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Supporting Statement Australia Award Scholarship -AAS-

How have you contributed to solving a challenge and to implementing change or reform?
I would like to pursue my PhD study in Sociology to explore theoretically and practically. PhD study in
Australia made me develop my potential as a lecturer, researcher, and expert so as to bridge the
community to recognize emancipation and gender equality in various development activities so as to
reduce poverty levels in Indonesia. This is in accordance with women and gender studies as a priority
field of study, this is an urgent issue because women are often marginalized parties in various regions, so
they need to get handling and solutions or efforts to overcome the problem of gender injustice. Therefore,
I chose the PhD program in Sociology to realize my knowledge. I applied for the Sociology PhD Program
by designing a dissertation research for the future entitled 'The Role of Women in Marine Protected Areas
(MPAs) Management for Poverty Alleviation in Indonesia', this research is on the management of coastal
areas and marine protected areas (MPAs), development activities carried out with an understanding of
gender equality and emancipation, efforts to reduce poverty in women's coastal communities, and the
role of women with men in sustainable environmental conservation. I hope this study will contribute to
the community to solve gender problems in coastal areas.

How have you contributed to solving a challenge and to implementing change or reform?
Semangat saya sangat kuat dan lebih kuat lagi setiap harinya untuk kajian Sosiologi-Sociology of Gender ketika
Sociology Department of Faculty of Law, Social Science, and Political Science of the University of Mataram
menganugerahi atau memberikan tanggungjawab yang luar biasa kepada saya sebagai Research Group Leader on
Social Issues Studies untuk melakukan penelitian berjumlah 3 sesi dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat berjumlah 1
sesi selama periode 5 tahun terakhir. Saya diberi bimbingan langsung dalam menulis proposal dari Dr. Moh
Taqiuddin (Direktur KONSEPSI NTB) dan Ir. Rosiady Husaenie Sayuti, M.Sc., Ph.D (Associate Professor at
Department of Sociology) sebagai mentor/ahli penulisan karya ilmiah di awal saya bergabung di department kami.
Kegiatan ini adalah workshops on qualitative and quantitative research methods untuk memproses tenaga ahli yang
memproduksi riset ilmu sosial yang inovatif dan valid.

Melalui pelaksanaan penelitian dengan fokus kajian Sosiologi Gender dan Masyarakat Pesisir membahas fenomena
pada vulnerable society, perempuan pesisir marjinal, and organisasi masyarakat di coastal areas. Fenomena ini
diformulasikan melalui riset saya mengeksplor emancipation and gender equality in various development activities
so as to reduce poverty levels in Indonesia, riset saya including pola perilaku, partisipasi dalam tradisi, sosialisasi
potensi sumber daya bahari, dan perlindungan masyarakat pesisir dengan memberikan pemahaman kesetaraan
gender dan azaz keberlanjutan supaya mereka menjadi berdaya dan sejahtera.

Antusiasme saya terhadap society’s social problems dan fenomena perubahan sosial khususnya women’s problems
and gender equality di wilayah pesisir semakin tinggi dan intensif dengan peran saya sebagai reasearch leader dalam
penelitian terbaru. Tahun 2023, saya dan tim meneliti dan mempresentasikan mengenai pembinaan keluarga migrant
workers (istri dan anak-anak) dengan implementasi dengan 3 pilar dari program atau kebijakan pemerintah untuk
melindungi anggota yang tinggal di wilayah pesisir Kek Mandalika Kabupaten Lombok Tengah, West Nusa
Tenggara. Penelitian kami menjadi efforts yang telah dipresentasikan di International Conference on Coastal and
Delta Areas (ICDDA #5) di Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara.

Moreover, saya meningkatkan dedikasi ilmu pengetahuan pada women’s issue, women empowerment, emansipasi
and gender equality dibuktikan oleh publikasi-publikasi saya dan yang terbaru telah saya dan tim riset presentasikan
pada tahun 2023 berjudul “Gender and Empowerment of Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) Through BK-TKI
Program in Coastal Areas of Mandalika SEZ, Indonesia”.

My contributions di bidang Sosiologi Gender khususnya permasalahan perempuan dan penyelesaian dengan
implementasi kebijakan/program, azaz keadilan gender dan kesetaraan gender dalam proses pembangunan
melampaui publikasi, saya menunjukkan skill public speaking, passionate, confident, and responsible with my work
as a lecturer saat mengajar Sosiologi Gender subject sehingga my students menguasai dan mengexplore social
phenomena related to women’s issues dengan azaz gender equality dan keberlanjutan, mereka menguasai analyze
the level of gender justice-injustice, and provide solutions for marginalized coastal women towards prosperity and
empowered in coastal areas. This is my real and objective step as an initiator of development in Indonesia sejak
tahun 2019-hingga sekarang.

Mulai dari tahun 2019, I am a member of the 'Edu Arts' community, I work as a volunteer in the fields of education,
training, supporting local MSMEs, and exploring knowledge about geographical conditions of landscapes, marine
and coral in West Nusa Tenggara Province (Lombok Island and Sumbawa Island), saya berkontribusi sebagai
anggota untuk memberikan azaz kesetaraan gender menjadi bentuk empowerment pada perempuan pesisir.

How have you contributed to solving a challenge and to implementing change or reform?
Semangat saya sangat kuat dan lebih kuat lagi setiap harinya untuk kajian Sosiologi-Sociology of Gender ketika
Sociology Department of Faculty of Law, Social Science, and Political Science of the University of Mataram
menganugerahi atau memberikan tanggungjawab yang luar biasa kepada saya sebagai Research Group Leader on
Social Issues Studies untuk melakukan 3 penelitian dan 1 pengabdian kepada masyarakat selama periode 5 tahun
terakhir. Saya diberi bimbingan langsung dalam menulis proposal dari Dr. Moh Taqiuddin (Direktur KONSEPSI
NTB) dan Ir. Rosiady Husaenie Sayuti, M.Sc., Ph.D (Associate Professor at Department of Sociology) sebagai
mentor/ahli penulisan karya ilmiah di awal saya bergabung di department kami. Kegiatan ini adalah workshops on
qualitative and quantitative research methods untuk memproses tenaga ahli yang memproduksi riset ilmu sosial yang
inovatif dan valid.

Melalui pelaksanaan penelitian dengan fokus kajian Sosiologi Gender dan Masyarakat Pesisir membahas fenomena
pada vulnerable society, perempuan pesisir marjinal, and organisasi masyarakat di coastal areas. Fenomena ini
diformulasikan melalui riset saya mengeksplor women’s problems and gender equality in social-economic
development activities in Central Lombok, melalui kebijakan/program perlindungan masyarakat pesisir dengan
paham kesetaraan gender. Antusiasme saya terhadap fenomena keluarga migrant workers (istri dan anak) di
wilayah pesisir semakin tinggi dan intensif dengan peran saya sebagai reasearch leader dalam penelitian terbaru.
Tahun 2023, saya dan tim meneliti dan mempresentasikan mengenai fenomena diatas dengan implementasi 3 pilar
dari program/kebijakan pemerintah untuk melindungi anggota di wilayah pesisir Kek Mandalika Kabupaten
Lombok Tengah, West Nusa Tenggara. Penelitian kami menjadi efforts yang telah dipresentasikan di International
Conference on Coastal and Delta Areas (ICDDA #5) di Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara. Moreover, hal ini sebagai
bukti dedikasi ilmu pengetahuan pada eksplorasi women’s issue, women empowerment, emansipasi and gender

My contributions di bidang Sosiologi Gender dengan implementasi kebijakan/program dan azaz kesetaraan gender
dalam proses pembangunan melampaui publikasi, saya menunjukkan skill public speaking, passionate, confident,
and responsible with my work as a lecturer saat mengajar Sosiologi Gender subject sehingga my students menguasai
dan mengexplore social phenomena related realitas sosial masalah gender berkaitan dengan peran-partisipasi
perempuan pesisir, mahasiswa menguasai analyze the level of gender justice-injustice, and provide solutions for
marginalized coastal women towards prosperity and empowered in coastal areas. This is my real and objective step
as an initiator of development in Indonesia sejak tahun 2019-hingga sekarang.

Mulai dari tahun 2019, I am a member of the 'Edu Arts' community, I work as a volunteer in the fields of education,
training, supporting local MSMEs, and exploring knowledge about geographical conditions of landscapes, marine
and coral in West Nusa Tenggara Province (Lombok Island and Sumbawa Island), saya berkontribusi sebagai
anggota untuk memberikan azaz kesetaraan gender menjadi bentuk empowerment di wilayah pesisir.

How have you contributed to solving a challenge and to implementing change or reform?
Semangat saya lebih kuat lagi setiap harinya untuk kajian Sosiologi-Sociology of Gender ketika Sociology
Department of Faculty of Law, Social Science, and Political Science of the University of Mataram menganugerahi
saya sebagai Research Group Leader on Social Issues Studies menghasilkan 3 penelitian selama 5 tahun terakhir.
Saya diberi bimbingan langsung dalam menulis karya ilmiah penelitian oleh Dr. Moh Taqiuddin (Direktur
KONSEPSI NTB) dan Ir. Rosiady Husaenie Sayuti, M.Sc., Ph.D (Associate Professor at Department of Sociology)
pada workshops on qualitative and quantitative research methods untuk memproses tenaga ahli yang memproduksi
riset ilmu sosial yang inovatif dan valid.

Melalui pelaksanaan penelitian dengan fokus Sosiologi Gender dan Masyarakat Pesisir membahas realitas sosial
pada vulnerable society, perempuan pesisir marjinal, and organisasi masyarakat. Fenomena ini diformulasikan
melalui riset saya mengeksplor upaya perempuan in development activities in Central Lombok. Antusiasme saya
terhadap fenomena ini semakin tinggi dan intensif. Tahun 2023, saya dan tim mempresentasikan implementasi 3
pilar gender dari program pemerintah untuk melindungi perempuan pesisir di KEK Mandalika, Lombok Tengah.
Penelitian kami menjadi efforts yang telah dipresentasikan di International Conference on Coastal and Delta Areas
(ICDDA #5) di Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara. Moreover, hal ini sebagai bukti dedikasi ilmu pengetahuan mengenai
women’s issue, women empowerment, emansipasi and gender equality.

My contributions di bidang women’s issues and gender melampaui publikasi, saya menunjukkan skill public
speaking and communication as a lecturer untuk menjelaskan realitas sosial masalah gender berkaitan dengan
peran-partisipasi perempuan pesisir. This is my real and objective step as an initiator of development in
Indonesia. I am also a member of the 'Edu Arts' community, I work as a volunteer berkontribusi untuk memberikan
azaz kesetaraan gender menjadi empowerment di Lombok Island and Sumbawa Island.

(1981 characters)

My passion is even stronger every day for Sociology-Sociology of Gender studies when the Sociology Department
of Faculty of Law, Social Science, and Political Science of the University of Mataram awarded me as Research
Group Leader on Social Issues Studies producing 3 research over the last 5 years. I was given direct guidance in
writing research scientific papers by Dr. Moh Taqiuddin (Director of KONSEPSI NTB) and Ir. Rosiady Husaenie
Sayuti, M.Sc., Ph.D (Associate Professor at Department of Sociology) at workshops on qualitative and quantitative
research methods to process experts who produce innovative and valid social science research.

Through research activities with a focus on Sociology of Gender and Coastal Communities discussing social
realities in vulnerable societies, marginal coastal women, and community organizations. This phenomenon was
formulated through my research exploring women's efforts in development activities in Central Lombok. My
enthusiasm for this phenomenon is getting higher and intensive. In 2023, my team and I presented the
implementation of the 3 gender pillars of the government's program to protect coastal women in the Mandalika SEZ,
Central Lombok. Our research is an effort that has been presented at the International Conference on Coastal and
Delta Areas (ICDDA #5) in Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara. Moreover, this is a testament to the dedication of
science on women's issues, women empowerment, emancipation and gender equality.

My contributions in the field of women's issues and gender go beyond publication, I demonstrate public speaking
and communication skills as a lecturer to explain the social reality of gender issues related to coastal women's
participation. This is my real and objective step as an initiator of development in Indonesia. I am also a member of
the 'Edu Arts' community, I work as a volunteer contributing to providing the principle of gender equality into
empowerment in Lombok Island and Sumbawa Island.

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