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Nama : Viky Melinda

NIM : 048295672
Matakuliah : Bahasa Inggris

Surat 1
1. Dear Ms Lee adalah tujuan surat ini diberikan kepada Ms Lee
dan juga diperuntukkan sebagai si penerima surat tersebut/ Identification of
question 1 Dear Ms Lee is the purpose of this letter being given to Ms Lee and also
intended as the recipient of the letter
2. isi surat yang menyampaikan adanya sebuah undangan
atau pengajakan untuk menghadiri sebuah acara penting/ Identification of
question 2 is the content of a letter that conveys an invitation or invitation to
attend an important event
3. Linda Lau ketua department seni liberal adalah orang yang
mengundang atau membuat dan juga si pengirim surat tersebut / Identification of questions 3
Linda Lau the head of the liberal arts department is the person who
invited or created and also the sender of the letter
Surat 2
Identifikasi kesalahan pertama adalah tidak menampilkan nama si penerima pada
salam pembuka pertama/ The first error identification is not displaying the name
of the recipient in the first greeting
Identifikasi kesalahan kedua adalah letak alamat si pengirim yang tidak tertata
rapid an mempunyai banyak alamat/ The identification of the second error is the
location of the sender's address which is not arranged quickly and has many
Identifikasi kesalahan ketiga adalah terletak pada isi surat yang menurut saya tidak
sesuai karena isi surat seperti penawaran dan terkesan pemaksaan secara tidak
langsung/ The third error identification lies in the content of the letter which in my
opinion is not appropriate because the contents of the letter are like an offer and
seem like indirect coercion

Soal No 3
Anda baru saja membeli biskuit secara online dan menerima produk yang
kedaluwarsa. Tulislah sebuah surat singkat sebanyak kurang lebih 100-200 kata
yang menyatakan kekecewaan Anda dan bahwa Anda meminta produk pengganti
atau uang kembali.

Dear Sir/Madam,
I'm very dissatisfied with the item I got, and it didn't match my best order,
because the biscuits had expired. I don't want to know I want my money back
immediately. even more professional in serving consumers, because consumers
or buyers are kings or queens. And once again I emphasize not to be like that
again, prioritize comfort, customer or customer satisfaction, and loyally order
with the best, so that all consumers feel satisfied and happy. I hope you can
consider more carefully and be more careful in paying attention to the quality of
the goods, so as not to cause disappointment to other consumers.
Yours faithfully.
Soal No 4
Anda sedang menggalang dana untuk korban bencana alam dan ada seorang
donatur yang memberikan bantuan dalam jumlah besar. Tulislah sebuah email
ucapan terima kasih terkait pemberian donasi tersebut sebanyak kurang lebih 50-
100 kata.

Number : 634/05/EMUB/2022
Attachment : 1 ( satu ) Proposal
Regarding : Menggalang Dana Korban Bencana Alam

Leader of PT.FREPORT
In Place

In connection with the Universitiy Terbuka campus program to increase student

awareness, we as the Universitiy Terbuka Student Executive will hold a
fundraiser for victims of natural disasters
This fundraising is to help victims affected by natural disasters such as tectonic
earthquakes, tsunamis and hurricanes, according to your company's attention.
This, as a form of support, we ask for your company's willingness to participate
in making donations. And we have also attached a proposal natural disaster
sponsor along with this letter. Payments for participating can be transferred
through a BANK account
Rekening number : 0034599589
On Behalf Of : Goktua Salomo
Bank Name : MANDIRI

Confirmation of participation in participating can be contacted via telephone at

(0341) 7678908 or can be via email to us at Thus, we thank
you for your attention and cooperation.
Yours Sincerely

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