada BES,
lengkapi problem, part description, part number dan kolom “Backlog Update”

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4. Backlog Monitoring Sheet
Selain melakukan inspeksi juga dilakukan monitoring kondisi actual backlog yang masih
berstatus “open” per unit.

Langkah – langkah implementasi :

1. Mekanik wajib mengisi BMS pada kolom Log date (tanggal pencatatan, problem
description, part description, part number. Jika ada temuan backlog baru

Technical Training Department PI-JAN/16/0O/UDT 39

2. Mendapatkan segera update (BMS) unit-unit dari ADM PPC setelah pekerjaan periodic
service selesai. (jika ada unit yang dijadwalkan PS)
3. Jika ada lebih dari satu PUMA Team, maka lakukanlah sharing data backlog terkini antar
team pada setiap akhir shift

5. PUMA Monitoring DT
Aktifitas PUMA juga akan selalu di monitor dengan mengisi PUMA Monitoring report.
Segala macam info hasil PI sebelumnya akan direcord dan di update kepada mekanik pada
dayshift berikutnya.

Langkah – langkah implementasi

1. PUMA Monitoring ditandatangani oleh supervisor dan disimpan di PUMA Book
2. Dikembalikan ke ADM PPC jika sudah terisi penuh dan mencetak lembar baru
sebagai penggantinya.

6. Problem Log
Problem log bertujuan untuk memastikan pekerjaan dapat selesai sesuai dengan target
dan agar problem yang sama tidak berulang kembali. Supervisor/ team leader wajib
mencatat PIC pelapor dan PIC pe-follow up problem tersebut

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Data yang sudah tercatat akan kebali direcord kedalam data base berikut dengan foto-foto hasil
temuan dari unit per unit.

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Uraian Materi Kegiatan Belajar 3
Periodic Inspection UD TRUCK

A. Technical Term
1. Technical term yang berkaitan dengan machine condition/inspection
a. Engine low idle, adalah putaran engine terendah tanpa beban.
b. Engine high idle, adalah putaran engine tertinggi tanpa beban.
c. Rated speed, adalah putaran engine pada horse power maksimum.
d. Stall speed, adalah putaran engine ketika torque converter stall.
e. Hydraulic stall speed, adalah putaran engine ketika sistem hydraulic dalam keadaan relief.
f. Full stall speed, adalah putaran engine pada saat torque converter stall dan sistem hydraulic relief
secara bersamaan.
g. Boost pressure, adalah tekanan udara pada intake manifold untuk engine yang dilengkapi
h. Blow-by pressure, adalah tekanan udara/gas yang diizinkan di dalam crankcase yang disebabkan oleh:
- Kebocoran ring piston engine/liner
- Kebocoran seal pada sisi turbin di dalam turbocharge
- Kebocoran ring piston pada compressor udara/liner
i. Compression pressure, adalah tekanan udara yang dihasilkan pada langkah kompresi di dalam
j. Engine hunting, adalah keadaan putaran engine yang tidak stabil
k. Turbocharger play, adalah gerakan axial/radial dari rotor.
l. Pre-load, adalah beban awal/axial yang sengaja diberikan pada saat pemasangan tapper rolling
bearing dengan tujuan untuk mendapatkan bearing clearence

2. Technical term yang berkaitan dengan material Hydraulic

a. Modulating time, adalah waktu untuk menaikkan tekanan oli secara bertahap.
b. Hydraulic drift, adalah penurunan attachment yang diizinkan, disebabkan karena kebocoran pada
sistem hydraulic ketika lever posisi netral.
c. Internal leakage of pump, adalah kebocoran didalam pump yang menyebabkan flow rate pump
turun/efisiensinya rendah.
d. Relief pressure, adalah tekanan oli maksimum didalam sistem hydraulic pada saat operasi.
e. Safety pressure, adalah tekanan oli maksimum didalam sistem hydraulic pada saat lever control valve
dalam posisi netral yang diakibatkan adanya gaya dari luar actuator.

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f. Actuator : sebuah komponen utama dari hydraulic system yang berfungsi untuk merubah tenaga
hidrolik menjadi tenaga mekanik
g. Flow : aliran fuida
h. Control valve : sebuah komponen utama dari hydraulic system yang berfungsi untuk mengatur
tekanan, jumlah dan arah aliran oli yang terdapat dalam system.
i. Orifice : lubang kecil yang terdapat dalam pipa/saluran untuk mempersempit aliran zat cair/fluida.

3. Technical term yang berkaitan dengan material Power Train

a. Engaged : suatu kondisi dimana susunan disc dan plate dalam keadaan merapat.
b. Engine : salah satu komponen utama pada sebuah alat berat yang berfungsi sebagai sumber tenaga.
c. Disengaged : suatu kondisi dimana susunan disc dan plate dalam keadaan merenggang.
d. Clutch : disc dan plate yang tersusun diantara inner drum dan outer drum

4. Technical term yang berkaitan dengan material Electric

a. Alternating Current (Arus Bolak-balik) : Arus yang mengalir dengan polaritas yang selalu berubah-
ubah. Dimana masing-masing terminalnya polaritas yang selalu bergantian.
b. Avometer (Multi Tester) : alat ukur yang multi guna untuk mengukur ampere, volt dan ohm.
c. Battery Relay Switch : Komponen starting system yang digunakan untuk memutuskan atau
menghubungkan negatif battery dengan body/chasis dan positif battery dengan starting motor.
d. Charging System : Suatu sistem yang digunakan untuk mengembalikan kondisi battery agar selalu
siap digunakan.
e. Direct Current (Arus Searah) : Arus yang mengalir dalam arah yang tetap (konstan). Dimana
masing-masing terminal selalu tetap polaritasnya.
f. Electromagnet adalah medan magnet yang ditimbulkan oleh adanya aliran arus listrik pada sebuah
konduktor atau coil.
g. Isolator : Bahan atom–atomnya mempunyai lebih dari 4 elektron pada lintasan (kulit) terluar.
h. Konduktor : Bahan yang atom–atomnya mempunyai jumlah elektron lebih kecil dari 4 pada lintasan
(kulit) terluar.
i. Preheating System : Suatu sistem yang digunakan untuk memanaskan udara yang akan masuk ke
ruang bakar dengan tujuan mempermudah menghidupkan engine pada waktu udara sekeliling engine
masih dingin.
j. Safety Relay : Komponen starting system yang digunakan sebagai relay (penghubung) antara starting
switch dan starting motor selain fungsi lainnya.
k. Self Discharge : Suatu battery yang mengalami kehilangan muatan listrik yang tersimpan tanpa
pemakaian melalui rangkaian luar.
l. Self Induction (Induksi Diri) : Gaya gerak listrik yang berbalik dengan arah aliran arus pada lilitan
ketika switch dibuka (off) dari kondisi tertutup (on).

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B. Periodic Inspection for UD TRUCK

1. Lubrication, Oil And Level Check

1. Chassis lubrication
Berikut ini tabel untuk lokasi point lubrication
A Lubrication points
B Fluid level checks
C Oil and filter changes

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1. Steering column shaft
2. Front Brake cam shaft (1 nipple per wheel)
3. King pin bearing upper and lower (2 nipple per wheel)
4. Front Brake slack adjuster (1 nipple per wheel)
5. Clutch release bearing shaft
6. Front spring and shackle pins (3 nipple per spring)
7. Intermediate arm, link rods
8. Propeller shaft, Universal joint
9. Rear Brake slack adjuster (1 nipple per wheel)
10. Rear Brake cam shaft
11. Rear hitch
12. Clutch fluid reservoir
13. Cab tilt pump oil
14. Engine oil
15. Front wheel bearing oil
16. Steering servo-oil reservoir
17. Gear box oil
18. Final drive oil

1. Oil for Engine

2. Oil for GearBox
3. Oil for Final Drive
4. Fluid for servo steering
5. Oil for cab tilt pump
6. Fluid for clucth
7. Greasing for lubrication

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2. Cab lubrication
Berikut ini beberapa point greasing untuk di cabin

Lubrication point Lubricant

1. Lock and hinges on front opening Grease, oil
2. Door stops and hinges Grease
3. Striker plates, lock mechanisms Paraffin (Grease)
4. Keyholes Oil
5. Seat rails Grease
6. Cab lock (2 off) Grease

3. Check oil level in the engine

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- Check that the oil level is in the upper half of the area between the MAX and MIN marks on the
- Run the engine and check that there are no oil leaks.
- Switch off the engine, wait for few minutes and check the oil level. Top up, if necessary

4. Check fluid level in the clutch fluid tank

- Check the level of fluid in the clutch fluid tank is half-
way up the tank or between the MIN and MAX marks
(where such marks exist).
- Top up if necessary, Take care when adding fluid.
Check the cap on the fluid tank is closed properly so
that no fluid spills out and damages the paintwork

5. Check oil level in the cab tilt pump

The oil level must be checked with the cab in the driving

 To check the oil level in the cab tilt pump, firstly

remove the panel from the front of the step.
 Remove the filler plug (A) and place the pump
piston in its lowest position.
 Check that the oil level in the cab tilt pump
reaches the upper part of the filler nozzle.
 Add oil, if necessary, and install the filler plug
(A). Do not add oil when the cab is tilted.

6. Check the attachments on the cab, hydraulic system, locking devices, front grille and cab tilt

The parking brake must be applied.

 Check the condition and the attachment of the service hatch and the grilles.
 Check the attachments of the service hatch springs and check that the hatch correctly locks
in position.
 Check that the cab tilt cylinders are not leaking and that they are positioned correctly.
 Tilt the cab and check that the cab tilt mechanism is working correctly.
 Check the hydraulic system pump, the pipes, the hoses and the hydraulic cylinders are
correctly sealed and attached.
 Check the shock absorbers are not leaking and are correctly attached.
 Check the springs are in good condition and are correctly attached.
 Check the cab attachments are in good condition.
 Check the cab attachment locking devices, rubber stops, bolts, pins, and connections of
electrical wiring are correct.

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7. Check coolant level

if necessary, top up the cooling system with

water and 50% concentrated coolant (mix
before adding). The fluid level must be
between the MIN and MAX marks on the
expansion tank when the engine is cold

8. Check water level in the windscreen washer tank

Fill up the windscreen washer tanks with water if

9. Check air drier

Note: Check that the parking brake is applied.

 Drain the condensed water that has accumulated
in the compressed air tanks.
 In vehicles equipped with air driers, there must
not be any condensed water in the compressed air
The absence of condensed water in the
compressed air tanks means that the air drier is
functioning correctly.
 Drain the compressed air tanks and check that the
pressure regulator restarts. Start the engine and
check that there is no air is leakage from the
silencer in the air drier when the compressor is
If there is an air leak in the air drier silencer, use
the Function group 56 Service Publications as a guide to repairing the air drier.
 Drain the air from the compressed air system using nipple 9992976.

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2. Checks inside the cab
1. Checking the control and warning lamps

The engine must be switched off and the ignition key must be in the driving position

1. Adblue
2. Battery
3. Speedometer
4. Display
5. Tell tale indicators
6. Tachometer
7. Seat belt reminder
8. Trailer ABS
9. Tractor ABS
10. Engine coolant temperature gauge
11. Transmission high
12. Enter button
13. Next button
14. Previous button
15. Escape button
16. Transmission low
17. Low fuel
18. Differential lock
19. Inter axle lock

2. Start the engine and check the heating element

Consult the vehicle folder as a guide.

 Apply the parking brake.

 Check the gear lever is in the neutral position.
 Turn the ignition key to the preheating position.

 Start the engine when the preheating control lamp switches off

3. Check vehicle control unit fault codes

During the tests, the engine must be switched off and the
ignition key must be in the driving position. Use the control
buttons on the instrument cluster to access the information
and check any fault code that appears on the display on the
instrument panel.

With the help of the control buttons on the instrument

cluster, access the fault codes in the display menu that
might be stored on any one of the vehicle control units.

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Note down any fault codes and then repair the corresponding faults.Use tech tool to reset the fault
codes after repairing them. Fault codes can also be read with a diagnostic computer using the
communication socket located under the instrument panel on the driver's side

4. Check pressure drop in the compressed air system

A – Adapter
B – Air gauge

This check is best carried out with a standard trailer


 Charge the pneumatic system

1. Vehicles with leaf-spring rear suspension, at
least 750 kPa (7.5 bar).
2. The ignition key must be in the driving position.
 Switch off the engine.
 The parking brake must be released when the check is
carried out.
 Apply full pressure to the brake pedal. Use a pedal
 The pusher and trailing axles must be lowered.
 The gear lever must be in neutral, the range gear must be in low gear and the splitter gear in high
 Before checking the pressure drop, let the vehicle stand stationary for a few minutes to allow the
pressure to stabilize.
 On the pressure gauge, check that the pressure drop in the compressed air system does not exceed
20 kPa (0.2 bar) for a period of five minutes.

5. Check the parking brake

 Apply the parking brake.

 Check that the parking brake lever lock is in position
when it is applied.
 Check the parking brake by trying to pull off with the
vehicle in a high gear in the gearbox.
 Release the parking brake.

6. Check the brake pedal and service brake valve.

 Check that the brake pedal can be pressed down easily and that it does not stick. The pedal must
return quickly and fully to its original position.
 Check that the clearance of the pedal is approximately 5–10 mm.
 Check the pedal support for wear.
 Check that the pedal rubber is in good condition and is not excessively worn.
 Check that the brake valve is firmly attached.

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7. Check hinges, door stops, door locks and weather strips

 Check that the brake pedal can be pressed down easily and that it does not stick. The pedal must
return quickly and fully to its original position.
 Check that the clearance of the pedal is approximately 5–10 mm.
 Check the pedal support for wear.
 Check that the pedal rubber is in good condition and is not excessively worn.
 Check that the brake valve is firmly attached.

3. External checks
1. Checking the lights and reflectors

A Headlamp adjustment
B Front fog lamp switch
C Rear fog lamp switch

1 Position 0
2 Parking lights
3 Headlamps

 Check all the external lamps.

 Check that all of the lenses in the lamps are in good
 Check that the reflectors are in good condition and that
none of the reflectors is missing.

2. Checking the condition of the wipers and washers

A Off position
B Intermittent
C Low
D High

Washer will be control by a push button at the end of the
stalk, it includes one rest position and one momentary active

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3. Adjust headlamps
 Check that the bogie is lowered.
 Vehicles equipped with automatic headlamp adjustment:
Check that the headlamp light adjustment switch is in the 0
 Check the condition of the glass and the headlamp
 Use a headlamp alignment instrument to check that the full
and dipped beam lights are correctly adjusted.
 Check the adjustment of the fog lamps and/or the spot lamp,
if fitted.
 Check the luminosity.
 If necessary, correct the adjustment of the headlamps.

4. Check condenser, hoses and the pipes

 Check the condenser fins are not damaged or blocked by

insects or dirt which could impede the airflow. When
cleaning, use a neutral detergent and water.
 Check the hoses, pipes and electrical cables are not
damaged, and check the clamps on the pipes and hoses are
in good condition.
 Check the radiator and intercooler brackets, the side plates,
and the rubber pads are properly attached and also in good
 Check that the bolted joins are tightened.

5. Checking the air intake and the air deflector

 Visually check that the intake pipe is in good condition and

that good sealing exists between the rubber bellows and the
pipe leading from the air filter housing.
 Check the bracket attachments, rubber supports and bolted
joints on the air intake and the air deflector.
 Check that there are no cracks in the air deflector or in the
deflector attachment brackets.

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6. Checking the battery attachments, connections and electrolyte levels
 Check that the batteries are not dirty.
 Check that the batteries are not leaking.
 Check that the batteries are firmly attached.
 Excessively tightening the attachment brackets could damage
the batteries.
 Check the condition of the batteries using battery analyser
9812515 or 9812518
 Check that the level of electrolyte in the battery cells is
approximately 18–28 mm above the cell plates.
 If necessary, add distilled water: no more than 28 mm above
the plates.
 Check that the battery poles are not corroded or damaged.
 If necessary, clean and lubricate the battery cable terminals.
 Check that the cables are properly insulated and correctly positioned.
 Check the attachment points of all of the ground cables.
 Check that the ground cables leading from the negative battery terminal to the engine support are
unbroken and in good condition.
 Safety norms for battery charging
 Always wear safety goggles.
 Remove the caps from all of the cells and place them on top of their respective holes.
 Switch off the main switch (if installed).
 Disconnect at least one of the battery cables. (Some control units receive a voltage supply directly
from the batteries). Quick-charge chargers can generate very high voltages which could damage
electronic equipment.
 Charge the batteries in a well-ventilated place.
 Smoking is not permitted. Avoid flames and electrical sparks in the surrounding area as explosive
gases are released when batteries are charged.
 The cable clips must be connected/disconnected from the battery terminals when the charger is
switched off.

7. Check fuel tanks, hoses, connecting pipes and straps on the tanks

 Check that there are no cracks or leaks in the tank.

 Check that the straps on the tanks are not loose or
 Check that the pipes, hoses and electric cables leading
from the combined tank unit are firmly attached. Also
check for leaks and ensure that the pipes, hoses and
cables are not rubbing against anything.

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8. Check fuel tank air vent filter
This filter is installed in certain markets.
If the fuel tank ventilation filter has to be changed depending on the
filter service intervals,

 Check that the air inlet in the filter is not blocked by dirt or
 Check that the air vent pipe and filter are in good condition and
firmly secured.

9. Fuel tank drainage

 Place a container under the plug in the fuel tank.

 Loosen the drain plug a few times until the water and residue
deposited at the bottom of the tank start to flow out through
the drain hole. Do not loosen the plug completely. If this is
done, the fuel tank will empty.
 Tighten the drain plug when clean fuel starts to flow out.

4. Engine compartment

1. Check alternator attachment, electrical connections and cab grounding

 Check the alternator bracket.
 Check that the electrical terminals on the alternator are properly
 Check that the ground cables between the cab and the engine
block are unbroken and in good condition.

2. Check drive belts and belt tensioners

 Check that none of the grooves in the belt is missing.
 Check that the belts are not cracked. Cracked belts must be
 There must not be any dirt or grease on the belts or the contact
surfaces of the belt pulley.
 Check the automatic belt tensioner.

Technical Training Department PI-JAN/16/0O/UDT 54

 Check that the belt tensioner works.
 Use a lever to alleviate the tension in the belt tensioner and
inspect the roller bearings in the tensioner and all of the
support rollers.

3. Check oil level in the power steering system

 Clean around the cap and the dipstick.

 Check the oil level. When the engine is switched off,
the oil level must reach the MAX mark on the
 Top up the oil level, if necessary.

4. Changing the power steering filter

 Clean around the cap and the dipstick before removing the
 Press down on, and unscrew, the filter locking device.
 Remove the old filter and keep a finger on the central hole in
the filter to prevent impurities from the inner part of the filter
from entering the oil tank.
 Transfer the locking device to the new filter and install the
assembly in the oil tank.
 Check that the filter fits into the correct position and that it has
been properly secured.
 Check the oil level and add oil until it reaches the MAX mark.

Technical Training Department PI-JAN/16/0O/UDT 55

5. Check functions and condition of the compressor

 Apply the parking brake.

 Run the engine at approximately 1000 rpm so that the
compressor charges the compressed air system.
 Press the brake repeatedly so that the pressure in the brake
circuit tanks drops below 2 bar.
 Check that the main brake circuit warning lamps light up
when the pressure in the service brake drops. A sound signal
is also heard when the engine is running.
 Check that the brake system charges normally.

6. Check air conditioning — air conditioning unit compressor

 Check the compressor bracket. Also check that the

compressor is properly attached and the clamps on the
hoses and pipes are not loose.
 Check that no oil is leaking from the compressor.

7. Check front engine supporting pads

 Check the rubber pads are in good condition.

 Check the brackets are in good condition and properly tightened.

8. Check tightness of engine mount and air compressor

 Check that there are no oil or coolant leaks in the
 Check that the pipe joins, hose joins and flanges
are not leaking.
 Check that the pipes and hoses are not cracked or
rubbing against any other part.
 Check that the engine-driven power take-off and
the pipes are not leaking.
 Check that the compressor is not leaking oil or coolant.
Technical Training Department PI-JAN/16/0O/UDT 56
9. Check radiator fan, bearing clearance, bolted joints, the fan shroud and the rubber-sealed fan ring

 Check that the fan blades are in good condition and that they
are not cracked.
 Check to see if an abnormal amount of clearance exists in the
fan clutch (excessive clearance in the bearing), or if fluid is
leaking out.
 Use a wrench to check bolted junctions on the fan.
 Check that the fan works.
 Check that the fan housing is not cracked.
 Check the bolts in the housing and the fan ring
 Check the rubber seal between the fan ring and the fan housing.

10. Check radiator, hoses pipes and air flow

 Check the radiator is not damaged or leaking and that it

is properly attached.
 Check the pipes and hoses are not rubbing against any
other object.
 Check the hoses have not dried out and they do not
contain cracks or bubbles.
 Check there are no leaks in the pipes or the hoses.
 Check the radiator is not blocked by insects or any
other dirt which might impede the free circulation of
 If the vehicle is equipped with a screen that protects
against insects, change it or clean it.

11. Check intercooler, hoses and pipes and cooling air flow

 Check that the charge air cooler is in good condition.

 Check that the pipes and hoses between the
intercooler and the engine are in good condition and
are not rubbing against any other object.
 Check the clamps and bolts in the pipes and hoses
between the engine and the intercooler.
 Check the tightening torque applied to the clamps on
the pipes and hoses between the engine and the
 Check that the radiator is not blocked by insects or
any other dirt which might impede the free circulation
of air.

Technical Training Department PI-JAN/16/0O/UDT 57

12. Checking the fuel pipes and lines

 Check that the pipe and hose connections

on the fuel lines are not leaking.
 Check that the fuel pipes are not leaking or
rubbing against any other part.

13. Check for exhaust leakage

Exhaust gas leaks are detected by the presence of soot.

 Check the exhaust outlets in the cylinder heads, the

junctions and the flanges on the exhaust manifold
for exhaust gas leaks.
 Check for exhaust gas leaks in the exhaust gas
pressure regulator, the exhaust brake and the joint
clamps on the front exhaust pipe.

14. Check pipes between air intake system and turbocharger

 Check the hoses and pipes between the air intake in the air
filter housing and the turbocharger are not cracked. Also check
that none of the clamps on them are loose and that they are
not rubbing against any other part.
 Check the air filter housing is properly attached and is not
 Check the rubber valves are in good condition and properly
 Tighten the rubber valves to remove the dirt and dust that has
 Check all clamps are tightened.
 Check the hoses, pipes and clamps on the intake side of the air
compressor are in good condition and that none of the clamps is

Technical Training Department PI-JAN/16/0O/UDT 58

15. Check turbocharger

 Remove the intake hose leading from the compressor housing.

 Check that the compressor turbine is not damaged and that it turns
 Check that the compressor has not suffered any visible damage.
 Check that the compressor side is clean and free from oil.

16. Check engine sound insulation

1. Noise shield under the cab

2. Noise shield engine side
3. Noise shield behind cab
4. Noise shield under engine

The sound insulation located under the cab must be inspected to

check that it is in good working condition. This also applies to its
If you notice that the component has suffered any deformation or
deterioration, or if the attachments have loosened or come free, the
component and/or its attachments must be changed. If this is not
done and the vehicle is used in this condition, the vehicle and/or third
parties could be damaged.

5. Front suspension and steering

1. Checking tyre wear

Check that tyre wear is normal.
Note: Make a note of any observations in the record sheet!

Front tyres

 Check the front tyres for rounded wear, which indicates

problems with balancing, wheel bearings with very high
clearance, problems with axle bearings, or the lack of an
inertia point at the centre of the steering gear.
 Check the tyres on the front wheels for lateral wear
(chafed edge), which indicates toe-in problems
 Check the front wheel tyres for abnormal wear on one
side of the tyre, which indicates camber problems.

Rear tyres

 Check the rear wheel tyres for irregular wear at the edges of the treads. This could be the result of
incorrectly combined tyres in a twin mounting.
 Check for visible signs of wear on tyres belonging to wheel pairs and check if they are rubbing
against each other. Take note of any friction marks.

Technical Training Department PI-JAN/16/0O/UDT 59

 Check for a tendency to wear caused by incorrect toe-in, which could be the result of a misaligned

Spare wheel tyre

 Check the condition of the spare wheel.

2. Checking the universal joint on the steering shaft and the power steering hoses and pipes

 Check that the join between the steering shaft and the steering
gear is firmly attached and free from any clearance.
 Check that the power steering hoses and pipes are not damaged
and are not rubbing against any other part.

3. Check gaiters and ball joint play

The components must be cleaned. Do not use solvents to carry out this
cleaning. Use only a cotton wipe or a clean cloth.
When cleaning, take care not to damage the protective rubbers on the ball

1. Ball joint
2. Clamp
3. Link rod or track rod

 Turn the steering wheel from one side to the

other and check its clearance, attachment and
the condition of its components. Check the
attachment of the link rod connected to the
axle (with or without activating the hydraulic
 When turning the steering wheel to full lock,
there must be no relative movement between
the link rod or track rod and the ball joint.

Note: If there is relative movement between any of the components, the whole rod (link rod or
track rod and ball joint) must be replaced.

Technical Training Department PI-JAN/16/0O/UDT 60

A. Pitman arm
B. Link rod
C. Intermediate steering arm
D. Track rod
E. Steering arm

Clamp position

 Check that there is no clearance in the intermediate

steering arm and the hydraulic cylinder attachments on
twin front axles.
 Check the attachments on the steering arm, link rod and
track rod, and check that the clamps are not damaged and
are properly tightened.

Note: Neither the bolt in the clamp nor the clamp itself
must be deformed in any way. If any deformation is
found, replace the components with new genuine parts.

The clamp nut must be torque tightened to 80 ± 10 Nm

for M12 bolts and to 170 ± 10 Nm for M14 bolts.
At least three threads on the bolt must show beyond the nut and the clamp must be positioned in
accordance with the illustration.

 Check that the Pitman arm connected to the steering gear is firmly attached, and that the nut is
tightened and correctly locked.
 Check the attachment between the steering gear and the bracket and chassis frame, ensuring that
there are no cracks or loose bolted joins.
 Check the attachments on the intermediate steering arm and the hydraulic cylinders, ensuring that
they are not cracked, that there is no clearance and that the bolted junctions are not loose.

Check that the rubber boots on the ball joints on the link
rod, the track rod, the steering arm, the extra hydraulic
cylinder are in good condition and sealing correctly.

If any of the gaiters is cracked or damaged, the ball joint

must be replaced.

Note: A cracked gaiters will significantly reduce the

working life of the ball joint.

Technical Training Department PI-JAN/16/0O/UDT 61

 Position the wheels in a straight line. A ball joint
which shows signs of wear has a large amount of
clearance in this position.
 Check the clearance and attachment of all of the
ball joints in the steering system.
 Position the dial gauge 9808092 and the
magnetic bracket 9812528.
Press the ball joint together with to its inner end
position using Polygrip pliers. Set the dial gauge
to zero.
 Spread the ball joint as much as possible using
lever 9998511.
There should be no axial play.

If there is any play for more than 2 mm, the ball

joint must be replaced.

4. Check front shock absorbers

 Check the rubber bushings.

 Check the shock absorber attachments.
 Check the shock absorber brackets are in good condition and are
properly attached.
 Check the shock absorbers for oil leaks.

5. Check the kingpin bearings

Check the axial clearance between the kingpin and

the shaft (A) on both sides.

 When the axial clearance is measured, the

vehicle must be stationary on a flat surface in
such a way that there is a load on the kingpin
 Use a feeler gauge to measure the clearance
between the kingpin and axle.

For information on the value permitted (A) for the axial clearance, depending on the type of axle,
referAdditional services, op. no. 61101–2.

Check the radial clearance in the kingpin bushing on both sides.

1. Lift the vehicle from under the axle.

2. With the help of an appropriate support or an assistant, apply the service brake in such a way that
the clearance in the wheel bearings does not affect the measurement.

Technical Training Department PI-JAN/16/0O/UDT 62

3. Check the clearance in the kingpin bushing, using a rod in the hole in the wheel as a lever with
which to lift it.

For information on the radial clearance permitted in the kingpin bushing, depending on the type of
axle, refer Additional services, op. no. 61101–2.

In case of doubt over the measurement of the radial clearance in the kingpin bushing, use one of
the following methods to determine the real axial clearance measurement.

Measuring the radial clearance in the kingpin bushing with a dial indicator

 Place a dial indicator with a magnetic stand on the front axle so that it is touching the lower part
near the kingpin bushing.
 Use a rod as a lever to lift the axle and check the radial clearance in the bushing on the dial

For information on the radial clearance permitted in the kingpin bushing, depending on the type of
axle, refer Additional services, op. no. 61101–2.

Technical Training Department PI-JAN/16/0O/UDT 63

Measuring the radial clearance in the kingpin bushing on the tyre side

 Lift the wheel, using a bar in the hole in the wheel as a lever.
 Place a support, for example, a square, next to the tyre.

Technical Training Department PI-JAN/16/0O/UDT 64

Move the lever downwards. At the same time, precisely measure the distance between the support
and the tyre. The radial clearance measured at the measuring point will be greater than the
maximum radial clearance permitted in the bushing, which depends on the distance between the
bushing and the side of the tyre.

Check the radial clearance of the kingpin bushings by using the distance measured and the
corresponding table, depending on the type of axle. See the Group 6 Service Publications.

If there are some abnormal tyre wear, vehicle drifting and more clearance than specified for the
kingpin, refer Additional services, op. no. 61101–2 for wheel alignment check.

Technical Training Department PI-JAN/16/0O/UDT 65

6. Check front wheel bearings

Note: The front end of the vehicle must be raised and supported with wedges, and the parking brake must
be released.

 Check the front wheel bearings with a wheel-turning device and listen to the noise made by the
bearings whilst they are rotated.

Note: Note down any abnormal noise in the record sheet.

Abnormal noise in the bearings is a sign that the bearing has suffered wear. The hub bearings must
be replaced.

 Check the clearance in the front wheel bearings, using a rod in the wheel hole as a lever with which
to lift it. The bearings must normally be pretensioned. For this reason, there must not be any
clearance in them. Do not confuse clearance in the wheel bearings with clearance in the kingpin

Technical Training Department PI-JAN/16/0O/UDT 66

However, in certain cases there could be a clearance of up to 0.1 mm in the bearing.

If there is clearance in the bearings, this clearance must be measured using a dial indicator.

Note: If the oil interval coincides with the Annual service, see Additional services, op. no. 77330–2.

If the clearance in the bearing is 0.2 mm or more, the hub bearings must immediately be replaced
to avoid future damage.

Note: The clearance in the bearing cannot be adjusted.

For working procedures related to hubs, use the Function group 7 Service Publications as a guide.

Technical Training Department PI-JAN/16/0O/UDT 67

7. Check front and rear wheels disc and nuts torque

Front wheel

Technical Training Department PI-JAN/16/0O/UDT 68

Rear wheel

Check the wheel disc for cracks and rust, which could indicate loose nuts or broken wheel bolts.

Check for wheel nut torques.

Technical Training Department PI-JAN/16/0O/UDT 69

8. Check oil level in the front hub

Note: Make sure the vehicle is parked on the

level surface.

 Clean around the wheel hub.

 Remove the filler cap.
 The oil level must be between the MAX
and MIN marks

Note: If the oil has to be changed depending on

maintenance interval, refer Additional services,
op. no. 77330-2

Technical Training Department PI-JAN/16/0O/UDT 70

6. Checks underneath the vehicle

1. Check oil level in the gearbox

1. Gearbox housing
2. Lower side of the tapped hole for
3. O ring
4. Oil level plug

 A Tolerance 0 to 3 mm
 B Oil level

 Remove the sound insulation.

 Remove the oil level plug
 If required top up the oil

2. Check clutch connections

 Remove the sound insulation from underneath the

 Check pneumatic and hydraulic connections of clutch
servo for any leakage.

3. Check the sealing of the gearbox and power take-off

 Check the gearbox oil is not leaking.

 Check the power take-off is not leaking oil.
 Install the sound insulation, if equipped.
 If there is a leak, check the oil level.

1. Filler plug
2. Drain plug
3. oil level plugs

Technical Training Department PI-JAN/16/0O/UDT 71

4. Check the sound insulation around gearbox

 Check that the sound insulation is in good condition and is not damaged.
 Check that the sound insulation attachment devices are unbroken.
 Install the sound insulation under the gearbox, if it has been removed.

5. Check propeller shafts – universal joints, sliding joints and support bearings

 With the gearbox in the neutral position, check the propeller shaft for runout or any other type of
 Visually check that the attachment bolts in the support bearings and flanges are tightened. Also
check that the lock rings are in the correct position.
 If the propeller shaft is lubricated, lubricate all of the points in accordance with the lubrication
chart. Refer the Service Publications for Function group 175 Lubrication chart.

Any wear suffered by the sides and tops of the grooves could give rise to movement in the
sliding joint which could lead to vibration and unbalancing. No value has been defined for
this clearance. However, it must be observed and noted down so that the situation can be
explained to the customer.

 Check the attachment of the support bearing bracket and the condition of the rubber pads. There
must not be any clearance between the rubber and the bracket.

6. Check the oil level in the rear axle

 A Tolerance 0 to 10 mm
 B Oil level

Make sure that the vehicle is parked on the level road.

 Check the oil level

 The oil level shall be between 0 / —10 mm, measured from the
lower edge of the oil level plug.
 If necessary top up the oil

Technical Training Department PI-JAN/16/0O/UDT 72

7. Check sealing of rear axle and hub reduction gear

1. Air vent
2. Filler plug (hub reduction)
3. Filler plug (rear axle)

 Check for oil leak in the rear axle.

There could be a small film of oil on the air

vent outlet hose connected to the rear axle.
This is normal.

 Check for oil leaks in the hub reduction gear.

 Check air vent hose is not blocked.
 If there is a leak, check the oil level.

8. Check bearing clearance in the pinion and rear axle input shaft


 The rear axle in 4x2 and 6x2 vehicles and the

trailing axle in 6x4 and 8x4 vehicles Check that
there is no clearance in the pinion bearing by
raising and lowering the rear axle flange. The
pinion bearing must have a preload. Any
movement indicates that a nut or bearing is

 6x4 and 8x4 vehicles, first rear axle

8x4 vehicles have axial clearance in the input

shaft (A) connected to the transfer gear, i.e., the
first differential carrier.

Due to the axial clearance, radial clearance may be found in an 8x4 vehicle without it necessarily
having any adverse effect on the transfer gear. When it is rotating, the axle is balanced in such a
way that the clearance is not noticed.

Technical Training Department PI-JAN/16/0O/UDT 73


1. Check the axial clearance in the

input shaft (A) of the transfer
2. The axial clearance in the input
shaft must be adjusted if it
exceeds 0.3 mm.


1. Check the axial clearance in the input shaft connected to the first rear axle (A).

2. The axial clearance in the differential input shaft must be adjusted if it exceeds 0.2 mm.

9. Check air vent in the rear axle

 Check the air vent in the rear axle is not blocked.

 Check the air vent properly installed.

Technical Training Department PI-JAN/16/0O/UDT 74

10. Replacing the grease on the trailing axle hubs (6x2 Tandem vehicles)

Check the lubrication validity of the trailing axle hubs.

11. Checking the alignment of the trailing axle or the second drive axle
When checking the alignment of the trailing axle or the second drive axle, the first drive axle is used as a
reference, which must be borne in mind in case there is any doubt concerning the alignment of the first
drive axle in relation to the front axle. The alignment of the first drive axle with the front axle must be
checked first before the alignment of the trailing axle or the second drive axle is checked.

1. Block the front wheels and release the parking brake.

2. Check that distances A and B are the same by using the alignment device compass, positioning it in
the recess in the centre of the first drive axle hub and in the recess in the centre of the trailing axle
hub or the second drive axle hub.
3. The difference between distances A and B must not be greater than 1.5 mm.

If the difference between the distances is outside the specified limit, adjust the trailing axle or the second
drive axle in accordance

12. Check exhaust pipe and silencer.

 Check the condition of the metal plate in the

exhaust pipe and the silencer.
 Check the flexible hoses and clamps.
 Check the exhaust pipe bracket and the silencer,
ensuring that there are no cracks in the brackets or
bolts, and make sure that the clamps and protection
plates are not loose.

Technical Training Department PI-JAN/16/0O/UDT 75

13. Check springs and "U" bolts

 Check to see if the springs are

broken or the blades deformed,
which could indicate that the
central bolt is broken.

 Check the "U" bolts. If they are

loose, this means that the leaf
spring is not correctly
compressed and/or the leaf
spring has moved in the
attachment to the axle. Check
the tightening torque, as specified.

14. Checking the attachment of the spring cradle (6x2 Tandem / 6x4 / 8x4)

Check the tightening torque applied to the attachment bolts in the spring cradle in 6x2 Tandem, 6x4
and 8x4 vehicles.
The tightening torque must be 220±35 Nm for M16 bolts and 430±70 Nm for M20 bolts.

15. Check anti-roll bar

 Check the anti-roll bar bushings. There
must not be any clearance in the rubber
bushings and the plastic bushings must
have no more than 2 mm of radial
The anti-roll bar at the front end is
installed with plastic bushings, whilst the
one at the rear end could be installed
with either plastic or rubber bushings.
 Check that the anti-roll bar attachments
are not loose or cracked. Rust could
indicate the presence of loose bolts or

Technical Training Department PI-JAN/16/0O/UDT 76

 Check that the rubber boots covering the ball
joints on the shackles between the chassis
attachment and the anti-roll bar are not cracked or

Note: A cracked or damaged rubber boot will

significantly reduce the working life of the ball

 Check that the rubber boots covering the ball

joints on the shackles between the chassis
attachment and the anti-roll bar are not cracked or

Note: A cracked or damaged rubber boot will

significantly reduce the working life of the ball

16. Check the suspension of the front, rear and trailing axles

 Check the wear between the spring and the hollow spring support. Also check that the support is
not worn.
 Check the spring attachments and ensure that they are not cracked. The spring bolt must not have
any clearance in the spring attachment.
 Check the roller in the balance arm connection on the spring. Ensure that there is no clearance in
the bearing and that the roller does not stick.
 Check the spring attachments and ensure that they are not cracked.
 Check the rubber springs on the ends of the rear springs are in good condition and properly
attached (6x2 Tandem, 6x4 and 8x4 vehicles).
 Check the attachments on the cross stay, the reaction rod and the V-stay rod are attached and that
there are no cracks in the attachment devices or rods. Check that there is no clearance in the ball
joints and bushings.
 Check V stay rod mounting bolts.
The parking brake must not be applied. The vehicle must be in the driving position. Block on wheel
so that the vehicle cannot move.

17. Check the chassis frame and cross memebers

 Visually check that the chassis frames and cross members are not cracked or warped.
 Check that there are no loose bolts or rivets.

18. Check the compressed air hoses and lines

The compressed air system must be charged.

 Check the compressed air pipes and hoses for air leaks, cracks and external damage. Also check to
see if they are rubbing against other parts.
 Check that the hoses close to the wheels and axles are not subject to friction when the springs and
steering move.
Technical Training Department PI-JAN/16/0O/UDT 77
19. Check the "U" attachment bolts on the trailing axle lift (6x2 Tandem vehicles)

Check the tightening torque applied to the attachment bolts in the trailing axle lift of 6x2 Tandem
The tightening torque must be 660±75 Nm.

20. Check the rear wheel bearings (drive axle)

When the check is carried out, the rear of the vehicle must be raised and supported and the parking brake
must be released.

 Check the clearance in the rear wheel bearings, using a rod in the hole in the wheel as a lever with
which to lift it. The bearings must normally be preloaded. For this reason, there must not be any
clearance in the wheel bearings.

However, in certain cases there could be a clearance of up to 0.1 mm in the bearing.

If there is clearance in the bearings, this clearance must be measured using a dial indicator.

Note: Note down the clearance in the bearing!

Technical Training Department PI-JAN/16/0O/UDT 78
1. If the clearance in the bearing is less than 0.1 mm: turn the wheel with a wheel-turning
device. The drive shaft must be removed from the drive wheel hubs. Listen for any
abnormal noise in the bearings when they are being turned.

The front and rear auxiliary wheel bearings must always be checked using a wheel-
turning device.

Note: Make a note of any abnormal noise in the rear wheel bearings.

Abnormal noise in the bearings is a sign that the bearing has suffered wear. The hub
bearings must be replaced.

2. If the clearance in the bearing is 0.1 mm or more, the hub bearings must immediately be
replaced to avoid future damage.

The clearance in the bearing cannot be adjusted.

For working procedures related to hubs, use the Function group 7 Service Publications as a guide.

Technical Training Department PI-JAN/16/0O/UDT 79

21. Check the brake linings

Drum brakes

 Check the thickness of the brake linings via the inspection holes in the support plates. The
minimum permitted thickness for the brake linings is 5 mm.
 Check that no grease is leaking from the hubs onto the brake linings.

Note: Note down the thickness of the brake linings in the record sheet!

Refer the Function group 5 Service Publications as a guide when carrying out maintenance
work on the brake system.

Technical Training Department PI-JAN/16/0O/UDT 80

22. Check brake cylinders, levers and forks

23. Check brake lever travel

The functioning of the automatic adjustment mechanism is
checked by measuring the brake lever stroke, C.
The check is carried out when the braking pressure is 7.5
The wheels must be blocked to prevent the vehicle from
 Release the parking brake and use a lever or an
assistant to activate the service brake.
 Measure the distance b.
 Release the service brake and measure the distance
 Calculate the braking stroke, C (C=b-a).

Technical Training Department PI-JAN/16/0O/UDT 81

The stroke of brake lever C must never exceed 52 mm at 7.5 bar with automatic adjustment. The
minimum lever stroke at a pressure of 7.5 bar is 17 mm . The difference between the lever strokes
on the same axle must never exceed 5 mm.
Nominal lever stroke values with automatic adjustment
24 inches 170 mm 45 - 52 mm
27 inches 170 mm 45 - 52 mm
A = size of the brake cylinder in square inches.
B = length of the auto slack adjuster in mm
C = nominal value of operating stroke length (when the brakes are cold).

24. Check axial play of high mounted brake cylinder

Check the axial play of high mounted brake cylinder at every service.
Axial play of slack adjuster/ brake cam A = 0.8 to 1.2 mm

25. Check load sensing valve

 Check the bolted junctions on the valve.
 Check the condition of the linkage spring, the cable and the
valve stem.
 Check that the valve is not stuck by operating the lever.

 Check that the adjustment of the load sensing valve

corresponds to the adjustment diagram.

7. Driving test

This is a short driving test, the aim of which is to evaluate a number of points.

1. Checks after starting the engine

 Check that the longitudinal position and the height of the steering wheel can be adjusted. Check
that the steering wheel is locked in the adjusted position.
 Check that all of the control and warning lamps, and the instruments, are working.
 The oil pressure, alternator charging and OBD warning lamps should go out as soon as the engine is
started. Check that the engine oil pressure gauge shows oil pressure.
 The symbol or the warning lamp which indicates that the coolant is low must switch off.

Technical Training Department PI-JAN/16/0O/UDT 82

 The symbol or warning lamp that indicates that the cab is locked must be switched off, which
indicates that the cab is properly locked.
 The service brake warning lamps must switch off when the compressed air system is charged.
 The parking brake warning lamp must light up when the parking brake is applied.
 The ABS brake control lamp must light up.

2. Check during road test

 Check the speedometer, odometer and the other instruments are working.
 The brake system pressure gauges must be displaying values which lie inside the normal range.
 Check that the steering works satisfactorily and is not unbalanced.
 Check that the brakes work correctly and do not pull to one side or lock.
 Check that the engine brake works correctly.
 Check for exhaust gas leaks when the vehicle is loaded.
 Check the ABS control lamp switches off. If the lamp does not switch off, or if it switches off and
lights up again, there is a fault in the system.
 Check the blocked air filter warning lamp or symbol do not light up when driving.
 Check the clutch and the gearbox are working correctly.
 Check the differential lock activation, plus the corresponding control lamps, are working.
 Check on-board computer display on the instrument panel is not showing any fault code. If there is
a fault, correct it and delete the fault code!
 Check operating temperature of the engine (minimum 75°C).
 When driving, check that the windscreen wiper works and that it cleans the correct area.
 When driving, check windscreen washer works and that the water jets reach the glass as expected.

3. Checks carried out after the driving test

 Check the parking brake works by carefully trying to move the vehicle with the parking brake
 Listen out for any abnormal noise coming from the engine compartment.
 Check that there are no leaks in the exhaust pipe and silencer joins.
 Check the display to ensure that no fault code is stored in the vehicle control units. If a fault is
registered, correct it and delete it. Consult the appropriate service information as a guide to
repairing any fault code.
 Check that there no oil leaks or leaks of any other fluid.

4. Finish

 Clean the levers, the steering wheel and the controls.

 Clean the mats in the cab.

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Peserta pelatihan secara pengetahuan harus menguasai kompetensi-kompetensi yang

terdapat pada modul ini. Pada dasarnya dalam modul ini bertujuan agar peserta pelatihan dapat
mengetahui komponen, lokasi serta prosedur dari inspection
Peserta pelatihan diharapkan terus melanjutkan pembelajaran Periodic Inspection secara
mandiri setelah pelatihan ini berakhir, sehingga dapat dijadikan persiapan untuk mengikuti pelatihan
selanjutnya. Akhir kata, semoga modul ini dapat bermanfaat untuk kita semua.

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